riMIM MUAtrA n A Il.A It PP. Hl?iiVl,VnAA 11 l?pPAti)i.'n it! i nnn NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MIMUl .MllVtlOJt. Davis Kiln k1m. 'Mr. Hllry." 6-rent elfrar. Flno Missouri oak. Gilbert Bros. 3aii fixtures and globes at lllxby's. Fine A. B C ber. Numayer"s hotet Wollman, scientific optician. 409 ll'd'y. Schmidt's photos, new and latest styles. V. J. Hosteller, dentist. Baldwin block. Moore'a stock food kills worms, fattens. See Schmidt for elegant holiday photos. Drink Uudwelsr Wer. U ltosenfeld. ngt. LeJTert, Jeweler, optician. SM Broadway. Christmas pictures at C 12. Alexander & Co.'s, 3S3 Uraadway. 13. M. Marbl" hns gone to Winona, Mo., to spend the holiday season. W. K arnff, undertaker nnd illslnfector, 101 South Main stteet 'I'hone 604 Get your work dono nt tha popular Eaglo laundry, 721 Broadway. "Phone 157. W. C Estop, undertaker. 23 I'carl street. Telephones: Ofllce, 97; residence, 33. Try our 2o-ccnt meals. I-adli's' and Ocnt.V cafe, 611 Broadway. Open all hours. 8. 8. Keller yesti-rduy reported the theft of two sleds from his store on Broadwuy. Morgan & Klein, upholstering, furniture repairing, mattress making. V-2 Si. Main st. Mr. and Mm. U. Krnncln ur; spending Iho Christmas holidays with relatives at Corn ing, la. Mrs. Kate lfonri of Fifth nwnun Is homo from a month's visit with relatives and friends In Chicago. 12d Shipley, formerly of this city, now of Keokuk, la., Is visiting relatives hero for tha Christmas holidays. Thieves raided tha hencoop of J. I. Kutor, West Uro.idway grooeryman, Moliday night an.l stolti live largo live turkey 4. A want add In Tha lieu will bring results. The sumo attention given to a want add In Council Bluffs as at the Omaha olllcc. Sheridan coal, onco tried always used. Hmokoless, no soot, clinkers nor sulphur. 1'rlcn J5, to.50. Kenlon Si Foley, solo agents. Paul Tnlleys of litoomllold, Neb., Is In the elty, spending Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I W. Tulluys of Park avenue. P. Boulanger Sullivan, who has been nt Cody City, Mont., In tho employ of a llrm of railroad contractors, is homo to spend tho holidays. Vic ljuiHlrup Is homo from Denver, Colo., whero ho Is employed In tho engineering department of thu Union Pnclllc railroad, to spend tho holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Bonson of Dubu que, la., are spending Christmas In the city, tho guests of Mrs. Bonsou'H parents, Mr and Mrs. (Jeorgu P. Wright of Sixth street. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Poster nrn visiting their daughter, Mrs. Unison at Hnrly. In. Prom thero Mrs. Poster will go to spend Now Year's day with her daughter. Kdlth, at Oltn, la. Dug McClelland, charged with the theft of J.H belonging to A. Slvers. has tnkun a changn of venue from the pollen court to that of Justlco Vlen, where ho will have his hearing Thursday. Miss Cora Dwlnnell of I.nko City. la., arrived yesterday to spend tho holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I.. K. Sherwood, and her brother, I.. A. Dwlnnell, at their homo on Knst Broadway. Charles lirlga was arrested lato Monday night while In tho net of taking a can of syrup and thro bars of noap from a Broad, way grocery store. He gavo ball for his appearance In polloo court Thursday morn ing. The Sunday school of St. Paul's Kplscn pal church will have. Its annual Chrlstnus entertainment Friday evening .it Itoyul Arcanum hall. Clrueo Kplscopul Sunday school will hold Its Christmas exercises at tho church Friday evening. Tho funeral of thu lato Mrs. Mary Chris tiansen, wlfo of C. B. Christiansen, 1,'ilG Third street, will be held this nfternoon at 2:3) o'clock from tho Latter Dav Saints' church. Tho furierul eortego will leave tho resldcnco it 2 o'clock. Interment will be In Walnut Hill tvmetury. Carl Carlson, brought back from Omaha to answer to tho chargo of breaking Into V. Battlu'n carpenter shop last Juno and stealing a uniillty of tools, was arraigned In pollco court yesterday morning. Ho Pleaded not guilty to tho charge and his hearing was set for Thursday. An effort to complete the paving of North Second street will bo made today If two carloads of Des Moliu brick, which nro supposed to have been sidetracked some where, reach here. Thero Is only a strip of about twenty feet long to bo laid with the top coiiiH" to complete tho work. D. Coffey, employed In the roundhouse of tho Northwestern railway, complntnrd yes terday afteivoon to tho police that ho had been bitten tn tho leg by a vicious bull dog. He did not know the owner of the canlno anil asked tho poltco to ascertain with a view to having tho animal executed. Tho members of tho police force did the gallant thing yesterday and presented tho young women nt the telephone exchange with a largo box of randy. Sergeant Slack, tho Beau Brummel of the force, was delo- fated to mako tho presentation In person, lo acquitted himself to the credit of tho department. Tho receipts In tho genernl fund nt tho Christian Home last week amounted tn f.1U.2:t, being ir.i5.2U above tho estimated needs for tho curront expenses of tho week, and clearing up tho dcllelency in this fund to date. In the manager's fund tho receipts wero being J2.1.73 above, t tho needs of tho week, and decreasing tho dellclency In this fund to date to li7.'