Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone CIS and 631.
blankets at such prices as these.
10 pairs of nit wlilto cotton blankets,
for sheets, nt 00c it pair' reduced
from 70c.
25 pairs of gray vnol blankets. size
filxSO, fancy borders, novcr sold for
less than i'1.25 a pair now nt $2.23
a pair.
wu fi.tiHi: svrtitiiAVH at r. m.
Thompson, Beldeh 2, Co.
T. m. o. Ju nuiLuinu, con. iotii and douqiai sto.
the place, ns, for InHlnncr, there Is In the
republican party. There Is this difference!
between the dcnincratH und the republicans
In the matter of leadership, thai tho dem
ocratic lenders reprei.ent the Idcns of the
people and tho republican leaders mnkn
tho people represent their Ideas. You
enn't look around and pick out u leader.
Thn choosing of n leader Is n mutter of
evolution, or natural selection. Tho po
litical leader Is u product of n good deal
tho samo process as tho butterlly hatched
from tho worm. .Mr. Ilryan has played
such an Important part In politics of tho
last eight years that It Is dllllcult to say
whnt tho effect of his retirement will be,
cither In the stnto or in tho nation. I do
not think, as some do, that there will be n
reorganization of tho party. Soma of tho
Ideas which crept Into tho plntforms when
Mr. Hryan sprung Into prominence inny bo
discarded, but that Id as far as tho feeling
of dissatisfaction will go.
(rente! I.cnilcr of True llciiincriicy,
C. J. Smyth I have re'ad very enrcfully
tho reports of Mr. Hrynn's speech In Chi
cago. 1 do not think his statements capable
of construction that ho means to rctlro
permanently from politics. Today 1 con
sider William Jennings Ilryan the greatest
leader of true democracy. Kvon were he
ilcHlrlous of quitting tho Meld of active poli
tics tho hosts of denioerncy would not hear
of It.
However, If Mr. Hrynn has mado or
should make an unequivocal statement of
this kind I believe he would live up to It.
I think his Intention Is rather to place him
self beforo tho people as through with poll
tics so far as having nsplratlotis for any
ofllco nro concerned. IIo Is n born leader
of men and his Intlucnce will ever bo felt In
democracy. If bo wcro to rctlro do I think
n successor equal to tho emergency could
bo found? I most certainly do. This state
ment I mako on tho ground that the demo
cratic rarty Is not a one-man party. Just
who this successor would bo I have no Idea.
1 think of no one nt thu present time nctlve
In tho field of democratic politics who
might bo enpnblo of assuming the mnntlo of
Mr. nrynn, but thcro are, without n doubt,
such nun, perhaps undUcnvcred and unsung
nt this time.
ISlToet In Kiitl or Fusion,
Kdson Itlch Mr Hrynn's retirement from
politico Is news to me, but I cannot say tho
step Is n surprise, bcoauso Mr. Ilryan has
Intimated on more than ono occasion that
ho prefers to bo nctlvo In politics ns n
magazine writer or a lecturer, rather than
ns n political leader. Mr. Hrynn's establish
ment of n paper along tho lines ho has has
had In mind for n long time would lndl
cnto that ho hns planned to retire from tho
leadership of the party. TJio effect on the
stuto will bo tho end of fusion, In my opin
ion. Ills retirement from politics will havo
n tendency to disrupt tho fusion forces. Mr.
Hrynn stnnds for fusloulsm. It vns he nnd
his principles thnt mado fusion possible nnd
when ho relinquishes tho leadership there
will bo no strong Interests to keep tho
forces together. In this stnto I do not know
of nny mnn who possesses Mr. Hrynn's
qualities as a leador Btifllclently to take his
plnee. Of course new leaders will arise,
but new circumstnnccs must determine who
they will be. I do not believe thero is ono
In sight now, although thero aro many
eminent -democrnts In tho stnto possessing
capabilities for leadership. As n national
loader 1 suppose that David II. ,11111 Is most
generally looked upon ns tho man for .Mr.
Hryau'n place. That Is my Idea. Tho effect
of Mr. Hrynn's withdrawal from nctlvo
political llfo upon nntlonnl democracy will
bo to cause a reorganization of the old-line
democrats along old-lino principles. In tho
last eight years now Ideas havo been drafted
Into the platforms. I look for tho eradica
tion of theso and the returning promlncncu
of men who wcro onca powerful In the
party, but who were relegated to tho back
ground because of events and Issues.
Don't Kihmv IIIh NiiccoNNiir.
W. S. I'npploton I havo not read Mr.
Hryan's speech and do not feel ready to
express an opinion as to tho effect of his
withdrawn! from party leadership, if ho
has relinquished his commanding position
In tho party tho leadership will go to tho
next mnn who hns tho best nnd largest
following and I don't know who thnt mnn Is.
tirciitly llritcllt Ili-niocrncy.
Kuclld Martin It Mr. Hrynn's withdrawal
from political ' leadership has no string to
It, thn democratic party will bo greatly
benefited thereby. Ills leadership and di
rect lnlluonco Is nil that prtfventcd tho
party In this statu from unification, nnd if
I Sait Rheum 1
f You may call It eciema, tetter or milk
But no matter what you call It, this akin
disease which comes In patches that burn,
Itch, dlschargo n watery matter, dry and
scale, owes Its existence to the presence of
humors In the system.
It will continue to exist, annoy, nnd per
haps agonize, as long ns these humors
It Is always radically and permanently
cured by
Hood's SarsapaHUa
which dispels all humors, and Is positively
unequalled for nil cutaneous eruptions.
Pre bcii t ut Hco office or mall
coupon with ten conta and get
your cholco of Photographic Art
Studies. When ordering by mail
add four cents for postage.
The Bee Publishing Company
"lice, Jnn. 0, 1001.
New Prices
on Blankets
Kvidonlly llic worst of winter is
yet nheiwl. Jfelter iirejmre for it
now while you can buy reliable
J3.I0 nil wool
$2.25 a pair.
white blankets now
$3.80 nil wool while blankets now $2.75
a pair.
Profits arc knocked off on all blankets.
It will pay you to lay In a supply.
ho has really decided to pull out of the
way I bo love tho party In Nebraska can
bo speedily harmonized. Ah to n loglcnl
successor for Mr. Hryan as tho national
lender I do not think there Is any. The
leadership may Mil to nny one of a dozen
dcmoeints of national reputation nnd It will
bo determined only
by circumstances of
tho future.
