4 1 SPECIAL NOTICES AflTertemnl for Ihne colomni will be InUrn until 12 m. for the evening edition and anlll BittO p. m. (or mornlna nod Bandar edition. nates, 1 J-2o a rrorrt flrt Insertion, Jo a rrord thereafter. Nothing tnken for le than 2no for the first Inser tion. Theif ndTertliemcnta aaoat be rnn consecutively AdvertUrra. br reqnaatlaa; a nam- bered check. an he aaarrera nil dressed to a numbered letter In enre of The Dec. AnaTrera as addrcaaed will be delivered m preaeataUoa t the eueek only, HIT! ATJONS AV ANTED. AVANTKD, position by experienced book keeper and stenographer. Address P 62, Bee. A-M172 If YOUNw mnn desires place to work for board while at tclulltitf nehool. liny ps- Colipge. Tel lost. A 11 n - WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED, wo have i.toady work for h few good bustlers or good nutms unci appear ance. U. 1'. Adams V-o., IWj nowiiru m. B 727 IIAUIIKH trade tnught thnroimhly In short time, ralaloKUo and particulars free. Addrpss Western llarbers1 Institute, Omaha, Neb. " 'ff. WANT Ml), uood man to do canvafslni; In the, country: hooU pay for rip,ni man. dress t: I, Hee. U-M1I lYANTIitl. -nirn tn lenrii karbcr trade: .pe- elal Inducements for thirty days on ac iniint ,.r iitu ilntnunil for our craduates durlnt? the spring rush:-prepare now; $0 monthly guaranteed nil who complete ilurliur March. Wo furnish free transpor tation to our college at ClllcnKO. Ht. Louis or .MinneapuliB on accouni oi Miiiii'rinr iui vniiiii,p..a un f-nii ,,rrr iher,.. l'tir catn- locuo and nnrtlculars address MoW Itarber CoHece lUnresenlatlve. ira l-iir- iihui street, Omaha. HMSi7 10 T1IH AMIMtlCAN HAItHUn COLLKOH OF OMAHA, , , Only eraft-recoRnlzcd or unlon-lndorspil barber school'; only eollego recognlied by the State llarbers' Hoard of Kxamlners. Mi.iul rnr frpn i-iitiilninin und termx. Il-Mlffi! V' WANTUD. rolliible nnil. eoiimetent sales men to sell complete lino of lubrlcnllnir oils, greases, paints, colors, varnishes, specialties, ote.; exclusively or as side line: liberal commission or salary; ex perlenco unnecessary; old rellahlo house. Ailiiress .Minainciurer, tominerriiii inn., Cleveland, O. m .misi in- BALKSMI2N for cigars; new plan, quick sales, good business, nig money. i,on sinners' Cigar Co., 631 S. 7lh St., St. Louis. IIOW TO OHTAIN. A COMPirriCNCY IN TUB BL'SINKSS OF LlFti INSUHANCE. Address Jno. I. D. Hrlotol, No. 1 MndlRon Avenue. New York City. NV.t THII I'HMAliH HIM. P. WANTl 1. 200 clrls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S70. C-733 M girls wanted. Cnnndlnn olllee, 1522 Douglas C 710 WANTED, young lady attendnnt 220 Hco Hldg. Call nt C-O90 A HHIOIIT young man or woman to tako shorthand scliolarsnip nnu pay ior 11 wncn ...... fun lu llltlullnil llllfl DOHltlnll SPCIiri'll. I lourso Is llnlshed und position securcu. Address v lt, J'ee. i oo. i-nMnHTKN'T clrt for uenernl housework: uood wages. 1131 S. 30lh ave. C M1C3 10 pou nn.vr houses. IF you want your houses well rented placo tnem Willi lieilliwu n. UHl ALAVAYS moving It. II. poods. Pianos, Ofllce, lull'.a Farnam St. Tel. 1539 or MX. U 712 IIOUBES for rent lu nil parts of thu city. urcnnan-i.ovo uo., u.v an. win hi. D-743 HOUSES, store. Homls, Pnxton block. D-741 SEE HENRY fl. PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFE. D 74S HOUSES, etc. I . D. AVW.il. 1521 Doug as. D-7ia HOUSES and flats, ningwalt, Harker nik. D-747 HOUSES wanted. AVallace Brown Hlk. D-7IS BARN. 2021 St. Mary's Ave. D-710 FOIt RENT, bakery In llrst-class condition; lnrsn Htnrn room, continuous oven. ,.to nlso S-rooni house, with barn for x horsed and large wagon shed; nil for $30.0) per monin. v. 11, jiussuii, i.u jiaingo nuig. D-l2 ir.1t SEWARD ST.. new live-room eottairo for rent; good barn nnd city water; rem, jis.wi. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., Ifillt and Douglas Sts. D-751 NEW 7-room brlrK, siricuy modern, east front. 27th nnd St. Mnry's ave., $35. Hentls, 1 .1X1(111 lliui-ll. U .11,11 2009 CALIPORNIA st furnished, centrnt; can ntteiiiuuim. 1 u izv 10 No. 1331 South 31st street, lust north of Hon. scorn park, 11 nice, comfortable, S-room modern house. AVIU be put In good re pair tor ngiii iniriy. in. j. ivennani Ron, 310 iirown diock. ij msi; VINE S-room house, modern. Inquire 1411 AMnton Ht. l-MSfi 10 TWO smnll live-room cottages In tho samo yard; city water lu kitchen; In good con- llllllllli n-lil, f.T 1"'. iii.'ii.ii, I'llitmil I.UUIl & Trust tn., join ami uouginH His. D-9t! Alili. n ... -..-." HitiiniT. ,.n.r.iil,ln 111 nvprv ri.minet! tnn ...LuiLiu' walk of centpr o'f city; rensonablo rout. omaliii Loan a xntst wo., mtrt and Doug. IRS HIS. I) Wo FOR RENT, 6-ronm house fronting Han scorn park. $15.00. Cnll 161S S. K!nd: 'Photic D-M1.3 10 FOR RENT Houso nnd ten ncres; Iirown Leghorn chickens nnd Jersey cow for sale. i ir atn.il,,.iU 'nl nn.'.l n...ni... ... Ill U,k'lll.a WV, WVJM ..... v.lllf.llu D-1D9-13 -ROOM house, nil modern. MO So. 2th. D-200 15 POUR-ROOM cottnge. S46 S. lSth St. D-19S-11 I'OII JIEXT PUIIXISlll'.I) ROOMS. BTEAM-hcated rooms at Tho Thurston. j u- DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam, FOR RENT, a nicely furnished front room, Knuth und east exiioaurc. within live blocks of postoftlco; bath and use of tclj. phone. Address F 4, Hee. E M665 HOUSEICEEPING rooms, tf up. 2623 Ht. Mnry's. E-&I701 J29 tlO N. 17TII ST., steam heated rooms. B-M118 F5' LARGE well heated front room within walking dlstnncej gas and bath. 2ffll liar- ney st. k mii S42 KOIITir P'D Htreet. tirlvnto family. j'- in ji- ; ; all modern . Aildress. F AVELL furnished front room; conveniences j prlvnto fumiiy M. Boo. PURMSIIEI) ROOMS AXU HOARD. tiL.ENCAIRN,translents,$l,2j nay. iw unug F 153 Tho Merrlam, good winter home, 2! tTOPIA, 1721 Dnvcnport St DESIRABLE room; llrst-clnss board iiiirni'y. THE PRATT, deslrablo rooms. llPUt. Hot water F-lSl MME