THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: MQypAY, DECEMHEH 31, 1000. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements far thesa column will be take nntll VI m. for the renins rdltlnn and nntll HMO p. m. fnr mirnlnic and Similar edition. Hate. 1 JZc a rrord llrat Inaertloti. le a word thereafter. Nothing tnUeu for leae lima SSc tor the Oral Inaer tlnn. Thea adrerltseaarata be ran ronecnllely. AilTf rtlif ri, by reqnaatlaar a num bered check, can have anarrera nil dreaaed to a numbered letter in care of The Dee. Auartera an addreaaed rrlll be delivered prcaeatatloa at taa cheak aalj. WANTHII-SITIATIO.V. SITUATION ns cuttor nnd tnllor; ten yenr expel Icncc, good reference. Addres Is 61, lite. A--MC03 31' UPHOLSTERER wnnt situation, In or out of town. T 10, I toe. A M073--31 help. WANTT2D, wo havo steady work for a tow goou nustiers oi goon nanus nnu nnpeui nnce. C. F. Adams Co., ltW5 Howurtl St. U 137 BARBER trade tnught thorougniy in short iime, catalogue ami particulars hjv, Address Western Barbers' InMltutc Omahii, Neb. n-13? WANTKD, n good experienced clothing solicitor. Apply 13M Farnnm St. Good position to right ptirty. 1 WANTKD. good man to do canvassing In wio country, goou pay ior ngni nwn. dress H 4, Bee. U MISS WANTED, men to travel. Address 11. H. Hcummon, 107 8. ITth St., Omuhn. Neb. II M!ul 31 WANTED., men to lonrn b.irbcr trndo. Free transportation to our moot convenient college, Chicago, St. Louis or Minneap olis, wnero wn save two years iii i.,.,i,it, in .iirttlwi.l r.f ntmtritit lir.'IP' tlcei expert Instructions and lectures. Wo grant diplomas re.ignUeil Anywhere, pre sent complete nutiu oi mom. ra" diiy wages from Hluri und furnish posl- floiio ...imi.i.tcnt Wn want BOO men nt once. Now field. Comparatively littles expense, write mr eninionu" i'"r Moler Barber College Representative 16m Fnrnam street, Omalm. B MOU A BRIGHT young man or wo'man to tftko, snnrtnnnu scnniiirsnip "' i"y 11 course lrt niiisncii mm position rraiu'n. Address I'' IB, Hoe. Il-M7ai9l LAWYER-IHsk room, telephone, etc., for legal service In n renl estate olllee. Ad dress F 17, Hee. 11-721 31 WANTED, shoemaker with kit, In excluslvo shoe store; state experience nnd tprms. J. SI. CnrllHle, Duvld City. Neb. H-731 31 WANTiiii fusi ai.h iun.p( WANTKD, 200 girls. 1521 Dodgo. TcK jfi. 10 girls wanted. Cnnadlun olllee. 1522 Douglas WANTHD-OIrl for general housework. Mrs. A. O, Gilbert, 12S O.tkland avenue, Council liluffi' r-M5W WANTKD. young lady nttendnnt. Call at 220 Deo Uldg. C-K TWO assistant nurses wnntrd at Child Snv Ing Institute, &)l South Klghtepnth street. C M607 31 WANTUD, women of good address and references to present savings and Invest ment features of thn Northwestern I.lfo and Savings Co. of Dps Moines; work pleasant and easy: bright women can earn big conipeiiFutlon In Nebraska and Iowa by addressing 12. C. Webster, gen eral agent, Noams 509 ami 510, Paxton block, Omaha. C-.Mf32 1 A IIIUOI1T young man or womnn to tnko shorthand scholarship nml pay for It when course Is finished and position seeur.vl. Address F 15, Hee. C-.M70I St WANTKD, IttdlcH to learn hnlrdressln't. manicuring and facial massages; four weeKH commutes; tooir i iiroiMiu . run CIHI, for general housework; must be llrsl-cluss; small family; good wages. Ap ply 1022 S. 30th ave. C 736 Jl WANTKD, comiietent girl for general housework; good wogos. 200 So. Siith St. C 579-20 III2I.P WA.TI2I). WANTKD, boys- and girls to work for us; kpih! 10e for merehandlse ecrtlllontn and how to get a 10IC gold pen and holder rree, iNortncrn Illinois titippiv .o. Drawer 175. Sycamore, III. M575 FOH III2XT IIODSF.S. IF you want your liouses well rented plnco them with llenawa, & Co. D 112 ALWAYS moving II. II. goods. Pianos. Olllee, 151U4 Farnnm St. Tel. 1559 or 863. D 113 HOUSES fnr rent In all parts of tho city, Urennan-I.ove Co., 320 So. 13th St. D-1H HOUSES, stores. Bcmls, Paxton block. D-II5 BBK HKNItY H. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. D 117 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. D US HOUSES and flats. Itlngwalt, Barker Hlk, D 150 g-nOOM i'ousp. 27tb nnd Farnam Sts.. all modern, can .w rarnam or pnonn &ss. D-151 HOUSES A-antcd. Wallace, Brown hlk. D 152 FOB BKNT, ten-room modern house; cen tral location, to private family only; table boartl lor two persons uuccpieu an ront. Blngwnlt, Barker blk. D-Mfi-)! 31 tOH BENT. 12-room house, heated with stenm, motiern conveniences, good pain. Address u , uee. U 176 BARN, 2051 St. Mary's Ave. D-153 ELKOANT 10-room nil modern residence; barilwooit iinisii, porcelain iiatli, laundry. This house) Is In good condition nnd with in ten minutes' walk of tho center of tho city; In a very sejeot neighborhood, near 2tth and St. Mnry's Ave. Bent, 145. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th and Uouglus Sttf, D 570 FOR RENT, 5-room cottage. 26th nnd Bloudo Bts., iO. Apply ct 007 N. 29th st. 11 ,tv. i IW FOR RENT, nbout Dec. 25, now fl-rnom cot tage, loth hiu Arbor; city water nnd bnih; very convenient for small family; win sun, nun uotvii, iiaiunce montlliy pay ments, 506 N. Y. Life building. D-M3H FOR BKNT, Bakery In first-class condition; largo store room, continuous oven, etc. Also S-room house, with barn for X mrHa nnd large wagon shed. All for VM.00 per iiiuniii. . ii. Kimauii, i.t, itaiuge mug. S311 Seward St.. now five-room cottngo ior rent; goon oarn nnu cuy water; rent, $12.5(1. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., IBth and woiiKi'iH ois. u .; FOR RENT, two cottages. 2119-2121 Blniioy st. liKiulru J. Bonner, V5th st. U-.M5.Nli 31 ISS5 nurt. six rooms nnd bath, 116; others. uiugwait, iiarKer oik. u jiuia oi NEW 7-room brick, dtrletly modern, cast front, 27th and St, Mury's ave., $35. Bemls, I-11XIUII OIK, 11 .Mill 192t So. 35th, Just west of Hnnscom park 7 room, city water, bath and furnace Just vacated: rent J20.00. J. II, Sherwood f09 N. Y. Life. D-M6SS 1 2000 CALIFORNIA St., f.intlshed7centrnT call afternoons. D 720 10 t oil HUNT FUIIMSIIHI) IIOOMS. STEAM htntcd rooms at Tho Thurston. E 154 FURNISHED rooms, modern. 