10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, DECEMBER .'10, 1000. 1MPIIT ICnilTft Till? PflVEDVfll) halt, although there wero to bo shows only 111,111 IIJI 1U 1 Illj liU ? LilVliUlV I 'i ins raw of ono every, tniny uaye. " " - - uri. nun. ,i f 1 r x ,..... r hn phsatiAr Krnde of ring" performers, followed In tho wake, and ns luck would havo It, while all Ohio Ohief ElCCUtlvo Baj8 JeffriCI-Rnhlln licut. a young nmateur won accidentally tuiieu in i-uimuuipniu Match OannotTake Place. MAYOR FLESCHMANN SAYS IT CAN Content llookril for CliioliinnM May Jlvnulvo llxi'lf Into tlnentlon of Authority Itetwrrii the 'i'lvn Ollli-crn. Affairs pugilistic nro In n chnotlc Rtato lust now nnd tho iirUo fighter finds him- Bclf up ngnlnst what appear to ho tho "rial thlnK." Rvcn tho championship otcnt between Jeffries nnd Iluhlln, which has boon announced with such great gusto as a suro go In Cincinnati, February IB, Is likely to dlo n-bornln', for (lovcrnor Nash of Ohio linn Issued u pronunclatnonto declaring that ho has not been Interviewed In tho matter and suggesting that tho laws of Ohio consider prlzo lighting us a felony. "No ono has consulted mo about this mat ter," (Jovornor Nash Ih quoted ns saying, "and I want It distinctly understood that I do not approve of prlzo lights, participation In which Is n felony under tho laws of Ohio. I havo not yet looked into tho mat ter to nsccrtnln what my duties nre, but tho publln may rest assured that whatever they aro I will meet them promptly. Mayor Julius Klolschmnnti, howover, rests serenely upon his guns and announces that ho has Riven his consent for tho holding of tho big show nnd that no interference will bo brooked In IiIh plans Tho mayor mukes no reservation In tho declaration that tho fight will bo permitted, "I guess I am about tho biggest nuthorlty around here," ho says, "nnd 1 wish It could bo mado plain thnt I know of no ono who Ik going to Inter fere with tho present arrangements. I havo said thnt 1 would Issue a permit for tho contest, for I believe, ns do somo of tho very best business men nnd those of somo public spirit, that tho contest being conducted as It will, In an orderly and decent manner, Is -going to bo n big adver tisement for tho city nnd will bring much money here. "Thoro Is not going to bo nny rough work of nny sort. Tho prlco of admission will bo high enough to bar nny of tho un (leslrablo clement. Tho contestants nro of championship caliber and there Is no chance of tho contest being anything but clean- cut nnd dovold of nit fentures of brutality, which nro such n popular argument of those who wnnt to stop lighting." It looks now ns though the situation has settled down to tho settling of tho argu ment between tho governor of Ohio nnd tho mnyor of Cincinnati. Each has turned tho box nnd It Is now a horso apiece, with tho third horso decidedly In favor of tho gov ernor, In enso ho plays his hand according to his published statement. Meantime, however, tho Cincinnati pro moters nro proceeding with their arrange ments. Hilly llrndy, tho great fight pro moter nnd mnmigcr, has been selected to tnko chargo of tho affair, but oven Ilrady himself doesn't seem to know Just where ho Is at. Tho day after Christmas ho Is quoted ns saying that, cucvn though bo had been selected to manago tho affair, It wouldn't conio off beennso of tho objection of tho au thorities. If tho whole matter Is n game of bluff It Is an Interesting one, to say tho least, and, mcantlnmc, Cincinnati Is get ting all sorts of advertising nut of tho nf- rnir, nnu mat's ono of tno tilings tho ;najor hns been looking for. All over tho country tho fighting gnmc has been receiving u scries of solar plexus blows that bespeak tho necessity of future lights being pulled off on somo desert Island In a bnlnon or else forcing tha mombcrn of (ho pugilistic profession to seek other employ ment. In New" York. Chicago, Omaha and nny number of other cities that could bo mentioned tno seal of official dlrnpproval has been utnmpcd, and If Cincinnati follows tho prcccmlcnt established it looks as though tho Jig wero up. Carson City may ho used ngaln as n plnco of last resort, provided tho championship problem becomes sulllcicntly complicated, to force tno deciding or conclusions between tho top-notcherH. It is a certainty, how over, mat Jerrrios nnu minim will never fight In Camou City. Such a match would not bo Hiilllelcnt of a drawing enrd to war rnnt Dan Stuart or any other promoter In pulling off a contest In tho wilds of tho west. Mr. Jeffries is probably viewing tho situa tion with a deal of Interest. To him tho vlnw of n life-long hold on tho champion ship because of lack of opportunity to havo It wrested from hlra rany well bo roseate niiod nnd ho can continue drawing down a corpulent competenco from stnlklng beforo tho footlights nnd umpiring ha so ball games Thut certainly killed the boxing