Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Obarles Bh, Accused of Murder, is in Bad
Physical Bhape.
AnnlliT l.rnilm Unlit Him ever, C'lin
ii ol llr l.ornleil, nml Itrntiltn In n.
Local Alturk of I'neumonln
Wife of Dnrrrll Arrive.
FREMONT. Neb.. Jnn. 7. (Speclnl.)
Vt'hea Sheriff Kremler went Into the Jail
this morning hn found Charles Hhen, "the
ltttlo one" of tho bandits held for shoootlnn
Herman Znhn, suffering Intensely from one
of the woundfl In his left leg. The bullet
In his chest also Interfered with his breath
ing. It was, therefore, decided to take
him to tho Fremont hospital for treat
ment. Seated In ono of the big olllco chain,
ha was carried by two stnlwart olllccro
ucross tho block to the hospital and up tho
stairs to thu operating room. The crisp
morning air nnd tho bright sunllRht, which
could not penetrate tho bars of his cell,
eemcd to liven him up n little. He leaned
back with n firm, set look on his face, with
tlRhtly closed lips nnd teeth, striving to
repress finy evidence of the patn ho wai
suffering. Tho bold, defiant look ho wore
whim ho surrendered Saturday afternoon
was gone, nnd In Its place a grim, deter
mined expression and nn evident Intent lo
remain gamo to the end. Though only n
boy. ho has good mental nblllty. He made
Former rrrrtnr,s Son Dim nl
Home In Wnnbrirnn from
I ' n ti in i 11 1 ii .
NH MIA SKA CITY, Neb., Jan. 7. (Spe
cial Teleuram.) News of the death of Carl
Morton, at his home In Waukegan, this
morning, came as a great shock to this
community. The cause of his death wgs
pcncumonla, which he contracted only n
fow days ngo.
Ho spent the Christmas .holidays here,
leaving for home with his family on
December 30, at which time ho appeared
to be In the best of health except for a
Might cold.
Carl Morton was born In this city thirty
five years ago. He was the youngest son
of Former Secretary J. Sterling Morton.
Ho resided here until last April, at which
State Engineer Channel Suggests Radical
Legislation on tho Subject.
Inillflrrenoe of People In Ilnslcrn
Purl of Stnle In a tSrrnf Otistnule,
but They Will Awaken to Hie
(ire lit Ilrurlltn Proposed.
LINCOLN, Jan. 7. iSpi-clal.) State Kn
glnecr Channel, in a report on irrigation
In Nebraska, suggests to tho legislature
thn ndnntlon nf rmllrnl legislation for tllO
time no removed to Waukegan to tako protection and promotion of Irrigation in
eharge of the United States sugar refinery. ' tcrests. Tho measures proposed, ho ln-
Up to this tlmo he had been general I slsts, nro made necessary by the recent
manager of tho starch factory hero and
was Interested In other local enterprises.
He was highly regarded by everyono In 'thlB
city. Ho leaves a widow, who Is a daugh
ter of Itobert I'ayno of this city, and two
children. Arrangements for tho funeral
havo not been made.
(illll- (-A111UHS IlKIt llHVOt, Villi SOW,
Mini T.I ii ti I r- KiK'kloy Tnlfru '
CIihiiit on Thrrut Mmlr; In I.ctlr-r.
ASHLAND. Neb., Jnn. 7 -(Special.) I.ato
last Saturday aftornoon, whllo Mr. and Mrs.
V. T. Knckloy, who live In tho west part of
town, were down town trading, a noto was
left on tho gato post In front of their house.
Tho noto read as follows
Mr. Kucklev: You nrn rnnnerteil In
no complaint and did not (ay n word, only I posit f l.ox In gold ut the bottom of tho
srrltted his teeth whllo his clothing was 1j!l,,1'n?.!!"8.t n 1110 nillrond thiu runs
being removed nnd chloroform admlnls
Plrri'M of Clotli In Woiiml.
Dr. Haslam founil and tomoved a 3S-calt-ber
bullet Just back and nbovo the loft
knee, togothT with sovcral pieces of cloth.
Tho wound had already begun to Biippurate
nnd had tho bullet nnd cloth been permit
ted to remain there blood poisoning would
noon havo set In and tho days of tho
young bandit would have been ended. A
bullet which the doctor thinks from the
condition of the surfaci' of tho wound was
from a Winchester rllle, had passed en
tirely through his left thigh about four
Inches nbovo tho knee. A third' bullet that
entered tho chest from tho rear, Just be
low tho ribs nnd was lodged cither at tho
bnso or possibly In tho left lung, could not
' Jloculed nnd Is still there, This has
fought on a local attack of pneumonia,
from which he Is suffering this afternoon,
which tho doctors say Is not serious,
When n Ilco reporter entered tho Jail this
afternoon Ithen was lying on his cot In
tho big cage, with his left leg drawn up,
Ills eyes closed nnd his teeth and Hps set
together with grim determination. His
breath enuio heavily nnd ho was evidently
mirroring. There wero shotfl In his neck,
back and hip which wero not disturbed.
Tho mnn who gnvo his name as Durton Is
undoubtedly William Dnrrell. This morn
ing hlH wlfo arrived from Norfolk nnd nt
onto went to tho Jail to see him. Ho wan
much affected nt meeting her, r.ud Him re
mained talking with him for somo time.
County Attorney Stlnsnn has not yet
tiled complaints agalust the three men, but
will probably do so tomorrow. They will
jirobably walvo preliminary examination
nnd bo tried at tho February term of tho
district court. Thero Is no excitement hero
now over tho murder, but tho Jail la kept
carefully guarded both night nnd day.
clone to your house or your daughter I.mnlo
opinion of tho supreme court touching upon
tho common law of riparian rights.
"Tho great obstaclo In the way of bene
ficial legislation Is tho lndirfcrenco on tho
part of tho people living In the instern
part of tho state," remarked Mr. Channel.
"They do not rcallzo what a benefit Irri
gation Is to tho western half of tho state.
Thero nro today over 1,300,000 ncros of
Nebraska land under authorized Irriga
tion nnd, of course, thero Is still more
land under Irrigation without authority of
tho stato board. Nebraska ranks ahead of
Kansas and tho Dakotas In this respect
and although I have no official figures on
tho subject I bollcvo that Wyoming and
Colorado aro tho only wesetern states that
havo a larger acrcago under Irrigation.
Hut In Irrigation laws Nebraska Is far be
hind many of tho western states and to
remedy existing evils thero should be an
aggregate of mortgages released oxeceds
tho aggregate of mortgages filed by $155,
16P.29. Thero were 305 farm mortgages
filed, amounting to 1360.704 IS: 431 were re
leased, amounting to J3Sl.480.20i city
mortgages filed, 151. amounting to J90.91D 03;
released, 1S8, amounting to t267.D3l.17.
