YOUNG PEOPLE MAKE MERRY Every Hour of Holiday Wcok Crowded Ful of Amuieraent. TWO FORMAL RECEPTIONS GIVEN Custnni of KpppInK Open llimnp on .Nctr Vpur'n Hn- Will Hp (Jpii prnlly OIimitvimI in Hip Soclnl (,'nl-iiiliir. MONDAY Mm. ViiIpIIpIiI'm luiirlipon. Mm, McKrtinu cnlcrtnltiM tho SIx-Iliindcd i-.iicnru fiu li. Metruixilltun tiub, New Year's ball. Omaha (luanlx' mirtv. Nineteen Hundred I Hull School club, pro uirsslvn illnnrr tiarlv. TL'KHIJAY-Mrs. Jlnrry Wllklns' buffet iiincnciiti. Mm. Hummer' reception. Miss Monro'H reception. Mr, Woolworth'n reception. Jenscn-Todd wedding. Mm. Lovo Kolley entertains Mcrrymak I'M' club. Woman's i:il rcrentlon. Young Men's C'lirlxllati association rcccp Hon. WI2INKHt)AY Mrs. 12. H. Hood entertains Wetinesduy Luncheon club, N. O. It. (luiicliiu iiartv. Mm, F. II. Davis' dinner for Mr. and Mm. Fulrllrld. Mm. II. Frcdrlckson gnlcrtnlns Amotlc null. FHIDAY-MmPK. William Wiipplch and II, Vitnco I.anu entertain A. 1. J,, club. Though lout week was crowded full of oclul affairs, tho two receptions for (Icn eral nnd Mm. Lee and their family wcro tho only really formal cvcntH, and with these and homo half dozen dinner parties the moro Maid members of society were obliged to bo content, whllo the younger set, enpo dally thoso who havo come homo from Kchool anil college, enjoyed, to tho limit, every variety of amusement that noes to make up an Ideal Yulctlde. On Thursday another debutanto was welcomed Into the fashionable circle. Dancing parties were especially popular, whllo dozens of skating parties visited tho park to Improve every minute whllo tho lco was In condition. There was an unusual number of class re unions, among which was a faculty party by a former High school club, which gath ered, dressed to Impersonate teachers that far years vicrc members of tho High school faculiy. This week promises a long list of af fairs. Tho custom of' "keeping open house," which has for years been so little observed, has como back with all Its former popu larity, nnd New Year's day will bo fairly crowded with receptions, even to tho ex tent of making society forget that a "Twen tieth Century Hall" had even been sug gested for that day. tpppilloii fur (piipi-iiI mill Mr. I, pp. Tho first of tho largo social functions to be given for (lencral and Mrs. Lee occurred on Christmas evening, when Mr, nnd Mrs. Wnlter T. l'ago received about 300 guests In their honor. At no occasion of tho year have tho floral decorations been as elabo rate. Masses of southern smtlax, festoons of mistletoe nnd holly and quantities of roses, which corresponded In color with tho lighting of each room. Mr. and Mrs. I'age, General and "Mrs. Leo and Mr. nnd Mrs. William Hyrd l'ago of Denver con stituted tho receiving party, standing In tho plnk-shadcd drawing room with Its provnlonco of pink roses. The veranda was enclosed and dressed In American flags and palms, tho red lighting giving n most pleas ing effect from tho rooms within. In tho library yellow predominated, a profusion of yellow roses and rows of yellow-shaded randlcstlcku on tho bookcases completing the effect. Hero Miss Pock and Mr. Tom Crelgh Introduced tho Misses Lee. Tho dlnlug room wns In red, the round mahogany table being dressed vylth iaco dollies nnd red candles and from tho center piece, a pyramid of motcor roses, roso n tall red candle. Tho chnndcllcr was n mass of holly, from which drooped n hugo ball of red ribbon, nnd nbout tho room, on tho sideboard and buffet, wcro rows of red shaded candles In tnll silver candlesticks. Hero Mesdames Mnnderson, Guy Harton, II. Kountze, A. I Stlgcr, Campbell Fair nnd Davis presided. Tho assisting party each woro bunches of violets nnd a tiny flag, thoso through tho rooms being Mesdames I. Coles, Cleorgo Palmor Cowgll, Harlow, Misses Kountze, Preston, Smith, Swcnsburg. Kllpatrick and Iluck. MInm I.pwIn' Dfliut. Tho formal dobut of Miss Floronco Lewis nccurredon Thursday afternoon, when her mother, Mrs. U. J. Lewis, gavo a large reception In her honor, between tho hours nf s and 7, at her homo In Kountzo Place. Mrs. Lewis received In a handsome gown of pink, with trimmings of panno velvet. Miss Lewis' gown wns of yellow crepo do chlue, with yoko and trimmings of heavy lace. Rho carried American Hcauty roses. Miss ('rummer assisted Mrs. Lewis In receiving, whllo Mesdames Hector, Ilrogau, Jayncs, nutler, Grtdley, Misses Nondlne, Klnsior nnd Emily Wakeley assisted through tho rooms. Mrs. Schneider nnd Mrs. Ford served tho punch. Mrs. Van Court nnd Mrs. Collins presided In tho dining room, pouring roffeo nt tho table, which wnB lighted by pink-ahaded candles In tall brass candlesticks. From a bank of pink roses In tho cenUr n taller candlo extended, fliadcil In pink, Tho chnndellor was a mass of holly, which was also In ovldonco In tho other rooms, where quantities of Amorl :an Beauty and La Franco roses were trrayed. Later In tho evening n supper was served to tho assisting party nnd u number of roung pooplo. niiinlut t'lnli'M llppppf Inn, Tho reception and musical given Friday night In honor of General and Mrs. Lee and tho Misses Leo by tho Omaha club, to Its members nnd their ladles, whllo not tho largest, wns ono of tho most fashlonnblo rrnts of the week. Thero was no attempt nt unusunl decoration or to makn tho event n olabornto function, but merely