Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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telephone 618-6SM.
Ileo, Dec. 26, 1900.
Balance of
Must Go.
Monday'8 sale on dress goods
remnants avuh the greatest sale we
ever had. However, after the great rush and hurry we find a
great many colored dress goods remnants have been overlooked,
ltather than invoice them the first of the year, we will place
them on sale next Thursday morning at next to nothing in
price. When we decide to do that in this store, the past selling
price; or even the cost price is not thought of. Our aim is to
make such prices that will get you here. These prices ought
to do that. Hundreds of remnants to select from.
Wmtern League Magnate Opens Hit Kaniaa
City Campaign Promptlyi
gmjm He Wilt Hare Ilia Tram in
Bnalneaa, Mannlna; or .No Maii
nlti, and That Up Will Ask
,o Qneatlona.
$1.70 for 4 yds. silk and wool novelty,
former selling price, If cut from tho
piece, U.00 a yard.
$1.20 for .1 yrl8. all wool plaid, furmnr
telling price, If cut from piece, $1.00
a yard.
$1.10 for 6 1-6 yds. all wool suiting, for
mer EollInK price, If cut from tho
plcco, 65c yard.
$1.90 for C 3-8 yds. hair striped suiting,
former soiling price, If cut from the
piece, $1.25 yard.
a $1.75 for 4(4 yds. whipcord suiting, for
mer Helling price, If cut from tho
ploce, $1.00 u yard.
KANSAS CITY, Oec. 26. (Special Tele
gram.) President Thomas J. Hlckoy and
Magnate Ocorgo Tebeau of tho western
league arrived In Kansas City this morn
ing full of fight and confident of the West
ern league's new venture. They are hero
to mako preliminary arrangements for the
now Western Leaguo team which Is to be
established In this city, and Tcbcau had no
sooner entered the Hotel Baltimore; than
ho was surrounded by local newspaper
men who were on tho lookout for him.
$1.E0 for 4U yds. mixed suiting, former After asiurlnc them ho was here to stay,
selling price, It cut from tho piece, Manning or no Manning, the former Den-
$1 00 a yard. ver magnate was out huntlnr. a alto for a
$1.60 for 6 3-4 yds. strlpod suiting, for- bsll park. Mem, the local brewer, Is will-
mcr selling price, If cut from tho ing to build, hut Tencau is not uausnca wun
plcco, 65c yard. tho location and expects to 6roct a park
88o for 44 yds. all wool xlbollne plaid, " 8 own' " nas som m were- s .u
UO UCnVCr ClUO, UUU UUlll uu mm nunc
former selling price, If cut from the
piece, 60c yard.
08o for 4 yds. striped Bhcpard's check
ed suiting, former soiling price, If cut
from the piece, 65o yard.
$2.25 for 64, yds. silk and wool novelty,
former selling price, If cut from the
piece, $1.00 a yard.
anntn van pobteii kid glows attj mcoaui PATTBruts.
Thompson, Beldem &Co.
afternoon to Bay that two weeks ago In
South Omaha Put Crowe had tried to bor
row $6 of him "to rent a houso and fit It
with window curtains and a gasoline stove. '
The man added that Crowo said he was
"dead broke," hut all he needed was a little
silver which would enable him to "turn a
big trick."
The chief discredits this story. "It l'at
Crowo wanted to borrow money," ho Bald,
"and. Intended to use It In renting a prison
house for a kidnaped boy, he wouldn't bo
telling Ids plans to tho man of whom he
solicited tho loan. He Is too smart to gtve
out any such tip as that In advance. And
besides, It wouldn't have been the best way
to get n loan from an honest man, as this
man obviously Ib. A better way would
have been to havo said, 'I want $0 to pay
my board until I can got a Job. I have a
promtso of work, but need n Itttlo money
to hold myself temporarily.' That Is tho
kind of talk Pat Crowe would have made,
or any other man under those circum
stances. He wouldn't havo said, 'I want to
rent a houso and buy curtains and a gaso
line stove,' when he knew that such In
formation would bo used against him later
on. No, I think tho gentleman who called
cn me yesterday mado up that story to fit
tho circumstances as ho read them in tho
newspapers and failed to make allowance
for tho fact that tho men who kidnaped
Kddlo Cudchy are not such fools as to tip
their hands In advance for the sake of $0."
Pollen Will Aliiiuiloii Unit Plume of
CiKr unci Kxert Tholr Kner
tiivu Hint-where.
remembers both tho animal and Its rider
very well. They crossed tho forry to tho
Iowa side, he says, about 4 o'clock Friday
evening, and gives u perfect description of
tho pony, so I know ho has tho pony In
say everything Is settled as far as they
aro concerned. They havo been given this
territory, and hero they will rctn.iln, no
matter If tho American leaguo puts a
dozen more teams here.
"Every team I havo ever led," said
Tebeau, "has been strictly In tho race and
I Intend giving Kansas City a winner If It
Is within my power to do so."
Neither Is making any wild talk, but
woro It not for Hlckey Tebeau would havo
tho American league and Its auxiliary
whipped Inside of ten minutes, but tho
league president holds the scrapping mag
nate in chock. Hlckey has a bad enso of
tho expansion fever. Ho Is not satisfied
with tho threo new additions, but wants
more, and If he succeeds in his plans the
ax will fall on one or raoro of tho present
league members. Prom hero ho goes to
Indianapolis and Loulsvlllo to look over
the ground and sound the base ball pub
He In regard to Western league ball.
