Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Linen Sale
day morning
wo will
common co
1 non sale.
All our U5 Satin lllcached Tablo Dam
nnk In thin pale 1.10 per yard.
All our 1.C0 Satin Dtenchcd Tablo Dam
ask In this sale $1.00 per yard.
All our 63c Wenched Tablo Damask
In tills Halo COc per yard.
All our $1.65 Unbleached Tablo Damask
In this sale $1.10 per yard.
All our $1.00 Unbleached Table Damask
In this salo "5u per yard.
All our C5c Unbleached Tablo Damask
In this sain COc por yard.
All our 45c Unbleached Tablo Damask
In this sale 2Sc per yard.
All our $1.50 Illenchcd Satin Damask
Napkins In this salo $1.00 a dozen.
All our $2.23 Hleachcd Satin Damask
Napkins In this salo $1.CD n dozen.
All our $2.75 and $3.00 Hleachcd Satin
Damask Napkins In this salo $2.00 a
All tour $3.G0 Bleached Satin Damask
Napktns-ln this salo $2.70 a dozen.
AH our $4.00 nieached Satin Damask
Napkins In this salo $3.00 a dortn.
A lot of $4.!0 nnd $5.00 Hleachcd Satin
Damask Nnpklns In this Balo $3.00 a
All our J1.7G Hleachcd Tablo ClotbB In
this ealo $1.29 each.
All our $2.2.' Pleached Table Cloths In
this salo $1.C9 each.
All our $3.00 lllcached Tablo Cloths In
this salo $2.00 each.
All our $3.50 nieached Tablo Cloths In
this sale $2.50 each.
All our $4.50 Hleachcd Table Cloths In
this salo $2.98 each.
All our $5.00 Hleachcd Table Cloths In
this salo $3.38 each.
All our, 10c lluck Towels In this Balo
6c each.
All our 12V4o IlucU Towels In tills salo
8 l-3c each.
All our 16 2-3c Huck Towels In this
salo 10c each.
All our 25c lluck Towels In this salo
19c each.
All our 40c, Huck' Tawels--lu this salo
25c each.
All our $1.50 Huck Towels In this Bale
$1,00 each.
All our "He Drown Crash In this sale
3!4c por yard.
All our 10c Drown Crash In this sale
7c per yard.
All our 1214c Drown Crash In this sale
10c per yard.
All our 16 2-3c Hleachcd Crash In this
solo 12Jjjc per yard.
All our 15c nieached Crash In this
Balo 10c icr yard.
All our $10.00 flno Lace and Embroi
dered rieceH In thlB salo $6.00 oach.
All our $17.50 lino Duchess Lace Center
Pieces In this salo $12.00 each.
AH our $10.00 Ilcnalssanco Scarfs In
this salo $6.00 each.
All our $20.00 Cluny Laco Scarfs In this
salo $10.00 each.
All our $9.00 Ilpnnlssanco Squares lu
this salo $5.00 each.
All our $2.00 Slavln Laco Squares In
this salo $1.25 each.
All our $6.00 Slavln Lacu Squares In
this salo $3.00 each.
AH our $25.00 flno Renaissance Rouud
Pieces la this salo $15.00 each.
Price! 1 !
on all mi
lled Swiss
and Net
This will bo the greatest bargain sale
In curtains wo have ever offered to
the trade, and anyono purchasing will
get tho genuine satisfaction of buy
ing a Rood artlclo at ONlMIALr THE
Flno embroidered ruffled, net curtains,
exceptionally good value, reduced from
$4,00 to $8.25 per pair.
One line plain net with ribbon border
reduced from $3.75 to $1.88 per pair,
and so on throughout this stock.
No lady should miss this opportunity.
Como early and got first choice.
Our remain
ing stock of
cashmere and
fleece lined ,
hose for wo
men and chil
dren will bo closud out at
prices worth your considera-
75c quality ladles' niack Cashracro Hoso
reduced to 60e per pair.