gamo there, for tho mnvor nut his foot down and said thut not nnother glovo could bo pulled on or a blow dealt. There nro n number of other places that fell under tho ban. An effort was madn to start a boxing club In KIIr.nbeth. N. J., hut tho sheriff drew ono card, tilled a club flush and batted tho poor lighter over tho head with It. And thoro are a number of towns and cities to bo heard from. Hvcn the mayor of Ander son, Ind., whero Tommy Hyatt anil Jack Ileauscholte am to fight January 18, has said that would bo tha last fight ho would allow there. Votaries of amateur snorting affairs In this city aro evincing a grent deal of Inter est In the school of physical culture, which will soon be opened by Kddle Hoblnson and Peter Loch. At tho present time workmen aro engaged In fitting out tho quarters which tho club will occupy at 1310 Harney street. Thoro will bo ono main room, 10x35 feet, which will be equipped with all tho paraphernalia usually found In a first class gymnasium. Adjoining this thcro will be shower baths, nnd all of the mem bers will bo accorded the advantages of Mr. Hoblnson's superior knowledge of ad ministering massago to athletes and gym nasts. The promoters of this club arc well known In Omaha as amateur athletes of considerable ability. Mr. Hoblnson Is n cracking good boxer nnd hns been trnlnor to a number of clever pugilists. Mr. I.och Is tho champion amateur wrestler of Ne braska, and the membors of tho club will bo given Instructions in boxing und wrest ling by these two gentlemen. Tho how club will bo formnlly opened on tho ulght of January 7, at which tlmo an Interesting athletic program will be given, consisting of nmntoiir contests in wrestling nnd other feats of strength. Dennett's Pre-lnrentory Hardware Sale. Skates for men Rolled cast steel, y Oat bi-ight finish.... Rolled cunt steel, llnoly fin ished, niekeL plated, reg ular price SSe, v for steel runners tops, --g-QOr rice $1.10-7 Michael Crowe's victory over Frank (lotch of Iowa In his wrestling match ;it Fort Dodgu last week was the greatest victory over won by tho Omaha man and Is ono In which his friends take a deal of satisfaction. i)y this victory Crowo lays claim to tho tltlo of heavyweight cham pion of Nebrnska and Iowa and stands ready to defend the title against nil comers. Tho bout with Gotch was, he admits, the hardest he ever had In his life and his chances looked pretty scaly when Gotch got tho first fall In eighteen and one-half minutes. Tho succeeding two, however, Crowo won by clever work, getting tho second In eight nnd one-half minutes and tho third In twenty-four minutes. WHISTERS BEGIN PRACTICE Local IMityern Will Try to Mnko Rood ttliowliiK nt .A ii ii ii ii I MertlnK nt Knimnn CM)'. Tho annual meeting of the Central Whist iicsoclatlon Is to bo hold early In February nt Kansas City, and tho local whlstors havo commenced practico work In fours so ns to havo a good representative team at' tho meeting. Last year, nt Lincoln, tho club took very little Interest In tho meet, but they nro determined to mnko a better show ing this year by sending at least a dozen good players to tho meeting. Tho following scoro was recorded at tho regular meeting Wednesday night: NOHTII AND SOUTH. Durness und McDowell... 201 Salmon nnd Hockfellow 201 Comstock and Melkle 'J01 Calm and Hedlck , 13S Crummer and Shipley 192 KAST AND WEST. Hushmnn and Alice 197 11. Jordan and lirown 195 Sumncy nnd Hurrell 192 White and H. C. Jordan l&S Houehcr and Smith l- Ilnrdened blued ulur pr Welded iron and steel run ners, nickel pluted, regular price $1.1)8, J6'Q Welded iron and steel run ners, nickel plated and hand finished, finest made regular price 1 f 92.74 AV Ladies' Skates- Cold rolled, best finished, strap toe and heel, regu lar price 7 Sfif. for - -o-rfW J Same as clamp toe, reg ular price $1.28 Finely finished nickel plat ed skate, regu- 1 lar price $1.(14. Welded iron and steel run ners, finely nickel plated, extra quality leather, regular price $3.14, for tJJ for above, except 1.00 Bennett Prepares Pre-Itiventory Prices et us once more impress you with the importance of these sales at no time during the year can you profit so largely as now Do not neglect this golden opportunity for money saving when you can buy the best qual ity of goods at such low figures. We ask you to come and judge for yourself. L Dennett's Prcinvcntory Jewelry Sale A tiother day will close out bargains in jewelry -one day more at these prices Silvered steel tea spoons, q for Silvered steel tablo spoons,, 2C for C solid stccet nut picks Qq in box an 6 solid steel nut picks, two 27c crackers in box Children's knlfo fork and spoon Link Cuff Duttons, regular prlco 25c, for Razor straps a good ono, only Ebony top salvo and hair pin jars Solid silver novelties, for Ladles' guard chains, 60 inches Pearl Den and holder, only Scth Thomas Clocks, only , Fancy Porcelain Clocks, 