10 TJIE OMAITA DATLV BEE; ERTDAT, JATs'UARV 1 , 1001. TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING Oommiraioaen Bay County Attorney1! SUfF is Ethr Strong. SOME HEADS WILL BE CHOPPED OFF Dennllr flip limctllril .Htntttn of (lie Deputy Vorc Hie County AHor ncjr .Mnkrn n Demand for Holnry Increanr. County Attorney Shields will bo slven a ovcre Jolt beforo muny moro meetings of tbo county commissioners have- been held, by tho reduction of his legnl Btaff. Tin commissioners havo given out tho edict that tho hendfl of at leant two members of tho sounty attorney's odlco will fall In tho basket very soon, and perhaps three, and this In tho faco of a written request by Mr. Shields for an Incrcnsc In salary for those Khoso positions nro In Jeopardy. Tho county nttorney has Just served no tice on tho commissioners of tho appoint ment of his deputies, I. J. Dunn, II. 13. Thomas, Lysle Abbott and Harry 13. Ilurn ham, also tho rctalnlnp of his stenographer, Miss Cathorlno M. Morrison, and tho bailiff, W. II. Ounsolus. Kor tho last three lie asked an Incrcaso of salary. "Tho very nervo of tho maul" Bald ono of tho commis sioners when ho saw tho communication. "Why thero aro thrco of thoso peoplo who will bo dropped from tho staff, Instead of thero being any raising of salaries." Action Will Up Tnkrn Soon, Another of tho commissioners, who Is of tho samo politics ns tho county attorney, protected that ho will not vote to discharge three, but In admitted that thero Is one, and perhaps two, on tho list who can bo dispensed with and will bo allowed to go at u meotlng In tho near future. It Is said that thero aro enough votes on tho board to drop nil threo of tho county attorney's assistants. "Tho county attorney Is Imposing on us," ono of tho commissioners said. "Two years ago ho begged to bo nllowcd to retain Leo llelsley until Homo of tho matters left over from tho Daldrlgo term of servlco could bo straightened out and tho routlno of tho nfllco became moro familiar. Last year bo had another story of tho samo kind. Wo let him keep Leo, but now ho has released llelsley and taken another man Instead. Wc will put n quick end to that. Then, In tho raso of his bailiff, thero Is no need of a bailiff In the otllcc. Thero aro two In tho criminal court whom tho county has to rny and they might Just ns well do tho work Mr. Shields needs performed from tlmo to time. Iln said ho wanted n bailiff .nly tcmporarlly nnd now tho tlmo has como when tho county can and ought to retrench a llttlo on this expense." AI.IIICIIT CIIAMIIKHS IIOU.M) OVER. Aliened .South Omiiliti Counterfeiter In Trouble. Albert Chambers, who says that ho Is an craployo of ono of tho packing houses of South Oninha, was given a preliminary hear ing yesterday morning beforo United States Commissioner Anderson on tho chnrgo of passing counterfeit money. Chambers was arrested by tho South Omaha pollco upon tho complaint of a woman who runs a small Htorc, wlio snys that ho passed a counterfeit dollar upon her Monday evening.. Shortly after his nrrest other merchants and saloon keepers begnn to lllo complaints with tho pollco and to turn ovor to them counter feit coin, which, upon comparison with the money turned over by tho woman, proved to havo been run In tho Barao mold and to bo tho workmanship of tho samo person. Tho money was placed in tho hands of tho secret servlco officer of tho government nnd Chambers was turned over to the United States marshal. At tho preliminary examination tho woman Identified tho pris oner positively as tho man who had passed tho coin, and tho other victims said that lio resembled tho man who