Tirfi OTtfATTA T)AILV BEE: StTNDAV, JAXlTA1tV 0, 1901. TIohones 618-691. Interest in our January Clearing Co 11 does not decrease as the month gets older. We Odlv5 adding new specials daily. Colored Dress Goods Reduced. The Bargains first 1 mixed clioviots, now 49c a yard. 63o Btrlpcd Btiltlng, now 29c ynril. SOc rigurod novolllcs, now 29c ynril. $1.00 zlbollno sultlnB, now DOc yard. $1.75 Kngllsh dlasonal, now $1.00 yard. $2.25 Paris novelties, now 98c yard. $1.35 hair striped suiting, now 50o yard. $2.25 pcbblo chovlot, now $1.23 yard. $1.00 stlpcd BUlting, now 50c yard. hack imKss ooons reduced. They nro going very rapidly: It will bo a pood Btroko of economy on your part to buy before they nro all closed out. llcst of quality, styles nro per fectonly a few moro left. $50 I'arls novelty for $20.00. $40 Imported novelty for $20.00. $2.1 novelty Btiit for $12.50. $30 pattern suit for $12.50. $23 pattern suit for $15.00. $1.25 OOLF SKIRTING for 75c yard. A flno bargain Indeed, only a few colors left. If you can find tho wanted color In this lot, It will savo your paying $1.25 a llttlo later. Dress Shields Oar notion de partment offers some great bargains in dress Bbields for Monday's selling. Every pair n bargain. Included In this lot aro stocklnotto shields, rubber lined shields, and nainsook covered shields that for merly sold at 15c, 20c, 23c and 30c a pair. All at ono price, 10c a pair. Handsome Silks at Sharp to buy silks at these prices Btylish, striped novel ties, just tho thing for waists. Tretty Stripes, regular 83c quality, for 39c; $1.00 quality for 19c, 59c, 69c ti yard. FOULARD SILKS Amplo yards for all who come Monday, but morning shoppers will havo full cHt collections to chooso from. $1.00 Foulard Silks for 69c, C9o a yard; 85c Foulard Silks for 39c a yard. NEW SILK FLANNELS FOR WAISTS Wo havo Just received n now lot of theso stylish silk llunnols for waists. Theso goods aro right, both as to quality and stylo; good assortment ot colors $1.00 a yard. Kid Gloves For this week's selling wo have added two numbers in women's kid gloves at clearing prices. This is a good time to buy. Mocha Street Cloves In colors gray and brown, reduced from $1.50 to $1.00 per pair. "Cluzo" Patent, Glaco (IIovcb, In black croan, whlto and green, reduced from $1.50 to $1.00 per pair. tho conspiracy which ls being perpetrated here." '"Oh, you will get beforo Hen Raker ooou nough," chipped In Attorney Dunn. Judgo King then said to tho defendants: "It you will show mo thnt I hnvo no Juris diction I nm willing to quit right here." In reply to this Mr. Rosowntor said that ha wns willing to go to Jail it necessary. Further, ho said ho would tender a bond tor his appearance In the district court. Mr. Dunn felt called upon at this tlmo to mako somo complimentary remark about Chief .Mitchell. Mr. Rosewntcr then do manded tha arrest of Mitchell, as he hud, ho said, sworn thnt ho as agent had cor ruptly expended money to Inllucnco votes. "You must havo thought ho was honest," aald Dunn, "beenuso you guvo him $250." "Ho was a member ot tho ropubllcnu cxocutlvo commlttco," roplled Mr. Roso water. "I nover thought him honest. Wo deal with rogues sometimes because wo have to do It." After nil this and some more parley Judge Disfigured Skin wasted muscles and decaying bones. What havoc I Scrofula, let nlono, Is capable, ot all that, and more. it ls commonly marked by bunches In tho neck, tntlanitnntlons In tho eyes, dys pepsia, catarrh, and general debility. It Is always radically and permanently cured by HooiVs Sar&sipaHlia Which cxtiels nil humors, cures all erup tions, nnd builds up tho whole system, whether young or ifld. flood't I'tlTTyuru livirr fiUTtlin noii lrtltMlim tiul liuly riillmtiliT ui"Iiki Mttli llniiil' MnriiipiTrTHii. CUT OUT THIS COUPON Present nt Beo otllco or mall coupon with tcu contB and get your choice of Photographic Art Studies. When ordorlnp; by mull add four cents for postage. a 1T 1JI A DTMRKT. The Bee Publishing Company J OMAHA, NER Special Linen Sale Monday morning make out your list and come to tho store. Tho following will give an idea how the prices run and tho amounts you aro able to save. TADLE DAMASK. 10 pieces $1.75 bleached damask, this sale, prlco $1.10 per yard. 15 pieces $1.50 bleached damask, this Bale, prlco $1.00 per yard. 3 piece; $1.00 bleached damask, this sale, prlco 75c per yard. 10 pieces $1.00 unblcnchcd damask, this sale price 73c. 15 pieces 83c unbleached damask, this sale, prlco C9c. 23 pieces (13c unbleached damask, this Bale, prlco 50c. 5 pieces 15c unblcnchcd damnsk, this Bale, price 25c. Tahlo cloths, borders all around. 