THE CttfATTA DA IT A IUZTa WKDXED AY. PECITMBETi 20, 1000. CHOUSING THE LESSER EVIL Tort Ctztwss frca lis Point of u Ann- Private. Tit FACTS VERSUS THEORY AND SENTIMENT llip'rlrnrr of a Soldier with the arrK(trrlr Thai I'nrmerly nr roanilrd lnt IlrnrCI of the Canteen. It 1 an old styiap, and Is this caw a Imp one "Of two evils choose the ler. aayi private sold tar la Harper's Weekly. The leadlnp spirit In the creation of a post caatocn, te take tie place ot a peet tradcra saloon, did. ta fart, cheaee the lesser rrll. lleyoad ejuestioa ta amy rational-minded mac, who has a ear tor the welfare of hi fe;io mth. a drtakiap re- sort of t-r class rr name Is an crtL xae ouestlon catcrally ariecs. ' VThy do such I rrtaeea dUt" "Simply because people wtat 1 them an that Is may the post etatwe has as cxlstriace today. It haa been a weU-reeopatiwd tact frota General tVa5Mnptnn's ttrae down to the present day that soldiers ore act all saints, nor ever wilt be aad that a certain pc centtpe of the tarn will have their whisky or beer, orders to the contrary uotwlih-etaaiMnc- The fonadrrs of the port can teen did not establish it for the purpose cf maklap soldiers drink or to drlvr nay jiroSt tram It, a the oaly proat there Is la it pees te the soldier, the preater ahare to the one who never enters IU doors, root traders' stores tad post traders' saloons have for years been the central fipure in all military poats, aad ssasy a nma with the political pall to pes the tradorshlp in a military port oa lb troattor has amassed a fortaae by hi? lU-fVttec pains from the soldier. 7h store aad saloon wore under the Jurisdiction of the pet comajaador, of coars. He It was who fixed the prices oa pvod for sale is the saloon and certain articlos la the Mart that Us to ooldiers. bat the port troder has a pe4tt)ri.l pull and the po com mander caaaot overlook that fact, so the prices raape rathr htph. The salooa, al ways presided over fcy a cltiB of th low est type, eoper to make money for htmsett. w-oaU always plve liquor to jbs to whoa orders had beea piven not to serve drinks, the men paytnp extra for the risk the bar tend owa pocket. He would also take clotbtnp of aU kind, as well as blankets. coee. j rice, supir. flrar or bacon aad beans aad sell them to rancher, or cowboys, maklnp , . , nrnfit. V.anr a soldier has parted 1 with nearly all his clothtnr In this manner, and many a druaken cook and rascally first serpcaat has disposed of the company's ra tion la the same maaaer. Pope ot the GroirR-erle. The liquors were of the vilest kind, all manufactured of drups. not a drop from aay distillery, the rankest poison pine top, the beys used to call It- They said It w-as made of pine-needles and tobacco Juice Commanfilap oScers la sheer- des peration have closed the post saloon for days to try aad straiphtcn the ara out. but they continued the wheel just the name. How? No other salooa oa the reservation the reservation stx, flpht, tea or more miles square the post la the cen ter of the reservatioa ao passes prtated to leave post strict orders for all mra to rtay la the post day and nlpht extra or ders to puards to be oa the lookout for men polnp in -or out ao oae allowed to take a horse or trule from the corral, with out orders from the quartermaster, aad a oeatry to see that they did not take try. and the nearest town fifteen or tweaty mile, ayy and check roll-ctll every nlpht; that is, the captain of each com pany each nlpht passed thrnuph the quar ters with the first serpeaat, aad lopked at each bunk to see if the soldier slept. Oood old man, wasn't he? More thoupfct ful of his boys thta maay a father. This la hew: Just o5 the reserrxtloa at some rultable potat are sltutted one or more vile drns called la frnauer parltnce "Hop ! ranches," stoekec wita a vaie nseortmeai of ll;unra. A scarry oa the corral would ct to sleep at a plvcn sipaal. a poor un fortunate horse or male would be take: and ia a short space cf time a couple of ... . . , . v . i racks full of bottles of whisky wonld be poinp the rounds of the loys. or would be cached away for the next day. the sentry Ftandinp In na the drink free. If no male or horse was to be stolen tway. thea It r . .... n Tint haw thou? the - - t M,t, c it,. .mt Misf If the first I ;:t 7ariS 'the boys, he accounted I nerpeaat was is with the boys, he aceouated for the maa as oa puard. la the putrd house or hospital. The captala never looked at the ccmpasy roster to verify the report of the fterpeaat or a dummy served the purpose toe of a stocklnc poked out fro under the blaaket tad