Chattel mortgages filed, 1,370, amounting
to 13SS.201.61; released, 1,131, amounting to
(Continued from First I'agc.)
11111 tin klffniltind ntifl (.rH.t tttt-nv Wn tin
no KlunuperH oi umnna anil wo nuviso you amendment 10 mo state cuubiiiuuuu. una
to cnmtilv With out threat. Vn knnw vou
In Ogallala, Neb., and know Just whnt you
are worth. KIIJNAl'KUS.
Tho Ashland police think that tho noto Is
the work of somo Joker or crank who de
sired to frighten tho Knckloy family. Tho
original note, which was read by a Ilco re
porter, did not specify nny dato when tho
money should bo deposited. The letter
was written on scratch papor with a lead
pcncll and the spelling wns correct ex
cept In the word Ogallala.
Tho man whb left tho letter waB seen
by Levi May'H son, who lives nenrby. Ho
was described by tho boy as a short, thick
set man, wearing a black hat nnd black
Miss I.lnnnlo Knckloy, tho threatened vic
tim, Is 18 years old, a pupil In tho Ash
land High school and tho only child of
the family. Sho Is an expert shot with u
rovolver, having been taught that nc
comp.lshment whllo her parents lived on
a ranch In Ornnt county. Slnco tho receipt
of tho noto she gocB armed and It will bo
decidedly unhealthy for tho sender to at
tempt to carry out tho threat. Knckley
moved to Ashland about four mouths ngo.
Cuttlr Ittiatlcrn CoiiffnK.
BROKEN HOW, Neb., Jan. 7. (Special
Telegram.) Tho Bherlff of Custer county,
accompanied by two citizens of Sargent,
amendment should define or limit rlpnrlan
rights. It should creato an office of stnto
engineer nnd provldo for n stnto board of
"Thero should also bo nn amendment to
tho Irrigation district lawB," added Mr.
Channel. "All persons having claims prior
to 1895 should bo required to fllo them
within ono year or forfeit their rights.
Stnti' Control of Wnti-r.
"As Wyoming has been taken as a model
as to hor Irrigation laws, It should be
taken as u model as to tho law of stato
control of waters. In the constitution of
that state, adopted In 1SS9, It waa pro
vided that nil waters wero the property
of tho state. Tho constitution provided for
a board of control, consisting of the stato
engineer nnd superintendent of water di
vision, to havo control of tho appropriation
of all waters, subject to review by tho
"The stato of Wyoming Is not nlono
In tho adoption of constitutional provisions
abandoning or denying the cxlstcnco of the
common law doctrine of riparian rlchts.
When tho new stato constitution of Idaho
was adopted It provided that tho right
too dlvt-rt and appropriate the unappropri
ated wnters of any natural stream to any
benellclnl uso should never bo denied. In atntn thn enmmnn law ho far ns It re
arrested two men yesterday In Illalr county, iated to rlnarlun rights was entirely Ik-
who had stolen Senator F. M. Curries' cat- uort(i an,i abolished. In Arlzonn tho ter-
uc. incy ucKnowicdged their guilt today .tmrini bin nf rlrhm rWlnmrt nil n.-itiirnl
and wero taken to Hlnlr county this evon- hodies of wnteP to bo public nronerty nnd
ing for preliminary trial. Their names aro ,iroviaioii was mado for tho amironrlntlon
. . McCullough and J. L. Hlttcnhouse. e .,t, fnr r.nnnl1rln I liana Thn tttrtriltPM
They had killed ono of tho animals for beef of New Mexico provide that no Inhabitant
...m in,, meni was round Purled In n box Li thn trrrllnrv Khali havo the riuht to
near their residence. Most of tho bunch
run off havo been found.
(iriinil InIiiiiiI Vclenin Aoocrlnlnn the
Truth A limit AIUR'it IS trillion
if Prlvtttp Skinner.
C.ItANO ISLAND, Jnn. 7. (Special.)
pomo ten days ago an artlclo was published
in tho World-Herald and In a local fusion
organ which nttrnctod tho attention of tbo
veterans In tho Soldiers' Homo nnd oiu sol
diers nnd volunteers In tho Spanish-American
war particularly. It nllcged that Leon
nrd Skinner wns sentenced by tho military
authorities In tho Philippines to bo shot
on Chrlstmns dny and pathetically nppealsd
to tho scntlmont of tho reader for sym
pathy with tho father, who was represented
ns hurrying from his homo In nn eastern
Htato to Washington to snvo tho llfo of his
son. An old resident of Ornnd Island, nnd
nn Inmalo of tho homo, wrote to President
McKlnley. resulting In tho receipt of tho
following ;
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2S. 1900. -John Rlss,
C.ran.l Island. Neb.: My Dour Slr-I am
directed by tho Hocretnry of wnr to nt
knowlodpo tho receipt of your letter of i De
cember Irt to the president, which has been
referred to tho Wnr department for reply.
Tho fnctH In tho case of Leonnrd Skinner,
private, fompany I). Forty-third volunteer
infantry, who. tho newspapers stated, was
to bo executed on CbrlstmaH morning in tho
Philippines for sleeping nt his post nro
"'ni'iV soldier was tried by a court-martial
for "quitting bis post," found guilty and
Hontonced to four months' colli nement.
from August 15, 1900, nnd forfeiture of
imrt of his pay. Thereforo you will nolo
that the soldier has nlrcuily nerved tho term
of his conllnement nnd is no doubt present
for duty with his command.
In this connection It Is but fair to state
.!... ..I...... ii,.. linuliiiiliiir nf the Stmnlsll-
Amerlcnti wnr no soldier has suffered the
deoth penalty for either military or crim
inal oirensrs. very ri'speci. un.v.
11. C. CORH1N. Adjutant General.
liiiilKi' Olllci-i'N Imttiillrd.
YOHK. Neb.. Jan. 7. (Special.) Hnrlnn
Castlo of Iloyal Highlanders has Installed
thn following officers for tho ensiling year:
Illustrious protertor, A. P. Tnylor; chief
conduclor, Mrs. Anna M. Morgan; W. F.van..
Mrs. Mary V. Tlldcn; secretary. K. h.
Franklin; treasurer. .1. C. Peterson; wnrdon
Mrs. F.dnn Richardson; sentry, O-corgo
F.DOAK. Neb.. Jan. 7 . (Special. )--Tho
post and corps publicly Installed their olll
ccrs In tho opera house. Captain A. O
Adnms of Superior was Installing officer for
tho post nnd Mrs. Adams Installing officer
for the corps. Tho following officers wero
Installed: Post Com., J. H. Phelps; S. V.
