THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. .Tntniary (5, 1001. Portugal of Asia First Foreign Colony man. Others were shipped to tho sugar plantations, or tho West I ml I eft nml tho and others under contract to tin United States and Australia. In all about a half million Chinese were thus carried away. Tho emperor at I'okln objected again and again, but It was not until 1875 that (Copyrighted, 1900, by Frank O. Cnrpcnter.) In China today. Thoro aro pirates operating tho traffic was stopped. MACAO, Dec. 1, 1000.-(Speclal Corro- near hero now and ono of tho wealthiest of Mncno 18 wcl1 Rovcrnod. How much tho spondencoofThoIloo.)-MnaolBthoBmnll- tho Portuguese residents told mo tho other Governor saves out of tho colony s Income est and oldest of nil tho European colonies day that ho hoped I would nsk tho omclals 1 (1n 1 know, but ho spends enough to have of tho far caBt. Thoro wero Portuguese of Canton to send soldiers and drlvo them Bod roatl8 n'1 BooJ order. Tho city Is as trader hero slxty-flvo years after Columbus out. Tho Portuguese have fairly good sol- 1,8 n ucw Tho roads are smoother discovered America and from then until dlcrs thomselves, but nothing llko thoy had now this llttlo peninsula, lying off tho coast In tho past, and they have to call In the of South China, has practically belonged to Chlneso to nsslst them. Tbcy have been Portugal. It Is tho fathor of tho colonial fighting tho pirates hero for 300 years. Paciric, and, although worn out with vice When thoy first settled at Macao tho pirates nnd old ago, It Is ono of tho Interesting had hlcckndcd Canton. They had hold up spot3 of cast Asia. Tho Portugueso posses- tho merchants and wero levying tribute on slons altogether aro not more than four tho peoplo until tho Portugueso war vessels squnro miles. You could crowd them Into camo In nnd clennod them out. Blxtcon IGO-acro farms. Thoy consist of At that tlmo Macao was tho commercial somo small Islands and Macao. Macao center of eastern Asia. Tho English wero doca not cover moro than 1,000 acres. It Is afraid to settle at Canton and the Hrltlsh t.. i t I. Mm I, o Ttwlln iiiiniiniiv n twl 4 It n TlllfMt Pnrtl. mouth of tho Pearl river, within forty pny had houses here. Hong Kong was a vcr which jou Mldo Inyour itarlk.ta nor a rut to bo found anywhere. Tho roads aro made and kept In order by human la bor. Horses nro as few In Macao as In Vonlco. Tho chief animal employed 1b tho human animal, that queer two-legged bird without feathers. Tho dirt carts aro pulled by mon, the Jlnrlkshas havu human trot ting horses, and every druy Is pushed or pulled by men or women. Much of tho dirt for tho roads Is carrlod In baskots. Tho most common carriers aro tho women, each of whom Is loaded with two half bushel baskets full of stoua or earth, which alio bears along upon the ends of a polo which rests on her shoulders. The aver age wages for women are about 5 conts n than tho asphalt streets of our national capital and as beautiful ns those of Central park. About tho harbor runs n wide boulovnrd shaded by banyan trees, tho branches of which Intorlook overhead. Tho water Is kept back by walls of stone, and thero nro scats hero and there where one can sit and enjoy tho beautiful views. Tho roads loading up tho hills Into tho city nro well paved and thoso which go out over tho peninsula nro as well kept as the boulevard about tho bay. Tho road metal of Macao Is macadam, V-... 1 CHINESE-POItTUClUESE SOLDIEr.S WITH HALF-CASTE OFFICIALS. THE II AY OF MACAO IS A PEIIFECT CRESCENT. tho missionaries nro now having with the Chinese, and especially tho Homan Catho lics, calls attention to tho fact that right hero was whero tho Christians began their of Hong Koug and eighty-eight miles of mass of barren rocks Inhabited by a few Cauton. Thoro aro steamers from Macao to Ilshormen, und uo ono thought of Its being thes., places ovry day except Sunday. Tho a city. Tho Portuguese did most of tho boatu nro about as good as thoso of tho commerce. Thoy owned this peninsula, Ohio river and thoy do excellent businoss. paying a nominal rent to tho Chlucao gov- Evory boat hnB a guard of Portuguese sol- eminent of about I&00 a year. Thoy kept dlcrs to dofond tho Teasel If It 1b attacked up this rout until fifty years ago, when ono by pirates and