8 THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JAUAUT 8, 1001. j V COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Eoardof Trads'i Speculative False Evidences High Fever. WHEAT MAKES A RATHER BAD FINISH Corn Clour Onlr Onc-Fourtli Illlier Ont Mnkr SH1it AiU oner Pork Tumble from It llltrli Plaer Other Pro Ulon (In l-'l. CHICAGO. Jim. ".-Speculative fever mn riot In nearly till of the grain and pro vision markets today ami trading wan the heaviest In some time. A strong realizing movement broke wheat badly near the. end of tho session, May closing at a decline of Ufl-c. Corn held purl of an early ad vance, closing Uo higher. Oats advanced He and provisions closed aVic higher to 10c lower, the decline being In pork. It was evident from the wide rango of opening prices In wheat that opinions as to the future course of tho market varied greatly. Initial prices for May. which closed Saturday nt T9Wjy.c, ranged from 7o to 7514c. For a time, tho volumo of busi ness was tremendous. Immense buying or ders, many of them from the outside, wero In tho hands of brokers, but local longs, with big profits In prevailing prices, wero moro than willing to sell, and from tho start tho tendency was downward. The crowd apparently believed that Wall street Influences were at work ami big commission houses wero closely watched. Soon after tho opening a marked element of weakness developed from tho llhernl receipts and the weakness of the northwest markets, but tho appearance of any largo buying or sol -Ing order in tho hands of a prominent broker seemed to have moro effect on tho crowd than any statistical news. After touching 78o, tho market gradually stead ied and under heavy buying by a prominent commission house, which started a scramble to reinstate! lines by early professional sellers, an advanco look place, which carried tho market to tho highest point of tho day, 79i;c. After that nothing of Interest trans plred, though price changes wero frequent until near tho close, when local longs flooded tho market with their realizing and prices slid off with amazing rapidity. Tho close was at 7V, tho lowest point of tho day, with tho market cxchlhlttng consider able nervousness, Local receipts wero 114 cars, two of contract grade. Northwest re ceipts wero 573 cars, against 475 last week ami ftxi a year ago. Total primary receipts wero 919,000 wheat and nu. cu iiouni suipmenis of Hour ncrcrpfrnteil t'H lltf! Im. worm m shipments last week wero only 6, 8X2,00) bu. Tho vlHlblo supply decreased 163,0" bu. Light receipts, poor grading returns, un settled weather and light country accept ances made the market for corn Independ ently strong. Thero was a good demand for tho cereal all day. and though late In tho session tho marked weakness of wheat had some effect and pun of the early ad vanco was maintained, tho market closing ateady. Commission house buying was a fent.iro of eiir'y trading. Liberal local re- v;--iiih wuro mi cars, tiip vlsltilo supply In creased 1,489.000 Im. May ranged from to " " clomI Uo higher at OutS Wero flllrlv field's nn.l . .!... tl market showed real strength. A feature ICstlmatedreceIpts Tuesday: Wheat 100 wSi lieml: 710 L'Ura' m,s' cars;' hogs i no leading futures ronged as follows: ArtcIes.K)pon. lilgh. LowT I CIo7eT SaTv! Wheat Jan. Feb. May Corn rim. Feb. May Oats Jan. May Pork Jnn. May Lard Jan. May lllbs Jan. May was win outside demand, buying from that i! M?'u""' er DU" mano, ?cr ar r'&.rra'ngc!! t T POTATOKS-Per bb... ,2. and closeil Uc higher at 'e 4 4 CA II HAG K Holland seed, l;c. ProWsloi'we'r'frfySrco and Irregu- TOAIATOKS - California, per 4-basket nei...'" ,;;l"SL, K.??1 t the "oNIONS-Nallve. per bu.. 90c: Colorado - ,'iiu!li!,,l"T1fc rfiici"1' ' ft -S LCAULIFLOWKH-Callfornla. per ""Ki-d at 7.:C14 and May ribs sii.iM S; L'l'iAyS-I'Or box, J2.00f?2.2T,. at i.ir." 4. ui(Al" S-. a n 7CfiI5J? 7.-1 75 lC,Vt ""(iJVi i94 78 78 79U'&!s My'rl" 3TMi37 ru;n Wit affiH&VtSStaSwilt or.,S!4 23i 23H 23 2.H4 25 25H 25J r'u 13 93 14 M 13 70 13 70 13 7714 "95 1I02W 13 70 13 70 13 SO 7 25 7 25 7 17i 7 174 7 1714 7 10 7 42Vi 7 30 7 7 Mil 7$ SM W B2!4 lJ 15 j 7 00 7 0214 7 00 B JKMA , 7 no red 76'i78'0(i. 37?;c.NN0, 31'AitS7c'' No- 2 37U 27"ioTSN"' 2' 212,c: No- 3 white, ' ItYIJ No. 2. r.l?c. HAHLKY-Uood feeding, 45jiC2C' fair to cholcn malting, &Hif,9c. h' m,r 10 8LLDS- Flax. No. 1. t.T6: No 1 north, western, $157. 1.60. Prime timothy. J4 73 Clover, contract grade, J10 EO .'OViaiONS-Mess pork, per bbl., J13.70 lil"1' If'1' ,,,ur 100 ll,H- 7.l7Hff7.26 Short r bs sides (loose), J.S0(ff7.(f,. Dry so ted shoulders (boxedl. IVSTiaCU'".. Short clear sides (boxed). J7.40fi7.E0. 0 r gia.'jll'p""0'1 ,he l,"Mls r,,ch win". Per SlTOAris-Cut loaf, ld.20: grcnulnted 11 7 confectioners' A. J5.69; off A, J3.64, ' fnrti?iWv.K nru 1,10 receI"H "nd shipments Articles. Itecolpls. Shipments. Flour, blilH.... Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu 48.000 37,000 108,00) 40I0O 321,000 3.0() 5.8,000 138,l) 153,0(10 1.000 NrOatn, bu Jiyo. nu Hurley, bu.... ... 82,000 5,00) On tho Produce exchange today the but ter market was dull; creameries, 150 230; dairies, 12(ff20e. Cheese, dull at 10UlW Kggs, wc-ak; fresh. 20c. Xi:V YOUIC tiKMlltAI, MAIIKKT. (liiotnlliin of (he ny ,, Vnrlnim t'OllllUOdltll'N. NKW' YOU If, Jim. 7.-FLOlTHliecelpts, 27.2C1 bbls.; exports, 28,420 bbls.; murket In active, being checked by tho sharp after noon drop In wheat. Quotations wero nom lual'y unchanged. Minnesota patents, $1.00 fH.:W; Minnesota linkers, J3.00ai3.25; winter l0"',' W.7lHia!; winter straights, J3.B0H1 J.C0; winter fxtras, l2.6Sft2.90j winter low grades, $2.45fi2.fti live Hour, steady; fair s Vi,.1100.'1' 2-K'Ji,. 1R ; ciiolce to fancy, J.i.ww i m ifM-ivM i-Tre 'l?.ur' ,Mtt,ad- nt J2.lOfi2.20. ,m .,vN UI'5AT-Steady at C0fti2c, u. I. f. I New York. ' ( ir0,mNM,1?AI-r. yellow western, 90oj lc,JJV..a,,ci, "randy wlno. J2.:i.Wf2.45. J ,!u.I'---71,:iulyvN,"' - western, B7c. f. o. b., nt oat; state, E263c. c. I. f., New York car! Slots. 1IAHLIJY -Quiet; malting, t5jti3c. c. I. f., .rJfw York. UiMU'J'i.V VA'',''-0ll: western. G3ff.2c, W HUAT -Hece pts, 28,000 bu.: exports iOS.m bu.; spot, quiet; No. 2 N SJV U b, a float; No. 2 red SI Vic. elevator; No. 1 northern, Duluth, S?Ui'. t. o. b. alloit; No. 1 hanl. null tli. 9lic. f. o. b. nfloat. Op. tlonu opened steiu y and quiet, recovering later Into a. feverish market with rapid Jluctuatlons of over a cent range, governed entirely by speculative conditions. In tho late afternoon a heavy break occurred under excited unloadlnir. helne.i in- nJ,,, Is faclory cables and only a small decreas 11 tho visible, (.'losed weak at HSiie net loss. January. 81u,(82lSiC. closed 81Ue- fou'f --.lo,?;!: r?, wztt 47WO, f. o, b. 11no.it. Optlo. narket rn',,, e Irm and continued so all day until naily Influenced by tho wheat breuR. K.irly , e. mand was Impelled by cables, poor gr adli g libera' clenranceH. the decrease on pass go" and light country offerings, u 1 tuuVilv eased off with wheat, closing steady nt K net ndvnnce. January. 