Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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How to Get the Eooks to the Misses Debated
by Librarians,
Jntinnnn IlrlKlinm of I)cn Mo In on
GU! Ill lit run unil Coiirlilnliiiin
to the .VetiriinUii slate
Aft violation.
LINCOLN, Dec. 26. (Special Telegram.)
Tho State Library anBoclatlon met In
conjunction with the toucher' association.
There wero ten libraries reprencntcd. The
first paper was read by Prof) V. K. Jlll-
Bcn, librarian of the Dcmtie college library.
Miss Drnnls of tho Lincoln city library
nary In nature. The Nebraska teachers of
physical science assembled In tho armory
of tho university this morning for a busi
ness meeting and this afternoon was do-
voted to meetings of tho auxiliary associ
Tonight delegates assembled lu the audi
torium to hear tho concert by tho Ernest
(lamblo company, ono of the features of thu
convention program. Tho first general
session of tho convention will be held In
tho auditorium tomorrow morning.
Honored a It cqnlft 1 1 ton.
Governor 1'oynter today honored a requi
sition from the governor of Kansas for tho
roturn of Thomas Williams, Askln, Virgin
and Kdward Gray, now under arrest lu
Uage county. They aro wanted In Marys-
villa to answer to the charge of grand
Tells the Democrats to Stand by His Twice
Beaten Platform,
I'rofrssra to Ilellcrr nn Office tnt n
31 err Incident nn Comtinrrit vrllli
the Eternal IVnctK of Ills
first appearance at u public gathering since
the election, and the greeting accorded
him was never surpassed In point of hearti
ness In his home city, ills nddross re
ce vi d 1I13 closest attention and the applauso
LINCOLN, Dec. 26. Tho annual banquet
of tho Jeffersonlan club of Lincoln, held
i.iveri-mnti iiu. in,..,l. lonigut at mo L,incoin noioi, urousm lo
DAKOTA CITY, Nob., Dec. 20. (Special.) gother nearly 300 reprcscntaivo men of tho
William Temple, who, during several ocmocrauc ana popun i panics oi ixeorasKa,
months oast has been emnloved as a farm togotucr wltn a number or. leaucrs irom
Had n naner on "Llbrnrv Co-oncratlon In hand by County Commissioner L. Blanch- other slates, mo cinncr aiioraea an op
Lincoln." Sho urccd tho systematic plan- ard, now languishes In tho county jail on portunlly to Hon. W. J. Bryan to make his
nlng of tho development and management n char go of horso stealing. On the 17th
of Lincoln libraries, so that each may com- lnt. Tomple went to Jackson and hired a
plemcnt the other. ouc-horao rig from Liveryman F. II. Saw-
Tho principal topic of tho afternoon was ycrs. to mnko a canvassing trip for a
"What n Library Commission Can Do for Jewolry house ho claimed to represent.
Nebraska. " This was presented by John- Upon Templo's not returning nftor a couple was frequent.
noli Jlrlgham, state librarian of Iowa. Ho of days, Mr. Sawyers and Sheriff Sides Asldo from tho ovation to Mr. llryan nnd
kolched the course of events In Iown, from started Inquiry nnd learned that Temple hid speech, tho event of tho evening was
had been to Sioux City with tho rig, but tho speech of John W. Kern, defeated
from thcro his trail was lost. Reward cards democratic candidate for governor of In
wero sent out nnd yesterday Sheriff Sides dlaliu, who aroused the banqueters to u high
was notified that his man had been cap- pitch of enthusiasm, not only by his laudiv
turcd nt Oto, In. Tho sheriff and Coroner Hons of Mr. llryan, but by tho outspoken
Sawyers left for Oto at once nnd Sides criticism of thoso democrats whom he ne-
rcturncrl today with Temple, while Sawyers cused of contributing to Mr. Bryan's de
wont on to Mnplcton, la., to recover tho feat. Ills denunciations of thoso demo
horsn, harness nnd buggy, whoro Tcmpln crats who offered "gratuitous counsel to
had disposed of them for J3o. Templo, who democracy," though ho mentioned no names,
Is nbout 48 years old, bos a divorced wiro Wns accepted by tho crowd nn a reference
and threo children living at Anton, la. Ho to Former President Cleveland
explains his thoft by claiming to have
been drunk.
tho Initial nttompt to secure traveling libra
ries on to tho organization of the Iowa
Library commission. Ho recounted thu
ti'nny demands that have been mado on that
con mission lu tho three mouths of Its ex
ist nee. Its secretary has been called to
tho nsslslunce of libraries In vnrlous parts
of Iowa nnd attends to n vast array of
nppenls by correspondence
Itrluliitin'N Ailvlcc In XclirrmUn.