1722 Dodge, E-M960 J 8 DEWEY European hotel, 13th nnd FarnatnT. U-3s0 FURNISHED ROOMS, modern, 1910 CnrZ tol ave. E-M553 31 FOR RENT A nicely furnished front room, blocks of postntllcc; tiatli fchoiitf. Addrcs, F 4, Beo. houiii mm east exposure, wiiiiiu pvo Dam nnu use or ie;e. stani practice; expert instructions; posi tions guaranteed. Call or write for par ticulars. Moler's Halrdrosslng College, 1623 ltrnam, Omnha. C M702 l I'l lt.MMIIi:n IKMIMS AMI noAitn. IIOl'HKKi:BPlS0 rooms, ti up. 2S23 Bt. .Mary s. is aiiui j."J" Kl'H.MSIinn IIOOMS AM) IIOAItl). jM:NCAlHN,translcnt8,J1.2G day. 1dw Douc F tj Tho Storrlnm, Rood winter home. 23 & Dodge F 157 TUB I'RATT, nice south room. 212 8. 25th. F-lM UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F 156 Kl.KOANT larce Hteanvhpated front ronm, with board. K Capitol' a V. F-MK2 1 FrilNIHIIKI) rooms and hoard. 31(5 South 26th Ht F MftiO-C I.AIIOF. front parlors sultablo for two, with hoard: excellent location, tv.'l North 23rd. F-72M DK.HIUAHI.B room; Ilrst-c!nrs board. 2.VSI Ihirriev. F-721 S roii iti:vr-t mm iimiii:i TWO unfurnished rooms. 1057 Park Ave. U IIS PAHI.OK Moor, I rooms, with light and hrat; also one alcove room, partly fur nished, for light housekeeping. In'iulro 23SO Hnrney. O-MSrtfl 1 on iti:.vr.-yrtmr:s ami offici:s. FOR ItKNT. rlora In flrnt ulajs location; rent reasonable. Apply It. C. Peters & Co.. ground Hour, Uie Uldg, I-2K SPLENDID building In commission district for rent Jan. 1. F. D. Wead, 1S2I DoughK. 1-.MS47 J6 FOIt It 13 NT, the building formerly occupied bv The Hen at 91ti Farnnm street. It has four stories and u basement which was formerly used as Tho Hee press room This will be rented very reasonably If Interested apply nt onco to C. C. Hoso water, secretary, room 100, Bee Hulldlng. 1 2bl t innL. ...... i . ... H....I.I i.lnf.1. J1IVV,J-. UDIIIJII IIIUIIl 111 l ,UII I lllll IU I I7ll.., can bo mndo Into very desirable ofllcn and reception room lor pnysician. win ur range to suit. - OMAHA 1 OAN & TIlt'ST CO., 16th & Douglne Sts. I S37 QROCKItY, corner; factory or laundry building. D. C. Patterson. 'Phonp, H13. I-S13-J-4 STORE -205 South llth St. I-C27-2 Al2.Vr.N WATI2II. II' I vtmii .. i .. ... i r..- . . . , . i i, iv, men ui kvimi iiuiiress itiai leiui- . n ... jiivni Hi iiiin 111111 ii .iniiiivii featurei of the Northwestern I.lfo an I Savings Co. of Dch Moines; lnrgo earning' to agents throughout Nebraska and low.t. Address E. C. Webster, general agent, PW and 610 Paxton block, Omaha. J-M631 1 MEN to represent Fernbnnk Co.. Cincin nati, O.. also adverll"ers; sulary. Apply Triumpn co., u.uia., Tex, j-jiwi a" "V A XT 1 2 D TO IU2V1 YOl'NO man desires plnee to work for iioani wuiie atieuiiing scuooi. iioyies col lege, Beg Uldg. Tel. I9S4. K-624-1 WANTKD. one or two unfurnished roomi eonveiilent to Houtli Omalm car line. Heated preferred. Must be cheap. Ad dress F 19, Bee Olllee. K-729 31 sroit.xni:. PACIFIC Storngo and Warehouse Co., 912. vit jones, general storage am: rortvuriiing. -15 OM. Van Stor Co,, 1511H Fnrn. Tcls. 1559-Ma tut WANTKD TO IHJY. ALIi kinds of household coods. hotels, etc.. in lurgo ana smnii quantiiicu. tjnicago I' urnuure uo., iiuo-iu uouge. Met. im.u N-401 WILL purchnse a limited niimber of umana suvingi unnK accouuis. iirennan Love Co., 309 So. 13th. N 163.. HOUSES to move. Wallace. Drown Rlk. N 163 WANTED to buy, J1.000 of Omalm Savlngo uaiiK nccounxs ior. casu. Auuress a iu. uee oinco. w jidh Hiail EST prices pnld for furniture ana stoves j, ievin, iui i. lein Ht. js JiJ roit sai.i: HOHNI2M, vi;hici,i:s, ETC. VEHICLES. Ilnest la city: repnlr work, tho ucst; try us. ii, itosi. inn iv: i.eavenwtn 1' IH FOH SAI.IiMI.SCKI, I, A.MOObS. HARD nnd soft foundation piling; hog icnccs nnu criuuing. uvi i-iuukihs. w 1 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1116 Farnnm. tj ItM SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwnrtz, lit So. IX iw HERTFORD & CO.. 10th & llworth. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING. Q-377 TIMOTHY liny und all kinds feed nnd conl Monroo & Co. Q MHO I HAVE a sum permanent euro for warts: no pain or scar; scnu i aim n ccnt stamp tor medicine and full directions. uco. Kticeru, western, inch. Q-M137 J21 2DIIAND bolter nml cimlne. nbout 2n II-I for saw cneap. at umnna safe and Iron worun. inu ho. mn St.. umuiia. ij sva ,M1SC1'2I,I,AM-20I!!. NOTICE, country denlers. 2dhnnd furnltnrn and stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less, viucago ruriuiuro lu., iiuu-iu uougo, it Viv SELL chenn beautiful Unrleht nlnnn mahogany case, fully guaranteed, bargain, iu rx. -uin ni. (iis-jy.i QLADISH phnrmncy, 12 & Dodge, rcllahlo arug siora. n 1'.'6 Jl I2M2CTII 10 Til IJAT.Mn.NT, M ALIi: I. Cl RAY, 31714 N. 15th St., nut E. T M307 .117 ELITK parlors. 615 So. 16th. second Hour. T-3J6 4 MME. AMES, 1613 Howard. 2d lloor. roonTT: thermal baths. T-600.134 CliAlllVOYAXTS, MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. S19 North 16th s lio MME.OLYMKR genulno palmist. 1605 Do lg S-MI7F rr.itMi.vAi DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns & superfluous hair removed by electricity. R. 12, Fren nor Blk. U 172 TURKISH baths, massage hath.', electric baths, for ladles only: skilled women massage operators; ilnest equipped baths In tho city. Renatrom Bath Company. Rooms 216 to 220 Beo Bldg, U-I7t VIAVI, woman's way to health. 310 Bee hldf U-I7J LIE BEN, theatrical, mosquurade costutner 1018 Fnrnnrm U 473 ' PRIVATE home baforo and during conilno.' rncnt; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget. 260 Burdetto, U 478 SEWING machines rented nnd repaired' rent 12 l'cr month; supplies for nl kinds of machines. Tho Singer Manufacturing Co,. 1514 Douglas St. Telephone 41S. U-I7S COSTUMES for rent. 3318 S. 20th. Mrs. S. 8ck U-M Jli PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur Ing contlnement; bubles adopted. 