30 hour ' Solid silver Match Safes only 1847 "Rogers Dros.' Krult Knives and Forks, por sot Hcnnctt'H Prcinvcntory t Crockery atid China Sale onday morning in addition to our lour special close-out tables Of china and glassware, wo will display a "spread" of extra largo and lino pieces of pro Inventory bargains nt hnlf or less In prlco to close out stock of odd pieces. This Is a Inst call. M Dennett's Prc-Inventory Station'ry sale IS I .t 5c 8c 10c 10c A few more of thoso Thomns pen holders worth 5c, nt ... Toilet Paper only Pencil Uox with lock and key complete, for . Flno Stationery In boxes, up from Largo Assortment of Scrap Hooks New Testaments, clear print nnd strongly bound A full box of pens, only More of tho air tight Ink stnmhon regulnr prlco $1.25, for.... 2zJL Flno Fancy Box Stationery, only Hound book lithographed clear print to closo out Dennett's Prcinvcntory Drug Sundries Sales. lUc are always busy " in our prescription room hut never too busy to make tho prlco tho lowest nnd quality tho high est. You get what the doctor orders compounded by competent druggists. Monday wo place on salo a largo lot of tooth brushes of flno (unltty, for mm Davis' Menthol Cough Drops only Armour'H Heather Hell Toilet Soap n tine nrtlcle, per box Dennett's Pure Mult Whiskey, per quart bottlo ..is 12c 75c A llrst-clnss lino of rubber goods of nil descriptions. Trusses, nil war ranted. Flno extracts In linndsottm boxes niako n suitable New Year's gift. See this lino. .25c cc vera 25c Cigars 6c Pipes Good Smokers. 25 cigars in box, $1.10, COn nn. on. i ,J fuu, out; nun CO clgara In box, $1.50, $1.23, 90c and All kinds of pipes, from Cartrldgo pipes A good ono for 4 50c 5c 25c W. R. BENNETT CO. Groceries Hewlett's Capital Pancake Flour, ()r 2 pound pnekngo , Lemon l'xtrnct, er iMittlo Mince Meat, t'tr package ,., Maple Sugar, per pound ....Be ...7c 124c French Mustard, CZr per bottlo ..Oc ...- c 10c Dennett's Capital DakliiR PowdcriOf, per half pound can ,uw Hulad Dressing, 1 CP itrr tint tin 'Wv 28c Olives, per IHHUO ,, Pickles assorted per bottlo Macaroni, per pncKngo per bottlo Dennett's Capital Coffee, per pound packugo New Years Poultry Turkeys, por pound Goose, per pound Ducks, per pound Chickens, per pound Nlco Mackerel, each IGo, IPC and Chicken Tamnlcs, per eim Celery and nil kinds of sonnonlng. ...Uc ...10c ..9ic ...84c 6c ,124c Butter Fresh Country Duttcr. guaran teed lino and fresh lfo 17c 15c 12c Candies Mixed Candy, per pound, V:ic, 10o nnd Chocolate Creams, per pound Caramels, per pound Drokeii Mixed, por pound Salted Peanuts, per pound Flcs, per package Dates, , per pound Mixed NutH, per pound Fresh roasted Peanuts, Q per pound O-'' Oranges A (iennlne DarRtiln. We have secured an Immenso iiunn tlty of nlco largo sweet Juicy Califor nia oranges-worth 25o per doren prlco fur Monday e, por dozen only, 8c .. 15c 124c ..10c ...15c ...10c ...10c ...15c 2 - 1 SIGNS OF PEACE APPEAR Bow of Promisa Stretohei Aoross Bate Ball Firmament Once Mori. BAN JOHNSON'S FACE WREATHED IN SMILES Difficulties In Fair Way in Uc Auilcnbly Settled I,niiK Be fore Umpire Crlea "Play Ball.' 4 1 .1 9 A WOMAN. TO UK l'KKTTV. SI nut Have Luxuriant anil los- llnlr, .u Matter What Color. Tho finest contour of a female face, tho sweetest smile of a female mouth, loses something If tho head Is crowned with scant hair. Scant and falling hair, it is now known, is caused by a parasite that burrows into tho scalp to tho root of the hair: whero It Baps tho vitality. Tho llttlo white scnles tho germ throws up In bur rowing nro called dandruff. To euro dan druff permanently, then, and to Btop fall ing hair, that germ muBt bo killed. Now bro's Herplcldtf, an entirely now result of tho chemical laboratory, destroys tho dan druff germ, and, of courBe, stops tno fan Inc hair, nmd cures baldness. When you kill tho germ you can't havo tho dandruff or thin hair. "Destroy tho cause, you r move tho effect." l.AHOIl AMI I.NDUSTIIY. turns out 1,600,000 An effort will bo mado before tho coming legislature of New York to rovlvo tho fight ing game along Hues that will be open to ns llttlo criticism ns posstblo. Assemblyman elect Brooks of Albany has In mind tho ln traduction of a bill to legallzo boxing, but thcro Is llttlo prospect for tho alteration of tho present situation in New York. Doth houses aro republican and tho question of prlzo lighting has nt all times been a po lltlcal Issuo in tho Empire, state, with tho republicans generally opposed to It. no' sides fiovernor-elect Odcll Id nntngonlstlc to tho sport nnd would probably veto any sucK n bill wero It fortunnto enough to run tho gauntlet beforo It should reach him. Spenklng of this genernl shutting down of prlzo lighting, n Chicago writer says: Tho rout of tho poor lighter Is now com plete. Cincinnati was about tho last bnpo bold out to mm ana mat is tottering, lie ulnnlng with tho repeal of tho Morton