100 bleached tnblo cloths, $1.75, In this sale, prlco $1.00 each. 75 bleached tablo cloths, $2, In this sale, prlco $1.29 each. 200 bleached tnblo cloths, $2.50 and $2.25, In this ealo, prlco $1.09 each 75 bjcached tabic cloths, $3.25, anil $3, In this sale, price $2 each. CRASHES. 500 yards brown crash, 7'c, In this sale, prlco 314 c per yard. 1000 yards bleached crash, 16c,, In this sale, prlco 10c per yard. TOWELS. 100 dozen huck towels 40c, In this sale. prlco 25c each. 300 dozen huck towels 12'4c, In this sale, price 8 l-3c. 75 dozen Turkish towels 25c, In this sale, price 19c. 95 dozen II. S. huck towels 25c, In this Bale prlco 19c. II. S. Embroidered Pillow Cases. 10(1 natm embroidered nlllow cnacH 12 in this sale, price $1.38 a pair. Bed Blankets at New Prices With the coldest weather of the season yet to come, this great offer ing of blankets should be an interesting feature of tho Jan uary sale. Thcro Is a fair quantity of each, but selections should be made as early as convenient. Whlto all wool blankets for doublo beds. $2.75 pair for the $3.80 quality. $5.75 pair for tho $C50 quality. $7.55 for tho $8.50 quality. $8.00 pair for tho $10100 quality. $9.95 pair for tho $12.50 quality. Whlto Rlankcts for single beds. $2.25 pair for tho $3.20 quality. 60c pair for tho 70c quality. J , 68c pair for tho 75c quality. Oray Rlankots. $1.25 pair for tho $2.00 quality. WE CLOSE' SATUIIDAYS AT 0 1 SI. AOBWTO FOB FOSTER KID OLOVBS A.XIJ MeOAUS F ATTTS R!f S. Thompson, Beldeh IGo. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS HOUSE IN OMAHA. X. M. O. A. BDIL.DINO, COWL 16TB AMD DOUQULI STA, King, who had boon writing up tho docket In tho cases, hold thnt tho state had a right to take testimony oven If tho de fendant did walvo. Objection was made to this ruling by Attorney Wharton. Tho po llco judge, however, maintained his posi tion in splta ot tho objection. Atithls Juncturo Mr. Rosownter and Mr. Wharton picked up their coats and hats and stnrted for tho door. Thero was somo talk of preventing Mr. Rosewater from leaving tho room, but ns no officer Interfered tho defendant and his attorney left. For .tho prosecution Mr. Dunn called up ono of tho cases and Judgo King called aloud tho nnmo of Edward Rosewater threo times. As there wns no responio Dunn de manded thnt n bench warrant bo Issued for Mr. Rosewater, and this -was done. As was to bo expected, tho typewritten copies of tho warrant were mado In Mayor Kelly's office. The threo bench warrants, ono for each case, wero turned ovcr to Miles Mitch ell, chief of police,, who started for Omnha on a hunt for Mr. Rosewater. Ihitead of coming direct to Tho Reo building, whero Mr. Rosowntor was engaged In his office, Mltcholl went to Chief Donu- huo and asked for assistance. Donnhuo told tho South Oninlu chief thnt ho was qulto busy attending to ills own nffnlrs, but sug gested that tho editor ot Tho Uco might bo found at hla ofllco. Along about C p. m. Mr. Rosewater caused it telepuono message to be sent to tho po- llco headquarters In South Omaha notify ing Mitchell that he would remain In his ofllco nil tho evening and wns billing to re- celvo him hi raso ho had any papers to servo. As Mitchell wns hunting nround dark alleyw he did not get tho message until somo tlmo after It had been sont. Chief .llKi'liell In .No Hurry. About 7 o'clock Chlof Mitchell wnB callsd by telephone from Tho Beo ofllco and uskad about serving the warrants on Mm Roso water. The chief repllci that ho did not conbldor that there was any particular hurry and ns long ns It wbb getting lato ha said the serving of tho warrants might Jut its well go over until Monday morning. Mltcholl dlfl Btate, however, that he would call up Judgo King and ascertain his wishes In regard to tho matter, At 0 o'clock Mr. Roowater, In company with Ocorge lllues nnd .Representative n. 13. Wilcox, walked Into police headquarters. Mr. Rosewater stated that ho understood that Mitchell had somo warrants for him and hi desired that they bo served nt once, Mitchell was nipnrently taken considerably by surprlBo, but ho read tho warrants, $2.2." pair for tho $3.20 quality, $4.50 Wool Comforts now $2.75 each. $1.50 Wool Comforts for crib, now 75o each. $2.25 Wool Comforts for crib, now $1.50 each. Walking SulLs- All