TOE OMAHA DAILY 1USIS: TIIUKSDAV. DISCEMHEIl 20, 10UU. (fin TITUS SAYS IT WILL STAND (Contlnucl from Eighth Page.) ralo construction company, which has en tered Into a contract for tho construction of tho road and will sublet the work In small sections. The sub-contract for tha heavy work will ho let within tho next three weeks, so that work can be done during tho winter. Tho heaviest work will bo In the south part of Hardin county Hnd along Skunk river, In this county, and this will be the first work done. It Is ex pected that In January contracts will be let for tho work along Four-Mile creek and It Is tho Intention of the contractors to have this road well under way by early summer and finish It next season. Mr. Kllsworth Is a stockholder In the Hurling ton, Cedar Kaplds & Northern and built parts of that line as sopnrato roads and turned the property over to the Cedar Kap lds route when completed. The rival com pany, the Duluth & Now Orleans, which sought to occupy practically tho samu ter ritory In Iowa, having been put out of l!ic way, there Is no doubt now that the Iowa Falls lino will ho built and that It will bo built chlelly with n view to formliiR closo connections for the Central and the Cedar Hnplds routes with Des Mollies. .Supremo Court Decision. Tho supremo court, sitting In special ses sion today, placed on file the following de cisions In appealed cases: Btnto against Max tlynong, appellant, Fayette county, conviction for assault with Intent to do great bodily Injury; rovcrscd. Btnto against Owens and Kvans, appel lants, Hardin county, question of return of ball money; nfllrined. State against Archlo Wood, appellant, Harrison county, conviction for manslaugh ter, alilrmcd. State against John Penney, nppellnnt, Ktnmot county, conviction for murder; uftlrmed. State against C. K. Harvey, appellant, Folk county, bnstnrdy proceedings; ro versed Htuto ngullst Jesse lllge, appellant, Ham lltnn county, conviction for seduction; ro versed. J M. Milliard against 12. 0. Dullard, np pellant, action to huvo bill of sale do clurcd a mortgage; nfllrmed. M, 1 1. Hill against O. O. Ollesner nnd John Wrnhlng, appellants, Wlnnlshlek county, liquor nuisance; alllrmeil. City of Ottumwn, nppellant, against Da. vld Hogo ct al, Wapello county, liquor 11 cense puyment; ufnrtned, Philip I.ahncr, nppellant. against Town of Wllllnms, Hnmllton county, nctlon for personal Injuries by confinement In unsafe Jail, alarmed, State against H, Tripp, nppellant, Dallas county, conviction of frnud by falso rep resentations; nfllrmed. In tho Hnrrlson county case nbove re ferred to Wood was convicted of having been ono of tho persons Indicting Injuries on tho person of Achllle Chevalier, March II, 1809, In n drunken brawl, from tho effects of which Injuries Chevalier dlod April 24 following. Ho was Indicted with two other persons. Ill sit rii II t'f 1'iiIniiiiIiiic ('line. Tho mysterious case of tho death of 3oorge Harbor at I'agnsa Springs, Colo., lenvlng Insurance policies payable to Mrs. Myrtle Wright of Sterling, Colo., who Is suspected of having poisoned Ilnrber, may ultimately como up In tho Iowa courts on n question of contesting the Insurance pay ments. An attorney for ano of tho com. panics Interested In tho $7,800 Insurance Clinton Nourse, representing tho Annuity Llfo association, made n thorough exam Inatlon of tho case nnd had u chemical analysis of tho stomach of llarbcr made, This analysis, mode by a clever chemist has bocn received by the company nnd. It shows trnccH of strychnine. Upon this showing tho company will refuse to pay the policy. Tho nttorney ts severe on tho authorities of Colorado for not taking fur ther steps to prosocuto those suspected of tho crime of poisoning Harbor. Ho claims that tho Insurnnco companies hnvo spent $1,100 securing tho evidence of tho crime nnd that they hnvo dono all that they can afford to do. They will not go Into tho Colorado courts to establish tho fact of n crime, but nwnlt suit In tho Iowa court to recover tho Insurnnco nnd then fight tho case. Mrs. Wright was formerly with Harbor nt Webster City, Iu., where Ilnrber wus a leading attorney. Ho had his Insurauco policies mndo out pnyublc to her. A mnn nnmed W. P. Neff Is also mixed up In tho case, but his antecedents hnvo not been revenled. Harber dlod mys teriously nnd no doctor was called to nt lend him nnd tho coroner's Investigation was hastily mnde. MtrnoKrmihrrM fin to Oniiilui. Secretary of State Dobsou complains that Omftha business mon seem to regard hjs ofllco as n sort of training school for sten ographers. Four Btcnogrnphors havo re signed from positions In Ills ofllco at one 1 1 mo or another to accept places In Omaha, tho last to do so being Max Crane, who left Snturday to accept n plnce with a packing coinpnny In Omaha. All four of them have gono to Omaha and their placet! were Bocured practically unsolicited, H. A. I.ondeiink, tho young man who wnB killed a few days ugo In Chicago by being run over by a street car, Is an Iowa