W 1 1 17! mf ATF A M A II .Ar Iip-P". unillAV .TATUPAUV . inw I ViTIJlJiJl ... ' 1 'IJ. I 111 IML 1 I. All J. "t I in; I I COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Lircrpool's Glillling Indlffarenco Lowers ths Wheat Market Barometer. CORN AND OATS CLOSE A FRACTION HIGHER Former Is .Miiilcrnlcly Active nt Open liiK nnil Knrllicr Ml rciiKtbciicil by (iooil Cnsli IJrniiiiiil Provisions Close Honirwlmt Imiirovi'il. ClllCACiO, Jun, 3.-U'hent declined today on disappointing cables ami the disposition to lake proilts, May closing up to yestcr dny. Corn closed c ntid oatn Us higher. Provisions it t the close were 2&c Improved. Wheal hud (in Irregular, nervoud dny. Under the depressing Inltucnco of unre sponsive Liverpool cables Muy opened ?jc lower to unchanged ut "tttfiitKc On Inly ing calmed by ll)?ht northwest recclptH it rully to 7?c followed. The bulge moved to ucllon tlio desire for piollts mid a slump to itl'dc wns the result. On thin decline, stop-loss ordern cume- out und then; wius even somo short selling. Tho com strength then became nn Inlltienco nnd on covering lluy recovered to ;7ic. Again sates to .. ciro profits been mo thu order of tho dny, mid us tho recent broad demand wuh luck ing prices reHponded readily to tho pros Mure. May declined to 7fiUc nnd closed weuk c under yesterday at "0V. There wns scarcely any cash business, prices be ing out of line. Seaboard clearances In wheat anil Hour were ecjual to .llii.ono bu. J'rlmary receipts aggregated 4Hi,w Int., compared with 491, fMJ bu. lust year. Alln neupolls and Dtiluth reported ICS cars, iigutnst 293 last week and 310 a year ugo. l.ocul receipts were 157 curs, nono of con tract Krade. Corn was moderately active. Tho mar ket opened easier on tho Rood wcuther, but turned strong on n Rood cash demand. Buying by provision people helped tho rally, 'ihern was some recession from the top In sympathy with weakness, but the clous waa llrm. Muy snM between Wtc and 37140 and closed Ho hlRher at 37c. Receipts were 4DU cu rs. Outs were fairly tirtlvo and generally strong-, althoilRh there was some easiness at tho start on local soiling. Tho slretiRth was duo to 11 strong Reneral demand. Re- hT.''!,tHwc'ro 852 v,irH- Mtiy ""'d between iV41iWo and Slfto and closed lie hlRher at 2140. Provisions opened cusler In sympathy with u lower hog market, but turned strung cm a Rood cash demand, particularly for Iirk and ribs. Kborts nmj outside Inter ests were well represented In the buvlnR. Prices eased from tho top on protli.tnklng, but the elnso was llrm. .May pork sold be tween $12. ili nnd $i:i.25 and closed 22!4fI25o hlRher at I12.D74: .May lard between $7.02V. und $,.1,1.4, closing Sl4fl3o up at $7.10. ami May ribs between $0.iw and JO.fcO, with tho close lOe Improved at $fi.72'4. Estimated iccclpts tomorrow: Wheat, fi3 cars; corn, 213 cars; oats, 15 cars; hops, 18.000 head. Tho lending futures ranRed as follown: ArllcleH.I Open. HIrIi.I Low. CloseYcs7" Wheat .lun. Feb. May Corp. .Ian. I'eb. May Oats- .I1111. May l'oik- .I11.11. Muy May ltlbs- .I1111. Muy 71 fftj, 7IS.73l4.tfU 73U 7114 ..'. "ix' '' OTniU 77vi , T!4 70 77'i 35i7fc 3C?ifff 4 r.V .r74 35t ifiM xfii ni x, 3014 ;r,Tj, 3SMT4 3714 3(i?i 37 aj's 2214 22i 2"4 ""SJ ""U, 24145 2T2I10 2IH 24S 12 G5 13 1214 12 05 12 SO 12 S71A 12 75 13 25 12 75 12 9714 12 75 fi 8714 7 05 B S714 fi 95 fi 3214 7 0214 7 1714 7 02(b 7 10 7 0714 fi B2(4 fi 7214 r,2i4 a a r, B214 CO (1 SO (1 0) 0 7214 fi 6214 No. 2. Cash quotations wero ns follows: FLOUR-Qiilot and llrm: winter patents. $3..!fi3.80; HtralRhts. $3.l0!;3.00; clears, $2.'Jt) i:i.3n; sprlnR specials. $1.30; patents. $3.40ff 3.8..; stralRhts. $:i.O03.40; bakers, $2.20fl2.7r.. WHEAT-No, 3 sprlnR, csy73c; No. 2 red, 7i7714e. COHN-No. 2, Sfic; No. 2 yellow. M'uCMc. OA'rS-No 2. 23145121c; No. 2 white, 20'4& 27c: No. 3 while. 25lk27c. HVK-No. 2. 63e. nAItbUV-Kalr to choice maltltiR, MTiCOo. SKKDS-No. 1 Max. $1.67; No. 1 northwest cm. $t.BS. l'rlmo timothy, SI.70. Clover, contract cnule, $I0.B1). I'HOVmiONSI-Mess nork. per bbl J12.S7W fl 13.00. Lard, per 100 lbs.. Jri.95J77.O0. Short ribs sides (loose), $ii.r1ji(i.W). nrv salted shoulders (boxed), $5.87145lti.l2',4. Short clear sides (boxed). $7,004(7.10. WHI8KV-O11 basis of I1I3I1 wliir.s, per Rill.. $1.27. ' HUOAUS-Cut loaf. $i;.23; Rrr.nulatel, $5.70; confectioners' A, $3.09; off A, $5.64. Following nro tho receipts and shipments for today: Articles. IlccclptH. Shipments. Flour, bbls so.ooo hi, wo AVheat, bu 190,000 lOO.lOO Corn, bu 607,000 lBI.Oir) Oats, bu 491,0110 278.000 Hye, bu u.ooo 2,00,) Hurley, bu 51,000 oo.ouo On. Iho Tioduco oxehniiRo today tho but ter,i:urket was dull; creameries, 1623c: dallies, I220i Cheese, dull at 10UUll?ie. Krrs, fairly frci.li, 23e. M3W YOHK (il-.MMt Al, .llAUKKT. lnolntlons Vnrloiis 2c C I. f., f.. of tin- liny 011 CoilllllOllllll-N. .,?NV,y0RK' J,"- :l--l'LOtm-7lecelpts, 3!',r. 0 bbls.: exports. 18.031 bbls.; dull and onsler. with prices ClilOn lower to roll: winter patents, $.1705(1.00; winter StralRhts, $3.&0'a3.fl3: winter extras. $2 63 42.93: Minnesota patents, $I.105jI.4O; Minne sota bakers. $3.ooii3.G"; winter low grade. & '?? n",,r' '-dy; fair to ROJd. $J.W3.1G; cholco to tancv. J3.13'(3.50. Uuck- i.t-iii nuiir, ipuei in leilJ.. I. HUClvWimAT-I)ull at ly62 New York. COIjtNMi;AI.-I'lrm; yello'v western, 90s city, 9lc. ItYK Quiet: No. 2 weslern. 67e nlloat Buuii u mi wesiern, M'ji.iTc, carvots. IIAltl.HY Dull; feeding, 4S7j50c c. 1, New York. iiaui.i:y mai,t-duII. B1VIIHAT-HecelitH, iS,m bu.: exports, 21 5.5 bu.; spot easy; No, 2 red. Sl',c f. o. b. nlloa : No. 2 red. 7so elevator: No. l north ?rV !).lll!L!,,) tii!i'0 f 'iH-Jat: No. 1 bard, Uuluth, UOHc f o. h. alloat Options experi enced weaknesa all tho fnrn part of the dnv under btop-lo-ts selling, oxpivvslon or short accounts, unsatisfactory .ub.es. luck of out side support and a bearish prlco current weekly review; closed weak, 14lUc m". de cline; March. M&MjMHic, closed at VlHc; Muy. SI9-1CfjS3c. closed at M;c. . CORN Hecelr.s, 25S.375 bu,; exports, 2S8 -143 bu.; spot quiet: Nn. 2. c elevator and 4Mo f. o. b ulln.it. Option market opened steady and later developed pronounce 1 strength on smull receipt, lurge clearances, steady cables and active outside support from people recently bulling wbeut; t llnnlly declined with wheac and closed env at ac net advuueo; Januury closed 41V.C: May. 42l43He. clocd at 42Hc OATS ltecipts. GS.C.01) bu.: exports. 50.27S bu.; spot quiet: No. 2, 2Sio: No. 4. 27)ic: No. 2 white. 321ij?32W.c: No. 3 white, 31He; track, mixed weslern. KWJf'io; track, white. 31ji 55c. Options slow, with oorn. MOl'H Quiet; state, common to choice, 1900 crop, 1C21C', 1S99 crop, HSilSe: old olds 2jl0c; 1'aejlli! const. 19(10 crop, 155J19c; 1S99 crop. lMilOo: old olds, lrrtjlile, HIDKS Steady: Galveston, 20 to 23 lbs 17ll9e; California. 21 to 25 !bs 19yi914o' Texas dry. 21 to 30 lbs.. 15c. J.HATIIUU Sternly; hemlock sole. Iluenni AvTPM.JlKht to hcavywelRhts. 