..G. N. Y. Plumblnc Co., telephone 2S0. Howell's Antl-Kawf" cures coughs, colds. Gravel roofing. A'. II. Itead. 041 Broad way. Davis sella point. Sympathy Ditdi;c KnIU. The pollco wero notified yesterday after noon to send tho patrol wagon to tho cor ner of Broadway and North Second strcot, whero a man hod slipped on tho sidewalk and broken his ankle. Overseer of tho Poor Miller happened to bo thero at tho time tho pollco arrived and ho Informed thy officers that tho man who claimed to have broken his ankle, had npplled to him tho previous night for nimlstnnco and had been given by him an order for transportation to Hamburg, I.i. Ho was taken to tho poltco station, whero ho dcnf6d being tho same person who had applied to Overseer Miller for assistance, but tha latter was posltlvo In his Identi fication. Nolthor tho order nor tho tlckut was found on him. City Physician Jennings examined tho man and found that ho hnil n swollen ankle, hut that It was tho result of nn Injury. Dr. Jennings camo to tho conclu sion that tho man's pretended fall was simply a ruse to get money from tho city and so accuned him, asking him at tho same time tn how many cities had. ho tried to play tho same trlclt. When given tho al ternative of being locked up for vagrancy or taking his depnrturo from tho city the fellow dcoldcd to "hlko" and "hlko" ho did. Ho gave his name as (1. A. McCourt ney and claimed to live In tho state, south of Des Moines. Ho said ho was making his way home from Wyoming. WIM SHOES 50c ALL COLORS-AT HAMILTON'S 8HOE STORE. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska and lowa. Jamvs N, Casady, Jr.. Main St . Council Bluff. Save Your Moneyicfe KAVI.Mig, LOAM AND UUlLDIMl ASV.1, Ilia I'.url Htreet, Council llluffe, In. BLUFFS. MANAGEMENT OF THE INSANE SUta Board Lays Down Rules. Which Must Bs Observed. PATIENTS MUST NOT BE PUNISHED .1 in ii e ni r nt. .Mint He Provided nnd TliOHf Capable .Hunt He Kept llni jiIojim! ii lleimoiiiililf Part of the Time. Tho State Board of Control has promul gated a set of rules for tho government of all county, state and prlvato institutions In Iowa, tn which Insane patients are kep:. A recently enacted law gives tho board poHor to mako theso rules and enforce thorn. The law practically placos the man agement of theso Institutions In tho hands of the board, the members of which have personally visited and Inspected every hos pital In tho state where Insane patients aro kopt nnd treated. A copy of these rule hus been cent to County Auditor Inncs for tho Board of Supervisors. St. Bernard's hospital In this city U tho only Institution In this county whero Insane patients nr kept. It will have to follow tho rules mado by tho state board atfd It 1.1 understood that It Is perfectly willing to do so, At tho tltno tho members of the stato boarr; visited St. Bernard's, Its report showed that tho Institution was one of tho very best managed In the state. Tho rules Issued by tho board, sum marized, are as follows: Insano persons must not be punished for violations of niles. because tl'.oy nro men tally Irresponsible. Corpornl punishment must not bo used In any case. Seclusion In rooms shall bo short In dura tion. All patients must bo given dully physl cal exerelsr. They shull be furnished entertainments amusements and rending. I Labor shall be furnished for those ea- pacited for It. Kvcry patient must bo bathed nt least onco u week and as often ns necessary. They must be bathed In water nut pre viously used. No patient shall bo allowed to retmm in u filthy condition either night or day. Clean underclothing must bo furnlshe 1 each patient onco a week or oftencr If needed. Bedclothlng must bo changed likewise. All rooms shall bo dry. lighted from at least odd outside window and not below tho ground. At least two means of escape from llro must he provided In each building. No Insano person shall bo confined In any building In which there Is not ulo some adult person of sound mind. There must