Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1901, Image 3

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Tires 0ptiTes( Brupccttd of Fatal Holdup
at Snyder, in Court.
Ithra tlir Conlmt of tlir Tlirrr l)nr
rrll in AU for Srpnrutr Trial
Thrrnln Actntnnt Crowd l'nrlr
Description of I'rlnonern.
KRK.MONT, Neb.. Jan. 9. (Special.) Tho
thrco bandltH charged with tho murder of
Herman Zuhn wcro arraigned before County
Judge Wlnterstceu ut noon today. 1'ach
waived preliminary examination and was
held without boll to tho next term of the
district court, which convenes tho first
week In Februxrr.
Tho coraplulnt, which charges tho three
with murder In tho Oral degree, was men
this morning. Ah tho report had been clr-
rulated that thoy wcro to bo brought over
lalo this afternoon only two or tnreo men
who happened to bo passing tho court house
wero In tho court room. 11. C. Maynard
appeared for Rhea, "tho Uttlo one," nnd j
Oardner. nnd Ilutton & Cook will defend
llurton, who wan Informed against an Wil
liam Darroll, which ho soys Is hla Into
It was 12.10 when tho thrco men,' under
tho guard of Sheriff Kreadcr, Deputy Stiles
and several other officers, camo over (o tho
court room. Rhea has improved consid
erably und was ablo to walk with tho us
slstnnco of two ofllcors. Ho maintained
tho same cold, reckless look nnd demeanor
an when first arrested. Ho listened to the
reading of tho complaint, which was very
lengthy, standing on ono foot, his hand
resting on tho tnble. Ills faco scarcely
moved a musclo during tho reading nnd ho
answered, "I walvo preliminary hearing." In
Iho camo unronccrnud, matter-of-fact way
ono would answer an unlmportnnt question.
DMi!rlitloii of tlir l'rlmtiirr.
Ho has In every way tho look and ap
pearance of n ilcHpernto man who has been
steeped In vlco and crime from his birth.
Ills forehead Is low, retreating almost to n
point; his oye. nro small, dcup-sct, shifty
nnd penotratlng nnd a heavy under Jaw In
dicates his determination.
"Ho has tho most cruel, heartless, cold
blooded look," says Sheriff Krender, "of
any man I ever saw, awl havo seen a good
many of his kind, too."
Oardner nppcared a llttlo uneasy while
being nrralqncd. Ho Is of a different typo
from Rhcn. Ills faco Is more that of tho
vicious sensualist than tho desperado. There
It. nothing, of tho cool recklessness of tho
"little one" In his nppenrance. Dnrrell wns
visibly ngltated. Ills faro lacked the
brutality of Rhea's or the sensualism of
Gardner's. Ho Is the stamp of man one
would pick out an n swindler and crook.
Ho firmly persists In his Innocence of hav
ing a hand In the shooting, nnd as he has
different nttorneys will probably demnnd n
sejmrnto trial.
No proceedings havo yet teen tnkon
ngalnst tho wotnnn, Tliresa Williams. Thero
Is still much excitement nt Snyder nnd
threnta nro reported to havo been freely
mado ngulnst pnrtlca living near Crowd,
ono of whom Is n business man of Crowel
who has never homo a very good reputation
nnd Is hnld to havo built the houso occupied
by tho gang and to have been n frequent
visitor nt tho place. No trouble Is nutlcl
pated here.
of Carl Morton Areoiiiiinn j
flatly in It Klnnt Itcnt
Iiik I'lncc
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Jan. 0. (Special
Telegram.) Tho mortal remains of tho Into
Carl Morton wero consigned to their last
resting plnco by tho Hldo of his mother In
tho family lot nt WyuUa cemetery this
Tho services wore conducted by Rov.
Francis Weason of Lincoln and Rev. II. 1,.
Houso of this city, nnd, In necordnnco with
tho wishes of tho fnther, former Secretary
Morton, wcro simple In character and con
slated of a prayer, n brief trlhulo to tho
puro llff, upright character ami personal
worth of tho deceased, nnd a benediction.
The body arrived on tho 8:15 train from
"hlrago nnd wna necompanled by Paul, Joy
and Mark Morton, brothers of tho deceased,
tho widow nnd children, Mrs. Robert Payne,
Lot Ilrown nnd wife, L. O. (loddnrd, K. R.
Puffer nnd Rockwell King of Chicago, T. I.
Klngsrord of Oswego, N. V., and General
Hiram Duryen of Now York. Tho train wns
jnot at tho station hero by moro than -00
of tho business and laboring men nt tho
Not Xrcenry In Order in Cure
Cut nrt'li.
Tho popular Idea that the only euro for
chronlo catarrh Is a chango of cllmnto Is n
mlstnke because catarrh In found ln all ell
mates In nil sections of tho country; and
even It a chnngn of climate should benollt
for n time, tho catarrh will certainly re
turn. Catarrh may be readily cured In any
climate, but tho only wuy to do It Is to
destroy or removo from tho system tho ca
tarrhal germs which causo all tho mis
chief. Tho trentment by Inhnlers, sprays, pow
ders nud wnshofl has been proven almost
useless In making n permanent, cure, ns
they do not reach tho seat of disease, which
Is In tho blood nnd can bo reached only by
nn Internnl remedy which nets through tho
stomach upon tho blood and system gener
ally. A now discovery which Is meeting with
remarknblo success In curing catarrh of
thothcad. throat and bronchial tubes and
also cntarrh of Iho stomach, Is sold by
druggists under tho namo of Stuart's Ca
tarrh Tablets.
Theso tablets, which nro pleasant nnd
hnrmloss lo tnko, owe fhelr efllclcncy to tho
ncttve medicinal principles of lllood Root
Red Gum and n new specific cnlled Gualacol,
which together with valuable antiseptics aro
combined In convenient, palatable tablet
form, and aa valuable for children ns for
Mr, A. R. Fombnnk of Columbus, Ohio,
says; I suffered so many winters from Ca
tarrh that I took It Is a matter of course,
nml that nothing could euro It excopt n
ehnngo of climate, which my business nf-
falrs would not permit mo to take.
