THE OMAHA DAILY 11 EE: MONDAY, .TATAHY 7, 1901. HERE IS ANOTHER MYSTERY Btiangfl "Pononal" Appeari in the Morn log Papers. AMUSEMENTS. 3 Orplicuni A bill sufficiently diversified to strlko a rnartnfitiltm liftr,1 tl'tlti thi I'nllflnvll In dnV- POSITIVE REFERENCE TO CUDAHY CASE otce, whatever lio hla hobby In this lino of entertainment, Is the offering at tho Or- 8l)Ctin(nrrn of Mr. Cndnhy anil Chief of 1'nllCR Donahue AMnchod, but .Neither Will Jluke Ux-plniintlon. rheum for tho current week, and It wnB nc. corded a rousing reception In lis Initial purformnnco Sunday nfternoon and evening. There arc no star head-liners, but Instead seven numbers of uniform merit, each one capablo of producing cntlro satisfaction. Tho first part consists of a very clover per nio following personal appeared In the forroancu on tho silver wire by Ncttlo Car- advertising columns of tho local papers roll and nn amusing dialect dialogue and Sunday morning: musical sketch by Tcnlcy nnd Slmonds. Your request, nsked for In letter mailed Mnllory brothers and Brooks nro refined at Lincoln January 4, to bo nnswered be- eolorod musical artists who perform capably fore January 7, wlfl bcgr bAnYi on a number of different Instruments and J.' J.' DONAHUE. Indicate, n versatility that must needs bo Nolthor Mr. Cudahy nor Chief Donahue commended, would consent to explain tho meaning of tho Four Interesting sketches composo tho sec- foregoing, nor would they discuss It In any ond half of tho program and they nro nil way. Chief Donahuo said: "It may bo that so different as to bo altogether enjoyable, wo will bo In a position to talk about It In Tho I'nntzcr trio appear In their now com- tho courso of n few days, but not now. It cdy acrobatic act, entitled "A Oymnost's would defeat our purpose." Parlor Amusement," and accomplish a uura- Tho little personal, containing an oven her of difficult feats. Frank Gardiner and coro of words, has aroused no little curl- Lottie Vincent nro old favorites who return, oslty among thoso who havo closely followed having as tho vehicle for tho display of tho caso, and not a few havo advanced tho their talent nn original musical farco wrlt- oplnlon that It marks tho "beginning of the ten by Mr. (lardlnor, "A Shattered Idol." ond." Thcro nro all sorts of speculations as Qcrtrudo Swlggotto and Edward Clarko In to Its Import. Among tho most plausible of dulgo In a. hodge-podge of nonsenso thnt Is theso Is one advanced by a man formerly Interesting, particularly for tlio reason that connected with tho government secrot scrv- Miss Swlggctto Imitates "Sis Hopkins" nnd Ice. Ho says: li In this character, amusing In tho cx- "Of course, thoro Is no question but that tremc. this porsonal refers to tho Cudahy kidnap- Charles Lothian, who gained a popularity lng caso. Tho two signatures settlo that of no mean proportions when ho was In point. Another obvious fact Is that cither Otnnha as a member of the Woodward Stock tho chief or Mr. Cudahy or both havo been company, appeared In a very clever little getting somo moro letters. Now, they have sketch entitled "A Sunday with Aunt Mnr both been gottlng letters rlsht along from tho." lie was assisted by Miss Mary Un persons claiming to know something about pout, a charming young nctress, who has a tho case, and they havo pnli no nttentlon decidedly pleasing stago presence nnd a to thorn. 'Klolso T.' has been writing, and winsome smllo that won great fnVor with thoro aro a half dozen othcrB. Tho chief hor nudlencc. Tho popular klnodroino clojod attributed no Importance whatever to theso tho performance, showing soveral now views communications and said they were 'crank' of tho Galveston disaster. letters, written by pcrsotiB who wanted to 'have ft llttlo fun' ami who had nothing bet- SHiipii'h Trot-mlcro- tcr to do. Miner and Van's Bohemian Burlesquers "But now comes a letter which causes put up tho best show that has been given at him to open his eyes. Mlaco's Trocadoro In soveral weeks. Billy "It Is obviously an anonymous letter, too, B. Van, tho star of the company, Is' ex- as otherwlso ho would not hnvo to answer coedlngly clover In comedy work and It It through tho porsonal columns of a Is to bo regrottcd that he does not appear newspaper. Still, he glvoB It credence. In tho performance until tho closing net. Iloth ho and Mr. Cudahy havo examined that Ab Patsy, tho boll boy, In tho skit cnlled letter and they hnvo agreed that It comes "A Scrambled Egg." Mr. Van succeeds In frbm n person who knows something of the keeping the audience In a hilarious mood kldnnnlne. They ndmlt that much whon The farce, which deals spicily with extra- thoy dignified It with an answer duly signed ordinary Incidents attending the arrival of bv both their names. a burleHquc compnny at n country hotel, I I Itrlnrra flu. nlltlrn npirfl 11 1 ytt t Inn tntn anpvlnn DoulillrMM IIiih Information. , ... . .. . ,., and Introduces a constant run of comical Hero is nnotner conclusion to bo tirawn CEMENT ON THIS FRIENDSHIP, patient attempts to escape Indian Bratcs Mnia to Separate from Iniptctor Dew. When (Mt'rtnkru In .Street fur Slip AAnntt4 Hit Cnptnr -v Kit lliinil SintHict. THEY FOLLOW 10 OKLAHOMA An excited woman smashing another