boy, son of Henry J. I.ondorlnk of Sioux county, nt proscnt United States secretary of lega tion at Santiago, Chill. Ynutig I.ondorlnk was a student at tho Iowa State collego at Amos and went to Chicago to Join the navy, but failed to pass tho requisite physical examination, nnd wus temporarily employed ns nn electrician In Chicago. Mr. Alexander, a bnnker of Wayne, Neb., was at the state house on business today. As if to prove that names do not always deslgnato tho chnractcr of the person, a school teacher named Christ, teaching In the schools at Olffnrd, has been nrrested on a chnrgo of maltreating tho son of Agent Patrick Scanlou of tho Iowa Central. Tho boy Is about ! years old and tho nbuso is alleged to have occurrod whllo the tencher was punishing tho boy. Mini) I'nvor u l'ltriliiu, Attorney J. O. I.onguovlllo of Dubuque hns asked (lovernor Shaw for tho pardon of Arthofor, the murderer who wan re cently sentenced to a term of four yours In tho Anumosn penitentiary. Tho petition presented to the governor by Attorney Longuevlllo is signed by 600 persons, nil prominent citizens of Dubuque. Among tho most prominent attached to the petition are those of the Jurors In tho cuse, all tho county, city ofllelnls and tho most promi nent professional and business men of tho city. IleBldes this, Judge O'Donnell and County Attorney Howen have said that If tho governor desires thoy will recom mend that tho enso ts ono which deserves executive clemency. Arthofor Is the man who killed his hrother-ln-law. n man GRAINO V- 1 THE PURE V 1 GRAIN COFFEE Do you know that three-quarters of nil tho world's headaches nro tho result of using tea nnd coffee ? Ro physicians say. Quit them and the headaches quit. Gralrt'O has tho coffee taste but no headaches. All grocer ; lie. nd 15c. named Lolbl, with n plno club, while the two men were quarreling over their chil dren, He pleaded guilty of the charge be fore his trial was over. Tho court house locatton fight broke out anew In Des Moines today when the Hoard of Supervisors let a contract for tearing down the old court house nnd an Injunction was procured forbidding the contractor to touch the court house. A novelty In the way of thievery was successfully dono by Des Moines thloves last night. They entered a room where Mr. and Mrs. Jessie II, Hammond was sleeping and cut off n ring on Mrs. Hammond's hand, a diamond, valued nt $200. They did not uwaken Mr. Hammond nor his wife. They also rilled his pockets and took sonic money. J. K. Tone, senior member of tho firm of Tone Hros., for many years Jobber In coffee nnd spices In Des Moines, died to day. ' ACQUITTED BUT CAUTIONED Hrv. irno- of (irlntTnlil I'loiirritlril of ClinrKi' of limmiriil Conduct, but A it in on In It ril to Me direful. ATLANTIC, la., "bee. 19.-ISneclnl. After being In session at Orlswold from 4 o'clock Mondny afternoon until 5 o'clock this morning tho Council Hluffs presbytery, trying Ilov. V. II. Grace, pastor of the Orlswold church, declared a verdict ac quitting him on two of the charges, cen- surlug him for curtain Indiscreet conduct nnd admonishing him to bo more careful In his future ministerial work. Tho charges of untruthfulness nnd Immoral conduct were not sustained. When tho presbytery met In adjourned session James N. Currcns of Logan was mado moderator and W. Montgomery of this city clerk. The latter was given the asslstnnco of a stenographer, who, uftcr the trial, was required to turn ocr nil her notes. The commit too to lnestlgntc the charges were Hcvs". Harnes of Council IlluHs, Aston of Atlantic nnd Young of Orecnficld. Tho two Intter were appointed to prosecute tho caso nnd tho first named to defend lie v. Orace. Ilov. Harnes urged that he had received Information from tho other side In con fidence and that It would not be fair to havo him act as attorney for the defense, anil In his stead Hcv. Stephen l'helps of tho Omaha Theological college was appointed Hcv. Hemes was to tuslst the committee of prosecution. Ilov. Aston was not In at tendance on account of being occupied In rcmovnl to HiIb city. Mondny evening Hcv Young wns taken qulto til and tho burden fell upon Hcv. Harnes. Tho young woman In the case, ou whoso testimony the case muinly hinged, was Miss Ilosslo Carman, tho 18-year-old daughter of W. C. Garman, n prominent merchant of Orlswold nnd the superintendent In tho pastor's Sunday school. Other Important witnesses for tho prose cution were: F. H. Uurnham and L. L. Cotton, elders In the church, nnd J. E. Forsyth, ono of tho trustees. Thero wore twelve or tlftecn witnesses for each side. Tho defenso Is reported to havo mnde counter charges ngalnst tho complaining witness, which Influenced tho prcsbytory materially. It bolng n question ns to tho belief of tho statement of Miss Carman or Itev. (Jrnce. Tho prosecution wns specific In Its testimony as to dates and tho naturo of tho offense. A great many inoro wit noascs were summoned, but declined to ai pear. The presbytery was In session until 10 o'clock Monday