defrauded thorn, but that they would not bo certnln of his Identity. Ho admitted that ho had been In somo of tho Bnloons on tho evening In ques tion, but dcqled passing any counterfeit coin. At tho conclusion of tho hearing ho was bound over In tho sum of $500 to nwalt tho notion of tho grand Jury. So far tho ofllccrs havo secured seven coins pnssed Monday night nnd they aro all of tho samo workmanship. Thoy benr close rescmblanco to tho McCarty Issuo, but can not bo from tho Kamo molds, ns thoy aro in tho possession of tho Washington office. nr.i.ii:i' kou comhIIhthi) hockkt. I.nrnl Attorney (Inter into Dlncu hIoii of Supreme Court. Tho notion of tho liar association in vot ing to recommend a bill providing for tho nppolntmcnt of nlno commissioners to as sist tho supremo Judges In clcauing up tho docket llnds general favor as a temporary makeshift nmong tho attorneys of tho city, but plans for permanently increasing tho capacity of tho court aro various. Tho meeting was hold In tho supremo court room nt Lincoln Wednesday, with Judgo Wake ley presiding. A long discussion preceded tho agreement regarding tho bill. If It passes tho lcglslaturo tho Judges will bo allowed to chooso for their assistants tho men they want, and tho general opinion Is thnt the relief la sufllclcnt to clear tho docket In two years. To krop politics out of tho court It was thought best to insert n clause providing that tho selection of tho commissioners must bo unanimous, thus provontlng uny two of tbo Judges from chonslns ono of their own political faith over tho objections of tho third. Tho members of tho associa tion bcllovo tho expedient they havo de vised will Bcrvo the purpose until perma nent rollot can bo effected through tho lcglslaturo by constitutional amendment. At tho samo tlmo, an agreement was reached on two other bills which It Is thought will bo of material assistance. Ono bill changes tho terms of appeal bonds, mnklng tho nppollant pay for tho uso nnd occupation of tho premises, Instead of giving a wauto bond as tho law now stands. Tho other recommends a bill mak ing tbo tlmo of filing petitions In error In tho supremo court six months Instead of n year as Is now tho case. Doth of these expedients will rnablo business to be rushed through tho court much faster than beforo. A prominent attorney who attended the meeting said that lawyers of this city aro all opposed to tho plan of having tho dis trict Judges called upon to como to tho as sistance of tho Judges of tho higher trib unal In cases of emergency. Thero are two sorlous objections to tho scheme, ho said, ono being seen In tho Instance of the district Judges hero who aro nt all times too busy oven to keep even with their own work to say nothing of helping others. Tho nttorney said tho plan favored by most members of the association Is to amend tho constitution as soon as It Is posslblo to provldo for six supremo court Judges, em powered to Bit three at n tlmo, so that thoy will bo able to accomplish about twlco as much In tho way of work as they do at present. I.ODKI.Vf AKTI3R COtXTV IllllDOKH. Comiiilnxlonern Mnkliifr nn Iimpeetlon l'rellinlnnr)- to llcpnlr. Tho county commissioners havo gono on n tour of Inspection In tbo vicinity of Irving ton to seo to what extent tho bridges along tbo road need repairs. Thero nro two of theso structures on which tho commission crs will havo to spend lnrgo sums of money at onco to raako them snfc, and thero mny bo others In tho vicinity. Tho piling under tho Irvlngton brldgo across tho Llttlo 1'aplo has rotted away, eo that It must bo replaced by steel tubes. Tho main span of tho Btructuro Is