45(UM5Uc. cins'e.i 5)K!a.MaV.' lMee. closed TlVic. 1 e'' OATS-ltecelpls. 120.400 bu.; exports 50. 407 bu,; snot, qulot; isfo, 2, 29c; Nil 3 UnT Np, 2 white. 320: No. 3 white, 32c.' Track' mixed western. SSijSiSOe; track whlto. 314,1 8Sfi.1?i,,l0,ni! wor" 8'ow' '"'t Bleady. ' .U01 sl:1.,lo.t.! "'ale. common to choice ll c.rcV- WSU" m rr"l'. M15c: old o SV. .ffGcj I'aelflo coast. iOM crap, lsffiao; 1899 crop. 104IHc; old olds, 2(fTfo. ,IiIDIiaT:r,rm: Oalveston. 20 to 25 lbs., 18U L13ATI I Kit Steady; hemlock sole, lluenos Ayres, light to hravywolght, 2iyC5c; ncld, 23V4lS24Vsc WOOL-Qulet; domestic tleeee, 24fJ20o; Toxns. 1SJJI7 PUOVISIONS- Heef, quiet; family, JU.fXMf l.,ll, iiichv, j.iviiv.um. ueei imiua, fiv.mj 20.00; packet 110,50; city extra India mess, JH.ojlj'lG.OO. Cut meats, steady; pickled bel- No. 2. - vil8A,iT'"ot,n,!0Pf' w.rr" "H follows: i' i.ut'H Quiet; winter patents 13 Vosyi ni. s mights, J:l.20fi3.ffi; clears. J2.S013.4O snring specials. JI.3iHfi4.40; pa cuts, S3 COS - fl v HlniltliH. 13.501!.? r.n. ' i.,.il .? WiJ,:!rJ',,,,JJ. iviii.' i- ' " i ' """'" -..uii.-.iu. llt'.A I No. ft mr in. mtfrt.... lies, 7ifi8Hc; Pickled shoulders, 6V4flG1fe: pickled hams, 8Hf9tio Lard, steady; west ern steamed, V.ti January closed at $7 60, nominal; refined, steady; continent, $7.80; Hotith America, $1.10: compound, $5.fi2Vill 6.76. Pork, nrm! family. Jll.BOff 15.00; short clear. $H.6if17.O0; mess. J13.W3H.00. TALLOW Steady; city, Ec; country, 6fJ &V. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, fi'.lc; Japan, 4fUo. , PEANUTS - Fancy handplckcd, 4Ciuc; other domestic, Ec. BUTTER-Recelpts, 8.7S0 pkgs.; weak, but unchanged, creamery, 17ft27c; Juno creamery. 17Si22t4c; factory, 11014c. CHEESE-Recclpts, 079 pkgs.; II rm ; fancy, large, fall made, lPifjltVic; fancy, small, fall made, 11 Mi 12c. EOOS-Receipts. 3.1RI pkgs.; steady; west ern, average packed, at mark, 22fi26c; west ern, loss off, 27c. POULTRY-Allvo, firmer; fowls, lie; chickens, 9c; turkeys, &IJ9C Dressed, steady; turkeys, SUfylO'.ic; chickens, 9V4ff lOUo: rowls, 9-d 10c. .MI-.TALS This wim a day of small things In the metal market. Speculation was al most entirely kicking, but the undcrtono was steady on firm reports from abroad, where prices advanced ubout 2 for tin, owing to the good demand from exporters, closing ilrm' at 120 15s Bd. The local mar ket for that metal was qjlet, but 11 rm In sympathy with the rlso abroad, closing at t'Si.W, nominal, pgnlnst J26.60, Saturday's close, t'opi r In London was a shade llrmer at 72 10H, but was Inactive nnd nominally unchanged hero at $17.(0 for Lake Superior and 1GV for casting and electrolytic. Ix-ad and spelter ruled dull but steady at un changed prices at J 1.371.35, with advices from Indon reporting nulet nnd uninter esting markets at tinchunged prices. Do mestic Iron markets wero without change. Fig Iron warranto, i9.tyvrno.50; northern !?WJrZ'rU5-!!vvi'iM'- southern foundry JI4.001ilj.7nj soft southern, J13.ovui5.75. Eng. ,1...-mar1V-",o.wro asgow was quoted at Bos 3d and Mlddlosboro at 4S r,L OMAHA WIIOLRHALiTmAIIKKTS. Condition of Truilr nnd Uootnt Ion on Staple nnd I'nuoy I'rodncp. KaoS-ltecelDts. light; good stock, lsyiOc. LIVE POULTHY-Hcns. 6fj6V,o; sprlnj,' chickens, 6H7e; roosters, 3fJ4c; ducks. frff 6V4o; geese, fiHfiTc; turkeys, Sfl9c. FRESH DRESSED POULTRY-Hrns, 7H fjSc; roosters, 6fifie; ducks, bf8Hc; geese, 8Hfi3c; spring chickens, per lb., 7$iBSc; turkeys. loaioVic. OAME-Mnllnrd ducks, per doz.. MOfjl 3.60; teal, Jl.50ffl.75; mixed, Jl.BOjrl.7S; Jack snipes, 75c; Jackrabblts, Jt.50; cottontails, POcfll. BUTTER-Common to fair. Mia choice, n15t!; separator, 25c; nthcrcd creamery, FRESH OY6TER8 - First grade,, solid packed, New York counts, per can, 3Sd; ex tra selects, 32c; standards, 25c; medium, SOc. Second grade, slack filled, New York counts, per can, 30c; extra selects. 2Cj; standards, SOc; bulk standards, per gal., PfOEONB-Llve, per doz., 30c. VEALS-Cholco. OfjlOc. HAY Prlnrt rliwitn.t liv Omnlia Vtinlf.l1rt llay Dealers' association; Choice upland, 9; No. l upland, S; medium, J7.50; coario, Ji. Hye str.iw. JS.E0. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair. Receipts. It cars. OATS No. 3 white, 26c. COHN-No. 3, 32c. HIIAN JI3.B0. ?3flj VKGKTAHLES. . I'AHSNII'S-I'er bu., EOc. ' TI'HNII'S-Per bu. basket, 40c HRKTS Per bu., 40c. CAHHOT8-Per bu.. 40c. LKTTI'ClC Per doz., 33400. HA DISH ICS Per doz.. SiXi35c. IlKANS-Wax. per 1-3 bu. basket, Jl; 75c. crate, ca. ner Ueir. IG.BOT9.00. APPLICS-Natlve- 7Bcf?JI.0O per bit.; per bbl.. J2.50; eastern, J-I.00rf3.; California Uellflowors. per box. J1.40G1.W. CHANIJlCHniKS-Hell and Hugle. J10.0) Jerbbl.; Jerseys, per bbl., 19.25; per crate, TUOPICAL FIUTITS. OUANOKS-Callfornla seedlings. J2.50: navels. J2.75fj3.25; Mexicans, J2.75; Florldas, J3.50. LIOMONS-Cullfornla, extra fancy. J3.50; choice, J3. H ANANAS Per bunch, according to size, J2 (XVff2 E0. KI03 California, new cartons. SOc; lay ers, 75c. Imported, per lb., 13ffl5c. DAT1CS Persian, in CO-lb. boxes, Salrs, E5jc per lb.; Halloween, Cc per lb. MISCELLANEOUS. HIDKS-No. 1 green, fiWc; No. 2 green. BVJo; No. 1 salted. 7Vic; No. 2 salted, CV4c: No. 1 veal calf. S to 12 lbs.. 3V4c; No. 2 venl calf, 12 to 15 lbs., C4c; dry hides. SftKle; sheep pelts, 23fi7Ec; horso hides. Jl.E0fj2.25. L' iali,Klinu vwiiiiuin. ,ci wi;, ,11- berts. per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., 18f20c; raw peanuts, per lb., Bfi5V4c; roasted, GViW tTXV.. l.llllIB, IdL. lUV.,.lir, IUHIbI., 1IONKY Colorado, 24-sectlon case, J3.75. CIDICH-Per bbl.. J5; per half bbl., J3. SAUEIUCHAUT-Per bbl., JI; per half bbl., J2.50. Nt, I.oiiIm (J rill ii nml I'rovlnlon, ST. LOL'IS, Jan. 7. WIIKAT-Lowcr; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 73Hc; track, 72V4f(VT3oi January. 73iic; May, 7trSc; July, 75Vic; No. 2 hard. 72Ufi73c. COUN Higher; No. 2 cash. S6V4c; track, 37c: January, ri'lc: May. 376lc. OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, 24',c; track. 25fr23ie: January, 24c; May, 25icj No. 2 wnue, iv4c. RYU Finn at 60c. F LOCH Quiet and steady; patents, J3.r3J) 3.75; extra fancy and straight, J3.S0fi3.Si, clear, j2.107r2.vu. SHEDS Timothy, nominally firm. J4.25i7' 4.50 for nverago receipts, prime worth moro. Flaxseed, none, rnilN'MMAr Stemlv at 12. HRAN Stronger; sacked, eart track, C7V4c, HAY sternly, tlmotny, jio.ooji jj.oo; prai rie. Srt.50fill.0O. WHISICY-Steadv at J1.27. IRON eOTTONTIES-Jl.l'S. IIA(10INf5-7(!77;o. HEMP TWINE 9e. PROVISIONS Pork, firm; Jobbing. Jl.l.ft T.nnl nominal at 17.10. Dry salt mentn (boxeil), steady; extra shorts. $6.S7V(,; clear ribs, J7; clear sides, J7.12'4. llacon (hoxei., strong; extra shorts, J7.C214; clear rib's f7K7U! elonr nliles. IS. METALS Lend: Nominal at 51.20. Spel ler: .NOII1U1U! ill o.lM. POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 7c; turkeys, k... voniir. Be: ducks. 7Uc: ceese. BHc. HI'TTER Dull; creamery, 15fj2lc; dairy, 13ff20e. ECOS-Oulet nt 17'sC. RECEIPTS Flour, 1.300 bhls.: wheat, 92, fm im enrn. 171.000 hu.: oats. M.t0 bu. SIIIPMENTS-Flnur, 10,00) bbls.: wheat, W.OuO bu.; corn, M,t bu.; oaif, 4,oiri nu. I.lrernnol (irnlii mill Provlnloii. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 7. WHEAT-Spot. firm: No. 1 California. Cn 4Ud; No. 2 red weHtem. winter, fis lil; No. I northern spring, fis 34il. I''utures wero easy; March IW 4,1: Mliv. IU 3d. CORNSpot American, new. easy nt 4s 4d: spot American, old, firm nt 4s 3d. Fu- llireH ivuiu nivtiuj . uuiitmij, ia ,',... ...u.vi, 2s lOUd; May, 3s 9id. PEAS Canadian, nulet nt Es fflU. FLOUR St. Louis funcy winter, steady at 8s Bd. s, HOPS- At London (Pacific coast), Bteady at 2 Sulfas fis. PROVISIONS Flee f, extra India mess steadv at fills Oil. Pork, prime mess, western Htmil'v nt fOs. Hams, short cut. II to 16 lbs. Ilrm at 45s fid, Hacon, steady; Cumberland, 9.11 II,.. 4ts 9d: short ribs. 1G to 21 lbs., firm at 43h 9d; long clear middles, light. 88 to 34 lbs.. 42h fi.1: ong clear middles, heavy. 35 to 40 lbs., 41s fid; short e'ear backs, Hi to 20 lbs,, firm at 31s 3d; clear bellies, 14 to 16 IDS., iss tl. siiouiiitTB, niiunre, 11 10 i.t ids., steady at 31s. Iird, American refined, In palls, Ilrm at 39s fid; prime western, In tierces, firm nt 37s 9il. Ill'TTER-Plnest United Stales, quiet at 9;s; good united states, mill at sis M. CHEESE Steady; American finest white, 51s fid; American finest colored. E2s 6d. TALLOW Prime city, steady at 23s 9d; Australian. In London, sternly at 27s. Tho ImiKirts of wheat Into Liverpool Inst week were: From Atlantic ports, fi3,9) iiimrters: Pacific liorts. nnno: other norts rjs.oni oiinrters. Tho Imnorts of American corn Into Liverpool last week wore 93,900 quurters. KiinnnN City (irnln and Provision. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 7. WHEAT May fi9Vlc; cash. No. 2 hard. C9ft71c; No. 3. CSif C9c; No. 2 red, 72V4f(i3o: No. 3, 71ff71Vtu No. 2 soring. (SfifiSVle. CORN May. SiHsc: cash, No. 2 mixed 34'4c: No. 2 white. 3fio; No. 3, 35Sc. OATS No. 2 white, 20c. llYIV-No. 2. 47M.C HAY Choleo timothy, JlO.OOfj 10.50; choice prnlrle. ixwkiuu.ou. RUTTER-Crcamcry. 18021c; dairy, fflnoy, 1 IV? EQCIS-Lower; fresh Missouri and Kan sun stock. 17Ho doz.. loss off. caseB re tamed; new whltewood cases Included, 4o more. RECEHTS-Whent, 19,400 bu.; corn, 48,400 V... . ...... 1? r.-vi In. ' nil. , uiiin, m,., SHIPMBNTS-Wheat, 47,200 bu,; corn ll.uw nu,; oats, 7,000 nu. VUllile Xupply of (irnln, NEW YORK, Jan. 7 The vlslblo sunnlv of grain Saturday, January 5, ns compiled by tho Now York Prodico exchange, Is ns follows, Wheat. 61.2fil.O10 bu., n decrease of H8.0CO bu.; corn, 10,120,000 bu., an increaao MI INK. :uc. of 1,M6, bu ! oats, 9,S,000 bu., an In creaso of 415.0") bu.; rye. 1.26S.OUO bu., nr Increase of 14,t) bu.j barley, 2,483,000 bu., a decreaso of 179,000 bu. Mltincniiollft Wlient, F:onr nml llrnn, MINNIJAPOLIH. Jan. 7. VI I RAT Cash, 757,c; May, 77'c; July, 79lc On track. No. 1 hard, 79i,c; No. 1 northern, 77Mc; No. 2 northern. 73'i'fi7B'ic. . FLOl'H-lllgher. first patents, JI.2O17I..T0; second patents, Jl.0ufj4.10; tlrst clears, fi.th 12.); second clears, J2.rni2 10. HHAN-ln bulk, J11.7&312.W. Dulntlt i rn In Market. Dt'UMN, Jnn. 7.-VHKAT-Cnsh, N'o. .1 hard, 77c; No. 1 northern, 73c: No. 2 north ern. fW70-V; N'o. 3 spring, 56-vi1T3'Vic; to arrive. No. 1 hard, 78c; No, 1 northern, 7Cc. May, 7fic; July, 80o. COIIN-None. OATS-25t4fj26Vic: MO HMUVr.S STOCKS AMI IIOMIS. .Stock Ktclimigc i:titlilUlir tv Itee urd by DrulliiK In 'J,ino,000 Share. NKW YORK, Jan. 7. All records were broken 0:1 tho Stock exehoiigo today, t'p to tho close of tho exchange about 2,150,00t shares had been dealt In, the greatest num ber of transactions recorded In the history of tho exohungc. Tho mnrket had nil tho characteristics of what Is usually called a traders' market, but everything was on a Gargantunn scale. Where 100-shuro lots would be a normal unit In an ordinary market, In today's mar ket 1,0V), 2,000 and oven S.OOO-sharo lots were bandied about like playthings for a quick turn In the market, The movement of prices was on a corresKndlngly gigantic scnle. Tho turnover of profits In some cases on these enormous blocks of stocks wero mado within a few minutes of time, prices having varied In the Interval per haps many points. Tho speculative char acter of tho market was clearly Indicated In tho Inconstancy of prices. Nothing was stable for any considerable period, but no movement was consistent beyond a short length of time. Losses were recorded, gains were lost ...... "'-: no siiruiig rallies irom reac tions. All this made tho utmost excitement and It w Lutn.ii.iiiH in inu inurKet 1111 nay long, as natural to expect after tho excessive u rf ltl.,1.. I ...1..... a . ... . und inir uumiiwiii 111 1110 closing iraa- in a condition of anxlousncss to skim the am off tho profits this morning, This err cla " "!'."cl! "i nanu in run rorco und erness with which stocks wero unloaded enir and .T . uinii'Kuru suown lor a half or even a full mi m in nri.,., i.,.ii.,..,.i mi,,li',?'OU!' ,lr,:'.ul httt ,lle Passing minutes roMmw.meiV,,.Ul: l0?s .f oPlwrtunltlea for iu'.!-".'i ",0 ',c'!'lnfr- Now Jersey Con ,;.i.i .;. " . " 1 ,lJL-i"-iviiro ,v tiudsoii -M, ore ".r,,;ft:.r;,1',.s.'-..1,'i!'i ynrSi tr.,ii,iiM.. .....I 1,...... . .r-i sylvanla 2 polntH. 1B,H"U n,,u 1 cnn It Is only once or twice In a generation aro reilected on the stock market ns wit,. tIo":1l',,fc.v1!'l:J,,,),;,o,l r!h,n" most vl 'ei.t nY,1?18 J,m,Pl about in tho lluen, r' lV,rr!lt V..m:l'!?r by wide em w ,V, h n,!Lu. V'".rc.l.,.t orders to take all of th rle.. ii., " .lpeiH. The course of ,urlie'' aSM &PS? PWh. "nCf ,11515 frni tinn I"i,u"'"g. "Ut had ost all but a new p( intH VrU iu'. I V'"" wcre the these iHinM'".1. 0.Bnmotpck. None Antral iind'ErU Unison rose'nK ol.iwre '.and Ontnrlo & Wester 1 ?ni' 1',V.!;K"-Wnnna I10 strong ihoven ems of ih ,lliCBOoff,,ro vns crratle ....ili.. ay. Suu-ar Important .i..i" . "8. il I.'reliido to fnrt 1 ,1 crryK pro, orV es , f re', 'v? n'rncIto: given to almost n,, "... nn,l credence Is for r,Irof;;ir(f(tntlH;sKestion of a plan tho'nns';;.; In spite of us 1 hih level tii . beyond tho prevl- 1111 "117 iww01 J',u 'lFKregflt0 j,,,!,,,, 'Oil lfl 1 M- day Included 132.CW ahVr i Blcks to- shares of n il tfrnor i "nn or,Sl"''n'. W.POO of UurllnKto,, mm l?r"0 l3W "ll!'res shares of Nortl erH'aclilr J?r'?' lS2'm Ontario & Western lit '' 2 ,,W H"Qres of Ing. 143.300 shores ("f iiociSta" of. no',,u shares of St. Iaiil TMo ,8l","l and 102.300 has never befnr .;. ' ? .t,C!"u "f trading Atchison 47 I do pfii 'Wabash ... ..'.. 1 do pfd fi in, & l. ii Sliv1.10 .H'1 pt::::: i.?.ml.s- Afntral ... , ' Idrd Avenuo .. llbjH I). At o. pfd.. ' rf'i4 National Tube . 'L '", l'fd i-vt AT"'' c"l'lcr .. .'.-,2 -Mams Express. ':?iV An, Express . . . , il.'n 1 . S l.V.,......' do nfd , S274 11VS . 2:, . 12 2974, . 15U 120U . 87U . m .14 1 .ISO Ilnltlmnro & O. Can. Pacillo .... Can. Southern . dies. & Ohio... Chicago C. W.. C, 11, & Q Chicago 1. & L. do pfd Chicago .t E. I. Chicago & N. W. i'., u. 1. m l'... C. C. (?. A- S. L. Colo. Southern . Wells-Fa'rgo i:ic. 59 .135 do 1st prd do 2d pfd " o pfd .U,. Amer. Malting Hit .'1 l'fd 31 J Amor. S. & r.. 