n SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlaeinenla for theae column trill lie tnkpn until 1'i m. fur the evpnliin edition ami until 8 !!() p. an. for iiii.rnliiu nntl Hunilny edition, Rntca. 1 l-in n rrord nrM lii.ertlon. lo a ivnril thereafter. NnflilnK lulien for lex tliuii EBo for the Ural Inacr tlon. Thckt' advertisements snnat be run consecutively. Advertiser, by reqncatlna; num bered check, can hnve snmrn ad dr raited tn numbered letter In on re nt The Ilec. Answers an nddrc-aard will lie delivered ui vreaeutatlo mt the cheek only. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANT 12 1), by young man of 25. position oh bookkeeper or blllco work, where n gcod, uiiiiu penman is desired; nest references. Address O, Valley, Nub., care W. II, Strain. A-AH3U?G WANTED-MALE HELP. WANTED, wo have steady work for a fow Rood hustlers of good habits and appear- itncc. v. i. Auams uo., loco iiowaru i. . ' II 437 BARBER trade tntifht thorougniy In short time, catnloguo and particulars free, Address ' Western Harbors' Institute, Omaha, Nob. B I3S WANTED, a good experienced clothing rollcltor. Apply 13I4 Farr.atn St. Good position to rhjlit pur,ty, R-13S WANTED, good mati to do canvassing In me country, boou pay lor rie u man. au dress E 4, Lee. 11-M1W HAIjESMEN, dry poods traveling salesmen to nil vacancy In Nebraska, Will con tract for year 1901 with rlBht party. Per manent position and remunerative com pensation. Ilefcrcnaus and stamped en velope. D 39, Ilec. Il-MZTO-SO' WANTED, n competent nnd experienced traveling salesman acquainted with the stovo trad In Nebraska and weftern Iowa, to sell Eclipse stoves and ranges In ntmvu territory; repository at Omaha. Address, giving experience and references, Tho, Eclipse Stovo Co., Manslleld. O. H-M142 28 WANTED, men to learn bnrbcr trade; com namtlvolv no exnense: wo wilt guaranteo ilS weekly to any man graduating at our eollegu either In Chicago, Ht. Louis or Minneapolis, nnd agree to teach them thoroughly In two mouths; wo furnish ireo irunsnortntion to our mosi conven ient branch nnd bnvit advantages of con stant practice, etc., that cannot be had elsewhere. Apply by timll today to Moler Harbor College Ileprcscntatlve, K.23 Far- nam St., Omaha. H-M43S 27 MECHANICAL or nrehltectual draughts man. Apply tlmo keeper's otllce. Swift & uo nouiu umann. i oui-.u WANTED, experienced operators on pants and overalls. Apply at llyrno & Hammer Dry (loods Co., 12th nnd Howard sts. II-MW7 27 WANTED, men to travel. Address II, n. Hcammon, 107 a. mil st umann, rei. Il-MSBI 31 WANTED, ever'wherc, hustlers to tack signs, dlstrlbuto circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing, good pay. Sun Advertising Hureau, Chicago. H MBOI 2C WANTED, , salesmen for lino Kentucky whiskies and wines; barrel and case goods; salary or commission. The H. M. Hyo Co., Lexington, Ky. II MSC1 2i WANTED, mechanical or architectural draftsman. Apply at timekeeper's oirice, Swift nnd Company, South Omaha. H-M !.-. 27 WANTED FEMAI.R HEM'. WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. T0. C 11) 10 girls wanted. Cnnadlan office, 1522 Douglas V. Hl BOOD girl wnnted for plain washing and Ironing ct The Crecho. C Wi0-2i; 1VANTED. nent. Intelligent woman for general housework In small family. Good wages, good homo and easy plnco for right person, (. an or auurcss irss I'utn street. Soulh Omaha C-Mffi7 roit KENT HOUSES. IF you want your housorfwell rented place them with Henawa & Co. D 112 ALWAYS moving II. H. goods. Pianos. Otllce, 15UH Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or SS3. D 113 HOUSES for rent In nil parts of tho city. Brnnan-Lovo Co., 320 So. 13th St. D 444 HOUSES, stores. Bemis, Paxton block. D 145 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. D 147 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. D-143 HOUBlJS and Hats. Rlngwult, Barker Blk. D-450 B-ROOM -'ouse, 27th nnd Farnnm Sts., nil moucrn. i-nii si-oo rurnuni or pnonn DSS. D 151 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown blk. D 153 BARN, 2021 St. Mary's Ave. D-453 FOR RENT, 12-room house, hented with steam, modern conveniences, good bam. Address C 49, Bee D-176 THREE 8-room modem brick houses. 25th St., near Furnnm. Inqulra 2117 Jones St. D 582 ELEGANT 10-room all modern residence: hardwood finish, porcelain bath, laundry This house Is In good condition nnd with in ten minutes' walk of the center of tho city; In a very select neighborhood, near 24th and St. Mary's Ave. Kent, 4S. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. 10th and Douglas Sts. D 57U FOR RENT, 5-room cottage, 10th and Blondo sts., to. Apply ct 607 N :9th at. D-MlOu I-UOOM modern house, C526 North 27th, US; nlso 6 rooms, corner 27th nnd Plnkr.ev, iv. inquire v.i uougias. .aucr Mrns. D-T33 8511 Seward St., now five-room cottago ior rent; goou oarn nnu city water: rent, S15.00. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 16th and vuuriiiin am, IJ FOH RENT, about Dec. 25, new 0-room cot ' Arbor- 'city water and nvenlinf for snmll ' family ! lown. bnlaneo monthly pay- tuge, lum an bath: very conv will soil, part down, bnlaneo monthly pay t iiiuiun. uuu x . i.no ouuuing. ' D-M311 FOR RENT. Bakery In first-class' condition! largo store room, continuous oven, etc. Also 8-room house, with bant for 8 horses and largo wagon shed. All for J'W.oo per month. W. 11. Russell, 420 Ramgo Bldg, D 182 FARMS FOH RENT. -ACRE ganlen nnd fruit farm for rent on Calhoun road near Florence. In lino con dition. Bemis, Paxton Block. 791 VOII ItCNT FURNISHED ROOMS. STEAM lit n tod roDtns at The Thurston. B 151 FURNISHED rooms, modern. 1723 Dodge. EM9ig) J8 DEWT5Y Kuropsan hotel. 13th and Farnam. E-avo BOOMS. 1J08 Cnpltol ave. E MjIS 29 FURNISHED ROOM8, modem. 1910 Cnpl tol ave. B M555 Sl rLHKISHED UOOM8 AND UOAItD. CLENCAIUN.tranalenU.Jl.S day. loos Doug. F-455 Tho Merrlara. gcod winter ham. 25 A Dodge IT lij THE PRATT, nice south room. 212 8. th. ' F-184 UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport Bt. F 156 ELEGANT larg" ateam-hented front rooms, tth Itourd. IflOO Capitol live. F H.V53 1 FOII IIF.NT ii.HVtruNiniitcn ROOMS TWO unfiirtdshed rooms. 