AMES, 1615 Howard, 2d floor, room I; .nermai uains, r -.mui "uo'r'i.'i'uVcd, 'with bTnrvt'' rtRMSIIED ROOMS AMI HOARD. ELEGANT large steam-heated front room". witn Lonni. wa ( ajiitoi hvp. m im is MODERN furnished rooms anil board. M muff st . council Bluffs. F-Mioi 13 FOR RENT I NFt H.MSillil) ROOMS. I nut O-.v Harney st. 1125 12' i'oii rent stores ami offices. FOR HUNT. More In flrrt-clnss 1ocatll:i; rent reasonable. Apply P.. C. Peters fit To.. ground floor, Bee Bldg. I 200 FOR RENT, the building lormprly occupied 111 'Pirn 1 ... litf ... . (. .. .. j . . - ' tti i'lv I'timum piu'vi. it. nun four stories und a basement which 'ns formerly usod ns Tin. Hee tires room. This will bo rented very reasonably. If interested apply nt onto to C. C. Ilnaj- wuicr, secretary, room JW, Hee lHiuiiinx LARGE dotllilo rnnm In I'nntliipntjit hlnek: can no tnnue .nto very ilc!lrablc olllcc anil reception room for pliy.iiclan. Will ar range to suit. OMAHA I,OAN St TRUST CO., ICth it Douglas Sts. I 756 ItAM 10J Bo. 11th, cor DoiIrc Pt. l M1KI I' i Atii:.Ts VA.vn:i). AOKNTS. with llnyca" metallic rubber tires ior rorKinij cuairs you ran. tmiKc li'w per monin. j. i'. nuyes. 418 H. I.oeusi St., Des Moines, la. J-M1M 12' .sTiiit.r;i: PACIFIC Storace and Warehouse Co.. 312 Sill Jones, general storage mid forwnrdlriK. ,01 OM. Van Stor Co.. IMI',4 Fnrn. Tels. 1SM).S3. 7ns wa.xthij to nt'v. WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Havings bank accounts. lirpunnn- I.ove CO., bo. I3tn. is 719 ItOt'SKH to move. AVnlluce, Iirown Hlk. :",,".'C"".7M"T, K 7W WANTKD to liny. $1,001 nt Omaha Savings baiiK account!! tor casu. Address A 10, Hco olllcc. N-M5IS IIinillCST prices paid for furniture nnd biovcs. j. i.evine, mi i. loin. uei. 771. S 373 2ND-IIAND brick. 1203 Fnrnnm st. N-M17I 12 on sAi.i-rTitxiTt'itn CIllUAtiO Kl'H.MIUUW WU H1U KO. Tel. 2020. New .t 2dlinnd furnlturo bought. sold, exchanged. 0-78J i'oii sai.k lioitsns, vi:uici.i:s, inc. A'KIIICLKS. llnest In cltv: renalr work the beat; try us. it. i-roat, ntn & l.eavenw'th P-701 ONK heavy draft horse, C years old. In- quiro J no l arnam. v iii 12 'Olt SAI.i: 3IIKCUI,I,AM0OLS, 1IAHD and soft foundation piling; hog tences nnu criuoing. vn uougins. tj-7C2 2D1IAND safe cheap Derlght, 1110 Farnam. q Tiil SAFES; buy. sell ex'go. Schwartz, 111 So. 13, W 7tl HERTFORD & CO.. lfith & llworthT" FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING. Q-377 TIMOTHY hay nnd all kinds feed nnd ennl Monroe Ai Co. o Atllii I I HAVE a sure permanent cure for warts; no pain or scat ; send $1 and n 2-cent Hinmp ior meuicine ami run directions. uco. iviicera, wesiern. -scb. Q-M 137-21 2DHAND boiler and engine, nbout 20 H-P., ior sine cneap at umana are anil iron worus, uio ho. inn St., omnha. Q 595 FOIt SALE, new nnd secondhand soda louniains; mommy payments, s 11. rich- monu, iui ho. sun hi. w .MW2 fi FOR SALE, u lino JS3.00 Inttiortpil nui.li iiiiiiern, as goon as new, oniy useu n snort tlmo; sultalile for lectures, churches or lodge entertainments; for sale cheap. Ad- uress e ti, uco otnee. Q 179 FOR SALE, good Remington bicycle for i.i, uxyguiiur uihi eiecino untiery. new, 111 uuien uiiu uu neeit in .u r). iJIU nt. Q-178 D FURNITURE and business for sale. Cheap it iiiki'ii 111 unee. vin -ipaving 1110 city. .inn. u- ua w, ui iMii uacn uiock. Q-191-13" CliAlllVOVA.AT.S. MRS. FRI'lV,, medium. 819 North 16th. S 763 MME.GLYMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge. S 7G8 EI.ECTltlC THEATJIE.NT. MAHEL GRAY, 317V4 Nr. 15th St.. Flat E T M3G7-J17 MISS MAE LESLIE, 619 S. 16th. 2d floor. T-M100 12 ELITE parlors. 610 South 16th, second floor. T w F-s l'KltSO.V I DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns & superfluous nair reiimvcu uy fii'iiriciiy. 11, 12. Fren- zor iu. U 767 TURKISH baths, mnssago baths, electric baths, for ladles only: ski ed ivnmo,, massage operators; llnest equipped baths in mo eiiy. jiuiiBirum tiain t-'otnpany. JIUlillin -w " 4iuia. U , t LIEHEN. theatrical, masquerndo costumer 101S Farnam. U 763 tnilVATE homo before and durlnc ennnnr.. tnent; nauics uugptcu. jirs. jsurget. 2620 Iltiriieitc. u 770 u'lnowER having no use for n nnru- now uptigui iiiano wiii eii eneap; casli or time, rtuurun, r 11, ioe uuic.e. U-.M92I-F-5 FRENCH necordlon pleating; Ivory rim but- tonH; milj orders. Omaha Pleating Co.. 15..t Douglas. U-773 rnsTL'MKD for rent. Cim-k I 1,1,1 Rl 2318 S. 20th. Mrs. a U M-.'U BABIES nnd children cared for. K13 N. 23d. u .Aiaiu .r.o" SUPPIiIES for nil machines; machines for rent, wnue Hewing .Aiucniue, juai unug- MB, Tel. 2331. u pniA'ATR bosnltnl for ladles beforo nnd during eonunement; uauies nuopieu. -fu Grunt Ht. u in SICATES sharpened, 15o. Louis Flescher, 1622 I. IIIUIUI ,IV u .iliiia MR. ANlifcKfsON. call for letter from your home, which eucic ino .a. r ioreuce. U M201 10 MO.XEV ii) I.OAX-REAI. KSTATll. PRlA'A'iYl moiipy, 6, BU, C per cent; no dP lay. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnnm. W nl LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lowa rarms at ft per cent, oorrowers can ntiv inn ir imv iTnililiilo: any interest date: no delay. Hrennau-Lovo Co.. 3d) So. 13th St.. Omaha. Nub. AV-i5 MONEY tn loan on Improved Omaha teal estate Brennan-Lovo Co., 309 Ho. 13th. ' Tf-T.l ..,, N.OOn and upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. AV. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam. AV-77S PRIA'ATi-j money. P. D. AVead. 152t Douglas. AV 777 . WANTED, cltv lonns. bonds nnd warrants. ueorgu &. uonipany, wn rarnam A 77 J PRIA'ATE money to loan. 939 N, Y. Life. J. II. Sherwood, Y IN, MONEY to loan at B anil B4 ner cent on umaim prupr,.,. ' w''2" FIVE per cent money. Bc,nlS, Paxton.bl.ock. 5& Dodae AVANTED. city nnd farm loans; nlso ' bonds nAuCJAjNB j.N- IMPROVED PROPERTY l arnam Ht., Bae Bldg. $7u0-Oood cottaso and lot, Monmouth park .IZl- movrv to loan n farm and city nroperty. !!.nH!.,1ls..',.V.'". M . 