Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Senator Tillman TilUlnto Grover OleTeland
with Sharpest Lance.
Kxplnlnn 'l'hnt .Vo Mnn linn n Morlnnup
on 11)01, nt 'Pli In .Mlnm Wllllniu J.
Am)iIn Mnklni; l'mplirey
Driimvrncr'n I'ollej.
Tho tenth nnnunl lanquct of the Jack'
sonlan club of Nebraska, at tho Miliars
hotel lost nlKht, wa' tho moat ambltlom
effort of tho society, and only untoward cir
cumstances caused It to fall In any partlc
ulnr. Tho Diana of tho club contemplated nd
dresses by four or more prominent demo
crats of tho United States. Governor Ilcck
ham of Kentucky and J. Hamilton lcwls
of Washington failed to keep their appoint
ments, leaving William J. llryan nn5
Senator Tillman of South Carolina on tin.
only speakers of national promlncnco on tho
It was itfter 3 o'clock when tho doors of
tho Millard dlnlnK room wcro thrown open
and tho qelcct guests of tho Jncksonlans
with about 300 members of tho club filled
tho four tables which ran' across tho dlnlnn
room. Thero was a total absence of deco
ration. Tho pictures of democratic heroes
of times past, which orstwhllo looked upon
' democrats united In their annual feasts,
woro not upon tho walls. I'lags and bunt
lng wero conspicuous by their nbsenco.
W. O. (lllbert, tho president-elect of tho
inEsoclatlon, sat at tho head of tho table.
Seated on his right was W. J. llryan and on
his loft Senator Tillman. Tho other guests
of honor who occupied scats at tho table
with the toastmaster wero ex-(lovcrnor
Jamos H. Ilnyd, Harry O'Neill, Edgar How
ard of ColumbUB, W. M. Mnupln, K. V. Urn
loy of Crete, A. O. Hhallenbergcr, congressman-elect
from tho Fifth district, O.
M. Hitchcock, O. J. Smyth, Judgo Ilollon
beck' of Fremont and Dr. Hellly.
Among tho prominent Nebraska demo,
crats present wero: M, W. Murray of I'cn
der, ropresentatlvo from that district; Son
ator T. F. Zulgler, Dr. T. L. Hall of Lin.
coin, Patrick Dleasnn, August Lltzc, Art
Nowman and 1". A. Buugh of Oakland,
Frank Morgan nnd Tom I'attcrson oi
riattsmouth, T. II. Mahoney of Greeley Ccn.
tcr, Nicholas Fortz of Tender, K, V. Haley
of Crete, tho only man in tho democratic
party in tho Btato of Nebraska who votcn
for Andrew Jackson; J. 1'. Lntta of Tekn
mnh, J. I). Kolleher of Auburn, Scnntor
Meredith of Ashland, T. H. Fcnnor of
Kearney, I'hll Kohl of Wayne, Gcorgo Cor.
cornn of York, O, N. Humphrey nnd
Ralph Whltcd of Lincoln, Mntt Miller ot
David City, W. A. Hclmbcrger of Gran a
Island, M. II. WoIhIi of Lincoln, W. i.
Phelps of Schuylor, William Carr of Lincoln
nnd John A. Johnson ot Stratford, la.
Tho menu of tho banquet was aa follows:
Uluo Points.
Consomme Victoria. .,
Salted Almonds. Olives.
Fresh Shrimps. Newbury.
Fillet of llenf, Mnrechale.
French Peas,
Roast Turkey, Oyster Dressing.
Candled Sweet Potatoes.
Thicken Salad.
Jucksmilnti Pudding.
Neapolitan Itf Creum. Assorted Cnlio
ItO((uefort Cheese. Toasted Crackers.
Cafe Nolr.
Sauterno. Claret. C'hampngne. Cigars
Club Looks Well After Klectloii.
v It was 11 o'clock when Toastmastcr Gil
bert nroso to call time for speeches. Ho
rongratulatcd tho club on Its flue appoar
apco after what was considered by. "Its
'enemies'' as 'a solar plexus blow", Tho' op
position would 11 tul that In tho matter of
never keoplng down llanquo's ghost would
not bo In It with tho Jacltsonlan club. "In
nn uphill tlRht our patron saint was at his
best, and tho club will bn found following
In his wake. Tho health of tho club Is
shown by Its Increaso In membership since
its retirement to winter quarters In No
vember." His reforenco to tho favortto
con of Nebraska and South Carolina was
recolved with demonstrative applauBo. Ho
closed by Introducing Harry 12. O'Neill,
who responded to tho toast, "Tho Jaclf-
Appiauso long and continued greeted tho
speaker, who Immediately entered upon his
subject, paraphrasing Webster: "Econlums
tho Jacksonlun club needs none. Thero It
stands, possessing ono of Androw Jackson's
attributes, for It wns said that ho was
most dangerous after defeat. It haB spread
Its Influcnco all over tho land. Tho spirit
of tho club Is manifest In a toast pro
posed by William J. Dryan whllo a member
of congress: 'Andrew Jackson May Kvory
Democrat In Nebraska Do as Courageous as
Ho In Advocating tho Hlghts of tho People.'