Mr. Ilrlghnm cautioned tho Ncbrasknns
gainst making thu mlstnko of getting a
library commission with no means of Hup
port, lis has been done In Georgia, Kansas
and New Jeropy. Ho concluded;
No Hliite enn afford to let n popular iln
miiml for libraries rilo out for wnnt of siisto
Initio,'. N'n Mluti enn nffnril to lcL I ho li
brary movement within Its borders fritter
Krrmont Colored People Dnnce.
FUHMONT, Neb., Dec. 26. (Special.)
A ball given last evening at Markey's halt
wns tho event of tho season among thi
in viiln attempts on tho pnrt of Afro-Amorlcans of this city nnd vicinity, who liavo been niv friends for ten ye.irn. 1
mar on nnrontieii ror Ravine n worn oi u
personal nnturo. Flvn tlnirK you have
llDiiii 111 the Miiiih- Mpof.
It was nftcr 10 o'clock when tho dinner
was finished nnd tho speaking began, Mr.
Bryan, whoso subject wns "Principles
Live," sold In part:
At this banquet, surrounded by neighbors
licimvolent hut llniinclnlly weak nrgaiilza- A rakewalk occupied a conspicuous plnco
tllMin tit I H i MM 111 tUlll.ll 1 1 Willi I 1111 tV II Wl in I n l. ... . I .1,. I I. nnm
which dn not iinmerlv helonir to them. on tll(! Program and wns danced by com-
The duty of tho Htnto to foster nnd de
velop free Dublin libraries Is ciulte na Ini-
lienttlvn its Is tho duty of tlm stnte to foster
nnd ilnvelon fro nublto hl'IiooIh. Tho rt'ii
zoning which lies Ml the Imsii of our public
fichool sytitem also sustnliiH tb nuper
rtructtirc of that HyHtem thw public library.
If It Is worth anything to n stnto to linvn
mi eilticntetl citizenship It Is worth morn
to lmvo n well-bred, intelligent, happy,
home- ovine citizenship: and what more
directly to the purpose than the free public
iinrnry r 'i iio hcikioim tnni com us ho niui'ii
money nnd iir worth far morn than they
cost unfortunately lose their hold upon n
largo majority of tho children of the state
before thoy reach tho crucial age of 15. A
vital question for the citizen is: Should tlm
education which makes for good citizenship
pernio at tho very point tit which thu nerlous
business of Ufa first projects Itself upon
tho younif mind? Statistics everywhere
confirm tho conclusions of the criminolo
gists that tlio blossoming period of crlm-
notltivo couples. An elaborate supper was
served and thcro wero colored pcoplo pres
ent from Norfolk, Schuylor and Omaha.
C. H. Johnson of this city wns master of
ceremonies nnd hnd chargi of tho floor.
(leiieroiin Wn- of Olelirnt Iiik
STHLLA. Neb., Dec. 26. (Special.) Mr.
anil Mrs. H. K. Clark gave a novel and
voted for me for nubile oilier twlco ur
congres, once for the I'nlted States ueni'te
ntul twice for the presidency nnd no entidl
date ever received more loyal eupport than
you nnvo given.
Whether 1 shall ever bo a eiitidldatn for
otllce again is n iiuestion which must be
determined by event. No one can spenk
with rcrtnlnty of tlio future, for on'n
destiny Is not known until his life's work
Is complete. T shall be content If It Is my
lot to aid In the triumph of the principle.!,
looks to his retirement from the field of
netlvo politics.
Tho other speakers and their toasts were.
"Commercialism n Menaco to Liberty." W.
M. Morning, Lincoln; "Tho Press," 11. T.
Met calf, Omaha, "What Fusion Has Done
for Nebraska," Governor V. A, Poyutcr,
"Our Friends ivt Homo and Abroad," ltev.
T. W. C. Cheeserann, Ashland: "Tho Drama
of Politics," Congressman A, C. Shallcu
bcrger; "Reorganization," David Overmeycr,
Knnaus; "The Reorganization Hypocrisy,"
J. U. Ladd, Illinois.
Mr. Bryan leaves tomorrow for a tour
of Kancas and Toxns, combined with which
will bo a hunting trip along the Gulf of
Mexico near Galveston. Ho will return to
Nebraska In time to speak at Omaha on
January 7, and at Chicago January 8.
Table of SlnllMIcA NIiouIiik Value of
I'roduotK War lino Witnessed
(rent Advancement.
liMAtm'nnn. fl. 1).. Dee. 2i!. fSnirlnH
Tho output of gold from the Black Hills
for the year 1900 win be about ?lo,uuu,oou,
wMk lu tsnrt fiftO mnrn thnn It warn Innt vpnr.
Tho year has been n profitable ono In u
great many ways, Important discoveries
of new oro bodies have been made; new
mining districts have been opened up; Im
portant experiments havo been made with
tho cyanide, clcctro-chlorluatlng and other
processes; rnro mlnoralrt havo been found',
fifteen cyanide plants havo been erected;
the Homestnko company has ndded n third
to Its capacity; capitalists have been free
to Invest nnd the mining resources of tho
Black Hills have become especially attrac
tive, both In tho east nnd tho west.
