THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEHNKPTIAV, DKCEMW'ttt 20, 1000. n CAUGHT AT GRADE CROSSING Tamer Eun Down and Fatally Injured by a Freight Train. EXPRESSMAN ALSO GOES UNDER WHEELS City HmploreH llenirnihrr the Mnynr Cnpltnllst Prrnarlnjr to Start Another Mntloiuil Hank In Lincoln. LINCOLN, Dec. 25. (Special.) John Mley of 1601 Francis street, Uelmont, wus struck and almost fatally Injured by a Missouri Pacific train last night. He was driving, with his Ron, across tho tracks on North Fourteenth stroot when a long train of freight cars backed down upon him. Tho son escaped Injury by leaping from tho vehicle, but Klluy was caught by ono of tho cars and dragged along on tho ground for a dlstanco of 300 feet. Ills left nrm and left leg wuro afterwards utnputntcd. Whllo engaged In transferring express packages from ono train to another last night W. II. Ferguson of 633 South Nine teenth strnot, an employe of Adams Express company, fell under tho wheels of a moving car and was badly Injured. Several bono3 were crushed, hut It Is not probable that tho II ml will havo to bo removed. Itrnnlvrr for 1 1 it m fill r tilittc. Judgo Holmes In tho district court has ordorod tho appointment of n receiver for tho estato of Austin Humphrey, who died suddenly soveral months ngo. This order Is tho result of a contest Instituted by heirs of tho deceased, Kniili) en Heineiutier .Mnjnr. Mayor Wlnnotl was last night given a gold watch charm by officers nnd employes of tho municipal government. Water Com missioner Tyler mado a short speech of presentation on behnlf of tho donors and Mayor Wlnnott responded briefly, thanking his frlonds for tho remembrance. XciT Hunk In Prosprct. Tho Htato Hanking board has npproved tho articles of Incorporation of tho State Dank of Iluskln. Tho now bank has a paid up capital stook of $7,600. Tho Incorpor ators aro A. O. McOrow, M. llolton and F, M. McGrovv. It Is assorted on rcllablo nuthorlty that Lincoln will havo a new national bank within tho next fow weeks. Plans for tho organization of tho Institution have been so far completed that It will bo possible to opon Its doors for business nbout Fcbru ary 1, If not sooner. Tho promoters of the entorprlso uro mostly Lincoln business men, but It Is Bnld that several Omaha capital Istn will bo among tho largest stockholders. L. P. Funkhouser, vlco president of tho Farmors' nnd Merchants' Flro Insurance company of this city, Is tho principal pro moter nnd will probably direct the business of tho bank nfter It Is opened. Mr. Funk housor was formerly n resident of Omaha, V. Funkhouser ot Chicago will havo an In terost In the Institution. There nro now threo national banks In Lincoln tho First National, tho Columbia National nnd tho City National. Tho City National was opened only a fow months ago. ON ATMORE'S RESIGNATION Heirrtnry Krcnn Provide Copy of Henolutlonn I'nnni')! tiy Hoard of Krnrnry Academy. As throwing further light on tho changes roeontly occurring at St. Luke's Military aeadomy at Kearney, Tho P.00 Is requested to glvoaj)aco to tho following sclf-ejcplnna tory lofter:' ' KEARNEY, Neb., Dec. 19. Tho following rosoluttona wcro offered by Hon. John I Iledlck, seconded by Mr. C. N. Drown, nnd unanimously adopted: Whereas, Tho Venerable Arcbdcncnn Atmnro hns tendered his resignation us principal of St. Luke's academy, to take errect in tno expiration or his term, nni sever his connection therewith: this eer- tnlnly will be lamented by all the friends of the nendemy nnd will bo a calamity to (tin ulllfinl Itui.lf V. .11 hnnrrl l.n.... full faith In tho Integrity and ability of Mr. Atntorn to accomplish great things for tho school nml to pluco It ulongslde of tho rcspectablo nillllnry academics of tho country. To do this, however, requires h number of Improvements and a consul orablo expenditure of money, whereas there are no funds In tho treasury. Thoro Is no gas In tuo building, no inside closets, no gymnasium and hut one bathroom. Under these circumstances tho Ilev. Sir. Atmoro, n man ot Imlomltnblo energy, per severance nnd determination Is unwilling to head thu Institution any longer and. much as wo regret to accept his resigna tion, wo think ho Is fully JuHIIled In his action. Therefore, I move his resignation bo ac cepted. (Hy K. a. KEENS. Secretary.) HtroiiK'" Second Trial Delayed. KKAP.NEY. Nob.. Dec. 25. (Special.) I,eKtor Manning Strong, tho young mnn who was convicted of attempted criminal nssnult, was sentenced to tho stato peni tentiary, and later brought back to Kear noy for a now trial by a recent order of tho district court, will lay In tho county Jail until tho February term. Tho county Judgo ha. denied n petition of Strong's at torneys, who asked that