10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1900. JACK MAHER SLIDES OUT Ma r Kelly's Confidential Man Makes Hlmiolf Scarce. H 3 IMPORTANT LINK IN BRIBERY CASE Altliouuli Out cm rJ7IM II i mis I'rlrniln Would lie (ilnl tn llnvc It i'or cltnl to Ki'i'ii Hint Awny, Jack Maher of South Omaha, known as Jlnyor Kelly's ronlldcr.tlal man, has been iiiIshIhk from his usual haunta since last week and It Is reliably reported that his absence Is peculiarly timed to help the inayor out of u nolo In tho bribery cases pending against him. Mahcr left South Omaha last Friday and is supposed to bo In Chicago. Ills place of business at 327 Ilallroad nvenue, where ho formerly ran a restaurant and saloon with gambling attachments, Is undor direc tion of his brother and It Is said that ho gavu a bill of salo for his Interest In It beforo ho took his departure. Airs. Mahcr left South Omaha about two weeks ago, giving It out that hIio was go ing to Hammond, Ind., on r.ccount of tho Hlrknns.4 of relatives tho re. Mahcr has been living In a flat nt I!408 N street. Tho rooms aro occasionally occupied by Jorry Maher, his brother, but tho rent Is now overdue and tho agent for the flat assorts that ho docs not know whero Maher Is and has an Idea that ho will not return, which is making htm anxious nbout tho rent still owing. Tho particular fcaturo of Mahor's de parture which Interests tho public grows out of tliu arrest of Maher for obtaining money under falso pretenses and of Mayor Kelly for accepting bribes about a month ago. These warrants wero Issued by County Judgo Vlnsonhaler and Mahor's pre liminary hearing has not yet taken placo. .Milk In I lie rnciinniit. In tho hearing of ono of tho charges BgaliiRt Mayor Kelly It was disclosed by tho testimony that tho browers doing business in South Omaha hno been held up for various sumo of money, which wcro traced into tho hands of Ocorgo Tlernoy and Henry Mies, lleforo Tlerncy or Mies could bo placed upon tho stand to tell tho next step In tho transfer of tho coin which worked so promptly In roverslng Mayor Kully'o Sunday closing order, tho muyor waived further examination, to gtvo him tlmo to frumo up a defense. According to tho county nttnrncy, this money would havo been trnccd next to Mahor, nnd Maher would havo been com polled to tell what ho did with it. Mahor is out on bonds In tho sum of $700, with his hearing set for January 7, his surety being Oeorgo L. Daro, tho plumbing contractor of South Omaha, who also has close rela tions with Mayor Kelly. "Maher's jumping Is too transparent for anything," said a South Omaha business man who has been prominent In several movements to rid tho city of corrupt city olllcors. "Maher was simply up against It Thcro Is no question but what tho brewers money 'went Into his hands. If to protect Kelly ho was willing to admit that ho kept it, it would bo almost tho same ns pleading guilty to obtaining money under falso pre tonscs, with a suro penalty In front of him. If ho gavo first thought to himself and ac knowledged having turned It over to Kelly, tho mayor would havo a hard tlrao wriggling out of his bribery case. Tho $700 bond wouldn't bo anything to theso fellows, If forfeiting it would block tho prosecution, nnd If Dure didn't wnnt to put It up him self Kelly's friends would boo that It was tnado good. No, Mahcr will not bo back hero unless ho is hauled back on a rcqulst tlon." JAGS ARE INEXPENSIVE Three Dollnm nnd Con! in the l'rlce of ii Cli rid tin un I.onil of Ken tucky I)cr. It was "tho morning after" In police court yesterday and when that tribunal was assembled Judgo Learn was faced by a crowd different from that which generally greets him upon his arrival nt tho office. Thoro woro sovoral old offenders, but the greater part of tho men who woro arraigned wcro persons who seldom appear In the police court but who hnd permitted their celebration of Christmas to get tho bettor of their usual discretion. Thcro was hardly n sound heard in tho whole crowd and without exception each ono of tho Chrlstmnstldo offenders was poultont and not