wo man over the head jwith n hond satchel disturbed the serenity of tho pastetigcrs on a l'ark lino car Saturday night. Tho nssault, which was apparently unprovoked, occurred Immediately after the two women entered tho car at Leavenworth nnd Twenty-sixth streets, nnd ns tho assailant nnd her victim were hurriedly ejected from tho car without explanations from any side tho passengers were left to conjecture the n r Kb. r, t , V. rt .1 tm i II f lift llfff. Tho mystic spell which tho fabled Tied ,,.,,, i,in' rt laMnarta tt furl thnt Mm I'lpcr worked on tho rats and tho children . , inpldcnt was a lively climax to Inspector Arrive In Oinnha Ihtroiile to the SonthueNl, ..ctMiutpitnlei! X y n Clunrtet or Ills Cupper rnui'il l'rolcKen. of Hnamlln town when ho led them over tho brow of tho hill Into tho sea was not moro powerful than the Influence School In spector V. II. Dew has unwittingly exerted nn attempted escape from tho Presbyterian hospital, Twenty-sixth nnd Marcy streets. Tho woman who fractured the peace and dignity of street railway travel had under- oor somo of tho red men of the Pine llldge , tnkcu t0 g(Jl nwny from tll0 hospital wln. out securing tho necessary passports and tho embarrassed victim of the assault was tho nurse, who had overtaken her. No one In authority at the hospital would give out any Information concerning tho nnir yesterday, nut it was learned mat tho pntlent who attempted to escape Is n well-known woman of Lyons, Neb., who hns been under trentment for nervous troubles at the hospital for several weeks. Last Friday friends of the patient called t tho hospital and nrrnnged to have her sent home, but she refused to leave nt thnt time. Saturday morning, however, ihe woman left tho building secretly nnd went to tho Burlington depot, ' where sho purchnscd n ticket for Lyons. As sho was about to board the train sho was Intercepted by tho head nurse nr.d Induced to return to tho hospital. Hut the patient had not given up the task of getting nwny from confinement, nnd when left unguarded for a moment Saturday night, she again slipped nwny. This time she was hotly pursued by a nurso, who overtook her as she en tered a Park lino car and hrought her back to tho hospital after tho exciting Incident In which tho hand satchel figured. Tho man who wroto that anonymous letter 'mnllcd at Lincoln January 4' offered to glvo them somo Information touching tho situations. Tho other skit on tho program has the suggestive title of "A Caso of Cow." It gives tho people the plcasuro of looking kidnaping or r.ddio uuuany, and probniuy upon a Rainxy 0f burlesque beauties In ns to tho Identity and whereabouts of the KOrg00a nnd attenuated costumes nnd bnndlts, clso tho two gentlemen whoso slg- natCnlng to a melange of good songs nnd natures appear would not nnvo tonon tno new jokes. troublo to Insect tho personal. And, again, Ti10 Casino comedy four carry off the tho person. who mailed tho anonymous letter honors In the olio, their singing being evidently wnnts his Identity kept secret, or 0I high order nnd their "business" not clso ho would havo signed his nnme, or revealing any marks of antiquity. Tho would havo paid tho chief a visit In per- j,nii0 ulsters aro a lively trio, who do not son. Tho chances nro ho Is either ouo of mako tho mistake of considering a song and tho kldnnpcrs willing to 'peach' on his pals flanco a serious affair, but aim to get noth for tho sako of getting hold of tho reward nK but fun out of It. T3d Johnson sings money, or elso ho Is somcono In close touch a couplo of descriptive songs with fine with J.hom who knows their' secrets. In effect nnd rounds out a plenslng sketch cither event ho is trying to 'llo dead' nnd wth tho assistance of Mao Hllllard. Jack, win tho roward without letting others lm- Andy nnd Ada Gardnor present nn act that plicated In tho deal know his Idpntlty. a full of ginger and Fred Wycoff's "Bubc "As to It Is that ho 'requests there stunt Is not without merit. Is no telling, of course, but still It's not hard to kucss. Tho chances nro .that ho "Trip lo Coonloivn" has asked to havo somo detectives sent to A nonsenslcnl musical comedy, with Lincoln to havo a prlvato conferenco with enough tangibility of plot to justify n name him. In this conferenco ho agrees to dl- serves to glvo Bob Colo and Billy Johnr vulgq certain facts that will aid tho police and a company of colored singers and danc In ferreting tho mystery: perhaps ho will ers opportunity to please thoso who enjoy disclose tho Identities nnd whereabouts of a performance characteristic of Ethiopian tho guilty men nnd In consideration will nrtlsts. "A Trip to Coontown" was glveri Us nsk to havo tho reward delivered to him, or Initial production at Boyd's theater Sunday a largo shnro of It. I havo known of such nfternoon nnd tho entertainment nfforded cases. was satisfactory of tho kind. Thoro Is any ItrenlU Similar Case, amount of singing rendered by capablo solo "One caso In particular that I now re- lets, and n chorus of musical qualities. Tho cnll was, almost Identical with this. Ono olio following tho musical creation Is made of tho men Implicated In a blit bank rob- up of several Interesting numbers, the prln bory mndo