THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FT? I DAY, DUCEMUET? . 1. 1900. 3 LABOR UNIONS' CONVENTION Delegates Meet at Liccoln to Consider Bid Kent's Program. MATTERS DEBATED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION Thlrty-Kljcht Unlotm Ilepreur ntril ami m. I nit 1,1st of Topic Tnkrii l'p for Cnnxldnrnllon by thn Member,. LINCOLN, Dec. 20. (Special.) Delegates from thirty-eight labor organizations In Nebraska held a state convention here tills nftirnoon to consider proposed legislation for tho protection of their Interests. lputr Labor Commissioner Kent presided and at tho afternoon scislon recommended tho adoption of a municipal olRht-hour law, an arbitration law, a follow servant lav, union label on all state printing, tho printing of nil public ctato documents by tho ntuto and not by prlvato Arms, the es tablishment of freo omploymcnt registra tion ofllccs, laws providing for proper safc (ruartla around mochlncry, railroads, etc., the performance of public work by tho slnte, abolition of contract labor In the tato prlaon, a better child labor law, the establishment of manual training schools, a bolter mechanic's llan law, state Inspec tion of boilers and machinery nnd a plumbers Inspection law. The various mrasures offered were con sidered by tho convention In executive ac&slon. THREE ARE BURIED BY CAVEIN T. OL llnrim unit Two Warknirn CiiiirIiI Undrr FalUn Dirt AVallH t Chadron. CHADIION, Neb., Dec. 20. (Special.) T. C. Hums, ownor and builder of thu largo Irrlgntlon canal which touches four miles cast of town, waa burled ullvc, with two of bin workmen, last oVcnlng about 4 o'clock, under nearly thirty fcut of earth. The walla of a largo cut on tho canal In which thay wero working caved In and smothorrd thorn. John Chambers' body was v uncarthoi'. about 11 o'clock today nnd that of Mr. Hums about an hour Inter. Tho other workman was Statiden Burns, a ncphow of T. C. Hums. Nlohrnrn Illvcr .Survey. NIOHIIAHA, Neb., Dec. 20. (Special.)--Thn Niobrara Commercial club was recently organized and It held Its first business meeting last night. C. A. Nlppoll was glvon tho contract to survey thu Niobrara rlvor to ascertain Its actual fall, with a view of Intercatlng capital In Its uso as n great water power, anil work will begin nt pneo. I'ondlng (his survey U. A. Fry, sec rntary of tho club, was authorized to nu gotlato for extensive ndvortlslng nftor thn holidays, also to compile facts relative to tho natural rosoiirceM of Ntobrnra. Tho organization Is subscribed to by every busi ness miin nnd property owner In town nnd premium to result In good from thu en thusiastic manner all tnko bold. Last ynar tho Merchants' club held together as a stock-buying association nnd this has ro .stilted so profitably to them that thoy realize that this organization may llkowlso prove boneflcinl. Tho Niobrara river Is n very rapid stream, and It has been tho thoory of soveral that tho world ought to know that It may bo harnessed nt prnc tlcally slight cost and bo an Immense power. For Holding; Stolen Cattlr. COLUMBUS, Neb., Dec. 20. (Special.) Tho Jury In the caso of Allerton against Murray returned a verdict yesterday for tho plaintiff In tho sum of MJG.60. This caso hat) attracted somo attention and has a history. About two years ago Patrick Mur ray, one of tho wealthiest farmers In tho county, bought Hoveral head of cattlo from a couplo of ntrangers. Tho cattlo wero branded and wero afterward Identified as belonging to S. W. Allerton, another wenlthy farmer of lloono. county, nnd had boon stolen. Fulling to get any satisfac tory scttloment with ,Mr. Murrny a suit was brought for damages In tho sum of $1,000. Tho parties who stole the cattln, though well known, havo never been mo lested. York Willi I n (iuvcrnmcnt Ilullillnir. YORK, Neb., Dec. 20. (Special.) York wants n postoftlco building and, according to tho census and amount of business done, Is entitled to havo ono. Tho only man who can got York a postofllco building Is Con gressman Stark and, according to tho state ment made by Congressman Mercer, who Is chairman of tho houso committee on public lands and buildings, York can havo a gov vprnmont building if Congressman Stark will , Tntroduco a bill asking for It. Tho lato cen sus roturns placo York In tenth place ahead of Plattsmouth nnd Columbus and only COO behind Kearney. York's population Is twice that of any other city In this tho Fourth congressional district, excepting Beatrice, which already hna a government building. VrMy.Tlilcvrn llnay nt Colnmlinn. COLUMUUS, Neb., Doc. 20. (Special.) Bevornl casoa of potty thlqvory huyo been reported to tho police this week, but In no caso havo any of tho goods or the thlovcH boon found. Tho work has boon confined mostly to barns and sheds, though In 8om cases blankets nnd robes havo 'boon 'taken out of buggies standing on tho streets. W. II. Von Alstyno lost n good ot of doublo harness, somo robes and an orercoat; a rtlng.h harness was taken from the barn of Anron Cuo; William Lewis