to prevent tho third-class of tho governors reiusou io pay u. otbor day ln wnn(JoriB through tho ruins passengers from taking possession of It ln Chlneso officials then sent kidnapers to Qf r groat catbcdrai whlch wa3 constructed case they should bo plrutcs in disguise. Tho Macuo. Thoy watched for the governor, honj oghtoen ycar8 beforo tho pilgrims first decks nro bo arranged that tho third-class and whon ho camo outside tho city thoy as- B(jt fQot Qn 1Mymouth Uocki Tha was tho uasseugorB cau bo cut off from tho first and aaBslnatcd him. My guldo showed mo tno Cnurcn , S(llnt I)aul( founiloa ln i002 nnd second-claBB by a notwork of iron bars. I camo from Hong Kong on tho stcamor, 1 II... flrnknlnua lllirlnt' till VflVniTO J wont below to havo a look at tho third- to Canton, but that act stopped all payment , Th , ft court ,n Uont of u " ..... ... .,,! ulnitn linn f'hltm llHH mCOKUlZCd . . tnaacury, so built that it commands tho city his guests about ?3 a day for his benignant for miles. It. too. has seen Its best days, smile. day, nnd I nm told that human muscle Is Tll 'nny soldiers which It onco hold havo u was hero that I picked up a guldo, a cheaper than inula muscle. Tho stamping passed away, and It Is fast crumbling to Portugueso gentleman who weighed 300 nnd pressing down of tho road Is dono by lns. pounds, his extra heaviness necessitating men and women with hand stamps. Tho The Macao of today Is a Catholic city, two men to tho Jlnrlksha which hauled him material Is pulverized to a dust and then It has a number of good churches and ono atound, at oxtra cost to mo. With him I straw mats are laid down and tho last largo cathedral. I attended church In tho visited tho business parts of tho city. Tho stamping Is upon these nnd not upon tho latter ono Sunday. Tho structuro covers stores aro small nnd moro llko Portugueso dirt Itself. moro thnn a quarter of an aero and Its au- stores than thoso you seo In Hong Kong OMcNt Ciitlifilrnl In AnIii. dlcnco room hns a beautifully nrched cell- and Shanghai. Much of tho business Is dono , lng nt lenst seventy-flvo fcot above tho by tho Chinese, who havo monopolized all Macao was for centuries the center o floon T,)o nteror ,s flnghcd ,n whC th(J tfao gQod lhngB ,n mnnufacturlng nnd com. kiiubiiuiiii in amu, ...u i.uuu... v... .,,,,.,..,. ,,in ,niilfnllv rnrvnil. Tho mnrrn. confosslonnls nro black, trimmed with gold, j spent ono afternoon In tho tea and mat nnd tho nltnr Is a mass of silver virgins tlng factories. Macao exports about a half and angels looking out over immense sliver muon dollnrs' worth of tea every year- flrat worl They had ml sTouarl s hero can.llestlcks, each of which has Its blazing Bomo good nnd niucn bad. SoIno o tho lca Seroro ?hiro was a churcl. on tho North "ht- CrystaI chandeliers hang from the ,a mado up ot reared leaves, good tea being VmoHcnn cont nent snent on hour tho ccllln(?' tholr 'llrc(ls ot PHsmatlc pend- ,nlxed wltb tho rofus0i nnd tbo ,nlxturo Bold American continent, i spent an nour mo i,ii ,iimnni!. muior thn rnva . ...... .... nnts shining llko diamonds under tho rays of tho candles, as tho Chlneso coolie moves from ono to tho other with a step ladder, lighting them. Thero were no seats In tho church. Tho floor was filled with kneeling figures. Hundreds of women In r 1 burned ,n !833. A roadway thirty feet wide S'wTh aTrSTaSTuiS Fi hrlali..Tt??h:l.Ll was taken f "Unyou Til o site' o ft Z Z t,lelr k"U ther T ... n,.n.nn hm tmt nf!t Htoiioud all Dayment ret ."'.tn "nga fou lo ln nudlenco of nuns. Among them wero Portu- WOUt UolOW 10 liavo a loou ui iuu iuhu- ' ;.,i.,i tncurai. tnero is. a couri m irout oi n .iroRsod In hlnok nnil In nnd out ciass and found myself in tho midst of as of rent and since then China has recognized wUh ston(j coverlng ono.foupth ot buobo men drc sed In black . rough peoplo as I havo seen on this side tho Portuguese rights to this territory. (m acro ack of p,Bcg tho mag. to lng to a d through the crod and ns good tea. Tno bulk ot this goes to India. Tho ordinary methods of manufacture aro tho samo as I havo seen ln other parts of China. They glvo ono an Idea of how tho tea wo drink Is prepared for tho market. Como with mo and tako n look at It. Let us enter tho drying room. Thoro aro a hundred half-naked Chlneso bending over baskets under which charcoal tires burn. Still The City of Macao tho Macao of today is r,"T.r'r- wA They lean over and put their bare arms ..... . 