2iSj".5o: nclif, Wo'oi-SU'iidy; domcsllo lleece, 2l5i20t: Tfxus. ir.Hi 17c. ' I'HOVISIONS-lleef, dull; family, lK(i 12c; mess. 9ti914i.': beef bams. JI9.6fj;o 50: packet, $IO.OOiiilO.I5; extra India mess. $14.00 frmt.OO. Cut meats, dull! i.lfk-ln.l u..u!y ri tf(81ic; pickled shoiMers. 645r5Uc; pickled bums, 8i45i9Uc l.urd, llrm: westoin steamed, $7.10; Januury closed $7.30, nominal- rciiueo. iirni; touuneiii. Si.mi; Koi'lh Amer. id. $j.i5. rork, llrm; fam- $H.00(jl7.0Q; 1,110 pkgs, ; steady, eamery. 17fi23o; Juno creannry, 17ii23c; ictory. lHjfilBc. CHi:i:Si:-ilecelpts. 2.I2S pkgs.; steady; incy. large, full made. ll'.Ullllic; fancy, leu. $8.25: cnmnuuni! ny, tii.unipi.im; snort c car, mess. $12.76(1113.75. ' TAI,hOW Firm; city, 5c; country 4!i'i' ulic UICB Firm; domcbllc, fair to extra. 3T1 ft'filSc. lll'TTKU-Uecelpts, creamery. in fa small, fall made. HMM2c. , I'OUUTUV-Allve. llrm; fowls. 9U.f(ifo; chickens, 8I(9e; turkoys, 7'.t'(iS'4c; dressed, llrm: turkevs, SltWlOHu; chickens, yuyiOc; fowls. 8VjJI9o. Kuas-ltecolpts. 3,237 pkgs ; lirmor; west ern, avcrapo puckeil, at mark, 22fi26c; w;st em. loss off, 27c. MHTALS Tho metal markets of Kngianl wero In somewhat of 11 HPml-iunleky condi tion, ns tho result of tho unf.ivor.ib'o -tite-inent Issued by the Ilank of lOnslu d. Well ness developed rapidly nnd before tho closet of business In London hud declined J In ills 10k and was tending s'lll lower. Th-j local situation, following this Information, dropped ubout'r. points and ruled weak and unsettled all day. Huyers. however, falKl to tnkc udvantoRO of the low prices and business was very slack. Tho closing llguro hero wun nominally at $20 60. 'the rert of tho list, however, remains quiet, with trad ing contliicd chlelly to supplying ImmcdUio renulrcmenls. I.nke copper ruled dull nnd nominni ui lf ror i.tise nunenor mm Jlrt.fSifc for cafctltiB and electrolytic, wlillo at t.niwli.11 n Irs nt 7 f.il wns noted: lead and spelter continue quiet but steady nt uncnauged prices; iron mnrKcis 111 mis country were without material change, de siilte tlio Wenkners abroad, where iron nt Glasgow declined 3s to D7s and Mlddlobor ough 9d to 49s, OMAHA WIIOI.IJSAI.IJ MAIIKKT.1. Conditions of Trnde nnd lnnln t Ions on Mlnp'.r ntul Fancy I'riidiice. lOOnS-ltecelpts, llRht; Bood stock, 1S20J. 1,1 VK I'OChTKY-Ilens, ftTi4c; sprlnB chickens, C14f7c; roosters, 3t?4e; ducks, GIf C4c; geese. C',4Ti7c: turkeys. 89c. . FHKSII DIllsD I'Olfl.THY-Hcns, 7!4 five, roosters. 65ic; ducks. 85 814c; geese, M4fi9c; eprlng chickens, per lb., V.iUiC. turkeys. lOWlO'.ic. OAMU-Mallnrd ducks, per doz.. (S.dO'cp 3.60; teal. $1,6011.75; mixed. $l.COfil.75; Jack snlpe, 76c; Jackrabblts, $1.60; cottontails, 90C!($1. Ill'TTHH-Cnmmnn to fair, llo! choice, ltrIBc; separator, 25c, gathered creamery, 20T2IC. FKESIf OYSTKHS First grade, solid packed, New York counts, per can, 33c; ex tra selects, 32c; standards, 23c; medium, W)e. Second Brnde, slack filled, New ior't counts, per can. 300; extra selects, 2G-.; standards, 20c; bulk standards, per gal., $1.25. I'KIHONS Live, per doz., 30c. VKANS-Cholce, DlllOc. ., , , HAY Price quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Cholc upland, .'i; No. 1 upland, $t; medium, $7.60; coarse, $7. Hyo straw, $8.60. These prices nro for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair. Receipts', 1 car. OATS No. 3 white, 26c. CORN No. , 32c. URAN-U3.60. ' VKOHTAHIjUS. 1 l'ARSNIl'S-rcr bu.. TOc. TURNIPS Per bu. basket, 40c. UHHTH-Pcr bll.. 40c. CAIIROTS-Per bu., 40c. I,KTTUCK Per doz.. SSfilOc. RADISIIKS-Pcr doz., 30c. ..... HICANS Wax, per 1-3 bu. basket, $1: string. We. . . . POTATOHS-Pcr bu., MBGOc; Idaho, per bu., sue. HWHUT POTATOF.S-Per bbt.. $2. CAHllAOi:-llolland seed, lc. , TOMATOKS t Callfornln, per 4-baskct crnte. $2. ONIONS Per bu.. 90c: Colorado, per lb.. 2c. Ci:i,i:RY-Callfornhi, as to size. 4jii?7jc. CAUMFLOWUR-Callfornla, per crate, $3. FRUITS. PHARS-lVr box, $2.0052.23. C.RAPICS-Malagn, per keg, $6.60G9.00. APPI,KS-Natlve. "Act HIM) j)cr bu.: per bbl.. $2.50! eastern. $3.ooi3.2i; California Iiellllowers, per box. $l.40Tf 1.50. ORANHHRRI12S Hell and Illlgle, $10.00 ner bbl.; Jerseys, per bbl., $0,25; per crate, TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANaiCS-Callfornlii seedlings. $2.50; navels, $2.7503.25; Mexicans, $2.7u; Florldas, W'M::MONS-Cnllfomla, extra fancy, $3.50; choice, $3. , , KANAKAS Per bunch, according to size, $2.00512.50. , . FlOS-Callfornla, now cartons, 80c; lay- tiATMS Persian. In tW-ll). boxes. SlUrs, 5!4c per lb.; Halloween, Cu per lb. MISCIQLLANJSOUB. tit fipavn 1 r.ltn? ?Jn. 2 creeU. 6Vjc: No. 1 salted. 7'4c: No. 2 salted. C14c No. 1 veal cair. 8 lo is ius., .('.so, j,v;i calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. C14c: dry hides. srUue; sheep pelts, 255i73c; horso hides. $1.601iJ.Jo. NUTS F.ngllsh walnuts, per lb., 13c: III berts, per lb 13c; almonds, per lb.. 18f20e; raw peanuts, per lb.. 6'ii&14c: roasted, oViif 714c: Hrazlis, 13c; pecans, 10012c. IIONHY Colorado. 2l-.cctlon case, $3.i5. CIDF.K Per bbl.. $3; per half bbl., $3. SAUIORKRAUT Per bbl., $4; per half bbl., $2.60. HI. I.onU nrnln mill Provisions. f,., , rf-t,, ..... o XIII.-AI tiltt'nr' Vn Ql. 1.UU...I u. ,,. v.. ...... 2 red, cash, elevator. 7240: track, ul4c; January, 72?4: May. 75if,'n 7514c; No. 2 hard, - .t "Prt l.ital.nln HC, ll'Vriiin, .iiuvv w..j....-. . , , uuiin-iiiKiiur; ., - u."... l5473iio; January, 35c; May. 30i,(ri30hc. . . , n.t. iti...,.,. -Mrt ,.nu)i ?ll(.p? trnrk. 2314ii2lc: January, 23',4c; No. 2 white, 2.c. 1' iv f irm ; iie. FLOUR Firm; patents, $3.C0(Ti3.75: extra fancy and straight, $3.2053.35; clcur, $2.7Cj " SKKDS Timothy, nominally llrm at $l.23Tc 1.60 for uvengo receipts, with prime worth more: Mux. no market. CORNMF.AL Steady nt $2. v., , k tIk. u..,.l.wi Atiu. Irnnl 17.1,. HAY Finn; timothy, ,$9.W)5jl3.50; prairie, J9.6011I.W. WHISICY-Strndy at $1.27., IRON COTTONTIK8-$l.2o. HACaiNO-7ii7?4c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing. $13.23. Lurd, nominally lower. $t.90. Dry salt meats (boxed), higher: extra shorts, $r..S714; clear ribs, $7; clear sides, Si.uu. Uacon (boxed), higher; extra shorts, $8; clear ribs. $8.1214: clear sides, $8.3,14. MKTALS Lead, nomlnully, $1.20. Spelter, lower. $3.93 sellers. POULTRY Quiet; chickens, ,c; turkeys, Gc: ducks, 7c: geese, 614c ,, , , HUTTI3II Dull: creamery, 155121c; dairy, 131120c. KOCIS-Lower: 1814c. RKCHIPTS Flour, 5,000 bbls.: wheat, 24, 000 bu.; corn. 76,000 bu.; oats. 23.000 bll. SHIPMENTS Flour, 9,000 bblr.: wheat, 55,000 bu.; com, 83,000 bu.; onts, 31,000 bu. Liverpool (irnlii mill Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 3.-AVIIKAT-Spot. firm: No. 2 California. Cs3d; No. 2 red west ern winter, 6sU14d: Nn. 1 northern spring, Gs2sid. Futures, steady: February, Gsl!d; March. Gs 214d; May. i:s2d. 'mirCSnnt. American mixed, new. OUlot. 