night nnd ull day yester day. At 10 o'clock last night tho testimony was concluded nnd tho pleas begun, They lasted until 12 o'clock, when the verdict wus taken under consideration. It was not reached until nearly 5 o'clock this morning. What enured' tho dlvlslnnls un derstood to bo the question of the censure of Itev. (irnce. Tho moderator, new Cur reus, will preach In the Orlswold church Sunday morning nnd mnke n statement re gardlug the trial. Tho verdict, ns returned Is as follows: UKIHWOLD. In., Doc. 19. Tho presby tery of Council IllllffM assembled to hives- tlKiilp certain charges nnd rumors nrfeotlng inu cnuriicicr nun connuci or uov. v. u Urnce. Such Investigation has been mosl carefully nnd patiently made and tho result is t un w unn n in not uu nv or unv im moral conduct, but wc have found u certain degree of Indiscretion and the presbytery 1:hh admonished him to greater earn In his rum re mitiisionui worn, wo most neuriuy commend him to tho sympathy and conll- denco of the people of Orlswold nnd the publlo generally. JAMIiS N. CUmiHNS. Moderutor. CONFESSES AN AWFUL CRIME loliii I'reeiiiun, I'roinlnfiit In l'ntlier Allle Church Worli, lokiion IoiIkon IIiivIuk Creniiitril Ills Wife. SIOUX CITY. In., Dec. 19. (Special Tele gram.) John Freeman, a prominent church man at Estherville, In., Is undor nrres at that place for an unusually atrocious murder. Ho created a sensation today when arraigned for preliminary hearing by breaking down and confessing that h killed his wlfo In a most horrible manner. Tho two quarroled Tuesday morning nnd he struck lier on the head with the heel o a shoe. This stunned her, but not being- satisfied to trust to tho blow, he chloro formed her. Ho then placed her on a bed piled leddlng over and nround her, satu rated tho whole with kerosene nnd sot it on fire. When startled neighbors enmo iu re sponso to nn alarm of fire he refused t lot them Into the hnuso to rescue his wlfo Ho declared that It would bo hazardous for them to try. Tho woman's body wns burned to n crisp. When ho was arreste Freeman had on his beet suit, nnd a grip In his buggy was tilled with other clathps It Bccmed ho had planned to escape Tho couple had been married only six months Tho wlfo wns n hardworking woman. Free man wns u piano ngent when sho married him nnd wns active In church and Sunday school work. Ho wns well versed In tho Hcrlpturo and hnd charge of a class In bibl study. MOTHER AND SON NEAR DEATH I vii u Million of Mum City Aeel .lenliill) .Shot. Whllo Ills Mother I, lex In n I'rcc urliiiiM Condition, SIOUX CITY, Dec. 19 (Special.) While his mother wns nt death' door Inst night Ivan Mullan accidentally shot himself. In flicting a terrible wound that will probably provo fatal, llotli mother and son nro now in Samaritan hospital making n desperate struggle for life. Young Mullau's father, an Illinois Central passenger conductor, came homo Inst night und unstrapped a re volver that ho usually carries, laid It on a table and then went to the liosplral to sit up with his wlfo. At 11 o'clock young Mul lan, a 17-year-old boy, picked up the weapon nnd started up stairs with It to put It nwriy. Somehow It dropped from his grasp nnd discharged ns It struck the stairway, the bullet pasting completely through his abdomen. Ills brother gave the alarm and he was removed to tho hospital In tho ward next to his mother, hut sho was not Informed of his misfortune. An heroic operation wns performed nnd It may save him, but It Is doubtful, The boy was a pop ular young fellow, n champion golf player and a star nil round athlete. Trouble of .ewnpnier I'nhlUlirr. DUHUQUi:, Deo. 19. (Special.) P. .1. Qulgley, publisher of the Telegraph, has Just filed nn answer to tho petition of his brother, William, asking for tho appoint ment of a receiver. He denies that any partnership existed between them directly and asEtrts that William has already over drawn his share $12,500. Ho says It was his brains that built up the paper and that had William hod his way the paper never would have n mounted to anything. He says ho offered to sell to William .'or $27,000 or buy his Interest nt $27,000 rather than have nny trouble, but that William re fused. Mny .Sue tllluoli Cent i-nl. FOHT DODOB, la., Dec 111. (Special Telegram.)!). Alblo, a native of Dotnbny, India, who has been taking n pleasure trip through tho United States, lies In a hos pltnl here In a precarious condition, hs the result of an accident on an Illnols Central rain between this city and Omaha last night. Alblo apparently toit his balance whllo walking In a car nnd lujurcd his back n falling, It Is feared that ho may have BUGtalnrd serious Internnl Injuries. AIM" lieges neglect on the part of the Central's rain crew whllo In an Injured and helpless ondltlon, nnd threatens to sue the road for damages, Hoy I'rixllKV from limn, DAVENPORT, Dec. 19. (Special.) The success of Florlzel Ilcutcr, the boy violin ist, ' Europe, Interests Davenport's music lovers because the boy was born hero Jan uary 21, 1900. Young Ituuter Is the protege of Secretary Lyman J. Ongc, who becanio Interested in him and sent him to Henry Marten of Oenevn for training on the vio lin. Tho boy, although only 10 years old, has captivated tho musicians of Kuropc, und his teacher Is reported to be delighted with his wonderful mantery of the violin. It Is said that he given promise of becom ing tho world's greatest violinist. JtiKRlrrn of tlie I'IknMii Feted, IOWA CITY, la., Dec. 19.