COc quality ladles' niack Cashmere and
Flocco Lined Hoso reduced to 35c por
85o quality ladles' Iilock Cashmere and
Ffccce Lined Hose reduced to 25c per
25c quality ladles' Hlack Cashmere and
Fleece Lined Hobc-reduced to 18e, or
3 for EOc.
25c quality children's Hlack Cashmere
and Floeco Lined Hoeo reduced to
ISc, or 3 for COc.
ISo quality children's niack Cashmero
Host reduced to 2So por pair.
Our Great January Clearing Sale will
Commence Wednesday, January 2nd
After the greatest selling in our business life we are going to make the greatest cut
in prices of our life, Come quick and you will not be .disappointed
In our
Cloak and
Suit Dept.
thing will
bo closed
out at ex-traordin-ary
gains. This
means a
great deal
more in
our store
than in
any other
in tho city as all our gar
ments are entirely 7ietv and of
the most fashionable styles we
sell nothing but the best goods
manufactured. In this sale
you will have an opportunity
to purohaso the highest grade
garments at prices ordinarily
charged for the most common.
All our Cloth Coats will bo sold at ab
solutely halt price.
Our $25.00 Coats at $12.50.
Our $18.00 Coats at $9.00.
Our $15.00 Coats at $7.60.
Our. $12.00 Coats at $6.00.
Wo havo four very handsome. Vclour
Coats. Theso garments were great
values at $30.00 and $23.000 your
cholco at $15.00 each.
Wo havo ouly a fow Cloth Capes left.
A very low prlco will bo made on them
to closo them out.
Two Astrakhan Fur Cap'cs $18.00 and
$10.00 was tho regular price sale price
Electric Seal Coats mink trimmed
regular price $60.00 sak prlco $33.00.
Handsomo Astrakhan Coats regular
prlco $30.00 salo price $20.00.
Very finest Astrakhan Coat regular
prlco $50.00 sale price $30.00.
Very finest Near Seal Coats plain reg
ular prlco $40.00 salo prlco $23.00.
Ileautlful Near Seal Coats trimmed In
Persian lamb, naturnl marten and
I molro astrakhan regular prlco $55.00
salo prlco $35.00.
Hcautltul Storm Collars In finest nat
ural marten regular price $25.00 sale
prlco $16,00.
All our elegant Fur Scarfs,, lb flnc'nilnV,
stono marten, 'sablo fox nnd brown
marten, at prices which are much less
than orlgtnul cost.
All our handsome Brown Marten Muffs
usually sold at $8 fcO sale price $3.50.
All misses' and children's Coat3 at half
MADE SUITS will go on salo nt tho
samo time. They will be fitted freo of
charge. There are not many of them,
bo wo advlBO an early selection. They
aro all cholco styles somo of them
only nrrlvd two weeks ago.
All our handsomo DRESS SKIRTS In
taffeta silk, peau do solo and fine
cloth at extraordinary reductions.
All our WALKING SKIRTS regularly
sold at $10.00 and $12.00-at $7.00 nnd
Wo havo about twelve handsome Walk
ing Suits mndo of heavy cloth which
will bo closed out at bargain prices.
Hlg reductions on all our flno Flannel
Specials in
flannelette Gowns
and Dressing
This January
selling of flan
nellette gowns
and dressing
sacques owes its popularity,
not to the fow cheap things,
but to tho unusual goodness
of every garment.
Ladles' Flannelette downs nt COc re
duced from 75c nnd 5c.
$1.00 Flannelette Gowns nt 73c each.
$1,25 and $1.50 Gowns at $1.00 each.
$1.00 and $1.25 Sacques at 75c each. .
$1.50 Sacques nt $1.00 each.
$1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $3.00 and $3.23 Sacques
nt $1.50 each.