law In New York September 1, before which tlmo thcro wero plenty of lights decided In i Now York, miclllsm has received a few Jar ring punches that nlmost puts tho business off tho map. Outside of New York, Chi cago presented tho best Held for tho am bitious glovo man. Then along came Joo Gnus, who either did or did not fako a light at Tattersall'H with Terry McGovern and now tho gamo Is dead as a mackerel beie, Other towns. Including a grand posslbllltv nt Cincinnati, followed In tho wako of Chi- cago. Omaha h mayor decided ho did not want nny moro of tho gamo and called a A needlo machine needles a week. There wero 2,012 brotherhood carpenters In 1SS1: thcro nre nearly Gfl.OTO today, i.imiiln rnmnosltora In Paris are not lcgully permitted to set typo at night. nvnr kM men. niivs the Salt I.ako Tribune, will eventually bo employed nt tho big mechanical plant tno iuo uranuo western will eslnuiisu in mat. cay. Tim .Tiniriievmeii llrowers' National union iiri'iirillnir to a recent retmrt of its auditing committee, has over nu.wu in us treasury. "37,000 or wnicn is invesieu in kiii-l-hkc)i securities, Tho nverngo pay of tho working classes In England Is less than JC1 ($5) per week, nnlv ono man in cloven Is In receipt of an Income of moro thnn 150 U7M) a year. At tho nrcsent tlmo tno i.onuou uocKcrs re eclvo an averago of 12 shillings per week It has been demonstrated by actual test that a single towhoat can transport at one trip from Pittsburg to New Orleans 20,000 tons of coal loaded in tiarges. tho noai ana its tow. worked by a few men, thus carry as much freight ns 3,000 cars and iw loco motives. I.nhnr organizations in Kansas nro peti tioning tho Kansas legislature to open up tint Halt veins around Hutchinson nnd start tho convicts to making salt In opposition to thu salt trust and Its high prices. Tlio manufacture of binding twlno was started In tho penltentlnry In much tho same way and IUO liuiuHiry hub iiuuu i-unaiuct vu u te ller to the rarmcrs, Tho American Federation of Inbor has now attlltated with it no less man s: national and International unions, Ono would hardly Imagine after reading the reports that havo emanated from Chicago during tho week that thcro Is any sign of peace in tho base ball firmament. Yet a glass even less powerful than one used to descry tho canals on Mars can detect n bow of promise In tho sky, and behind Its radiance may bo seen the features of nan Johnson, wreathed "In smiles, tho same being caused by the contemplation of the furoro he has kicked up. Qnn Johnson Is hardly a merry Jester, but ho Is ap parently a monumental bluffer. Moro than that, ho has surrounded himself with somo other bluffers who aro hardly open to tho charge of being amateurs, and they havo produced n most wonderful pleco of work to support their apparent nssault on the stronghold of tho National league. Just a llttlo analysis is sufficient to show how diaphanous tho new "leaguo" really is Flvo cities aro named as having been given franchises, nnd several others aro sug gested as having made application or com ing under tho general head of "available." Amorig the latter Omaha Is included. Care ful inquiry has failed to dovolop the nresonco In Omaha of anyone anxious to put in a second team. Detroit Is to havo two teams, und it Is even suggested that other points In tho American league circuit may bo similarly blessed. Rockford, Illinois, is put down ns a probable candidate and there is a fluttering among tho fans down Qulncy way In hopo that that town may bo similarly honored. All of thoso stories read nicely and will serve to assist people In forgetting coal bills and tho like, but what Is back of them? Dan Johnson. Who is back of Ban Johnson? The owners of Amorlcan leaEtio franchises. Who Is back of them? Echo answers. Dan Jonn . . . , , 1. 1 Son B.iyB tno Olg ICngUO HUB ireuieu mm Bhnbbllv. How? Why, tho big leaguo re fused to give up when ho said he proposed to mako his leaguo tho premier, mat s an Thoro is a dispute ns to which shall hold first nlaco. that is all. Johnson and na backers do not proposo to bo kept In class a ur.dor tho national agreement any longer, Jlmmv Manning says tho big league didn't glvo him the protection he paid for, in that It did not compel tho Toronto ciud io pay him 1500 for o player In dispute. Mr. Man ning complalnB specifically that the matter wob not taken up at the lato meeting of tho National league. When tho National league wns in session at New York recently it was with nnnounced through the papers that neither will not be nblo to protect Itself, let alone an associate league, and base ball will bo nt tho mercy of irresponsible plnyers. w ncro will tho gamo go? To tho bow-wows. Whero will Dan Johnson go? Snmo placo. If this Is reasonable, do you think lor a moment that Dan Johnson is trying io bring about such a result? Not on your natural. Nothing Is further irom uis