our new and walk ing suits atone half regular prices This makes tho whole suit only tho price of tho skirt. $20.00 WalklnR Suits, now $10.00. $25.00' Walking Suits, now $12.50. Oenulnn Marten Murfs, tho $8.50 kind, for $5.60 each. Tho wonderful prices wo mndo on Jnck- ctn last week almost closed them all out. Thcro arn ntlll a fow which, If wo have your size, Is very cheap. All our handsomo now Petticoats nro much reduced In price. Special Values In I nrlloc' III LUUIVJ and Children's flannelette Gowns These values will interest those who do their own sow ing, as well as thoae who do not. Theso garments aro liberally cut nnd well made. Gowns at SOc, reduced from 75c and 83c. $1.00 and $1."53 Gowns reduced to 75o ench. ' $1.50 Gowns reduced to $1.00 each. Children's Gowns at 25c, reduced from 40c, 46c nnd SOc each. SOc Gowns reduced to 33c ench. 75c and 85o Gowns reduced to SOc each. ... I&h Dressing Sacques Daintily made sacques of eider down that give comfort for home wear when morn ings aro cold, at greatly redugd prices. Theso values. Sacques of Eiderdown at 75c, reduced from $1.00 and $1.25 each. At $1.00 each, reduced from $1.50. At $1.50 each, reduced from $1.75, $2.00, $2.23, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.25 each. No Better Values in ICnit Underwear and Hosiery Than these we quote which will be on sale tomorrow. Women's natural flno Wool Suits, "Oneltn" mako, regular $3.00 quality, reduced to $2.00 suit. When this little coromony had been 'com pleted Mr. Rbsowater drew from his pocket habeas corpus papers and statod to tho chief that ho would remain In tho Jail until relcasod by an order from tho district court. When Chief Mitchell saw that Mr. Rose water was prepared to secure release within a very short tlmo ho accepted thy advice of his attorney nnd permitted Mr. Rosowntor to return to his ofllco. When the habaes corpus papers wero presented to Judgo Raker for his slgnntura tho judgo Insisted upon tho Immediate pres ence of Chief Mitchell In his court. The Judgo summoned Mltcholl and tho chief ngrccd to start for tho court room Im mediately. ' Order for ltclcimc from CiiNtoily. Tho Inst chapter in tho political persc- cutlon of Mr. Rosewater was enacted In court room No. G In Tho Deo building nt 11 o'clock last night. In rcsponso to the sum mons ot Judgo Raker, Chief Mitchell re ported to tho court and was Borvcd with papers by Deputy Sheriff Wcbor. Attor ney John C. Whnrton represented tho ro tator. Documents reciting tho history of tho case wero rend to tho court and nftor this Chief Mitchell eatd that ho was ignorant ot his rights in tho premises and said that ho did not know whether ho needed counsel or not. Ho mado tho assertion, however, that ho wonted to do what was right. In addressing tho court Mr. Wharton asserted that Judgo King should havo al lowed tho dofendnnt to waiver nnd bond for his nppoaranco in tho district court ought to havo been accepted. Ho stated that on account of tho refusal of I'ollco Judge King to accept Mr. Rosewatcr'a watvor and ten der of bonds a citizen had hoen unJtiBtly de prived of his liberty. Following tho argument ot Attorney Wharton, Judgo Baker said that thoro won no question about the right of a defendant to waive a preliminary examination. Ho thereupon Issued an ordor for tho immcdl ato rolenBe from custody of Mr. Rosowntor and stated that tho co?ts would bo taxed up against Chief Mitchell "It I', evident to mo," snld Judgo Raker, "that this wholo thing Is In bad faith. A crime Is alleged to have boon committed In Omnha, and tho county nttornoy goes cloar to feouth Omaha to commence Bi'lt. This fact nlono shows that persecution Is In Jended." Chief Mitchell objected to having tho costs assessed up to him nnd Judgo Raker remarked that tho ordor would stand. He .then suggested to Mitchell that those who flit lice, January 6, 1901. keep it going by Women's Wool Ribbed Suits, "Onclta" style, In blnck nnd nnturnl, broken fllzes, regular $3.25 and $3.00 quality, reduced to $2.00 per suit. Women's Union suits In nnturnl wool, o- III. rn I full resuliir made. $3.2j quality, re- duced to $2.50 per suit. TIicbo button down tho front Women's flno Illack Cashmere hose, regular 33c quality, reduced to 23c pair. Women's lllilrk line Wool Hose, regu lar 25c quality, reduced to ,18c, or 3 pair fbr SOc. Muslin Underwear Very few re marka are ne cessary whon values like i aiw,, lUese lire SHUWil OVei'V gai'- . . I llient IS neatly made and daintily trimmed, and materials of tho best qual ity. Lntllps cowns of mualln utul cambric, tment nt 75c, reduced from $1.00 ench Gowns at $1.00, reduced trom ?i..u cacu. - . ... . 