-(Speclal.)- Presldctit (Icorge 1-2. Mcl.cnn gave n ban quet at tho Klrkwood hotel to the foot brill cam of 1900, the director. Dr. Knlpe, and ho board of control. Oolden ears of corn nnd Jack-o'-luntern pumpkins were the irlnclpnl decorations. Slnci training broke off tho boys havo been fensted and ban queted almost every night, but this was the climax of the scries. ToastB were given by nlmost everyone present anil n moBt happy time was enjoyed. Tlure was a "Haw-haw- hawk" and a "Who-wah-viih" for Dr. Knlpe nnd tho tenm of 1900. Will Itrproienl limn College. OtUNNKM,, la.. Dec. 19. (Special.) The nnnunl oratorical contest of Iowa college wns held hero last evening. Tho competi tion was for the purpose of determining who should represent Iowa collego In t.'ie stnto contest, nnd was won by O. C. Glerc stein of tho freshman clnss, with nn ora tion on Oliver (Vomwell. Second and third plnccs wore won by T. Itlsser nnd W. Drown. Memitor lliiinicrt'n Itllin Are llrnlien ATLANTIC, In., Dec. 19. (Special.) J. M. Emmert, senator from this district, wns badly injured In a runaway this forenoon whllo driving through Marne. His tenir. wns frightened by a train nnd overturned tho carriage on nn embankment. Several bones wore broken nnd tho senator will be confined nt home for somo time. Will ('nil What They fun In AluuKu SIOUX CITY. Dec. 19. A coinpnny has been organized here to build n fish can nery In Alaska, south of St. Michaels, with an annual output of 40,000 cases, nnd to Jlsh In tho rivers of that region. Chinese and Jnpancso labor will be used. Fred T, Kvans, Jr., and James F. Hoogo arc nt the head of it. ADDITIONAL COUNCIL BLUFFS .MATTHIIS IX Till" DISTRICT CO HUT, JiiiIkc Thornell Mourn Arif union! In the Olllcer & I'liney llniih Cune. When Judgo Thornell convened district court yesterday morning It looked ns If n meeting of the llnr nssoclotlon" of Pottnwat- tainte county was In session. Onthorcd In tho court room wcro somo twenty-five or thirty attorneys representing creditors with preferred claims against tho Olllcer & Pusey bank. A number of tho claimants wero also present. Owing to the largo number of preferred claims to be submitted to tho court, Judgo Thornell decided that thoy bo submitted without argument, the arguments to bo mndo today. Tho first claim taken up was that of County Treasurer Arnd, who had nbout $2,000 of county funds on deposit with Oniccr & Pusey at tho time tho bank went Into tho hands of receivers. Following theso claims to the amount of nbout $30,003 wero submitted, tho cntlro day bolng con sunied In presenting them. To expedite mutters tho claims will bo divided into three clnsscs, tuoso of fiduciary offlcers thosn of ndmlnstrntnrs of estates and guardians, nnd general claims, and argu ments uccordlngly will bo made before tho court today. Judgo Thornell entered on the record for Judge Oroen tho order dissolving tho temporary Injunction secured by H. I. For syth against tho motor company, so far ns It applied to Avenue C. Fred 11. Juhl filed a petition for dlvorco from Irene Juhl, whom ho married In this city, August 29, 1894. Ho alleges sho desorted him ten months later. In the superior court yesterday Judge Aylcsworth cleared tho docket of n largo numbor of cases which have been en cumbering It for several years. These enses wero dismissed and Judgment for costs rendered ngalnst tho plaintiffs: Chi cngo Lumber Company against Ocorgc C, Leslie, T. K. Cnsndy ngalnst City of Coun- cl. Hluffs, J. L. Peters ngalnst William Hoehulng, M. H. Williams ngalnst Duquette & Co., W. A. Flschor ngnliiHt 13. I Schroo dor, Peterson ngalnst Welnmtillor. Lake Mnnnwa Itnllway Company ngalnst Heck und Harlow, Clement ngnlnst Jnrvis Wlno Company et nl, Dunn against Poters, Snod der against Council Hluffs Waterworks Company, Ilocknwitz ngnlnst Llndt ct til Wnrdor-Hushnell-filessncr Company ngnlnst Houston Hros. et nl, Fisher & Ancy against J. W. Holmnn et nl, Meyers ngalnst Brad ford et nl, Hntt against Bradford, Johnson ngnlnst Nens. Postal Telegraph-Cable Com pany ngnlnst Innls ot nl, Day agnlnct Thompson, Snyder ngnlnst Opltz et al, Day & Hess ngnlnst Ilnttenaucr, Hush & Oorts Plnno Company ngalnst Wiley et nl, Day A- Hess ngalnBt Mnlskelt ot nl, (Ireen ngnlnst Dalsnn et nl. Other enscs were disposed of ns follows: CI npiunn ngalnst Custer. Judgment for plaintiff for replevin of property und Judg ment ngnlnBt plaintiff for costs; Doom i t nl. administrator, ngnlnst Itpbinsou, set for trial December 21; Omnha Holler Com pound Compnny ngnlnst Graham, to be