lost a hoavy robo tnken from his buggy standing In front of his offlco. Othor casts havo been roported. Tho authorities bo llovo It to bo tho work of homo talent. rirnnrd by Mi-ligrr'n Appointment. PKATK1CB. Neb.. Deo. 20. (Speclnl.) Tho appointment of M. A. Mctzger of this city by Qovernor-olcct Dietrich to bo stew ard of tho Institution for Feeble Minded Is considered hero as a fitting recognition of a tried and hard-working member of the . republican party In this county. Mr. Mctzger has long boon Identified with politics In this city and county nnd has served two torma In the city council, rep resenting tho Second ward. His appoint 'mont gives general satisfaction In this lo cnllt'y nnd Is espoclnlly nppreclnted by tho newspaper fraternity, of which Mr. Motzgor Is n member, ns a recognition of tho Gage ounty press. Knnrrnl of Mrs. M. J. lliiKlira, WEST POINT, Neb., Dec. 20. (Special.) The body of Mrs. M. J. Hughes, sr., who died at Stuart, Neb,, yesterday was today brought to this city and Interred In the family lot, with Catholic services. Tho deceased waa ono of tho few remaining pioneer women of Cuming county, having resided hero fof raoro than thirty years, fiho leaves throo children, Hon. rf. D Hughes, surveyor general of South Dakota; M. J. Hughes of this city and Mrs. Ward Brayton of Stuart, at whoso home sho died Tho funeral' was vory largely attended, the body being burled with all tho honors which tho church and tho community could extend. For Hamilton County Farmer,. AURORA, Neb., Dec. 20. (Special,) Thoro Is to bo anothor rural mall routo for this r (unity. It will start from Hampton arid run northeast. Firemen Are IloldlnK n Fnlr. BKATRICB, Neb., Dec. 20. (Special.) The Beatrice volunteer firo department Is holding lis annual fair and danco festival at tho Auditorium Ibis week. The fair Is largely attended and well patronized. Amcng the leading features of tho week's tntortalnmcnt Is a toting contest for tho most popular candidate for mayor. Thu winner Is to bo presented with n gold headed cane. CAPITOL WATCHMAN'S TALE (Continued from First Page.) looks a little suspicious. Suppose three men or four men had planned to break Into the vault nnd then Into the Insldo safe. Do you think they would scntter them selves nbout the building and command tin night watchman to throw up his hands? Not at all. They would havo ovorpower?d the man before entering tho treasurer's offlco and it Is not probablo that they would havo dono it by commanding him to throw up his hands. Thoy could have seized him In tho dark hallways with Ilttli difficulty and after making lflm fast could havo gone on about their work without fear of Interference from him. They would havo gone nbout tho Job In a scientific man ner nnd not In such a bungling way as the reports would Indicate. It Is possible, of course, that tho men wero fools and thought It would not bo a difficult trick to break Into the safe. "As to tho bullotholes, It seems to mo thnt tho shots described by tho night watchman arc almost Impossible. Tho shot fired from tho basement Btruck the plaster at a wldo anglo nnd would naturally have glanced or cut a Jugged hola In the wall. Apparently tho shot that cut thnt hole was fired on a direct line. Tho other shot would havo been equally Improbable. A man standing within eight or ten feet of the Inner wall of tho vestibule could havo flrcd bucIi a shot, but If the. ball was 11 red from behind tho night wntchman tho gun must have been held at least eight feet from tho floor, or else tho bullot glanced down nftcr going thro'ugh tho glass. Tho holo whero tho bullet finally landed Is about thrco Inches lower than tho holo In tho glass, so that It tho bullet pursued a straight course It mUBt havo been fired from quite n height." (irucrnl Hurry II card .Simla. Adjutant General Barry was Bleeping In a room adjoining his olllco In tho east corridor and was nwnkeued by a peculiar nolso. "I was sleeping very soundly and the first nolso sounded very much lllte the report of a Hat board falling on n lloor," said Mr. Barry, "That nolso I now be- llovo wns tho firing In tho west corridor. A moment later 1 heard Good cry out nnd 1 went to tho door nnd nsked what wns tho trouble. Good made n reply, but I couldn't understand Just what he said. Howdcn then called from tho floor nbovo and Good shouted back thnt ho hnd fired two shots at burglars. Alt this transpired nlmost In nn Instant nnd a few minutes later tho police nrrlved. I believed the authorities wero nble to handlo the caso, so went back to bed nnd heard nothing more of tho trouble until the ofllco wnB opened for busi ness at 9 o'clock. "It was very easy to tell that tho night wntchman wns izreatly excited," continued Mr. Bnrry. "lie wns frightened nnd his calls clearly Indicated that thcro was some serious trouble at hand. Wo had been Joking him some nbout what ho would do In caso of BUch an emergency, In fact, I spoko to him on thnt subject last night. I worked In my offlco until late In tho even ing nnd