of steel and Is 120 feet In length. It must bo raised beforo the under pinning can bo accomplished. Tho other brldgo Is about four miles west of Irvlngton, crossing a branch of tho nig Paplo. Tho samo work will havo to bo dono there. Tho commissioners spent tho afternoon examining tho bridges to get material for n report nt their next meeting, when tho repair work will bo authorized. Tho big Irvlngton brldgo is said to bo In unsafe condition. Court limine Ilrevltlen. Kmlly Dllley of Hastings, with liabilities of W.Otft.OI and assets of .no account, has tiled a petition to bo declared a bankrupt. I.lzzlo S. I.enko lias secured n decreo of dlvorco from Leon V. Leako on the plea of cruelty. Tho return of her maiden name, I.lzzlo Matigec, wus secured. Judgo Knwcett has Issued nn order np-' pointing Kdwnrd Zabrlsktc receiver of the East Omnhn Hox company and directing him to lllo In court ns soon us possibly an Inventory of tho stock. Lconnrd Devoro of Dixon county has sued tbo Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omnhn Itallroad company for Jll.KOO for personal Injuries. In his petition, tiled In tho federal court, ho alleges that while driving a team along tho tracks of thnt road tho whlstlo of an engine scared the horses and they ran away, throwing him from tho buggy. It. W. I'atrlck has brought suit against tlio Presbyterian Theological seminary to compel tho board of directors to consummato a purchase of ten ncres of land In Uundeo l'laco which they contracted to buy last Juno for JM0. Patrick alleges that thero was a committee composed of Wharton, I.owry and Adams, appointed by tho forty directors Interested In tho purchase, to urrnngo the flnnl details. Ho says that the mile was contracted for, but never con summated. Damages nro asked for In tho event of a decree of tho court rinding thut tho sale should not bo consummated. -Tmirrn Munirer lias released from their financial obligations sixteen residents of tho stato of Nebraska who hn.vo sought tho ameliorating cncci oi uio uuiiitrupiuy mw. Thuy are: Charles V. Orahnm und Georgo II. Caldwell. Wayne: Nicholas Yager and Thomas V. Hall. Omaha; James M. Smith, Madison; Joseph W. Hoblnson. Chndron; Thomas Wilkinson. Kimball; James Madi son Champe, llradshaw; Harry V. Scriblrd, York; Albert V. Smith, Mead; l-'red A. L. Madsen. Norfolk; Fred J. Hencdlct. Hast ings: William Thrush, Rogers: William C. Moore, Harvard; Charles D. Taylor, Kim Creek. STRANGERS EXCHANGE GRIPS Young Wo limn Accidentally Take Valine of n Mun Whom She Dam Not Know. - A comedy of errors was enacted Wednes day lu tho watting room of tho Webster street depot, in which two telescopo grips played nn important part. Miss Agnes Kennedy, who hnd Just arrived from Chnd ron, placed her vallso on a bench In tho room nnd went to tho lunch counter for a cup of coffeo; Mr. O. J. Hughes, destined to his homo In Albion, Neb., nlso placed his hand baggage on tho bench nnd went out to get a clgur. Miss Kennedy returned first. Picking up a grip bho supposed was hers, sho took a southbound Sixteenth street car, but dis covered her error when near Farnam street nnd returned to tho depot. Tho waiting room was empty; her own grip was gone. Then sho turned tho luggago over to a po liceman, who took It to tho pollco station. Thursday Desk Sergeant Havcy ex amined tho vallso and found It to bo full of men's wearing1 npparol. In tho pocket of a coat was a letter addressed to "Mr. a. J, Hughes, Albion, Neb." As no word has been received from Mr, Hughes, It Is supposed that ho has not yet discovered that ho is carrying a telescopo vallso full of "wlmmen's flxln's." A