thought. Ho Is merely engineering a colos sal bluff, nnd out of It all ho may gain well, It Is hurd to say what he will gain. Ono of tho Irrcsponslbles down at Kansas City has Issued an ultimatum to tho effect that "White Wings" Tebeau will bo toler ated down there, but ho mustn't attempt nnv of his rowdy methods. Well, now, wouldn't thot sober you up, you peoplo who remember tho team that onco sailed under tho name of tho Blues? Think of "Dirty Dan Stearns. Jack Pickett, Jimmy McUnrr, Bin" Dill Hoover, Charley Hoover. "Spo kane" Elmer Foster and a few of tho others who imcd to mako llfo miscrablo for base men and boso runners In tho old days, nnu then think of Kansas City yelping for tin dledywlnks players. Why, tho wildest man on George Tebeau s whole list is a mouei Sunday school scholar compared to somo of the tamest of Manning's old gang. Whllo wo aro on this topic It may not bo out of Dlaco to noto the fact that tho Kansas City Times calls nttentlon to tho fact that If Tebeau does got In down there that tne peoplo are likely to sco somo good ball by tho homo team. That paper points out that twice In ton years Manning lanueu a team In tho lead In 1890 nnd In 1898 and tho rest of the tlmo the Blues wero flirting with tho tallenders. All of which is truo nnd eoes a lone way In explaining why the Kansas City peoplo restrained them selvos from getting out injunctions when Manning started for Washington. 9,491 subordinate local unions, having nn Mr. Johnson nor any of his coadjutors would nirizreiratn membership of KOI.050. In ad illilnn tn these before. mentioned cenernl unions there aro at present 1.051 Independent chartered loan unions, having ,s,i&u mem bers, making a total of 10,515 unions, with a memoersnip or nw.juo. tiicso ugures are ex ehiHtvn nf tho membership Indirectly alllllatod through the medium of the contral go near it. and ns far as is puniiciy Known none of them did. So Mr. wanning nas only himself to blame if his claim was not considered, for he not only did not appear to nresB It. but was actually engagod In nrenarlng to carry on a war against tho TONIC THAT MAKES STRONG NERVES, CURES DYSPEPSIA, Stomach Troubles AND ' INSOMNIA labor unions of 205 cities nnd sixteen state vcry organization ho now condemns for fall federations of labor. . , , ..protection." It Is of this Ono of tho ureat features of tho co- ,UH 1 .b 1 .. . , , .i- operutlvo movement which is doing so much Bort or stun me mm - to promote iuo wouaro in win jrisa peopio lions io mo i-iiuui iv5" is tn bo found In tho agricultural banks or 11. nR.nni,lna V. ... llrst introiiuet'U in uermany y iierr ttnir- wnui ami ui - - - fersen In 1819. Where monoy Is scarce a innn to nhln to clvo the associato league It number of people form themselves Into a , ,rcported to be forming. If It withdraws society, and" on their Joint unllm ted. en- " "PV'm ..- mi ..n,..!' Onlv gagomeni to oo responsioio lor us iiaDiiuies whuii ,uii. ...v ; ALL DRUGGISTS. Prep. byVal Ulitz Irewlng Co., Milwaukee. OMAHA BRANCH, 1412 DouHlns St. Tol. 1081. are ablo to obtain monoy enough for their needs. They norrow at or 6 per cent nnd lend at o per cent, mo uinerenco going to ward oxpenses nnu reserve, un deposits from Its members mo hank allows t per cent consiuernDij- moro man mo post nillen snvlntrs bank. There are now llftv two of these banks at work in Ireland, with a memuersnip or Tho Chlcngo & Northwestern railroad eomnnny will put into effect on January 1 an old-ago pension system for Its 27,000 employes, it win nerearter nine, into its employ no man over m years out, anil win retire on a pension, graded according to salary und wages, all who havo reached tho ago or tu, anu nave neon miriy years In tho service of tho company, and all of any ngo who havo been disabled In tho service nf tho company. It Is anticipated that tho scheme, when In full operation, will cost tho, company about JSOO.OW a year. Homo measure of the business depression which has set In over Oermnuy Is forwarded to tho Stato department uy I'nltcii states t'onsui Allien, siauoneu ai iirunswick. Compared wun mo summer or inw nui d lug enterprises have fallen away by 37 tier cent, rullroad projects 6X tier cent and electrical and street rnllway enterprises C3 per cent. I'rojecteU electric lighting and gas plants are n third less, while In such spheres of activity as mining, smelting. metal manutacture, stone worn anu mo production of chemicals and textiles, tho decline Is some 27 per cent. down if he's going to put up with It. And that's about as consistent as tho average of thoso fellows ure. Beforo closing this chapter It might he well to quoto what Dan Johnson himself soys about tho war. Hero Is tho way ho talked In Chicago on his return from tho east when asked to dcflno tho exact rela tions between tho Nntlonal and American leagues: I would rather not attempt to do thnt now. 1 think It could he