8 Tit E OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, HECEMHER 127, 1H00. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Qkistmu Succeeded hj Day of General DnllccHon tho Board, 'WHEAT PROFOUNDLY AND SOLEMNLY DULL Corn l'olrly Active Karl;- tint Itnles) Unit Lnien Onlw Cnnllnnn nt a 8tnoi.UMlI Prnvlfilnna Nlnrt J'irin, but i:o Off J.nter. C11ICAOO, Doc. Hoard of Tmdo mar kets were very dull as a rulo today. Tin? jirospcct of a bearish government report tomorrow nnd tlio absence of outsldo stip jiort depressed u-heat, May closing lower. Decomtier corn closed lo lower; Jan uary a flhnrfn higher nnl May unchanged, Oats closed unchanged. Provisions nt the closo were lUii'Uo lower. Whnat ivon profoundly and solemnly dull. Thero was scarcely enough liiiMlncss to kep brokers awake and nearly all of that wan of a local scalping order. The opening was Arm on moderate world's shipment:) nnd for a tlmo prlcss held fairly steady, helped Utcr by the visible Increase of only 3,331.00) bu. ImIot talk that tlio government report, dun tomorrow, would bp decidedly bearish nd the nbsenco of Rood shipping Inquiry caused weakness and prices declined under onsuinK ll'iulfiHtlon. May sold between T3'i Pi? J!'"1 I2' closing Uc lower nt T2?4ff 7-Tic. New York reported 1 lends taken for rxport- Seaboard clenninees in wheat and Jour for three days wero equal to l.oii.ono ": I'rlrnury receipts (three days) were 2,119,000 bu.. compared with 1.3S3.W bu. for a like period a year ago. Icnl receipts irorn 11 cars. U of contract grade. Minne apolis and Duluth reported 975 cars, against .,J3 last week and 3K) a year ago. World's Rhlpments were C.llJ.rxw bu. Cprn was fairly actlvo early, btit ruled dull thereafter. Heavy receipts, 1,113 cars, Jlnco last reported had a depressing effect. December slumped Hbarply on a few trades. J)Ut January and May steadied on fair support. Jlu' "0,J between 35S,c and M41i3Gc and closed unchanged at STc; Jan uary, botween .',o nnd 3Wc, closing a Phado higher at XfaltMc, and December, be tween 37i4c nnd S0J4o, with tho closo lc lower nt StVUWYtc Oats wero at a standstill. May sold bc tY'cp,, ""i1 closed unchanged ot llecclpts weru 700 curs. I'rovlalons started nrm on light hog re ceipts nnd higher prices at tho yards. Later prices raced off on liquidation of December lard, In which a squeeze had boon threat ened. December lard sold from J7.22' to J0." and closed at the bottom. January pork sold between J12.23 nnd $12.i:y. and closed 7Hc lower nt J12.12H. January lard sold between tfi.85ffid.S7tt and J.77tt, closing 2Hc lower at K77tt. January ribs sold be tween $rt.30 and $ti.22tt. with tho closo Be depressed at $i!.22tt. Rslimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 17." corn' M0 unrMi "ltH' 310 cars; hogs, 28.000 heal. Tho leading futures ranged ns follows: Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.l Sat'y. Wheat Dec. Jnn. May Jnn. May . Oats Dec. .Ian. 1 May I Tork Jan. , May I.ard- Dec. Jan. I May I Hlbs Jan. May 70H 70H C9ireTi fi37; 70'i, 70; 70 70 70'f, 70?iU 73.MW 73tfffj 72?i 72 73 37 37tt W5t4 301; 37s: 3oj-?i SSliHW 35 X, 3JI 21?fV4 21tt II. 21-H5ltt 215iO4 21H 21 21 21 2l(? 23H 2323Or-4 23 23',fc 12 22 12 2S 12 12 12 12' 12 20 12 20 12 20 12 15 12 15 12 15 7 22 7 22 fi 87 fi R7 7 20 (1 W 0 87 fi 77 fi 77 C 8') 6 92 C 93 f 87 0 90 G 87 fi 30 fi 30 fi 30 fi 22 fi 27U. (HO I UK) 0 32 G45 fi 37" No. 2. ' Cash quotations wero ns follows: 1'LOITIt Dull: winter patents. $3.63(33.80: BtrnlghtB. J3.101f3.ti0; clears, t2.IXMT3.30: spring specials, $1.30; patents. $3.10f3.t5; straightB, J3.00fi3.l0: bakers. $2.20572.75. ' WHHAT-No. 3 sprlnff, ,CW271c;' No. 2 red, 72Hfi7lc. I'OllN-No, 2, 3tWic; No. 2 yellow, ZWic OATS "No. 2. 22"Ao; No. 2 white, 25CCc; fKo. 3 white, 2H2Ec. ' JIY13 No. 2. 50fGle. II A Tt TjRY Vn I r to choice malting. r.2J?37c. HKRDS-KInx. No. 1. Jl.r.7; No. 1 north western. Jl.fil. lrlme tlmotliy, Ji.DO; Clover, contract grada. JI0.2o$f lO.-'tt. l'ltOVISIONH-Mess pork, per Mil.. $11.12 tf?11.25. T.ard. tier 100 lbs.. $r,.83fifi.90. Hhort ribs sides (loose), ffl.23fifi.50. Dry salted nhouldei-H (boxed). !.87fi'C.12. Short clear Bides (boxed). JC.fiO0O.7O. AVUIBICY-On bnsls of high wines, per KM., J1.27. l'"ollowing aro tho rocclpts nnd shipments for today: ' Articles. Receipts. Shipmonts. Flour, bbls 79.00') 52.000 Wheat, bu 372.000 20.000 Com, bu l,18fi,000 222,000 Oats, bu 829.000 233,000 i llyo. bu 10,000 8.000 Harloy, bu 180,000 30,000 On tho Iroduco exchango today tho but ter market was Inactive; creameries, 15?? ,23c; dairies, 12(iT20c. Cheese, dull at 10t& I llic. Kggs, fairly nctlvo; fresli, 20c. , KKW YOUlv (iUMllt.tl, MAUKICT. r liiotntloiis for the liny of Vnrlous ('lllllllllHlltlfM, NRV YOniC, Dec. 20. Fr.OUU-ltc?elpts. 1 3.129 bbls.; exports, 21,317 Mils.: quiet but nteady; winter patents, JS.OOWi.Oo; winter Htralghts, J3.IOJi3.53; winter oxtrns, $2.53 I 2.90; winter low grades, $2.452,00! Mlnne ! fsota patents, J3.90iN.25; Mlnnefota bakers, J3.00fl-.l.25. liyo Hour, steady; fair to good, . J2.804i3.15; eliolco to fancy, $3.15fi3.50. lluclc ' Wilent llmr, quiet at J2.10tf2.23. HUCICWIIKAT-Steady at C0flC2o B. I. f. New York. COJtNMKAT-Dull; yellow western, S7c; city, 8Uc: Umndywlne, $2.10'1.(2.50. ltYIC Dull; No. 2 western, 50c f. 0. b. nlloat. I1AHT.KY Steady: feeding, 4Rfjn0c c. I. f t Ilurfalo; malting, GOfitiSc c. 1, f., Uuffalo. -liAUI.BY MAX.T Dull; western, C3f(7ic. WHKAT Uccelpta. 221 .(WO Int.; exports, ; 103.000 Int.; spot easy; No. 2 red. 72)1q ele- vator; No. 1 northern. Dtiiuth, 83?;e. f. o. b. I ntloat; No, 1 hard. D.iluth, 87o alloat. Op tlons opened steady on small world's shlp mentn tuid light oiTerlngs, but later enHed olT under selling Induced by tho vlallilo sup ; ply statement and lower l-'rench cables; closed euHy at Uo net decline; March. 7U!iW, i79 11-10c. closed at 73Ue; May, 7.i?;i! 3-lfic, . closed at 7s?io: December closed nt W&e. " COHN Uecolpts. 63I.IM0 liu,; exports, ;:0 . 000 bu.: snot easier; No. 2, I5c elevator and I5a t. o, b. alloat. Option market was very dull nil day. An easy opening 011 lino weather wan followed by subsequent stead iness, owing to a decrenHo In tho visible nml Una! decllno with wheat; closed easy ut a partial 5fUiu net decllno; January closed nt 13o; Muy, llHV?'ll7iiC, closed ut 419ic; December. 15Uc, closed at 43Wc OATS-ltecelptii. IM.OtO bu.: exports, 76.000 bu.; spot dull: No. 2, 27?ic; No. 3, 27Uc; No. 2 white. 31'f32o; No. 3 whltn. 301f31c; track, mixed western, 27ttCr-'Kc: Irnck. white, 305j33c. Options Inacttvo but Htendy. HAY-Steady; spring, 775J80c good to choice. KStWie. FKMD-Steadv: spring brnn, J10.0OJJlfi.33: middling. $17.0)9.50: winter bran, J17.00JT '18.W: city. $10.&0Cil7.6). HOPS Oulet; stato common to choice, 1900 crop, lfifttlc; 1899 crop. lWi'm; old olds, 2i'.7c; 1S99 crop, lOirHc; old olds. 2Jific. HIDKS I'lnn; Oalveston. 20 to 23 lbs., !SEflu: California, 21 to 23 lbs., 19jJ19c; Texas dry, 21 to 3J lb., 13c. IjRATIlKlt Steady; hemlock solo. Iluenns Avres. light to heavyweights, 2lifi5c; ncld, TAl.,I.OW Firm; city, 4c; country. 4H WOOI-Dnll; domostlo llceco, 2iJi20c; Texas, Hfllflc. PHOVISIONH-neof. quiet; family. $11.00 JM2.00; mess. 19.0IV29.50: beof hams, dull at S19.SOfl20.50; packed. JlO.OOCf ID.W; city, extra India mess. tll.OOinti.OO. Cut mcntu, dull: Pickled bellies, 75j9c: pickled shoulders. itli'o'Uo; pickled hams. syI9c. i.ard, cosy; western steamed, $7,3); refined, dull; continent. $7.10; South American, W.15; com pound, Pttftric. 