In the last battle wo captured sovoral big
guns from tho enemy. If we had won by
tho nsslstanco of tho trusts wo would have
lost. Tonight tho club dedicates Itself
nnow to tho principles of Jefferson and
Tho toastmastcr Introduced Senator Till
man of South Carolina, who responded to
tho toast, "Tho Democratic Party, Its
Duty and Destiny,"
Tlirt-i- Su-'lcn of DoiuocrnfN,
Tho senator from South Carolina was re
ceived by tho club on its feet, with hnnd
korchlefs waving. Ho said that his cor
dial reception had madu him fool Ilko
Wellington at Waterloo, when, In a critical
time In tho battle, ho cried, "Up, guards,
nnd at them!" "I felt that It would hardly
bo worth my tlmo to eomn to Nebraska
to apeak to a lot of democrats whom I be
lieved to bo. disorganized and running with
ther ta(ls tucked between their legs. I
consulted with some of my colleagues and
now 1 am glad I am hero,
"Call things by their names. Thero nro
e p r esse d ?
And is it not due to nerv
ous exhaustion ? How can you
have courage when sufYering
with headache, nervous pros
tration, and great physical weak
ness? Would you like to be rid of
this depression of spirits?
How? By removing the
cause. By taking
'' Ayer's
It removes the cause of your
suffering, because it removes
all impurities from your blood.
1.00 a bottle. All druggists.
To keep in good health you
must have perfect action of the
bowels. Ayer's Pills cure con
stipation and biliousness.
Price 25c. a box.
Wrlto tli doctor frrlr Ml tho particular! In
four cut. Ytfu will rew rrmu rcrlr, Ati
artii.Dr. J.C. ATsa,lmeU,itui. 1 '
three kinds of men who call themselves
democrats. Wo must consider tho gen
ulno article; the next class, who Is genuine
If ho has an ofllce, nnd the .bird class, who
think that they nro the depositories of
democratic doctrine nnd that wisdom will ;
die with them. If South Carolina no longer I
leads the south sho Is not at tho tall. The I
noto I sound tonight will bo the tune the
south will sing when the time comes to 1
vote. First, wo havo a largo number of
men who havo Inherited their democracy
and, llko good sons of noblo sires, ar
stnndlng by the principles of liberty. This i
Is tho great rank and file tho 05 per cent, j
of tho 6,!00,000 who In tho face of treachery I
reorganlzcl tho party In 1S96 and took Its j
party from tho dust, tho voice of tho peo
ple for tho first tlmo being heard and
placed It In tho hands of this man (Indi
cating Dryan).
Tho next class of democrnts are the men
who want to run, who will sacrifice princi
ples to get possession of tho government.
They are tho tlmo servers bright men who
often bamboozle tho rank nnd flic. They
aro now ready to throw up tho sponge. They
aro tho men who will glvo heed to the
overtures for reorganization. Thcso are
tho men who havo to be watched.
"Next we havo a small contingent who
wero onco tho trusted leaders of tho party
men who furnished tho slnows of war. who
directed tho policy of the party. These are
represented at this tlmo by that chorus
which has broken from ro many sources
that It Is hard to locate It which camo
tho day after tho election, when they re
turned from tho polls with their daggers
dripping with democratic blood, crying for
a reorganization of tho party. In 1892,
when tho president called for all loyal
democrats to support the ticket, we did It.
What did they do In 'SO? They deserted.
I swear. If Grover Cleveland nnd his crowd
nro democrats, I havo never been onel
(Loud cheers nnd cries ot "Hit him ngalnl )
Tho day after election tho papers aro filled
with tho opinions of this man and his sat
ellites, calling for a reorganization of tho
party. They nro now attempting to scduco
the second class and lend them Into tho
republican party as an nlly.
"Is thero room for two republican parties?
Yet what Is tho dlfferenco between tho pol
icy of Harrison and Cleveland, ns shown
by their administrations? In two years
nfter tho Inauguration of Cleveland u demo
cratic majority In congress wns changed to
a larger republican majority. As political
lusolonce, has the claim of Cleveland todny
ever had nn equal? I would rather fight In
defeat nnd go down year after year than
surronder to any such treachery nnd vil
lainy. .Stand by Jneknon nnil Lincoln.
"My peoplo would retire mo wero I to
attempt to follow this man. Perhaps I
am doing him too much honor, but he Is
not alone. Ho Is tho man of all men se
lected to proproso that wo Bhall acknowl
edge wo havo been a lot of fools, and giv
ing us tho nlternatlvo of choosing a life
time out of oHlco or a renunciation of our
principles. It would mean that we would
say W. J. Hryan Is a charlatan. Demo
cratic duty? It Is to stand by tho prin
ciples of Jefferson and Jackson and the
causo for which Abraham Lincoln died. I
havo 3ald on tho hustings that, measured
by tho standnrds of Jofferson and Jackson,
Abraham Lincoln wns a bettor democrat
than Jofferson Davis, and measured by tho
standard of Abraham Lincoln, Urynn Is a
hotter republican than McKlnlcy.
"Wo cannot say what will bo tho Issue
In 1801. Wo cannot discuss tho matter In
tho Interest of any ono man. Hero before
Mr. Hryan I say that ho cannot claim any
right to tho office. No man can four years
beforo tho tlmo of tho nomination.
"Our destiny, If wo nro true to our tra
ditions. Is to go down tho middle of the
road looking neither to the right nor to
tho left. Wo want po time-serves In tho
ranks. Our destiny Is to get possession
of tho government nnd bring It hack to
the principles upon which It wns founded.