done hotter a fort night hence, after the meeting of the league. That will bo held In this city shortly after the holidays. Philadelphia was anxious to havo tho meeting there and I bcc they sent out announcements that It would bo held there, but that is not true. One thing I can say, however, and that Is I don't think there will bo any wnr. Wo aro not trying to provoke one, and the Na tional leaguo Is In no position to carry on one. They will think a long tlmo before they will engage In a war In their present condition. Just remember now that tho hot nlr asso ciation that met In Chicago during the week was not tho American leaguo, and that tho meeting of that body Is yet to convene nnd you'll havo n good lino to back your Judgment on. HOW WEAK MEN STRONG, Only tho ball player s woru. aiosi managers know what that means. Woll, if base ball Is to bo put on that basis, It simply comes to anarchy. This 1b why The Deo puts no dnnendenco In tho reports of rival leagues and "two teams In every town" stories. It Is hevond reason that men of sufficient means to equip nnd ability to direct n sue cessful baso ball team will deliberately put themselves nt tho mercy of the players Not that all players aro dishonest, for they nre not. In fact. Tho Dee believes that most base ball players aro ns honest nnd trustworthy ob tho common run of men, but there nro enougn rascals nnn iricKy players to upset all plans. Old base ban annals aro full of cates of contract Jump ing nnd thoro Is no very good evldonce thnt tho breed of players has much Improved. In fact, Mr, Manning's complaint against the National leaguo is based on a case of contract Jumping, and the failure of tho big leaguo to compensate him under the protec tion clause of tho national agroement. Now, If tho American leaguo deliberately dis rupts the agreement under which even a semblance of protection Is afforded, what will be the reeult? The American lea-rue Tebeau Is going quietly nhoad with his arrangements at Kansas City and according to all accounts has succeeded in securing a most excellent location for his' park. Ho Is now after players and Is likely to havo llttlo troublo In getting together a good team. If Denver Bhould bo dropped by tho Western leaguo, which Is not nt all un likely, then Tebeau will secure tho rovor slon of his 1900 team and will thus havo a splendid nucleus. Out In Denver Mr. Puck ard, who Is tho successor to tho Denver franchise, is talking of "bucking" jeocau, whatever that means. Ho will certainly bo allowed tho advantage of tho Denver reser vations, In caso tbero is a Western team In tho mountain town during tho coming season. If there Is no team thoro ho will have no need of tho players, thereforo his talk about "bucking" Tebeau would seem at leaBt suporerogatory. Our own Colonel Keith Is feeling Just about as easy as docs Tom I.awson of Bos ton when ho puts out to sea on his mag nificent now steam yacht. Which is to say, Duck" !b living easy. Ho thinks he has a good bunch of players on tho string and when he meets Dill Itourke they both look wise, and you'd think there wasn't nnythlng but money coming in aij mo iirao. nuu talking about money coming In, you should havo seen Buck's face and Bill's when tho Lincoln foot ball team failed to show up on Christmas day. There was an olognnt crcwd out at Vinton street park and tho magnates had to pay back nil tho elegant gate receipts. Mr. Keith had signed con tracts with tho managers of tho Omaha and Lincoln teams for tho games, guaranteeing each team $150 and expenses for the Lin coln team. He had been notified tho night beforo by tho Lincoln manager that tho team would bo here all right and on Christ mas morning ho paid for tho tlckots on which tho Lincoln boys wero to ride. Judge of his surprise when over tho tinkling tele phone lino ho received word about noon Christmas day that the Lincoln boys would not como. Aside from tho gate receipts, he had to pay back, Colonel Jvclth was out unmn nihor cnod slmoleons ho had ex pended in advertising tho game, and ho doesn't llko It a llttlo bit. Magnato Dcall Is the only Western leaguer , who Is not on Easy street. His Sioux City franchise seems doomed to extinction, and ho hnsn't nny cinch on the St. Paul en- trance. ThlB suggests anowicr iuuuj im.. dent In connection with tho alleged Amor lcan auxiliary leaguo kick on National leaguo rules. Charley Saulpaugh, who owns tho Minneapolis team, doesn't proposo to allow Perry Werden to manage tho St. Paul team becauso tho plpo-dreumers picked Perry for tho Saints without consulting the magnato of tho Millers. Saulpaugh says he has no objection to Werden managing tho team, but he Is under contract to .inn IN THE WHEELING WORLD. 