1)36 N. 17 it u 111 FURNACE work. STOVE work, tln.slioet Iron, galvanized Iron, zlno nnd copper work done; cheapest place In tho city. Bavugo's Tin Shop, 322 Farnam St. U-385 J65C 8TEINWAY upright piano, latest stylo ca80 for sale cheap. Address D IS. Bee. U-677-Jy.l FRENCH nccordlon pirating; Ivory rim but tons: mall orders. .Omahu Pleating Co., 1521 DouglnB. U-4S0- SUPPLIES for all machines: mnehlnes'for rent White Sewing Muchtne. H20 DMig. Iu. Tel. 2331. U 34) I'UBSONAt., BABIES and children cared for M3 N. 23d. U M57H J28" WANTED, location by physician of expo- i icnce, witii uest ot reicrenccs. miress, K C6, Bee. U-M819 1 PRIVATE hospltnl for ladles before and during connnemeni; names atiopteii. xsji; aratid st. U 177 TWO young men who tire boarding them- ...... it. I 111... ... I. ...... .1.H.1 ,H nnrn miuni lini; lu llul' II lllllll JOII1 them. Address F 19, Beo OHlce. U-723 31 MOM2Y TO I.OAX-UI2AI, 12STATI2 PRIVATE money. C, 514, 6 per cent; no de lay. .Qurvln Bros., 1613 Farnam. W 4&9 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western low.t farms nt 5 per cent; borrowers can pay J100 or any multiple; nny Interest date; no delay. Brcnnau-Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th St.. Omahu, Nob. V 182 MONEY to loan on Improved Omnha real estate. Brcnnnn-Lovo Co., 2C9 So. 13th. W 453 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas W-491 11,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property nny arms. w. rarnam umitn : Co., 1320 Fornam. W 181 WANTED City loans, bonds nnd warrants. George. & Compnny, 1001 Farnnm street. W 85 WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds ft i il U'nrrnnta II C t a t fa X- 1 Tftl Farnam St., Beo Bldg. W 490 MONEY to l"in on farm and city property, lowest rat . O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Farnam W-4S7 MONEY to i&n at 6 nnd 514 per cent on Omaha i- jcrty. W. B. Mclkle, 401 8. 15th W t8S FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block. W 193 MONEY to lonn on flrst-clnss Improved city property, or for building purposes. Payne Knox Co., New York Xlfo. W-493 PRtVATE money to loan. 939 N. Y. Life. J. II. BhPrwood, IV-49I J1.500 TO LOAN on renl estntc:call nt onco, M. J. Kennard & Son, 310-311 Brown block. W-4S3 MO.M2Y TO I.OAX-CIIATTI2I.9. THE OMAHA MOBTOAOE LOAN CO. (Established 1892.) Will mako you n loan on furniture, pianos, live stock, etc. You keep the property. Or If you havo n permnncnt position we will make vou a SALARY LOAN without Indorsar or mortgnge. Wo loan from 110 up. vou can get mo money in a iow hours after making application nnd you may pay It back In 1. 2, 3, I. 0 or 6 months. Others claim lower rates, but all wo ask Is a to make comparison?. Wo charge nothing for papers or tiling und wo glvo you tho full amount of tho loan In cush. Wo are tho oldest and largest loan company In Omnha. Our motto Is "to try top lease." Telephono 2203. 306 South 16th St. X 196 MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No endorser of mortgage required LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS nntf, STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO., Room 520, Fifth Floor, New York Life Bids'. "SALARY LOANS" TO EMPLOYES NO CIIAROE DEDUCTED IN ADVANCE. NO CHARGES FOB DRAWING PAPERS. "QUIET" IOFFJCE" "EASILY" "FOUND." "AMERICAN" "LOAN" "CO " Room C01, Bee Building. Open 8 nt m. to C p. m. and noons. Rebato when loan Is paid oefure due. X-M7S3 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, low- clry, horse,, cows. etc. C. F. Reed, i, jvj a. ia. X-501 SALARY LOANS, CHATTEL LOANS. .1. W. TAYLOB. 21$ First Nut. nank Bldff. MONEY loaned on nlanos. furniture, hor.-u-a. cows. Jewelry. Duff Green, R s. Barker blk A tJti LOANS 011 furniture, pianos, diamonds, Jewelry and salaries; cheap rates. BOS TON LOAN Co., It. 21, Frenzer blk.. 15th nnd Dodge, opp. old P. O. Open evenings. X-M176 J12 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, with pnrtlal payments on note; no mort- fuge or security: nbmlutely confidential; OSITIVHLY LOWEST RATES; loans of other compnnlcH taken up. Room 303, Pax ton Block. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. X-60J CHATTEL nnd salary loans. .Too H. Pleas nnt, 54 Bnrkcr block. X-M157 J12 CHATTEL and snlary loans. .Too It. Pleas ants. 64 Barker block, X--M157 J13 MONEY loaned snlnrlod peoplo holding t,er m nne nt position with responsible concern upon their own names without security: easy payments. Tolman, Room 440, Boar 1 of Trade Bldg., 16th nnd Farnnm Sts. X-002 MONEY TO LOAN on furniture, plan's, diamonds, etc., nt low rates, on pay ments. You keep Fecurlty. No chargo for papers. No questions asked neighbors. Berger's Loan Co., 1514 Fnrnam. Tel. KUI, X-MG21 BUSINESS CHANCE.. J1E0 CASH or easy payments buys 25 strictly cigars or cash: will earn t'i and upward weekly each. Earl, Clarlc & Co., Furnl- ture Manufacturers, Chicago, 0, III. XW3 WANTED, good man to do convnsBlng In the country; good puy for right man. Ad dress E 4, Bee. Y-M19U WANTED, partner, good rustler, engage In chnttel loun business iu southern or west ern city. E 67, Bee. YM574 1 PARTNER with means to engage In sheep business. Address E 69, Bee. Y 578-J3 WANTED, partner with $500 cash; no work, money safe, largo profit: references. Mrs. A. A. Draper. Omaha, Neb, Y 699 1 VALUABLE iiatcnt on household nrtlclo of every day use. Will sell entire pat ent or territory. For circulars nnd par ticulars, address box 100, Axtell, Neb, Y-M616 31 I WANT to Invest nnd take active part :n good legitimate business. Fakes need not reply. Address E 65. Bee. Y M608 31 FOR SALE Fine 3-stnry brick nnd base ment hotel In western Kansas, 31 rooms, 20 regular boarders and all the commer cial trade; has never been closed. A bar gain. I havo other luslnesa. Address, F 5. Bee. V MlVd 8 FOR SALE, nil ensli. the Now Metropolo, 15 rooms; intes $2.00; only hotel In town; JYiO.OO buys It If sold at once; leaso In definitely to right partv. quarterly In ndvance; no monev don't answer. Tom F. Rnoney. Oberlln, Knn. Y Mill 31" WANTED, party to Invest IM.niio nn business that will nay nn annual dividend of 50 per cent. E 67. Boe. Y M622 III FOIt KXCII.WCI GROCERY stock doing good business; want Omaha property nnd cash; 820-acro farm and il,5(0 cash for hardware stock. To sell or buy fco Vanpelt, 009 Beo Bldg. tf-597 29 FOIl SALE nUAI. ESTATE. GOOD INVESTMENT. 