1- I $1.50 gowns, reduced 10 iu uv.u. $3.00 gowns, reduced to $. eacn. $2, $2.23 and $2.50 gowns, reduced to $1.50 each. $3.50 gowns, reduced to $2.50 each. $4, $4.50 and $3 gowns, reduced to $3.00 each. .ii. i .i........ .1 r.n 3n. 7Rp. si and A.1IIIIUD ulltnuiD mv ' ' ' . $1.S0, reduced from 75c, 85c, $1, $1.50, $2.50 and $3.00 cacl.. Corset covers a nlco assortment nt GOc. 76c. $1 nnd $1.60, reduced from 75c, 85c, $1, $1.S0 nnd $2.25 each. Special Sale of House morning we will com- mencetocloso out all our new new and handsome wrappers - These ar- , , . ments are all extra well made wiuuto no un tAiiu yii. iw". and out full and very wide, Notlco tho Immense reductions: All our $1.00 Wrappers now 65c. All our $1.25 Wrappers now 75c. All our $1.75 Wrappers now $1.00, All our $2.00 Wrappers now $1.25. All our $2.75 Wrappers now $1.75. All our $3.25 Wrappers now $1.05. Straight front Corsets II. and G. straight front corsets, in all sizes the straight front corset was an experiment. f 1.- t nffpr IMakOl alter maker failed to produce SUCCeSSfUl models. Chango of entire schomo wbb too much Change of entire scheme wbb too rnuca to graap'nll at once, instead 01 uuuu- " 1 ... .. .... i .n..nio in fniinw lines oi tne ,ub .vu.ouw llguro In front, tnoy navo given nu their attention to thoso of tho back, allowing n straight lino from the . Bhoulder to tho lower end of tho Horsot In front to glvo an entirely now tilt to the figure, with plenty ot iirpnthincr room. Complcto lino of Flzes at $1.00 each, had gotten him Into this trouble might help him out with the costs. Tho decision of Judgo Bnkor In those finhKiin rnrnim rases nuts an end to all threo of the complaints filed against Mr. Rosewater by Qeorgo . Shlolda. NINE-STORY FALL TO DEATH liovcriiiiunt Ollloliil I.ohch HIh Life Klthcr liy Accident or I)cljii In 'i'i'iik'" Marnier. NEW YORK. Jim. S.-Rnlph 8. Lansing, 30 yearn old, assistant of William J. lOlb Bon, counsel to tho government In tho United Statea appraiser's store, Jumped or foil today from a ninth story window in tho appraiser's stores building and was in- Btantly killed. Tho pollco nsoert that tho man hilled himself deliberately. A letter which wns found on Lnnslng's desk was Bent to tho coroner. Lansing's position wus ono of responsibility nnd tu It whb nttached a good salary. Ho had held tho position for two yenrs, having formerly been a clerk tho appraiser's Btorc. Ho wns n member of ono of tho prominent families of Troy, his fnthcr being former Judgo Lansing of that city. it 77 99 Russian Grip Influenza. Tho cnblo reports that Orlp Influenza Is raging in St. I'otorshurg nttacklng, es pecially, tho rich and nobles of hlch 'sta tion. When nn epidemic of Orlp starts In tho Russian capital, It never ceases until it circles tho globe, so bo prepared. Dr, Humphrey's Specific "Seventy-seven" is o preventive as well ns a ported euro. CUKCKBD CIRCULATION Is tho causo of nearly all Colds, tha use of "77" starts tho blood tingling through tho veins until It reaches tho extremities, when tho feet worm up and tha Cold la broken. At nil druggists, Z5c, or by mail, Now pocket edition of Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all dlneaECB, mailed free, Humphrcyc' Homeopathic Medicine Co., -tllllln... HI. Vnii, V..!. 1.WI, 1,111.1,11, Ullil ..,.i ...,. GRIP AUDITORIUM SITE SELECTED Howard Street Ground Between Fourteenth nd Fifteenth Ohoten, LOCATION MEETS GENERAL APPROVAL I. n ml 1'pon Which tin f. it it .Htrui'liire In to III 111! lit N Viiliiitt at tt.V,, OOO Act I vc Work to lit Kill Soon, TI.a n . .1 1 1 n .. I . . ... ...Ill l.n tnnntiil ... It... I nu nuuuui mill i, in u u inviii.ii .111 .uu -,. t,i . t . -.1 i,, i,i ..,,, i.v,,,,.. tecI.th am, fifteenth, and lt'wlll occupy tho entire half block. Tho selection of this slto wns announced by tho hudttorlum directors yesterday after contracts had been closed for tho purchase of tho property, Thnt thn illrpptnrn hnvn 'rnterod Into an agreement to buy this land Is n fact that rrmnvxi nil iinniii. nn in tin comn eto sue- cess of the nudltorlum project. Tho stock subscriptions now nmount to $110,000, nnd an noon nH thrv nro Increased to $150,000 ground will bo broken nnd work on tho mag- tilnrntit Blriieturn w ho becun and rnii- liiiw pnrrini in rnmnlfiilnn. Tho directors nro sure that they will bo ablo to plnco tho additional $40,000 ot stock within tho next threo months nnd they nre equally certain . . . .. . .. ..... i .l that tho construction or tno minuing win ue. um,cr wny nlmost n8 BOon ns Ul0 froBtiB out of tho ground. Tim . nn In l.n Iinlll fnr llin Ifltlll nPlCClCd. ... . ,pell.,ictliiv .tcscrlbed as tho north half of block 168 of Omaha proper, Is $55.