THE OMAHA "DAILY HiaE: TUESDAY, JAXVATCY 8, 1001. SPECIAL MCE S - - '- ATeTtU,n'n" tlie column ttIII b inUrii until 1- m. (or the evening rilltliiu nml until H III) p. "i. tor mtirulnu und Sunilny nlltlon. Itato. I t'"a n word flrt Insertion, 1c n trnftl tlierruf trr Nothing tnuen for le iif4tt 3fio for the llrst limrr tlon. Tlirtt ndTrrllirmtnli mail tir run consecutlvplr, Ailrprtlsrra, I17 rruneitlm nnm tirred chrnk, can lir nnvirrm nil clrranrtl tn n niimlicrt-d letter In rnrp of The llec. AuaiTerB ta nildrcetl ttIU tip delivered on presentation of tba pheoU only. .HIT I. ATKI VS WA V1'K1. WANTKD, position liy thorough book keeper of eighteen years' nctiinl experi ence, competent In credits, collpetlons nnd correspondence; good health ami habits; city references. Address P 60, Hee A -Ml V s WANTKD, position hy. experienced book keeper anil stenographer. Address I Hee A Ml'- II W A XTH I)-M A 1,1 : III IV I'. WANTKD, we hnvo i.teaily work for a few cood hustlers of kooiI hnblts and appear ance, r. r. Adtms Co., 1C05 llowurl St. H 7.17 IIAIUIKH trade tnuj-lit thoroughh- In short time, catalogue nnd particulars free. Address Western HUrbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. WANT HI), Rood man to do canvnssliiB In the country; good pay for rlnht ,nn'V..A.!'" dress H 4, Hep. H-Mlt!)' W:T,l:"lr"(l 'n.wfl!lTi!v2'!m.K-1 count of Ih-j ilemnnd for our Graduates durlni: the sprliu: rush; preparu now; M monthly Rimnintcod all who complete during March. We furnish free tranipor tatlon to our coIIcru nt I'lilcawo. St. l.ouli or Minneapolis on account of superior ad vanliiKes wo cab olTer there. I or cata Iokup and particulars addrc.ns Mder llarber Co leue lU prescntutlve. Iflll 1; ar nam Htreet. Omaha.' II-MS77 10" SAI.KSMKN for "Itlilpath s History;" pnid salary to ooil men. A. 11. Halcom. 1)?8 Moines, la. H-.MiM S M'CIDICNT Insurance ngents; speclil'y llbenl conlnicts. C. K. Wllllnmsjji. Ut.. Karnam st. H-.M3)I s TWO active men for Ipmporary local posl lion (several wielts); salary tTI per da v. Aildrcss Manager. V. O. b:xU027, IMilla le. phia. H-Mira 8 A KKW Haleamen wanted for special can vass with record-breakltiR work among select people whnsii names wo furnish; I5 weekly guaranteed for only olio sale dally. Cull after B:3 n. m. Tuesday anil got our Instructions. K. O. C'anlleld, 1511 Doilge, Hoom 0. H-lftl'-i U'ANTKD Hookblnder; young man. having experience on half bound work; steady. Hiiker-Vawter Co., Atchison, Kan. H l.lG SAI.l'BMKN for elgnrs! new plan, quick sales, good business, big money. Con snmerH' Cigar Co., 651 8. 7th St., St. I,ouls. HOW TO OHTAIN. A COM PKTKNC Y IN THK nusiNKSH ok "liFk IN8UPANCK. Addresfl Jno. I. D. Uristol, No. 1 Madison Avenue. Now York City. T3- rilH AM KHICAN HAHHKIl COLLKC.K OK OMAHA. , , . Dnly craft-rechgnlzeil or union-Indorsed barber school; only, collego recognized by the State Harbors' Hoard of Kxamlncrs. Send for freo cntaloguo and terms. II Ml 62 10 WANTKD. two good solicitors for Omaha, one. for So. Omaha; must be of good- nd dress and furnish references. P. O. box 317. H-M166 9 a IV A STK I I' K MALI? 1 1 li LI'. WANTKD, 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tol. 876. t;-739 10 glrlB wnntod. Canadian ofllcc, 1B22 Douglas C 740 WANTKD. young lady attendant. 220 Ilea Hldg. Call nt C-596 A. HHIOHT young man or woman to take shorthand scholarship nnd pay for It when courbo Is finished and position secured. Address K 15, Hco. C-K7 31HL for general housowork. 1131 So. 31st st C MM- ft'ANTKD. ladles, learn halrdrcsslng, mnn laurlng and facial massage; four weeks completes; tools furnished; constant prac tlco; oxprt Instructions; positions guar anteed; call or wrlto for particulars. Moler's Halrdrcsslng College, .1623 Kar nam, Omaha. C 14fi 7 WANTKD. a girl for general housework; small family, good wntes. 2215 Kinney St. C M9i8 8 WANTKD, a compotent girl for general liouscwurK; goon wages, .vj no. am 11 ni. C M97I 8 COMPKTKNT girl for gonernl housework: small family. U. S. bank bldg, 12 Fuy- nam. 1, a OOOD girl for general housework. 1021 Park avenue. C M152 9 I'flMPKTKNT elrl for 1rener.1l housework ' kockI wages. 1131 S. 30lh ave. C MI69 10 rou hi:nt-iioiisi;. IF you want your houses well rented plnco T. t .n e. f.i r rii I lit' J J I Willi uuiiwn,, -w. 111 ALWAYS moving H. H. Olllce, 151UJ Farnam St. goods. Pianos. Tel. 1559 or 863. D-742 HOU8K8 for rent In nil parts of the. city. Hrennan-Lovo Co., ;cw mo. run st. D-743 HOUSKS, storcj. Hcmls, Paxton block. D-741 BKK HKNHY II. PAYNK, 601 N. Y. LIKK D-745 HOUSKS, etc. F. D. W'jRd, 1521 Douglns. D-716 UOU8KS and flats. Illngwalt. Harker nlk D-717 HOUSKS wanted. Wullnco Hrown Hlk. D-7W KAHN. 2021 St. Mary's Ave, D-719 FOR HKNT, bakery in llrst-class condition; lnrir store room, continuous oven, etc.: also S-nxnn bouse, with barn for S horses nnd largo wagon shed; all for J30.0) pi-r moiitu. v. 11. minueii, uamge mug. D-l-2 8511 SKWAIID ST., now live-room cottngo for rent; goou uarn nnu ciiy water; rent 112.50. OMAHA LOAN Sc TRUST CO., 16tli nnl Douglas Hts, D-751 NKW 7-ronm brick, strictly modern en-it front. 27th and St. Mury's ave., $.!.'. Ile-nls, I'UMOII IIIUUK, II Mill 1009 CALIFORNIA St., furnished, central; cnu aiicrnooiiB. iv.u 10 T-ROOM house, all modern, KM So. 2Sth. D-MS33 8' S'o. 1331 South 31st street, lust north of linn scorn pnrk, n nlc. coiutortnblc, 8-room modern house.' win ue put in goou ve pnlr for right party. M J Knnniird A Bon, 310 Hrown block. D MSI3 FINK 8-roum house, modern. Inoulre Ull Vinton St. n-aistrs 10 500 South 22d St.; 7-room cottage; porcelain bath; closet; hot and cold wuter; electric light; rent, 120 to a good tenant with rof. erences, Omaha Loan & Trust Co., 16th nnd Douglas Sts, D-WS 2214 I.nko St : S-room modern house In good condition; will make, what repairs are necessary and rent for a very reason able price, to a good tenant who wll! enre for tnn property, Omaha Loan Trust Co., 16th ,1'ld Douglna Sts, D-!fC7 TWO mull live-room cottages In the same yard; city water In kitchen; In good con dition; rent, js per month, Omnha Loan & Trust Co., 16th and Douglas Sts. P-W- 21th, near Farnam; ten-room modern house; complete in every respivit; ten minutes walk of center of cltv; reasonable rent. Omaha Loan & Trust Co., 16th and Dnitg. las 8H, OOOD 6-rooni house. 