rvtiv. it a it A ti ATT.Y 1 1 T? i? wninA.v r iwn.m ii in? oc mnn M Jk JL E J JL-B a k l m. 11 Js. J JJ.U JL 111 LJi. J. 9 J v v- - TJL J I V m .4 t'UUI r v SPECIAL NOTICES Adrrrllirnntnli for (line column Trill he tnkrn until 1U ra. for the evening edltlnn and nntll 8:110 p. m. lor morning nud Sunday edition. Hate. 1 1-Jlo a trorit flrM Insertion, le a rrord thereafter. Nothing taken for less thHB 2nc fur the flrst Inser tion. These adTertlseniaals Blast be ma consecutively. Advertisers, by rcqniillil a nam hrred check, can lie ansrrera ail' dressed tn a nnmbered letter lu cart of The llee. Answer" so addressed will be delivered usi presentation mt the cheek aaly. WANTED SITUATION. 6ITUATION WANTED by n first-class rlnthlnir mti.iimnn. wtnek keener Wild window trimmer, with n gobd recall cloth ing nouso; enn give ueBi oi reirreiKra. Addrenn E f6. Hoc. A-MO-30' WANTED MALE IIEH', WANTED, wo have steady work for a few goon nusticrs or good nanus ami ancc. u. it. Adams t-'o., iiwu """"JJJgj BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time, catnlmrun and particulars free, Address Western Barbers' Institute, Omahai Neb. um WANTED, a good experienced clothing solicitor. Apply 1314 r'-trnam St. Good position to right party. ' WANTED. good man to f " c2nvn?lnBJ,n dress E 4, Dec. r ' B-M189' inn rniiTii rv rrnnn nnv mr iikiii iii-i RAI.M9VRM iln t-nniltt trnvcllllg BnlrsmCn I to nil vacancy In Nebraska. Will con-1 tract for year 19U with right party. rer- mnnent nosltton and remunerative com- pensat On. neferenccB and siumpea ' velopo. D 39, Bee. , B-M270-30' W A Vl'Ln n mmnnfnM( fill it experienced traveling' salesman' ncqualnted with tho stovo trad in Nenr.isKa wwmu lowii, to soli Ecllpso stoves a?.u niiiK AddVlvS WAJJTKn. tnnn to travel. Address If. R. Scammon, 107 8. ITth Ht., Omaha. Nob 11 M554 31 BTKN'onRAfMIER and typowrltcr, for railroad otnen; good opening for compe tent voting man; tat-5 ago, experlenco and Hilary txpectcd. Address , m. ueo. 11 lllDlM WANTKll. two strletlv hlc'll clas solicit ors of good ndilrc.Hs to secure data, eto., from luislncss and proicssioniu ini'ii ir biographies to appear In Stnto History: permanent position p references rcijulred. itilt tin 4 W iv-t WANTED, colored man willing to work; good wages. Apply " lBM50i 30 WANTF.n PESIALE HELP. WANTED. 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. fcC. C 410 S0 girls wanted. Canadian ofllce, 1622 Dougla ..vr gouij gi a Ironing WANTE general GOOD girl wanted for plain washing nnd Ironing ot The Creche. C-550-26 WANTED, neat. Intelligent woman for general liousoworn in sniau lamnv. hwu wages, ,goou noino ami ", .l1'""-' " rlcht person. Call or address 1132 N. 2h Htrcut, South Omaha. C-M607 WANTED, competent girl for general housework; good wages. 209 So. 3Gtli Ht. C 579-2i) tiMNTRn-fllrl fnr netinr.il housowork. Mrs. A. G. Gilbert, 42S Oakland nvenue, Council BlufTB. C-MoTO HELP WASTKU. WANTED, boys nnd girls to work for W, OLADISH pharmacy, 12 & Dodge, rcllablo sond 10c for merchandise certificate nnd drug store. Is 725 Jl how to get a 10IC iiold pen and holder 1 free, Northern Illinois Supply Cp n.AinvnVAVTi Drawer 175. Sycilmore. 111. -M575 , r CLAIIl Q ATS. ; l. " MRS. 'FRITZ, clairvoyant. 819 North lcth. , KOIl 1 KEXT HOUSES. 3-470 IF you want your houses well rented place MME.GLYMER genuine palmist. 1G05 Dp-lge them with Ilenawn. & Co. D 113 S-M471 H.WAY9 lTinvlnir II. II. BOOds. Planns. OOlcc, lDll'j Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or S63. D 113 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. urennan-i.ovo vo,, :u do. utn m. D-H4 HOUSES, stores. Bomls, l'axton block. I 115 BEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. U 447 HOUSES, etc. F. V. Wead. 1524 Douclas. D-448 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwult, Barker Blk. u 450 i-ROOM i'ouse, 27th and Farnam Sts.. all modern, t-au .wjo t arnam or pnono 558. D 151 HOUSES -wanted. Wallace, Brown blk. D 153 BARN, 2024 St. Mary's Ave. D 153 FOR RENT, 12-room house, heated with steam, mooern conveniences, good batn. Aoaress, w, iiee. 13170 .ELEGANT 10-room all modern resldcnco; nuiuwumi iiiiinii, iMui:uiui(i u'ttn, munory This houso Is In cood condition niul will.. In tcjn minutes' walk of the center of tho city; In a very select neighborhood, near PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ATlAhtT COn.S and ln Unoru.nU babies adopted. 1136 n"iT OMAHA Douglas Sts D-579 FOR RENT, B-room cottage. 26th and Uiondo ets jy. Appiy ct wt n. 19th nt. D-M100 FOR RENT, nbout Dec. 23, new 6-room cot. taare. 10th unr Arbor: cltv walnr mut bath; very convenient for small family; will en. imri uuwn, uuinnco moniniy pay mollis, uuu At. 1. uu uunuing. D-M311 FOR RENT, Bakery In frst-class condition: largo Htoro room, continuous oven, etc. Also 8-room houso. with .barn far 8 hoi-Kpn and largo wagon shed. All for J30.00 per iiiuiiiii. i . ji, jwmai'ii, i.u iiaiuge lllilg. U 133 Ell Sownrd St., new tlvo-room cottago forwent; good barn and city water; rent, OMAHA LOAN AND TRU.ST CO., 16th nnd LuuKiii nU IJ i'os FOR RENT, two cottageH.. 2119-2121 Blnnoy D-M5S6 31 'Oil RENT I'UHMSIIBn IIOOMS. TEAM hinted rooms at The Thurston. E 151 1 f FURNISHED rooms, modern. 1722 Dodge. k Aiwa jay DEWEY" European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 3 HOOMS. 1906 Capitol nve. E-M51S 29 FURNISHED ROOMS, modern. 1910 Cnpl- 101 ave. !; ,M!Da si' FURNISHED room, trcet. modern. 2114 Chlcngo X SI5S7 30 FHIINISIIED ROOMS AND HOARD. GLENCAIRN,transU'iits,1.25 day. lt0 bong, 1 . v IJS The Merrlam, good winter home, 25 & Dodge r 457 THE PRATT, nlco south room. 212 8. 