4s 'd; American mixed, old, llrm, 4s 2d. Fu tures, quiet; .Miircn, osavitu; may. .i oiu. PICAS Canadian, quiet lit 6s 6?id. FLOUR Steady; St. Louis fancy winter, 8s Cd. HOPS At Loudon (Pacific coast), stendy at JC2(fJ3Bs. PROVISIONS Kcef. dull; oxlra India mess, G7s 9d. Pork, llrm: prlmo mess. 72s. Hams, dull. Short ribs, II to 1G lbs.. 43s 3d. llacor.. Cumberland cut, steady, 20 lo ;w lbs.. 45s: short ribs, 1G to 21 lbs.. 41s; long clear middles, light, 28 to 31 lbs., dull. 12s Cd; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs,, 41s Gd: clear backs. Hi to 20 lbs., 39m Cd; clear bellies, II to 1G lbs., 49s. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs,, dull, 31s Oil. Lard, American ro llned. In palls, Mteudy, 3Ss3d; prima western, quiet, 38s 3d. KUTTKR-Finest United States, quiet nt 95s; good United States, dull at 81s Gd. CIIKKSK Hasy: finest American white, 61s Gil; American lines, colored, 52s Gl, TALLOW Prlmo city, llrm at 25s tkl; Aus tralian, In London, steady ut 27s 9d, Kiiiiniin City (Jrnln nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 3.-WIIKAT-Muy, GS4?ii;s?;o; cash, No. 2 hard. GSiiG9l4c; No. 3, iMiiif.Se; No. 2 red, 71c; No. 3, liii70o. CORN Muy. 35iH35Ho: cash. No. 2 mixed, 33513314c; No. 2 white, 3IUc: No. 3, 3114c. OA'lrS-No. 2 white, 2o42314c KYK-Kn. 2. 47c. HA V Cholco timothy, $10,005 10.50; cholco prairie. $.00Ji 9.50. HUTTICR Creamery, 185121c; dairy, fancy, 17e. 12(1(18 Weak: fresh Missouri and Kansas stock. 1814c per doz., loss off, eases re turned; new whltewood cases Included, 4c more. RKCI2IPTS Wheat, 63,200 bu.; corn, 17.G0O bu.: oats. 3.000 bu. SIIIPMF.NTS-Whcnt, C2.100 bu.; com, 27, 200 bu.; oats, 2,000 bu. Toledo ; en I ii mill Seed. TOLKDO. Jan. 3. AVI! HAT Active, weak; cash and Januury, Me; May, 82c. CORN Dull, llrm; cash und January, 3GHc: Muy. 3Sie. OATS Quiet, steady; cash and January, 234e: Mav, 25V4e. RYE 63c. S12I2DS-Cl(iver. llrm: 1S99 prime, $0.50; January, $7.20; March, $7.23. Phllnitf Ipl.lit Produce .InrUel. PIULAD12LPIIIA. .Ian. 3.-KUTTI2R-Dull: prints, lo lower; fancy western cream ery. 2a,.4e: fancy western prints. 2Ce. 12C10S Firm; good demand; fresh nearby, 27c: fresh western. 27o; fresh southwestern, 20c: fresh southern, 25c. CIU2I2Si:-Flrm: New York full creams, fancy, small, 1145(120: New York full creums, fair to choice, 10i45iW4c Mlimrnpollii Wlirnt, 1'lour nnd Ilrnn. MINNI2APOL1S. Jun. 3. WHKAT-Cush, 750: Mny, 7i'.,4fi70sic: July, 77Hc On truck: No. 1 hard, 77si.e: No, 1 northern, 74ic; No, 2 northern, 72'.lGi73!ic. FLOUR-Qulot: llrst patents. $1,105(4.20; second patents, $3.90yi.0o: first clears, $2.90 (j3.0O: second clems. $2.0Off2.1O. URAN-lll bulk. $11.751)13.00. , 11 ii I it I Ii i nil n Market. DULUTII. Jun. 3.-WH12AT'-Cush. No. 1 hard, 7514c; to arrive, "tic; May, 79Hc; No. 1 northern cash, 734e; to arrive, 74c; May, ;714o: July. 774e: No. 3 northern, &H4j694c; No. 3 spring, 65145624c. CORN-3lc. OATS-254j25!4c; IllvinuUee (iraln AInrliet, MILWAUK1212. Jan. 3. WHKAT Lowor: No. 1 northern, 7G&77o; No. 2 northern, 710 7l!se. ItYH Firm: No. 1, 63c. U A RL12Y Higher; No. 2, G05J61c; sample, llmik ClenrlHH. CH1CAOO. Jan. 3. Clearbnrs. I31.1K3.R3: balances. $J,2o;i,410; posted exchunRC, $1,824 5j4.87'i: New York exehiinge, 20c ulscount ST t.OUI8. Jun. 3,-Claarlngs, $9,CC5.SU: baluncc-s, $1,'J2$,852; money, 55ju per c-out; New York exchange, par bid, 10c premium asked. NIJW YORK, Jan. X-Clenrlngs, $380,132,- iwj iifimnees, iii,i.ki,iij. , I 1NCIKNATI, Jan. .I.-Clearlngs. $.1,730, Vi money, cud per cent; Now York ox change, pur. 1IOSTON. Jnn. 3,-Clcarlngs, $21,(W1,"10; oninnces, .i,i,iij.;(i:i. PI1ILAD12LPHIA, Jan. 3.-Clcarlngs, $27, 3T.rl3: bnlnnees. t.K.U.M. IIALTLMORM, Jnn. 3.-Cloarlng9, $J,I74,- , WVO, f ..,1,11V, MOVIMinXTS OITOCKS AMI IIOMJS. Siidilen Ciillnpse of Iiillnled Hprculn llon on M'nll .Street. N12W YORK. Jnn. .1 Tim Inntr nl..l storni of liquidation broko over the stock markot today and swept prices In a torrent of selling In n downward course, which was not effectually checked oven nt tho closo of wip inarKci. Tiicro wen; wlrto breaches In prices by that tlmo nnd the preclpttnta character of tho selling gave the market tho appearance of n scml-demornllzatlon. Speculators who wero long of stocks showed many of tho symptoms of panic In their scramble to save tho Imposing profits which tho prolonged rlso had Indicated for them on paper. Tho market was so top-heavy by reason of tho vast number of accounts ?." ,mr.row margins which infested It that tho fall In prices gained momentum ns It progressed. The wiping out of margins In tho face of the value of stocks forced them ' tj Prevent losses by tho brokers. V hother any of tho liquidation beyond this wns forced would bo dllllcult lo say. Tho money murkot maintained u calm surfaco all day. Iho call loan rato ruling at 614 !cr cent nr below that. Then) was a continued shifting of loans, however. Incident to tho enormous ilnnnelal transactions Involved In the yearly settlement, and Iho disturbance of loans thus caused added to tho unsettled feeling in tho stock market. The URgreRiite sum culled for by tho checks passed through tho clearing houso banks today reached $380,132,003, which, with tho single exception of yesterday's. Is tho largest total on record, exceeding tho pre vious maximum by over $I5,000,000. There wero various causes assigned to account for tho violent break, but all of thorn to gether would hnvo proved Inclllclent to pro duce selling In tho speculative mood which has prevailed In Wall street for many weeks past. Tho real root of tho troublo was that faith In Iho level of prices began to bo Impaired and a conviction wns bomo In upon speculators that tho largo demand for stocks which they have expected to con tlnuo during Jununry has been pretty largely discounted. A realizing1 senso of tlio Mlmsy uuthor ty of many of tho scnsutlonul stories on which stocks havo been advanced liroko In upon tho minds of buyers, who confounded their own eager demand for stocks with n supposed iill-embraclng pub lic demand. Seeing themselves long on tho stocks ut tho very high level attained by prices and with a very doubtful prospect of a . Inrgc additional iidviineo they threw over their holdings with tho utmost preclpltnncy. Of the causes contributory to tho slump most Importance mi. Hi 1 nllnrlinil In ll.n advance In the Rank of Knglaud's discount iaiu u pin i io o per cent. Tina waft supple mented by tho statements of tho three great government banking Institutions abroad, showing a radical Impairment of resources on uccount of tho requirements In tho yearly settlements. At tho sumo tlmo cabled reports from London described Bloomy forebodings over tlio future. Tho result WUS a shun) bunn In utnHlnr. .,v. change rates In New York and growth of u. uinui umt wio .now iork money market will bo called upon for gold to relieve tho strained situation In foreign money mar kets. , The developments In tho foreign trade situation favor this hypothesis. Grain and cotton bills have become scurco in the ex chungo market and tho relnpse In Iron prices abroad, while prices havo been well maintained In tho domestic murkot. Indicate tho continuity of a falling off in tho foreign Iron trade. Imports of merchandise are ut tho Bumo time on tho Increase. Tho return to tho money market and tho stock market of Iho largo funds disbursed hero In tho yearly settlements aro likely, Judging from precedents, to bo delayed. NOW York exchulice nt Plilmirn tnrtnv oii.l. denly dropped from 10c premium to 20c dis count, ino neavy liquidation In Sugar hud a very unsettling effect on sentiment, ns It was commonly nltrlhiiii.il In u-ii v.i, ...... steel magnate, who has mndu Ills mark hero in iiirco ino ueur sme or tlio stock market. Selling orders from Chlcuiro iv,.r nrit-utn wires wero estimated by Stock exchnngo rumor ut us IiIrIi us 200,000 shares nnd wero attributed to tho account of this following. 