13 Per Cent Interest 13 Per Cent, Throe two-Btory six-room houses, newly papered and painted, tlrst-class repair, ptrtly modern, one block from car line Price. J4.O7A Tho Byron Beed Co.. 212 8. 14th st.f RE-M571 Ra"nCh"aND FARM lands for sale by th7 Union Pacific Railroad company. 1). A. . McAllaster land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-.-.U SEVERAL vacant lots In Hnnscom Place for sale cheup. J, II, Hhertvood 939 N. v. Life. RE-M6S9 I C. F. HARRISON. BARGAINS. 913 N. Y. U RB-123 J9 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, lnnns; also flro Insurance. Dcmls, Paxton blk. RE 410 PROPERTY bought and aoldj mon?y loaned: rents collected. V. L. ohnson Co., 311 So. 16th St. HE 103 EQUITY in whol-sftlo district. C6xl32, brlngT Ing In good rental, Bargain. Address E :,M3cj. REHS-S FOIl SALI2 HH.W, I2STAT1 CHAS. E. WILLIAMBON, 1203 Fnrnn'm St RE-W5- SEE HENRY B. PAYNT2. 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE-512 FOR BALE, four acres, nil lu fruit bear ing: best Improvements; thirty minute walk from packing houses. Street car nccommodatlons, A bargain l taken soon. W. J. Mnck, South Omnha. RB--M00I 3t- FOR SALE, flVfi store buildings, each 20x60; 40,000 feet of gor.d lumber In them. These buildings must be sold nt once. Also good cottage nt 15th and California, to bo re moved. A. 1. Tukey, Board of Trade, RE-4VH-29 HAVING mado .irrnngemcnts to leave the city I will sell my home. 1607 Yrites St., nlso adjoining house nnd lot nt n sacrifice. Tom Dennlson. RE SS.1-29 imi2sS.MAKl.Va. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 31S S. 26th st -M977 JS MRS. JEFFRIES KEMP, 404 Paxton block, telephono 2420. M-6SI J27 limns Axn taxidehm. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Lcavenworlh. 635 i.AUxtmv. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 617 -634 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Box 232, Oma!;n, Neb. Confldintlnl. 510 MRS. A. A. DRAPER, D, M graduated In the best schools, treats chronic, and nervous diseases, ladles und children. Hotel Drcxcl. . -698 1 OONOVA Is a Frenh treatment for malo and female, for the positive euro of Gon orrhoea, Gleet. Unnatural Discharges. In flammations, Irritations and Ulcerations of thn mucous membranes. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to euro worst cusps In ono week; $3 per pnekago or two for $5. Sont any where on receipt of prlco. , Tho Kldd Drug Co.. Elgin. 111. American Office, retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha: Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full lino of rubber goods. DAXCirJO. AFTER the holidays, What? You can Join In ono of Morand's classes in dancing -nnd comblno pleasure with instruction nt n moderate price. Call on him nt Crctghton hall and you will hear of tho ndvnntngcpus terms you can make. Classes iilwnys open for beginners. Children Wednesdays nnd Saturdays, adults Tuesdays and Fridays. Prlvnto lessons dally and evonlngs. High school class Saturday evening. M577 6 ACCOItDION PLEATINC ACCORDION nnd side pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark. 9 Pat terson Blk., 17th nnd Farnam Sts. -622 I'l'H.MTlIRi: BARGAINS. We have bought tho cntlro stock of Wolf Zacharla, 1207 Farnnm st., amounting to 3,0u0, at 60c on tho dollar. Tho larger portion being holiday goods, we are will ing to closo them out nt 15 per cent profit. Don't fn'.l to Inspect thlB line, before pur chasing. Remember tho place.. Enter prise Furniture Co., 102-104 South 14th, corner Dodgo, M 308 SI SHORTHAND AND TYPEWIUTINH. A. C. VAN SANT'S School, 717 N. -Ti Life. 523 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal Beo Bldg. -524 NEB. Bus. & Shorthand, college. Boyd'a Theater. , 525 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C.CoI. 16 & DpUg. JUNK. B.&M. Junk house, J. Milder, Prop,, dealer In all metals, bottles, etc. Carloads a specialty. .301-803 Farnam, Omaha. Tot 2378. .-821 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 613 N. Y. L. Bldg.; Tel. 1664; Alice Johnson. D. O., ladles' dept.; Gld K. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. -518 M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school, Klrksvllle, Mo.. 604 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367. -619 WANTED TO IIOIIUOW. WANTED, to borrow JlO.ono fop 0110 year. Will pay 7 per cent. Good security. Ad dress F 1, Bee. - M-023 32 NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee Bldg. Tel, 253). M618 STAMPS. BADGES, medals. Om. Pl't. Co,, Beo UKlg. 101. MJD. MU17 FURNITURE REPAIRING. f TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St. T&7 TICKET llltOKEH. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P, tophi) bin, 1505 Farnam. Telephone 7S4. -631 Mlltlton. FACTOIIY. Damaged looking glasses resllvorcd, 708 N 16. Ml HORSE WIXTEHEI). HORSES wlnterod, 14 per month. J. W. Phelps. 257 N. Y. Llfo bldg. 'Phone 1054. M-783 .13 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable accommodnt- ing; an uusiness connucniiai. isui Douglas, CARPENTERS AND .fOIinERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J, T. Ochiltree, 20tri nnu i.qko uts. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vauchn, 430 Ramgo Bldgj BELGIAN HARES. PEDIGREED Belgian hares ut common senso prices, 2736 Decntur st, Jl 69.1 1 SUES k. CO . Patent Layara Bt Bldg,, Omahi, Ni PatantlaakPra PATENTS GUARANTEE!) 1 LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Ofllco of the Len-Olnss-Andrfosen. Hard ware Co,, Omaha, Neb., Dec. . 