1037, Tark Ave. G 44i- PARLOR floor, .4 rooms, with light nnd liout! iilmi one nlnivn room, tiurtly fur nished, for light housakeeptng. Inqulra r c ,1 1 1 - , rl II JFOH rent-stores AND offices. l'OIl RENT, rtoro In first cTnsTTocatloni rent reasonable. Apply It. C. l'ctori & Co,, ground Moor. Hoc Bldg, I-3J0 .sV'tE.N"tiI,.: "Ullding In commission dlntrlct for rent Jan. 1. F. D. Weail, 1524 Douglas. I M1I7 JG FOR RENT, thn building formerly occupied, bv Tlie Dec nt 810 Farnnm street It I ha V.JL .,u " ousement wnich was 'rhi3?eI K. V,c0 nf ,Tho 1,88 nr!"' room rhfs will be rented very reasonably if interested apply at onco to C. C. Roio water, secretary, room 100, lleo Building. i roi 'i0.'1 lIou,h,n room In Continental block'; can be matlo Into very desirable oltlce and Inception room for physician. Will ar range to. suit. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., Ht!i & Hondas Sts. V, 1-837 AFTER January 1st will have fine stor and basement for rent IN TUB CENTER iV. .VV'-'tlnSlON I) irulinl r.'i, OMAHA LOAN AND TllUST CO.. ICtli ana Douglas Sts. 1-238 GROCERY, corner: factory or laundry building. D. C. Patterson. 'Phone, 1413. I-S13-J-4 WANTED TO HUNT. STUDEN'l T desires to work for board while nttcndlng school. Uoyles' College. Tel. K 652-30 STOIIAtii: PACIFIC Storago and Watchouse Co., 312 914 Jones, general storage und forwarding. IM OM. Van ator Co., 1511K Farn. Tcls. 1J53C3 159 WANT!!!) TO IIUY. ALL kinds of household iioads. hotels, etc.. In largo and small (tunntitlcs. Chicago i''urnituro vo., nuu-io uoogc. tci, sua;. N-461 WILL purchaso a limited number of Omaha Havings bank accounts. Urennrin. Lov? Co., 309 So. 13th. N 163 HOUSES to movo. Wallace, Drown Hlk. N-4S2 WANTED to buy. $t,000 of Omaha Savings name accounis tor casn. Auoress A ii, lleo oince. N-MS4S lirnilFRT nrlrea nnlil fnr fur Htoves J PLcvln 304 N lfith S Boes j. i.cMn, 304 N. IStli b rnlture and St. N 373 on mai,i:-iioiisi:s, vhiik.'i.km, etc. VEHtCLES, llnest In city: repair work, tho best; try ue. II. Frost, Hth & Lcavonw'th foii sai.i-.mi!'c;,i.am;ous. HAItD and soft foundation plllnc; hog 2DIIAND safo cheap. Dcrlght, 1110 Farnnm, y is SAFES; buy, sell, ex'gc Schwartz, 114 So. 11 Q 107 iTeUTFORD & CO.. 16th & tlwortlu FU11NITUHE it UPHOLSTEHINQ. Q-377 TIMOTHY hay and nil klnils feed nnd eonT Monroe & Co. ' Q MUG I HAVE a sure permanent cure for wnrts; no pain or scar; send 11 and a 2-cent stamp for medicine nnd full directions. Geo. Kueera, Western, Neb. Q-MI37 J21 FULLY naidun scholarshln In Omnlm's oesi nusincsn nna snorinnno college nt a big aiscount ror casn. Aourcss K 51, Hoe. .43 REMINGTON and Smlth-Prumler type writer for sale cheap. Addrosv E (52. Bee. Q-MMS r.o MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, country dcnlers, Sdhand furnlturo and stoves at lowest priors, carload lotwor less. Chicago Furniture Co., 1406-10'Dodge. R-109 SELTj cheap beautiful Upright piano. mnhoganv case, ruuy guaranteed, bargain, 910 N. 26th St. R-678-Jy.l LOLADISII pharmacy, 12 & Dodge, reliable unit; niurj. ' it ij J l- CLAHIVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 819 North 16th. 8470 MME.GLYMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge B AI471 EI.ECTIIIO THBATSIENT. MABEL GRAY, 3174 N. 15th St., flat E. T-M307 J17 ELITE parlors. 615 So. 16th, second floor. T-aS6 i MME. AMES, 1615Howard, 2d floor, rooml; thcrmnl bnths. T MI18 27 PERSONAL,. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns & superfluous hair removuu oy tituiiicuj-, it, jx,,i.-ren-rcr Blk. . U 172 TURKISH baths, massage bath.. olectrlo baths, for Indies only; skilled women massago operators; finest equipped baths In the city. Ilenntrom Bath Company, Rooms 210 to 220 Beo Bldg. ul(7l VIAVI, woman's way to health. 346 Bee blj U-173 LIEBEN. theatrical, masquorado costumer 1018 Farnam. U 175 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment;. bablea adopted. Mrs. Buret, 2620 Burdctte. U-476 SEWING machines . rented nnd repaired; rent ,2 per month; supplies for ulf kinds of machines. Tho Singer Manufacturing Co., 1511 Douglas St. Telephone 418. " U 178 PRIVATE, hospltul for ladles before & dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 1130 N. 17 U-177 FURNACE work. STOVE work, tln.shoet Iron, galvanized Iron, lno nnd copper work dono: cheapest place In tho city. Savago's Tin Shop, IS22 Farnam St. U-3S8 B STEIN WAY u p rl g h t piano. latest stylo aso for sale cheap. Address D 18. Bt u oo-j.i FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim but tons: mall orders, umuna I'leating Co., 1524 Douglas. U 480 COSTUMES for rent. Back 331S 8. 20th. Mrs. S. U-M JH M'ICINLEY reaches the White House, how? This sat n iinisncti uium num hum e com plete only one dlmo by mall, White. Houso Puzzle Co., 2 Washington St., Ilostoi MaBs. Agents wnnted. U M434 2S JOHN M, Macfarland Iibh removed his law olllco to suite iwv jsew York Lire mug. U-M 460 30 SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent, wnito sewing juuenine, iti i;nug Ins. Tel. 2331. U-51) MONEY TO I.OAN-REAI. ESTATE. LOANS on enstern Ncbrnska and western Iowa farms at 6 per cent; borrowers can na v tlO) or any multiple: any interest date; no delay. Hrennan-Lovo Co,, 309 So. 13th St., umana, wet). - w kz PRIVATE monoy, 6, 6i, 6 per cent; no de lay, uarvin nros., iuia t-nrnam. w isa MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. urcnnan-L,ove 1.0., bo. uui. W 183 11,000 nnd upward to loan on improved city property anc inrms. v. varnam amun c Co., 1S20 Farnam. w 14 WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants, George Si Company, lbOl Farnnm street, PRIVATE money. F. D, Wcad, 1524 Douglau w 11 WANTED City and firm loans: also bonds and warrftnts. k. c. feters ft co., 1702 Fnmaro at., nee uiag. v