stnfied with ' raps, the elbow ofa shirt-sleeve, ditto, tad , a blanket or other articles uaderaeath , the bedilap to serve for the form of the body, and a auskrat cap stufied tor the head. There ytu are! Just laactne the , lead captain ptsiap wita aamira.toa at . . - . . . the supposed form r: oae fc sis coaptay and at the same mom eat the real lara TtapFtrlnp across the prtlrie under a heavy sank of bottles Slle with whisky tai a heavier "load inside. IMS the officers X-aow this Ceruitaly AThy did they aot ""t' " ' dlers wonli driat ?o if the evil aust erlst. why not la a modified form la the thtru. nf a Twist rtnteer. wherf the whole maehlaery would be la the hands of the , post oamaaader. aad the soldier at pat reap soar benefit from his tally Orpin of the Camren. The post canteen was started la ISCo. 1 think. . V, e were statioaed at Tort liramle at the time. Each company commander pat la ta equal taoaat tor his company tnd I lrere some etae frna the post faad to ftoek the oaacera. A seeosd lioatentnt was detailed 1c chtrpe to purchese stock tnd keep the books tnd funds tnd divide the not profit tt the tad of each Quarter tmonp the companies lor the company , ruaat. l wed ay the several camnanies t aay tnytaiap tpey jaipat tee tor thai: ar onmtart caWectivoly with the eoaseat T t Jk rVTVVI Wl"!"! f. Tl II . hMl Aa r V TrtE " '7. "r771, . TUxT, 7 7,. T J "77 was boaoate ia a manner by his sx . . . j. ,,, . nr his eamrades tolly. All trtlcles tre saM at a smell profit, ptvtap the acta pood wane 4 beer It moderation, t clean plaje to s4t ant amuse theasolves with ptitaea. siaay haviap liilliard tnd pool Tables la thea. sad rcauraat attarhed: tlsa all the dally papers tnd periodicals ne whisky tl loved, to be sold, ne fiphtiap or loud tad lolsteroas oo&duct, a serpeaat, present all the time to see that the rules povmlap w ' . " "l rouatawe so the ueMoaaat ia chtrpe lor the pr-srrvtuon ss otsnpiiaa In a rcpular military peat the mast ripW discipline is eatarced What is the raaae- ouenecT Jt relieves atay a horse ar mul of a loap nlpht ride or many a saldier's leps frea a weary tramp, tad a preat deal of hraia-wnrk ia stuiyiap scneme te pet more whisky. It pu moacy in the com- pany tuad to purchase luxuries tor the KftlAirr't table acd ccmtorts tor his cutr tere the sober eeldior w ho ncvr spends a ' cent la the cavteoc sbariap the prants. Tvanle xaust underattnd that soldiers are enlisted for repirlar or wlnateor service from the papulation o: tnc umiet the porwiaael of the tray is the same tr the residents at larcc of any city, town or counCT er thtt is where thev come from. They are c4 maer nasieaattues aad from all walks la lite from the hiphest to the lowrst. The cattecc has no cormptitp iifiacare. Oa the other atad. It tt the erposte effrr". It tbe Tren that f the mutt use liq.-.-r. to '.earn to do so c moderation. Wlmt Can ton ISApcct. In a rata or . rtwt(. wat caa yea tflwet Ou-rter drtaV lay art a pead -aeay an ta be f-rex by uuarruete-ned to rack athriar A vol aateer rata I aat ta place to Jade a rant era or eavthirnc else lOf ara Osaee roliiateeti. They ar jour tethers, broth era. uacre aad court. Wort they raete beta of lempcraare orpaatsatten whea they enlietwS Were they teetotaler Wd puttta e the anlforas of a -oldler tare then lata druakartlt Did the poet ee- Ihc deb. Br a all these aohrr vara la oae i day? No. Yoa oaly eee caeeted la such a catna. la aa eaterped term, what a taay nor ta ywar ra town la xaiatatarc any day yo wish to leek tor It. Vhy are sa loon In row tewa leeuse people waat tbcra. Why don't yo close the up Yoa caa't- Tbe oaly '.bmp I feel sorrry tor. Is this world, are the rhrtralr kickers klcktttp - - -a"tR eoerpy that mlpht W uel to ft v- larpoeo. b wbi. vr irir , nrm ta tae army aaa uf Mi rers in an , that pertaias to army life have only the ; croatest praise for the post canteen, for ( toe simple reason iaat it is a necessary cvii la the army, just as yrmr SAlooas are cores- itry evils in your eltiets aad Mllaccs. Tom iti:i:n no.n.TY. Refused to Tnke n Check That i nrrd nmelmt ot n Ilrlbe. While his political adversaries have scored ex-Speaker Thomas Reed unmerci fully for many of his public acts, no one has ever impeached bis personal honesty. At a recent patberlap at the Cumberland ilub ia Po.nlaad. Me., an old acquaintance of Mr. Reed s told the tollowlap story n- lustratlve of hi tacorruptlbility Its all rlcht to exalt Maary Hav la history tcr his ta metis declaration, Td rather be npht thaa b prosideat." ' said a dlrttnpulshed republican leader "Me de sorved It But I d.a't think hi honesty was ore stalwart thaa Tom" Ileeds. It was a quality which rort Clay aad. la all probability. Reed the loas of their darllap dream of the white House 1 have kBowa Reed from the days wbea , e was a Hlfth school boy." be coattaBed. 