C, Joseph Alklro; .1. V. C. J. It. Mustek ;
Q. M., 8. C. lh-ck; O. D.. J. H. Hazlett
chaplain. J. W. Cottle; surgeon. M. Saum;
0.. Mnrk Hatton.
For tho Corps President. Mrs. O. J. Mer
rill; S. V. P., Mrs. Sarah Darby; J. V. P.
Mrs. Sarah Ilradley; secretary, Mrs. Mary
It. C. Saxton; treasurer, Mrs. Mary Wnl
ters; chaplain, Mrs. Mary Hull; ronduc
tress. Mrs. Parnh Dobson; guard, Mrs
Km ma !.ake; assistant con luctress, Mrs
Krama Ueek; assistant roviductress, Mrs
Stover: color bearers, Mrs. A. M. Caster
lino. Mrs. Mary Snums, Mrs. Phelps, Mtb,
At the close of tho Installation Mr. and
MrH. AdnniB each gnvo nn address. Tho at
tendance wns good and tho occasion a very
pleasant one.
Three ArrrstiMl for Cuttle Theft.
LINCOLN, Jnn. 7. (Special Telegram. 1
Senator Currlo was notified from Uroken
How today thnt threo men had been ur
rested at thnt place on suspicion of being
thn persons who raided his cattlo ranch
a week ngo. Nearly thirty head of cattle
wero stolen nnd tho chnrgo tho men will
have to face Is, thorefore, a serious one.
Their names nro Hay Cole. Jim Hltten
house nnd C. McColloch,
Curt SIcveiiM Still .;Ulnw.
OKAND ISLAND, Neb., Jan. 7. (Special.)
Not a trace has so far been found of the
remains or tho whereabouts, If ullve, of
Curt Stevens, tho man who left home nenr
Wood Illver about the middle of last month
to bring back a stray cow. Tho belief Is
goncral that ho was drowned In tho Loup
river nnd thnt his body Is lodged some-
whero under tho Ico or has by this tlmo
been burled under tho sand. J. M Guy.
tho father-in-law of the missing man, still
otters isuo for tho recovery of tho body.
Cmiiliiiinitiiiit of Soldier' llmiw.
LINCOLN, Jan. 7. (Special TeleRram)
Tho stato officers comprising tho Hoard of lavish profusion. Tho law gnvo to tho rl-
Publle Lauds nnd Hulldlngs this afternoon purlan proprietor, ns Incident to his owner
agreed on tho appointment of W. II. Penn ship of tho toil ndjolnltig tho water, tho
of Uroken How to tho position of command- right to tho natural How of tho stream
ant of the Soldiers' nnd Sailors' Homo nt without material alteration or diminution.
Mllford. Penn served two terms ns sheriff Ho might uso tho water for any purpose,
of Custer county. He was a pioneer cattlo provided that ho restored It to Its natural
raiser In thnt section of tho state beforo tho courso, so that his riparian neighbor bo-
county of Custer wns organized, and was low might receive It unimpaired in quality
n member of ono of tho Iowa volunteer rcgl- nnd undiminished In quantity. Tho great
mcnts during tho civil war. problem thero to be solved was how best to
draw tho water oft tho land; not how to
llr. Aleinuiler ImuiK Appointed. savn It nnd conduct It upon land for lrrl
LINCOLN, Jan. 7. (Special.) Governor ctinn nurnoses. This law Involves no hard
Dietrich today appointed Dr. Alexander Bhp8 whoro tho uso of water Is limited to
loung oi vnncy county assistant pnysicinn domes! p. nowcr and nav Ration purposes
m tno siaio nospiini tor insnno ai isorioiK. mit has been Justly denounced ns un Mnfa
ur. loung siuciicn mcmcine in unicago lor mGU. iw i the arid roglon.'
construct any building to tho Impediment
of Irrigation of fields. In addition to the
states mentioned the doctrlno of riparian
rights n3 to water havo been Ignored,
abolished or modified in Colorado, Mon
tana and Nevada.
'The stnto legislature of Nebraska should
provldo for the submtsslou of constitutional
amendments embodying tho fundamental
prlnclplos of tho Irrigation lnws enacted
In 1S95 nnd providing for n stato board nf
Irrigation and crentlng the olllco of stnto
Illltht to .Viiluriil l'loiv
'In Great Hrltaln, whero tho common law
of riparian rights had Its origin," continued
Mr. Chnnnel, "tho ntmosphcro Is laden
with moisture which Is precipitated with
paper having n bonafldo circulation of 200
subscribers and which shall havo been
published In tho county for fifty-two con
sccutlvo weeks Is a legal newspaper and n
proper publication In which to publish any
and all legal and official notices.
Tho scnato was called to order by Lieu
tenant Governor Snvngo at 2 p. m. nnd after
a roll call by tho secretary Chaptaln Cress
tnnn led the body In prnycr.
Oleson of Cuming offered ti Joint resolution
nuthorlzlng tho electors of the stato to
vote for or ngalnst n constitutional conven
tion at tho next general election to bo held
for the election of members of tho legisla
ture. A motion by Currlo of Custer naming tho
following nddltlonnl employes of tho scnato
Stenographer Miss Nelllo M. O'llourk.
Page Clifford Stultz.
Fireman E. 1). Smith.
Janitor C. I). Hlcselng.
CopylstB Mrs. Carrlo Wilson, Fay Van
Uoaklrk nnd W. H. Heed.
Tho senate, upon motion, ndjourned until
10 o'clock tomorrow morning, Immediately
after which tho republican members went
Into cnueus to consider tho adoption of tho
report of tho commlttco ou Btandlug com
mittees. Tho following scnato files wero Intro
duced nt today's session of the senate:
9. F. 3s, by OW'hom Joint resolution au
thorizing tho electors of the stnto to voto
for or ngalnst a constitutional convention.
S. F. u"J. by Hnldrlge An act to amend
section i. or article i, Chapter u or tno com
piled niatutes ot iseurnHKii tor tho year
lS'.'J, relating to "ugrloultnro."
. i' -hi. uy .Aiurtin An net to repeal clmp
r llll of the Session Laws of N'nbniHkii.