ijo MONEY to -n on farm nd city proptrty. lowest rat u. v. uavla Co., lbOb farnam w 437 MONEY to tin at 6 and M per cent on Oniuna' Wjerty, w, ii. MeiKie, toi n. ism w IS3 FIVE pci cant tnonar. Bemis, Paxton block. W 10- .MO.M1Y TO I.OAN-ltllAI, I'.STATIN MONEY tn Icnn on Drst-clnss Improved city wiuin-riy or ior nuiiciing purposes, raynr Knox Co., New York Life. W 493 riltVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, raj I. Ijlie. w m TO I.OAN on real estnteicall nt once. ai. j. Kcnnard & son, 310-311 iirown diock. W-493 MONEY TO I.OA.V-ClIATTnLS. THE OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. iKntntill)ioi1 Will make you a loan on furniture, pianos, live siock, etc. lou Keep ino pruiwrix. Or If you have a permanent position we will mako you a 8ALAIIY LOAN without Indorser or mortgage. Wo loan from 110 up. You enn get tho money in ft fow hours after making application and you may pay It back In i. 2. S, 4, 6 or 6 month. Others clnlm lower rattw. but all wo ask Is a chni-eti to make comparisons. We charge nothing for papers or Mlnz and we give you the full amount of the loan In cash. Wo nro tho oldest nnd largest loan company In Omaha. Our motto Is "to'try top lease." Telcphouo 2295. 306 South 16th St. X-490 MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No endorser of mortgage required LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO., Room 626, Fifth Floor, New York Life Dtdj. "SALARY LOANS" t TO EMPLOYES NO CHARGE DEDUCTED IN ADVANCE. NO CHARGES FOR DRAWING PAPERS. "QUIET" 'IOFF1CE," "EASILY I "FOUND." ' "AMERICAN" "LOAN" "CO " Room C01, Ilec Ruildlng. Open 8 a. m. to li p. tn. und noons. Rebate when loan Is paid uefore due. X-M783 FOR furniture nnd plana louns. flergers Loan Co., 1601 Farnnm st. X M419 MONEY loaned salaried neonlc holdlne nor- nianent position with responsible concern upon ineir own names wunout security; easy payments. Tolman. 70tf N. Y. L. bidg. x-na MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lev dry, horso.i. cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13. X 501 SALARY LOANS, CHATTEL LOANS. .T. W. TAYLOE, 21S First Nat. Bank Rldg. X-503 MONEY lonned on' pianos, furniture. hor.-ri cows, Jewelry. Duff Green. R 8. Darker blk X 600 LOANS on furniture, pianos, dlnmonds. Jewelry and salaries; cheap rates.. BOS TON LOAN Co., R. 21, Frenzer blk.. 15th anil uouge, opp. old I. U. Open evenings, X-M170 J12 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, with partial payments on note; no mort 'OStTIVELY LOWEST RATES; loans -A other companies taken up. Room 303, Pax- ton UIOCK. Ht,llAJJL,t. I.' UUiU IT CO. X-507 CHATTEL nnd snlary loans. Joe II. Pleas nnt, 04 Barker block. X M157 J12 CHATTEL and salnry loans. Joe II. Plens' ants. 54 Darker block. X-M157 J13 IltSlNESS CHANCES. J150 CASH or ensy paymenta buys 23 strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines for drinks, cigars or cash; will earn 2 and unwnrd weoKiy cacn. tsan, uiant & co Furnl ture Manufacturers, Chicago, 111. Y-tOI WANTED, good man to do canvassing In the country; good puy for right man. Ad- uress ji; -t, uce. y miw WANTED, by January 1. reliable and Indus trlous young man with capltnl, from $2,000 ... i r, a. i . . . . n I ....... i. it.. i. i lu o,v"j. it, iri:i:uiiit: fiuiiii.-i ill L'aiu iiiihiiuii manufacturing and Jobbing business; n good bookkeeper preferred. Address E 42, uce. X Mi3l WANTED, energetic mnn with from J2.000 to $5,000 cash to take charge of wholesale and retail business. An exceptional op portunity for tho right mnn. For. full particulars address Eureka P. & K. com pany, i.iueriy, inu. l .mum zii- FOR SALE HF.AI. 15STATE. C. F. HARRISON, BARGAINS. 913 N. Y. L. 1115122 J9 HOUSES. lots, farms, lands, loans; nlso firo insurance, uemis, i-axion dik. ttts on PROPERTY bought and sold; mony loaned: rents collected, it, u. Johnson Co., 311 So.-15th St. RE-102 RANCH AND FARM lands for salo by the union raciuc unuroau company, h,- a. McAllnstcr land commlsslonor. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-M4 LAND. C. B. Burrows, Norfolk. Nebraska. RE 'CO D26 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnnm St. K1W.13 8EE HENRY B. PAYNU 601 N. Y. LIFE. HIS 613 EQUITY In wholesale district. C6xl32. bring- nig 111 goou rental, uargain. Address E 36. Bee RE 112-3 OANCING. MORAND'B winter term for children be gins next uaturany; oeginners, 10 a. m.; advance; 2 or 4 n. m.: high school class, 8 p. m.: adults, Tuesday and Friday, 8 p m. Private lessons dally. Waltz nnd two-step guaranteed for IS. Creighton hall. -SU-J-4 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. uox .32, umar.a, xmcu. uonnaeiuiai. -516 DR. LE DUE'S Femnla Regulator, posi tively warranted to cure tne mosi siuo born cnsoB of monthly stoppages. Irregu larities, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whatever cause; $2 a package or 3 for S3; sent nnywhere jiro paid on receipt of prlco. Tho Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, III. American Office, retail, wholesale, Mycrs-Dlllon Drug Co., Omnha; M. A. Dillon, South O'.naha: Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Tull lino of rubber goods, SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. -523 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Bee uiug. W4 NEB. Bus. tt Shorthand 'college. Boyd's -623 Theater. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 10 & Doug. o:u ACCORDION 4'LEATING. ACCORDION and sldo pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark. Pat terson Blk., 17th and Farnnm Sts. 622 FURNITURE BARGAINS. Wo hnvo bought the entire stock of Wolf- .aclmrla, 1207 Karnam si., amounting to J.3.0OO, nt 50c on tho dollar. Tho larger portion being holiday goods, wo nra will ing to close them out at 15 per cent profit. Don't fall to Inspect this line before pur chasing. Remember the place. Enter prise Furniture, Co., 102-104 South 14th, corner Dodge. M 308 31 OSTEOPATH V. JOHNSON Institute, CIS N. Y. L. Bldg.; Tel. 1664; Alice Johnson. D. O.. ladles' dept.; Gld E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. CIS M. E. DONOHUB, D. O,. of Still school, Klrksvlllo, Mo., 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367. -19 JUNK. B.