about 9 o'clock ho camo In for a short visit. We talked the matter over then, but he did not seem to bo at all alarmed at tho prospect of being held up." Whrn Hie Alnrma Came. The record of nlghtwatch calls, kept nt tbo Western Union Telegraph office, conflicts with the assertions of both Oood and Howdon. B. W. Bassler was on duty when tho alarm was turned In. He sold: "About 3:30 thU morning tho night- watchman at tho Btnto houso rang his box thrco times In rapid succession and nbout tho tlmo that I O. K'd It tho telephone bell rang furiously. I answered It .and heard someone say In nn excited tone, 'Send tho sheriff up to the stnto house right nway.' I 'phoned tho polUo station nnd wns told thnt thoy would Bond police men to tho cnpttol building. I also sent a boy up to tho capital see what was tho matter. Cndman Is tho boy I Bent. Ho said that Just ns ho put tho key in Uio key hole ot tho cast door he heard n Bhot nnd the sound of breaking glnss a fow feet from the door icslde. Ho ran for his bicycle and startod for tho polico Btatlon. Ho, met a pollccmnn on tho way down town and went back with htm to tho state houso." Oscar Cndman, the messenger boy de tnlled to Investigate the cause ot tho alarm, was too bodly excited by tho cxpcrl- enco to speak coolly ot It, Ho at first thought tho shot camo from the Insldo, but on second thought ho admitted that it might have come from tho outside, "I was dotnllcd to tho state houso by tho night clerk and was turning my key In tho door when I heard a terrific noise," tho boy snld. "I thought I heard a nolBo llko tho brcnktng of glass a fow feet from tho door on tho Insldo and a loud, hard sound just about tho same time, as though t'no bullet had struck tho door thnt was attempting to open. H Is possible that tho shot waa fired from tho outside and that I nm mistaken concerning tho sound of breaking glass. I was excited at tho time," Wnllril on (he Onlnlde. J. A. Vanstrom, night bartender at tho Llndcll hotel, accompanied Policeman Harr to tho stnto houso and remained on watch outside while tho officer entered tho build Ing. "I had no particular desire to force my self Into uny serious trouble, so I watted around outsldo In the hopo that I might see some of tho robbers escapo and follow thorn. I know of tho reported robbery and thought I could be of some service In that way. The gun I carried was of a small caliber, not particularly tho kind o a weapon I would like to havo In n light with desperadoes. I stood north of the building and could see two men In a room In tho east corridor. Tho men were there n fow minutes nnd had n small light o somo kind. Later I heard tho report of n gun from a Bouthcnstorly direction nnd then a sharp, shrill whistle, which I sup posed to bo a signal for the men to gather together. I was una bio to find nny traco of them. I nm qulto poslttvo that I saw men In the building nnd I bullovo they wero a part of tho gang that did the shooting. Tho police authorities wero told this morning that Nlghtwatchman Good had hnd some trouble with the stnto officers nnd that another man had been selected to tako his place. Janlor Wanraer of the day force nt tho cnpttnl was sworn In as a special pollcoman last night nnd tho authorities nt tho headquarters supposed that ho was to take Good's place. "Wo thought that perhaps there had been somo trouble between Good and somo of th state oflUers," said Sergeant Hathaway this morning, "Wanmer appeared here at 7 o'clock last night and wns sworn In for polico duty nnd we thought that ho was going on duty .Immediately. Wo knew of no other reason why ho should havo been uuthorlzed to do police duty." llrntriee Debater, Chnaon, BKATUICK. Neb., Dec. 20. (Special.) Tho final debate to determlno tho Beatrice contestants In tho Interstate High school dobato and to decldo who woro tho winners of tho Crabtreo. Cutter prize of $25 offered to tho two bucccsaful Beatrice debaters was held this morning In the chapel of th ticatrice uigii scnooi. i;arl .Marvin won tho first prize ot $16 and Walter Tobbets tho second prlzo of HO. There were ten contestant!-, nnd Messrs. A. II. Kldd, It K Suckott nnd Hov. .Morgan Miller were the Judges, Harl Marvin will represent the Heatrlco High school nt tho debate In Lincoln next Welnomlny night, and Walter Tebbcts will go as alternate. FATHER AND SON ARE AT OUTS Hon. (iu)' Illinium of ('iiIiiiiiIiiih Sue, III, Outi liny to ltKnlii I'iinnpn uliiii of Property, COLUMBUS, Neb., Dec. 20. -(Special.) The Barnum caso Is tbo center of attrac tion at the district court this week. Hon. Guy C. Barnum, ono of tho old residents of this county urn an ex-member of tho legislature, turned over his property to his sen somo flvo years ago and went to California for his health. Ho returned a year ago and demanded nn accounting nnd a icturn of tho property. The son refused on tho ground that his fnthcr wus not com petent to tako charge of tho property nnd asked tho county court to nppolnt for his father n giiardlnn, with whom he (tho boh) might settle. Tho county court appointed n guardian, but tho elder Barnum appealed from tho finding, In tho mcantlmo tho cctvmlwloiierri of Insanity wero called to examine Mr. Barnum nnd they pronounced him sane. It took nil day yesterday to se- curo n Jury nt.d as there aro nearly 100 witnesses in nil to bo cxnmlncd It will probubly tako tho lmlnnco of tho week. Tho outcome is anxiously awnltcd by a number who arc Interested. 