1 "aad always recopnlted his Intense latop but its full sireapth never dawned ! rity. upoa me until the days of that tryinp ros preesioaal campaipa whea General Ander son proceed him so hard. Pactap a united dteasloa caused by dlsappotated s.n- bittoa tor omce and the dlscaanicemeat of f0.c,p, forces interested ta Heed s doteat, ' the campalca went oa from bad to worse ! nBui i, rhed . -H- m. , . re - electton seemed slender indeed I -. . . mww i. .'.a... i t . . u .1. ; well as possible uatll the last week of the i caapalpa, when funds rta shor. tad aoaey I was aa laperauve aecely. Kaowtac Reed as well ts I d10, I was deputed to , out ceremony I pitched into the subject o! av call 'Mr Reed.' 1 said. '1 Uaow you r aoi a wealthy man. but we must have liW at once cr. la my humble opialca, you w-es-: win out." " Til see what J can do,' he replied, tad w eat oa opeatap his mail , Presc atiy he opeaed a letter from which I drop-.d somethlap that looked like a chock. as if tc reply While he wrote a brief aote I had opp&rtuaity of seeinc that the loos-e paper v;as a check for jr.M p&r&Me to his order. He fiaished the aote. re-enclosed the check tnd vas about to seal the letter whea I caupht his tra and said- Tardoa me, but j what are you polnp to do with that cheek:' j 'I ta polnp to send it back.' he replied. ieac tats Jetter. and he tossed me the i aote which had accoaaaaied the check. 1: -as .rem the head o. oae of the larpest T 7 I 7 441 . ie aot Napif stated that the writer uadersttadinp there was a scarcity of funds ia his campaipa. y,. iacjOSe iar erect witn tae nope that h ia securiap re-eiection. 1 r" "f- cmslda t see aaythlap that would place Eeed under deHalte oblipatloas tc the ptver tad HiP T-AaaJ fVlSaa-e TtHll vnn C.Aa. ! M tbf a j " ta7 , , "-""t- lJl aril session, tac i Cta. FCP- . port it.' he Stid I ne tsts a promises aad roc are in no way bocad. If j you ooa t reptrc this matter se much tor , roEr.i .mv nf .-.i, K. t r i ti. i amim tdpt nmim iiur , M ... , . iTv"" Iut,e" ! '" Ta sarrv.' he relninn 'h? 7 rrrt ' take shall he re milled the letter while 1 wtadered o j. jv. .juv la a fiiscourtped frame of ioa. j fotsnd soe n hit riaw. rr.a c-,. . a Tf tv..-, t,. Mh i of tae vaf i rKval oa the spat. : r3jwj:h 1(lr "Xte nocessleT 1 .a,T s. h!Tn lor ku --aai- i there wasn't a mta of us who would KVfiUlSH rint.ic .L..Rins, , , j Curious nUcrcpanclr tn the Offlces t In the Sllniktn. . . - . about the stitrie tttachinp to the offices ' in the Tnlnistr-r ttvi the IjmAnn Chranlrlr la the aialstry. says the Loaaoa Chronicle, Thus the most laportaat of all. the pre- miership. carries no emolument tai. la- a- lt ,rd deed, no precedence, tad the holder of in vf.-ir.Klr f.lH bAmr othr Tncitnr. tji Salisbury hts, except for a brief period whea he w-as first lord of the treasury, tl- ways attached io the chlefttlaetip the Pom pa ofiiee Mr. Gladstone whea he wa not firK lord of the treasury, was peaertlly caaaroiter k trie r-xencfluer tae ta txs last aialstry he added tc the faraer the sine- e farmer the sine- tof course without cure af lard privy seal (of course without rt remuaerttion;. which Uird Stlis- 7 is now to occupy Can tayoat expltla ,i while the secrettry of war pets ertr . bury admiraltv cuW ; . , n ... ... ,,, ,i .v. - ! um itj i rw wwa w.-.- w aaa c (mii aaw 1 is that at hard lieutenant nf Ireland. S6. . ., .. , . Wc. but thee taere tre social duties at .. .... " " " I .aicMlifr iv ubm wr wiit rgucat tii- c ,..v a. rl.. The lord chanreilor peu half f whirk i ns a ladre af th hie t , i .v7 -v.. . .7. . .v- k.raT-4a, aw or vmai. U a-jtrr The lord chancellor af Ireland receive less anc hit duties are whallv lnj- ' nal unless hr is it the cahiaeC as th nrt- ! eat oocupant of the post 1 Two thousand i tnnas Merlin c is the anal saltrv iar n.rV . . . , -a, . , ,w , ,,,7Z .,.,.,, .., -v.. : apriculrurf ediwaUot and warta. while the peetmaster peaertl. the direct or of the . , . . . . . , , , . ,v.. , ,-77-. bol4 .7, L-ll Kecrtkry la the various mlrt. eat77 f4m w arQE i 77 .v.TL 7. 7 T ".. 7 ; tv-atesslont: nol.tuaan, hTJIIr ..,. . v-i- , , t ;777 .".ZT7r J 77 77.A7.r7.. 7l hie rarliameatary eareer frna rh(.BI,. rBnki " l the ea Uhtt a Jf ytaTt he had turned mere ,,..,... ...... j v.. tp rf hH j u , r ,7. .v.. . 