impecunious. Beforo tho mon wero disposed of $3 and costs had como to bo considered the standard prlco of a Christmas Jag which had produced a black eyo or n scarred face. NKW STYLUS IX MUX'S SIIIHTS. RESTAURANT MAN ARRESTED tlcfnnrit to Allow n Colored Mnn to lie Mcrvril In III IMiiIiir Hooiii, "There was only one negro In my county In Scotland, ami wo .elected him as member of Parliament for many terms, Ho was a friend of Gladstone and of Itoscbery when they wero pritno ministers. Through his lnlluenco I was appointed a Justice of tho peace for- my county, nnd when 1 seo ono of his rnco defrauded of his rights I will defend him all I con," said 1). L. Korgan yesterday In cxplanlug tho reason for tho nrrcst of J. J, llcrgen, n Dodgo street rcstatirantcur, nnd his head waiter, for nn alleged violation of tho civil rights law. Continuing his statement of the caso ho said: "Last Sunday I went into tho rest nurant with Oeorgo V. Woodbey, tho col ored Haptlst preacher, and ordered supper for both of us. The head waiter said that ho could not servo tho negro and I called tho attention of tho matter to tho wife of tho proprietor, who referred mo to the wnltcr. This mnn refused again to servo tho negro and tho "next day I saw Ucrgor who said that had ho been nt tho plnco he would havo sustained tho waiter. Then I got Mr. Woodbey to swear out tho warrant." And this Is why, at 2 o'clock, January 0, Merger and his waiter will be tried In tho pollco court. I.rnve lluflnlo NiOO V. M Arrltc Stn Vi.rk 7ir!l A. M. via Lehigh Valley railroad "Exposition Express." Luxurious sleeping cars. LAFL1N OUT OF THE RACE M'G0WAN'S Christmas gift Withdraws from Speakerihlp Contest in Favor of W, 0. Sears. THREE CANDIDATES NOW IN THE FIELD noMKsmcicHits' i:ctmsio.s. Vln Mlnnoiirl 1'nt'lflc Hnllvrny. Round trip tickets will bo sold at very low rates tn points in Kansas, Arkansas, southwest Missouri, Oklahoma nnd Indian Territories, Texas, etc.; also to certain points In tho south and southeast. Dates of calo first nnd third Tuesdays In tho mrntbs of Jnnuary, February, March and April. For Information, pamphlets, etc., call or write company's agents, S. E. Cor. 14th nnd Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. THOS. F. GODFREY, P. & T. A. J. O. PHILLIPPI. A. O. F. & P. A. ouiMTi.v iti:i)uci;i) hates. Vln Mllwitukre Itnllurny. On December 22, 23, 24, 25 and 31, and on January 1, tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway will cell excursion tickets to points within 200 miles of each other nt rnto of faro and one-third for round trip. These tickets aro good returning until Jan uary 2. City ticket office, 1601 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, Ocncral Western Agent. HALF "ATES ,1. .1. McCarthy of Dlinn Connty ami J, A. A n lire Tin of I'urnnn County Arc the Other Annlrniiti for the Honor. Tho latest turn in tho contest for tho speakership for the coming legislature 13 tho withdrawal of Dr. It. W. Laflln of Gago county, who has pooled his Issues with W. O. Scars of Durt county. Mr. Laflln, who was In Omaha yesterday, naturally bellovcs that his combination with Scars will mako suro of tho tatter's election, although tho candidacy of J. J. McCarthy of Dixon county nnd J. A, Andrews of Furnas still stand In tho way. Speaking of his with drawal, Mr, Laflln said: "It Is true that I havo withdrawn as a candldato for speaker In favor of Mr. Sears. It Is also truo that I consider tho election of Mr. Scars almost n certainty. Tho con test for tho speakership has been waged In a very friendly manner nnd when tho selec tion Is mado It will bo mado .with practical unnnlmlty by tho republican members. "It Is best for tho stato nnd It Is essential to the well being of tho republican party that tho speakership question should be settled without leaving tho slightest of III I fooling on nny side, as it undoubtedly will uti. i iiu nuuwi i iiiuu iteujuu jmvo uu uju speakership for several consecutlvo ses sions and wo feel that It Is only fair that tho honor should go north of the river this tlmo." Messrs. Scnrs and