10 TJIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAV, JAISTAHY 1, 1001. 'READY TO MARE CONCESSIONS Promoters of Electrio Road and Gommisaion era Likely to Reach Agreement DIFFER ON TWO IMPORTANT POINTS 'jurr I.I n In Vhc rrl Ilnlnlon mill v One Mnjr lie HtilintltutiMl After Jouinirj- 1. Wcdnosdny, January 2, Is tho dale sol by tho couuty commissioners anil tho promoters of tho Omaha & Fremont electric lino for a llnal decision whether tho contemplated road will bo constructed. Although tho commissioner! and tho backers of tho road have been unablo to nsreo on two very Im portant points, each side is prepared to mnko concessions so Unit 11 compromise Is practically suro to bo effected. Tho men interested In tho road nro unwilling to Kuarnnteo tho county 2'j per cent of tho Kross receipts during tho f.rat llvo years and ." per cent during tho succeeding years. Neither nro they willing to kIvu n bond to lnsuro tho carrying out of tho contract In I regard to tho date of beginning and com pleting tho lino. Their contention Is that tho placing of material for tho construction nlong tho lino Is mifflctent guaranty, be cause If tho terms of the contract nro not carried out thn frauchiso will bo forfeited. Tho contrnct for tho meat nnd drug sup plies ut tho poor farm and tho hospital will bo awarded on Wednecdity at the samo meeting which determines tho fnto of tho railroad. Contracts have been nwnrded to Giorgo K. M'jnro & Co., for groceries: Otto Bclffcrt, prescriptions; Chicago Lumber company, white plno lumber and piling; Omaha Hardwood company, whlto oak tlm l.er; Omulm Coke nnd Coal company, sewer pipe, cement nnd Band; U. I'. Steam linkcry company broad, and David Talbot, Ico for tho court houso nnd jail. Tho Judiciary commlttco of tho commis sioners met nnd Approved bonds of tho -oounty oinclnls for tho ensuing year. JSimv .lury MM Siikk'MI, A plan is under consideration by tho commissioners and tho county attorney for saving tho county several thousand dollars by cancelling tho old Jury list. A legal opinion In being prepared to bo submitted on Wednesday nnd If It Is shown to bo posslblo tho list will bo substituted by tho now list for 1000. The commissioners nay there aro on this old list of Jurors 3,000 names, most of which being of men who liavn moved uway during tho last few years or havo died. In any event, tho sheriff lins been unable to find them. Notwith standing, ho Is bound to make the attempt to servo Hiimmous on theso men, at n con siderable expense to tho county in mileage. Tho purpose of tho new plan to substitute tho 3900 list will make It posoiUlo for tho sheriff to bring in a largo number of men to servo on tho Jury who nro In nrrcars for personal taxes. Payment fo their services on tho Jury will bo applied on their personal tax account and in this way the county will not only bo ablo to collect n lnrgo sum In ncrsonal taxes which would bo otherwlso uncollectnblc, but tho useless expense of seoklng men who have forfeited their rcsldonco In the county will bo saved. It Is said that there nro sufficient names on tho old Jury Hat lo render unnecessary a now panel for tho noxt thrco years If tho ' summons could bo served. FROST FOR NEW CENTURY JAMES GILBERT PASSES AWAY Omnliii' "Winter "Wrnllirr (ienrrnl TlirotiKhotit flir Wfit nnil Aorlli, Omaha's tarjte of winter weather was central throughout tho west nnd north and from present appearances tho twentieth century will give tho northwest a chilly greeting. At Landor, Wyo., yesterday tho thermometer registered 28 degrees be low zero und nt Winnipeg 24 below. At Denver It was 18 below, whllo Omahn's minimum was 2 degrees under tho zero mark, a fall of 30 degrees from Sunday morning. ' Tho light anow which accompanied the decline In temperature extended over the western pnrt of tho country In varying depths. In Colorado it ranged from four inches downward, whllo the heaviest re ported In Nobraska was about half nn inch, tho amount which fell nt Omaha. Tho wind, whllo not high, was