'I ho violent slump in tho rubber stocks on tho reduction In tlio preferred dividend wns un additional disturbing Influence. Tho Joint effect of these various causes can be Kiiiiieren oy n siuuy oi tlio prlco changes for the day In tho list of stocks. Tho ex treme decline In Rubber was 7H. In nnlil.nr preferred 914, In Sugar CVs. Metropolitan Street Railway G14, Fcdcrul Steel 5 and In most of tho leading Industrial between 2 und 5 points. In tho railroad list thoso stocks which havo recently been under most palpable manipulation wero naturally most affected. Tho most notable declines from tho high point were: Krlo first pre ferred. 4',4; Delawaro & Hudson, 4: North ern Paclllc. HTd: Raltimore & Ohio and Dela ware, Lucku wanna & AVestern, 34; Iowa Central preferred, 3H: l'ennsylvnnln, Read ing second Preferred. Denver itln f.n. preferred nnd Chicago Great Western pro lerrcil "K," 314; Kansas & Texas pruferred, 3?: Union Pncillc, 314. und throughout tho niiiroiiu iihi irom iiuii points. Tlio closing was In many cuses neur tho lowest. Tim nonu murkct was very active and liquidation was In force thero ns well nn it. stocks, but tho declines In prices wero bv no means so marked. Total uninu value. $3,935,000. United States refunding 2s declined' 14 and new 4s, registered, ',4 on tho (UBl CUM. Tho following are tho closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange: 1, Atchison do pfd Ilaltlmoro & O. Canadian l'uc. Cunuda S Chew, ii Ohio... Chicago O. W.. v., li. it w Chi. 1ml. & 1... ill) pfd Chi. 12. 111.,. C. H N. W C. It. I. & P... a. c. c. .t st Colorado So do 1st plU do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson,. Del. L. & W... Denver & R. Q. do pfd Krlo do 1st pfd Ot. Nor. pfd.... Hocking Coal ... Hocking Valley, lluliols Central, lowu Central ... do pfd Lake Krlo & W. do pfd Lake Shore L. & N Manhattan 1,.... Met. St. Ry Mex. Central ... Minn. & St. L.. do vfd Mo. Pacille Mobllo ,t Ohio.. M.. K. .i T do pfd N. J. Central.... K, Y. Contral.... Norfolk & W.... do pfd No. Paclllc do pfd Ontario & W... Oro. Rv. & Nav. do pfd Pennsylvania .., Itondtng do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Wo (J. V do pfd St. I.. & S. F.... do 1st pfd ., do 2d pfd St. L. Southw... do pfd St. Paul do nfd St. P. & Omaha Ho, Paclllo So. Railway .... do pfd Tox, ft Paclllc. Union Pacific ... do pfd 4irliAVabash m'. heoi. fc L. ;.. W,t do 2d pfa "it! Wis. Central .... 11 Third Avenuo ...117 K. & O. pfd 85 8 24 91 f.i; 40 1C.I USH National Tube... t;.l , ami.do Pfd 105 . 01 Adams Kx 115 , !ni lAmerlcnn 12x 175 '1C!i4 U. S. Kx B7A ,11iT5 Wells-Fargo 12X.133 " rf rfi.iiur. ..ui, cii... ;;u4 .,u yu Amer. Malting... 1 .do pfd 2G14 Amer. S. & It.... 641.4 do pfd 93 Amor. Spirits ... JiA (In f) 1- " Amer. S. lIoop,.,.,. atA Amer. H."&'v!.'! 4?ft do pfd s;i4 Amer. Tin Plate. 6314 do pfd 90" I . j. Amer. TOLacco...l'.2 . rl4i do pfd rj.; . 4, Anno. Mln. fn .1? ,iii uroouiyn R. T. Col". Fuel ,fc 1, . Wt Cou. Tobacco .. .ii-u no pru... '.1 . 42 . 10 ,12lVK ,189i , 31 . 81' . 2514 , GJU .ISS'.i , Hi . 41 ,12S 8214 62'4 ."s-14 . . rirf eeocrai Htcci ... Kn l'ij do pfd 7f4i K tiiiiin, r;icotrm ...,li(; lOliicosn Sugar. no imi. 451S Inter. Paper j.'; 1 W'li 93 , 70 il4 IKlS iln r.f.1 l.ITi T ... olnil., f-lnu .11514 National P.iscul't llli do nfd . 43V4 National Lend... 1!M, . do prd iij . MJi National Steel .. 4114 . 8514 do pfd Q'lt . 2t;i N. Y. Air Rniko.l-is" . 41 No. American ... 19 14 Paclllc Coast .... BX14 .140 4 do 1st pfd K) ' r$,,. "fl . i'94, Paclllo Mull 4114 . .ij1! Penplo's dus ....loiii ' jl'reBsed H. Car... 60 . !W do pfd w..... K2'i . 2214 Pullman P. Cur..l9S . 79 IS. R, & T 6'. . . do pfd us . tnUITenn. Coal & I. fi24 . HJU. S. Leather.... K .IS7 1 do pfd 7oi .127 U. S. Rubber ... 25K! 4114 do pfd 71 20 AVestern Union... mu. ii"4 Amm. Z'hl Rer.ublln f. 79 do pfd... 824 P. C. C. .t Copper ... 91 fc .. 11; St 8,. IG14 .... CS'Z L. 5S14 Kx-dlvldend. Tho Commercial Advorllsor's London nnuuclal cablegram says: Tliero was uni versal heaviness In tho markets hero today on tho action of the Ilank of Knglnud In advancing Its minimum discount rate from I to 5 per cent. Tho return showed that the ratio of reservo to liabilities was only 2914 per cent, while 33 per cent is regarded as iho safe minimum. Tho Soulh African news also wns discoursing nnd thoro wero three more exchange, failures, making thlrty-Bix fallure'j of members nt this sottlo. ment. Consols fell H and all the nihrkotn followed suit. Americans wero heuvllv soi.l and tho closing was depressed, although Now York absorbed stock most liberally and the contingent bought nt tho reduction, Tlntos similarly foil despite talk of the Increased dividends, Tho bank lost i25.(i0 gold to Argentina and .ClS.O'io to tho con tlnent. Tho market tepald the bank a con siderable sum. Discount houses raised their deposit rates 1 per cent. Silver wns weaker on dearer money, London Probers In vextluule Failure. LONDON, Jan. 3.A number of brokers held a meeting today and discussed the re cent failures und tho collapse of tho Lon don and Olobo Finance corporation, limited. They appointed u committee to Investigate 1 some of the transactions of the tendon nnd moiiu mm 10 inqturo into Its present posi tion. Tho committed will report Tuesday next. v York .Minify Mnrkrt. NI2W YORK. Jnn. a MONK Y On call cnslcr at 4l4'y6'4 per cent; last loan, tVi per ceni; prime inercatitllo paper, i?4Uiii Per tent. STKRLINO I2XCHANQK Firm, with nc tual business In bankers' bills ut $4.8114 for demand nnd at $1,8214.8214 for sixty days; posicu rates, jt.w 4114.83 aim commcr. clal bills. $4.81i,fi4.v? HILVKR-Certlllcates, Oigfioc; bar, tac; -Aiexiean uoiiurs, two, HONDS Oovcmment, weak; state, steady; railroad, weak. Tho closing prices on bonds today aro as ioiiows: U. d. rcf. 2s, reg, no coupon do 3s, reg do coupon do new 4s, reg, do coupon do old 4s, reg.., do coupon do 6s, reg do coupon D. of C. 3 C3s Atcu. gen. is..,. do ndj. 4s Camilla So. 2h.. C. ft O. 4H 110 ..s C. & N. W. c. 7s do 8. F. deb. 6s. Chicago Ter. 4s Coloiudo 80. 4s, .. D. R. O. 4s.... Krlo general 4s. . F. W. & D. C. Is. Ocn. Klectrlo 6s., In., Central Is..,. L. &- N. unl. 4s... M K. & J . 