Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Advertlartnenla for tlieae colnnin
will lie tMUen unlll IU m. for the
Telling edition unit until &ftO p. an.
tor morning anil Hunilnr rdltlon.
Itntca, 1 J2e it mini Brt Inaerttnn.
lo a rrord thereafter. Nothing tnkrn
for leas Hind iiflo fur the flrat Inarr
tlbtit Tfaei' adTCrllacmeBtB mill lie
ran conaeoutlrejir-
Ail verllsrre, by requesting a nnm
hrred check, aaa have ntisrrera ail
dreaaed to a numbered letter .In rare
nt The llec. Auincra ao nildroaaed will
lie delivered m arcaeatatloa mt taa
cheek only.
SITt AT !(! WA.vrHD.
SITUATION wnntr1, by highly cdurutej
man In place of trust: has held Le-t '
sltlons; first-class references. Address
I' Pennington, Hebron, Neb. A M'3l (.
wanted male help.
WANTED, wo hnvo steady work for a few
good hustlers of Rood habits and nnpear
nnco. U. P. Adams Co., 163 Howard HL
BARBER trndo taught thoroughly In short
time, catalogue and particulars free,
Address Western Barbers' Initliuto
Omaha, Neb. H--I3-4
WANTED, a "good experienced clothing
solicitor. Apply 1311 Farrum fat. Good
position to right party. " , .
WANTKD. good man to do canvassing In
Iho country, good pay tor right man. Ad.
dress E 1, Bee. H M189
WANT-ED. men to learn barber trade. Pre.'
transportation to our most convenient
college, Chicago, St. I.ouls or Minneap
olis, whero wo snvn two years' npprcu
tlrcshlp by our method of constant irn;
tlce, expert instructlors and lectures. )
grunt diplomas ricigr..zcd nnywhcic, pre
sent complete outfit of fools, pay Sntur
day wanes from start and runilsh posi
tions when competent. Wo wnnt M) in n
nt once. New field. Comparatively little
expense. Write for 'alnlocue lO'l'iV
Moler llarber College Hoprcsentiitli
1623 Fnrnutn street. Omaha. II-MOt-' -
WANTED, drug clerk. :i years' experience,
Junior: stato references and Hillary
wanted. Address l . u. i" u, i.eini. n. w.
ii-mkm :i
WANTED, salesmen for line Kentucky
whiskies and wines; barrel and wis'
goods: salary or comnilssion. 'I he I . M.
Uyo Co.. Lexington, K'y. B-Mf2S
SALESMEN wnntcd to sell our gpods by
sample to wholesale and retail trade: via
nre thu largest and only manufacturers In
our line in the world; liberal salary paid,
Address CAN-DEX Mfg. Co., Havoiinuh.
Ga. J-
WANTED. 200 girts. 1521 Dodge. Teh tfO.
SO girls wanted. Canadian olllce, 1522 IJotilas
WANTED Olrl for general housi'work.
Mrs. A. n. Ollbert, 4.'S Oakland avenue,
Council muffs. C-M190
WANTED, young lady nttemlant. Call at
120 Hcc Illdg. .
GIRL for general housework; must bo
first-class; sinnn iiimii . mum ". ti'
ply 1022 8. Willi live. C 1 31 .11
COMPETENT girl for general housework
In family of four: no small children; good
wnKes. Mrs. A. t. J.uuisuy, -tvo n. win ni
C 2SI-2
AGENTS wanted for Hulleck's extracts:
permanent, profitable, easy work: refer
ences 'roqulrcd. The Ablleno Drug Co.,
-Abilene, Kansas.
iittiti wanted.
WAxmn. Iinvs nnd clrls to work for us;
send 10c for merchandise certificate and
how to net a 10K gold pen nnd holder
ireo. isr.rtncrn Illinois auppiv
Drawer 175, Sycamore. III. -iMnu l
roit n.T houses.
IF you wnnt your houses' well rented placo
them with Benuwn & Co. D H2
AIAVAY8 movliiK H. H. Roods. Pianos,
omce, lSll'.i l'arnam St. Tel. 1K9 or SG3.
D 113
HOUSES for rent In nil parts of tho city.
Hrennun-I.ovo Co., 320 So. 13th St.
HOUSES, stores, ncmln, l'axton block.
D 117
HOUSES, etc. P. D. Wead, 1521 DoukIiis.
HOUSES and lints. Itlngwalt, llarker Hlk.
D 130
g-UOOM.,.,ouse, 2th and Parnom Sts.. nil
modern. Call 2CG0 Farnam or phono ISS.
D 131
HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Urown blk.
D 152
POn HUNT, 12-room house, heated with
stenm. modern conveniences, good bain.
Address C 4, Hce. D-KO
11AUN, 2024 St. Mary's Ave.
ELEGANT 10-room nil modern residence;
hardwood finish, porcelain bath, laundry.
This limit)" Is In Rood condition nnd with
in ten minutes' walk of tho center of thu
city; In a very seiuct neighborhood, near
Jtlfi and St. Mary's Ave. Kent, US.
OMAHA I,OAN & TRUST CO., Itith and
Douglas Sts. D-57a
pbn HENT, Ilnkery in first-class condition;
largo Btoni room, continuous oven, etc.
Also S-rooni house, with barn for S horses
and largo wagon shed. All for JIIU.OO per
month. W. H, Itussull, 420 Itumge lildg.
Soil Howard St.. now five-room cottago
for rent; good barn and city wntor; rent,
Douglas Sts. D-255
Nl'iW "-room brick, strictly modern, east
front, '.'7th and St, Mury's live., $35. Ilemls,
rjixton blk. D-M717
2000 CALIFORNIA St., fiirilished.'eentrnli
call afternoons, D 720 10
TO RENT. 10-rooni all modern, well fur
nlshed bouse. Will take part rent In
board niid room; references. Apply sua
S. 20th. D-783-2
(I-ROO.M house, nil modern, M0 So. 2Sth.
D-MS33 S
i-oit iikt fiiuMsiinn iiooMii.
STEAM htntcd rooms at Tho Thurston.
E 131
FURNISHED rooms, modern. 1722 Dodge.
FOR RENT A nicely furnished front room,
south nnd east exposure, within live
blocks nf postotllee; bath nnd uso of tele
phone. Addrv'S, F I, Hee. E MC03
DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $0 up. 2fi23StT
Mnry's. E M701 J29
FURNISHED rooms, modern. 1910 Capitol
ave. E-MSls 7
TWO largo ulcovo rooms; modem: 25S0
Harney St. E Mb37 8
aLENCAinN,trunslcnts,Jl,25day. lew Doug.
s F 155
Tho Merrlam, good winter home. 25 & Dodgo
F 137
UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport SI.
F 156
FURNISHED rooms and board. 316 8011th
26th St. F M6C0 0
THE PRATT, nice south room. 212 S. 25th.