- 000 cash. This Is regarded ns a rcasonnblo ,. rnnn,i in iiini. vlidnltv scl h rnn- Idly In tho open market at from $200 to 1 ... .... . a r m . 1 Vi: n frnnt font. Tho hall D OCK 18 V4i leci deep with a frontngo on Howard street of 264 feet, making tho prlco paid by tho audi- I.,.,, .nmmlllnn nmnlint In nlinUt $208 a ffont foot IWWIMll . . V V. Ownrrn of the Mi nil Th ,nn(, ls ,)nw Ivtaccl Into six pnrcels wUll BOVorni owners. Tho lot on tho cor ner of Fifteenth street, slxty-slx feet front ngc, will bo bought from tho P. J. Mullen estate; tlio lot on mo corner oi "' street, of tho samo dimensions, will bo pin - and tho Intervening four half lots, each with ciiuhl - u nui" ;iio thlrty-threo feet ironiage, irom ueorn " Hncnn. Charles Turner. Mrs. Sarah R Knight and tho heirs of Reuben Ross. All of tho owners havo slgtled contracts to sell thoir hnldlnea to tho auditorium company, tho negotiations for tho transier having been successfully conducted by C. II. Dcn ncv. tho real cstato agent. Tho titles have all been cxnmlncd nnd found to bo portcct Tim niidltorlum directors will nt onco . uu ........ , 1 mako a call for a sufficient percentage o. tho stock subscriptions 10 proline iuu iuu amount necessary to pay tor mo property, Ab soon as tho transfers nre completed tno old frnmo dwellings wnicu occupy uiu iuu -'''"r, 111 be demolished. Within a week or so tno directors win advertise, for architects' plnns and propo- sals. It ls their Intent to offer ensu prizes for the best pinna BUbmltlcd, in orucr 10 invito a lively competition among tho archl- tccts. Tho selection of tho Howard street slto Is approved by tho auditorium stockholders nnnnnllv Thn nllier bUos that wero under 8norally; ino 0U1" QB lu", ,, consideration wero rejected for very good reasons. It Is asserted, 'ino .Murray prop- cty at tho corner of Harney and ElKhte.nth streets wns dropped because Its title ls in litigation, tho Popplcton tract at Fifteenth ' h" ', ., ,'.., ,ii,i t .... street and Capitol ovenuo did not comparo favorable with tho Howard street propsriy In dimensions or price, tho vacant block nt Eighteenth nnd Douglas, Just north of tho Tclopiono tul'dlns, wns loo high In price anl not convenient enough to the vnriotts car line nnd the lots nt Fourteenth nnd Dodge nnd Fourteenth and Capitol avenuo wero considered too narrow. Street Cnr Facilities. Every street car lino In tho city either runs by tho Howard street slto or within a block or two of lt nnd tho tracks aro so arranged that tho cars on any routo may bo brought right to tho doors of the pro posed auditorium. It was on account of tho superior street railway facilities ot this lo catlon that Governor Royd wanted to build his new theater there in 1893. Ho offered $30,000 for tho Bixty-six-toot lot at tho corner of Hownrd and Fifteenth, but was unnblo to lnduco tho owner to sell, When aBked whnt m thought of the se lection of the Hownrd street slto president Sanborn of tho Auditorium company "Somo others nro Just as good, but snld: hnro "".V"- u 7. n i .". - I i . .. ... I ihn 1 1 fnf mil. nllrnncn iiibv nvj .., ,alllnn Ihn llnmr.1 i i ,,n"7'r; Btreet location Is nway nhcad of anything clfo. ns every car In tho city Can bo switched nround In front of It without trott- bio or loss of time. I think tho promlso of todny ls that wo aro going to havo an auditorium In which tho people of Omaha will take great pride." nnicUlUPCC ADC CCTTI Cn GRIEVANUCS AKt OtllLtU Oiicrntorn on Northern I'nclllc. llcnch Amicable tlitilemtiiiiillniC ivltli ' the Itoml. st. paul. Minn., r. : " . , fr(irnmil. WUnllii IrilB icuw- Mam' " ",A r.Hnvaneo commlttco of eoninuvu m ,Mn l'acllic icicKini'i"""! jo,;; II.. Xfn.llinfll that company slnco uccihui - ... - evening tfiivo uiu adoww - n... tuann ntrl nrPHU IUI tnmitii utntnmpnt: "You can Bay that we havo finished our negotiations with tho railroad oluclals nnd nrn rnturiilnK homo very well sutlBlled with tho result. Tho stntcmont that wo arc going away disgruntled nnd that a strike ls ... . . .,!,.,!. .inlv untriip. den- UKeiy to occur in num.