1 . m - rfjScENE at Auditorium .-fig p r -s Unique Special Train- Most Comfortable Down in tho wilds of central Tennessee thero travels In a leisurely manner hither and tltbcr a special train which is at once probably the most inexpensive nnd most comfortable railroad domlcllo In cxistenco. About twenty persons live In It. They en joy most of tho luxuries of tho city life, In tho midst of stretches of mountain wlldor ncss. Cool and airy bedrooms, In sharp distinction to the stuffy boxes that servo ns sleeping apartments in tho ordinary special car, a largo kitchen, a pleasant dining room, a parlor nnd library, and bathrooms with running water, hot and cold, make up a model house, or rather, sot of apartments, on whcols. And these apartments are nothing mora or less tlmn condemned freight cars. Their occupants are down thoro building a railroad. Originally tho idea of this house on whcols was a scheme for self-preservation, contrived by Mr. Gcorgo Weston, gcnornl manager for tho Chicago contracting firm that is building tho railroad, Vhcn ho went down to look tho ground over ho found hotels few nnd far botwoan. After his first night nt one of theso ho3tclrlos ho wouldn't have cared if thev hid been fewer nnd further. Arising In tho mlddlo of tho night, ho took his clothes outside, shook them violently, had n bath In an adjacent stream, and walked around till morning. Then ho sent back for a tent. But tent llfo In that region of furious storms la an uncertain mod of existence. Sometimes tho tent would bo thoro when Mr. Weston got back; somotlmo:! his ser vant would bo struggling to dlsongago It from tho top of a treo whither tho wind had carried It. Onco or twlco It departed precipitately In tho nlght-tlm lenvlng tho tenants to Bhlvcr In tho rain. Mr. Weston decided that different arrangement! wou'd have to bo made, ilo didn't propose to bo eaten allvo In tho local Inns, or blown about a mountainside by tbo boisterous winds. So, ns soon as tho railroad got fairly under construction, nnd othbr rep resentatives of tho firm arrived, he bad flvo condemned freight can 3ont down there, and proceded to make n Jiving placo of them. Simplicity (lu Keynote. At tho outsot simplicity wns tho koynote. Dcors wero cut in tho cuds of tho cars and connecting plntforms put lu. Windows wero also cut. Whon tho wenther became uncomfortably warm a falso roof with two fret of air spaco wns put on tho cars, which nindo them cool and comfortable. AH that part of tho country Is rich In springs nnd small streams. An Ingenious member of tho party put In a dotaclmblo plpo system to tap whatever water source happened to bo nenrcst. Folding bathtubs followed nnd next tho luxurious dwellers In tho wilder ness decided that they must havo hot water as well as cold, so a big holler was connected with tho kitchen rnngo nnd nn otber plpo lino supplied tho other cars. As tho officials tcok constantly moro Interest In tholr temporary homo, thoy sent back to civilization for furniture nnd ornaments. Finally tholr prldo In tho homo on wheels reached such a point that thoy must havo visitors thero to admit It. Somebody sug gested that they Invito tholr wives down there for a holiday. Tho slnglo mon amended to tho effect that thero should also bo somo unmarried visitors. Within a fortnight tbo railroad homo had blos somed and bloomed under tho transforming touch of womon's fingers and sundry hard working railroad men wero frantically tclo graphlng for whlto collars and scouring tho country for places where thoy could got laundry work dono. lieforo thoy had been thero a wrelc tho women bnd devised extenslvo Improvements. They had rsslgned ono car for kitchen pur poses nlono nnd another as a dining rocm. Files annoyed them, so they had ucret-n doors put In; also window screens. Thoy had been accustomed to having porches to sit on, thorcforo a temporary porch was contrived for each car. Tho connecting platforms wero Improved, tho plpo lines wero so arranged ns not to forco thera solvcs upon tho notlco; yet with nil this tho wholo houso train could bo put Into shnpo for removal In halt an hour's time. One day thoro arrived a