Laflln met hero yester day for n consultation beforo tho announce ment of Mr. Laflln's withdrawal from the speakership raco was made. They left to gether In tho afternoon for Lincoln. Mr. Sears did not havo much to say, but ex pressed himself ns confident of his position in the contest for tho honor of presiding over tho lower houso of tho Incoming legislature. To Knniin City nnd Itetnrn. On salo December 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 81st, and Jnnuary 1st. via Omaha & St. Lculs railroad. All information at city ticket offlco, 1415 Farnam street (Paxton hotol block) or write Harry E. Moorcs, Omaha, Neb. I.'mixril Trnrkn In II ml Condition. "Snmo of tho unused tracks which tho Omaha Street Itnllway company has in the streets of tho city nro in bad condition nnd I hope to see them removed." said Council man II. II. Zlmimin. "In tho Third wnrd nbnndnncd trucks nro In a particularly bad condition. Not long ago u lire wagon was damaged In passing over dcfectlvo tracks. Steps should bo tnken nt onco to.lmvo them removed and tho paving restored to Its former condition. Tho report mndo by the city engineer in compllunco with a resolu tion which I drew shows that thcro uro seven mites of this unused track." Mntlnec at Iloyd'a Today. Special Bargain matinee, any scat 25c nnd CQc to seo tho great comedy, "The Man from Mexico." Hott to Cure Cronp, Mr. It. Gray, who lives near Amenta, Duchess county, N. Y., says: "Chambor laln's Cough remedy Is tho best mcdlctno I havo ever used. It Is a flno children's remedy for croup and never falls to cure." When given as soon as tho child becomes hoarso, or oven after tho croupy cough has developed, It will prevent tho attack. This should bo borno In mind and n bottlo of tho Cough remedy kept at hand ready for Instant use as soon as these symptoms appear. For salo by all druggists. HOLIDAY HATES Via Hock Inland nonte. West of tho Missouri' river, ono fare for tho round trip. .East of tho Missouri river, ono and one-third faro for tho round trip to points within a distance of 200 miles. Tickets .on salo December 22, 23, 24 25 and 31 aniKJanuary 1. Good for return until January 2. City ticket office, 1323 Farnam street. Una n Well Defined Cnxc of Smnllpot nnd Vt'na Sent to the Enier Rency lloMilfiil. A well doflned enso of smallpox was Wil liam McQowan's Christmas present. The man came to Omaha several days ago from Chicago. Slnco tho tlmo ho arrived here ho has not felt well, and Anally ho decided to consult tho city physician. McGowan's faco was broken out. Tho doctor know at sight what was tho matter with tho man nnd ordered him to tho emergency hospital, whero he ato Christmas dinner with tho city's other guests. McGowan Is a laborer nbout 40 years of ago and has been In Chicago for several months previous to the tlmo ho enmo to Omaha. He did not know that ho had been exposed to smallpox and was surprised when ho found what was the matter with him. Tho mnn offered no objections to 'being taken to tho emergency hospital. ROOSEVELT TO Y. M. C. A. Vice President-Elect Will Speak by Proxy nt Over 1,100 IllrTcrcnt Aaaoclntlona. Thoodoro Roosevelt will address tho Omaha Young Men's Christian association by proxy next Sunday afternoon. The Inter national coramlttco of tho association has nrranged with tho vice president-elect to nddress tho young men of tho continent nt tho closing of tho century. Mr, Iloosovclt will speak at Carncglo hall, Now York, on1 Sunday aftornoon and advance printed copies of his address will bo furnished tho 1,439 branches of tho Young Men's Chrlstlnn association In North America, so that It may bo read simultaneously nt their ro Bpcctlvo meetings. At tho Omaha branch Mr. Itoosovclt's speech will bo read by J. M. Olllan nnd short addresses will be delivered tho same afternoon by George M. Tibbs, J, F. all more and Dr. C. S. Sargent. "Way Down South In Dixie" is an ideal placo to spend tho winter. The "Dlxlo Flyer" via Illinois Ccntrnl railroad takes you thcro with speed nnd comfort. Tourist tickets on salo to principal south ern points. Address W. H. Drill, D. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Very Loir, Rates east, west, north, December 22-3-4-5, .11, January 1, via THE NORTHWESTERN LINE, 1401-1403 Farnam St. Wanted, a good man to do canvassing U the country. Good -pay for right man. Ad dress E 4, Bee. HOLIDAY HATES Via Mlaannrl Pacific II y. December 23, 21, 25, 31 and January 1. For further Information call at com pany's office, southeast corner Fourteenth and Douglas streets. Beef, Iron and Wine Wo havo Just received a shipment of 73 cases of Beef, Iron und Wlno and shall make It sell by tho txtremely low price nt which wo ahull offer It during tho com Ing week. Our assortment includes ull tho leading brands of Beof, Iron nnd Wlno combined, as well ns tho BEEF EXTRACT nnd WINE ALONE. 15o Burnhnm'H Beef, Iron nnd Wine, this week 7c COo Burnhnm'a Beof, Iron nnd Wine, this week 22c J1.00 Burnham's Beef, Iron and "Wlno, this week 4JC $1.00 Wyoth's licet. Iron nnd Wlno.... Tic $1.00 Parke-Davis Co.'s Beef, Iron and inn , 4 $1.00 Shermarv'H Beef, Iron' nnd Wine.. Wo Marshall's Beef Extract, this week fiOc Cudnhy'B Beef Extract, this week.. Quart bottles California Pnrt Sh prrv mm iuuuunu men ;;5c Mo 4o 31c Sherman & McConnell Drug Go cor. 10th and Dudgc. L HAYDEN IS After Christmas Cloak Sale $1.95 KoveltleM In EvoiiIiik l)reaa nnd K. t W. Collnra nnd Cuffs. Tho E. & W. shirt, recently Introduced by Earl & Wilson, lu ovcry way equals tho E. & W. collars and cuffs. Its manufac turers feel that they could havo aimed at no higher standard of excellence, and, therefore, tho E. & W. shirt was not In troduced until this cxtromo degree of per fection had boiiii ntttalned. Tho results Justify tho comparison. Their latest novolty In drcsB Bhlrts Is the 1'rlnco Albert No. 2. Tho bosom Is mado of corded und plaited cords In clusters, alter nating with plaits iu combinations delight ful to tho eyo. This llrm Is in tho hnpplost condition pos sible to meet tho demand of tho most fas tidious for evening requisites in shirts, collars and cuffs. Their rnngo ot colturs covers everything In tho host of tasto and absolutely correct form. They have modi fications of their various Bhnpcs, so that comfort ns well as stylo may bo assured to tho consumer. Ono of tho lntcst collars Introduced by Earl & Wilson is the Waupun. It is Just tho thing to wear with tho informal even ing dress dinner Jackets. Their now col lur for full dress Is tho Sewance, two inches high In tho back and two and one half lu tho front, with a slight poke effect, meeting qutLo close lu front. Tho E. & W. dress shirts nro about as close to perfection ns It Is possible for human hands, backed by vast cxporlcncc, to make. Thcso goods can bo obtained from any of tho prominent retailers. To the wise and economical women that have waited until after ChriBtmas we will talk today. We have the bargains that you have watched and waited forthey are greater than you expected and stand out prominently, defying all competition between Chicago and San Francisco. You may rest as sured that we will give you bargains not only today, but every day until this tremendous cloak stock of ours is closed out. Keep an eye on us and watcli the fur fly. Ladies' Capes, iu heavy all wool rough material, 30 inches long, trimmed in Thibet fur, for 1,200 ladies' Jackets, silk and satin lined throughout, of this season's make, with the new sleeves, worth up to ?12.50 OA after Christmas sale aJJ.VO 3,000 ladies' Box Jackets, with new back and new sleeves, in castor, blue and brown, worth ?12.00, after Christmas Hi A HQ price kpr.Z7KJ Ladies' new Automobile Coats, with high storm collars, made from Washington Mills Kersey, castor and tans, value HlO HQ 22.50, after Christmas price kMZ7 7U Rainy-Day Skirts Ladies' Rainy-Day Skirts, rft-j "Q each ipl.VO Ladies' all wool Kainy-Day Skirts, in extra heavy all wool golf cloth, with plaid back, 10 rows of stitching, come in all shades, made to f Q sell up to 10.00, after Christmas price ZpO.VO Ladies' all wool Waists, worth up to $2.50, after Christmas price, each. . 