set for trial after January I; Stevenson agnlnst Pngonstecher ct nl, stricken from docket; Dickinson ngalnst McMlllon, set for trial December 27; Wlckhnm ngnlnst Hull, si t tled nnd plaintiff to pay costs. "IiiiiIj" Mnry lluriix "IuukciI, "Aunty" Mnry Hums, an oM colored woman living In a dilapidated frame dwell lug nn North Main street next the creek, tottered Into police headquarters Inst evening about 7 o'clock with the blood streaming from an ugly wound In tho back of her head. Sho charged James Hull, u burly negro, with striking her from behind with somo heavy Instrument. Tho woman's Injuries were attended to by tho city physician and sho wns made as comfortable ns possible for tho night nt tho station. Hall wns arrested by Chief Albro as he was making for Omnha on n motor. Ho said he hail simpy "slapped" tho old womnn Itcilcrnilnir City UoiiiIn, City Trenbtirer True yesterday Issued a call for tbe redemption of $17,500 mil- standing city bonds, most of which do not become duo until 190S. Tho bonds to bo taken up nre as fol lows: Nine thousand dollars ot tho $18,500 loan of fs mnturlng In 190.1. to bo redeemed February 1, 1901; 1,000 Inter section sower bonds. Issued In 1SS9. which mature In 1909. to be redeemed Februnrj 1901, $4,000 Intersection pnvlng bonds of Issue of July. 18SS. which muture In 190s. to bo redeemed January 16, 1901; $3,100 Intersection paving bonds of the Issue of ugust. 18S1. mnturlng Hi 190S. to bo redeemed February IS, 1901; $S00 Inter section paving bonds of Issue of Febru ary, 1888, maturing In 190S, to be redeemed February C, 1901. That tho city Is able at this early date to redeem these bonds, several before their maturity. Is very gratifying to the city treasurer and other ofllelnls of tho municipality. MnrrliiKo l.leeiiNex, Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to tho following persons: Name nnd Hosldftiee. Art W. i: I-'ranels. Silver Cltv. In 2. i.izzie JHcKson, Malvern, In .21 Chnrles Andress, Oakland, In ..20 ..20 ..SI i.iiiio uorrnii, Taylor, in John Whetstone. Helleviu Nob opuiuu Miircoo,, .on For tho family trade thero Is nothing to compare with that famous whliky bought in bond and sold lit The Hoffman. Ml.Xllt M i:tio.v, Davis sells glass. "Mr. Itlley," 5-cent clgnr. Fine Mhsourl onk. Gilbert nros. Ous fixtures und globes nt Hlxby's. Fine A. II C. beer, Neumnycr's hotel. Wollmun, scientific optician, 4C9 U'd'y. Schmidt's photos, new and latest styles, W. J. llostetter. dentist, Hnldwiu block. Moore's stock food kills worms, fattens. See Schmidt for elegant holiday photos. Drink Hudwelser beer. L, lloscnfeld, ngt. Lcffert, Jeweler, optician. 230 Itrondwny. Seo Alexander fc Co.'s window dlsnbiv of casts. ,",33 U'wuy. Horn, to .Mr. unit Mm. fltln l'fclfTnr nf Olen uvetiuo, u son. . F. OralT. lllftfrlnWpr ntwt .llolnfnntnr 101 South Mnln street 'Phone tt'C. Get Votir U'nrlt tlnnn nt tile ttmmlnr t.?ncln laundry, 724 Uroudwny. 'Phono 167. . C. 1-sten. iinilortnknr. 2S IVnrl ti-eoi Telephones: Office, 97; residence, 33. 1 rv our 20-rent mcnlM. IjiiIIpm' itml ri,Mit' cafe, 541 Uroudwny. Open ull hours. Mnrznn & Klein. llnholHlcrliu' furnllurn repairing, mattress milking. 122 S. Muin st. .Mrs. Jumi'H l.omrman of l.oiran In la Urn guoBt of Mrs. Sarah Cnmp of Cast Plerco street, Hazel t'lLtnti. Mmlfirn W.intlmnii of Amur. lea, dnnce, Hughes' hall, December :'0. Ad mission 25 cents. A want ndd In Tho Rco will bring results, lhe same attention given to u want add In Council HlufTH us ut the Omaha olllce. Sheridan coal, mice tried iiIikivm t,in,i Smokeless, no soot, clinkers nor sulphur, l'rlco $5, $3.50. I'Vnlon ft Foley, sole ugeuts. Charles Annus, mannctr r Hi.. k-iii. ranch In Wyoming, l In the city, the guest of his sister, Mrs, H. A. llerdiimn of Stuts- inun sireei. jtuciisiii grovo win noiu nn open meeting this evening ut Woodman of the World hull nn- mo iiiemuerH unn their irionus. Ilerresli ments will be served. Hubert Tucker, a small boy, charged with iiiiiiiuiiiiiH ucsiruciiou or properly ny wmer Hayles. wns up lic.forti Justice vlen yester day morning. lie wan discharged. Mr. and Mrs. Will nimlt-nr nf Ma nim hnvo gono to Chli-ago, where they expect to muke their future home. Mrs. Danlger was luiiueny .uiss .Miiggiu iiruuiey or turn city, Tho regular meetlnc-nf lfnrnicinv rhiinler Order of ICnstern Star, will be held this evening. All members nro requested to be present, ns tne uuniial election of officers win inno place. Tho Indies' society of tho First Preshv ttrian church will hold Its annual meeting und entertain tho women of the congrega tion ut a sociable from 2 to 6 o'clock this uuuriioou iu t no ciiuruii parlors. HlulT City Mnsonlc lodge lias elected tho louowing oincers ror tliu ensuing year Worthy master, ,1. P. Mitchell: senior war. den. II. W. 11 nder. utilor warden. C. 12. Walters; secretary, J. 1J. Atkins; treasurer, IIUUUI L I cil'HllJ . City Clerk Phillips has hung a sprig of imaiieiou iu ii very cnuspiuuous and con venient plnco In his olUViw, Around the