Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1901, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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justness agent of the Walters' union No.
:3, said last night that Mr. Maloney's the
ater Is not considered unfair and that what
jvor differences existed, If any, havo been
m cably adjusted. Mr. Maloney also statod
hat at no tltno had ho over been unfavor
able to union labor.
Eptcifio Howard is Offursd for tho Fugitive
E audit,
Omaha Determined to Have 1002 Live
Stock Meeting.
i South
Omaha News . f
Thin ItetTitrd U Sepitrnfe from the
OrlK""l Ortrr rtnd thr Flirurc
In ia,00 I'ollce Still
Chief of 1'olico Donahue, with tho ap
proval of Edward A. Cudtihjr, throush his
private counsel, (lenernl John C. Cowln, yes
terday Issued 5,000 circulars offering $50,
000 reward for tho abductors of Kddlc Cud
ahy on tho nleht of December 18. 1'at
Ciowo is described as tho supposed prin
cipal in tho crime and tho reward for
his apprehension and conviction Is $13,000.
Mr. Cudahy's offer originally was jr.,000 for
the arrest and conviction of tho itadcr.
Tho city subsequently offered $8,000.
Tho clrculnrn arc tho first authorized re
ward tho city or Mr. Cudahy have sent out
except through newspapers. Tho delay was
caused by tho refusal of Mr. Cudahy to
agrco to a specific rewnrd for 1'at Crowe,
whom tho chief of polico believed to bo the
leader of tho gaDg. After tho city had of
fered $2.1,000 reward Chief Donahue in
sisted polico omcers should bo given some
nsBuranco that tho offer was legitimate.
He advised a specific reward for 1'at Crowo
and finally InduciM General Cowln to np
provo tho reward circulars which ho had
In theso circulars 1'at Crowo is described
db tho leader of tho abductors and polico
officials throughout tho country are advised
that tho Omaha department has numclent
evidence to convict him If captured. Chief
Donahuo furnishes conclusive evidence of
his belief In tho guilt of Tat Crowo by
running throo pictures of him taken in
1803, 1898 and 1900 nt tho head of tho cir
culars. A comploto description of Crowo accom
panies the pictures and overy pointer which
is expected to provo of assistance to peaco
ofTlcers Is detailed. His personal habits,
mannerisms and tho number of scars on his
person aro enumerated at length. To avoid
confusion and unnecessary correspondence
or delay nil olllccrs who havo suspects in
their Jurisdiction aro requested to send
pictures of tho men thpy havo in view.
.Secure Other DuncrlptloiiN.
Tho polico have finally settled upon de
scriptions of tho second and third bandit
In the kidnaping and upon a description of
tho woman in tho caso. Heretofore these
descriptions havo been fragmentary and
somewhat confusing, but after carefully
questioning all porsons who saw tho out
laws nnd comparing their statements tho
chief has decided upon tho following "olTi
clal" descriptions:
Bandit No. 2 Ago, 32 to 37; stature, u
feet 9 or 10 Inches; dark hair, dark com
plexion, dark mustache (If any).
Ilandlt No. 3 Age, 40; stature, 5 foot 10
Inches to 6 feet; weight, ISO to 100 pounds;
rather stout build; complexion, hair and
mustacho, dark; speaks with Irish broguo
In gruff voice; heavy drinker and cigarctto
Woman In tho Caso Age, 25 to 28 years;
complexion, pale; hair, blond; of dellcato
appearance; wears imitation black aBtra
kban capo and black winter hat with long,
black feathers.
I'roiirlctor of New l'lny Iloime IIiin n
Strike to Dent "With-Walter
Wullc Out.
"Billy" Maloney, tho proprietor of ono of
tho variety theaters, had troubles of his
own on hand yesterday. Ho has launched
a new play houso, and tho labor unions
have started out to havo It run on union
principles. Tho stage employes demanded
recognition, which was refused. Now tho
waiters havo gono on a strlko, havo re
moved tho cards from tho walls, and unless
the stago employes aro recognized patrons
of tho houso will receive tholr refreshments
at tho hands of non-union men.
Tho electrical workers woro more fortunato
In their dealings with Maloney and, aftor
it had been let to tho Thomson-HouBton
people, secured tho contract for wiring
tho building.