25S. "liwcst rates, a K Davis Co.. ifc Par nam . .oruer. ..iis . . .... vboj " ' ' $l.2il 8-r. house .2 lots. 33.li! Lar more, THE OMAHA DALLY )E. TIILMISDAV, JAXrAHV 10, inOI. MUM:!' TO LOAN lit; l, liS'l'A'l'H, ILfiffl TO LOAN on rem rotate; cnll nt one?. m. J. Kennnrd Si Son. 310-311 Iirown uiock. PIVB and one-half pr rent lonnn. AV If. i iiuin.'iH, I' irei .Nnnonni uanic minimis. Tel. 1615. w MS4 f. AND fi'j per cent loan. V, It. ThonvH. First Nat Hank building Tel. lis .nee. MONEY TO 1,11 W-CIIATTHI.S. Mnvi'.v TnnAY. 7oans made In amount!! from 110 to 1V on liotipotiolil furnl uro, pianox, norscn, cui ilnitey, etc., without renu.Mil or on your R.A.1..A.1I.V wlllinllt alMirltV All or II part of the money may lie paid back t'.Je nrsi monin, or no pari oi u nreu ii back for several montht Kacli paymu'it made reduce the tout uccordingiV. , IjUI ployern and nplKhbors know nbsoluicly nothing of our buslncsi rrlatlonH. I'copH who need money siro Invited to call ami et my terms and compare thnm witn wnnt others oUor. L,oans oi oinor cuiu punles may be transform! to mo. No chargo for papers. All business smelly eonlldentlal. tjulck Borvlco and lowest late uuaruutced. J. W. TAYI.OI2. 21S I'lrst. Nat. Hank bld , sout best corner I3in enu i aniain ats. -ici. w. . DO YOF Nt:i2D MONHY". We loan $10.00 and up on furniture, pianos, horses and other chattels. SALAIIY LOANS Without mortgage, to people holding permanent positions. You can get tho money In a rew hours aftrr making ap plication, and tako 1, 2, 3. t. 5. C month or more In which to tiny It back, and ou need not pay for it one day longer than you keep It. Wo churgo "othlMB for papers nnd we give you tile full amount In cash. There are no lower ratPS than ours, our terms are the easiest, our business Is contldentlal and our motto Is "try to please. Omaha Mortgage Loan C o.. 110 Hoard of Trade 1110k. Tel., 22ti5. (Kstabllshed l$2), 300 So. 16th m. MONHY money I.OANCD SALARIED l'lurur,. No ivdonipr of mortgngc required. I.OWKHT ItATKS, F.ASY PAYM1JNTH anu STHICTI.Y n).M' ll' ' iiMiii i piirniT in . Hoom G20, Fifth Floor, New York Life Hldg. MONUY to Loan on Furniture, rlnnns. Diamonds, etc., on easy payment, j"" keen security. No charge for papers. Np questions asked your neighbors. Tel. 10.fl. lHSKUlSHB l.UA.N C.U., Join l uiiiuiii u-l ' I MONUY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew dry, horses, cows, etc. C. P. Heed, 319 fl. 13. MONRY loaned on p'nno'j. furntture, horses, cows, jewelry, uuir ureeu, no, ui n LOANS on furniture, plnnne. dlamnitiH. lewelry nnd salaries: cneap raiijj. J";V Ti J LOAN CO., H. 21, Frpnzer Blk.. loth nnd Dodge, opp. old 1'. O. Open evenings. X Mlib Jl- CIIATTF.L and salary loans. Joe II. Pleas. ants, 5t uaritcr oiock. .-v .mi.h .h.i tnvtav Inn nr, I nnlnrled tiennle holdlliK ner- manrnt position wiin rcsponsiuiu ranrani upon their own names without security: easv payments. Tolman, Hoom 110, Uoard of Trade Hldg.. llith and Farnam Sts. . X i3l .' ." AT CHKAPF.ST ItATKS IN CITY. AN OPPOHTUN1TY to take advnntaco of. Wo innkn no smriung. hcoomuoiiiu mi Jinuncemonts of rate "cut In two. AVe don't do business that wny; neither does nnyhodv else' OI'U HKDUCKD RATES A HE TttE LOWF.ST. A'ou can borrow on vour personal Note, without Mortgage, Indorser. or Publicity. Our Special Pay v.,.,, ninn nnmrlnnM tlipnt all and soon gets you out of debt. Very quiet olllcc, easily found. Come ntul see us, AM1MIII AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room G01, lieu uiug. X-MS20 SAT.AIIV T.OANS. If you are employed by n responsible Arm '. 1 , , n. u fmm B10 tn ilOD nil I1 will 11,11 jv,u o,ti .., , your nolo at much cheaper and easier rates than elsewhere. Of this wo nro positive. Absolutely no charges for papers. Nothing dedupted from amount desired. Easiest partial payments. Rellnble Credit Co.. room 3C3 Paxton blk. X M8.l UUSIXUSS C1IAXCKS. $150 CASH or easy payments buys 23 strictly lawilil (lUCKei) sioi macmnes ior tirillKS. cigars or cash; will earn $2 nnd upward weekly each. Earl, Clark & Co.. Furnl turo Manufacturers, Chicago, III. Y-S13 WANTED, good man to do canvnsslng In tho country; goon pay ior ngnt man. Ad dress E 4, Hee. Y-M190" A SNAP Olileit established and best pay ing tea anu conco store 111 uenver; own ers retiring from business. It. Cummlng, 1027 15th St., Denver, Colo. Y MSSC 10' WANTED A good business mnn to tako up wliero wo icavo 011. tatt anu see Stuller, tho Confectioner. 2S0.J Leaven worth St. Y-15S-13 FOR SALE, 1 W.0OO stock of shoes cheap Tor casli. v.. 1. .oyes, Missouri vniiey, la. Y MIS0 IS I'OII KXCIlAXdll. $4,200 INVOICED stock dry goods, furnish- lIlgH, III I'Al'iiailHU lui , lllll required to clear indebtedness; parties will accept balance desirable property. Address L. .1. Wilde, trustee, 743 Wabasha street, St. Paul, Minn. , MlHi 18 f n,ul rAII. Ii.llnnpn ilpxIrnll'A tirnnnrli. nuys .',iwii iiivuiui-u miii'n, iiiiiitiHi new; general country merchandise without fix tures, consisting dry goods, furnishings, domestics, notions, clothing; well selected: bought rlsht; parties Involved; make ptoposltlon nrst leiier, sunjeet your ex umlnntlon of stock. Address L. J. Wilde, trustee, 743 Wabasha street, St. Paul, Minn. .11101 13- FOR SAI.K REAL KSTATE. DESIRAHLE east front Int. residence or biisiUPSb', 3d bloclc so. depot on 10th. Mil vinion. uvi .isiw RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union l'nclilo itaiiroaci company, it. a MeAllnster land commissioner, Union Paclllc Headquarters, umana, Neb. RE-SI PROPERTY bought nnd sold; money loined; rtnts collected. L. L. Johnson Co.. 311 So. 16th St. RE-102 C. F. HARRISON. HARQA1NS. 013 N. Y. L, RE-122-J9 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire Insurance. Hemls, Paxton blk. RE 814 CHAS. E. AVILLIAMSON, 120,1 Fnrnnm St. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. j 1 IS l'Jl CHEAPEST lot In city of Omaha; 62V4-foot en si iront in .veinon s nouiimn. at. j Kcnnard & Son, 310 Hrown block. RE-MS93 FOR SALE nr rnn. n l,rlilf. two.storv liulldlug 40x77, with steam plant; also cold storage building 30x10, all lu good condi tion, corner Ilimtnti Rlreet nnil Hrondway. Council Bluffs. Well situated for commis sion or manufacturing business. Apply to N. I'. Dodgo fie Co., Council Hluffs. RE-MSOS 11 60. 60. 60. Improved farms within 50 miles of Omaha. 40 acres to any size. Jacob Vnnpelt, 609 Beo building. RE-176 11 POIt SALE-An entlro block with largo trees. In BEMIS PARK, right In town; I "ll Inld ..r.... .... uf.l.. ,r.n,l,.,r mini rt '1111, . " i V " ...... r...... v.to. ui. ...... Ht. nnu soiitli on Larayulte iivenuu und west on 33th Ht. On grade, beautiful location. Prices rnngo from $175 to $nu. Terms, $125 cash; baluuco to suit. We nro going to soil them. A. P. TUKEY, Bonrd of Triulc IIE-1M- EIOHT-ROOM. city water, bath, furnaco, full lot. West Furnam illstnct, 1W) casli. $1,500. Geo. M. Cooper. Attorney, 407 Hee Building. RE-196-lt $2.fV 1(109 S. 31st. good collage. $2,5003.1x112, 0-r. I'ottnge, modern, bum, near Ulgli scnooi, paving pain. ":-.do'L', ' IbV.sVho tie . s reel"' $3.7W S AV. cor. 2ltll and Davenport, 2 GOItGE U. WALLACE, 013 Brovvn lluk, roit m i,i:-tti;.i i:stti tlAIUJAtNf IN VACANT IMlOPK.vrY. $W Choice residence lot, IJ'inilee. J.Tio-IlPtter Dundee lot. rcas and water J.TIO Tine lot. Spiiuldlt-.a St.. pavptnent paid JHi Cheap iiirner. rialnvlpw. $.Vi feel. Cnpltol ave.. N. 27th. $760 Pltin residence lots, '.i)th and Miami. tt feet. Dodge, N. 2Gtll. pavliiR paid H.0 Lot on I'ark ave., frontlnm park $l.(mo; feet, n blocks west I Huh school. QKOHOi: O. WALLACH, 313 Iirown lllock lt!-:-MJo:l 12 MCIIICAI.. LiADIKH out of health find prompt relief. Uox Omaha, Neb. Contldentlal. -7M Operations for uterine troubles unneces sary. Addrcsa SIS Uee Illds., Omaha, Net). --M.'Ol DU. LE Dl'E'S Female Regulator, posi tively warranted to cure the most stub born cases of monthly stoppages, lrregil larltlps, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whatever cause, $. a packago or 3 for $5; sent anywhere pre paid on receipt of price. Th" Kldd Drug Co., Elgin. III. American Olllee, rotitll wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, M. A. Dillon. South Omaha. Davis Drug Co.. Council Hluffs. Pull line of rubber goods. LADIES! Chichester's Engltsb ronnyroynl Pills are tho best; safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chcmlcnl Co., 1'hllndflpiila, Pa. LOST. LOST, Tueiday morning. Indies' n'llgntor skin purse, between llbston store and Omnha llee; had some change, souvenir coins, owner's cords, etc; purse val.ted as Chrlrtmns gift. Kindly return to Miss Hungnte, Uco office, nnd receive reward, Lost -420 L08T-Sable Scotch Colllo (femnloV Re ward oltcred; return to 2T.CD Harney St. Lost-lflO hllOH'i'lIAMI AM) TYIMJWHITI.Mi. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Lite -801 HOYLES' College, court reporter, prlnclpnl. Iku Hldg. -S02 NEH. Huslness & Shorthand collego Uoyd's Theater. -S03 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 18 fr. Doug. S04 OSTKOPATIIY, JOHNSON Instltutu. MSN. Y. L. Hldg. Tel. 1CG4; Alice Johnson, D. O.. ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Ostcopnthlst, Msr. -soo M. K. DONOIIITE. D. O., of Still school, Klrksvlllo, Mo., C01 Paxton Hlk. Tel. 1307. S07 I'Vinvrx. INVENTORS, GOT AN IDEA? AVe hatullo patents, copyrights and trade marks; you glvo us tho bare Idea nnd we will do the rest; modern equipped machine shop und rounury 111 connection; uuieiui ,azuiio uu file : guide book free. Mason, Fenwlck & Lawrence, patent lawyers. 1106 Howard st.; tel. 1149, Omaha. J. P. Cronln, repr, -M170 DHESSMAKIXn. MRS. JEFFRIES KEMP, 401 Paxton Blk, Teiepnono zuo. .m MI-J27 ACCOM IMO.V PI.EATIXC. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick- est. .Airs, a, u. .mu IK, a. vi. uor. iitn anu I''arnam. 523 HlimS AMI TAXinilttJIV. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenworth. -797 TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II. Phil S09 bin, iMo t' lirnnm. Telcplinnc 7SI. STAJIMERIM! AX1I STUTTEIUXO. CURED. Julia A'aughn, 430 Rnmgo Bldg. S12 MCKHIi PLATIXO. OMAHA PLATING CO., Beo Bldg. Tel. 253,i. MG1S LAUXIIRV. OMAHA Stpam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, c; cures, ic. nwj L,eavenworin. Tel. ni7. 73S Pt'R.MTI RE REPAIRIXG. TEL. 1331. M. 8. AVnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. xox Rt'IlllER STAMPS. BADGES, medals. Om. Pl't. Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 253.'i M U17 l'AWMIHOKEHS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce. rellnbln mnmmmi. . Ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. Ml CARPEXTERS AM) .IOIIIIERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th nnd Lake Sts. 370 FOR EXCIIAMJI TO EXCHANGE, Chnso county land for a small stock of general merchandise. Hox 264, Imperial, Neb. 'A MSS9 10 PORTO Popular Tours RICO Feb. 1 und 10, March 2 HIiMtrated program : 24 days, all expenses, $108 Raymond 4 Whltcomb, 103 Adams St., Chicago RAILWAY TIME TABLES. UNION PACIFIC-THE OVER land :iouti!"-Gi)iieiaI Ollloes, N. E, Cor. Ninth und Farnam Hlrects. City Ticket Olllee, 1321 l'lirrmm Street. Telephone, 316 Depot, Tenth und Murcy Sts Telephone, 629. l.enve. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited.. a t:20 am n 7:30 nm The Chlengo-Fortlatld ' Special a R:20 am a 7:30 nm Tho Fast Mull a 8:50 am u 3:25 pm Tho Mnll and Express. .ull:35 pm u 1:25 nm Lincoln, Beatrice and ' Stromsburg Express..!) 4:ft" pm bl2:30 nm Tho Paclllo Express.... a 4:23 pm 1 The Atlantic Express.., n g.jn nm Gtund Island Local.... b C:30 pm b 9':33 am a Dally, b Dully except Sunduy. WABASH RAILROAD- ncKet umce. 1413 Farnam ItllJliiXV pot. Tenth und Marcy Hta. JilPCi, Telephone, 629. Lcuvo. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 5:05 pm a 3:20 am a CHICAGO. ROCK 1SL- and & Pacllto Rullroud "Tno ureal Rock Is - nnd Route" City i ickci umco. is.m i-ar. nam Htreet. Telcnhone 428. Depot. Tenth nnd iuarcy his. Tclo Phone. 629. Leave. Arrive. EAST. Den Moines and Daven port Local a 7'23 nm bll nm Chicago Express bll:l5 nm a 8:10 nm ucs .Monies i.ocai a ay pm n 4:43 pm Chicago Fast Express.. n 5:W) pm a 1:25 pm Des Moines. Rock 1st- and und Chicago a 7:10 pm a 9:33 pm .1 i'.o & , Lincoln, Colorni'o Hpgs.. Denver. I'ueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado,. Oklahoma St Texas Flyer a 5:20 pm a 9:50 am n uuuy u uauy except tsunuuy. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- road-General Olllces nnd Ticket Olllces, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Kts, Telephone, 104. Depot, l nion Diaiiuii, Leave, Arrive, St I.oiiIh nnd iCnnsus City Expn ss al0:00 am n 6:25 pm K. C, Ht. L. Express.. .alOiSO pm it 6:13 urn Leave from 15' n and Webster Streets: Nehraska I .oral. A'ln AVeeping Water . b 4 10 pm nlO.IJ nm a uuiiy. u uauy except sunuay. it ii.w ti.m ii 'rni,iis. Ht'HLlNOTON & Mis souri River Railroad ' The llurllngton Route" Oen-ral Olllces. North urrt Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Ollleu 1.V12 Farnam Street. 'nupiioi i. llurllngton Stntlon, Tenth and svii Streets. Telephone, 12S. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and Mi Cock a S:I0 am a 7:35 pm I.ir oln, Denver. Colo rado. I tali. California. a t:2S pm n 3:00 pm Lincoln ,i Illnek Hills. .11 D:00 pm u 6:45 am Montana. Puget Sjund..a 9:00 put n :45 nm Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm n 3:17 am Wyitmre. Uoatrlco and Lincoln :. 11 8:40 am blliwam Dener, Colorado. Utah nnd California n 6:45 am Smith Hc-iil, Lo.tlsvlllo. Plnttstnmith b 3:33 pm bll'.OS am Ft Crook Plattsmonth and Pacific ltinctlon..a 7:00 pm n S:20 am Uelleviie l'lattmouth und Pacll. Junction. .nl2:10 nm n D.1II1 b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON St Qtilncy Railroad "The Burlington Route' Ticket Olllee 1502 Farnnm Street. Telephone. 250. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone, 12S. Leave. Arrive. DaIIJit Chicago Spp cfal . a 7:00 nm olo:2.i pm Chirapo AVstiiiuied Ex.. 11 P " Chicago Local Exprcss.a 9:30 am 11 4 o pm ,i r TijO nm n iM.i nm v ini.ihV ........ - 0.1- Fast Mall a Daily KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "Tho Burling ton Route" Ticket Otllce. 1502 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 250. Depot, Tenth und Mason Streets. Tele phone, 128. 1.1'live. jinivr. Knnsns City Day Ex. .n 9:20 nm n 6:23 pm Kansns City Night Ex. al0:30 pm u 0:15 am St. Loula Flyer for St Joseph nnd St Louis. .a 5.10 pm all:15 am 11 Dully FREMONT, ELKHORN St Missouri A'ulley Rallroid "Tho Northwestern Line" General Offices. United Htateii Natl3n.il Hank Hldg.. S. AV. Comer Twelfth nnd Fnrnnm Sts. Ticket Olllee. 1401 Farnam St. Tel. Ml. Do pot, 15th and Webster Sts. Tel. 1158. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Dendwood Hot Springs 11 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, A'ork, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk. A'erdlgro und Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:23 nm Lincoln, AVnhoo und Fremont b 7:30 am blO;J?3 nil Fremont Local c 7:30 am n Dally b Dally except Sunday, e Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, o Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Line" -City Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Purnnm Ht. Telephone. Ml. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone 029. 1 lcave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am all:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:13 pm ua:40um Eastern Express, Des Moines, Marfchnlltown. Cedar Rapids und Chicago al0:55 am n 4:03 pm Eastern Special, Chi cago and East n 4:53 pm a 4:05 pm Fast 'Mall, Chicago to Omaha a 2:4." pm Omaha-Chicago Llmlt'd.n 7:43 pm n S:0 pm Past Mall 11 8:30 am Cedar Rapids Passenger a 5:30 pm Eastern Express b 9:00 pm n Dally. 0 Dally except Saturday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad - "Tho North western Lino" General Olllces, United Stntes National Bank Building-, S. AV. Corner Twelfth nnd Farnam Sts. Ticket Ofllce. 1101 Farnam St. Telephone 561. Dn pot, Tenth nnd Marcy Sts. Telcphono C29. Leave Arrive. Twin City Express a (1:55 nm nl0:23 pm Twin City Limited a 7:35 pm a 8:15 am Sioux City Local a S;00 am a 3:50 pm a Dally. CHICAGO. ST PAUL., Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Lino" acnernl Olllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and AVehstcr Sts. City Ticket Olllee. 1401 Fnrnnm St. Telcphono. 501. Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... a 6:00 am n 9:10 nm Omnha Passenger ull:10 am Sioux city t isortn- cast Nebraska a 3:43 pm a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Of fice. 140 Farnnm Street Telephone, 213. Depot, Tenia anu Marcy Streets. Lenve. Arrive. Chicago Express ., Chicago Limited . Minneapolis and Paul Express ... Minneapolis and ...a i:uu um a i:uu pm ...a 7:13 pm u 8:05 cm ...b 7:00 am b 9:4a pm ni. ...a 7:1." nm a 8:03 am I'aui i imueu t.'nrt Dodiro Local from Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm b 8:15 nm Fort Doiign i.ocai irom y, ... 1. -.- . V.UUI11U i.iunn , I.