'H lo pfd 2 1 Amcr. Spirits ., r'7,U do pfd VMi Amor. S. II.... , Ji'ja do pfd .iAmer. s. & w.. S7i lo pfd -IS Am. Tin Plato. . E-7i do pfd Am. Tobacco . Ur . J'M., M 27TA EG 9,5 P. 4 17 Del. fc Hudson.. Del. L. & W Den. & R. O do mil Erlo do 1st nfd Ot. Nor. pfd ... HocKlug Loai .. Mo. Paclllc Illinois Central. Iowa Central .. a .90 113TA las 4iV, KITs B! 4lvi 9G 5li 70 ,m 91 , 21 , 73 , 19V4 PO'i , 42 91 do pfd L. E. & W do nfd Lake Shoro Louis. & Nash. 2,, Aim. m. Co . Rjft Hrk. Rnp. Tr... . H ftMlo. F. & I .lG74Con. Tobacco ... I'i.f do pfd Manhattan 1. .. Met. St. Ry Mex. Central .. Minn. & St. I.... do pfd Mo. Paclllc Mobile & Ohio.. M.. K. & T do pfd V. .1. Central.... vwi do pfd wft Gen. Electric ... . 4.,Mi oiucoso Sugar . T ilo Pfd 4t;Vs int'n'l Paper ... , i'i.Jif'Vv.::. N. Y. Central... Nor. & west.. do pfd No. Pacific .... do pfd Ontario .t W.. Ore. R. & N do pfd Pennsylvania .. Reading do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd.... Rio O. W do pfd St. L. & S. F... do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd.... St. L. 8. W do pfd St. Paul . Wi, National Lead . r. "o P'" , 8t.J National Steel . 8'4 ,n ,,fd . 32&S N. Y. Air nrako. .158 . i; rsn. American Pacllie Coast .151 do 1st pfd.., . 3-Vi do 2d pfd.., . 7U Psclllo Mail . . I.i People's (las . . fil Pressed S, (J. . . '.' I d(T nfd . 3Vi . E9 . 91'-i . fi'i . It .101 4154 . 82 .199 . 5 137U .118 . 53 . 'Sis . 7v, . 22i . fif'l . KI54 1CI . 63 . 59 Hvi, Pullman P. C. Stand. R. ,fc T . E7 . 19 .1E.SU sugar do pfd Tenn. C. & I.,. U. 8, Leather.. do pfd St, P. & Omaha. So. Paclllc So. Railway .... do pfd Tex. & Pacific. Union Paclllc ... .190'.4 uo pro.. .129 S lluhbnr. J911 .1.. 22V ..j .11, pfd. cmeri! I II ion . Republic I K- 8. 2m 110 pril 8U4 I . C. C .t St. L. ETi on tl,o rriwcd mlSi? ,'i" ex!rcme re ned HUgnr ni d rHai lVn 11 ' 10 ".rk'p of cent tin pint,., which win n,i,.fiympJlt,1'' PX' rubber stocks u'nr.. 1 1 "I '"'J nnced 4?;. The but had i goo, ii'v'?0"'', weakness? inoved up 4i after 1b hn"'rn I'aclflc cllne. and PeoiiVs f., irp 0l,0"lng de of Hi. The "isi ofGB',ock'(1i M1" ri8C tbo SSloSJ'S, ' Jilting cause of yelopments I , tl" ,Vlro.,,i Uo ,r?c?nr toward vast consoli, nt m,1 'nu or,a Io"'lng '''lie Pennsv " nil cJ V nt:fIiHsltlon Krle and of ti,0 r'i,.0",1 company hy tho Jersey by the TiemMm r"rond or New specul.-uiv ,.".V.r!"""T 'a regarded irT the history of the Stock exchange0ael,C1 1,1 strcilh RaS?1 -on the hiHt enii ,lhU"lr declined ii pcr cent Tho Commercial Advertiser's London llnanclal cablegram says; A fair amount of business was done In tho markets here to day, but tho tone was not satisfactory, An udverso Influence was a series of reports ex. nggeratlng tho latest losses In South Africa Into the death of General Knox. Americans were quicker and sellers predominated, The perpetual reports of consolidations are re garded as a mischievous development which amy bring about serious trouble. This was a Reading day, An early morning "tip" to buy hhares of that company on the Jer sey Central ileal was accepted enthusiasti cally and the fluctuations were violent, lialtlmoro Ohio nlso boomed on dividend rumors. Tho general mnrket. however, eased off, then broko on free sales by Now York. Thero was a partial rally In the street. The market has now repaid the bank alt Its loans, but the latter still holds a heavy amount of bills, liar sold recov ered to 76s 10-7d. The December trade re turns show that exports Increased 7 per cent and Imports 10 per cent, mainly In foodstuffs and raw cotton. The figures for tho year show exports up 10 per cent, Im ports 8 per cent. Sw York Money Mnrket. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. MONK Y On call, easier at 3fHVs per cent; last loan, 3 per "PRIME MERCANTILE FAPER-WUSVi per cent. STERLINO KXCHANOK Firm. with actual business In bankers' bills At JI.S6TI for demand and at JI.S2TI for sixty days; posted rates, Jl.83V4fl.87V4; commercial bills, Jl.82fH.2l4. SILVER-Certltlcates, &44fKVic; silver bars, i;iHc; Mexlcnn dollars, 49Tc. HONDS Government, weak; state, steady; railroad, strong. The closing prices on bonds today are as follows: V. 8. rcf. 2s, reg,. do coupon do 3s, reg do coupon do new 4s, reg, do coupon do old 4s, reg.., do coupon do Bs, reg do coupon D. of C. 3 63s Atch, gen. 4s..., do ml J. 4s Can. So. 2s C. & O. 4V8 do Bs C. & X. W. c. 7s.. do 8. F. d. Bs.. Chicago Ter. 43.. Colo. So. 4s D, It. O. 4 s Erie gen. 4s F. W. A D. C. is, flen. Electric Bs. In. Central Is.... L. &.N. unl. 4s... M.. K. Ac T. 2s... do 4s 10 1 10l4' 190i,i ,110 137U 137(4 lit til 113 112 125 1(W 101 121 139V 118l Ml 100'i MVs 79 N. Y. C. Is N. J. C. gen. Bs. No. Paclllc 3s... do 4 s N Vl'tS L 43. N. & W. c. 4s... .10G", . 714 .10l(i .108 1"0U .no .103 li . K'U lHVi .128 .186 Ore. Nav. Is do 4s Oregon S. L. 6.1. uo consoi us... Reading gen. 4s. Rio O. W. Is.... 8 L & I M e. Es. 8 L & 8 F g. 68. St. Paul cons...., St. P., C. & P. Is 1 do Es , So. Pacific 4s..., Bo. Railway Bs.., S. It. & T. fis Tex. & I. Is do 2s Union Pacific 4s., Wabash Is , ,117 ,1194 iisV4 90 106V4 ,itsf 110 H3VS 153 11314 99i All'' 97th do 2s West Shore, 4s..., Wis, Centrnl Is., Viu Centuries .., Ilnston Stock t iiotntlon. IIOSTON, Jan. 7.-Call loans, 4fi5 per cent; tlmo loans, 4fjG per cent. Ofllclal closing: A., T. & S. F..., do pfd , Amcr. Sugar do pfd Hell Telephone.., Iloston & Alb'y. Ilnston Elevated lioHlou & Me C, II, & Q Dominion Coal.. do pfd Federal Steel ... do pfd FItchnurg pfd.. Gen. Electric ... do pfd Mex. Central .... N. E. O. & C Old Colony Old Dominion . Rubber Union Pacific .., Union Land .... 47 117V West Knd West. Electric ., Atchison 4s , 93 Ei 102 70 10 s 311 78 M3 25V4 IS E0 W 49V4 176 CV4 330 4814 JllVj, N. 15. O. & C. Bs, Adventure Allotiez Mln. Co, Amal. Copper Atlantlu Mlostou & Mont., initio & Iloston., 'al. & llecla ('eutenntal , Franklin Humboldt , In I 252 159Va ,193 1 18 ,lfKUl , 54' , il, 139 1SS ,156 15 13'i ,:o5 .'in Osceola , Parrot , Qulucy Santa. Fo Cop.., Tamarack Utah Mining Winona Wolcrluves , 2?'4 , 2h Bid. Neir York MIiiIiik Slinrea. NEW YORK, Jan. 7.-TI10 following nro tho quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con. 2) 45 200 LendvIIle Con.. Lltt'.o Chief ... Ontnrlo Ophlr I-nucnlx Potosl Savngo Small Hopes .. Standard . G . IB .r.75 . 90 . 10 . 15 . 20 . 63 .3i Alice llreece llrunswlck Con. Comstock Tun.. Con. fill. & Vn. 4 Dendwood Terra. B3 Horn Sliver 110 Iron Silver 63 London .Stock ((no tut Ion. LONDON, Jnn. 7.-4 p. m.-ClosIng: Cons., money do acct.... 97 11-1G Erie 97 t-10 do 1st pfd ... 41 Vi Pennsylvania ... ... 95 Rending . G9 : $ Atchison Can. Pacific .... St. Paul Illinois Centrnl Loulsvillo II. 1. pfd N. Y. Central.. ..lfil?4No. Paclllc pfd. . .1.1). (Irund Trunk ... .. MP 'Anaconda .. tl ;llaud Mines .... ..1I7.T RAR SILVER-Flrm nt 29Hd per ounce. MONEY .'I&3V4 per cent; tho rato of dis count In the cpen market for short bills Is 3Tiftl per cent; for thrco months' bills, 4fJI!4 per cent. Foreign Pliiiinclul. LONDON, .l.'