Xever-tu-Ue-l-'ornotlrii Trip. Is tho ono via tho Lehigh Valley railroad between Niagara Falls or Duffnlo and Now York nnd Philadelphia. Magnificent scon- ory. Historic regions. Superb Bervlce. Fur NlnilriiM. Itoturnlng to enstorn colleges and schools tho Lake Shoro and Michigan Southern railway oftere an uncqualed service. Among Its trains nro tho Now York and Boston special, leaving Chicago 10:30 a. m.; tho Now England express, 2 p. m.; tho twenty- six hour train to Boston, also tbo Lake Shoro limited, having through sleepers to Now York and Boston, nlso dining and It brary cars. Special sleeping cars will bo attached for the accommodation of parties, P. M. Byron. O. W. A., Chicago. Havo you a relative or friend who Is a slavo to drink? If so, havo him perma nently cured by sending him to tho Keoloy Institute, corner Leavenworth and 19th streets, Omaha, Neb. I nine i oriic mi w it For Saturday i ii w y i mmrmi'K i mnu'a rormnni Ann imn nm mm. I M u " third former prices. 5S.no CLOAKS FOR if 1.90 $.S0 CLOAKS FOK o 8.87 $5.fi0 CLOAKS FOIL... $2,110 $3.50 CLOAKS FOR 1.87 Sl.R0 CLOAKS, FOR 75o Wo havo a lnrgo nnd handsomo stock of A no French Flannel Waists, and wo will take a third off tho prlco of all af them. S5.H0 WAISTS FOR :' $;u7 $1.50 WAISTS FOR 2.50 S3.50 WAISTS FOR $23fi 2.50 WAISTS FOli 1.(57 2.25 WAISTS FOR 1.50 2.00 WAISTS FOR 1.35 Wool nnd mercerized cotton waists from 9Sa up. Monday wo commence a clearing tie la every department. , BOSTON STORE REMNANTS Today Grand Lot 1 1-4 Yard Length. Black Bilki, 50c, 69c, 80o. $1.00 SILK VELVETS, 25 CENTS A YARD All IteninnntH, Dress I.eiiKtli), Wnlst mill Skirt I. ninth of High (Irnile DrcrtM C.oodn l'rtMloun fo Inven tor) Snvrlllucil Totlnjr. IVi-YD. LENGTHS BLACK SILKS, GOC, 69C and S8C. Having purchased from John M. Stearns & Co., high grada silk manufacturers, their ngont's entlro samplo pieces of silk, we will placo them on sale tomorrow. All 1U yards In length, n number of them to match, cnabllni: n Indv tn mnkn waists nnd skirts (thoso remnants aro exact skirt lengths, no wasto In buying remnants.) They Include peau do sole, taffetas, armurcs, satin duchesso nnd gros grain; they aro worth from $1.0 to $2.00 yard and go in threo lots nt COc, 69c and 88c. Fancy silk remnants in tnfTntns. nitidis. checks, stripes and plain colors, Including 27-Inch navy li uo taffeta, for llnlnes. waists or costume3, In lengths from ono to ten yards, worth up to $1.00 yard, on bargain square nt 39c yard. $1.00 VKLVETS AT 25C. Hundreds of yards of silk volvota In all tho now shades of green, drab, cream color, yellow, etc., In lengths from ono to Ave yards, many pieces to match, on salo at 25c yard. NBW DltESS GOODS REMNANTS, 39C AND 49C. Theso nro all high grade dress goods rem nants worth from $1.00 to $1.C0 yard, In lengths from 3 to 7 yards, ulllr nnd fancy goods, nil Imported goods, plain goons, uroauciotns, etc., on front bargain squaro In two lots at 39c and -19c yard. 75C DRESS GOODS. 2SC vn. A now lot of dress goods lu lengths from a to o ynrus, in caslimeres, hcnrlottas, silk and wool mixtures, fancy plaid goods, that havo not sold for less than 75c yard, on bargain square at 25c van!. Now importation of dress goods samplo pieces, nil high grado goods, nearly ono yard long, 3, 4 nnd 5 pieces to match, go m iwu iois ai iuc ana 25c. FRIDAY IS REMNANT DAY IN BASE MENT. COc DRESS GOODS lfic YD. In order to bcII every yard of our COc remnants in plain goods, silk nnd wool dress goods, plaids and checks that havo accumulated durltic tho nast mnntii wn havo placed them on ono largo bargain squaro In basement, on sale at 15c ynrd. Thoso run In length from 2 to C yards. 