My nostrils wero almost always clogged
up, I had to brent lie through tho mouth,
causing nn luflnmed, Irritated thront. The
thought of eating breakfast often nnusoated
mo nnd tho catarrh gradually getting Into
my stomnch took away my nppcllto nnd
My d'ugglst ndvUed mo to try n fifty cent
box of Stuart's Catarrh Toblots, becauso he
said ho had so many customers who had
been cured of Catarrh by tho uso of theso
tablets, that ho flit ho could honestly rec
emmend them. I took his ndvlce and used
noveral boxes with results that surprised
and delighted me.
I nlways keep n box of Stuart's Catarrh
Tabluls In tho houso and tho whole family
uso them freely on the first appearanco of
a cough or cold ln tho head.
With our children wo think thero Is noth
ing so safe nnd reliable ns Stuart's Catarrh
Tablots to wurd off croup and colds and
with older peoplo I hnvo known of cases
whore the hearing had been seriously Im
paired by chronlo catarrh cured entirely by
tins uww rvuicuy.
cliy, who escorted tho remains to Arbor
Despite n heavy snowstorm, which
hhoul 10 o'clock, tho homo wns entirely In
ntlcqnatc to accommodate all thoso who
wished to ray their last respects. All
business houses wero closed during the
hour of the funeral.
Many other out-of-town friends of the
family wcro present, among whom wcrcf
President Hurt of tho Union l'nclflc, Dr.
Oconto I.. Miller and J. O. rhllllppl of
Omaha, Hon. Sam Wolbach of Grand Island
and L. W. Wnknlcy of St. Louis.
Tho Nebraska City Commercial club met
last evening and passed resolutions of re
spect, which bavo been transmitted to the
Sprgrntit In tlir Philippine Write
III llrotlirr on .SIkiiI lleiinee of
l.nto Klfctlon.
K BARNEY, Neb., Jan. 9. (Special.) A
letter has been jecclved by J. C. Summons i
of this city from his brother, Sergeant W.
F. Sammons, who Is now with the Thirty
second United Dfates Volunteer Infantry.
The letter, dated November 10, was writ
ten from Pornc, Luzon, P. L, and rends In
part as follows-
The result of tho election Is most gratify
ing. To the soldiers It Is of double Im
portance. Wo now rest assured that what
wit hill'n iiprn Is not to lC
overthrown but our duty continued honor
ably. In my opinion you will hear of but
very little more activity among uie lew
bands of Insurgents now In existence. Their
bitiicH of Hrvim'M rlr.'ttnlt kent the thing
alive, but now they can see nothing before
tnem Din prosperity inai wnicn w fn tie
plsed by sotno peoplo In our country. Of
course the dlHsntlstlcd element Is much In
tho minority hern mh elsewhere but you
know how n skunk Is! ,,,
A large detachment of Company M will
go out toward the mountains tonight In
search of ii few of thoso kind of people.
We expect to have u llttlo fun nbotit day
light nt n small barrio In the edge of the
mountains. One of tho number deserted
und will take us Into their camp. If they
haven't ncolvod tho news of the election
yet 1 thlik we will bo utile to tell them
all about It.
The nights nro very cool now; It would
be Imposslbto to sleep without u blanket.
Tho rainy senson has closed ami from now;
on until February It will be cool and
scarcely any rain.
Illco will bo harvested next month nnd
cane during .Innunry and February. This
Is the commencement nt the banana and
orange season. The market Is full of them
and they nro sold very cheap. None of tho
fruit has n tlavor lo compare with that of
California fruit. Watermelons grow well
here and ripen In February. There nro also
various kinds of squash, pumpkin, benns,
peas, etc., but none that look like those In
the states. There nro also a great many
kinds of rrult.and vegetables grown here
that I never saw before. I made n cup of
coffee a fovv days ago of some 1 had picked
from the tree myself.
1 havo received The lice up to October H
and am becoming moro than anxious to
read all about tho "second battle" and to
see how Nebraska looked lifter the smoke
cleared nwav. Write me all the news, full
account of tho campaign nnd election.
Horsemen Convene ut Hunting mill
Deehle on Time for Hnlillnir
Kill I Sleet.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. 9. (Special.)
Thcro wns an exceptionally largo crowd In
nttendnnco nt tho meeting of tho Ncbrnska
naclng circuit, held hero last night. Horse
men from various parts of tho state wero
present nnd took much Interest In all rent
iers discussed.
Tho circuit Is composed of thirteen No
braska towns nnd the dates havo been
fixed an follows: Frcmotft, July 31, August
1. 2; Hnstlng?, August 7. S, 9: Fnlrbury,
August 14. It., 16; Hubbcll, August 21. 22.
23; David City. August 28, 29, 30; Seward,
September I. G. 6; Lincoln, September 8, 9,
10. 11. 12. 13, 11: Auburn. September 18,
19, 20; Obceola, .September 2b, 26, 27. As
yet the dates havo not been fixed for Mln
ilcn. Pnwnco City. Dlnlr and Ilentrlco. but
they will bo given dates nhcad of tho above
or Immediately following.
W. P. McCrenry was re-elected president
of tho Nebraska Racing Circuit association
and Albert H. Farrcns was ro-elcctcd sec
It cmler lleclloii In Several Cne De-
forc AilJournliiK.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Jan. 9. (Special.)
In tho district court yesterday, In tho
case of tho First National Hank of Platts-
mouth ngalnst 11. A. Gibson nnd othors, n
Judgment wns entered on mnndato from
tho supremo court, afllrmlng tho uecrco or
tho trial court.
Tho State of Nebraska ex rol Peter Jor-
gensen ngalnst William Rctts, director of
school district No. 91; was set for trial.
Ilurtha Sehulkle received a dlvorco from
her husband. August, and ho will havo to
pay the costs of tho suit.
Tho caso of tho County of Cass ngalnst
Elijah Ratnour and others was dismissed
on application of plaintiff.
ln tho caso of tho First National Hank or
Omaha against tho Hank of Cass County
tho motion for n new trlnl was overruled
and Judgment cntnred on Iho verdict for
costs ngalnst plaintiff. Forty days was
given plolnltff In which to fllo bill of ex
ceptions. In tho Kllpatrlck-Kocb Dry Goods Com
pany suit ngainsi wnncr n. railing, n
judgment wns entered on the verdict for
fRl.21 pnd costs, taxed nt J9.60; nil other
costs to bo paid by plaintiff. aB It failed
to got a verdict for a greater amount than
that for which tho defendant offered to
confe.H Judgment.