If wo are fnlso to tho traditions of Jeffor
son and Jackson nnd Urynn wo deservo de
feat and will receive it. Some of tho
young men hero will go to Washington to
bno an Imperial Caesar recolvo his crown
upon tho steps of the capltol."
At tho closo of Tlllmnn's speech the
crowd stnndlng sang "America." A lotter
of rcgrot wns read from Governor Deck
ham of Kentucky, who sent tho greetings
of his state to Dryan and tho club.
W. M. Mnupln then responded to the
toast, "Tho Press,"
Following Mr. Maupln H. V. Ilnley of
Crete, who had mot Androw Jncksou, made
n short talk, congratulating tho club upon
Its growth, Its perseverance nnd deeds of
valor. Tho venerable democrat from Crete
has been a feature of tho club for several
years. Ho mot Jackson at Dcllvlllo, Penn.,
while tho general was on his way from
Wheeling to Ilaltlmoro and told of that
mooting. Ho threw Into tho meeting the
only spirit ot commemoration of the anni
versary ot tho battlo ot Now Orleans. Ho
Tho nnnunl business meeting and elec
tion of tho Omaha chapter, Daughters ot
tho American Revolution, wns held at 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon In the audlenco
room of tho public library, about thlrty-flvo
members being present.
Hefore tho meeting was called to order
tho women Inspected tho collection of relics
ot tho revolutionary period on exhibition
In tho museum of tho library. A number
of relics of Fort Atkinson, among which
wcro pieces of a sword nnd of n pistol, a
buckle, n well preserved door lock, bulletn,
etc., picked up on tho site to bo marked
by tho Omaha chapter, wero also ex ami nod
with much Interest, having been secured
by the committee that visited Calhoun on
December 18 to nrrnngo for tho slto of
tho proposed monument.
Tho mooting opened with tho reading of
preliminary reports, after which tho officers
for tho ensuing yenr wero oleted ns fol
lows: Hcgent, Mrs. A. Alice; vlco regent,
Mrs, S. D. Harknlow; sccretnry, Miss Nancy
Hatten; corresponding secretary, Miss Ida
Johnston; treasurer, Mrs. John It. Webster;
registrar, Miss Louisa Harris; historian,
Mrs. W. H. AVllllamB; member of board of
managers, Mrs. M. D. Lowrey; regent's nl
ternato at continental congress, Mrs. J. It.
Wcbator; dologato to continental congress,
Mlrs Kllenoro Dutcher.
With the report from tho board of man
agers was submitted n recommendation that
the delegates to tho continental congress
to bo hold In Washington beginning tho first
Monday after February 22, be Instructed
to tend to tho public press on Wednesday
nnd Frldny a completo account of the pro
ceedings of tho meeting.
In her report tho historian acknowledged
the gift of relics from Mr. W. II. Woods
of Cjlhoun nnd spoke of the work of mark
ing the historic spots of tho stato ns the
most Important work of tho year.
Tho membership commltteo'a .report
showed .in tncrenso of twenty members In
the past year, tho chaptor now numbering
An account was given of the medal
awarded Miss Vera Fink of Lnthrop school
for tho best essay ,on "Religion In , the
Colonies," nnd It was decided that a regular
sum bo ret aside tor such a medal each
yeur, tho regent expressing It as hor opin
ion that the reeultfc nt the custom fully
Justified tho expenditure.
Tho chairman of tho . committee to In
vestigate tho slto of tho proposed monu
ment nt Cnlhoun reported n sulnclent
amount of brick and other material used.
paid high tribute to tho character of Old
Hon. A. C. Shallenberger, congressman
elect from tho Fl'lh district, followed tho
venerable Jacksonlnn from Crete. Mr. Shal
lenberger s toast was "Tho Untcrrltled." He
snld that no true democrat would bo terri
fied with defeat; that If It cannot command
success It can deslro It. Tho democratic
party needs no reorganization. It needs
only trustworthy men In commaud and
democratic principles In force. Tho Kan
sas City platform nppealed to the boat
feeling of tho American people, but, ha.l
the decalogue been ndded to It, tho demo
cratic party could not have succeeded In
tho face ot the claim ot Mark Hnnnn that
even tho bint of the sheep had dollars In
It with Orovcr only four years awny. Tho
full dinner pall was tho cause of republican
Success, In the mind of the speaker, but he'
believed thnt at tho end of four years the
voter will find thnt that dinner pall Is
filled with stone, Tho Nebraska congress
man was the first to refer to the doctrine of
16 to 1. He said that this Issue would not i
bo settled until settled according to the
Idea of Dryan.
First I'olltlrnl Speech 81 not t'.lretlnn.
It was 1:30 o'clock when tho toastmastor
nroso to lutroduco W. J. Dryan, who spoke
upon tho subject of "Democracy." D was
tho first political speech of tho defeated
democratic candldato slnco tho election In
November. Ho was received with oh ova
tion ns ho arose. Ills volco was hoarso
when ho began, but grew clearer as ho pre,
gresscd. Ha said, In part:
"I am gratified that you havo given our
distinguished friend from tho south nn op
portunity to seo Nebraska democracy, for It
you nro not nil democrats you nro sliver re
publicans and populists of tho sort that
cannot bo told from democrnts. I am glad
you havo had a chance to hear Mr. Tillman.