Indies' Short Flannelette Petticoats at
25c each,
Children's Flannelette Gowns sizes 4
yoars to 14 years at 25c, 35c nnd 30c
reduced from 4Ec, COc, 65c, 76c and 85o
Silk Bargains Wo can't de
scribe them
thero are many fine values to
talk about and reductions
that will both surprise you
and at tho same time please
On account of tho shortness of tlmo In
which wo havo to got this to tho
printer wo will bo obliged to omit
prices. Wo will bo pleased to show
you tho many fine values at tbo coun
ter next Wednesday rooming.
Threo styles regular prlco 05c a yard
In this sale 25c a yard.
We close Saturdays at 6 P. M.
Thompson, Belden & Co.
The Only Exclusive Dry Goods House in Omaha.
Bargains in Black
Dress Goods Fashion has al
ways a kindly smile for hand
some black goods, the stand
ard substantial dress stuff,
marked at prices that will
quickly clear the shelves wo
need tho room badly.
These lots will find quick takers nt tho
following prices.
Now $1.60 from $1.00 n yard handsome
Paris novelty.
Now $1.00 from $4.60 n yard -stylish silk
and wool novelty.
Now $1.60 from $3.00 a yard new silk
Now $1.60 from $2.25 a yard Imported
Now $1.50 from $2.00 a yard figured
Now $1.50 from $2.23 a yard matclasso
Now $1.50 from $2.00 a yard Parisian
Now $1.60 from $2.50 a yard novelty
No misunderstanding the purposes un
derlying such price-cutting as this
on perfect merchandise. The goods
Involved must move, and ttint quickly.
Wo need every inch of spnee for new
spring stuff. Study tbo following few
Items, and nolo the excellent ulues.
One lot of handsomo Imported novelties,
never cold for lens than $3.00, $3.50,
$3.75 a yard. All go at $1.50 n yard.
TERNS Had our gathering of exclu
sive patterns of foreign novelties not
been greater this season than ever bo
foro thoro would have been little to
show you next Wednesday. However
tho balance must go. Como and sco
them at tho counter.
A $50.00 Suit for $20.00.
A $40.00 Suit 'or $15.00.
A $30.00 Suit for $15.00. '
A $19.75 Suit for $12.50.
A $30.00 Suit for $12.60.
A $25.00 Suit for $15.00.
A $30.00 Suit for. $12.50.
A $23.00 Suit for $12.50.
this sale
we a r e
offering children's
and ladies' under
wear the best of
the season's makes
prices being so
low and as an
event of tho big
J anuary sale
which begins
Wednesday, we deem it a prop
er and fitting time for you to
buy underwear and profit by
the reduced prices.
Reduced to $2.00 per suit ladles' fine
wool Union suUb Regular made
that have been Bold nt $4.00 and $5.50
Reduced to $1.23 ladles' Wool Vests
regular made in bluo of natural
regular $2.75 quality.
Reduccil to $1.00 ladles' Wool Eques
trienne Tights black or natural reg
ular $2.60 quality.
Reduced to 73c ladles' Scnrlet Under
wear regular $1.00 quality.
Reduced to 26c boys' heavy fleeced Cot
ton Vests nnd Drawers regular 50o
Reduced to 33e child's Union Suits
"Onelta" make cotton ribbed regular
60c quality.
Reduced to 50c misses' flno rlbbod Wool
Vests nnd Pants regular S5o quality.
Ladles' Knitted Skirts Note
the fol
lowing reductions.
60c Skirts reduced to 33c each.
$1.00 SklrtB reduced to 75o each.
$1.60 Skirts reduced to $1.00 euch.
$2.00 and $2.25 Skirts reduced to $1.60
On all ladles' Knitted Jackets, Fas
cinators and Crocheted Hoods wo will
allow 20 per cent discount.
Children's Bonnets-
On all our
stock of children's head wear,
including fanej bonnets, silk
and wool erochot hoods, and
angora hoods, wo will give
a discount of 20 por cent.
One lot of children's Jersey Leggings
that were 90c each reduced at 60s
Men's Our
Furnish- once a
ings year
salo of
will begin
morning when wo will mark
all of our broken lines of un
derwear and hosiery at money
saving prices.