LARGE front parlors suitable for two,
with board; excellent location. 524 North
23 rd. F-727 1
DESIRABLE room; llrst-c!ass board. 2581
iinrnc;, f 7.1
ROOM ami" board; 1916 DouglasSt7
F-MS3G 3
ELEGANT large steam-heated front rooms,
mm uuuni. v. upiioi ave, a
FOR RENT store In first olaas location;
rent reasonable. Apply R, C, Peters &
Co., ground Door, lice Uldc. l-2j
I'Olt Ui:.T-ST(llli:s AM) IIITICDS,
FOR RENT, tho building formerly occupied
bv The lice nt 016 Farnam, street It has
four stories and a basement which was
formerly .iscd ns The Ueo press room
This will bo rented very reasonably If
Interested apply at once to C. C. Rofo
water, secretary, room 100, Ueo Iliilldtng.
SPLENDID building In commission district
for rent Jan. 1. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas.
LARGE double room In Continental block;
can bo mndo Into very desirable oirtco and
reception room for physician. Will ar
range to suit.
14t!i & Douglas Sts.
GROCERY, corner; factory or laundry
building. D. C. Patterson. 'Phone, 1113.
I-S13 J. i
8TORH-20.-) South 14th HI.
MEN to represent Co.. Cincin
nati, O., also advertisers: salary. Apply
Triumph Co.. Dallas' Tex. .I-MGOl 3'
VA.vri:i-To iin.vr.
YOUNG man desires place to work for
board while attending school, lloyles' Cot
lege. Uro Illdg. Tel l!iM. K-02I-I
PACIFIC Storngo and Warehouse Co.. 012
911 Jones, general storngo and forwarding.
OM. Van Otor Co., 151114 Farn. Tols, 155DC3
ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc.,
In largo and small quantities. Chicago
Furniture Co., Huti-lO Dodge. Tel. 2020.
WILL purchase n limited number of
Omaha Savings bank accounts, llrennnti
Love Co., 300 So. 13th. N Ifi3
HOUSES to move. Wallace, Urown Rlk.
WANTED to (my, $1,000 of Omaha Savings
bank nccounts for cash. Address A 1G,
Ueo olllce. N-M341
HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and
stoves J. Levin, 301 N. IBIh St. N 373
I'Olt SALE Ft ItMTI'tti:.
CHICAGO FritNlTt'RircO.. Hlo" Dodge!
Tel. 2020. New At 2d!mnd furniture bought,
sold, exchanged. O 7!2
VEHICLES, finest In city; repair work, tho
best; try us. II. Frost. 14th H. Leavenw'th
HARD and soft foundation piling: hog
. ...... j i . I . l . - n. .1 t...-1.... . it i .
2DHAND snfo cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam,
SAFES; buy, sell, ex' go. Schwartz, 114 So. 13.
W lu(
HERTFORD & CO.. 16th llworth.
TIMOTHY hay nnd all kinds feed and conl.
Monroo it co. ij jhig
I HAVE a sure permanent cure for warts;
no pain or sear; send $1 and n 2-cont
stamp tor medicine ami iuii directions
Geo. K libera, Western, Neb.
Q-M437 J21
2DHAND briller and engine, about 20 H-P.
for salo cheap, at Omnna Snfo and iron
works, oio ho. utn si., umann. tj on
FOR SALE. No. 1 fresh milch cow. Inquire
of ,Nlck Nelson, 51st and F streets, South
umaiiu, vi iw.
FOR SALE, now and secondhand soda
fountains; ;nonthly payments. S H. Rle.1
monil. Ho. 2ltb St. Q MS32 Fl
NOTICE, cbuntry denters, Sdhand furniture
and stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or
less. Chicago Furniture Co., HOC-llTDodgo.
SELL cheap beautiful Upright piano,
mnhoganv case, fully gucrnntcod, bargain,
910 N. 2fith St. R-C7S-Jy.l
QLADISH pharmacy, 12 & Dodge, rcllablo
drug stors. 11 T25 Jl
MABEL GRAY, 317V6 Ni 15th St., flat E.
T M3G7 J17
ELITE parlors. 615 So. 10th, second floor.
T 3i6 3
MME. AMES. 1615 Howard, 2d floor, room Ij
thermal bnths. Tfc-0 J5
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. S19. North 16th,
8 170
MME.QLYMER genuine palmist. 1603 Dodge
S M471
DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns & superfluous
hair removed by electricity. It. 12 Kren
zcr Ulk. U 472
TURKISH baths, massage botlu. electrlo
Dams. ior iuuiu.i uinjrj Mtiueii women
massage optrators; llncst equipped baths
in tho city. Renstrom Uath Company,
Rooms 216 to 220 Ueo Hldg. U 171
VIAVI, woman's wny to health. 346 Bee bl,lr
U 173
LIEDEN. theatrical, masquerado costumcr.
1U1B rariiuiii. u (75
PRIVATE home before, and during confine
merit; babies adopted. Mrs. Uurget 2"
n...,L,l r IT -rt"
U 170"
SEWING machines rented nnd repaired;
rent $2 per month; supplies for all klndi
of machines. Iho blnger Manufacturing
CO.. iuii J ..V.,WJ1U 5.
COSTUMES for rent. 331S S. 20th. Mrs. S.
c 1 T " r iff
1" 11 1 VAT K liopltal for Intlles boforo & dur-
U 177
JGW 8TEINWAY upright piano, latest stylo
CH8U ior nine vneuii. .iuiiiL'3M u ji. jicu.
HAI1IES and children cared for. M3 N. 2.!d.
U .AIjiU J.0'
FRENCH nc6ordlou plcnting; Ivory rim but-
tons: man oruers. umana. i-ieaung uo.,
1524 Douglas. U 4S0-
SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for
rent. White Hewing Maclilnc, not) unun.
Ins. Tel. 2331, UZ?i,
PRIVATE hosnltnl for ladles before and
during confinement; babies adopted. 22JU
Grand St. U Ii7
1901 CONTRACTS with old-llno Ufa Instir-
nnco company in rvenrnsKn now ready;
Al compensation, it win pay you 10 id
vcstlgnte. Address F 23, Ueo,
U-MS19 3
PRIVATE money, 5, 5H. 0 per cent; no de
lay. Garvin Hros., 1613 Farnam. W IS9
LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western
Iowa farms, ut 5 per cent; borrowers can
pay $100 or any multiple; any interest
date; no delay. Urennau-Lovu Co., 309
So. 13th St., Omaha, Nob. W tS2
MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real
estate. Urennan-Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th.
W 133
PRIVATE money. P. D. Wead. 1621 Douglas
W 191
$1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city
property am? farms. W. Farnam Smith h
Co., 1320 Farnnm. W 4SI
WANTED City loans, bonds nnd warrants.
Gaorue & Company, ltlol Fnrnam street.