Tho motion for n new trial In tho ease
of William T. King ngalnst L. II. Chnlfant
wns overruled.
Judgment for plaintiff ln tho sum of
$52f.15. with 10 per cent Interest, was ren
dered In tho ease of-Klngmnn & Co. ngalnst
John II. Mesenger.
Judgo Paul Jesscn adjourned court nnd
returned to Ncbrnska City (n attend tho
funeral of Carl Morton, but expects to re
turn nnd open court tomorrow,
Huh Kener lorticiiKen Novr,
WAHOO, Nob., Jan. 9. (Special.) Tho
following aro tho mortgages filed and re-
lcuHcd In Saunders county during tho year
1900: Number of farm mortgages filed, 139,
nmountlng to $077,106.70; number sntlsdcd
611, amounting to $673,909.18; number of city
mortgages filed. 114, nmountlng tn $52,076.21;
number satisfied, 151, amounting to $88,
S6I.IS. Number of chattol mortgages tiled
1,036, amounting to $612,810.75; number
satisfied, 473. amounting to $368,281.55. Two
sheriff's deeds on farms and four on city
property were recorded during tho year.
Hurt Count' Supervisor.
TEKAMAH. Neb.. Jan. 9. (Special.)
The new Hoard of County Supervisors mot
yesterday and organized by ulcctlug I-rank
lln Everett chairman. Tho hoard stnnds six
republicans and ono fuslonlst, The after
noon- was spent In opening bids for books,
blanks, printing, stntlonery und supplies.
Sutherland's of tho Herald was doomed tho
lowest and best bid and was nwarded all
of tho rontracts. Tho board Is still In ses
slon and has drawn the Jury for tho spring
term of court, which opens here February
(iiirNt of KiiNterii Mtitr Lodge,
HARVARD. Neb., Jan, 9. (Speclnl.)-
Stokes' opera homo was tho sceno of n
most cnjoyablo gathering lust evening, R
being tho anniversary of the order of the
Eastern Star, which society, assisted by tho
Masons, entertained the friends of tho
order with a program of a literary and
musical character, and served light refresh
AkIiIiihiI llnnk Otlleeretl,
ASHLAND, Neb,, Jnn. 9. (Special.) Tho
annual meeting of the stockholders of tho
National bauk of Ashland was held Tues
day. J, J. Ilrown, tho Omaha capitalist
was re-elected president of the board of
directors; T. K. Chamberlain, lco presi
dent; K. K. White, cashier. Tho remain
ing directors elected were: Frank Murphy,
Henry V. Wymnn, Randall K. Ilrown, nil
of Omaha, and James R. Hay ward of Ash
land. Samuel S. Falca of Ashland retires
from tho board.
nncinns to .siiiviiv rem canal,
lliiKlnrrr Mppetl' lleport Indoor -lirnnku
.Men to Go Attend.
NIOIUIARA, Neb., Jan. 9. (Special.)
Engineer Nlppcll, who wns engaged by tho
Niobrara Commercial club to raako tho pre
liminary survey of the Niobrara river to
And its fall, has mndo his report. , Ho finds
that In a distance of eight nnd one-half
miles tho fall Is fifty-four feet and nine
"Ily cutting across the country between
tho two points, a distance of five and one-
half miles, nnd allowing twenty-one Inches
per mllo (or carrying tho water In a canal,'
says Mr. Nippon's report, "It would leave
a head fall of practically forty-flvo feet."
Tho Commercial cluu will organlzo n
stock company at onco nnd make a perman
ent survey for a cnnnl.
Rejected Ntntloiicry Iletnrnrd,
LINCOLN, Jan. 9. (Special.) Moro thnn
a wngonlond of tho erroneously printed sin'
tlonery which tho members of tho legtshi'
turo Inherited from tho outgoing fusion
olllclnls. was sent back to tho printer yes.
terdny with word that It would not bo paid
for. Just beforo tho closo of their terms
of ofllco tho fusion state ofllctals ordered
thousands of dollars' worth of stationery
nnd other printing, supplying tholr suc
cessors with enough to Inst several years.
Tho paper printed for tho houso nnd sen-
nto, ns well ns Inrgo amounts printed for
tho various connnltteo In each body, jsldo
from being erroneously printed, Is of a
very unsatisfactory quality of paper. Tho
present ofllclals contend thnt tho paper
Is not fit for use, nnd a refusnl will bo
mado to pay for It. Tho eommltteo on
printing met this afternoon nnd mado out
n list of tho printed matter needed, nnd
nn order will be sent to tho printer at
onco for a new supply.
niiKPiu- Nmltli'fi Iteenril.
YORK, Neb., Jan. 9. (Special.) Eugene
Smith, tho young mnn arrested by the sheriff
of Flllmoro county nt Vinton, Ln., nnd now-
being brought to Nebraska, lived for four or
flvo years near McCook, and was employed
by different farmers, who speak of him
quite highly, and nro much surprised to
learn of his arrest. Ho Is a brother of
Frank Smith, a farmer living west of Me
Cool, nnd a nephew of Hon. Thomas W.
Hmlth, a democrat politician of York
county. Inbcrg, who Is complnlnnnt, cm
ployed Smith to nBslst In running his form
while ho (Wlnberg) went to Klondlko In
search of gold. Smith stayed a short time
after Wlnberg left, going south for his
b'nlth and employment. Wlnberg has Just
returned after live years' abscuce, during
which tlmo Mrs. Wlnberg ran the farm. If
tho arrest Is tho result of Wlnbcrg's
Jealousy of Smith friends of tho latter be
lieve his Innocence may be easily cstab
Where the Suorr I'nll.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Jan. 9. (Special.)
Snow hns been falling ln this vicinity nil
day. This ovenlng slclghbclls nro Jingling
on the main streets.
FREMONT, Neb., Jau. 9. (Special.) A
snow storm from tho northwest hns pre
vailed hero nil tho afternoon. As there Is
no wind It hns not drifted nny and trains
arrived on both railroads nenrly on time.
ELK CREEK, Nob., Jnn. 9. (Speclnl.)
Snow began falling here at nn early hour
this morning and hns kept it up all day. It
Is a wet, heavy snow nnd. the wind being
from the northeast, n heavy fall is Indlcntcd.