&M. Junk house. J. Mlkler, Prop., dealer In all mr tuls. bottles, etc. Carloads a specialty. .wi-TO Farnam, omana. Tel. 23.8. 621 BELGIAN HARES. WILL sell at linlf tho iisilnl nrleo. very flno pedigreed does, bred. This stock win secured rrom California's nest stralm, ureat uargain. Address K w. nee. 6it TICKET nilOKER. CUT rate tickets everywherp. P. II. Phil. oin, iw rarnatn. xeiepnone vst wt HlltltOll FACTORY. RAILWAY TIME TA II 1,19, Damaged looking glasses resllve red. ?0S N 18. -531 ItOHSKK WINTERED. HORSES wintered, tl P?r month, J. W. rncips, hi x, jiio uiug 'i-none woi. M-7S3 JJ PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Ortlce, reliable accommodat ing; till business confidential, ism Douglas. 62; FIJIl.MTL'RE REPAIUINO. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St. 627 limits AND TAXIDERMl. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1C03 Leavenworth. -533 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 318 S. 26th St. M977 JS LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Lnundry: hlrts. 7c; collars. zc: cuns, 4C. ll&o icnveaworiii. ret. ow 531 CARPENTERS AND .lOIIIIERS. ALL kinds of carpenter wotk nnd repairing promptly nttenacu 10. j. 1. ucnmrcc, qr.11 and Lake Sts. -350 STA M M EKINn AND STUTTER INO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Blilf SUES & CO . Potent Lawyers) Bee Bids.. Omaha, Neb Patent BookFre PATENTS GUARANTEED It All, WAY TIME TAIII.i: FREMONT. ELKIIORN & Missouri Valley Railroad "TI10 Northwestern Line" Genornl Offices, United States National Bank Bldg., S. W. Cor. Twelfth nnd Fornm Sts. Ticket Ofllce. HOI Farnam St. Tel., 601. Do pot, 15th and Webster Sis. Tel.. 1458. Lcnvc. Arrive. Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Sprjngs a 3:00 pm n 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm o 5:00 pm Hastings York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Sewnrd....b 3:00 pm b C:00 pm VnrfnlU. Vnnlltrro nnd Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:23 am T.lnrnln. Wahoo and Fremont ? 7:30 nm bl0:23 am Fremont Local 0 7:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only d Dally except Huturday. o Dally except Monday. i CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Tho Northwestern Line' City Ticket Ofllce. 1401 Farnam St. Tslophonc, 661, Depot. Tenth und Marcy Sts. Telephone 629. jjcnvc. Arrive, n.nvllch Chle.ieo Snec- clal a 7:00 am nll:30 pm Chicago Pnsecnger ....a 4:15 pm a 8:40 am Eastern express, jjcs Molncs, Marshalltown, rvdiir Ilantds nnd Chicago ,...nlO:C3am a 4:03 pm Eastern Special, Chi cago and East a 4:5o pm a 4:03 pm Fast Mai . vjuicago to Omahn . n 2:45 pm Omahn-ChlcngiiLlmlted.a 7:! pm n S:W pm Fast Mall n S:3Q am Cedar Ranlds Passenger a 5:30 pm Enstern isxuress u a:oo pm a Dally, u Dally except Saturday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad The North western Line" General Ofllces, ,. United Stutes .National Bank Building, 8. W. Corner Twelfth finil T-Turnnm ftta Tlnl..t """ J runinm nt, teicpnone, wit. ue pot, Itntli nnd Marcy Sts) Telephone,', 629. . Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express a 6:5.r. am alo:23 pm Twin City Limited a 7:35 urn a 8:15 am Sioux City Locul a !f:0O nm a 3:50 pm CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha itanway ino North western Lino" General unices, iveuraHKa Dlvl sion, 15th nnd Webster bis. city TicKet u Ice. Farnnm Telephone. ECt. Tipunt 1 r . 1 . n...i .. 1. . . a... 1 ' auiii mm cuaill alts. Leave. Arrive. J.W111 v.ii 1 .inonger...a o:uu am a 3:10 nm umana l-assengu. all:10 nm OIUUX Iwy- Of iNortn- east Nebraska u 3:45 pm a Dally. BURLINGTON & MIS sourl River Railroad "Tho Burlington Bouto" uenerai uttlccs, Nortn west Cornor Tenth and Farnnm Streets. Tlckot Oltlce 1502 Farnam Street, Teleuhone. 2o0. uut'lington station. Tcutn una Mason streets, xoieiuione, iz. Leave. Arrive, Lincoln. Hastings and McCook n 8:40 am a 7:33 pm Lincoln. Denver. Colo rado, Utah. California. a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm T.lnnnlr. A.- Itlnrk llttfa..a 0:00 nm n. 6:45 nm Montana. Puget Sounu..a 9:0 pm r.'6!45 am Lincoln l-nsi Man o j;w pm a y.u am Wyniore, Beatrice und Lincoln a s;iu am uiv.m am Denver. Colorado. Utah and California a 6:45 am South Bend. Louisville. Plattsmouth b 3:3j nm. bll:05 am Ft. Crook, Plattsmouth and Facile Junction. ..a 7:00 pm as:2U am lieuevue, I'luitsmoutn and I'aciuc Junciion..ui;iu am a Daily, b Dully except Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "Tho Burlington Route' Tlckot umce iws iurnam Htreet. Telephone. 250, Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone, 128. Leave. Arnvp. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 .m n!0:2.i nm Chicago VcHtlbuled Ex. .a 4:0' pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Exprcss.u u:.T am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mall a 2:43 pm a Dauy. KANSAS CITY. ST., JO netih & Council 111 11 IT Railroad "The Burling-, ion itouto i icxei umce, 1502 Farnam Street. Tela, phone. 250. Depot, Tenth una AiuKon oireets. leie nnone. 12s. Lenvo. Arrive. Knnsas Cltv Day Ex a 9:20 am a 6:25 om Kansas City Night Ex..nl0:30 pm a 6:15 am St. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis.. a 5:10 pm nll:ir, nm a uauy. MISSOURI TACIFIC RAIL road General Ofllces and Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Bts. Telephone, 104. Depot union station. Leave. Arrive. nnd Kansas City Expresn al0:00'am a 6:30 pm IC C;, St. L. Express. ..alOilO pm a 6:15 am Leave from 16th and Webster Streets: X!nh,.nL,n 1 nr.nl. Via Weeping Water b 4:15 pm alO:43 am a uauy. u uany exucyi 1TVION PACIFIC-"THE OVER lnml Route" General Offices N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets, City Ticket Office, 1324 Knrnntn Street, i elCDUone. 