You havo to hear him to understand him. If
ho speaks more plainly than most of us
there arc times when pollto lnngungo Is In
ndequnto to express human feeling. I am
surprised that tho peoplo havo reached a
stato where they will honor refined robber
and not appreciate rugged honesty. I havb
been In every campaign In Nebrnska since
1SSS, anil will bo In every ono ns long as
my Ufo shnlt last. May bo I can help an
other moro than I could help myself, If I
should Uvo to four score years I would
rather go to defeat In every campaign than
to abato ono principle. If It is fato that
tho republic shall fall and for centuries tho
peoplo must struggle In vain, I would rnthch
tho party be right than thnt It bo success
ful. Itiitlirr Cronjp Tlinn Itnlicrls,
"I'd rather bo Cronjo In St. Helena than
Roberts In England. I would rather bo
Krugor wandering over Europe than tho
crowned head of a successful empire. Tho
democratic party was overwhelmingly de
feated In 1872. Only four years afterward
our candldato received nn overwhelming
popular majority. Wo wont Into tho cam
paign In 18S0 nnd lost, but wero not dis
couraged. In 1884 we won and gavo tho
country nn administration somewhat upon
democratic lines. If nny rcorganlzer claims
that tho party should chatigo becauso de
feated without trial wo can reply that tho
party organized upon his lines wns de
feated nfter trial In 1888. In 1892 wo wero
successful. In 189G wo failed.
i-vit Terrllleil by .Majorities.
"In 1890 wo carried tho stato nnd havo
flono so every yenr until now. Wo did not
glvo up frco trndo becauso tho mnjorlty
wns agalnBt us and wo did not glvo up free
silver becauso tho majority was against
us. Wo havo had nn abnormal condition
which has brought money to this country
nnd tho republicans aro feaBtlng because
wo havo moro of what they said wo had
plenty. The next four years will test the
sufficiency of this Increase. When tho sup
ply of gold becomes Hiitllclent to meet tho
necessity of tho "people tho present advo
cates of tho gold standard will bo ns hos
tllo to tho yellow metal as they aro now
to tho white.
Hnyn Time AVID Justify Ills Fultli.
"The republican party said In tho cam
palgn of 1900 that they wero not In fnvor
of Imperialism they now openly favor It.
Many peoplo had nn Idea that tho rbargo
wns overdrawn. They said that when tho
campaign wsb over the wnr in tho Philip
pines would ho over. Wo claimed other
wise, and tlmo will Justify our belief.
When tho American peoplo understand that
wo aro tho conservative party nnd tho
republican party Is tho radical yea, tho
revolutionary party they will como to us,
Dlvurt'f ns u Parable.
"I nm going to sny llttlo on tho subject
of party reorganization and that, llttlo Is
this: When a woman gets n divorce from
her husband on tho ground of lnck of sup
port, that husband should not express
solicitude for tho wlfo's fato until they nro
married again.
"The day will come whon Hanna's power
nnd Hanna's self shall fall and ono
in Tlub and
In tho original buildings of old Fort At
kinson (1819) obtainable to construct a foun
dation for tho monument. Pictures ot
several proposed monuments wcro exhibited
nnd plans for raising funds for cnrrylng
out tho undertaking wcro discussed, but
nothing wns decided upon.
A communication wns read from tho na
tional board regarding tho proposition to
tonder to Mrs. Thcodoro Ilooscvelt or Mrs.
W. J. Dryan the nomination for president
general. Resolutions adopted by tho
Georgia and Tennessee Daughters of Amer
ican Revolution, endorsing Mrs. Donald
McLean of Now York for tho ofllco of pres
ident general and asking tho Omaha chapter
to exert Its Influence with tho other chap
ters of Nebraska In bohnlf of her candi
dacy, wero read.
A general discussion followed, In which
tho regent favored Mrs. McLcnn ns a friend
to tho Nebraska societies, whoso Influence
had nocurcd for this state n vlco president
general nt tho last continental congress.
Miss Kllenoro Dutcher spoko warmly In
favor of Mrs. McLean, expressing It as
her opinion thnt sho was ono of tho most
powerful friends of the western chnpters.
the resolution endorsing Mrs. McLean
then carried, with but llttlo opposition.
An Interesting artlclo wns read on tho
work ot tho Buffalo (N. V.) chapters nmonu
tho Italian and Polish population of thnt
city, which Is being ennied on by means of
patriotic lectures with storeoptlcon Illus
trations of the periods in the rise nnd
growth of tho American nation. Consider
able discussion reunited from the suggestion
that such lectures might be profitably used
ns means ot securing funds for tho erec
tion of tho proposed monument nnd tho
matter was referred to a commlttco for
A resolution favoring tho proposed
nmendmcnt to tho constitution ot the na
tional society, providing for tho adoption
of tho recognition pin designed by Miss
Kllenoro Dutcher of the Lincoln chapter,
was unanimously carried.
It was agreed to co-operate with the Lin
coln chapter In electing ono of Its mem
bers atnto regent to succeed Mrs, Ueorgu
W. Towle, whoso term hns expired, Hy
vlrtuo of n previous nrrAngemont Lincoln
will support a candidate from tho Omaha
chaptor for vlco president general from
Ncbraskn and Mrs. A. C, Troup was placed
in nomination for that office.