ball bo given to Strong. Tho court ruled that It had no Jurisdiction In tho coso and denied thj application. It is said his attorneys will mandamus tho Judgo nnd compel htm to Issue and 11 x thu amount of bond. t- llnllwny for Nebraska. NIOllHAHA. Nob., Dec. 25. (Special.) Tho promoting of an electric railway along tho Niobrara rlor from somo point of connection with railroads near Sioux City, la., to Lynch, In Iloyd county, Neb., la said to bo ono object of tho Niobrara Commercial club in undertaking tho Nl- MFTY TONS OF CANDY llnve Hern Sent to Our Soldiers In the Philippine InIiiiiiIh hy tbe (iovcritnif n t. Fifty tons of candy have been sent to the I soldiers In tho Phlllpplno Islands by the i commissary department of tho nrmy during the last Ihree months nnd large amounts , to soldiers In Cuhn and Puerto Rico. This Is done upon ndvlco of tho medical officers of tho army bocauso It Is n physio logical farf that a moderate consumption of confectionery promotes health and sat isfies n natural craving of the stomach. Candy wai nover furnished to the United States army boforo although It has been i commonly usd ns a ration by tho French and Ilrttlsh troops In tho tropics. This explodes another old fashioned , theory that sveots are Injurious to the I digestive organs, .vbllo n moderate uso ot i sweets Is actually bonoflclal. Very few thinks are Injurious nnd tho i food cranks who) ndvocnto tho uso of a ! few grlnns nnd Vgotables and decry tho uso of sweets and meats aro In error, ns a i wholesome varlotyof meat and vegetable food Is absolutely necessary for tho main tenance of tho htglust condition of health, Tho best rule to billow Is to eat what the appotlt. craves ad if thero Is any dis comfort or trouble in digesting meat or weetu tho difficulty Lin be rendlly over come by the regularise after meals of some safe dlgrstlvo coHposed of pepsin and diastase which will aeilst the stomach by Increasing tho Hqw otlgastrlc Juice and furnish the natural peptihe lacking In weak stomachs, 1 Tho best preparation oluhts kind Is prob ably Stunrt's Dyspepsia Ikblets which may be found nt nil drug stored Years of uso have demonstrated the valuo and effectiveness of Stuart' Jets In all cases of Impair Dyspepsia Tab. 1 digestion. obrara river survey and giving C. A. Nip pell a contract to ascertain Its nctual tall, that capital may be Interested In Its use as a great waterpowor. The stream Is very swift and, harnessed, would fur nish unlimited operating force. Some cay also that this move may be later taken tip by tho Sioux City, Ulaclc Hills & Pacific CoHst road, a proposed lino from Sioux City to Portland via the Hlg Horn bnsln In Wyoming, making a through trunk line to the Pacific northwest. CHRISTMAS DAY IN NEBRASKA Appropriate Kterclnen Held In Churches nt Many Points Through out tin- Slate. FKEMONT, Nob., Dec. 23. (Speclat.4- Speclal Christmas services wcro held at nearly all tho churches last evening for tho benefit of tho children. There were Christ ians trees loaded with candy, fruit nnd other presents that delight tho small boy who has faithfully attended Sunday school for a whole month Just before tho holi days. At several churches tho traditional Santa Claus distributed tho presents, ar riving by wny of the chimney. At the Con gregational church tho entire exercises were under tho direction of the primary department and the llttlo tots acquitted themselves well. A light snow has fallen today, which hns somewhat Improvod the sleighing. Cutters were In demand this afternoon. ltAItVAUD, Neb., Dec. 25. (Special.) Christmas morning opened bright and pleasant, giving evidence of a perfect day, only moderately cold. Last evening five of the seven churches gave exercises, to gether with well filled trees. In the lutercst of their various Sur.duy schools, tho Chris tian church holding theirs nt Stokes' opera house, where n cantata was most pleasantly rendered by the llttlo folk. Merchants re port trado as having been exceptionally good this season, WYMOHB, Neb., Dec. 25. (Spoclol.) Tho cotton robe of tho young man who was masquerading as Snntn Claus In the Christ mas festival at the Methodist church last evening caught flro from the candles on the tree back of him nnd thu Humes towered threo feet above his head ns ho rushed down thu aisle and out of the door. A dozen men followed and quickly tore off tho burning garment, but tho accident caused great consternntlon In tho church and It was rcmarkablo that some ot thu light dresses of tho children had not taken fire and made the Incident n fatal one. CALHOUN, Neb., Dec. 25. (Special.) Tho Union Sunday school of the Congrega tional church had n Christmas treo at tho chutch last evening, Tho commlttco had prepared