an appointment to meet n do- clpals In this being Cole nnd Johnson. Edna tcctlve. but had it understood In ndvnnco Alexander, soprano, nnd Lloyd Glbbs, tenor, that no attempt would bo mndo to capturo also tako prominent parts. This attraction him and that ho would bo permitted to will continue at iioyus tonignt nnu tomor . keep his Identity to himself. When the row night meeting took placo tho dotectlvo was not permitted to sco tho faco of the robber. Tho latter stood upon one slilu of n door, which ho hold njar, nnd tho sleuth on tho other. At tho conclusion of tho Interview tho do tectlvo passed tho roward monoy through tho nperturo to tho robber and tho deal was closed. Perhaps this transaction will end In somo such way. "I havo a llttlo Inside Information myself, by tho way, In this kidnaping caso and I can nssuro you of this, th.1t when tho truth Is finally known, as It certainly will be, the Omaha public will bo surprised at tho Identity of nt least one of thoso 'bnndlts,' so-called. Tho namo of a man will bo prominent In It that has never before been associated with crlmo or crlmlnnls, That The IlrnutrUnbly Vine Quullty now Imported of G. H. Mumm's Extra Dry Is tho talk of tho town; io,32i cases in oloven months, or 72.109 enses moro than any other brand, evidences tho high np preclatlon this wlno enjoys. agency. The clinrm 01 mo i-ieu i-ipcr my In the music of his pipes. Tho Impulso that sent half a dozen copperskltis scurrying after Mr. Dew when ho was transferred by tho government to another agency wns tmplo kindness. Mr. Dew stopped In tho city yesterday on his wuy to Darlington, Okl. With him nro several braves from Pino Illdgo who refuted to bo loft behind nt tho agency. What dis position to make of them Is n problem which the school Inspector solved by allowing them to accompany him. In tho flvo years that Mr. Dow has been connoctcd with tho schools nt Pino Btdgc ho did many little services for several of ho brave?. Whenever ho returned from business trips to the nearest town ho had small gifts for tho red men r.n Illuminated pack of playing cards for one, a sack of 'Tomahawk" smoking tobacco for another, a spur for this one, n knife for that nil kinds of trinkets dear to the hearts of the coppersktns, no mntter what stage of civil ization they attain. I ml lit ti m Hay Xny. A few weeks ago the school Inspector wos notified by tho officials at Washington that tho work nt Pino Hldge Is sufficiently ad vanced to place It In less experienced hands, and for that renson they wished him to transfer to Darlington, Okl., to take ckargo of tho educatlonnl institution for Indlnns there. When Mr. Dow Informed the braves of tho order there was a small mutiny, end ing In a severe reprimand by tho Inspector. 'You must not rebel against tho word of tho Great Whlto Father at Washington," he said. Apparently tho red men had become reconciled to his departure, but Mr. Dew obsorved that they still showed sfgns of disappointment or regret. Whon the train to Omaha drew out of tho depot at the station adjacent to Pine Illdgo on tho day of his leaving Mr. Dew wns chagrined not to find tho braves ho liked best among the throng on tho platform to bid him goodby. Attributing their absenco to n possible Inability to control their feel ings, ho asked tho others to Bay a word of farewell for him nnd then settled back In tho sent to mako tho best of a rldo over rough tracks. When tho train had left tho agency n fow miles In tho rear tho car door opened nnd from the front end of tho train camo four braves attired In garments suitable for n long Journey. Thero was "Calico," who had his chattels tied In a saddle blanket; "Six Holy," with n shawl full of possessions on his shoulders; "Joe Calico" and "Llttlo Hawk," carrying their belongings In n blanket fastened to a stick over their shoulders, true Indian fnshlou "Wo'ro going along," Joo Calico grunted "Wo'vo got permissions unknown to you; wo railed money. Little Hawk has sold his pony and wo won't go back. Wo'll work for you on tho other side .of the great di vldo whero you're going." Mr. Dow tcok the only action possible under the clrcum stances ho let them come. Ilnpp lleil Chllilrpn, Four happier red men never trod the streets of Omaha than these braves, who are careful not to let tho school Inspector out of their sight for fear thoy will Ioso him Llttlo Hnvyk Is tho most picturesque In tho company. There Is an adverse significance In his nnme, as he stnnds six feet two In his moccasins nnd has shoulders like thoso of a dray horse. Tho Indians wear their hair In long brnlds brightened with bend and mtnlnturo arrows and tomahawks. Their trousers and Jnckots nro of the regulation buckskin, ndorned with bits of colored flan nol, Each of the men has had rather notable pnrt in the old Indian outbreaks nnd wars. Mr. Dow said: "I will let them necompany mo to Oklnhoma, but they must soon roturn to their agency. How did I contrlvo to win them so completely? Well 1 don't know. An Indian's heart Is tho big gest part of Jilm nnd when you mako thern llko you they II follow you to tho enrtn'i end WANTS TO TACKLE THE WORLD liilrlecn-Vcnr-Old I,ee lliilluril nppeiirn friini llln Home .Hmiflny. DIn- Yesterday