Tho ground Is covered several inches In
lepth, but the temperature Is several de
grees above zero.
Clone of Stnte HlNtorlcnl.
LINCOLN. Jan. 9. (Special Telegram.)
Tho Stato Historical society tonight held
tho closing session of Its nnnunl meeting.
Tho following subjects wcro treated:
'Reminiscences," II. W. Hardy; "Hlo-
graphical Sketches. Senator T. W. Tipton,'
It. . Furnns; "Representative W. L.
Greene," W. D. Oldhnm; "Freighting," H.
T. Clarko; remarkH and discussion by W.
A. Paxlon; "Early Roads and Roads in No-
braska," C. E. Perslnger.
Tho meeting closed with tho re-election
of President J. Sterling Morton of Nc
brnska City, Vlco President Robert W.
Furnns of Hrownvlllc. Secretary Caldwell
and Treasurer Goro of this city, nnd nil
other officers.
Stnte llnnk llxninlner Itnlinoil
LINCOLN. Jan. 9. (Special Telegram.)
Tho Stato Hanking board today ratified the
appointment of the following stnto bank
oxnmtners: E. R. Emmott. Arnnahoo: W.
H. Ilartwoll. Pnwneo City; Lewis Marshall,
Wakefield; William Whitmore, Long Pine.
No dato was set for tho now exnmlncra to
begin their work. Tho following ofllco ns-
Hlstnnts wore nlso selected: Secretary of
tho banking board. Ed Royne, llroken How;
stenographer, Frank Smith, Teknmah;
clerk, A. M. Dodson, W liber.
Ilnttle Creek Thieve St titeneeil.
MADISON. Neb., Jan. 9. (Special.) Tho
Uattlo Creek hog thieves havo been sent
over Iho rond for tholr offense. Had they
not mado an attempt to break out of Jail
last week thoy might havo gotten oft
cnsler. When they faced Judge Hoyd yes
terday afternoon thoy pleaded guilty. Rob-
ert Lovelaco was given fifteen months, C.
E. Speeso two years and a half nnd Wil
liam Halo three years.
Agricultural Society Incentive.
LOUP CITY, Neb., Jan. 9. (Speolal.) Tho
following ofllcers wero elected for the en
suing year by tho Sherman County Agricul
tural society, at Its annual meeting held
yesterday: M. C. Mullck. president; W. O.
Odendnhl. first vice president; C. Hnuck
so:ond vice president; W. R. Mellor, sec.
retnry; J. Phil Jargar, treasurer.
I.oiIkc Otllcer liiNtnlleil.
OSCEOLA, Neb.. Jan. 9. (Speclnl.)
After Rising Star lodge No. 75, Indopend
cut unicr oi unci roiiows, nan instnlled Its
new ofllcers, under direction of District
Deputy Grnnd Mnster II. S. Taylor, and
put flvo candidates throUKh tho Inltinllnn
"II"1 ",X"
enjoyed In tho banqueting hall.
tiny ('utility' Xew iionrd.
CLAY CKNTUR, Neb., Jan. !. (Special.)
-ino new board of supervisors of Clay
county met yesterrtay and organized by
electing hrnest Ormsby of Leicester town
ship ns chairman. 'Pin board stands, two
republicans, four populists and ono silver
To Dig: for '.I nc nnd Lend,
MADISON, Neb.. Jan. 0. (Special.) Tho
Richard Zlno and Lead Mining compnny
hna Just been Incorporated and articles filed
with tho county clerk. Tho principal placo
of business lu Norfolk. Tho capital stok
i. ntnn...t n r.nA ftAA
I'liMf. in uu.,uvv.
Suiicrln tcnilr nt of Soldier' Home
LINCOLN, Jnn. 0. (Special Telegram.)
Governor Dietrich today nppolnted A. V.
Colo of Hastings to b superintendent of
tho soldiers and sailors homo at Mllford,
To Pilot Stole Printing lloiirtl.
LINCOLN, Jan. 0. (Special Telegram.)-
U A. Williams, editor of the nialr Pilot,
was this morning ofllclnlly appointed secre
tary of tho Stato Printing board,
Steul Jacob' Home,
DAVID CITV, Neb., Jnn. D,-(Special.)
Last night burglars entered the saloon of
Jacob Thomas and stole a small quantity of
liquors and cigars and $25 ln cash.
South Daltota'i New Governor Promptly
Onits Iniur&nco Oomtmiiioner,
Senntor Drnir Sent nnd Ailjnurn-
Jteireentutle .Seleet Vny Ilnja
nnd Appoint a Kcw of (lie
Important Committee.
PIERRE, S. D.. Jan. 9. (Special Tele
gram.) Governor Herrletl todny removed
Insurance Commissioner King nud nppolnted
II. C. Shobcr to tho place. This action w.s
taken after King had Intimated that ho
would not tnko advantage of nn oppor
tunity to resign, but would remain In until
tho removal was mado. Attorney General
I'ylo has held, In this relation, that It is
not necessary for tho senate to pass ttpor.
this appointment nnd It takes effect at once.
Tho attorney gcnernl had held. In his
opinion In regard to tho Hoard of Charities
and Corrections, thnt thero wos not n legal
vacancy nt tho tlmo the present nppolnt
ments wetc mndeacd that tho appointments
will not hold. Ho further holds thnt, re
gardless of this fact, tho acts of tho board
will stand, ns such acts by an otllcer with
color of tltlo havo always been held good by
Iho courts.
A call has been Issued for a meeting of
tho State Historical association, to bo held
In tho hall of tho house m tho evening of
January 24, tho call being signed by Gov
ernor Hcrrlcd, C. E. Delnnd and Bonne
l.ellnture Mnkc Knny Ktnrt.
The legislature In Its work today was very
brief. The sennte only drew seats and ad
journed. The houso completed Its or
ganization by the selection of minor offi
cials nnd tho drawing of seats. A resolu
tion wai ndoptcd setting January 18, Feb
ruary 1 and February IS and tho Inst day
of the session ns leglslatlvo pay days. A
few minor Joint committees were nppolnted
nnd nftcr drawing sents tho houso nd
Journed. A delegation Is hero from tho northern
pnrt of tho state asking that tho counties
of Campbell, McPhcrson, Walworth, Potter
and Faulk bo created Into a Judicial circuit
to bo known ns tho Ninth.