Doullinr ToiiriuiiuiMit ynw In Protc-
r-MM in .mriiciinu; t.-rimiin
or Niiccin tor.
riMOAOO. Jan. D.-Crowds of enthuslas.
lie bowlers tilled tho U'Clslibuch building to
witness the progress of tin- bowling touniu-
incut unit In tho ovrnlnir. dcsnltn nmi nf
thi' most severe storms that bus visited
Chicago for a year, the nttendnnco wns In
no way iinninisncu. The interstate clun or
Krle, en., which led at thu conclusion of
last night's play, hud dropped to third plueo
by the time the third round was completed
today, tho Standnrds and Crescents, both of
U'liiciigo, ncing nrsi an seeoml. re-
ppectlvely. Thu following scores were mado
iy iive-men teams during tho day and even
I'amee, Hrooklyn.2,J07 Kldella, X. York..:,W8
Mechanics, Chi- 'Kinplre, N. York. 2,122
engo 2,f2 1'eerless, Akron.. 2,29a
iniersinie, i-;ru. . i'ellowHIUi), C h I
imperial, Hrook- i engo 2,G2'J
. jyn -MkVj croHcc nt. Chi
.il o t r o p o lltun, l engo 2,C9i
cieveianu ji o rr in u n. Uh
Jnp-n-lac, Cleve- i engo 2.GC0
mini ..ics iioiiro oi Trade,
.Monarch, N. Y...2,18"i Chlcagi 2,3(3
h i a n ci aru. cm- .tietrouoiitun. N,
eago York 2,S2;l
urifiuai (iiui'H, l'rospeet, ilrooK-
Cincinnati 2,1181 lyn 2,r,D0
I'.iepnaiu, nrooK- l'rosperlty. Hrook
lyn 2, ISO lyn 2,0lfi
ciiminerciai Ath- liultlmoru 2,284
Ifllftl, o, IlCllll. ..,HS'J
Two-men team:
W. II. Qultsow, U. It. Qassauer.
Chicago 1 Chicago CS2
Wnrriiiit (tut for Oiniilui Kill.
HOSTON. Jan. .-Tho crusmlo ugaliist
n?.55ll!V.f,it,li,,,,,oni' l)?FMn hY l.ho rl,v 1""
lug number of lights before social nnd nth-
n.l,L.nI;,utb!,i '!! ""ehusetlB, extended to
llostnn today when, lifter n nn co court
hearing warrants grantnil against 6"car
Gardner, the "Omahii Kid;" Tim Callahan,
Mni!!f,,!!l!I,i(i.,!.,l,.,!'t!Ll.'.a'1:1 the l)artlclaiH3
A.,V."pt;' ft 'ir ""Li' i""-T"'.' " "
Immunity from till! law. iim nnlv mntnlun
7 iiituiimmiHi null claim: i
nro lierinltleil In ntlenil. 'I'wn ...i
udmfsslon ns members nnd on their evidence
inu wnriuiuH wcro grnnieii.
.Ii-ITi'Ich StiirtM In to Triiln.
AliW fllClv. .Ifin fl T T
.lefTrlnn lllIM lila t...i..l.. .
Allenhurst. N.' CunVltoda "HnVt'cd n ui.o
t .regular preparatory siHtem of wurk for
his comlnz liaidi. with Kniiii,, win. 1.1... i.
hls brother Jnck nnd Hob Armstrong.
i ...... .. .V. . .. in i
Young; ;I1im nefi-ntN (in nllner.
Ahl t JAHl'LA, O., Jan. 9. Young Olbb? of
Clove and won from Gun Gardiner of 1'hlla-
"". -'" round hero tonight.
Olbbs hud tho better of the light all
Sfliiitorlnl Ituce In,,.
ST. 1'Al'I., Minn., Jan. 9. Tho senatorial
flee hirntfni, ii'I'I'm'i mlxe,lI tl111" -ver. Tho
nnoliM was wlliiinr ti iVe .. V,,.imlV .
woatd become ono under certain conditions
. .. fi i l """"u """irsi consideriiKiy. ins
caiiviiNH In liiM Interest. Hubert O rvniis
uio regular .Minneapolis delegation candl-
uuie, nas siiown no inclination to withdraw
nitii iiiii ..i.. . " " """"""v
vigorous f.ln,cel,eeT.olm
claiming that they are not losing ground!
"r; 1,,1H l,rro(,t 011 "tl,er enndl-
..'nn.H1!)1'1' !'"" "' "n,tc1 nupport of this
e., into- members? Coi s' Z, n'w.S
friends nro still confident. "
Ollllllllt Mllll'M ItcilllPNl.
..... i-.i.ji i-,. if., .inn !, ri .., . -,
ami rninnnivn I 110 we'('o,nlng
wt.u .7i... ... "i"''1 luuiiuu iiusincss
,...r ...l.vil llF.
Aiioiu sw delegates nro
twenty-two elties. The Icngui) m opted a
petition to tho 1'nlted States Th en n te Task ng
i! ,U,?Hff.M,tt' ,0,,fho ?fnmP taxes for
the. pasting of tho Grout oleomnrgarluo
, .
re.iuest of Q. W. Ilutts of Omnh.i thnt
measures bo tnkon to suppress the eoinpe-
tltloii of express eomnaliy ucenlH with nnm.
mission nierchnnlH irna inf.7rrn,i i ....
eeutlvo eommlttcp. The complnlnt Is. that
tho ugentH nro nbln to obtain lower rates
wi. iitiun,ui uiiiwi. ny express.
MIhxoiii-I CoIIpko IteiueinlM-reil.
wr.iuijii, jan. nurlng the Litter
ho'n!1.1; d.l.rdVilionliVr'e'Sbi';::
man of Detroit. Inilmntn,i t,ta V. ...n..
that he intended making provisions In his
v ii;i0Vi,Vrmbiir.-fchl?riIial'l '""tltutlmiH,
oxeeutors arranged n scheiitilu of beiiuestn
VtJ w 1,7 I . ".. U'V ocneved was!ilTUs0,nVCng V.'iel," cUarC'bln
InstltutlonH. but the 1'resbyterlan homo nnd
!"iirtB "f ml,sslon,lr' boards will each got
Kirk cnireen nf ' V ,! i l K,vc" 10 ul
' ' I
TM'tlUlu SIumvm riililli NiilrW.
tiiiiryi in iw .in 1,1 i i "i
? ihottttyhtU
1 'A 1 ih J. 1111.. .Ill It H Tin Iuii.i.u I
"""" uii-ir inn ior 1110 eonstr.lclloil of a
!ui1)n,.."os,,l, '" brlUK 11 w"ht,n the limit
being ?vrTiK?ll A
paw's bid wuh W.m.flOH.
u.. I .. . ...
NI.'W rniii.- i o .ri.. . . .
. ... ..v-nntY III,HMl.l.rM lllii.l.v I
tm House I etcr milrdcr trtnl .,,,,rM,i
shortly after noon today at I'literson, N J
Andrew- CnniniwdVU,!l,?,li0r.'. V111'" ,icatI-
."'.'.r .V.?"'l,b.0 '. "u J- Kerr wero
' 1 "MK"i court m witness tho ilrnwlng
of tho Jury panels which will consider their
Ilrynn n Sienk nt ( iiliiinliiis.