"When our circuit Is completed," he
said. "It will bo fully as strong If not
mind that wo mean. The rider, he says,
was a light comploxloned man with a blondo utrongir than last year's American league
mustache, about 30 years old, 6 feet ? I u i. come9 to flEht the American will
30 years old, 5
InchoH tall, weight 1C0 pounds. He wore a
black suit of clothos and a black hat cor
crcd with a long slicker."
ASHLAND, Neb., Dec. 20. (Special.)
Charles It. Craig, a farmer living ucar
Kluiwood, Neb., and Miss Alice E. Young
of Ashlajd were married at tho residence
of the bride's parents hero Christmas night.
Hov. Hoscoo llarneB of Harvard, Neb., a
cousin of the bride, performed the cere
mony, assisted by Hov. Ocorgo M. Jones,
pastor of tho Methodist Episcopal church
of Ashland. Miss May Ilouck of Green
wood played the wedding march. Only the
relatives of tho contracting parties wero
present. The brldo is the daughter of the
Hon. T. T. Young, who represented Cass
county In tho legislature the last two ses
sions, having slnco removed to this city.
Tho newly-married couple will bo at home
to tholr friends near Elmwood after the
first of tho new year.
The llttlo bay pony down nt Pacific Junc
tion has ceased to be an Important factor
In tho kidnaping case. Whllo tho pollco
have not altogether abandoned tho theory
that It may havo been tho ono used by
the bamlltB, they havo decided to let that
phase of tlo matter rest for the present and
exort tholr energies elsewhere Mennwhllo
they hope Engineer Josoph Ooodrlch will
consent to relinquish tho animal for some
thing less than $5,000.
"Tho trouble with tho pony clue," said
Chief Donahue, "Is that there Is only
one witness besides tho boy, Frank Olynn,
who Is competent to Identify the animal,
and that Is It. K. Munshaw, and Mr. Mun
chaw tolls mo that he could bo by no
means posltlvo In his identification. Now,
tho boy has gone down thoro and has said
Mutt tho pony Is not tho one wo nro looking
for. I might go to tho expense ol sanding
Munshaw down, but the best ho could pos
sibly do would bo so say: 'It looks like the
pony tho man and woman drove who caino
to my houso to Inquire about renting tho
rottngo.' That would bo a very poor Identi
fication. It would simply bo his guess ns
ftgatost tho boy's guess.
"Mrs. James Schnclderwtnd might havo
been a witness on this point If she had
closely observed the pony driven by the
man and woman when they called to rent
her Grovor street house, but she didn't.
Farther than that the,'nnrso was a bay nnd
rather Bnviller than the) ewerngo sho could
not describe It.
"Thoro lo ono thing certain about that
pony It was shod for paved streets and
not for form work. The side corkB on Its
shoes establish that fact. Now that a
minute description of the animal has been
printed In all tho newspapers I hopo sotno
ono will recognize It soon and give us sumo
information na to Its history.
"For tho Inst four days detectives havo
been at work looking for the buggy to
which the pony was driven. A description
of It has been furnished by It. K. Munshaw."
Munllcraaa-Smlttif Ileat-Davla.
LYONS, Neb., Dec. 26. (Special.) J. W.
Shallcross and Miss Agnes Smith, both of
this city, were married at the homo of the
bride's parents last evening, Rev. J. V.
Millar, pastor of tho Presbyterian church,
officiating. Only relatives and Immediate
friends of tho contracting parties were
nrcsent. Mr. Shalicross Is n tonrlmr In thn
nubile schools and was formerly of nellfi- of CCB may be considered later,
-ue. Miss Smith Is tho .lmmhinr of Mr.. The Western league will bo conducted In
Mary E. (Lyon) Smith nnd n verv ooDuIar harmony with tho American, but will be In
Itlnmli Mnn Notion! liy l'orr) man.
Chlof Donahue has a report from the chlet
of pollco at Plattsmouth, which save: "t
have Interviewed tho man who runs tho
ferry nt this placo In regard to the buy pony
now being held nt Pacific Junction and h
find us ready to compete with It for the
services of players."
He would not say which cities will be
dropped If Louisville nnd Indianapolis are
taken In.
Manning leaves tomorrow night to attend
a meeting of tho magnntcs in Chicago.
J. A. K. Elliott and William Crosby shoot
a 100-blrd raco for the coBtlron trophy here
Han Johnson' Sew l.rnKtie.
CHICAGO, Dec. 26. The Western Lcngue
of Professional Daso Hall clubs will bo
launched nt the Oreat Northern hotel to
morrow. Half n dozen or more well known
managers and owners of clubs or promoters
will bo present.
Qeorgo W. Uurnham Is slated for tho
presidency, although It Is posslblo -another
and final effort will be mado to Induco Ilau
Johnson to allow his name to bo used. For
tho other officials thcro nro such men ns
Charley Stroebel of Toledo, Clarence SaulB-
paugh, former manager of tho Minneapolis
club In the American leaguo, and Thomas
J. Navln of Detroit.
Franchises will bo awarded Detroit, To
ledo, Minneapolis, Louisville, Kansas City
end perhaps Grand Kaptds. Those which
arc looked upon favorably, but will not
perhaps be taken In, are St. Paul and Min
neapolis. The latter will bo mado a mem
ber of tho company If Johnson decides not
to play a team thoro next season. Fort
Wayne, Springfield, O., and Omaha nro some
defender, which Is In process of construc
tion hero, was begun today A Iare amount
of clay find been banked around the keel
mould to keep It from spreading during
the cool nar nf ilin lrmi .mil rnn.ililerahli)
work wllj be necessary to remove this, Tho
next step will be cleaning and trimming
up me Keei. worn on tne angle lino lor
the smaller frame at bow nnd stern Is pro-
f treating rapidly, as Is the boring nf boit
loirs In the Tobln bronze plates for the
hull. The larger nnrte Irons for the mid
ship section nre expected to arrive tonight
and the work of setting up the boat's
frame will be commenced as soon as tho
Keel is ready.