alwuys be attendants In such build ings. Kvcry insano person shall bo fed three times a duy. Insane persons nnd paupers must be kept apart; paupers shall not attend In sane persons. No Insane person shall operate machinery or rollers or care for other insane per sons. Insano females shall bo In churgo of fe male attendants. No male uttendant shall enter the apartment of a female uttcnl nnt. ItiFane males shall be kept apart from Insane females. In different buildings or parts of buildings. A physician shall be employed, who shall visit each person not less th'un onco u week. Thero shiill not bo less than one male ut tendant for Insane males and one .emale attendant for Insane females. If then- nro more than thirty of either there shall be one attendant of each for each twenty ad ditional males or females and for each fraction thereof above ten. There Hhall be at lest nee nlghtwntch kept In each building. No nlghtwntch may enter a female's apartment to ascertain her condition without n wotnnn in his com pany. When the number of either sex exceeds sixty a ulghtwatch of that sex must bo employed. The public must bo excluded from all grounds and buildings. Account books mus bo kept; also the records of patients. Tho management of tho Insano Institu tions throughout the statu are given until the first of tho new year to effect such changes ns will be necessary to comply with tho stato hoard's rules. REMEMBERS THE LITTLE ONES liiniiiti'N of t'lirlNtlnii Home lie minded They lliivt I'rltMidh 11t i'Incn I linen here. Ono of tho happiest Christmas celebra tions yesterday was that held at the Christian Home, whero several hundred llt llo children had their lives brightened and hearts gladdened with gifts sent to the Institution from nil parts of the country by tho friends of the home. Following r. bounteous Christmas dinner replete with nil that goes to mnko up such a feast, tho children at I o'clock In the afternoon as sembled In tho chapel, which was prot tlly decorated, nnd where two Immense Christmas trees laden with presents for all greeted their expectant eyes. Tho ex ercises wero opened by Rev. T. P. Thick stun In nn address to tho children, after which they rendered a program of songs and recitations npptoprlato to the day. Then camo tho feature of the day for Iho little ones, tho distribution of tho gifts from tho tree. In tho ovcnlng nn enter tainment consisting of Christmas stories Illustrated by stcreoptlcou views wns pro vided. Tho heme was visited by a large number of people during tho day nnd thero was a Inrgo gathering of the friends of the Institution at tho exercises In the chupel. A largo number of children, many of thorn accompanied by their pnrents, knew what It was to have n good Christmas din ner yesterday, thanks to tho members of the locnl Salvutlon Army corps. All the afternoon dinner was served at tho hall on llroadwny nnd It Is estimated that up wards of 200 persons partcok of the Christ mas cheer provided by tho Salvation army. Tho Christmas services nt tho Episcopal and Catholic churches wero attended by largo congregations in tho morning. 1.1 several of tho churches tho children of the Sunday school celebrated tho day with exercises ami wero made happy by the distribution of gifts. Tho day wuu quietly observed as a rule throughout the city, many being glad of the day of rest nftor nn unusually busy week.' Snow Storm Hemlnds ono that It Is Rubbers and Overshoes he needs. This point being settled, the next Is to know where to buy them. Thero Is one place In town whore you cannot mako a mlstako If you want something serviceable and at reasonable prices that's SARGENT8 Look for the Bear. As usual there were a number of family dinner parties and several dancing parties at night. White Koso Kebekah lodge gave a masquerade ball at the Hoyal Arcanum hall which was attended by a gcod sized and Jolly crowd and It proved one of the most enjoyable events of the season. At the Dohany theater the Lyman brothers were greeted with a full house and a inot appreciative audience. They presented "A Merry Chose," which proved most entertaining. The smallpox patients nt the penthouse were not forgotten by their friends and Deputy Marshal White drove out there yesterday afternoon with his buggy well laden with presents for them from their friends. They wero provjded by Purchas ing Agent True with all that was neces sary to give them a good Christmas dinner. LAST DAY FOR FILING CLAIMS JikIk)' Thnrnell to Hear Aruumeiiti nf Preferred Creditors of Ollleer A- I'll icy, Judgo Thornell will reconvene district court today for tho purpose of winding up the hearing tn the