7 -w. praBttlota. y Vtrted. a prod att to dp rtavztsirr ia .the country Good pay tor ripht 7-1 r., Ad- dreat E i. Br. oommuntcate to htm the situation. I found . ; . ' . mciaoas nere ouutaed la the produc htm one moraiac la his Exchaace street nvtrltat successful business man , & j aon Mhesltatiacly plve osce eapaped ia operslnp his mail. With- i. i 7... . i 7 . , ' . i P-Merence to the feeders raised by myself. ' r " ' , stock ane apam it is aot. iac ;r-J feminise populkUor is iacreasiac at a ter:a. uso is nricE. mat at tne nase tur.F rlcoTre.'"0" ,Ctt 1 . J J?" - HI iL 1 I ed ia other PUres . v. -- . . n iur; t- - fliri tntt this country win presenuy fe 'the com; ar.j ts oertain that the new ;h:rr- FEEDING CATTLE FOR PROFIT Damage to Ioca Crp liiiM it Km? tsiry to DUpof t flt Oa tie Tim. CRUDE VETHODS ARE NOT PROFITABLE Present Jtarcln of Profit IlrtT.ern Put Cnttlr nnd I'rr.lrr. Mill ot Admit of Vnte In the Prrd lot. With the larcet acreape of com la the i history of oar Mate, aad aa averag yield i tot the cleHHf: ear of the preat cea- i tary. the preatm that Iowa has ceer pro- dated, the question of dtpMap of the im- j trcate crop la the most profitable manner . at thts tin, of vital lntr.-eft to the faraors cf low. An abaadaat crop cf this. I best of all fat-pmdvclBp cereals, icrarla- .- .- vrn. .u. t iar rattle. As much of the corn was ta- , juroa la me lan m rata ana wmo jooctnp ; ta many piaces arxs jowenag the quality, i it is not scrprislnp that a larpe number of farmers who heretofore have never ' usctrtaKea the tattenmp o: rattle are no csbarkinp la the business. With these conditions extstiap I may be pardoned for referrinp briefly In this paper te a tew of the salient polau la the tat teciap of cattle tor slaupbtcr, whereby loss Is often sustained by those laexperleaccd In the business. There was a time ta the history of Iowa :hen proat could be made fatteatap cattle ihout rrpard to business principles, the ! Urct sfpin In the price of feeders and Wished cattle be lap ample to insure a P"at even with the crude and antiquated t 3 ft bods of feedlap them in vopoe- But a PrfM n place, the larpe 'rP' nave disappeared the purchase and fatteniap of rattle has become a science auo v sue a Jew nave m&aare te hold their own. a preater number have failed. aad it is only a few wbo have made a svecoof is the hnslaeos. A preat many very alleadtac unifies have appeared la print la retard to the , pr1 w"Br ,lB aad "w b V?' , uru niuimr a taeir reports nave .ailed i any laf-ttaces to plve the whole truth aaa icaae a proat appear by met as of ficures, when la fact there was ta actual ( loes. .... . ... t " Tc rcae la: w,ac11 - ru", ; ' T 7" 1 .. . so ; f"Cil Ca realised so rnaay dollars and J1 ; " the IIT?"" " fc - prieaced feeder the fallacy of the statement ! ' 'f-,T,0'at- li Jarmer. without ex- . . .acre are otaer expenses bealdes the cost i cMUp' "plFht tn "aaUMoa j v T, MasJ,1?"t, 5oP who em- , ,a. Alness purchases ta article for , at tl tnd suraace. repairs, clerk hire, etc . tad fixes a price that will yield a ft:r profit, after ptyiap the necessary expenses lacurred la htndllap the poods- To do otherwise would t V . J ... . J . " T , - IT . ' , without rxr.-ieace ia feediap is to succeed 'a Mtap" bP aus ,o! a;f a , 11" ? f"1 aess, omc Cannes of krfia in recdlnc. One cause of loss la feedlap cattle is luck of the necessary convcEltnces, for. while bulldtaps, feed trouphs. hay racks, etc. may ! be of the plalaest tad cheapest construe- ! .joncttUe will aot pain la weipht without ' taoi!er la va weather, aad t dlrtv we: bfS u no. C0Biuclvt. ,0 -he ltylap'oa of .v i.v. , ....... --. .v ::77 "7" 'JT.. :"7 pu-cv, CPLr?tL. uj .hrod cattle for : ltif Ipe4 ,M u .p. jartBr jhE. tianft teT8ruMy Tttltiu lz or -v .Ulf f-voi e boupht low eaouph to insure a , .v iM . tv, Bli . trwiiKtna in rrJuisc Farmers, as a rule, accustomed lor Sai & c(wh5 des l0. lfiU,f 1 ,at WtfT a,ottv,t. deal of time - . tl- tre too ortes touac away rroa some .w ,v,. .SnnM So M-inr 1nr ihtr rtnek . .7-j AT7re- air tnorr.- r mrVit no excrntioa lor sua- A.f .ad Jecj bolidtys, doe aot haraoaiae vnlt 1ornifC habits, aad the troa?: hs tad Tart are rack are filled to everflowiac tl oae uae ... . - aad tliowec to remain emp-.y iar w. Drl order .- i,r - "f huaper lollowiap surfeit ia re.-ultr is coaveaieal to ate. . will pet onouph is forpotter for some time tad eaouph 1 plvea to satisfy the crtriap. tnd. cf course, soourinp resulu tnd loss It Inevitable. , 77 ,-Vh-"-e so hard that f IL tt L. ' "!Tt.,, .v- ..i-7:.v- t -ir t if i : ill:.