Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1900, Page 7, Image 17

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    December 30, 1000.
Women as Successful
Bill Collectors
Much of this pot-hunting Is dono by ne
groes for sport. Tho robins nro also fl
but tho slaughter In this way Is small
compared with tho wholesale destruuth n
of tho torch and tho club.
Carpenter's Letter
(Continued from Sixth Page.)
"And this man," said tho young woman, sat in his prlvato office talking to a client,
referring to tho last namo on tho list, tho door was opened suddenly and a tow-
w U glvo mo a check tomorrow without headed llttlo boy stepped audaciously Into nml f y(JU ent t,0R.8 flesh on tno llny cnllca
2 , , , , , , ...... lh0 rooll'" , Sut tho spirit of tho dog will haunt you.
Tho manager shook his head doubtfully. 'Say,' ho said, Tin 's boy, an' my lho ' slmn you nlU9t novoP wec foP
I don t take any stock In his promise," boss wants to know why. that woman ain't ,,onJ or vou wM1 havo 8rrow upon 80r.
ho said. Ho Is tight as the bark on a tree been over for that $1,250 ho owes you.' rmv nm, .. nmko gauco on lho dn
Ho nover pays "I positively refused to call after that ,, Blln ... ,,n .natpipB,,. Thorn nro
and slippery as an cel.
anything till ho has to. Ho's been giving and wo never did get tho money
us mat samo old gag about paying tomor
row for tho last six months."
"And ho will keep his word this tlmo,"
br I'd the young woman confldoutly.
And ho did. The next evening when sho
reported at tho ofllco tho young woman
turned In a chcok for tho full amount owed
Uut you
don't como ncross many people like that."
Robin on a Tear
ten days called Male days and twolvo
which arc called Fcmnlo days. If you wear
a now suit of clothes for tho first tlmo on
tho day called Chow you will bo Buro to
dlo away from homo and It you buy land
m a . .. II. tt .. ...til I .
many 01 ins iiuimum .. uU ,,.,,,,. M ..,, ...m ,, iPk,.
shocked to learn that Hobln Redbreast " 7 . . V." ' " ",
1 UlnU lIlL'aU lilUlO liuill iiitmiuivuii vji w
book on China, which Is long slnco out of
leads a double Hfo. Well dressed, Jaunty,
hv Hin (Ifvtlt Individual Tim altnnllnn wna hrlinmltiif n'ir wltli I'nml lint 11 m. llnVflttul
bo extraordinary that tho manager to his wlfo and babies, ho Is a model of I""1"1,
scratched his head In perplexity. "Well," respectability. These superstitions as to luck extend to
ho said, "you cortalnly aro a remarkably It's true wo do not like to share with him tho conllguratlon of tho country and also
flno collector." our very earliest peas nnd choicest chor- to tho legends connected with localities.
And after tho young woman had oaten rlcs. t 11 fllV0r"0 A ,,la Somo l,m n n w"8 1oJocn!.c1''
her dinner and had taken tlmo to digest thieving Is carried on with such calm as- between Canton and H.-ng Kong, lho
both tho meal and tho comnllment. relates surauco that wo readily forgive. He Jiai scheme was bitterly opposed, tho chief
tho Now York Sun, sho came to tho con
clusion that sho was Indeed pretty good
at tho business. "It took mo a long tlmo
to find out what I was good for," sho said.
"I tried my hand nt teaching, stenography,
amateur gardening, dressmaking nnd pho
tography successively, and was a falluro
In each. Then I turned my mind to col
lecting. "My first employment was with a omall
publishing houso uptown. Tho owners
owed everybody and everybody owed them.
They paid nobody and nobody paid them.
It took mo just nbouut two days to demon
strate to my own satisfaction that I had
nt last struck tho level of my abilities. I
began straight off to tako In money and
when, at tho end of tho first week the
manager footed up his receipts and found
that I had collected subscriptions and ad
vertising bills to tho amount of $1,000,
which, considering the slzo of Individual
accounts, was n Bum as high as Tike Peak,
ho fell on my neck nnd cnllcd mo blessod.
Tho firm wns too deep In tho mire, how
ever, to bo pulled out oven by tho hand
of a heaven-born collector. Their liabili
ties an fnr nvrnmlnil fhnlr nRBflts that their
onlv salvation lay In bankruptcy nnd this no enemies but tho family cat. All this objection being tho bad luck which It was
.nm nt hnmo. euro to bring to tho two cities. Tho Chi
collected 09 cents on every dollar coming When Hobln goes south for his winter neSo said: "Canton Is known to us as the
to them. I do not tell this In a spirit of vacation ho Is tempted and fnlls, relates city of Itams or Sheep and tho mouth of
vn..iv hut aimniv tn rnfntn thn statement tho Detroit Freo ProBS. It happens In this tho river whero tho telegraph lino Is to
that a woman couldn't earn her salt at way: Bo Is known as tho Tiger's mouth, while
nnllntttrwr T 1nmif n r1n?nn Wnmnn In Ml I ft In December and Janunry tho robins the district opposite Hong Kong Is Kow
find on tho KUir coast a cniimiu mm. dui.o oon, or mo iino urngonH. vnui cuu yuii
them. They also find an ornamental tree oxpect when you put up a tolcgraph lino to
bearing a hard, yellow berry about as largo cai tho sheep right Into tho tiger's mouth
as a small peaChina berries or win " nnd nmongst tho nlno dragons?"