COH'MHl'S, o.. Jan. 9.-It was an-
llnimrril lit. I. it. it... n i . "V.
mini cnnventihii of tho National So f nwn respects irom the mil introduced yes
Commission Mcrelinnts convened here ' to- terday by Hrown of Lincoln county, but
speak nt a banquet of tiio jofforHnti jack. rcn(l 1,10 flrBt Umo ln tho houso of roprc
sou and. .Lincoln lenguo tn bo held 'in thu sentntlvcs today:
V;.",.1,::V'!;"n.r' 3 ' celebration of Ltn-
.Inn. II
4i new i orK Arrii'eiist.u,r.n Ar.,.,.,
llll-l., I1UII1 I.UII1IUI1
s!;nyn!rleU,lfor SSi!??','
Passed tho I'iinni itn ,VJ !2i; . .
ImsSe. fr ,m &fe5ln,&p i,yL m ,ler
& ffi'VlVerno-" ,r'n
rrtim hi. joiiii, js. n., and Halifax. Hailed
lMKe Ontario, from Liverpool for Halifax
and St. John, N, 11.
At Philadelphia Salled-Nederland. for
At Premen-Arrtvcd-11. II. Jielr. from
New York
At Southampton Arrived Knlser WU
helm dcr Urosse, from New York to Hre-mciu
French Mail Steamor Sinking in Sea Too
Bough for Rcioucrs.
I'lfly T'nftoniKcrft iind n t'retv nf I'orty
NlKiinl Tliolr DlNlrrM und Vnliily
I'IpiiiI fur lli'lp from
'I'Iionc fin Shore.
MAItSKIM.KS, Jnn. ft. Shortly after !
o'clock.durlnc tho lull, the men on shore sue
cceded In getting ti line to the HuhsIc, but
it snnppcd ns It was being pulled on board.
Other similar attempts failed, but a more
Hopeful feeling prevailed In view of the
Indications that the weather is clearing. A
message from tho Ilusslc says:
"Tho passengers nro kept below, but nil
tho crew are nt thoir posts, and the enp
tain nnd oitlccrs are lashed to tho bridge.
Tho seamen tried to construct several
rnftn, but ns they ncarcd completion they
wcro unshed uwny."
Tho sinking of tho stern In tho sand
proves to havo been n lucky thing for those
on board, ns tho bow of the mall boat Is
tilled above all fnvo tho biggest wn'.o nnd
affords n refuge. Otherwise It Is believed
that nil would- havo long since perished.
Thu crulsci Galileo and a tug with rocket
nntinrntus lott Tnnlnn uru.omi it. Ij
, nn aUc, t h . -,,
nro cll,cfy ,,,, f uncllonnr, aml'
MAHSKIMjKS, Jan. D.-nispatchoi from
tll0 v,aKU of ,,nrnm h , ,
Trench mall xtnnin.... ih.o.i., t ..
Kcr, stranded Mnn.inv in n, .
with fifty passengers nnd a crew of forty on
board, say that nil efforts to reach tho
steamer havo fulled, owing to the tremen
dous height of tho seas which are running.
Thn pilot boats and torncdo limits whlrh
havo attempted to reach tho steamer havo
neon unatile to battlo with tln wnvnu nml
hnvo returned.
I ThO OnlV bnnn nfinma tn l. In ll. .1.111...
0f life-savers to throw n linn nim. ,,W iV.V
,n, ,f,, v ,W " ',' , , ?r 11,0 UU8"
H,p- llB Ul wrecked vessel Is driven closer
to the shore. . Thn rnrncniiiln .... ..
the forward ilcrkhmmn nm nil .i . ,
',.' ".,! ,,c1ll8 ,nro nll,,of "'"vessel
;, A"r "'""i iiueu an nignt
with watchers. Lights wore seen on board
the steamer, but It ( tinllni.,t ,,,.,
" ., l ' I r i. . ,)0"0e'1 R,on,. r
l"0R0 on D01rd of It havo nlrendy been
hi un nun, nunougn no Uodlcs havo been
washed ashore.
(Continued from Klrst I'agc.)
would not get a slnglo voto out of tho del
egatlon. He Is simply hurting himself by
trying to cut in when It is not his coll.''
Vice President Kooscvclt nnd party went
through Lincoln this nftcrnoon on their
way to Colorado and were greeted at tho
station by a good delegation of repub
licans, lie renewed expressions of satis
faction at finding Nebraska again In tho
republican column and recalled his tour of
tho stato during tho campaign last fall.
DoiikIiin County Content Ciinck.
The houso commlttco on privileges and
elections Into this nftcrnoon took up the
Douglas county contest cases ngalnst John-
son and Hunt. Hy n misapprehension of
his position. Chalrmun Whltmoro nssumed
. . . , , ,i, .
to nct nB Ju(1p,!' Iay,nK (lown hla I,loa of
the lew a? Instructions to his nssoclatcs,
Instead of acting meroly as a presiding ofll-
cer. Hn ruled thnt Mullen of Douclas was not
entitled to a vote. Ilulsncr, another mem
ber, wns nbsent nnd on this ruling Whit
more nnd ono other republican voting with
tho fuslonlsts decided, by C to I, to ro
port adversely on both tho contests.
. . .... ..,..,,.. f ........ ....
1.1 IIIHIII I III L' . , ,i , , ill I .uriinmr n
Itiiilieit ThroiiKH to the T.'ilrd
It null n pr StiiKi-
LINCOLN', Jnn. 9. (Special.) The atten
Hon of tho repreientntlves todny was do
voted almost exclusively to the first nnd
second reading of hills. At tho morning fces-
slon two bills Introduced by Kowlor of Kill
more, providing nn appropriation of $115,000
for nil expenses of tho leglslntlvo session
were ordered advanced and engrossed for
third rending. Tomorrow iney win again
-mo hlT 1,10 1--1fv'"inI,r,n?,u,!rn;
tlon aluI lf Pnssed will bo Immediately sent
to the senate.
in tno measures inirouuceu ny .Mr. I'owier
an allowance of $S5,000 Is made for salaries
for all members, clerks nnd assistants of
both branches, nnd tho rcmninlng $33,000 Is
apportioned for tho Incldcntnl expenses of
provided In tho bills Is $5,000 less thnn that
tho lcBl.latu,o of 18M.
Tho Fccond renpportlonmcnt bill to como
beforo tho houso wns Introduced this morn
ing by Cnllogly of Drown. It Is different In
.... ... ...
provides similar roprerentntion for uougins
Lancaster and several other counties of
largest population. Hoth wcro referred to
tho rcnpportlonment committee, of which
tho authors of thu two bills nro members.
lloiv RnlliiKly DIvlili'N.