1'orU. Kte.id; family, $11.50 ri5.O0; short clear, 5H.0Ojfif.5O; mess, $12.00 Jrn.00. I'OTATOKS-Oulot: Jerseys. $1.001 37; New York. $1.23jn.02: Long Island. $1.50Jf 1.75: Jersey sweets. $1.752.2.1. niCK-Stcady: domoatlc, fair to extra, 3 C4c: Japan, liJft'ic ni'TTKlt lUvelpts. 12.7P2 pkgs.; stendy; creamery. lSji'-ic; Juno creamery, 171123c: .factory. Uf16c CHUKSH Receipts, fi.105 pkgs.: market firm; fancy, large, fall made. 11'iJfllUj; fancy small, fall mndo, lljai2c. KllOS Receipts, 7,519 pkgs.; Ilrm; west m regular packing, at mark, 19823c; Tftstern, loss off, 25e. MKTAI.S Tho metal market was entirely nominal today In tho absence of advices from abroad, and trading. If lluire wns any, was eontliwd to the requirements. Tin, $:3.00Ji28.O0; lend, $1.37: lake copper was dull at $17 for Iike Superior nnd $lt.G2 for costing nnd electrolytic; spelter was dull nnd unchanged at $.82'u'4.R7. 1'lttsburg roports showed a weak marVet thoro for )5e!emcr Iron nnd offered nt $13, the lowest flguro for tho year; pig Iron wurrants wero quotol at $9.5oniO.M; northern foundry, $15.Wlil5.60j SoJthern foundry, $14.5ogij.7b, soft southern, $I3.utifl5.7o. POULTRY -Alive, stoady nnd unchanged; drcesed, weak; turkeys, sfllOc; chickens, 7if 9c; fowls, (VuSc. OMAHA w iio l"iL3 AL li'si A HICIIIS. CundltlniM of Trade nnd ((nutntlnns 1111 iilnplc mid Kiinuy Produce, KOqs-ReceiJts, llrht; good stock. 1SO20J. POI'I.TR -liens, to; spring chickens, 5c; roosters, 3c; ducks, Gfl0c, geese,- 6W7c; turkeys. 7jfJc. TRESII DltKSSKD POUI,TRY-Hetn. f! 6Uc; roosters, 4ft5c; duck3. 6i7c; geese, Tj io; spring chickens, per lb., 6c;, turkey. 10c. GAM 13 Prairie chickens, per dor.., $?; rraMnrd ducks, ner dot., $3.0033.50; teal, $1.30 01.75; mixed, Jl.Wfll.75: Jacksnlpes, $1; quail, $1 3.'ul.Wi Jackrabblts. JI.00ai.25; cottontnlb, 90ci(3$l. HCTTKR-Common to fair. llc; choice, "0-pic' 'U!,,aat0 25c! sathored creamery, KHK9H OYSTKRS - Tlrst grade, solid packed, New York counts, per can, 3?c; ex tra selects, 32c; standards. 23c; medium. 20c. Second grade, slack llllod, Now York counts, per can. 3ftcj extra selects, r.Cc: standards. Mr: Imllr iinmlnnti not JJ o-, ' ' " PIOKONS-I.lve, per doz., 30c. VKAI.S-Cholre. 9'rfl0c. HAY Price quoted by Omnha Wholesnlo $9; No. 1 upland, $3; medium, $7.50; coarse, w,, o,.,(, 4v,uu. Aiee prices aro for hay of good color nnd quality. Demand fair. OATS-No. 3 while, 26c CORN-No. 3. me. URAN-$13.5a VEG ETAR I.E3. PARSNIPS, per bu., 60c. Tl.'RNIPS-Per bu. basket, 40c, REETS-IVr bu.. COc. CARROTS-Per bu , 40c. I,ETTUCKPer doz.. 33Jf(0c RADISHES Per doz.. Sue. HCANS-Wx, per 1-3 bu. basket, $1; string, 90c. ' bul'OTATOE3-Pnr bu., 5060c; Idaho, per S'U'EET POTATOES-Por bbl.. $2. CAIIUAaE-IIolland seed, 2c. TOMATOE3 - California, por 4-basket crate, 11 ONIONS Per tin nn. ri lb 2C. -u.uiuu, ptr r,Eh1.:l,l,T,:;nllfornln' n "lze. 45375c. j;CAUMFLOWERCaIlrornIa, per crate, FRUITS. PEARS Per box, $2.0oJ2.23. ?i,l',1-:5iIn,.l,BU' 'er,k,,t?. $.509.00. i..1 'I'.'l-Natlve. 75c$l.w per bu.: por bbl.. $2.60; eastern, $3.0Off3.2S; California, Rellilowera, per box, $1 4OJ.fi.60. CRANUERRIES-Ilell nnd Huglc. $9.60 per bbl.; Jerseys, per bbl., $8.73: per crate, $3; TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES-Callfornla needllngs, $2.73 navels, $3.50; Mexicans. $2.753.00; Florldas; i.EMONS-Callfornla, extra fancy, $3.60; choice, JK. .1rfAf,'AS I,cr bunch, according to slzo, $2.00f(2.50. FIGS California, new cartons, 80c; lay ers, 75c. 6c per lb ; Halloween. Go per lb. 7ltTH.'CJ-V. 1 a u-zau; 1 aaiicu, lisc; no. z salted, Gl4c No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs.. 8c: No. 2 vca calf, 12 to 15 lbs., t;c; ilry hides, 8f?13c; ...l1. -"" "oiho nines. ii.wyi.M. NUTS English walnuts, ner lb.. 13c: III ImrfH tl,.f 111 Itn. .ml., k II. laSru 1. ner Hi.. 13n; nlmrimlM nr Hi la-ronrt .... ,. .u., .,.., i.i, ip, III., iOUiUU, raw peanjts, per lb.. 6Jj5c; roasted, tiVJO HON'EY Colorado, 21-section case, $3.75. CIDER Per bid., $5; per half bbl . $3. HAI7Mll1vlfAIt'rIr I. lit i. 1,, 1. bbi:;$2:5o: , w ,7" St. I.oiiIh CJ ml ii nnd Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 20.-WHEAT-Lowcr; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 71c; track, 71ff i2c; December. 70c: January, 71c; Mny, 72c; No. 2 hard, fiSfiGOc. CORN Firm: No. 2 cash, 34c; track. 33J? 3.rl.ic: December. 3H4c! Jnnunrv. aiin; Mnv. 33U.C. uath I'irm: no. 2 ensh, 23c; track, 23jf 23Wc; December, 23',lc; Mny, 2lJJ21c; No. 2 white. 2Gfi2Gc. RYIC Lower: 49c. FLOUR-Dull: patents. J1.n0Jf3.0Ti: extra fancy and straights, $3.1033.25; clears, J2.C0 Jj'20. SEEDS-Tlmothy, nomlnnlly firm, at $i.25 Ji'1.50, ut average receipts; primo worth more; tlax, no market. COUNMEAIf-Steady. nt $2. I1RAN Higher; sacked, cast track, 83f G7c, HAY Easy; timothy, JlO.6OJfl3.O0; prairie, J9.60J! 10.50. IRON ('OTTONTIES-J1.25. WHISKY Steady, at $1.27. IU:.MP TWINK-9C. ll'AOO lNa-7Ji7-y,o. PROVISIONS-liork. quiet: Jobbing, $12.60. Lard, nominally lower, nt $0.83. Dry salt meats (boxed), steady to firm; extra I'.horts, $G.G2; clear rlbi, $0.75; clear sldn, JG.87. Hacon (boxed), stendy; extra shorts, $7.75; clear ribs, $7.87: clear sides. $8.12. METALS Lead, nominal, $1.22; spelter, nominal, $1.00. POULTRY-Stcndy; chickens. 6c: turkeys, Gc: young. 7c; ducks, 7c; geese. 6c. RUTTER-Dull; creamery, 16Jf2lc; dairy, 15fj20c. EOOS-Hlgher: 19c. RECEIPTS-Flour, 1S.000 bbls.; corn, 157,- 000 bu.: onts. 121,000 bu.; 'wheat, 150,000 hu. SHlPMENTS-l'"lour, 10,000 Mils.; wheat. 51,000 bu.; corn, 133,000 bu.; oats, 23,000 bu. Kniisiin nty Criiln nnd 1'rnvlnlons. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 2G. WHEAT May, foc; cash. No. 2 hard. G3JiCfic; No. 3. 03JfG5c: No. 2 red. G9o; No. 3, GSc. CORN May. 3l',c; cash.. No. 2 mlxo. 33c; No. 2 wliito. 3tc; No. 3,32ic. OATS No. 2 white. 21c. RYE No. 2. 45Jf4Gc. HAY Timothy, $10.50Jf 11.00; choice pralrio. $a.5(rpl0 00. lH'TTER Creamery, I9j2c; fancy dairy, lGc. EOGS-Steady; fresh MiFSouri and Kan sas stock. 17a, loss off, cases returned; now wbltewood eases Inoluded. c more. RECEIPTS-Wheat, 445.G00 bu.; corn, 13?, 40") bu.: oats, 23,000 bu. SIIIPMENTS-Whent, i73,COO hu,; corn, 5S.40O bu,; oats, 11.OC0 bu. '1'oIimIo Crnln nml Need, TOLEDO. O., Doc. 20. WHEAT-Dull; cash and December, 7Gc; Mny. 79c. CORN DulJ nnd Ilrm; cash, December and May, 37e OATS Oulet nnd steady; cash and De cember, 23c; Mny, 25c. RYE-51UC CLOVER SEED-Dull nnd firm; 3S99 prime, $0.40; December, JO.82: March, $6.90. 1 ' li I In ii cl pli In I'rocueo .tlnrket. PHILADELPHIA. Doc. 20 11UTTER Oulet but stendy; fancy western creamery, 25V.C-. fnncy western prints, 27c. EGGS Firm nml lc higher: fresh nearby nnd western. 23c; fresh southwestern, 21c; fresh southern, 23c. CIlEESE-Qulot but firm; New York full crenms. fancy small, 11u2c; New York full creams, fair to choice, lC'iJi2Jc. Visible Supply of (S r ii I ii. NEW YORK. Dec. 28. Tho visible sup ply of gruln Saturdny, December 22, ns compiled by tho New York Produco ex change. Is as follows: Wheat. Gl.473.000 bu.; Increase, 391.000 bu. Corn, 7.50i,ooo bu.; do crease, 571.000 bu. Oats, 9.337.000 hu.; dc ctease, 030,000 bu. Rye. 1.2iW.0o0 bu. ; de crease, 22.000 bu. Harloy, 2,857,0u0 bu.; de crease, 623,000 bu. i AVool .