21G. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Bts, ' nttiinnp. Leave. Arrive. Tho Ovennnd Llmlted-a 8:20 am a 7:30 pm Tho Chlraun. Portland , Special ...a 8:20 am a 7:30 pm The Fast Mall a 8:50 am a 3:25 pm The Mall and Express.. ull:33 pm a 4:75 pm Lincoln, Bentrlco and Stromsburg Express. ,b 4:03 pm bl2:30 pm Tho Pnclllc Express,, ,,a 4:23 pm Tho Atlantic Express,,, a 6:50 am Grand I Ma ml Locul. ...b 5:30 pm b 9:33 am a Daily, u Dally except bunuay. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha. Kansas Cltv & Eastern Railroad "Tho guincy itouio- tickci Of. lice. H15 Furnnm St. Tele, phone. 322. Depot, Tenth anu aiarcy atreeis, uele ptiono, ijJ. , Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 5:05 pm a 8:20 am Kunsas city ana uuino; Local a 7:00 am a 9;00 pm nr M 4 CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & Ht. Paul Railway City Ticket Office, 1501 Far nnm Street. Telephone, 2S4, Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone, C29. 't A ...... 'UiiWAum Chlcaan L tnlfeit R.... n 6:00 nm B'Of, am Chicago fc Omaha Ex .b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm u uuny u uauy excepi .suuuay, CHICAGO, ROCK tSL and & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route''-Clty Tick et Oir.cc, 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone, 428. Depot, Tenth & Marcy Sts. Telephone. 629, Leave. Arrive. RA ST. Des Moines and Daven port Loenl n 7??.". nm Ml Chlcsgo Express btiil tun n 8:10 nm Des Moines Local a 4.2V pm a 4:13 pm v.iiii'uk'j rum r.xiiruKn..u o;w j'll ni:im uvx .liuilie, XIOUK 181- nna una cnicago a 7:to pm n 9:35 pm WKST. .Incoln, Colorado Spgs., iienver, 1'ueuio nnu WeBt n. 1:30 nm n 4:13 nm Colorado. Oklahoma & Texas Flyer a :20 pm n 9:50 am ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallroad-Clty Tlckot Of fice, 1402 Farnam Street. Telephone, 215. Depot, Tenth nnd Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express n 7:00 nm n 4:o5 pm Chicago Limited a 7:45 pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis nnu nt. Paul Express b 7:00 nm b 9:40 pm Minneapolis and St. I'nul Limited a 7:45 pm a 8:05 am Fort Uodgo Local from Council BtufTs b 4:30 pm b 8:15 am Fort Dodge. Local from council llliifTs u 7 Mo nm u, Dally, b DaMy except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Office, 1415 Furnnm Street. Telephone 322. Do pot. Tenth nnd Marcy Streets. Telephone, C29. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Exprens a &:uj pm a s:2u am t Dally. LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' M E KTIKfl. Ofllce of tho Lee-Qlass-Andreesen Hard ware i'o umnna, .co., Dec. s, lwo. Nutlcc Is hereby clven tn the stnekhnlit. ers of tho Lee-Glass-Andreisrn Hardwars Co. that tho ntimifil meeting of tho stock- noioers 01 tne company will un neiu nt tho ofllces of ni romp.iny, 1219, 1221 ami J223 Harney street. In the city of Omaha, In tho Btato of Nebraska, on Tuesday. .Tanunry 8, A. D 1901, at 3 o'clock p. in,, for tho purposo of electing a board of directors for tlv; company to serve during tho ensuing year, und to transact such other business us may be presented nt such meeting. ii, j. li-;l, president. Attest: W. M. GLASS, D9 31 tm Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice Is hereby Klven that thn untrial mecotliig of tho stockholders of The Bee minding company win uo field nt 4 o clock n. m. Thursday. January 15. 1901. nt the oltlce of said company In The Bee building, Omaha, for tho election of a board of di rectors for the ensuing year nnd tho trans action of such other business; ns may prop erly come before such meeting. By order of tne president. c. c. kusiswathh. oecri'iary. Dcc23d23t POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be rend DAILY by nil Interested, as cimiiKen limy ui-i-ur iil any iiiuu.i Foreign malls for thn week ending Decern- her L"J. 1WH . Will C OSC (PROMPTLY In n cases) at the General Postotflco as fol lows: PARCELS POST MAILS CLOSE ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing tlmo shown below. Parcels Post Malls for Germany closo nt o p. m. December 26th. Regular nnd Supplementary MoIIb closo at Foreign urnncu nnir Hour later man clos lug time shown below. Trnnantlnnt lo Mnlts. WEDNESDAY At 6:30 a. tn. for EUROPE, per s. H. nt. louih. via iioutuampinn; ni in n ... ft Tlf.-T rSTTTXI .Mmnt u ., Vnderlu'nd (mail must be directed '"piir THURSDAY At 10 n. m. for AZORES ISLANDS., per s. s. Trojan Prince. SATURDAY At 0:30 a. m. for FRANCE SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN, FOIL TitriAi. nMTinrav vnvr'P nri.-i.-f-.M BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAIt QUEZ, per s. b. La Notmandle, via. Havro (mall for other parts of Europu must be directed "per s. s. Ia Norman- dlo ): ut 7:30 a. m. (supplementary 9 a. m). for EUROPE, per s. s. Campania via Queenslown; nt 8 a, m. for NETH ERLANDS direct, per s. s. Amsterdam (mull must be directed "per h. s. Am sterdam"); at 9 n. m. for ITALY, per s. s. Allcr. via Nnples (mall must bo di rected "per s, s. Alter";; nt 10 a. in. for SCOTLAND, per s. s. Anchorla (mull must oo uirectcu -per h. h. Ancnoria PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes Printed .Mutter, commercial Papers nnd Samples for Germnny only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not he pent by this ship unleHs Htiociauv uirecteu oy ner. After tho closing of the Sunnlementnrv Trans-Aiiantio flinus named aoove addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of tho Amcrlcnn. English, lcAtinli n i ii tl n un at nn mlra nrlil rum I open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour or sailing ot stenmer. Mnlls for South nnd Cent nil A merlon, West Indies, etc. WEDNESDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, tier s. h. 