.n. 7. Money was easier to day. Tho supply was augmented by con sols nnd dividends. Business cn tho Stock exchnngo opened Irregular. Tho approacil of tho settlement was of adverso lniluenc,;. Some hands wero fairly steady, duo lo hopes that tho monetary squeeze In tver for tho time being Americans opened weak, grew weaker, rose to about parity, reacted slightly and Improved at the close. lieauiugs wero 1110 ieamres. incro was somo profit-taking In St. Paul, owing to tho absence of confirmation of tho report of Its lease. Grand Trunks were dull. Knflirs wero flat on General Knox's e verse. Gold premiums nro quoted: Ruono3 Ayres, 130.70; Mndrid, 34.46; Rome. B.40. PARIS, Jan. 7. Prices opened firm on tho bourse today, but later, Influenced by the decllno In Kalllrs, tho general tendency was unfavorable. Rentes wore easior. Spanl.m 4s and ItnllnnH wero strong. Tlntos wero somewhat easier. At the closo business nil nround was dull, In spite of a slight hard enlnc of Kafllrs. Three per cent rentes, loaf 10c for tho account; exchnngo on London, 23f ll".c for cheeks; Spajilsli 4s, 71.15. BERLIN, Jan. 7. Foreign securities wero firm on the bourse, today, especially Italians Homo funds were easier. Americans wero dull. Canadian Paclllcs advanced and mlneg were In demand on bear i covering. Ex chnngo on London. 20m I5sipfg for checks; Discount rates: Short blllB. 3',s per cent; thrco months' bills, 4 per cent. llnnk ClenrliiK. CM I If'AGO. Jim. 7. Clenrlncs. J2fi.314.f ll balances, J2.293.281; New York exchnngo. 25o I . . . .....,.,. Avnl.niirrn tl V11i.!,J 7li. mces, J2.29...281; r?ew lorn oxenange. ioc mlum; Rlorllng exclinnge, J4.S3V4fi4.87',4. I'. LOUIS, Jan. 7. Clearings, J8.145.965; inccs, J777.212; money, Efi7 per cent; New iireiui ST. lii.liLnces Vnrk exehiince. nar bid. 20c nremlum asked. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. Exchanges, J13S.922,- 961; balances, J8.4&7.BS4. BOSTON. Jan. 7. Exchanges, J1S,400,UO; baliinces. Jl.216.931. CINCINNATI. Jan. 7. Money, 3fJG ier cent; Now York exennnge, par; clearings, JI.G48.750. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 7.-CIearlngs, J13, 733.708; balances, J2.I48.791. BALTIMORE, Jan. 7.-Clearings, J3,lB5,E9:i; balances, J497.992. Condition of the TreiiNury. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-Todny's state ment of tho treasury balances In tho gen eral fund, exclusive of tho JloO.tOl.OOO gold reserve in ino division or redemption, shows: Available cash balances, J141.011, 545; gold. J92,4C9,12l. Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK, Jan. 7. - COFFEE Spot, Rio. steadv: No. 7 Invoice. 7Vie; mild, nulet: Cordova, 9V4fH354c. Tho market for coffee rutures opened steady, with prices iu points up on September and 5 points higher on the other positions, following covering by shorts, foreign and light Investment sup- nnrt. nu rounded on 1 rm European nnd Brazilian market advices, talk of smaller receipts and smaller crop movement than looked for. Later tho market eased off partially under nctlvo prnllt taking nnd un favorable closing French cables. Trading wns actlvo in ino late session and mostly iirnfesstnnnl. Tho closo was Ilrm. wltb nrlces BffilO nolnts hlclier. Total sales. 30.- 500 bags. Including: Februury, 6.85c; March, Gc: Muv, (i.iofjo.i&c; July, tuso; sepiemiier, e.ziyjii.2.io; uctoner, li.i'.iroti.jioc; xsovemner, u.2(X(jo.Juc; iiecemoer, u.ioaio.ayc. OH nnd IIiinIii. OIL CITY. l'a.. Jnn. 7 OH, Credit 1ml nneps. 11.25: certltlcatrs closed nt J1.29 bid: salos, 8,00.) bbls. at J1.29; shipments 191.121 DDIs., average uv.mi nuis ; tuns j.i.-.a'ni uon. Rverniro S0.55I bbls. NEW YORK Jnn. 7.-OILS-Cottoneed firm; prime crude, 2Mi'.'g.o; prime youow. Sir. Petroleum. Ilrm. Rosin, unlet: strained. common to good, $1.75. Turpentine, steady at 40VyfT45e. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 7 -OILS-Cottonseed, Hull refined, spot, steady, 20s Bd. Turpen tine spirits, dull, 2Ss 9d. Rosin, common, steady. Is 7!fcd. Petroleum, rollr.ed, iul it, 7d. Linseed, steady, 31s fid. TOLEDO, Jan. 7 OILS North Lima, 9Ce; South Lima and Indiana, tse. AViinl Mnrket. LONDON. Jan. 7. WOOL The arrivals of wool ror tlto nrsi series ot ivn nueiion snles elosiil today with the following lists; New South Wales, 62,837 bales; Queensland, ai.fflS linles: Victoria. 45.090 bales: South Australia, 26,MXi bales; West Australia, 0.E39 bales; Tasmania, am nines: isow leaiain, 3K 4:! Dales: Cane of Good Hone and Nat.tl. UKU'.I Dales. Tho amount uvalliiblo for the sales, 3.8,959 bales, Including 130,000 bales of old stock ST LOUIS. Jnn, 7 - WOOL- Quotation.? reduced slightly on finer irades, but other uncumged. medium graiK's HUZ'tC, llgr. nne. 121I6C iifavy une, joyisc; tuo wuaneu 164123 c. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Btceipti Light uid Ecef Steen Bteadjr, Oowb a Dime Higber. HOGS AVERAGE A BIG DIME HIGHER Cloml ncmnml for Both Sheep nnd I.ninb and Mnrket Stronn to a DInie Illnlirr All Around nnd Trnde Active. SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 7. Recelnts were: t!attle. Hors. Sheep. Olllclal MomlHV 1.431 4.22B 4.019 Same day last week 1.112 4,425 2.173 Samo day week before.. 751 5,343 17 Same threo weeks ago.. 1,497 6,728 2,068 Same four weeks ago... 2,241 6,33: 8,3i Average nrlco tmld for hogs for the past several days, with comparisons; I 1900. 1S99.1S9S. 11897. 11S96.I1893.I1S34. Dec. 15.. Dec. 1G.. Dec. 17.. Dec. 18.. Dec. 19.. I "HI 3 95 8 271 4 01, 3 30 3 21 3 171 4 CS 3 29 3 17 3 27 3 31 3 17 3 48 4 13 3 31 3 16 3 36 4 13 3 IS 3 31 4 07 3 33 1 3 32 4 11 3 28 3 17l 3 27 4 15 3 24 3 14 4 14 3 21 3 17 3 27 3 2t 3 19 3 31 4 13 44 44 44 44 3 20 3 30 4 17 .1 30 3 38 4 13 3 30 3 38 4 13 3 30 3 IS 4 13 3 31 3 13 3 41 3 33 3 17 3 i 4 23 3 42 3 18 S 40 4 22 4 3 17 3 43 4 16 3 48 3 46 4 08 3 44 3 So 3 Bl 11 3 38 3 27 4 16 3 39 3 29 3 63 3 40 3 18 3 48 4 10 1 -?4 4 73 , I 79k 4 8'A, 4 V4 4 86 i 3 26 3 93 3 92 3 2S 3 28 3 S2 3 34 3 37 3 47 44 3 E0! Dec. 20.. 3 91 4 01 Dec. 21.. nee. 22 4 02 Dec. Dec. 23.. 24.. 4 01 4 Dec. Doc. 23.. i SS',8 i 7Ci 4 804 4 90V4 I 11 Dec. 27. 09 3 44 Dec. 28... Dec. 29.., Dec. 30.. Deo. 31... 4 II 3 48 3 4B 3 45 4 IS 4 11 4 4 21 4 33 3 51 S B7 3 67 3 41 3 47 Jan. 1 4 93 4 934 E 02'il Jan. 7.. Jan. ,.. 4 29 Jan. 4 4 27 4 37 Jan 5 Jan. fi. 4 S3 3 48 3 42 Jan, 7... B IMfcl Indicates Sunday: Indicates holiday. Tlin nlllnlul ..t r l..lr , - , .iiii.-i vn .it,,, ,i ci. brought in today by each road was: , ,. . uaitic. nogs, an p. irm. '.. M. & St. 1. Ilv... i 7 Union Paclllc system. 1 9 'i 'i . iv .-n. v. uy 3 3 '.. U. M. v. n. 11.. 7 in " 1. C. & P. Ry G 3 .. ., SI. 1'.. JI. .t O.... 7 3 3 . & M. R. R. II it r 10 1 !.. B. . O. Ilv A 7 k. c. & st. j 1 .. .. '., R. I. & P. Ry., E. s 10 1 !.. R. I. & V. Ilv.. W. 1 Illinois Central 7 2 .. .! Total receipts Bl fit 20 2 TVwt . 1 1 ., .. I I .. . 1. . ...... as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: HuverM. nniiln 1 Tr.. ai,nn Omaha Packing Co .'. tvis 4si it. 11. iiammonu uo 42 1,013 200 Swift und Company C2 2.10 1,182 Cudnhy Packing Co 300 1,336 1,217 Armour X- fn . 