matter of tho preferred ! claims ngalnst the Oflicer & Pusey bank. ' Slnco tho former hearing n number of ne ' piefcrred claims have been filed bringing , the aggregato amount of such claims up to j atout IjO.OOO, It Is estimated. Today will lo the lost day for filing claims ngnlnst the Officer & Pusey bank, but credi tors of the firm have ono year In which to file their claims against the Individual estate.! of the deceased members of th firm, the late Thomas Ofllcor and W. H. M. Pusey. PrlxoiM-r-i (1ft n 1-ViiNt. The prisoners at the city Jail wore given an extra bill of faro at dinner time yes terday. Each received n ntnntirnt unron.t of turl ey, cranberry sauce and other trim-' mlngs nnd n large section of succulent ! tntneo plo with an extra nllownnto of coffee, to which sugar nnd cream were added In honor of tho day. At tho county hnstile Jailer Mnrlln r-.ivn tho inmates a bounteous Christmas din- ' ner consisting or turkey nnd tho usual trlmmlngu and two kinds of pie. Tbs prisoners after partaking of the repast presented Martin with a vote of thanks. Commonwealth 10-cant clear. WELSH SINGERS' CARNIVAL lllsteililfod .Vmsoi-IiiIIiiii of lovta lloldn I.iirc iinil 4iiiMTNsf ul .Mim-iIhk; nt (Mtiimun. OTTL'.MWA. la., Dec. 23. (Special Tele gram.) Tho most successful meeting of the Eisteddfod association of Iowa ever held was that of today, when 2,000 Iowa singers met here in keeping with a time-honored Welsh custom for the purpose of Indulging in n carnival of song. Special trains wero run from various points of the state. Three sessions were held, ono In the forenoon, ono In tho after noon and tho third tonight. The day sessions wero taken up with competitive contests and tonight tho best talent that the association contains gave a grand con cert In the Grand Opera house. The con tests today were won ns follows: Bass solo, A. W, Jones of Pckay; mixed quartet for men. tho Wllllnmsburg quartet of Wil liamsburg: femalo chorus, Hltcnian Choral union, led by Miss I.lzzio Truman; glee chorus or seventy-live men's voices, Hlto man Choral union, W. B. Powell, leader; baritone solo, C. ri. Keyhoe, Ottumwn; women's quartet, Ottumwn women's quar tet; girl's recitation, Maggie Williams, Williamsburg; children's chorus, Hlteman choir; alto solo, Kdlth Udmunds, Ottumwn. Tho concert Included u baritone solo by Prof. Protheroe of Milwaukee and n tenor solo by W. K. Powell, "Gwilem Dryl," also of Milwaukee. Tho success of the meet ing was such that tho directors of the association will vole, January 2, at Hlte man, (o hold all future meetings here. Srilillcr'H WliliMt'n I'ropiTty i:empl, STOItM LAKH, In., Dec. 2.", -(Special.) At tho last term of tho district rcurt the case of Mrs. C. It. Campbell ogalnst Bucna Vista county resulted In a verdict for tho plaintiff. Sho had brought action lo re cover taxes paid tho county under protest on tho ground that as a soldier's widow her property should be exempt. Dr. L. M. Mousbaum, n Chicago surgeon who has located In Storm Lake per manently, contemplates building a hospi tal here In tho near future. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER WiMlnexdii) mill iiiiirtdny Aro l.lkelj to lit; I'ulr, Midi tin; WIiiiIn Variable. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2;.-Foreeast of the weather for Wednesday and Thursday: For Nebrualta nnd North and South Di kota Pair Wednesday und Thursday; west erly winds. For Iowa Wednesday warmer in ea nnd central portion; Thursduy lair; varia ble winds. For Mlnsourl and Kansas Fair Wednes day and Thursday; variable winds. For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Wcdnea day nnd Thursday; vuriublo winds. For Montana Fair In eastern, snow or rain in western portion Wednesday, and probably Thursday; variable winds. For Kastern Texas Fair Wednesday nnd Thursday; fresh southerly winds. For Indiana Fair Wednesday and Thurs day; fresh west to north winds, bccomlnsr varlnb!e. For Illinois-Fair Wednesday; warmer In northern portion; Thursday fair; variable winds. Local Ui-cord, OFFICK OF TIIK WK ATI I Kit nt'ItKAU OMAHA. Deo. 25.-Ofliclal recor'l of tern! temperature compured with tho corre sponding period nf tho last three venrs: ,, , . 1 !'" ISStlMS JS97. Maximum tcmeprnlure.. 