Also some very good values In men's
Outing Flannel Night Shirts. Note
tho reductions below:
$3.50 Silk Worsted Underwear reduced
to $2.00 a garment.
$2.60 French Rlbbod Worsted reduced
to $2.00 a garment.
$1.00 Silk Fleeced reduced to COc a gar
ment. $1.00 nnd $1.25 Scarlet reduced to 76c
a garment.
$1.00 Outing Flannel Night Shirts ro
duccd to 75c cich.
76c Outing Flannel Night Shirts re
duced to 60c euch.
60c Outing Flannel Night Shirts re
duced to 39c each.
25c quality boys' Wool Mitten reduced
to 15c each.
Our entlro lino of 25c Wool Half Hobo
reduced to 18c or 3 for 60c. ft
25c each, re
duced from
50c. Our
January sale
will include
a lino of
men's silk
including tecks, band bows
and four-in-hands.
- These nro all now silks purchased Just
before the holidays, thus Insuring you
of getting only tho choicest of pat
terns. Remember Just half-price dur
ing our Junuary clearing 'sale.
Odd to
isn't it
but this is the story we need
the room. An opportunity to
buy handsome goods cheaper
than ever before in the history
of the house. Every reduction
Now 33c. from 60c stylish camel's hair
plaid, all handsomo mixed colors.
Now Sue, from 50c new ztbcllne plaids.
Now 75c, from $1.2.1 Imported zlhcllno
plaids, ciunel'H hair plaids, 54-lnch
wide, splendid value.
Now $1.00, from $1.50 new Venetian
finished plaids, very ctylish.
Now 73c, from $1.23 now black plaid.
64-lnches wide, black and white,
brown and white, blue nnd white,
very striking.
Now 75c, from $1.25 without doubt
ouo of tho greatest value to bo had
In this clearing snlo every color n
gcod color, and quality first clnss
colors mode, black, castor, bVavcr,
handsomo plaid back.
Straight Front
$1.00 Each
The military
figure is al
ways the most
graceful. It
has been culti
vated for ages
by the stalwart
men of the
Tho women nro copying tho military
hearing. "Straight front" corset' Ib
what gives this poso from shoulder to
hip. R. & G., tho best strnlght front
corset for tho prlco $1.00 each. Com
plelo assortment of sizes black,
white or gray $1.00 each.
fur Trimmings 20 per cent
discount on all
this choice lino of goods.
Silk Mittens Wo have two
lines of Ludios'
black silk mittens, that are
extra value.
They nro double Mittens made with
fancy backs prices COc and 75c per
pair.' Thoy will go quick at these
c;r'-. mft
Dress Goods Bargains Almost
all the
lots we toll of in this list for
Wednesday morning's selling,
are marked at prices never be
fore touched for cheapness in
tho downward scale.
Tho occasion Is simply n quick adjust
ment of stock such ns comes every
year. Not a yard of dress goods
bought for this great snle. You havo
been paying ub more money for theso
same goods. Wo nro Just making
room for tho new spring goods. Wo
must havo tho room at once, hence
theso extremo low prices. Come wo
can tell you moro nt the counter nnd
show the goods.
Now 40c from $1.00 handsome Checked
Cheviots beautiful fabric purely all
Now 43c from $1.25 Kngllsh Homespun
ono stylo only puro nil wool.
Now 75c from $1.25 All Wool Home
spun. Now 60c from S3c nnd $1.00 Poplins,
" Corded Suiting all wool, very pretty.
Now COc from $1.00 stylish Mixed
Cheviots all new colors all good
ttylcs for spring.
Now 23c from 60c nnd (!0o a yard
splendid values nil small novelty nnd
figured effects rod and black blue
nnd black brown nnd blnck.
Now 39c from C5c handsome Striped
Novelty very pretty for waists or
Now 39c from Sac l'olka Dot Stripe,
another very pretty material for
Now 2?c from fl5c Three Toned Striped
Now 29c from C5c Navy Illuo Novelty.