a splendid program, which was rendered by tho small children. Old Santa visited tho small children, bringing all kinds of good things. Tho church was filled to its utmost capacity. YORK, Neb.. Doc. 25. (Special.) Tho merchants of York, tho postolllce, the ex press companies and railroads have nccr boforo In tho history of York experienced such a largo holiday business as this yenr's. Kvery day the streets nnd busi ness houses wero crowded with customers coming from long distances, nnd ono thing more notlceablo this year was that formers nnd townspeople wero buying more costly presents. Express compnnles nnd postofneo clerks had moro thnn they could nttend to In receiving nnd delivering packages. Each of the threo depots yesterday was crowded with outgoing nnd nrrtvlng pas sengers and trains wero loaded. Appro prlato i.ervlces were held today nnd this evening nt York's churches. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Dec. 25. (Spe clnl.) Appropriate Christmas services were held by nearly all tho Sunday schools In tho city last evening. At tho Presbyterian church Assistant Superintendent. Georgo L. Farley conducted tho exercises, after which Santa Claus distributed llttlo stockings 11 1 1 oi 1 with candy, nuts nnd other pleasing trlllcs. At tho First Methodist church Cliff Wescott conducted tho program. Interest ing services wero nlso hold nt tho Chris tian church and at St. Paul's Evangelical church, where Hev. Freund presided. Ono of tho special fentures of tho service at tho Episcopal church this forenoon wus a solo hy Miss Allco Dovoy. High mnss wus held at St. John's Catholic church this morning nt 5:30 o'clock, mass nt 8:30, high mass and sermon at 10:30 and sormon and benediction at 7:30 this ovenlng. Tho Knights Templar of Mount Zlon eom- mnndery No. 5 held tho usual Christmas services In their cnstlo hall this forenoon. Among tho many family reunions hold In tho city today wero those nt the homes of Hon. J. M. Patterson. William Atwood, Mrs. Nellie Agncw nnd Judge W. H. Newell. TAIILE HOCK. Nob., Dec. 25, (Speclal.J Christmas exercises wero held horo last night In the Methodist, Presbyterian nnd Christian churches nnd npproprlato pro grams wore rendered by the llttlo ones. There were Christmas trees In each church. The weather has cleared up and Is Ideal. CLAY CENTER. Neb., Dee. 25. (Special.) All ot tho Sunday schools of this placo had Christmas trees and exercises last ovenlng nnd each hnd o largo attendance. llnsliiiiid n nil Wife l)lxiiiieiir. P.ANCKOFT, Neb.. Dec. 25. (Special.) Last Friday Irving Priest and nirdsol Don ohuo left this plnco very suddenly. Tho two hnd been living together ns husband and wlfo for tho past two years, or until sonio few months ngo, when tho couple separated after an altercation, nnd tho husband brought habeas corpus proceedings to get possession of their child. These pro ceedlngs are still pending, nnd the plain tiff anil defendant havo left their frlendu, their attorneys nnd tho court with no con testants for tho Infnnt, which is with Its mother's pnrents. Ono of tho plaintiff's attorneys cannot be seen today, and thoro ore various rumors afloat ns to tho part ho will play In tho elopement, or abduc tion, or whatever tho nffolr may prove to be. Considerable excitement Is nroused over tho ense, and ns thu young wlfo Is a moro child many think sho was kidnaped, although no ransom has been demanded, HloodhoniidM on n Wroiijr Scout. FLORENCE, Nob., Dec. 25, (Special.) Charles Hrewer lost about two dozen chickens early Monday morning. Thu bloodhounds wero sent for from Ileatrlce and followed a supposed trail to tho home of Georgo Foster, but no stolen property was found. Foster swore out n warrant for tho man with tho dogs. The latter gavo bond. Tho trial was held thin morning boforo Pollco Judge Lowery, when the owner of tho dogs was discharged and left for Hoatrlce. Itiuiaivnyx Collide with I'nst Mull, FKEMONT, Neb., Dec. 25. (Special.) Whon tho fnst mall, eastbound on the Union Pacific pulled In here yesterday after noon tho front part of the engine was well covered with blood and horsehlde. Tho engineer said that a runaway team of horses had run Into the engine Instead of tho train running Into tho team. The nccldent occurred nt the first crossing east of Ames. Fortunately there was no ono on the wagon. Much Stealing' at Kearney. KEARNEY, Neb,, Dec. 25, (Special.) Petty thieving Is getting to bo quite an art In Kcairey. There Is a theft nearly every night owlug to tho nbsence of lights on tho streets Tho Kearney Hour mills havo been loslug property every night and the proprietor, Frnnk F. Roby, has hired n night watchman to guard his proporty. There are Beveral gangs in the city and they are being