2IS.I Pinnev t D-M133 8 FOR HKNT. 6-rooni house fronting llun scom nark, t!6.W. Call I61S 8, 32nd. phone fi2X D Mlii lg roil itnvr not si:s. FOR I IK NT House and Ion acres, brown legln rn chickens anil Jersey row for sale. W II Stephens, .wl Hoyd St., Omaha. D-1C!-1.V roil nu.vr-ui it.isiir.n rooms. STEAM-hented rooms nt The Thurston. E-732 FURNISHED room!", modem. 1722 Dodge E-M9-W Ji' DKWEY European hotel, lfth and Farnnm. E-3J FOR HKNT, m nicely furnished front room, south and enst exposure, nlthln flvu blocks of postofllce; bnlh anil use of tele phone. Address F 4, Hee. 12 M 663 HOUSE K KEPI NO rooms, Mary's. JO up. 2623 St. K-M701 J29 TWO largo alcove rooms; Harney St. modern; l."0 E-M837 8" 210 N. 17TH ST., Rtenm healed rooms. K-MI16 !' VKl,I, furnished front room, nil modern conveniences; prlvutn family. Address V M. Hep. 147 LARGE well heated front room within walking distance, rub and bath. 2631 Hn--ney st. . K-M1B7 10 I't ltISIIi:i) HOO.MS AMI IKIAItl). OI-nNCAIUN.traniilents.-l.:.- day. " IW Vmig r-75:) The Merrlani, Rood winter home. 23 & DniUe 7") I t'TOI'lA, 1721 Davenport ft. 1" 755 KI.KOANT larfip steam-heated rront ronms, with board, lm Capitol avc. l'-MS.1j S nKSIItTMlurroomj rtrst-clasa boardT 2S)I Harney. K-S52 9 TI1H I'HATT, desirable rooms. Hot water heal. K-IM WANTKD Two gentlemen to Join bache lors' dull. K 43, Hep. K iliS 7 MMi:. AM ICS, 115 Howurd, 2d floor, room 1; thermal baths. I'-M121 12 KI11ST Hour, light nnd heat. Inquire 2RS) Harney st. - O .M123 i' I'Oll ItlJ.NT STOHUS AM) OI'IMCHS. KOH HUNT, store In llrrt-class locatlw; rent reasonable. Applv It. C. 1'cters & t o., ground tloor, Hco Hldg. I 2'j'i FOIt HUNT, tho building formerly occupl.M ny tuc nee at aili '"iirnam street, it hub four stories and a basement which wis formerly nsod as The Hee press room. This will bo rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Hoa? wntcr, secretary, room V Hoc Iiulldln?. I-2GI LA HP, IC doiiblo room In Continental block; can no mado ,nlo very oeslral)lo oince and reception room for physician. Will .ir range to suit. OMAHA LOAN & THl'ST CO., lGth Douglas Sts. 1-7&C, HALL, 102 So. llth, cor Dodgo st. I .Mltil I , AJKV1S WA.NTKII, AGI3NT8 wanted, with Hayes' metallic runner tires ror rocKing ennirs; you can make $100 per month. Address J. C. Hayes, 116 K. Locust street, Des Moines, la. J MSX2 8 AfiKNTS wanted who work tho drug and courectloii nulla traile to hantllo rnllt julcPH and lliiuid coffees as side Hues; samples small; commission large. Ad dress, stating territory covered and what goods you work, tho A. H. Peloubet Mfg. Co., IV, Harclay street, New York. " J-M171 S sto it a tin, PACIFIC Slorago and Warehouse Co.. 912- yii Jones, general storage niul rorwardlng. , -757 OM. Van Stor Co., 15111$ Farn. Teln. 1559-f63. 75S AV A - Ti l I ) TO II UV. WILL purchnso n limited number of Omaha havlugs bank accounts, llrennnn Love Co., 309 So. 13th. N 759 HOUSKS to move. Wnllnce, Hrown Hlk. N 700 WANTKD to buy. Jl.000 of Omnha SavlngH nunK accounis lor casu. Auuress A 16, Hee olllce, N M5I8 IHGHKST prices paid for furniture nnd stoves, j. i.evine, aui .n. ltitn. Tel. 771. N-373 WANTKD To buy secondhand soda foun tain; musi do in nerrect conilltlnn. will pay cash. D. M. linker, action. Neb. N-M 972-8 2ND-HAND brick. 1203 Furnam st. N-M17I 12 roit s a i.i:-r hum t 1; 1 1 1 : CHICAGO FURNITPRK CO.. 1410 Dodge. j pi. zv.m. iew iv .unanu turnituro bought, sold, exchanged. O 782 rou, .vkuiclks, ktv. VKIIICLKS, finest In city; repair work the uesi; iry us. 11. v rosi, 11111 i J.eavenw'th P-761 KOH SAI.R-MISCHI.LAMiOUS. HARD nnd soft foundation piling; hog ii-uicn uim t-iiuuniK. wi XJOUglllK. l ,ljj 2DHAND saffchenp Derlght, 1116 Famnm, Q-76.1 SAFKS; buy, sell ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 So. 13. ti-7UI HKRTFORD & CO.. 16th & llworth. FURN1TURK & UPHOLSTERING. , Q-377 TIMOTHY hay and nil kinds feed nnd coal. .Monroe it i.o. Q--J1416 1 HAVF, n suro permanent cure for wnrts; iiu iitiiii 1,1- ricai i flunu ti ana a .-cent stamp for medicine and full directions. Geo. Kucera, Western, Neb. Q-M437-21 2DHAND boiler nnd engine, nbout 20 H-P., mi cum i-iit.'ii, 111 wniiiua naie una iron worns, niu go, mil Ht., umalia. Q 593 FOR SALE, new and eccondhand soda louninins; inoniuiy payments. H 11. Itlcn mond, 436 So. 24th St. Q-Mi32 Fl l'Oll hALL At par, a 7 per cent tlrst morigngu lor oi on gllt-euge security Address. F 61, Hee. Q 157 FOU IIK.VT MISfllLL.VXKorS. LARGE barn, nboul 30x50, excellent for storage or otuer iiunmses; conveniently located. 2002 Poppleton Ave. 959 8 CLAIIlVOYA.VrS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North 16th. .S-7G1) MMH.GLY'MER genuine pulmlst. 1603 Dodge. ii 766 r.LIK.'TIUO THIJAT.1ir.XT. MABEL GRAY, 317Vi N. 15th SFhiTir T-M367-J17 KL1TK pnrlors. 613 So. 10th, second floor. T-.1S6-8 MISS MAE LKSLIK, CIS 8. 16lh. 2d floor. T M100 12 I'KUSO.VAI,. DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns & superfluous niiir removru ny eieciricity. u, 12. Kren zer Hlk u 767 TURKISH baths, massage baths, electric buths, for ladles only; skilled women massage operators; flnoat equipped baths in uie i.iiy. iienmrom ijatn coinnnny ltnoms i'.O to 220Jlee Hldg. U-76S LIKHKN, theatrical, masquerade costumer. lois Karnam. U 769 PRIVATE home beforo and durlnir cnnflnp. ment; bnhles adopted. Mrs, Kurget. 2610 IIUIUCIIQ. IIL WIDOWKR having no use for a nearly new upright pluno will sell cheap; cah or unie. auurcan, v nee umce, U MSil-F- FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim but tons; man oruers, umaua riratmg co 1521 Douglas. U 773 COSTUMES for rent Sack. S3tS S, 20th. Mrs. a IV M-U HAIUES und children cared for, 813 N. 23d. U-M574 J:C PERSON VI,. SUPPLIES for all machines: machines for rent. While Hewing Machine. 