'WANTED-Clty and farm loans; also bonds
anu wnrranis. jt. u. rcters & w 1702
Farnam St., Ueo Bldg. W 490
MONEY to In on farm and city property,
lowest rat O. P Davis Co., 1505 Farnam
W 487
MONEY ro Itn at 5 nnd 5V4 per cent on
Omaha wperty. W. U. Mcikle, 401 8. I5tl
W lis
FIVE net cent money, Ilemls, l'axton block.
MONEY TO !,( W-Iti: L EST Tli.
MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city
properly or ior Dunning purposes, i-aj ne
Knox Co.. Now York Life. W 133
PRIVATE money to loan. J. II ;;herwond.
939 N. Y. Life. tV 491
Jl.riO TO LOAN on real estntcicoll nt once.
at. J. Kennard & Son, 310-311 urown ihock.
W 195
Loans in.ide In iimouiiti from 10 lo $-'.0 on
household furnl.ure, pianos, horses, car
Muges, etc., without removal or on you;'
S-A-l.-A-R-Y without security. All or n
part of the money may be paid back tJo
tlrst montli, .ir no part of it need be paid
back for several months Each payment
made reduces the cost accordingly. Lni
ployi rs and neighbors know absolutely
nothing of our business relations. Pcnpla
who need monev are Invited to call mid
get mv terms and compare them with
Whut otheis offer. Loans of other com
panies may lie transfcried to me. No
charge for papers. All business strl"Uy
confidential. quick service and lowest
rates guaranteed. ..
21S First. Nat. llnnk blilg . southest corner
13th and Furuam Sts. 'lei. "45. jt3"
(Established ISO.'.)
Will make vou a lean on furniture, pianos,
Ilvo stock, etc. You keep tho property.
Or if you have a permanent position we
will make you a SALARY LOAN without
Indorser or mortgage. We loan from $10
up. You enn get the money in n few
hours after making application nnd you
may pay It back In 1, 2, i. 4, 6 or r, months.
Others claim lower tates, but nil wo ask
is a eliatoj lo make comparison. We
churge nothing for papers or riling and wo
give you tho full amount of the loan in
cash. Wo nre tho oldest and largest loan
company In Omaha. Our motto Is "to try
lop leuso."
Tclephono 2295. 306 South lGth St.
X 196
No endorrer of mortgage reuulred
Room 12G. Fifth Floor, Now York LIfo lltd
"CO "
Room oni, Reo Riilldlng.
Open S a. m. to C p. in. and noons.
Rcbuto when loan la paid oefore due.
MONEY TO LOAN on Furniture. Pianos.
Diamonds, etc., on easy payments, i'mi
keep security. No clinrgo for papers. No
questions asked your neighbors. Itergers
Loan Co., 1301 Fnrnum Sl. Tel. ICR.
MONEY loaned on piuuos, furniture. Jew
elry, horsej, cows. etc. C. P. Reed, 31'J 8. 13.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horse,
cows, Jewelry. Duff Qrten, R S, Darker blk
LOANS on furniture, pianos, diamonds,
Jewelry and salaries; cheap rates. UOS
TON LOAN Co., R. 21, Frenzcr blk., 16th
nnd Dodge, opp. old P. O. Open evenings.
X-M176 Jli
with partial pnyments on note; no mort
gage or security: nbolutely confidential;
other compnnles taken up. Room 303, Pax
CHATTEL nnd salary loans. .Too H. Pleas,
ant, 51 Darker-block. X-M157 J12
CHATTEL and salary loans. .Too II. Pleas,
ants. 51 Parker block. X-M157 J13
MONEY loaned salaried people holding '.or
manent position with responsible concern
upon their own names without M-curlty:
easy payments. Tolman, Room 410, Iloari
of Trade llldg., 16th und Farnam Sts.
AN OPPORTUNITY to tuko tulvuntngo of,
We mnhn no startling, sensational an
nouncements of rato "cut Into." Wo
don't do business Hint wny; neither does
anybody else. OUR REDUCED RATES
ARE THE LOWEST. You can borrow on
vullr iinr.qmuil Tallin, without Mortiruiro.
Indorser. or Publicity. Our Special Pay- i
ment Plan surprises tnem nil ami soon
gets you out of debt. Very quiet olllce,
easily found. Come nnd wee us.
Room 001, Rec Illdg.
$100 CASH or easy payments tiuys 23 strictly
lawful (nickel) slot machines for drinks.
cigars ur uuan; win I'lmi t. uiiii iiiiwaiii
weekly each. . Earl, Claris & Co., Furni
ture Manufacturers, Chicago, HI.
WANTED, good man to do canvassing In
tho country; good puy for right man. Ad
dress E 4, Uce. Y M19U'
PARTNER with menus to engage In sheep
business. Address E 59, Bee. Y 678-J3
WANTED, partner with $."0O cash; no work,
money sate, largo proni; reiercnees. .Mrs,
f A. A. Drnper. Omaha, Neb. Y 599 !
FOR SALE Fine 3-story brick and base
ment hotel In western Kansas, 31 rooms,
20 regular hoarders nnd all the commer
cial trade: has never been closed. A bnr
gain. I have other luslness. Address,
F 5. Dee. . Y-M651-S
WANTED, responsible business partner In
old established tailor establishment. Must
bo honest, energetic and willing to do out
sldo work. Young man preferred. F 21,
Reo. Y 7S6-2
WANTED, oncrgetlc man with 2.0r) to
$5,000 cash to tuko charge of wholesale
anil retail .business. An exceptional op
portunlty for tho right man. For full
particulars address Eureka P. & E. Com
pany. Liberty. I ml. MS30 2
13 Per Cent Interest 13 Per Cent.
Three two-story six-room houses, newly
papered and painted, hrst-clnss repair,
psrtly modern, or,o block from car line.
Pi lee, $1,000. Tho Byron Rocd Co.. 213
S. Hth St. RE-M571
RANCH AND FARM lands for salo" by the
Union Pacific Rnllrond company, R. A.
McAllnsIrr land commissioner. Union
Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb.
RE-122 J9'
HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire
Insurance. Bemls, Paxton blk. 11051)
loaned: rei
bought and
sold; money
u. L. ohnsoii
loaned; rents collected.
Co.. 311 So. 15th St.
EQUITY In wholesale district, 60x132, bring
ing In good rontal. Burguln. Address
E TO, Beo RE 112-3
CIIA8. IJ. WILLIAMSON, 1203 fnrnnm St
Ruvi acreage" now before snrlns rise.
80 ucres nuj, Florence, wolf milted to dnlry
or fruit, prico ror lmmeuinto snie, 1 1,000.
n acres nenr Central Park school. St.OOO.
4 cultivated acres nenr Lnntry residence,
$)00. , .
210 acres, two houses, Sarpy county, nt
610 ucre. Douglas county, !nrge buildings,
at $10.00,
Recently offered $52.00 per ncro for what
1.1 ...... ... .in,. n U,ul. .... . ....
l? mini mil Jiiiin iih" it jiim lilt
good opportunities are offered In nbovo
tracts. i'. i'. ivkau,
J524 Douglas He.