wntched. Christmas live Itohhcry. , QUINCY, III.. Dec. 25,-RurglarH broke Into the Kespohl-Mohrenstecker com pany's store somo time last night and stole nlnetv-iH'H bolt of silk, valued at 1 1.000. SOUTH DAKOTA'S TEACHERS State Association's Annual Meeting Opens in Yankton Today. ATTENDANCE MAY BREAK ALL RECORDS Prominent Kriticntor Arc to Condnet .Special Work nnd Yankton linn Inrss Men Provide I.lliernlly for Untrrtnliiiitcnt. YANKTON, S. D Dec. 25. (Special.) Tomorrow South Dakota teachers will be gin to nrrlvo In forco to nttend tho eigh teenth annual meeting of tho Stato Educa tional association, which openB In the morning and closes Friday night. Several huudcr prominent educators are expected to be In attendance nnd tho meet ing promises to bo tho most successful, ns well ns the Inrgest, In the history of tho association. Ucglnnlng Wednesday nt 9 n. m. threo sessions will ho held each day. Dcpartment'scsslons and business meetings will bo held during tho forenoons and gen eral programs and entertainments will oc cupy tho afternoons nnd evenings. Tho association consists of llvo depart ments, namely, city nnd town supervision, county supervision, primary nnd kinder garten Instruction, aolleges nnd high schools and common schools. Tho work In each of theso departments has been Judi ciously arranged nnd will bo under the Im mediate direction of tho best educational ability In tho stato. At both department sessions and nt the meetings of tho gen oral association tho work will consist largely of papers nnd discussions on tho llvo questions In tho profession nnd tho most prominent nnd nblo ot tho stato cd ucators will bo heard on tho subjects for which each Is particularly fitted to In struct the other members of tho nssocln tlon. Some Musical Kentnre. rjcsldes this regular cducntlonal work tho general association will Intersperse the programs with somo excellent special fen tures. Prof. Mather? collego orchestra will furnish music nt gcnernl sessions and n speclnl musical program will bo given nt the Congregational church on Thursday ovenlng. On Wednesday evening tho ad dresses of welcome and tho responses will bo delivered at Flsk assembly room. Hon. Uartlett Tripp will wclcomo the vis Itors on bohalf of the city nnd Dr. War ren will perform that pleasant duty on thu part of tho college. Dr. W. I. Graham of Dakota university will mnko tho response ot tho nssembled educators. On tho same occnslon President S. C. Hnrtrnnft of Aber decn will mnko his address. His subject Is "In tho Doorway of tho Twentieth Cen tury." Ono ot the features of tho Thursday aft ernoon session will be a class drill In music by children of first nnd second grndes, con ducted by Miss Allco Van Ostrand of tho Ynnkton city schools. In addition to tho musical program to bo given at tho Con- gregntlonnl church Thursday evening lecturo will bo delivered by Dr. S. D. Smith of the People's church, St. Paul. Inspect Weather lliirenii. On Thursday afternoon Mr. Itobcrts, ob sorvcr of tho local weather bureau, will open the station to tho teachers that they may Inspect the Instruments and the nctual workings of the weather factory In this lino of observation another Inter esting trip will be the one mado to tho col lego observatory on Thursday night for the purpouo of getting a view of tho moon through the largo telescope which Is n part of tho collego astronomical apparatus Tho moon will be In a most favornblo quarter at that time nnd tho experience will no doubt be n vnluablo one to many, On Friday nftcrnoon tho general nssembly will bo favored with two addresses. Tho first of thece, by J. W. Heston, president of tho ngrlculturnl college nt Ilrooklngs, will bo upon tho subject of "Tho Kind of Education for South Dakota" nnd tho other. by W. H. Hamlin of tho Snntoo Normal Training School for Indlnns, will he a dis cussion on tho "Education of tho Indlnn." At tho snmo session Miss Van Ostrand will 11 lustrnto school songs by children of the fifth grnde. On Friday evening tho nssoclatlon will bo entertained by tho Ynnkton Dra matic club In tho comedy, "Chnrley'B Aunt." Tho local expenses of tho nssoclatlon have been paid by the Business Men's club of Ynnkton unci by tho citizens nnd everything possible will bo dono to mnko tho meeting successful nnd plensant, which It Is fully expected to bo. INVESTIGATE SOLDIERS' HOME HInek 11111m Senntorn-Klcct Visit Hot SprliiKi for Infor mation. HOT SPRINGS, S. D., Dec. 25. (Speclnl.) Tho Illack Hills senators-elect visited Hot Springs this week and, with Senator Ilurko of this place, examined Into tho re quirements of tho soldiers' home for tho coming two years. Tho membership of tho homo Is constantly Increasing, now having nbout 250 upon tho