-.. . k. . u.. . ...i tft-it Tlvnrv feoder of CiPeri- I ence knows the result tad It will take ! days tad jerhtpt weeks to reptia watt . has been lost. There Is often serious loss la ftttealap a,1-r w . , . Cttue oa nccouai tn - - feeders tnc o: itie n u- io ' - , . . , . .,,,, ipc ai"'"""r " ' ' . " " wcrti tae price csaou uhk uic uji-i . wot , a:as: be paid :a purchaslap cattle lor the ires to wde tnd caa see la the future t steady advance ia the value of fat cattle, aad ht lot reasons that teeae. s a. e sea. cr tnc v: i the uae ms ciuf a-c .h.' ,u. -i.t-. he THJ fisTe corner oa bee But there coaet a day whea he stands in the stock rtrif of oae of the prett pteklap centers "r -- - rtrds tre crowded with tbntwtads, tad tt T?&t tre crowded with thouatads, tad tt may be teas of tehusaads of ftt cattle, tnd may te teas - loauMiun u. wc owners, like himself, are surprised t: the sire of the roceipu aad for the first , time ia his life he realties that oars is t bic country tnd of cattle there is no end i have hoard and read of bulls tad bears r-ni I have witnessed the surpiap crowds H rhiraari Tar4 if Trait . I btvr - . . . a a. f heard the btills bellow tnd the Itoars prow! 1 have seen the market pound ed tad hat tared aa eSort te tore down prire. but - j fnr prfcieraatir hamaertac Btuivtu mr Ml eoacertod acUon ia lorclnp tad holdlnp down TClce. the buyers tar the preat r,.v- wm are Hatltled te firat alace. X"""-" " t At xtaec the bulls ret the uppfe hand na "4 Tra s lf ,toc yt-rit th only bulls I ever atw were o, the lour- lacped specie, and the tars arc aatrly tlways ta uadismrW 7oaeeesion la bujTBF came tor .ne je ioi iaw ,iditiass tre toe often lorewnen, tnd it it rtily when the sale U:s been aada. tae eaphiap done the stock yard ehtrpat. th wjchinc done the stock yard ehtrpea. caamianioa aae ireipat ptic tac a caeca .r hiul viW... t vhftl M ! tt t banded over lor what if left, that the ireter reUiaes thht the ectUe coet him tec rrack la the beplnaiap aad hit earr. and 1 sacrificed ia payment Jar tr.Dwlaw otetmee. As a ruse thf younp tad inexperienced leeder buvi his cattle lor the leed lot after the oort crop is aaeared, and perhaps titer . j it is Fathered piacmp thetc tt enee et teed, tad in his hat to pet them tatted t ot- Iw! - With euch raditioz lot! is inevitable- Iar caia , ti weipht made ia th teed let it always espeaaivc tad when uaaatunJ method iar fercinp the latteaiap pmeest tre adafrted j disappointment Is sure te loliow The Other Mdr ! the Qornlou. 1 Htvlap thus brieCv rt',.eS f.eruoe tr a j few cf the factcn thtt cotUiutt ta atlit t new make a few tmccru: ion te re par a Tew aappeiiMoB te reaara te method that i! follewed to the letter. will Juet a surely reealt la profit. la the am place there rauet he maple actrmmotfauoaa. a rood sited shelter ta tlta of had weather, a rood dry Ved. eattanttal Jer-d Irimch nad raelsi for tod- j '"rar": 'above the ireeatar poiau Cora and fodder fckoald he fed reralarlr aad Jvdirtooalj Jtirt enoBrt aad aa morn, aervr saricitlnK ad Here.- allevlar a tiapl aaltaal to ga huTpry. If rattle matt be pBrrfcanod. aerer br In fertor Moek at aay price, bvl olet catUe that are well bred, of tadtrtdaat tne.-lL trntll boar. romparUr built, hort htgK srucipht. wide back, of pood color, ctrold- lap aay ladlcatloa of Jersey or HolMela hloS, a&d be rare that the hide It soft aad tatillow aad altocetaer too bic for the aBlawl. Nrxr purchas-e for the feod lot a steer that hat been raled la a seal- I surfed coadltlaa for bo nmotsnt of fivd win ever make aaieads for the ant of aa .uuimarr oi auiniionr iooa in eariy me. Secure your feeders at leas: a year before you latead beplanlnp to fatten them, and pet all the iarrease ia welpbt noeslble from roucfc aad laexpeaslrc food. ro not extect tc fatten rattle In W or 1 days, but plve lastead of pettinp your cattle on full teed In the least possible time hold back all you can and brine them to full teed so pradually that neither you nor the cattle will be conscious oi the chance. As to thi food, much will depend oa conditions, but core. elUrr in the ear. shelled or pround. with aa abundance of pood fodder, will, when judiciously ted. plve pood re- suits. It is not the province of this paper to discuss the relative value of dlCerent foods, but the preat staples are corn aad hay. with oora -fodder, sheaf oats, roots and articlfs of like nature, produced on the farm, the: caa be utilised to pive variety. Oil meal is exrelleat ia small quantities, but too ex- Peuslve for us.i .wt-,r- t-i,v or an eeats per bushel it will be found that the less these outside products are leu the preater will be the profit. be made bv fatteamr eatti l h.t. i. dicatea. prodded they are well boucht, stUl ta.s is an all-laportant factor aad if the price said t im l,,i-h.