1820 Doug lbs. Tel. 2331. U--M0 PRIVATE hospital for 'adles beforo nnd durlrii; ooniltiement; babies adopted, 3LtS Oram Si. L 177 SKATES sharpened, 13eT Louis Flescher, 10K Cupltu'. Ave. U-M973 IF ANY storage or warehouse In Omaha has stored Hinds from Juno up to the Milt of August In the name of Mrs. 1). It. Hicks, or In D. II. Hicks' name, plp'isj notify D. 11. Hicks," Deadwood, S. D. U-M916 '' SIOMIV TO I,O V HKAI. KSTATI1. I'HIVATK money, C, 614, f, per cent; no lay. llarvln Hros., 1613 rnrnatn. W ,71 LOANS on easlern Nebraska and weMern lown farms ut f, per cent; borrowers can pay W or any multiple; any Interest date; no dclav. Hrennan-Lovo Co.. .100 So. 13th St., Omaha. Neb. W TO MONKY to loan on Improved Oma'ha teal estute. Hrennan-Lovc Co., 309 So. J3th. AV 776 Jl.Ort) and upward to loan on Improved city proprly and farms. W. Kamam Smith & Co., 1220 rnrnam. W 77S i'KIVATt. moneyri'Twcad, 1524 Douglas. W-777 WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants. George & Company. 1C1 Farnam streej. W n9 WANTKD. city and farm loans; nlso bonds nnd warrants. H C. I'eters Co.. i, Karnam St., Ileo Hldg. W iin MONKY to loan on farm and city property, lowest ratcu. O. K. Davis Co., ifeiv; Knrnam 1'HIVATK money to loan. Wa N. Y. Life. J. II. Sherwood, , W-7S5 MONKY to loan nt 5 nnd M,4 per cent on Omnha property. W. It. Mclklo, 401 S. i5th W-72 KIVK per cent money. HemK Paxton block. W-7S3 MONKY to lonn on flrst-clai.s Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne Knox Co.. New York Life. W-7M $l,Wi0 TO LOAN on real estate; call nt onco. M. J. Kcnnurd'& Son. 310-311 Hrown block. AV-7S6 KIVK and one-hnlf per cent loans. W. H. Thomns, First National bank building. Tel. 164S. W-MSI0 MOMIV TO I.O.W-CIIATTKI.S. . MONKY TODAY. Loans made In amounts from M0 to 1250 on nousenom rurni.urc, pianos. norBes, cm 1 luges, etc., without or on you;-8-A-L-A-R-Y without security. All or, n part of the monoy may be puld back t.Jo tlrst montli, or no part of It need be paid back for several months Kach payment made reduces the cost accordingly. Lm ployers and neighbors know absolutely nothing of our busdncss relations. People who need money are Invited to call and get my terms nnd compare them with what others offer. Loanu of other com panies muy be trnnsfcricd to me. No charge for papers. All business strlclly confidential. Quick service and lowest iuich guurunieeu. .1 V TAYLOR. 218 First. Nnt. Hank hldg , soulhcst corner 13th und Farnam Sts. 'lei. 745. THK OMAHAMORTOAOK LOAN CO. I .-otiil,llh,.,l 1RII21 Will mnko you a loan on furniture, pianos, int; niui-tl, IJIU. IIMI litvji inu I' ,..," Or If you havo a permanent position wo will mnko you n SALARY LOAN without Indorser or mortgage. We loan from ?io up. You can (?ot tho money In 111 few hours after making application and you mny pay II back In 1, 2, 3. 4. 6 or 6 months. Others clulm lower rates, but all wo ask Is a chance to make comparisons. e charge nothing for papers or filing and wo give you tho full amount of the loan In cash. We uro the oldest nnd largest loan company In Omuhn. Our motto Is "to iry to please." . Telephone 2293. SC6 South 16th .St. X 17 MONKY . MONEY LOANKD SALARIKD PKUl'liU. Jr AtiftriMfir rtf mnri tri pa rrntllrPll. LOWKST RATIOS. KASY PAYMKNTS and STRICTLY CON r I U ISM I A 1 omaiu pitwniT CD.. Room 626, Fifth Floor, New York Life Hldg. -N. ICO MONKY' to Loan on Furniture, Pianos, Diamonds, etc, on easy payments;. keep security. No charge for papers. No questions asked your neighbors, 'lei. 1631. HKRGKRS' LOAN CO., 1501 Farnam .St. X 121 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture jew elry, norses, cows, etc. v . iiceu, diu r. u. X 790 MONEY loaned on p'nnos, furniture, horses. cows, Jewelry. Dim urcen, 11 , narKur ijik X 1 92 idanos. illamnnas, jewelry und salaries; cheap rates. HOS Ti LOAN CO.. R. 21, Frenzer Hlk., 15th and Dodgo, opp. old P. O. Open evenings. X M176 J12 CHATTEL and snlarv loans. .Too II. Pleas-X-M157 .113 ants, 54 iiarKer uiock. MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position Willi rcsponsinic concern upon their own nnmes wltnimt security: ensv payments. Tolmnn, noom 4V), Hoard of Trade Hldg., 10th and Farnam Sts. X 791 MONEY LOANKD SALARIKD PKOPLK AT CHEAPEST RATES IN CITY' AN OPPORTUNITY to take advantage of. Wo mnke no startling, sensnuonai an nouncements of rato "cut In two." We don't do business that wny: neither does anvbodv else. OUR REDUCED RATES ARE THE LOWKST. Y'ou enn borrow 011 your personal Note, without Mortgage, Indorser, or Publicity. Our Sneclnl Pay mont Plnn surprises them nil nnd soon gets you out of debt. Very quiet Olllce, easily found. Come nnd seo us, AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 001, Hee Hldg. X-MS20 SAT.AT1V LOANS. If you are employed by n responsible firm wo will loan you sums irom iu m iu" un your nolo nt much cheaper nnd easier rates than elsewhere. Of this wo uro positive. Absolutely no charges for papers. Vntlilnir iliwliK'tcil from amount desired. Knslest partial payments. Reliable, Credit Co., room 3C3 Paxton blk. X M85I misiMiss ciiAXcns. 1150 CASH or easy payments buys 23 strictly inwiui miCKcii sun iiiiiuiiuif a 101 111 iimn, cigars or cash; will earn 12 and upward weekly encn. unri, uiiitk u. uo., r urni turo Manufacturers, Chicago, 111, Y S13 WANTKD, good man to do cnnvnsslng In tho country: goou pny tor ngnt man. Aa. dress E 4, Hco. Y-M190 FOR SALE FIno 3-story brick nnd buBP meut hotel m western Kansas, 34 rooms 20 regulnr hoarders and nil tho commer ciul trade: has never been closed. A bar. Kntn. I hnvo other business. Address F 6, Hee. Y-MG51-8 A SNAP Oldest established and best tiny Ing ten and coffee store In Denver; own ers retiring irom nusiness. u. l ummiiig, 1027 15tll St., Denver, Colo. Y-M8S0 10 MEAT mnrkot, flno business, good location; investigate 11 ut once. Aimress i'-k. 1121; Y-M131 i WANTKD A good business man to take 1111 where we leave off. Call nnd seo M idler, tho Confectioner. 2806 Leaven worth St. Y-H8-13 FOU ll.VCIIA.MilCi. 