2S. Ill) 48 Kid. Offered. 1IV.W.V. V. (!. Is UT.14 N. J. C. gen. 6s. ,109UNo. Paclllc 3s .11014 110 4S ir.'.S'. v v. n a- H 1, 4s l.w' N. & W. con. 4s.. Ill nrv TsTnv. 1m Ill do 4s ,!I2'4 Oregon a. L. cs.. 1191i.l .In nn.lHAl T.4 125 Rending Ren. 4s.. ,102; Rio O. W. Is , 87)4 St L & 1 M c. 6s. HO Ht L- & H 1' R. OS. lull! Ml. I'nlit consols. 121 St. 1, O. & P. Is. 1.19 do 5s V23 80. Paclllc 4s U?14So. Railway 5s... sail H 11. 'P. Gn 10014 Tex. & Pac. Is... Ml "do .s 7Q tT.ltn.l l.ll. 4 ,160 ilVabash Is Hi; 111) 2H 10014 West Slioro 4s.... ,0 iwis. central 4s.. 98 Vn. Centuries .., 10GI'. ,12714 ' 7lk 104i 10714 100 no4 103 U 129 11514 9-14 9V 114 ':g4 INI 117J4 M 11214 71 11514 90 103 IIS',4 108 in- 8. 14 W14 Ponton Stock Qnolnllnns. lfntl'rn M i.n nrii i,,., mr.L cent; tlmo loans, 45J6 per cent. OlUclal cii.nillli i A., T. & S. F... do pfd Amer. Sugar ... do pfd , Amer. Tel Kostou &Alb'y. Boston Klevnted Rostnn & Mo.... C It. & Q Dominion Coal.. do pfd Federal Steel .. do pfd Fltchburg pfd... Oen. Kloctrlc, ... do pfd F.d. Klectrlo 111. Mex. Central ... old Colony Old Dominion .. Rubber Union Paclllc .., 4."'7i Union imd ...1. 8",li,West 12nd iWi'Athlson 4s 1 l lli'5 -'i N. 12. O. & O. 6s 1 Aili'imf urn Alfiinex Mill. Cm li.n Amal. Copper .. .11". Atlantic .139 Kostou & Mont. . 34 Kutto & Kostou. .las Cnl. & Hecla ... . L'li4 Centennial . 7G Frunklln .13914 Humboldt .1V.1J Osceola ,151 Parrot .-I,, wuiucy . 11 Santa Fo Cop... ,103 Tamarack . roU.Utah Mining ... . 2.1 winona , 7S!4lVo!vcrlnes 3 . 93'i .10114 TI'lA . 10k . 3 . Mi . 2814 .322 . 78 .835 . 74 . 60 . M'i . 49 .17:i 014 320 . 33 . 64 . 48 London Stock Quotation. LONDON, Jan. 3.-4 p. m. Closing: Consols, money. OS 3-lGiKrlo Mo account 97l do 1st pfd . Atchison (Pennsylvania Can. Paclllc !:il4 Heading St. Paul 15HiN. Paclllc pfd III. Central ir.li c.rand Trunk Lnutsvllln 89HlAnncomla .... Union Paclllc pfd SG14 Rand Mines .... N. Y. Central 115141 2714 77 It 90 .. 374 February. PAR SILVKR-Stcady. 29 7-1M per ounce. MONI2Y 314 percent; the rate of dlcount In tho open market for short bills is 414 per cent; for threo months' bills, 4145474 per cent. JVimv York Mlnlim' Sl.nres. NEW YOniv, Jan. 3. Tho following nro tho quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con 2) Allco 40 Ureeco 2'j0 llrunswlck Con... 20 Comstock Tun... I Con. Cal. & Va..ir.i Deadwood Terra. 55 Horn silver 11" Iron Silver G3 Lcndvlllo Con,.,. 6 Llttlo Chief ... Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Savago Sierra Nevada small Hopes .., Standard .. 10 ..675 .. G.S .. 1) .. 10 .. 12 .. 20 .. 55 ..370 Condition of the Trensnry. WAStnvfiTON. .Inn. 3. Today's state ment ot tho treasury balances In tho gen eral funds, excluslvo of tho $150,000,000 gold reserve In the' .division ot redemption, shows: Availably cash balance, $139,,G3,9j9; gold, $91,310,841. . , Coffer Mnrkf t. Krti- "irTM.- T... 1 r,m,M.M.',.,. Villoma opened stendy.wlth' prices unchanged und after a dull, featureless for.moon session, turned weak unocr uearisn una chuic-h huh. ,1. , . . . . n.ntet rl . .-...dtft ll.m it 111. ll.ii rie-iiui, .mu .... ' ' ...w spot markot and unfavorabli- reports from tho crop country. Sentiment n professional , .. i ....... ...... rl.. 1. . i ...I litunJlniAnl n.innnrt c.iuiin i.r. urn t J.T., ...... ... . n..... lacking. The late market wan a shade more, nctlvo nut Heavy anil on coinnier.iniy imin tho close of lust night. At tho close tho murkot wns quiet, with prices 65110 points ,p...l uoli.u o "VI 1,1 p-a It.pli.rilntr. Muy, r..90jfCc; August. Gc: September. 00 G.lOc: October, G.055JG.1OC. 8int, Rio. quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 7c. Mild mutket dull; Cor- uova, u''tHJ'.ic. Oil nml HonIii. ntr. niTY. Jnn. 3. O I L Orcd 1 1 balances. $1.20; certlllcates closed at $1.23 bid for cash; sales, l.ow puis, casn on in shipments 114,131 bbls., aveniRo 87.G25 bbls.; runs 93,337 bbls., average 81,894 bbls. NEW YORK. Jan. 3. OILS Cottonseed, dull. Petroleum, steady. Rosin, quiet; strained, common to good, $1.75. Turpen tine, easy at 3S5i.l8!io. ANTWERP. Jan. 3. OILS Petroleum, ISf 60c. paid and sellers. TOLKDO. Jan. 3. OI I.S iNortn J.imu, eoc; South Lima and Indiana, Sflc. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 3. OILS Turpentine spirits, easy at 27s C1. I.OMJUiS, .lull, a. UU.B-cuicimu unm-i-.., spot 60s Gd; turpentine splrltf, 2Ss l',4d; Un seed oil, 30a 3d. Vlvnpornleil nml Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, Jan. 3.-I2VAPORATKD APPLES Deslrn bio grades of evuporated apples were sharing a fair Inquiry In cur rent rates lit general sentiment of u bullish nvcrago owing to tho light receipts und un nbseuco of sellers. Prices at the closo wero tending toward a higher, level. Stnte. com mon, was quoted up 4fr'e; prime, 44i5!4e; choice. 514fiGc: fancy. Gfi7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Rllled dull. Prunes wero nominally quoted "life SUc per lb., as to slzo and quality. Apri cots. Royal. 115il4c: Moor Park. 155JlGc. Peaches', peeled, 1G5j:oc; impeded, S5j9e. S n line mill Molnnsrs. NEW ORLKANS. Jan. y.SUC.AR-Mor-Icet steady. " open kettle. :ii;fif3 9-lGc: cen trifugal, 3 13-ICWtc: ccntrlfugul while, 4'4 514 11-lGc; yellow. 15TlUe; seconds. 2i5 315-lCc. Molasses, steady: open kettle, 21 fi32c; centrifugal. tr'21c: syrup. 2?5i33c. NKW YORK, Jan. 3.-SUCAK-Q.ilct: re llued, quiet; erushed. 0o; powdered, 6,G0c; grunuhucd, D.50c: molasses, nlcady. AVoi.l Mui'kel. ST. LOUIS. Jun. 3. WOOI-Thn unex pectedly lurgo stocks reported unsold on January 1, together with tho recent fail ures In both tho wool and woolen trade, has caused an easier feeling, prices being shaded to effect sales. Medium grades, 11 5i2014c; light lino, 13Wl7o; heavy Hue, 115f lie; tub washed. 185T-fe. Dry (.nods. NEW YORK. Jnn. 3.-DRY GOODS Thoro bus not been u break In tho quietude of tho dry goods market today In any direct section. A fow buyers nro In attendance and orders nro moderate for both st.iplo and fancy linen. Print cloths dull nml un changed. Woolen nnd worsted dress goods without new feature. K'-f' .Stock In Sight. Following nro tho receipts at (ho four principal western markets for Januury 3: Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 3.011 S.371 1.759 Chicago 12.000 2S.O0O li.0'0 Kansas City G.500 !5,2iO i,w St. Louis 3.700 8,700 1 .'00 Totals 23SU C0.271 G,V0 Two HiiiiiIn Sock Control. NKW YORK, Jan. 3. The Trlbuuo says: It Is said on good authority that the Il linois Central and tho Chlcngo, Rock Island & Pacific aro both seeking to Bccuro control of tho Minneapolis & St. Louis railroad ami tho Iowa Central railway. A syndicate of Illinois Central Interests, it Is understood, 1ms been recently buying tho common stock of tho Iowa Central In tho open market through a stock exchage house, as well ns conducting negotiations for the acquisition of certain largo holdings, but have not yet succeeded In securing control. Cnnxiiiiiptloii Threatened. C. Unger, 212 Maple St., Champaign, III., writes: "I wns troubled with n hacking couph for a year nnd I thought I had tho consumption. I tried a great many rem edial and was under tho caro of physicians for several months. I used ono bottlo of FoUy'B Honey and Tar. It cured mo, nnd I havo not been troubled since." For snlo by Jlyors-Dlllon Drug Co,, Omaha; Dillon'a d'rur; atoro, South Omaha. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beooipti Liberal and Prices Generally a Dime Lower on Steers and Cows, HOGS OPEN SHADE LOWER, CLOSE STRONG MKht Iteoelpld of Sheep nml .Market Hold Sternly on I.nmlia nml Your llnfts, but lltiycrn Took Off ' n Dime on UtTcs, SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 3, Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ,9 c Monday 1,112 4,425 2.173 JV. . . ' i.'enuny 4,3 a,l.il P' c '' VJctlncsday 2,91.7 6,49'J 1,914 Olllclal Thursday 3,011 S.371 1,759 Tin.,n .in..., ,1.1.. - t . ,. a., .nn nn,. o "11B "WK... Will u',IM U.iSIJ gamo days last week..., 4,678 15.0M 2I.3G7 Kama days week before. 8,979 38,12.1 13,27(1 Snmo threo weeks ago. .11,193 42,089 10,081 Samo tour weeks ago. ..12,757 29,761 17,380 AVL'raL' t nrin.t , ,i.n ..,u. iui, wiiii comparisons; I 1900. 1S99.1S98.1837.1890.11S93.1&9I Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dee. Dec. '-cc. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jnn. Jan. Jan. 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 2.V.! 21., 25 2G'.l 27., 2S., 29., 30., 31., 1... 3'." 4 S3; 4 82J4 73(2; 76$ ? 9 4 HIK 4 80! SS741 4 82N, 4 7G 4 SO'HI 4 904 I 9.1 9CH! 4 93 )4 3 95 3 27 3 21 3 17 4 01 3 30 3 29 3 17 3 26 3 31 3 17 3 93 3 31 3 16 3 92 3 23 3 IS 3 91 3 28 3 33 4 01 3 32 3 28 3 17 4 0.' 3 31 3 21 3 14 4 01 3 37 3 21 3 17 3 47 3 26 3 19 4 11 3 60 3 20 4 09 3 41 3 30 4 14 3 48 3 30 4 16 3 451 3 30 3 IS I II 3 13 3 37 3 15 3 61 3 33 3 17 4 21 3 42 3 18 4 33 3 67 3 17 4 29 3 67 3 48 Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday. The ofTlrln I ,..,I...M t e. ..nn. , , ,--;-- m.-, ... 1 tun ... nivtn urougni in toilay by ouch road was: f ir r a. t, Cuttle. Hogs. Hhcep. ll'r'o. C., Si. & 8t, P. Ry.... 10 .. , O. & St. L. Ry........ 1 3 i Allssourl Paclllc Ry.. 2 U. P. system .. in C. & N. W. Ry F., 12. & M. V. R. R.. 27 S. C, i- P. Ry 4 C, St. P.. M. & 0 10 li. Ac Al. R. R. R SO C. 11. ,t O. Ry 11 C., 11. I. & p., east.... 7 C. R. I, & p.. west... 1 Illinois central lty... 8 2 Total receipts ....111 119 8 1 The dlsi.OHttlon of III,, ilnv'n rxnolnla ,v,,a as follows, each buyerpurchaslng tho mini- utr 01 neuu jnuicateu 1 2.) 3 27 1 7 23 11 7 1 Huvers. Omaha Packing Co.. (1. It. Hammond Co.. Swift and Conmanv.. Cudahy Packing Co Armour, from Sioux City R. Uecker & Dcgan Vans.int ft Co J. L. Carey Lobmun & Co McCreury & Clark Hill ft lluutzlnger LIvinRstouo ft Schaller... Humllinn ft Rothschild... L. F. Ilusz II. L. Dennis ft Co A. 8. Mawhlnnov Other buyers Cattle. ... 243 461 926 401 as 46 270 3") 150 r. 5 19 15 S3.1 Hogs. Sheep 1 1,217 1,693 2,66 213 6S9 Totals 3,503 8,297 1,75(3 CATTLI2 There WUH 11 irnnil rim nf nntttn hero today and ns other markets wero In none ion goou shape buyers started out to pound prices at this nolnt. Illds worn Ronerally about a dime lower on beet steers nnu as sellers wero not willing to make tho concessions asked the mnrkrt vnn nlmv and draggy throughout. Somo of tho best gruocs 01 nanuy weight cattlo may havo brought close to steady nrlees. but whom tho cattlo did not lust suit the buyers thov tvui.iuu iu gei uiein 11 tiimo lower, rno half-fat und common kinds wero purticu- imiy narii 10 move. The cow market was nlso very 1I11II imlnv and tho prices offered wero nil of a tllmo lower than yesterday morning, or about Ilka tho closo yesterday, lluvnrs illil tint seem to bo particularly anxious for supplies and as a result sellers had to take the prices offered.. They wero slow In cutting loose, however, und It was lato before the pens were cleared. Tho greatest decllno wns of cour.se. on tho medium nml onnnor cows, tho prlmo cows and heifers being but miio lower. There wero nulto a few slockers nml food. ors on sale toduy nnd the good heavyweight steers wore In good demand at strong prices. Thero Is 11 good demand for foeil. ers showing weight and quality that are ready to go into tho feed lot and cuttle nnswerlng to that description aro ready sellers. Lighter weight cuttlo of good qual ity wero also fully steady, but tho com. moner kinds wero rather neglected and In somo cases perhaps a trlllo lower. Cholco cows ami lienors wero goou sellers today, but the undesirable kinds wero not In uctlvo demand. The sarno was true of stock calves and oulls. Representative sales: REEF STEERS. No. Av 1000 ...... 775 1027 1110 31 1117 9 1011 31 3. 3. 8... 6... 23... 20... 29... 1... 10... 18... :i... 8... 12... 34... 23... 4... 41... 12... 1 9 9 1.'.'.'.'.' 11 19 13 1 1 1.... 10.... 12.... 3.... 9.... n 1.' 8.... 0.... 3.. ....If 9(1 .... 962 ....1092 .... 931 ....1033 ....1031 .... 970 ....1155 ....1013 .... 881 ....1090 .... 979 .1320 .1020 Pr. 3 30 3 75 3 85 3 90 3 93 4 03 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 15 4 23 4 25 1 V 4 10 4 40 4 15 4 50 4 60 4 55 4 65 No. 11.,.. 20.... 31.... 31.... 1.... 18.... 31.... 12.... 23.... 15.... 19.... 43.... 17.... 11.... 10.... 50.... 18.... 41.... 4S.... Ay. Pr. .1221 $1 m 1190 123S 129S 1250 1122 1191 1291 1108 1129 1325 1203 13S2 1370 1201 1092 1326 1200 1603 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 851 1000 1011 860 800 900 9S0 800 1000 1005 1012 1000 960 KiGO 100,1 1070 9S2 1023 1033 lfWW 1090 1104 989 .. 880 .. 9 !0 .. 925 ..1003 ..1120 ..1061 .. 910 .. 806 ..1102 ..1140 .. 980 .. 985 .. 950 ..1100 1125 890 770 I 20 13 4 25 15.., 4 45 14... COWS. 19.., : 00 2 35 2 ffl 2 40 2 10 2 50 2 05 2 05 2 05 - 15 2 75 2 75 2 80 2 SO 2 S3 2 85 2 90 2 00 2 95 3 00 3 10 3 00 3 (0 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 OO 3 00 17 II.... 15.... 0.... 1.... n 3.'!.'! 8.... 4.... 7. ... 0.... 9.... 9.... 4.. 12.. 33.. 7.. 'i 10" o.. 10.. 4.. 0.. I. . 12.. 3.. 3.. no ill". II. . 9,. 19.. 20.. .1040 ..1310 ..1221 .. 978 ..1042 .. 952 ..100') ..1155 1110 1090 716 1240 1210 10SO , 1010 1170 1180 951 1135 1078 103!) 1117 1125 1001 910 10S8 980 1291 1380 1110 1290 n; 1091 1070 nas nor. inn KM 4 0, I 03 4 05 4 G5 4 05 4 70 4 75 4 75 4 80 4 80 4 85 I 95 5 00 5 00 6 00 5 no 5 10 5 15 4 50 4 00 1 03 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 15 3 J 5 3 13 3 15 3 23 3 25 3 25 3 lf 3 35 3 35 3 35 3 35 3 3". 3 35 3 33 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 45 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 f5 3 55 3 65 3 35 3 53 3 03 .1190' 3 50 COWS AND HEIFERS. 7 912 3 10 33 831 7 1080 3 25 HEIFERS. fi 030 42 49? 1 ' no 4 748 n 800 3 "23 1 Oil) 1 1060 3 850 37 970 1 1090 1 130 1 90 1 70 1 270 1 120 1 130 1 110 ' 250 130 3 85 1 8' 1 4 9 1 2 ,,,,, li 1 6 4 6 . 800 .1003 . 850 . 030 . 810 . GOO . GO) . 726 . 