Tho valuo of tho other products from
tho Hills amounts to nhuut $500,000. The'
following tablo has been prcpnrcd by Tho
Bee's correspondent:
Gold $10,000,0.00
Silver 3n0,i0
U'1 i.. fAOOO
10, WO
10.0. 0
Spoil umenn
( oppi
commendable Christmas entertainment nt vvhllo others enjoy the honor nnd bear tlt
.. , , i . I responsibility of ofllce. . The holding ct
their homo Christmas afternoon. Every pu,',ll(, position should he nn Incident nn 1
child In town under 10 yenrs'of age was
Invited nnd more thnn 100 ucccptcd tho
Invitation. Besides candy and ortinges
each child was given two toys. Tho dis
tribution of presents occupied an hour.
not tho extreme for thr citizen. It xh'Ul'il
not bo nn end, but the moans for the ac
complishment of n purpoFe.
The presidency seemed desirable because
It would have enabled tne to give effective
nld to certain reforms which I believe,
to be necessary to tne pun'ic weirore, nn:
defeat even n second defeat does not
lessen my Interest in this reform nnd tlm-
The rvimmnner will ulvo me nn oppor
tunity to pnrtlclpato In public discussions
nnd T nm rure that an editorial poMtlou
will furnish as much Intellrctunl enjoyment
ns 1 could have found In the White Houso
and In addition thereto give mo moro tlniu
Gold Itrlekft In Soup Wrappers
NEBRASKA CITY, Dec. 26. (Special.) ninv urovo that my work Is to advocate
tn'tiiitv iu luiiu'onn ,' i v nr., i thiriv yen nt I Several of tho crocors in this city wero rather than to execute.
of age and thu criminal's training yenrM "taken in" tho early part of tho week by
iTodTnn w,oo,nVlni;o.,,K;a?.,r,hrBh0t .ses; oUi yom,K, raan r,h0 rTn,lei 1,(5
to that dangerous period of notion begin- selling soap at greatly reduced prices,
nlnir inrlv In the twenties. The community After the sonn bad been delivered nnd
.'c'ens'sWil'."?.!!:! ?ffVrreS,,rry,:!i.!Silt,,JU P.ala ' young mar, had left town for home pleasures
thcreforo virtually licensed nrotnei nnu "..u, un.v.v. Trne ilo the lMnlform.
s,ur,uV,?.othV,Vug.;,,Vho av.- ty... ...u. . ..sw
fniei nr. refnrmlnir nnil e nvutlnir lnfluonco T.vnvs vl, ner. Pit ftlnrnlnl.lTl.n '10 !asK campaign still lUe, nnd we. wno
V ' ii. ., ,i. ,L V,;,; ..v. "'", -- live in mem, must now ngnt nir iiicm. n
pense bill for criminals and paupers urn
so iipscrvea ill.! umiji iil. i m itoiu "' . - - y ,, . ,,lr. nnnlteil
awrui consequences or ci-iniiniuuy. i ne wiped out. t,yons was cxircmeiy ioriuuuio Tli iiellevrri In Jnrlrf reform did not
stnto tbat no enort to hnB no .. , ii bu, tuo citizens niMnrt,,n h,.ir fnith when the liluh tariff
n?''n" rH '" T'.'A8" i ! H.'n",.fir.' -.or.!:ur".: k,m i.u nn eimnrnu. sn nn rhrl.tmn. ex. doctrine was upheld at the polls neither
thinking and right living wl
reach of nil Is throwing aw
tunlty of the ages.
I'leiitv of Sienna In Sight.
Surely tlm state whoso proud boast
G mini Defeat l'lattnmonth.