-liirl.et. I10STON, Dec. 2G. Tho American Wool nnd Cotton Reporter In Its annual review of tho wool situation In tho United States gives tlio stocks of wool In this country, ex clusive of innnufneturers' holdings, ns 252, 217.339 His., HH compared with 167.39S.S79 lbs. a year ngo. Tho stocks In tho three principal markets of tho United States Boston. New York nnd Philadelphia amount to 183,350,1S9 lbs., ns compared with 113,293,739 lbs. last year, Tho Btocks of wool In Ronton aro lin,019,0S( lbs., as compared with fi'5,113,743 last year. This largrc Increase in stocks on hand Is accounted for by the comparatively limited demand for wool this year, Increased In portatlons of foreign wools nnd the fact that only a very small percentago of this year's clip has yet boon disposed of to mnnufocturerH. Wools have been held back to an unusuullv largo extent this year In tho country. Thin Is exceptionally truo of tho llceco wool sections cast of tho Missis sippi river. Tho wool production of tho country is gls-en at 281.I52.4S7 lbs. Imports of wool Into Boston have been 58.723.032 lbs., ns compared with ai.3T2.401 lbs. last year. Tho sales of wool In thn Unston market since January 1 amount to 170.100,100 lbs., us compared with 317.183,770 lbs. last year. In other words, tho volume of business has been considerably less thnn half ot that of lust year. Tho year 1900 will nnss Into history as ono of tho cuilotost ami most unsatisfactory periods over experienced In tho wool trade. Depression hns characterized tho situation both at homo and abroad. The featuro has been tho Increased substitution of cotton for wool nml a preference for tho medium for lower grades of wool ns distinguished from the lino grades. As to tho business of tho Jost week It has presented but fow features of Interest call ing for special mention. The demand has been ns largo us was expected In a holiday season and has run principally to terri tories, unwashed fleeces and scoured wools. Tho sales amount to about 2,fA,0oo lbs, nnd represent qulto a largo number of transac tions, Prices, while favoring tho buyer, nro not sultlclently changed to warrant any general lowering of quotations. A hopeful feeling pervades tho trado that with the turn o( the year an improved do mnnd for wool will set In which will havo tho effect of lifting tho market from Its present condition of lethnrgy. This feeling is naturally strengthened somewhat by the continued cucouruglng ndvlces received from abroad. Tim sales of the week In Roston amounted to 2,101,700 lbs. domestic and 333.000 lbs. for eign, making a total of 2,503,70), against a total of 3,8i0,000 for the previous week aiid a total of 2,350,00i) for tho corresponding week last year. The total sales Elnco Janu ary I amount to HG,975,lvO lbs, against 347, 1S3.776 lbs. for tho corresponding tlmo last year. ST. LOUIS, Dec, 2G.-VOOI,-Medlum grades. Ilij21c; light fine, HJH7e; heavy line, lljlic; tub washed, lSJi'-De; territory and western Medium, 16Jfl8c; line, 13'ulGc; coarse, 13Jjl5c. MOVEMENTS OF STOCKS AM) IIOMIS. Stocks Are Up, Down nnd .Steadied - Kill n All In it Diiy. NEW YORK, Dec. 20. The stock market went through some vicissitudes today, but Its most astonishing phaso was tho limit recurrence of tho undertone of strength which has coma Into support ttio market bo persistently of lato nnd driven off all moods of depression. After opening with a skyrocket advanco in price, followed by a drop very llko the skyrocket stick, ttio market gathered Itself together again and, Ignoring tlio continued pressure of liquida tion which continued in force at somo points. It resumed Its Irregulur show of strength, tho straggling new points of strength being unnffected by the weakness at others. Thu sharp reaction nt mid session wus duo more than anything elso to tho extremely doubtful character of somo of tho opening advances. Tho character of tho stocks affected and tho vl'olunco of tho Jump In prices gavo a suggestion of specu lative debauch such as Is tho Invariable ac companiment of tho culmination of a bull market. Professional traders havo been constantly on thu lookout for the signs of such a culminutloh and they sold tho mar ket eagerly on thu opening rise. Theso openings wero supplemented 'by 'tho very liberal prollt tuklng on Interests long on tho market. This period of tho market took on an appearance of general weakness, prices crumbling throughout tlio list. Tho surprising opening, gains in a number of In dustrial specialties und n few railroad stocks weru very generally wiped out and somo of tho Important railroad stocks had fallen from it fraction to a point below Saturday's closing level. Tho violent break In tho Northern Pacillc stocks had a largo lnlluonco In the decline, as tho unbridled speculation In tlio Hilmu issues lias been thu salient point of tlio market for days back. Tho report that tho common stock would bo retired January 1 wns the cause of tho break, ns It would take the reason for tho recent speculation. Tho common stock was carried down an extremo 3Vi nnd tho pre ferred nearly 3 points. A 0 per cent call money rnto exercised tho cautious feeling and tlio relapso to 5 per cent luter In tho day was an Important element In tho rally. Tho substantial character of tho buying orders encountered nt tho declluu dlscour nged tho betirs and their buying to cover helped tho rally. It had Its Inception In tho local traction stocks, which wero nil very strong, with nccompnnylng rumors of consolidated control. Missouri Pacillc. Reading llrst preferred, People's Gas und Sugar were also conspicuous features of tho loto recovery. Tho closing wus very Irregular but with thu unclertonn strong. Tho opening outburst wns palpably duo in lurgu purt to manipulation and wns ex plainable by tho busy operations of Hpectl latlvo cliques during thu holiday Interval In making dcmoiistruttvo bids for almost any amount or the stock!) affected, without any actual transactions being involved ns a restraining lulluence. Tho opening of prices In lirooklyu Transit varied nearly 3 points on an extremo advanco of 6 and thorn were wldo openings on running sales In Tennessee Conl, Sugar, St. Paul, Erlo llrst preferred and Atchison. Tho extremo gains In theso stocks ran from 2 to over 5 points, except Erie, llrst preferred, which was at no tlmo moru than a fraction over SatiM-day. There .scenicd to bo plenty of funds available for borrowers und lenders show themselves anxious to put out money on time, having in mind the coming dis bursement of tho yearly dividends and in terest and tho promise of lower rates, whilo borrowers show a preference for cull loans. Tho turn of tho interior currency move ment in favor of Now York and continued gains by tho New York banks from thu subtrcasury on account of largo premiums on government bonds and untlclpatory pay ment In tho government glvo a feeling of nssuranco that tho year will bo turned without trouble In tho money market. Tho railroad bond market was active nnd showed only u few weak snots. Total salos, par'value, $1,410,000. All United States gov ernment bonds advanced on tho Inst call, Tho following are lbs, closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange: Atchison .,47 Wabash , . 8S do pfd." . 82--i Whcpl. t L. E.., . 90i do 2d pfd . 68 Wis. Central .... . 42 Third Avenuo .., . 10 R. & O. pfd .111 Nntlonnl Tuba... . 20i do pfd . Gi Adams Ex........ . 