75c Ladies' Petticoats, worth 1.00, after Christmas price 39c Children's Jackets 400 in all colors after Christmas price each 69c fiOO children's Jackets, worth 7.50, after Christmas price $2.98 75 dozen ladies' Wrappers, sizes 32 to 44, in dark colors, after Christmas price only, each 25c CUAMii: tll TIM 13 Vln Wnliitah Ilullrond, Commencing Sunday, Decombor 30th, tho "CONTINENTAL LIMITED" will leavo Chicago nt 11:00 a, m, dally. NO EXCESS FAHB on this SOLID VESTI1UILE TRAIN through to DETHOIT, HUI'TALO. NEW YORK, UOSTON and ALL EASTERN l'OINTS. For nil Information wrlto Joseph Tonhon, traveling passenger agent, Omaha, Neb. Free Home. If you dcslro full Information In regard to tho Kiowa, Comanche, Apache, Wichita nnd Cuddo reservations In tho Indian Ter ritory, which nro' soon to bo opened for settlement, send BO cents for book with quartcr-scctlonal Illustrated map and full description of the lauds to D. P. DROWN. 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb, Wanted, a good man to do ranvasslrg In the country. dood pay for rlEbt man. Ad Children's Eiderdown Cloaks, Thibet trimmed, worth 2.50, after Christmas sale 79c Children's Wool Eiderdown Cloaks, very heavy quality, nngora trimming and braid, worth J4.00, after Christmas Bale rows taffeta $1.48 $5-00 $10.00 Ladies' All Silk Skirts, trimmed with rullles, after Christmas ealo, each 100 ladies' Suits, nearly all silk lined, in all the season's best materlnls, worth up to 530.00, after Christmas sale Clearing up after Christmas prices on every garment in stock. TJW 2 2m gz r '()H'nS out after Christmas prices 1 IlIIIIII on all our exquisitely trimmed hats, pattern hats, street hats and seasonable, high class and beautiful trimmings and ornaments of all kinds. Prices less than half. Styles the very best. Attend this sale. Come and see" the values whether you buy or not. HAYDEN BROS. TKe lLte coming of winter gives is atioth. cr trading chance in our cloak and suit depacrtmsitt . . . aid on Thirsdy, December 27tK Friday, December 28th, and Saturday, December 29th, a great saJe of OPPS AND ENDS among the Cloaks. Suits, etc. When we say odds and ends .... wo do not mean trash or unsaleable goods .... but what's left of winter garments. . . .all clean stylish garments .... On January 1st our cloak buyer starts for the market. .. .The stock must bo as low as possible for a cloak department to be. T is a conservative statement that the offerings in this sale will be the greatest of the season.... equal quantities of equal qualities equal styles and equal cheapness are not at your disposal elsewhere. I yomervs Wrappers 400 An item that should interest every wo man who is looking for large, roomy, comfortable wrappers. ..wrapper that sold for 81.50, $2 and $2.50 will go during the odds and ends sale at 95c WOMEN'S nATII nonES....that Bold for 13.50 during our odds nnd end salo -4 A Gj ....Ko for 1 WOMEN'S SIMC WAISTS.... that sold for $8.00, $10.00, up to $1G.G0 during our odds and ends QA sale, will go for O VvF WOMEN'S FURS.... red fox fur scarfs, that sold for $5.00, $8.00 and $7.00, nt our odds and CS ends sale, go at - WOMEN'S FLANNEL. WAISTS.... that sold for $1, $1.25 and $1.50, during our odds and ends g sale WOMEN'S PETTICOATS. . . . In mercerized sateen, petticoats that told for $1.50 and up to $3, 62-, all go at this salo for Ow WOMEN'S FURS. ...real stono mar ten senrfs. that sold for $15 and $18, nt this sale, r m CS will go at WOMEN'S COLLARETTES. . . .that sold for $5.00, $0.00 and $7.00 during this odds nnd QA ends sale, go for " CIILDUHN'S FURS.... In angora and thlbcts that sold for $1.45, $1.00 nnd $2.50 during Qr this salo VOw WOMEN'S WINTER JACKETS.... that sold for $8.00, $12.00, up to $15 during this r L C salo O.UO WOMEN'S ASTRAKHAN CAPES ....that sold for $15, $1C and $ls, during this salo C gj ....go nt J CHILDREN'S REEFERS. . . .llttlo folks' reefers that sold for $3, $1 nnd $5, (4, C, 8 year only) -4 ff nt this salo for l'VU WOMEN'S DRESS SKIRTS. ...In cheviots nnd Eergcs, that sold for $2.90, $3.90 and $4.90, WOMEN'S GOLF CAPES that sold for $7.50, $10, and $12 dur lug this odds nnd A CC ends salo, go at WOMEN'S STYLISH I10X JACK ETS. ...that sold for $10, $12 and $15 during this odds fj Oft nnd ends sulo, go nt JL 'Z?3 WOMEN'S STYLISH DLOUS13 SUITS.... mado of tho finest ma terials, handsomely trimmed, that sold for $15, $18 and $20, Q J go nt this great salo for.. CJ WOMEN'S PLUSH CAPES.... that sold for $10, $12 and $15, during this salo of odds n Cf and endo X sJ WOMEN'S AUTOMOIULES. . . .that sold for $18, $20 and $22.50, dur ing this sale, 1 O TCC will go at 1 A O WOMEN'S GOLF SUITS.... maflo of best plaid back golflug cloth, suits that sold for $11.75, $16.75 and $18.75, go at O 7C this sale for JL O Kodaks, Cameras Amateur Photo Supplies. Write us for prices on out fits. Send us your developing and printing. The Robert Dempster Co., 1215 Fnrnani Street. Wholesale and retail dealers. Not Occislinilly, but Your Chapped Lips ran bo cured ns well as your hands ir you will uso Egyptian Lotus Cream. It's tho llnest preparation mudo for chups nnd It costs but ten cents u bottlo. Cramer's Kidney Cure 75o Carter's Liver l'llls l5o Htuart's Tablets 40c Ilar-Ileu 40c I'cruna 7oo IIoHtettcr's Ulttprs 75c Diirfv'n Mult Whlskev ff.c 1 dozen 2-grnln Quinine Cnpsulos 7o 1 dozen 3-graln Quinine Cnpsulos 10c 1 dozen r.-graln Qulnlno Capsules 15o Ilromn Qulnlno 15c Bchneferrs Cough Curo fcoo Ajax Tnlilets 40o liuoyan Tumeis we Old oiory Hitters 10c Wyoth's IJpof. Iron nnd Wlno Voa Bhrnder'H Fig Powder 25c Pnino's Celery Compound 5c Wlno of Cnrdul 75c farter's Liver Pills 15o Plerrn's Prescription ioo Dr. Knrl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills,.., $1.00 CUT PRICE DRUGGIST SCHAEFER S. W, Cor. Kith mill Clili nuo St. FREE ELECTRIC BELT OFFER turituli i IDAT'SMff WEARINO jour uwa noioo, tlir irenulne and loniin.iuMmBini.rKimi. nucuusi i r ntcTMi. mus to ny ieaUr ot tUUptpr!'. .10 mmtj In t4tnct rri low rltiiv.ulriirBire. CuSTS AIM0ST MATHIMA compared with tnot ill other treatment. tr vara all lkr iltc. trla baiU, applLat.l m.l rf!l. t.lt. QUICK CUII lot mora than WallruenH. ONUlSi 111: link tor uHii.rroui dlra..a. wraknea.aa and dUordere. for romplrto aaaledranlldantlalcataloinia, allal.a4aat 4.III. 11a. EARS, ROEBUCK fc CO,, Chicago. EVERY DAY It is not necessary to con sult a calendar to find out when the UNION PACIFIC ORDINARY (Tourist) CARS leave for Pacific Coast, for they run every day. The Cars for Oregon leave Omaha daily at 8:20 a. m., and for California dally at 4:25 p. m. Spoclal Personally Conducted for Portland ovory Friday at 8:20o. m Special Poraonally Conducted for San Francisco and Lob Angeles ovory Friday at 8:20 a. m. Special Conducted Excursions for San Francisco and Los Awreles ovory Wednesday at 11:33 p. m. These cars are fitted up complete with mattresses, curtains, blanket, pillows, otc, requiring nothing to be furnished by tho ptussnngers. Uniformed I'orters and conductors who are In chares of them, are required to keep them in cood order nnd look after the wants and comforts of passengers. The cars ore new, of modern pattern, and are nearly as convenient und comfortable aa Drst-class Palace Sleepers. New City Ticket Office IJ24 Farnam St. Tel. 316. PURE GOLD FILLING or nn nlloy, which over you desire will bo used lu our DENTAL WORK Tho gold Is a llttlo moro expensive but wo recommend It as being better In tliu Ioiil' run. Our pnrlors nro comfortable nnd well appointed und tliu quality of our work Ih no well known riH to need llttlo pralHo from ub. Wo uso modem mnth oiIh and tho nioHt Improved material!) nnd put Into practlco tho Hltlll ac quired through yearn of experience. BAILEY, the Dentist llooum :H--:il.'l I'nxtou llliick. JUth mill Furnniu. IMinne 1085. I.mly Attendant. Why Dread the Dental Chair when wo will cxtrnct your worn-nut teeth absolutely with out pain nnd replaco them with n durable sot for W.00. TAFT'S PHILADELPHIA DENTAL ROOMS 1517 DoiikIus Street. Smoke the best. Ask your dealer for a IT OO8T8 YOU NO MORE 1 HAN INFERIOR BRANDS. I F. R. RICE N. C. CO., Mfrs, St, Louis. UNION MADE dress E i, Ilee. ( a