cltv hall it is asserted thiuSTOlerk Phillips Is a Miuuncii neiiever in ino out laminar cus. turns of Yuletlde. County Treasurer Arnd received yester day n box of frugrnut cigars from John Gretzer ut -Manila. Gr,tzer was a member of the Fifty-first Iowa volunteers und re cently returned to the Philippines, whero ho has a position In the government postal rcrviee. Adolph Pothers, living at Fourteenth street and Sixteenth uvenuo. Is the latest sufferer ut the hands of the gang of chicken thieves which Is depopulating the henroosts in me souiuwesi part or me city, rorty nlne. blnodeil chlckeiiH were stolen from his premlsoH Tuesday night. Hubbard Holder, aged i'l yours, died yes tcrday afternoon ut his residence, 1S39 Avenue (. Ills death was due to the In llrmitlPH of old ugo. Ills wlfo nnd ten chil dren HUrvlvo him. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon nt 2 o'clock from the family residenco und interment will be In Falrvlew cemetery. About midnight Tuesday nn enstbound motor on the Omaha lino crushed Into a coal car that was being switched on the crossing at tho company's power house. Tho front ventlbu'.o of the motor was crushed In and Motormun Juntos Mccks had a narrow escniio from severe Inlury. As It wus his hnnd, which wus on the lever, wns- badly mashed. Residents of South Ninth street aro cir culating a petition for the paving of the thoroughfaro with Galesburg brick for top course and the home product for the lower tier. This move Is part of the agitation to compel tho motor company to plnce the street In passntile condition. Part of the old Maiiuwu lino rails huvc been taken nnd part have been left. In preparing North Second street for the brick paving Contructor Wlckhnm discov ered a hole that had been evidently caused by tho washing of the earth from around nil old sewer. There was but n thin crust of dirt over the cavity, which Is big enough to hold u wagon und team, nnd It is n mys tery that It did not give way when some heavy load patsed over it. Shortly after midnight Tuesday the police rocelvixl a telephone message calling them to Kenton street, whore It wns suld a mnn hud mot with a bad accident. Detective Weir responded and discovered nn old man named John Alexander in Indian creek Aliixniulor's wagon nnd tenm was standing closo by. A rope w'us secured and Alex ander hoisted onto dry land. Jncob Stein, proprietor of a West Ilrond way second-hund goods stove, had ono of his periodical runaways last evening. Ills team, hitched to a wagon fill of furniture, was left standing on Itroadwny in trout of the poslnfllee for a few minutes lin- tetnereii. tho teum sinrieii on on a mail gallop und wus lluully caught ut Tenth street, hut nut before nil the furniture hail been dumped out along Ilnmdwny. The case nf "Due" McClelland, ebarired with the theft or $300 belonging to A. Shlv. ers, proprietor of a llroadwuy feed Mure, was uartlallv heard In nollce court yester day morning nnd continued until today. Th louce Hiaie incy win proiiuco u witness ndnv who will testify to seelnc McClel land chnnco a S.V) lili the day followinir the alleged theft. One hundred und fifty dollars of the money hluien was in ju dims. Tho nttrai tlon nt the Duhnny theater for tomorrow night Is "The Royal Hox." Ot tho play the Kansas City Journal says: "The nlnv will lie remembered us one ims- sessed of beautiful romance, bright e.nuedy, genuine pathos, dramatic inierest ami ccr tuln striking novelties. Th" scene from which the p'uy takes Its title, nnd which furnishes the most drain itlc Incident In Hi story. Is one of peculiar Interest. In thin scene one of the regular boxes of tho theater is used as "tho royal box," Is draped appropriately and Is decorated with the llrltlsh coat-nf-arniH While Clarence, the uctor, Is plavlng th" balcony scene from "Romno und J u IK f ' the prince of Wales, with Count nnd Countess poison, ooeipy tills box The uctor is ill love with th countens and is JciiIoiih of the prlnr,. '' loses his 11m through his mental distrac tion, throws aside Ills Romeo mask as it were and denounces the protllgacy of the prince publlclv It Is In this tcenc thai Mr. Robson Is at Ills best." Stnrt the new century right wlih n new ledger. Special ruled forms In stock. More house & Co. Davis fella p:ifnt. lliiklcil Yr torn ii Suoi Coniiliiiiiiliint. HOT SPHINOS. S. I)., Due. J!). (Special.) The caso of William lllnck against Com mandant Arthur Idnn of the Soldiers Home, will como on for hearing nt tho adjournod Janunrv term of court In this place. This ts n suit for dumng's for being unlawfully discharged from the homo last fall Mr. Illack contends that ho never disobeyed any of the rules of the home and was dis charged because ho did something thit wns personally dlspleaslns to the commandant SHOWS COUNTIES' CONDITION Auditor IIi'imo' Iteporl llotitlti the riuiiiieliil Statu of Miulli DaUnta' 1 1 I'll 1 1 tl I litem-IX. PIDltltK. S. D., Dec. ,lft.