Frod Daurann, secrctary-trcnsuror of tho
Stato Society of Labor and Industry and
In Often the Iteul Ciiiihc of Sour Tem
per. That the condition of tho digestive or
gans has a marked effect upon tho charac
ter or disposition Is a truism as old as the
hills. Old Bon Johnson wl&viy said "the
plcasuro of living depends upon tho liver"
and it is a fact which nono may dlsputo
that a sunny disposition more ofton results
from a healthy digestion than from any
other cause.
Acid dyspopsla, commonly railed sour
stomach or heartburn, Is caused by Blow
digestion of food; instead of being prompt
ly digested and converted into blood, bono
nnd muscle, It lie? in tho Btomach for hours,
fermenting nnd decaying, creating gases
which causo pressure on tho lungs and
heart, short breath and general discomfort
and Irritation.
Such halt digested food is Indeed poor
nourishment for tho body, brain and nerves
and tho result Is shown In Irritable tem
pers, unaccountablo headaches and -that do
pressing condition usually called tho
"blues" but how quickly all theso disappear
whon nppotlto and digestion aro restored.
Laxatlvo medicines only Irrltato tho al
ready Irritated stomach and bowels and
have no offoct on actual digestion of food.
The sensible course to follow Is to make
uso of simple natural digestives liko Stu
art's Dyspepsia Tablets after meals until
the stomach has a chance to recuporato.
Tho natural digestives which ovory
healthy stomach contains aro peptones,
dlABtase and Hydrochloric and laqtlo acids
nd when any of them are lacking tho trou
ble begins; tho reason Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets aro so valuable and successful In
turlng stomach troublos is becauso they
contalu, in a plcasaut 'concentrated tablet
form all theso absolutely necessary essen
tials for perfoct digestion and assimilation
of food.
Henry Klrkpatrlck, of Lawrence, Mass.,
says; "Mon and women whobo occupation
procludcs an active outdoor Ufa should
mako It a dally practice to uso Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets after meals, I havo dono
bo myself nnd I know positively that I owo
my present health nnd vigor to their dally
From tho time I was 22, when I
graduated from school with broken health
from over work, until I was 34, I scarcely
knew what it was to bo free from Btomach
weakness, I bad no appotlto whatever for
breakfast and very little for any othor
I had aoldity and heartburn nearly ovory
day and sometimes was alarmed by Irregu
larity and palpltatloji of the heart, but all
this gradualfy disappeared after I began
using Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, and I can
eat' my meals with relish and satisfaction
which I had not known since I was a grow
ing boy." s
The success and popularity of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets Is enormous, but It U
aeservea ana every utukbibi. m wio umm
SUtts.lCan&da, and Groat Britain has a
Tho South Omaha Live Stock exchango is
preparing to send fifteen delegates to Salt
Lake City to attend tho annual convention
of tho National Llvo Stock Orowers' as
sociation. This convention will bo held on
January 15 nnd tho delegation from South
Omaha will leavo hero on Sunday, January
An effort will bo mado to sccuro the next
convention of tho association for Omaha,
and with this Idea In view tho delegates
havo been selected according to their
hustling qualities. For tho purposo of call
ing nttentlon of llvo stock growers to the
advantages of tho South Omaha market an
elegant souvenir Is being prepared. Theso
will bo given to every dolcgate in attend
ance at tho convention. Considerable work
has been psrformcd by tho exchango towards
necurlng tho next convontlon for Omaha
end nt the present tlmo It is asserted that
tho effort will bo successful.
I.nhor Temple Unit.
Tho committee In cbnrce of the labor tern
plo project will glvo a grand ball at tho
Hxchnngo dining hall on the evening of Feb
ruary 22. (Julie a number of tickets havo
already been sold nnd members of tho com
mittee feel confident that 2,000 tickets can
bo disposed of during tho next few weeks.
So far tho work of gelling tickets ban been
confined to this city, but very shortly tho
Omaha labor unions will bo called upon as
well as business men In tho big city. It la
expected that tho profits from tho ball will
bo sufficient to glvo the tcmplo fund a good
Klccllon of Ofllccrx.
At tho meeting of tho King's Daughters
of tho Presbyterian church held nt the res
Idcnco of Mrs. A. It. Kclls yesterday, theso
nfflrprn ivnrn .tlnptnil Mru. A. A. Thnrlnw.
leader; Mrs. John Caughoy, vlco leader;
Mrs. David Garrett, treasurer; Mrs. Wil
liam C. Dontz, secretary.