morning 13-year-old Leo Ilal- ard strapped his skates, overcoat and n few other possessions Into a nent bundle, emp tied his savings bank of J3 worth of pennies nnd left his homo nt 2420 Spencer street to battle with the world. "Just tell mother nr.d father that I have gone out to hustlo for myself nnd that they needn't worry about me," wns tho messago the boy left with three younger children who wero left In his charge while Mrs. Hal lard went to church. As soon as tho mother returned from church sho enlisted her neighbors In n search for tho boy and reported his dlsap pearanco to the police, but no trace was found of hlra, Ho It described as n slender boy of medium size. His hair Is dark brown and ho hns gray eys. Whtn ho left homo ho woro kneo trousers nnd a coat of dark gray cloth and n dartt cloth cap. Tho boy's father, L. E. Ballard, Is n traveling sales man. Ho was notlflel yestirday nt Colum bus, Neb, of his son's disappearance. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. 1. Mncfarlatie of Badcor. Wvo.. Is In the cuy. H. I. Linden of Portland. Ore.. Is in tho cuy. Harris Franklin, a mine owner from Deadwood, S. D Is In OniUhn. D. M. Owen, a well Iciioa'ii Norfolk rail road contractor. Is at tho Merchants. T. B. Irwin of Gordon, n well known Ne crnsKn cattleman, is nt the aicrcmtnts. 12. E. Garner, a hotel man rrom Oakland spent Sunday in tho city ns tho guest of menus. S. G. Strickland, division superintendent or ino umann line, nas returned irom t'ori land, Ore. E. L. Mvers of Newnort. president of th Nebraska Lumber Dealcrii' association, Is at tno iwercnaniH. It. W. Baxter, division suneiintniidcnt n tho Union Pacific, nnd Mrs. Baxter re turned yesterday from n month's visit In Portland, Ore. General Fltzhugh Leo will leavo Tuesday on u tour or Inspection of several of tho posts In tho Department of the Missouri. Ho will go first to Fort Blley. Nebrasknns nt the hotels: C. II. Metz, Friend: William Saleln nnd It. 8. Promlllt. Guide Rock; I. M. Dresher, Grand Island; O. W. Pope, Lincoln: II. .1). Watson, Kear ney; E. Van Mlddloworth, Pender; Robert Graham, Alliance; F. M. Crowe, Lincoln; W. J. Pliant, Grand Island; D. M. Owen, Norfolk; W. A. Bucklin, Long Pino; M. L, Thomson, Battle Creek: T. K. Hansen. Til den; Jnines Fragln. Woodblno; 1(. 11. Wat kins, Alliance; John Porter, I'ullmim; J. l lorclon. Gordon; R. P. Scott, Bridgeport; J. F. Mndltn. Denver City: Joseph Wrlsht, Wilcox: A. 1). Beemcr, Bctmer; C. F. Way, Lincoln. MPLEMENT MEN TO MEET Tenth Annual Session Oonienei In This Oitj Tomorrow. ATTENDANCE WILL BE VERY LARGE Implement InlerrMn from I'.vorj n hero Will lie lleprenenteit mill llunl uenv Will lie Mixed utlh a DnMh of 1'teiiHiire. Tho tenth nnnunt convention of tho Ne braska and Western Iowa llotnll Imple ment Dn1ers' association will bo held In this city for three days, beginning tomor row. Extensive preparations have been mndo by tho local committees having tho a flu Irk of tho association in charge and the Indications nro that tho meeting will bd tho most successful In the history of the organization. The convention will bo pri marily for tho transaction of business nnd tho discussion of subjects In which the Implement men nro Interested, but there will be nt the same time nttentlon given tho soclnt phase and the visitors will be made welcome. It Is n certainty that the nttendance will exceed that of any former convention. Al ready about "50 retail Implement dealers belonging to tho nssorlatlon hnvo signified their Intention of attending the convention nnd, besides these, there will bo a large number of representatives of outside whole sale firms, which will mako n total at tendance of at least 1,000 men Interested In the Implement business. Hotels Will lie Crimdeil. Accommodations nt all tho leading hotels havo been engaged by outside wholesalers, manufacturers nnd distributors of tho va rious lines of goods handled by Implement men nnd elaborate exhibits will bo made by all these. Tho Omaha Jobbers and man ufacturers will bo not u whit behind their outside competitors and hnvo also arranged for making exhibits In hotels nnd available uptown buildings, besides nrrnnglng to turn their places of business over to their visiting guests with the Invitation to "do ns you will, but save the pieces. It Is anticipated that one of tho most pleatant features of the convention will be the banquet which will be tendered tha local nnd visiting Implement men by the Commercial club In the club parlors Wednesday night. This banquet promises to be largely attended nnd nrrangements are being perfected which Insure tho com plete success or mc nunir. It Is reported that ono of the most Im portant matters that will come up before tho convention for settlement Is tho con troversy said to exist between legitimate Jobbers and manufacturers' agents of In.' plemcnt wnres. Local Implement men ns sort that whatever controversy thero may be between theso representatives of tho trado Is altogether Inconsequential, but It will, nevertheless, form n question of discussion In ouo of the business sessions of tho convention. Tho Her Grand hotel has been selected ns headquarters and tho meetings will bo held In Crelghtcn hall. J. L. Blowers