to servo the purpose of making (lenernl and Mrs. Leo nnd tholr family nrqunintcd with somo of tho prominent families of tho city. Tho reception committee consisted of Messrs. C. P. Mandcrson, Luther Drn'xe, Kdwnrd P. HAVE HAD THEIR DAY. Lnenl Trciitmciitf for Cnlnrrh Htlc Kiitcil In (In Hour. Tho surest and tsnfost treatment for any form of catarrh It an Internal remedy which cts specifically upon tho blood and mucous membranes. Such a remedy Is tho now preparation sold everywhere by druggists ns Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, a medlctno In pleasant tablet form, Thoso tnblots contain In highly concen trated form well known germ antiseptics tike snngulunrla, gunlocol, Hod Gum nnd ilmllar curative elements, and no ono who luffers from any form of catarrh nnd has experienced tho Inefficiency nnd Inconven ience of powders, sprays nnd Inhalers will ever go such antiquated rt medics fter onco trying so pleasant u treatment b Stuart's Catarrh Tablets nnd one which gives so much relief In so Bhort a time. Druggists sell Stuart's Catarrh Tablets at fifty cents for full sited package anil their dally ueo will effectually cure this trouble some and dangerous disease. Tho danger from catarrh Is that It Is n short road to consumption, to chronic stom ach catarrh and to catarrh of liver and kid neys. Most cases ot deafness nro muted from ttoppago of tho Eustachian tube as a ro ult ot catarrh. I',"1?: i' K.' Chumbf"' K- Coutant, W. ii. .mlo, jonn h. Wilbur, J, J. Dickey nnd W. O. Bridges. Ocnornl nnd Mrs. Mandcrson received with (lencral and Mrs. '.'.'., ..... . I OlIowltlg tho reception n musical program was given, tho remainder of tho evening being devoted to dancing. DrinelMK I'nrl)- for 1 1 it I Yntp. Of nil tho holiday gaiety, thero was per haps no moro charming affair than tho danc ItlE tl.irlv clven hv Mr. nml Mr. Itonrv 11 Yates on Chrlttnas cvo In honor of tho 1 n"'"il program followed, nfter which tho 2lat birthday of their son, Mr, Hal Yates. ,tlme was '"u")oJ nt amcfl 1111,1 Iatcr "fresh Tho great hall was festooned with ropes j mcnts wcre "ved. of holly and mistletoe extending from tho I Complimentary to Habbl nnd Mrs. Lco M. chandelier ami loops of tho same wero Franklin of Detroit, Mich., and Miss Almeo draped from tho balcony and stnlrwny. In (Shakman of Milwaukee, Mr. aud Mrs. tho supper room a mlnlaturo treo and red i Arthur D. Hrandcls entertained tho mem candles with holly-trimmed shades, red DcrB ot t" Kensington club nnd their hus bows of red ribbon gave tho table tho bauds nt an Infant party on Thursday oven Christmas effect which "was completed by lnB- Tll BUests all appeared In infant tho merry dancers. Tho programs wero raiment, nnd though tho cntertnlnment of very pretty nffalrs, decorated with a holly tl10 evening was of a naturo calculated to design. Mr. nnd Mrs. Yates wero assisted muso children, tho forty guests present In reielvlnc their cursts bv tho Misses participated In tho nursery games with Johnson nnd Novo of St. Joseph. I'lciiMiren I'nml Mrs. William S, Hector cntcrtnlned the Harmony club last evening, Mrs. Luther Kountze entertained nt din ner, informally, on Christmas night. Miss Kvnns gave n pretty studio tea on Friday afternoon to about a dozen women Tho Junior Cooking club met on Wednes day with Miss Peck, ten members being present. Tho Woman's Allianco of Unity church gave a social Thursday evening at Metro politan hall. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Lyman of West Fnr- nair street entertained a party of llftccn at Christmas dinner. Tho Hawthorne club wns cntcrtnlned last night by Mr. nnd Mrs. Will II. Wood, 1125 South Thirtieth street. Miss Iteese entertained on Saturday for Miss Henu Jensen, whoso marriage to Dr. Todd of Elmwood, Neb., occurs Now Year's night. The senior class of tho High school gavo a most enjoyable dancing party at Metro polltan hall on Friday evening, which wns largely attended. Mrs. Doyson entertained tho South Sldo Whist club last week. Threo prizes wcro awtrded and refreshments served at tho closo of tho game. Mr. nnd Mrs, A. H. Hunt gavo a dancing party Friday evening nt Thurston Hides hall for Mr. and Miss McLcnn and somo of tho member') of Unity guild. rTho friends of Miss Joscphino Oreon spent Wednesday evening very plcnsantly at her home. A musical program was tho fcaturo of tho evening. Supper was served. Mr. nnd Mrs. Morris Levy entertained nt dinner on F.rlday evening lu honor of Habbl and Mrs. Lco M. Franklin of Detroit, Midi. Covers wcro laid for fourteen. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Maker entertained at their homo on Georgia avenue last Thursday evening to eclcbrnto tho twenty- fifth nnnlvcrsary of their wedding. Music was tho featuro of the evening. Messrs. Chat Shlvcrlck, Tom Davis and Walter Hoberts gavo an Informal dancing party ou Wednesday evening at tho homo of Mrs. Shlvcrlck, which was enjoyed by tho members of tho younger set at homo from college for tho holidays. In honor of Mr. aud Mrs. Scovil of Chi rugo, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford gavo a dancing party to about twenty guests on Friday evening. Tho ball room was hand somely decorated In Christmas greens nnd nt 11 o'clock an elaborate supper was served. Miss Edith Dumont entertained tho alumni of the High school class of 1890 at her homo on Thursday evening. Over 100 guests met to tnlk over old times and to renew old friendships. The decorations wcro in the class colors, green and gold. Dur ing tho evening the election of officers for tho ensuing year took place, after which refreshments wero -served. In honor of their daughter, Miss Susan, who Is at homo for tho holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Holdrego gavo a cotillion at tholr homo on South Thlrty-llrst street on Friday evening to a number of tho younger set. Several figures wero danced, tho favors for which wcro equally odd and pretty. Tho "rooms wcro decorated with holly nnd mistletoe, refreshments being served lu tho llbrnry. Mrs. Haymond Welch gavo tho second of her post-nuptial receptions on .Wcdnca- day. Tho houso was prettily dressed In ollday greens. In tho dining room tho red and green being carrion out in mo uciaus of tho table decoration and confectionery. Mrs. Welch wns assisted by Mesdames H. O. Hurt, W. It. Kolly, Charles Clapp, Jo seph narker, Jr., Misses Crounsc, Iluck, IJrown and Webster. Tho Misses Rehfeld cntcrtnlned tho Howl ing club on Wednesday nfternoon In honor f Miss Jncoby, Mrs. Hugo Hrandcls' guest. t a Phllopena party. Each gucHt wns provided with a llttlo bog of peanuts, and ench, In turn, asked a long list of questions, paying a nut ns forfeit for each tlmo sbo used tho word "yes." Miss Juliet Morris received first prlzo for retnlnlng tho most ernels. During tho afternoon Mrs. Hoh fcld announced tho engagement of her daughter, Mls3 Hancbcn, and Mr. Eugcno w omarrs ork va Tho Needle Work Guild of Amarlca has ust closed ono of Its most successful years slnco Its organization In Omaha five years ego. Being nonsectarlun, It has appealed to all charitably tuclincd peoplo nnd has grown rapidly, now having a membership of over COO. It Is completely und simply organized In all its dotnlls, far-reaching and yet requiring so llttlo tlmo or means of Its members. Any ono may becorao n member by giving two now plain garments a year-, tho meetings being hold amiuully, when tho distribution occurs. Any ono wishing to Join may rccelvo all Information from Mrs. W. G. Tomploton, president, No other organization tn tho city Is do- lug Just this kind of work and tho valuo of over 1,000 now garments distributed amonir tho hospitals and charitable homes each year may readily bo appreciated. Tho work of tho Methodist Deaconess' Vis- Itlng Nurses nnd charity hospitals aro attltudo In this matter, ns It has not as yet gratltudo and heartfelt thanks to tho char- especially facilitated by theso contrlbu- ucc-n asked to do so by tho board of tho ltablo ladles of Omaha who took part In tjons. general federation and docs not wish to In- tho noblo work to sorve tho poor on Chrlst- lluenco tho Individual clubs In their do- runs day. It was an net, ns far as my There woro thirteen mombcrs prcBont at clslon when tho matter shall bo taken up family Is concerned, expressing tho ro- tho last meeting of tho Visiting Nurses' by them, Tho board approved Missouri's sped and sympathy for tho unfortunate association, which met nt tho "I'cbbto resolution at tho biennial in June, providing Tho poor, who nro too proud to ask for old, Shop" last week. Mrs. Adams reports forty- that tho presidents of all stato fcderotloivj may tako advantngo of this statement. nine cases cared for and 427 visits made within tho district Included In tho Louisiana during tho month by the nurses and her- Purchase should meet In Knnsna City Jan- AH members of tho Omaha Charities as self. Tho association llnds great need of nary 17 and 18 to decide upon somo fitting soclatlon operating tho Crecho nro ro small heating stoves nnd urges any person observation of, tho centennial anniversary of quested to bo present at tho annual meot havlng ono to glvo to n worthy cause to tho purchase Mrs. Drnpcr Smith or Mrs, Ing nnd election of officers, to bo held nt notify Miss Louise Mcl'horson, "Pebblo Stoutcnborough will act ns delegato from the Creche Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. Shop," I'uxton block, nnd It will bo sent tho Nebraska federation. Just what tho no- for. Tho women wish to thank tho chll- turo of this observation will bo Is not do- Tho Emma Flower mission received dron of the publlo schools for their .lib- eral donations of Jollies, fruit, etc at Thanksgiving. They also wish to thank tho Hanscom Park Auxiliary Hclnway club, Walnut Hill Sewing circle, Sherman Aux- Illary, Mrs, Ilogers' sowlug circle and tho Needle Work Guild of America for their splendid donations of monoy nnd clothing, Tho Clio club met Friday, Decomber 2S. at tho homo of Mrs. Hobert McEachron, Nineteenth nnd Locust streets. During thn ... i.-..-.. . ii. mi ip in ninny me reigns oi (.nurieH u nnd tho succeeding monnrchs to tho tlmo of Georgo II wcro reviewed. In conncc-ular THE OMATTA DAILY BEE; SUNDAY, Levi of Nebraska City. -Mr. Levi nnd Miss i Hehfcld will rccelvo on Sunday at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hohfcld. Ttl0 ,gh Bohool tIrtgs of 09 wns ,,olKht. fully entertained on Friday evening by Miss Iltanchn llnsiuvHler nt bur hnmn. Spvpm. i InnnMl Unit ftltltln.f u(lnAla A utinft lillal incss session was held, at which Miss Mabel I Stephen was elected president of tho alumni and It was decided that semi-annual reunions should bo held tho last of Juno 'and ut Christmas each year. A short mucu enjoyment. j.ato in tno evening an clnloralo luncheon was served. Olll-llf-TlMVII (lllPNtN. Mr. Louis Nash Is nt homo from Now York. Miss WcFsles of Hannibal, Mo., Is Miss Lydla Moore's guest. Mr. Ed Swobc of Chicago spent Christ mas In Omnha. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Caylor nro guests of their son-ln-Inw, Mr. Leo Orlcr. Mr. Arthur C. Hess Is nt homo for tho holidays with his parents at 1013 I'ierco street. Mr. Wallaco Lyman returned from his ranch In tho west to Bpcnd tho holldnys In umnna. Mrs. Alma Woodcott and daughter of Aurora wero guests last week of Mrs Hamcs. Mr. and Mrs. Hussoll Ilurt of Chicago spent Christmas with Mr. aud Mrs. Horaco a. Hurt. Mr. Gcorgo Dodson, Jr., Is visiting his parents, Mr. aud Mrs. (Icorgo Dodson, 2810 Dodgo street. Hov. Dr. Woodcock and family of Aurora, Nob., aro spending a fow days with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dames, Miss Johnson, Mls3 Loulso Johnson and Miss Nave of St. Joseph nro guests of Mr, aud Mrs. Henry W. Yates. Mr. and Mrs. Tlmmormnn of Minneapolis spent tho holidays with tho lattcr's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Hnzzard. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. McMcans nnd daughter of Chicago and A. L. McMcnns of Hocky l ord, Colo., spent Christmas In tho city. Sir. Edwin N. Robertson arrived yester duy from tho Stato university to spend tho holidays with his parents, nt 2427 Dodgo street. Miss Allco C. McShane, who has been at tending school nt Manhattanvillo, N. Y Is spending tho holidays with her mother, Mrs, Thomas McShane, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cooper, Miss Maudo and Master Harrold Cooper of Minneapolis nro guests of Mrs, Aycrs, 411 South Twenty-eighth street. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnra F. Hoberts of Chicago spent Christmas with Mrs. Robert's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Frederick, re turning to Chicago Tuesday evening. Mrs. Samuel S. Caldwell and daughter of St. Louis, Mo., arrived Friday morning to visit her mother, Mrs. John WIthnell, nnd nttend tho marriago of Miss Rena Jensen to Dr. Todd Nuw Year's evening. AVpiIiIIiiki nml MiiKfiKcmPiit. Mr. John I). Crawford and Miss Nora Welch wcro mnrrled on Monday, Rev. Charles S&vldgo officiating. Announcements havo been received of tho marriago of Mr. Charles .P. Southard of Omaha and Miss Lena Simraerman, which occurrod at Papllllon on December 22. Invitations havo been received for tho marriago of Mr. William R. Singer of Dav enport, Ia formerly of this city, to Miss Hattlo Mayer of Chicago, which takes placo January 10. Mr. J. Edward Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Evans, will bo married to Miss Jennlo E. Allen, daughter of Prof, and Mrs. W. II. Allen, at tho homo of tho bride's parents on Jnnuary 1. Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman Rehfeld nnnounco tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Hanchcu, to Mr. Eugeno A. Levi of Ne braska City. They will bo ot homo to tholr friends Sunday afternoon and ovenlng, De cember 30. A pretty wedding occurred on Monday ovenlng at tho homo of W. T. Shackelford, COS North Seventeenth street, when his niece, Miss Nellie Hnrrow, and Mr. Frank Gallant of Nebraska City wero married, Rov. Anderson of Calvary Baptist church officiating. They wcru attended by Mr. William Harrow nnd Miss Delia Shackel ford. At tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wllber J. Austin, 1217 Pennsylvania avenue, Denver, Cora., tho murrlago of their daughter, Miss Illrdscll, nud Mr. Frederick Carleton Gratia was solemnized on Wednesday, De cember 16, Ruv. J. D. Rankin officiating. Miss Margarot Austin, sister of tho bride, and Mr. H. Clinton Oratlo, tho groom's brother, wcro In attendance. Mr. and in Tlub and harity. Hon with tho study of tho Puritans, Long- fellow's "Courtship of Miles Standlsh" was read In turn by tho class, 1 i no noarci of directors of tho Nebraska Federation of Woman's Clubs mot In an- nunl session nt tho Hotel Lincoln, In Lin- coin, nt 11 o'clock on Thursday morning, tho entlro board being present. Tho discussion of wnys and mentis occupied almost tho en fro morning. Threo now committees wero created on constitution, credentials and transportation nnd next yenr n commltteo legislation will bo appointed. This makes eight standing committees In nil, which will greatly facllltato the work, tho "ird having realized for some tlmo that uvo committees woro not nucquato to tho worK to no carried on Thero wos an Informal discussion of tho color question, but tho board can tako no elded, but It will probably bo a patriotic program of somo kind, to bo given at tho St. Louis fair, and the clubs within tho ills trlct will probably Invito other clubs to ns slst them. Tho members of tho Omaha Woman's club aro circulating a petition to bo tlgucd by all persons favoring legislation for stato travel- Ing libraries Tho Omaha Equality club will meot nt .1 ..... ....... o'ciock now Year s day in tuo banquet room of tho Paxton hotel. This Is to be tho rec business session of tbo month, ot which Mrs. Oratlo left Immediately for southern California nnd will be at homo nfter May 1 In Denver, .Mr. Oratlo Is widely