rolls, thus re quiring a larger opproprlotlon than over before. Tho senators dined with Com mandant Linn nnd looked over tho Insti tution thoroughly. Tho visitors wcro: Senators Georgo H. Dennett of Rapid City, O. A. Cooper of Whltewood, L. P. Jenkins of Lend and J. P. Chcescman of nolle Fourche. Among other matters discussed by tho Hills senators whllo together was tho advisability of advocating a short ses sion of tho legislature nnd they enmo to tho conclusion that they would favor n thirty-day session. They bellovo that there Is not much legislation needed beyond the rcgulur appropriation bills and perhaps n few changes In tho rovenuo law. While not talking for publication con cerning tho United States senatorial ques tion, the senators from tho Hills may all bo put down as sttolght-out Gamble sup porters and they nre Incllnod to tho opinion that there Is moro talk nbout tho opposi tion to Gamblo than thero Is nctual, active concentrated effort against him. The opinion was expressed that there worn doubtless a tow prominent politicians In tho stato who would like to see Mr. Gam ble dofeated, but that tho republicans ot the stnto generally regarded Mr. Gnrable as Senator Pottlgrew's principal opponent during thu campaign and that tho sentiment had not materially changed; that tho fact that Mr. Gamblo would havo been unani mously renominated for congress hnd be not decided to stand as a republican can dldnto for United States senntor showed his popularity nnd strength with his party nnd was a virtual endorsement of him for senator. ('oiliest Over Old Warrant. SIOUX FALLS, S. D Dec. 25. (Special.) A utilquo caso has Just been decided In tho stnto circuit court nt Plahklnlon, In volving tho pnyment of n warrant Issued by Whlto Lako township, Aurorn counly. P. II. rirennon sued tho township for tho payment of an old wnrrant Issued by the township when Joseph Ryan was treasurer of tho township. This wns many years ago, Rynn disappeared, leaving a shortage, and nothing has slnco been heard ot him, The warrant In question was Issued to H. M Miles In payment for sinking an artesian well, The warrant wni presented by Miles and not paid for want of funds, Afler Ryan's flight ono ot his bondsmen enme out from Illinois and left tho money for Ihe payment of tho warrant. Miles drow tho money and Indorsed tho warrant which, It was supposed, was stamped, paid and filed away by the treasurer of tho township. Nenrly two years later tho war rant ngaln turned up, being presented by tlrcnnon for payment, ho claiming that he had purchased It from Miles. ( Payment was refuged nnd lirennon Instituted suit against the township for tho nmount of the warrant. Tho township contended thnt It had been paid nnd should have been canceled. Judgo Smith Instructed the Jury that whatever might be the legnl stntus of tho claim, It was nullified by tho statute of limitation, tho wnrrant having become outlawed, and n verdict for tho defendant was accordingly rendered. The plaintiff Is not satisfied with tho verdict of tho Jury and It Is probable thnt the case will bo appealed to the slate supremo court. DAKOTA RANGES ALL RIGHT Stock Pnper Sil They Are, So I'nr, In Splendid Condition Cliiiin hcrlnln Story Denied, PIERRE, S. D.. Dec. 25. (Special.) The Fort Plerro Stock Journal, In a discussion of the range conditions, snys, "Rango conditions could not well bo more favor able than they aro nt the present time, conies the report from almost every sec tion of tho rnngo country that wo havo been nblo to reach. In some few locnll- tles the same old trouble of scarcity of water still exists, but generally speaking conditions nro so much better than stock men had anticipated early In tho fall thnt no ono Is kicking In tho least. All sorts of prophecies for a severo winter were universally nccopted everywhere on tho range, nnd without nny practical reason whatovcr. Every stockman was scared to death nnd In some Instances small herds of cnttlo wcro shipped to market at n great sacrlflco rathor than face n hard winter. In ono senso It hnd tho desired effect. Every man with n herd of tattle got out and hustled hay by tho stnek nnd prepnrcd In many ways for tho protection of stock; censequently nearly everyone on tho rnngo Is In condition to withstand n harder winter than wo havo seen In many yenrs, but It Is not materializing. The winter so fnr has been an Ideal ono for cattlemen. Just n few snowfalls to make molsturo everywhere nnd no cold Bnaps yet of any consequence. Thero Is, of course, plenty of time left yet for bad weather, but up to dato thero has been no cnuso for alarm In nny quarter." Tho Stock Journal, which Is In touch with men from nil over the rnngo nnd l's the official organ of tho Missouri River nssoclatlon, denounces ns a "plpo dream" tho Chamberlain story of nn organization among tho largo Block owners for tho range to secure, legislation to crowd tho small men out. TRY TO GET TUBBS PARDONED I'rlenilN Petition for Itclcose of Al t' e s t e r Mayor Who Mailed Ccr tnlu Objectionable Letters. SIOUJC FALLS, S. D., Dec. 25.