Now 60c from $1.23 Silk and Wool
Check stylish material for waists.
Now 69c from $1.23 Mixed Poplins
splendid value.
Now $1.00 from $1.75 Mixed Dlsgonal
Now 9Sc from $2.23 French Novelty
handsome panne finish very now
colors new blue, new redesa, groen,
new' gray, new mode.
Now $1.25 from $2.25-New Pcublo
Cheviot beautiful fabric 54 Inches
Now 50c from $1.00 Htyllsli Hair
Striped Suitings.
Now 39c from 65c Polka Dot Novelty
very stylish for wnlstB or spring suits.
Now $1.00 from $1.50 tho stylish new
Xlbclinc ono of this season's choicest
fabrics very stylish.
Now $2.50 from $1.00 Kngllsh Sultlns
qulto tho thing for separata skirts
or jacket and skirt can bo mafia
without lining.
Now 69c from $1.00 all wool Crepe
Now $1.75 from $3.00 Invisible
Checked Suiting splendid value good
tho whole year round.
Now 49c from S5c Granite Suiting.
Now COc from $1.00 Stylish Mixed
Reductions on Blankets,
Comforts and flannels Prices
on these
goods have been made so low
that thdy will close out quick.
You know our i eductions aro genuine
These for a guide:
$5.60 Merritt's Wool Comforts reduced
to $3.50.
$4.50 Merritt's Wool Comforts reduced
to $2.75.
$1.50 Merritt's Crib Comforts reduced
to 75c.
$2.25 Merritt's Crib Comforts-reduced
to $1.60.
$11.00 Down Quilts now $9.00.
$9.60 Down Quilts now $7.60.
$7.60 Down Quilts now $1.75.
$3.00 Down Quilts now $1.00.
A lot of 10c and 12U,c Dark Colored Out
ing Flannel now nt 6c yard.
A lot of 15c and 18c Flannelettes now
6',Jc yard.
10c Flooco Lined Flannelette now "lie
20c imported Swnnsdown now at luo yd,
45o Fnucy Klderdawu nt 20c.
COc Fancy Eiderdown at 45c yard.
$1.75 Fancy 60 In. wide Clockings now
50o nnd 87H.C.
h3c fancy Ct-ln. wide Cloaklngs now 60c
40c till wool Red and Hlack Checked
Flannel at 20o ynnl.
65c Gray Illankets now ,1Sc pair.
70c Whlto Illankets now COc pair.
$3.80 all wool White Hlnnkets $2.75 n
$.1.20 all wool White Illankets now $2.25
a pair.
$2.00Gray Wool Illankcis nt $1.25 a
$3,25 Gray Wool HlnnkclR nt $2.25 pair.
All remnants of Flannel? and Cloak
lngs at next-tonothlng prices,
Important EnticMs to Ccmo Up at Its
Annnl Session,
1II1U to l'.xprtlltr Work nf llir .Itiiliies
Will lie Introduced In tlir Hope
of IlrcoutliiK I.kit Till
Tho Nebraska Stato liar association will
hold Its next regular meeting nt Lincoln
Wednesday afternoon nnd evening, begin
ning nt 2 o'clock. Tho nftcrnoou session
will bo devoted to a discussion of proposed
bills for tho relief of thu state courts nnd
litigants which will bo presented by the
leglslntlvo commlttco of tho association
to tho next legislature.
Tho most Important of theso bills Is ono
relating to the relief of tho supremo court.
Tho proposed bill has been prepared by W.
D. Meilugh, thalrninti of the committee,
nftcr consultation with many members of
tho bar, and Its terms embrace tho most
acceptable compromise which could bo
reached. Hrlofiy, tho suprems court will
bo authorized to appoint nine standing
referees whoso duties shall bo determined
by tho rulo of tho court. It is the Intention
of tho authors of the bill that referees
shall bo given power to hear all cases re
ferred to them by the supremo court nnd
determine tho facts and conclusions of law.