know- In Omaha, having llvtxl hero slnco child hood. A very pretty wedding occurred nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hrlnkman 2117 Shcrmnn avenue, on Christmas after noon, when their daughter, Etta U. Hrluk man, wns married to Ferd A. Uuclow, Tho brldo woro n dainty gown of whit batiste nnd carried a "bride's Mr. and Mrs. Uuclow left for a ten days' trip to Chicago and Milwaukee, after whlc they will return to Omaha and bo at horn to their friends nfter January 15, 1001, at 2410 Decatur Btrtct. Tho marriago of Miss Elizabeth O'LInn of this city to Mr. Clarence C. Smith of Chadron wns solemnized Christ mas day at noon at 423 North Thirty-ninth street. Tho ceremony was performed by Dean Campbell Fair of Trlnltv cnthedm nnd wds attended only by relatives of tho contracting parties. Miss O'LInn Is tho daughter of Mrs. Fannie M. O'LInn of Omnha and has a wldo acquaintance In this city, Mr. nnu .Mrs. smith will remain here for week before leaving for Chadron, where they will make their futuro home. Nnolnl Chit Chut. Tho Omaha Guards medal drill has been postponed until January 7. Mr. Wing Allen Is tho guest of Senator nnd Mrs. Th irston In Woshlngton. Mr. and Mrs. C. n. Coon and Mr. Archie D. Coon havo Uken rooms at tho Shrlner, Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Strawn havo taken apartments nt tho Farnam for tho winter. Mr. Crounso and tho Misses Crounsa aro at tho Hotel Lincoln In Lincoln for the winter. Mr. nnd Mrs. Honry May will entertain this evening In honor of their fifteenth wedding anniversary. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. II. Davis will entertain at dinner on Wednesday evening for Mr. and .Mrs. Edwnrd Minor Fairfield. Mr. J. M. Woolworth will recelvo from 9 to 11 on New Year's night In honor of Mr, and Mrs, Edward Minor Fairfield. Tho N. O. R. club has Issued Invitations for a dancing party to bo given Wednes day evening, Jnnuary 2, at Thurston Rifles ball. Messrs. Hcrlcas and Helen Buckingham will roclvo from 2 to G on New Yenr's day for their guests, Mrs. Rathburn ot Kansas City. Mrs. Henry Fredrlckson will cntortnln tho women of tho Amctlo club Wednesday, January 2, nt her home, 370 North Eight ccnth street. Miss Lydla Mooro will bo assisted by tho rnemDors or tho Junior Cooking club and Mrs. Wcsslcs in receiving from 4 to 6 on Now Year s day. Mr. and Mrs. II. Hugo Ilrandels havo ro moved to their new home, 3019 Paclflc street, nnd will bo pleased to seo their frIcndsNew Year's day. Movement nnd Wlicrpnlinutii. Mr. Ray Gould Is at homo for ton days Miss Myrtlo Spencer Is visiting friends In Dcnvei. Mr. John Mcllen spent Christmas in Clinton, In. Mr. John Patrick spent Christmas nt Hnppy Hollow. Miss Harriet Marsh Is visiting relatives in Dubuque, In. Mr. Charles Young Is spending the holi days in Denver. Mr. E. W. Dixon returned from New York on Sunday. Miss Ethel Straight Is at homo from Lako Forest university. Miss Graco Conklln Is sncndlne th holi days In Davenport, la. Miss Margaret O'Connell spent Christmas with her parents at Sallx, la. C. A. Teak and family left on Friday for their now home In Flora, 111. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles S. Loblnglcr snent Christmas with friends In Lincoln. Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy Dnrton havo returned from a six weeks' stay In New York. Mrs. William R. Adair left for Buffalo. N. Y., on Wednesday for a short visit. Messrs. Clark and Chat Hedlck snent Christmas In Kearney with their father. Miss Helen Woodsmall Is spending tho holldnys with her mother In Indianapolis. Miss Edna Jones Is spending a fow weeks with relatives and friends In Des Moines. Mrs. T. C. Hruner and daughter. Miss Laura, nro visiting friends In LnPlattc, Mo. Miss Alma Wolan went to Avoca. la,, on Thursday to spend a few days with friends. Miss Kountzo nnd Miss Preston will go to Colorado Springs next week to spend somo time. Mr. Eugcno F. Rcdmon spent Christmas n Kansas City, a guest of his sister, Mrs. R. G. Ciurk. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clark Shelly spent Christ mas with Mrs. Shclly's sister at Dluo Springs, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Cullen and daughter will leave on Thursday for Pitts burg, Pa., to attend tho wedding of Mrs. Cullcn's niece. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter T. Pago go to Denver today to assUt at tho reception given by tho headquarters' communications are to bo presented nnd tho report of tho program committee acted upon, That tho noon rest and lunch room of tho Young Women's Christian association Is np predated by tho women of Omaha is shown (rom tho fact that an average of 3 availed themselves of its privileges each noon nnd 200 each evening ot last week. Tho Dundeo Woman's club will glvo n New Year's reception Tuesday afternoon, January 1, nt tho homo of Mrs. E. V. Hea- ford, Forty-ninth and Chicago streets. All friends of tho club aro Invited. Tho hour3 nro from 2 to G p. m. OMAIIA, Tier. 28. To tho Editor of Tho Boo: Would you kindly grant mo space In tho columns of your papor to show my ChrlBtmas remembrances of $15 In rash, which was especially appreciated, as tho cost of maintaining tho work Is very heavy at this tlmo 'of the year. Tho annual commencement exercises of tho Presbyterian Hospital Training Class for Nurses will bo hold at Westminister Presbyterian church on Thursday evening, January 3, at 8 o'clock. Tho cooking classes will bo opened nt tho Child Saving Institute on Saturday aft ernoon, January S, under the direction ot Mm. Harriet McMurphy. DECEMKEK .TO, 1000. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Hyrd Pago on New ear s day. Mr, and Mrs. W, S, Ilrlggs spent Christ mas with Rev. Frank High and family at Pender. Mrs. V. II. Hooker nnd Miss Hooker havo homol'tho" Murray S"r",R8 homo at tho Murrnj. """ r.iuiuii jounion nnu nnmcrino noi land left Thursday for Honolulu, whero they nui iciniiiii eovcrni monins, Mr. Arthur Smith of Armour Instltutn. Chicago, spent Christmas with his parents, .Mr. nnu Mrs. Draper Smith Misses Janet Rogers, Ucsslo Urady and Mary Leo McShano aro at homo from New ork schools for the holidays. .',l,UU,Uft UMll LIIIIIIIVII It'll for Chicago last week to Join Mr. Ilrabrook. where they will reside In futuro. Malor and Mm. n. 11. Wll.nn . have gono to Silver City. N. M to attend mo wedding of Mr. Percy Wilson. Dr. and Mrs. Lamoreaux and son, Palmer, aro spending the holidays In Ashland, Neb., with Mrs. Lamorenux's sister, Mrs. Alex Lnverty. Miss Esther Chambers, who has been nt Bancroft. Nob., for tho past threo months visiting her sister, Mrs. Holstrom, returned uomo rnursuny. Among tho State unlversitv student. w,n camo home for Christmas were: Misses Blanche Howland, Helen Redington. Edith Clark. Abbv Ilau-rn. Nnllln Krplitnr 1,'nnnln Cole. Ocrtrudo and Mnurtn Mnnnmhnr Kthni nnd Loulso Tukoy, Edith Jackson, Hortcnso Richards, Bernlco Edirond, Messrs. Jack ww.w, nmuj, iimi iu .uuuii, uuano Powell, Lester Krolder. Will Harmon nnd Donald Banker. John: Como with mo (I'm an Elk) to tho stag social tomorrow night. It will bo "A Hot Time. JOE. Candlesticks and novelties for N. Y.'a re ceptions at Mrs. Burbrldgo's, 425 Paxtou blk, omaiia summits. Fliirpiico, Andy Anderson was a business visitor In Omaha Saturday. Miss Amy Gllmoro of Omaha Is tho cucst of Mrs. C. J. Hunt. J. L. Garrison spent Saturday night nnd Sunday with his family. mma uiuo tjimpson oi uresccnt. ia.. . J ,, . ... . reiiuivcs nero mis weeK. Mr. Barnes went to Tekamah Friday to io n ,!nni,i- m... ,... .... visit a daughter thero a fow weeks. Miss May Walker Is spending a few days vlsttlntr frlendn npnr Cnffmnn Vnh Msiung irienua near i-onman, Neb. ino .Monunmin club gives a danco to friends at Florcnco ball New Vpnr'a nvn. ,n ,..., ri ii ...' i.eiiuni oi uimuroii. .. ii. uieson or wis- MIss Mattlo Powell gavo n party to her ner. T. .1. O'Kpufn of lloinlucfnril nml i v. youug friends Saturday at tho homo ot her pnrents. ni.-i..i. ii . j j . . ..uou uvutniui luuKe, iiiucuenucni urucr oi Odd Fellows, cavo a dancn nt thn Flnrpnnt hall Christmas nlcht. 11 mm. argcnsinger nna son, Harry, or Fro- mont. Nob., spent tho nast week vlsltlncr thn family of Jasper Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weber. Jr.. arc snend- ing tho holidays visiting 'Mr. Weber's hrntlipri. In u'nvnn Vol, nrotlicrs In njne. Neb. v-an layior, employed by tho railway company at Emerson, spent Christmas with his parents, who live here. Mr. Ed Green and family, lato of Okla homa territory, arrived hero this week and will mako this their future homo. Mr. and Mrs. John Bondesson of Omaha spent Christmas day here, tho guests of their daughter, Mrs. C. A. Victors. I . , ... , , . . me muiuucio ui ou kiuikb Liiurcii ruvo pony ni me city nan wcancsaay to tuo l Sunday school children of that church. The members of tho Christian Endeavor ero entertained at tho homo ot Mrs. C. V. Fouko Friday evening. Refreshments wcro served. Harold and Helen Reynolds aro spending tholr vacation at homo. Harold Is attend ing Bollcvun college and Miss Helen Brownell hall. H. V. Latham, Junior cnglneor, connected Ith tho .Missouri river commission, spent. - - . ... . .. . a couplo or days nero tnis wcck, mo guesi of F. S. Tuckor. Mr. E. T. Gilbert, principal of tho public hool hero, accompanied by his wlfo and children, spent Christmas with friends In Iown, returning homo Friday. Henry Nicholson , of tho firm ot Hall, Vcedcr & Nicholson, contractors of Mur veeuer oc muuumiiu, uuiiiriitiuiti ui .uui- ray, In., Is spending tho holidays hero siting with his mother and brothers W. B. Wilson, who has been carrying mall from tho postofilco to tho depot for tho past four years, resigned Decomber 23 and will go to Texas during tho winter on business trip, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Backus of Harvard, Neb., are visiting friends hero for a week. Mr. Backus Is principal In tho Harvard schools and was formerly principal at this placo for n couplo of years. Ilniulee. W. L. Sclby Is at homo for tho Christmas holidays. Tho Dundeo Sunday school gavo a de lightful Christmas program. Tho son of Hov. Joseph J. Lampo is nt homo from collego for tho holidays. Miss Mabel Benson entertained a number of tho Dundeo young peoplo on Thursday ovenlng nt her beautiful homo on Dodge street. On Now Year's day tho Dundeo Woman's club will hold a reception at tho homo of Mrs. K. V Hearford, to which all friends aro cordially Invited. Last Wednesday afternoon the Dundeo Soclnl club mot with Mrs. W. L. Selby, de licious refreshments nnd guessing games botng enjoyed during tho afternoon. On Friday ovenlng