Flro Insurance. RE Mf3l 2
LADIES out of henltn find prompt relief.
Box 232, Oma':a, Nub. Confidential.
GONOVA Is a Prenh treatment for male
and female, for the positive euro of Oon
nrrhoeu, Gleet, Unnatural Discharges, In
flammations, irritations anu ulcerations
of the mucous membranes. An Internal
remedy with Infection combined, war
ranted to cure worst cases in one week;
$3 per packugo or two for $3. Sent nny
where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug
Co,. Elgin. 111. American Office, retail,
wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha;
M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug
Co., round! Bluffs. Pull line of rubber
IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 318 8. 26th st,
-M977 .18
MRS. JEFFRIES KEMP. 4W Pnxton block,
telephone 2120. M-tfl J27
iituns and TAMimiun,
STOCK'S Illrd Store. 1603 Leavenworth.
OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, c; eollars,
!c; cuffs, Ic. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 517
LOST, ulllgntor pocketbook containing
small amount of money and n ring. Leave
at lice Olllce, Council Ululfs, and rncelvu
reward. Lost MS27 .1
LOST. Tuesday noon, ladles' alligator skin
purse, between Uorton Store nnd Omana
Ilee. Had some change, souvenir coins,
owner's cards, etc. Purse valued as
Christmas gift. Klndlv return to Vloa
olllce, nnd receive reward. Lost S21
AFTER the holidays. What? v0ti can Join
In olio of Mornnd's classes In dnnclng nnd
combine pleasure with instruction at, n
moderate price. Call on him nt Crclghlnu
hall and you will hear of the advantageous
terms you can make. Classes nlwnys open
for beginners. Children Wednesdays uml
Saturdays, ndults Tuesdays und Frllavs.
Private lessons dally and evenings. Hfh
school clnrs Saturday evening. M577 B
ACCORDION nnd sldo nlentlnr, cheapest,
boat, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 9 Pat
terson Ulk., 17th and Fnrnnm Sts.
A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y.. Ufc.
UOYLES' College, court reporter principal.
Ueo Hldg. 524
NEIL Rus. & Shorthand college. Boyd's
Theater. o:j
GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16 & Doug.
B.&M. Junk house. J. Milder, Prop., dealer
In all metuls. bottles, etc. Carloads a
specialty. (301-SO3 Farnnm, Omaha. To!. 378.
JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. L. Bldg.t Tel.
1GG4; Alice Johnson. D. O.. ludles' dept.;
aid E. Johnson, Osteopathlst. Mgr. ;
M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school.
Klrksviltc, Mo.. 601 Paxton Ulk. Tel. 1367.
oTmaHA PLATING CO., Bco Bldg. Tel.
2.VK. M018
BADGES, meda's, Om. Pl't. CO., Reo
Hldg. Tel, -Mill 1
TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St.
1 1 1 . 1
CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. IT. Ph!b
bin. 1505 Fnrnam. Tclephono 734. &II
HORSES ..wintered, $4 per month. J. AV.
Phelps, 207 N. Y. Life bldg. 'Phono 1051.
M-7S3 JJ
EAGLE Loan Office, rellabln accommodat
ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas,
ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing
promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2flh
nnd Lake Sts. 370
CURED. Julia Vuughn. 430 Ramgo Bld.
PEDIGREED Belgian hares nt common,
senso prices. 2730 Decntur St. M 693 1
Patent Lawyars
bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb
land Route" General Olflces.
N. E. Cor. Ninth und Purnnm
.Streets, City Ticket Office, 1321
Farnnm Street. Telephone, 310.
Depot, Tenth and Mnrcy Sts,
u ciepnone,
Tho Overland Limited.. a 8:20 am
The Chicago Portland
Speclnl f 1 S:20 nm
The Fnst Mall a R:50 am
The Mall and Express.. all :35 pm
Lincoln, licutrlcn and
a 7:30 pm
n 7:30 pm
a 3:25 pm
a 4 1 23 pm
Stromsburg Express..)) 4:05 pm 112:30 pm
1 iiu j-ui'iiic rxpresK....a 4;.j pm
Tho Atlantic Express...
Grnnd Island Local.... b 5:30 nm
a 6:50 am
b 9:35 am
a Daily, b Dally except Sunday
souri River Railroad
"Tho Burlington 'Route"
General Ofllces; North
west Comer Tenth mid
Farnam Streets. Ticket
Olllce 1502 Farnnm Street.
Ttiirllnetnn Stlillim Tnnlli
and Mason Streets. Telephone, 123.
Leavo. Arrive,
Lincoln, Hastings and
McCook a' S:I0 nm a 7:35 pm
1 Itiintn T1 , ..... . ... 1 ..
rrtilo, .Ttali. California, a 4:25 pm
Lincoln it Black Hills.. u 9:00 pm
Montana. Puget Bjund..n 9:00 pm
Lincoln Fast Mnll b 3:00 pm
n 3:00 pm
n 6:45 am
a 9:17 am
yiuore, jieainca anil
Lincoln a 8:10 am
bll :55am
uenvcr, Colorado, Utah
nnd California
South Bend, Loulsvillo,
Plattsmouth b 3:35 pm
Ft. Crook, Plnttsmouth
and Pacific Junction .a 7:00 pm
a 6:45 nm
bll;03 am
a 8:20 am
lii'lievue, J'iniimouill
nnd Paclflo Junction. .nl2:10 om
a Dally, b Daily except Sunday.
.t Oulncy RalJrond-"Tho
Burlington ROut'o' Ticket
Olllco 1502 Farnnm Htreot.
Telephone, 250. Depot,
Tenth and Mnson Streets,
Tciepnone, i.s.
Daylight Chicago Spe
alfl:23 pm
a 7:45 nm
a 4,03 pm
n 7:43 am
a 2:13 pm
cial , ... a 1 leu am
Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. ,11 4:00, pm
Chicago Local Express, a 9:30 am
Chicago Limited . ...a 7:50 pm
Fast Mall . .
a Dally.
seph & Council BluffB
Railroad "The Burling
ton Roilto" Ticket Ofllce,
1502 Farnnm Street, Tele
phone. 250. Depot, Tenth
nnd Mnson Streets. Tele
phone, 128.
i.enve, Arrive,
Kansas City Day Ex. ,n 9:20 am a 0:25 pm
Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm 11 0:15 am
Ht. Louis Flyer for Bt
Joseph and Ht Louis., a 0:10 pm nllill am
11 Dally.
Ht Paul Rallwny-City
Ticket Olllce 1504 Parnarn
Street. Telephone 281.
Depot, Tenth nnd Mason
Btreols. Telephone, 029.