1, The six-day bicycle race In Madison Square Garden, three weeks ago, scored a victim in tho death of Oscar Aronson, In a Now York hospital, a week ago. Aronson was Injured In ono of tho. ralx-ups, but con tinued In tho raco, exerting all his powers to tho point of collapse. Publicly tho doctors said ho died of pneumonia; prlvntcly, they admitted that exhaustion waB tho primary cause. ' Aronson was 25 years old. An ambltous rider, proud of his record, ho was not an easy man to beat. In fact. It is admitted oven by the men who defeated him, that tho nccldent that sent him to tho hospital prevented him or his paitner, Habcock, from riding under tho wiro closo to tho vic tors. Aronson and Dabcock wero among the leaders on tho night of tho accident. Then came tho awful mix-up. It was ns bnd ns was ever seen In Madison Square Garden. Aronson was thrown many feet. H1b head was gaBhcd; nnd wheels and riders piled on top of him. His body wnB cut and bruised In many places. Tho Swedo was carried unconscious from tho trnck, hut re turned later on. Aronson first rnmo Into prominence in Now Yor!;, in 1898, In tho six-day race, when ho finished amonG the leaders. In 1899, his partner, Julius, dropped out, but Aronson continued to rldo alone, nnd won tho second individual prlzo. Later ho went to San Franslco, and In a Blx-dny race finished nccond to Charles Miller. Jlmmlo Michael Is not tho whirlwind ho was n fow years back. Last Saturday ulght ho was defeated by Harry Elkcs by ono nnd thrco-fourtha laps In a motor-paced raco In Madison Square Gordon. Eight thousand or moro porsons saw tho Glen's Falls stripling practically run away from tho Welsh "midget" In tho remarkably fast tlmo of 0:20:3 2-5. It required only Buch n victory ns this to stamp Kikes as tho most marvelous cycle rider at present In competition. Within n fortnight ho has demonstrated himself to bo nmong tho Btrongost of en durance riders, tho fastest of sprint rldors nnd tho greatest of mlddlo-dlstanee pare followers. Ills record Is ono nover at tained by nny other cyclist in tho nnnals of tho sport. From start to finish Elites nnd his match with Mlchuol woll In hand, nnd ho crossed tho lino with something up his sleeve. From first to last ho followed but ono machlno, n two and thrco-quarter horso-powor (;aso lino tandem, whllo four times tho Welsh man found It oxpedlont to change his pace makers, . On tho part of both principals the riding was flawless. N"er n skip or a break made Elkes and never a miss mado Michael. Tho latter trailed his pulling motors as closoly nnd beautifully as ho had ever done In his life, but novor beforo had ho been called upon to match tho speed of so formldablo an opponent. ARE MADE VIGOROUS AND WELL DOCTOR Searles & Searles OMAHA. SPECIALIST Most Successful and Reliable Specialist in Diseases of Mer Men, many of you aro now reaping the result of your former folly. Your manhood li failing and will soon bo lost unless you do something for yourself. There U no time U lose. Impotoncy Is nover on tho standstill. With It you can make no compromise, Klther tou must master it or it will master you, and nil your whole future with misery and In lescrlbablo woe. I have treated so many cases of this kind that I am aa familiar with Ihem as you are with the very daylight. Onca cured by me, you will never ajraln be kothered with nervousness, falling memory, loss of ambition, or similar symptom which fob you of your manhood and absolutely unfit you for study, business, or mnrrtaice. My treatment for weak men will correct all these evlla, and restore you to what nature Intended a hale, healthy, happy man, with physical and mental power complete. I also cure to stay cured Private Diseases off Any Nature, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Blood Poison, Kidney and Urinary Trouble, Etc. and all associato diseases and weaknesses of men. To these mnlndles alone I have earnestly devoted 22 of the best years of my life. Phyalclans having stubborn caae ta treat aro cordially Invited to consult me., I charge nothing for private counsel. VAriftfiCAl A Under our treatment this Insidious disease rapidly disappears. IHIIUVHWIV Valn c.aStts almost Instantly. The pools of tacnant blood art driven from the dilated volns, and all soreness and swelling quickly subside. Every Indication of Varicocele soon vanishes, and In Its stecad comon the pride, the power and the pleasures of porfect health and restored manhood. 