With this system In vogue nine cases can
bo heard and doclded where but one can
como beforo tho court nt present. At the
ennio time tho system of referees obviates
tho objection urged by many lawyers
against tho commissioner system, ns every
enso Is puBscd upon, nt least formally, by
tho supreme court Itself.
Another bill to bo considered is one ro
duclng tho tlmo lu which appeals can be
tnkon to tho supremo court from tho dis
trict court, .it present appeals can
bo taken wllhln six montha nftor
tho closo of the term at which
tho Judgment is rendered and ap
peals on writs of error may bo taken nt
any tlmo wllhln n year after tho close of
tho Judgment term. 11 Is proposed by tho
association that tho time In which tho ap
peal may be perfected bo mado tho snmo
In each case nnd not moro than six months
Tho question of foreclosure of mortgages
will rccclvo attention, ns tho association
desires to havo a BUbstantlal bond required
In cases whero appeals In foreclosures are
mndo. At present, It Is stated, tho cystom
of "waste bonds" Is In forco nnd any one
can appeal nnd not be responsible for tho
value of rents while they hold possession
of tho property pending a hearing of tho
At tho evening session a banquet will be
spread, tho guests of tho association be
ing General Mnnderson nnd Charles J.
Oreeno of Oiunhn, Henry D, Kstabrook of
Chicago and John N. Daldwln of Council
Hluff8. Tho association desires to havo a
full representation of tho Omahu bur nt
tho meeting and banquet regardless of
membership in tho association nnd requests
all persons not members of the organi
zation who desire to attend to send their
names to Judge Wakeley, president of tho
association, or to R. W. Ilreckenrldgo, res
ident member of the executive commlttco.
The prlco of tho bnnquet has been fixed nt
Uric Ititllroiiit Hon-iMtNj lf.'l,",(m(l,(KI()
tvlth Will oh to Pay for Colli
Property I'iiipIiuimmI.
NEW YORK, Dec. 31. It was announced
today that the Central Trust company will
finance the $33,000,000 4 per cent bonds of
tho Krle Railroad company, which will bo
Issued for tho purchase of tho Pennsyl
vania Coal company. Tho property of tho
Erlo rnllroad will bo back of this mort
gage, which will bo further secured, It Is
reported, by n largo amount nf the stock
of tho New York, Susquehanna & Western
Railroad company.
Tho fact that J. I. Morgan & Co., who
arranged tho purchase of tho Pennsylvania
Coal company by tho Erin rnllroad, have
been arranging with their bunks for a loon
of $29,000,000 hns been known for several
dnys nnd tho presumption wns that this ensh
was to be used In tho liquidation of the In
debtedness of tho Krle to tho Pennsylvania
Coal company's stockholders. The Issue of
tho bonds will in turn pay these loans nnd
loavo something over $8,000,000 In the
treasury for use by tho Erlo in Improving
Its coal properties.
Kczcmni An Cure, Xo
Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding
piles. Your druggist will refund your
money if PA7.0 OINTMENT falls to euro
you. 60 cents.
I'roaiierotiN Amii'lutlon.
At tho meeting of the board of directors'
of the Omnhn l.iian mill Hultilliu; iibmoc-1 i
tlon, held In Thu Iieo milnllnj,- Inst even
ing, n senil-aiiiHial dividend of :i per cent
was declared. Tho punt voir wns nn un
usually prosperous) ono for the association.
Its gain In business, in round niiniliern.
amounted tn $7Wk), running tho nwts up
to ttia.OOO. tlio hlijliext lu Its hlHtory iv
hldeH netting shareholder u prollt of fi ,er
rent for tho year the association rlp.-urd
$1,600, which wns cnrrled tn tho surplus.
Stop till' CniiKli
M nit AVorliN Off Hip Colli,
I.axntlvo Hromo-Qulnlni; Tublols euro a
cold In ono dv. No cure, no pay. Price
25 cents.
Seventeen llnrcr Stnrl.