In tho fiallogly bill Uougins county Is
given a represeutntlon of four senators nnd
r... ' .... . ...
iiuriceu reprcMcuiaiivt'ti; iuicunit-r cuuniy
two senators and six representatives. Tho
western portion of tho stato Is given more
representative and senatorial districts, while
tho east surfers somowhnt in this respect
Annllinp Imnnrtnnt hill tntrmlurml In fhn
M thl morning innkes provision for
nn npproprlnllon of $50,000 for purchasing
permanent stnto fair grounds near this
city nnd for constructing permanent stnto
Mr buildings. Tho present site, or the
land commonly known ns "tho old stnto fair
grounds," is named In tho bill and tho
t0 1,0 'lft", for tho 18 llraltcJ
to $25,000.
Representative Stelnmeycr of Oage this
morning introduced a Joint resolution nu
1 1. . I . I tlx. . .tit
nf thrnn liv hoth lirnnclirH nf Mm IPtrlHlnlnrn
1- n ..... 1.111 il..
iu urn ii. a new mvcuuu uui. uiuiur mo
resolution would hnvo to take
na rrguiur l-uiiibu iinu nu leun iiireo oil'
forcnt times beforo it could be finally con
W.1. and to prevent tho necessary delaj
Stcinmeyer this nfternnon introduced
n motion having tho samo effect, which
il. ..... ... .
was immeiiiuiciy passed ny uio house,
On motion of Hnwxby of Nemaha tho
houso of representatives sont greetings to
thn Stnto Historical Boclety, In session at
u, Trni....r.iv nf vi.r.,i,.
" ' ' ' ' """
At I o'rlock tho houso adjourned to 10
o ciocK tomorrow morning.
HmiMf Hulls Item!,
The following bills wero Introduced nnd
H. H. 40. bv Ileam-Coneurrent resr.lmt,...
Iiuhiiiiih in nittiuii ui i uiii'ii auurH Helm
EM:..rlipsl?, V.'i"?. J" 1,111 fojivt-ntlon
.... . ,,,, tiiiiriiiiuieill ill
of sennto'rs by dlV TO-' 'Wo
IL It. W, by Stelnmeyer-Jolnt rrsn
''t.orlrlng tho appointment of con
naunnai cnnsiiiiiuon, providing for cIhlIIoii
I'Mlo" uVnV
of threo by each branch to net Jointly in
nct mnk-
ncciiMii nnv
porson of ii crime or oftciiko or to do Injury
in inu iii'rviii r pruperiy oi uuoiuer with
tho intent to extort moiiev for iieeniilin-u
advnutugo or to eomncl the nerson ihrcm.
ened tn do an act amilnst his will im.i nm.
vldlng punlHhmeut nrd to repeal se lion 4fi
of tho Criminal Code nf the Compiled
Statutes of Nebraska of WM ami providing
neiiaiiv oi irom i.ii io louo rur eaeh nff.-nK
xi. iu -oi, uy JJaiiisicn- Auiii fur un act
to amend nnd repeal sections 15 nnd 19 of
chapter ll of the Compiled Statutes nf the
Slate of Nebraska for the jear l"tf9, e.l
titled "County Attorneys." and requiring
boiul fur county uttnrnc. A'so llxes suliiry
of Hint otllclal, nutklng ueh snlary In coun
ties of from :!.(K) to 5,000 population at $.,
In coiintliH of ;,eoo to M,() at $(S0. from
IO,0(Hl to :n,WK) at $iiM. '.'O.OC'O to Si.m at $I,O0ij,
WOO nnd over nt $2..Vj0.
11. It. :a, by Fowl or A bill for nn act to
amend sections 127 and l.U of article I of
chapter Ixxvll of tho Compiled Statutes of
.M'unisKa or iKt) nnd to repcni said original
sections as now existing nnd provides form
of county treasurer's deed, which shall be
presumptive evidence in all courts of the
II. It. CI. by Fnwler-A bill for nn nct to
provldo free attendance nt public high
school of nmi-resident pupils, to provide
nu iiiu expense inereoi una io niueiin sec
tlon 4 of subdivision R. section .1 of subdivl
won il, section l nml 7 nf subdivision II and
Fcction 2 of subdivision 17, chapter Ixxlx
Comulled SlntnleM nf NnlirnHltii for IMlT
nnd to lenrnl B.ilil nrlcliml seel Inns nn nnw
existing and llxes tuition at 75 cents per
ween, in no pain oy county wnere ireo ai
tendnnto renliln.
II. It. C5, by Fowler A bill for nn net to
nmentl sections a nnd I of article III of
elmptcr xxvl of the Compiled Statutes of
Ncbrnskn for and to repeal said original
sections as they now exist nnd requiring
liiiuiiiiaies ior nomination or election ti
olllces under rnnstltiitlmi In llle exiieim
accounts showing all moneys expended In
attempt to obtain nomination or election,
II. It. M. bv MUUell -A bill for nn net In
nmeiui sections in, !.'. 9.1, 91 nnd 9U of chap
ii-r lAxvin in uie i ompuea eiaiuies or iSO'
braskn of is, entitled "Ilnnds," and to re
pcui sain uriginal sections, concerns pay
inein. iii roan i,ixes.
IL It. C7. In I loiisebnliler An net
amend seetlmiH -JiSq. 245r, 2l5rl and II5r2 of
the Crlinliml Code of tho State of Nebraska
nun ui repeal nalil original sections; relntes
in sine or innacco, provides penalty or 15
to $ik) for selling or giving tobacco In nnv
form to persons under 10 years of ago nnd
reniiirc llt'engr rie nf 5 hi fur mi n
cigarettes or cigarette naners.
II. It. f.S. liv Mliikell A hill fop nil nnf In
iimetid sections 7ii. 7S. 79. K0 and 82 of
chapter Ixxvlil nf the Compiled Statutes of
Ncbrnskn of isofl and to repeul said original
sections 70. TN. ?n VI nml ai nt .M ..h,,
unci reciuires payment or road tuxes In cash.
ii. ii. iii'. ny Htelnmeyer A bill for an nct
lirUVlUlllU 1 1111 1 ill .llviirnn indna
should bo provlslonul nnd not Html where
thero Is default nml for thn limiololment nf
uh nnuincy in iieieiid in certain cases, llx
Ing his fees and taxing them as costs, und
containing emergency clans .
it. u. uy (lauogiy An nct to district
the State llltn setlilliirlnl nml rnnt.iwniilttlli.
districts and for the apportionment of sen
ators Hlld rc!reentiitlvi.M nml l,i ilv 11. .i
number of the same nnd to repeal section 2
in conpicr v or tho complied Statutes of
11. it. til. liv ttrrwtnrlrlr.A ii tint l n.n.i.1
section 91 of chapter Ixxvlil of the Compiled
v.. . .. .ei)rnsna or ivj'.i, entltlei
iiuaus, ami to repeal said original sec
t on so iimentlcil nnd providing for dlsnosl
linn or road tuxes collected.