-.n .... afterwards can ever redeem the 1 am aa.-e that l, is dlScBlt to socur. well bred f -r-s, EM .a - - . . . . w c. u. 1T tlkut IfcJIW M.r aR. at a price that insures profit oa iae aalshed talmal. but if they caauot be boupht. they can be ra.sed. and thea of the profit there is no question. By uo.ap cr-de cowt of any ot the leadiap beef breeds, aad r.ure U-ed hull n; indirtdnxt merit, cacclleat calves caa be secured. Aad are fed liberally aad their birth uatll they are - " " . " i . o or S ranaii nu ),,r ,,-ni market tad oomaand the hichest price. To iae.e thost. MtUe tboul(, ,aat ,: ,f , wtheP hBaCTT. rUtrtr or ; eold. from birth to sale- Harinp tried all the J-nre tVnr to Moke fi Profit. It has often beta said that a faraer whe has the eora can well afford to buy the cat Ue to consume it. and also, that the faraer who has the cattle, but no: the prttn should secure the latter and market the cattle ta a fiaished condiian. With pood Judpaeat and business ability profit may be made at times by lollowjap either of these methods but the faraer who has both cattle tad praln of his cwx mislap caaaot fall to make profit la coabtaiap the two in a fialsbed product. After ta cxperieace cxtcadicp over ta tveree lifetime ia fttteaiac cat- I tm fratk tooatcs that ay prrtteft profit resulted wha I produ tad cattle, holdtnc la ay c oaly the hreediap. but als uced both praia , own hands, not , so the feediap. i r.n nresest rn.i'lnr.c cj-e rae. ih the wk.i , . i ...v... v..... liberally from birth, yields the prettcst proat. Prott la the fatfeaiap of rattle eta oaly be secured by hreediap hiph class' talatls, hT liber! ffoinr frorc hlr- hr 1ar.oc ' carr aad the annllcatioa of rood business methods to til the details of the work future of the ecttle industry is briprt rhe , JO- the earnest, eaerpetir propressive brfeder tad feeder. r. aad the Use of the profit Is ., v. .kl .v,),., . aited by the ability of those en- puped ia the preat wort of produeiap the hipaest Quality of beef to be found upoa the markeu o. the worid i jiox tuo .iii u.iu.. Anmericnl Kxcrt of tbr ot &k ' firrni tik vD iioi.f-d i.rrnt n "'I'"' be ppafnt recently coaplcted shows that coatroatod by a problem that has worried foreirx PUtisticiaas for soae tiat the preponderance of women. It is adaitted that the woaea here have the adv&attpe over their foreipa sisters in that aary fields of work tre opened to thea tad they caa also bold tnd dispose of property to aa extent unknown oa the other side. Sc that the American woman is ts t preat aetsure economically iadependent of man tad thus doe she escape some of the serious CBasecuence that tfSict the tor eipn woman It seeas a pity that tayoae , r.vt the stiherSuous woman avth It Is - . . rueh tn old mory tnc one tatt has uaes o-i!Simr -m-nhflr tirrvatj to be needlesslv rrhlr . t ,. lh. ur .c -rT women, die it ever otcur to the titra- Jf.,f t) , arur. how many of these fr;.lT.t7,t. overplus were widows who per. did it ever otcur to the tltra- rJf, lfi entlivlIir .(.j. husbtads ten tweaty ,hlrtT TWr& rpiarters of cn- evTlti BCt.. statisUcs published about yetrf tpB j,,,,. thLi la i,oadon. I prt the wcatr population ir pretuy in excess of the male betweea tac tpes or -i tafi . ,bf. vere J0 trtwti 7b(. o. tafi . ,bf. W( . rr,Tw.r , w. t Mf eppetrs te b mainly with the woata w tai 0Ter, vae are much more per- 8tete::. about haVdiap oa to l;!e thta arc wale:ap0.trH,t tmonp men "When women ts t class are economically inde pendent the araist articles altout the (tuparSuou voaw-t will coase tor vac would dare to apply ir a breadwinner 60 i opprobrious t title as superfluous A". ACOMC. MOMENT. , S-u..rne t bile the Cowmlttee . mirnndj Cr .rt. In. TteT - '-he j.Lt:c.ra Etooo b ro" of ' rap carjei with the committee la- j apectmp h. and tbert aot tweaty leet away Kooe t faraer wr.t nts wne tnc i lour children, repwru. the Wtehiaptot j Poet With her owa haads the wilt had j cut. eewed. dyed tnd woven She had beea j encotirapad ty bar hnebaad and friends Ve ' enter that carpet lor the prtxe aad the ' hour tor the fatal Aeeisioc had lout. The fares of the rmrunittee were impassive and unraadahle. There was blue tnd red and I P" and purple ia that etrpeu but thow j colors d! net aeett to apj'etl. Taer did j aot took like met who mew what tt Ai. ! eanaar-rlveted rap carpet paod enaucfc tor flatter Hapew s bel -lar hbaaat be ooaposed rt. "iHint you he skean. Mtrtady." K.W the hnehand as he putted her oa the fcbauMer as eacourtpuip way I'm tryix' ta be nravt fche aenUed. 