sufllclcnt to make drlftB, which, In a few cases, proved troublesome. Tho weather bureau offers llttlo or no relief In tho wny of warmer weather until today, tho prediction being for continued cold. l'rnvontlvr IteiiiPillrn. Nearly nil organic diseases start with slight nllmcnts which nro In themselves of llttlo consequence, and arc easily cured. As illustration of this, catarrh, pneumonin and consumption nil originate with n com mon cold, for tho euro of which Chamber lain's Cough Remedy has become famous, tIf you will consider how many friends nnd ' personal acuualiitnnccs havo died from pneumonia or consumption, wo hardly bo llevo that you will havo tho courogo to neglect n cold when you know tho serious consequences that may follow. For sale by all druggists. Dint nt 111 Home nn South Thir teenth Street After n Week lllnrn Shortly nftor 4 o'clock yesterday morning James Gilbert died at his home nt Ht2 South Thirteenth street. Mr. Gilbert was taken sick with pneumonia about a week ago and his death was not unexpected, as he had been In a precarious condition for two days beforo ho died. A wlfo and two sons survive him. Mr. Gilbert was born in England, May 17, 1345, and has lived In Omaha for twenty- five yours. When ho first camo to tho city no was in tno employ or the gas company and for the past fifteen years he has been city gas Inspector. He was n thirty-second degree Mason and at tho tlmo of his death was commander of St. Andrew's Preceptor' of Scottish Iltto Masons. He was a past potontato of Tangier Temple of Mystic Shrlncrs and has been prominent In Ma sonic circles for many years. Mnnonlc police. All members of Nobraska lodgo No. 1, Ancient Frco nnd Accepted Masons, aro requested to attend tho regular meeting on Tuesday evening, January 1, 1901, as Im portant matters will bo brought beforo the lodgo for action. Itefroshmonts will bo served. JOHN D. HOWE. Acting Master. This is tho day a great many men will swenr off drinking whisky; thoy will stay away from drink for n few days and then commence ngaln. They do not under stand that their wholo system Is in n dis eased condition when they find they enn not quit of their own motion. They should at onco tako tho Keeley euro nt tho Omaha Institute, corner of 19th nnd Leavenworth streets. CIiACi: (IK T1MIS Via Vi'nlinMi Itnllrnntl. Commencing Sunday, December 30th, the "CONTINENTAL LIMITED" will leave Chicago nt 11:00 n. m. dally. NO EXCESS FARE on this SOLID VESTII1ULE TRAIN through to DETROIT, DUFFALO, NEW YORK, 110STON and ALL EASTERN POINTS. For all Information wrlto Joseph Tcahon, traveling passenger agent, Omaha, Neb. i)A.Niiu;ri.' tvt:si:i hv a okhm. A New DUeovery that Kill the Germ mid l'reventH IliilUn 'k. Pretty nenrly all tho hair preparations for , dandruff havo Homo merit In allaying itch ing of tho scalp and In being a fairly good dressing for tho hutr, but thcro is only ono that recognizes what causes dandruff, fall ing hair and baldness nnd that destroys that causo, n llttlo germ and that Is Nou tiro's Horplcldo. This germ cats its way into tho scalp, down to tho hair root, whoro It saps thnt vitality, causing dandruff ns it digs up tho scalp Into llttlo whlto scales. Unless It Is destroyed thcro is no permanent stopping of falling hair and euro of dandruff nnd baldness. Nuwbro'a Ilerpl cldo kills tho germ. ''Destroy tho cause, you remove tho effect." For StiKlentM. Returning to eastern colleges nnd schools tho Lako Shoro nnd Michigan Southern railway olfors an uncqunlcd service. Among Its trains nro tho New York and Boston special, leaving Chicago 10:30 n. ra.; tho Now England express, 2 p. m.; tho twenty six hour trnln to Doston, also tho Lake Shoro limited, having through sleepers to Now York and Doston, also dining nnd li brary cars. Special sleeping cars will be attached for the accommodation of parties. F. M. Byron, G. W. A., Chicago. Free lltintea. If you desire full Information In regard to the Kicwa, Comanche, Apnche, Wichita and Caddo reservations in the Indian Ter