-(Spcclal.) Information reaches hero that frlonds of Richard A. Tuhbs, former mayor of Alcester, nnd prominent In railroad cir cles In tho southern pnrt ot tho stnto, who was sentenced to two years' Imprisonment In the Sioux Fulls pcnltentlnry for send Ing objectionable letters through the mall to Miss Clara Saltncss, nre circulating petitions among those who know him, ask ing that ho bo pnrdoned. The petitions represent tho signers ns believing In his Innocence or that, if guilty, ho already has been sufficiently punished. Tubbs, while muyor ot Alcester nnd agent of the Chicago &. Northwestern railroad at that place, was arrested by a deputy United States mnrshal In Jnnunry, 1889, tried In April and convicted. He filed n motion for a new trial, whlcli wns'ifcr'autcd. The new trial resulted In nnothcr conviction, when he was sentenced to a .term of two years In tho penitentiary. He appealed tho case to tho United Stntcs circuit court of nppeals, vhlch affirmed tho action of Judge Carland. Tho customnry sixty dnys from tho hand ing down of decisions granted defendants by tho federal circuit court of nppeals will expire Janunry t nnd tho federal offi cials have been notified that at that time Tubbs will surrender himself and go to tho pcnltentlury to begin serving his scntenco In hopes that his application for a pardon will bear fruit. llent Pasture from the Inillans. DEADWOOD, S. D., Dec. 25. (Special.) This winter thoro nro something llko 12,000 hend of cattle, owned by white men, being wintered on tho Rosebud Indian agency, n permit having been granted by tho secretary of tho Interior. Tho cnttlo will bo permitted to remain on this range until spring, tho prlco per head being 50 cents, which will go to the Indlnns. Tho feed on Rosebud ngency Is snld to bo better than on either thu cnttlo ranges to tho north nnd west or Pino Ridge agency to tho east. Thero was rain on Rosebud agency nil summer, whllo tho Pino Rldgo agency was stricken with drouth. A great many of tho Indlnns on both agencies have cattle ot their own. They nro stnrtcd out In tho slock business by tho government nnd their herds uro Incrcnsed by breeding. Each Indlnn has n speclnl number, which Is branded upon his stock. Resides tho number, tho letters "I D" nro branded, standing for Indlnn department. A record Is kept by the ngent of each Indian e Btock. An Indian must obtain n permit from the government buforo ho can 1:111 any of his stock for beef. When tho cattle havo ma tured Into beef tho owner can sell them to tho government nt tho mnrket prlco and the beeves nro Issued to tho Indians ns rations, Tho Indlnns of Rosebud ngeney havo mado very strong objections to tho grazing on their ranges by tho whlto mcn'n cattlo. Xev.' Corporations, PIURRK. S. D Dec. 25. (Special.) Ar ticles of Incorporation havo been filed for the Hntch-Arland-Kelllo compnny nt Mount Vernon, with a capltnl of $10,000; incor porators, F. M. Hatch, Ocorgo W. Arland and C. W. Kollle. For tho Rex Magnus Manufacturing company nt Sioux Falls, with u capital of $100,000; Incorporators Jncob Klssoll, E. A. Kruckraun, Fred C. Whltehouso nnd Uugeno Stough. For tho nnltlo Hnll nssoclatlon nt Ilaltlc, with a capital of $3,000; Incorporators, Henry Juvol, Charles F. Schroyer, J. O. I.angness, Axel Wold nnd Olo Jackson. For tho ludstrlat Investment company at Ilrooklngs, with a copltal of $500,000; In corporators, Louis N. Fuller, T. Arthur Fuller, Oeorgo P. Hall and Albert Mntson. Cattle llnve Diphtheria. LRAD, S. D.. Dec. 25. (Special.) A po cullnr dlseaBo has commenced killing off cattlo over tbo lino In Wyoming on somo of tho rnnges. In many respects It ro sembles diphtheria In a human bolng. The throat swells up nnd a mucus forms In tho throat and tho animal dies of strangula tion. Tho disease Is nearly nlways fatal Tho stato veterinarian has been making an examination of tho disease. Ho asserts (hat It Is now to tho western ranges nnd that It will bo difficult to combat, on account of tho placo of attack. It Is bolloved that tho dlseaso hnn been caused by tho very warm days and tho cold nights. Montana Herders Invnde Wyomlnnr CHEYENNE, Wyo., Dec. 25. (Speclal.)