'lriniunu: at a. m. rot iskw- FOUNDLAND, per s. s. Bllvlu; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary iy:sy a. m.; ror CENTRA I, AMERICA (oxcent Costa Rica) nnd SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per H. h. Advance, via uoion tmait tor uuuto inula must be directed "ner s. s. Ad vance"); nt 9:30 a. m. for INAGUA und HAITI, per H. s. Lunenburg; nt 12:30 l. m. for tft'BA. CAMPECHE. YUCATAN. TABASCO und CHIAPAS, per s. o. Vlgl- lancin, via nuvnna ana t-rogreso (man ror otner puns oi .Mexico must un ai' rerted "ner H. s. VlKllancIa") : ut 11 n. lrt for JAMAICA and PROVINCE OF SAN TIAGO. CUliA. per s. s. Admiral Hcliley, from PhlUdelpnin. THURSDAY At 12:30 p. m. for SAN TIAGO, per s. . Mantiago ue cuua; at 12:30 n. m. for YUCATAN, per s. H Dnggry. via Progreso; at 12:30 p. m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Ithaka, via Tnmplco (mail must bo directed "por.s. s, Ithnka") SATURDAY At 9 n. m (supplementary fl:20 ii. m.) ror i'oktu iticu (v lu snn Juan), VENEZUELA and CURACAO, per 8. H. WHrHCUH tiiiiiu iur ouviiiiuia auu Carthuirena must be directed "ner s. B. CHrncns"): at 9 a. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per s. s. Marnval; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROfX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, and DEME- RARA. per s, s, Aindiunn (man ror ureii ada and Trinidad must be directed "per S. n. Madlnna"); ut 10 a. m. (supple tnentarv 10:30 a. m.) ror FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SAVANILLA 'ind CAHTHAGENA, per s. i. Altai (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "ner s. s. Altai"): at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a, m.) for HAITI, per s. s. Alps; ut 10:39 a. m. for CUBA, per ,t. s. Mexico, via llnvuniil at 10:30 n m. for YUCATAN per s. s. Prima, via Progreso: ot 12:10 p. m. ror .matazi n, uauiaiih. NUEV1TAS. GIBARA nnd BARACOA per s, 8. Olluda (ordinary mull only which must be dlrectsd "ner s. h. Ollndn: at U j). m. for NASSAU, per stenmer rrom Miami, i-ia. Malls for Newroundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thenco by stenmei. closo at this olllco dally nt 6:30 p. m. (connecting cms noro every Monu.iv. vtunsnuv anil Saturday). Mails ror Mifue:on. uy ran to Boston,, nnd thenro bv steamer, nloso at tin. i oiuco uaiiy ai u:3; p m. Malls ror Cuba, by rail to Pore Tamou, Fin., nnd thenpn hv stenmer. clne nt thin ofTlce dallv at O u.' m. (tho conncctlnar closes are on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday), Malls for .Mexico i uy, overnino. unless specially un dressed for dispatch by uteamer. closo at this officii dally at 1:30 p. m. and 11 n. m Malls for Costa Rica. Bollzo, Puerto Cortoz and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans and thenco ny steamer, closo nt this ofllco dolly at "i:;i p. m, (connecting close nero .Mon duvs for Belize. I'uprtn Corte2 and-Oimtii mala nnd TueKdnys for Costa Rica), Reg, lstercd mall closes ut 6 p. tn. previous day) TraiiHiiuclflo Mulls. Malls for Hawaii, Japan innd PhlHpnlho Islands, via Snu l''ranclco, closo hero ilsilv nt 6:30 n. m. un to December 2ltli inclusive, fnr dispatch per s. America Muni. .Mans ror cmna and Japan, vw Vancouver, closo hero dally at 6:30 p. n up to. iJucemuor z.nii, iiiciusivo. tor uih patch per 8. s. EmpresH of India (roM tereil mall miift be directed "via Van roiivnr"!. Malls for AUKlralla (exceli West Australia, New Zealand. Hawnll 1'IJI und samnan uinnns, via sun Fran risen, clnpo here dally nt 6:30 t. in. nfte December 9th nnd up to December 29th inclusive, or on uav oi nrnvai or s. n Etrurlu. due ot New York Dceembe 29th. fnr dispatch per f s. Sonoma Mnlls for Australia (except West Aus trnllH, whlrh goeh via Europe, and Now Zealand, which goes via Snn Finnclsco), nnd FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, clone, litre dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January lis, FAMOUS MYSTERY UNRAVELED Theft aud ItcoTerj of $1,600,000 In Bonds Belonging to a New Yorker. CRIME RECALLED BY A PECENT DEATH "Lnynl OMren" .Murphy Never Told, nnd Ills Employer Would Not To I era ti ll Reflection on Ills In tegrity. With the passing of Owen Murphy dies tho secret of the disappearance of $1,500,- 000 worth ot bonds, relates tho Now York Herald. Whero they went, how they went, s)io was Instrumental In their abstraction nnd who were the ultimate beneficiaries thcru were bo questions that putzlcd tho patlco of two continents. No ono ever nnswerod tthn Queries. No one ever will answer them. For the man who was the logical Informant has passed beyond tho Jurisdiction of earthly Judges, nnd he left no word of explanation. Tho secret of this man's life has baftlcd tho Sherlock Holmes of three decades. Owen Murphy! Confidential man of affairs to a tunny times millionaire! In solo poiscsslon astdo from tho obvious possessions of his chief of the combination of tho olllco snfol On one day, a king's ransom In the strong box! On tho morrow, nothing! Emptiness, mocking, sneering, accusing ciniulnofs! And then the man hunt, sensational, thor ough and absolutely rcwardlcss! And through It nil, on tho part of the mini most to bo affected by a damaging discovery, a personal' unconcern that was masterly, a Mirone satisfaction In the stanch support of his despoiled employer, and Una ly the crown of confidence which outlived even the tcnuro of tho loyalist of musters! And the bonds came back! Murphy was tho agent and confidential man ot Huftis L. Lord, when railroad bonds valued nt M.tOO.OOO were taken from the Lord safe In n llttlo olllco nt No. 38 Ex chango plncc. Mr. I.ord and Owen Murphy were tho only persons supposed to havo ac cess to tho Rtrong box. Tho bonds disap peared In n manner ns strango ns most ot them subsequently found their way back, Ills IliiipliiyiT'M Conlldi-iice. Yet through mouths, In which suspicion was directed In every direction, Huftis L, Lord would not permit n word of dlAtrunt tn be uttered In his presence concerning Owcu Murphy. Bankers, agents, pawnbrokers and even tho ollco themselves