MflKltt Oily ioinli.
Itnlph Sago is reported to bo (ulto sick.
Sou Ed Munshnw & Co. for lumber. Tel 283.
Tho now Twenty-third Htrcct sewer !s
Louise, daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. J. 13,
WatkiiiH, Is qulta sick.
M. C. Cook of Cnsiicr. Wyo., is hero vlslt
Ing bin brother, W. 9. Cook.
MIsm Duphnlo Grllllth pleasantly enter,
tnlned ii number of friends Inst evening.
Ajlnunhtcr lias been born to Mr. and Mrs.
August Johnson, Forty-sixth nnd It streets.
Miss Dairy Morris hns returned from
Hyrncuse, Neb., whero she spent tho holl-
m ttages built to suit buyers. .Tno. J. Itynn.
"unmake! h' union No. 78 gavo a very en
Joyablo mask ball nt Koutsky's hall last
J. J. Mnly oontlnurH to improve and tho
polico nro still hunting: for tho man who
shot him.
Tho Jamison revival meeting will con
tinue every night this week nt the Presby
terian church.
Mrs. Saleit nnd Mr. Julia Thompson of
Friend nro hero, tho guests of Ifnrry I
Carpenter nnd wife.
"Danger Signals" will bo tho topic upon
which Hcv. Jamison will speak at tho First
Presbyterian church tonight.
Uso Melcher'H Golden Cross Cough Syrup.
It absolutely cures coughs nnd hoarseness.
An address to men only will bo delivered
nt tho Presbyterian church this nfternoon
nt 3 o'clock by Itov. Jamison.
Miss Edith Carpenter hns returned to
Peru, where sho is studying, after having
Bpent a rouplo of weeks hero with relatives.
Tho Woman's auxiliary of tho Yountr
Men's Christian association will meet with
Mru. C. W. Illil, 2310 M street, on Tuesday
City taxes for 1000 nre coming in rnpldlv.
Tho limit has now expired and all delin
quents will bo charged at the rato of 1 per
cent a month.
Members of tho Young- Men's Chrlstlnn as.
soclntlon gymnasium entertained
their lady friends last evening at the aano
clatlon parlors.
John Bandy of Bellovuo college and
Messrs. Wells nnd Potts of tho Stnto uni
versity worn tho guests Friday of Itov. Dr.
H. 1j. Wheeler.
Miss Kmma C. Wood, formerly a teachor
In tho public schools here, but now a resi
dent of Chicago. Is tho guest of air. and
Mrs. M, Carl Smith.
Storm sash, llowland Lumber and Coal
compnny. Twenty-fourth street, between M
nnd N streets
Rev. Jamison will preach nt the First
Presbyterian church this morning on the
topic, "A Contrast; tho Value of a Profes
sion and n Possession. "
II. M. Christie, John Flynn, P. A. Wells,
J. H. Wntklns nnd W. S. King constltuto a
committee appointed by tho Commercial
club to work for tho passugo of tho now
Kdltor Will Wheeler of Wakefield Is
spending Sunday with friends nnd relatives.
Mr. Wheeler Is chief clerk of tho engrossing
rooms at tho legislature and will return to
Lincoln Monday.
For the 70'n mill Beyond.
It is tho old, old story of tho "Fount of
Youth" only, 'tis seemingly true at last.
ExhauBtlvo experiments and reports have
proven tho widely renowned Prof. Robin of
Paris has finally hit upon tho sclcnco of
restoring broken-down constitutions nnd
renewing tho vigor of youth to advanced
ago. Dr. Montgomery, at his Sanatorium,
:t27 Harnoy, has secured a limited amount
of this sorum, nrcordlng to formula, for
verification among his patients. So far tho
results havo boon pre-eminently satisfac
tory. Tho doctor says "Tho restoration of
a broken health, or tho taking on of 20 to
28 years to threo scoro years and ten is a
desideratum not to bo nt all despised," Dr.
Montgomery is very enthusiastic with ro
gard to tho treatment nnd says ho has overy
confidence as to results, for thero Is no
question tho human body Is capable of
ruvltallzation. Seeing is bollovlng.
Danco prmrrams nnd wcddlnc stntlnnm-v.