Kxprrt Harry Varilnn Drclnren Tlint
I'layrra and Llnka In lulled Ptnten
Arc Mot Up to Ilia Standard.
LONDON, Dec. 27. Harry Vardon, who
was a passenger from New York on tho
steamer Majestic. In the course of an Inter
view at I.lvornnnl ma, thf American Deotile
nan ircaieu mm most nospltaniy, uui mar.
me American goircrs nael sun tnucn to
learn, as neither tho players nor tho links
were up 10 mark, lie itiumaieu mar. ne in-
tiiuvu tu iriurn io wie l iim-u oihivb buvu.
but hnil not decided whether ho would
settle there.
Clnulnnntl Plants Are OCT.
NKW YOnK, Dec. 2fl.-WItllam A. llrady
mm nuernoon announced; mat tne ngni ne
tween Jumps .1 .TnfTHon mid Him fluhlln
scheduled to talc nlacn In Cincinnati ou
February 15, will not be permitted by tho
uuinoniieB or mat city, uraay saiu ne naa
received word to thin (.front from li offi
cials of tho club which Is to manage the
Hii&ir. urns hemp tho case, me douis ar
ranged for Kid McCoy and Tommy Ityan
and Terry McUovcrn and Kid Lnvlgtie are
declared on for the present. It Us said that
lerry sicGovorn will now make arrange
ments to go to England to fight Ben Jordan.
CINCINNATI, Dec. 26. The city officials,
as well an the officers and members of tho
Saengcrrcst Athletic club, nay there Is no
truth In the reports being circulated In
New York nnd elsewhere about tho tight be
tween J .!. .It'tTrlfa unit film TMllilln. Hi'hrd-
tiled for February 15 In Cincinnati, being
declared off, Those In charge of the ar
rangements urc proceeding with the re
modcllnir of thn tiler Supncrrfint hull nnd
with all other arrangements and they have
no Intimation of any changes whatever in
the program. Mayor Julius Flelschmnnn
stnted for publication tonight that ho had
given his word that he would Issue the per
mit for the fight and he proposed to do so.
President W. M. Hobnrt of the board of
directors of the Saengerfcst Athletic club
staled tonight that there wan no doubt
whatever about the light being pulled oft
hero in February uno he cannot under-
siuna wny wmium a. iirauy tins uecn mis.
advised or mlsnuuted In New York. Presl.
dent Hobart expects Manager llrady and
others here the first of next week. Ous
Kuhlln has tin ontlon for training nuarters
on the Kentucky Hide of the river, near tho
cuy. ana it was renorteu tnni .icnries would
train nt West Iladen. Ind. There Is bitter
opposition to tho fight hero on tho part
of certain neonln nnd some nf thnnp In
charge of the arrangements nuspect that
falso Information may have been sent to
llrady In the name of tho club by someone
who is not connected with It or In any man
ner authorized to speak for it. If there has
been any such trick It will bo ferreted nut
when Malinger linidy comes hero to confer
wun rresiucnt Hobnrt ana others.
Crowe Another Champion,
Michael Crowe, the locnl wrestler, lias
added to his laurels as chnmnlnr. of Ne
braska by wlnnlnir the Iown championship
from Frank Ootch. Mr. Crowo returned
yesterdny from Fort Dodec. where he met
Ootch and defeatc:! him by gaining two
inns out or mree. urowo tosx tne nrst rnu
n is'a minutes and won tho two succeed-
ng ones. Tho second full ho calncd in S
minutcH nnu inn nurd in zt minutes. .ir.
Crowo recognizes In Ootch one of tho hnrd-
est competitors he has ever met and takes
n deal oi paruonnoie prido in ins victory.
n case mere should ue n return match
'rowe Is confident of wlnnine It In much
ess tlmo tnan in this instance.
young woman.
Oreely nest nnd Miss OladdlB Davis wero
also united In inarrlago at the homo of tho
brldo's parents hero yesterday afternoon,
Rev. A. L. Oray, paBtor of tho Methodist
Episcopal church, officiating.
dependent of all other base ball organization.
Three nt Alnmvorth,
AINSWORTH, Neb., Dec. 26. (Special
Telegram.) Last night occurred tho mar-
Don I. nl, ni th n I.oiik I'rlec About
Him, Captnrea l.nnt liner nt Tnn
1'nran from Ilercnlenn.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 20.-The sport nt
rlago of Mlsa Rose Rathburn, daughter of Tnnfornn today was marked by closo
A. Rathburn, a ranchman, and A. Maurlco Anlfhea nnd the defent of favorites, five
Phni-ni, n.iiii.. nt m x ,. of them falling to connect. Wlnnlo O Con
Church, editor of tho Naper News. nor wflB , 0.qnPnPe. rhllnir three winners
This afternoon Miss Myrtlco Mycatt. and being second twice. Mounco nut two
dnughter of S. N. Mygatt, a wealthy ranch- over nt Kood prices. Don Luis, a 15 to 1
mnn nf Pino ninn nronin ,.,.i shot, wan tile purprlNo of tho day. lie
ErneBt Josoph Axtol Rico of Minneapolis,
Minn. At about tho same hour, In Alns-
worth, occurred tho mnrrlage of Mlsa
Amanda Relncrt, sister of Mr. George H.
beat Herculean, fnvorlte, for the lust rnco
In a drive. Weather tine and track good.