-.-., Kcndrlck. who has con- .i.,t...i ihn noirotlatlons on the part of tho ccmpnny, has been uniformly courteous In lilu IronlmMlt of OUT committee, nnd while wo havo not been nblc to secure everything wo naked concessions havo nccn mnuo which nro highly Important to us. in tho ur nlnrp. tha company ngrccs that every operator, day nnd night, shaU havo eight consccutlvo hours tor rest. This Is of great benefit to Htatlons whuro but it Hlngio opera- tor Is employed, for under tho present syn tern of "ciW ho ls linblo to bo routed out at any tlmo and his rest broken in upon bo Hint ho la unlit for duty. Then wo havo so- ctircd a reduction of two houra In tho tlmo of "Htillt trick" inon nnd tho allowance of nn hour for menlH In each twelvo-hout trick. ThlH Is something that has never beforo been nllowed by tho road. In tho relay oIIIccb from Duluth to tho coust hours havo hepn reduced from nlno to eight and a half. Tho company was disinclined to grnnt our request for recognition of tho Order of Railroad TelcgrapherH, but has ngreed to recognize us as a body of em ployes. That Is practically what we wanted It does not mako any material illfforcnco whether wo nro recognized ns a labor or- irnnlzatlon or not, mo long ns tho company Ih wllllnz to treat with uh ns it body. Tho inu'Btlon of wages was ono of minor Im portance and wo nro satisfied that It will bo properly ndJUBlod. 'J ho ngrcemcnt Iwh been signed In behalf of tho company by JL C. Klmberley and O. C, Oreen, nnd bus been accepted by tho grlevanco committee In bohalf of tho operators. The prcHeneo of Mr. Dolphin, tho president of tho Order of llallroud TelcgrapherH, has no slgnllleanco whatever. Mr. Dolphin Ih always called In whenever a grlevnnco committee nf a hjm- tern has reached an agreement with the company and his position ls an advisory one only. 1 will say, however, that Mr. Dol phin In aa well sntlstlcd tin wo aro with the concessions wo havo Rained. " SALT TAKES PLACE OF BLOOD DiiK Which 11ml l.nM 1)0 I'rr ln of Vltill Fluid 31 rill mum to I. H ttll A III of Km 1 1 St liuiilniil. CHICAGO, Jan. 5. As n result of a trnctcd scries of experiments with salt solutions, tho eftlcacy of which In prolong ing llfo was recently nnnounrcd by Prof. Loch of tho University of Chicago, two prominent physicians hero claim to havo demonetrated that In cases ot great loss of blood by dlscaso or Injury, normal snlt Bolti' tlOtl UflPll II ft IX ! PA t Of 11 1 1 Vn V 1 1 1 ftflVO 1 1 f P. PATH - - . - . . . ..... who 11 BO tinr rpnt nf llm hlnml linn hern lost. Tho experiments, which have been extended ovcr ft period ot six months, have, accord- '"K to tho physicians, made practicable a now syatcm of bleeding and substitution of salt solutions for persons Buffering from pneumonia, typhoid fover, malarial fever, peritonitis, ncuto nnd chronic llrlght'a disease and all heart nffcetlons resulting irom mo insi-namou complaint, much suc cess hs followed all their experiments, tho Physlelnna say, particularly thoso inado with pncuir.onln and Wright's dlsense. In their experiment tho physicians used ""KB nnu lounu 11 possioio 10 witn- draw 70 per cent of tho circulation from an nnlma) before it was necessary to inject " stimulant. Tho final test wns made on n "u which uu per cent 01 uio moon lin.l i.nn .ln...n A ..--.ll.. ...111. "" . uvi-uiu i-umiuen-u nun salt water apparatus containing n 2 per 7"- "'"" inserted in 1110 juguinr i Dttuim lllt'IlIU HlMt'llUil 111 1110 Junction of tho largo veins lying eloso Ur 'e "can. wior mo uiood nnd neen iirnwn tt tho salt solution wns forced in around " iirari nnu into mo vessels 01 tne urnlli. " " uio 10 sinnu insuio ot nn nour ft tl T nil itin fnllnmlim .In.. ..!... 1.. ..... It. ""nuhiuk uiij ra iiuiu iu wuih A human patient Buffering with iriieu- monln who was operated upon recovered In much hhortor time thnn Is the rule with thoso Bartering from that disease. Tho Injection of tho salt' solution wns mado directly'lnto tho spleen nnd In lx weeks nil the symptoms of tho dlscasu had disappeared. No claim was mndu that a euro had been effected In cases of Driuht's ,sca80 tl)0 physicians merely ansertlnK that they had removed several of tho most troublesome features of tho complaint. UVJJTATES CUDAHY METHOD loiillii 11 nn I. rrt'nlili'iit Orilrrril to I. olive Suck of RoliI al .SulIIIimI 1' I ii re. JOPLIN, Mo., Jan. E. Thomas Cunning ham, president ot tho Rank of Jonlln. yos tcrday received n letter' through tho mall demanding that ho plnco $1,000 In gold In n IT n r. 1.