The Nebraska Ceramic club held Its regu
lar monthly meetlnc at '4 o'clock yesterday
prodigious mlno swallow nil who turned
tholr backs upon American principles."
'tins n H mpntliy mIMi ItooritnuUers
of lleiuoprntlo Part)'.
Yesterday afternoon Senator Tlllmnn ot
South Cnrollna, who spoke at tho Jackson
Ian banquet last night, talked Intorestlnsly
on national affnlrs from a democratic stand
point. Speaking ot tho proposed change In
policy, he snld; "Thero Is no ono nuking
for n change In the policy of tho party ex
cept thoso who have tried to wreck the
party slnco they wero deposed from its
management. Yon tlnd no man who voted
for Hryan talking favorably of any change.
We have no reason to desire nny sort of a
change In policy. Tho fact that we failed to
elect a president is no occasion for fright.
Wo failed to elect several candidates be
foro Mr. Hryan ran. but that mndo no dif
ference to democrats."
"What Is tho policy of tho democratic
minority In tho senate?" he was asked.
Our policy so far as outlined Is not ouo
of dclny. Wo will discuss nil measures,
offer such amendments ns Mem to us wlso
and then lot tho republican majority bear
tho lespcnslblllty for tho result of the onact-
mcnt of laws. 1 feel llko n fool for leaving
Washington nt tho present time. Tho do-
bato on the military bill Is now nt Its
height and I feel llko 1 should bo present.
Had I known thnt tho bill would havo been
up for consideration at this tlmo I never
would havo promised to como to Omaha,
but at that tlmo I know nothing ot when
tho bill would bo discussed, nnd 1 camo to
fulfill my promise. That bill will bo passed
practically as It Is at present, I believe.
Somo amendments may bo mado, but It Is
tho policy of tho minority to glvo tho ma
jority all tho ropo It wants, then It It
hangs Itself It Is no fault of ours."
Senator Tlllmnn Is tho father of the
South Cnrollna dispensary law for tho con
trol of tho liquor trninc nnd ho han fought
Its battles In overy stato campaign slnco
It was passed. In overy campaign It Is mado
an Issue, tho war upon tho mensuro being
exceedingly tiorco last fall. Speaking of
this matter, ho said: "Tho friends ot tho
dispensary law wero successful In tho last
campaign by big mnjorltles, and If thero nro
any amendments mado It will bo by tho
mends of tbo law. Thnt tho stntn controls
thollmior traffic better under tho dispensary
system than it possibly can through pro
hibitory laws Is shown by n comoarlson of
llio states of houth Carolina nnd Knnsas.
In tho former stato 370 rotall liquor licenses
wero issued by tho United States, while tho
number In Knnsas was approximately 2,000.
Thero nro really nbout 250 places In the
stnto whero liquor can bo purchased con
trary to law and these places nro generally
confined to tho larger cities."
JiieUsoiilan People Find Dlfflfitlt
Tho day preceding tho tenth annual ban
quot of tho Jacksonlnn club was not filled
with promtso for tho success of that event.
Governor lleckham, who wns scheduled to
nrrlvo In tho morning, failed to put In an
appearance. W. J. Hrynn arrived nt the
Hurllngton depot nt 3 o'clock. Tho com
mltteo wnB not expecting him nt thnt hour,
so ho camo unattended to tho Pnxton hotel,
whero ho registered and Immediately went
out on tho street. It wns Intended by tho
club to tnko him to tho Millard where, with
Senator Tillman, ho would havo been the
guest of tho organlzntion.
U wns 4 o'clock beforo tho reception
commlttco learned that ho had arrived and
they finally found him In nn ofllco where
ho was outlining tho speech ho wns to do
liver In tho evening. Up nt tho head
quarters n crowd of Nobraskn democrnts
was awaiting tho comlnr,- of tho speakers
who wore to bo tendered a reception. At
nbout 4 o'clock Senator Tillman arrived
In tho city and wns drlvon to tho Millard,
whero ho retired until tho hour of tho ban
quet. A commlttco from tho club called
nnd requested him to visit tho head
quarters, but ho refused, pleading weari
ness. When that commlttco returned to
tho club room thoy found that Mr. Hryan
had dropped In Informally and chaken
hands with tho peoplo In tho room and
then loft. Shortly nfterward he returned
nnd tho reception was at an end.
llutloiiN the Comity's Pocket.
ATLANTIC, la., Jan, 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Hond in tho sum of JGOO wns filed
in tho district court this morning, wherebv
tho tomporary Injunction suit ngalnst tho
Hoard of Supervisors In tho back tax col
lections suits becomes effective Suit was
brought by H. A. Dlsbrow nnd J. H. Hruff
nnd tho Injunction wns granted nt tho No
vember term. Tho Hoard of SuparvlsorB
convened this morning, so that tho bond
wns filed at tho Inst posslblo moment. Tho
board will bo temporarily restrained from
paying C. W. Wclman additional commis
afternoon nt tho homo ot Mrs. Charles Mor
rill, eleven members being present. Sov
oral matters of Importance wcro discussed
and It was decided that tho use of bright
gold should bo tho subject for discussion nt
noxt month's meeting.