A. I. Root, printer, 414-416 South 12th.
Poter Smith. 71 years old, died of dropsy
Saturday in thu county hospital. Ho leaves
no relatives In Omaha.
Gasoline caused n Ilro In tho dwelling In
tho rear nf -If, South Thirteenth utrent inm
evening. Tho damago was small.
O. M. Wlnklemnn, formerly with tho
First National bank of this city and now
located at Opul, Wyo., is In Omnha for n
short visit.
Sister Mnry Deo Gratia, aged 22, died
with tuberculosis nt St. Joseph's hospital.
She formerly lived ut Columbus, Neb., and
was In tho hospital eight months.
Tho commltteo named by the Omaha
tenchors to dovlso some means of raising
funds for tho auditorium will hold n meet
ing in the city hall Tuesday nfternoon nt
During the week of school Just ended tho
average attendance was IB.iOO. The attend
ance for tho corresponding week of 1000
was 15,607, or 720 less than tor tho present
Frank M. Jones, executor of the estate
of Kllen J, Beulinm, has brought suit
ngntnst James A. Cultrny to foreclose! mort
gages on real estate in Lincoln. Tho rnlt
Is brought In tho federal court and tlio
amount involved is about $10,000.
A beaver which was recently rent to the
Bonrd nf Pari: Commissioners from Yel
lowstone park died nftor u few weeks of
captivity. Tho unlmttl was stuffed and
mounted nnd has been placed In tho board's
oillco in tho city hall.
Tho Kmptro Flreproollng compnny, which
was awarded the contract for llrvproollng
tho new HIkIi school building, has not filed
Its bond as yet. In caso tho bond Is not
on hand by Monday night tho Board of
Education may consider one of the higher
Superintendent Jordan of tho Indian sup
ply depot yesterday received oltlolul notlll
cation from Washington of tho appointment
of William O. Thomas of Lincoln as his
chief clerk, nnd of Joiin O. Palmer and Vln.
cent D. Lilly of Omaha as laborers in the
Miss Helen Wyckoff made a report last
night to tho teachers' commltteo which
prepared the teachers' annuity bill. So far
the bill has been submitted to less than
one-half the teachers of tho city nnd It Is
not known whether a majority of them will
.approve mo measure.
Local Deleuutc to Suit Luke Meet
ing llitve KnuiiKetl Ilendnunr
- tern mill Wilt .11 like u
Brink auntie.
Omaha Is going after tho next year's con
vention of the National Llvo Stock asso
ciation in winning stylo. Thero will bo
over 200 Nebraska delegates In tho meeting
of- tho association nt Salt Lako City week
after next, and overy ono of thwm will put
forth his best efforts to secure tho 1002
convention for Omnha.
Tho National Live Stock, association Is
ono of tho most Important, organizations of
this country, nnd Its annual meetings are
usually attended by about 7,000 people from
all parts of tho United States. Tho asso
ciation was formed at Denver four years
ago and met in the snmo city tho following
year. Last year tho convention was at
Fort Worth, Tex., nnd this year's meeting
will occur nt Salt Lako City January 16 to
"Nebraska will havo not less than 200
hustlers at tho Salo Lako convention," Bald
M. A. Daugherty of Sidney. "Wo foci con
fident of our ability to bring next year's
meeting to Omnha. Asldo from tho facts
that Omnha is a most cccsslbla point for
nil tho members, that it is ono of tho great
est live stock markets on tho continent and
thnt tho new auditorium can bo offered as a
superior plnco for holding tho sessions, wo
hnvo another Important claim upon next
year's convention. Wo Ncbraskn peoplo
helped to send tho meeting of lust year to
Fort Worth and wcro instrumental In so
curing this yenr's convention for Salt Lake
City, and wo nro thercforo In n favorable
position to talk reciprocity nt this tlmo,
OiiiiiIiii'n lleniliiiutrti'rx.
"Wo havo engaged four big parlors on tho
first floor of tho Now Kenyon hotel for
Nebraska headquarters ut the Salt Lako
gathering and wo will keep open house
thero nnd impress tho warmth of Ne
braska hospitality upon all tho delegates.
Our Invitation to como to Omnha next year
will bo extended Jo tho association in no
half-hearted way and wo bellevo it will bo
accepted. Kansas City, St. Joseph nnd
Chicago will contest with us for tho next
convention, but wo have tho insldo track."