25th. r 1st UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. P 436 ELEOANT large steam-heated front rooms, with boaru. m unpnoi ov, i- aims i FOR IlKNT UNFURNISHED ROOMS TWO unfurnished rooms, 1067 Park Ave. U Its PARLOR lloor, I rooms, with light nnd lirni. inn, ,iiiu ,(,vi,.' . .,u,,,. m . u, - nlshed, for light housekeeping. Inquire su uarney. ai&to 1 FOR RUNTSTORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT. More In first I'laaj location; rent rensonuble. Apply R, C. Peters & Co., ground lloor. Bee Bldg. 1318 SPLENDID building tn commission district tor rent Jan, l. a. u. wead, ibzi Douglas. l-'Oll RENT-STORES AMI OFFICES. FOR HUNT, the building formerly occupied ov Tnn nee nt bib mrnnm street, it nns rour stones and n niiHement wnicn was formerly used as The lien press rooni This will be rented very reasonably If Interested apply at onco to C. C, Rose water, secretary, room 100, Beo Bulldlntr. I LARGE double room In Continental block! can bo mado Into very deilrablo otnee and reception room ior pnysician. win ar range to IMllt. uaiaha l oa & Tiiuttr uu., lt!i it Douglas Sts. 1837 GROCERY, corner! factory or laundry ouuaing. n J. rauerson. Tnonc, itu. I 813 J- AflENTS WA.NTKI), WANTED, agents, $9 n week; novelty, a winner, inquire l-. j. Bradley, uotei uci lone. J-582-27 WASTED TO HUNT. STUDENT desires to work for board whllo attending school. Doylcs' College. Tel 19S4. K-M2-30 WANTED, furnished room, nil mortem conveniences, near Omnna club. Address is ii, iicn. k aw a STORAHE. PACtFIC Storago und Warehouse Co., 312- jm jones, general storago unci iorwaroins. OM. Van Stor Co., 1611H Farn. Tels, 15S9.KC3 459 WANTF.D TO JlUY. AT.T. tflnrln nf linllnnlinlri roods, hotel, etc.. lar0 nn(1 ama quantities. . Chicago Funilturo Co., 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. WW. N 461 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings bank accounts, urennan- Lovo Co., 303 So. 13th. N 1 HOUSES to move. Wallace. Brown Blk. IM IK WANTED t buy. $1,000 of Omaha Savings HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and stoves j. ievin, ;svi in. ltiin hi. niu I'Olt MALE IIOIlHES, VEHICLES, ETC. VEHICLES, finest In city: repnlr work, tho uesi; try us. 11, Frost, mn it i.cavenw in f in FOR SALE MIKCtSliLANEOUS. HARD and soft foundation piling hoc fences and cribbing, wi uougias. 9-466 2DHAND safo cheap. Dcrlght, 1116 Farnam. Q-ti SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, lit So. 13. HERTFORD & CO., 16th & llworth. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERINO. Q-S77 TIMOTHY hay and all kinds feed and coal. Monroe & co. y ai4ie I HAVE 11 'sure permait euro for warts; no pain or scar; send 11 and a z-cent stamp for mcdlcln and full directions. Vied. iviiv.t:iu, ,,t-nii:iii ncu. tj ,Mt3J J21' REMINGTON and Bmith-Premlcr type writer ror sale clienp. Address k cs. nee. .V! aims ir MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, country dealers, Sdhand furniture and stoves at lowest prices, canoad lots or less, unicago uriiuure wo., iwti-iu Dougs. K 109 SELL cheap beautiful Upright piano, manogany case, luuy gucranteeu, Pargnln. 910 N. sotn Ht. It 078-Jjr.l EI.KCTIHC TREATMENT. MABEL GRAY, 31754 N. 15th St., fiat E. T 81357 J17' ELITE parlors. CIS So. ICth, second floor. T-3S6 3 1 PERSONAL, DR. ROY, chlroDodUt; corns & superfluous hair removBu vy cieuiriciiy. .jt. it jrren zer Blk. . U-473 TURKISH baths, massage batlu, electric patns, ior iuuicb "'" BRiiiea women massago operators; finest equipped baths IP l"?Vilr- iLV'riiS- "aul orapany. ttooma iu iw v w,ui, u f4 VIAVI, woman's way to health. 346 Bee U&g u WJ LIEBEN. theatrical, masquerade costumer. luia riuiiivui. u i76 PRIVATE home baforo and during confine- mciu; uumuo ouujj.ru. ,uu, uurget, 2K;0 uuraeiie. U 476 uc.wiKft machines rented nnd nnn run. x ni?r iiiuiiiii. Duijiuit:H inr nil u h. of machines. Tho BInpor Manufacturing U-4T8 1 FURNACE work. STOVE work, tln.slieet iron, gaiviiiuiru nun, sine anu copper 1. . 1 ...... . nnnrnut nlnnn I . I ' . . . . . , rl I . . V. . . OCOO . . aavaga i'" bhujj, rurnam bi. U-3S8 6W STEIN WAY' upright piano, latest stylo U-677-JyJ FRENCH noconllon nleatlnc: Ivory rim but tons; man orders, umana i'leating uo. 1521 uougias. u ISO- COSTUMES for rent. 3318 S. 20th. Mrs. S, Hack U-M Jll M'KINLEY reaches the White House, how? Tills satin niiisiieu nuiminiini puzzie com plnte only one dime by mall. White. Houso ruzzie uo 2.10 Mi5ningion St., uoston Mass. Agents wanted. u M434 2S JOHN M. Macfarlanrt haH removed his law olllce to suilo iscw York Lire Illdg. U-M460 30 SUPPLIES for all machine?: machines for ront. wiute sewing Alucnine, ltco untig ins. TCI. ZJilf. u MiJ BABIES and children cared fnr. S13 N.- 23d U.M57G J26 WILL lady that telephoned and wroto let ter on December 10. liw. concerulliir law suit pleaso call up party again, as they have something of a very Important naturo to communicate. v MoSfi 3 MONEY TO LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money. 5, BW. C per cent; no de lay. uarvin uros,, 1013 f arnam. w 4sa LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa rarms at 0 per cent; borrowers can pay 1100 or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. lirennaii-Lavt) Co,, 3M ko. utn at., umanu, wen. w 4sj MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. urenuan-L,ove uo jus ao. i;un, W-4S3 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Dougla w y 11,000 nnd upward to loan on Improved clt property anc larms, v. farnam amitn , Co., 1320 Farnam. W 4Sl WANTED City loans, bonds nnd warrants. ueorgo & company, iuui mrnnm street, W igj WANTED City and farm loans: also bonds anu warrants, ti. u. refers St co., 170: f arnam at., uee uiug. w o MONEY to l-n on farm nnd clt: rouertv lowest rait u.. f uavis co,, 1 Farilsto si MONEY Omaha tan at 5 and SU nor cent on werty W. 11. Melkle, 401 s. 15th W-4SS FIVE pet cent money. Bemls, Paxton block. MONEY tn loan on first-class Improved city property or ror uuiiaing purposes, i-ayne Knox uo,, now YorK wie. v 433 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, MO.XKV TO t.OA.X-ltKAti K STAT 10. $1,W)0 TO LOAN on real eitateicall at once. M. J, Kennard A Hon, 310-311 Drown biocK. W-493 MO.tBY TO l,OA.