101 m-i -01 Vansant & Co 2fi i.onman & Co 122 McCreary fz Clark 128 .lYinKmuiKi K scunner.. J3.I Iamllton & Rothschild.... 198 F. Husz 4 I. L. Dennis & Co Ill V. H. Miilinm.v n Other buyers '.. 228 " 99 Totals 1.4S7 4,193 4,000 CATTLE TDerA ir.na n llelit nm nf .,itllu here today and receipts Included nothing that might bo called strictly choice beor steers, Tho demand for tlnlnDeil entile seems to bo in good shape, but the half-fat stuff nnd warmed-up cattle did not show any Improvement today. The better grades 01 wnai was on sale brought good, steady prices, but tho less, desirable kinds were dull and sellers found It illtlleult in i?et steady prices for them. The fne.t. that then were so few cattle of any description ottered ooiioiiess ueipeu out tho sale of those that were on tho market. There was a irood. nctlve demand for cows and heifers today and In view of the light supply the mnrket Improved about a. dlmo all around, unless It bo on ennncrs. Buyers all seemed to be anxious for sup- plies and as a result they had to pay better prices than nt the closo of Inst week. As a result of tho good demand tho market soon camo to a close fur lnelc of supplies. Thero was no particular change In bulls, calves and Btags today, prices holding Just about steady. inero wero only a row reeders on sulo today and those that wero offered could not bo called fancy stock. The demnud woh in fairly good shapo and sellers found little diniculty In disposing of their hold lugs at Just about steady prices. Stock cows and heifers, stock calves nnd dh'.Im all sold In about the same notches they did Inst week. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS, No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 1000 US) 1 901 4 30 1 780 2 75 00 US5 4 35 1 910 3 75 14 1208 4 43 29 899 4 00 1 1070 4 E0 15 1106 4 00 21 1013 4 E0 8 923 4 23 14 1088 4 55 21 1223 4 20 STEERS AND HEIFERS. G 903 4 03 4 1297 4 EO 17 901 4 30 COWS. 1 G90 1 00 1 1200 2 83 1 880 1 90 4 9S2 2 90 2 9ffi 2 00 1 1200 2 90 2 883 2 00 1 950 2 90 3 820 2 ( 0 1 1040 3 00 1 870 2 00 1 970 3 W 1 SCO 2 10 1 1110 3 00 2 90S 2 10 S 10SO 3 00 4 960 2 10 2 101(0 3 00 7 9S7 2 10 12 1060 3 no 1 890 2 10 S 1W 3 (Ml 2 903 2 25 13 1066 3 05 9 932 2 40 2 1250 3 10 R 938 2 45 1 1150 3 25 1 1050 2 EO 3 1093 3 25 1 1010 2 50 9 1028 3 25 1 1093 2 50 3 12SB 3 25 3 1060 2 EO 9 1123 3 30 4 876 2 50 23 10S6 .1 35 4 1055 2 E0 1 1260 3 33 9 1051 2 55 1 1107 3 35 3 1240 2 55 3 1290 3 .'13 1 920 2 60 1 1220 3 33 2 9S5 2 GO 1 1150 3 10 3 926 2 fiO 8 124U 3 40 4 1012 2 B3 2 1060 3 40 1 1170 2 75 2 1113 3 50 15 971 2 75 1 1530 3 ;,0 5 1062 2 73 2 1040 3 bO 8 .......10u0 2 85 COWS AND HEIFERS. 6 1036 3 75 4 937 3 90 HEIFERS. 3 370 3 00 U 1111 .1 50 1 830 3 10 2 955 3 73 7 682 3 20 12 G82 3 75 G.. 791 3 25 B 790 3 95 1 E70 3 10 BULLS. 1 1350 2 00 1 1520 3 00 1 G30 2 10 1 1360 3 05 1 1190 2 35 1 1500 3 05 1 1320 2 40 1 1320 3 10 1 E20 2 E0 1 1330 3 10 1 1300 2 50 1 1540 3 10 1 1280 2 50 1 1590 3 10 1 1130 2 60 1 1290 3 20 1 470 2 i.0 1 1300 3 25 4 130) 2 CO 1 1010 3 23 1 1620 2 fiO 1 1570 3 ;5 2 CK5 2 60 1 1630 3 35 19 1251 2 fi5 2 1635 3 10 1 1200 2 76 2 1525 3 10 1 1490 3 00 1.; 910 3 (0 2 1185 3 00 1 13S0 3 15 1 1260 3 00 1 m 3 60 STAGS. 7 1150 2 60 2 1330 3 33 1 1300 3 00 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 2 10S5 2 25 18 5SS 3 00 1 480 2 75 1 450 3 20 E 791 2 75 1 680 3 20 2 525 3 00 17 697 3 GO STOCK CALVES. 1 630 3 00 E 470 4 23 1 380 3 40 2 250 5 00 8TOC1CERS AND FEEDERS. I EGO 2 00 4 675 3 CO 1 830 3 E0 23 761 3 fi5 2 075 3 00 S3 773 4 00 II 1072 3 00 3 903 4 00 4 860 3 60 5 G7S 4 00 10 773 3 50 61 1119 4 05 5 836 3 60 4 987 4 15 2 825 3 60 36 734 4 15 2 655 .1 W) 80 8.18 4 15 12 893 3 60 30 850 4 23 45 Ml 3 65 2 755 4 23 Georgn W. Allen-Colo, 18 cows 856 2 60 10 feeders. . fill 3 63 Knows 957 2 90 2 bulls 1000 3 10 14 heifers... 916 2 90 4 calves. .. 307 3 75 1 heifer.... 610 I 25 HOGS Thero was not a heavy run of hog.) here today', but ns all the packers were anxious for sunplles the market opened up "'ifflOc higher The hogs begnn selllmj nt 15.1254 and J.MJ. out 11 soon i.ccnme evident that there wero not enougn nogs to go nround. nnd ns a result sellers held for innr.- money. Tho packers had to raise their hands nnd the market becamo n dime higher, nnd on tho closo It was 10ffl2'yi higher. inn uuik 01 an ino ships ,voni from J3.12V4 to J5.1755. with several load nt J5.20, and a top of .224. The high prico was pain tor a prime 101111 ni nogs veii,-nini (.1 nnunds. Buyers nav that the n-elab ,in not make as much difference now iim quality, as they can uso anything over TOO pounds to good advantage where tho quality Iri Sailnlttl 101 ' v uiiiiiiwii (mill llUKli, ll'JW ,...p. dn not bring vorv cood nrlces. Tho market today was active throughout with the exception of a weak spot In tho middle, which lasted for only a few mln. utcs, and everything was sold In good sea son. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. A v. 8h. Pr. 21 .... 96 ... JI 13 66 262 80 6 15 H 2.U ... 6 10 91 196 ... 6 16 63 233 40 B 10 94 193 80 6 15 71 259 2f) 6 124 67 230 80 5 15 64 S19 200 6 12(4 67 233 80 5 15 73 273 20) 6 I2V4 63 201 40 6 15 SI 285 40 B 12U 64 2?6 280 5 15 75, 222 10 6 124 75 2.15 ... 6 15 65 235 200 5 12U m 276 80 6 15 60 296 40 B 12 87 213 ... 5 15 78 212 ... 5 I9U f.'l . '.hii fvi r ir. 07 152 ... 6 12 78 242 ... B 15 77 225 40 6 I2I4 69 319 40 6 15 73 242 120 6 12JJ fiO 2S4 120 B 15 77 244 ... 5 124 69 271 ... B I7'4 M 255 SO B 12(4 1 66.. .231 E 171;, 11 . 4 .219 ... 6 1SU Ml 272 ... R 17U. 61 315 80 6 IS 70 229 ... 0 i.U 12 205 ... 5 ir. 62 285 ... 6 15 89 161 40 6 IS tri 20S ... 6 15 Bl 306 120 6 13 6S 261 40 B 15 B2 279 SO 5 15 15 1J2 ... 6 15 (i 243 120 6 15 61 298 ... r. ir. 65 313 ... 6 17V4 63 290 W 5 17V4 6.' 286 80 6 17V4 CO 263 120 5 17'4 37 247 ... 6 17'4 70 231 ... B 17V4 79 220 40 6 174 60 263 80 6 174 71 201 ... 5 1754 66 221 ... 6 20 73 230 80 6 20 65 222 120 6 20 65 289 80 5 22V4 E7 285 ... 6 15 ? 360 ... 6 16 61 246 ... 6 1 5 67. 262 200 6 15 100 171 ... BIS SHEEP n nlxl.. 1M.r,i1 rim nf sheep here today, but the demand was fully equal to the supply and the market was strong to a dlmo higher all around. Pack ers all wanted tho f,oo(. stuff, and as a result practically everything answering to that description was sold and weighed tip early In the morning. Lambs sold as high as J...35, nnd ytnrlfiigs brought JI.O and wothers JI30. Ewes nlso sold nt satisfac tory prices, J3.G0 being tho high price, or 10c better than last week, The few fee:tr nfferml nlnn tiroucht rood steady prices. wuointions: Choice fed wethers, u.wiv .33: fnlr In frnnrt fn,1 unlliiim. i.1.851M.flO: choice yearlings, J1.23ffl.fj0; fair to go' 1 yearlings. J4."fI4 25; choice ewes, J3.00ft,l.73; fnlr to good owes. J3.00fl3.60j choleo spring lambs. jS.ooiiC.35; fair to good spring lamb. Jl.86fj6.00; feeder ewes, J2.25fi3.CO: feeder wethers, J3.BOii1,75; foedor lambs, Jl.0OfjM.10. Representative buIcr: No. Av. Pr. 15 eull ewes 93 J2 60 20 cull owes...., 87 3 f 1 owe 120 3 00 4 goats 42 3 00 B feeder ewes ES 3 23 436 Nebraska ewes Ill 3 60 i7 Nehraska ewes 101 3 w I western feH etvo 100 3 50 191 western fed ewes 114 3 65 30 western fed rues 146 6 Vi 232 fet ewes 87 3 GO 11 iceoing werncrs m 10 cull lambs 62 4 25 15 cull lambs 61 4 25 20 cull lambs 31 4 25 205 ewes and wethers 117 4 30 23 western yearlings 149 4 & 77 Nebraska lauilis 70 6 35 201 western venrllnirs 103 4 41 215 western yearlings 101 4 11 iceiung inmns 4i 1 ii 195 western Iambs 62 4 9) 3u western fed lnmhs 73 6 25 277 fed lamb 71 6 "5 1 western red lambs 75 0 ;k 44 western fed Inmli 98 E T3 148 Nebraska lambs 76 0 33 CIIICACO l.IVU STOCK MARKET. Cnttle Vnrjluir from Slniv to Stronit Hokm II Iclicr Sheep Lower. CHICAGO. Jan. 7. CATTLE Recelnts. 