A special meeting of tho Omaha Equality
ciuo win no iicm nt 3 o'clock this after
noon nt stnto hoadqunrters, fi22 Pnxton
block. As several matters of Importance
nro to bo brought up for consideration n
full attendance Is desired.
The Womnn's Foreign Missionary society
of Hanscom Park church has Issued an
outllno of tho work for Its meetings for tho
ontlro year. Tho program !b most complete
and such systematic work cannot but yield
good results.
Tho largest attondanco of tho yenr wns
present nt yestordny'o meeting of the Wo
man's club. An exceptional musical pro'
gram had been arranged, which hnd to be
abandoned owing to tho Inability ot a ma
jority of tho musicians to ho present, This
occasioned much disappointment, which was
almost entirely disponed, however, by an
Impromptu program, which proved most
entertaining. Tho program wns as follows
First A resurno of tho closing events
of tho year, by Mrs. Crolgh,
Second A rovlow of tho rcscuo work sup
ported by tho club, Mrs. Damond.
Third Woman's property rights of No
braska nnd nn explanation ot tho proposed
bill, Mrs. M. (1. Androws.
Fourth A rovlow of tho work of tho
committee on stnto traveling libraries, Mrs
Harriet Towno.
Fifth Opportunities nnd possibilities of
club women, Mrs. Doff.
Sixth Short talk by Mrs. Kggleston of St
Tho club gavo n voto of thanks to tho
lawyers who aro so materially assisting tho
work of tho commlttco on woman's prop
erty rights. A manifestation of sympathy
was offered on account of Mrs, J, II. Mil
lard's death.
Tho Woman's Singing society Is seriously
considering n repetition 'of Its concert of
December 13 at Hanscom Park Methodist
Dplscopal church. Tho program on tba
occasion was unusually good nnd the nu
merous requests for its repetition will bo
considered and dccldod upon at Friday'
Otrr Two Tlioiisnml 1'osli-rs OnrliiK
n, lie nurd for the llniulK Arc
.Sent Out.
Oscar Karbr.ugh, secretary to the chief
of police, was busy nil dny Monday send
ing out copies of the circular offering the
JS0.000 reward for tho arrest of Pat Crowo
and his tno pals In tho Cudnhy kidnaping
case. These will go to chiefs of police,
marshals nnd sheriffs nil over the coun
try, to tho various branches of tho Pinker
ton deteotlvo ngency, nnd to all other de
tective agencies that may apply for them.
Over 2,000 havo already been mailed, and
ns many more remain to be sent out.
"Tho circular contains tho description of
'At Crowo, who Is referred to ns "bandit
No. 1," and also ot bandits Nos. 2 nnd 8.
The womnn Is referred to ns hnvlng been
'remotely connected with tho rase." All
these descriptions, save thnt of Crowo. are
menger In detail nnd will be but little nld
n tho matter of making nrrcsts. Follow
ing Is tho description of Pat Crowe:
Age. 3.1; height, 5 feet 10fc Inches; weight,
155 to 165 pounds; brown hair, mixed with
gray nt sides; bluo ees of nervous ex
pression; light sandy mustache, probably
dyed, or may bo smooth-shnven or wear
snndy full beard; hns faint scar on right
heck; scar tin Inner right wrist; s(nr on
base of left thumb; several scars at base
f left Index finger; thrco upper right
molar teeth out, which causes cheek to
Ink unless replaced by fnlso teeth; left
yotooth out, which may havo been re
placed by false one. He Is also known by
the unmca of Frnnk Roberts, Johrf Wilson
nnd Harris. Hero follow tho Dcrtlllon
At tho head of tho circular nro four
cuts of Pat Crowo, front nnd sldo views,
taken nt various times. Tho circular refers
o him as being the "supposed" lender of
ho gang of kldnnpors.
ArrniiKiMiirnfn Aro I'erfeeleil for .111-
ln I'liMiNiirc ii Ith llnsl
II ess.
Arrangements nlready perfected and
others still under way Insure thnt tho an
nual meeting of tho Ncbinska Press As
sedation, which will bo held In this city
January 22 and 2.1, will bo a most success
ful nnd eujoynbln event. Tho association
has grown In Influence nnd membership dur
ing tho last few years until It now In
cludes nlmost nil of the editors of tho
stnto and a number of men connected with
Nebraska's metropolitan tiewspapers.
Thoso men will congregate In Omaha
during tho annual meeting nnd glvo much
of their tlmo to tho discussion of "shop,"
but committees nro arranging so that thero
shall bo somo social Indulgence In order to
mako tho meeting n mcmornblo one. Tho
visiting editors will be extended tho glad
hnnd by all of Omaba. They will bo tnken
to tho theater and beforo they get out of
town will bo dined and wined nnd mndo to
fcol tho warmth of Omaha's hospitality.
Tho business sessions ot tho nssoclntion
will bo devoted to tho reading of papers
on subjects of Interest to tho craft by prom
inent newspaper men nnd publishers of tho
stnto, nnd n number ot Interesting tech
nical nnd practical questions will bo con
sidered. W. N. Huso, ox-president of tho
association, who edits tho Dally Nows at
Norfolk, will bo tho editor of a dally paper,
to bo Issued during tho tlmo that tho as
sociation Is In convention. This featuro of
the meeting will bo nn Innovation nnd
promises to bo n most successful one.