Is WEKPINO WATER. Nob.. Dec. 26. (Sno-
Zl I'Mffi will.",1,!,1,0 Tn': foot tall olv.n,
other lcglsliituro come mul go wltliotit de- e"'8 '"ulf " "
niiinrllni:. In tones which shall command finted horo by n tenm nicked from Con:-
resnect. tlio passage or a law v men sunn pfiny j, of tho Guards, tho score standing when nil parties denounced combinations
mnko It possible for every city and town ' ' . . t.undnnc0 nt tho Eamo wna In restraint of trmle. Shnll we give up tho
to havo n library. , 1- n 1,10 antnuanco ni mo gamo wns ( )t bcU1Fp monopoly has triumphed bv
With your rornerlbs filled to overflowing, nlout 500. stealth? Must wo now advocate an Im-
In spite of the platform declarations of till
parties In favor of n dotib'e standard. Shall
we who believe lu bimetallism loso courage
linrniixn our otmolicnts have profited by
an Increased volume of money thnn ml
mlttlng the economic principle for which
we nave Deen contending r
The defenders or trusts did not lose nenn
?rour dairies thriving, your cnttln multiply
ng nnd fast breeding up toward higher
standards, your Interest rate steadily low
rlnir. votir Imnk ilenoslls riinldlv Increas
Inir. votir farms and homes everywhere
coming out from under the shadow of thu
mortgage, your schoolH anil colleges throb
bine with the now llfo of twentieth century
Furpose, surely tho lime Is fully come for
he adoption of n broad nnd llhcrnl library
policy In your state. Surely the least tho
stnto of Nebraska enn do In this direction
Is to plnco Itself iu lino with Its sister
states In prcparatloi for twentieth century
achievement, Is to put into the field u
strong and helpful library commission,
backed by n well-equipped traveling li
brary system, thus making It not only pos
sible hut ensy for every community within
Its borders to connect Itself with tho great
outsldn world or thought nnd activities,
niiMHllile for every citizen to feel COUrslnir
through his veins the llfcblood of tho
world's great master thinkers und doers,
J. I, Wyer, president of tho association,
then gavo n few notcB on library progress
In Nebraska during tho last year. Ho men
tinned tho establishment of public libraries
nt Albion nnd Fnlrbury, tho gift of $10,000
for tho York library and tho establishment
of tho first branch of tho Omnhn public
Stale Tenehem' Meeting,
Tho first sessions of the annual convention
of tho Nebraska Stnto Teachers' association
wero held this afternoon with an attendance
-Tho Modern Woodmen's camp hero has
arranged to glvo a "Twentieth Century
Ball" on tho ovenlng of December 31, that
Is to bo ono of the most olnborato functions
ever undertaken In Ucnslngton.
perlnl policy because our opponents have
To Ilanee Out the Old Century. W" 11 victory by denying tlmt tne ,110
BENNINGTON, Neb., Dec. 26,-(SpecInl.) ViVA , X'nV.S. mV ntanS
m-.i i i,. M,.u,c,"" i . :..: ;...
tne people win wmcrcmim inc- nn ,,,...
the system Is put Into operation. If we
were to consult our Immediate convenience
nnd comfort we would never oppose wnmp
nf nnv fciinl. for nil warfare Involves n
tempornry sacrince, nut. wns i "n -eminent
and must be transmitted tin m
pnlred to posterity. Wo have no choice
therefore, but to stnnd bteadfast, come
what may. . ,
If we are successful In reversing prcent
tendencies and In carrying tho povernment
tn i a ,.i,i rmimlntlntm we shall relolce it.
,i. nmi Tirnilf liv the reforms fo
cured. I nm contldent that wo shall ultll
mately win, nut if tne trcnn lowan v u,
tocrncy cannot be clieeKed it is still uene:
thnt we snouiil or neie-iien in a mki
.n ...o- til..,, tlmt we should 1o!n hnm
with those who uro Ignoring tho Inallcnab:
rights of man.
I'll n K at tSrover Cleveland
John W. Kern of Indiana spoko to th
toast. "The HiuiK and File." no saiu i
Thn ilnmnrrarv of Hendricks was til'
democracy of the Knnsas City convention
IT living, nis voicu wuum ii . i uiih
in tho last cnmpalgn In behulf of thos
i.rlniilllriil 11 ivnvn lll'lll- 111 Ills llt'illt. till
whllo tho democratic party Is still the con
servatlvo party, ns ii was in win '
IlendrtcKS and is lis reuuy now .in .inn
strive to find common ground upo
which nil democrats wno nuueve in coi
.iiiniiniiiil crnvernment may stand In con
lng conflicts, it Is todny holding no imrloj
with deserters, lis purs ;iru uiuini iiKunr
words of ndvlco gratuitously offered by a
Wo havo received u copy of tho new al
manac for luoi published ny tno Hoyni
Baking Powder Co. It Is nn nrtlstlc and
useful book and will bo of Interest to
housekeepers. Wo aro authorized to say
thnt any woman reader of Tho Bee can
socuro a copy without cost by sending a
request to tho company nt 100 William
street, Now York.
iy it i till, in, ............................
miwr. mined for shlnmellt
I'alnt pigment
Total $10,I7VXK)
Tho mining of tin, copper und mien will
undoubtedly enter largely Into the output
of tho coming year. Thus far, all three
of these Industries hnvo been moro or less
In the experimental stnge. Thero nro at
present six largo compunles developing copper-bearing
properties, with very favorable
prospects. Ono company has been organ
ized for the purpose of developing u tin
property In Benr gulch nnd several deals
arc pending on other tin-bearing proper
ties In different arte of the Hills. The
mining of mica hns already become quite an
Industry lu tho southern Black Hills. It
Is reasonable to expect that tho output of
gold for 1901 will lo Increased by $3,000,000.
Month DnUotn'N Hdiientnrs Hold Three
Ne unions 13ery Tn eiity-Kinir
Honrs In Yniiktnn.