19,000 head, Including 700 head Tcxans; choleo strong, steers slow, butchers' stock nnd Texans steady; good to prime steers, J3.25fj6.10; poor to medium, J3.75fi5.20; stock ers und feeders, good to choice, stronger ut J2.90fi4.40; cows. J2.63f4.24; heifers. 2.75ff 4.75: dinners. J2.00fj2.60; bulls, J2.S5i!i 1.40; calves. Jl.OJfjB.25; Texas fed steers, J4.(0f( 4.90; Texas grass steers, J3.3Ofj4.10; Texas bulls, J2.B0fj3.60. 1 1 ugh Receipts, today. 3fi.om Dead: to- morrow, 35.000 head, estimated; left over, 3,noo head; active nnd 10c higher; top, J5.40; mixed nnd butchers. J5.00fii5.40: cood to choice heavy, J3.15(fi3.40; rough heavy, J5.0W 11.n1; ngni, jj.iu'uu.j'.ii; uuik 01 sales, vo.iwt B.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Rece nts. 23.000 head: sheen, steady to 10c lower: Iambs. 10 15c lower; good to choleo wethers, J3.75fl.70; fair to choice mixed, J2.40fJ3.SO; western sheep, J3.75fT4.60; TexnB shc-o, J2.50ft3.60; native lambs, Ji.00f?u.75; western lambs, 5.00 Xrw York 1,1 Stock Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. BEEVES Recelnts. 6,331 head, steers nnd bulls, steady; covs, lower; sieers, ji.&ojja.ij: oxen and sings, J4.E0fj4.6O; stockers. J3.60; bulls, J3.00fll.ooj cows. Jl.S0fjl.oo. Cables mioto llvo cattlo selllnir at lifffe? sheen. Mlpnilf! refrlce. rator beef, 9Viii10c. Bhlpmcnts. 440 head cat tlo, 1,200 ncua sheep nnd 4,440 quarters or beef. CALVES Rece nts. l.B 6 head: vea s. ntrtiiriv: Dnrnvnril rulven. ntrnnirerf venl. J5.00fj6.80; llttlo calves, JI.05; barnyard calves, J3.23ff4.O0; yearlings, J2.85fjfl.23. BHKIJl' AND LAJIHS Receipts, 1S.46S head; higher; sheep, J3.(04.50; lambs, J6.70; CannJa lambs, J6.E0. HOGS-Recelpts. 10.341 head: steady at J5 10f?5.G3. St. I.oiil Live Stock Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 7. CATTLE Recelnts. 4,100 head. Including 2,800 head Texnns; mar ket 10c lower: native shinning and exnort steers, J4.75fi6.25; dressed beef nnd butcher steers. JI.25fjG.30; steers under 1.0OO lbs., J3.255fl.9'.l; stocKcrs und reeders, S2.l0fil.riO; cows and helfera. J2.O0ff4.75; canners, J1.25if 2.73: bulls. J2.O0fTI.0O: Texas and Indian steers, J3.40fJ4.B5; cows and heifers, J2.30ff' 3.40. HOGS Recelnts. 7.900 bond: strong and 10 E?15o hlcher: tiles and llehts. J5.O5fi5.20: packers, J3.10fi6.23: butchers, J5.25fjfi.32V4. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts, 700 head; murkot slow und lower; native muttons, J3.75ff4.35; lambs, Jl.25fi5.60; culls and bucks, J2.60fj3.25; Blockers, J2.00fj3.00. Kiiiinhn Clt Live hiw'K Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 7. CATTLE Re- celnts. 8,000 head natives, 10jiO head Texans nnd 400 bend calves; markot quiet, consid ering quality; nntlvo beef steers, J4.60fi5.20: stockers nnd heifers. J3.25fj4.50; butchers' cows and heifers, J2.75ff4.40; canners, J2.25fJ 3.00; fed westerns. JI.O0ff4.70; Tcxans, J3,3fl 4.10; cnlves, J4.OVfjB.25. HOGS-Recelpts, lo.ooo iiend: murKet fiwioc higher: ton. $5.2254: bulk of sales. JS.lOff 6 17V4; heavy, J5.1254fiG.2254; mixed packers, J.l.lOfl.V.1); llgllt. J3.WU5.1&; pigs, J4.26fJ-l.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.300 head: market strong: western lambs. S5.30fi 5.50: western muttons, J4.0034.25; ewes, J3.25 fj3.7E; culls, J2.00f(2.30. St. JoNepli Live Stuck Market. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Jan. 7.-(Sne- clal.) The Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts. 1,000 head: markot steady: natives, $f.l0iT(5.2O; Toxhb and west erns, J3.60f5.20; cows and heifers, J2.10IC 4.40; bulls nnd stags, J2.23fM.G0; yearlings and cnlves, JJ.23fj4.Cn; stockers and feeders, js.unn.so: venis, w.bwiu.uu. I IOO S Receipts, 3,200 head; market 754fP 10c higher: nil grades, J3.07Hfi6.2254; bulk of sales. J3.12V4fj6.17V4; plgft. 55 10c higher. SHEEP Receipts, too heud; market steady to 10c higher. Stock In SlKlit. Following nro tho receipts at the four principal western markets for January 7: Cottle. Hoss. Sheep. South Omaha 2,384 6.339 8,305 Chicago 19,0(0 38,00) 23,000 Kansas City 18,0(0 10,000 2,300 St. Louis 4,10) 7,900 700 Totals 43,481 02,239 34,305 Toledo Grnln nnd Seed. TOLEDO, O., Jan. 7.-WHEAT-Actlv nnd lower; cash and January, SOc; May, S3c; July. SlVic. , , , . CORN Fairly aetlvo and higher; cash nnd January, 3Sc; May. 39;o. OATS Quiet ojid firm; cash and Jnnuary. 2IHo: May, 26V4c. KYK B3o. , .,.. OLOVERSEED 1899, prime, JG.E0; Janu ary, J7.1714; March. J7.25; I'lilliideliibln Produce Mnrket. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 7. -BUTTER Steady; fancy western creamery, 25c; fancy western prints, 2fte. EGGS-Dull and lo lower: fresh nearby, 26o; fresh western, 26c; fresh southwestern, 26o; fresh southern, 25c. CHEESE Firm: New York, full creams, fancy, small, llRif?12o; New York full creams, fair to choice, 10VifjUV4e. Mllnnnkee Grnln .Mnrket. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 7.-WHEAT-DU1I; No. 1 northern, 77ff7Sc; No. 2 northern, 74fr TBc. iivt.? icirmer: No. I. E.'l5iiR54e. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, GOe. sample, SSR) BSe. SiiKiir Mnrket, NEW ORLEANS, Jnn. 7. SUGAR -Strong; open kettle. 34f?3He; open ketlio, centrifugal, 313-lGfimc; centrifugal, white, 4V4f4 11-lGc; yellow, 4fj4 9-lfic; seconds, 2c. Molasses, steady: open kettle, 24fj32j; cen trifugal, 6fj21c. Syrup. 281JflOe. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. - SUGAR - Raw. steady; fulr refining, 34c; centrifugal, 06 test, lo; molasses sugar. 3e; refined, nrm and higher. No. C, 6.BO0: No. 7, B.45c; No. 9, 4.80c; No. 10. 4.75c; No. 11, 4.70c; No. 12, 4.65c; No. 13. 4.fi5c; No. 14, 4.60c; standard A, B 10c; confectioners' A. 5.40c. mould A, 6.91c; cut loaf, 0.10a; crushed, 6.10c; powdered, B.70c; granulated, B.GOe; rubes, 6.85c. Mo lasses, steady: Now Orleans open kettle, good to choice, S'-'fillc. EMtporiitnl nnd Dried Fruit. NEW YORK, Jan. 7 - EVAPORATED APPLES Tho week started with offerings of evaporated npples fnlr and prices rather weak, prompted by poor country advices and larger receipts. At the close price were ns follows: State, common, 3?iJHfi bi;lme. 4i6i4c; choice, fiii.fiGe; fancy, ftfliC, CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS -- Wealt and Irregular on 11 business of fair volume, Prunes were 3JtSi8!ic tier lb., as to Blue nml nun Ity. Apricots. Royiil. lOfilSo; Moor Park. IMTMe. Peaches, peeled, HJilSc; tin pecltd, WsfjIOo. t- York Dry (iiiml Mnrket. The week opens with on'y 11 limited demand "" i-ii,inin 01 coiion gooos, j nero has been no change In tone or In prices. The American Woolen cnmpativ opened ltd new lines of overcoatings for full today at prices showing iv. slight decllno from Inst year. lMnln Butter Mnrket. oi . i I 1"-'iAlV- 1,1 TTER-flteadv nt 24c; offerings. 