0WLER NAMES CHIEF CLERK Another Sclrctlon for the OITlee I'oree of the Stnto .Superintendent of Public liiMtruetlon. IlLAIlt, Neb., Dec. 20. (Speclal.)-Super- ntendent-elect W. K. Fowler has made tho following announcement: After careful cousldcrntlmi nt nil imnll. cants for the position of clerk or assistant n mo oiiico or state superintendent of uibllo Instruction, their merit, ntmllflrii. Hons, experience and executive alit'lty. as well us their recmniiii'iiihittniiH. I Imv.. .1... elded to appoint L. (.'. Unruly, from John son county .Mr. Ilarnly's experience In cludes three years us teacher In coin. try rrhooln, ono year In the grainmnr depart ment of the Sterling schools and six years as prlncliml of tho Crab Orchard schools. llo linn nlso hnd some business experience, Inclmllni: charce of the bank nt lijrr niul ns a dealer In real estate lonns nnd Insur ance, lie na enrolling nnd engrossing clerk In the legislature of IS'.O. Deputy Superintendent J. L. Mcltrlen nnd 1 both fee' that In Mr. Unruly we hnvo a valuable addition to the force In tho olllco. DAIRYMEN HEAR FROM ALLEN Senutor Wire, to the A,,oeln t Ion Thnt It Kuowm Nothing o( 111, Attitude. LINCOLN, Dec. 20. (Special Tolcgram.) II. II. Mcintosh of Omaha, n delegate to the Nebraska Dairyman's association con vcntlon, tonight received tho following telegram from Senntor Allen: 'Your association knows nothing of my attitude towards tho Grout oleomargarine bllL I havo expressed no opinion on tho subject." Tho Dnlrymcn's convention adjourned to night. Tho next annual meeting will bo held In this city. Jury l lml, Htull (lullty. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Dec. 20. (Spe clal Telegram.) Tho caso against Law renco Htull, which has been occupying tho attention of the district court slnco Mon day, was given to the Jurymen this after noon and after bolng out a fow tnlutca they brought in n verdict finding tho defendant guilty as charged by Lulu Taylor. Tho court has not yet named the amount Stull will havo to pay for the keeping of the child. During the trial Ilobert Hull was fined $10 for contempt of court by Judge Jessen nnd Sam Archer waa arrested and placod under bond on the chargo ot attempt ing to bribe n Juror, This evening the Jury was excused for thlB term of court IVn, III, ICiuiloyer'n Horse. COLUMBUS, Ncb Dec. 20. (Special.) Sheriff Byrnes returned from Madison last evening, hrlnglng with him Charles Kll Patrick, who Is wanted to face a charge ot horse stealing. Kllpntrlck In about 24 yenrs of ngo nnd his parentB reside at Madison. Ho hnd been working this year In Creston and Humphrey townships nnd n short tlmo ago Is alleged to havo stolen a horso from his employer, Samuel Prang, The animal was recovered and returned to tho owner. Kllpntrlck snld this morning that ho would plead guilty and, ns district court Is In session,- ho will probably bo arraigned this week. I'nrmcr Found Head. SCOTTS BLUFF, Neb., Dec. 20. (Special Telegram.) Word reached Gerlng that tho horny of John Colton was found tn tho stnble on his farm cast of Ashford, Wedncs day morning with throat cut, n deep stab In tho left side nnd nn open knlfo lying by tho corpse. Tho body was taken to Harrlsburg, and a coroner's Jury pro nounccd It a case of sulcldo, although many bellove from tho number of contusions and knlfo wounds, that thcro was foul play. Colton, however, was a mlddlo-agcd man who had been for ninny years considered somewhat deranged, particularly on ro Uglous subjects. Ilcntrler I, SalUtled. BEATUICK, Neb.. Dec. 20. (Sncclal.l Tho official census ns announced In The Bee, gives Heatrlco n population of 7,87fi, nB ngalnst 13,820 for 1890, showing n decreaso of 6,951 during tho Inst ten years. How ever, this Is not considered hero ns n very bad showing, ns tho previous cenRiis Is generally conceded to have been Inflated Bentrlco still retains her position as tho third city In tho stato by a lead of 321. Shoirlnir Tlirlr lli-,t Bird,. CLAY CENTKR, Nob.. Dec. 20. (Special The Clay Center Poultry association opened its annual exhibit at this placo yes terday. There aro n great mnny entries and nil classes are well filled. It continues foil days. Cutea Jury Out All lnht. OENKVA. Neb.. Dec. 20. (Special.) Tho Jury in the Gates Incest trial sat all last night without agreeing on a verdict. Tim Tlmmons-Wnrncr bastardy case Is up today and largo crowds are In attendance, Three Ilrukemen Killed, ST. LOIMS, Dec. 20. A special to the Post Dispatch from De Soto, Mo,, says: John son Tynor and J. L. Morris, two Coor. mountain rallrond hrakemen. were killed in I'leumoni