of DavM City Is president of the association. Important Toplet to He IHxcUHNetl Freight rntcs and prices will be subjects to which much consideration will bo given. Tho prlco of binding twlno Is being dis cussed freely by tho Implement men who havo already arrived In tho city nnd tho In dications nro that twlno will be much cheaper than it was last year. "At tho beginning of tho season In 1900 twlno was held at 11U cents n pound, but before the end of the BenBon It dropped to 10 cents," said W. E. Collins, a St. Louis Implement mnn who Is In tho city. "At present twlno Is offered at 7'4 cents n pound In carload lots nnd tho Indications are that the price will not fall below that figure. Tho slump In tho prlco last year was brought about by the failure of the, grain crop In tho northwest." BEFORE DURING AFTER La Grippe TRY World Famous Alariani Tonic FOR BODY AND BRAIN Slnco 1SU3, Endorsed by Medical Profession immediate lasting efficacious agreeable At Dmaoists Eviruwliere. Refuse Substitutes. ROOT URGES HIS OBJECTIONS ItelternteM IteiiKonn for l)lniippro Iiih: I'rnpoNfil Oi-Kiiulrtitloii of Corp of VeterlmtiiiitiN, Haiti (o Have Smiitlpnji In More One 1 1 II lid led of Itx Comities, w oman's in Tlufo and harity. The annual meeting of tho Omaha chapter, J. Iloblii6on conducts n normal class in ills- Is requested to bring her own luncheon or n.,h,- nf h American Revolution, will tory and geography of tho bible. Tho union Join someono else In doing so. Coffee and 11 . . . 1 .. . 1 t ... .. , I 1. t ...111 1 t... ,1,-. I.' I .... . . TO BUILD A 70,000 HOTEL Two CnpKnllMlN In Omiihn I'lnn the Kerrl HoiiKe for Ha linn. WASHINGTON. Jan. C Secretary Boot has transmitted to the chairman of tho sen- nto military committee n protest signed by Clnudo V. Morris, secretary of tho Now York Stato Veterinary Medical society, against tho proposed amendment to tho army bill providing for a corps of veterin arians. In doing so he sent tho following explanatory letter: "WAH DKl'AltT.MU.NT, WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. Sir: 1 send you herewith n copy of a letter Just received by mo from tho secretary of tho New York Veterinary Medical society, commending tho position tnken by this department In regard to the proposal to create n veterinary corps In tho army. "Let mo ulso recall to your attention tho paper which I left with your committee somo time ago, signed by a number of the chief veterinarians now In tho service, tnKlng substantially the samo position. Let mo ro stnto tho position In order that there may bo no misunderstanding: "This department Is not opposed to nilt nblo recognition of veterinarians. It hns no serious objection to giving them military rank, nlthough I do not think It Is n wise courso to give military rank to civilian em ployes. What 1 do object to Is a creation of a new corps with a colonol at tho head re porting directly to the secretary of war, and mils neccessnrily creating a now bureau In the War departmentand a body of olllcera who, communicating directly with the sec rotary of wnr through their chief, nro nee eisarlly independent of tho commanding olll ccrs of tho cnvnlry regiments and tho horse nrtlllery organizations. Ono of tho recog nized defects of our present army organlzn Hon Is that of suitable command nnd dlvls Ion of duties and responsibilities between the olllcers commanding troops nnd tcrrl torlal departments on tho ono hand, nnd staff ofllcers responsible to a henil In Wash Ingtou on tho other. Tho result Is that It Is Impossible to tlx responsibility for nny 'allure to remedy defects or abuses. Tho pioposcd organization of a veterinary corps Is but another step In tho wrong direction nnd will iucrenso tho evils which ought to bo remedied. Tho general ofllcer In com mand of troops ought to bo ablo to hold tho officers of the cavalry nnd nrtlllery regi ments responsible for having their orgnnl za'tlons ready for active and efficient duty at all times. If the horses of theso or ganlzations are under the charge of a veter inary corps, with tho chief reporting to the secretary of wnr, there can be no such re sponsthlllty. Glvo the veterinarians rank If you wnnt to, but I most earnestly urge that you do not Impose upon us another bureau of tho Wnr department, another In dependent corps, another element of dlsln tcgratlon, divided responsibility nnd const1 qucnt Inelllclcncy. Very respectfully, I3LIHP BOOT. Secretary nf War. "Hon. Joseph H. Hawley, Chairman Com mltto on Military Affairs, United States Senate. (Knclosure.) MISSOURI FEARS A PLAGUE limit KANSAS CITY, Jan. 6. At n meeting of tho Board of Health of this city today Dr. C. James, resident member of tho Stato v Board of Health, said that there nro cases of smallpox In over 100 counties of Missouri ami that the most vigorous nuarantlno measures have failed to stop the srrend nf tho disease. City l'hyslclan O. O. Collin expressed the 'fear thnt Kansas City will suffer nn epidemic of tho disease this win ter. Thero nro a hundred now, nnd new cnBes aro being dally discovered. Tho smallpox existing here Is not of n virulent form and fow deaths nro expected to result from It. LOCAL BREVITIES. Switchmen's I'iiIiim of North Amrrlrn