-,. i uill a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA St ST. LOUIS RAH road -Omaha, Kansas City HI i .v I'.amern iianroati "inu quiney Route'- Ticket Of lice. 1415 Farnnm St. Tele phone, 322. Depot, Tenth und Mnrcy Streets. Telephone, IWi Lcnvo. Arrlvo. st T.ouLs Cannon Hall Express u 5:15 pm a 8:20 am Kansas City and Gulncy I.ocai i.w.iii, u. v.winH a Dally. CHICAGO, MILAVAUKEE St St Paul Railway-City Ticket Oillce, 1501 Puriiain Streot. Telephone, 2SI. Depot, T'-ntli und Mason (MiLWAum, ''St.paUI' , streets, 'ieiepnono, 623, Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . ..a 6:00 pm n 8:03 nm Chicago S: Omnha Ex .b 7:15 um b 3:10 pm a uauy. u uuny except rsuuuny. nan NtlVYORW i irrril rinnniir dtmdr wrrmv ' EHI'MOSTHLY UU WttlU.V 1 Fine ships in cotmecTKJs wrm tPtlNWD MRVICt THtMOBIlXAOMIORJt. ALONG THU NORTH SUOfU SeV- .',AJANZAS CAKDENAS. SA0UA, CAI BARIEN, NUeVIIAS, (1IBARA. (id BARACOA, tU ctktr rorti. MUXSON STUAMSHIP I INK.J7 WlllUmJll New A'ork City. RAYMOND & AVIIITCOMB, 5 Union Hqunre, New A'ork. For TIcketH. Htcteroom Reservation and General Information of tho MO BILE SERVICE, apply to Ticket Agent Mobile & Ohio It. R. and South ern Ry. I.En A L NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Kntlre Is hereby clven that tbp nnnnnl meeetlng of the stockholders of The Hco Building company will ha held at 4 o'clock p. m , Tuesday, January 15, 1901. at tho nfllco of said company In Tho Beo building, Omaha, for tho election of a board of di rectors for thu ensuing year nnd tho trans nrilnn of such other business ns may nron- erly come beforo such meeting. By order of tho president. C. C. ROSEWATER, Dcc:Cd23t POSTOPPICI1 NOTICE. Should ho rend DAILY by nil Interested, as changes may oci-ur in any nine l.'nrt- un malls for tho week clidinc Jnnu itry 12, 19J1. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at tho General Poitulllro as follows: PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing time shown bo!ow. Parcels Post Mails for Germany closo it u p. m. January 9th per s. s. Prlnz Regent Luttpnld. Regular nnd Supplementary malls close nt Foreign Brunch half hour later than closing timo hiiowii ueiow. TrllllH-AGlllltle Mulls. T11URSDAA" At 7 n. m. for FRANCE SWIT.ERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORT. .... . .,...., r . ..-r. .,,.,, ni.i.,,., I'UAI,, l l llivr.i. i-,u i r i , 1 1 n j'.r.i; BRITISH INDIA nid LOREN'.O MAR tjt'ESS, per s. h. La Hretagne. via llavrr (mall for other parts of Europe mast )- directed "per H. H La Hri l.ignc SAT I RD v At 6 30 n. in for hURonis, per s s Servia. via Q'ie( n-tnwn at h tir in. for NEniEHLANDS dlrctt, per b, s. 0m Unv ait' I'OSTOI'I'ICi: MITICE. Potsdnm (mall must be directed ' iK-r 1 s. Potsdam" . at N a. 111. for ITALY, per s. s. K M. Thereslit. Mil Naples (mall must be directed "per t. . K. M. Theresla"); nt 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per. s. s. Furnessla (mall must be directed "per s s Furuessla"). PRINTED MATTER, ETCTlils steamer takes Printed .Matter. Commercial nnd Samples for Germany only. The same clm of mall matter for other putts of Europe will not be wilt by this ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary Trnns-Atlnntle .Mulls named abnv- addi tional supplementary malls aro opened m the piers of the American, English, l rench ami German steamers and remain jipeii until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mulls fur So ii Ii nnil IVnlrnI nierliMi, Writ Indies, Etc. THURSDAY At II 11. in. for PERNAM RfCO anil SANTOS, per s. s. Syrneusa; at 12 m. Tor BRAZIL, per s. s. Cyprian Prince. 1 la Rio Janeiro und Santos (mall for North rn Brazil. Argentine Republic. I ruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per s. s. Cyprian I'rlnce"); at I2::n p. tn (supplementary 1 p. m 1 for BERMUDA, ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX, LEEWARD mid WINDWARD ISLANDS and DE MEHARA, per s. . Cnrlbbee FRIDAY At 1'. in for (1UANTANAMO nnd SANTIAGO, p-r s. s. Oln fucgos: at 12 m. for MEXICO, per . Stupcu, via Tam plco (mall must be directed "pir s. Seneen". S AT U It DA A" A t ! n. tn. (suppli tncntary !:3o n. ui. 1 for PORTO RICO M.i mh Juani. VENEZUELA nnd CURACAO, per s. s. Philadelphia, unall for Savanlll.i und Curthagena must bo directed "per . Philadelphia ): at H a. in. for ARGi.N- T1NI1 REPUBLIC, URUGUAY nnd. PARAOl At . per s. s. Ariblstan, at 1 m. (suppleinentarv tf.io n. m.1 for FOR TUNE island. Jamaica, havanilla nnd CARTHAOENA. per s. s Atho (mall for Costa Rica must be dlreeted "per s. s. Athos"): at 10 n. in. (supplementary 10:".0 n. m.) for HAITI, per s. s. Andes; nt to ii. nt. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico via Havana: at 10:30 n. m. for YUCATAN,' per s. s. Mercalor. via Progreso; at 12 W p. m. for MATVN'.AS. CAIBARIEN, NEU A'lTAS. HARACOA nnd GIHAItA. per s. s Curltyba (ordinary mall only which must bo directed "per s s. Ci rltvb.t ": nt 11 tt. m. for NASSAU, per steamer irum .Miaou, l'in. Mrtlli for Newfoundland, by rnll to North riyuney, nnu tnence by sti-nmer, close nt this olllco dally nt 6:30 p. m. (connecting close here every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday'). Malls for Mlquelon, by mil to Boston, nnd thence by steamer, close nt tills olllco dally nt 6:30 p. in. Malls for Culm, by rail to Port Tampa, Phi., nnd thenco by slpamer. close at this olllco dally at (I a m. (the connecting closes nro on Sunday. AA'ednesdny and Friday). Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by stenmer. close at this olllee dally at 1:30 p. m. nnd II p. in. Malls for Costa Rica, Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to New Oilcans, nnd thenco by steamer, close nt this ofllce dally at 1,,'M p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays for Belize, Puerto CorteK und Guatemnla and Tuesdays for Costn Rica). Registered mall closed nl C p. m. previous day. Triiim-I'iiclf.e Mull. Malls for Australia fexrept AVest Australia which goes via ciurope, anu jnow y.eiuaiii!, which goes via San Ur.mclsco). nnd Fiji Islands, via. A'ancouver, close hero dally at 0:30 p. m. up to January 5th. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Warrlmoo (supple mentary malls, via Seattle, closo at 0:30 ii. in. January litlO. Malls for Hawaii, Japan. China nnd Philip pine isianus, via nan rraurisco, cioso hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January 11th, Inclusive, for dispatch per h. s. Gnidle. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, closo here dally at 6:30 p. in. up to January 11th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Xealandln. Mnlls for Chlnn, Japan nnd Philippine Islands, via Tncnma, close Here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January 16th, IncluilV", for dlsniit.-'n ner s. Olymntn. Malls for Hawaii. Chlnn, Japan and Philip pine islands, via san r rnncisco, cioso nero dally nt 6:30 p. in. up to .Tnnuary lOt'.i, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Hong Konir Mam. Malls for Australia (except AVest Australia. Now z.eniHnu. iiawni . mu nnu Miimoan Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. Jnnunry 6th nnd up to January 19th. Inclusive, or on day of arrival or s. s. i ampanin, duo at now York January 19th, for dispatch per s. ". H.innmn. Mulls for China nnd Jnnan. via A'ancouver. closo nero unuy at u:ju p. m. up io Janu ary 22, inclusive, for uispntcn per s. s. Empress of Japan (registered mnll must bo directed "via Vancouver ). Trans-Pacific mnlls are forwarded to port of sailing uauy nnu tno scneuuio ot closing Is arranged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland trnnsit. "Regis tered mall closes nt 6 p. m previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. MAJOR DALY'S REPLY TO ALGER Miles' Chief Surg;eoi Snys Former Secretin')-' Recent I.eller Wu Another Misrepresentation, PITTSUURO, P.1., Jan. 9. Major AV. J. Daly, chief surgeon on General Miles' staff during tho Spanish wur, has Just returned to his homo In this city from it hunting trip with General Miles. Concerning px Secretary of War Alger's recently pub llshed magazine nrtlclo Dr. Daly said: 'It seems to bo a hodgo podgo of Inac curucles ns to facts and tho testimony gave. AVhat Mr. Alger calls my 'verbal statements' and a 'slnglo letter' was in fact Just ono typewritten official report to the commanding general of tho army, and It hecms to mo to hnvo been n rather efficient report In fulfilling Its object, mndo manifest by tho prompt abatement of the iBstto of Improper food to our urmlos. mado the chemical analysis after my return to my private laboratory In Pittsburg and after my official report had been sent In becauso thcro was no opportunity for such accurate chemical work In a military cam paign In a foreign country, and I wanted to sea whether or not I wns corrert. "The government chemical experts sus talned rcy nnnlyols nnd in every detail, yet tho 'Agor relief commission' suppressed this report of their own chemists, nnd merely said Iri their report to the public thut Inasmuch ns Dr. Italy's analysis was not Buttoned by tho government's expen chomiHls. ho Is not worthy of credence. Tho report written nnd signed by Chief Chemist Clarko and his assistants ought to rofuto any Impeachment of my credibility Fortunately I havo tho copy of tho report of tho government chemists In my posses slon, else It would havo been a question of veracity as between Alger, his relict commission and me. "That Mr. Alger did reopen tho matter at this lato diiy, when rveryono but him self seems to havo considered It a closed Incident. Ib infortunalc. To mo U seems another case of a man sitting down with out a chair behind him." LA GLORIA COMPANY FAILS PiiiiI A'niideri oort's Ciilinn Scheme Gets Into the Cniirls. Colo n y TRENTON, N. J., Jan. 0. Application has been mado In tho United States circuit court for tho uppolntmeut vt a receiver tor tho Cuban Land and Stunmshlp company. Tho application Is ini4 by Heujninln K Taylor, Orrln M. Latabrrt nnd Joseph II Young, who chorgn thnt tho company has been mismanaged and that It Is now In solvent. The compauy was organized to do velop proporty at La Gloria, Cuba, and to oprrato a hteamshlp lino between New A'ork City and thut placo. It Is charged that n steamship was purchased, that It mado threo .'Tips, which wero conducted ut a total Iosh of $17,000. that tho trips wero then abandoned, that $20,000 worth of lum bor was purchuspd to erect u hotel ut 1. Gloria and that tho building w:n nm put up This Is- the company with which Paul Vandcrvort was connected ns one of the chief boomers. Cliniiipuiriie Imports In IIMHI. Tho appreciation of the remarkably fine quality of (1 II M'inim Kitr.i Dry coming to this ninrliet i 1" ' illustrated by th phenonu nal in 'r inoo of 11" Ht c i or "''-'3 tnorr tin l uy o'her brund, SHIELDS IS TURNED DOWN Judge Vinionhalcr Punoturej His Oau Contest Scheme. PARISH IS ALLOWED HIS LLGAL RIGHTS Court Rules Hint Amendment Mn lit- .Millie nnd Hint Certain U.il deiiee Clin Out) He tleel itped li it lleiirliiB. In an explicit ruling on the motion of the county attorney In tho Parlsh-SlileldJ election content. Judge A'liisonlinler sus talned only thiro out of eight ooUtits. Al though In these threo tho decision has tins appearanco of be.ng In favor of Oeorge V. Shields, because the points were not over ruled, ns n matter of fact It will be a material nld to Mr. Parish, ns the court has nindo possible amendments which will render futile the attempt at delay, which was the real purpose of tho motion. Judge Vlnsonhalpr snld thai the com plaint rhnrglng fraud In tho lucent election iniint set forth specltlcnlly tho manner ot tho fraud, the names of thoso guilty of misconduct and the cried on the election, lie added that a showing must bo nuido as to tho names of persons who voted when thev worn net entitled to sultriige, and as to the precincts where theso ballots were rast. With reference to tho Ihlid count ho snld that tho complaint should tirelfv the names of the ludROH nnd clerKs of election who nbecnted themselves from the booths nnd ctnnlvcd at tho frauds per petrated there, as well as the names of the persons In the booths not authorized to be present, and the names of thofe who Iranit intoxieniing liquors to um JepordUltig tho counting of ballots. Amendment Is Permitted. The court gavo permission to have thrso names Inserted by amendment. City Attor ney Council asked to havo until 2 o'clock to tuako tho amendment!, nnd the request wits granted. In making known tho ruling on tho motion Judge Vlnsouhnler snld that many of the county attorney's points wero superfluous. He mttd Mr. Parish cannot tin required to set forth the mistakes ot tho Judges and clerks of election nor to state how those mistakes effected the rcsun, nor to glvo the number ot votes actually cast. Neither was It necessary, nccoruing io tho ruling of the court, for tho contestant to glvo a renson for the necessity of open ing the ballot boxes and holding u recount. In tho third count the Judgo held (hat Mr. 