-CHATTKI.S. THE OMAHA MOHTOAOE LOAN CO. (Established 1S32.) Will make you a loan on furniture, pianos, live stock, etc. You keep the property. Or If you have a permanent position we will make you a SALAIIY LOAN without Indorscr or mortgage. Wo loan from 10 up. You can got the money In a few hours after making application and you may pay It back In 1, Z, 3, 4. 5 or C months. Others claim lower rates, but all we ask Is a chat.ee to make comparisons. We charge nothing for papers or filing and we give you the full umount of the loan In cash. Wo aro the oldest and largest loan company In Omaha. Our motto is "to try trp lease." Telephone 220J. 306 South lCthSt. MONEY MONEY LOANED BALAniED PEOPLE. LOWEST HATES. EAHY PAYMENTS and . 8TniCTI.Y CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room D2, Fifth Floor, New York Life Did X W "SALARY LOAN8" TO EMPLOYES NO C1TAROE DEDUCTED IN ADVANCE NO CHARGES FOR DRAWING PAPERS. "QUIET '(OFFICE," "EASILY" "FOUND." "AMERICAN" "LOAN" "CO " Room G01, Iie'e Building. Open 8 n. m. to 6 p. in. and noons. Rebate when loan Is paid Dcfore due. X-M783 FOR furniture and piano loans. Mergers MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position witn responsio;e concern upon their own names without security; vHBjr piijiiifius. loiman, iwj in, i. i.. mag, X 503 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- ciry, norses, cows, etc. C t Itecd, 319 B. Id. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS, ,T, W. TA1LOE, 21S First Nat. Dank Bide. X 605 MONEY loaned on Pianos, furniture. hor.rS. cows, jeweiry, uun ureen, it s. namer iiik A. Ewu .OANS on furniture, pianos, diamonds, Jewelry and salaries; cheap rates. BOS TON LOAN Co., R. 21, Frenzcr blk., 15th and Dodge, opp. old P. O. Open evenings. Jt AIliU JU LOANS TO. SALARIED PEOPLE with partial payments on note: no mort- men or securitv: anroiuieiv connaentiai: POSITIVELY l.OWRHT IlATEHi Innna lit otner companies in Ken up. 1100m u), ran ton Block. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. X 501 CHATTEL and salary loans. Joe H. Ploas- nnt, ii uarKer uiock. a mi&t ju1 CHATTEL nnd salary loans. Joo H. Pleas ants, &4 uarner diock. a una jia- BUSINESS CHANCES. flW CASH or easy payments buys 2.1 strictly inwiui tnicicew siot macnines ror drinxa, cigars or cash: will earn 12 and upward weekly each. Earl, Claric & Co., Furni ture manufacturers, i;mcago, 111. Y-501 WANTED, good mnti to do canvassing in me country; good pity ior rignt man. au dress E 4, Bee. Y-M190 WANTED, by January 1. reliable and Indus trlous young man witn rnpitai rrom K.wo to 3,000, to become partner In established manuiacturing anu jonuing misinpsn; n good bookkeeper' preferred. Address E 42, nee. y M431 WANTED, partner, good rustler, engage In cnnttoi loan Business in soumern or west em city. E 67, Bee. Y-M574 1' 'ARTNER with means to engage In sheep uusiucss. Address k uj, isee. 1 ii8-js 'OR SALE Newspaper nnd Job ofllce, in splendid town and rich agricultural ills trlct; only democrntlo- paper In 'county 1 ...... ...; mam ., ,, .... vn -rv - iJUliuiuiifill, mmicca I-. " . 1 T-M5SS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE, C. F. HARRISON. BARGAINS. 913 N. Y. L. liteYM J' HOUSES, lots, farms, Innds, loans; also flro insurance, uemis, i-axton dik. ltts oil PROPERTY bought and sold; monoy loaned: rents collected, u. u. jonnson Co., 311 So. 15th St. RE-102 RANCH AND FARM lands for salo by the union Pacllic itanroau company. 11. a. McAllastcr land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-R14 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam St RE filB SEE HENRY B. PAYNtJ, C01 N. Y. LIFE. RE-512 EQUITY In wholnsalo district, 66x132. bring- ing in good rental. Bargain. Address E C6, Bee RE-412-3 GOOD INVESTMENT. 13 Per Cent Interest 13 Per Cent. Three two-story six-room houses, newly papered and pninteu, nrst-cmsR repair, partly modern, one block from car line. Price: $4,000. Tho Byron Reed Co.. 213 S. 14th st. RE-M573 FOR SALE, five store buildings, each 20x00; 40.UOU reel 01 gooo lumuer in mem. Tiiese buildings mtiBt be sold nt once. Also good cottago nt 15th and California, to be re moved. A. P. Tukey, Board of Trade. RE-581-29 HAVING made arrangements to leave the city 1 will sen my nome, 1&07 rates St., also adjoining house and lot at n sacrifice. Tom Dennlson. RE 5R3-29 DANCING. AFTER the holidays. What? You can Join In one or Atorana s classes, in dancing unu combine pleasure with Instruction at a moderate prlco. Call on him at Crclghton hall and you will hear of tho advantageous terms you can make. Classes always open for beginners. Children Wednesdays nnd Saturdays, adults Tuesdays and FrHnys. I'rivato lessons uauy aim gviiiiik. 111511 nchool clats Saturday evening. M577 C MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Box 232, umana, ieu. t-onuuentiai. 516 DR. LE DUE'S Female Regulator, posi tively warranted to cure tno most stub born cases of monthly Htonnunes. Irregu larities, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whatever cause; 2 a nnrknea or 3 for 15: sent nnvwhore lire- paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, III. American Ofllco, retail, wnoicsaie, Aiyers-uuion urug o., umana; M. A. Dillon. South 0'.naha: Davis Drue Co., Council Bluffs. ?ull llnu of rubber goods. ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION and side pleating, cheapest, uesi, quicKest. Airs. a. u. AiarK, v 1'ai terson Blk., 17th nnd Farnam 8ts. -522 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING, A. C. V.N SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life, -623 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. nee mag, wt NEB. Bus. Thenter. & Shorthand college. Boyd's 025 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16 & Doug. FIIRN1TURK BARGAINS. Wn lifive bought the entire stock of Wolf Zncharln, 1207 Farnam st., amounting to $3,000, at 50o on tho dollar. The larger portion belnc holiday tcoods. we nre will Ing tn close them out nt 15 per cent profit. Don t rn:i to inspect tnis line netore pur chsslnir. Remember the place. Enter, prise Furniture, Co., 102-101 South 14th, corner uoogo, ai aoa 31 JUNK. B.