II. It. U2. bV llenll hill fur nn unl
titled an net to amend section 491 d of the
t odo of ClVtl l'rneeilnrn ii ml In n.mvil ni.i
section ns It now exists ii"ud relating to sole
ii, tiiiiriiiinctl lailll.
It. It. Kl. bv llnilHelinlilerl i HP nil rmt- tit
iimend sectioii 77, article I, chapter Ixxvll of
tho Compiled Statutes of tho Stato of No-
uri Him; concerns levying or taxes.
II. it. CI, by lleall-A bill for an nct to
amend section 1 of chapter xlv of the Com
piled Statutes of Nebraska for 1S9 nnd to
repeal said section of chapter xlv as the
Hiune now exist and authorizing counties
iu imuu iininiH mr construction or railroads,
II. It. Ui, by Ilurcsh A bill for nu act
council nn nt.i to nmend sections llu, 2,i,
nr. nun jui iii nn net entitled "An act in
corporntliig metropolitan cities and delln
lug. lircscrlblm; nnd ri'irnlniin n...i ,i.,
ties, powers and government, nml to repeul
an net entitled 'An nct Incorporating met
ropolltan cities nnd defining, regulating and
prescribing their duties, powers and gov
ernment.' approved March ::0, JSS7. and nil
acts umendatory thereof, being chapter xll
of tho seventh edition of tho Compiled Stat
utes of the Stato of Nebraska (edition of
' '"'s oi tno metropolitan
class, being chnpter xlln of tho nJntli
edition of tho Compiled Statutes of tho
auiiu in ieuriiKKii teoition or 1S99), entitled
iim i. niiiiMieii m.iiuics oi tno Mlato of Ne
braska. sl (ninth edition), uttii iniinii
ments 1SS2 to 1S99, comprising n'l lawn of a
general nature In force Julv 1, 1899, pub
lished under authority of the legislature
uy uiijr .. jiiuwn uini uiiaiui ii. Wheeler,
nnd to repeal said sections 110. lri. 150 and
ji .in iiuiiiouin! existing, and authorizing
tho mnyor and council of cities nf thn mm.
ropolltan class to creato paving districts
nun in nruei- puving wun or without net
tlon nf property owners.
II. It. M. by Mnckett A lilll fni- ,, o...
to itmond Hcctlnn 12 of chatiter xxvlll of the
Compiled Statutes of tho Stnto of Nebraska
of liSl, with amendments 1SS2 tn 1899 titlo
ii-i-B, i-uuiii' iiuiL'i'in iinu io repeal said sec
tion as It now exists, nnd requires pay.
iiivm i" .-..uui i.i iee.H received hy
Judge, clerk, treasurer and Hlinrtrr
II. H. l... by Uenll-A bill for nu nct to
provldo for tho dralnngo for agricultural
und sanitary purposes and to repeal article
ill of chapter ixxxlx of tho Compiled Stat
utes of 1897 and allowing land owners to
drain their ptoperty by constructing drnln-
iik" nut-lien, . iiiscnarging water into nny
natural wuter courso or depression leading
to same. h
It. It. 8. bv Stelnmever A hill fni- nr,
prescribing tho duties of county attorneys
In crimlnnl cases, nnd requiring tho county
attorney to follow such enses to tho cotinlv
it vnntn i viu ciiiinut'n in vfiiiii ti rn tainn
to which they may bo removed.
II. It. C9, by llenm Concurrent resolution
nrovldlUK for nn amendment m i.i.mi..M i
nrtlc'.o xv of tho Constitution of tho Suite
nf ViiIi-.idI. II .....1 f ....... .,. ..... .
.,iinina, uini iuu! in inree-iiiins of
tho legislature and a majority of tho people
voting for and ngalnst at election to enrrv
n constitutional amendment
II. It. 70, by Mnckett-A bill for nn act
establishing, purchasing and providing for
hut iiii.1 mum mm iimiinuiuilico OI a State
Normal school and appropriating monev
ror the payment of the samo and milking
Hawthorne, n suburb of Lincoln, thu slto
for snme.
II. II. 71. by Crlsscv An nct tn
for the erection und nialntemine.i nt n
hnrd-Ilbre twlno plant nt tho Nebraska
stato penitentiary nt Lincoln nnd mnklng
appropriations therefor and limiting cost
II. It. 72. by Lnoinls A bill for nn nnf in
amend section 101 of article I, chapter xlv
nf the Compiled Statutes of Nebrnska nf
1899. nnd tn renenl said ti.ietinn ....
now existing. Concerns detachment of land
IllllU 1I11I11IU1111I VIII ii.l .Vllllllrj.
II. H. 711. by Jouvennt An nct providing
for a. landlord's Hen unon crons Z
sown on demised premises, and providing
for the foreclosure of such lien ami a pen
nlty for selling, removing or disposing of
such crops during tho existence of such
H. II. 74, by Warner A bl!l for an act
tn amend sectloni ffl, fil, Gin and Gib, and to
repeal section file, chapter Iv, nrtlclo I
Compiled Statutes of Nebrnska, 1S99, reln
tlvo to svlno diseases, nml tn repeal wild
original sections, nnd requiring burial at
depth of eighteen Inches or cremation f
dead nnlmals within twenty-four hours
after death.
It. It. 75, by Spencrr An nct for the relief
of it person owning real property having an
insane husband or wife, und to empower
such person to sell mortgage or convey
such property under power of tho district
IT. H. 70, by Jouvennt An nct , to nmend
section 2, chapter lxxlx. of tho Compiled
Stntutes of 1899, and to repeal said original
section, und empowering county treasurers
to tlx salary of superintendent In counties
of less than D.naO potulutlnn.
ir n rt v... .ni a.. ..... ... .
... ... ,,, .v vim.-. 111 iii-i iu miifmi nee.
tloilH II und 21. chanter lxvvlll nf tlin Pnm.
piled Stntutes of Nebraska of 1S99, relating
to tho appointment of a commissioner to
view road and committee to appraise dnm
nge, und to repeal said sections.
11 i - 1... .,i,. ... . - . .
tlon 82. chanter Ixxvlil nf tho Cumnlteil
... ... 10. ,1 1 , 1 iim .n ill'! ill nil null unri.
Statutes of tho stato nf Ncbrnskn. ns said
section Is now In forco nnd In existence,
nnd to repeal snld section and fixing feen
ior roan overseers.
H. U. 79. by Lnne A bill for nn nct au
(homing tho purchaso of Innd for stato
I iiilerNtimilN Ilinv to InereiiNo Iter
Tho ladlady of a certain rcstnurant In
Iltockton, Masi., hns Increased her busi
ness so rapidly that she has had to en
largo her dining room to accommodate the
continually Increasing patronage. Ono of
her gucsU gives the lcasnn.