Tho fuslonlsts of the house havo ngrccd
upon their minority nppolntment for com
mittees, and tho nine of them ask for thrco
committee chairmanships. Tho three
fuslonlsts ln tho senate nro asking for two
chnlrmnnships. Tho committees of tho
houso nml sennto will probably bo an
nounced tomorrow.
l'nritier Around Slot.T l'nll IIcIiik
Induced to SIkii "('-iiii Illmik"
Thnt Are Cheek.
SIOUX FALLS. S. I).. Jan. 9. (Special.)
Tho authorities In several locnlltiea ln tho
state ar on the watch for somo smooth
swindlers who havo been victimizing enro-
les3 peoplo by means of now nnd unique
schemes. Somo of tho swindlers nro work'
Ing tho "census" fnko. They visit the rural
regions, nrmed with blank forms similar
to thoso which census enumerators had and
claim they are after adltlonal Information
fer lit,. rnneitu hitrrnlt. Tnnv linvn n
l.lnnk lino nt llin ImMnm r.f hn Rlteet wlllrll
thev induce their victims to slcn. It Is
afterword filled out with Ink ln tho form
of n promissory noto nnd sold nt the
nearest bank.
Another scheme of a tomewhat similar
naturo h worked by men who pretend to
bo chicken buyers. Tho fnrmera sign a con
tract to deliver their chickens upon n cer
tain dnte, for which they nro to receive
S cents per pound. They later discovered
that instead of having slgnod contractu
they have Hlgncd notes, which are disposed
of nt n slight discount nt some bank ln n
nearby town, where the slgnars aro per-
sonally known. Ono bank In a town near
tho Missouri river already has cashed many
of such notes. Under vnrlous court de
cisions tho banks aro considered Innocent
purchasers and the signers nro compelled
to pay them.
Wniit .i)roirliiloii ror Stnte Knlr.
YANKTON, S. D.. Jnn. 9. (Special.)
The local state fair board nt Its annual meet
ing last night elected directors as follows:
Fred Schnnuber, W. it. Dean, M. Magnsr,
Frank Fanslow, 11. E. Hrlsblne, E. Mndolc,
W. C. Lusk, F. O. Donaldson, J. Llohty, G
M. Smith und .William Powers. Tho board
organized with tho following officers: Fred
Schnnuber, president; 11. E. Hrlsblne, vlco
president; W. H. Dean, secretary; and F.
O. Donaldson, treasurer
A strong effort will bo made during tho
present session of tho leglslaturo to secure
an appropriation from tho stnto to nsalst
In carrying an tho fair.
Ilemlvtooil to Gel Klrnl Appropriation,
DEADWOOD. S. D.. Jan. 9. (Speclnl.)-
Willlam Solble. president of the Deadwood
Commeiclal club, has been in constant
correspondence with men of Influence who
plight have something to say about tho
public building bill for this city nnd ho
reports thnt ho has received assurances of
tho strongest naturo thnt If apy public
buildings nro appropriated for at this ses
sion of congress Dendwood'H will stand
among tho very first. Tho Deadwood Com.
merclal club, ln Its short existence, has
been of great good to tho city.
Aberdeen Coinpiiny Incoriiornte,
AHEItDEEN, S. 1).. Jan. 9. (Special.)
Tho J. S. Hart Lumber company of this
city hns filed articles of Incorporation nnd
will operate yanlB at various points In
South Dakota. Tho capital stock is fixed
at $50,000.
Tho Hoard of County Commlssors hnvo
decided to put In nn independent lighting
plant in tho county Jail. Tho capacity cf
the plant will bo sufficient to light the now
court houso when It Is erected.
Ounteil So III lei' VliiNt Look l!lrvtbero.
RAPID CITY. S. P.. Jnn. 9. (Special.)
In the caso of William Hlnck against tho
board of mnnngemont of tho Soldiers' Uomu
Ht ,,ot Springs. Judgo McGen of this city
...III. m nnllnni nf (llO linnr,! nt ll.o hnmn
Hlack was recently discharged from tho
home for dlfcorderly conduct. Ho sued tho
board for damages and also for rclnstato-
ment in tho nomo.
CoiiNciit to lie VlrKll' 1'oNf oiatcr,
HURON. S. 1.. Jan. 9. (Spo-
clal.) Tho Virgil postoftlco trouhlo
Is practically at an end. J. C.
Pickering has been prevailed upon to
tako tho ofllco und his bond has been filed
with tho department. As soon ns his com-
mission nrrlves ho will take possession, but
until then Mr. TUlcry will servo us post-
I nonor
Pierre' Grnndson,
,r... r.
I'lr.iiiu., rr
D., Jan. 0. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho city council Monday passed
a resolution inviting Pierro Chouteau of St
Iouln to vUlt tho city this winter. Chou-
tcau Is at tho head of tho St. Louis cxposi-
tlon and Is n grandson of tho man whoso
namo this city bears.
Coni;reNiiiiin Mil ft In llectiperntr,
DKADWOOD, S. I).. Jan. . (Special
Telegram.) K. W. Martin, congressman'
elect, was nblo to sit up today for n short
time. It Is believed that tho dangerous
stage of his attack of pneumonia has passed.
Try ft. Onco used It takes the precedence
of nil others Cook's Imperial Kxtra Dry
Champagne. It has a moat delicious boquct,
coudert resumes argument
Continue UfTnrt to Convince Court
Thnt Porto Itleo I .Not I'ltr
dun Territory.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. Upon tho recon
vening of tho United States supremo court
today Mr. F. R. Coudert, Jr.. resumed his
argument In tho Porto RIcan cases, con
tinuing his contention that Porto luco is not
foreign territory nnd henco that It Is In
competent for tho government authorities
to levy nnd collect duties upon nrtlcles im
ported from Porto Rico to New York.
licforo taking up tho thread of his argu
ment Mr. Coudert undertook to respond to n
question propounded to him yesterday by
Justlco Ilrown, whether a country can cease
to bo n foreign country nnd yet not bo n
pnrt of tho United States whether thero Is
an Intermediate condition.