Chlci: I'"fl"e'! K"" Pm u s7o3 am
11 Dal I v "."n'Vf E'A 7!L6 J b a!,(' I"'
" -'',"- b Dal v exeunt Hiimlnv
ImWliHiA Ticket Otltco. 1415 Fnrnai
fAllwB S,roct- Telephone. 322. D,
riJ ySg!ZX pot. Tenth und Maroy St
V-ea-. Telephone, B29,
1 Leave, Arrlvo,
Ht. Louis
'Cannon Ball"
u Dally,
1 a Gs05 um a 8120 air)
Al 4e
' and Pacific Railroad
- 'The Great Rock 1st
nnd Rouie" City
Ticket Olllce, 1323 Far.
nam Street. Telephone,
42S, Depot. Tenth nnd
Mnrcy Sts. Tele
phone, 6.
lAinve. Arrive,
t- I on
Des Moines nnd Daven-'
ion i,ocni 11 7:25 om ltll:35 am
ilf.rif-,i I.V-,i..-k i.,..- ..... ....
Des Moines Local 11 4:20 pm a 4:45 pm
.1 1 ,st J:xl"'ess..n 0:tW pm n 1:23 pm
tv n .hi, 111, 'n, iiiii;k isl
and und Chicago a 7:10 pm n 9:33 pm
t 1 1 , , . WEST.
Lincoln. Colorado Hpgs..
lienver, Pueblo and
r, 1 " 1 " v a ,!M l,m n UI3 pm
Co orado,. Oklahoma &
11,cr. ...aC:20pm a 9:50 urn
a.oIIS". b Dally except Sunday.
. till. Illlliin . . . . . ' ' I ' "
-innauu'Hi PACIFIC RAIL-road-Genernl
Ofllces and
Ticket Ofllces, Southeast
Corner 14th nnd Douglas
Sts. Telephone, 101. Depot,
Union Stntlon.
t.nvn. Arrlvv
St. Louis nnd Kansas
.City Express nlO:00 nm a 6:30 pm
K, C, St, L. Express. .ul0:10 pin 11 6:15 nm
I. pave from 15th
Webster Htrects:
Nebraska Local.
Weeping Winer b 4:13 pm ol0:43 am
n wany. i uany except Hiuiuay.
road -Omiihii, Kansas City
& Eastern Rollroad "Tho
Qiilncy Route" Ticket Of
fice, 1115 Farnnm St. Tele
phone, 322. Depot, Tenth und
Mnrcy Streets. Telephone,
Leave. Arrive,
St. I.ouls Cannon Rail
Express. .. a C.03 pm n 8:20 nm
Kansns City nnd Qulncy
Ical a 7:00 am a 9:00pm
n Dally.
.Missouri Valley Kullro.u!
"The Northwestern
Line" General Offices.
United States
Bank Bide 8. W. Corner
Twelfth and Farnnm Sts.
Ticket Olllce.
pot, 15th and
1401 ! a rim m st
Tel. 561. Dc
Webster Hts. Tel. 115s.
Leave. . Arrive.
Black Hills, Dcndwood '
Hot Springs a 3:00 pin a 5:00 pm
Wyoming, Casper and
Douglas d 2:00 pm e 5:00 pm
Hastings, York, David
tuy, auperior, uciieva,
Exeter and 8ewnrd....b 3:00 pm
b 5:00 pm
1)10:25 nm
b!0:3 nm
iNnriou;, vcriugro nnu
Fren:ont f 1
:30 nm
Lincoln, Wiihoo and
Fromont b '
!0 nm
l'Tcmont Local ....
a Dally, b Dally
dav onlv. d Dull
c 7:30 am
except Sunday, c Sun-
except tsaiuruny, o
Dally except Monday.
western Rullwny "Tin
NorthneBtern Line" -City
Ticket OfTlcc. 1401
Farnnm St. Telephone,
6M. Depot, Tenth nini
Mnrcy Hts. Telephone iC9.
t.eave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Sfic-
clitl a 7:00 nm nll:30 pm
Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm 11 8:10 am
Eastern Express, Des
Mollies, Mnrshalltown,
Cedar Rapids and
Chicago n)0:55 am a 4:05 pm
Eustern Special, Chi
cago nnd East a 4:55 pm n 4:05 pm
Fast Mall, Chicago to
Omaha a 2:11 pm
Omaha-Chicago Llmlt'd.a 7:13 pm n 8:0) pm
Psst Mall n S::i0 nm
Cctlnr Ranlds Passenger n 5:30 phi
Eastern Express h 3:00 pm
' n Dally. 1 Dally except Saturday,
Rullroad "Tho North
western Lino" General
Offices, United States
National Bank Building,
S. W. Corner Twelfth
and Farnnm Sts. Ticket
Olllce. 1401 Farnnm St. Telephone CGI. De
pot, Tenth nnd Marey Sts. Telephone 629.
Leavo Arrive.
Twin City Express a fi:55 nm nio:23 pm
Twin City Limited a 7:: pm a 8:15 am
Sioux City Local a 8:00 um a 3:50 pm
a Dally.
Minneapolis & Omaha
Railway "The North
western Line" General
OIHces, Nebraska Divi
sion, lain nnd Webster
Sts. Cits Ticket omce.
1401 Purnam St. Telephone, 6G1, Depot.
13th and Webster Sts.
, . ,. ., I.enve. Arrive.
Twin City Passenger... n 0:00 am n 9:10 nm
Omnhii Passenger uli:lo am
oioux uiiy t: .vomi
ca st Nebraska n 3:15 pm
a Dally.
Rallroad-Clty Ticket Of
llce. 1102 Furnnm Street.
Telephone, 215. Depot,
Tenth nnd Mnrcy Streets.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Express
Chli'Mirii T .Itnlt.-il
...a 7:00 am u 4:05 nm
...a 7:45 pm u s:03 nm
Minneapolis and
Paul Express ...
Minneapolis nnd
lmil I (Miltrwl
...b 7:00 nm
b 9:10 pm
a S:05 am
b 8:15 am
...1 7:4.1 pm
Fort Dndiro Local from
fntMW.l1 rilnlYa It
1'ori iouge j.ocni irom
muiicu liiurrs u t:4j nm
fl Dally, b Dully except Sunday
I HTfink-iinr nptid' mpbhiv.-
Notlco is liereby given 'that the nnn.ial
meeetlng of tho stockholders of The Bee
, ..r. . .. ,,w iiuhi in i i, u,UVH
p. m., Tuesday. January 15, 1101, at tho
ofllce of said company in The Beo building,
imuim, mi ma uici uuii in h uuillll 01 Ul-
rectors for tho ensuing yenr and tho trans-
nnllntl nt minli r , 1 1 .1 Itn.tnn,. . . . . . . . .
u..i..., ... om. .. uiiivi ...toiiivn un iiinj III
ery come lieforo such meeting. By order of
tno presiucnt. c. c. ruhewater,
OfTlco of tho Leo-Glass-Andreoscn Hard
ware Co., Omaha, Neb., Dec. 8. 1900.