ritory, which aro soon to bo opened for settlement, send 60 cents for book with quarter-sectional Illustrated map and full description of tho lands to D. P. DROWN, 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Tho 2,175 members of tho Conservative Savings & Loan ussoclation nil received n Now Year's gift today In tho way of an nn turn 1 dividend ut tho rnta of C pur cent. eIrHNkii Telephone Company. During tho year 1900 tho Nebraska Tolo phono company expended nbout $200,000 on now lines nnd exchanges, Nenrly 3,000 miles of now copper wire wore strung, and over 300 miles of now toll lines were constructed. Tho Omaha exchange has Increased largely in numbers by reason of n reduction In rcsldonco rates. Owing to tho increased voltago used by tho electric light company i;ood telephone Bcrvlco In Omaha cannot be given except over metallic circuit lines, nnd henen thcro hns been a largo increase In tho list .of subscribers who now havo tho long dlstanro equipment. The underground conduit system was ex tended on Eighteenth street from Cnss to Nicholas, on Douglas from Twentloth to Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fourth from Doug Ins to Harney, and Hnrnoy from Twenty fourth to Thirty-sixth. New polo lines wero built on South Tblrty-thtrd, Woolworth avenue, North Eighteenth, Clark, Cuming, Fortieth, Spen cer, North Twenty-fourth nnd Bristol streets, and old pole Hues wero rebuilt on a number of streets. lAnimiiiieeiiieiitN nf the Theiitem. Two performances will bo given at tho popular Orpheum this first day of n new year nnd u new century, nnd tho splendid bill tho over thoughtful management have secured for thu occuslnu shows In n prac tical wny that tho patrons' linpplnesii is being promoted as well ns wished for. Tho ndvnncu sale indlcntoH tho usual crowded houses, which Is llttlo to bo wondered nt with such slara as Wnldon tho Great, protty Knthryn Osterman nnd Julia Wet m oro on tho program. Frank B. Carr's Indian Mnlden Buries quern- will glvo two performances nt tho Trocadcro today. This company gives tho cleanest nnd most meritorious performance seen nt this house. Tho bill opens with n laughnblo hurlettn, entitled "Pocahontas In Now York," introducing Pearl Mar quota as Captain John Smith. Tho vnude villi) program Introduces Bessie Phillips, flwnn and Dumbard, Bello 'Gordon, Cun nlnglium nnd Smith, Mack and Mathews nnd tho La Mnrr sisters. The closing event, entitled "Fun In tho Whlto Houso," Intro- duces tho ontlro company In gorgeous cos tunics, during the action of which will bo scon tho Danso la Puree, tho nutomo- lil lo girls nud halluts. Tho scenlo and mo chantcn! effects nro carried by tho com pany for tho proper stuglngs. Wanted, u good man to do canvassing In tho country. Good pay for light man. Ad dress E -I, Bee. Ilubermnu, Jeweler, est. I860; absolutely reliable; lowest prices; IStli und Douglas. Hamilton Warren, M. D., eclectic and magnetic physician, offlco nt tho Central hotel, corner North Fifteenth and Dodge streets, till a suitable location can be found. Special attention to all long standing or lingering diseases and to diseases of women and children. Wanted An insuranco man of good stand' Ing and experience to act as general agent for a largo eastern Insuranco company not now represented In Nebraska. Address F 2, Bco office, Bowling alleys rented for prlvnte parties. Phono 16G5. Ed Hnyden, 1519 Chicago. Dunne urograms nnd weddlnc stntloncrv. A. I. Root, printer, 414-416 South 12th. Special Sale on Kodaks und Cameras Wo nro now offering Cameras nt specially reduced rates beforo talcing count of stock at tho now year. This Is your oportunity to get a first-class Instrument at greatly reduced prices. The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 Farnam Street. Wholcsalo Dealers In Photo Supplies. nosTON stout, orr.x r,vrii ,oo.. Toilny, Tuemlnj-, Xer Yeiir'n llnri llnMoii Htore'H Open Till .Noon. All tho special bargains wo offored Inst Saturday nnd Monday will bo continued un til noon today. Men's $10 suits go nt $3.90. Men's $15 suits go nt $8.90. Men's $1.50 bucklo overshoes, 75c. Men's $1.50 low overshoes, 75c. Men's G5c rubbers, 29c. $5 Boy's overcoats nt $1.25. $6 boy's ulsters nt $2.50. Men's storm ulsters at $3.90. Men's $15 overcoats, top coats nnd ulsters nt $6.90. BOSTON STORE, Omaha. Open until noon New Yenr's day. N. . Cor. 16th and Douglas. iiavdd.v into. rt.osis at noo.. On Nevr Yenr !) Today being New Year's day, Hnydcn's Bros, announce that tho big store will close nt noon. nir.i). KENNELI.Y-Wllllnni. nged 25 years. Funeral Wednesday, Jnnuury 2nd, ut S:30 u. m. from family residence. 2323 South Uth street, to St. Patrick's church. Interment St. Mary's cemctcrj. 5 Years Ago Today and what a change. How well wo remem ber Juu. 1st, 'Ofl. You did not know there was n druggist In Omaha by the name of Schacfer. Neither did Doc nor tho people In tho Btato of Nobraska. But today thurc Is no storo known better than ours. And what mado this remarkablo change In such n short time? Cut prices and printer's Ink done honestly und thoroughly. Thcro never was and novcr will bo uny "faking" In our advertising. Had thcro been wo would not bo in tho drug business today. Nothing hurts so hard In tlmo ns "faking." In stead, todny wo havo built up a successful business. Wo certainly feel ns If wo ought to spring n rooster In this ad, but you can sco we don't, for tho reason wo haven't got one. What has built our prescription trado show of credit for. His howling himself hoarso about us mado It a "dead cinch" for us. People wnntcd to sco for themselves and bo convinced whether our advertising up to tho Itntnenso amouut that wo 1111 daily, wo must glvo Doc, tho grafter, his of him getting his offlco rent paid and n commission was a fact or a llttlo "hot air" on our account. Wo convinced them that It was n fact and they wero satisfied. Con sequently Doc's argument fell Hat with many of his patients that wo could not fill their prescriptions. Doc expected to get our scnlp a long whlto ngo. Did you get It? If you hnve, we don't know anything about It. If you will contlnuo to demand from your 2x4 pet druggists your commission during tho year of 1901 don't uso such un professional methods and tell your patient the prescription was filled wrong by tho druggist who tilled It, but glvo the druggist a chance to defend himself In tho presence of your patient. As far ns wo nro con cerned, you can do ns you pleaso about us as wo said before. Its n "ueaa cincn" ror us to navo you ten them wo enn't till them. Doc, wo don't ex pect to bo with you all this yenr. As Boon as wo can sell our storo wo will leavo you nnd retire from tho retail business and en ter another field In another line. Should you happen to come to Albany at any tlmo when wo aro there wo will promlso you to entertain you roynlly nnd won't hesitate to "crack n bottle," and wo will talk It over about the great times wo had In Omaha. Doc, wo certainly wish you a happy and prosperous New Year. From your friend, Tho Doutchor Apothekcr, CHAS. II. SCIIAEFER. Wanted, a good man to do canvassing In tho country. Good pay for right man. Ad dress E 4, Bee. Teeth i i If your teeth need attention wo can glvo you llrstclas8 work nt reasonable) prices. Sets Teeth S5.00 up Bridge Work, $5.00 per tooth j Taft's Philadelphia Denial Rooms 1517 DotiKlns St. Until Jan. 1st Picture Frames at your own f)tlC& d& SEE OUR 190 PICTURE FRAMES. JUST THE COST OF THE GLASS -g 213 N. 16th St. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA. N. E. Cor. Farnonl and lltk Rtm. Paid Up Capital fAOO.QOO lurplaa Fund 9100,000 UMTBU STATE DRPOMTORT. FRAN If. MURPHY. President. B. B. WOOD, Vice President LUTHER DRAKE, CaahUr. if. x. UAJdi lslxj Assistant casnier. Heart to Heart Coal Talk m m w m m m '0 m (f Making the Lowest Prices. Hi No mutter whero you havo been buying cash--wo bctlevo It will pay you In dollars, cents and tat iRfnctton to trnnsfer your pat ronage right now to our olllce. W nre dottiR nil thoso things which plcnso coal buyers, Furnishing High (iradc Quality. . Sere cnltig Away all Dust and flirt. Weighing Willi Utmost Accuracy. Delivering Anywhere. Et cry where Promptly Among our special coal values tho most popular Is i 'bV aaam m w mraW jwm tn'Trrrrya u , am & Economy Jg Washed Nut ffi w m m m m m m $5.50 Per Ton. A very clean cooker. No slate, no clinker. Wo uso It In our own homes, eo wo know ox nctly how It burns. Buy ii ton and If not satisfac tory wo will replace It with other coal or tho cash at our own expense. J. S0NNENBERG, DIAMOND BROKER, Xoann money en Diamonds, Watches, and Jewa'.ry. Old Gold and Silver bouaht. BU8INBBS CONFIDENTIAL. TVel. IBB. XaOS DOUGLAS ST. 'ft m it) OMAHA COAL, COKE & (t (ft LIME COMPANY (ft E. cor. loth 'f? & Douglas ff Strobts. ' Phonn r unvrtFii' Grand pre- llAllJOlS Inventory Clothing Sale. For this week. Prices cut in half. Fit and style guaranteed. The best makes of clothing in America. Buy this week and save fully fifty per cent on your purchases. The most complete as sortments and the best values ever put on sale. Hart, Schaffner & Mars Finest Suits aiid Overcoats l At great concessions in price. The richest qualities in the world, made to retail at $15.00, 20.00, $25.00 and .$:J0.00, will sell here this week at $7.50, $10 and $15. We also offer exceptional values in medium grade Cat Suits and Overcoats, worth 10.00 and 12.00, for. 4- Price Concessions in Boys and Children's Suits, Reefers and Odd Pants. Boys' Odd Long Pants, si7.es, waists, 20 to 32 pants worth from $1.50 to 5.00 on sale for 75c, $1.25, $1.95, $2.50 Boys' Odd Knee Pants, sizes 3 to 10, worth up to $1.75, sale price this week 25c, 50c and 75c Boys' Reefers and Top Coats worth double at $1.75, $2.50 and $3.75 (III 01D YEAR IS DYING The closing hours of 3900 warrant us in these expressions: Twelve months of exceptionally good business with more goods sold, more dollars counted than ever before, j uc jiiviviinu mis NurjiriBfii aim hiuiuibi'u u grvui. many other people. What did it? The irresistible mag net of lowest prices every day in the year is bound to at tract the crowd. Perfectly fair dealing, tho most liberal assortments, high organization and the command of mon ey, brought us a wealth of trade, beyond our best antici pations. If there aro opportunities, we know of them, and in the markets where cash is king, wo are the unquestioned leaders. Every year adds to tho betterment of our work. The completeness and readiness of the store at every point is generally known and appreciated. On last New Year's day we proclaimed a new and greater career for this busi ness. It has been realized Trado traditions are re versed, dull seasons banished, varieties increased, goods cheapened, service improved, money never had equal buying power, and in many class of ways wo know wo have done you a good service. Our task' has been to so perfect the art of retailing that the customer shall pay, nearly as possible, only for the article he buys. We've tried to work out the correct principle of straightforward integrity and make the store something more than a plnce to buy and sell and make money. For the rest, we could not find words to tell of the year and its success. We let it pass into history, proud of what we are and thankful for the good-will of a host of friends. The storo will be open until noon tomorrow, January 1st, 1001. IAVn5?l!T Pre-Inventory lAI UkllS Sale of Cloaks. We take slock Wednesday and have made astonishingly low prices to close out every possible garment Tuesday forenoon. The prices quoted herein are for Tuesday only no mail orders filled. Ladies' Beaver Cape that sold 0 C C for $125.00 500 ladies' Rainy Day Skirts made from the heavy golfing cloths plaid backs regular price $7.50 for ft Q Q 0 only wUiUU 50 ladies' Suits silk lined throughout- made up in the newest styles worth up to $40.00 for one day only $12.50 HAYD linos Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. . Beautiful Atomizers and Cut Glass Bottles of Perfumes at reduced prices to close out. Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go Cnr. Kith nnd Dndice. Smoke the best. Ask your dealer for a i - .uisi. ii "U 1 m mm D IT COSTS YOU NO MORE VHAN INFERIOR BRANDS. P. R. RICH N. C. CO., Mfrs, St. Louis. UNION MADE Sight Drafts at Maturity. it. s. hall. i. h, Mcculloch. Law office of hall & Mcculloch. OMAHA NATL iANK BLDC, 0MA HA. December 31st, 1900. Mr. II. X). Neoly, Manager Equitable I.lfp Ins, Co., Omaha, Nebraska, Dear Sir: I havo today received for Mrs. Ellen H. Wore, my wlfo's mother,' your draft for JC.0S3, In paymcit of tho two poli cies on tho llfo of Jasper A. Waro, her husband. Proofs wero handed mo Monday ovonlug last, December 2-Ith. I notlco your draft Is dated at New York Decem ber 27th, and was received In Omaha on Sunday. Tho proofs which wero nlvrn to mo wero very simple, and very easily made out, nnd tho promptltudo with which tho policies wero paid Is vory satisfactory Indeed. I now have beforo mo a practical Illustration of tho truth of your advertisement that policies In tho Equitable nro sIrIH draft ut maturity, and I wish to say I vnluo more than over my policy of $10,000 In the Equitable, Llfo Insur anco Company, which I havo carried for many years, and which I regard as tho very best part of my estate. Yours very truly, n. S. HALL. Promptness Everywhere. OQJ Per Total Claims Paid Total Premiums Paid 8 cent. During Novomber over 09 per cent (99.376 per cent) of tho death claims paid by tho Equitable In tho United States and Canada wero paid within ono day after proofs of death wero received. Number. Amount. Claims Paid 1C0 $664,437 raid within ono day. ...159 661,437 There was only ono claim that ro malncd unpaid on the second day. $661,137 301,201 Fronts to Estates of Assured.. $363,233 Whoro claims nro not paid Imme diately It Is usually duo to delay on the part of tho beneficiary In submitting complrto papers. 99.65 PEFt CENT of AMOUNT PAID WITHIN A DAY. Ratio of Claims paid to Premiums re ceived, 220.60 per cent. Ter cent of Profit to Estates of As sured, 120.60 per cent. ' The record of one month is the record of 40 years. ALWAYS TIIH SAME. THE OLD RELIABLE Equitable Life Strongest In the world. Surplus over $61,000,000. H. D. NEELY, Manager for Nebraska. 206-208 Dec Building, OMAHA. You all know our Box Coat Skinner's satin lined made from imported kersey the best coat in America we have been selling it for $12.00 for one day only You all know Hie fine Jackets that fill our tables mink and er- minie collars trimmed with fancy silks that have sold up to $.'50 for one day only your choice Ladies' Automobile Coats new back and new sleeve vou remember it at $18.50 for one day only Ladies' Astrakhan Capes 33 inches long with written guaran tee for four years' wear the price has been S3S.no for one day only 1 lot of children's Jackets some trimmed with fur that sold at $1.75 for one day only 10 dozen ladles' Underskirts havo been soiling at $1.00 and 1.C0 for ono - q JLUKj ..$5.50 ..$4.98 ..$6.98 69c $6.98 nk and or- $5.00 $8.75 ti m n tin vi - vu fa uu till- $17.50 $1.48 day only 75 ladles Silk Dress Skirts nicely trimmed regular prlco $12.75 for ono day only Ladles' Marten Scarfs thnt wero sold at $12.50 for ono day only at 200 ladles' Tailor Mado Suits all colors newest Btylcs all wool ma terials sold up to $18.00 for ono day only Ladles' French Flannel Waists lined throughout now cuff regular price $2.50 for ono day only HAYDEN BROS Fastest Trains Shortest Line I v mm j MISSOURI RIVER TO Salt Lake City 10 Heart Qaickir than any other line. San Francisco 15 Hoars Qalcktr than any othir lint. Portland IS Hourt Qalcktr than any other lint. MISSOURI RIVER TO Salt Lake City 238 Mlln Shortr than any other line. San Francisco 3 to Mil" Shorter than any other line, Portland 54 HUei Shorter than any other line. T5he UNION PACIFIC the Direct Lino FOR ALL WESTERN POINTS Detailed information cheerfully furnished upon application. NEW CITY TICKET OFFICE 1324 FARNAM ST. TELEPHONE 316.