First race, five furlongs, selling: Montnl-
lade, 1W (Mounce). 8 to 1. won; Carter H.
Harrison, jr., iui tu uonnon, n ro l, seoonu;
Relncrt, a newspaper man of this city, to Maud Ferguson, 101 (linos), 10 to 1, third
nV'Awn. "T"' a yUDB ranCh,"an f Baint.?: KieVrItojndlle'v.
ate also ran
Second race, one mile, selling: Punll. 104
(Mounco). 10 to 1. won: Alas. 104 (O'Connor).
11 to 6, second: Imperious, 105 (J. Wood),
4,4 to 1, third. Time: 1:424. Uuckoy, Loth
ian, uyrn, Hociaust, aiary Kinseun, i,ou
Hoy, Mclkarth and Jolly lirltton also ran.
Third rnce. seven and one-hair furlongs:
Artllla. 104 (O'Connor), 4 to 1, won; Mnc
Oyle, 104 (J. Woods), oven, second; Hum
HUMBOLDT, Nob.. Dec. 26. (Special.)
Mr. Hen OrliiBtcnd and Miss Lottie Mc
Downe, two well known young peoplo of
nits city, drove over to Pawnee and wero
married by County Judgo Barton. They
will go to housekeeping at once In this Howard, 104 (J. Waldo). 4 to 1, third. Time;
city. Tho groom Is a son of Cnntaln i p 1:36- William P. Eight Dollars. Llzelln,
nrlnatB,i nl r-nJh... . muT'. Swcet Volco- Ooldilnder. Jim McClownn,
urinstead of Company A of tho Thirty- nnnotn kmumIi nnd i.niv Mmni nUn mn
second Infantry, now In tho Philippines, Artllfa and Sam Howard wero coupled in
ana mo nnae is a granddaughter of S. S. SV"- m ..,. w-
iuiu ui idiji;! uuu Jiiwii lunula., j i nini
107 (O'Connor), 8 to 5, won: Billy Moore, 100
(iiurnngnmo), w io 1, seconu; uouiiiib
invent, ii (.i. wukio), v to i, num. Time:
1:43. Sybarls. Klckum Hob, Mitten, St.
Wood nnd Hello Punch also run.
Fifth race, nvo and one-half furlongs:
115 (O Connor), G to 1, won; Eoulc,
io i, second; nau, lib (T.
third. Tlmo: 1:08. Courtier.
David 8. Argregor, Ilnthgar, Oscar Tolle,
f ollow aie nnu insinnie niso ran
White, with whom she has mado her home
ror years.
Mr. Charles P. Southard of Omaha nnd
Mrs. Lena A. Slmmerman of Papllllon wero Toah. 115 (0'C(
quietly marrlod at the homo of tho brldo Hn'.fn'r.8
on Saturday, December 22. Mr. Southard iiavldV Arcfc
Is connected with tho Union Fuel company
oi mis city.
What mro Humor?
They aro vitiated or morbid llulds cours
ing tho veins and nflectlng tho tissues.
They nro commonly duo to defective diges
tion but sometimes Inherited.
How do they manifest themselves?
In many forms of cutaneous eruption,
salt rheum or eczema, pimples nnd bolls,
and In weakness, languor and general
How aro they expelled? Ry
Hood's Sarsagsartiim
whlcn also builds up the system that has
suffered from them.
It Is tho best of nil medicines for ulj
Present nt Bee office or mall
coupon with ten cents nnd get
your choice of Photocraphic Art
Studies. When ordering by mail
add four cents for postage.
The Bee Publishing Compapy
Deaoli-Ulcf ,
ur.iNiiiAl. UlTY. Nuh.. Dec. orh-
cial.)-W. S. Desch. proprietor of the local 8tcln nlso rn"
maruio works, nnd Mrs. Lou Dice, a
icucncr in mo Central City schools, wero
marrien unriEimafj night.
Sixth rnco. one mile. Helling: Don I. ills
09 (Coburn). 15 to 1, won: Herculean, Ml
(Mounce), x in r., seconn; i.nmachus, (.1.
Walsh). (1 to 1. third. Tlmo: l:42,i. Unrdn.
Perseus, Uohenlohe, Gltssnndo and Wnllcn-
h- the
War Survivor Hrnirniberpil
Oenrral Oo vrruiticii t.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 26.-(8Dcclal.)-ThB
louowing pensions havo been granted
iBHiie or December 10:
rururasKn: uriirinnivi l nnii i...
rice. 16. Original widows. ftr IdnAnlnl tin
emeu uec. lai Harriet .1 .i n i...i... u
', A f , - Joseph iioiubur. Iown
City, te. Original widows, etc. (Special ac-
uruill uec. 1.11 Harriet tOOIl. Doa Mnlnna
ItrmillN nt Nev Orlrnnn.