ISM. Ir'Iiil' nn art to L'Stnhllsh a utiitn bar
ber's cxumlnlug board, to rcgulato the prac-
ico oi iwiriiernig in tno state or rvciirasKa
ml tirovtdlnir Dciuiltles for tho violation nf
the provisions nf this net.
s. i' . ii. uy u rein An net to nmend sec
tions 19. 20 nnd 21 of chanter xlx nf thn
Compiled Statutes of Nebraska of lk99.
h. i' vi, uy nansom An act to amend sec
tion 200 of tho Criminal Code so as to pro
tect fcchlo minded female mid In rniienl
said section us now existing.
o. r . , uy Kiinsom yu act authorizing
membern of the bar to elect a special dis
trict JuiIko to nresldo durlnc thu absence.
disability tmd In enso of disqualification of
tno junge or tno district court nnd to pro
vide for the iiualltlcntlon nnd dutleH of
uuch special Judgo mid for adjournment ot
tho term in case no special Judge Is elected
nnd no Judge is present and to repcnl sec
tions a nnn so oi cnapier xx or tno com-
lied statutes or IscbrusKa.
S. I' . 41. by VnnHosklrk An net to tirotect
rowers of cattlo In the state of Nebraska,
y providing for a registry nnd exhibition
f hides and to provldo u penalty for tho
lolatlon of the same.
H. F. 45, by Hnldrlge An net entitled nn
ct to prevent sales of nierchundlRn In frnml
of creditors.
S. F. 4b. by Oleson An net to nmend rpc.
tlon 9.VSa of chapter Iv of title SO of the Codo
i civn l'roeediire.
S. F. 47. bv Olesoll All net In nmnnil oee-
tlons Pol nnd 952. chanter HI. tltln .10 nf th
Codo of Civil Procedure.
h. I-. 4S, by Oleson An act to provldo for
tho snlo by railroad companies of unclaimed
S. F. 49. by Owens An net defining a
legal newspaper for tho publication of legal
and other official nottceu In tho stato of
H. F. 00. by Oleson An net In ntneml Ken.
tloilH 2 and 3 or chapter xllv, Compiled
Statutes of 1S99. entitled "Interest."
S. F. 51, by Owens An net to regulnto
tho cutting of weeds nn the lluht nf wnv
of Irrigation canals, dltchen nnd latternls In
mo suite or .ourasKu una, lo provldo penal
ties for tho violation of tho provisions of
this net. 1
8. F. ,)2, by Owens An act tn nrovldn
county treasurers with an' official seal.
o. tj. uy eigier A Joint resolution
proposing an amendment to the constitti-
ion ami providing lor n icferendum.
ii. I'. 51. by Lvinilll All lie! In nmon.l ono.
tlpn 19 of diopter x of Compiled Statutes ot
1&99 and to repeal suld sections ns now ox-
1'.",Vby Lyman An net to nmend soc-
OllS 21. 2.1. 20. 21. "S. "t "Jl nml 11 ..
"i !L:lla)l,er xvl" nf tllc' Complied Statutes
of 1899 nnd to repeal said ieetlons ns now
b. l; . CO, by Hnrlnn An net lo amend ser-
t on 13 or chapter xxvlll. entitled "Fees," of
uie compiled niatiues of jsw and to repea
Boctlon 13 of said chapter xxvlll.
live years and for n short time lectured be
foro medical students In that city. He re
sides In Arcadlu.
Fiinner Pnntiir Vlxlls Them.
OSCKOLA. Nob., Jan. 7. (Special.) Os-
coola Presbyterians were delighted yester
day to havo the privilege of listening to
their old pastor, Row Dr. W. J. Hollman.
who Is now a professor In Lenox college
at Hopklnton, la. Tho doctor used to
preach Lera over a dozen yenrs ago.
'It was clearly tho Intention of tho legis
lature, In providing for tho appropriation
and diversion of tho water of tho streams
of tho state, to abolish, or nt leaBt to mili
tate tho evil effects of this odious doctrine
In tho onnctment of tho Irrigation laws of
1895. Tho supremo court, howovor, baa
said that attempted abolishment of tho doc
trlno of riparian rights Is within tho pro
blbltlon of tho constitution. It would seem
therefore, that tbo only remedy lies In the
ndontlon of n constitutional nmendmen
.ii.n stnrt. xi. nbo BhltiK or mnauying uuh uuuuiuk.
hi iTTCiinl'Tir K-..1, i t ,a ii Mr r himnel insisted lUlll llll w.miu.i. m
.luiira I'.mi JoMsen arrivmi in ihiu oiu. tho enactment of the Irrigation laws in 1S9.
from Nebraska City this forenoon nnd con- creating tho state nonrn or iranspori.iu....
vnne.l .llstrlet ennrl Ihla nftnrnnnn Tl, nnd clVlng it Judicial powers, hnd bCCIl denl-
tlmo was spent In llstentng to motions and onstratcd by tho satisfactory aujuuicuuon o.
domurs. nearly l.oou claims growinj, uiu m
nrlatlons attempted prior io tno muo oi u Theso ndludlcat Ions, ho Enid
. . . . ..... .u
were inndo with but lltlio expense in iu
approprlators and had had tho effect o
tinrmonlzlni; the ndvereo and conflicting In
fret nt individuals nnd communities
throughout the arid sections of tno state,
Irrigation Xei nr',
As to tho development' of Irrigation In
Cornner'N .lury nt Saviinnnli, Mo
Cliiirur"! M rn. It loliiirilumi lvllli
Her HiiRlinnil'H Murder.
r.ntertiilnl.iK .Mine llol.
OHAND ISLAND, Neb., Jan, 7. (Special.)
During their week's Visit here Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Hnko and MUs Hake, formerly
of Grand Island, but tuoro recently ot
Omaha, havo been the guests of honor nt
n reception nt tho Koehler given by Mr. and
Mrs F, J Contcs and at n dinner party
nml ball given at tho Palmer house by Mrs,
C. C. McDonough.
Labor Steele, chairman; Currlo, llarl.m,
Young. Hodgs. .
Hdticnllonal -Allen, chairman: A atiBos
kirk, Harlan, Currle. Zelrler. , , ,
Library- Young, chairman; VanHosklrk,
Harlan, Trompcn. Lyman .
CInlm Oleson. chairman; Arends. Fxlgar.
Martin, Cummins. .McCnrgcr. 8teele.
HnnkH and Currency Crotinse, chairman:
Berlet, O'Neill, Martin. Mereilth.