Notlco Is hereby given to tho sinnkimlii
ers of tho Lce-Glasa-Aiidroeson Hnrdwnrs
Co. that tho annual meeting of the stock
holders of tho company will bo held at
iho offices of said company, 1219, 1221 niul
3223 Harney street, In tho city of Omniu,
in tho stato of Nebraska, on Tuesday,
January 8, A. D., 1901, nt 3 o'clock p. in,,
for tho nurnoso of electimr a linar.t nf
directors for Ihi company to servo during
tho ensuing year, nnd to transact such
oiner iiusincss as may oe presented at such
rueeung. ji. J. ia;i;,
Attest: W. M, GLASS,
D3 31tm Secretary.
(Should be rend DAILY by all Interested, as
Changes may occur ut any tlmo.)
Foreign malls for tho week ending Jnnu
ii ry 5, 1901, will close (PROMPTLY In all
cases) at th General I'nstofflca us fol
ONE HOUR EARLIER thnn closing time
shown below. Parcels Post Malls for
Germany cioso at & p. m. January i.
Regular and Supplementary Mnlls closo at
j'oieigu tirnncn unir nour later than cioo
Ins tlmo shown below.
TmiiaatliMitlo Mails.
WEDNESDAY At G:30 a. m, for EUROPE,
per s. s. Now York, via Southampton
(mall for Gorinuuv mid Ireland must I in
directed "per n. s. Now York"); nt 8:30
a. in. isuppiemcniury lu n. m.) ior KU
ROPE, ner s. s. Teutonic, via Ouenns
town (mull for Germany must be directed
"per s. h. Teutonic"); ut 1 p. in. for
a.ureh island, per s. s. Peninsular.
THURSDAY At 6:30 a. m. for FRANCE
imriiaii irsii.i aim i.uur.isv.u .mak
liVKX, per s, s, La uascogne, via llavro
(mall for other parts of Eurona must bn
directed "per s. s. Lu Qnscogne"); at 0:30
a. m. ior iji'iiui'K. iter s. s, ivaiser wm,
der Grosse, via Soutlmmiiton nnd Bremen
(mall for France, Switzerland. Italy,
Spain. Portugal. Turkey, Egypt, Greeco,
British India nnd Lorenzo Mnrquoz, via
Cherbourg, must bo directed "per s, s.
Kaiser wm. (icr urosso ),
SATURDAY At 2:30 a. in. for EUROPL
per s, s. Etrurla, via Queeiistnwn; at 8 a,
in. for NETHERLANDS direct, ner s. s.
Htnateiidum (mall must bo directed "per
b. s. aiuaioiiunm j; ui a a. m. ior itai.v,
ner b. s. F. Bismarck, vlu Nanlos (mall
must bo directed "per s. s. F. Bismarck");
ni iu ii. in. ior ow i i,.iNjj iiircct, per s,
s, Astoria (mull must bo directed "per s.
u AulnH,,11
PRINTED MATTER, P.TC.-Thls steamer
takes Printed Matter, Commercial Papers
and Samples for Germany only, Tho same
class or mull matter ror other parts of
Europe will not bo sent by this ship unless
specially directed by her.
After the closing of tho Supplementary
Truns-Atlnutlc Malls mimed above addi
tional supplementary malls aro opened on
tho piers of the American, English,
French anuYGcrmnn steamers and remain
open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour
of sailing of steamer.
.Mull fur South nnd Centrnl Anierlcn,
West Indies, etc.
WEDNESDAY At 0:30 ii. m. (supplemen-
tnry 10.30 n. m.) ror central ajiisii
1CA (except Costa Rica) and HOUTH
PACIFIC PORTS, per s. s, Alllnncn, ln
Colon (mnll for Guatemala must be di
rected "ier s. s. Alllrtnca"); nt 9:91 a. m,
for INAOUA and HAITI, per s, s. Mt.
Vernon; nt 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, CAM
APAS, per s. s. Seguraneu, via Havana
nnd Progreso (mnll tor other parts of
Mexico must bo directed "per s. s. Se
guraneu"): ut 11 p. m. for JAMAICA and
steamer from Phtladelnhla.
THURSDAY At 10 n. in. for HAITI, per s.
s. I'rins wm. Ill (mnll ror Curacao, Trini
dad, Venezuela, British nnd Dutch Guiana
must bo directed "per s. s. Prlns Wm,
111")! nt 12 m. for ARGENTINE REPUB
s, Phidias; nt 12:30 p. in. (supplementary
and SANTIAGO, per s, s. Hnratogn: nt
"11 p. m. for NASSAU, per stennier from
Miami. Fin.
SATURDAY At 8 n. m. for BERMUDA.
per s. s. Trlnldndj nt 8:30 a. m, for Bra
zil, per s. s, Bufrou (mail for Northern
Brazil, Argentine Republic, Uruguay and
Paraguay must be directed "per s. s.
llurfon"); nt 9 n. m. for PORTO RICO,
per s. s. Hail Juan, via San J mm; at 9 a.
GUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Nnrtnnn
Prince; at 9 a, m. (supplementary 9:30 a.
per s. s. Hlldur (mnll for Snvanllln nail
Cnrthagena must be directed "per s. s.
Hlldur); nt 10 n. m. (supplementary 10:.lo
n. in.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JA
nnd OREVTOWN, per r. s. Alene (mall
for Unit a Rica must be directed "per s, s.
Alene"): nt 10:30 a, in. for CUBA, per s, s,
Morro Castle, via Havana; ut 11 p. m.
for NASSAU, per steamer from Mlnml,
Pin. I
Malls for Newfoundland, by rnll to North
Hyiiney, ami tnenco ny stenmer, close nt
this olllco dally nt 6:30 p. in. (connecting
close here every Monday, Wednesdny and
Saturday), Malls for Mtquelon, by rail to
Boston, und thence by steamer, close at
this olllco dally at 0:30 p. m. Malls for
Cuba, bv rnll to Port Tampa, Pin., and
theitco by steamer, closo ut this olllco
dally nt "6 n. in. (the connecting closes
nre on Sunday, Wednesday mid Friday),
Malts for Mexico City, overland, unless
specially addressed for dispatch by
steamer, closo nt tills ottlrc dally at 1:.T0
p. m, und 11 p, m. Mnlls for Costa Rica,
Belize, Puerto Cortcz ami Guatemala, by
rail to New Orleans, and thence by
steamer, close at this ofllce dally nt 1.3)
n. m. (connecting closes hern Mondays for
Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala niul
Tuesdays for Costn Rica). Registered
mull closed at C p. in. previous day.
Trntispni'lllt! Mnlls.
Malls for Australia (except West Australia)
rsew v.cuianu, iinwau, j iji anil Muinoun
Islands, via Snn Francisco, close here
dally at 6:30 p. m. after December J9 nnd
up to December M29, Inclusive, or in day
of arrlvnl of s. s. Etrurla, duo nt New
York December "29, for dispatch per s. s,
Mulls for China, Jupan nnd Philippine
islands, via lacoma, ciosu litre Many ut
G:30 p. m. up to December "31. Inclusive,
for dispatch tier s. s. Olonturret.