anu v. j. nieioy, another uraKcman, wns cenousiy injured. Th?y mmiuniK nn iiiu iim iiuiiiiirill 1)1 tllClp enhooho backing down throned the vnnlB nnd ran Into somo cars that were being Hwiifciieu i iinuiiiur iriwu, yu wirco or the men tire inurrit'u anu liven in mis city. One A He nip I nt I.jiiebliiK 1'n 1 1,. . am. ey nee. xii At tno trial nt uorBicuiiu in jinnrcw itornti, n nef,TO i . wltll the iminler nr thn u-tfn r. i i L. French, a white farmer, n mob, led by thetdead womnn'a husband, attempted to tako the prisoner from tho courtroom nnd lynrii mm, nm xnerin s lorces saved th nrlsoner. Governor Havers was t nnd n company of state mllltla Is now guarding iu prisoner, courinouso nnd' th jail. Ilrfrlruil, the Ulioaen 1'rlrnil,, NEW YOItK. Dec. 20. Justice Leventrlt In the supreme court today Jacques j. Herts receiver In this state for tne uroer 01 u iioseu r nanus. The rcclv. er's bond was fixed at 30,(in0, At tho samo tlmo Justice Leventrltt handed down nn In junction order restraining creditors of tho society from bringing new suits agnlnst It or from prosecuting old Bults on the return 01 injunciuin iirurr weeemucr it. Call for llnuk Stntemrnt. WASHINGTON, Dec, 20. The comptroller of the currency has Issued a call for ro pcrts of condition of national banks on Thursday, December 13. ALLEN DEFIES THE LOBBY Nebraika Senatcr Does Not Propose to Be Coerced Ino Action. PUBLIC SENTIMENT DOES NOT-SWAY HIM (rnnilMtnnd I'luy llrntmlit Out by the TeleKritiu, Vent lllin by the . hrnnUn Dnlrj turn Fnx'orhiK the Grout lllll. WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. Special Tele gram.) Senntor Allen created n scufntlo-.i today In tho committee on agtlculturo, which has uudcr consideration tho Grout oleomargarine bill, by making tho state ment that tho lobby favoring tho measure Is endeavoring to put him In n hole by assorting that ho Is ngnlni.t the bill. Sen- tor Allen, In nddresslng the chalrmnn of the committee, Scnutor Proctor, snld Before thin hi'iirlni; nrogrcsses further I desire In make a brief statement to tie en tered on record as part of the committee h iroueeii nita. ijiirinu ine usi inree unvs i mve been In receipt of numtrous telegrams n inn illireroiu gentlemen m inv aiaie 10 mu effect that II Is reported In Nebraska that l am opposed to wus so-canou uroui dim and strongly urging me to support It. I have never, cither publicly or privately, crli-en ntlernnee tn niivthllli! from which uny man could Infer that I was either for or onanist trie uu , uui yesieruny i mm lie minimi In nsk neneral tlrotlt some Mites linn,, rrntn wiiii'ii n was inierrcu. l nun- pose by lobbyist) present in favor of the measure, 1 was opposed in u. nun mu luf Mm nlcht mid this morning I have re i'hivikI ninnernii, teiecrams to that effect. There la but one conclusion to be urnwn from tho situation and liiat is that tele grams were sent out yesterday to the slate nf Nebraska, after tile conclusion of the hearing before the committee, to the effect l win- nuniiMj'il tn this bill and urging persons there to Hood me with telegram to im,..,rt n l to enter my protest ngalnst this cheap John peanut political method. It Is an old and threadbare scheme to undertake indirectly io nring pressure upon n senator to mipport a measure, re- riirii Drii fir ii innritH. iv tut: iiiiiMit-ti unt 'ii '.f withdrawal of support at . homo If he fulls to iln ho, I have no word.1 to express my utter contempt for this method and for those who would engage In It. Lobbyists who urn supporting this Ml' are doing It more injury man im open mm uvunni ni ia Till, tnrtlinil can have no erred upon my action. If after the h'-nrlnp are concluded I become convinced that the bill ought to be supported and become a law I will support It regurdlesH of public senti ment In my Htate or elsewhere; and If on the other imnd l neconio bhmpiivii imu jj ought not to become u law 1 will opposo It and vote ngalnst It regardless of nny prey sure that may no nruiiuin i "-; '" BJnnort. I desire io auu hi tnhtiuaiuu mt.i If uny more reports are sent out to tho ef fect that I am opposing this measure or supporting It. und If am tho recipient of any more letters or telegrams which 1 lnay have reason to bellove emana o from lobby s i in favor or against his measure. I shall ask that these hearings be private and tl at no one but the particular In lvldual who Is giving testimony shall be t reseiit nt nnv time. I want again to do ounce in tho severest language I am c.?lable of ui ng the sneaking and cowardly method that hM been pureued In respect to this measure. Den Molne," Army I'ost. Tim nrmv nost slto In Dcs Motncs has been approved. Iteprescntntlvo Hull today called at tho War department nnd w't- nesBcd approval nnd received assurances from General Miles thnt ho would recom mend tho cBtnbllshmcnt of n cnvalry post on tho site nt once. Usunliy ineBO posm nro started with two companies, oui m th'ls caso a full squadron (lour companies) will bo stationed at tho post aB a beginner nnd Mr. Hull has