Jn. G will elect olllcers Sunday night. W. I.. WIlHnn Ik In lull eliiirueil with petit tnrcenv. He Is said to have stolen nn ovoreotit from Jit South Kighleei'th. The members of the uriiiluntliiu rlnss nf 1001 of Crelghton .Medical eollego com pleted their examination on the sub. jeet of dermatology Saturday. I' rank Klehl. nceil IT,, wmh nt restnl .nil niullt nnd fhnrved with tlie tlmfi nf lrn& mountliiKH from a cimtion helougliiK to the Omaha Guards. After being placed In the swei,t liox the hov riiiifeSMMl the thnft nn I directed tho ofllcero to the junk shop whov? ne Hum inc muHP. A mall Klvlnir the name of J. 11. Alnnlev wns nrtested at Sixteenth nnd Cuming streets last night under suspicious clrcum stunces. Tho man was currying n n over coat and started to run when npprmehel by an olllcer. Whon hnlU'd no declined that the coal belonged to him. hut liU iictloni were wi unusual that ho w:im locked Up on the charge of being a susplcloux chnraclir. TIIH Itl'Ml.TV .MAIIKUT. INSTKl'MKNTS placed on record Snturd.ty. January C: Wnrriintj- Deeiln. Atlantic llcnltv usFOchitloii In M. J. Butler, lot I, block , Bemlr p.irk... f W. H. Adams and wife tu I,. K. Adams, lot -I block 1, lhnioiit Hue .. J. C Gaines nnd wife to F. K. Lock wood "l nl. nw Sfi-li'i-K) , M. 1.'. Bltchle and husband to Joseph WNliartliiger, fl acres In corner so.ic-i:: Wllhelmlna Biuitunn tn F. W. Crude guard, part block il, llnwery Hill: pnrt block 5. J'hllllps add Mnrgnret Carroll to Henry nnd Dlnn Wcnnlnghoir. lots 1. 'i. SI nnd 21. block 1. Kust Side add M. J. Ittiiernnd husband to C. C. ,l. son, sell sw'i mid sw'i re'i S-l.i-1'.'... (lull Cltilin Deed. ,1. A. UnlncE nnd wife to ('-nr Allen, lot 0. block ;i. Hanscom ' Deeilx. Louis Itobpson, ndnilnl.urator, to W. K. Sweesy, lots 1 tnul 3. 1 lock 11 1, Dundee l'lacc Sheriff to Ml"hlgiin Mutual f.lfe Insur ance company. Kits 0 ami 7, block !. Orchard 1 1 111 Total amount of tranHft-rrt .. 501 1 1.00 W) .',50 ) 7,cn 1 iol Is all I nm at liberty to sny about It nt ,, ,,.,.1 vnmhiv afternoon. January 7. In tho has an average attendance of eighteen tea will bo Berved by tho First church so- present, except that I might add that this nir),irtn(.n room on tho third floor of tho women, Mrs. G. W. Wnllaeo being president clety, the hour of meotlng being 12 o'clock man Is now living In DouglaB county." auTllonco room public llbrnry building. and Mrs. Moffott secretary and treasurer. Tho nursery commltteo of the Child Sav- 11,, tf III, fB.lllt IFlllll.t fl.i. UllfltV. hum vt, i-w.. 1.... rm.n .1... I tm.a .ni.nln. tnnnthlv mpctlnc of the ofll luiH been clear nnd cold today In till tho ccrB ftnd trustees of tho Woman's Christian lng Institute held Its nnnunl meeting on address. icrruuiy ."""' . u ." ,,'"'"c,-l"""u naKoclallon will bo held Tuesday, Janunry 8, eriuiiy morning, aim. .u. i.iur prunm-snow-storm of ho Inst threo days In south- " ... .u- v .. m..i.u lmr. After dlseliiirirlnir tho business n vote "Th, n nnd northern i;ulirornin and tho nt id a. in. in mu ib ... - - --j A short but ojxellont program has been nr ranged to close tho nfternoon. Mrs. Taylor nf Bellevue will bo present and deliver nn e Kicni woman of loday" waa the of thanks was given tho Shrlnors for their subject of yesterday's gosrol meeting at tho recent donation of 51 10 to tho institute, oung Woman's Christian nssoclntlon cm Oregon blnckado nn the Southern l'aelilo railroad nesoclatlon pnrlora. l'nn ben effectively broken. 'Flvo hundred ffio'Vll January 15 will bo the first anniversary The eom.nlttce is composed of twenty-ono rooms, which was led by Mrs. It. M. the Sacramento dlvls on and the rotary ..f ihn nr.rnnintlc.n of 1 10 Soulli hrnncli or "u u- mumnuu. .oi lorn; hk - innst waa snow-plow went south today to cleur all . ,, Woman's Christian association maids' training school nnd tarry on all tho subject of the series of meetings of tho o,i nrnnnmiinnii nm hpliiir made for a fit- tho work In connection with this branch of association, which wero led by tho pastors tin reieiirntinn to bo hold at Grace chapel, tho Institute. of tho city. Now tho devotional commltteo sixth nnd William streets. An appropriate rtl training school Is moro prosperous has arranged for a series of mcotlngs pre sidings between Ashland nnd Duusmulr. A. W. Casservan'of Bawllns, Wyo., and W. Henry of Denver nro In Omaha making arrangements for tho construction of a $70,000 hotel In Bawllus. Tho new structure Is to bo of stone, 100x125 feet In she, and will be named tho Ferris hotel, In honor of the Into owner of tho valuable copper mines located nt Grand Kncampmcnt. "We proposo to build ono of tho finest hotels In the west," said Mr. uasaorvan. "Tho development of mines near Bawllns has given tho town great Impetus and It promises to havo qllito a growth In the next few yenrs. Tho Union l'nclflc Is pre paring to pump water Into tho town from tho Iiatto river and the changes which thnt railroad has made In Its tracks will probably mako Bawllns ono of tho com pany's division polntB nnd bring many more railroad pcoplo to tho town. "Oro In the Grnnd Encampment country Is so vnluablo that it can bo hauled by wagon to tho Union Tactllc's main lluo with great prollt. Tho contemplated