- Secrctory E, P. Snow of tho Stnte Hoard of Sheep Commissioners hns returned from a trip to tho Illg Horn basin, whero ho caused tho arrest of two Montana sheep men named Honshaw and Jones, who nro charged with violating tho Wyoming In spectlon laws. Tho men wero given a pro llmlnnry hearing at Lovell and bound ovor to tho district court In tho sum of $2,000 each. It is said that thousands ot sheep The above symptoms refer (o Acid Dyspepsia, a very common form of stomach tlisor orrier that results in serious destruction of the mucous lining of the stomach (ulcera tion.) It causes Palpitation of the Heart as well. HUDYAN promptly corrects this condition. HUDYAN cures Dyspepsia in its worst form. NAPA, CAT.. Gentlemen: 1 am glad to say that IllJD YAN cured mo, sound and well. 1 have no moro pains In stomach nfter eating, no more bloating and my bowels nre In good shape. I think IinnVAN tho best remedy on earth for dyspepsia. Yours gratefully, L. W. SHAW. nUDYAN is for sale by druggists 50c a package, or six packages for 2.r0. If your druggist does not keep II UDYAX, send direct to the IJUDYAN HISMEDY Co., corner Stockton, Ellis and .Market Sts., San Francisco, Cal. DOCTORS of the Hudyan Kemedy Co., may be consulted by letter or in person. Write your symptoms. 1 Druggists Kuhn & Co., Sherman & MtConncll Drug Co., Myers-Dillon Drug Co., J. H. Schmidt, Omaha. Camp Bros., Council muffs. Dillon Drug Co., South Omaha all owned In Montana nre now being grnzed In tho northern part of Wyoming, contrnry to tho laws of this state. From 30,000 to 50,000 .sheep aro being run Just ncross the Wyoming lino In Montana and the owners nrr. aniline in RPH U'llllt lliRTIOSltlon W'tll bo made of tho cases ngnlnst Jones nnd Henshnw. If tho state hoard runs to com nnl Hiobo mnn to nav tho Inoncctlon fces. great herds of Montana sheep will bo rushed ncross the lino nna tno rnnges in nomi- crn nnd western Wyoming win no wipeu out. It Is tho Intention of the board, however, to mnko an e.xnmplo of the alleged mn rnudcrs. GASHED AT CHILD'S WAKE I'll I her Found nltli Ills Throat Cut, Whereupon Supposed Assailant limits Himself. DK1TTON. S. !., Dec. 2.'. A number of friends gathered nt tho house of John Pyplnr, near Veblen, to sit up with tho remains of ono of his children. During the evening Pyplnr was found lying between tho houso nnd the barn with soveral gimhcs lu his skull nnd with his throat nnd neck severely Injured. Ho wns picked up for dead. Upon seeing his condition Moses l.n Frombols disappeared und a little later war discovered bunging from thu limb of n tree near tho barn. Ho wus cut down before llfo wus extinct. Pyplnr is In n fair way to recover l.n Frombols Is under nrrest to nwnlt tho rcsjlt of tho Injuries to Pyplnr. All .tiny Adopt W;omlnur Plan. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Dee. 25. (Speclnl.) Stnto Examiner Harry II. Henderson re turned today from Charleston, S. C, whero ho attended the meeting of the American League of Municipalities. Ho rend a paper on "Uniform Accounting" nnd ns a re sult tho league adopted resolutions me morializing nil of tho states of tho union to adopt tho system ns recommended by tho Wyoming officer. Wyoming Is tho only stato thnt has a system of uniform public accounting nnd Stnto Examiner Henderson Is mainly responsible for Its origin nnd adoption. Other states havo copied por tions of tho law from tlmo to time during tho last few years, but now It Is proposed to mnko tho Wyoming system uniform nnd In effect In every state In tho union. Monument to I, ate Ilev. Iiiiwlci-, SIOUX FALLS, S. D Dec. 25. (Speclnl.) Tho clergy ot tho Sioux Falls dloreso have Inaugurated n movement for tho erec tion of n hnndsomo nnd costly monument to tho memory of tho lato Right Rev. Francis Xavarlus I.awlcr, ono of tho most celebrated prtosts of tho country, who died GIVING OUT The Struggle Discourages Many a Citizen of Omaha. Around all day with nn aching back. Can't rest at night. Enough to mnko anyone "give out." Doan's Kidney Pills will give renewed llfo. They will cure tho backache. Curo every kidney III. Hero Is Omaha proof that this Is so: Mr. J. H. Ash of 2625 I.ako street, saysi "For fifteen years after nn acctdont I hnd attacks of kidney complaint, nccurlng more frequently nnd more severo as tlmo went by. Two weeks before I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Kuhn & Co.'s drug storo, corner of 16th and Douglas streets, I wns run down In health and I thought the treatment might help my kidneys. It did, I am pleased to recommend a preparation which nets up to tho representations mado for It." Sold for 50 cents per box by nil dealers. Foster-MUburn Co,, riurfalo, N. Y., sole agents for tbo United States. Remember tho namo, Doan's, and take no eubstltutt. acid stomach symptoms loss of appetite bitter taste dizziness regurgitation headache bloating sallow complexion irritable temper soreness in stomach tired feeling Hudyan cures. 