Ni:W ORLHANS. Dee. 26. Wenther fine
and track fast. Miss Hanover was run up
1205 over thi entered selling price nnd
bought In. May tvus fin"d 125 for his cure
less ride on Colonel Cassldy in the iilxth
race, which possihiy lost him third place
First nice, ono mile, selllnrr: Jessie Jnr
bon. 101 (Richards), fi to 1. won: Kugenla
H, 99 (Cochran), 7 to 2 and 6 to 5. second;
Zanetto. 102 (Brennan). 10 to 1. third. Time:
1;42. Waterlioune. Defender II, Jim Cnn-
wny, iiright iMgnt, urey uoe, l, v. i.n
Prlncessa, Crystalline nnd Jerry Leo also
Second race, one mile, selling: An moslty.
1OT (Wllkersonj. even, won; Menace. 90
(May), 12 to 1 and 5 to 1. second: Vuldez, 103
a&SWtw W. cuckow. UStfnX "
North Dakota: Original Frederick Wal
ther, Mlnto, 16.
Montana: IncrciiBo Charlrs D, Dlmtlev
Heron, J14. "
tJiMeriiur Hum font Oner Mure Well.
.MU.NTliUMKIU, Ala., pec. 2S.-W. .T
Third race, one and nue-nuiirter miles
Belling: Monk Wnymnn. 112 (Mitchell). I to
1, won; Major Mnnslr, 93 (Cochran), 3 to 1
nnu oven, seronii: jieunu. in. (.May), u to :
nnd 8 to R. third. Time: 2:08".. Ailmetus
Governor Boyd, Spurn and Sir Fltzhugh
also run.
Fourth rnce, six rurlougs, handicap: V
Batnford. who was elected governor of Ala- j.' m f ' (X W r) ' r, to 1 ' wotii
since to1 uMurao'thb duti"oft"fl ln?n 111 Q'oriTla? ill (Cochran).' 11 to 6 "ami eVen
reached hero todav from Wa hnm i n"0?' "'f"'11': Pukatuck. 109 (Dupee). C to 1, third.
fkSa?df Tlmoi l!l4- Ooebel. Choice, Diana Fonso,
mSriC,dlnVaf m'o'snnte WlTSti h race, one mil"' nnd fifty yards: Ml,s
2cSiJrca,nc,u or lno Henn,e J'lks filed linnover. 101 (A. Weber). 9 to 2. won: Belle
Slarilcred liy Krarn,
MACON. Oa.. Dee. 26. Mrs. I)nv nirrl.
song, wife of n well known fnrmer llvlnrt
about six miles from IhU city, was rnui
dcred today at her home. Tno murderer
Is supposed to be a negro and posses tire
seurcning tor mm,
Tftko Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tho money If '.t tails to
cure. K. W. Grove's slgnatura m on each
tox 2Ec.
of Simpson. 98 (Cochran). 20 to 1 and 3 to 1
second; MeGrntlilana Prince, 107 (Mitchell)
S to 5. third. Time: 1:15, Fleuron and
Hockem also rur
Sixth rare, ono mile, rolling: W. Jl
uaies, lie (A. weticr), i to ft. won; race
maker, 11 (Dupee). 5 to 2 and 9 to 10. sue
ond; Eltholln, 106 (Herman). 3 to 1, third
Time: 1:41. colonel cassiay, Henry o
Franstamar. Heroics. Helen Paxton
Tragedy, Judgo Magee and Tom Cromwell
nisn ran.
Wnrklnir nn Keel of w llefender
BHISTOL. II. 1 . Pee lit. -The work n
uncovering the lend keel for tho new cup
Iloelier nnil I'ona Honn to Meet.
NBW T K. Uec. 24. Krnest Iloehlsr
and Paul Pons, tho Frenoh champion, who
were matcneti on uecomoer ii to wreatie
for tho championship of the world, will
meet In their contest on the night of
Wednesday. Februnry B. at tho Madison
Huunrn (inrden. Thin was agreed unon to
dav. James Conrov. who has fpcurcd tho
flnrilen for that 11 1 nil t. made the h chest
bid nnd secured tho mutch, depositing VM
uh a guaranty oi good rami, iiotn iioenivr
and Pons havo deposited 11,000 each. The
men will recntfa w her cent of the receipts.
tho winner roi.tnkc w ner cent and the
loser 4V.
Cn plain HnfT Mny Null I.n ! Ilont.
BOSTON. Dec. 26.-Cnptaln Henry C.
Hnff. the veteran tmlllnc-niiiHtpr. arrived
hero today nnd mnde n friendly vIMt to
Oeorgo I.awley. Afterward tho captain
reluctnntly ndmlttcd that he visited Boston
nn Invitation of Thomas W. Lnwsnn and
Dcslener Crownlnsh eld for n ennferenre
on private mntterx. Asked what he thought
or the (leilun or the Lnwsnn limit, hu xnhl
he nnu not seen it, nut rrom what he nau
heard he thouKht It would be n very good
bont. The captain spoke highly of tho
merits or a ninety-foot centorhonrd.
FlKlitliiK ''"" "nil.
VTt WAlU.'PW Tlr.f. -(!.t n mi.nllni-
hero today of the athletic section of the
Wisconsin State Teachers' association an
priori was mado to forbid font hall at .i
Illuh school came and to eliminate the
miie run nnd tho bicycle racen from the
list or lntprscho astlc cliarriDlonxhli) events
Tho onnonetits of tho name nnd races wero
unsuccefsrui. I'lincipnin oi scnoois wno
regnrd root nan its too nam n g'lmc may
uno their Inlluence nt tlv!r schnols, hut
tho Interscholnstlc association will not bo
Terry Will Not tin Owr.