George H. Payne, who will bo on tho
Omnha delegation to tho Salt Lako con
vention, said: "I am going to Now York
tonight, but will hurry back In order to
Join tho party that will go from hero to
attend tho llvo stock convention at Salt
Lako City. I think every business man of
Omaha who can possibly get away ought
to go out to Salt Lako and lrelp in tho
work of securing next year's meeting of tho
stockmon for this city. Omaha ought to
havo this convention, not only becuuso It
will bring thousands of visitors into the
city for n week or two, but becauso It
'will attract tho attention of tho cnttro
country to our superior advantages as a
llvo stock center."
F. 13. Sanborn, another member of tho
delegation to Salt Lako City, said: "Wo
will havo tho auditorium built this year
and In order to enjoy tho full benefits
from it wo mitEt bring to Omaha all of
tho big conventions that wo possjbly can.
I think the llvo stock convention is par
ticularly deslrablo to this city, on account
of our immenso interests In that lino. Wo
will go to Salt Lako with a determination
to Bccuro tho convention and will offer
the convention many Inducements to meet
hero noxt year. It will do Omaha a great
deal of good to entertain tho thousands of
influential men who como from all parts
of tho country to attend tho meetings of
tho llvo stock convention, nnd our lnvlta
tlon to them ought to nnd will be extended
most henrtlly."
Sheriff of Fillmore County Heel lues.
to Make I'ulillu the Ucimoii for
the Louiv Ulinnc.
A special to Tho Boo from Now Orleans,
La., says that H. Eugene Smith was ar
rested at Vinton, La.T Saturday on an order
from tho sheriff of FUlmoro county, Neb.
Tho order for tho arrest docs not specify
the crime, but merely says ho was a fugi
tive from Justice. Tho i'hcrlff, whoso homo
Is In Geneva, tho county seat of Fillmore
county, was tailed up on long-distanco
telephone last night and asked for Informa
tion as to tho naturo of Smlth'H offense,
but ho declined to glvo tho particulars. Ho
says ho has reasons for suppressing tho
facts at present.
I'nch Wife n I' out hull.
Tom McOulgan of 21S North Eleventh
street used his wife as a foot bnll last
niclit nnd injured her bci-IouhIv. She im
nttended by Polico Surgeon Ames. Mc
aulgnn wan arrested by Patrolman Shields
nnd Detectives Dempsey nnd Jorgcuson
nnd hold on a chnrgo of assault with in
tent to no great, nouuy injury, lie is tho
fellow who cut Jim Hinltli ho bndlv lnnr
September under tho Tenth street viaduct
that ho narrowly escaped death. Mc
Gulgan was fortunnte then In getting oft
with a thlrty-duy Jail sentence.
To Mr. nnd Mrs. Q. M. Wliiklemnn nt
1913 California street, a daughter.
When the
flair Fans
accompanied by
mucous patches in
the mouth, erup--tions
on the skin,
sore throat, copper
colored splotches,
Allt swollen glands, aching muscles
19111 and bones, the disease is making
rapid headway, and far worse
symptoms will follow unless the blood is
promptly nnd effectually cleansed of this
violent destructive poison.
S. S. S. is the only safe and infallible
cure for this disease, the only antidote
for this specific poison. It cures the
worst cases thoroughly and permanently.
My Condition could
In the fall of 1897
contracted lltood
tinier., T , r I . rl
Have Been No worse. '
Conner colored an
sores. I suffered severely Irom rheumatic pains
hi my shoulders nnd arms. My condition could
have been no worse ; only tliosenflllctcd as I was
can undernaud my sufferings. I had about
lost all hope of ever being well again when
1 uecmru to try s. . !.
but mutt confess I had 1
little faith left In nny
medicine. After taking
thethlrd bottle I noticed
a change in my condi
tion. This was truly en.
couraglug, nnd I deter
nincii to give h, a. n. a
thorough trial. I'rom
that time on the Improve-
IHCUi WilR)UIUj f, il. El, V
seemed to have the ills-
case completely under
control; the sores and
ulcers healed nnd I was
soon free fiomall signs
nf tlir rfldnrder ! I have
been strom; and healthy ever since.