91 American Ex.... .ICG U. S. Ex do pin Ttnltltmirn Sr. O.. 25 13 ?7 120 85 04 103 130 178 67 13S 32 90 5 27 Pil M ) 17 32 77 41 87 50?. Cuntwllan Pnc... Cnuuda So dies. & Ohio.... Chicago O. W.. C. U. & CJ Chi. Ind. & L... fin tlfd Chi. & E. 111.... C. & X. w f n l. P .119; Wells-Fargo Ex. C. C. C. & St. L Colorado So do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del, & Hudson.. . 72 Ainer. Cot. Oil... . 74 do pfd . 43HAmcr. Malting .. . 17 do pfd .l'.2i Amcr. S. & It..., Del. L. t W.... Denver & R. G. do n fd .ls-jft no prl . 20 Amer. Spirits .., . M?i do pfd . 2M4 Amer. S. Hoop.,, . 6S, do pfd .W Amer. S. & w... . 1!M do nfd j'jno do 1st pfd Gt. Nor. pfd Hocking Coal .. Hocking Vnlley. Illinois Central.. Iowa Central ... do pfd Lako Erlo & W. do pfd.'. Lako Shoro .... . 42 Amer. Tin Plate, .129) do nfd . 22 Amer. Tobacco.. .112 . ix uo pru . 47 Anne. Mln. Co.., .113 Rrooklyn R. T... .230 Colo. Fuel & I.,, . 8778 Con. Tobacco .., 11G do pfd , . 71 Federal Stool ... . 11 "do pfd . 70 Gen. Electric .102 Glucoso Sugar ., 133 4S 8" D.J 39 93 67 77 197 47 90 25 73 73 37 0! 19 90 41 92 101 10 CO 88 01 43 10.1 61 82 200 5 Hl 117 G7 13 76 27 77 82 10 GT , 6a 91 L. & N Manhattan L.... Mot. St. Ry.... Mex. Central ... Mlnn.& St. L... do pfd Mo. Undue Mobile & Ohio.. M., K. & T do pfd N .J. Central ... N. Y. Central .. Norfolk & W.... In lifd a 1 "iio pro )? Inter. Paper . ii.'.h uo pia . 40 Laclcdo Gns .143 National lllscult .113 do pfd . 41 Natlonnl Lead.., . ?2 do pfd . 82 National Steel.., . 87 do pm . 29 N, Y. Air Brake . 42 No, Atnorlcan .., . 7G Pacillc Coast .111 do 1st pfd . 25 do 2d pfd , . 00 Pacillc Mall . 37 Peoplo's Gas .... . 05 1 Pressed S. Car.., . 91 ) do pfd . 23-Pullmnn P. Car. . 78 S. R. & T , . 63 Sugar . 18 do pfd , . 43 Tenn. Coal t I., .1SSU. S. Leather..., .181 do pfd , .125 ,U, S, Rubber . 45 do pfd , . 22 Western Union., . 72 Ropubllc. I. & S., . 24 do pfd . 78 ,P. C..C. & St. L. , 83'Amal. Copper... No. Pnclllo do pfd Ontario & AV... Ore. Ry. & Nav do pfd Pennsylvania .. Reading do 1st lifd do 2d pfd Rio G. W do pfd St. L. fc 8. F.... do 1st pfd do 2d pi I St. L, Southw... do pfd St. Paul do lifd St. P. & Omaha So, Pacillc So. Railway .... da pfd Tex. .t Pacillc. Union Puclllo .. do pfd Ex-dlvldend and dend. Offered. cx-rights. Ex-divl- New Vorlt Money Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 2G.-MON'EY-On call. Ilrm nt 4JG per cent; last loan nt 4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 4Jf5 per cent. STERLING EXt HANGK Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' bills nt $4.81 for demand nnd ut J4.hOffl.81 for sixty days; posted rates. JI.81Jfl.S5; commercial bills. JI.SOJ(4.80. SILVER-Certlllcates. GIJJG5c; bar sil ver, Gle; Mexican dullars, 50c. HONDS Government, strong; state, ina; tlve; railroad, irregular. The cioslng prices uu Donds today are ae follows: U, S. ref. 2s, reg, do coupon do 3s, reg do coupon do new 4s, reg, do coupon do old 4s, reg.. do coupon do 6s, reg, do coupon D. of C. 3 Cis Atch, gen. 4s.... do ndj, Is Canada So, 2s.... C. it O. 4s do 6s C. & N. W. c 7s do S. F. d, 5s... Chicago Tor. 4s., Colorado So. 4s.., 1). & It. U. 4s.... Erie general 4s.,, F. W. & D. C. 1b Gen. Electric 6s., Ia. Central Is.... L. & N, unl. 4s.., M.. K. & T. 2s.., do 4s ior. 10G 110 110 13M4 138 115 UG 114 111 12t 102 88 109 101 121 133 123 N. Y. Central Is, N. J. C. gen. 5s.. No, Pacillc 3s 'do 4s N Y. C & S L 4s, N. & W. con, 4s., Oro, Nav, Is do 4s Oregon S. L. Gs., do consol 6s.,.. Rending gen. 4s, Rio O. V. Is St L & I M c. 5s, St L & S F g. Gs. St, Paul consols, S. P. C. & P. Is,. do 6s So. Pacillc 4s.... 80. Railway 6s.. , 109 129 71 105 108 K 111 102 129 113 91 100 114 129 182 120 122 S3 U4U 70 111 , S3 1071 i U7-, 107 115 S9 , C'6 , 81 101 , Si! S3 103 H. it. &i L . OH Tex. & Puc. Is,., do 2s Union Pacific 4s Wabash Is do 2s West Shoro 4s,., Wis. Central Is., Va. Centuries .., 115 ,101! ii on Hunk Cli'iirliiK. ROSTON. Dec. SO.-Clcarlngs, JIS.G3I.490; balances. J1.SH.225. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 28. Clearings. $17,309,887; balances, $2,919,977. Money, 4 per cent. UALTIMOfJE. Dee. 26.-Clenrlngs, J3.C1S, 751; balances. $518,792. NEW YORK. Dec. 2G.-Clenrlngs. $131,557. .113: balances. $9,838,720. Hubtreasury debit balances, $1,075,139. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 20.-C!enrlngs, $7,417,571; LnlnH... 1,1 . , r T. . iFiwiwH lt, raiv,HJi. money, xu t 'ui ivui. New York exchange, 10c discount bid, par I1SKPII. CINCINNATI, Dec. JG.-Clenrlngs, $3,025, POO. Money, 3JJ6 per cent. New York ex change, 15c discount. llimtnii Stuck (1 notnt lon. ROSTON, Dec. 2tf.-Call loans, 4flS per cent; timo loans, IVitO per cent, umcini closing: A.. T. & S. V.,.. do pfd Amqr. Sugar ..... do pfd Amer. Tel , Huston ft Alb'., Roston Elevated C, U. & Q , Dominion Coal.., do pfd Federal Steel do pfd Fltehhurg pfd..., Gen. Electric .... do pfd.. Ed. Elec III Mex. Central N. E. O. & C Old Colony Old Dominion ... Rubber Union Pacific ... , 47 8 ,ill ,110 ,150 251 ,159 141 .si 1 Hi! , r ,139 197 150 217 14 12 Union Land West End Atchison 4s N. E. O. & C. 5s, Adventure Alloucz Mln. Co, Amal. Copper .., Atlantic Iloston & Mont.. Iluttc & Uoston.. Cal. fi Hecla.... Centennial ....... Franklin Humboldt Osceola Parrot Qtilncy Santa Fo Cop.... Tamarack ....... Utah Mining Winona Wolvcrnlcs , 9: lnt , 05 , 10 , 2 92 27 322 S2 S25 22 13 60 74 49 173 01 S35 33 I 4G ?02 30 2C! 73 I Hid. Mew York MluInK Uimtntlons. NEW YORK, Dec. 20. The following nre tho quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con 20 Alice 40 llreeco 200 Rrunswlck Con. .170 Comstock Tun... 4 (Jon. Cat. ft Va..l35 Dendwood Terra. 53 Horn Silver no Iron Sliver C3 Leudvlllo Con 5 Little Chief ... Ontario . Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Savago , Sierra Nevada Small Hopes . Standard ,.. 1G ..575 ... 63 .. 10 ... 10 .. 12 .. 20 .. 60 ,..290 (.'on ill Hon of tlio Treasury. WASHINGTON, Dec. 26. Today's state ment of tho treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of tho $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cauh balance, $142,004,928; gold, $90,707,721. Cotton Mnrket, NEW YORK, Dec. 2G.-COTTON-It lias been ninny days since cotton speculation has been conllued lo tho meager dealings recorded on 'change during today. Fltictu ntlons wero hardly in harmony with tho apathy, reaching a mutter of 11 points. On tho llrst call tho feeling wns. steady, but few trades were made in tho nbsenco of news from tho English market, which was Mill closed. Prices wero unehangnl to 2 points higher 011 llrst sulcs nnd for tho rest of tho forenoon did not vnry llvo points. Tho room 'element wns seriously handi capped by scarcity of orders from tho puhllo nnd tho foreign contingent nnd by lnsulllclent information from tho crop coun try. The nfternoon session wns somewh.it more Interesting In the way or changes In vnlucs. Soon after the noon hour nn esti mate for largo receipts nt New Orleans tomorrow led to nervous light selling, which came at a tlmo when buyers wero few and far between, Prlcci suffered ac cordingly nnd broke some eight to fourteen points from the best level of tho ino'rtilng, Thero wus nothing in tho way of excite ment. Soon afterward tho pit presented 1111 Inanimate spectnele nnd for the rest of tho day business dragged wearily, while (luctuatlonH wero confined to n point or so. Shorts wero made nervous by fears of a "squeeze" In Jntiunry nnd March and by reports thnt ilcflrablc graden of spot cotton in tho south were scarce nnd hold nt u slight premium. Tho market closed barelv steady, with prices net unchanged to 11 points lower. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 2G.-COTTON Easy nnd quiet; sales, 2,000 bales; ordinary, 7 13-lGc: good ordinary, 8 7-1fic; low mid dling. 01-lfic; middling, 9 7-lGc; good mid dling. 911-UV: middling fair, 10c, nominal. Receipts, 3,239 bales; stock. 354.5C6 bales. Futures, steady; December, 9.33c. bid: Janu ary. n.30J)9.31c: February. 9.27Jf9.2Sc; March, 9.26fl9.20c: April, 9.231l9.25c: May, 9.21(8 9.22c ; June, 0.18JI9.2OC! July, 9.16JJ9.18C. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 2G.-COTTON-Quiot. 1-lGc lower; 110 suIcb: middling, 9 9-16c; re ceipts, fi,209 bales; shipments, 6,013 bale; stock, 72,487 balesi. OH nnd Ilonln. OIL CITY, I'll., Dec. 2G.-OILS-Credlt balances, $1.10; certlllcntes closed nt $1.12 bid for cash oil; shipments, 155,301 bbls; average, 93,034 bbls,; runs, 150,G38 bbls.; average, 28.013 bbls. NEW YORK. Dec. 2G.-OII.S-Cottonseed, nominal; prime crude, 27c; prime crude, yellow. 29Ji30c. Petroleum, dull; refined Now York. $7.33; Philadelphia nnd Balti more, $7.20; Philadelphia and Raltlmore, In hulk, $j.G3. ROsln. steady; strained, common to good, $1.75. Turpentine, dull at 40JN5e. 1 " t LONDON, . Deo: 2fi.-OILS-Petroleum, Anierlcnn refined, 6 13-16d. Turpcntlno spirits. 28s 9d. Linseed, 31s. LIVERPOOL,, .Dec. 26.-OILS-Cotton-seed. Hull rellned. spot. quiet at 20s Gd. Tur pentine spirits, dull at 28s 9d. Rosin, com mon, steady nt 4s 7d. Petroleum, refined, quiet at 7s. Linseed, steady at 31s Gd. ANTWERP. Dec. 20.-OILS-Pctro!eum, 18 francs, paid and sellers. ColTco Market. . NEW YORK, Dec. 28. Tlio market fot1 coffeo futures opened steady, with prices 15J20 points lower, nnd rulciN heavy throughout the session, under scattering sales for both accounts, big, crop esti mates, an absenco of Investment support, weakness In spot market, enormous re ceipts In Brazil, lower European market and bear pressure of positive type. Senti ment was bearish from tlio opening to tho close of business. Tho market was finally quiet, with prices net 15Jf20 points lower. Total sales, 17.6UO bugs, including: March, 5.03c; May, 5.70Jf5.75c; August. 6.80J5.83c; September, 5.85ft5.90; October, 6.90Jf5.9o. Xrw York Dry (!iids Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 26. DRY GOODS-Tho market has worn qulto a holiday appear unco todny. thero having been only a lim ited ntteiidanco of buyers In any depart ment. Thero have been uo transactions of nny moment reported In either cotton or woolen goods. business ruling quiet throughout. Tho tono of the market Is dull, but thero Is no quntablo change In prices nnd neither buyers nor sellers nre looking for nny developments of conse quence for tho balanco of tho year. SiiKnr Market, NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 26-SUGAR-Steady: mien kettle, 3c; open kettle, cen trifugal, 3 13-lGJf lc; centrifugal whites, 4 Sf I ll-lGcii yellow. 4JMc; seconds. 3Jf4c. Mo lasses, steady; open kettle, 25Jf32c; centri fugal. 8JJ21c; syrupl 30JJ3.'lc. -NEW YORK. Dec. 2G.-SUGAR-Raw. steady: fair refining, 3c; centrifugal,, 96 test,. 4c; molasses sugar, 3c; refined, quiet; eruslied, Gc; powdered, 5.70c; granu lated, S.GOc. Mvmiornteil nnd Dried Fruit. NEW YORK, Dec. 2G. EVAPORATED APPLES The market ruled rather slow, btit a steady undertone on light supply at unchanged prices; stato common, 4Jf5c; prime, 4JJCc; choice. 4Jf5e; fnncy, 6JJ7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Inac tlvo. Prunes were nominally quoted from 3c to 8c. Apricots, Roynl, Ujnio; Moor Park, 15JilGc. Peaches, peeled, lGJfCOc; im peded, &Jj9c. Ilrriitiurdl Appear nn llniulet, NEW YORK, Dec. 23. Sarah Rornhnrdfs '"Hamlet" was produced for the llrst t'..o In this country at the Garden theater hero tonight. A faithful prosu translation by Eugene Mnrand nnd Marcel Schwab win used nnd nn interested nirhenco was pres ent. Desplto the differences that exlstod between the English and French concep tion of tho tragedy the "Hamlet" een to night was warmly received, M. Coquelln did not appear until the last net, whero he had tho role of tlrst grnvedlgger. Mme, Rertihordt was recalled many times, the enthusiasm increasing as Hie piny pro ceeded, ltei'el vcih fur Iron Manufacturer. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 2G.-Judgo Mc PherBon. In tho United States district court today, appointed John N. M. Shhner and William P. Stoako receivers In bankruptcy of C. R. Balrd & Co,, operating a number of Iron furnaces, Counsel for creditors rep resenting about $160,000 of claims stated that the business probably would be re organized. The works operated by tho company are tho Danville, Va rolling mills; tho Elmlrn Steel works and plants In Catnsaqua, Pu and Fullerton. Pa., and tho Chlcklcs Iron company. Tho liabilities aro said to amount to $1,500,000. TI IE HEAI.TY MARKET, INSTRUMENTS placed on file Wednesday, December 26, 1900: Vnrrnnty Denis. C. S, Montgomery, trustee, to M. J, Pottr. wS2 feet of nl77 feet, lot 2. block 12. West Omaha $3,500 J. II. Angell nnd wife, trustees, to John Zllzlsberger. h lot 3, block 9, Hor bnch's 2d ndd 1,100 E. L. Patrick and wlfo to D. H. Rrotchlo, lot 4, block 8, Patrick's 2d Snratoga add 400 S. E. Uurnhnm to Jnsephlno Williams, lot 3. block 7. Rurnhnm Placo 235 John Keegan and wlfo to Anton, BJor gum, lot 6, Archer's subdlv 300 Atlantic Realty association to N. B, Rulrden, lot 5, block 1, Dcnlso's add.. 4,500 Unit CI 11 1 111 Deeds. D. C. John und wlfo to II. L. Pott, lot 10, block 11, Reed's 1st add: lots 5 and 18, block 32; lot 11, block 33, and lot 21, block 30, Albright's Cholco 230 Total amount of transfers $9,CS0 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Hog Market ii Aotivs and Higher on Best Grades. NOT MUCH DEMAND FOR HEAVY PACKERS Sheep Supplies Arc .oiiitiinl nnd Prices Mliotv o Iniproie ment Mnt tons in Good Demand. - SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. 26. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Olllclal Monday 751 5,318 .7 Olilclal Tuesday Holiday. Olllclal Wednesday 1,799 3,916 115 Thrco days this week... 2,653 9,291 202 Same days last week..,. 7.W1 27,76.5 11,901 Same week before 11,9.10 31,872 13,193 Sumo three weeks ugo.. 9,603 20.760 15,951 Average pneo puld for hogs lor the pust several days, with comparisons: I 1900. 1S99.1S98. 11897. 1896. llsi'3.!lS9l. Don 1 4 62 I 3 74 3 25 3 23, 3 29 3 291 3 371 3 35 3 2SI 3 23 3 251 3 191 3 09 3 35 3 23 3 42 4 47 3 16 3 3V 4 33 3 09 3 39 4 2T 3 38 1 35 3 001 3 36 4 j5 3 191 4 31 3 21 3 32 3 21 3 35 4 20 3 17 3 28 4 17 3 20 3 31 4 20 3 33 4 23 S 2S 3 38 4 15 3 17 4 09 3 17 3 27 3 17 3 48 4 13 3 16 3 36 4 13 3 IS 3 31 I 07 3 32 4 11 3 17 3 27 4 lb 3 14 4 11 3 17 3 27 3 19 3 31 4 13 3 20 3 30 4 17 foe. 2... 3 761 LCC J... ic. 4.;: 4 63 i 19 3 21 3 23 3 22 C 17 3 13 3-13 3 IS I 3 20 3 23 3 24 3 SI Dec. 'ii- fi Dec. G... 4 SI I 4 81 3 80 3 861 3 81 Dec. 8... Dec. 8... Dec. 10,. Dec. 11.. !),, 19 3 S3 1 3 30 3 90 3 92 3 95 3 iO 3 96 3 95 3 201 3 31 3 37 3 38 Dec. 13I! ec. 14,, "ec. 15.. Dec. 16.. Dec. 17.. Dee. 1 4 86 3 33 3 27 3 30 3 26 3 2l 3 2S 4 83)i 82?: 4 Ul 3 93 3 291 3 31 3 31 4 73! 4 7G5 4 70Jk 4 SO'! 4 S0 I 8G Dec. 19.. Dec. 20.. Dec. 21,. Dec. 22.. Dec. 23.. 3 92 3 91 4 01 4 02 4 01 3 331 3 32 3 21 3 37 3 28 3 21 3 21 Dec. Dec. 25..' 3 47 3 60! 3 26 I'OC 2G. . 