-iSpeclal i The report of State Auditor Iteevcs for the past fiscal yon r will be of particular value to the people of the state, from the i.ict of Its detail of county financial affairs The total liabilities of the counties nro shown to be $3.93S.i"34.1fi. with assets amounting to $4.S71.76.t4. The liabilities consist of money due the stnte school fund and bonds nnd wnrrnnts outstanding the outstanding bonds amounting to Jl.950.4jl nnd wnrrants to $755,783.02. The nstcts consist of money due on school loans, un paid taxes, buildings and grounds, cash on hand and miscellaneous Items. The total receipts of the various counties for the year nmountrd to $5.863.0.'.) SI and the expenditures reached $5,931, 326.CC. while there Is cash on hand In the various treas uries amounting to J1.002.SS0.8S. Tho totnl expenditure for common schools wns J1.53S.233 for the year, of which $13.- 5(11.83 wns for school 4iooks. Hut few counties hnvo secured nny ad vantage from that provision of Inw which Is Intended to secure interest en public funds, tho total amount secured from this source being only $2,599.(12, of which over $500 went to Hand county nione. A number of counties have no bonded In debtedness and some of these hno but little, If any, wnrrnut Indchtcdncc". Mc pherson county bus a totnl debt of onlj $11.(10 nnd Autora only $43.71. Other enti tles without a bond debt nre heavy war rant debtors. Tho cotiutios which show no bonded debt are: Auroia. Hrown. Hrule, Chnrles Mix. Clark. Clay, Hamlin, Hand. Joratil. Kingsbury, l.intoln. Lyman. Me- Phcrson. Miner. Moody. Potter. Sanborn. Spink, Stnnley, Sully, Union and Greg ory. STOLEN MONEY IS RECOVERED lliinU of Alliee, South l)nUiitu, ict Hack Km Property Together Tilth (he Thief, MILHANK, S. D., Dec. 19. Tho Hank ot Albeo hus recovered tho money which was taken from Its safe by a sneak thief on Tuesduy during the noon hour. It was la the hotel barn. A young man named Olson, who works nt tho barn, which is located but n fow feet from tho bnnk, went In ut tho back door, which was unlocked, ns wns tho safe, und took tho lrfoney. Sus picion followed him, ho was detained nnd nfter being In the aweutbox several hours, confessed. Union Veteruim' I'nloli. HURON', S. D., Dec. 19. (Special.) In general order No. 1, Major General George A. Ludlow, tho now commander of tho nrniy of South Dakota, Union Vet erans union, establishes hendmtartern In that city and makes that part of South Dakota lying bouUi of tho Chicago fc North western railway botwecn Hrooktngs nnd Picrro, including Huron nnd ull towns west, ns tho First brigade. Tho Second brigade Includes nil territory north of tho snmo railway line nnd nil towns on the lino cast of Huron. Tho following appoint ments nro nuuounced: Chief ot staff, S. J. Conklln of Clark; assistant Judgo ndvo cato, Albion Thorn of Sioux Palls; assistant Inspector gcnernl, Charles Harrett of Sioux Falls; assistant adjutant general, W. S. Potter of Sioux Falls; assistant quarter master, J. M. Klntner of Sioux Falls; assistant commissary general, A. F. Pay of Huron; nsslstunt surgeon general, V. P. Kennedy of Aberdeen; nBBlstnnt muster ing officer, O. II, Prink of Sioux Falls; chaplain, G. W. Demarcst ofWutortown. Will !! Slierlir of Tnll Illvor Comity. HOT SPHINOS, S. ., Dec. 10. (Special.) C. l. Jensen, who was the republican candidate for sheriff of this (Fall HIver) county, nnd was defeated by US mujortly upon tho face of tho returns, entered a contest In district court, usklng that two or three certain precincts be thrown out becauso of Irregularities In the registration mid election, nnd has won his point. A change of venue wns taken from tho dis trict to tho Klghth and the case came before Judgo Moore ut Sturgls. Tho defendant Hdmund Petty, failed to put In an nnswer nnd mado no appearance, so that tho court gave Jensen a default Judgment, which de clares him tho legally elected sheriff nnd authorizes him to qualify at the regular tlmo on Janunry 1, and to hold the ofllco for the full term of two years. Tho defend ant may appenl tho caso to tho supreme court, but In tho meantime, according to this Judgment, Jensen will be serving ns sheriff. NuliNorilifMl for SInIith' llospllnl. HOT SPHINOS, S. D., Dec. 19. (Special.) About J2.000 has been subscribed by resi dents of this plnce for tho erection of n new stono building for tho Sisters' hospi tnl. They loeuted here last spring, nnd It has been demonstrated that such nn enter prise is n most valuable acquisition to the town. It Is expected that work upon the grading for tho new structure will bo begun soon. It will cost soveml thousand dol lars. Work upon the new Mlner-Mcl.ennon pluuge bnth Is being pushed along rapidly and the stone work will be completed In a few weeks. The plunge nnd building nil! coat about 125,000. SWOLLEN FEET r.nd hands usually indicate an ad vanced F,tii;e of Kidney disorder. It is one of tho last special pleadings of na ture to seek a remedy: Look out also for backache, scalding urine, dizziness, headache and brick-dust or other sedi ment in urine which has been allowed to stand. Heed these warnings beforo it is too late. SlOltltO'V.S arc guaranteed under oath to bo the best remedy in cxisuni-. tor l'nght's Disease or any other form of Kuliuy Trouble. A cash forfeit is, offered for any caso Kid. no-olds will not cure. M'liltASU A peuiilecurrtl br lild-nr-olil. In wrlllnc tlirni pleate cnrlom lUlupcd .iililri-ssi'd riitrlnpe, II. J. hiichrm,, I.lnoilll Mr. 11 llnllmaii, .123 N. 1.. Ill si. 1.. noil a Mrs. C II. Smith, MU Shfrmsiiavr iirnnhn It. C. TunUry. I.nglnrer, loo: Miami M Omaha Mrs. V M. ilariifr, MHO o.ik M umali.i ii. II. l'nikrr. JSls N. l8lhM.Uir.Mm Mrs. J ('. Iala. 60ft S. aoih nf Hrr.nlm II. H. Murphy, ''oarhnitn. Jl S. 3Mh -.1. Omh Mm. A. K llnrrli. 