1 1 1. .l 1 I. '- WK.UII"" . . ,,,,, ., ,, ,, ,., , 0... largely '7'; altar, wero tho priests clad In gorgeous .l"u v iuibui 1 i,i nlnlnna nf Mm cnlnta In lirnnin . .. ... . nt thmn nrn nnrsn r nir. nnil tln wnltn ilrnnx or HUB wuy uuu mm , , HIO-BIZCU UUUUL'B 01 mo buiuih iu uiuuio ,- nf nihltn nlllf Tlinrn worn phnlr ,ra thoso of rowdies. Chinese. Tho colony has 78.000 peop 0 und nnJ wUh th(j carv,ngB Qf nngela and devs thdr KowM decorated wU wh I 0 iniiH nltv of tho far of thoso about 74,000 aro Culneso, 4,uuu aro Iti crnnltii. . . . . . . . ... .. 1.. ,i.iiii tharn nrn mo, laco. and incenBO DOV8 WHO swung HUUUH 10 caBt. It has throo groat Bpociaitics-UB ionuguuBo auu .u opium factory, its lotteries and Its gam- Europeans, not Including tho lortut choir ot t'lom aro perspiring, and tho whlto drops pour uown among mo leaves, somo ureainc . 1 . 1 1. .i .. .) 1. ... 1 .. lace, and tnconso boys who swung lamps to " "B uu"u . i"'l',uu"lul and fro whllo tho thin, nromatlc smoko lu:' m.-.o SYVUUl, UUl UU UUl Ulll'tl IUU UIUIUU. of tho world. Somo wero gambling, others wore shoving ono another this way and that and tho faces of all wero Macao Is tho most vicious I wandered for some tlmo about tho court. ... ... ml . .. t u t . . I.'..r1lriVi .1 twl 11 U - " " " " " " - 0.-...- a-. " rill It'll UIMVlllll. 11I111IK IUU till. ZmJ, Th, Por- Chinese. Indeed, Its condition today is . notlCL. mnny chne80 nnd hnU.ctt8tCB . Tako another picture. In tho room just Many of our pnaaougora woro oniuuau ou ' , " VP,:"J , . sadly typical of tho troublo tho missionaries amo tho audience Several of tho choir beyond thoy aro picking over tho tea. a tholr way to buck tho tiger In tho fantan tugucso ruu ho colony, "ey nftv tt gov- christianizing China. Upon tho y' SOra nig tails and some of tho ""nlrod black-haired, slant-eyed, yellow houses and to indulge In tho other vices ornor appointed by "g"'1 "t"B1' court across which tho Christian worship- Z e VtlwS IrV mo 2m fed women squat on low benches, with which arc forbidden by law ln tho English llttlo army and one ,or t vo boat B The gov- 3Qo a mM ha, C'Uneses feur8- T,ro nr 2l flat ba8kots beforo them. Each basket has Bottlement of Hong Kong. Thoro woro ornor has a cab not, and th ero a re s o many inBo bUckb qu1 o C Wnoso Jr JJfn fa n,any ,t8 pllo of tea leaves upon It, nnd tho rich gamblers as well as poor ones. Among olllclals that you would not dare to run an n worBh , them are rigid Keepers or tno nun. woman BorU the8Q oyer wth nailed fingers to got out tho twigs nnd tho falling off ln business. Its com- dirt. Seo how rapidly they work. Tholr bllng hells nany Chlneso In gorgeous silks, and with Knowing ono uowu. u ! r" ,lv Tho platform was covered with these yellow Macao Is falling off ln business. Its com- hom IlnBhlly dreBBcd Chlneso girls, who, I revenue, and It spouds it rignt royany. 8t,ckB( B(jmo , b)g nround nB a ieaa pencil mciclal lmportnnco has been taken by Hong ear, woro not as good as thoy should bo. Evory thing ln tho town is taxed, ino lanu othorB flB ,nrg0 ns ft uUnB needlo. Kong nnd It Is now to a largo extent a rho powdor and rougo on tholr faces wns covorod with houses pays J cents a square Somo aro BtraBht and others of spiral shnpo, health and gnmbllng resort for other parts ,,uW w -- " ' like tho pin wheels our hoys use on tno or uuinn. it nas iwo goou noicis one, ino Ccnts per day. Wo ask tho manager oraing into tno city irom tno coun- . . ,ncell80 fnctory "Boa Vista." on a bluff at tho end of tho i0I1r lhv havo heen lioro. Ho snva pny toll. ThlB is so ot cnicKons, . . . iiurcb nn(i lts workmen uso tho Praya. and tho other, tho "Hlng Kco" t,nvn wnrknd nleht hours, nnd , eggs nnu oiuur huuu iuiiib. i,. ,irl,r nnnml lintnl In llm paiiIpp nf tho hnrhnr crPRrnnt. umiiuiiu o .fc "t J 1 " ti n " ' - - " .. - - - - Noxt to tho church rises tho grcnt fort I stopped at tho "Hlng Kce." It Is named of Saint Paul, an enormous mass of stononftcr Its proprietor, a Chinese, who charges tho Europeans on tho upper deck woro automobile through tho town for tear oi heathcn godB ,n tho chlnc80 teIlipieg. ""niii mnnv Chlneso ln gorgeous silks, and with knocking ono down, lho plnco has a feooa D.atrorm wa8 C0VCred with these yellow Macao Is them fear, nnn.nixtc-nnth of an inch thick, tholr oyo- yard hrnwa woro nalntod nud I could aoo from goods c thnir llttlo aatln shoos, with toes ns sharp try must .,.n ti.nt il.nv Imil tlin cnlnhrntod veKOtableS ni'. f nin.i in thn tinnst Hilks A lorKO part of tho lucoino Is from gov KVtUVU ill vuv w w ....www , . . 