88 4 11 Indicates Sunday. Indicates Holiday. rm. i . x uu uiiicmi numucr cu cars ul biuck brought In todny by encli road wiih: r-l tHn tfnno UllSi ll'ft C M. & St. P. Ry kj cc 01. ii, ivy,., i T 1 til 1 n 1 In n I fi 1 uiutAMi 19 7 3 11 uaiaws i.au ojqllll IV C. & N. W. Ry 4 1, M X. KT ' II 1 19 S. C. & P. Ry....! 1 U., HI. I . Al. i U.... 114 R. ft M. R. R. R 10 C, II. & Q. Ry 3 K. C. & St. J 0.. R. I. & P. Ry., 10. 5 11 7 1 Total receipts 78 66 Tho dlsnosltlon of tho day's recelnts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ucr or ncnu muicaica: Ruvers. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. .. 11 Omaha Packing Co.... G. II. Hammond Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co 43 Wl 44? tmr, 211 836 818 319 1,700 458 Armour & un R. Rcckcr ft Degan Vansant & Co J. L. Curcy Lpbmnn & Co W. I. Stephen Renton ft Underwood.... Livingstone & Schallcr.. L. F. Husz R. Hobblck 4 Other buyers S3 126 Totnls 1,773 3,769 581 CATTLE The run at this market wus rather less than anticipated. Packers. owing to light receipts so far this week, wero wanting supplies, and, ns the demand was brisk, prices on handy fnt steers ruled steady to stronger. Coarser and half-fat stuff was purchased to 1111 in at practically unchanged prices. Tho market was reasona bly actlvo und ilrm throughout. Thero was little change In thn market on cows nnd heifers. Receipts wero only fair and tho general tono of tho market fully steady throughout. Thin old stock nnd canning grades also sold about steady owing to tho limited Biipply. Thero Is no Improvement In tho market for stock cattle, l'ard traders aro holding off until after the closo of tho year and aro purchasing sparingly. If nt all. Light Mock ers nro weak sellers and tho trado nil around shows holiday dullness. Represent ative sales: ' DEEP STEERS. No. Av. I'r. No. Av, Pr. 1 720 $3 00 20 1253 4 13 2 860 $3 25 61 1090 4 63 21 931 4 00 60 1087 4 G3 5 874 4 00 21 1209 4 70 40 938 4 20 1 1530 4 70 19 1214 4 23 45 1377 4 70 1 1130 4 25 19 1247 4 80 36 1085 4 25 20 1439 4 83 40 1273 4 15 21 1305 4 90 1 900 4T3 34 1112 6 00 22 1270 4 43 21 1312 5 00 23 1072 4 43 18 1297 5 10 2 900 4 60 STEERS AND COWS. 39 1051 3 75 STEERS AND HEIFERS. .1118 4 35 28... .1107 4 GO 4 60 3 05 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 15 3 25 3 25 3 23 3 25 3 30 .1 33 3 35 3 37 3 45 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 63 3 GO .1107 4 35 ...1015 ...1016 ...1215 ...1370 ...13S0 ...1182 ...1123 ...1030 ...1007 ...1030 ...1087 ... 913 ( 1 50 COW6. 1..., 1..., 6... 4... 2... 1... 2... 1... 1... 6... n 1'.'.'. 1... 1... 2... 4... 830 1060 1018 8S2 1040 910 1U90 1000 1200 1021 930 1120 880 1120 930 1072 1130 1075 1010 1180 1126 39... 4... 1... 1..., 11..., 2!.! 20... 15..., 4..., 20... 2 25 2 33 2 10 2 50 2 60 2 63 2 63 2 70 2 70 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 85 2 90 2 90 2 90 3 00 5.. .1161 1 1400 42. 909 24.. 1.. 19.. 16.. 1.. 4.. 19.., ....1021 ....1360 ....1032 ....1125 ....1010 ....1212 ,...1006 .1175 00 COWS AND HEIFERS. .1000 3 45 20. .1033 4 00 HEIFERS. 2 25 40 3 50 3 3 60 1 1.. 10.. 7.. 4.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. . 650 ,. 9S6 .. 831 ..1167 ,.1230 .1370 .1290 .1280 . 120 ,. 203 ,. 110 ,.1030 .. 890 963 .... 950 ....1030 ....1610 ....1370 ....1230 ....I960 ....1740 .... 100 .... 14G HULLS. 3 00 1 2 63 2 85 3 to 3 3 75 6 00 G 50 3 00 3 10 3 35 1 .1 1 3 50 1 CALVES. 1 3 3 75 1 , 5 50 2 6 75 STAGS. 3 60 3 2 76 7 1.. 5.. 1.., 750 820 3 15 3 33 . 750 3 00 STOCK CALVES. 1... 1.. 1.. 390 3 3.. :05 E 00 300 5 00 STOCK COWS G10 2 30 875 3 00 AND 1...., HEIFERS. G20 3 25 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS, 14... 1... 531 40 1.. 810 3 80 4 00 4 00 4 23 4 23 4 60 . 840 665 700 860 , 640 , 510 2 60 3 23 3 25 3 60 3 73 3 90 13.. 6.. O 16.'. 6.. ....1030 786 .... 300 .... 646 .... 428 NEBRASKA, 1 steer... 1 steer... 1 steer... ,. 800 . 660 . 820 ,. 980 '6 26 cows.. . DS0 .1115 . 990 . 950 . 910 . 700 . 760 .1263 3 00 3 (0 2 60 2 60 2 60 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 cows. . 6 cows.. 1 cow. , , 1 cow... 1 cow... 1 cow... 1 steer. 1 steer. . .1080 Z ill 3 75 3 40 1 feeder... 930 1 feeder... 1010 1 feeder... 9.10 G. 2) feeders.. 1046 2 feeders.. 1035 40 3 bulls.. R. Knapp Colo. 3 70 1 cow...., 3 25 2 cows... 3 G5 860 610 2 65 2 25 2 culves... 4io J. H. Sutton-Utnh. 140 feeders. 761 10 feeders.. 761 3 70 3 00 63 feeders.. 712 3 70 3 00 2 25 5 feeders.. 712 1 bull 1270 Pace Colo, 2 bulls 1010 1 bull 1110 2 bulls 1380 17 bulls 13H1 .1 luillu 1237 2 70 2 23 W. 2 ra 2 25 ! 60 IIOOS Tho market was actlvo and 5c higher on best light and butcherwelsht grades with early sulcs on abovo grades ut $4.90I4.93. Heavy packing and common light and medium grades opened slow at barely steady prices, and the market cloied dull and weak, with advance mostly lest all around. .it.. ..... Receipts wero small, but notwithstanding this buyers of packing grades were de cidedly bearish and after tho choice loads of medium and light hogs had sold tho market completely llattoncd out nnd trado became very dull and weak. Early sales of light and medium hogs wTiro largely at SI !iCKh4.95, and at the closo n round $4.90. Heavy packing hogs sold weak at $i.85W 4.87, about tho samo iib Monday, with cholco heavies around $1.90. The market closed extremely dull nnd wonk at bottom prices. Jiepreueiuuwvc puiun. No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av, Sh. W) 80 40 320 120 "ih 120 I'r. I 87 Ib.. 111. 127.. 111.. 46... 60... 61... 57... 61... 37... 07... 69.., ... 91 ...101 ,..116 ,..1"9 ...280 ...371 ...206 ,..246 ...291 ,..319 ,..273 ...233 ... $1 15 01 277 87 179 66 256 06 ,230 75 279 75 219 46 271 4 : 33 80 83 tfi 85 85 85 4 90 4 90 4 90 1 90 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 0 68 258 60. 66. ,...361 .,..228 ....291 ..,.215 87 69.. (6,. 160 40 4 87 80 40 40 '! 1G0 4 87V 67 282 73 253 67!'.!!.'!325 76 219 80 227 70 200 76 211 67 .262 82 175 72 211 82 226 C3 219 73 1S5 4 M 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 4 92 4 92 4 93 4 i'3 4 93 4 93 4 93 4 93 I 87' 80 80 40 120 'so 'so 120 120 4 87 4 87 4 S7 4 7 4 87 4 S 4 87 4 87 4 87 4 87 4 87 4 87 SO so 160 100 SHEEP-Supplles for somo days havo nnlv here hut nl nit been nominal, not marsem, yei prices nave not improved materially on any grade of mtilton sheep. Today, with a limited number here and light receipts at other points, the tendency Is toward a revival of business nnd stronger prices prevailed. Tho market was nominally nctlvo and iitnmt 23o higher on mutton sirep than nt tho low pnjlnt last .week. Quotations: Choice fed wethers, J3.S31P 4.15: fair to choice fed wethers. $3.70y3.90: cholco yearlings, $1.10$N.35; fair to good yearlings. ll.9i.KM. 10: rbolrn ewes. S3.;.V,f 3 60; fair to good ewes. $3.UIf.1.23; choice spring lumns, H.1MG.20; rulr to good spring lambs, Jl.60i5.w; feeder ewes, $2.253.00; IV""'. "oiners, ,t.wj,t.io; teener minus, 4.Wpl.40. rso. 9 Nebraska fed ewes 3S Nebrnsliii foil u'oili.r. A v. 102 111 70 97 70 Pr. $.' 35 4 00 6 00 3 25 6 00 197 Nebraska fed lambs..., jro native fed ewes 8S native fed lambs WESTERN PACKING STATISTICS Slight Reduction In Marketing, but n. Vry Fnlr .Number lines Through the Pens. CIN9IN,.NATr' Dec. 2G.-(Spcclal Tele gram.) Tho Prlco Current nays: Current orreriuga of hogs aro reduced, but nro still fa rly lllieral. Western packing last week was 540,000 compared with tn,oi)0 the pre ceding week and 615,000 last year. From i(!v?,n,i''r.1 tlu to,ul 18 4.333,ow, against ...v.wv mm jw anu u.uiu.uw two years ago, Prominent places comparo as follows: M11O. 1S99. Chicago Kansas City .. .1,395.000 ... 