Malls for Papeltl, via San Francisco, close
Here uany at n:.n) p. m. up lo junuary "l.
Inclusive, for dlsnntch ner s. m. Australia.
Malls for China, Japan a lid Philippine
islands, via Seattle, close Here dally at
6:30 p. m, up to Junuary "1, Inclusive, for
dispatch per s. s. Rloluii Maril (registered
mall must bo directed "via Scuttle").
Malls fur Hawaii, China, Japan und Philip
pine islands, vin snn Francisco, close nete
dally ut 0:30 p. m. up to January 3, In
clusive, for dispatch per H. s, Peking,
Mnlls for Australia (except West Australia,
which goes via isurope, anu New .calami,
which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI
Islands, via Vancouver, close here daily nt
6:30 p. m. up to January 5, Inclusive, for
dispatch per s s. Wurrlmoo (supplemen
tary malls, via Seattle, close at 6:30 p. in.
January "6).
Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and. Philip
pine iniaiius, via sail ituiiciscd, close ncro
dally at 6:30 p m. up to Junuary 11, In
clusive for dlsnatcli ner p. s. Gaelic.
Mulls for China and Japan, via Vancouver,
close nere uany ai ui.iu p. m. up to Janu
ary 22. Inclusive, for dlBiiatch per s.
Empress of Jnpan (registered mnll must
do directed "via Vancouver ).
Transpacific mnlls are forwarded to port of
sailing uany ami tue scnediiie or closing
Is arranged mi the presumption of their
uninterrupted overland transit. "Regis
tcred mail closes at 6 p. m. previous day.
Thomas Plyun, will take charge of tho
county jan touny.
The holldnv vacation of tho nubile schools
enueii jaiuinry i anu worn win uo resumed
mis morning
Resolutions of respect for the late Anton
ixmeni wero passed ny tue city council nt
its meeting Monday afternoon.
Albert Westgato of 2210 Lnngdon court
was taken sick with smallpox nnd has
ueen removeu to mo emergency uospiiai
Thursday evening the graduating class of
trained nurses or tno iTesuyterinti Hospital
will hold graduating exerclBes nt West
minster rresDyteruin cuurcii.
Tho nnuual meeting for the election of
officers of the Omaha Charities association.
operating tho Creche, will be held Thursday,
Junuary 3, nt, 10 o clock, at the Creche
Captnin Erwln will lenvc this week for
Forts Riley und Leavenworth and .Teff'jr
sou Barruch8, whero hn will pass upon tho
condemnation or certain property nr.u
stores oi me army.
Colonel Hathuwny has returned from a
trlii to Fort LenvenWorth, where ho was
called to pass upon certain changes In an
electric enr lino wnicu pnsseu iiirnugu tno
military reservation.
There will be civil Bervlcn examinations
February 2, 5 nnd fi for tho positions of
inspectors at kihiki cinin nua mnnuiactiires
nntl of limits nnd shoes, the nnltloiiM Hav
ing frtim S0 to $100 per month, and for
hiundrymaii at Indian schools paying $420
per year.
A telegram hns been received In Omahn
announcing the death of Joseph Roekbiid
In the Ph limlncs on December 14. R.ick-
bud was a member of Company E of the
Sixteenth Infantry nnd Is a brother of tho
Misses Grace und Mario Rockbud, who
nro emoioyeu in mo clerical dfpnrimeiu
of the Western Union Telegraph company.
Tho adjutant general of tho Department
of the Missouri Is experiencing considerable
difficult In securing a sufllcleut number of
officers nt a post to form a general court'
martial. One Is called for Fort Leaven
worth today with only seven officers be
sides tho Judge ndvocato and ono will be
called to assemble ut Fort Niobrara some
t mo next week tinoti which It wl II bo neces
snry to detail Lieutenants Leo nnd Day of
General Leo's personal staff In order to
make up the number nbsolutely necessary.
As soon ns sufllclent otllccrs can be se
cured u general court-martial will bo called
for Fort crook to try several persons mi
der charges.
J. M. Brandes of Schuyler was In the city
Samuel Wilder of Hartlngton Is at the
Her Grand.
.1. M. Brandes of Schuyler was nt the
Milium Tuesday.
A. W, Baker of Kansas, City Is visiting
friends In Omaha.
Mr. niul Mtb. C. E. Abbott of Fremont
aro at tno tier urami.
3. W. Hardin and Jnrues Downs of Ran
Chester, Wyo,, are in the city.
G, W. Mercer has returned from a three
days uusiness visit in cnicago,
Mrs. William McCune left for New York
city last nigui ior nn extenueu visit,
Mr. nnd Mrs, L. Goodman of Nebraska
city registered Tuesday at tno Miunrd.
Claronco Petomoii has returned from a
ween h vacaiiuu, which ne spent nt his
Home, ui usceoiu, -ximi,
John sughuus of Tckamnh ami Daniel
Drlscoll of Crnlg nro among tho Nebras-
nans regisioreci ai mo .Mcrcnants,
.l,ero.,,,owu';' iftveling iinssonger agent
of the Milwaukee, sprint New Year's day Iu
Knnsns City, the guest of relatives,
O, McPiirland of Hastings, Thomas Cnl
lahtin or Lincoln, T, N. Bennett of St.
Paul and J. C. Miller of Beatrice uro stute
giiesin iii iiiu juurni).
Nehraskuils fit thn Mnrnliunli,. i
Rounds nnd I. M. Jones of Vuieiitlne.' F, N
DoDkm of Lincoln. E. G. Wi.ut rr inti,u.i.
burg. John Hour of West Point, J, B. Muson
of Greenlleld, B. C, Hanson of Tltdun, 8.
M. Bond of Columbus, C. H. Lowe of Grand
isiiiiiu, y. ii. ivinieruotuam or North
uenu aim ii. w, I'.nyari or uavid City.
Keep Off the Qunll.
W til January I tho legol right of hunters
to shoot qunll Iu Nebraska was withdrawn
and Bob White will be iirntccted bv thu
law until the llrst of November, fn former
years the law has been evaded by hunters
who shoot quail and contend that thuy uro
jRcksnlpe, but local game associations- nro
preparing to prosecute such viouiiers or tho
quail law, 'Omaha sportsmen nnd hunters
In all parts of eastern Nebraska lire dis
posed to respect tho law, but In the western
part of the slate thousands of tho birds
are Kiiieu tor tno market.
South Omahn News
The question of vlaductu across tlu
racks Is being seriously considered by tho
otitic!) committee on charter revision, but
tho other committees, It Is understood, hnvo
not taken hold of the proposition.