IIOSTON, Dec. ill.-Tho six-day lileyelo
rncont tho Park Siiuaro Garden wuh starteii
at 1:20 this afternoon with seventeen com
U r. Keck of Kearney Is n guest nt the
F. N. Hall nf lluhtlngi Is registered nt
tho Murruy.
V. V. Pylo nf IJoIse, Idiho, Ik a guest if
the Murray.
8. Sprout nf Salt Inko City li a guest
nf the Millard.
T. N. Fulton of Ogdcn, Utah, Is registered
nt tho llenshaw.
Willis a. nnd W. O. Emerson of Donver
are at the Her Ornnd.
It a I.. Nlehnls nf Elk Point, S
htonnltiK at tho Millard.
D., Is
V. P. Jennings of St.
Htnnntmr nt tlin Ileushnw
Joieph, Mo., Is
Mr. and Mrs. W. I.. Williams of Minne
apolis nro at tho Millard.
Phil H. Kastcrday and It. M. O'Counell
nf Tecumseh aro nt the Murray.
Guy Wilson of Uturel, Nob., bus returned
homo after a visit with IiIh father, Major
Wilson, U. S, A.
Qeorgn E. Schiller of Central Oily miJ
nnvld Nenlo nf Fort Calhoun aro Ne
liruskntiH nt tho Pnxton.
NehrnskntiN at the Merchants: Oeoraii II
Spear, Norfolk; (leorgo 11. Lawrence, North
Platte; John Kleth. Sutherland; fl. I). An
plegato, Ilnldrege; F. W. H.irber. Hasting.
llostnnlniiH nt the Her Grand: Henry
Clay Harnaben and wife. W. II. MarDon.ild
and wife, Hilda Clark, .Mabel Plerjon, Josa
phlno Itartlett, Albert Pan. Vornon Stiles,
H. 1,. Btudley and C It. Hncon and wife.
f'aptnln TowuhpikI nf tlin quartermaster's
ileiiurtmenthniirotucnud trom a hunting trip
in Madison eounty, where, with W I).
Townscnd, eighty birds wero killed lu it day
and a half.
(leorgn II, Frntholngbani. Joht Wnlsli. W
11, Fitzgerald, Frederic Collins, C. E. ViiUJ.
Miss John, A. F IteiiHldTg and wlt.i and
J, E, Miller and wlfn nf tlv llnstonlani. nr..
nt the .Murray.
Miss C'alllo McConnell, who formerly
tnuglit In Mason school. Iihi written tn th'i
llo.inl nf Education asking that her leii -of
nbseiico bn extended ui'tll the beginning
of tlin next sehool year Mist Mrt'uimell
was grnnted a leuve of uhseneo until
Christmas and went to Rocklln, Cal , In
A forecast
of 1901.
Here's i forecast the year
will contain 365 days as usual,
but they arc to be days of un
precedented prosperity for all
classscs of Americans; and '
there arc to be chances, op
portunities and bargains such
as never before fell to the lot
of men. For details watch
this ad every day for the en
suing year. For a proof come
today and look at the prices
now marked on our $25 over
N. i:. L'Olt. l.-.Tlt AMI noi'lil.AH.
II we pleats ou tell otheri Hue don't let! us.
Oltl pr mini I'ontllllllMint)' front H II.
m. to (I i. in. PiiiiiIiijn from H n. in.
to ti p. Ill,
(Dr. Mcdrew at nge 62.)
lu Ihr treufmciit of nil forms of IMS..
OM,V, !i(J yi-firn' PMicrtcnee, 15 yrnr
lu O inn hit.