14.200 INVOICED stock dry goods, furnish ings, to excliaiigo for property; 11,475 cash required to clenr Indebtedness; parties will accept uninnce tiesirnoie property. Address L. J. Wilde, trustee, 743 Wnbafha street, Ht. I'nui, .Minn. . auui i;.' Sl!,0f) CASH, bnlnnco dcslrah'o property buys 19,500 Invoiced stock, almost new cenernt country merchnndlso without fix mriH. couslstlnt: ilrv noods. fiirnlshtncs domestics, notions, clothing; well selected: bought right; parties Involved; make pioposltlon first letter, subject your ex amlnntlon of slock. Address L. J. Wilde, trustee, 743 Wabasha, street, St. Paul, Minn, .-MI0I 13" SHOUTIIAMI AXI) TYl'HWHITI.Mi. A. C? VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life" -801 HOY'LKS' College, court reporter, principal, Hcc Hldg. -802 NKH. Rtislness fi Sliorthand college. Hnyd's Then Iff 803 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16 & Doug llllt MA I. IC It HAL ns'l'VTH. DKSIHAHLK enst front lot. residence or business. ?A block sit. depot on P'th. 1111 Vinton. UU-MS'C l'o- HANCH AND KAUM lands for rale 1-v the I t'nlon l'aclllc nallroad company. It. A MeAllnster land commissioner, t'nlon l'aclllc Headquarters, omnha. Neb, Hl-Sli C. V. HAHUISONTlUtOAlNS. 913 N. Y. t," HK-122-J9 IMlOt'KUTY bought nnd sold; money loined; rtnts collected. L. L. Johnson cj.. mi so. isth st. ni:-io2 HOt'SKS,' lots, farms, lands, loans; also lire Insurance. Ilcmls, 1'nxton blk. rK Sli cTlAS. V.. WILLIAMSON, KarnuTn St! Hlv-793 8KK HIJNHY a I'AYNn, C01 N. Y. LIFK. RF.-796 FOR SALE or rent, 11 brlrk. two-storv building 10x77. with steam plant; nlso cold storage building 30x40, nil In good con II Hon, corner Hentnn street nnd Kroadw.iy. Council Hluffi. Well sltti.ttpd for cominN slon or mnnurnctttrtnj buslnpss. Apply lo N. P. Dodgo Ai Co., Council HluJTs. R13-MS9S 11 CHKAPK8T lot In city of Omaha; 624-foot past front In Nelson s addition. M J Kinunrd & Son, Dto Krowu block. RK-M893 SPLENDID Inveslnient, 37 ncres, just west of city, near Klmwood park, for 1I.2.V Hicks, 325 Hoard Trade lildg. RK-MlfiS S MliniCAI.. l,Al)Ti:H out of health ' find prompt, relief l!ox 232, Oinnlui, Neb. Confidential. -793 Operations for titerlno troubles unneces sary. Address 3IS Hee Hldg., Omuhn. Neb. -MS91 GONOVA Is a Kienh treatment for male nnd female, for the positive cure of Gon orrhoea. Gleet. Unnatural Discharges, In flammations. Irritations nnd Ulcerations of tho mucous membranes. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst cusps In one week 13 per pucknge or two for !.". Sent any where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co.. Elgin. Ill, American Olllce retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha ; M, A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council Uluffs. Full line of rubber goods. LADIES! Chichester's English rcnnyroynl Pills are tho best; safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles" in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. LOST, LOST, Tueiday morning, ladles's alllgutnr skin puri-e, between Hoston More and Omnha Hee; had some change, nouvcnlr coins, owner's cards, etc; purse valued as Chrlntmas gift. Kindly return to Miss Iluugatc, lieu olllce, and receive reward Lost S29 LOST Sable Scotch Col'le (female). Re ward offered; return to 23C9 Hnruey St Lost-16- STItAYKD, black marc, Sunday evening Cull up telephone niimbct 7V3 l)St-MI73 1" OSTEOPATH V. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. L. Hldg. Tel. 1664; Alice Johnson. D. O.. ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathia, Mgr. soo M. K. DONOHUK. D. O., of Still school, Klrltsvllle, Mo., C01 I'oxton Hlk. Tel. 1367. -807 PATE.VrS. INVKNTOR3, GOT AN IDEA? We hnndle patents, copyrights nnu traile mnrKs, you glvo us tho bare Iden and we will do the rest; modern equipped machine shop and foundry In connection; Ofllcia' Gazette 011 file; guide book free. Mnson, Fun wick Iiwrence, patent lawyers, Hl'6 Howard St.; tel. 14)9, Omaha. J. P. Cronln, repr. . -M170 DHKSSMAIClMi. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 318 8. 26th St. 31 977-J. S MRS. JEFFRIES KEMP, 401 P.ixton Hlk. leiepnoue suu. ji jsi-j.'j A ('') It I) I )V I'l.IlATIML ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick. est. Airs. a. u;. .miii'K, . li. (.or. liili ru.u Farnam. 52J HI It IIS AM) TA.YIDKIIMY. STOCK'S Hlrd Store. 1653 Leavenworth. -797 Il'H.MTI It!'. It lll'AI It I TEL. 1331. M S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. 80S TICKET IlltOKHR. CUT rale tickets everywhere. P, II. Phil- -SCO bin, lwis Karnam. Teiepnone ,m. STA.MMKUIXC A.VI) STI TTEHI.NC. CURED. Julia Vuughn. 430 Ramgo Hldg, hl- MCKKI, PI.ATIXR. OMAHA PLATING CO., Hee Hldg. Tel. 2335. iVIlilK IiAUMHIY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7u: collars, 2c; cults, 4c. 1750 Leavenwortn, Tel. mt. -798 millUKU STAMPS, RADGES, medals. Om. ITt. Co., Hee Hldg. Tel. 253.'i M-617 I'AM'XIIHOKKH.S. EAGLE Lonn Office, reliable nccommodat Ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -Jill CAIIPKXTERS AXI) JOII1IEUS. ALIi kinds of enrpentor work niuUrepalrlng promptly nttencled to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th nml Luke Sts. 370 roll EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE, Choso county land for n small stock of general merchandise. Box 264, Imperial, Neb, Z-M889 10 PORTO Popular Tours RICO Feb. 2 and 10, .March 2 I Ununited prog rum; -4 dayrf, nil expenses, H'JS flay mond 4 Whltcomb,l03 Adams St., Clilcano RAILWAY TI.1IU TAHLES. UNION l'ACIFIC'THE OVER land Route" Genorul Ofllccs, N. E. Cor, Ninth und Farnam Streets. City Ticket Olllce, 1324 I'uriiatn Street. Telephone, 310. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. j eiepnone, Leave. Arrive, a 7:30 pm Tho Overland Limited a 8:20 am The Chicago-Portland Special .u 8:20 oin Tho Fast Mali a S:50 am n 7:30 pm n 3:25 pm Tho Mall nnd Express. .nU:S5 pm a 4:25 pm Lincoln, Hentrlco and Stromsburg Express. .b 4:05 pm bl2;30 pm Tho Poclilo Express. ...a 4:23 pm The Atlantic Express... r 0:50 nm Grand Island Local I) 5:30 pm b 9;33 nm a Dully. I) Dully except Sunday. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St Paul Rallway-Clty Ticket Olllce. 