615, 000 ... :ioo,(m 190,000 330,000 ... 250.000 ... 179.0C") ... 130,000 ... 111,000 ... 81.WW ... 126,000 ... 117,001) 1,335.000 450.0'ji) 373.1X) 223,000 .W..0U0 210,0(0 lK9.i"i wiiiuiia St. Joseph St. Louis Indianapolis Milwaukee Cincinnati Ottumwa Cedar Rapids Sioux City St. Paul 126,000 142,000 65.000 9S.P00 73,000 CHICAGO I.IVK .STOCK MARKET. Cnttle Ceneriill)' Ten Cent Higher Close. Weak-Sheep Higher. r .'Jr80'. ncc' . 2 -C'ATTLE-Recelpts, 6,000 head; tteers, 10ft20c lower; Texans 10c tower; butcher stock steady to a shade lower; native, best on sale today, thrco 1 J"1" t to-W'l Kood to prime steers, to.iAl O.iOi poor to medium. $3.75fiC.20; se lected feeders about stendy, at $3.7.VSI.35: mixed stoekors steady to slow nt $2WMf o.iu; cows. $2.50jfl.25; heifers. $2.6O?M.60; can nfr.'&m,.tJ,tcat,iv' nt "757I2.45; bulls slow, at $2.60i4.25; culvos steady, at $4.CKj'.i50. Texans-Recrlpts. 300 head: best on salo today, 12 carloads ut $4,60; fed nteers. $1.0) f4.S5; grass steers, $3.&ff4.0o; bulls, IJ.IOtf TlOGS-Roeclpts, 21,000 head: estimated tomorrow. 30.000; left over, 3.000; market opened strong, 5o higher, and closed weik; top, Sj.10; mixed and butcners. $l.75t?fi.07; pood to choice heavy, H.85f(C10; rough heuvy. $l.75?cl.RO: light, $4,755(5.07!'.; bulk of siules. $1.901i5.(i2. , SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts. 12,000 head; sheep and lambs. 10J7l5c higher; good to choice wethcrx, $3.85f(4,7f.; fair to choice mixed, $3.IOJj3.90: western sheep, $3.t6Ift.76; Texas sheep, $2.50(ff3.75 : native laoibs, 51.23 4(6.25; western lambs, $5.00&6.63. Now York Llvo Ndick Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 20.HEHVES-Re-cclpts, 3,0ii head; steers hlow; medium nnd common grades Moody, good to choice ilrm, bulls und cows steady to 10c higher; steers, $I.23H6.30; bulls. $2.75113.70: choice fat bulls. $4.20f4.40; cows, $l.b5f73.70 Cnblcl quoted live cattlo lower, at llf?12c: toM, 12'c; refrigerator beef selling nt 9JT94ic ner pound. Shipments, 1,509 quarters of beef. CALVES-Recelpts, 1,1) head: veals firm, grassere 25c hlghei : veals, $i.rAQ'S.50; little calves. $4; grasscrs, $3.2303.73; yearlings, $3.0O7i3.25. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 8.367 head; sheep steady to strong, Inmbs lOfixiOo higher thnn Monday's close: sheep, $2,091$ 3.90; cholco lots, $4.00iiTI.25: culls, Jl.Mfl2.00; Inmhs, $5,0016 00; ono enr choice. 6.10; culls. $I.OinT4.60; Canada lumbs. $5.75fiG.O0. HOGS-IU'ceipts. 7,56 head: market firmer, at $5.20tiG.40; pigs quoted up to $3.60, Knnnns City Mvo Slnek Mnrkot. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 26. CA TTLE 1 te celpts, 5,000 natives, 800 Texans and 400 calves: henvyuelght Rteers slow, 10c lower; butcher stock and feeding kinds steady; native steers, $4.4OT5.30; stockcrs nnd feed ers. J3.Offl.40: butcher cows nnd heifers, $3.0Of(4.50; canners, J2 r0f?3.00j fed wosterns. tn.fiMRM: Texans. $3 61ff4.50: canners. $2.60 5(3.00; fed westerns!. $3.6084.90; Texans, $3.00 (&4.15; calves, $3.60M,23. HOGS Receipts. 4.800 head; trade opened active to Be higher, weakened nnd nates were largely nt steady prices; heavy. $1.93 05.00; mixed. $l.903'l.97; light, $1.8504.97; pies. $4.3001.75. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 300 head; supply too small to test market; tho few nrrlvals sold early at ilrm prices; lambs, $5.Of05.4O: muttons, $1.254.50; Mockers and feeders, $3.2504.00; culls, $2.7503.25. St. I, mils Live Stock Mnrkot. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 26 CATTLE Receipts, 2,600. head, including 200 Toxns cattlo; mar ket, active, but 10c lower for natives; Tex ans steady: nntlvo shipping and export steers, $4.S505.65, with extra choice top grades worth up to $6 60; dressed beef and butcher steorr, $l.00f(5.25; steers under 1.000 lbs.. $3,0004.80; stackers nnd feeders, $2.'.i)0 4.60: cows and heifers, $2.0)01.75; canners, $1.250 2.75: bulls. $2.400 3.60; Texas and Indlnn steers, $3,0004.63; cows and heifers, $2,400 3.60. HOGS-Recelpts, 6.600 head; market 60'7c higher; pigs and Ilghts.-I4.R504.95; packers, $4.85U5.00; butchers. 15.000 5.07. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts, 100 head; market strong: native muttons, $3.6O04.25; lambs, $4.?505.5O; culls and bucks, $2.0uW 4.00; stockcrs, $2.0003.60. fit. .Insopli I.lvo Stuck. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, Dec. 20.-(Speclal.) The Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts, 800 head; market opened strong to 10c higher nnd closed wenk: natives, $4.250 5.25; Texas and west erns, $3.5O015.25; cows, nnd heifers, $2.1001.60; bulls nnd stags, $2.2501.00; yearlings and cnlves, $3.2501.60; stockcrs and feeders, $3 00 0-1.25; veals, $3.5005.75. HOGS Receipts, 5,600 head: mnrkot steady to 2c lower; oil grades, $4.9005.00; bulk of sales, $l.9204.95, SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 700 head; lambs, 20c higher and others strong. Stuck In Sight. Following are tho receipts at tho four principal western markets for December 16: Cattle. Hoes. Sheen South Omaha 1,799 3,946 Chicago "i.00) 21.000 Knnsns Cltv 6.S00 4.800 216 12,0V) , 3 100 1 St J.0U13 ..OUM U,UW Totals 15,399 36,248 12,0.5 Hooky Mountain Siui-ltor FlroN I'll. PUEBLO, Colo., Dec. 26. Tho new Rocky Mountain smelter nt Florence, for.'y mtloi up the Arkansas river, was tired up and began operations today. With this addition 1 tho Arkansas vnlley of Colorado Is tho . greatest center of metalliferous reduction works In America, there being a ctring of reduction plnnts extending from Lendvllle I to Pueblo. Tho new smelter cost $760,Ohi. i Most of tlio capital camo from tho east 1 The works start with a cupurltv of Gio , tons ot oro a day, mil tins is 10 no uouoieu during tho next year. The ores treated , Will como mosiiy irom uiu'iu with, Lendvllle and Silver Cliff. Now HIoiiiunIiIii Lino lo Mnnlln, PORTLAND. Ore., Deo. 25. A direct lino of steamers between Portland and Mn nlln will tio In operation by February 21. Tho Oregon nnd Oriental company, In order to accommodate tho growing trado between tho ports, has decided to put Into commission the steamers Monmouthshire nnd Cncrmnrttienshlre. Tho steamers ull! bo used exclusively In tho nrvlco and, make regular trips, For tho past year tho jobbers of Portland havo been trying to secure the establishment of a line of steamers to Manila. They sent a repro. sentatlvo thero to inquire Into tho trado condltlonu nnd tho new steamship lino Is tho result. Mnrlilo Maker (In I .'nil it. STEUHENVILLE, O.. Dec, 26.-J. O, Nnylor has been appointed receiver for tho American Marbles companv, which has boon running about two months. It Is tho only factory of tho kind In tho United States, tho product being glass marbles, It In alleged tho Ilrm Is Insolvent. Thero Is also said to bo a mlxup in reforonce to tho Issuo of tho capital stcck, which was presumably based on tho value of the patent of the concern. .Vow Dentil In Old Fond. IIOPKINSVILLE. Ky Dec. 26. Rt Carl. Christmas evening. Robert Morris shot nnd killed Marlon Henderson, who was advanc ing on him with two pistols. Morris escaped. Tho tragedy wan tho result of a fmid between leading families and further bloodshed Is oxpectod. Ten years ago Lem MorrlH wounded Cush Henderson and a year later Jack Henderson killed Lcm Morris. 65 .....241 77 227 86 20S 75......19S 86 211 G.1 273 141,.... 