27 SI :i Minimum temperature... II i;i 21 Mean temperature 20 10 ;io Precipitation 03 ,0J T .0) Iterord of temperature and precipitation atOmaha for this day nnd slnco .March 1, Normal temperature 20 Departure for the day GO Total excess slnco March 1 11U Normnl precipitation 113 inch Departure for the day 00 Total rainfall since Mar. 1 20.11 InchM Kxeess since Mnrch 1 ID Inch Delkioiicy for cor. period, 1S93..1.10 Inches Dellclency for cor. period, IbOS. .3.01 Imhus "2 WP 5 !l 1 Si (9TATIONO AND STATE 'aZ f-'f Or WEATHER. c C 3 : " Omaha, snowing North Platte, clear... Cheyenne, cloudy .... Salt Lake, cloudy Hapld City, clear Huron, cloudy Wllllston, clear Chicago, snowing St. Louis, cloudy St. Paul, cloudy Davenport, clear Kansas City, cloudy . Helena, pnrtly cloudy Hnvre, cloudy Bismarck, clear , Galveston, clear 271 .03 -till .'.0 311 .00 4M 00 12 .Oil 2SI .01 301 .00 IS, T 30, .0) ,2I T 1S .00 3s .00 3fl .ft) 30 .00 311 .CO 01 .0) 3-1 CO v: Mi 26 2SI 16 3! 101 16! 31) so! 31 21t CO! T Indicates trace of preclpltntlon. y.ero L, A WKLSH. Local Forecast OU'M, GIFTS FROM MS. COM Inmatei of Horn? for Aged Bomembered by Diplomat's Wife. BAGS ACCOMPANIED BY KINDLY LETTER I.llllp Scout Ponclit-n anil Clu-ery Liirlntmii Letter from Mlnlstr-r'N Wife Who Went TnroiiKh the HIPKi" "f Pi'Uln. Di:S MOINKS. Dec. 23. (Speclal.)-Otrc of the most valuable of the charities of central Iowa Is a Homo for tho Aged, located In Des Moines, which Is supported by the generosity of a number of wealthy per sons. It Is occupied by a large number of persons who have grown feeble with age, and theso residents of the home were made lad today by not only the Christmas gifts from tl elr Immediate friends, but by the gift of a number of perfume bags sent nil the way from China nnd nccompanlcd by a letter from Mrs. Kdwin H. Con ger, wife of tho United Stntea minister, who Is a resident of this city. The letter from Mrs. Conger, who Is personally known to many of those In the home, was full of tho kindly spirit of the duy and well wishes for the recipients. I.luhlN Mt Mtt-t'lniiKl.v Put llul. William Mitchell, formerly of Des Moines, believes tho house recently oc cupied by him in Marcus, la., to be haunted. His wife died In tho houso some months ago nnd ho nnd his three children camu to Dos Moines, where ho hoped lo obtain employment. Not finding employ ment hero ho returned to .Marcus ngaln. The first night after re-occupying the house tho light ho allowed to burn was mysteri ously p'Jt nut. Twice ho rc-llghtcd the lamp nnd both times It was extinguished In the snmo mysterious way. Now It Is reported that on account of this incident ho has' left the houso nnd vows ho will not re-enter it again because he believes It Is haunted. TenehiTK Arrlvo. A number of the lending educators of the stato arrived In Des Moines today to at tend tho meeting of tho Stale Teachers' association, which begins tomorrow even ing. President Harper of Chicago uni versity and several others from outside of the stnto lmvo also come to the city. This evening there wns held tho first meet ing of tho Iowa LMucntlonal council, pre sided over by Prof. It. C. Barrett, super intendent of public Instruction, but owing to Its being a holiday only routine work was done. Tomorrow the council will hold nnuther meeting nnd consider two topics of Importance In educntlonnl work In lowa. Tho first of thcuo Is: "The Sequence of Studies," the discussion to be preliminary. Tho other topic, that of ex aminations In schools nnd colleges and for teachers' certificates, comes up for final discussion, ns It Is required that the coun cil shall consider each topic two years In succession. There will ho a strong tentl mcnt In tho council to abolish examina tions nlmost altogether anil to grade pupils In school 01; dally work during the term nnd to give them mnrklngs for college en trance tho same way. Tho commltteo hav ing charge of the Investigation of this topic Is made up of able educators In all lines of work nnd the report Is likely to bo a valuable ono. Iremiui'n Troalilrn. A peculiar war Is on between Ico deal ers nnd a local firm here. The Edison Light company leased property some years ago on which there wns on icehouse, and entered Into a contract not to use the Icehouse for storing Ico. A few days ago the company prepared to store Ico for Its own use In the building, but the former owners, who nro still In the Ico business, objected. Last night someone let thu water run out of the mill dom which holdf tho water for the Ice harvest nnd tho first freezing night to delight tho iceman wns rendered of no uso to him. Already the Icemen havo been complaining because the Ice harvest Is to be so Into In tho year and thl3 will put them buck some time. Ilrlili- Dlil Nut Suit. Richard Albrecht a prominent farmer re siding near Washington, advertised through a matrimonial agency for a wife and Louise Demmler of Now Haven, Conn., responded. A correspondence ensued nnd an exchange of photographs made. Albrecht sent Miss Demmler a ticket. Sho