'hut ot.. Jeal yet: know bo hard 1 worked j at that carpet. 11 I doat pit the nrtee 1 believe 1 ahall itU daad ' "isat it auRt pit th priae. mather." naid the chtidres It rhonia 'Tf are ttuph. thtt poofiaess it a'wsvi revxrdei tnd wti i ftmde- -.nan yot" The ccaa.t;ee peered Iht roll tai a-. a M.- turie5 , atr Th comailttee opoaed the roll te look for at where hoys MrM aece taroxfh aad tfct rhlldra crev w'vak la Uk The carrel aefceare. nlfced e. kicked itatt. rolled ap aad atx jrMa httrd the heattac of their boarU I thlafc 111 die,'1 whtoperod the wife r. he t dowa m a sail ker roverod wi'l a craar milt. 'Not rlt" replied the fatttBad "Now ther are coataltlas together. Now tiier eeia to bat coaie to a doclsloa. Now they are haadJa' the dlplMaa. Now tbey ' "Oh. Joel. 1 ctn"t suad If" "Don't rtve ap Now one of 'em I wrttls' Now taer her pot yoar aatae bow sow ao yoa ve hit the fuet prlie plual center aad are sevet foot taller thaa tsy I other daraed voats In the coaaty " I i. tiii: noon (iLii i v llnrl j llnrlr of the Ape V'n Too Mnrh for llrr. Ve have not yet pro creased suScentlr tar for old ape to quietly accept the tnao vat.eas of a prppreesive peaeratioa. rrprns the Detroit Tree Ires This old lady flut tered Into her home nfter a trip down tow a. rocked excitedly and then spoke her mind. ' M,W ,f 1 ere a BaS' tbc ..-,. ' ,., , f6.";'0"1 !? 8r 01 MKC,ap thrt,uph I pM i" . , , ,fc j ",?L2LlT ,0 tb "P I !?"?f ' lrlM?r'- M"PT.? bm- u'l' " I. !T ,v , .nF I 'L10,.'?.1 J f00? . "T of ay frieads saw rae dowa near the city hall I'll be ashamed to look them ia the face, I never saw so many strpet cars la my life, and it seemed as if there were a mlillon or two of bicycles trylnp to run over me. There I was. juror-lac. dodcinc scrrataiBc aad woaderlap if I'd pet hem alive. J suppose that lots o? people thoupkt I was a feather-brained boardlsc school pirl " The dauphter-in-law concealed her mer jSlaeat behiad her hand aad said that it ! was all the peaalty of propreosiot.. i 1 a fr,re a a, m rlPBt ae ?",i.t!,T! rta' ?! br far M , " . Sf' rf" " 0yp i i"r jus rr irjinc o ..r..,.. Tina! anicBi:ui. peacciui aoc ! "Zt'l" VnL . T li"r onla v, Io-- rou were a block . .r J - . , , w L . l' lh,; ' .7. . " . "TT V L r?!.Li Tt ' U 1 eMW tahu 1 lW' iTi" e PhehVve ,e iv , "! e,'fi h,Tf ,p wlJk cr e rrupe ChrUtma ninre at Knn Claire. ST. JOSEPH Mich. Iec 25 a disas trous tire :n Etu Cla're fifteea mile from this city, today resulted ia redurlnc half the business section late tshe. Tota. loss tot.MHi partly insured. TALLKT rHl.MXCl 1 AMERICA. A Vrw Jrr.ry MnokrMacW Plrrftnir thr Ciondk. Jl ';H7 y on this crtlatrt if belnc ere.iwJ at OcnstaUe Ho..fc Bat.--" of which tb ppie : Stater. ls;a'-' it;.cw'fc',: y-''-n nxl aavjpaturs harbor have hrer ecmplalntnc 1c- th js live vears The stark is & the Osford Cop;,-r i onipanv -ni,:,! that ,.f th Standard C;. comr ar te carry en the sav.-fc and pa.e f r. s furnaces which have ter. the chie' . ' --7 ox t-ompiamt It is a eostir undrtt:rc Vl. 'companies., at CoMl H,K.k hav protect apamst the nuisaWr i-ie-. r- '- their fumces The supervu-or the r.r. bor. Lieutenant Commander J.ihti i. Ire raont complained to Washlnrtor a tw months ape of the smoke clouds as da-rr--ous c aaipators aad the newlr tr-ertec conpressaiar, from Rlehmond. 'Nicholas Muller. p.rdped himself is his campaipa t try to pet coopws to tie smtreta'-.p tc abate the annoyahee so tlx rh; 1,10,1 ,f heaa az possible trouhi 1 . A a ta ,b"r- rr oa tae mace land at Otnstahie K t bat an erp-r; ch-rnney cs-netrj. tn - re jiany which hs ten in busier r.- -t ' erected severiu taoJsa'nd laTVtarfcf ther has undertthvc the jot. it :s t w. "-t-" ' "'"-T" c 1 lr.'ihe midriu of . m-m n'f ?V '. i - nutKr .a new rnimney at- wus made unti. hi.-. . struck fmn -t -tt.r p-i. t lew the Jeve. of tbt pround. Tbr -T..S eIClV,r' 5 area lorty-ftve was filled w:th plies dr.ver. as n f t v otjM.r tb v eoujd hr put and .t tie - r .f them a s-t.lid mass of concrete wt ..1 W bV . hao. th:-:, f- 'square lor as eoua: beicav At.,- t tt lKini the chimney is round- It is t. be cr te i tota. beipht of na. T'.c , diameter at the top wll! i tti ft Tre ' wrtpfct of the ptack is to he Sb.l tons art the (wt of erertmp n wil. W it. tht borhood of The builders ha p- m- to complete it by Fehruarj Thf a- Uisar.ce s.' far as :t pitr.t is i-onrermrc Tt.f st that th paes passmp ur thro up r. the chlmaj w:. stur be nftirhit tt the Furlat tpair. How about those a-awa v Blatz Malt Vivine s tops tnat nervous feel and heads off stomach troubles, indigestion and in- sonrua. AJ druggists. Prta. tn it Bits B-ewinf Ct. VitwiDke. OMAHA BRANCH, 1412 Doagle6 St. Tel. lOSI. DYSPEPSIA. Geo S fv-a, of "5 Nassau St Vew Tort, says Tor r--t . have teet t-c bird wr.t rheumtaew at i tvspepsit and 1 came w tbr eenriuBi.