55 Vlfif UFA Our euro dissolves tho Stricture completely and removes every ob-' WIIIVIHIW vtructlon from the Urinary pannage, s.Uay all Inflammation, stops overy unnaturul discharge, roduces tho Postato Glund clense and healt tho bladder and kidneys, Invlgortet the sexual organs, and restores health and soundness to every part of tho body affected by tho disease. Syphilitic Blood Poison Our special form of treatment for Syph ilis In nrnctlcnllv the rnnult of my life vnrk. nnrl Is Indnrsml bv the best Physicians of this and nrntam countrte. It contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines of any kind. It kob to the very bottom of the disease and forces out every particle of Impurity. Soon every sign and symptom of BvphllU disappear completely and forever, and the whole system Is cleansed, purified and restored to as healthful und pure a con dition ns before contracting the disease. Nervo-Sexual Debility Our cure for weak men, stops every drain of vlcor and builds ui) thn muaoiifar and nervous system, purifies and enriches the blood, cleanses and heals the blad der and kidneys. Invigorates the liver, revlvoe tho uplrlU, brightens the Intol- I, above nnd neyonu an, restores tno wustea power oi cexuai minnooa, lftcts, am' Home Treatment home treatment Is successful nnd strictly sacredly contldentiai. One personal visit Is preferred, but If you cannot cill at my ornce wnio me your symptoms private. Our counsel fully. la free Our nnd CURES GUARANTEED. CHARGES LOW. Constitution Free. Treatment by mull Call on or a4dreaa 118 B. 14th St. Dr, Searles & Searles. Omaha. Neb. them but tho overthrow of Secretary Abbott Ilassutt. They failed to accomplish this at their last convention nnd after that re- solved to turn their attack to a different point nnd brliiK tho national headquarters I to Now York City. Tho Massachusetts ill-1 vision waB strictly aRalnst It und nt a recent mooting resolutions wero passed op posing the removal of tho hendnuarters from Iloston. At this mcotliiK tho endorse ment of Mr. Perkins followed. Ho is In favor of retaining tho state divisions, but nlso favors locul organization nf tho con suls. Ills plan has been carried out by tho Suffolk county (Massachusetts) consuls, who formed a county consulate and elected a president and secretary. That thoro will bo a fierce fight between tho Massachusetts and tho Now York divi sions Is admitted all uround. It Is Just pos slblo that tholr conflict will bo so warm that they may compromlso nnd throw tholr united support to Mr. Knrlo of Detroit, which would eloct him. Friends of .Mr. Knrlo sny ho Is tho dark horso In tho nice nnd will cross tho wlro a winner with a Iongth to tho good. Klvo years np.o this winter tho world stood agast when thirty mllea v,oro ridden In one hour nt Memphis by Jimmy Michael. Now (ho world wonders at forty miles In tho hour by Will Htlnaon, Less than two years from now, If thu predictions nf tho motor men como true, tho record for ono hour of riding on a hlcyelo back of motor pare, will bo aiming nt sixty miles nn hour nn tho cyclo track, Thoso nro bold predic tions, but speed In cyclo racing hus over been on tho Increase, nnd when the limit has been reuched In tho past or when It hns been thought that tho limit has been reached, thn tlmo and dlstnnco wero far frcm tho olimlvo point. Tho greatest fight In tho history of tho U A. W. will bo nu when thu annual con vention opens next Kebruary and tho par ties to It will bo primarily tho Massachu setts, Michigan and Now York divisions. or whatovcr paco may bo Invented In tho The strength of either sldo will depend i menntlmc, will bo forly-.lvo mllrn. In five neaoolls. and ho'll bo doublo-dashed If ho, on tho number of delegates from tho other yoats, according to tho sanio predlcators, Is going to let anybody dispose of Ills play-'stntes in tho union which theso three can era without his consent. If they had asked ko into their camps, rno ."sow Workers him first hn would havo consented, but lince they didn't he'll be jumped up und made up their minds nearly two yoars It will bo fifty miles In ono hour, a like Increase in tho coming flvo years to tho lncreaso In flvo years Just past Ton ago that nothing on earth would satisfy , years from the present the cyclo riders A slmplo tost of tho accuracy of n free wheel clutch is to lift the machine nnd spin tho renr whool, holding tho cranks Htutlonnry If thoy will not remain so other wise, says u contemporary, (let tho wheel spinning nt n good paco, und then noto tho behavior of tha rear sprocket. If tho hub and clutch aro truly mnde tho sprocket will not show sign nf movement as tho hub runs insido It, but If It Is poorly mado and fitted It will bo seen to movo up and down nnd sideways a sort of gontlo rolling motion. If watched very closoly tho best clutch mado will bo found to movo vcry slightly, but tho motion will bo so small ns to bo un notlrcabln except under very careful scrutiny. 1,(100 Worth or flniMl. A. II. Thurncns of Wills Crook Coal (Jo,, DufTalo, O., writes: "I havo boon afflicted with kidney nnd blndder troublo for years, passing gravel or stones with excruciating pain. Other medicines only gavo relief. After tnklng Fav'y' Kidney Curo tho result wns surprising, A fow (Ioscb stnrted the brick dust, like lino stones, etc., nnd now I havo no pain across my kldncyn and I feel like n new man. Foley's Kidney Curo has dono mo $1,000 worth of good," Tako no substitutes, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug store, South Omaha.