of last week tho now musical club of tho village met at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wedge. A number of vocal and Instrumental selections wcro rendered. Tho windows of tho Dundeo houses wcro filled with holly wreaths and happy faces on Christmas day, and many town people wero welcomed during tho day to theso hos pltablo homes. Unison. Tho public schools will open next Wednes day nfter tho holiday vacation. Mr. and Mrs. A, J. rtoscnbrlm nnd fam ily moved to Monmouth Park last Thurs day. Prof. Fox returned from his holiday visit with relatives In tho western part of tho state. Miss Pearl Kelly camo up from tho Peru normal to spend Christmas with her par ents In Benson. Mr. and Mrs. William Tlndcll enter tained a number of friends from Omaha at a Christmas dinner. Mrs. John Speedy camo down from Lin coln to visit at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Grovo during tho holidays. Somo of tho teachers of tho school here went to Lincoln to attend tho Stato Teach ers' association convention. Miss Magglo Safford of Lincoln, who has boon visiting with friends In Benson for a week, returned homo last Friday. Services will bo held today at tho Meth odist EplBcopnl church nt 11 a. in. Preach Ing by tho pastor, Hov. Markley, Mrs. J. A. Morgan and son Lilstnero went to Hiawatha, Kan., Christmas day to visit with relatives during tho holidays. The Northwestern Social club gavo a Christmas ball on Christmas night at the town hall, which was well attended. Miss Joyce Markloy, assisted by vocalists and instrumentalists, gave a recital at tho Methodist church last Friday nighty which was well nltcndcd and appreciated by nil present, Tho recital was given under tho auspices of tho women of tho church. Miss Flora McDowell, who tenches at l'oncn. spent a fow davs vlsltUm with friends In Dcnson durlm? tho nni u-rek. r?" frr ercica ot U, Mc,,,0l,lst Episcopal Sundny school wcro held at tho - town ua last Jinmiuv m-nninv ti, gram consisted of songs nnd recitations, lonowea tiy a Santa flnim .tlnWi.n nfi which ho distributed eandv. mita nml nthor 00il i"mgs to nil present PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. lard.1'' llcynolds of Wymoro Is at tho Mil- I f, ,,,,,. . . n;,.,,,i A' Cllno of l ut tho Her j. v- i-hclnn of aiii , .... I'axton. " " ' "' ,,.V;..1JH,llwt'1, of '"ninn, Ncb Is nt tho ,r '., tl . tho Millard. " n KUcal ftl 12. S. Kol.lcr of Hastings Is stnnrdnir at 1,10 -rruy. f, M'"Rn" "f Knnsas City Is an Her w. a 1 1n ten nl it T Inmilii I . tho llcr Orimd. 'imik ai '' Southwiilt of Kearney Is nmong tho I ' hutm. .r:J'',V"??.'S buu ,'a,0 CUy R 11 Bct s. Schulcr of Spokane. Wash,. Is regis tered ut tho Millard. h I Thomas W. Duv nt Knnsnu Cllv U tcreU ut " Murray. lh MroyToXnlSy rltt,,8mm,th wn at C. W. Turner nf Lincoln registered yes- I leiuuy in wiu .uiutmi. A. V. Bpltko of Topckn, Kan,, Is regls- tcrC(1 ,lt tll llcr Grand. Mr. una mm. ji. h. Costor of Wllber nro Bt"lMK ftt Hie Hensha.w. Hastings nro at'ofo Murn Miss iinlcn WvckofT. nrln icorgo II. Koon of durray. Miss Helen Wvckoff. nrliii'lniil nf ll.mnrdfi scuooi, is spcnuuig ncr vacution at eros ion, in. Miss Florrnco Moore, deputy derk of tho 1'iiiii'u amies uisinci court, is visiting in Fremont. Judge and Mrs. C. C. Kohlsunt. .Imt ir. u. ii. nurion nun .Mr. unci .Mrs. H, A. Lnuiui. Jk iiii;ii.u uiu ill WIU 1 aXlUIl. William Uyucr nf l'lillmlelnliliL u i uniiuut viiiiim iiih niniiior. aim. Knnhin yBt!r' of South Twenty-eighth street. -L"i0,leU il"nuwny, chief quartcrmaator i,i inu wt-ipiii iiiu-iiv in iih: .uitinuri, loll yestcrduy for Fort Leavenworth to Insnrct homes, i itui)riiKiiiiH ill IIP AiprcnnniM! .iniin skirvi,. ,..! ., ,.,i i t ; I Ati. . "'1. u .11. tlllinill L ui o iNPiu, umiert uucas niul Tom Dowd of V: . , (iioDon. major uaviu wiipon, cniei conimissnrv, tr H. A., has rctume 1 from Sliver i.-itv M., where, with his wife and son. any Wilson, of Laurel, Neb., ho attended the wedding of another son. II. A. Wllmerdlng, J. N. Humlldi and W. A. Connolly of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. A. Way of Lincoln aro state guests at the llcr uranu. iiome .Miner or mo uer (.rami Hotel was mniln linimv vputpriliiv In' tint nni til ,if n telegram iiliiioimcliitr Hip fact that ho was grundniipa for tho llrst time. Tho llttlo one Plrl iilnl i'nu mm l,i M i nul 1V1 ru v.r u. uiarK or Lincoln. NebrnskaliH at tho Merchants: M. L. Dolan. arand Island: D. M. Owen, Norfolk; Osceola: J. O. Hymes. Columbus: acoriro HaKcr, uranu lonu i. ... apencer, Kim Creek: D. C. Woodrlng, Lincoln; W. Cnrroll, Gothenburg; M. M. Hitzner, Lin- coin. LOCAL BREVITIES. DliiHtherlii Is under uuarnntlno nt 109 South Twcnty-nintii street. St. Mnrv'M Avenue Cotmreirattonal church I will iinlto with Kountzo Memorial In tho evening service. Tho doors will bo open nt ". . . - , . . t. i no noaru oi j-urit i.ujiiiiusaiuiiei n purchased 10.0W sycumons trees, wnicn will too piaeeu in nursery rows in r.imwouu park. Many of tho trees will be used later lu Fontancuo pnrk. Flftv travellnc men of Swift and Com pany's South Omaha houso wero banqueted by the llrm Iat night ut tho Her f irancl I hotel. It was n very pleasant arrair una tnorougiuy enjoycu uy ina travelers. KvlvpHtor Nichols of Homer. Neb., lias nceii commmeu to mo unugias couniy jan tn iiwiilt tho action of tho federal Krarid Jury on churgo of selling liquor to Indians. Ho was brought In by Deputy Marshal Allan. TkApn will ln nn rprvlrpM nf SI. Tnrv'a I Avenuo congregational cnarcn toiiigut, d a U.iw.nti .....I lila ,mit,n,i,,tH,.., no v. o. o. "rhh ...... ..." ....r,....,,. A FAMILY Thonsiiiids of men and women can lmve Uie best of lmnlfii if I ,.i j i ji . , "t talie tllC rOlltest iu i in iwetiieiii rroiession Cramer's Kidney Doctors prescribe it in their Read This naners. OMAHA. Dec. 10.. 