1501 Fiirnuin Street. Telephone, 281. Depot, T"ntli and Muson Streets. Telephone, 029, I.pai',l Arrlfi. Chicago Limited Ex. . . .a 6:00 pm n S:o5 am Chicago ,t Omnha Kx..b 7:15 am b 3;40 pm a Dally, b Dully except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL-road-Omnhu. Kunsas City & Kaslern Railroad "The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of llcc, 1415 Furnam St. Tele phone, 322. Depot, Tenth nnd Murcy streets. Telephone 029. Leave. Arrive. St, Louis Cannon Hall Express , . a G 15 pm a S20 nm Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7:00 am a 9:00pm a Dally. MlLWAUKW IIAII.W V TIMIJ TAIII.HS. HI'RLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad ' The Hurllnglon Route " Geii"ral Offices, North west Corner Tenth nnd Fnrnatn Streets. Ticket flllln., IfiW I'uriinlti Hlrprt. lelei.honp. xm. Ilurllnetoii Stutlotl. Tenth and Mi ;on Streets. Telephone, 12S. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hnstlngs and McCook a S : 10 nm a 7:35 pm Lincoln. Denver, Colo rado. Utah, California. a 4:2." pm n 3:00 pm Lincoln & I'.lnck Hills.. a 9:00 pm n 6:4r am Montana. Pugel 8jund..a 9:W pm n 6:15 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:W pm a 9:17 am YNymore, Heatrlce nnd Llncolu n S:40 am bll:55am Denver. Colorado. Utah and California n 6:13 am South Ueid, LoulsvllK Pliittsmouth b .1:35 pm bll:03 nm Ft. Crook, Plnttsmouth nnd Pacific Junction.. a 7:00 pm n 8:20 nm Helleviie Plattmouth nnd l'aclllc Junction.. n!2:10 nm a Dally b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. HURL1NOTON ,t qulnoy Railroad "The Hiirllngton Route' Ticket Ottlco 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone, 250. Depot, Tenth and Maon Streets. Telephone, 128. l.cnvc. arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- . ciul . . ...a7:00nm n!0:2. pm Chicago Vestliiuled Kx .a 4:on pm n 7:45 nm Chicago Local Kxprcss.n 90 am 11 J.ft. pm Chicago Limited a imO pm n i:4.. am Fast Mull a 2:15 pm a Daily KANSAS CITY', ST. Jo seph Council Hluffs Railroad "The Hulling ton Route" Ticket Olllce, 15"2 Karnam Stleet. Tele phone, 2.w. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tele phone, 12. l.cnvc. Arrive. Kansas City Dav Kx. .u 9:20 am a 6:25 pm Kansir) City Night F.x..n!0:30 pm n 6:13 am Ht. Lulls Flyer for St Joseph nnd St Louis.. a G:10 pm nll:15 am a Dally. FREMONT, KLKHORN ,l .Missouri Valley Kallroid "Tho Northwestern Line" General Olllce. United Stales Natl vial Hank Hldg., S. W. Comer Twelfth and Famnm Sts Ticket oirtec. 1401 Fnriinin rft. Tel. toil. De pot, 15th and Webster Sts. Tel. 1I3S. , Leave. Arrive. Hlnck Hills, Dcndwood Hot Springs n 3:00 pm n S;M jim Wyoming. Cniper nnd Douclas d 2:00 nm e 5:00 nnl llnkllngs. York, DmvIiI City, Superior, Goneva, Kxeter and Sewnid....b 3:00 pm b 5:00 Pm Norfolk. Verdlgre nnd Fremont , li 7:30 urn blO:25 am Lincoln, Wnhon nnd Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0:5 nn Fremont Local c 7;30 nm n Dally, b Dally except Sunday.. 0 Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, o Dally except Monihry. CHICAGO NORTH- western Railway "Tin Northwestern Line" - City Ticket Oftlcc. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, Ml Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephono 629, i.euvo. aitiw. Daylight Chicago fc'pc- ciul a 7:00 am nil :30 pm Chicago Passenger n 4:15 pin u S:40 um Eastern Express, Dps Moines, Marshalltowii. Cedar Rapids und Chicago al0:55 am n 4:03 pm Eastern Special, Chi cago and East u 4:53 pm n l:C5 pm Fast Mall, Chicago to Omaha a 2:15 pm Omaha-Chicago Llmlt'd.a 7:43 pm n 8:0) pm Fast Mall a s::'.) am Cedar Rapids Passenger u 5:3) pm Kaslern Exprpss h 9;00 pm a Dally, b Dally except Saturday. SIOUX CITY Sr PACIFIC Kallrond - "The North western Lino" Genenl Olllces. United States National Rank Kultdlug, S. AY. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Olllce. 1101 Farnnm St. Telephone 561. He pot, Tenth nnd Murcy Sts. Telephone 629. Leave Arrive. Twin City Express n 6:55 am nlO:25 pm Twin City Limited n 7:33 pm 11 8;U, urn Sioux City Local 11 S:00 am n y':30 pm n Dally. CHICAGO. ST PAUL.. Minneapolis. Sr. Omnha Railway "The North western Line" General Olllces. Nebrnskn Divi sion. 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnnm St. Telephone. 501. Denot. 15th und Webster Sts. Lcnvo. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... a 0:00 am a 9:10 pm Omaha Passenger ull:10 um 8lou: City & North east Nebraska n 3:15 pm a Dally. W A RASH RAILROAD Ticket Olllce. 1415 Kurnuni Street. Telephone, 322. Do not. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone. 029. Lcuve. Arrive. Cnnnon Hall" a 5:03 pm n 8:20 nm St. Louis ' Express n Da II J. CHICAGO, ROCK LSL nnd z Pacific Railroad "Tho Grout Rock Isl and Route" Cltv Ticket Olllce. 1323 Fur nam Street. Telephone, 42S. Depot. Tenth nnd Marcy Sts. Tele nhonc. 629. Lenve, Arrlvo. EAST. Dps Mnlncn and Daven port Locnl a 7:23 nm bll:33 am Chicago Express 1)11:15 am u 8:10 nm Dus Moines Local a 4:20 pm n 4:45 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6100 pm u 1:25 pm Des Mnlues, Ruck Isl and und Chicago a 7:10 pm a 9:33 pm WEST. Lincoln, Colorni'o Spgs., Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm 11 4:15 pm Colorudo,. Oklahoma & Texns Flyer a 5:20 pm n 9:50 am 11 Dally b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road Gonernl Olllces nnd Ticket Oftlces, Southenst Corner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone, 101. Depot, Union Station. St. Louis and Kansas City ExprcHB nl0:00 am a 6:23 pm K. C, St. L. Express... al0:50 pm it 0:15 am Leave from 15th nnd VebBtcr Streets: Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm nI0:l3 nm a Dully, b Dully except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallrond-Clty Ticket Of fice. 1402 Furnam Street. Telophone, 245. Depot, Tenth und Murcy Streets. Leavo. Arrive. Sno Chicago Express ...a 7:00 am u 1:03 pm ...a 7:15 pm a 8:03 am St. ...b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm St. .. n 7:15 pm a 8:03 nm Chicago J.imiieu .. Minneapolis and Paul Express .., Minneapolis nnd Paul l.imupu Fort Dodgo Locnl from. Council Bluffs ....... h 4:30 pm b 8:13 am Fort TJodgo Local from Council Hluffs b 7:13 am a Dally- l Dally except Sunday. FINE SHIPS IN CONNECTION !mi V iPtCKDIO SERVICE THC M08ll 60HI0R R. ALONG THE NORTH SHORE IIU'ANA, MATANZAS, CARDENAS, SAIilM, CAI IMXIEN, MJEVITAS, QIBAKA, nd I1ARACOA, ind other pom. Mt'Wsnv STI'AMHIIIP J.I-Ni:.J7 Wll lam St. New York City RAYMOND & WIIITCOMH. 