&M. Junk house,. J. Milder, Prop., dealer In all metals, bottles, etc. Carloads a specialty. W1-R03 Farnam, Omaha. Tel. 2374. ozi LOST. LOST Oval-shaped gold hair brooch; finder piease return to liu uougias st. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 815 N. Y. U Dldg.; Tel. iHi Alice, Johnson, v. u ladies- dept.; Old K, Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. 318 M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school. KlrksVille, Mo 604 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367. -519 TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere, p. n. Phil. oin, iwh f arnam. Teicpnone im. 531 MIRROR FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses resllvered. 70S N 16. Ml HORS!B -WINTERED. HORSES wintered, 14 per month. J. W. x-ncips, iv in. x. iaio oiug. 'i-none luul. AI-7S3 JJ PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable accommodat ing; an uusincss confidential. 1201 Douglas. -52S FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. -627 BIRDS AND TAXItlEHMl. BTOCIC'S Bird Store. 1C03 Leavenworth. -535 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Bturdy, 318 S. 26th st. -M977 J8 MRS. JEFFRIES KEMP, 401 Puxton block, teippnono At 14 J27 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, zc; cuus, 4C. iiw j.caveiiwiirin. tci. bh -530 CARPENTERS AND JOIIUERS. ALL kinds of carpenter woik nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2rth ana ignite ais. aiv STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Rnmgo SUES t CO . Patent Lawyers BteBldg., Omihi, Neb Patent BookFrea PATENTS QUARANTEED J POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should bo read DAILY by all Interested, as cuanges may occur ui any iimu.j Forelnn malls for tho week ending Decern ber 29. 1900, will close (PROMPTLY in all cases) nt tho General Postotllco as fol lows: PARCELS POST MAILS CLOSE ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing time shown be!ow. Parcels Post Malls for Germany close nt 5 p. m. December 2Gln Regular and Supplementary Mails close at Foreign Branch half hour later than clos ing time snown ueiow. Trnnantlnnlln Mnll. SATURDAY At 6:30 n. m. for FRANCE SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. FOR TUflAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MA It QUEZ, per s. s. La Normiiudlo, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Normun- dle ): at T..V) n. m. tsuijuamentarv :i n m). for .EUROPE, per a. s. Campania via Queenstown; nt a n. m. for NETH ERLANDS direct, per s. . Amsterdam Imiiil must bo directed "nor s. s. Am .l.ln nt n n m fnf ITVVT.V u s. Aller. via Naples (mall must be di rected "per b. s. Aller") at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND, per s. s. Anchorla (mill must bo directed -per s., b. Ancnoria ') PRINTED mattkr, liTC nils steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Papers and 8amples for Germany only. Tho same class of .mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be.scnt by i,a ship unless specially directed by tier, j. After the closing oi tnonsupplcmontary Trans-Atlantic Malls, .namad. n,bove addi tional supplementary, inulus aei! opened on tho piers of tho 1 American English, French and German stennrrr.s and romalti open until within Tim Mlnlftca of the hour or sailing oi sieuuiur. . Mnlls for HootlL-'mul Central Amcrlcn West ImlleH, fte. SATURDAY At 9 a. m (supplemerttary H SU n. m.l for PORTO RICO (via Sun Juan), VENEZUELA nnd CURACAO, per s. s. uaraens imau mr nuvnniiia and Cnrthaicena must bo directed "per B. Cnracns"): at 9 n. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per s, s, Murnval; nt 9:3) a. m. (supplementary i a. mj ior st. THOMAS. ST. CKOfX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, nnd DKMK RARA. per k. s. Mndlnna (mail for Oroil ada and Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Madiana"); at 10 a. m. (suppie, mnntnrv 10:30 a. m.) for FORTLINI' Idl.ANh. JAMAICA. "BA VANILLA -md CARTHAGENA, per s. . Altai (mail for Costa Rica must bo directed "per s. s. AltnT'l! nt 10 a. m. (suuulcmentarv 10.30 a. m.) for HAITI, per s. s. Alps; nt 10:3) n. m. for CUBA, ner 1. 8. Mexico, vh Havana: at 10:30 a m. for YL'CATAN. per h s. Prima, via Progreso: nt 12:10 p. m. for MATANZ S, CAIBARIEN, NUEVITAS. GIRARA and BARACOA. per n. s. Ollnda (ordlt.nry mall only which must bo directed "per s. s. Ollnda: nt 11 p. m. for NASSAU, per. steamer from Miami, Fla. Mnlls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Rvilnnv. nnil thence bv steamei. close nt this o'nico dally at 6:30 p. m. (connectlnrj close hero every Ainmi.iv, wednesuny and Saturday). Mulls ror A)lque:on. tiy ran to rtntitnn. and thence In steamer, closo at thin omce dally at 6:30 pi m. .Malls for Cuba, ny rail to rnn lainpn, i ia., ami ihnncn !v KtMmur. close at tins nftlco dallv nt M6 a.' nt. (the connecting closer nra on Sunday, Wednesday nnd Friday). Malls for Mexico uiiy, overninu. unnrw nprcuuiy uu drenspil for dlsDatch bv stenmer. closo at this omce dally at 1:30 p. m. and 11 p. m Malls for Costa Rlcn, llelbo. Puerto Cortcz and Guatemain, by rail to Now Orleans and thence ny stenmer, close at this omco dally at 1:30 p. m. (connecting closo hero Mon days for Rellze. Puerto Corter. nnd Guate mala nnd Tuesdays for Costa Rica). Reg istered mnll closes at 6 p. m. previous day). Trnnspnclfln Mnll. Malls for Hawaii, Japan nnd Philippine islands, via Han rrancifco, ciosn neru ilnllv nt 6:30 n. m. ui to December 2ltll. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Amcrleu Aiaru. Alans ror unitia nnu apun. via A'nncouver, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to December th. iricliislve. for dis patch per s. s. Empress of India (reen tered mall must bo directed "via Van couver"), Malls for Australia (except West Australlu, New Zealnnd. Hawaii, FIJI and S.imoun Islands, Vln Ban Fran cisco, closo hero dally 'at 6:30 p. in. tiftnr December 9th and up to December 2Dth. Inclusive, or on day of arrival of s. n. Etrurla, duo. at New York December 29th, for dispatch per s s. Sonoma. Mnlls for Australia (except West Aim tralln, which goe via Eurcpo .and Now Zpnland. which cocs via Snn Francllco). nnd FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dally nt o:3i) p, m. up to January 5th, Inclusive, ror dispatch per h. s. AVarrimo (supplementary mails, via Sent tlo, closo nt 6:30 ti. m. January t!th). MhIIk for Hiiwn.ll. China. Janlih 'nnfl "PhlU lpplno Islands, via Han Francisco, close nero daily lit u;oi i, in. iiii iu .itimiury 3d, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. t. Peking. Transpacific mails aro forwarded to port of sailing dally and tho schedule of closing is arranged on ins presumption oi tneir un Interrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. rostofllco, Now York, N. Y., (December "JI, IVUU. LEGAL NOTICE, STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Office of tho Lee-Glnss-Andrcosen Hard ware Co.. Omaha. Neb.. Dec. 8. 1900. Notice Is hereby given to ,the stockhold ers of the Ijc-Glass-Andreesen llarilwnri Co, that the annual meeting of tho btock- ho tiers of tho company win no held at tho otllces of raid company, 1219, 1221 and 1223 Harney street, in tne city or .umana, In tho state of Nobrnskn, on Tuesday, Junuarv 8. A. D.. 1901, at 3 o'clock n. in,. fnr tho nurnose of electing a board of directors for th company tn aerve .lUuitii: tno ensuing year, nnil t transact sucn other business us may bo presented nt such meeting. ii. j. L,i;t'., President. Attest: W. M. GLASS, D9 31tm Secretary STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notlco Is hereby given Hint the annual meeetlng of tho stockholders of The Beo Building company will be held at 4 o'olook p. m. Thursday, January 1ft, 1901, at the nlllco of said company tn Tho Beo building, Omaha, for the election of n board ot ill rectors for tho ensuing year und tho trans action of such other business ns may urdp- erly como before such meeting. By order of the president. C. C. ROHE WATER. Secretary. Dec23d23t RAILWAV TIME TA 111,17. FREMONT. ELKHORN Missouri Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Lino" Ccnernl Offices, 1'nlted States National Bank Bldg., S. W. Cor, Twelfth nnil Parnm fits. Ticket Olllcp. 1401 Fnrnnin Ht. Tel.. 561. Di- pot, 15th and Webster Sts, Tel., MM. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Dcadwood, Hot Snrlncs a 3:00 tim a 5:00 tim Wyoming, Casper und uougias u ,i;w pin e ounj pm Hastings York, David uity, superior, uencvu, Exeter and Scwnrd..,.b 3:00 nm b 6:00 rnn Norfolk, Verdlgro and Fremont a 7:30 am bio:2j am Lincoln, Wahoo nnd Fremont b 7.30 run bl0:25 am Fremont Locnl c 7:30 nm n Da lv. b Daily except Sunday, c sun- day only d Dully except Saturday. 0 Daily except Aionuav. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Tho Northwestern Lino" City Ticket OfTlce. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 661. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Spec- ....a, 7:00 am nll:30 pm Pnsscngcr ....a 4:15 pm a 8:40 am Express. Des Dnyllgh clal ... Chicago l;astcru Moines, Marshalltown. Cedar Rapids and Chicago al0:55 am a 4:05 pm Eastern Special, Chi- ... cago and i.ast a mm pm a i:ij pm Fast Mnll, Chicago to nnintm a 2:45 Dm omaha-ChlcngiiLlmlted.a 7:13 pm a 8:00 pm Fast Mall n s:i nm Cedar Rapids Passenger a G:30 pm Eastern Express b 9:00 pm a Dally, u imny except aaturuay. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Rollroad The North westorn Lino" General OfTlces, United States Nntlonal Bank Building, 8. W. Corner Twelfth nnil Fnrnnm fits. Tlrlcpt Ofllce, 1401 Fnrnnm St. Telephone, 661. Do pot, Tenth und Mnrcy Sts. Telephone, 629. . . Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express a 6:55 nm ol0:25 pm Twin City Limited a 7:35 pm n 8:15 am Sioux City Local a 8:00 nm tt 3:50 pm n Daily. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "Tho North western Lino" General OIHces. Ncbraskn Divi sion, 15th nnd Webster sts. city Ticket Ofllce, Telenhono. C61. Dennt. 1401 Farnam St. 15th and Webstir Sts. -. . - Leave, Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ..n 6:00 nm a 9:10 pm Omnha l'assengu, all:l0 am Sioux uuy fc North east NebraHKa a 3:45 pm a Dally. CHICAGO, ROCIC isl and & Pacific Railroad "Tne ureat Rock Isl and uoute-'-itjity Tick et Ofllce. 1323 Farnam Street. Telonhnno. 42S. Depot, Tenth & Marcy SU. Telephone, 620. L,envo. Arriv. 1'JAbT. Des Mollies and Daven port Local a 7:23 am bll:33 ant Chicago Express bll:in am a 8:lf) nm uvb itiuuii'H j,nini a i,i.-v im a 4: ii I'm Des .Moines. Hnok IhY. ' and and Chicago. ......a 7:10 pm a 9:35 pm Lincoln. Colorado Spgs., ' Denver, Pueblo unil -West .a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm rfiMuutiiu vritiiiu!ini cc TexaB Flyer a 5:20 pm a 9:30 nm ILLINOIS CENTRAL ltniiroad city Ticket Of fice, 1402 Farnam Street, Telephone, 245. . Depot, Tenth nnd Marcy Streets, Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express Chlcaco Limited ...a 7:00 am a 4:05 Dm ...a 7:43 pm a 8:05 am St. ...b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Mlnileat oils and Paul Express .... Minneapolis and 31 Paul Limited a 7:45 pm a 8:05 am. i'ort Dongo i.ocai iroin Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm b 8:15 am Fort uoiigo i.ocai irom Council Bluffs b 7:45 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, UNION PACIFIC-"THE OVER land Routo" General Otllces, N. E. Cor. Ninth nnd Farnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllce, 1321 i-arnam street. Teieunone. 3in. Depot. Tenth and Murcy Sts. Telephone, 629. T.envA. Afrtt.A ino uveriand Limited a 8:20 nm a 7:30 pm llio Chicago-Portland Special n 8:20 am a 7:30 pm Th" Fast Mnll a 8:50 am a 3:25 pm Tho Mull nnd Express. .nll:33 pm a 4:5j pm Lincoln. Beatrice nnil Stromsburg Express..!) 