town who nro so employed and each Is con
sldcrcd a gem of great price by her cm
A West Sldo furniture dealer who has cm
wnmnn collector. "There was a time,' ho
said, "when I vowed that I wouldn't havo
a petticoat around my store in any ca
pacity. My attention was first attracted
to the subject by tho quick way ono wo
man collector made mo pay a bill. Phys-
Used Up Six Tickets
"I mado a hort trip Into tho country the
A wesi oiuo iiiriuiuru utnuur wuu uuo uiu- - , . ,., ri,lln
ployed a woman collector for several years thoy aro mnJ nZVa ce f ' a
said that if there was any ono thing ho berry, while nnont In W.cnrnnce. M
could tako tlmo to talk about oven In his very dangerou food for bln-. It n
busiest moments It was tho merits of tho "--"' """':;.,' man. it
. I ,( 1L IUIIIII JUOl " '
makes Hobln drunk, nnd when ho is drunk other day," Bald Jones to tho Detroit Freo
ho acts precisely llko a drunken man. Press man. "There were six of us In tho
hllcratcd at first, ho dances about and pnrty and when wo were ready to ko
sings In a "We-won't-go-home-tlll-morn- homo there was somo doubt nbout whether
lnir" Hort of way. This happy condition is 0r not wo would bo nblo to catch our train
iin...,i in. n (lriinUon Btunor tho t
lcally, tho work for this Btoro is nara. ljr g Rrow du)i tho head ur00ps and ctB but tho trnln arrived thero before my
Thcro Is much walking to bo dono anu ... . HCnso of dnnKOr. While fri
many stairs to bo climbed. Moreover, many m Btu ,d 8lnto tno ncBro boyB cnsV w,th flvo extrft Uckcts , x h (1 no th,
m a 1 .1. mi ran ml n s-l n T HO ....
oi uio pcopio wim uu, uu. p,ck tho l)lri1f) from th0 :ow uranencs wnoro uso for 80 i rcsolved to amuso myself nt th
installment piau are ui w thoy nro perched. expenso of tho conductor. Tearing up tho
ith when It comes to collecting. But tnat Aftep a UUo thQ brds rccovcr( but oniy chcck thnt ho Rnvc mo when he t()ok up
Is whero I find tho woman collector in- jo hjnt mora ch,na bcrrlcSi Aa lonB ns my tlcket( T wnted for hm (0 colno nroUnd
vaiuauie. ner iuhu oi ,miicu .o thenj nro chma bcrrlcs nobIn la consist- again
haustimo, anu sno is invuuuvu uuu cnU nnfl per8l8tentiy drunk. Ho npphr- "'Tickets,' ho said shortly on his next
sourceiui to n uegree. n bhu uuuui b enU cntf) th(J berrC8 for th0 single purpose round, seeing thnt I had no check.
around a creditor ono way sue win uu , tinn- rlnink nnrt beeauso he 1 kCH It, "I unvn nn nnnllinr iMmi mlllinnt n wnr.l
other, and, what is best of all, sho never Ho ,an,t hunBry( for ho Is gorged with tho and promptly toro up tho check that ho gave
gives up. borrles to such nn extent that when, as m0.
It is a curious thing that It is not in BOmetlmes happens, ho misses his drim"-"! 'Tickets.' ho stnrtod to Bay when ho
tho field of distinctly fomlnlno labor, such noia and falls to tho ground, ho bursts camo around ngnln, nnd then ho Itoked hard
as dressmaking, millinery and tho UKo, tnat open, so stuffed Is ho. at mo and I handed over another ticket
tho woman collcptor, seeks to win her Now lt mU8t not bo thought that oven a without comment.
laurols. When asked why this was so robn can un,urgo this sort of debauch for "Seo hero, whero is your check?' ho do
ono successful collector replied that It was ft month or six weeks without its havlm mnnded on his next trip.
a enso of tho refutation of tho theory that 80mo effect on him. Robin soon loses his "For reply I handed over nnother ticket
llko cures like. "It may tako a thief to solf-resnect. grows ragged, neglects his "Tho next tlmo ho pnssed mo without a
catch a thlaf, but It doesn't tako a woman Datn, and appears generally disreputable, word, but I managed to boIzo hold of his
to mako another woman pay her debts, ij0 B a Vory sad-looktng bird, and northern coattalls and dotaln him long enough to
sho said. "I am tho manager of a largo visitors who don't know about China bcr- hand over nnother ticket.