MACON. On.. Dec. 26. Sam Harris, mrm-
nger of Terry McGovern, tonight said the
report tnai Aicuovcrn it going in I'iiigiauu
io llglll JJeu joniuii in iiui worm iiimiug
Office opeit continuously from 8 n. m. to 0 p. m.
Sundays from 8 a. m. to 5 p. tn.
DR. MCGREW i ho only Specialist In Omaha
x who has always hunted his
practice strictly to tho treatment of Diseases of Men
The Doctor's quick cures and low charges aro
the wonder of all his competitors.
Dr. McGrew's treatment for Varicocele gives absolutely no pain and is tho quick
est form of curing this disease that has over been discovered. The doctor lias devoted
26 years to the treatment of Varicocele, and it is but justice to him to say, without
fear of contradiction, that his treatment for Varicocele HAS NO EQUAL ANY
DR. McGREW can give you Hot Springs treatment for syphilis (excopt tho
water), and he guarantees bettor results and better satisfaction, besides you can
take his treatment right at home and no one will ever find out that you have this terri
ble disease. It is quito different when you have to go to the Springs, for that trip alone
is quite sufficient to advertieo just what your ailment is. Have you ever thought of
this? Ali external signs of tho disease disappear at once under Dr. McGrew's treatment
and not a spot or pimple will over appear to expose the nature of your disease. This
fact alone is a priceless comfort and consolation to one afflicted with this ailment. Dr.
McGrew guarantees you a permanent cure for life and his charges are always
Over 20,000 cases have been cured of Lost Manhood, Loss of Vitality, Loss
of Brain Power, Nervous Debility, Poor Memory, Despondency, Stricture, Gleet, Gon
orrhea and all unnatural discharges.
Dr. McGrew's treatment for Diseases of the Rectum has proven a wonder
ful success. Fissures, Ulcers, Piles, Prolapsus, and all chrouie disordors of the rec
tum relieved, almost instantly and a permanent euro is made without cutting or
pain. The cure is quick and complete. Consultation and examinations free. Those
at a distance will be treated by mail.
Treatment by Mail - Medicines sent everywhere, free from gaze or breakage,
ready for use.
Office Hours 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sunday, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. P. O. Box 766.
Aiciiiuiililo'a I'l rut Ailvlaer ('nniilnliiN
that Aiurrli'ii AIToi-iIn Krft-iliini
Only to Anifrlonii lleNlili-iita.
NEW YOltK, I)pc. 26. nafael Del Tan
Foutuln, a rofuRcu from the l'hlllnpliio
Inlands, and vice president of tho Madrid
Junta, has JuBt arrived In New York Iroui
"I came hero to bo free," ho explained.
'It was Impossible for nie to bo other than
a alavo to America when I lived with my
wlfo and llvo children In Manila, so I havo
come whero I won't have to bo subservient.
Americans are not subservient to Americans,
and, whllo I don't approvo of the American
methods employed III thu Philippines, I d
rather be a freo American than au enslaved
Senor Kontcla was a lawyer and editor In
Manila. When the war began he waB
AKulnaldo's chief adviser. Driven out of
tho Philippines by the American soldlorn,
ho lied with his wife and live small children
to Madrid. Thrro he established tho first
Filipino Junta and was made vice presl
dent. With an Idea that such a Junta would
flourish In Canada, he left Madrid and wont
to Montaral. Ho has been there for tho
last Severn 1 weeks.
"You hear ho much of American In
dependence In Canada," he contlnuod, "that
I determined to come hero and pet sonio
of It." Senor Fontela explained that It
was safo for him to return to tho l'hlllp
pines nnd resume his law practico and the
publication of his newspapers wero ho will
Ing to swear ullcglauco to the stitrs and
"I'm no hypocrite." he explained, "and
can't tnlto such an oath when my peoplo
are In u struggle which must end In death
or freedom. 1 will not return to tho Philip
pines until Independence has been Rallied.
The Impression haB . koiio abroad that
AKUlnaldo is dead. This Is nonscnBO. Ho
has a largo followlnrr and every man under
him Is there to do or die. The war lias
Just begun unices Amorlca accedes to tho
demands of tho Filipinos."
IlcKardlng tho formation of a new porty,
which tho United States oftlclals say will
rally tho Filipinos to the colonial policy,
Senor Fontela ?nld:
TIiIh schem Is doomed to failure. Tho
leaders, Hueiieainltio nnd 1'nterno, nro
leaders without a party. They nrp tlmo
servers. UiirltiK tlie Spanish domination
they were morn Spatilsh than the Spaniards.
Durlmr the effective life of th Filipino ro
pubilo tlmy wero ardent patriots.
When the 1'nllert Suite? troop captured
thn Filipino rapltal, Tariae, theso men
allowed themselves to bn taken prisoners
and have since prnferneri ardent enthusiasm
for I'nlted States r'in.iey Any proposal
mado by them Is f n be rejected by the
Filipinos, who wl upply to them the
proverb, whleh, helm; translated, Is "tho
same dogs with different collars "
Last June Hiieneunilmi mado an attempt
to organize a party for autonomy. No ono
i ... , i.. nntiittAi lnt.,rnfi trlpfl to
l I'niiuiuiuu. in - ' , ,
organize festivals In Manila and asked
Mllpino revolutionism u lu-unumi "V"
l.l I.. ?... ltr..a.l lllllll flf KfMI-
lltlll ill mitii(s .w. . .........
government. Thu I'nlted States peoplo can
: 11.. U...... C.i.i.nlt..(i thn film tilP ( f ffllllirf
immiy unit"" ,- -
of tho Manila festivals and tho Indifference
wit ll rvniclt tno peopiu utuu-u o-uu.
ralerno s eiioris. , , , A. ,
1 11... n Tliinnnnm I1D Intfl tllpll
forces, proposing to organize a new party.
a "feileral party." aii, wih khi-v i
each amounts to zero, ineir unneti rurces
will bu uoiiuin zero.