50c SAN Dlicao. CAT Dear Doctors: My stomach trouble hnn been entirely cured, through the ngency of . HUDYAN. I suffered for several years, und could get no pcrmnnent relief until I look HUDYAN. 1 can now eat what I wish, and It don't distress me. Yours sin cerely, MISS COHA FULTON. nt Alexandria last September after having been a priest for n period of llfty-llvo years. Ho wns vlcur general of South Dakota and ono of tho deans of the diocese. Tho mon ument will bo erected In St. Joseph's ceme tery nt Emmctt, Union county, whero he Is burled. Hon- to Cure Croup. Mr. R. Cray, who lives near Amcnln, Duchess county, N. Y., snys: "Chamber lain's Cough remedy Is tho best mcdlclno I hnvo over used. It Is n Ann children's remedy for croup and nover falls to cure." When given ns soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even nfter tho croupy cough has developed, It will prevent thu attack. This should bo borno In mind und n bottle of tho Cough remedy kept nt hand ready for Instant uso ns soon ns theso symptoms nppcur. For salo by all druggists. Sheriff TnUes Harry Tut tie. PLATTSMOUTH, Nob., Dec. 25. (Special,) --Sheriff W. D. Wheeler hns returned from Lincoln with Hnrry Tuttlo, who Is charged with being Implicated In tho burglary at C.reenwood, with Henry Solsby. Tuttle. It Is snld, served a term In tho penitentiary for a ciimo which ho committed In Lancas ter county'. Auditor Morris I. alii to Itcst. CLEVELAND. Dec. 25, -Tho body of Frank II. MorrlH, thu murdered auditor of the War department, was brought here today from Washington, being accompanied by tho widow und son of tho deceased. Iliiof funeral services wero held In thu chnpel ut I.ukcvluw cemetery, which wero attended bv oulto n "number of tho friends nnd nciiunlntnnces of thu family. Tho body wus pmceii in u vault, .Mining tno ninny Moral tributes wns one from the clerks In tho War department. Kvsemhle llncUhcrry 'free llnllet, FRANKFORT, Ky., Dec. 25.-Ono of the clerks In tho stnto auditor's otllce. In searching the vault for old records, found a cartridge box containing eight metal patched smokeless powder cartridges, XS-55, corresponding exactly to the bullet found In tho hackherry treo nnd vtiilch was bo lloved to litivo passed through Senntor Here's Where We Shine- At $'.2.00 Drcx L. Hlioomiin bcIIh a heavy three-solo mecliimlcs' kIhk- mailt! with plump kit! tippers und wide round toes-Hint k1v) grunt comfort to tint feet nnd nt the same time Imve style with them usually $2 shoes nro great, clumsy affairs regular hroRaus not so with these for they nro made with as much style as the higher priced shoes We guarantee every pair of theso upiers lo outwear two pairs of soles you've never seen a shoe that could show half the valuo for $2.00. Drexel Shoe Co., New Catalns;ne rteadr Sent Free for tha Aaklnv. Omaha's Up-to-date Shoe rioaip. " N"A."t AM STIIKKT. Do You Know- the names of four leading pianos? They are Knnbe, Klmlinll, Krnnlch & ltaeh and Hallet & Davis plunos. Yes, we do sell pianos on $5 monthly pay ments and only ask $107 for tills kind. When you want tho cheap piano, wo hnvo them nnd this prlco ($107) Is Just ?1(K) cheaper than tho same kind else where. Wo repair, tuno nnd movo planot. Wo sell btools, senrfs and piano belongings. A. HOSPE, Music ui Art. 1613 Oootjat A. Fuller & Co., Chas. II. Schacfor, J. sell and recommend Hudyan. (Joebet's body. Tho slgnlllciinco of tho dis covery lien in tho fact that Henry Koutsny. convicted of participation In the Qoebtil liSHUHslimtlon In October, wus a cJerk In the auditor's otllco ut thu tlmo of thu ns susslnutlon und hud iicccsh to the vault where, thn cartridges wcro found nnd that Oeorgo IlurncH. nnothcr clerk In tho otllce, testllled that ho saw Youtsey with n box of cnrtrldges. lie l-nliiirilt Appears ns Hamlet. NEW YORK, Dec. 25.-S.iruh Heinhardt'fl "Hnmlet" wuti produced for the first t'-No lu this country ut tho ('.union theater hero tonight. A faithful prosu translation hv Eugene Monind nnd Marcel Schwab v 'in used and an Interested iiii'llenco wus juvi ent. Desptto tho illffcrt net's thnt oxlstcl between the English nnd French concep tion of tho tragedy the "Ilnmlet" kcmmi to night wns warmly rocctvwl M. foquclln did not appear until the Inst act, when ho had thu role of llrst grnvedlgger. Mine. Uernhurdt was recalled many times, the enthusiuHni Increasing us the play pro ceeded. We have broken the spell of hlrh prices on optloal iroodii but our work U the usual hlvh iUindard that comts from Aleo & ronfohl's, We examine y fr, but we furnish lassos only when needed We bavR our own man ufacturing plant and grind all epir own Unse. THE ALOE & PENfOLD CO., Leaaiag- Scientific. Optician. 1408 Fnrnam. OMAHA. OPPOSITE PAXTON HOTEL.