YANKTON, S. ll, Dec. 2C (Special Tele
gram.) About 2S teachers arrived today
for tho meeting f tho Stnte Educational
association. Many county superintendents
arrived yestcrdayi
Today was glvpi up to threo sessions.
Soventy-flvo weraj present nt tho opening
session nt 9 o'clci'k this morning. Presi
dent Barnnrd rea an address followed by
n forcible paper on "Concontratloa of Ru
ral Schools," by Emily F. Whlto; n talk
by Superintendent Hughes and a paper by
Nlun Small and Superintendent II. Pot
ter. At tho nftcrmon session Superintend
ent Forsco HnmU't discussed tho duties
of tho superintendent, visiting schools
and Superintendent Fonknnnon nnd J. Mc
Phcrson read ablo papers on changes In
our school laws.
Superintendent Fonlcnnnon was elected
president of tho superintendents' depart
ment of tho nssoclntlon nnd was also up
polntid n member of the legislature com
mlttco to lobby for changes In school laws.
May Farrell was elected secretary. Can
didates for tho presidency of tho associ
ation so far In tho field are Georgo M.
Smith, professor of pedagogy In tho State
university, and Alex Strnchan of Deadwood.
Smith nt present seems (o be tn the lead,
but there Is a strong opposition which may
defeat him If the field unites on uonio
other good man.
(Continued from First Pago.)
Several of the Lancaster county delegation
look with favor upon tho candidacy of
Senator Stcolo of Falrbury for this pobI
For secretary of tho senate Lancaster
county will present the name of ex-Son'
nlnp -T P li MnKunflnn nf Emftrnlil. Mr.
exceeding that nt any corresponding period McKe8gQ ha8 Bl;rve(j ln uoth branches of
of any convention ever held by tho as- lho ,CK,8,ttUtro n8 u0iegato from this
ocuuion. uy noon over i.uu uuiegiurB miu , A w,m . ,,,,,. r .,.
enrolled nnd tho nftornoon trains brought I n.ii m t ai,. in-r, i.i .iMmnerats who vote tho rcpubllci
In several hundred moro. Secretary Fowler ',,""., ' , ' , ' .J vnnr hnK w ticket, or. by those In tho great Hivwrf
of tho executive committee said this after- "" "n"ii,i7 . V...!- K
noon that Indications polntod to a record
breaking attendance. Iist year 835 tench
era enrolled and It Is believed that that
flguro will bo oxcoedfd by at least 200
Tho meetings today wore largely prellml
but whllo In tho city recently he Informed
his friends tlmt ho had no Intention of en
tering tho race. J. II. Langford of North
Platto would accept either tho chief clerk
ship tn tho houso or the secretaryship of 1
tho senate.
Candidates mentioned for chaplain of the
houso nro Rev. Preston of Mil ford and J,
W. Jcflrlcs, u colored minister of this city.
Tho latter has tho Individual endorsement
of every member of the Lincoln Ministerial
Indian Heats Ills Wife In llrutnl Man
ner and Then Sculps Another
"Wo in ii n.
CHAMBERLAIN, S. D., Dec. 26. News
hns reached tho city from tho Brulo In
dian agency that Hnndsomo Elk beat his
squaw in :i brutal manner with a neck
yoke. It Is thought tho squaw will die.
Elk then seized another Indian woman,
Bcnr Bird's daughter, nnd scalped her.
Then nrmlng himself with his rifle and
other flrcnrms ho went Into tho hills a
short distance from his homo nnd left word
that friend or foe must not approach him.
No .More hour Stomach,
When you're constipated, undigested food
rots tn your stomach llko garbage In a
bwIU barrel. Clean It out with Cascarcts
Candy Cathartlo! 10c, 25c, 50c.
Mlelilgrnn Ludy'N Iliittle with Ills
eiifte and How It Wnit Won.
FLUSHING, Mich., Dee. 26. (Special.) association. Ho Is pastor of tho ZIon Bap
Ono of tho most activo workers In tho causo tlst church.
f Tcmporauco and Eoclal Reform In Mich
Igan Is Mrs. P. A. Pnssmoro of this place,
Bho Is a prominent and very enthusiastic
W. C. T. U. woman, nnd ono who never
loses nn opportunity to strlku n blow against
tho demon of Intemperance. Mrs, Pnssmoro
has suffered much bodily pain during tho
last threo years through Kidney and Bind
dor Trouble. At times tho pnlu was al
most unbearable, and tho good lady waa
very' much distressed. Sho tried physician
after physician, nnd each In turn failed to
rellovo her, let nlono affoftct a euro. Homo
remedies suggested by anxious friends were
applied, but all to no purpose. At last some
oue in iviuiiey t ins as n ,,, , ii ,,
in thnt mighty contest only n painful n
.llatrnsnltlLf Nit ll.1t inn.
u.... . .- ...... .... 1.