1900. Notice W hereby given to the stockhold ers of the Lce-Glass-Andreescn Hnrdwars Co. that tho annual mcetimr of thn ulnrk. holders of tho company will b hold at the oillces of snld company. 1219, 1221 nnd jrci iinrncy street, in 1110 city or umnna, lu tho state of Nebraska, on Tuesday, Q A 1 . 11.1 ..I A'..l..l. .. Ui.llltilt v. 4. '. .w., ,.h u u tlUI IV II, III,. for tno purpose or electing u board of directors for tin company to servo during tho ensuing year, .and to transact such oilier nusincss as may ne presented ut such iul-ciiiik. Jl. j. j.r-r., President, Attest; W. M. GLASS. nt 31tin Secretary, STOCKHOLDERS' MUETlMl. Notice IS hereby ulven that .tho nnn inl meeetlng of tho stockholders ol Tho Bee Building company will bo held at 4 o'o'.otk p. ill. inurauuy, junuury 10, iwi, at inn offlco of said company In Tho Bee'hutkllng, uninnu, tor inn cicuiniii hk ii uoaru 01 qi rectors for Iho ensuing year aniDtho trans action of such other may nron erly romo before such meajfief By order of the president. C C. ItOSE WATER, Beoretary, De0!dZ3t POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be rend DAILY' by all Intf'rested, as cbnnires itmv neeiir nt nnv time.) Foreign malls for tho week ending Jnnii- nry t, iwi, win close (prusutijV hi nn ctsesl nt the Genernl t'nstnnice ns fol lows; PARCELS POST MAILS CLOSE ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing time shown below. Pnrcebi Post Malls for Germnny close nt 5 p. m, January 2. Regular nnd Supplementary Malls close nt i'uii-ikii 1.MUUCI1 nun nuiir mivi 111.111 lng time shown below. t Transatlantic Mnlla, WEDNESDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. New York, via Boutnampimi (mall for Germnny nnd lrelnnd must bo directed "per s. s. New York"): nt 8:30 n. m. (supplementary 10 n. m.) for EU ROPE, per s. s, Teutonic, vln Unpens town (mall for Germany must bu directed "tier s, s. Teutonic"); nt 1 p. in. for AZORES ISLAND, ner s. m. Penlnsulnr. THURSDAY At 6:30 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA nnd LOHBN'O MAR tJUEZ, per s, s. Lit Gascogne, via Havro (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. h. Ln Gascogne"); nt 6:30 n. m. for EUROl'E. per s, s. Kaiser Wm. dor Grosse, via Southampton nnd Bremen (mall for France. Switzerland, Italy, Spain. Portugnl, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, British India nnd Lorenzo Mnrqucz, via Cherbourg, must bo directed "per s. s. Kaiser Wm. dcr Grosse"). OATURDAY-At 2:30 n. in. for EUROPE, per s. s. Etrurln, via Qucenstown; nt 8 a. in. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Stantendnm (mall must bei directed "per s. s. Stantendnm"): at it n. m. for ITALY, per s. s. F. Bismarck, vln Naples (mall must bo directed "per s. s. F. Bismarck"); nt 10 ft. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per p. s. Astoria (mall must bo directed "per b. s. Astoria"), PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes Printed Mutter. Commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other ports of Europe will not bo sent by this Bhlp unless specially directed by her. After the closing of tno Supplementnrv Trans-Allantlo Malls named above nddl tlonnl supplementary mulls nre opened on tho piers of the American, English, French nnd German steamers nnd remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mnlla for Snnth nnd Central Ainerlen, West Indies, ele. MONDAY-At 11 a. m. for ST. KITTS nnd BARBADOS, per s. s. Uller. TUESDAY At 3 n. m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. p. Jaffa; nt 6:30 p. in. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admlrnl Sampson, from Boston. WEDNESDAY At 9:30 n. m. (suppleinen tnry 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMER ICA (except Costa Rica) nnd SOUTH PACIFIC I'ORTB. per s. s. Alllancn, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must bo di rected "per s. s. Alllanrn"); nt 9:30 n. m. for INAOUA nnd HAITI, per s. H. ML Vernon: at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, CAM PEC! IE, YUCATAN, TABASCO und CHI APAS, per s. s. Spgurnnen, via Havnnn nnd Progrcso (mall for other parts of Mexico must bo directed "per s. s. Se guranca"): at U p. m. for JAMAICA nnd PBOVINCE OF SANTIAGO, CUBA, per steamer from Philadelphia. THURSDAY At 10'u. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Prliis Wm. Ill (mnll for Curacao. Trini dad, Venezuela, British nnd Dutch Guiana must bo directed "per s. s. Prlns Wm. Ill"); nt 12 m. for ARGENTINE REPUB LIC. URUGUAY and PARAOUAY, per s. s. Phidias! nt 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for NABSAU, OUANTANAMO nnd SANTIAGO, per s. s. Saratoga: at 11 p. m. for NASSAU,, per steamer from Miami, Fla. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per b. s. Trlnldnd: nt 8:30 a. m. for Bra zil, per s. s. Button (mall for Northern Brazil. Argeiltlno Republic. Uruguay nnd Paraguay must bo directed "per s. s. Buff on"): nt 9 n. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. San Juan, via Snn Junn: nt 9 n. m. for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. URU GUAY and PARAGUAY, per fl. s. Norman Prince; nt n n. m. (supplementary 9:30 a, m.) for CURACAO nnd VENEZUELA, per s. h. Hlldur (mnll for Savanllla and Cnrthagena must bo directed "per s. s. Hlldur); at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA. SAVANILLA, CARTHAGENA nnd GREYTOWN, per s. s. Alene (mnll for Costa Rica must bo directed "per s. s. Alene."): nt 10:30 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Cnstlo. via Havana; nt 11 i. m. for NASSAU, per steamer from Miami, Fin. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, nnd thence by stenmer, close at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting closo horo every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon, by rnll to Boston, and thence by ntcamer. closo nt this offlco dally nt 0:30 p. m. Mntls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tnmpli, Fla., nnd thence by steamer, closo at thlB office dally fit 6 a. rh. (tho connecting closes nro on Sunday. Wednesday and Friday). MallB for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by Bteamcr, closo ut this office dally at 1:30 p. m, nnd 11 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortez ami Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, nnd thence by Hteamer, closo at this office dally at 1.30 p. m. (connecting closes hero Mondays for llelizp, 1'iierio . ortez ami uiintemaia ami Tuesdays for Costa Rlcn), Registered mall closed at 6 p. m, previous day, Traiispncirte Mnlla. Malls for Australia (except AVest Australia) New Zealand. Hawaii. Fill and Samonn Islands, vln 8nn FranclBcO closo hero dally at 6:30 p. m. after December 9 nnd Up to December 29. Inclusive, or on day of nrrlvnl of s. b. Etrurla, duo nt New York Decemuer "29, for uispatcn per s. s Honomn. MallB .for Ch'nn. Japan nnd Philippine Ialands, via Tacoma, close hero dally nt :S0 p. m. up to December 31, Inclusive, for dlsuatch ner 8. s. Glonturret. Malls for Pnpeltl, via Ban Francisco, closo Here daily at u:30 p. m, up to January i, Inclusive, fnr dlspntch per s. h. Australia. Malls for Chlnu. Jnimn idul Phlllnnlno Islands, via Seattle, close here dally at 6:30 p. in. lip to Jiinunry InoluBlve, for dlBpntch per s, fi. Rlolun Morn (registered mall must bo directed "via Seattle"), Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Philip pine Islniuls, via San Francisco, close here daily nt usao p, m. up to janunry "j, in elusive, for dlsnatch ner h. s. Poking. Mails for Australia (excopt West Australia, which goes via Europe, nnd New Zealand, .which goes via Ban Francisco), and Fiji Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dally at 0:30 p. m. up to January "6, Inclusive, for dlspatcli per s s, warrimoo (supplemen tary mans, via nrnttie, ciose at u;ju p, m January 6). Mnils for Hawaii. Janan. China and Phllln. Phio Islands, via San Francisco, closo hern dally at 0:30 p. m. up to January Ml, in clusive for dlspntch per s, s, Gaelic, Malls for China and Japan, vln Vancouver, close ncro unuy at p. m. up m janu nrv 22. Inclusive, for dlsnatch ner s. h Empress of Japan (registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver ). Transpacific mnlls nro forwnrded to port of sailing dnly and the schedule of closing is urrangeu on tno presumption nt tneir uninterrupted overianu transit, "ltcgis tcred mall closes at fl p. m previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, PostmiiBter. Postofllce, New York, N. Y., Pec, 28, 1900. RAILWAY TIMK TABLES. CHICAGO. ROCK ISL nnd & Paclllo Railroad "Tlie ureal hock Is and Route" City iiuKut uiuco, i-ar- nam street. Telcnliono, 428. Depot, Tenth nnd junrc. Hts, Tola puone, u. i.eave, . . EAST. Dos Moines and Daven- tiort Local a 7:25 nm Chicago Express bll:15 am Des Moines Local n 4;?n nm Arrive, hll:3." am a 8:10 am a 4:45 pm Clllpago Fast Express. .a D:f pm n 1:23 pm Des Moines, Rock Isl and mid Chlcugo a 7:10 pm n 9:35 pm i.a i , Lincoln, Colorui'n Spgs,, Denver, Pueblo nnd jWp. a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado,. Oklahoma & Texan Flyer n 5:20 pm a 9:50 am a unuy. n wauy excopt StinUuy. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road-Genernl Offices nnd Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner 14th nnd Douglas is. leiepnone, iui. ucpot, union ataiion, l.f.nVA Arrive, St. Louis and Kansas City Express 810:00 nm a G:30 pm iv. i ,, ni. i. r.xprcss. ,aiu:iu pm n u:i& am Leave from 16th nnd Webster Streets: Nebraska Local. Via Weeping Water .b 4:13 pm ftlO:45 nm ii ij.uiy, u unuy except nunuay, CIHCAOO, MILWAUKEE a1 St Paul Railway-City iMlLWAUM i icKei umco. idui i'arnsm Depot,' Tenth and 'Masoff Hireois. Teiepnone, 629. tjiftf Arili'4 Rhlesgo Limited Ex., ..a 6;0i) pm a 8:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex. .b 7:13 am b 3:40 pm uuii), v wuiiy except ounuuy, INTERESTS OF RURAL CLASSES Welfare of Rural Communities Important to Entire Republic. DETERMINE OUR NATIONAL CHARACTER Fur lis Count liuinnce nml Strenuth the Union lleqnlrea That the .Burnt t'lnaaea Should TlirUe nml Prosper, Following Is nn abstract of tho address dollvered by Chancellor Andrews of the University of Nebraska nt tho Nebraska Dairymen's mooting nt Lincoln: Two great movements are now progressing in tuc United States, which have extraor dinary social Importance. Ono Is tho rush of population Into cities: tho other, tho. syndicating of most wealth In a manner which threatens to lower tho fortunes of tho rural classes. Theso classes, being nmoAg thi'so which cannot combine, havo to sell their products competitively, wherra. for most things which they buy they must pay syndicate prices. Theso two movements re so sweeping and In their effects so RAILWAY TIME TABLES. FREMONT. ELKHORN Missouri Valley Hiillrotd "Tho Northwestern Line" General Offices, United States National Bank Bldg.. S. W. Corner Twelfth nml t'nriiiitii Sts. Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam Mt. Tel. Ml. De pot, 15tli und Webster 8ts. Tel. 14..S. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Dead wood Hot Snrlncs 3:00 nm ti 6:00 nm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 2:00 pm c 5:00 pm Hnstlngs, York, David t ity, Huperior, tienevn, Exeter and Seward. ...b 2:00 nm b 5:00 tint Norfolk, Vcrdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 nm b!0;2S nm Lincoln, Wuhoo und Fremont h 7:30 nm bl0:5 am Fremont luteal .....c 7:30 am n Dnllv. 1) Dallv excent Sunday, e Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, c Dally except Monday. CHICAGO Sc NORTH western Rnllwny "Til j Northwestern Lino" -City Ticket Office, 1401 Farnnm Bt. Telephone, Ml. Depot, Tenth un-l MnrcySts. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am nll:30 nm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a 8:40 nm Lnstern express, ucs Moines, Marshalltowu., Cedar Rapids und Chicago a 10:55 nm a 1:05 pm Eastern Speclnl, Chi cago nnd Bust a 4:55 pm n 4:05 pm j-nsi .Mini, unicago to Om.iha a 2:15 pm n 8:0) mn n 8::to mn a 5:3) pm Omnha-Chlcngo Llmlfd.a-7:45 pm f ast Mini Cedar Bntilds Passenger Eastern Express b 9:00 pm n Dally, b Dally except Saturday SIOU.K CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Thn North western Lino" General Offices. United Stntes National Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnnm Sts. Ticket Olllee. 