369 49 313 61 314 79. .,.,.201 74 221 77 271 GO 285 66 282 47 218 CASUALTY LIST FROM MANILA (Iciirrni MncArtlitir Report.. Dentil In the Ami- In Phil. Ipplues, WASHLNaTO.V, 7l7c. 26.-Ooneral Mac Arthur's latest cnsunlty list Is as follows ufiVun1A . Uvc. J6- Adjutant General, ie .,?rJ,.l?t0i": , '-"''"wing deaths havo , "'"co I"Ht report. Dysentery. IX. SfJ; Coinimnj. E, Fortyslxth in fmnv ' n,,,v?.V Scilcyi, December IS, Com lVX.rJ ', ,VlftTn, '"faulty. Corporal t "Iff! D- I,ozki December 14, Company A. Thirteenth liifntitrv, .Mm Pelt ry ? Dc HnV.VT ih, l nm',, ' 'dentil cavalry.' Wit 11 . U. H,,H,,C Jr'i December 16. Ouiipany :.' urty.nint Ininntry. Edward L Van liu, wereiuner lu, Uumpaiil K Third . nfantry. David J. Parcell; Iiecember 20 I Company A. Thirty-ninth volunteer & I '.,n,.r-, George J. Rehm: Companv n. 1 lorty-ilfth volunteer Infantry, riteuti Delta. Diarrhoea, December 7. Companv F. I iirty-seventh volunteers. Edward ' W I J',lr'''i,r. Variola, December 14. Comp.inx I L. lorty. eighth volunteer Infantry, Thnm.11 ..ue. v omp.iny u. f orty-elghth volunteer Infantry, Edward Clarke. Malarial fev r. December 13. Company C, Thirty-sixth volunteer Infantry, Alfred H. Holton; Dc camber 13. Company C. Thirty-third volunteer Infantry, William J. Wright Drowned, December IS, Rattery A. Sixth artillery. Frank Lowe; December 15, Com pany 1. Fifteenth Infantry, Howard L, Gar 10m; November 28, Company E, Fortieth volunteer Infantry. Stephen F. Holmes Killed by nccldent. .target practice, Decem ber 18. Company K, Third Infantry, John Hegley, Surgical shock, August 20 dm V.V.W. l''orty-thlrd volunteer Infnntr). illlnm E. Dennis. Died from wounds n celvod In nctlon. December 10, Company G, thirty-eighth volunteer, Infantry, .Martin I. Patherman; December 17, Company H, signal corps. U. S. A., Corporal Charles A tlMmi Alt ritlint nniimid IWuhIihh 1 . . . . . ... .... w&,,w iiinmni iwtuilll'll Jr'a :oinpatiy F, Twentieth Infantry, Pomp )unkerson; December 12, Companv II, ''ortV-folirlll Vllllltllnnr llifiintrv U'llll,i,.i U Rell; December 13. Troon A. Eleventh olunteer cavalry, Sergeant Charles C ranp! fmmi!inv 1.1 1,',.,-t i'-,,l,tl. ..,i,,..am f . . III 1, . -. ,i '"IIIIIUU ...,, , mi.,,, luuAiuiii ieeeiiiuer Troop R, Third cavalry, Honry A. Hall, De cember 19, Forty-ninth volunteer Infantry, Sergeant Major Wooten R. Rernatlo , November 23. Company R, Twcnty-llrst In fantry, .Michael F. Dirty. MACARTIIUR. Chief Dim cry to Retire. NEW YORK. Dec. 26. The Evening Tele gram says: Report lias it nt police heud quarters today that the application of Chief of Police William Deverv for retire ment Is lu tho bands of Police Commis sioner John 15. Sexton. AVhether this Is truo or not, there Is a belief nmountlng ut most to certainty that Devery will retlro tilts week und that tho new year anil tho new century will see another nt the head of the- uniformed police force of tho city. As retired chief, Devery would havo' $3,000 a year for life. Stnvo Milker Syiidlcntc In Ciinndn. NEW YORK, Dec. 20.-A special to tho World from Toronto says: After nearly a year's work Dr. McCauloy of Chicago haH got all tho stovc-maklng llrms In ('.iuuiii to form a syndicate. Tlio capital Is placed at $6,000,000 and the works of the combine wilt eventually concentrate at Ilainllloii and Toronto. Tho president of tho com bine will be from Toronto or Hamilton. (irmrr Ono of tho Fow. ATLANTA. On., Dec. 26. A controversy having arisen between two Atlanta news papers over tho charge by ono of them that Former President Cleveland had voted for McKlnley at the last election, tho Atlanta Journal today received, lu reply to a telegram, it ii autograph letter from Mr. Cleveland in which ho says ho did not volo for President McKlnley. Fatal Shock to Ills .Mother. BRYAN. O.. Dec. 26. Whllo Wnyno Growell, uged 21, nnd Charles Canan, aged 21, were crossing .tho Wabash railroad tracks near Illakesleo Inst night on their way to a Christmas festivity, they wero struck by an express train and Instnntlv killed. Airs. Cnnuu was notlllcd of tho accident nnd the shock wus so severe that It caused her death, Flllt'ido (in ('lirlntiuiiH I Illy. GREAT FALLS. Mont.. Deo.. 25. Jacob Wcrton today shot Hild fatally wounded his son John. Wcrtcn had treated hli wife tiadiy unit tno son inierrered tit pro tect ttio mother. The fnt her drew n re volver and llred a ball Into the boy's neck The son ts paralyzed and will die. Wur- ten surrenucrcu. ,, Colored PiiMlnr lluilly llnrnoil. f , T-C3t-tllf T 1 .. ,,,, , ... ...... E3 1 , Jwo,,i ,1. .wis., .'vi. in mi; ii'mjii of a tiro caused bv tho exiilosinu of an air tight stove, tho Providence Methodist Episcopal church (colored) was partially burned at 9:30 this morning nnd tho pastor, Rev. J. L. Ieomird, wns fatally burned. (ieordlii Populists Send Doli-Knlon. ATLANTA. On.. Dec. 26. Ttio OVorgla populists havo chosen J. A. llodenheliner nnd J. R. Irwin delegates to tho conven tion of that party called by Joel A, Parker for St. Louis tomorrow Weak Nerves People cannot help worrying when their nerves arc weak. That feeling of languor, dulliiesn nnd exhaustion is the fearful condition which often pre cedes innatiity The power to wort or study diminishes and despondency de pressei the mind night mid day. If you are suffering the tortures of Nervous Debility, there It uo knowing how soon you may decline to something more horrible, lint you cau get well. The youthful strength, buoyancy nnd happiness can be restored by the use of They have cured thousands, and we have so much confidence In them that we give an iron clad guamutce with a 50.00 order. Sent anywhere In plain package, 81.00 per 1kx, u boxes for $1 00. Dook free, AddrcM, I'iial Mudicine Co., Cleve land, Ohio Bold by Kuhn & Co., 15th and Douglas, ind J. A. Fuller & Co.. ltth and Douglas. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Curo Itnpotoncy, Night Emissions, Loss of Mem. ory, nn wasting uieoiifus. nil effects of self-abimn or pxcn&s and ImlUorotlon. A norvo tonlo and blood bulldsr. Hrliujs 60 PILLS 50 CTS. ! 'wtiiio piiik niow 10 pnio hfc-mS rlieolis nnd lestores the Kf'WVTtKlIro of youth. Hy mnll v. via", NCOo nor box. U boios for $2. 150, with our bankable gauranteo to euro or refund tho money paid. Send for circular nnd c py ot our huuUuhlo guarnutco bond. Nervita Tablets EXTRA STRENGTH (yellow ladbd " ",v -Positively guaranteed cure for Los of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Klirunkon Organs, Pnre9ii, Locomotor Atuxlu, Nervous Print! lion, Hysteria, Kits, Insanity. Paralysis nnd tlio Itesults of Kxcosiivo Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mall In plnln pnekngn, $1.00 a liox, 8 for $0.00 with our bankblo guur anteo bond to ouro In UO days or rotund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton it Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. For bale by Kuhn ft Co., 15th and uougias St., Omaha, Neb.; Geo, B. Davis, Council Bluffs, Ioivu. CUK1..J all ;tldne 'innriiHffit. Ruck- DlseiiBffS. IlMk' nche.etc. Al 1rii(f KlhW., or by lautl, (I Fret) book. od Tlco, ela.ol Dr. II, J, Kay. Hura"a. N. Y. RRPENNEYaCO. R00M4HYI LireeiDG. OMAHA fttO EflfJICH 1015 Kftt JAMES E BOYD & GO., Telephone) 1039. Omaha, Not COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS wild STOCKS BOARD OF TRAUK. Correspondence: John A. WMttn C Mltot wtrts lo Chicago ad Nw Trs - -" I Or. M'I t-jSH ,Kldneycura.f ' . W ....