23 Union S'luure, Now York. For Ticket , Stuteroom Reservation and General Information of the MO RILE SERVICE, apply to Ticket Agent .Mobile &. Ohio R. R. and South ern Ry. POSTOl'I'ICIi MIT-ICE. Should bo rend DAILY by ull Interested, as changes may occur at any time Foreign mulls for tho week ending Junu nrv 12, 19fll. will close (PROMPTLY In nil cusps) at the Genernl Poslofflcn ns follows: PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE HOUR EARLIER than i losing tlmn shown lie ow Parcels Post Malls for G rmaiiv rliso it fi p, ni Jnnuari 9th per s Prliiz Regent LultjH'ld Regular and Supplementary mails close i HEW V()lili(Cfl :T) MOBILE 1 posToi'i'irn xoTicr. at Foreign Hrnnrli half hour later than closing time .hown below. Trillin-tlntitle Mulls, W K DN ES D A Y A t f a. in. for KUROPE, per s. s. C.Mtirlc, via (jueenstown tmall for France. Switzerland. Italy, Spain. Por tugal, Turkey. Kgvpt. llrltlah India nud Lorenzo Murqucz must ho directed "per s. s. Cymric 1. at 8 JO a. in. (supple mentary in ,i in. 1 for EUROPE, per s. s. Kensington, via Southampton and Ant werp (mall for France. Switzerland, I inly, Spain. Portugal, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, British India ami Lorenzo Marqtiez must be directed 'per s. s Kensington"). THURSDAY At 7 11 m. for URANCK. SWITZKRLANI). ITALY. SPAIN, PORT UGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT. ORKKCK. BRITISH INDIA nnd I.ORKN.O MAR QUK.. per s. s. La Hretagne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Kuropo mist be directed "per s. s La Hretagne"). SATURDAY -At 0:.R1 a. in. for EUROPE, per s. s. Servla. via queetistown; at s a. 111. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Potsdam (mull must he dlrectid "per s. Potsdntn"'l; ut ,s u. in ror ITAl.Y. per s. s. K. M. Theresla. via Naples (mull must be .directed "per s. s. K M. Theresla');, at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per. s. s. Fiiriicssln (mull must bo directed "per s. s. Furnessln"!. PRINTED MATTKR. ETC.-Tlil Hteamer takes Printed .Matter. Commercial and Samples for Gerninny only. The same clii'n of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not he scut bv this ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Malls named above addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the tilers of the Amerlcun, Kng'lsh, French und German si earners and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. MnllM fur South 11 ml (Viili-nl A inerliMi, West Indlei, Hie. THURSDAY At 9 n 111. for NORTHERN HRAZIL. per s. s. Llsboliensp; at V.M a. m. (supplementary iu:;i a. m. 1 ror 1 i;. TRAL AMERICA (except Cos In Rim) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per. s. h. Fi nance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be directed "per s. Finance"); nt 12:30 p, m. (supplementary 1 11. 111.) for TUIIKS ISLAND ami DOMINICAN RK I'UHLIC, tier s. s. Cherokee; at 1 p. 111. for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC URU GUAY und PARAGUAY, per s. s. Nor man Prln -e; nt 0:30 p in for JAMAICA. ' per m, s. Admiral FamiKit. from Boston: ut V"it p. 111. for NASSAU, per steamer from Miami, Kin. WEDNESDAY At 9 11. III. for GRENADA and TR INI DAI), per s. s Grenada; at 11:39 n. in. for 1NAGUA nnd HAITI, per H. s. Helvernon; at 12 m. for CUBA. CAMPKCIIE. YUCATAN. TAKASi'O and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Orlzutm. vl.i Havana and Progreso (mail for other parts of Mexico must be directed 'per s. s. Or izaba"!; at II p. in. for JAMAICA and PROVINCE OF SANTIAGO. CUBA, per H. p. Admiral Schley, from Philadelphia. THURSDAY- At II 11. m. for PERN A M HUCO and SANTOS, per s. s. Syracusa; at 12 in. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Cyprian Prince, via Rio Janeiro and Santos (malt for Northern Brazil, Argentine Republic, Uruguay and Purnguay must be directed "per h;-s. Cyprian Prince"); ut 12:30 p. in. (supplementary 1 n. in. I for BERMUDA, ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD und WINDWARD ISLANDS and DE MERARA, per H. s. Carlhbee FRIDAY At 11 m. for GUANTANAMO nnd SANTIAGO, per s. s. Clei furgos; at 12 m. inr'u, per f. . Seneca, via 111111 plco (mail must bo directed "per s. s. Seneca"). SATURDAY -At 9 n. ill. (supplementary 9:30 11. in. 1 for PORTO Rico (via niu Juan). VENK.UKLA and CURACAO, per s. s. Plilladeiphia mull fr Savanllta mid CarthiiHcmi must be dlrceled "per h s. Plillndelphia"). at !i n. m. for ARGEN TINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY unit PARAGUAY, per s. h. Arlblstau. at la -i. 111. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FOR TUNE ISLAND. .tAMAltW. SA VANILLA itnd CARTHAGKNA, per s. s AlhnF (mall for Costn Rica must be dlrectod "ppr s. H. Athos"); ut 10 a. 111. (supplementnry 10;?.n 11. 111.) fur HAITI, per s. s. Andes; at to II. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico via Havana: nt 10:3i) 11. in. for YUCATAN, per s. s. Mercnlor. via Piogreso; ut 12-30 p. III. for MAT.N,AS. CAIBARIKN, NEU VITAS. BARACOA and GIBARA, per H. s Curltybii (ordinary mall only wl.lii must bo directed "ier 1 s. Ci.rltyba"); nt 11 11. in. for NASSAU, per steamer irom .Miami, 11a. Malls for Newfouiulland, by tall to North Sydney, nnd thence by steamer, close nt this olllco dully nt 6:30 p. m. (connecting 1 close hero everv Monday. Wednesday nnd N K11 tliriln v). Mnltn for Mlnitnlnn liv mil In Boston, and (hence bv steamer, close at this olllco, dally at IhliO p. in. Malls for 1 11 pa, ny ran 10 rori imnpa, j'ia., nun theme by stiiimer. close at this olllce dully at M6 a. 111. (tho connecting closes uro on nuniiay. weiinesiiny und I rfday). Mulls for Mexico City, overlnnd, unless specially addressed for dispatch bv stenmer, cloco nt this olllce dally nt 1:30 p. m. nnu 11 p. in. .Minis tor costn Idea. Belize. Puerto Cnrtez nnd Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thenco by steamer, close nt this olllce dnllv nt p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays for Belize, ruerio coriez nnu uuntcmnia nnd Tuesdays for Costn Rica). "Registered mall closed at p. m. previous day. Trilin-I'liollli' .XiiIIn. Mulls for Australia (except West Australl'i t.'lilnli rrnnj fin l.