nssurnnces oi mo mujui general that It will Boon develop Into n regimental post. reunion for Billy IJnms. Senator Thurston introduced n bill today , rnllnf nf Cantnin W. H. Ijams, former clork of tho district court of Doug las county, now residing tn Missouri. The hill pensions blm at $30vr month. He also presented tho petition of tho Boiler makers nnd Iron Shipbuilders' lodgo of Omaha, favoring tho passago ot tho ship subsidy bill. Holiday at Wnnlilnuton. Thn Nebraska delegation with but ono or two exceptions will remain In Washing ton during tho Christmas holidays. Con gressman Burkott leaves tomorrow for Lin- coin. Conercssman liouinsou navniu m- readv left for Nebraska, stopping en route at his old homo In West Virginia. Indlnn Appropriation lllll. The Indian anoroprlatlon bill waB passed by tho houso today practically as reported, with a number of amendments oi norin western Interest. An effort was mado by Itepresontatlve Burko to havo a salary for tho agent at Slsseton (S. D.) restored, but tho opposition of Chairman Sherman and other mombers of tho commltteo defeated Mr. itiirke'n amendment. A similar effort was mado by Bcprescntatlvo Laccy In con nectloti with tho Sao nnd Fox agency in Iowa. Tho bill as roported abolishes these two ngcnclcB, but thoy will probably bo, restored In tho senate. Tripp nnd Austrlnn Mission. Tho presence, of Judgo Bartlott Tripp hero and n call ho mado nt tho White Houso todny has connected his name with tho Austrian mission. Minister Harris will shortly relinquish his placo at Vlonua nnd knowing ones nro dlBcusslng tho protm blllty of Judgo Tripp's appointment. Ho held this Important post during tho Clove land administration and this fact, together with his presunco here. Is bclloved to bo tho only foundation on which tho gossslp la based. Judgo Tripp was to leave for New York today, but he remains until to morrow nt the suggestion of the president. D. B. Chandler was today appointed post master nt Mnssllon, Cedar county, la., nnd S. I. Pratt at ritney. Brown county, S. I). PRUNING KNIFE USED FREELY Committer on Illver nnd llarhom Cuts Appropriation from f.80, 000,00(1 p IftlO.OOO.OOO. WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. The houso com mttteo on rlvors and harbors today com pleted Its bill nnd It will ho given to tho public tomorrow. Tho decision to make It public for the holiday recess was duo to tho fact that tho various Items of tho bill had leaked out. The bill waB vigorously pruned nt tho last moment. The total up prorrlatlon carried by It yesterday, In cluding continuing contracts, amounted to about $S0,000,000. A suh-commltteo pared tho bill down last night to nbout $CO,000,000. The big project for Cleveland, O., tho homo ot Chairman Burton, which wbb In tho bill for moro than $1,000,000, was reduced to about $3,000,000. Tho project for tho South west pass nt tho mouth of tho Mississippi wns reduced to $3,000,000; tho project for a 2,000-foot channel, thlrty-flvo feet deep, nt Boston was reduced from about $8,000,000 to $1,500,000. This latter project Is to bo placed under tho contract system nnd $600, 0C0 of direct appropriation Is modo In tho hill, Tho appropriation for tho Delo waro river was cut about $500,000; that for tho Improvement at tho mouth of tho Co lumbia river on the Pacific const $300,000 nnd for tho upper Mississippi nbout $1,500, 000. i Tho nniount for Buttermilk channel, Now York, wns cut from f2.20O.000 to $2,000,000. The Spring channel project for Baltimore Is provided for In tho bill. Galveston will recclvo $1,000,000 for tho restoration of Its Jetties. An appropriation of $225,000 Is mado for preliminary work on tho canal to connect Lnka Michigan with tho Mlrstsslppl by way, of tho Desplalnes river nnd the Chicago draluage canal. Four now lockB and dams are provided for on tho Ohio river. Licking river, Ken tucky, recolved $300,000, Sabine Pass $125,- 000, Arnnsns Pnss $330,000, Norfolk, Va i $195,000 nnd Newport, Mass., J22r.0'JO. A survey for n channel through Buffalo bayou, Texas, Is provided tor In tho bill. WILL BE BACKED BY WAR SHIP .lllnlnter l.ooinl, to llnte the Mnrt- ford Near While AiIJiiMIiik Con trnct Couce,Mluun In Venrturln, WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. Upon repre sentations from Interested parties the State department has requested tho Nnvy de partment to havo an Amcrlcnn war vessel remain for n tlmo In Venezuelan waters to glvo support to nny representations that United States Minister Loonils may have to muko to tho Venezuelan government In respect to the' conflicting asphalt conces sions In thnt country. When Mr. Lootnls was In Washington last fall ho conferred nt length with the State department officers respecting somo of the American concessions, notnbly tho nsphntt concessions nnd what Is known ns the Fnrlbnult concession, which were threat ened with extinguishment on various scores by the Venezuelan government. Where tho Issue wns directly between tho concession aires und the Venezuelan government tho matter