1900.-1 feel It my duty to write to you In regard to your ?y.7.oy,i."ro',1 froelyed the sampln bottlo which you kindly sent mo, in.l 1 felt relieved after taking It. 1 havo slnco taken thico bottles. For nearly six years I havo had kidney trouble. At times my back hurt mo fo I could hardly walk straight, I had frequent enllj to urliiato. Heforo Ink Ing Cramer k Kidney Curo I was up from two to live times n night, ami now I don't havo to got up until miirn Ing. I cnimot say enough for voiir medlclne-that Is why I cheerfully wrlto this and also glvo you portrait. I havo recommended It to my frlcndH und havo n:d ulven them Shipping clerk at Meyer & Haapkc, wholesaln grocers, Omaiia. . V ypu cannot get Cramer's Kidney Curo from your druggist, send Jl.ffl to, the "Western Agent Cramer's Chemical Company. Omaha"-who will send yoti a bottlo by express, prepaid. Insist on having Cramer's Kidney Cure. Tako no substitute Send for freo sample to Cramer Chemical Co., Albany, N. Y. MRS. J. BENSON Big Cut in Price of all Holiday Goods. Children's Silk Bonnets 35c and 50c. w It nttfinl Koimtzp Memorial churdt, pn'fidi ,",lls ot "f"01411' "III The Itnar.l of Fire and Police Commls- ;lri .'', ;,,elal ,dliig, nt wM, h " US, l 1 vv " 15?IL I street and arid LeavpMw.,'nii iV...t T :V,K ' X' fourth nml llAncroft Mtrret J "nil tho board took tho case under advisement. HILLIS At kountze church 'I'll n nub Only I'nrly Ypitrn iif ,(K e In (I lie of AiiierlciiN I'orpinnst Pulpit Orator, Itcv. Newell Dwlght X I 111 Is. pastor (it Plymouth church, Brooklyn, the church mado famous by Henry Ward Hcccher and Lyman Abbott, will preach this evening at Kouutzc Memorial church. Hov. Hlllls addressed tho Nebraska State Teachers association at Lincoln and was tho irttcst of Rev. Trcfz for n fow hours yestord.iy. His mother and sister live at Woodbine, la., ami ho is spending today with tlutn and will return to Omaha In tlmo to bit tho Kountzo Memorial church uulplt th'i ovenlng. Rev. Dr. Hlllls Is a g'radtmle of Lake Forest university nnd McConnlck Then logical seminary. After Icavlni; school hn preached at EvaiisUm nnd Pcurln and win then called to succeed Dr. D.ihl Swing as pastor of Central church, Chicago. Kev. Dr. Hlllls' deslro for creed revision caused him to withdraw from tho Presbyterian church. Ho has written many hooka of a theological naturo and his literary stylo lias been eompared to that of Matthew Arnold. AlThough only 40 years of ago, Dr. Hllll.t Is pastor of tho most prominent church in tho world nnd Is one of tho best known lecturers In tho United Slates. Ilrcrtllnir nml I'pptllnur Mlprnlipn, Tho Intestines nro full of dlscaso germs that become actlvo nnd dangerous In con stlratlon. Cascnrcts kilt and expel thriu. Druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c. Great January Clearing Sale of PIANOS Inslrumcuts of storllng worth, In hnndsomo ninhogany, oak or walnut cases, usually bold nt $350 will bo closed out at $225. Also now samplo pianos nnd 1!)00 styles, nt a saving to tho buyer of from 20 to 33 1-3 per cent. Our stock consists of tho fol lowing fumous makers: STKI.VWAY. STKCIC. Vom KMKUSO.V. A. II. CIIA.NH, ' STi:il2ll. AXI SIANY OTIIKnS. Easy terms of payment If desired. Stool and scarf lrco with each piano, Now- pianos for rent. Fine tuning, repairing and polishing promptly done. Telephone 1G25. Mall Inquiries given prompt nttcntlon. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, inc ow Reliable I'iano House, 1313 Farnam St,, Omaha, 337 Broadway, Council Bluffs, REMEDY Kidney 1111(1 Liver ItcillClly llllOWH and Liver Cure practice. A few symptoms: A apvrrp pill n or nclilni; In (lie ninll of Hip IiiipU. A tlrpil, pxlinunlpil feel I n r. A ilPNlrp lo tirlniitp frptiueiitl'. An iiiiiiNiuil ipnlr (o urinate nl nlKlit. An unnoyliiK, HpnlillnK or lin ru in K kpiiimiIIiiii lvhllp iirlimtliiK. An liuitilllt)- o n i a he evpn or dlnury pxprllmi. An iiliiiiiilmiec ut pnlp or uriin ( urlnr. A piiifilt of rpil or wlillp lirlck iIiinI or nlhiiincii In (In urtiip, which Ik pnnlly iIppi:Ipi ! IpKIiik Hip, iirlnp, hIiiiiiI fur II try bourn. 'I'lip nliotp nro n f-v of (hp prin cipal MyiiiptiiniH of thin ilreml liinlnily in It II rut nml niM-oiul NtllHTPK. ItH mini MlllKP Ii . mont poiiiiiIpIp ivxliuunt Ion nml IpiiiIh In Hip nlrnlKlit nml nitr row in(h of IlrlKlil'H iIIkciihc. Testimonial: rvwu. it ii Annnnnim One-third off prices of toilet Bets- in Leather Traveling Cases, real ebony, ebon oid, oak, etc. Albums, Photo Eoxes, Tie Boxes, Hair Pin Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, Glovo Boxes, Manicuro Sots, Folding Mir rors, Bottles of Perfume, Atomizers, Hand and Stand Mirrors, llat and Cloth Brushes, etc., etc. Handsome Calendars half former price. Children's Cloaks prices cut one-third and on somo one-half lowost 7Gc. prices 75c and $L00 cut to