Live Stock and Or.ialng VanHosklrk.
chairman; Currlo. Trompcn, Miller. Hcilt-
.tanufucturcs and Commerce McCarger,
chnlrmati; O'Neill. Kdcar, Pitney, Krum
back. Public Charities Mnrttn, chairman; New
ell, Steele, Hodges, Llddell. , ,
Miscellaneous Subjects-Ole?on. chairman;
Crnunie, Currle. Harlan, Steele, oung,
Webber. , . , ,
Miscellaneous Corporations Herlet. ebnlr
mnn; Allen, Hnldrlge. Martin. O'Neill,
Arends, Campbell. . . ,
Fnlverslty nnd Normnl Schools O Nelll,
chairman; Hnldrlge, Allen. Owens, Mere-
le'h- .... ,
Constitutional Amendments and l-ederal
Helatlons Young, chairman; Crrunse, Hal
drlge, Martin. Owens, Oleson, Hansom.
State Prison Tmmpen. chairman; Olefon,
Arends, VnnHosklrk, Krnmbaek.
Mcllcnl Socletler Newell, chairman; Mil
ler, Crnunse, O'Neill, Meredeth.
Privileges and Flections-Ynunir. chair
mnn: Harlan, Martin, Campbell. oostln
holm. . ...
Heveniie Martin, chairman: Ldgar. Cur
rle, Young, Owetid, Wnostlnholm. Zelgler.
Hnllronds Owens, chnlrmnn; I.dgar.
drlge, Arends Steele. VanHosklrk. Currlo,
Allen. Meredeth. . , .,
Unrolling nnd Kngnivlng Hllls-Nev.'Ml,
chairman; McCarger, Oleson, Harlan, I.d
gar, Hodgert Zelglcr. . , ....
Tmmlgratlnn-Currle. chairman: Horle.,
Newell. Pnsclml. Llddell.
Soldiers' Home-Hdgar. chairman: Steele,
Croutie, Newell. Lyman.
Insurance -O'Neill, chairman; Hnrlnn. Jlc
Cnrger. Owimi?, Haldrlgc.
Irrigation Owens, chairman; aiilioi
kirk, Currle, Allen, Trompcn. Miller, Camp-
Hcform School, Institute for Feeble
Minded nnd Homo for Frlendless-HarUn,
chairman Fdirnr, O'Neill. Heutlng. Miller.
Insane IIopltnls Arcndn. chairman; IH
drlge. Olcsx. O'Neill. Cummins.
Deaf. Dumb nnd Hllnd Asylutns-Haldri?o.
chairman; Arends. Owens, oung, cum-
mMlnes and Mlnlng-Hansom. chalrmf.n;
Mercdoth, Llddell. Webber, Campbell Rent
Inr. Pitney, Hodges. Lyman. Cummins .Ml
ler. Paschal. Woostlnholm, Zclgler, Krum-
Ncw Committee Apportlonment-VanHon-kirk,
chnlrmnn; H.ildrlge. Owens, currlo.
Oleson, Martin. O'Neill. Allen. Hnrlnn
Standing Committees-Savage, chairman:
Abends. AUru, Young, Owens, Haldrlgo.
Hules Harlan, chairman: Martin, Owons.
Chairmen I.lkcly t H' Nitmeil !
Sprnlier Seam of the
LINCOLN, Neb., Jnn. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Speaker Sears will not announco
tho house committees until tonight or to
morrow morning, but It Is learned unoffi
cially that ho has decided upon tho following
chairmanships: Finance, ways and means
A. W. Lano. Lancaster; Judiciary, John J
McCarthy. Dixon: rnllroads. Louis Smlth-
bergcr, Stanton; Insurance, H. W. I-afflln,
Oago; banks and bankers, J. H. Cain, Jr.,
Hlchardson; corporations, J. W. Arm
strong, Nemaha; public lands, S. A. Cor-
neer, Douglas; printing, Mel Uul. Douglas,
claims. H. K. Wilcox, Douglas; stato uni
verslty and normal schools. A. J. Warner,
Lancaster; telegraph and telephone. Gcorgo
H. Mend, Douglas; municipal government,
Henry McCoy, Douglns.
III SemlDii .In. it l.oni; Hnouirli to Com
plete t, I.eKlNlutlve
8outh D1tot'i Senatorial PreHmlniry Ends
Very Harmoniouilj.
riirer-Coniered Flisut for Chief Clerk-
nhtn Hesulls In llemer llelnnr
Nitmeil Mlniielinhit lleleim
ttoii'n Untiles Predicament.
Inferior Stntlonery Ilejeeteil.
LINCOLN, Jan. 7. (Special Telegram.)
Tho cecrctnry of tho senato returned n
largo amount of erroneously printed stn
tlonery for tho scnato nnd scnato com
mittees back to tho olllco of tho secretary
of stnto with an order to notify that of
ficial that tho Benato would not accept it
That paper, of which enough for several
sessloim was ordered printed by tho popu
list officials Just at tho closo of their term
of office, Is of n very poor quality and con
tains many glaring errors. Tho scnato
committee on printing will probably recom-
niond the purchnso of an entire now supply
of stationery, and this action will prob
ably bo followed by tho house committee.
P1KIIHK. S. I).. Jau. 7. (Special Tele-
gram.) Last night the names of Keith nd
Preston wero withdrawn front tho sena
torial contest and Just beforo the caucus
that of Stover was also token off. leaving
Gamble nlonc In tho race and his wns the
only nnmo presented to the caucus. Hrp-
resotitatlve Prlco of 'ankton presented It
nnd thu nomination was mudo by acclama
it became apparent this forenoon that tho
three-cornered fight for chief clerk of tho
house, waged by Hower, Cono nnd Dnly.
would result In all of them being left out.
Tbo name of William Homer of Lawrence
was taken up and ho wns selected, although
not on tho ground nor known as nn applicant.
Tho house caucus selections were: A. G.
Snmcrs, speaker; William Homer of Law
rence, chief clerk; George W. Moulton of
Day. first assistant; till Dawson of Clay,
second assistant; J. I). Devluo ot Faulk,
sergcant-nt-arms; Joseph A. Hoffcr of
Hutchison, nsslstnnt; Curl Jones of Tur
ner, bill clerk; J. It. Howell ot Hoberts,
chief of engrossing force; ti. A. Louncr
vllle. postmaster; O. M. Stormont, mes
senger; Hew Kills, chaplain; John Mc
Donald, watchman.
Tho scnato caucus selected: J. M. Law
son of Drown, president pro tcm; J. H.
Scrlven of Davison, secretary; Y, P. HUss
of Houhommo, first assistant; L. II. Lar
son of Lincoln, second assistant; II. F,
Pncltett of McPhcrson, bill clerk; A. A.
Howen of Turner, chief of engrossing force;
Ira P. Hradford of Grant, nsslstaut; J. ti.
Kibbler of Marshall, scrgeant-nt-nrms; J.
II. Wright of Hrule, assistant; Hov. Hurton
of Hughes, chaplain.