'arlsh cannot be compelled to glvo tho names ot persons who procured official bal lots, tho number of such ballots, nor tho Judges nnd clerks of election from whom they wero obtained. Thcso points, tno court maintained, wero ns fully covered In tho complaint ns tho law requires, Just as Mr. Connell has contended. Tho contestant's attorney Informed tho court that he was prepared to mako tho amendments giving the names of as many of thoso guilty of fraud as tho ruling re quired nnd to bo specific In tho other de tails mentioned. "Glvo us until 2 o clock to mako theso alterations," ho requested, add wo will bo ready to proceed with tho caso at once. Tho polntB which your honor's ruling requires wo nro prepared to show, but as to tho other respects In which tho county nttornoy sought to compel us to bo more specific, wo will huvo to rely on thn testimony of tho contest for tho proof of fraud and tfio names of tho persons who nro implicated." HEAD HOniES NOT WORTH REWARD. AccnnlliiK to A rKiiiueiil Ailvnneeil by City Attorney Cniiuell. Tho Ctidahy kidnaping enso has attained to tho Importance ot being quoted ns a legal precedent. Tiio circumstances of thn payment ot tho $25,000 ransom wero brought up In a enso In tho county court ycBtordny morning to show why Gustnv AA'lekonbcrg should not recover $50 from Chief Donahuo nnd John nnd Louisa Klusmnn for llndlng tho body of Henry Klusmnn, u reward In tho sum mentioned having been offered for Information lending to tho discovery of Klusman's whereabouts. City Attorney Connell contended that when a reward is offered In this way it Is not for tho return of a body, but for tho return of tho living person. "Edward Cuilahy did not pay $23,000 to got back tho body ot his son," ho Insisted, "nor to havo tho boy returned to him blind, but ho did pay the money to get tho boy back, safo and sound. Thut Is the reason anybody pnys monoy or offers a rownrd. They want their friend or relative, us tho caso may be, brought bnrk sound nnd well." Henry Kinsman disappeared from homo on October 10. Relatives offered a reward of $50 for Information regarding his whore nbouts. Tho namo of the chief of pullco wns appended to posters bearing tho an nouncement of the reward, although Chief Donahuo contends that this was dono with out his authority. WIckenberB found Kins man's body about two weeks after his dis appearance, pnrtly hidden by brush nnd drift wood, nlong tho river bank below South Omaha. Ills demand for tho reward was refused. Jtulgo A'lnsonhnler said ho would take tho enso under consideration. Court IIiiiimp llri'vKirn, J.idgo Fuwrott linn grunted u deerep of divorce lu tho case of Nelllo L. AVatsou ngaluHt Luther Watson on tho pica of cruelty. A petition by Emma AVIIietts for tho urobilin of the will of Alfted Wlllelts. be- qileuthlug nil estate valued ut about ?KM"I to ins who anu lliree nlilldreii, Jinn liccu llled in tho county court. Tho old case of the state ngiilnsntev. T. J. Mackay, Rov. Mr. Herring und iithcni for contempt In lending thcli moral support tn A. AV. Clark of thn Child Savlnir In stitute In tlie matter of tho application of Albert "Dodd fur a writ of habeas corpus. was dismissed uy .iiiugo j'.sieno yesicruay morning. Sarah C. Flgg lias commenced suit ngulnst Allan AVood, AVoodson W. Brown and Albert Donahue to recover $2.(Xk) ilamageH for personul Injuries. She nllegps that on tho night of March 31 the defendants drugged her from bed and huuled her over tho frozen ground, clad only In her night robe. ArtlelPH of Incorporation for the Blup-stone-Alaska. Mining cnmpuiiy havo been llled with the county clerk. Tho Incor porators nro Charles H. Coon. Prank B. Dudley, Louis Helmrod nnd Clarendon E. AduniH. The capital stock Is iW.Ml nnd tho corporation is licensed to conduct ii business In operating placer mines and lodes In milestone, Alaska. Clinton 11. Hrlggs has sued Ihn city to havo annulled special nssisinpitH on property In Brlggs' addition to tho city for paving, gnidlng and eurblng streets nu which the lots abut. Jit tln petition thorn nro twenl v-seven counts and the document Id the most voluminous of any tiled with thn district clerk this tci m. consisting of several hundred ilosel." typewritten pages. ALV0RD READY FOR SENTENCE Xole Tell i'C Pleads liulKy to Knilii--li'iiirnl mill WIII Kninv Ills Fllti' Tiienilitj. NEW YORK. Jan. 9.-Cornellus L. A! vnrd, Jr , tho former nolo teller of tho First National bank, was arraigned licfoto Judgo Thomas In the United States circuit court, criminal branch, today und pleaded guilty to threo cnuntH ut un Indictment charging liliu with embezzling $700,000 from tho hank named. Tho Indictment contained llfty seven counts. Alvord will L) sentence! on Tuesday, Januury 13. Tho Reformed Episcopal enurch has a hlBtorlo ministry, episcopal government, liturgical worship nnd evangelical preach ing Any person desiring to know moro ahr it it will rrcelvo without cost a packago if I's distinctive literature upon appllrn- I tlon. Address Lock Bex 11S5, Culrago, HI,