consignment of tnblo linen nnd a set of silver tnblownrc, and tho dining room took on the uspects of tho higher civilization. Noxt smoking was banned in tho car which had been used by tho men ns a lounging room, nnd dolkato curtains and drnporles went up to Justify tho now law. Prcsontly thoro irrlved a piano and that enr became n drawing room enr In very truth. Hooks nnd magazines arrived nnd thero was a library In ono end. Having gono thus far, tho wives nnd daughters and sisters of tho officials an nounced that, ns thoy preferred tholr mov able homo In tho wlldorness to tho sta tionary variety back nt tho center of civi lization, thoy guessed they'd stay. And thoy did. Tho flvo parts of tho Houso Migratory becamo: First, drawing room; second, married quarters; third, bachelor quarters; fourth, d'nlng room; fifth, kitchen. MovIiik Day Hud No Terror. Moving day had no torrors for tholr kind of housekeeping. Tills wns fortunate, as thoy moved every ton days or fortnight. All that wns to bo dono was to collect tho hammocks and chairs from outsldo, haul In tho dotaclmblo porches and platforms, order up n Iocomotlvo and proceed. Al ways they roado it a point to stop within plpo rench of good water. Somotimos thoy shot squirrels from tho roof of tho houso or bagged an occasional partrldgo from tho parlor window, nnd it was seldom Unit thoy couldn't got trout and bass within walking distance. Vogotablo supply was not qulto so slmplo n matter, and tho most ordinary groceries often monnt miles of travel. Hut thoro was gouornlly a Iocomo tlvo within call, and whoever happoncd to bo running tho household affairs at tho ttmo could sond for tho engineer nnd glvo orders for I ho day. "John, plcnso tnko tho dining room u to Orldgovlllo nnd try to got n barrel oi potatoes and somo onions. And bo suro to bring It back In tlmo for dlnnor." Dally cxistenco under such circumstances was a sort of picnic, but if nny t.peclal picnic wns on hand thoy took tho homo right along, Instead of havln.j to leave homo to reach tho sccno of tho festivities. Tho population of tho homo on wheels vnrled greatly during tho tlmo of Its oc cupancy. At ono tlmo thero worn nearly forty occupants, Including guests. At pres ent tho family Is a small ono, but ono moro big gathering will proDably bo held boforo tho railroad Is finished, nnl tho Houso Mi gratory Is resolved Into Its original olo monts, consisting of flvo condemned freight cars. Example of Law's Delay One of tbo llnest modern Instances cf tho law's delays and tho general crassucsu cf officialdom Is furnished in tbu enso of one Mr 1 1 hew llutchlngs, which came up bnforo tho court of probate lu London, tho othor day. In tho year 1800 tho llrltlsli man-of-war Husy foundered with all hands on board while ou a voyage from Halifax to tho West Indies. Among tho crow wns tho acting-master, Matthew llutchlngs. At tho date of tho disaster a sum of 135 wns standing to his credit with tho admiralty, and so it might havo stood forovor had not his next of kin discovered tho fact exactly eighty yonrs aftur tho disaster. Still, It was no simple matter to get tho money. A correspondence with the admiralty followed, which lasted thirteen years from 1886 to 189U. At length tho admiralty thought that thoy saw tholr way to pay out tho money. Hut hero tho court of probate Intervened. True, tho man must by this tlmo havo been about 110; but thero wus tho loading cuso of Methuselah, and evidence of his denth must bo procured. This has Just been dono to tho satisfaction of tho Judge, and thcru is now somo prospect of tbo heirs getting tholr money In n year or two. Explaining Things Indianapolis Press: "What Is this here diplomacy?" asked tho grocery loafer. "It Is like this hero," said tho grocer. "For Instnnco, If I wanted to call ycu a liar I'd Jlst do so right out, but If I wanted to bo diplomacy I'd go at It sorter round about nil JIb' sny to tho Burrnundln' air that whllo I wasn't nnmln no names, I rcely did bollovo that a certain red-nosed, squint-eyed cuss that bad et at least tin pound of my host chceso without payln' n cent wns not so koorful with tho truth as ho ortor bo. Seo?"