were hauled over tho coals. Scotland Ynrd and Mulberry streotH followed clows and theories, yet whenever any attention wns bestowed upon Owen Murphy there Intervened Uufus L Lord, who defied every mnn to even brenlho suspicion against "tho little Irishman," whom ho trusted nnd loved. All tho facts In that robbery of I860 will probably never bo known. Itufus Lord, who wns then SO years old, might havo told more thnn ho over did. Ho has long been dead. Cap'nln Young, the head of the detective bureau, who wns broken at tho wheel of public opinion, Is dead. Detectlvo Irving, who nccused the captain nnd was largel) tho causo of tho upheaval In tho police department which followed the robbery, has nlso passed away. "Jack" Rand nnd half a dor.cn thieves, small nnd great, who wcro arrested nt tho time, hnvo gone to meet the Judgo of nil 'mankind. "Dan" Noble, credited with being nt tho head of tho plot which resulted In the theft of the securities, still lives, with protestations of reform upon his nged lips. "Dutch" Hctnrtch Is somcwhero on earth, for he, too, wns concerned In n mystery which baflled tho Ingenuity of detectives, ntuutour and professional, In the days following the civil war. Thero aro gray-haired men down In Wall 3treet who rcracmbor how Owen Murphy, tho "llttlo Irishman," In that tlmo of tin rest and suspicion, held his head high secure In nn employer's trust. Where the bonds went nnd, nbovo nil, what course most of them traveled to get back to tho safo of Rufus L. Lord, few men ever knew Developments of these later days have shown how well tho faith of Itufus L. Lord In tho "llttlo Irishman" was Justified Tho death of Owen Murphy sent to hi reward a good servant, for sixty years a steward of millions and faithful to the end. Owen Murphy was horn In Monaghan couuty, Ireland, In 1817. Ho enmo to this country when ho was 22 years old. Ho was a clerk for a few months In a dry goods house. Then ho entered tho employ of Mr, Lord, In 1840, ns a collector of rents, for Mr. Lord owned most ot tho buildings In that block, bounded by Broad streot, W1I Ham street, Exchango "place nnd Denver street. Thero wero fifteen buildings aud the several hundred offices brought In n largo Income. Tho stock exchango then occupied one of tho structures. Over this domain of stono nnd brick Owen Murphy reigned as viceroy. He determined tho amount of rent to bo paid and ha ad ministered all tho affairs In connection with tho profitable estate. Everybody In tho Wnll street section knew him. Whero tho Lord's court building now stands thero wa a place for tho dumping of tho ashes from tho grates used In tho offlcos. Thero tho youngsters ot the neighborhood onco wen to gather cinders and tho pluco was called "Murphy's alley." Wherever Owen Murphy wont he had a hearty greeting for those ho mot, from tho millionaire brokers aud thero wcro not many lu thoso days lo tho diminutive clndor pickers. Ha chased tho small boyi out of tho building when they becamo un ruly and then forgot the incident by tho next tlmo ho and tho youngsters met. Even In tho days which preceded tho bank robbery he wns known ob "Loyal Owen." A man who owned a building I Wall street sent for him ono day nnd uBkcd for an export opinion as to what rent h should demand for a. vacant counting room "Do you think," replied Owen Murphy "that I'll give you an opinion of thnt kind when my employer has rooniB to rent 7 No, sir, I shall do nothing of tho kind." Theft of the llonds. It was In such ways as theso that "Loyal Owen" won tho confidenco which afterward withstood so severe n test. Rufus L. Lord was nearly deaf. He was In 186S SO years old and Infirm. Ho was nt his ofllco ovcry day, but tho details o his business wero attended to by Owen Murphy. There went tn tho llttlo odlce ono day I March, 1866, two well dressed men, who In quired nbout renting a sulto of rooms. They returned several times In tho following few days. They' Interested Mr. Lord In speculation In hops, for they said they wcro lu a position to control tho commodity Theso men were "Dan" Noblo nm "Dutch" Helnrlch. Noblo wus a shrowd and clever criminal, a man ot pnllshod man n era aud of sufficient knowledge ot flnan clal matters to Impress tho aged banker, POSTOFFICE NOTICE. Mb. Inclusive, for dlsnntch nur s. Wnrrlmo (supplementary mnlls, via Heat tie, closo ot 0:30 n. m. January Mthl Mulls for Hawaii, Chlnu, Japan and Phil liinlno Islands, via San Francisco, elosi hero dally at 6:30 p. m, nil lo January 3d. inclusive, ror uispaicn per v Peking. Transnaclflo malls nrn forwarded to nort of Ratling daily and the schedulo nf closing is arranged on too presumption or tneir un Interrupted overland transit. Registered mail closes ni i p m. previous nay. CORNEUU8 VAN COTT. Postmaster. PostofTlco, Now York, N. Y., December 21 The strangers made n rnrrftit study ot tho position of tho olllco furniture nnd of tho l.trgu wait safe which contained tho boxes contplciiously labeled "bonds." They returned for tho last time on March 1866. While they talked hops with Mr. Lord nu nccomnllco took two tin botes of bonds, It Is sr.ld that they went to Central park, where vhey divided thrlr booty and then escaped. Owen Murphy returning to the office In Exchange place saw that the boxes wero missing. "Who hns hern here?" ho naked his em ployer. "Two men to Inquire nbout nn ofuce," wns ' tho reply. They havo dono more than thnt," mild Mr. Murphy, pointing to the vacant space In tho safe. The work of the thieves had hocn com paratively easy. Tho outer door of the safi an never locked, because tho lock wns out f order. There was an Inner compnrtmcnt only locked nt night. Tho boxes were taken and openly carried In the streets, perhaps. The day of safety deposit companies nnd trust Institutions had not then dawned In Wall street. In tho boxes wero stock of the Warren railroad, United States honi, Now Jersey railroad sto.'k, Gnlenn and Chicago second mortgage bonds, Delaware, Iicknwntma & Western railroad slock, New York & New Haven railroad stock, Chicago & North western railroad stock, nnd other vnluablo ccurltlcs. Tho numbers of tho missing bonds aud stocks wero published, but this fact did not teem to prevent somo of them from being negotiated. About ono-thtrd ot the papers belonged to Mr. A. L. Horron. The detective bureau began nt onco to In vestigate tho conduct nnd habits of Owon Murphy. Captain Young proposed thnt Mur phy bo taken to headquarters and thero put through tho "third degree." "Ileforcd permit that llttlo Irishman to bo nccused of this crime." said Mr. Lord, with warmth, "I'd rather loco every cent of that which has boon taken. If Owen Murphy wished to rob ho could hnve dono so Ion? ago and have taken inoro than Is gone now." Thoro wns no third degree." Thero wore times after that when tho police persisted In examining tho trustod agent nnd thero wcro ninny heated passages at arms between Mr. Lord nnd tho head of tho deloctlvo bureau, lu which tho million aire firmly Hood his ground. A robbery of such magnitude wns n new thing In those days. Tho details of It wero tho talk of financial circles on both Bides of tho Atlantic. Mr, Lord offered a reward ot $200,000 for the return of ,tho securities. Neciirltlrn Returned. And the etrnngest part of this story con cerns tho wny In which tho papcrn catno back. With tho return of each Instnlment from sources carefully concealed tho faith of Rufus L. Lord lu Owon Murnhv wns further strengthened, Dan Noble, when npproached on tho mat ter, said that ho possibly might know somo thing nbout tho bonds, but that ho was at a loss to understand how his arrest could old In the finding of tho missing proporty. no wns not prosecuted. Thero wcro arrests mndo for tho next two years. John Lynch, n pawnbroker, nt No. , (iraiKi street, nan a Michigan bond which belonged to tho stolon securities. John Pcttinglll, Frank Hcllen nnd W. 11. Rnh- cock were arrested, charged with being concerned In tho negotiation of tho stolen paper. Tho great houso of Jay Cooko Co.. In tho courso of business, enmo Into possession of some of tho missing securities. Tho firm said that if an Investigation wcro made In every transaction II would ronulro two weeks to attend to tho simplest business affairs. Nearly $300,000 worth of tho stocks nnd bonds woro received In this country nlonn nnd then in 1S68 thero was sont from Eng land $1,200,000 worth of tho stolen papers. u was sain that all but 190,000 was recov ered. Tho return of tho major Instalment hns always been n mystery. It wns conducfjj through well known banking houses nnd London lawyers. It Is supposed (hat tho persons who got tho securities, fearing to tiegotlnto thorn, had turned them over to tho attorneys. In connection with tho return of tho se curities thero wns much tnlk of compound ing a iciony. captnin Young was accused by his subordinate, Detectlvo Irving, of having secretly accepted a reward from Mr. Lord. Much dissatisfaction wns found with tho gnneral conduct of tho police de partment nnd there wcro broad hints ot collusion. Captain Young wob forced to resign nnd his plnco was given to Mr. Irv ing. Through thoso days of Btorm Owen Mur phy was serene. Ho closed tho oyes of Rufus Lord when the nged mllllonnlro died. Ho continued in, tho employ ot tho Lord estnto. When tho proporty changed hands ho wns still retained ns ngont. He was trusted by all ns ho wns trusted by Itufus Lord. Ho becamo the Nestor of tho financial dis trict. Whenever nnyono wished to ctt In formation about tho Wall streot of y.ara ngo Owen Murphy could tell Juat what was wnnted. Ho wns actively cngRgcd ns agent until last Mny, when ho was rotlrod on n pension by thn Lord family, Hn dted In his lint, ut No. .181 First stroct, Brooklyn. Owon Murphy left children who aro proud to tell ot tho troubled days In Wall street back In 1866 and ot tho supreme tost cf tho trust of HufUH Lord in "Loyal" Owen. HEROINES WHO SMOKE. Novell! of tlu- Period Lend Eiii'our llKeniollt tn till' Nicotine lllllllt. Thero Is no doubt that tho Increnso of clgarctto smoking among women Is due In somo degree to tho fact that moralists of lato havo pictured their heroines as In dulging In tho dctestablo and filthy habit. A writer In Harper's Bazar asserts that It Is only a very uhort tlmo ago that It was the fast, moro or less dlsroputnblo and rcr tnluly secondary character, tho woman vil lain, In fact, who rolled hor clgarctto nnd (licked Its ash daintily with her ring-be-docked fingers, hut the best nnd most vir tuous heroines today may have the nico tine statu on their pretty hands. Tho writer recalls that It was something of a shock to havo Carmen tn Charles Dud ley Warner's "That Fortune" nmoko, a shock Bimply becauso It Implied nn accept ance on Mr. Warnor'H part that women In presentable society did smoke. Tho book Is a comparatively lato ono, yet, It Mr. Warner, In n new edition, woro to make Evelyn Mavlck herself nmoko It would scnrccly bo surprising, so rapidly has this Innovation becamo an accopted habit, hath In books ami, alas! out of them as well, It Is to bo feared. It was Harry Furnlss, we believe, who Hald, four or flvo years ngo, and tt was ac cepted then na a neat phraio, that he really didn't know which ho disliked tho moro, "tho man who did not smoko or tho woman who did." SOFT, GLOSSY HAIR. It Can Only Hi lliul Where There It No Diuidriiir. Any man or woman who wants soft, glossy hair must bo frco of dandruff, which causes fnlllni? hair. Since It has becomo known that dandruff In n germ disensa the old hair preparations that wero mostly scalp Irri tants havo boon abandoned and thn public, harbors and doctors Included, have takcu to using Nowbro's Herplrlile, tho only hair preparation that klllH tho dandruff germ. E. Dodd, Dickinson, N. I)., says: "Horpl clde net only cleanses tho scalp from dan druff nnd provents tho hnlr falling out, hut promotes a new growth. Herplcldo keeps my hair very glossy." i