10,000 yards bleached muslin at 30 yd. 10,000 yards unbleached muslin at 2c yd. Ono big counter light colored outing flan nel at Cc ynrd. Ono big counter light nnd dark outing flannel, best quality at 8'c yard. Ono big lot 30-lnch wide sllkolino nt Cc yd. Ono big lot Imitation French flannel nt 6c yard. Ono counter of tho finest quality black mercerized sateen nt ICo yard. Ono big lot of fancy striped and checked whlto goods nt lOo ynrd, worth 25c. Ono big lot of 40-inch madras, and drap ery swiss at 10c yard, worth 40c. And hundreds of other remnant bargains In tho basement. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. lGth and Douglas St. OFF FOR SALT LAKE CITY i Umnhn nun I lien Men Attend Conven tion of Xntloiuit Live Stock Ansoclntlon. Secretary Utt of tho Commercial club, A. D. Marriott, Georgo II. Payne, P. E. San born, Peter Jnnsen, Frank J. Carpenter and a number of other prominent Omaha 'bus iness men, accompanied by n largo delega tion from South Omaha, will leave on Sun day, January 13, for Salt Lako City to at tend tho annual convention of tho National Live Stock association. It is expected that tho Omaha delegation will number moro than twenty-llvo nnd that they will be Joined by perhaps 100 other Ncbraskans at Salt Lako City in an effort to secure next year's convention of tho association for this city. M. A. Dougherty, member of tho cxecu tlvo commltteo of tho National Llvo Stock association for Nebraska, has been In Salt Lako City In conference with tho conven tion commltteo thero. Ho snys tho Salt Lako meeting will bo tho largest In tho history of ho association nnd tho attendance will run awny up Into tho thousands. "Tho delegates to tho recent Inter national llvo stock exhibition nt Chicago left $2,000,000 In that city," says Mr. Daugherty, "and thoso who will attend tho convention at Salt Lako City will leavo nearly that much thoro. Tho boys In tho rnngo districts of tho Pacific and mountain slopes know how to spend money. Whcro other national conventions leavo pennies tho cowboys leave dollars. Tho Nebraska boys aro going out to Salt Lako City by tho train load with tho Intention of capturing next year's convention of tho Btockmon for Omaha." Tho commltteo appointed by tho South Omaha Llvo Stock exchango to represent it nt tbo bait Lako City convention con sist of J. A. Hake, W. n. Cheek, A. Garrow, Alma JacKson, J. s. Horn, W. H. Jones, D. O. Mcl'ball, J. E. nycrs and Al Powell. DEATH OF JOHN BURDISH Former Well Kuoirn Hmlilent of Ouinhu Kxplre nt Sacramento, Call for II liu John Bunllsb, a former resident of the city, died at Sacramento, Cal., on the morning of January 2. Tho dispatches to friends contained no Information, excepting ns to tno place of Interment, which will bo nt Sacramento. John Durdlsh was well known here, having been in business in tho city ninny years provlous to his removal to California. Ho was a brother of Dick Burdlsh, tho formor councilman, and tho occasion of his last visit to Omaha n year ago was Dick Burdlsh's funeral. From tho year ISSfl to 1891 John IJurd Ish wob a member of tho llro department, having been captain of tho big hook and ladder truck. When ho loft tho servlco It wns to enter business with James P. Con nolly, tho present county commissioner, In tho salo of liquors by wholesale. It was llvo years ago thnt Mr. Ilurdlsh wont to Sacramento, and thero ho was In cbargo of tho Southern Pacific railroad yards, Trleil I'lvp Dnetorfl. Mrs. Frances L. Sales of Missouri Valloy, la., writes: "I had sevcro kidney trouble for years, had tried (lvo doctors without benefit, but thrco bottles of Foley's Kldnoy Curo cured mo. For salo by Myers-Dillon Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug store, South Omaha. 