A l'Klt.HAM3.'i' CI Hi: (UIAltA.Vl'mil)
IN I.KMS THAN 10 ll. VS-tt Itliiuit put
tliiK, piilii or Ionh of 1 1 in p. The
fiuicKUN'r una most XATim.ii, cimu
that him et liepn illnen vei-eil,
YPUII K 1,1 Q" stages nnd conditions
OirillLIO cured nnd every trnco of tho
dtscaso Is thoroughly eliminated from tho
No "HHEAKf NO OUT" on tho skin or
face or any external appeninnccs of thg
disease whatever. A treatment that Is
rhoro Huccessfut anil fur more satlsrnctorv
than tho "Hot Springs" treatment and at
less than HALF TUB COST. A euro that
Is gunrnnteed to be pormanunt for life,
of young anil middlo-aged
Night Losses, Nervous Debility. Loss of
Drain nnd Nerve Power. Fnrgotl'ulness,
Unshfulness, Stricture, Gonorrhoea, Gleet.
Dr. MoOrow'a
treatment for illn.
eases or tho rectum has cured where all
other had failed. Fissure, Ulcers, Piles
and all chronic diseases nf tho rectum, Im
mediate, relief nnd a permnnont euro is
inudo without cutting or pain. Tho cure 1
quick and complete.
Coiiaultittlon free, Trentiiiritt by mill I.
Medicines sent everywhere free from gazo
or breakage, ready for use,
Olllco hourx: 8 a, in. to It p. tn. Sundays
8 a. in. to 5 p m J. O. Iiox "GG. Olllco
over 'ii'i South llth St.. between Fnrnam
and Douglas Sts.. OMAHA. N1CU.
A IIAI'PV M'5W Vll.Vlt.
Few- front rows tpserved, 60c; balance nf
house, any part. 2."'. hllilren, 10e; gal., 10c.
Till: (illlCAT WAI.IMIV.
In 'The Widow."
.ii:xmi: wht.moim: ,v r.
In "Aunt .lerushn'H
City Visit."
.11 Ml ,S I'. W ITMAIIK.
iiattii: IIICI. 1. 1! I.AIIII
:;c and
a .mixiici.i. mini ITS.
In "A Modern Galatea."
Tin- KIXOIIIIOMi: All iiimv picture
Wnodwnrd & Hurgcss,
Mgrs- Tel. 191'J
Toil 11. ) lii'.W ToiiIkIiI Sit.-,.
Also Wednesday Mntince nnd Night.
Mntlnco today -"Tho Viceroy." Tonight
nnd Wed Mat. "Tho Sorenndo." Wednes
day night "Kohln Hood "
Kvenlnn pricees; air, KOc, "p. Jt.u), JI M,
Mntlnco: : Mo. r,0c, 7Ce. NUTICtC-All
Heats reserved nnd uncalled for will ho sold
nt 1 o'clock today
Thursdnv, Friday nnd Saturday, matlnea
Saturday-Mlt. WALK UK WlllTUSIDi:.
Dvenlng prices a:c, COc, 75c, Jl.oO. Mati
neo prices 2fic mid COc. Seats on sale Wed
nesday morning.
iniAxn ni:v's matimii:
imiiax MAinr.x nn; 111 m.i:s(it)i'.
CO. A XI) lll'.M I TV SHOW.
Ho Hiiro anjl see the Indians this after
noon and loiiluht .
Matinees D.illy 10e ami 20c.
Nights- 10c, ic ami tWo
Hnioko If you like
Lake Maiiawa
TriihiK lout i) I'eiii l anil llroniltvii)-,
r'oiiiicl I III lift". iiiiuiiDiivlilK - I', in.,
.Inn. I, IpmvIiiu every liinir ami I,illr
.Maiiiitvu mi lull' liiiurN until ttlllO . 111,
the linpo nf regaining hr IipcIIIi, but sho
has nut fully recoveied and (leslte., in re
main In California
Clark 1. Wertmibnkcr. acting afHlstant
surgeon at Fort Nlolirara. lias been nrdered
to loport to lb" t'oinmaiidliiK ultlrer nf tho
army at Sail Fraiiilaoo for dutall with
troops going to tho Philippines. I In will
bn succeeded In Nebrnska by Llnutennnt
Major A W Hliockley, asMutanl burgeon,
now on duty In C'jIju.
TV. t ft