There is no occasion lor crimtnniinn nit
recrimination, " botwecn democrats, lit
tliero should alwnys be generous nnd i
trlotlc rivalry ns to who will render
must effective service In the work of bin
lng up tho party organization and strengji-
ening tno party noes ior mo coming cii-
met. I
(irnttiltniiH Counsel Not WnutedJ
Ho spoko in pralso of Olnoy, Hill, Cm-
ran, John DeWItt Warner, Pnttlson, o
Clttro, Oormnn, Wattorson nnd other Id
democrats for their courso In the to
campaign nnd "their patriotic pro! ts
against the ndvanco of tho hosts of n-
pcrlallsm," nnd continued:
It Is In no spirit of bitterness, howor.
that I add that thero wero n lew pi,
once prominent In democratic ranks, fio.
In the midst of nil the stormy sceinl of
this mighty contest, roinnlned nnni'cd
nnd silent, except that now und thoqlwy
tooK occasion to mrnisii aid nnn coi ort
to tho enemy by making public i dnl
thnt they wero In sympathy with tho uo
of tho people or to oxprcis their n ts
that such "painful nnd dlitresslng" I ties
were bnforo tho peonle. For the rn of
fiitni ulfnrA nf tlin nnrtv f olin nt-
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 20. Tho Evening tempt no lmrHh criticism of the couir of
Telegram today says: them gentlemen, but I will not f'trnr
Plans, for thu reorgnnlzatlon of tho r,'i'i ,VnrUe l tV n'n v t m,V a .
seen io innni npoiine
democrats wno ragnt
kept tho faith sin fall
I'eiuiftylviinlii Ciiinpiiny Aunonnocn
I'lniift Cnllluic for iNHiinuce . of
lfO,niU,(MII) ln Stock.
. . . . ... .. l'ennsylviinla Steel company wero com- ...iiinh thev mnv so
great Remedy for nil Kidney nnd Bladder pleted today and will shortly he submitted nVlinon of loyal '
Diseases, and Mrs. Passmore decldiM to try to tho stockholders. Tho company owns tj,o good flcht nnd 1
Uiem. She did, and Is now a well woman. "t?!.tc,1.,.?.,.V. "5nF H.u.rj:1.Mb.urK.'.. '!!!d. upon reluctant enrs.
Ehe hns given tho following statement for nil tho capital stock of th'o Mnrylnnd Steel Tlle speaker asserted that the rarjnnd
publication: company und of the Baltimore & Sparrow's file of the party In 1900 wns tho samrnnk
At different times In tho past threo years, I!"1 LTiff jirSu'iran IS "wl fl, V0,lnB for btmotaUUm and arlff
.... i... ,-i . .rlo.9K OI Jurugun iron compnn: I ,.,.,, bc iocs ,.a icno I
iiu.u suiivivii Duiviiu wna nullify mm (limited), a corporation owning and ope-
Bladder Troublo, and after trying four of rating Iron mines In Cuba, "It Is tho rank and file,"
the best physicians I could hear of. two ...Pf. I'i'B'lS referred stock to bo Is- "which, tired of the domlna
f them living In tho State of Now York. 1 Tho ouutandlnK inferred And common men ln 1856 "trrolly took posscsn of
found myself no better. 1 took any amount stocks of the Pennsylvania 8teel compuny, the democratic party nnd made It litvery
f homo remedies suggested by kind friends. rr VWt ap&y SCnBe Party f th PCPl0"
with little or no relief from anything, 1 nnd Maryland Steel company. $1,000,000 for Tribute to W, J. Ilrynn.
decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. Less
than one box hns done mo moro good than
11 tho other treatments combined, I am
till using thorn, anil enn say from cx
pcrlenco that the are an excellent Reme
y for Kidney and Bladder Trouble. I
would heartily recommend them to all those
uttering from these Ills In like manner.
Flushing, Mich.
When physicians and all other methods
pf treatment have failed, try Dodd's Kid'
By Pills. What they did for Mrs. Pass
as ' , x :x el u.. vi'r.vr.. i r:"1:0 m conclusion ho said
other urtlcliM useful to tho compuny nnd sP?H,nrT for tho democracy of illaria
$8,000,000 for providing fundB for working I"'1' 1 believe, for the rank nnd niOf tho
capital for Improvements nt Sparrow's democracy everywhere, I want tony to
i-uiiii nnu ui meeuon lino ior sucn outer U . """
Improvements us may bo deemed advisable. Pnr' . organization or reoninnlzatl that
llrhiK Suit on Life Piimira,
NOnWALK. O.. Dec. 26. William IT
Price, president of the Norwalk Savings
bank, nnd wife brought suit today against
the Sandusky. Milan & Norwalk Electric
naiiway company on nccount or the can
cellation of life passes thnt had been Is
sued to them by tho company. Mr. Price
usks for $5.UO damages nnd Mrs. Price for
more, they will do for any one similarly "P.eclllp performance of contract, It being honored other leaders, it loves I'illlam
-filleted. alleged that the passes were Issued for vol- Jennings Bryan and will tohrate Action
any nttcmpt, In nny quarter, at any me, lo
neiiuie me Millennia nnn uproio sero ren
dered by that magnificent lender ni'grand
trlbuno of tho people, William finings
Bryan, tn the campaigns of 1S96 nn.000, or
to cast stigma or repronch uponllm ln
nny degree, however slight, will mt with
quick and stern rebuke from thetlllloPH
of democrats who followed his bner In
those memorable contests, while n rank
nnd file of tho great democratic nty nai
liable considerations,
which "ontemplates his humllfiou or
l'orefiiliern' Day at Huron.