31ortn.lt- Sintmtieft. Tho following deaths nnd births wcro re ported to the city health commission for tho twenty-four hours ending at noon Thursday: Deaths Hans J. MadHon, 83.1 South Twenty-second, aged 30; Frank Kolar, 928 Homer, need 2 monllui: Marv K. Honors. 3874 Hamilton, nged (tl. uirtns id. o. Hamilton, i:o Boutli Thirty sixth, girl; Vaclav Ulaha, 1704 South Four teenth, girl: William Crabtree, 3007 North Twenty-fourth, boy: F. J. Swanson, 615 North Eighteenth, boy: Robert Williams, 249V4 Boutli Thirteenth, girl; John L, Forbes, 3122 Wnolwurth avenue, fc-lrl; II, A. ccymour, ivm aoutu iiuriy-iiyra, uoy. IIAYIinVS FRIDAY 1U3SI.VANT SM.13. Ilennoniy llnrrtnln Hooni Hemnnntu nf Ilrenii (lo.idn. 10,000 yards of dress goods remnants, nt be yaru, 10,000 yards of dress goods remnants at 10c yard. C.000 yards of dress goods remnants nt 15c yard. C.000 yards of dress goods remnants at iuc ynra. 3,000 'yards of dress goods remnants nt Zoc yard. Theso goods sold un to S1.C0 t.cr vard. REDUCING STOCK IN ECONOMY I1AR- GAIN ROOM. 300 pieces of half wool nt 9c per yard worm inc. 300 pieces of half wool at 12Uc per yard, worm 2jc. 300 pieces of all wool and half wool dress goods, sold up to COc per yard, will go nt 15c nnd 19c. COO pieces of dress goods, sold up to $1.50 per yard, all will go on this salo at 25o and 3jc yard. REDUCING STOCK IN OUR HIGH GRADE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. 25 pieces of our $1.25 golf, nt 7Cc yard 30 pieces of our $1.25 golf, nt 85c yard. 15 pieces of our strictly nil wool golf- sell for $1,98, at $1.25 yard. 20 pieces of our strictly all wool golf sell for $2.C0, nt $1.75. 20 pieces ,of our strictly all wool golf- son for $2.98, at $2.19. 20 pieces of our strictly all wool golf sell for $3.C0 and $1.50. nt $2.50. All our colored cheviots prlco exactly cut In two. 10,000 other bargains on solo tomorrow, HOYS' CLOTHING SALE In Economy Ilargaln Room- Roys' kneo pants, 10c, IScj 25c and COc worth up to $1.25. Roys' knee pants suits, 93c nnd $1.45 worth $2.60 nnd $4.50. FURNISHING GOODS IN ECONOMY ROOM. Men's heavy wool and fleeced lined un derwear In nil sizes, 25c worth up to 76c, Men's 75c sweaters, 25c. Men's 10c half hoso 3c per pair. Ladles' and children's fast black seamless fleeced lined hoso 10c; worth 25c. Ono lot of men's shirts, slightly soiled, worth up to 7Cc, will go nt 23c each. Men's COc neckwear at 25c. WASH GOODS REMNANTS IN ECONOMY DARGAIN .ROOM. All our remnants of fancy calico, worth Cc, GMc and 7c, on salo at 3c. All our flno flanncllctto remnants, 12c goods, on snlo at Cc yard. All our finest French flannelette on salo nt 10c yard. All styles, nnd sizes, check of the genuine Amoskeag apron gingham, on sale at 4c per yard. HAYDEN BROS. IIO.NTO.V STORM IILYS CLOAKS. Itosttin Store Con el ml en the Mont lit- innrhiilile Ileal of the .c. Tho sensation of tho now century. CLOAKS, JACKETS, CAPES AND FURS, AT U THEIR VALUE. AT 1-5 THEIR COST. AT LOWEST FORMER PRICE. SATURDAY, JANUARY 6. Rend nnd weigh every word of this enre fully, then bo on hand when tho snlo bo gins Saturday. It Is tho most important, tempting and fascinating salo woman could ask for. It Is cholco of ono of thu REST AND FINEST STOCKS OF JACKETS, CAPES, CLOAKS, FUR3, WRAPS IN ALL NEW YORK CITY. The conditions of tho snlo forbid tho men Hon of tho owner's nnmo In connection with It. Messrs. J. L. Rrnndcls & Sons, proprietors of Boston Store, Omaha, personally guar antee that tho BARGAINS IN THIS SALE will