Tho nnnunl meellnir if the Hoard of Gov
ernors of Ak-Sar-llcn. will bn held nt tho
Omnhn club next Monday nlglit. A regular
meeting or tno uoara is scnruuieo lor io
nlsht. Tho Didlders' nnd Traders' exchnnco yes
terday, elected the fnllowlnir olllcei's lor tho
ensuing yenr; President, J. Fred Smith;
vlco president, J. I. Wntt; treasurer, k. u.
Hampton; directors, W. C. Dullard. J. M.
Dow, J. II. Hnrto nnd 11. L. Curter. Tho
board of directors will elect a secretary
later on.
John Jov wns nrrcsted Into Jlonday after
noon bv Serire.'int Whelnn and Detective
Johnson whllo trying to dispose ot u set of
slnglo harnecs vulucd nt $15. John said bo
owned the harness and hud brought It alt
the way from Wyoming in Ills grip, out tno
nollco believe ho stole tho set In this city
and nro trying to II ml tho owner.
Frnnk Flnla. a om-urmod peddle'. resid
ing nt II Hi South Sixteenth street, became.
angry nt his wife Momlny night nnd, It Is
alleged, nner liming nor m ine taco a iow
times, drove her and their two children out
of tho house and locked tho door, lie had
barely settled down to a quiet night when
Hmergency Olllcor Hnldwin and Pntrolmnu
Ducbcrry nroito in tno noor ami sent nun
to 1nll. I Ik was booked for wlfo-bentlmr
nnd being drunk and dlrtrdcrly.
John Dusenberry. nrrcsted Sunday night
by Detective Johnson nnd Olllcer Dlnom, Is
not wnnted In Huffnlo ns at first thought
by the police. A telegram received Monday
night from the Huffnlo chief said that tho
ense ngalnst him thero would not be prosu-
ruted. iJUKcnnerry wits in uuuaio a snori
tlmo ngo out of money nnd out of friends.
A klnd-heurted woman took him Into bur
homo and fed nnd clothed hltn. When ho
left, sho says, ho took $10 worth of her hus
band's clotulns. Dusenberry Is not wnnted
here nnd wns rclensed upon tho receipt ot
tho tcleuram.
AV. A. Helmberger, cashier of tho Grand
Island Dunking company, Is ut tho Mer
chants. .1. .1. Wilson of Droken Dow nnd V. M.
Murrny of Pender nro Nebrnskuns at the
Charles Dnnnel, a South Dakota mlno
contractor, is registered nt tno Aiercnants
from Lead.
8. G. Strickland, division superintendent
ot tho Omaha line, hns returned from
Portlnnd, Ore.
.1. .1. Corbett. not the ex-chamnlon
pugilist, but a Chicago traveling man, Is nt
tno .Mercuants.
K. L. Myers of Newport, president of the
Nebraska Lumber Dealers' association, Is
at the .MerciiuniH.
Mrs. F. It. Strelght and daughter, Miss
Kthel, havo gono to Chicago. Miss 1'thcl
will re-enter school at I.nko Forest.
Mr. nnd Mrs. 13. M. Hlehnrdson will leuvo
the city today for Cnllfornla, whero sho will
spepu tno winter wiin nor uaugiuer.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Cody nnsscd
through Omaha yesterday on their way to
jsorui 1'iaiie. iney camo irnm wow yorn.
It. W. Daxter, division superintendent of
tlio union rncitic, ami Mrs. uaxter nnvo
returned from a month's visit In Portland,
John Patrick and Miss Delia Chandler nro
to bo mnrrlpd Thursdny evening nt tho resi
dence of Mr. nnil Mrs. J. .1. Drown, unolo
and mint or tno nriae, on nliermnu nvenue.
Judgo Kdgnr Howard of Columbus, who
says that ho llnds the running of a news
paper moro iirolltablt! than running for con
gress, is in i no city visaing lor a :ow
days with friends. IIo cumo down to at
tend tho Jnckbonlnn banquet.
army, comprising millions of intelligent
men and women the world over. The
secret of keeping well, free from pain
and ache, instantly relieving and surely
Colds, Grip, Headache, Asthma,
Neuralgia and many other ills
Is found in the timely use of Orangeine
powders as directed in every package.
"I con.U.r 'OrnnR.Ino' the ron.t wonderful
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tTr kDovn."' -Julia M&rlowo.
Snld by ilrneKlita generally in 2" and WV;
pacVncci. A trial packnuu will bo tent to nn;
vldreu for 2-ceat tlunip.
Jap Pose
Jj A superb, pure, transparent
jjijj Glycerin Soap.
fff A most satisfactory and eco-
iro nomlcal adjunct to the Toilet
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Tas S Kirk & Cov
nn. a. d. snARi.K.
Private Diseases of Any Nature, Varicocele, Hydrocele,
Blood Poison, Kidney and Urinary Trouble, Etc.
Vfll'ICflCffi fi Are you afnlctel with Varicocele er Its rcauttn Norvoun De
IHIIWHWVIW 'blllty and Lost Manhood? Aro you nervous, Irritable and
despondent? Do you lack yourold-tlmo energy and ambition? Arc you suffer
Ing from Vital Weakness, eta.? You nd expert treatment. Wo treat thous
ands of cones whom tho ordinary ph yslctan treats ono. Why not bn cured be
TKN GUARANTEE. Wo have ypt to ace tho cao o( Varicocele vro, can pot
cure. Method now, never talis, wi'huut cutting, pain or loas of time.