came on to Wash ington nnd wns met nt the train by Al brecht. After n two days' trial ho con cluded that sho wus not up to the require ments. Ho took the next train and went to Kansas City nnd from there to Okla homa. Sho consulted nn attorney nnd Al brecht'a goods were nttuched nt Altman. The cabo was compromised, tho girl getting transportation home as a part of the icttle ment. Albrecht Is a widower with two children. Miss Demmler Is not exactly pretty. Sho Is n Swiss girl nnd has an Impediment in her speech. Will Go to ICkmiI. Quito a party of Iownns will go to Kgypt this winter. The lender of the party is Dr. Mllllgan Stulker, formerly stato vet erlnarlan nnd connected with the lowa Stnto college. Ho Is now visiting relatives In Osknloosa and will sail from New York on tho, steamer Feurst Blsmnrclc on Jnn uory C, going direct to Alexandria by way of Gibraltar. Ho will be accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Irving W. Smith, nnd Prof. Besslo Lnrrnbeo of tho Iowa State eollego After a tour of Kgypt they will go to Pal estine nnd on this part of their Journey will bo accompanied by A. Hoscnbcrger of Oska loosa. Ni'ttlo Court IloiiM' Contrnvrrsy. A long-stnndlng court houso controversy In Illnck Hawk county Is at last settled and arrangements nro being mado to erect a new court house. Tho trouble nrose over the division of Waterloo, tho county sent. Into two par's by tho Cedar river. A compromise wns effected by giving the postofllro to the west side and the court houso to tho cast side. Tho plans for thu now court house have boon drawn nnd will be submit ted to tho board on Thursday of this week. I.llirnry i'riiiihli'H, Thero Is trouble In Ottumwn over the new public library to be established by tho liberality of Andrew Carnegie. The citizens purchiscd a flno slto for the build ing nt n cost of $23,000 and havo com pleted all tho dotalls. They have now re ceived word from Mr. Carnegie's agents that thoro Is complaint among some citi zens over the locntlon of tho library. Mr. Carnegie Is to give $50,000 to tha library Fulrfleld already has n flno library burn ing, erected with money given by Mr. Ci.r uegle, nnd he has promises out for $50,000 donations to Mason City, Davenport and Dubuque. Ho Is also reported to havo prom ised $30,000 to Fort Dodge for a similar purpose, the promise being made to Hon. W. D. O'Connell this week In Waehlngton. Cow CniiM-N Trouble, One cow that is nccused of giving Im pure milk Is responsible for three lawsuits In court hero Involving 11 claim of .$10,000 damages. Mr and Mrs.. Walter O. Clark moved Into property belonging to K. P Dicks, and In the agreement the latter was to furnish a milch cow for tho uso of tho Clark family. Tho cow was furnished, but tho milk was tmd. so It Is stated In the pe tit Ions. Mr. Clurk suos for $2,000, on ac count of tho death nt nn Infant child, mid denth having occurred, while the Impure milk wns used. He also tues for ,000, on nccouut of the Illness of his wife mid two other children. Mrs. Clark sues Dicks in her own name for ?5.000 dntnnRes, on nc count of her own Illness caused by using tho milk. Mtinleiiinl I.nu .Need ltc Ixliin. An Important meeting of a committee of the State Bar association Is to be held In Cedar Rapids on Thursday of this week. This Is n committee on revision of Inws relating to municipalities In town, con sisting of O. W. Ball of Iowa city, Judge Bollonger of Dtibuquo', W. H. Bailey of 1)03 Moines, J. II. Quick uf Sioux City and C. W. Bingham of Cedar Knplds. The com. mllteo Is to report nt the noxt meeting of the nrsoclntlou. A committee of the legislature was appointed for the same pur pose and Senator Trewlu, chairman of the committee, has been Invited to meet with the bar committee. Members of the Slate Bar association have long realized that the laws relating to municipalities are In cruder form than nro othet Iowa laws. One subject which has caused a groat deal of annoyance nnd litigation relates to pay ing for Improvements nnd making the prop erty owners stand the cot. Another sub ject U that of the nsscssmcnt of property In general In tho cities. Tho committee will consider these nnd ninny other matters of special Interest In Iowa cities. Loin- lii Wi-liNter City Failure. Several Des Moines Jobbing houses are creditorsof A. D. KVllcr of Webster City, who has Just filed a petition In voluntary bank ruptcy nnd turned his goods and property over to Charles Stoddard ns temporary re ceiver. The baukn In Webster City nro the henvlcst losers, but Des Moines nnd Chi cago Jobbing houses were caught. The pe tition placed the liabilities nt $21,000 and