-itf,tir t,,l titt' y.iiilninl which goes via San Francisco), and Fill Islands, via Vuncouver, close hero dully nt 6:30 p. 111. up to January "fith. Inclusive, for dlsoatch nor s. h. Warrimoo (siinn'e- ineiitary mnlls, via Scnttle, closo at d:.'W 1. m. January "i;th). Malls for Hawaii. Japan. China and Phllhi plno Islands, via San Francisco, chMo hero dally nt li:30 p. 111. 1,11 to Jnnuai'V llth, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Gaelic. Mulls for Hawaii, via San Frarrtfrn, cloio hero dally nt 6:30 i. m. up to January "llth, Inclusive, for dispatch per h. . Zenlimilla. Mulls for China. Japan and Philippine islands, via lacoma, cum- here unity nt ii:ao p. m. up to January nidi, incitisiv for dlspntoii per s. r. Olympla. Mulls for Hawaii. China. Jupuii und Phllln pine Islands, via Sun Frnnclsco, close hero diuiy ut u:.o i). in, up 10 January "i:a;i Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. H0111 Kong Mum. Malls for Australia (excent West Austrnlin New Zealand. Hawaii. FIJI und Samoan Islnnds. via San Fruneiscn. eloso here dully ut cao i). m. Juiumiy ,6lh niu', up to January M19th, Inclusive, or 011 dav of arrival of s s. CampHiiln, dun at Now Y ork January 19tn, for dispatch per s Sriliomu. Mulls for China and Jnnnn, via Vancouver, close nero (lativ nt un;u n. in. up to Jim 1 arv 22. inclusive, for disputch Per s. s. Empress of Jupnn (registered mull must be direcieu -via Vancouver ). Trnns-Paciflc mulls nro forwarded to port of nailing diuiy nnu 1110 scueiiuio or closing Is nrranged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit, "itegis tcied mail closes at 6 p. m previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. PostofTlcc, Now York, N. Y., January 4. 1(01 LEGAL .OTICKS. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Ofllco of thn Lee-Gluss-Andreesen Hard ware Co.. Omaha. Neb.. Dee. 8. 1900. Notice Is hereby given to tho stoclthold ers of the Leo-Gluss-Andreescn Hardware Co. that the annual meeting of t he stock holders of the company will be held nt tho olllces of snld company, 1219. 1221 mid 1223 Harney strpot, in tho city or Omaha In the statu of Nebraska, on Tuesday. Jan nary 8. A. D. 1901. nt 3 o'clock p. m.. for the purpnso of electing a board of directors for the coinpnny to servo during tho ensuing year and to transact such other business us mny no preseiiicu iu sucn meeting. 11. J. LEE. President. Attest: W. M. GLASS. Secretary. D9 31 tin STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice Is hereby elvpn that the annual meenttng of tho stockholders of Tho Hco Uulldlng company will bo held ut I o'clock p. in.. Tuesday. Jnnunry 15. 1901 at tho ofllco or biuu company in i ne iipo nuiliilng Omnha, ror ine election or a uonrd or ill rectors for tho ensuing year and tho trims netlon of such other business us mnv nroo erly come beforo such meeting. Hy order of i.X ,.l,lnnl C. (V liri.OMU' AWI.Mf Secretary, Dec23rlSlt Aluliniiiii to .loin Si ii n l rim. T'ENSACOLA. Fill.. Jan. 7. The Ik, tile ship Alabama Is oxpeeted hero Jatiuriry 11 to Join the other vessels of the North Atianuc si iiaiiriin. 4 camp will the bo established on Santa Rosa Island for shore drill, nfter which the vessels will UIKO on coui nun provisions rur i cruise In the gulf, leaving here about Janu nrv 20. Rear Admiral Fariiuhm- has noil lieu (lie iavy iiep,irimiiii iiiai ine iieet will return to Pnnsncola from the gulf crulso February 16 nnd remain here pos sibly until March 6. Itl'lldlnu'N Dlri'Ptoi-N Meet. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 7.-Prelilent Harris of tho Reading railway returned from New York today and announcement was mado from his ofllco that u special meeting of Hip directum of the company wll! bo held this afternoon. Nothing could bo learned regurdlng th" purpose of tin meeting, but it Is believed the absorption of tho Central Railroad of Ntw Jerse i the Reading company will lie r. till'. I It Is niitliorllnllvf Iv ntuted that Prisldrii Harrli will remain us the t hit f exetutlvi oillccr of the consolidated companies. PROMOTES HOM PATRONAGE Trtdei Union Worsors Orgwiza Lubel League. IDEA MEETS WITH GENERAL APPROVAL Object of the OrKiiulrnlloii l to HrltiK About liicreuseil lnc nf Oiunlin nml Mutiiifiic tureil l'i'Oiliut. t Fred H.iumnnn nnd olhrr members of trades unions In the city are organizing n society known as the "libcl League." founded upon the principles of similar so cieties In New York, Chicago and other large cities of the country. The society hit 4 for Its object the Increased tise by local consumers of the produrt of factories cf the city and state In which the league Is local ni. With the ultimate object of Improving tho condition of the wage rumors of tho city and slate through Increnncd wnges It has been deemed advisable by ihe promoter to first orgnnlre the society from the ranks of the men employed and lo unite with tho Central Labor union to secure, the support of Hi" men to be benefited to the grenlest extent. The soiloly will advertise from time to time the names of the manufacto ries In Nebrnskn mil In Omaha, using a label Indicating that their product Is pro durrd by Iota! wolUtilcn; it will latum bul letins from time to time showing the growth of the Industries of tho state nnd city, nnd accompany them with appeals for the In- rcscil consumption of tho product of homo industry. f 11 u 11I li I'rm liieit. In order to he certain that the soodtf nro manufactured In the slate as well as that they bear the names of local houses It has been decided lo rtqileit the purchaso of goods which bear the label of tho union of (he craft which produces them. Each brunch of Industry In the country is organ ized nt present