rail road Into tho Grnnd Kncampmcnt district will develop ono of the richest camps In tho United States ond Bawllns is so sit uated thnt it will got tho trado from that ountry." Mr. Cnsservan hns lorgo sheep Interests In southern Wyoming and In speaking or tho sheep business ho said: "Tho sheep men wero novor In- hotter condition than nt present. Tho winter hns been mild and thero has been just enough snow to keep tho rnngc In good shape. It has been neccs- rary to feed tho sheep but llttlo nnd the losses have been small. II' Milliner Salle dcetn't euro your piles, your money will bo returned. It Is tho most healing med icine. For snlo by Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omnhn; Dillon's drug store. South Omnhn. vires Night Colds How will your cough be to night? Worse, probably. You can stop it any time. Then stop it tonigjit. You will cough less and sleep better, and by tomorrow at this time you will be greatly improved. Ayer9s Cherry Pectoral cures night coughs, day coughs, all kinds of coughs. Help Nature a little and see what she will do for you. Three sizes: 25c, 50c, $1.00. Xf your druggUt cannot supply you. send us 1 1. oo and wc will exprcts a Utge bottle to you, all charge prepaid, He sure and alve us your ncatett express office. " J,C.AVERCo.,l,owell,Mm. nronrnm Is being arranged, to bo followed w,u" lu,D lul duiiuhk inuercm panses m woman s cnar- bv a Boclal hour and refreshments, The tIlnn cvcr ' leninnd. Tho courso of six acter, which aro to bo conducted by tho branch Is doing most effective blblo and months consists of lectures by tho physl- wives of tho pastors, "Thu Ideol Woman of class work having n membership of about cla"8 of tho rlt' ,)n tlls cnro of chlLlrt-n Tcday" being the first of tho series. m wl ch Is ra Idly Increasing At Tues- "'' Intlfle preparation of their food. A new evening class will bo organized lav ovcnlURV raco Margaret " K""K Practical experience in Thursday evening. January 10, at 8 o'clock 'ZTf lL 2 , M,rr will bo a d s- " 'Hery at tho Institute. At the end which will be taught by Bev. Sumner T. cuselon of current topics, after which "Ollvor Wondell Holmes" will bo tho sub ject of tho evening. of the tlmo Bho Is required to pass nn Martin of the First Christian church. All examination. In order to do which sho must who cnro to Join nro requested to bo pros of nccctslt;- bo thoroughly competent, when ent nt the opening, as several lines of study hho is given her diploma. The l'rlmnry Sunday School Teachers' union, which meets from 2:30 to 3:30 o'clock on Saturday nfternoon of each week at tho Young Mon's Christian association, lp ono of tho most profitnblo Institutions that will be presented from which tho class will choose tho ono to bo pursued Tho demand In tho Omnhn association for bible study classes Is unusually great. Mrs . H. Harford hns opened n class to meet nt 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon which Tho nnnunl meeting and election of o di ce r;i of. tho Hebrew Ladles' Sowing society wns held last Friday and tho following of ficers elected for tho year: l'rcsldcnt, Mrs. t RnniicnliflrP" vlnn nrnnMftnt Tra Pnrl will InAlnJn n n ......i..,. f" X ? m?i SCu L,lv Brnndels. secretary, Miss Ilattlo MorrU; tho literature of tho bible. Tho same sub bene lt of tho chl drcn. W hile Properly nmincmI secretary, Miss Lena Hchfold; Ject, by tho same leader, will bo presented piuiinm Mu itipun ., ,. ..., ..v- tronsureri Mrs. Charles Klrschbaum. to tho gynaslum girls' blblo clnss on Fri ers are required for tho publlo schools, tho The B0Ccty ,ns been organized about day evening. Besides thoso three new lu l"ul, mud umu f01,rt0cn yenrs and has a membership of chases tho noon blblo class on "Character tlan -;horacter ftd tho "faculty of manag- c,Khtyflve. meeting each Friday after- Studies" and tho personal workers' trnlning lng children nro necessary to tho really no0, ftt t)l0 temple to sow for charity. Tho classes nro well sustained. In addition to successful Sunday school teacher, does not cultIB f tho garments Is superintended theso outllno books of study, cnlled Shank's occur to tho nverago parents, conscientious ,,y Mr8i s JJlath nni tho women not only system ot scrlpturo study, have beon se- uiuiihu mi- nn, u, iimi u is umjr inn mm- cnro for numerous prlvato cases, hut con- curol for forty-eight members who, finding piiruiiYgiir ii-ci-ni. ii-iiiuiiiiun mi wiu ,uu uv trlbuto to tuo hospitals and charitable lu- It Inconvenient to como Into tho classes, am tho teacher herself, that something besides Btltutlons of tho city as well. Tho dues of carrying on Individual work at home. When ordinary stuny is uccossury 10 cnamo ucr t.,,c , member nro J3 nor year nnd at each it Is considered thnt mnnv of thn np.noin to present tho lesson In a manner equally meeting coffee and enko Is furnished, which tlons find It difficult to sustain ono bible luiorcsung nnu mioiiigcnuy to mo cnuu S buid. Knch year n charity ball Is given study class the unusual Interest In the ot a ami ino cnuu 01 u ana oucn a years. nmi theso revenues ennblo the society lo Omaha association may bo realized. Mrs i no niceiiiiKH are most intcrvBiiiig, Doing ,iq ono 0f tho strong charity works of tho