- n.wl . 1 I . I . . nAH,Kn .1 .... I Mi. ,4VJUOib 11. ill 11 Lvl 111 111 UL'BI$ lu.tC(1 spot south of jopnn jt ho Hlloul.j retuso to comply tho writer threatened to shoot Cunningham on sight, Cunningham consulted with the police do- partmcnt. It was finally decided to (111 n bag with rocks and leave It nt tho placp indicated, which was done. Officers con. cealod near tho placo walful all night, but n0 Ono put In an appenrauce. Tho nollco aro working on tho ease. Tho letter received by President Cunning' lioni was undated nnd unsigned. It foh lows: To Tom Cunnlnghnin, Joplln. Jfo.: 1 havo been lnyliiK for a clmnco to got even with you. wo imvo decided now not to kin you jr ol wln ,)Ut ., $1 wo ,n Kol(, n ft wflUo sore wick nnu iaKo 1110 t.m o'ciock car nt JVffivmViWra t.lo ti,n car us tho car croMscH the mile west of rear end of railroad nnd jvo win mil u rven wnii you tiien. ir you fnll to do this I wll how your bra Inn out the rst cImllco j IlllV0 , a lt ,,, ymlP ow bank. If you Hhoiild fall tho next man we call on will certainly give up after lie booh tho tlx wo leave, you In. If you don't think your llfo worth Jl.flOO wo will surely havo It. nnd If you should ever mention this to anyono wo will certnlnly kill you after ward. Wo aro not trying to bluff. Wo mean Just what wo Bay. It's revenge we want, nnd wo will have lt. Return thlo letter with tho money. RECEIVER FOR B'NAI B'RITH lliilllniorc Court Orilcrn Society to SIiimv Ciiiikc Why Itn AITalrn Should Not He 'Won ml I II. UALTIMORE, Jnn. C. Judgo WIckes signed an order today requiring tho supremo lodgo of tho order of R'nnl IVrlth of Ilnl- tlmoro to show cause on or beforo January 21 why n receiver should not bo appointed to settle Kb affairs. This action was taken on a petition ot Mlnnlo Harris, who says that her dead hus band wns a member of a subordlnnto lodgo ot tho supremo lodge. Mr. Harris ls Bald to havo secured n benefit certificate which entitled Mrs. Hnrrls to receive $1,000 when ho died, which ho did iu September, 1900. '"-' "...v.., iuu ...u.iu., uu Assessments wero levied, tho money to bo forwarded to the supremo lodge. Some ot tho subordinate lodges aro alleged to havo refused to transmit tho money collected by them nnd $1,000 ls enld to bo duo tho supremo lodgo. A rccolver Is asked to col lect tho debts duo tho lodgo. Will Text the Illlnola, NEWPORT NEWS, Vn., Jan. C.-lt was announced today that tho hullders' trial trip of tho battleship Illinois would tnko placo Fobruary 15 off Capo Henry. All of tho armor plato except that for tho turrets Is on mo HIlip. to cimn a coi.n is orb hay Take Laxatlvo Bromo Quinine Tablets. All . ' B r i; " " z i cuiC sikummu id uu taiu tox 25c. Fainting Spells Are peculiar to women. Men rarely fnlnr. Mam- women are liable to what they term faintititf spells," and this liability is always most marked at the monthly period. This alone is sufficient to connect the "fainting spell" with a deranged or diseased condition of the womnnly omans. The use of Doctor Pierce's l'nvorite Prescription cures irregularity, hcnls iuflnmmatiou and ulceration, nnd stops the drains which weaken the body. It builds up the nerv ous system, mcrcuses the vital powers, and so removes the com mon causes of faint ncBS in women. There is no alcohol in "Favorite Pre scription j" neither does it contain opium, cocaine, nor any otner narcouc. " It gives nie much pleasure," writei Mlas l'.lln Sapp, of James. town, (jullforiPCo., N.C., "to thank l)r Pierce for the great good lecelved from the ue of his 1 1'avorlte Prescription and ' Golden Medical Diacovcrv.' I had iul- fered for three vears or more at monthly periods, It teemed ai though icn. tig; hen if in v friends Intlited upon my trying Dr. Pierce's l'avurltc Prescription. With but little faith I tried it. and before I had taken half n tmllli. I felt rlter. had heller niinellte and slept better, Vow I have taken two Ixittle of I'nvorite Prescription and one of C.olilen Medical Discovery.' and nm happy to ay I nm rnttrrlv riireil. and all done in two moiitllV time, when r II other medicines had failed to do any good " Keep the liver healthy by using Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, J Drunkards Easily Cured Mlsslidith WIIHums Wantu Kvcry Liuly Header of this Tnpcr to Know How Slio Saved Her l'atlter. Used an Odorless and Tasteless Re medy In His Food Quickly CuiltiK Hint Without HIh Kuowledp,c. Trial l'nclump of Hip ltpiurdy .Mnltcil I'reo to Mlunv IIimv iJnxy It In to Cure ItriuiUnriln. Nothing could be moro dramatic or de voted than the manner in which Miss Mdlth ii iniitiiin. ihi. ,w, uyiii'Hviue. uiuu, i-nii.