4:03 pm bl2:30 pm The Pacific Express. ...n 4:23 pm Tho Atlantic Expreas... a 6:50 am Grand IMand Local....!) 5:30 pm b 9:35 am u uuny. u viuiy except uunoay. BURLINGTON & MIS sourl River Railroad "Tho Burlington RoutC' Gencral Otllces. North west Corner Tenth nnd Farnam Streets. Ticket Ot! co 1502 Farnam Street To cdIioiic. 250. Burlington Station. Tenth and Muson Streets. Tcieunonc, ia. . i.eave. Arnvo, T.lnrnln. Ilnstlncs and Mr.Cook n 8:40 am a 7:35 pm T.tnrnin. Donvpr. Colo rado, Utah. Californla.a 4:25 pm a 3:uo pm Lincoln & Black lllits..ti 9:00 nm a 6:45 am Montana, Puget Sound.. a 9:00 pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fast Alan u a:uu pm a y:w am Wvmoro. Beatrice und Lincoln a s;iu um uu:do am Denver. Colorado. Utah nnd California a 6:45 am South Bend. Louisville. P attsmoiitn u s:3. pm t)li:05 am Ft. Crook. PlattBmoutli nnd l'acllc Junction.. .a ,:uo pm a 8:2U am Bellevue, I'lattsmoutll and I'aclllc Junction. .1112:10 nm a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "The liuriington itouto Tlckel Office 1502 Farnam Street, Telephone, 250. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets Teicpnone, 128. Leave. Arrlv. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 .m n10:2!i nm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:C pm a 7:45 am Chlcngo Local Exprcss.a 9:30 am a 4:05 pm Chlcngo Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mall a 2:15 pm a uauy. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO soph & Council Bluffs iinnroaa "Tne Burling ton Route" Ticket Ofllce, 1&02 Farnam street. Tela phono. 250. Depot, Tenth and Alason streets. Tolo phone. 12S. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Dav Kx....a 9:20 am a 6:2.1 nm Kansas City Night Ex..ul0:30 pm a 6:15 am at. t.ouis j' Iyer tor 01. Joseph nnd St. Louis. .a 5:10 pm all:15 nm a Dauy. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City Ticket Ofllce, 1504 Far HilwaukU, nam Hircet. Telephone 2S, Depot, Tenth and Alason streets. Tele pnone, 629. I.pnvn. Arrlv.rt Chicago Limited Ex.... a 6:00 pm a 8:05 am unicago as umana lJx.,1) 1:1:1 nm u 3:40 pm u utxtiy u uuuy uxupt ranmiay MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices am Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone, 104. Depot union station. Leave. Arrive. St:- Louis and Kansas City Express al0:00 am K. C St. L. Express. ,.alu;10 pm a 6:30 pm u 6:15 um Lcavo from 16th and Webster Streets: Nebraska Local. Via Weeping Water b 4:15 pm al0:45 nm a Dally, uany except aunuay OMAHA A. ST. LOUIS RAII road Omaha, Kansas City AV Eastern Railroad "The ijuincy itouto- Ticuct Of (led. 1415 Farnam St. Tele, phono. 322. Depot, Tenth unu Aiarcy -jircets, Tele pnone. utj. i.cnvo. Arrive, Sf. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 5:03 pm a 8:20 am Kunsun City ana Qulnc; Locnl a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm II IJUHl. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Ofllce. 1115 Farnam Street. Telophono 322. De pot, Tenth and Mat U,-AA 'I'nlnnhnnn :'H1 Leave, Arrive St. Louis "Cannon uau" Express a 6:03 pm a 8:20 am ijj$ my? IS, AW C0NFL1CTSWITI1 TREATY Citizens of United States and Franca licet in Jndgo Hunger's Court. r uiiirniTiiirr luuni urn QUESTION OF INHERITANCE INVOLVED Sisters Appenr nn I'lammum fur Property Left In Neninhn County hy n l'reneh ni it it. ' Thc law of descent of the stale of No- braska and tho treaty between tlio united States nud the republic of France aro hav- ng a struggle for supremacy In the United States circuit court before Judge Muuger. Soveral years ago a Frenchman came to the state ot Ncbruska ond settled in Ne maha county. Farming prospered with him and when ho died he left real cstnte nil personal property to tho value of about 140,000. Several years before his doatli Loulso Hire, n widowed sister, with her on, camo to his homo nnd acted In tho capacity of housekeeper. At the tlmo of her brother's death sho entered Into pas- chbIou of tho property and was appointed administrator, no heirs being known except crsolf nnd son. Shortly after this letters were received from Lois Ilahunud, another slBter, who, upon learning of her brother's death, filed claim to n portion of tho estate. The caso was filed In tho United States circuit court and was defended by the American istcr, who claimed to be sole heir under tho Nebrnska sotute. which cuts off from Inhcrltanco natural heirs who are aliens. Tho treaty between tho United States and rnnco provides that residents ot one coun try shall bo considered upon tho same pluno as citizens of tho other In nil matters re lating to Inhcrltanco nnd property rights. Tho plaintiffs count upon this treaty, hllo tho nttnrneya for tho defenso contend that ths treaty In neccEsarlly modified by tho lawn of tho several slates, ns the mat' tor of tho descent of property Is ono of the functions of government reserved to tho tntcs by tho fundamental law of the land So far as known this action Is new to tho practice of tho courts of the stnte and alt precedent so far found goes back to tho records of tho state of Louisiana, whore, In an early day, many cases Involving tho rljrhts of Frcm.li citizens under treaty pro- isions were considered nmi nrciiieu. Court Notes, Jlldco Fnwcott hns cruntoil n decree nf divorce in the case of Miriam C. Ford ngnln.it Percy B. Ford. Judgo Slnbaugh will go to S.irtiy county o hold court today. Tho October term f court w III be I n shed with tho day's worn. There was no court In Judgo Fnwcett's room yesterday afternoon, ns tho Judge Blanche I. Paul has petitioned the' district court for a decree of divorce from Everett I,. Finn, alleging non-support nnd asking iui niu uuaiuu, ui 11 ininui, iicnm mmm 'nul. JudKc Efltello was detained nt homo yes tereday on account of Mrs. Eslello's Illness. There was no call In tho court room during tno uay J. II. Mcintosh has broucht suit aaalnst