exceed your greatest expectations. To glvo you a better Idea of tho colossal bargains and sensations In this salo wo quoto Just a few: SALE BEGINS SATURDAY JANUARY Ladles' $C50 Jackets nt $1.50. Ladles' $12.C0 slllc-llned Jackets nt $3.50 Ladles' $17.50 tnffctn-llnod Jackets nt $0.50, Ladles' $25 suits, sllk-llncd throughout $10. Children's $2.C0 reefer Jackets, 98c. Ladles' $G.50 plaid back golf skirts, $2.93 Ladles' $30 automobile coats, $9.50. Ladles' $275 sealskin Jackets, $125. Ladles' $125 Persian lamb Jackets, $09. $12.50 fur collarettes, $I.9S. JC.no fur collarettes, $2.93. $5 fur collarettes, $1.50. Theso nro Just n few of tho many bar gains. Thero nro hundreds of others, not only ns great, but greater, so that you must be sure tn attend this salo Saturday. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA, , N. W. Cor. ICtli and Douglas Sts. CIIAM3U OF TIME Yin YVnltaah Itnllronil. Commencing Sunday, December 30th, tho "CONTINENTAL LIMITED" will leavo Chicago at 11:00 a. ra. dally. NO EXCESS FARE on this SOLID VESTIBULE TRAIN through to DETROIT, BUFFALO, NEW YORK, BOSTON and ALL EASTERN POINTS. For all Information write Joseph Teahon, traveling passenger agent, Omaha, Nob. neatly for IlnnlneHS. In another part of this Issuo the now wholcsalo house Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods Co. Invite tho trado to call and seo them ns they nrjo now ready for business. Tho orders so? far rccolvcd Is very gratify ing to tho ncxyflrm, which would Indicate they will, recclvo.u magnificent trado this their first year. ' Smallpox Vaccine Wo soil Smallpox Vaccine In slender glnss tubes (glyccrlnated) and on Ivory points, Fresh supply received dally. Wrlto or telo graph us. YVe iiIno handle IIIIMITIIKIIIA AM'I TO.YI.VK from the InlioriitorleM of II. IC. Miilforil mill Park, Ilnvln X Co, YVe make CUT lMUCKS on UISIXFliOV ANTS. 50c Piatt's Chloride, wo sell 40c $1.00 Ltsterlnc, wc sell COc 75c slzo Anti-Germ, wo sell 40c Chlorldo Lime lu Cc, 10c and 15c pack ages. Wrlto for cataloguo of Drugs and Rubber Goods. Doctors and, druggists will be given' usual discount. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go Southwest Cor. lGth and Dodgo Sts. Wanted An Insurance tnan of good stand ing and experlcneo to net as general agent for n large eastern Insurance company not now represented In Nebraska. Address F 2, Bco olllce. Special Sale on Kodaks nnd Cameras Wo aro now offering Cameras at N specially reduced rates beforo taking count of stock nt tho now year. This Is your oportunlty to get a first-class Instrument at greatly reduced prices. The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 Fnrnnui Street. Wholcsalo Dealers In Photo Supplies. It's a Fact, Sure NOW YVE KNOW IT 18 THE TWEN TIETH CENTURY BEYOND A DOl'BT, nnil vd nro Htlll In thu druir business at tho old stiind. If you don't believe It, como unit goi Homo or. our cui pneo imrgains, Remember wo have said goodbyo to ovcry. thing of u. illsagreeablo nature. Seo? Cramer's Kidney Curo i 7rc Carter's I.lver Pills 5c Stuart's Tablets 40a Rar-Ilen 40c Porumi "o Hostettcr s Iiltters 75a Duffy'H Malt Whiskey iZo 1 dozen 2-grnln Quinine Capsules To 1 dozen 3-graln Qulnlno Capsules 10c 1 dozen R-Krnln Qulutno Capsules 15o Uromo Qulnlno 15a Schncfer's Cough Curo 20a Ajnx Tablets 40c lliuiyau innioiH ., via Olil r.lory Hitters Iflo Wyeth's Beef, Iron nnd Wlno 7"o Shrnder's Fig Powder 2."a Palno's Celery Compound ...... 7c Wlno or uuriiui vsc Carter's Liver Pills 15c Pierre's Prescription Too Dr. Karl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills. ...