HURON, S. D., Dec. 26. (Special.) Tho
thirteenth annual celebration of Fore
father's day, conducted by Huron Congro
gatlonnlists, was n happy affair. A supper,
nfter the custom of New Englnndcrs, wns
served In tho opera Iioubo and several hun
dred people enjoyed tho spread, after which
a number of tonsts nnd responses wero
given. Interspersed with vocal and Instru
mental music. Rev. Charles A. Brand was
innster of ceremonies. Tho first speaker
was Rev. H. S. Wilkinson of tho Methodist
church, who spoko of "The Men of Now
England," (loorgo E, McEathron told of tho
progress along commercial lines In tho
west ns compared with tho east; the old
settlers were represented by Major Collin
and tho early churches of Huron wero
spoken of by Rev. E. II. Grant, whllo F.
M. Wilcox told of early railroading In
Huron nnd Bendlo county.
I'lerre Ury (iiindx .Store Closed.
PIERRE, S D., Dec. 20. (Special Telo
grnm.) Tho dry goods storo of Mrs. W.
Fay was closed by tho sheriff today on nn
attachment secured by Hood, Faulkrod &
Co of Philadelphia for n clnlm nmountlng
to $3,800. Thero nro other claims which
will mnko tho totnl indebtedness between
$10,000 and $12,000. Tho stock Is valued
nt from $15,000 to $20,000 and, whllo It Is
Impossible to secure nny statement In the
matter, It Is bolloved thnt all tho claims
can bo settled nnd the business continued.
YV'ltneMH Doesn't Ifiideratnnd.
ABERDEEN, S, D., Dec. 26. (Special.)
A Russian named Casper Noldor, who failed
to nnsvor questions put him on tho wit
ness stand, wna Jailed for contempt of
court. It now nppcars that tho witness
really know nothing of what was nsked
nnd ho threatens to bring suit ngalnst tho
officials for falso Imprisonment. Mr. Ncldor
has not taken out his papers and Is still
a subject of tho rzar.
llunkN Coiimillilnte,
ABERDEEN, S, D., Dec. 26. (Special.)
Tho Citizens' bank of Ellendalo and tho
bank of tho F. II. Gannon Banking company
havo been consolidated, the Citizens' bank
retiring nnd taking n half Interest ln the
Gannon bank. F. B. Gnnnon will continue
as president, ncttng also as president of
tho First Nntlonnl bank of Aberdeen.
Kimivllle'i. Ri-Miuiir llniikriMit,
KNOXVILLE, Tenn.. Dee. 2U-A petition
In bankruptcy was filed In the United States
court here today by Melvln K. Thompson
nnd his brother, who wero formerly In busi
ness hero. Liabilities $198,fti0; assets, $128
Melvln E. Thompson was twice mayor of
limp In Teinprriitnre . llli I'nlr Shir
und .Northerly Wind I'rrdleled
for .NeliriiUu Tniluj.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 26. Forecast for
Thursday nud Friday:
For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kan
sasFair and colder Thursday! Friday fair!
northerly winds,
For Iowa and Missouri Fair Thursdny
nnd Friday; colder; southerly winds, be
coming northerly.
For North Dakota Fair Thursday nnd
Friday; northerly winds.
For ColoradoFair Thursday! colder In
southeast portion; Friday fair; variable
For Wyoming Snow Thursdny; Friday
fair; winds mostly northerly.
For Montana Fair Thursday; colder In
eastern portion; Friday fair; fresh west
lo north winds,
For Oklahoma nnd Indian Territory
Partly cloudy Thursday; rain or snow and
colder nt night or Friday; winds becoming
For Illinois Fair Thursday nnd Friday;
colder Frldny; southwest winds, becom
ing fresh northwesterly.
For Arkansas Fair Thursday; Friday fair
and colder; variable winds.
For Now Mexico Fair Thursday; Friday
fair nnd colder; vnrlablo winds.
For Western Texas Fair Thursday; Fri
day fair and colder, except possibly rnln
or snow Thursdny night or Friday in tho
Panhandle; vnrlablo winds becoming north
erly. I.nciil lteeord.