605 , 056 770 lino 800 1220 1250 1250 1270 1315 1 129) 1 1120 1 13S.5 1 1500 2 SO 3 920 3 43 2 55 1 Ml 3 60 3 05 9... 1C02 3 50 3 10 3 1006 3 CO 3 13 1 830 3 60 3 15 , 3 793 3 60 3 20 11 789 3 60 3 25 21 1131 3 55 3 25 0 785 3 (V) 3 23 1 910 3 75 3 25 2 1050 1 25 CALVES. 6 (HI 1 110 0 00 5 25 0 156 0 00 5 25 1 1 10 0 00 5 .'.0 1 115 0 00 fi 50 2 135 0 00 5 75 3 170 0 10 6 75 1 190 0 (fl 6 75 1 220 0 25 COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 73 1 850 3 10 2 25 9 510 3 10 2 70 2 760 3 10 2 73 4 670 3 13 2 80 7 661 3 23 2 85 2 015 3 30 3 iXI 5 010 3 33 3 00 2 735 3 40 3 00 5 316 3 60 3 00 HULLS. 2 25 1 1470 3 25 2 60 1 1580 3 25 2 75 1 1070 3 25 2 73 2 1675 3 25 2 W 2 810 3 25 2 90 1 1060 3 23 2 90 1 1280 3 23 3 00 1 1230 3 25 3 HO 1 570 3 25 3 (0 1 1430 3 25 3 00 1 1370 3 25 3 00 1 860 3 CO 1 .1030 3 05 1 1310 3 10 1 760 3 15 1 1330 3 15 6 108.1 .1 15 1 980 3 15 2 1275 3 20 2 1065 3 20 1 1780 3 23 1 1210 3 25 STOCK 1 38ij 2 ,M 1 450 3 00 1 370 3 23 1 12S0 1 12M) 1 1610 1 10.") 1 1730 2 1715 1 1910 1 1880 1 14V) 1 1315 CALVKS. 3 193 1.. 400 1 210 3 30 3 30 .1 35 3 35 3 40 3 V) 3 50 3 90 4 HO 4 25 1 1 STOCKI2R8 AND FEEDERS. 3 25 4 00 4 60 1 1 1... 3... 3... 3... 8... 680 023 620 610 420 760 666 470 1015 960 C. 8.., 3.. 13.. 19.. 717 810 473 737 9.'3 CAS 712 1 -:so 831 II 892 II 012 1 6") 3 710 HWan CO cows... 6U 3 00 3 (a) 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 35 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 1,0 3 ;o 3 70 3 70 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 80 .1 80 3 85 Laud und 7U.I 2 () 14 810 17 037 17 050 9 732 4 772 ,J.i IS I 805 875 717 f6 809 723 73S 1015 460 600 20 001 12 4S3 1 960 1 1080 173 1005 71 1(K 15 Cattle Co. Wvo. 35 cows 710 2 00 ft Co. Wvo. 119 feeders.. 686 6. 40 10 24.'!! 4... 3.. 3 83 3 85 3 V) 3 90 3 10 3 90 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 1'5 4 10 I 10 4 1214 I 12, I 25 4 25 4 a 4 25 4 30 4 35 4 S5 4 55 4 4 60 llcekivlll. 190 feeders. 009 4 60 10 feeder.. Goo 3 60 HODS Thero was a fairly liberal run of hogs hero today, and, as other points re ported 11 drop In values, tho market hero started out weak to 2140 lower. Tho early sales wero largely at $1.95. with a number nt $l.92'4. Tho demand on tho part of pack ers' was In good shape and tho hogs moved toward tho scales ut a rapid rate. Reforo tho morning wns fnr ..ilinnrr,! it lwi,m, evident that theio wero hardly enough hogs in suppiy mo ucmanu nnu as a result sellers held their droves ut stronger prices. Tho last end of tho market was about steady with yesterday, tho hogs Belling nt $4.95 nnd $l.9i,4. with tho better grades going as high ns $5.00 or tho same as yesterday's IiIrIi price. It was u good nctlvo market through out nnd everything was sold nnd weighed no in goou season, iieprescntntivn sales: 91 SO No, It.. 13.. 13.. 21 217 60 213 12 393 61 211 32 317 33 2.12 37 211 60 215 77 201 52 270 10 181 108 1G6 46 238 20 291 30 11 295 22.1 ..332 ..277 ..410 Av. Sh. Pr. 05 47... 75... 47... 61... 13..., 30. OS, 87. 0tt 04.... 71.... 60.... 70.... 63.... 60.... 30.... 34.... 37.... 71.... CO.... 68.... CO.... 82.... 70.... 4S.... 70..., 63.... 76.... 90.... 09.., 65.., 08... OS.. 05.. 71... 07.., 69.., 80... 42... 01... 9 ,..286 ..201 ..230 ..285 . .255 ..312 ..212 ..226 ..25S ..260 ..261 ..266 ..244 277 328 ...272 ...215 ...25.8 ...3V2 ...231 ...241 ...244 ...196 ...200 ...238 ...200 ...217 ...232 ...242 ...280 ...231 ...220 ...200 ...19.1 ...225 ...235 ...271 ...20S ...201 ...280 200 '40 40 40 80 40 80 120 80 120 20") 100 160 40 'h 80 40 'so 40 'io 80 220 120 160 240 120 2S0 40 '80 80 80 80 80 40 160 120 10 $1 10 4 10 4 20 4 90 4 90 4 !)0 4 W 4 90 4 92 4 92(. 4 92' 4 V. 4 924 4 92(? 4 92i 4 92 it, 4 M2l 4 95' 4 95 4 93 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 93 4 95 4 M 4 05 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 I 95 4 95 4 95 4 1-5 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 9f, 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 93 No, 02..., 86..., 69... 21... 6S..., 07.. 85.. 69.. 69.. 54.. 81.. 99.. 6: ,v .28.8 .215 .205 .301 ...311 ...211 ...191 315 261 262 215 16S 317 01 201 07 213 36 203 01 257 48 271 9.1 101 71 257 !'S 1S3 25 202 61 26S 69 270 45 459 GS 229 42 285 66 259 51 329 74 203 80 180 G3 249 73...., 67.... 93.... 85.... 06 181 63 309 81 190 f.S 318 ,207 .191 2(0 ro. 68... 07... 68... 54... 97... 76... O'i... 57 ..203 ..280 ..234 224 !!!237 ...203 ,..196 ..231 ..257 Sh. 80 120 80 80 40 '40 80 40 80 120 120 80 40 120 80 280 40 120 80 200 40 80 40 80 420 06 192 57... 80... 05... 70... 66..., SHEEP- 80 ro. 64.... 71..., 73.... 06.... 113... 0:.... 78.... 19.... 41.... 03..., 73..., 86.... 71.... '3 ..210 ..266 27 '.'.250 ..193 ..212 ..205 ..211) . .208 ..241 ..230 ..197 ..24S IT. 4 95 4 95 4 03 4 93 4 93 4 t'5 4 93 4 95 4 95 4 93 4 95 4 !)5 4 95 4 95 1 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 95 4 W'.i 4 4 97i 4 'j7V4 4 b 4 97t4 4 'ITii, 4 J7',! 4 Ul4 4 97'. 4 97(5 4 97U 4 7(5 4 97, 4 S''h 4 97i 4 97j5 40 4 971 4 6714 4 97V4 4 97' 4 97(5 4 074 4 97'A 4 971,5 4 971,5 4 97'j 4 97j, 4 971. 4 07(2 4 U7hs 5 00 r. 00 5 no n 00 5 no r. 00 c 00 ... 4 wu, 100 4 97U 160 4 37(, SO 240 SO 40 80 40 few sheen 4 4 35 ... I 95 SO' J 95 80 95 SO 4 95 200 4 S3 -Thoro vnrt mill fi hero today and lambs wero very scarce. string of yearlings sold us high as $4 Which Wns Con.Mlflororl 1..MI nlwi.if ulf.mli' The samo ewes, however, that brought $3.60 yesieruay sold tor w.10, so that the market coma ocsi no described by cnl nx It ateadv iu ivu iuhct. i no demand ror cnoice uimos Is In good shapo and packers claim they are 1101 gulling enougu to 1111 tneir orders. Thero worn a fow feeders on tho murkot toduy und they sold at good stonily prices. Quotations: Choice fed wethers. UMffl 4.35: fair to Rood fed wethers. J3.S5fi4.(l! cholco yearlings. $4.25fil.40: fnlr to good yearlings, $4.004.25: cholco owes. J3.00jf3.75; fnlr to good ewes. S3.O0Af3.3O: ohnlen si.rln? lambs, $l.75'fi0.30; fair to good spring lambs. 4.60'ii4.75: feeder ewes. S2.25ffi3.00: feeder wethers, $3.6003.75: feeder lambs, $I.00B'4.10. licprcscmuuvo buics; No. 438 western fed ewes 1 Isebrnska wethers 109 fed yearlings DS4 Nebraska feeder lambs r Nebraska lambs 11 Nebraska lambs 16 cull ewes I 20 Nebraska feeder ewes . 1 buck 77 western fed ewes 61 feeder wethers 423 western fed wethers . A v. , 73 , 102 63 , 51 89 75 , 77 150 95 76 87 Pr. $1 10- 4 00 4 25 4 03 4 03 6 121j 1 23 2 00 3 00 3 :i5 3 85 4 10 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cndlo Generally l.orror lions Close NtroiiK Sheep Slenily. CHICAOO. Jan. 3. CATTLE Recelnls. 12,000, Including 400 Texuns; generally 6(lCo lower, including nuieners siocic; good 10 prlmo steers. $j.35If0.15; poor to medium. I.1.05if5.25; stockers und feeders, steady at $2.75i(1.40; cows. $2,057(4.15; heifers, $2.75'.'i 4.50; canners, $2.00fff.'.G5: bulls, $2.9ji4'40: calves, strong at $!.5iftG.121,i!; Texas-fed steers. $I.OOJi4.90; Texas grass steers, $3.30M 1.10; Texas hulls, T.'