Tho Mlnnnhaha county delegation came
hero asking for tho scnatorship and sov
cral good electlvo plnccs and could not
ngreo among themselves ns to whnt places
they really wanted when they could not
sccuro tho scnntorshlp. As n result they
havo secured nothing.
Why l'rrNtou 'Withdrew.
MITCIIKLL. S. D., Jau. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) H. C. Preston, who was a cnndl
dato for Cnlted Stntes senator, did not
permit his nnmo to go beforo tho republican
caucus at Plcrro this afternoon nnd wired
his withdrawal to Representative Urns. On
Mr. Preston's return from tho enst Satur
day night he disclosed to his frlonds that
ho had decided to withdraw from tho sena
torial Held and accept n proposition com
ing from Judge Glffen of Marlon, la., to
become a partner In his law practice nnd
ho will remove to that point In the early
Wnhluntiiii Stnte I'liinu Inur to Cut Off
It lRhhr'n ."Sorlhcru
SPOKANK, Wash., Jan. 7. Plans nro be
lng formed hero to sccuro tho annexation
of tho northern part of ldnho to Woshlng
ton. Stnto Hcprcscutntlve Lorr will bring
tho matter beforo tho Wafhington legisla
ture. Tho purposo Is to ndd to this stato
tho "Panhandle," located north of iho
forty-sixth parallel, which Is tho southern
boundary to Washington. This would -In-cludo
tho famous Coeur d'Aleno mining
district nnd tho greater part of tho Clear
water gold fields. Northern Idaho him tn
tho past voted In favor of such anocn
tlon. It Is nrgueJ that southern Idaho
would not consent because of lack of rail
way connection between the two pnrts of
the stnto nnd especially bccatiso of tho
great expense resulting from tho mining
riots In the Corur d'Aleno district two
years of martial law.
I.nnisdorf Keepx the Pliiee.
ST. PF.TEUSUFHO. Jan. 7 After satis
factorlly filling tho prellmlnnry stages,
Count Ijtmsdort has been definitively ap
pointed minister of foreign affairs.
Content from enuiliii Couutly.
LINCOLN, Jan. 7. (Special Telegram.)
Consideration of tho Crummel-Hawxby
election contest case from Nemaha county
was postponed by the commlttco on privi
leges nnd elections becauso of tho falluro
of Speaker Scars to open tho documents
LINCOLN. Jan. 7. (Special Telegram)
Tho papers hnd been mtslald and were not
found until nfter adjournment.
MeSwiiln In Chnreil with .Murder.
HAWLINS, Wyo., Jnn. 7. (Special.)
Orlo McSwaln of Hoggs has been brought to
tho county Jail nnd tho chargo of murder
placed ngalnst him. McSwaln Is tho man
who Is chnrged with shooting his rival, a
young man named Taylor, nt Dixon a few
motiths ngo. It Is said that n bitter feel
ing existed on tho part of tho Taylor family
becnuso McSwoln's father, who Is a deputy $
alinrlff l.nrt np.nolnil r .1... 'P . .!.. I
during the summer. It Is nlso nsacrtcd by
friends ot IcSwnln that Tnylor had threat
ened McSwnln nnd thnt earlier In tho even
ing ho attempted to cut McSwaln with a
ST. JOSKPH, Mo., Jan. 7. A dispatch to
tho Pally News from Savannah, Mo., says:
Tho coroner's Jury In tho caso of Frank vvhraska. Mr. Channel paid
L. Hlchardson, tho merchant who wns mur- "The fciato of Nebraska, extending for a
dered in tho doorway of his rcsldcnco I ,Hntaiico of 150 miles cast and west, pro
Chrlstmn3 evening, rettirned n verdict at Bents n variety, of climatic and agricultural
i o'clock this afternoon, charging that conditions. In the eastern section of th
Hlchnrdson enmo to his death from a tnto the abundnnt crops, highly Improve
pistol shot fired by his wife or by some farniB nnd prosperous communities ben
person known to her and unknown to the wltuess to the magnificent success of ngrl
Jury." rulturo without tho aid of moisture nrti
Thn lnrv wiiH out flftv-five minutes and nr-lnllv mini led. As wo pass turtner wcbi
tho verdict created a profound sonsatlon. however, tho conditions chungo. Tho hu
After waiting almost two weeks the Jury mid climate gradunlly shades off Into tho
heard tho testimony of Mrs. Hlchardson nt rfglon of srnnty ralnfnll and In western
her rcsldcnco today. Tho widow lay In bed Nebraska Irrigation is necessary for sue
and answered tho questions of Prosecuting cessful agriculture
Mtorney Hooher nud tho Jurors Impn- "Of the entlro stato moro than ono-miru
tlently. Onco sho exclaimed: "When will or nbout lfi.OOO square miles, lie within th
you lenvo me ulone.' arid or seml-nrld region whero agriculture,
Mrs. Hlchardson was represented by two though a partial success In tho most favor
prominent St. Joseph lnwyers nnd was ablo seasons, Is In the main a falluro with
surrounded by her own relatives during tho out Irrigation. In seasons of unusual rain-
taking of her testimony. She denied that fall tho reuinrkublo productiveness of tno
sho knew anything about the murder other soil bears witness to tho nbundant fertility
than has been told by other witnesses and and gives promise of its possibilities when
donted that eho had any improper relations sufficient moisture Is supplied and all tho
with tho men whoso names have been elemonts combine to prouueo n iruitfui
brought Into the case. No warrants have growth of plant llfo. Tho wnter to Irrlgato
becen Issued for Mrs. nichardson's ar- this region must bo supplied largely from
rest. rivers having their sources In Colorndo and
SAVANNAH. Mo.. Jan. 7. Mrs, Richard- Wyoming and while tho supply is ample
son was nrrested ot her home tonight. She for tho development of considerable areas
gave bond for $1,000. slgtied by her brother- Is will bo necessary In tho near future In
In-law, John l. Hlchardson of Chicago, order that Irrigation development bo not
W. 8. Wells, cashier of the Stato Hank of retarded to provldo somo system for tho
S-ivrttini'i and her attorney. K. H. White storago of Hood waters that now go to
cf St. Joseph. The preliminary hearing U wasto nnd somo equitable adjustment of
set for January IS. interstnto rights to tne use or waters of
Interstate streams."
Iliereume in l.nunoll 'I ruiin.