1401 Farnnm St. Telephone 601. De pot, Tenth nnd Mnrcy Sts. Telephone 629. Lcnvo Arrive. Twin Cltv Express n (1:55 am al():2.'i nm Twin City Limited a 7:35 pm ft H:tr nm riiniix t.'ity lociii a &.v am a i:w pm a Dally. CHICAGO, ST PAUL., Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Line" General Ofllces. Nebraska Divi sion, 15th nnd Webster HtS. U1IV TIPKet nillrn 1401 Fnrnam St. Telephone, 561. Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. ' , , , I.envc. Arrive. Twin Cltv Pasennor...a 0:00 am u 8:1(1 nm Omaha Passenger all:lo nm bioux city c Norm- cast Nebraska a 3:45 pm n Dally. BURLINGTON & MIS Hour! River Ratlroad- "The Burlington Route" (ienorni unices. North west Corner Tenth and Farnnm Streets. Ticket omce 1502 Fnrnam Street. Telephone, Burlington Station, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. 128. Leave. Arrive, Lincoln, Hastings nnd McCook a 8:40 nm n 7:33 pm Lincoln, Denvor, Colo rado. Utah. California.;! 4:25 pm n 3:00 pm Lincoln & Bluck Hills. ,u 9:00 pm n 6:45 nm Montana, Puget Sjundn 9:00 pm a 6:45 nm Lincoln Fnst Mnll b 3:00 pm n 0:17 nm Wymore, Beatrice nnd Lincoln u 8:40 am bll:55am uenver. t.oiorntio, uton and California a 6:45 am South Bond, Iioulsvillc, Plattsmouth b 3:35 pm bll:05om f t. utook, I'laiismnutn and Pnclilc Junction.. a 7:00 pm n 8:20 nm iieuovtie, i-iaumoiKii and I'nclllu Junction. . nl2:10 nm n Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON it Qullicy Rallroad-"Tho jiuriingion ttoiitc Ticket umco imk f arnam Street, Telephone, 250. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets, Tolephono, 128. Leave. Arrive Daylight Chicago Spe cial n 7:00 am al0:23 pm Chicago Vestlbulcd Ex. .a' 4:00 pm n 7:46 um Chicago Local Express.a 9:30 am a 4.05 pm Chlcugo Limited ...... ...a 7:60 pm u 7:4." nm Fast Mali , n 2:45 pm a uauy. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "Thn Burling ton Bouto" Ticket OITIco, 1502 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 250. Depot. Tenth una Allison etreets. Telo phone, 128. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. .a 9:20 am a C:25 pm Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 0:16 um Bt. LouIb Flyer for St Joseph and Bt, l.ouls,,a 5:10 pm all :15 am n wuiiy. WABASH RAILROAD IfWcrrrrisV Ticket otllco, 1416 Farnnm XVIVMaVV Street. Telephone, 322. De- rJ ViZZSZZM. I'L Tenth and Marcy Sts ypSpCu Tclophone. 629. 1 Leave. Arrive. St. LouIb "Cnhnoti Ball" Expiess a 5:05 pm n 8:20 am it Daily. UNION PACIFIC'THE OVER land Route" General Olflces, N, E. Cor, Ninth and Farnnm Streets. City Ticket Olllee, 1324 Farnnm Street. Telephono, 316. uepoi, icnin ami jtiarcy his, leicpnone, uiw, Leave. Tho Overland Limited. .a 8:20 am Tho Chicago Portland . Special a 8:20 nm The Fast Mail a 8:60 um Arrive. n 7::w pm a 7:30 pm a 3:25 pm The Mail und Express, ,all:35 pin a 4;2." pm Lincoln, Bentrlco and Btromsburg Express,. b 4:05 pm bl2:30 pm Tho Paclllo Express. ...a 4:25 pm The Atlantic Express... a 6:50 nm Grand Inland Local b 5:30 pm b 9:35 am a wany. n unity except riuniiny. ILLINOIS CENTR :AL Rallroad-Clty Ticket Of lice, 1402 Farnam Street Telephone, 246. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Btrec cts, Leave. Arrlv e, Chicago Express ...a 7:00 am a 4:05 a a 8:05 St. b 7:00 am b 9:10 St. a 7:43 pm a S:05 from pm t-iucago Limned , Minneapolis and Paul Express ... Minneapolis and Paul Limited . Fort Dodgo Loral fV.tllifd lllllfTtf am pm am b 4:30 pm b 8:13 nm Fort Dndifii Local from Council Bluffs I) 7:45 nm ii Dally, b Dally except Sunday, OMAHA & ST. LOIflH HAIL road Omaha, JCaiisoH city Eastern Ritllrond-"Tho uulnur Route" Ticket of llco, 1416 Farnam Bt. Tele phone. 322. Depot, Tenth and Mnrcy Streets. Telephono, 629. , n , Leave. Arrive. Cannon Ball St. Louis KrnrPHt a 5.05 pm a 8:20 nm Kansas City and Qulncy Lnrut a Daily a 7:00 am a 9:onpm Hffljl decisive that tome thinkers rrgsnl thfm as destined to reduce tho rural population of America to Ignorant peasants such as we see and pity in most European lands, That rciult every truo American would wish lo avoid. Whether or not the tht'igcr is so great at alleged wo nerd not Inquire; ono thing is certain, thnt tho wclfaro of rural com munities is no mcro olTalr of those coni, munition alone, but Is important to the cntlro republic. For lis contlnunnco and strength thn whole nation requires that tho rural classei should thrive. As lliote classes are, so Is the ttnte. A vigorous country population Is neces sary In order to the highest physical hraltn throughout the total body of cltlietis, U Is equally necessary to the Ilnest avcrngn character and Integrity of the whole people, and nlso for tho richest development ot common Bcnse, sincerity, larco views and patriotism. Theso qunlltlcs nprlng from Mother Earth." They are found In clUe. of course, but usually because they nro brought there. The- strongest Instances of them nro not Indigenous ln towns. It la generally recognized thnt town life would soon grow pnlo nnd sickly, ns well In moral ns lu physical rcgurds, but for In cessant importation of blood ami chnrac'tcr from tho country. It Is n Jiinttea of com mon knowledge that nearly all the men nnd women In tho most commanding po sitions In society, business, llternturo nnd llfo were bom nnd reared In tho couutr. Over and ahovo tho preceding consider- lions, which npply to other countries as well us our own, there is a special reason for conserving and strengthening rural in terests here In tho United States. Europe wan i,cttled mainly under military motive, so that nil over Europe tho great land owner Is even today a more slgnlflraut person than the great totwiBinnn, manu facturer or banker. Socially, landowning