tho city to have declared null and void the taxes for paving und curbing property In Jtcdicit s addition. In the matter of the guardlnnsh!p of Arlnna Edwlnn Ward and Franklin Lyles Ward, an inventory has been tiled In tho county court showing real estate In trust to tho value of about J19.000. nnd ncrsonal property 01 tno vniuo or jii.uw. In tho matter of tho KUardlanshtn nf l , .., -,,.... T 1 , ,,,, I fsuinuL'i ..iuiuiickiiuii, uiinn umi iiniiin McCloncghnii, Judge Vlnsonhnler has authorized A. P AcKcrlund. tho cuard an o settle 11 J2.000 claim against tho Formers' Milium insurance company ror $1,200. A now set of helrB havo mado auullcatlon tn the county court for a share In tho ontnte of tho late John B. Alnxfleld. ouv nnd C. A. McKenzle, children of Eleanor McKenzie, Mr. Maxwell's sister, havo filed objections to, tho probate of tho will, alleg lnc that at tho tlmo tho Instrument was exocuted, September 6, 1891, Maxwell was of unsound mind. The OBtate, which was a valuaiilo one, consisting or renl estate and cash lu the American National hang, was bequeathed to tno who 01 tno deceased. T.lzzlo Hurd. tho 18-year-old colored ulrl who was brought boforo Judge Baker on a writ of habeas corpus, was discharged at yesterday's scshIoii of court, Tho girl was nn inmnto or tne uenova industrial school, having been sent thero from this clty a few years ago. Tho recent decision VAnAl SsTa'jJ'ufafileTIS Industrial Institutions, enabled tho girl's attomeys to secure her release. Judgo Baker held that a person moro than 10 years of ago cannot bo held In uch 11 school. MANY FRIENDS PRESENT AHNOclnteM of Kiln'nril I. Luetic l'ny Their llospcrts nt Ills Funernl In Kniisiix City. Tho funeral of Edward P. Locke, tho Mis- sourl. Pacific conductor who died Monday nlght at his homo in Kansas City from in- Juries received earlier in tho day, was bold In Kansas City Wednesday and was at- tended by a number of tho dcceascd'B friends, railroad men being present from a number ot outsldo cltlew. Mr. Locke's rcmaiUH will bo interred nt Suncock, N. H., to which placo tho body Is now enroutc. In charge of Conductor Hnrso of tho Santa Fo. Mr. Locko has had a long cxpcrlenco as a railroad man In this section of the west and probably no railroad man had a wider ocaualntanco. Back in tho early '60s ho wns a conductor on tho old B. & M. In Iowa, running between Burlington and Ot- tumwa. under Colonel J. A. Reed, then nun. eral superliitoiidont, and Inter a brilliant officer In tho union army, who was killed in battlo. After tho death of Colonel Reed Mr. Locko wont with tho Chicago, Burling ton & Qulncy, running as freight conductor between Oalesburg and Aurora. Later the Illinois Central offered him n passenger run nnd for twenty years ho was with that road, running between Chicago and Contralla and Chicago and St. Louis. In tho early '80s ho went with tho Santa Fo and after five years' service accepted tho passenger run between Omaha and Kansas City 011 the Missouri Pacific, which ho retained until the time of his death. MUSTPAY LICENSES PROMPTLY Saloons AVIiiim- Proprietor Xeiilri't In .Secure Proper DocunieiWs by .Inuunry 1 Will He Cluaeil, "All saloous which do not pay their llcenso fees and have tholr licenses ap proved by January 1 will bo closed up. In former years the saloons havo been allowed to run until all disputes concerning tho licenses woro settled, but tho board has adopted a new policy this year," said Mayor .Moores. "A special meeting of tho Board of Flro nnd Pollco Commissioners will bo hold Saturday morning at 10 o'clock to glvo tho saloon keepers another opportunity to havo their licenses approved." ., , . .. ' ., , . , At tho board meeting baturday morning special consideration will bo given to tho protebt which tho Polish church has filed against a proposed saloon at Twenty-fourth and Bancroft streets. Tho applicants for the saloon originally 'tried to got a permit for a saloon about seventy fcot from tho church building. Tho board refused to con- Bldcr this application nnd tho building which has now been selected is located a block away from tho church. So far tho board has approved 136 licenses for 1901 nnd turned $130,000 into tho school fund. Twenty other liquor dealers havo1 puld In their fees und tho licenses are pond- , . ,, . .. , , Ing. In 1900 there wero 238 licenses granted and the members of tho board believe thut the number will bn the lanin fnr thn rnmini- tne nurauor win uo tno same ior tno coming yesr. Americans get a railroad .,rll Cniitrol nf Llnr In (iiintr- iniiln thnt I'o rr I nn I'lnniu'lrrn Wniiteil Very llmlly. LOUISVILLE, Ky Dec. 27. American capitalists havo outwitted European finan ciers lu Guatemala, according to n letter MU8t received from United States Minister w aoJfrcy unlcr by ht8 aon , thls tJPi .Mr. Hunter writes that tho company has gained control of tho Guatemala railroad, known as the northern branch and extend ing from Pofto Barrios to El Hanchc, a distance of 135 miles, Tho road, which was owned by tho government, runs through rich plantations and tho freight business is Immense. According to Mr, Hunter, flnsn- clers of England, dermany, Franco on.l Austria nmi if m. iwu murigiu, but tho American company succeeded In gaining I'uuirui, i nu I'uiuiiuii) nun HKrrrn to extend the road from El Itancho to Gu atemala City nt a cost of about $4,000,000 nnd to operato n steamship line In connec tion. RATES FOR THEATRICAL CO.MPANIES Chnlriiinn .IpLfiiiI JlnLri n Rullntf A nr nt Fnres nnd llimgnice. Theatrical pcopln have reason to bo In terested In the ruling mado by Chairman McLcod of tho Western Passenger associa tion in two mnttors that have been held In dispute for some time. One relates to the lowest charge that may bo mado for n the.1trlc.1l company of twenty-threo per sons, with a bnggago car, traveling between two points ten miles distant from each other. Chairman McLcod holds that tho proper charge for Btich 11 party Is 2 cents a mllo