Ineeiidlury Miitiuum-h of Tiilum Su-
Itcrliileiiileiit of School Stiirln n
(Copyright. 1WK), by Press Publishing Co.
HAVANA, Dec. 20. (New "iorK worm
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Governor
General Wood has Just appointed Llouten
nnt Hanna as commissioner of schools In
Cuba. This action largely strips Super
intendent Fryo of the authority ho has had
Mr. Frye's published manifesto calling on
tho Cubans to strike out of their national
hymn words offensive to Spain and to
unlto for Cuban Independence, driving tho
Americans out, prompted n consolidation of
Cuban and Spanish eloments and n demon
stration has been made against tho nillltnry
Itev. TIioiiiiim .Miirpli)'.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 2C ltov. Thomas
Murphy, one of the most omluent Presby
terian clergymen of Philadelphia, and n
leading writer of eccleslastlcnl literature,
died today at his homo here, av'ter a brljf
Illness, from bronchial pneumonia.
'l'o in in ' .loiiex of Stella.
STKUiA. Neh.. Dec. 1!G. (Special.)
Tommy Jones, nn old gontleman who has
mado his homo In tho neighborhood for n
long time, died at the resldcneo of W.
II. Williams yesterday.
thut the alleged fugitives from Justlco were
in Texas at the time of the alleged com
mission of tho crime.
Iiiilliiii I'nlU'i'iiirn nt Arilinure I'uiir
the I'liiiNiiiiiin Whlok)' on the
WICHITA. Kan., Dec. 2C. A dispatch re
celved hero tonight from Ardmoro, Chicka
saw Nation, states that Indian Policeman
Ilamp Willis rounded up the express ofllco
early yesteiday morning, and finding twenty
Jugs of Christmas whisky consigned to citi
zens from friends in Texas, took tnein Into
his possession nnd emptied them Into the
gutter. The provlnus night he mado a
similar raid nnd found thirty Jugs, which
ho sm:shed. He bragged that Ardmoro
would havo a dry Christmas nnd he kept
his word. Tho express company will take
the matter to tho Interior department.
llli'lifHt Ciittlriiiiui In To tun.
C.AIA'KSTON. Tex., Dec. 2C A. H. Plerro
tho richest cattleman In Texas, died today
at Plerco station. Ho was many times a
millionaire, with a large variety of Inter
ests lu Texas.
I,. II. AVIIIouiililiy f Ontritl CM-.
CENTRAL CITY, Nob.. Dec. 2B. (Spe
cial.) I.. II. Wllloughby, one of the oldest
residents of this county, ami nn ex-
fiierlff, died last night.
.lulr Hlvlere,
LONDON, Dec. 27. Julc3 Hlvlere, the fa
mous musical conductor, Is dead.
ItnlliiK on l'iiirlKlit I.uivk.
NEW YORK, Dec. 2'.. Judge Lncombe, In
tho l.'nlted States circuit court today, denied
tho motion mnde by Hudyiird Kipling's at
torneys to restrain It. F. Femio from pub
lishing and selling editions of his works rn
which nn elephant's bond was ummI. Judno
Uieombe said that Mr. Kipling hud not
established a common law trudo mark and
thoro was no suggestion of a statutory
trade mark.
"The proposition advanced. said ,ho
court, "Is that nn author whoso mental
productions pronn, verso nnd title have
been given to the world without copyright,
so that anyone Is free to reprint and sell
tho whole or any iiart of them, may iievor
thcleflw regulate tho manner In which suuh
printed matter may be grouped nnd en
titled ond may restrain any application of
the title selected, otherwise than ns ho
used or uses It. It would seem that tlio
measure of relief which authors may obtain
against unauthorized publications of tholr
works may b found In tno copyright
Ci-iiiiiii'n Ciintriiel with Turkey.
PHILADELPHIA. Dee. 2f,.-Chnrles II.
Cramp, when seen today said;
"Wo have received u eublegram from
Oenernl Williams Informing us of the sign
ing of tho contract with the Turkish minis
ter o-; marine for tho const ruction of a first
class cruiser. The provisions of the con
tract wo do not know, nor can I sny Just
when work on the cruiser will begin or
when It Is to tin eompictoii.
Mli'imier Anlion on Klnrliln Href.
- i.Mn Ilan OftAn tmlfnnu'n
American steamer Is ashoro on the reefs a
few miles south of Miami. Tho sea has
been running so high thut the wreckers
liavn heon unable to reutii It or ascertain
Its Identity. Tho Key West stntlon Iiob
been notltleil nnu uie ing wi-wcy, wiuuii m
here, will go t( tho disabled steamer.
Spencer I'lirmer lluneoi'il,
MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 26. F. J. Soharr, a
farmer, living near Spencor, la., discovered
today thai ho had boon buncoed out of a
carload of horses. Monday he brought the
horses here for salo and fell Into tho bauds
of two crooks who Induced him to lako a
bogus order for $1,300 for fourteen horses.
The order was payable at a local bank to
day, but when Scharf presented It he
found tho order wns worthless. In tho
meantlmo tho two purchasers disappeared
and disposed of tho horses In various parts
of tho county. Sheriff Meagordon Is now
trying to round up tho swindlers nnd tho
horses, four of which havo been recovered.