Replying, Mr. Coudert expressed the opin
ion thnt such n condition might exist tem
porarily nnd ho ndded thnt tho supreme
court had recognized It In dealing with
Tnmplco, In tho coso of Flcmlnj? against
Page, nnd In dealing with California In the
enso of Cross against Hnrrlson beforo tho
acquisition of California by tho United
States was completed
Mr. Coudert contended thnt ln a case of
acquisition the dividing line Is passed when
n treaty of acquisition Is signed and rati
fied. "When," ho said, "we sanction acquisi
tion by the ratification of n trcnty wo thus
signalize our control of and sovereignty
over thnt territory." This, ho asserted, had
been dono In tho caso of Porto Rico ln the
treaty of 1S9S and by tho treaty Porto Rico
had become ns much n part of the United
States as California had heenmo ln the pro
ceedings subsequent to the wnr with
Mr. Coudert then resumed his regular
argument, taking up tho question ns to
what part of tho constitution applies to
Porto Illco.
Ileforo ho concluded Mr. Coudert wns sub
jected to a number of questions from tho
bench nnd obtained leave to lllo n supple
mentnry brief, which It Is presumed will
contain replies to them.
Kxtctiil Over Xiitlomtl Diiiiinln.
Mr. Coudert was followed by Alphonso C.
Hart, who spoko especially of tho Arm
strong caso In which tho question Invotved
Is tho collection of duty on goods shipped
from New York to Porto Rico. He con
tended that tho constitution of tho United
States extends over every portion of tho
national domain, whether stnte, territory or
district. He also argued that the prcsl
dent, being nn exccutlvo ofllccr, Iiob no
right to Impose duties on commerce between
Porto Rico nnd "other parts of tho United
States by executive order after tho ratlft
cation of tho Paris treaty."
"Tho Idea," ho said, "that ln ono portion
of tho country the exccutlvo and leglslatlvo
authority Is subject to restrictions nnd Is
without restriction In another part Is re
pugnant to tho theory of our government
nnd ennuot bo tolerated
Thero Is, said he, no such thing ns divided
sovereignty half empire and half republic,
half Spanish nud half American
II. W. Ward, counsel for Dooler, Smith
& Co., laid especial stress upon tho fact
that tho position of tho Porto RIcan law
providing for tho collection of duties Is
separate from other parts of that law and
It Is limited In operation In point of tlmo
to March 1, 1902. Ho characterized It as n
makeshift to provide revenues for tho
Islnnd of Porto Rico nnd said It was there
fore not entitled to the same favorablo pre
HUlnptlon that It Otherwise WOUld liaVO been
"".mover 10 mouvo or U10 provision it wns
to his mind n plain violation of tho censti
tullon nud ho quoted numerous authorities
in support of tho nUitemcnt.
Government. t'ne Pi-eien'eil
When Mr. Ward finished, Solicitor Gen
eral Richards began tho contention of tho
government's sido of tho controversy, giv
ing special attention to the effect of tho
ratification of Iho Purls treaty upon the re
lation of this country nnd Porto Rico. Ho
said that denlnl of tho power which Is be
Ing exercised by tho president anil congress
nmounts to snying that ceded territory bo-
comes by tho act of cession nn integral part
of tho United Stntcs to which tho constltu
tlon of Its own force npplles, placing ltf
people, Its products nnd Its ports on nn Im
mediate equality with ours and also ex
tending tho constitutional limitations io
such countries. If thbi wiih llm rutin unlit
IM, ninhnril Ihn v.tiinUIni- tmunr In
ncnulrlnc territory Is necessnrllv limited to
providing for Iho moro act of cession
It is thus," ho said, "stripped of Its
proper functions, It cannot treat; It Is lame
Impotent, Impossible, ridiculous.
Mr. Richards argued that newly acquired
territory becomes "not n part but a poa
session of tho United Stntcs
territory be-
longing to tho United States nnd ho went
on to say, "Its disposition nnd government
rests, under tho constitution with tho treaty
making power nnd with congress."
liiMtlce llowiuuii .k ( tlrl Inn.
"Then does such territory fall within tho
provision which requires duties to bo as
sessed upon foods nrrivlng from a foreign
country?" nskod Justlco Ilrown
Heforo Mr. Richards could reply ho put
t no quest ton in a different shnpe, saying
"Does It not cense to be u foreign country?'
To this query Mr. Rlrhnrds answered: "I
think nol; not within tho nunnlng of tho
custom.! laws.
"Tho Dingley law treated ns foreign nil
territory outsldo tho limits of tho UnltPd
States, leaving tho state and territories
then created for customs purposes ns the
United States and that condition remains
until congress may seo fit to chango It."
Continuing, Mr. Richards contended thai
tho president hns not power to extend flic
limits of tho United States, hut that the
leglslatlvo branch of the government may
do co upon whatever terms It may hco fit.
Ho said further that the parties to the
treaty botlilinew that Iho location nnd con
dition of tlio Islnnds ncqulred by tho wnr
with Spain would not permit their Incor
porntlon Into the United Stntcs nnd tho np-
pllcntlou to them of those laws which the
constitution requires to bo uniform through
out tho United Stntcs.
"Certainly." he went on, "tho treaty
nover Intended to mnko theso tropical
Islands n part of tho United Stntcs In the
constitutional senso nnd Just ns certainly
did make them a pari of tho United States
Mr. Richards had about half concluded his
nrgument when tho court adjourned for tho
Wont Holy Terror Mlnlnu Coiiiiiiiny
to .fluke nn AccoiiiiIIiik.
RAPID CITV. S. D.. Jan. O.-tSpcclal.)
Tho McCarty cueo ngalnst tho Holy Terror
Mining company of Keyntono Is being tried
ln this city this week. McCarty was one of
three men who originally located tho Holy
" cu m go
" ' '"-"'. mu sunso-
iui;uiijr I muv im-i lij ,iiti ttllj pillUlcr9
leuvlng him out. McCarty brought suit am!
won ln tho higher courts for nn Interest 'n
tho Holy Terror claim, tho court holding
thnt a partner cannot bo located out of a
claim. McCarty has now brought another
suit against tho compnny for nn account-
ing. Ho claims thut his Interest In Iho
company nlso takes In tho Improvements of
tho mine, In the way of buildings, mills,
hoisting plants and In tho Koystono mine
nnd appurtenances, which, McCarty claims,
wero all acquired with money tnken from
tho mine. The company Is willing to glvo
McCarty his ono-elghth Interest In tho Holy
Terror clnlm No, 2, but will fight tho see
ond one, for nn accounting. It Is 3tate!
that tho management of tho company has
declnred thnt If M'Carty wins this tecond
suit tho mine will bo closed
Funiral of Philip Armour Attended by
Many Admiren.