LONDON. Jan. 7. The statement ot the
Hoard of Trnde for the month of December
Ml! ill no ii foil ii t j- MnrtenKrii,
MADISON, Neb., Jan. 7 (Special ) The
showa Increase of 5,707,600 In Imports 1 mortgage record for the last year In Madl
and 1,673,(100 In exports. I son county Is a most gratifying one. Tho
LINCOLN, Jnn. 7. (Special.) Tho house
of representatives hold a session of fifteen
minutes' duration this afternoon nnd nd
journed to 10 o'clock tomorrow morning,
penning the appointment of standing com
mlttces by tho spenkcr. All business thnt
came beforo tho representatives today wos
transacted without dobatc. Absentees wero
Crlsscy ot Johnson, Hamilton of Hutler,
Hanks of Otoe, Harris of Huffnlo, Mead of
Douglas and Shlnstnck of Cuming.
Tho first thing considered was n resolution
Introduced by Armstrong of Nemaha au
thorizing tho chief cleric to employ nn extra
asslntont to prepare dnlly five copies of tho
official record of houso proceedings ono for
tho printer, ono for tho secretary of state
and three for tho members of tho house
nnd referring tho matter of supplying each
member with a copy to tho committee on
printing with distructlons to report within
twenty-four hours nfter It Is appointed.
Tho resolution whb offered as a substi
tute for several resolutions bearing upon
tho snino subject thnt wero left undecided
nt tho close of tho lost session. It won
pnssed by an overwhelming voto, only a
fow representatives on tho fusion sldo of tho
houso voting In tho negative.
Tho nppolntment of W. H. Clark of this
city ns custodlnn nf supplies, submitted by
the secretary of state, was ratified without
a dissenting votr.
On motion of Hlbbcrt of Gngo. tho ser-geant-at-nrms
was authorized to procure u
Hag of the national colors for decorating
tho baro portion of tbo wail behind Iho
speaker's chair.
Thero being no further business for con
sldorntlon, the house adjourned on motion
of Cain of Htchnrilson.
I Kiintiel of the Severn! Orpriuilzu-
tlonn Which Are to Slmpc the
SesHlou'H Work,
LINCOLN, Jnn. 7. (Special.) When tho
senato adjourned today tho republican
members went into caucus to consider the
report of tho commlttco on standing com
mittees, which will ho mndo to tho sonato
tomorrow. Following Is tho full list of
commlttco selections.
rJudlclary Hnldrlge. chairman: Martin,
ioung, i.rouiibe. uwens, uieson, 1 lariat),
VnnHosUtrk. Hansom.
Finance, Ways and Means Arends. chair
man; Owens, Herlet, tiilgnr, Allen, Oleson,
O'Neill, VnnHosklrk, HouHntr.
Public Lands and HaUdlngs Allen, chair
man; Young, TTompon, Arends. Herlet.
Owens. Steele, Lymnn. Krnmbaek.
Agriculture McCarger, chairman; Young,
Trompen. Herlet, Currlo. Cruunfe, .eluier.
Highways, Hrldgr and Ferries Tramp''!!,
chnirman; Newell, McCarger, Llddell,
Accounts and Uxpendltures Currlo, chair
man; Oleson. Harlan. Martin, Pitney.
Counties and Cnuntv Hiundnrles Pitnoy,
chairman; Hansom, Webber, Paschal, Van
Houklrk. Military Affairs Steele, chairman; New
ell, Crounse. McCarger. Meredeth,
Municipal Affairs Harlan, chnlrmnn; Hnl
drl.te. O'Neill, IMgar, Woostlnholm.
Idtf rnal Improvements Herlet, chairman;
Allfn, Crounse, McCarger, Lyman
Brhool I.unlK nnd Funds Cruinse, chair
man: Trompcn. Arends, Webber, Pa-rhnl.
Trlntlng Kdgnr. chairman; McCarger,
Noivoll, O'Neill, Campbell,
Cuts (lot Stump Allmviinee.
LINCOLN, Jan. 7. (Special Telegram.)
In tho mnttor of tho uso ot postnge stomps
for Its members tho sennto In caucus this
evening adopted a resolution which cuts
out the stamp allowance altogether.
Wenther Todny Likely lo He Cloudy
tvlth Snow nml Ilrlsk lo Illul.
Northerly Winds.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 7. Forecast for
Tuesday and Wednesday:
Nebraska Cloudy and cold Tuesday,
probably snow; cold wnvo nt night; Wed
nesdoy, fair, winds becoming brisk to high,
Iowa Hnln or snow Tuesday, colder In
western portion, with n cold wovo nt night;
Wednesday, fair, much coldrr; southerly
winds, becoming northerly
Missouri l'nlr In western, rain In east
ern nortlon Tuesday; Wednesday, fair.
much colder, brisk to high westerly winds
South Dakota Snow Tuesday with a cold
wave; Wednesday, fair and cold, brisk to
hlch northerly winds
Kansas Partly cloudy Tuesday, snow nnd
much colder nt night or Wednesday, winds
becoming northerly.
Colorado Snow, colder Tuesday; snow In
northeast portion; Wednesdny, fair, cold,
wimia hccnmlm: northerly nnd brisk to
Wvomlng Snow Tuesday, cold wavo;
WodneBday, fair and cold, winds northerly,
becoming high.
Montnna Snow nnd colder In eastern por
tion Tuesday; Wednesday, fair and cold
varlablo wiqds.
l.oenl Iteeord,
miAii.1 .inn. 7 Official record nf tem-
pcraturo and preclpltntlon enmpnred with
the corresponding day of tho last threo
IliiNlinnd Crix the Children.
LARAMIK. Wo., Jan. 7. (Special.) Tho
children of William Hutcher, tho Denver
business man, who chased his divorced wlfo
end her paramour from Denver to Greeley,
to Cheyenno nnd thenco to Laramie, nro I harmful of all the Hkln preparations.
uuw ... ...n iiuBnt-naiu... j ivenvcr lawyer
was hero yesterday nnd convinced Mrs.
Hutcher thnt sho had no right to tho
children nfter the Colorado courts had
granted her husband the custody of them
nnd reluctantly sho permitted tho nttorney
to tako them back to Denver. Mrs. Hutcher
claims that she has married tho man with
whom nho lied from Denver.
An Excellent Combination.
Tito iilensnnt method nnd bpncfleliil
effect!! of tlio woll ltnmvu icmcdy,
Hvnor or Vum, mtuiufucturcl by tho
California Km Svitui" Co., lllitbtrato
the valuoof obtaltilnp the llrjuld lttxn
tlvo principles of nlnnt.s known to bo
medicinally hixutivo nnd presontiiijT
t hem In the form most rof resiling to tbo
tusto nnd ncccntnblo to tho hyKtoni. It
is tho ono perfect fitrenjfthenlnK luxti
tlvo, oloniiMtiL' tho system clfcoluaUy,
dispelling colds, headaches nnd fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Us perfect freedom from
every olijnctlonnblo quality and sub
stance, nnd its uctliiL' on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without wenkcnitifT
or Irrltatiiify them, ninlto It tho ideal
In the process ot manttfacturinff ili;s
are used, ns they aro tilensant to tho
taste, but this medicinal qualities of tho
remedy are obtained from ticutin and
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho Fio Syuop
Co. only. In order to pet its beneficial
clTectH and to avoid imitations,
remember the full name of tho Company
printed on thu front of every packnifo.