was not difficult of treatment, hut where tho contest wns between Bevernl concessionaires the problem was much moro complicated. Mr, Loomls went back to Caracas with general Instructions from tho Department of State to exert all proper prchsuro to secure American rights In that section. But the complainants wero first, for their part, to exhaust tho regular Judi cial methods. It they hnd grievances which could be brought before tho Venezuelan courts for hearing, this course should be tnkon. Tho United Stntes government would not Interfere, except In cases where there wns n palpable denlnl of Justice to nn American claimant. Mr. Loomls wab tq do nil he could, on tho other hand, to sec that concessions wero not canceled, by decree or otherwise, pending action by the Venczuelnn courts. Therefore, the plnclng of n Mar ship to his support Is believed to I bo with tho purpose of terminating Rome of tho many vexatious delays which are often experienced In the tribunals of South American countries, Tho vessel selected for this mission Is the historic Hartford, which, under com mand of Captain Hawley, has been criltr.lng In tho West Indies nnd In tho Caribbean sen with n training crew nboard. It Is now f.t La fiuaylrn, Just whero It Is wanted to meet tho minister. SURPRISE THE INSURGENTS Admiral llemry Iteportn a Shnrp Skirmish In the Province of Cnvltc. WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. The following cablegram from Admiral Ilcmcy, giving an account of a sharp brush with Filipino In surgents, wns received today at tho Navy department: t'AVITK, Dec. 20. Bureau of Navigation. Washington: Fifteen trcopers. Fourth cavalry, and live of tho crew were landed from the guntmut Basco yesterday nt Llmbanes, Cnvlte province. Surprised elzhty Insurgents, sharn skirmish half hour: thirteen Insurgents killed; twelve rllles enntured; large amount stores destroyed; ono Soulier wountieu. kkjiisv. lllll KuifliieerliiK Job, WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. The sccretnry of wnr today transmitted to tho house tho report of tho chief of engineers upon tho examination nnd survey of tho Columbia river between tho foot of tho Dalles rapids at tho head of Collie falls, Oregon, and Wnshlngton, with a view to the construc tion ot a canal nnd lock to overcome the obstruction to navigation, authorized by the last river and harbor net, Tho estimated cost of tho work Is given as $3,969,371, or, In round numbers, $4,000,000. Captain Hart, who mado tho survey, reports that the work is one' of public Importance, worthy of undertaking for tbo United Stntes, but In connection with tho advisability ot be ginning the undertaking nt this time ho calls attention to tho reports In favor ot a portago road around tho obstructions, which could bo completed at one-tenth ot tho coBt of tho canal and In halt tho time. He says that such a road would determine tho future commerce and lndlcato tho ca pacity of tho permanent Improvement re quired. But if thcro is objection to tho ownership of such road by tho United States he recommends tho enrly Improvement by means of canals. The chief ot engineers makes no specific recommendation. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Temperature Will Drop in Weitern Nchrnskn, Althonuli Southerly Wind Will 1'revnll. WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. Forecast for Friday nnd Saturdny: For Nebraska Fair Friday nnd Satur day; colder Saturday In western portion; southerly winds. For Iowa nnd Missouri Fair and warraor Friday; Saturday fair; southerly winds. For North Dakota and South Dakota Fair Friday and Saturday; probably coldor Saturday, south to west winds. For Kansas Fair Friday; warmer In western portion; Saturday fair; south to west winds. For Colorado Fair Friday nnd probably Saturday; colder Saturday; westerly winds. For Montann Fair In eastern, rain In western portion Friday and probably Sat- urady; colder Scturday; westerly winds. For Wyoming Fnlr Friday nnd probably Snturday; colder Saturday; westerly winds. For Kastern Texas, Western Texas and New Mexico Fair Friday and Saturday; variable winds. For Arkansas, Oklahoma nnd Indian Ter ritoryFair Friday nnd Saturday; south erly winds. For Indlnnn nnd Illinois Fair Friday and Saturday; wnrmcr Frldny; winds be coming frcBh southerly. I.ncnl Itecord. OFFICE OF THE WKATHEB BUREAU, riMAIIA. Dec. 20. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with tho corresponding day of tho last three veurs: 1900. 1S99. 1598. IS97. Maximum temperature .. M 50 31 18 Minimum temperature ... 28 21 29 7 Mean temperature 42 27 32 12 Precipitation 00 .00 .01 ,10 Record of temperature nnd precipitation at Omaha for this day and bIiico March 1, 1900: Normal temperature 5 Kxcchs for the day 17 Total excess since March 1 KM Normal precipitation 03 Jncli imndrncv for the day .03 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 29.78 inches Exress slnco ftinrcn 1 z& inch rwnHpnev for cor. period. 1899.. 