Choir .Slim Ttro Knvorlte ItynuiK nml
Dr. Gunnnutu OITer Prnyer anil
Itend Tvveiity-Tlilnl 1'snlm
Interment nt Griieelnnd.
CHICAGO. Jnn. 9. Private funeral serv
ices over tho body of tho late Philip 1).
Armour were held at 11 o'clock today at
tho Armour resldonce, 2115 Pralrlo avenue.
Following tho services at tho house tho
body was tnken to tho Armour mission,
whero from uoou to 2 o'clock It lny In
stato and wns viewed by thousands of peo
ple, numbering mnny frlcnuu acquaintances
nnd throngs of employes from tho great
packing houses nnd other business Inter
ests of tho dead millionaire, many of them
standing for hours ln tho street for au op
portunity to get n last glanco of tnoir
former friend nnd employer.
Tho service!, ut tho houso wcro of tho
simplest character, currying out tho ex
pressed wishes of tho deceased, and wcro
attended only by tho family and closo
friends. Singing was furnished by tho
choir of tho Second Presytcrian church.
Mr. Armour's two favorlto hymns, "Jesus,
Lover of My Soul," and "Now I Ijy Mo
Down to Sleep," wcro offered, followed by a
solo, "Ho Still."
Dr. Gunsaulus of Plymouth Congregn-
tlonnl church, whero Mr. Armour formerly
attended services, then offered n prayer
nnd rend tho twenty-third Psalm and tho
fourteenth chnpter of St. John. Tho homo
of tho dead tullllonalro was iillcd with flow
ers. Thoy camo from everywhere, many
beautiful pieces being sent on cabla ordern
from fnr-off countries and from employes ln
nearly every lnrgo city of tho country.
At 2 o'clock public funeral services wero
held In Armour mission, and hero ngnln
simplicity wns observed ln every nrraugo-
mcnt. Dr. Gunsaulus delivered no runerni
sormon, simply rending from tho fifteenth
chapter of Corinthians. Singing by tho
choir followed, nnd tho vnst crowd then
united ln tho Lord's prayer. After con
clusion of tho services tho coflln wns takon
to n special funeral train nnd convoyed to
Grncolund cemetery, whero the body wns
laid to rest In tho Armour family lot.
Tho Commercial club nud tho St. Andrews
society wcro nlso present.
o Mnrkcil Choline Pronnowtlcnted
Knlr Skle to Continue ivllh
Vnrlnlile Wind.
WASHINGTON, Jnn. 9. Forecast for
Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska nnd Kansas Fair Thurs
day; vorlablo winds; Friday fair.
For Iowa Generally fair Thursday; north
to northwest windB; Friday fair.
For Missouri Generally fnlr Thursday;
colder except lu northwest portion; north
westerly winds; Friday fair.
For North und South Dakota Gcnornlly
fair and warmer Thursday; winds becom
ing southerly; Friday probably local snows.
For Colorado nnd Wyoming Generally
fair Thursday; varlnblo winds; Frldny fair.
For Montnnn Fair Thursday; warmer ln
eastern portion; south to southwest winds;
Friday fair: except probablo local snows In
eastern portion.
For Western Tcxns nnd New Mexico Fair
Thursday, variable winds; Friday fair.
I, iienl Itceord.
OMAHA. Jan. P. Olllelnl record of tem
perature nnd preclpltntlon compared with
the corresponding day of tho Inst thrco
1900. 1S99. liOS. 1897.
Maximum tcmiierature. . . . IS 4ii ."i 4
Minimum temperature 13 26 II 26
Mean temperature 16 ::6 2t 36
l'reelidtutlon 20 .11 .00 .00
Id-cord of temperature nnd prceltiltntlon
at Oinalia for tins day nun since .Marcu i
Normal temperature IS
nrtli'letiev for the ilnv
Tiiinl kxi-phh since March 1 1131
Normal precipitation 03 Inch
Excess for tho day 17 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 30.41 Inches
i't.'.-hm Mince March 1 3(! Ineht'H
Detlelency for cor. period. lOW... 4. 36 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, U99... 1.01 Inches
ltt-iiort from Citation tit H I'. M
3 42.
33 CC
33 id
Omaha, snowing
North Platte, dear
Cheyenne, clour
Salt Lake, snowing
Itupld City, clear
Huron, snowing
WllllHlon. clear
Chicago, sleeting
St. I.nuls, raining
St. Paul, Knowing
Dnvenport. sleeting
Kanh.-iH City, cloudy....
Helena, clear
Havre, clear
Illstnarck. Knowing
Galveston, raining
-IS, -10
41 li
01 C0
T Indlonten trueo of preclpltntlon. - Zero,
Local KoroeuHt Ottlclal.
especially the chronic kind which you
can't rehove nro probably caused by
disordered Kidneys, If so you are in
serious danger, but beforo being scared
let the urine stand in a glass vessel
for 12 hours anil if there is brick-dust or
other sediment you should immediate
ly seek a competent remedy.
arc not only tho surest remedy for all
forms of Kidney and Hladder Trouble
but arc easiest to take and most inex
pensive. This is attested under oath.
prnplc cored lir Kld-nr-nlda. In writing thrm
plcaie encioie aumprd uddrmsf d envelops.
Mt, Robert llrndrrson, W. Market t Ilentrtro
Mrs, Kmma Wllrox, 324 W. Coutl t Mratrlre
llrniy Wlpperman, Ii. Court t. Deatrlie
Mrs. (irorire Hweltter. Klk ft 14th Mi llralrlca
1'rrdcrlck Nlms, Sr., 1010 l'.lk l Ilratrlre
I. U Tlioiupvm, Palnlrr. South Haul Ileatrtco
Wm. P. Knobloclr. Ml N. Main M. l'remont
II. P. Matlien, 4.14 Jensen at' Fremont
Mr. IJIIIe I'talt. 1010 I' at Lincoln
A. K. Moeler. Hnom SO llrownell Illock, Lincoln
K.J. Kurhera, Uneuln
Mr J. II. Hoi! man, Sii N. IMhst. Lincoln
Morrow's Kid-ne-oids are not pills,
but Yellow Tablots and sell at fifty
cents a box at drug stores.