"Kvcry morning sho serves her regu
lar guests with drape-Nuts and hot milk
or hot crenm In told weather, nnd. cold
cream In summer. 1 began .eating this food
nnd right nwny begnn to feel an Improve
ment In my health. I had been terribly
troubled with nervousness nnd dyspepsia
nnd found it Impossible to find n food thnt
would agreo with me, until I began board
ing nt this restaurant.
'The new food, iu four months, In
creased my weight from 120 pounds to 115
and I never felt as well In my life as I
do nnw. There Is something remarkable
In tho sustaining power of this fond. I
have never been able tn obtain such re
sults from nny other" G, II. Mersey. 30 L
Street, Drockton, .Mass,
JAXUATtY 10, 1H01.
fair purposes nml tn appropriate the sum
of J30.000. or so much thereof us may be
necessury, for the purchase nnd Improve
ment thereof.
.Normal Flow of l,i-p.lilnHc llnilnevi
rmcecili AVIthnut Interruption
In the Itodj.
LINCOLN, Jan. 9. (Special.) The senate
wns cnlled to order by Lieutenant (lovernor
Savage this morning nt 10 o'clock, the roll
called by tho secretary ami In the absence
of Chaplain Crcssman .the body was led In
prayer by Hov. L. 1'. Ludden. Hills on sec
ond reading was tho first order of business
taken up nnd quite a number of these were
disposed of by being ordered printed nnd
referred to the various committees to which
they properly belong. A number of new
bills were also Introduced today, Including
ono by .Martin of Wchardton to ptovlde a
board of railway commissioners, nnd to re
peal the present law us It stands, It having
been declared unconstitutional.
Senator Harlan, nt the request nf a dele
gation of mayors nnd ofllelnU of cities of
Nebraska having more than C.OOt) and less
than 25,000 inhabitants, Introduced u bill
tho purpoEo of which Is to provide for the
incorporation, government, regulation,
duties nnd powcr.4 of such cities. The bill
was framed nt a meeting of the mayors of
the vurlotts cities nffectcd, which wus,hold
In Fremont last week, a number of whom
wcro In the city today to lobby in the Inter
rsts of their measure. The new law Is for
tho purpose of replacing one which has been
declared uuconiJtltutloiinl, and Is somewhat
broader in itH provision of Government for
cities of this ela38. "
Tho apportionment or redisricting bill
introduced by Senutor Vnnllosklrk Is ono
drnwn up by Dr. W. II. lily, n prominent
citizen of Alnsworth, who was a candidate
ror state senator against Metz four years
ago, ami is identical with tho bill Intro
duced In tho house by Onllogly of Hrown
Tho bill, should It become a law, will
largely Incrcaso tho representation In both
the bcnatn nnd houso from the western
section of tho state, tho only eastern
county which would gnln In representation
by its provisions being Douglas. In nearly
all tho other districts In the eastern hnlf
of the stnto tho representation would be
cut down. Hy Its provisions dago county
for instance, which is now allowed ono
senator, three representatives and ono
ileal representative, would have I'awneo
added to Its senatorial district and would
lose Its Iloal representative altogether,
1110 representation of umenstor count v
would not be changed, but neurly every
other eastern district would bo enlarged
or nave lis roprcsontntlon cut down. The
promoters of tho bill claim that the ap
portionment Is based on tho vote nt the
Inst presidential election.
Upon recommendation of Ctirrle of Cus
ter, tho following additional employee
wcro named ror the senate today:
Copyist Uugcno Westervelt.
Clerk K. K. Abbott.
Itnnsom of Douglas made n motion thnt
500 copies of eaeh 'of the messages of
ex-tlovornor Poyntcr nnd Oovernor Dietrich
bo ordered printed. He said. In sunnort
01 111s motion, that there were contained
In both documents suggestions nnd recom
mendations which shotlld bo In tho hands
of tho membors of tho legislature. Harlan
of "iork thought 500 copies would be suf-
flclent. and after n short discussion It was
decided to nppolnt a committee of three
to confer with a like cotumlttee from the
House on tho mnttcr, tho chair miming ns
the committee Hansom of Douglas. Currlo
01 uuster nnd Harlan of York.
Owens of Dawson, chairman of a snoclnl
committee appointed to ascertain the cost
01 printing tho dally Journal, reported
that the cxpenso for printed or mlmoo.
graph topics of a Hulllelcnt number would
be from $10 to $20 per day. and after some
liatl.-iaiuil IL il I1CC1IICII IlOl t() llBVO a
daily Journal printed, but to havo the sec
retary of tho senato prepare five, copies
by means of a typewriter and carbon
paper, which would bo on his desk nml n
tho disposal of the members tho followim
Tho senate, nt noon, upon motion of Ran
som of Douglas, adjourned until 10:13 to
morrow morning.
IIIIIh on First IIcikIIiik.
Durlns today's session the following sen
ate fllea were Introduced for their first
S. F. GS. by Fdcnr All net fnr II,.. w,1l..r
of 11 person owning real proper! v having an
Insane husband or wife, nnd in empower
such person to sell. niurlLMic,. nr
such property under puwer of the district
ITUlll 1.
S' rVkV'.Y J'nrtln-An act to amend see
to II 592 of the Code nf p el !,, .!.,.. ,
to repeal said original section und all other
acts and parts of nets In conflict herewith
S. F. .u, by ilnrtln-AU net to repcai
chapter lxv of the session laws of 1SS5 en
titled "An net to provide a board of rail
road commix oners ami iletln,. 11, ..1 .1, .,..
and provldo for their salaries," nnd to re
peal chapter Ix of the session laws of 1SS7
entitled "An net In regulnto railroads, nn..
vent unjust Incrimination nnd nrnHii'rn.
a board of transportation and dullne their
duties, and repeal articles v and vlll of
nupier ixxu, entitled 'llallroads of tho re
lsed Statutes.' " und all nets nml iimiu
acts In conflict herewith.
b. I'. 11. llV Tlomiien An nef In nmnn.l
sections mi, til, Gla and Gib, and tn repeal
section 01c. chanter Iv. article I
Statutes of Nebraska, 1S99, relative to swluo
diseases, and repeal said original sections.
S. F. 72. bv O'Nel'.l An net ,.,,im.,.i ....
nct to umend section 1 of chapter Ixxxlla of
inu i.uiiiiin'u miiiim-H 01 mo mate of Ne
braska, and tn repeal said original section.