collecting agency. I havo both men and ries can't understand what has caused tho "When ho camo around ngaln ho lookoil
women in my employ, nnd when I have a change He reforms when ho must that Is, at rho In a startled manner nnd I heard
bill against n woman I Invariably send a when tho China berries are all gone, hut him glvo a sigh of rellof when ho passed
man to collect It. Women who owe money until then ho apparently never thinks of It. nnd I had mado no sign. I let him go untl
know well enough that another woman sent With tho dlsnppearanco of tho China ber- ho was nenrly to tho door and then I ycllc
to collect a bill can see right through their ries tho birds begin to think of their north to him that ho had overlooked mo nnd
subterfuges, no mntter how flimsy or how orn homes, their fnmlly duties and a more frantically waved another ticket,
nlauslblo. They do not care a straw for prosaic hut healthful diet of strawberries "Tho next stop was mlno and ns I pas?e
her opinion, howovor, but thoy don't want nnd angle worms. In February thoy gather tho conductor on tho outsldo I handed him
to bo found out by tho men." In countless thousands in tno canenrnKes another ticket with tho romark that h
A Nassau street lawyer employs a woman f Tcnnessco nnd Alabnmn, appnrehtly overlooked mo.
waiting only for warmer weather before "That conductor has nn Idea that ho hn
her sex and the calling. "I don't always beginning tholr migration. At this season becn worked by somo sort of a new game
collect tho money I sot out to get," she Bald, ln visitor irom mo norm, wu wuu... but Is unnblo to figure it out."
whon complimented on hor achlevemontJ " "" "l
and consequent reputation. "A year ago I ca nnds "robin plo" a common d sh on
sot out to collect $1,250 from, a client of
my employer. 'Go up to his offlco every
day,' wore my employer's Instructions.
Don't jjjvo him a mlnuto's peace. Hound
tho vory llfo out of him till ho pays. Just
walk right In, no mntter who Is there, and
demand that $1,250. Ho can't turn you out
becnuso I did for him what no other lawyer
In Now York could havo dono, and It be
hooves him to bo humble.'
"For thrco months I obeyed those In
structions lltorally. I traveled up and
southern tahles. On Inquiring ho learns
that tho robins nro slaughtered by the
thousands. Men with torches and clubs
visit tho roosts by night and knnv tu
dazed birds off their perches In great num
bers. Thoy nro brought to market In grain
sacks, Tho writer heard of ono mnn bring
ing Into market at ono tlmo 180 dozen, n
single night's murderous work. Tho roblni
nro sold on the streets for from 20 cont
to 30 cents a dozen. There is no Inw
against tho wholesale slnughtcr, but man'
neonlo In the south are interesting them-
down tho elevator so often that everybody BeiVcs In securing such legislation ns will
In tho building camo to know me ns 'fl pt a top to It. Ono reason for tho In-
dun,' and tho man hated tho very sight differenco with which our favorite Is ro
of mo. Ono day I was Blck nnd couldn't, warded Is thnt ho Is only n winter visitor
rrn ilnwn A Rftpnml rlnv T ntnvnrl nwnv and jt 1 . . .
still a third. About 2 o'clock on tho after- tho cardinal nnd tho mocking bird, both nr.lfDfin I lift IIIIKT Pill P,fl KP.ft
iloon of tho third day, as my employer which are common nnd great favorite I ntUU 1 ,,V MHUUrtl UVV
Mm. Wlimlow'n SuoftmiK Hyrup
hns been used for over FIFTY YEARS h
CURES WIND coLiic ana is tne nest rem
In every part of the world. Be sure nnd
link for "Mrs. Wlnslow's SoothlnK Syrilli
and tako no othor kind. Twenty-ilvo ccntb
a bottle.
47 A lMTCTl RallabU woman or men
" (n 1 CU to Mil our foods to the
consumer in communities irom i,cw to lu,
000 nonulatlon: ntrminint eiDlovMnt a
cood Dnv. Addrns THE ORBAT BAIT
i"in nrn. si. i.ouia. mo.
Photographic Art Studies
These nro tho works of tho Tonncson Sisters of Chicago, and thoro Is probably no
more cnpablo photographic artists In the world tlinn these enthusiastic young women.
There nro twelve subjects from which to choose, of which wo reproduce eight.
These pictures aro handsome enough for anyone's drawing room and may ho used
effectively unfrnmed, or will look splondldly with a simplo dark framo.
How to Get Them
Thefco pictures are mounted on handsome black raw silk stock mounts, 12xld
Inches, the photographs arc 7x9 Inclico. Thoso have never been sold nt tho art stores
for less than ono dollnr. Ily securing nn Immense quantity of them wo aro ablo tn
offer them
With a Coupon for 10 Cents.
When ordering stnto tho namo of tho subject, and If they arc to be mailed enclose
four cents additional for postage and packing.
AIIT nr.l'AllT.MIiNT,
17th mid Fariiam Sts.
iHmmiiiiiiiH "IiHiiiiiiiiiiiih
Present at Deo Offlco or mall this coupon with 10c and got your cholco of Photo
graphic Art Studies. When ordering by mall add 4c for postage.