-t -t trj your pilit : imrae ItirJ) iouue p-ea: t-:ie ?rt'a tbrt- use ! fee. llf.e t ne rnar K!n-f ! rrmraenced turttr them t: w -'S r r"w tr wthi ttr. w.- f trp -r .r.F " te :-''e hti e"..-" ".si pprt-e;. "be t)v :PEt r-s te - tr " p- -rr. -nttisnt , rr, -e - f rr st:rfW a-- rn sc w p r Ra wi- T.,., 1 -ria. be? w,. FJ-r t 'rem frr ' t;rvt ' roriff i rs 'he fr,cm tt -p rl r, urae? tr.e "e r " dt r.f .ts wr-t Radway's Pills rure uL DUoide-i r:' tbr f'.'mt i. LrrtU. Ki flirt" -i j .i.r.,-.r 'jXirH-iia .t ttt.. Plir Site Hrtia.-ht. remair Cnmpj-r.u Stilie un.tak tr.d.prfruor. TntisUpttier uif aX Cit.r6e- 1 ' 't 1vr- nr j. pro. A; rrpciit r- f a-x. rutfwav A . K E-n- 1 B k- pe- fa., war s and v thi.. th r.i rn u or waat '. cu bis I lan me; : dem 6 1 1 aev wll. end thr smnk and ras r r7777777777777777777777777777i "m ukh,,;;-;. As an Investment There is nothing like an Education A college education costs a great many ck. Vf iff lt Vf Vr Vr Vf r Vt r Vr Vf T av t.- Vf r Vr V. Vf V.' t- Mm r Vr &. r Uf . Vr Vf ts.- K Vr V? vr CO OV rf' 1 ov Vf Vf v, tf c,- Vf . V? o y? v? V.' lars, but the man -with a good dictionary at dbovr has a good education behind him. THE STANDARD Is the Latest and The cost is low only 57, The book is new, It is well edited some of the ablest men of the day have contributed time and ability to it It is complete containing 300, 000 words, No other diction' ary has so many. It is standard can be relied upon for both definition and pronunciation- Vt m o: Vf V tfr tf Vr Vr 40 ff Vr y- a a.' o- tfr Vr r V? a a- Uf There are a great many other things "which could be said of the work, but if interest-ed, call on the M&geatfa Stationery Company, 1S05 Faniam street, and examine a copy, axrree with u in ad mi ring the work. 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 t 1 Columka Desk Calendar Siseeirtb Edfflon. 1901 Sincestk EsfttioB x cnr.vcrlert memorarCa pail wtr eeptnr .iff lor m. r at- tf the year E- .ord tv htninme Fire, frwmr. Jutv he br.p trr c r.a-e t.: tr.v dKKt-ri tnpjr r- the drak The IK". edJTicr has .-t if-rd fPTr of hrw de?t:pa end lmprcvrc bindlnp New rraij f.-i!t to any adilrr nt r-ecrtpt et F. 2 -rr. t ium JLmnHru Ricj-ele C. coirxniA jLi.r, nnrr. The Only Line To... California That run Pcronnllj Cnnducfc-d lscursinn irom Omaha throe dax cazii vtv-k. 1 lcy arc in chKrjrc nt cnnijvrron; .V. anr.ccrs Leave Vnion :atitin cdncs5tij-N, 1 tf p. m. Lcuvc l ainn Station fVirjRyH. lfV Lcavc I" men Station Snrrtrrtv-, JirC p. m. 4 r.'tv Sthtmr 3fKi 1. iv. Msct jxhs Te. fffs To. J hb Txiiwrs-rs's r"f i.v fEK KYROYAL FILLS -i Sav. nut Kt.vrK-v KvA.?in Writ v- -aaaT S-. vw It IT C.aStal Hp, 4.,ala, aT Tr-i 1 1 Vta . 4t IU flM.(.;s, 5V?'?? FS ? e ;r i(r jrr i RESULTS mi TUT RFf T vVw PROTl . V HIM 1 Tn a a 5ae'S'P0f'ftf'"'f-Js"i ,5 Hi r, 'fi 1 U f, f. f. A 'A H ike A ' A Yi if. Best Dictionary. J. fa ? A V, - fi - -o -v -A 1 ' Ton will 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA BOILER A&D zRLzl lBuri 0R. hrake, WNscn (arrruiin fTXlon A Drake. VtitTftigttire hol.erv amofct sj. t trf hree-chlapi pressure, reijt-i; atjeer lard tnd f.r- taatt ao'je- -wW rttntly oa hind, sc-nc. hil en b'-pr tat t-j)i St-rUu and prcaj 3 re-irt tn c'tr or eo.ur.trr IKi tri J' D2T GOODS, M. E. Smith & Co. laporterx and Jobbers ot Dry Goods, JFurrdskiTig Goit A.VD KOTIOX& LLECTRlCkL SUPPLIES. Uesfern EleetricaT vv Comply MZsctrical Svpptcf riecmt TVlrmr Bslli tad Ga Usttlti. G "W JOKNSTOK. Orr ZZj. K:vj." SATE AXD ISOK V 0?.K3 Deris St Cowpll Iron Works. liAXTTAC-rrxEKS axti .-tor-rxw or iiAorrsirr.T; cicrrcKja. nnrxTKiKG a Fill.t nuiK RRiSt rorvrnnf. US, 3IUIS IfrfU. Jukni street. ftBtkL -trW Trk. CSV K, tarUkli. aresl CrtC Kfi ELETATOfl SUPPLIES ELEVATORS, ElECtric zti REnt Pcver ElFTctors. AUTOaf.i.TrC SATCS GATES. trc o- r.irtr.'; KTaTKATLl. KRftS, CnrTXCTI Tt.rr-r- ta J6 aa. Srr-ei. Ttlrr.:J .a. c H. Eiris & Son trrrr "rfiT TrCrute Ti Ktri Hlrntr- mrtA- repalrtnt. t .-peela't .rftJ" V-r rur To- K), Kcris" -Trttittap Ptwm. STOCKS ft$ CWV.Kt 1)1 CN3X M JLIB E- & CO., Vot-rhfi IfWa.. Omaha. C0.HMTSSI0N, tK aYN PROVIMCV and "TO-15 C. t -- . . . . . TV . I w-ru w CaMir W 7-rw