S. F. i3, by 1 "a I (I line An net mnklnn it i
crime to threaten to ncctiho -inv person of
a crime or offense, nr to do lnlnrv tut t Im
person or property of another with tho In
tent to extori money or pecuniary ml
vantage, or to compel the pctsou threatened
to do nny act ngalnst his will, and provid
ing punishment, and to repeal rcetlon 4G of
the Criminal Code of tho Compiled Statutes
of Nebraska of 1899. v
H. r . 1 1, by llarlun An act to provide for
tho Incol lioratlon. government, lei.nlnf In .
duties and powers of all cities having more
limn nvu inouMitiiii ami not less tun 1
Iwcnly-llvn thousand Inhabitants, as nsc r
tallied and otllclally promulgated by the
census return and enumeration taken under
tho authority nf tho laws of tho Vidted
Stutes for tho veur 1900: or nn mnv he. here.
after ascertained and olllelally promulgated
by tho United States or under thn authority
of thn state of Nebraska, or by the author
ity of tho mayor nnd city council of any
suen city; and iieiiuiug. princriiung, regit
Intliig and classifying tho same; nnd repeal
lllir sections 1 to 1111 Inclusive nt .'irllelr.
of chnpter xlll nnd sectlona 1 to ino Inclu.
sivo tic article 11 or chapter xlv. of the
(implied Stntutes of tho stutn of Nehrnslta
for tho venr 1899.
H. h . 75. tiv Harlan An net leirnl zlnir tho
iiein ami proceedings or chum and their
olflcers under article 2 of chapter xlv of
the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska. 1597.
nnd also under nrtlclo 8. chapter xllla of said
(.ompiien atuiuies.
S. F. 7(1, by VnnHosklrk-An act to ON
trlcl the state Into snnatnilal nnd reo
rescntatUn dlHtrlcts, for tho apportionment
of senators and representatives, nnd to llx
tno iiumner 01 me same, nun to repeal soi
tlon 2 of chapter v of tho Complied Stat
utes of Ncbrasku.
PlMlier Auntiist Cnlli-e,
LINCOLN, Jan. 9. fSpcclnl Telegrnm.)--
Tho houso commlttco on privileges nnd
elections tonight began the consideration
of the case of Allan 0. Plsher against
Charles Coffee, contesting thn latter' sent
ns n representntlvo from tho Plfty-thlrd
district. Mr. Fisher was present and asked
for u continuance to enablo his attorney
to propnro n brief, but tho commlttco ob
Jected to the delay nnd Insisted on begin
nlng tho trial at once. In tho absence of
his nttornoy, Mr. Fisher thru rend thn tes
tlmony produced at tho court trlnl and
Judge A. W. Crltcs performed a similar
duty for Mr. Coffee.
Jnhiiinn Atfiilnst llndRrx.
Tho evidence In tho contest casn of
Johnson ngalnst Hodges was finished to
night, both sides waiving tho right to in
troduce tho ballots for a recoun. The utlor
ney for iho contestants offered to let the
caso be decided without argument but At
tornoy Oldham Insisted on mi argument,
which will be heard tomorrow afternoon.
Li Hung Ohang anil Prince Ohing Adrie
Signing tho Joint Note.
Altitun Kntprr" Dotvuaer iKiilitf-t Ae
cciitlnu (lie 'I'eriiiK I'rlnee !l
nml Clilng; Tell tin- n He
rnial Will lie Fntitl.
l'lIKIN. Jan. S. LI Hunc Chang Is
better. Ilolh ho and ITlnce Clung balked nt
signing the Joint note when they considered
tho question until the court was heard from,
ngnln. explaining thnt the emperor'r edict
directing them to put off signing prevented
them from using tho Imperial seal until per
mission shall have been received, which
permission they claim to expect liuurtv.
It I't known bore among the Chinese that
the extremo nntl-forcign element Is now in
power and thnt the court favorites now ad
vlso tho empress dowager. Of these the
best known 1110 LI Chttitn Llu. n
minister; (Icnciul .Ma and Tung Fuh Klntig.
Their views coincide perfectly with tho.-e of
Chnng ('lit Tung, who has threatened to
reLct It tho note, la signed.
LI Hung Chnng and 1'iince Chlng both
strongly urge tho signing of tho ngrcemeiit
nnd they bctlevo their counsels must pre
vail. They hnvo pointed out In the strongest
potslblo terms that the very existence of
China necersltatcB tho acceptance of tho I
terms of tho powers nnd that failure on the
part of China to sign may mean iho allies
will, as soon as the stato of tho weather
makes such a step feasible, send troops
over the country nnd Hint parts of tho
otnplro heretofore untouched will feel the
bcourge of war.
Tho Germans hnvo sent two companies of
Infantry to tho vicinity of the Ming tombs,
where trouble Is reported.
I'nvrl's Column Itediieei Strnnutiolil
lit Ho I'll. Where IliimU of
IteheU Wfri tiutheieil.
IIKULLV, Jnn. 9. The War olllco has re
ceived the following dispatch from Count
von Wuldcrseo:
"PKKIN, Jan. S. The fortress of IIo
I'u, which was i-tornicd on January :!, was
tho headquarters of newly organized bands
of lloxers. Over 1,000 had terrorized the
district and they wero planning to march
on Yen King and Chau ling."
Wiring from rekln tinder dato of January
C Count von Wnl.lcrseo pays:
'Colonel rnvel's column Is marching Io
Tsl Ngon Fu, on the Pel Ho, to co-opcrnlo
with Colonel Mndals' column from Yen
King, seventy-two kilometers northwest of
"Colonel 1'avcl, nfter extremely severe
mnrches over bypaths and through high
mountains, stormed the formication on
Jasnuary 3. Theie were defended by ten
guns nnd from GOO to l.tiOO men. Having
protected the mines, the column Is re
turning In extended order through Yen
AiiiluiMiiiilnr mid MluUlci-s IINciihh
Ileinotnl of liideiiinlt.v -uolln-llons
from I'eUiii.
WASIIINnTON, Jan. !. The leng.hy con
ferences hebj by Ambassador Choate with
Lord I.nnadouno, Ilritlsh minuter for for
eign affairs, nnd Ambassador White with
Uaron von Hlchthofrn, Herman minister for
foreign nrfairs. relate to the proposition
mado by tho L'nltcd States for tho removal
of the Eiibjcrts of Indemnity nnd commercial
treaties from I'ckln to Washington nr
some other foreign cnpltnl, for negotiation
before 1111 International commission.
It appears, however, that the Horlln in-
dcrs'ar.dlug thnt .Mr. White submlt cd n pro
posal for the uithtlrawul of troops from
China as eooii as the Chinese government
accepts all of the articles of the Joint note,
except those relating to Indemnity and com
mercial treaties, Is rather an Inference Irom
tho proposal, and not a part of the pro
posal Itself. The United Stn'es has from
tho outset Fought to avoid a prolonged oc
cupancy of China by tho foreign forces.
eriiiiuiM Dlsini'Iliicd m WHIiilmw
i'lieli' TroopN fi-nin tiilncxi
Ui:iH.IN, Jan. . It Is uiiilcrdood that
tho subject of the lengthy Interview which
Lulled Stales Ambaeador While had yesler-
dny with the reurctary of state for foreign 1
affairs, llaron von Itlchlhofcu, was In regard I
to the proposal of the United Stntcs that '
tho powers withdraw their troops from '
China as soon ns the Chlncso ijovii anient 1
accepts all the articles of the Joint nolo ,
except those relating to indemnity and emu- 1
mercinl treaties, thiso bolug left for settle- ,
ment nt a conference of the powers at .