for each person nnd a minimum of $10 for the baggage, or an nggregate chargo of $15 for tho whole movement. Tho other ruling relates to bnggago charges. Mr. McLcod holds that each pas rcngcr in the company Is entitled to tho transportation of 150 pounds nt bnggngo free. If thero aro enough persons Jn tho company to entitle It to a frco baggago car, however, as much baggago as tho car will hold may bo put Into It without extra charge. Tho minimum number to which a frco car will be grnntcd Is twenty-five. Trim for Los AiiKelrn Trrmliinln. ST. LOUIS, Doc. 27. Tho directors of tho California Improvement compnny, Colonel George E. Lolghton, S. A. llemls, S. W. Fordyco, Charles Clark nnd R. C. Kerens, nt a meeting held here, adopted a resolution authorizing tho winding up of tho affairs or (i,0 compnny property of the I and tho trnnsfer of tho os Angeles Termlnnl nail- road compnny, all of tho terminals and lands belonging thereto, to tho San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lako Railroad company. This action will bo ratified at a meeting of tho stockholders to be hold In East St. Louis In occordanco with tho laws govern ing Illinois corporations, on Monday, Janu ary 14. Tho San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake articles of incorporation estimate tho len.Ktih, ot thlB I'0P0Rei rd nt 1.100 miles, ""u tho cost of equipping and building It at 325,000,000. Tho company's hondquartcrs ro to bo nt Salt Lakn Cltv. Tho rnnllnl stock authorized Is $25,000,000; par value of shares, $100. Driilt-a Story of Coiiilitiint Ion. MONTREAL. Dec. 27. A, G. Shaughncssy, president of tho Canadian Pacific railway, when shown tho report asserting that a combination 1b under way by which the Canadlnn Pacific, Northern Pacific, Erlo nn(i ciileniro Mllwnnken tt Pnnl would ttn.,. llcnK' Milwaukee- & St. I aul would worn in narmony, inns torniing n new lino irom rew 1 orn to Vancouver, snld: "While there Is thn lipnt nt fnnllni- ha . tween all tho roads mcntloncd and tho Cnnndlan Pacific, there Is no combination of nny kind. Tho ronds mentioned may work more harmoniously in tho future than In tho past, as It is in their Interest to do, but thero Ib no truth in tho story of a combination and a now transcontinental railway." ANTIQUITIES THEIR TOPIC ArclinenliiKlntH nud PIiIHIokIhU Meet nt University of Pcnnnylvnnla to i:cl1111iKe VervN. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 27. Learned men and women from every educational center of tho United States gathered at tho Unl- vcrslty of Pennsylvania today to attond tho si "1 ' AttCaC- logical and Philological Societies of Amer- tea. seven distinct societies wero rep resented nnd closo upon 300 dele gates wero at tho university when tho first sessions wero called to order. Among tho organizations which wero represented, whoso combined membership amounts to 3,000 men and women interested in tho advancement of all branches of original research, aro tho Amer ican Oriental socloty, which met at tho uni versity last year; tho Archaeological Instt- tuto, tho American Philological association, tho Modern Language association, the Dln- lect socloty, tho Society of Biblical Re- search and tho Spelling Reform association. All tho societies held separate meetings this forenoon nnd completed arrangements for tho work mapped out for tho congress, which held its first session this ntternoon. Among tno ouicers or tno society aro President Oilman of Johns Hopkins under sty, who will probably preside over the passions of tho Oriental socloty; Prof. James White of Harvard, prosldont of the Archaeological institute; Prof, riatner of Adalbert college, president of tho Phllolog- lcal association; Prof. Thomas R. Prlco of Columbia, over tho Modern Languago asso- elation; Prof. O. F. Emerson of Adelbort coUeK secretary of tho Dialect society, and Irot' A- ot Lafayette, of tho Spelling Reform association. A WOMAN'S (.ILA'I TI UDI', A Moutuiiu AVnninii AVrlten In I'm Inn nf Ncivhro's II vrpluldr. Butte, Aug, 26. Newbro Drug Company, clly' Dear slr: For several years I have ,)ecn troubled with dnndruff, causing me much annoyonce, nnd my hair became very thin. I havo used Newbro's Hcrplcldo for a month and tho dandruff has entirely disap peared and my hair is becoming much heav ier than formerly, Now hair Is growing whero thero was none, and I am very thank ful to you for tho boncflt I havo rccolvcd from Ncwbro's Hcrplcldo. A'ery truly yours, MRS. C. B. FOSTER, No, 985 Utah Ave, Butte, Mont. Mortality Nlnllntles. Tho following deaths and births wero re ported to tho city health commissioner for tho twenty-four hours ending at noon Fri day: Deaths-Clara Smith, 2319 Marcy. ngad 10; Arthur AVhlto, 1530 North Sovonteenth. ugod 12; Richard 'I', f'hirko. 3015 Pacific, aged 15: Bertha 10, Briimou. 2i'i07 North Twentieth, aged 13 dn'8: Alfred WlllettH, Iinmunuel hospltnl, aged W); Buby AVIthrow, 1910 Luke, aged t days; Laura E. Hazard, EuBt Omaha, ugod l; Mary A. Smith, 221$ Cass, aged 86. Births M. A'. Connors. 2920 Indiana avfl. nuo. girl; William Myers, 724 North Six- tenutli, boy; J, It. Dailoy, 519 North N )r3nwVi. bo.?n:v."UAr.!nr.J 1 ulw,J.!rr,iN Twelfth, boy: Albert L. Howard, Bnauldlntr. bov. Nine- orth 21W ,,.,,?X,Xrn:'t .n,u,,ve,,,"'i"' , roVvcntloii of the naturnliitH of the central unil western states mot toduy nt the Unl- ycrsltv of Chicago for a two days session 1! " 5, f T Wn.0.' Mlchlgnn, AVIsconsln. Iowa, Minnesota nnd mntnnu. this mw""K win iecct ina Which was started' last year. At today's session a number of papers were read nnd niscusseu, Hllvi-r Ore Mlsxlii.. AVhen n consignment of silver ore con- signed to tho m iter rr 01111 uiu Ui nn,, arrived at the smelter It was dlHcpvoreii ,",tv ( wnH short sixteen sacks of or.t, averaging slxty-flvn pounds in weight. The oro enme over the Milwaukee road ana B tfaccr hnH beon sont olK l0 ,SCOver tho 1 mail jb VJv Ii. I. Lilt, tY- HI tiUll HUN m- Dally, missing mineral. i