tho assets at $22,000, but it Is known that both these sums nro entirely too small. Keller was one of the largest merchants In Wobstcr City nnd did a big business. Tho llrm hud been Keller & Stnke until a short time ngo. when Stake withdrew. Keller be enmo Involved nnd wn3 tn. last forced to acknowledge bankruptcy. There wns .1 sen satlonnl turn to the enso after Keller hud tiled his petition. lT" K. Leo, a rich far mcr, who holds a note for $5,000 ngnlnst Keller, met the latter on tho street and after a short angry conversation, struck Keller over the head with n heavy enne and badly Injured him. Lee's son had gone Into tho store somo tlmo ngo expeclod to become a partner in the business and upon this expectation the elder Leo had ad vanced $5,000 to Keller on his note. Lee claims Hint Keller should havo protected him before filing tho petition. The blow from the cane rut a gash In tho scalp of Keller nnd blood flowed freely. Kel ler Is much blamed for the character of his failure. (Mil Slnllon Am-nt Klllcil. SIOUX CITV. Ia.. Doc. 25. (Special Tele Brnni.) Christmas dny was a fatal day for (luy C. Mooro of Oto. Ia.. wlm nppl. dentally shot and Instnntly killed himself ' while out huntlntf lodny. His body was , found near a barbed wiro fence nnd tho presumption Is that his 22-callbcr rifle was discharged while ho was trylnc to crawl through tho fence. The bullet went throuRh his left temple. He was assistant stntlon nRont for the Illinois Central railroad. 2.1 years of uro and unmnrrled. Ills parents live at Wlnthrop, In., and a sister lives at Wnshta, la. All IntercNtliiK Clinic. Indianapolis Sun: "Jlst wait till me nn IIJ finishes this game of checkers." called out Silas Cornhlll, proprietor of tho I.ono somevillu grocery, to the woman who had entered. "Hut I'm In a hurry." said tho woman. "I want one of 'em red an' white checked tablecloths." "Guess that'll hroak up the Rame, then. HI," Bald Silas, as he pushed the checkers aside and nathcred up the tnblecloth on which they had been playlnfr. "Vou see," he continued, turning to the woman, "I lost my checkerboard the other day, an' HI an' me 'lowed this tnblecloth 'ud do fairly well fer n substitute. Made it a lectio dirty, mebbe, but It'll nil conif out In tho warsh. Only one In tho store. Sixty-three cents. Wrap 'or up?" I'M ill or. of Mi-ii. Detroit Journal: Now, ns for me, I took no serious view of matrimony. "Marry him, by all means'" I exclaimed, merrily. "I'or a cod, you know!" My sister shivered. She wns a far more earnest. thouKhtful girl thin I. "He Is too obviously n lobster for that!" sho answered, sadly. Of course. I did not much mind, one way or the other. I'uHllc CiuiNt Mil, I'liiml, 8 HAITI H Wash . Dec 25 -Ocnernl plan." for the Lake Wntdilnrton xhlp canal hnve been r mph'ted by Ma or Mills nf the I'nlted St.iteH army. In charge of bar bor work In this state It Is cnrluln that a contract for a prvllml'inry channel wli' bi let shortly after Inminry 1 The work Aill be within tho appropriation of fl70. ym made by connrrss somo time uro. FOR KIDNEY TROUBLES IS HARVEIOUSLY EFFECTIVE. It conveys a healing, strengthen ing Influence to the afflicted organs which Is Instantly apparent. Quiets pain, stops wasting of the klJney tissue, temoves that tirca, despond ent feeling that nil victims of kidney ailments have A short course with this splendid remedy brings back strength, good digestion energy and cheerful spirits Price, 31.00 at Drug Stores. THE BEST PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURIST EXCURSIONS Knn la the GREAT ROUTE Leave Omaha Utnlf "n'C Rou,e throuS" Colotado and WKU.NHSIWYS, PHIIMYS AND SATURDAYS. For Information and "Tourlat Dictionary" oddreis City Ticket Office, 1313 I'arnam St. Omaha, Neb. GOV ROCK ISLAND GOVERNOR Uses Pe-ru-na For Golds l.AIMTOl. Ill ll.DiNC. SAI.K.M, OKlidON. A Letter From the Kxectitlve Office of O ea 1. Th'j Governor of Oregon is ,1:1 ardent ad mirer of Pe-ru-na. II" l.i'cps u constantly In tho hoiiEo In a recent hiur 11 Dr. Hnrtmnu ho says: State of Oregon. Kvecutlvo Department, v. faloni. May t, isns. ) The Po-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus, O. : Dear Sirs I havo had occasion to use your Pe-ru-na medicine In my family for colds and It proved to be nn excellent rem edy. I have not had occasion to use it for other nllirftuts. Yours very truly, W. M. LOUD. Any man who wishes perfect health must bo entirely free from catarrh. Catarrh Is well-nigh universal; almost omnipresent. Pe-ru-nr Is Ih" enly nbsolulc safeguard known. cold is the beginning of catarrh To prevent colds, to cure ci!d. Is to client Strictures ffjf ST. JAMES ASSN. 62 ST JAMES h.Qrmon UlshODS' Pills Churb iv,.ocr. fMiuic. efr. furuti,.!!. ikiil ir:t u?i!idtr.t. .mm rir.l. Sltaolltet Ihj bra'a and ttne ernt-tl. w i ti, 1 mu) inuaiitd. witn 4 uiti. cu.uin iea. AdtfraMa 1'OIt SAM', IIV 31 VKII.S-Illl. !.