Harford Is hopeful that thero will bo wldo lea fucu mc uy u uiiinrrni meinour, won city. spread Interest In tho work presents and Illustrates the lesson as, she would to n class 01 children, tno members A union meeting of the Presbyterian mis- Tho Christian Woman's Board nf Mis asking nil questions to bring out points elonary societies of the city will bo held slons ot tho North Omnha First Christian llauio to occur to cnuuren. At tno close ot Wednesday. Jonunry 0, at the First l'rcs- church nnd Christian churches of Bout! tho lesson general discussion and criticism byterlnn church nnd a full nttendance of tho Omaha and Council Bluffs met on Friday of Us presentation nnd explanation is held women Is urged, ono of tho chief objects of afternoon at tho North Omaha Christian by tho class and so tho teachers aro pre- tho meeting being the furtherance of nc- church and effected a federation. The mat pared to gtvo the subject to their classes qualntanco and sociability among tho mem- organizers of Iowa and Nebraska wero both tho next day, After the lesson Mlsa Emily bers ot the different societies, Each woman present and made addresses. Or Lyons wder PERFECT Tooth AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. Usod by peoplo of refinement for ovor a quarter of a century Dr. Kay s uticuro cuics mi IS TB fill re fro"10 diseases. At drug- ,,stHi f illustrated book und advice f reo. Dr. 11. .1. Ku, , Saratoga, N. V. 3& So Matty People Have headaches that nro due to tho over tasked eyes Eye helps that help nnd relievo or the kind we have bejn furnishing Our optical department lu In charge of a compe tent and practical optician who will examine your of charge V uatlsfactory eyre free guarantee work. THE A10E & PENF0I.D CO., Lending Scientific Optlclnn. 1408 Farnam. OMAHA. OPPOSITE PAXTON HOTEL. Mr. Ilotvuril IteiillcM, OMAHA. Jnn. . To tho Kdltor of The it.... if..nlvlni? In nr. Knlnnev s nrtlelp. 1 wt'f suv tltut thero certainly Is another sldo to the controversy over tho sale of tho nous nnu ijiiiikiiuth cii j-ruiecuon in Dm itinilters union, for II wns a sale. I am told that ono of thn supreme olllcers said they nnid tho supremo olllcers nf tho Sons ntui nmii'htpra nf I'rotcetlnn J2 tier head for lis. ino party who lom m mis gave m thn namo of tho supremo olllcer who tni,i him This was nil liven for tho sake of sweet charity, ns well an making four of the supreme uiucein ui uiu mum nnu Daughters or i-roieciiiin wuiiremo omcers of tno Hankers union, und 1 think If Dr. Spinney bad frankly told all of the bargain of his sldo tho members of tho Sons nnd Daughters of Protection would bo more angry than they ure. I am receiving lotterp from nil pans m ill" nuuu uuiiuiiiieiiiK tin sale hh an outrugo and stating that tho lodges will disband before they will accept tlio irauaier. It was charity to taka In nn order with over K per member In Its roscrvu fund, ovor 11 per member In Its benefit fund nnd m titu ner member In Its fund In nn order that has. according to Dr. fiplnney. 1U cents per meinour in u reserve runil and 21.4 cents per member In nil tho other funds. As for 2.0f0 members having already turned over, this Is u mlstnko, ns not one-quarter of thnt number hnvo actually accepted tho transfer, and I venture tho assertion thnt when this Is over thero will ho moro of tho 3,000 remaining with tlio Sons and Daughters of Protection than will be In the Bankers union. W. B. HOWAUD. Our Men's Department Has pilned a lvpulutloii for viiIiich In tin; yt'iu-H wi) linvc boon in business thnt Is llio envy of Hi" hIioo t ratio of tho west you liuvo soon .fL'.Ot) slioos-nntl all hIiooh look- ii grout ileal nllko but our S'J.OO nieoluinlcK' hIiocs nre niudo of Rood, iionost leather with it pood, liouvy solo Unit will outwenr two pairs of upiiprs just mieli n shoo as men who are on tliejr foot a groat deal want the same shoos ami tlio sanio nuallty will bo solil olsuwlioio fpr at least ?.'I.OO-you aro taking no chances when you buy thoso $"..00 shoos. Drexel Shoe Co,, CntnloKiie Sen Free for tlio AhUIiir. Omnt-n'a Up-o-late Shoe Houic. mu KAIINAM STIIKKT. Curd fro in Dr. .Miller, OMAHA. Jan. rt.-To tho Kdllor of The Bee: I wish to say that I did not seo Ber mailt Wludan'H statement about his part n my treatment In tlio city prison in Sop tember last when It appeared In'Tlio Uee, I acquit that kind friend und capablo of dcer of all responsibility for my nrrest, llo llxes that where it belongs uiion my "at- ending physician." Sergeant Whelan him self would never do mo an Intentional wrong and I thank him for tho spirit of kindness which I find In what ho said about my case In Tho Bee. i QKOItaE L. MILLER. The Kimball Piano- is nn Instrument that can bo fully ro lled on Its many advantageous points In construction-Its costly veneers-UK lasting tune quality Us easy touch-Its unquestioned durability tnako It a piano that Is Insoinparalilo with any other piano mailo Glvo us an parly call ami let us show you our specially se lected slock of theso Instruments Wo havo tho leading pianos tho' best prices and the easiest terms -Don't fall to con sult with us before you purchase Wo can glvo you the best for tho least money. A. HOSPE, Music lad Alt I5I3 Oootlit X