210 tubs; withdrawn, 160 tubs No bids were made and no Miles. Sales of i.ightim: iiy Acr.Tii, i:ij. Snlil in lie nil Ideal llliinilnnnl for lolntril llulliHiiuN. At present It does not appear likely that ncetyleno will become a serious competitor of electric light or city gas in tho larger towns, but In small towns aud villages, where tho amount of lighting done will not warrant tho expenditure called for by elec tric or city gas plants, ncetyleno Is eminently well adapted. For Isolated build ings of various kinds It Is nn Ideal tlluml nnnt. If tho user of nn acetylene gas ma chine will but bear In mind the fact that ho Is operntlng his own gas works nnd will act accordingly, thero la no reason why acety lene should not prove a reliable and satis factory form of lllumlnant, writes Theo dore Tamey In Casslor's Magazine. Much has been written of tho dangerous character of tho gas Itself, oven without mixture with air, but It has been pretty definitely determined that tho puro gns, when properly generated and maintained at low pressure, will not explode from shock or llro. When compressed to two ntmosphcroH It begins to show exploslvo qualities when heated. When, however, nlr is mixed with acetylene, It becomes vio lently explosive, the rango of cxploslvcncn rxtondlng from about 3.1 per cent of gns to 21 per cent, some authorities placing tho upper limit ns high ns S2 per cent. In tho form of burner usually employed tho open ings In tho Inva tips aro very smnll, nnd n match may bo applied to such a burner, pnsslng a mixture of gas and nlr, without If tho burner tip be removed from tho fix- danger of explosion, hut such Is not tho caso turo. Hearing theso facts In mind tho gen erator must bo constructed to contain ft minimum of dead air apace when first stnrtrd. Tho lesson of experience has been that tho poreon starting tho apparatus fre quently becomes impatient In waiting for tho small blue flames to reach their full slzo and brilliancy, nnd ho removes tho burner tips to accclerato matters, trying tho openings with a match. This mothod, whllo Invariably effectlvo In determlng whether or not U10 nlr mlxturo has passed off, can not bo employed with safety lo tho person or surrounding property. Many buc' In stances nro on record, and have, correctly cnought, been set down to caretesnness, but tho primary causo of tho dlfllcully Is de fective design of tho apparatus. It Is en tirely posslblo to construct npparntus which will give almost puro gas Immediately. Further than this, tho portion of tho ma chlno which must bo open for rechnrglng should not Introduce n largo amount of nlr Into tho system. With a view to Increasing profits, makers of machines aro frequently 1ml need to rato them nbovo their real capacity; that In, provision Is not made for the quantity of carhldo necessary to supply tho specified number of lights. Tho chnrgo becoming exhausted, tho lights go out, necessitating recharging nt night. This In a dangerous operation by artificial light, and should bo avoided. In purchasing n machine tho buyer should sco that an allowance Is mndo In tho generator for nt least eight-tenths of a pound of carbide for every half-foot burner. For a dwelling this allowance would probably sufTlco for tho dally light ing period, but for other conditions ot servlco tho amount should bo Increased ac cordingly. HEROES IV lll'.MIII.i: LIFE. Novel .Memorial of the Herd nf Tlrnvn .Men nnd Women. A cloister has recently been built In Aldersgnte street In London, on the walls of which nro to be placed memorlnls of the deedM of heroism of Enallsh men nnd women In humblo life, reports Y'outh's Com panion. I' our Ellen Illinois nave lurenoy occn erected, tho Inscriptions on two nf them rending ns follows: "Wulter Penrt. driver, nnd Harry Bran, fireman, of the Windsor express, on .liny 18. iwi, wnust neing scalded and burnt, sacrificed their lives in saving a train." "Mnrv Rocers. stewardess of the Stella, March 30, 1899. self-sacrificed by giving up her life-belt nnd voluntnrlly going down m ino sinning snip. Nothing cnn bo more Inspiring than this public recognition of tho bravery nnd self sacrifice of obscure heroes and heroines. Westminster Abbey Is crowded with tho tombs of Englnnd's mighty dead her great warriors on land nnd sen, her poets, her statesmen, her nutlior. Each puts forth 11 silent clnlm to have helped mankind nnd pleads to bo remembered by his country, but until now there has boon no publto recognition of these humble heroes, Wliv should not Americans follow tho ex ample of tho builders of the church In Aldersgatov in inmost every viuugo cuurcn In Knglnnd are tablets recording tho nnmoa of men belonging to tho old county fnmlllos who havo died In bnttln In India. Africa or tho Crimea. Abovo tho memorial often hangs the torn nnd blood-stained bnttle-flag under which they fought and died. Whv should not every American village from Mnlno to California keep a record of Its sons who have sacrificed their lives for their brothers, not only the soldier, but tho physician, tho poor engine-driver, tho hos pital nurse? It would bo 11 proud story which would furnish Inspiration to every boy of the village In years to come; a word of cheer That perhaps another, Sailing o'er life's solemn main. A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, Seeing, shall tako heart ngaln. $250,000 Salt Lake City, Utah, 4 IMill CENT "WATER BONDS. Dated Oct. 1. 1900, Optlnnul nfter 1910, Du Oct. 1, 1920. uonomtnuiion w.uw. Interest pnynblo Beml-anr.ui'ly Oct. 1st and April 1st nt tho American Exchnngo Na tional Bank. New York City. Ofllclal Financial Statement. Assessed Valuation J31,950,:i0 Totnl Indebtedness J2,798,no0 Less Wnter Debt ' 79SI0OO Leaving net debt J2,000,000 Population U. S. Census 1900, 63.631. In addition to a sufllclent tax levy, tho net revenues of tho City's water plant (now amounting to about $60,000 per milium) nie pledged for tho payment nf Interest nnd principal nf theso bonds. No other bonds of tho City are so secured. Price init nnd IntercNl, Netting ,'l rS Per Cenl for the First Ten Y-nr nnd 1 Per Cent Thereof ter. Bonds nro offorcd Mibjoct to sale and chnngo In price. Dellvety free at nny bunk. Orders may bo wired at our ex pense. Wo will tnko In exchange GOVERNMENT BONDS at tho rnaikcl E. D. SIIEPARI) & CO., Bankers, 31 NASSAU ST., NEW YORIC JAMES E. BOYD & CO., Telephone JOIII). f Intuitu, Neb. COMMISSION, CHAIN, PROVISIONS nml STOCKS, Mount nf Trade. Correspondence John A. Warren tt Co. Direct wires to Chicago tuid New York. ft, - T-..I Or, r'l CURUS all Kidney Ulgeuses. Hack nelic, eto. At 1rug. vlfctft. or by in uU, ) Kldnevcura. . ci 1 1 iru mniH, aw toe, etc, ot Dr, U. J. UTi 8urfto, N. . 1 1 free 1,00 u.