or can be organized, whero no national union exists, within the rnnl of the American Federntlon of Labor. As soon ns organized the locnl union is sup plied wllh n number of t tamps or dies bearing tho lnbel of the trade. Each fac tory within the Jurisdiction of the local union then ecelves u number which. In addition to 'he stamp. Is nfllxcd to all of the finished product of the factory. Hy I hi a system the purchaser knows that he Is assisting locnl manufacturers and local workmen when he purchases goods. Hy adHlatlon with tho Central Labor union nt present the leaguo places Knelt In n position to nppcal to nil of the allied Vrnfts and to recele their support. Leagues will nftrrwurd be formed among persons not nlllllnleil with unions, but who Indorso the Idea of patronizing homo Insti tutions, hut the use of the union lnbel Is one of the cardinal principles of the society. PREFERENCE ONLY PARTIAL Veteran Miy l.nw '.ppl.'li'K to FmI- ernl Olllces llclpx Only Tluine ( l)li cliiirKcil for I ) I sii li 1 1 1 1 ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Jan. 7. In nn Inter view lodaw Cnmmnndcr-ln-Chlef Leo Rn3 sletir of the Grnnd Army of tho Republic, referring to past and present legislation for tho benefit of civil wnr vclernns who may wish to fiecuro employment In the public service, said lo n representative of tho Associated Press: The very much mistaken Idea that 11 nref- erenco Is now enjoyed by ull Hiirvlvors of the civil war for certlllcutlon to nnd up liolntment In the civil service under tho na tional government und Hint the bill, II. R. 5779, the pnssago of which by (ho hoiisn under suspension of tho rules on Decem ber 7 wiih unsuccessfully urged bv Retire- sentutlvo Hromwell of Ohio, tdmply ex tended tills preference to tho soldiers of the recent war. evidences il lark of knowl edge on the subject so general that It ought 10 ne corrected. liio fact Is this: Sect on 1751. Revised Statutes, United States, passed March 9. IMm. provides Hint "persons bonorublv dis charged from tile military or nuvui servlco uy rcuHou or disauitity reuniting rroni wounds or sickness Incurred III tile lino of duty shall bo preferred for appointments 10 civil iiiucc.M, oic, etc. Aim this Is tho only law hearing on preference. It was In tended to benellt the px-unlpu soldier nnd sailor. Tills law has benefited thoso of tho regulnr nrmy and navy who enlisted slnco ink 10 ine extent or 1j per cent, or course, tlie dlschargo must show that It was based on disability. This being so, the law Is now applicable to all rcgulnrs and the volun teers or the recent war or thoso serving In the Philippines, who hnvo been or may bo "honorubly dlschurged from the military or naval service for disability resulting from wounds or sickness Incurred In tho lino of duly," but not to others. There Is not and never bus been unv nrof- erenco enjoyed by men who served out their terms of enlistment or, until tho closo of hostilities, in tho civil war. If 11 man was wounded twenty times, refusing u tllschnrgo for disability by rouson t hereof, ho litis no legal preference whatever In tho civil serv ice. Many Hitch cases there were. Hv 11 rule the Ipso dixit of tho commission, with out authority of law, veterans of tho civil war get a place on Ihe eligible list nt 65 per cent, tho minimum for others being 70 per cent, but, unless privileged under sec tion 1731. Revised Statutes, tliev remnln at the bottom of tho list. It Is n conces sion without value. 'Ihe efforts of committees of tho Grand Army during twenty years to chnmro this In the Interest of ull who served fnlthfiillv and well hnvo fulled. Tho mistaken Idea to which I havo referred, without regard to tho lllinl result of tho latest effort to secure these men Justice, ought to bo cor rected. SILK MEN DESIRE RELIEF An sort Hint Doctoring nf GoimIn I)pIik In HiiIiiIiih Hip Indus! r , In NKW YORK, Jan. 7 A conferonco has been nrranged for next week at Palerson, N. J., between Congressman Stewnrt and a committee of silk manufacturers with tho view of preparing a bill to Introduce In congress to require a label on "dynamited" or weighed silks. Tho manufacturers havo concluded tbut the practlco of weighing silk Is what has brought It Into disreputo nnd nlmost ruined the industry. Hy the uso of bichloride of tin In tho dyeing process the dyer gets two pounds out of every pound that comes to his huuds. This hns produced n great reduction In prices, but tho goods uro Inferior. On exposure to tho nlr tho bichloride of tin crystallizes and the crystals cut tho fabric upon tho slightest wenr'nr friction. At first tho "dynamited" silk has tho same handsonio and brilliant appearance that tho bonnfldo article has, but, as It dnc3 not wear, It has given silk a had tinmo gen erally and tho Industry Inngiilshps. Thn manufacturer!) who Insist on having their silk treated with puro dyo only are greatly handicapped, and they nro now endeavoring to get tho aid of congress. Their purposo Is to havo a Inw passed requiring "dyna mited" goods, both foreign nnd domestic, to bo labeled, so tlint the purchaser muy know what ho Is buying. TriiNt lliilim 111k I'Iiiii. NKW YORK. Jnn. 7. Whou nsked about tho proposed absorption of Powell, Smith & Co., ihe rlgur manufacturers, by tho Ameri can Tobacco company. Hurry Luce, imo of l ho surviving inemhers of the llrm f Powell, Smith & Co., said that the negotia tions between Ids firm and the American Tobacco comjinnv hud not advanced far enough yet for him to give any detnl'H of the methods Hint will he used in taking in tho combination. He said Hint til" enK to tho American Tobacco cumpuiiy would bo uboiit Slo.MKUMi mid that Powell, Smith & Cn. wo i Id remain a sppuruttt concern. It Is now u -M-partnershlp firm and It Is probable that It will ho changed Into a stock company and the. controlling Interest held by those who direct tho affairx of the Amerlcun Tobucco company I'lillre I iiiiiII) ( reunited, lll l'FM.'), N Y Jiiil 7 Thr rcHdencn rf lvlwird II 'lulir nt Modi I ( II", near I,-wlston burned todat Taylor, bis wlfo iiivi thr e iluldr ti pin hri In the llumcB.