$1.00 CUT PRICE DRUGGIST SCHAEFER 8. W. Cor. 10 til and Chlcauo Sts. Sight Drafts at Maturity, The Equitable Life Assurance Society Of the United States. "STRONGEST IN THE WORLD." Preliminary Statement, Jan. 1st, 1901. Outstanding Assurance, - - $1,100,000,000 It's the main lesson Of wisdom to know where the trading power of the dollar is the greatest, We shall see how many of you un derstand the value of these words, Income, - - New Assurance issued, Assets, Assurance Fund and all other liabilities, -Surplus, - 58,000,000 205,000,000 300,000,000 237,000,000 63,000,000 A Substantial IncreaFo over the previous year is shown in ALL of tho foregoing itoinB. J ames W. Alexander, President. James H. Hyde, Vice-President. H. D. NEELY, Manager forNebraska, 306 and 208 Bee Bldg,, Omtdiu, Neb. X U need a Ulster, U-O-2-have I. Wo are Hliowing two kinds to day, at two different prices, one at $5.75 the other nt $8. One is an Irish frieze, and (he the other will keep anybody from freezing. Yon can freeze on to either of them and bo warm all winter. The ?5.75 one has plenty of pockets, a warm storm collar, heavy plaid lining, good quality sleeve lining, and it's all wool. The S.OO one is a beauty, 33 to 44 in sizes, canton ilannel pockets, farmer satin yoke, chain hanger, high storm collar, double-taped seams. This is a groat, store for warm ulsters for cold weather. I . ddrffirrraiiiMH J I Fastest Trains I Shortest I ye v MISSOURI RIVER TO Salt Lake City 10 Hours Quicker than any other line. San Francisco 15 Hours Quicker than any other line. Portland 15 Hours Quicker thin any other line. MISSOURI RIVER TO Salt Lake City 238 Milts Shorter than any other line. San Francisco 310 Miles Shorter than any other line. Portland 54 Miles Shorter than any other line. tohe UNION PACIFIC : tho Direct Lino FOR ALL WESTERN POINTS Detailed information cheerfully furnished upon application. NEW CITY TICKET OFFICE 1324 FARNAM ST TELEPHONE 316, RADE MARK A. Mayer Co. Manufacturers. Bee Bldg., Omaha. 1ft RE -NO -MAY A Toilet Powder which positively cures tender feet, odorous and exces sive perspiration. White powder ior the body, dissimilating all odors pink powder for tender, odorous, perspiring feet. Not Only Relieves, but Cures Many people are troubled with cold feet in winter. This Is often caused by the feet perspiring and becoming clamy. N. H. Your money refunded if He-No. Mny docs not completely anil positively cure. For sale by Myers-Dillon. Sli crmun & McConnell, and all druggists. We handle only the best coal and our service is incomparable. Pennsylvania Scranton Coal, Sheridan Best Wyoming CoaL VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam. Ttl. 127. A properly prepared toilet powder iilisorb.i too iilmmlu it pcrsplrntlun. preHcrves, pro- ICCtH, HOOtllOH lllo Hkltl, llllHYH In at Irritation, refrnOiea tnul wonderfully icIIiipb tho coin- i.ovl.wi A itnwdir nf tli'i vii.l'ii unrt intuit) mtinv yearn 1. 1. iinii-tlciil upi-fumer Id Hatln-SUln 1'ow- tier (whltn. Henri, lirunotto tliitM). Sold I't proliy KOHl-luumeci uuxi-n. imiiimj ii i ,.7i ii .. i.n.viln ililv thin. lidheMlve J nil cimruntced wholly ImrmleHa, without had. finio or Injurlomi inurodtontH. A red I tut et eatinoi ii coiiiiiicitia w""' "'.'" Kkln Powder, t'rteo is contH. Tho JioHton Htoro Drug Department. Dr. Kay's Lung BaSm cures every Itlnd of coui-h, la crli'po, hronrhUU. Korothrout croup, whuoplnu rouch etc. Newt UeruiifeslhutouiucU. At Druwulata, lO&li. Teeth If your toeth need attention wo can plvo yon ili-Ht.clasB work nt rcuiionnblo prices. Sets Teeth $5.00 up Bridge Work. 55.00 per tooth Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 DoiiKlasSt.