Skf rlfif UE Our euro dissolves tho Stricture completely and removun every ob
VHiwiniu ntruutlon from tho Urinary paac.i, allays all tnlUinmatlon,
stops every unnatural dlscharre, reduce the Postnto Olaiid cleanses and hfnJt
tho bladdor and kidneys. Invigorates Uis sexual organs, and restores hualtti
and sojndness to every part of tho body affocted by tho disease.
SVnhilltIC BlOQO P0IS0I1 "r Peld form of trrentment for
WJf pilflllllV WIUUH I VlilWII Byphllls Is practically tho result of my
life work, nnd Is Indorsed by tho best physicians of this and foreign countries.
It contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious mndlclno of nny kind, It goca
to the very bottom of tho and forces out evory particle of Impurity.
Goon every aim and svmutom of Bynhllls dlsatineiir comnletrlv and forever.
and tho whole system Is cleansed, purlOrd and restored to na healthful and
pure a condlUon on beforo contracting the disease.
Nervo-Sexual Debility
nervous system, purities and enrlcl
nervous system, purities and enriches the blood, cleanses and heals tho blad
dor and klndneys, Invigorates tho liver, rnvlres tho spirits, brightens the Intel
lects, and, above and beyond all, restore tho wasted power of sexual manhood.
Home Treatment
home treatmont la successful and
sacredly confidential.
I Do Not
All Diseases.
All I Trent.
DOCTOR TOLSON, Specialist in Diseases of MKS and Consulting
l'liyslclun of the State Electro-Medical Institute, I'MS F.u-imni St. Omaha
Mon, mnny'of you nro reaplriK tho result of your former folly. Your manhood it)
fallliiK and will soon be lost unless you do something lor yourself. Thero Is no
tlmo to lose. Impotency, llko all soxuul diseases Is never on tho stnndstl'l. With it
you run mnko no compromise Either you must master It or It will muster you
and till your wholo future, with misery and indescribable woe Wo havo treated so r
many enscs of this kind that wo nro as familiar with them us you nro with tho very
dayllKht. Onco cured by us, you will never unnln bo withered with emlssloiiR, drains,
premntiironess, small or weak orinus, nervousness, fallliiK memory, loss of ambition
or slmllur symptoms which rob you of your timnhund und absolutely unlit you for
study, business, pleasure) or marriage. Our combined Klectro-Medleal trentment for
weak men which combined nil of tho curatlvo powers of both medicine nnd electricity
will correct nil theso evils nnd restoro you to what nature Intended a halo, healthy,
happy man, with physical mental uud sexual powers complete.
Wo nlso cure to stny cured by our combined Klectro-Mcdlcal trentment.
Vnricocele, Stricture, Syphilitic Blood Poison,
Nervo-Sexual Debility, Rupture, Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
and nil nssoclato dlscosos nnd weaknesses of men. Physicians having stubborn cases
to treat uro cordially Invited to consult us, Wo chni'KO nothing for prlvato coun
sel, and Klvu to n patient a lennl contract to hold for our promises. Is It not worth
your while to Investigate a cure that has mado life niiow to multitudes of men?
If you cannot call at our office, wrlto us your symptoms fully. Our homo treat-,
ment by correspondence la nlwuys successful.
References. Hcst Hanks nnd Lending HiibIiichh Men in this City.
Office Hours: From 8 n. in. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 a. in. to I p. m.
Permanently Locttted ut 1308 Farnam St.. OMAHA, NIJH.
.aiuiiv w u xiai.i vmr
SD6C13.1 esrt! Cuba, e
MexIc0( tll0 M,
orlda, Koy
erniuda, Old
und Orient
Kates for tho round trip to
many points houth on ealo
first end third Tuesday
each month.
To Hot Sprlni5, Ark., tho
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America, on snlo every day
In tho yenr.
Tickets now on snlo to nil the winter re
torts of tho south, good returning until
June 1st, 1001, For rates, dcscrlptlvo mat
ter and pamphlets and all othor information
call at O, & St. Louis Ticket Olllce, HIS
Far nam St., (I'nxton Hotel Ilulldlng.) or
Harry E. Moores,
C. r. tt T. A., Omaha, Neb.
Searles & Searies
Successful and Reliable
Specialist in Diseases of Men.
Our euro for weak mon stops every drain
of vliror nnd builds on the mtinoulnr nml
Ono personal visit Is preferred, but If you cannot cnll
at mv ofllce write m vniir Hvmntnnifl fully? Our
atrlctly private. Our counsel Is freo and
Consultation Free. Treatment tir nnil
Cnll n or nddreas, llu S, 14th St.
Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha, Neb.
I Trent
Men Only
Cure Them
Stay Cured.
ami i niaiaiagE a
Run via the
rock island
Leave Omaha
ln Scenic Route through Colorado and
Tor Information and "Tourist Dictionary"
addrwi City Ticket Office, t3J3 I'arnam St.
Onmba, Neb.
Dr. Kay's Lung BaBm
cure every kind of couth, Id Krlppn. bronchitis,
.nrolhrout croup, whouplriirooui'h etc Never
dcrouiisthu stomach. At Druttifiati lUALt