All Excellent Combination.
Tho pleasant method rial liotiellcial
effects of the well known remedy,
Britur ok Fins, manufactured by tho
Camkoisnia Km Svuup Co.. lllustrnto
tho vnluoof obtaining tho liquid lnxn
tivo principles of plants known to bo
medicinally In.xatlvo nnd presenting;
them lu tho form most refreshing to tho
tnsto nnd rtcccntnblo to tho system. It
is the ono perfect Ntretigthening laxa
tive, cleansing tho system ofTootunlly,
dispelling colds, hendnches nnd fevers
gently yet promptly nnd enabling ono
to overeomo hnbitu'nl constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every olijoctionnblo quality nnd nub
stance, and Its noting on tho kidneys,
liver nnd bowels, without wenltonlng
or IrrlUitiiig them, malto It tho Ideal
ln tho process of manufacturing figs
arc used, as they nro plensnnt to tho
taste, but tho medicinal qunlltlesof tho
remedy nro obtained from senna and
other nrotuntlu plants, by a method
known to tho California Fio Svntii
Co. only. In order to get Its beneficial
effects and to avoid Imitations, plea&o
remember the full name of the. Company
printed on tho front of every package,
Forsaloby all Druggists. l'rlca&Oo. per bottlo.
U 1f tiIr. If Cny ef BUftiheJ, It cn btt
itcfftl to tit natural color without Injury to li tilth
nr tlp by one Fp1lcttlon ofth
Imperial Hair Regenerator
t'tolntMjr h.rmlttt. Any ihule i.rcKtii.'eit. Color
MON'l IIS. bfflple of yit.if litlr toloie.l tiee
ImnrMCbe. tlf,Co..?tH' M..NwYerk
liy n'l ilrti'jTlitH ttntl lmlrilroscrn
LlfCtrtclty.rroperly applied. Is a rcbulUer of wenlc
nJ stultereJ Nervous systems, a tnaUer of pure blood
stu sound muscies a re
storer ol rerfect vlcor nnJ
vitality. Theronrenofallures
ii tncriKM current isrrn-(j
cJ. I worked the best p.irt'
of mvtlfc to perfectmv Elec
tric licit and know It will
cure every form of WnAK
MI.SS In men and women
make them Strong ond Vig
orous, as Natute Intended
they should be. You t.ike no
chance. If my Belt falls to
cure you 1 will refund every
cent you pay for It.
Has saved many n Weak
person It vlll not (all In
lour case. My Belt Is en
tirely dllferent from other bells and must not he rnm
pared with them, It lias soft, silken chamois coveted
sponge electrodes whlclicannot burn and blister as do
the bare metal electrodes used on all other makes of
bells. My Llectrlc Belt can be renewed when burred
out for only 75c; when ethers burnout they ate worth
less. I guarantee my licit to cure all Weaknesses In
either sex. Varicocele; restoro Nerve Vitality and
Vigor: cure lihcumatlsm In any form, Kidney, I Iver
and Hladder Troubles, Constipation, Stomach Dis
orders, General Debility, all I'cmale Complaints, etc.
Write to-day for my book, "The Finding of thy
Fountain of liternal Youth," Sent free, posipald, fur
the asking. Dook will tell you all about It. Sold only bs
DR. BENNETT Electric Belt Co.
IIM.... ,!. , .. ...,
Iloilui' mill Kllli Streetn, O11111I111, Ai'ii,
Men Suffering
from losi of nervous force often owe
tlicircondlllon to youthful iKiiorunce
that fearful enemy to licaltli.
It U the business of science to repair
the damage caused liy the thoughtless
Iirnctlces of youth,
Nervous Debility never gets well of
Itself. Its victims' drug through n
miserable existence, veeak, listless,
literally feed the hungry nerves, giving
them the weclse itiirrcdientH de.
niandcd by nature. This wonderful
remedy cures Nervous Debility, stops
nil drains, trplnceH wasteit tlcsucs,
sends rich, wiirm life Mood tingling
through every part, making every or-
nnnctoud causing you to glow with
S1.00 per box; 0 boxes (with guaran
tee to cure), $5.00. Hook free. 1'kal
Mhhicini' ro ri". '-iv
Sold by Kuhn & Co., 15th nnd Douglas,
and M. A. Dillon, South Uniuhn.
it ynu havo iniAlt. wrnt or trail.
loftt jiowrr tr wrakentni? drain.
mil 1IKUIIIII lKttil l"JUIUHT "Ml
restoro you without rirufftf or
cUctricltyi 23,000 tn uex not oiifi
fill I tire i not ono return no 0. 1, fruiuli writ for
imrUcMiUnt, pent trnlnl in plain rnrrloi
LOCAL APPLIANCE CO.. 4)4 Charles Bide Denver, Colo.
Run via the
Leave Omaha
via Scenic Route through Colorado and
Tor Information and "Tourlut Dictionary"
addreit City Ticket Office, I jaj I'uroam St.
Omaha, Neb.
Is interested and should know
about the u underfill
The new Vaginal Syringe.
Injection an J Suction
Ilcst Safest -.Most Coil
it Cleanses
If h annnt uiply
MAItVKI. t it no
Mlxr, tU tmt tUmp fur Ului-
lUt'il tick M'llll'll. It tflvM fall
fiartl uUr wi nii ti n tnvluM
lloiMiiUCOTIiiiri IH!if. Jmlork
I'm lllit ii fur unnatural
Irritations or ulriTfttlom
i,f in u c ii ti mriiitruiiiit,
I'ainlm. mill nut uitrln-
lEv;;5CHtwtuCo. or PoUunous.
niuu ny iiriiciilMs,
or flit In plain wrHrrr,
br exnrf-aii. irtiatil. for
ai.ui, ur ii 11(11111.4, 14,71.
iculur M-m
lirrut motiUil
1 men ,nnt tint! fall
tirei moil ttiiMiorpraaes rell'TPil in few flays, t)
at hlirrt.iiiri it M mnt" a, K u - A C . aim iittier
Uruv.'iau vr mailed by Lit. a 1ruie lu. Jiuitalo, .N
iV eilltllt.
W M l'.-nl. I j,ut..lAn
laBBaflAn .kftlttlllTI ft BaVr9!