1 . thoy hobbled about ovor tho deck, tho rudo ornmont icouopollos. which nro farmed out wind blowing tholr long sacques to and to tho highest bidder. Ono company, for fro und wrapping tholr full, rich silk pan- Instance, has tho light to manufacture taloons about tholr bandaged legs. opium, and It makes something llko a Iu the l' of A.I... million dollars' worth of this product a A rldo ot four hours brought ub Into tho month. Another pays for tho making of bay of Macao, ouo of tho most beautiful tobacco and a great number for the keep- of tho world. It makes you think of tho lug open of gambling houses nml lottery bay of Naples. Tho harbor 1b a crescent, shops. Macao Ib now tho center of tho lot- walled with houBCB which might havo boon tory business of Asia. The Manl a lottery lifted up from tho streets of Llabon and has moved here. It 1ms Us regular draw- dropped out horo ln China. Thoy aro built lugs and its tickets are scattered through- ln PortuguoBo stylo and painted In all tho out tho western Pacific. Thero aro all klnda colors of tho rainbow. Tho wnllB aro bright of subordinate lotteries nnd policy shopa. rod, sky blue, rose pink, gray, yellow or tho uniueso navo wiuir own gun. . glaring whlto. Tho roofs uro of red tllos. and como hero to play them. ou can bet i Tho buildings nro constructed with arcades on nny kind of a number or combination of or clolBtors separating tholr walls from tho numbers. You can buy tickets ln lotteries roadway, so that you cau walk almost nny- nt 10 cents apiece, or you can lay down where nnd avoid tho tropical sun. Many of your o nnu navo a cimuco m i" tho housos havo bars over tholr wlndowB worth tens of thousands of dollars. Tho nnd doors. Thoy look llko jails and woro gambling hells I Bpeak of In another letter, originally bo arranged to keop tho girls In. They bring In $150,000 a year to tho gov- aftcr tho Idea of Portuguoao seclusion. I eminent revenue, fcnvo seen slmllnr windows In tho cities of lort..K.u'e Kliliuuirr. nn,iii,.im.i. Rmiih Amnrlrn. Thnv nrn to For n lone tlmo tho government made bo found In Pornnmbuco, Iiahla and ltlo monoy by sanctioning tho trade In Chlneso do Jnnolro. Mncao Is as old nB nny of tho coolies. Until twenty-five years ngo Macao I Drazlllan cities, nnd It hns all tho Portu- was a half-way station for this trudo bo- I gucso customs of centuries ago. It has tweon tho United StntcB, South America communlcnted theso to tho Chtncao parts ot and Australia and China. Tho coolies woro tho town, bo that oven tho colestlalB bnr enticed to Macno, put Into Jails and hell tholr doors, tho moat ordinary door bolng until the ships wero ready to carry thorn irndo of a polod lnddor which moves hack to different partB of tho world. Thousands nnd forth Into tho walls and Is locked thoro woro kidnaped and carried to tho Islands by pins at night. These lnddor doors nro oft tho coast of South Amorlcn, whero they blnck and bo nro tho bars to tho windows. wero forced to dig out tho gunno. They Mncno is built upon hills. Tho whole woro cruelly treated and bo many of them peninsula Is a ninsB of rocks with a thin died that It 1b not uncommon today to find coating of earth, a part ot which Is covered coollo corpses In tho guano dug up. Otheis with houses. Tho houses run up hill and wero sont to tho Isthmus of Panama to down and tho tops of tho hills nro guarded work on tho rnllroad and canal. Many by forts. Mncao has as mnny hills nt wont mod and committed sulcldo thero, bo Homo and moro forts. Tho forts wero built much bo that ono Btntlon on tho railroad Is to keop oft tho pirates. Piracy Is common now known ob Matachln, or dead China-1 dellcnto hands movo quickly, for thoy are paid by tho basket, and thoy havo to work fast to make their wages ot from 3 to C how they that (Contlnuod on Seventh Pago.) NEW 11UILDINO OF THE JOHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY, OMAHA