-ii her ilrtinken father after venrs of misery, wretchedness and almiist uuhearablo suf- ll'l INK MISS r.DITll WILLIAMS. "Yen, father In n reformed man." fiho raid, ''and our friends think lt n mlrnclo Hint l cured um w tlmut iuk Ktinwlcdgo or consent. I had road how Mrs. Kntn Lynch of ;ra Kills Htreet, Han Francisco. Oil., had cured her liiiHlminl hv iisliuf u reini'ds' o- eri'tlv In his eofffo nnd food and I wrote to or, Jinnies ror u trial. When It came i put Home In fathcr'M coffee mid food and watched him closely, but he couldn't tell tho dirfprclieo, so I Kept lt up. "One morning father got up and said ho was hungry.. This wan a uood nlgn. an he rarclv atn nuii'li lirpnkruNt. I In wrnt away and when ho canto homo at noon perfectly sober I wns almost frantic with joy, as I hadn't neon him sober for half a day before In over fourteen yearn. After dinner he'sat down In the bin cany chair and Bald, JMIth, don't know what has como ovcr me, hut 1 hate tho Might and Rmcll of liquor and am going to stop drink ing forever.' This was too much for ino and 1 told htm then what 1 hail done. Well, wo both had n good cry and now wo have the hnppleHt homu and tliu ltluclc.it father you can Imngltic. 1 nm ho glad you will puhllnh this experience, for It will reach many others ami let them know about that wonderful Golden Spe cific' Dr. llnliicB. thn illconveror. will kpihI a s.'implo of this grand remedy free to nil wno win writii tor it. uuiiugii or uio remedy 1b mnllcd free to show how It Is used In tea. coffee or food and that It will euro the dreaded habit quietly and per manently. Head your name and addrcH.i to Dr. J. AV. IlnlncH, .112 (llenn building. Cincinnati, Ohio, and ho will mall a freo sample or tno remedy to you, securely pea!ed In a plain wrapper; aluo full direc tions now to lino it, hooks ami icHiimoniaiH from hundreds who have been cured, and everything needed to nld you In Having" thoso near and dear to you from a llfo of degrcdntlon nnd ultimate, poverty and dis grace. Send for n free trail today. It will brighten the rest of your life. THE QUESTION OF THE HOUR IS 5 PER CENT ENOUGH? Interest cn an nbsolutcly snfo Invest ment? Would you bo Interested in making nn investment that would glvo your wife, In tho event of your dentil, and nbsolutoly suro nnd guaranteed Income of 5 per cent for twonty years? It so, you would bo Interested In ono of tho now contractu of nssuranca Is sued by tho Kqultnblo Society, which at maturity is paid In Interest-bearing securities called Cold Bond Con tracts, Theso contrncts hear Interest nt tho rato of fi per cent per annum for twenty yenrs, nt tho end of which tlmo they mnturo and aro paid In gold. Having theso advantages and being guaranteed by ono of tho strongest llnanclal Institutions In tho world, these contracts mny ho ex pected to command a premium nbovo tl.elr fnco vnltto In any market If offered for sale. CAN YOU 00 BETTER? Is thoro n safo Investment In Ne braska today which will yield moro than 5 per cent? If thuro Is, can you buy It on tho Installment plan in 10, 15 or 0 annual payments- nnd In enso of your dealt) will remaining payments, If any, bo canceled nnd tho ontlro Investment become a part of your cstute? Is n government bond any better than nn Kqultublo Rand? The fi.rmcr pays 'i or 3 per cent, whllo tho lnttor pays 5 per cent. Tho for mer must bo paid for spot ensh tho latter may bo secured on the easy payment plan. The Kqultublo has nasurnnco In force, Sl.lOO.OOO.CftO; In come, $58,000,000! assets, Jf300.o00.000; surplus, Sjea.000,000. Can you do but ter? THIS OLD RHMABLTJ EQUITABLE LIFE "Slrom;cM In 'ho World." H. I). NEELlpY, Manager for Nohraskn. 20n-'20H llco Unlklin', Omarui. EVERY YOMAw 1.. I......-I-.1 ,.! lt. mill Lltnti' hdoih tne woiiueiiiii MARVEL NC Sf A V The new Vaclnal Syrlnuc Iniicthin unit Snellen. liei -Rnfcut Mint Com ventcnt. it Cleanses instantly, ilniftUl (or It. II l unm.t tuppl? ' i-inti, i in wpi ."""I- i"i . oite.l l,ili niMili'il. Iiiliifif'l Ituotil'J.'n'Uliii'sllilK'i.Ni'" YiirU D JVivrflorn never fail. i ii i i snd nn UAti HlUn( ' wlUiTsuiT scil I'tacixiisl lllli), 1 snlciUMi icssu, 1)1. ti. T. J-UAXJ, Ucvcto, U04I0U, Uw. i - ) i