1 1 in Howard ' t minim Mrs. It. . M llrnton, 70ft ,M snth i mrmlui John Swanson Printer, .ills i:th m. omih Mrs. T, II. W'l'Umviri. 717 M nth it omahft .Mrs. II. C Itoirers, S. 14th nt. mnati i Morrow's Ktd-nc-oids arc not pills, but Yellow Tablets and sell at fifty cents a lox at drug store. JOHN MOHHOW A. CO,, SPRINGFIELD, O, "Strong ant! hearty JH . -.. ;g ana no paan r t air guuu s "m The jew of :i new nrrival In the family i ti -ti-t ntk- fui liv tho jdi.ulow of the pain and tlis- ej! comfort the expectant mother must hear. 5 If she knew of nnd used "MOTHER'S vm FRIEND," this would be nil dispelled Tell eg your friends nbout it, as beine; a simple liniment, tm exclusively for external use, that relaxes the muscles so that pain nnd sulTerinp;nre unknown. IB tt lllt I'M ty ptn I'll on tecflpt c(pfk. SI.OO per CM tiottlr, orixn to UmcM i llretv,nal linicst" Uok." Memo liout.' mlltfil ilff. nllnlnt:it!iMetli.tlofpNUnltiolhm. Tin; UltAtiriKl.t' ni llt'I.ATIIH t o., Atlanta, ). ft 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 rift w i '.' !" tt- " v. " c. ! !"" . -(. ! Vf L w ! (A- 'A' v -w I w V -'A -Vf l 6V - I vr r s i w t t,' t Vf i s j . Of -; -vt - & : As an Investment There is nothing like an Education A eolloge education costs a groat many dol lars, but tho man with a good dictionary at his elbow has a good education bohiird him. THE STANDARD Is the Latest and The cost is low only $7 The book is new It is well edited some of the ablest men of the day have contributed time and ability to it It is complete containing 30CV 000 words, No other dictions ary has so many It is standard can be relied upon for both definition and pronunciation There are a great many other things 2 3 could be said of the work, 2 j- on the Megeath Stationery Company, g I Farnam street, and examine a copy. You will - agree with us in admiring e& LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Z $ Do You Own Valuable Papers? We have a suite of rooms with a Are and burglar proof vanlt. It consists of a waiting room and two smaller rooms. Electric light. Hardwood floors. T2I BEE BUILDING It will be a pleasure to work in offices like these. The rent Is $40. We have another single good sized office witli a vault, only 20. R. C. Peters & Co. R1KS. l'J KOUND FLOOR 1EU HUII.DING. ell WINTER TOURIST RATES Special Half Rates Tours to West, Cuba, Mexico, tho Florida, Key Hcrmuda, Old Mediterranean nnd Orient. Kates for tho round trip to many points south on snlo llrst and third Tuesday each month. To Hot Springs, Ark., tho famous Winter Resort of America, on sale every day In the year. on sale to nil tho winter ro south, good returning until Kor rates, descriptive mat Tickets now rorts ot tho Junu 1st, l'JOl ter und pamphlets nnd all nthor Information rail ut O. & St. Louis Ticket Olllce, HIS Kurnum St., (Puxton Hotel Untitling.) or writo Harry E. Moores, C P & T. A , Omaha, Neb, FREE ELEGTREO BELT OFFER , X HTtHOAT 5Flt WtAfllrlQ HAL Iu youi own huuitt. mm airnuh the ireniilni, imii! only UrltllLlirlllULTIlllMI. to any rt-adrrof this iarrr. Mo nc7 U i4fanr m; lw roilMHiilimiKrnirt. COSTS IIMAST UATUIVfl pamnill' 'Ti' with most all ottior trefttiurnu. iarv ! ill mi,r Irh belli, .lliiifM prl rmniM (ill. QUICK CURE for'imerm, iim.iki hi ickk for alliiprioui dUe4."g, weaknt-p-iH ami dlonlni. For i-omplM m' I "inldontl! cMnlctrtir. ftlblim,l tnduillloui. JJEARS, ROEBUCK A CO., ChlOGBO. rtMALfi BEANS liroul lnouili y rPRulaiorfor nu'n :l' f it finn f A II. ore i tnoti fiiMmrn I'ltn xr 'i'Vf i In frtviliM, ti F p-hrrm ,u & Mri rinnt is Knliti rn. hntj nilif r il ...-"Uvr I l L. HI Uiu. I v l.ufTulo, N y hoy, is it, rh 'S rl writ C-Wi;vvviK.v S3 'llMir'i Mend.'" Best Dictionary. which but if interested, call 1308 the work. The Only Line To... Tlutt runs Personally Condtictcc I'xctirslons from Oiimlin tlircc dayw each wocU. 'liicy arc in cliaru 01 cuinpctciit .MaiiiiKur.s. Leave Union Station WcilncHiliiys, 1 :HO p, in. Leave Union .Station Fridays, 1:'W p. in. Leave Union Station Saturdays, 5:2 p. in, 1 'J'lckot Ollloo i l :ia :t annua ;st. I Tel. I2H. I'p'fTi fctll'it II 10th and Murcy Sts. Tel. (I2H. ' IIONVKLL'S fiiiti-rta'vv; i 'old, raw winds, a cold, toll! tlll "t ami coiikIi Alltl-Kawf iiii'ih you All drugglos .n-ll it Dr. Kay's Lung Balml,Katw:i;u