Sllll After HoeUefeller.
AI'STIN. Tk . Dec 21 -Governor Sniffs
made application to Governor Roosevelt of
Now York ii few days iiiru for thn extradi
tion of John D Rockefeller and oilier mem
bers of tho Standard Oil company to an
swer to the charge of violation of 'ho
Texas untl-trust law ponding ugnlni't ihnn
In tho dis'trlct court of McLennan county
Governor Roosevelt, in n letter received to.
day decllnrd t grant tho ntpHcati in Hn
I nays lo w'i'ilil bi !e,vod t grunt tin up
j plication If It were sho.n cuucluslvly
I, iifiil Treatment (or Cntnrrh Ileli
mtlcd to llio Hour,
Tho surest and safest treatment for any
form of catarrh Is on tntornnl remody which
acts spocldcally upon the blood nnd mucous
membranes Such a remody In tho now
preparation sold evcrywhero by druggists as
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, a medlclno in
pleasant tablet form.
Those tablets contain lu highly concen
i.nini form well known germ antiseptics
iik nniiviiinarla. irualacnl. Red Oum and
similar curative olemonts, and no ono who
suffers from any form of catarrh and has
ivi.ripmivi tho Ineillr encv and Inconven
ion nf nowilers. irnravH and Inhalers will
mcr go back to such antiquated remedies
aftor onco trying so pleasant r treatment
an Stuart's Catarrh Tablets nnd ono which
crivi.H ko much relief In so short n time.
Drugglxts sell Stuart's Catarrh Tablets at
fifty cents for full sized package and their
dally use will effectually cure this trouble
homo ami dangerous disease.
Tho danger from catarrh Is that It Is n
short road tn consumption, to chronln stom
ach catarrh and to catarrh of liver and kid
neys, Most esses or deafness nro canted from
stoppagn of tho Eustachian tube as a re
sult of catarrh,
All Private Diseases
and Disorders of Men
I" Years In Omha.
Method uw, never fails,
without cutting, pain or
lonsof time.
SYDMII I Retired for life aud thepolson
r -OthoroiiBlily cleansed irom
tho system. Soon every sign and symptom
disappears completely and forever. No
"UREAKINO OUT" of thadlsease ontheskln
or face. Treatment contains co dangerous
drugs or Injurious medicines,
WEAK MEN r'0,s 0F Manhood from )"
a evil a i ,CfK"eAor VltrriM.HO NKHVOtJd
stKUALLT Umiimtv or Exhaustion,
Wasting Weaknhss I.nvomjntaiiv Lcssiih,
with BMti.Y DitcAT lu YotiNti and MniDt.n
Aoid. lack of rim. vigor ami strength, with
sexual organs imimlrtd and weak.
STRICTURE Radically curad with a new
and CLCETBnd.IJ5U.I1!bl0 I,omo Trnnt
ana ULttl ment. Noinstrtir.ients.DopHln,
no detention from Imsineis, Qouorrhoea,
Kidney and Illarider Troubles.
Conultitioii r rtf. Trcatmrot by Mill,
(.allon or address 0 8. 14th St.
Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha. Neb.
If roti ham nmftl!. wpalf oro-an..
lOHt puwer ur wraJifiiUir dralni,
our Vacuum Oman Detaluper will
rotor you wttlioLt druci or
elcctrtcltri IS.OODInuiei not una
fnllum ntit no O i. I), fraud 1 wrltofor
ptitltMitora. urnt kfilnl In plain envrlopa.
LOCAL APPLIANCE CO.. 414 Charles Bld.. Denver, Colo.
Takes nwuy tho
cause of u cough.
This is why Antl
Kuwf never falls
to cure. 2.ic n bot
tleat drug storu,
3inr this wiiick.
2 and
. (Jlltl, OK tttlAMTV."
Mr. mill Jlrn, i:i)U'AIIII
.IAN. II. CI M.h'N.
HICK mill MAUI) (iAH.Mll.l.A.
liver I'oiuiliir KI.MIIIHO.HK
With ull now views.
liiVTVC Woodwurd Sr. llurgess,
lU 1 U 3 Mgrt- Tel. ma
l,nxt Ttvn I'crfnriiuini'oa,
TODAV, Ui.'KI. TOMIillT, SUfi.
Ilroadhurst Hros.' rrndutitlon of II. A. Du
Sotichet's Karclcal Coined)',
Willi (ai'iirRe C. Ilmilfiiri'i Jr.
Kvenlng nrlces, Mc, Me, 75c, Jl.00.
llargalu Matinee, 28o-f0c.
l-'rlilii)- nml Ntitiirilii)-, Dee. IH-Zt),
Matlnen Saturday.
.mn. iiifiiiiri.
irlces-2.rx!, tV)o, 7Bc, 11.00.
'rices 2iC, Mo, 7Gc.
Mil ii till)-, Tui'Nilii)- mill Volno!tln",
Matinees Tuesday and Weduesduy.
ICvenlng I' 2.1c. fAi, "Dc, tl.f $1.50,
Matlneo Prices Ke. Mc, "lo !.).
Seats on Sale Friday morning.
Toloiihono 22.9
M ATI Ml 11 TO HA 1 I'rleea lOe, SO,
Kntlro week, Including next Saturday
night Her tho exciting lady basket bait
contest Kvenlng prices, 10c, line, 30c.
Hinokn If you like,