(. at ei.'-aue, CUHl,:n, CIWSCI, CI CJt.rtc tiaoiia;. sural UOBI mnnnqOOi i"iV E latency, r.cst Pcvfor. HlBht-S-OMes, Bpermatarrriocn Insomnia, Pnlna ritccK.C'll Doslrel, Seminar emlislons, l-nmn tincX, Nervous Uo illlty, Mendach,UnfltnB to Mnrry, Lps of pjiW mn, Vnricoc. r conn nation, moo yuicunow .01 uio- nn S 1 ennrco, nifps - viui.nhinT nt r.wllri. I-Uecls us immeiiv?. ' iiou-ft viiar toie cv sllliiii IOWA FARMS FOR SALE DAY & HESS, .'39 Ilnve for Mile n lurfje llxt of tiiiirovil vegetable Itiiidxt iilmi rexlili'iiee and nnd O11111I111. M).1II2 FAIUISi 1C0 acres Hazel Dell tup., 11 miles nc C. B., good bulldlics, tVo per acre. 60 acreu near Crescent, well improved, $43 per acre 00 actcs S miles cast, good buildings and fruit, fI0 per acre. tO-acro fruit farm, near city, good Improve ments, 1C0 per acre. BO-arn fruit f-ru adjoining; cltv. $(i,000. The above Ih only n niuiiilc of our G per ci-nt Intercut. 'IVIrplione UM. Good Property Is a Good Investment Fifteen lots In a body for salo mt a very reasonable price. Tiles lots are located In Omaha addition and Ho hleh and dry. Tkey will make a splendid location for some factory. Several other Iota suitable for building purpose! one of thorn erpeelally will make a fins location for a home, bolns within one block of the motor linn and within two blocks of a school house and chorea locat4 tn tho western part ot the city. Apply at Bee Office, Council Bluffs. t m i3 ffir T1 WM aoove Suspicion Sold by Drugfjiits and Dcalfrj. WILLOW SPRINGS DI5TILIERV, 0 OMAHA .U.S.A. BUY THE GENUINE SYW OF FIGS MAKUFACTUJUHD DT (CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP C MTI tU MAIM. F LRHGON JuJV In His Family and Grip. 53 m m vs. catarrh out of Its victims Pe-rii-n.i not only cures catarrh, but prevents. Kvery household should be supplied with this great remedy for coughs, colds and 60 forth. It will bo noticed that the governor snjs he has not had occasion to Uo Pe-ru-na for other nlltnents. The renson for this .s most other nlltnents begin with n cold. Using Pe-ru-na to promptly cure colds, ho protect his family ngnlnst other ailments. This Is exactly whnt every olhor family In th.? I'nlted States should do. Keep Pe- 1 ru-nn In the house. Uso It for coughs, I colds. Ir. grippe and other climatic nffec 'linns of winter and there will bo no other ailments In the house. Such families thou'd provide themselves with a copy of Dr. 1 Hart man's free book, entitled "Winter Co- iitrrh " Address Dr. Hnrtmnn, Columbus, Ohio. -1 Cured While You. Sleep, in 15 Days. tiHAN-bOLVEN T ' lloipilrIelurn ilXn mow tn-nrath thu nan. rMlnorl Kiuur'iil I'ruM.Mc. und Mrrnklhcnn the S-ctnlli.il Imcu, Horn. Inn tmtlas aniV Kmltnion in fifteen No ilniK" lo ruin the unnaa&, but dlnrt luci: :a posl'lie pillcaium 10 the enure urvthrnl tnn't "(irnn-HolTt'nt" It hot v liquid. It Id prciKitiM in Hi" form of I'rnyoni or Pcih-IU, imnoth arrt fitter ti iV,Vc?t?mc?:,rr0 Every Alan Should Know Himself. ,. 'fiiKftr jArAv. Kim Si I'lnelnn.iii. O lia pn-farrd at m irreut expense an e xhmiAllvn llitihtralcfl TrvallM on tbt inal Bh Eb j srstcui, n blcn tncj will MMid lo aur malt applicant, prepaid EULDliNG, CINCINNATI, OHIO. lut brfi u ut over 10 jean tr thi lc,Vtt e! ttt Mo:t cure Uva worn cum la ou and jwtr im.n? Item eiuts a cure Is at hint, fitTTY. ltsore toviU. ii3(!cf-.!oti 6 f ,r f 53 b ma ' o " -n r "it. i? una BIhoo Htmed Co.. Cm ""aco, C,U 1)111 ! CO.. KITH A.ND FA11N.V.M. If You Wish goo.'1, reliable dental work at mod erate prices we can please 3 on. Our methods are the most im'l -ov-ed our prices so low they Till surprise you. . ..Telephone 145 K. A. Yoodbury, D. D. Council Bluffs. 30 Pearl St. h...i. Pearl St , Council BlulFs, farm, clilcLcii ruuebra, frtilt and I'd Hi ii cm it iiro.irrly in Council lllutTa KO-ncres Missouri bottom land, 8 miles m city, $10 per acre. 600 acre stock farm near Earllng, Selby Co, cheap 320 ncres In Silver Creek twp., 50 per acre; well Improve. 213 acres fine bottom land in Rockford twix, J42.D0 pci ac:e; well Improved. Ut. .I1U.M 1.IIA.M.II U. I'AUilS AT Hot Springs, Ark. The Favofite Winter losort For Informat.'on. pamptlcts and bonkt on tho tprlnes, call at TICKHT OlI'lCIli S. H. COIl.Vlii; MTU AMI nOL'fitVlS. ".Man w.tnts hut little lic'c heWnV Suiil a morbid poet ItiiiK ycirs af;o, I'm proie to doubt that aiwlc nt mine When 'look at The Jlecs jrcat "Want Ad" ptp,o. a