OMAHA, Dec. 2H. OUlclal record of tem
perature nnd precipitation compared with
the corresponding duy of tho hint threo
1000. U9D. Ifc98. H97.
Maximum tempcratiiro .. 3!) 10 If! 26
Minimum temperuturo .. !i:t 6 in 16
1'roclpltiitlnn T T M .0)
Mean temperature 31 1.1 32 21
Record of temperature) nud precipitation
nt Omaha for this day nnd since March 1,
Normal temperature IS
Excess for the day 13
Total excess since March 1 1121
Normal precliiltatloti i3 Inch
Deficiency for the day 0.1 Inch
Totnl rainfall since Mnr. 1 Inchon
Excess slnco March 1 It! Inch
Dellcleney for cor. period. 1S39 4 Vi Inches
uelictcticy ior cor. period, imis. .3,1,4 incite
IteiiorlN from Stilt Iimin nt H !. M.
1 u 1
2 eg ft
: 3 : S S
Omaha, cloudy
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, cloudy
Salt Luke, cloudy
Rupld City, partly cloudy ....
Huron, clear
Wlillston, partly cloudy
Vhlcngo, clear
St. Louis, partly cloudy
St. Paul, snowing
Davenport, snowing
Kansas City, clear
Helena, snowing
Havre, cloudy
Bismarck, clear
Galveston, pnitly cloudy
T Indicates traco of precipitation. Zero.
Local Forecast OUlclal.
:o 3:1 T
30 4S .00
2!i Xi .00
34 38 T
32 40 .00
26 40 .(O
S 12 .00
22 26 .00
SB 3.S .00
26 2fi T
26 26 .00
3.S 44 .00
28 31 .W
at so .01
X 2fi .00
62 CI .00
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature f
See PaoSlmlU Wrapptr Below.
HAYDENs Pre,vee7ory
Xmas Slippers and Leggings
Every pair of
Xmas slippers
or leggings go
on sale now regardless of
cost or value.
LADIES' lino felt house slippere, on wile nt 75c,
J)8f, !?t.l0 nnd 1.48 worth $1.25 to $2.25.
MISSES' line felt house slippers, only 34c, 5fle,
nud J)Sc worth C5e to ?L.fi0.
CIIILDUEN'S tine felt house slippers, only 34c,
49e und Sue worth (!e to $1.25.
MEN'S line velvet; embroidered slippers, only 05c,
73c, 85e und l)8e worth $1.00 to $1.50.
MEN'S tine leather slippers, only 90c, $1.00, nud
$1.25 worth $1.25 nnd $2.00.
Leggings and Overgaiters
Ladies' fine Jersey leggings, 75c und OSc
Misses' line $1.00 Leggings, only 75c
Children's 85c Leggings, only 00e
Boys' 75c canvas felt lined leggings, only 40c
Women's 50c 7-button overgaiters, only 23c
77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 25
Tmt Ball and a euf
to take matngwtk
Tours lo Florltla, Key
West, Cuba, llermuda, Old
Mexico, tho Mediterranean
und Orient.
Kates for tlio round trio to
many points south on sale
llrst and third Tuesday
each month.
To Hot Springs, Ark., tho
famous Winter Itcsort of
America, on salo every day
In tho year.
Tickets now on salo to nil tho winter ro
EortB of tho south, good returning until
Juno 1st, 1901. For rates, dcscrlptlvo mat
ter and pamphlets and all other Information
call at O. & St. Louis Ticket Offlce, 1410
Farnam St., (I'axton Hotel llulldlng.) or
Harry E. Moores,
C P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb.
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As an
There is nothing
like an Education
A college education costB a great many dol
lars, but tho man with a good dictionary at his
elbow has a good education behind him.
Hot Springs, Ark.
The Favorite
Winter Resort
For Information, pamphlets nnd books on
the springs, call at
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
cures every kind of couKh. la ifrlpre, lronchltlK,
bore throat, croup, whooplnn cough, etc Never
deruni'muoKouiach. At DrueBlnts, lOiKc
Is the Latest and Best Dictionary.
The cost is low only $7,
The book is new,
It is well edited some of the
ablest men of the day have
contributed time and ability
to it
It is complete containing 300,
000 words, No other dictions
ary has so many,
It is standard can be relied
upon for both definition and
There are a great many other things which
could be said of the work, but if interested,
on tho Megeath Stationery Company,
Farnam etreot, and examine a copy. You
agree with us in admiring the work.
We'll let you in
on the ground floor
There are advantages in being
there with your office, particu
larly If you are in a tire-proof
building like
Wo hayo two UrKo offices, one factor nuun Btnrt, tho other
foventeenth street Uoth 1ivb laria bornlar-prxxjf tuIU plnty 4
hoU The beet Janitor Mrrteo la the eHy always.
Rental Agents. Ground Floor, Bee Bulldlnj.
1 -'
ZX v
. tn
-I v
A v
- V0
I v
l -v