counts tlicro more than citlth lu other form, Tho blooded aristocracies of Euro pean lands all stnud in some sort of con nection with tho proprietorship ot land. H Is easy to uco that lu the countrlos named there is nn Immense influence othor than that of wealth operating Hgalnst that of mere wealth. Iu the United States, un fortunately, we as yet possess no such coun terpoise against the dead weight of mam mon. We need to rnlse up such; ntid tho only nfiparcnt way, at least the best way, apparently, to accomplish that result Is lo cultlvato rural Interests, Build up 11 in! keep up a country population both worthy and ablo to determine our national char acter. How ran such a country population In tho United Stntes bu reared? How can the lnndcd Interest be put In a condition to bo felt ns a solid factor In American civiliza tion, always to he reckoned with, opposing In every appropriate way the rule of bruto mammon nnd tho sway of thoso decadent and effclo elements always so active lu great municipalities? How can wo estab lish country llfo nnd character so that it shall be n bcncllccnt safety vnlve, fly-wheel or governor to our vnst social machine? First Good legislation Is called for di rected not to thn financial profit of tho fanning class, which would bo class legis lation and theroforo wrong, but calculated In a largo and enlightened manner to ren der stronger, hnpplor and morn cheerful tho peoplo who llvo out upon tho land and furnish the bono and sinew, nlso In great part tho brain nnd character of tho Amer ican people. Laws In this spirit would not deserve condemnation as class legislation. Their fundamental aim would not be tho welfare of a class. They would not have In view the good of tho country for Its own sake, but country prosperity for tho eako of tho cntlro nation, tho Idea bolng thnt tho character, morality, ability and con sequently safety of tho nation would lm mcncely sink should tho country popula tion fall to tho level of serfs or peasants, Second Perrect roads. Tho advantages to rural districts from this source would bo Incalculable. Tho tlmo Is coming when In all well-populated sections travel will bo bo Rwlft nnd comfortable and tho entire pop ulation (f n country can, daytime or even ing, gnthur at tho center as easily as such a crowd can now form ln nny city, when county centers will have churches, lniiBto halls, opera houses, schools' and all simi lar agencies of culture ns good as thero nre In tho world, Third Free rural delivery of malls will ccmo Immediately after roads are made good, so thut newspapers nnd othor Intelli gence by mall will not only speed ncrosn tho country nt tho most rapid rnto so far as railways extend, lint reach destination from pontofflccs with equal expedition. Fourth Country high schools. Efforts for tho establishment of theso have beon making for a number ot years In thin state. Tho need Is n pressing one. Those Inter ested in tho cause aro In earnest nnd may bo counted upon to continue agitation until every boy and girl ln tho country porta of the stato can obtain first-rate school preparation for the university or for llfo without tuition cost nnd without being obliged to leave home. Fifth Vastly Improved primary and grammar as well as high cchools. When rapid and eany travel over country roads Is tho rule schools will be concentrated nt county nnd township centers so thnt grading can bn mado much raoro comploto than now. A higher order of teaching tal ent will also bo employed. Far hoyond this In Importance grading and admlnln tratloa being cqunlly good country schools can bo mado Immensely moro Instructive nnd inspiring than city schools. Nature, tho central object of attention ln modern schooling, city pupils can npproach only with travol and expense, hut It lies In all Its departments open and ready for In spection under tho eyes of country pupils without money and without price. Sixth Tho encouragement of all who can to build and llvo In tho country, ovon If a part of their llfo must ho ln tho city. Tho nbovo Improvements will go far to produce this encouragement. A reflux of popula tion from city to country will certainly oc cur whop country roads are perfect, mall facilities gmatly bettered, schools, con certs, churches and other means of culture aB good In thn country nn in tho city, and so on. But aside from theso considera tions there ought to he a richer, deeper and moro general appreciation ot the coun try thnn now exists, Tho country Is beau tiful, healthful and evcrywlso' desirable on Its own account. If peoplo think otherwise or do not think on tho subject at all It la due to their lack of culture. They Ig noro tho works of God, ns stupid poopls might walk through thn Lotivro and not think of tho matchless art creations upon the right -hand nnd tho left. Tho subject, the glory of tho country, ought to be taught, written up and preached upon until en thusiasm for country living becomes deep ami general. Sevunth Farmers thnmr.olvps can assist to strengthen nad enrich country life by doing farm work in a moro systematic manner than iv now usual. Too much farming goes by mere routlno nnd tradi tion without tho slightest application of scientific pr'nclple. How fow fanncra, for Instance, keep books so as to know what profit accrues from si'ch ami such an ani mal, herd, crop or parcel of laud? This inethtidless and tinlntclllgont farming Is re sponsible for much of tho disposition shown by your hoys and girls io rush to tho city. Young people with Intelligence wish to cultlvato their minds and nro determined to do this. Tho farming which thoy havfl known doesn't ply thorn with that motive. Farming might bo so carried oi that young people's mental faculties and senso of art would bo addresHcd by It far tnoro thnn ?an t,n donn by city occupations. French Ambassador Arrives, NEW YORK, Doe, 30. Among tho pas xcngxrM who arrived today on the steamer Lu GiiHcolgne, from Havre, was M, Cam bon, French nmbassadur at Washington. I