In the charter being nrranged by tho
council, provision Is mado for the ordering
of viaducts at the will of the mayor nnd
council. Tho fact that tho two other char-
or committees lia'o left this uuitter en-
Irely alone shows to some extent that
there Is no need at this tlmo for such leg-
slatlon. The Union Pacific Railroad com
pnny, along with the stock yards company,
expressed a willingness ninny month ago
o construct a viaduct ncross the iracks,
providing that certain unused streets nbut
ting on the present Union Pacltlc right of
way Mere acated iu order to allow tuo
construction of one or two lines of rails
from Omaha to South Omaha, A vacating
ordinance suitable to tho needs of the two
companies lias never been passed. It Is
stated that this delay Is caused by a non
resident property owner, who demands nioro
ban what Is considered a fair prlco for his
In sneaking of this viaduct provision in
Hie council charter, a railroad ofllclnl snld
yesterday that there was no need of liny
such legislation, as the companies doing
business here were Milling at any tlmo to
construct bridges, providing the city au
thorities met them half way and allowed
tho giving up of a few unused streets for
truckage purposes. Continuing, this offi
cial said that when n viaduct Is built ncross
tho trucks at N or O street, or any other
street, for that matter, It will be paved
with brick.
This will be done for Iho reason that
vltrllled brick wears better thnn planking
und Is nhinys near al hand when repairs
aro needed.
Along In October Chief Engineer King of
tho stock yards company realized Iho ne
cessity for repairing the Mooring of the Q
street viaduct and he ordered oak planks
from Missouri nnd heavy stringers from
Oregon. The Oregon shipment is hero now,
hut Hie nnk has not come from Missouri.
Oilier arrangements have been made, and
Mr. King said yesterday that Just as soon
ns tho planks arrived, which ho expected
would be within the next week or two, tho
vla'duct would be closed to traffic Hlid tho
work of laying a new flooring commenced.
When once Btnrted the 'work will bo pur
sued regardless of tho temperature. A por
tion of the south walk of the Q street vl i-
luct Is now closed ns tho lloorlng Is con
sidered unsafe.
While the rallrond companies are now
paying for the repairs to tho L and Q
street vlnducts. Hie city voted bonds for
the erection of the structures nnd on ac
count of Its pecullnr system of finance has
never redeemed one dollar of the bonded
debt. Intorest is bolng pnld every year on
the bonds, but no effort Is being made to
take up nny portion of the original debt.
HoMiltuI Reception.
A pound social and reception wus held
yesterday afternoon nt tho South Omaha
hospital and i; great ninny articles of
value wcro donated to tho Institution. .Mrs.
D. L. Holmes, president of tho associa
tion, headed the reception committee nnd
escorted visitors through the Institution.
In nddition to the donations thu women
managed to sell quite a number of buttons.
tho proceeds going to the fund for tho
proposed hospital building.
.luck Mulier Returns.
J. J. Mather was at his restaurant yes
terday afternoon counting up tho ensh
just ns If nothing had happened. Whllo
he did not return on Saturday or Sunday
ns expected, ho Is hero now. When asked
about tho reports that ho proposed com
mencing suit against The llec on account
of an Item regarding his departure he snld
that he had no such Intention and that thn
person who had mado the statement wus
unauthorized lo do so.
Doctors Busy Yitccliintliiu.
Nearly overyhody connected with tho
Cudahy house hns teen vaccinated on ac
count of the case of smallpox reported
from that place. Armour's forco was vac
cinated yesterday nnd also tho euiployei
of the Union Stock Yntds company. Only
two cases of smallpox exist In the city st
tho present time, but as a matter of pre
caution a great many aro being vaccinated
Ilnay Ymr PrrHH-il.
Commlislon men nt tho stock yards and
business men generally predict an un
usunlly successful year nnd tho nssortloi
Is made that nt tho closo of 1901 South
Omnhii will show a lurgo lncreaso In pop
ulation, along with a big Incrense In hank'
clearings and merchants' sales.
Mill) llPstiiiK Easily.
Joseph J. Maly Is resting easily at tho
South Omaha hospital. Thero Is no ap
parent change In his condition nnd friends
now hope that ho will survlvo tho wounds
received Saturday night at Dolcznl's saloon.
Stegcmnn, who fired tho Rbots, has not been
captured yet.
Mllglc CIlV Gusxlii.
The city council Is billed to meet on
Thursday night.
Business was practically suspended yes
terday, ns tho iMiiks wero closed all day.
Quite a delegation went to Lincoln yes
terday to nttend the opening session of
the legislature.
"Pure Gold" was the subject of Rev.
Jameson's sermon nt tho Presbyterian
church lust night.
The twentieth century stinrlso prayer
meeting nt the First Presbyterlnn church
ycsteniay morning was well attended.
On Washington's birthday n ball will bo
given at tho Exchange hotel for thn pur
pose of raising funds for the proposed liibor
Henry Lntifonberr; of this city will repre
Mnt Bricklayers' union No. 1 of Omaha at
thu annual convention to ho held ut .Mil
waukee on January 11.
J. A. Lambert of Rachel, N. C, writes:
"I heartily endorse Foloy's Kldnoy Cure.
It does what you claim It will do, and there
Is nothing equal to It, nod I thank you for
the good It has dono me. Accept no sub
stitute. For salo by MyerB-Dlllou Drug
Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug store, South
Alleued Abduction Drilled,
CHATTANOOGA, Term.. Jan. l.-Stntn
Senator J. Walter Peak nf this city denlen
emphatically tho story scut nut from Lex
ington, K'y., last night charging his wlfo
with kidnaping tho two children of her di
vorced husband nnd bringing them to this
city. Ho states that Mrs. Peak urrlved
hero last Saturday from Lexington, whero
shn had been visiting, and brought thn
children with her, but only for a visit ami
not with nny Intention of detaining them.
Ho ndds thut tho children have visited Ills
wlfo hero before uml that their guardian
has never objected to It, Tho children
wero here before for a mouth's visit,
Offenders Mu- Itcwlii Anew.
CONCORD, N. H., Jan. 1-Wurren P. Put
ney, formerly president of tho National
Grunlto Stato bank nt Exeter, who, In
1896, was sentenced to serve llvo years In
statu prison, having been convicted nf em
bezzlement, was released lodny, 208 days of
his sentenco having been commuted for
good behavior,
JO MET, ill.. Jan, l.-Genrgo L. Mnglll,
after nlno months' Imprisonment In thn.
penitentiary here for receiving deposits In
the Avenue Havings bank, of which lm
was president, nflcr ho knew tho Institu
tion to be Insolvent, was pardoned toduy by
Governor Tanner.
DitLiitM Mini's Misfortune,
Richard Ryan, nll-nrnuml bad man,
knocked down mid robbed Chris Peterson,
a Danish farmer from South Dakota, In
front of tho Burdlsh saloon nt Tenth ami
Davenport streets, Tuesday evening.
Rlchurd was making n get-away with Peter
sen's watch and chain when stopped liy
some citizens, who held him until the ar
rival of tho police. The arrest was mado
by Putrol Conductor Vanoiis und Dctectlvn
Drumniy niul Mitchell, who also recovered
the watch mid chain. Ryan will bo tried
on u charge offhlghv ay robbery.