For snlo uy nil Druculsts. I'rlcofiOc. per bottle.
Hnnovn Tan. IMmpln,
rrtcklos, Moth rntch.
Itasli una Hkln dli
me, and every
lilcmlih on beauty,
unJ deft'i tlftc:
tlon. It hai stood
thn teat of I
j cars, anil Is to
liaunleya we tnM
It to be turn It
Is properly made.
Accept no counter
feit of similar
nnine. Dr. I.. A.
tviyrn raid to a la
dy of the haut-toD
(a patient):
As you Indies will uso them. 1 recom
mend 'GOtTHACD'H CHKAM as tho least
sain by all Druculsts anil Kancy Goads
Dealers In the U. 3. and ICuropu.
Fttltl). T. IIOIMCI.VS. 1'rop'r,
7 Great Jons Bt., N. T.
fSifg if
nANfiFI? Sir.NAK: ArehrUoutln-M.
I'nrmer .wt. I.oul AVoiiiiiii'n Offer.
LONDON, Jan. ".As a memorial of her
only son. Lleutennnt I'ercy V. Korbos-Lclth
ot tho Tlrst (Hoynl DniKoons), who died
Inst week nt Now Castle, Natal, Mrs. A. V.
Forbes-Lolth, (who was Miss Marie Janunry
of St. LoulB), of 1'Yvlc Castle, Aberdeen
shire, nnd formerly ot New York, has
offered to present a building nt Aberdeen
worth 4,000 to bo used as n Gordon High
landers Institute.
Term) Not Siitlnfiiotorj-.
VANCOUVER, H. C, Jan. 7. Owing to
tho demand of tho Imperial authorities that
all mounted pollco recruited hero for
South Africa must pay their faro to Cape
town anil submit to Inspection to fitness by
Hnpllsh officers, nil Ideas of raising a corps
In HrltUh Columbia have been nbandoned
unless the men's passago bo paid and tho
men arc Inspected as to lltncsa by Cunadlan
officers hero.
lflon. um lias 1807
...31 f.0 I'll 13
... tti as r. . i
...21 42 17 JS
... .fi T .on .nn
Maximum temperature
Minimum temperature.
Mean temperature
Record of temperature nnd precipitation
at Omaha for this day and slnco March 1,
1S0O: . ,
Normal tcmpernturo u
Kxccss ror tno imy.........
Tnint evcess since March t l'-H
Normal precipitation 0.1 nc i
Purest, for the day inch
Total rainfall since March 1 30.21 Inches
Excess slnco March 1. ................ . .'o im Ii
tioiip encv tor cor. neriuu, is"- m
Deficiency for cor. period, UK)
Heporl from Slnlloim nt S I'
3 07 III. lies
'A 5H
Omaha, cloudy
North Platte, clear
Cheyenno, pnrtly cloudy.
Hopld City, cloudy
Huron, cloudy
Wllltston, snowlnn
CIiIciiko. cloudy
St. Louis, ralnlnu
St. Haul, cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
Kansas City, clear
Helena, clear.
Havre, partly cloudy.
Hlsmarck, clear
Galveston, clear
.1 C2' M
311 .00
30" .00
Ml .00
Dfi .00
34, .00
8 .10
31 .00
3J T
21 .00
31 .00
4GI .00
Vindicates trace of preclpltntlon Zero,
' L, A WF.r SII
Local Forecast Oltlcl'.l.
So many women suffer from it. It
mars alike their hours of work nnd
pleasure. Backache is Kcncrally a
symptom of derangement of the deli
cate womanly organs. It is useless
tuerciore to
apply plasters
and similar local
treatments. A
cure can only
be effected when
the cause of the
nche is removed.
The use of Dr.
Pierce's bavor
ite Prescription
will cure the
drains, the in
flammation, ul
ceration nnd
which cause
backache, side
ache, headache
and many other
aches and pains.
" Favorite Pre
scription" con
tains no alcohol
and is absolutely
free from opi
um, cocaine and
other narcotics.
It agrees with
the most deli
cate persons.
"I took your medicine tlx raonth and I feel
now like a new person." writes MUs Annie
Stephens, of Ucllvillr.Wfmd Co.. W Va, "Have
no backaclir, no headache, no pain auywhere,
I took t even bottle of Dr Pierce's I'avorite Pre
scription, and r.cven bottles of his 'Golden Med
ical Discovery ' I think there it nn medicine
like Dr. 1'lcrre's. I can't kpeaU highly ciioiikIi
of your medicine for it ban done roe to much
L'ood. I don't feel tired ns I used to nor tick I
feci welt and think there is no medicine equal
to Dr I'lerce't I'avorite Prescription "
The Medical Adviser, iroS pages, 6ent
free on receipt of stamps to pay expense
of mailing only. Send ai one -cent
ctamps for twpir coven, or 31 stamps for
cloth, to Dr. k. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y,
man and woman.
re to evorv Wl Akf
Docs our face Hush nnj are our
limbs shaky an J weak? Do j ou (eel that j our Diercy,
Ambition and Vitality nro -w
forsaklncjou? These aro
Nature's warnings; votir
ManhooJ Is rapidly falling,
Idectrlclty Is the only known
cure for these weaknesses.
As applied by my Llectrlc
Belt the cure Is RuaranleeJ;
If It falls I will refund every
cent you pay for It.
Is of Quadruple Mulllply
lng Power, bntlrely ditfer
ent, and must not be con
founded with other electric
Ht. Has soft, silken.
fhamols covered spono " 41
e'eclrodes which do not
burn and blister ns do the
bare metal electrodes used
on all other makes of bells.
My Hell can lis rcncweJ (or
only75C when burned out; r.o other belt can be re
newed lor any price, and uhen burned out In isuiih
less. CiUARANTirii TO CURIi all Weaknesses In
either sex: irstore Vitality; euro Rheumatism In any
(orn. Varicose Veln, Kldncj, Liver and Illidlcr
Trouble, Constipation. IHspepsIa, all l:cn-je Com
plilnts, General and Nervous DeMllly, etc.
Wrlto to-d.iy for my book, "The rindlncr of ths
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