.605(3.30. HOliS Receipts today, 28,001) head; to morrow. 2,.000 head, estimated: left over. 2.600 head: opened 5o lower and closed strong; top, $5.15; mixed nnd butchers, $l.85ie 5.15; good to cholco heavy, $!.05i5.15: rouvh heavy, ji.mmi i.woj liglil, jl.&oso.io; uuik or sales. $1.90(6 0!.. SHEEP AND LAMIIS-Recclpls, 12,'mo head; sheep, steady: lamb, strong: good to cholco wethers. $3,751(4.70; fair to eliuleo mixed. $3,4013.85: western sheen. S3.75fil.fr: Texas sheep, $2.50113.00: native lambs, $l.00fti 6.60; western lambs, $5.00f5.50. Kiiiiniin City Live Slock Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 3.-CATTL12-RO. celpts. 5,(ii0 natives, 1,500 Texami nnd J00 calves: fed steers, slow and soinn of least deslrahlo bunches sold lOo lower; butcher cows, stock nnd feeding cattlo, steady; na tive steers. $l.605.25; ntnckcra and feedor-1, $3.ni8l.55; butchers' cows and heifers, M.Wi 4.60: canners. $2.6ofi3.0i: fed western", $3.50ff 6.00: Texans. $3 50'(i 4.60: calves. $3.60fi 6.00. nous Receipts, is.sw iiean neavy grades steady; others steady to 6c lower; l.cnvv. $5 00fj6.u5; mixed, $l.9&j5.0G; light, $I.90U5.C0; pigs, 1 IlOU1.NI. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 1,600 head: light supply, quick wiles, firm prices; l.imhx. 15.35475.60: multrnu. H.OOfit.fiO: stoeic. cr3 and feeders, $3.60ft 1.25; culls, $3.C0&3.&0, St. I.oiiIn Live Stock Mnrkct. ST. LOUIS. Jun. 3.-CATTLI2-Recelr.t. 3.700 head, Including 2,500 Toxans; market slow nut sieiuiy: nuiivo snipping nnu ox port steers, $4.G5f5.G0, with extra choice worth uii to HI so; dressed beef und butcher steers. $1.30116.35: steers under 1.C0 lbs , $3.25G.O0: stockers and feeders, $2,251(4 CO; cows anil lienors, ;.u.jn,ru; cannery, i.;u(C 9.76: hulls. S2.0O14.CO: Texas and Indium:. $3,451( 1.65; cows and heifers. $.,.30l(I.O5. lions Receipts, 8,700 head: market weak nnd 6c lower; pigs and lights. $l85ffl.95; packers. $l.951(...05: butchers. $5.O0fr3.074. SIIEI2P AINU LA.MHS JWCCipiS, J,W) l.nnil: markot slow but steady: native mut tons, $3.85 1.60: Iambs, $1,161(4.75: culls und bucks, $2.75tfl.OO; stockers, $2 001.2.75. Vimv York I.lvi) Stock Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. Jan. 3.-CATTLE-Reccnts. 1.251 head: 110 trado; feeling steady; no change In cables; 110 shipments today or Friday. C ALVES Rece nts. 254 head: demand fnlr nnd prices stiady; vculs, $g.37!; grussers, $3.b "ll.l. ili. hiu;i;i' a." head: sheen shtep. $.'.5014 11(111 iiimiin. HOdS-Rocelpts. 2.213 head: markot steady at $5.25rj5.50; state pigs, $3.50'u5.C3. St. Joxepb Live Stock, SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Jan. 3,-(Sno- clal.) The Journal quotes us follows: CATTLE Receipts. i,i lieail inurKo- dull; niitlvni. $4,001(5 25: Texans nnd west erns, $3,6015.10; cows and hclfi rs, J2.I5WI.I5; bulls und stags. $2.251j4.65; yearlings ami calves, $3,2514.15; stockers and feeders, $3.0) 3I.2&: veais, w boil &.bo. HOGS Receipts, 0.800 bead: market mostly 2Vjt- lower? nil grades. $l.92W'.t'5; bulk of sales, $1,951(5.(10: piss, steady. SHEUP-Iteeelpts, GOO head; market I bironfc' 10 joe niencr. ,ND LAMPS Receipts, 1,411 strong; lumbs. louit'o higher; 4.25; lambs, $5,001)6.25; no Can- fcT S6.00 A MONTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men IS Years In Omsha. VARICOCELE nt HYDROCELE . Method pew, never falls, without cutting, pnlu or lnsnf time. AY PHI I ICcurcdforllrennd thepolon ? sn.H3tll01.o,u,ny clcaun-ti from the system. .Soon every lcn and symptom ?!w.W?r?.. completely nnd forever. No "UltEAKINO OPT" of thodlsenso on the skin or fuce. Treatment rnutnlns no ctnuctrotu drugs or Injurious medicines. WEAK MEN ''oss or Manhood from v'.s cviiai 1 v eemosor Vic.-nMToNr.nvoDiS SEXUALLY IIKUiLltr or I'.XIIAUSTIOf , WASTINO WBAKNOS INVOMJNTAIIY LOSSES, with KMit.Y Dr.CAY In Yol'Nn and MlliPi.n Aot). urk of vim, vior nnd strenRth, with texual organs Impalrtd and weak. STRICTURE "adlrslly cured with .t now .ns n cctj Itifftlllulo Homo Treat. ontJ ULfcfcT mem:, Noln5trumentB,nnpaln, no detention from hasinoM. Gonorrhoea, Kidney and Illadrle r Trouble. CPRKS IHIA HANTi;i;i), Cofitultatlon Frtr. !ratnrnt by Ma'l. Cati on or address 119 S. Mth St. Dr. Searles&Searlos. omaha. Nob. Gladstone Pros., Agents, Omulia, $500 REWARD 1 Wo Will pny tho abovo roward for any case of Liver Coniplnlnt, Dyspepsia, Sick llendache, Indication. Constltmtloii or Costlvcnens wn cannot euro with I.lvcrlts, the Up-To-Dato i.iiiie i.ivcr riu. wucu ino uiroctions nro strict ly compiled with. They arc purely Vegetable, and never fall to give natisfactlon. 25c boxes contain 100 I'llN, lOo boxes contain 40 Tills, 6o boxes contain IB Pills, llewaroof tuhstltutloua and Imitation. Kent by mall. Stamps takun. NKUV1TA JIKDIOAL CO.. Cor. Clinton and Jackson KM., Chicago, 111. Sold by Kor snlo by Kiihn & Co., I5ti. and DougUs St.. Omaha, Neb.; Geo. S. Davis, Council Illuffu, Iowa. iwVTHlToENUINK SYRUP OF FIGS UAKinTACTURBD DT CALIFORNIA FIG SVRUI mmvu m sai JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA BOILER AND aHEEI IRON WORK Qrake, Wiiso jams uvccMori Wllaun A Drake Manufacture hollers, smoke Macks and breec)iing.s, pressure, rendering, aheop dip. lard and water tanks, noltor tUDea con stantly on hand, second hand boiler) bought ono sold, Special and prompt attention to repilrs In rity or rniinlrv V.Hh and Pierce. DRY GOODS. E. Smith & Go. Importers ind Jobber of Dry Goods, Fimiishing Good AND NOTIONS. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Ae$tern Electrical V Company Electrical Supplies. Electric Wiring Bells aid Gas Lighting. Q. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. 1510 Howard St. SAFE AND IRON WORKS. Davis & Cowgill Iron Works MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF MACHINERY. GENERAL REPAIRING A SPBCIALTrA IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. IDOl, lnOU an lfiOB Jaokaoa Stret, Omaha. Neb. Tel. HUB. B. ZaljrUkle, Agent, J. B. Cowgill, Mgr. EI.EVATOrl SUPPLIES ELEVATORS Improved Quick and Easy Wslns Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATCH GATES. Send for cntnlocue, KIMDA1J, BROS., COUNCIL BLUFFS, la. low via Bireci. 'reiepnon lis. H. Davis & Son r Acrnta for the Itlchiuoa4 Safety r.ntcii nnil Klre Doom. Elevator Hydraullo and Hand Elivaton. Elevator repalrltiR a specialty. Leather Valvo Cups for Elevators, Engines and Printing Pressses. UAoOliS.i lirtUiNiiS AaD ELEVATOR MACHINERV David Bradley g Go. Council Illtiir, Iowa. Gasoline Engines Vertical, Horizontal nnd Portable, from ono horso power un. Jobbers of Agricultural Implements nnd ovcrytiuuK in water, iiicam und gas sup plies. H.RPEOTEY&C0. SfQtKS eootMnr UFEBLDG. omaha nta l fiyii vy..." 1 BJlArtCH 103ft Hit JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone 1030. Oninliu, Not COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS and STOCKS UOAHU OK TUAUC, Corraipondence: John A. Warren Ca Mrect wire lu Chlt4o ul Mew Terl .1