Washington or elsewhere. No final decision
in tho matter has been announced, but iho
feeling in dlplnmatlc circles here seems to
be opposed to the United States prnpoiltlon.
Uxtremc cases of dis
ease test the real value
of a medicine, Many ' tonic" and
"stimulant" prerkiratioiis, which have
no real medicinal value, seem to brace
up the users when they are feclinjj
"played out." Any stimulant will do
this whether bought nt the liquor store
or drug store. The true test of a med
icine is when life itself is'stnkcd on its
remedial jwwer. In hundreds of such
cises Dr. l'ierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery lias been the mentis of having life
when even the "family doctor" had
pronounced sentence of death.
"I hnd been a great cuffcier for semnl yearn,
nud ruy family doctor tali I would not 0 h-
lug man in two years, but, th.iuL- Cod. 1 am dill
living," wrltci. Mr. C.eorue V TruMow, nf I ins.
romb, Augusta Co.. Va. "Ilr. Pierce's Cnldru
Medical Uifcoverv fo wliat anved my life. I bad
heart trouble an bud that I mnlil tint I!, nn .....
left side without a gieat ileal of pain. I wns
nearly post work when I commenced jour med
icine, but I can do about n much work now an
any man. I cannot say too much for the benefit
I have received.''
Many diseases, named for the orguus
affected, as "heart disease," "lung dis
ease," "liver complaint," etc., are per
fectly cured by Dr. Pierce's C.olden Med
ical Discovery, which cures through the
stomach diseases which originate in thu
ii & lip m
l. VV rV7i. .'I
when it pays to pay tor .style.
There arc occasions when
style is the hst point to tu
considered. Men. who at?
looking for this ciuuv.Cicrish'c
in clothing will bz interested
in this line of suits which wc
have marked at
N. n. coitvnit iritti ami doi ii,.s.
II plenie jou tell other -II wo don't tell ui.
Oilier open eon tlmn, only from K n,
in. to II p. tn. Siind.i) fiuiu s 11. in.
to p. tu.
(Dr. McGrew nt age 62.)
In Hip trciiliiu-iit of nil turina of Illy.
OXI. V. Ull yriira' vx iutIciici-. 1.1 vrm.
Ill tu 11 li 11 .
a I' tt.iti: JLAiiA.ii:::n
IX I.USS TIIAX Itl n.VY.S-vtltliniil out.
llim, 1111I11 or Iomn of ( I 'il,,.
ll ICKCST mid MOST .VATt lt. I, Cl,:i.:
Hint Iiiik el been tllxco vci'cil
YPHII K 1,1 u" stages and conditions
OIllllLIO cured and every trace ot the
disease Is thoroughly eliminated from tho
No "IiHICAICINO OUT" on tho skin or
fuco or nny external appcuinnecs of the
disease whatever. A treatment thut Is
more successful nnd fnr more satisfactory
thnn tho "Hot Springs" treatment and nt
ess than HALF Till: COST. A cum that
Is guaranteed to tie permanent for llfo.
IMFAtYNF? of young mid middle-aged
IIlHMILOO men, I.o.vs in- m.y.miooi).
Night Losses. Nervous Debility, Loss or
Hruln and Nerve I'ower. KorgotftilurfH,
UashfulncFS, Htrlcture Gonorrhoea, tjlcct.
l'r. M a r o w ' 11
trcjitnif nt fnr ilu.
enscs of the rectum bus cur-Mi where nil
others hnd failed. Flasure, Uliers, i'llcs
and all chronic diseases of tho rectum. Im
inndlatu icllef anti 11 porni.ineit c.iro Is
made without cutting or pain. The core It
quick and complete.
xm:s t ; u 1 1 .v ti : k i ) .
CoiiNiiltntlnii free, Trcntnient hy uinll.
Medicines cnt overywhe-ro fice trom g.izo
or breakage, ready for use.
Olllco bourn: 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays
D a. in. to S p in. l O. Uox 7CC. Olllcn
over 2U South Htb Bt.. botween Karnam '
and Uouslas Sts.. OMAHA. N KV
ltrinuvcs Tan, I'lnipln,
1 reskleH, ilotli Patclin,
Ilaiili and .Kla ills-
,viMic. and every
''.iblemlh on bemity.
(,( nd (Kfi'B ncleo-
tinn. it nas siomi
thn test or (1
ruis, und Is
liarmtess we tasle
It to t4 sure It
la properly irudf,
Arccpt 110 counter
frit or ilmlUr
nume. Dr. I.. A.
Eayre raid to a la
dy cf tue liaut-tOB
(a natlentll
"Ah you Indies will usn them. I recom
mend 'GOUKAUD'S CltKAM' as the least
harmful of nil tho Skin preparations." For
sale by all Druggists nnd Funcy Qoedi
Dealers In tho U. H. and Kurope.
FICItl). T. IIOI'KIXN, I'rop'r,
27 Great Jona tit., N. Y.
cures cvitv kind ni rough. In grlpnn. hronchltls.
ore thriat croup. whoopniK cnuili. ic. Ni'r
deranges tno stomach. AtDiuggists, 10 f. o
HOWKIJS M' 11111 nd 'slush.
I'.iln. ! it Mini
t.i.o vut all druK
V Slum- 'I'luit DcllulilM I'ncl.fil HnimfH.
frr Jonfght
"A Visit to Aunt Murthn
(JAUHNIOIl nnd VI ,c
mitr, 1 1 , ,1, , , 1 , ....
slHted by Mrs. Carl I'uiitznr , HSlS 1
T13NI.HY and HI.MONDS I.. .r.L!u.
Kxtra-Tho original moving nlelur.s of
thn Halvcstoii dlsaslor plojrrtnd by thn Klli
odromc I'rlccs never ihungliig Kven
Ings: Iteservcd scnts. Wc and Wc; guller),
10c. Matinees: Wednesday, any part i.f
house, '.'.'ic; children, l Do: gallery, 10c. Hamn
on Haturdny and Sunday excepting ti-w
front rows, W)e.
I.nst l'orformanco TONIOI1T.
Prices Ujc-Mc-75c-J1.00
Siiliiiilny IiiHiiim- nml Mulit,
Hvcnlng I'rlccs -I'Sc-Mc-'jc-JI.O). Alutlnea
I'rlcea- '.'Sc-Mit t-'cats now 011 sale.
.tlA'i'INHH KIDA V ll)n nnd "M.