I,. W, Suitii, Lock llox 61 1, Noblesvllle, Ind.
is the only purely veee-
ITr ratable blood purifier
m m known, $1,000 is
k. 1M ollercd for proof tnat
s it contains a particle of
mercury, potash or other mineral poison.
Send for our free book, on Blood Poison j
it contains valuable information about
tills disease, with full directions for self
treatment. We charge nothing for medi
cal advice 5 cure yourself at home.
did me no good ; I was getting worse nil the
time; my hair canieout, ulcers appeared in mv
throat and mouth, my body was almost covered
with Conner colored stilotches and offensive
I Do Not Treat All
Diseases, but Cure
All I Treat.
I made up my mind soon after irraduat
Ins from coltsge that no ono man waa
Brent enough to maittr the entlro field of
medicine and surgery. Many physicians
havo tried to do this, but they havo met
with results usually disappointing to them
selves and often disastrous to their pa
tients. For this reason I determined early
in my professional career to confine my
practice strictly to a single line of disease
nnd to originating and perfecting cures for
them. I therefore treat only what I am
absolutely certain thnt I can positively
euro to stay cured-VAIUCOCI3LE. STIIIC
flex complications and associate diseases
and weaknesses of men. To these mala
dies alone twrnty-threo of the best years
of my life have beon earnestly devoted,
and on them all my faculties are concen
trated. My consultation and operating
rooms' are thoroughly equipped with every
scientific apparatus, Instrument and device
essential to the most modern methods of
practice, nnd my references, both profes
sional and financial, are among' the best
citizens of. this vicinity, who navo been
cured by mo and mado happy. I want
every nltlloted man to freely and fully In
vestigate my troatment. My education, my
experience, my conscience condemn all
kinds of quackery- I treat each case sepa
rately, snlontlflc.lly. closely watching It
and carefully following Its symptoms with
remedies varied through every stage nnd
ntako my reputation on the result. Tha
diseases that constltuto my specialty aro
more fully commented upon below and lire
well worth the careful petusal of all men
In need of medical attention.
Whatever may be tho cause of Vari
cocele, Its Injurious effect Is well known.
It depresses the mind, weakens tho body,
racks the nervous system and ultimately
leads to a complete loss of rexual power.
If you aro 11 victim of this dtro disease
come to my ofllce and let mo explain to
you my process of treating it. You will
then not wonder why I have positively
cured more tnan 700 casts of varicocele
during tho past twelve months. Under my
troatment the patient Improves from tho
very beginning. All pain Instantly ceases.
Soreness and swelling quickly subside. Tho
?oola of stagnant blood are forced from
he dilated veins, which rapidly assume
their normal size, strength and soundness.
All Indications of disease and w
vanish completely and In their stead como
tho pride, the power and the pleasure of
perfect health and restored manhood.
REFERENCES Best Banks and Leading Business Men in This City.
- OFFICE HOURS-From 8 a.'m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 a. m. to I p. m.
State Electro-Medical Institute
1308 Farnam Street. Omaha. Nebraska.
5 . a
Sir . T
i J h: not
. era,; ,
. 1ltsA
2ns to
Co7 trn... . "'leer .. "ei-,.-
WPfl -" 1 - . -"Ill o
'air sn:y 'HID?: P.rcDn. 'fe ttac,,.
Sromr'cia' . n
cen,;; ' 'dy i' Ith.u
'lyi;? ' -o.
" n. ' re
OcsttX eP3 by faint u ' ico'in.
??t of'T ! 'nZ'c
Mil.- . "
u "acnrnto a
Specinlist in Diseases of MHN, of the State Hlectro-Mctllcnl Institute,
1(308 Farnnm Street, Omuhn, Neb.
v Stricture
It matters not how Inm? vntt tin vk a-i f-
fcrcd from striatum, tmr h rW Ml fl II f ill ftnf-
ent doctors havo disappointed you. My
treatment win cure you Just an certainly
us you como to my oillco for treatment, l!
will not do It by dllntlnR or euttliiR. My
ireuuncni is entirely now, entirely ordinal!
with mo nnd perfectly painless. It com-1
nlotolv illaxolvea din xlrleli
nently removes every obstruction from the!
urinary passiiKP. it slops overy unnatural
dlsclinrKo, nllays nil Inilninmntlon, reduces
tho postatu Klnnd when enlarged, cleanses
and hcnls tho bladder nnd kidneys wlien
irritated nnd coiiKested, Invigorates tho
sexual organs nnd restores health nnd
soundness to ovory part of tho body af
fected by tho disease.