4.00 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1S98., 3.49 Inches Ileporta from Station at 8. 1', .11. a n C 3 BTATIONB AND STATU Or WEATHKR. 33 I 0 : 3 : Omnha, clenr North Platte, clear Cheyenne, cloudy Salt Lake, cloudy Hapld City, clear Huron, clear Wllllston, clenr ......... Chlcngo. partly cloudy Kt. Louts, clenr St. Paul, cloudy Davenport, cloudy Kansas City, clear Helena, cloudy Havre, cloudy Bismarck, clear Oalvestou, clear 47 E6 .00 48 60 .00 50 M .00 50 50 T 46 58 .00 30 61 .00 40 46 .Of) 38 42 .00 4 46 .(HI 3S 42 .00 38 41 .CO 41 52 .00 48 51 .00 52 61 .00 38 4S .OU 51 SO ,00 1 indicates traco of precipitation. L,. A. WKI.S1I. Local Forecast Official. MMNBHHiHMHMHHMHHHHilHiHHflHIHHMHiiililHMliiHi m i-a ta s it . Wk S . fa iKicroii 101, son. SprelnllM In 1)1, en, e, of .lieu. Of tho State Eleetro-AUilleul Insti tute, 1.HW Farnam St., Omaha. cured to stay cured more thun POO cases of vnrleoeele dirlim the past twelve months. I'nder T.iy tic itnient the patient Improved from the vi ry oegllililun. All pain Instantly ceimes. Soreness ntul swelling iiuUU.y subside The pools of stagnant b'ood ale forced from the dilated veins, which rapidly iiSHlltne their normal slue, htrength und Houtnllicss. All Indications of the dlonst' nnd weakness vanish completely and forever, and In their stead comes tho pride, lho power, and tho pleasures of perfect health and restored manhood. The i: cutru-McdUui Specialist of the Different, Departments tit this Institute, by their special combined Electro-Medical Treatment, nro mak ing many wonderful elites In diseases of the Kidney,, Itlieiiiiiiitlnni, I'nrnlj , I,, I'lle,, Hie., I'rlvnte lllsenxe,, Illood l'ol,on( Hupture, Stricture, Hydrocele nod All Allied nnd .,Korlntc !lxru,r, of .Urn, TREATMENT BY CORRESPONDENCE Most caniD can bo treated successfully nt home, One pcrsoiuil visit Is pre ferred, but If It Is Impossible or Inconvenient for you to cull ut our olllco, write a full and unreserved hlstor of your caoc, plainly staling year symp tom, riiyslelans having stubborn cases to trrnt nro cordially Invited to con sult us. we make no .charge for private counsel, nnd give to each patient n legal contract, backed by abundant cnpltul, to hold for our promises, If you cannot call nt tho Institute today, write. Address nil communication!! to TATE ELECTRO MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Fartiam St., Omaha, Neb. Hcfcrcnee,! IIcnI llnnU, nnd Lending HiinIiickn Men of Till, City. CONSULTATION Vsor FREE K! Best sellino Cigar in die SAM United States ALLEN OMAHA, NEB. $3 liK'JLriij'l kinrmon Ulchfios' PIMa dure! i.d U"i. i.tfi i'oiutc, of dUiIpALoa, esccnes. or pctonoVi Lnst Parver, Nrjht"Lo, 8prmator:hoon in.uac);, ev.11 iiosiieii Dincyi i-ieisaacns, cr uoni eferv rjnctlun. licM iret tlenuoiij tflnt. Stlmsistcs the brVn f-vl rerv- tenters, ix 1 lai, jtMcjrsefuuiod, tu !.. ciicuiirs free. AdtUMtu ion; iiv .m vi-.ns-iiii,i,o. A Splendid Wholesale Location Tho building formerly occupied by The Bee at 916 F ara am street will be vacant November 1st. It has four stories and a basement, which was formerly used ns The Bee press room. Tills will be rented very reasonably. If interested, apply at once to O. O. Iiosewoter, Secretary. Koo'm 100 Bee Building. Eeady November First ONE MINUTE cough cure Cures QuickBy It lias Ion? been a household favorlta for CoukIis, Colds, Hronchltls, 1'neu monlu, Asthma, WhnopliiK CourIi and all othor Throat nnd Luiik Troubles. It Is prescribed as aspeclllo for Orippe. Mothers endorse it as an Infallible, remedy for Croup. Children llko It. Prepnrod by E. O. DoWltt & Co., CIiIooqo. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm torcrmghs, co.ds, and tluoat disease m 3 THE DISEASE An enlargement of the vein, of tho scrotum, rntiFlui; ,1 knotted or swollen appearance ot thv st-rituin truist fre quently. ITS CAUSE Often Indiscretion, but sometime blows, fulls, stia'.us, excessive horse back or bicycle riding or rxcesivo dis sipation. ITS EPPECT A dull, heavy, drugging pain unnll of back, oNtendlu down through loins, low spirits, w-eakiieis f body nnd bruin, nervous debility, partlnl or complete loss of vigor, ami often fail ure of general health. ITS CUBS If you are 11 victim of varicocele, come to our olllee and let tne esptaln to you my priueas of cirlng It. You will then not wonder whv I hnvo Other prices II4VOUITL BUGS. CO. DISTRIBUTERS te bee, U use over so yen by tbfc leiAii 01 Uie Morreifl curei tl oni cues la old &xul ycun mminr liom eflecta dzuette-ftmoklo: Ourmi Lost. Manhood, Ip-i" incurnniui r-oinr 6 fir f wl'T null. Pm ij AwtVt-nrJ nee, lo cvra BlthuD nomody OO.i Cc:i t r lClSOOtOaU imiit; cti., un it ami farnam. Every- ells it. Every body drinks it, Every lli body like it. WILLOW .SPRINGS DlSTILLSflV OMAHA, U.S.A. 11 eominqi crniavionor e-urrie? okuki l' 7 1 ' vmuncoM to inrrji fcuryiuv Jr V .-S wpiuuni wkJvej'"v ..Vihlnrr M Vwillrt. XJei.Ul.IO lmliemtM. C li fioiw.T'iior D4 ixiencv tm mi. cjie Is tt hand. I'.eilorM sasll. tm!;llcT; 1MB iPOffi t&IM 'mm e7!m i 33KU liilM fa f PI I