Nervo-Sexual Dtbiliiy
Men, many of you nro now reapliiK the!
result of yojr former folly. Your manhood
Is 1'nllliiK and will soon bo lost unless
you do Bomtthlnc for yourself. Thero Is
110 tlmo to lose. Impotency, like nil sexunt
diseases, Is never on tho standstill. With
It you can mako no compromise. Either
you must master it or It will master you.
and fill your whole future with misery and
Mo.. .V"
Cons;rl Pr.oI'fic ,
it. , nrfn- ' "r
-4 rfi.. -
cr li,,.V'fner.
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hwthcrS frr cbJJ?5 h thln the,' th
Indescrlbnblo woo. I have treated so many
canes of this kind that I am as familiar
with tliein as you are with the very day
llKht. Once cured by ma you will never
again bo bothered with emissions, drains,
prematureness, small or weak organs, ner
vousness, falling memory, loss of ambi
tion or other symptoms which rob you of
your manhood and absolutely unlit you for
study, business, pleasure or marriage. My
treatment for weak mon will correct nil
these evils and restoro vou to what naturo
Intended a hale, hearty, happy man, with
physical, mental and sexual powers com
plete. Contagious
Blood Poison
On account of Its frightful hldeousness
contagious blood poison Is commonly cnllcd
tho klni: of venereal dlso,ea.scs. It may be
either hereditary or contracted. Onco the
system IB tainted with It, the dlseaso may
manifest Itself In tho form of scrofula,
eczema, rheumatics pains, stiff or swollen
Joints, eruption or copper-colorod spots on
face or body, little ulcers in the mouth or
ion tho tongue, ore throat, swollen tonslli.
falling out of the hair or eyebrows nni
finally a lenrous-llko decay of the flesh
ind bone. If you have any of these nr
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I Treat Men Only,
and Cure Them to
Stay Cured.
similar symptoms you aro cordially Invited
to consult me Immediately. If I find your
foars nro unfounded I will quickly unbur
den your mind. Hut If your constitution
Is Infected with syphilitic vlrud I will tsll
you so frankly, and show you how to get
rid of It. My special troatment for conta
gious blood poison Is practically the result
of my llfo work, and is Indorsed by tho
best physicians of America and Kuropc. It
contains no Injurious drugs or dangerous)
medicines of rny kind. It toes to the very'
bottom of the disease nnd forces out every
particle of Impurity. Soon every sign and
ymytom of blood polnon disappear com-
rletely nnd forever. The Mood, the tissue,
ho flesh, the bones, and the wnoia system
nro eleansod, purified and restored to per
fect health and the patient prepared for
tho duties and pleasures of life.
Associate Diseases
In curing an ailment nf nny kind I never
fall to remove nil reflex complications or
associate dlsenncs. If the case Is Vari
cocele, tho wcoknecs caused by It disap
pears. If It is stricture nnd hat developed
Into Prostatic, Madder or Kidney affec
tlono, the Injured organs are all restored
to n porfectly healthy condition. If It la
Contagious lllood Poison, nny nnd nil
Skin, Wood and Hone Diseases arising
from tho taint nro entirely and permanent
ly eliminated from the sya'sm. If it is Im
potency tho many distressing symptoms
following 'n Its train and Indicating n nri
ir.nturo decline of physical mental and sex
ual power nre totally removed and rapidly
replaced by the youthful fncrgy of robust
manhood. Hence all the resulting Ills an.1
reflex compl'catlons, which may be prop
erly termed nssoclate diseases, and whtoh,
In fact, nro often more serious than thu
original ailment thnt gives rise to them
all. I Bay, disappear completely and for
ever with the euro of tho main malady.'
Most casos can be treated successfully
nt homo. One personal visit Is preferred,
but If It Is Impocslblo or Inconvenient for
you to call at our office, wrtto us a full
and unreserved history of your caso, plain
ly stating your symptoms. Physicians hav
ing stubborn cases to treat aro cordially
Invited to consult us. Wo mako no charge,
for private counsel, and give to each pa
tlent a legal contract, backed by abundant
rapltal, to hold for our promises.
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onouJi. preparation.