Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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HftW Iff" Mr.
Mini IlkElS
ed, All prices plainly
iry, watcnes, silverware, books, lancy goods,
Come this evening if vou
not find time through the
Great Sale of Fine
Xmas Slippers Shoes
m Two big eastern Slipper Stocks on sale at less than whole
alo prices, from Hazen It. Goodrich & Co. nnd J. I. Ilcnedict &
Bon. The greatest fine Slipper manufacturers In tho world.
Tlir "llrimliN linn." nnil "I Ifrn" 5
children! "Nlolsoii" SIkicn, for turn, on
nxk for Inferior iiihUi'h.
I.adlcs' Gno Velvet House ISnl
Slippers for
Indies' Fine $1.0 Turkish dOr
House Slippers for J-
parties Hno $1.50 Foil Turn Solo nQn I
House Sllppets for.
Jlru's Oic Velvet SllppcrM
Men's Kino 85c Velvet Kmbrold-
red Slippers for
Jlen's Kino $l.t Velvet Kmbrold
ercd Slippers for
Greatest Piano Sale That Ever
Took I'liirc In OiiiiiIiii.
Krom now until Januury 1st wo will cut
tho price on every plnno on our Moor. Any
ono thinking of purchasing n piano for
Christmas should not fall to attend thin
sale. Wo guarnnteo to save you from $100
to $200 on your purchase. Kvery piano
guaranteed to give satisfaction or money
cheerfully refunded. Wo will havo nn ex
tra forco of Mtlcomcn to wait upon you.
No plauos sold to dealers. Hero nro a fow
of tho pianos that will go lit this calu:
Chlckerlng. Fischer. Kranklln. Knnbe,
Jacob Doll. Hchr Hrns., Lester, Marshall &
Wendell, Haines, llrlggs. Ivers & I'ond.
Weter, Klrkman, Hnna and Singer, l'lnnos
ecld on easy terms If desired. New plauos
for ront. 1'lauon tncd, moved and repair
ed. Catalogues furnished to out-of-town
customers on application. Tel. OSS.
Kluo (bjlil .Spt'i'taclex
on kuW at reduci'il
prices. Lenses e.
i hanged freo for pur
Illinois Husband Secures Decree in Nebraska
, Which May Be Annulled.
iAVroiiKcil W ife .Million DlneliiHin rs In
11 I'etltloii I'lled In District
Court lluil .May Cnuio
A petition hns been filed In tho district
court that discloses a romantic story of nn
Illinois man who played u part in a marital
drama a good deal like that of tho heavy
villain In u Howcry theater. His namo Is
Charles Smith, and two states furnished tho
settings and scenic effects for tho 8uvcr.1l
acts that go to mako up tho sketch. Smith
Is said to bo worth a vast sum of money; at
ut any rate he Is the owner of a farm In
Champaign county, Illinois, and his father
Is rated by mercantile companies among
thoso classed as extremely wealthy and
prompt to pny.
On January 3. 1900, Smith applied to tho
courts fci a divorce from Agnes Smith,
whom ho said ho had married In Hloomlng
ton, and who deserted him a fow months
after tho ceremony. As Smith represented
that ho was a legal resident of the stato
nnil as theio was a default by tho defendant
Judgo Keysor granted n decree on February
13. Tho petition filed In tho courts yesterday
morning Is by tho divorced wife, Agnes W.
Smith, nnd It specifics that the husband
vas not a legal resident of tho stnlo and
that tho decreo was obtained by fraud.
Agnes Smith lived nt Hloomlngton when
Smith first bought his farm near that of
his father at Hrcndlnnds, Chnmpnlgn county,
111. Tho couplo met at a dauco and as tho
girl was a bollo of the town Smith at once
became a devoted admirer. His courtship
met with no success at first. As his pride
was piqued becauso of this circumstance ho
Is said to have made boasts among his com
panions that ho would marry tho girl In
spite of all odds if a lavish layout of money
ml persistent efforts would accomplish tho
Smith KeepM 111 "Word,
Truo to his word, Smith kept In front of
Ms many rivals for tho girl's hand and
finally persuaded her to consent to mar
riage. They became man and wlfo In
nioomlngton on March 1, 1S8D. On Juno 22
' of tho same year the couplu planned a trip
to Hloomlngton for Mrs. Smith, tho object
being to attend a Sunday school convention
In session there and to tako advantage of
tho occasion to mako n brief visit with
friends, On Mrs. Smith's arrival nt Hloom
lngton sho was shocked to receive a letter
from her husband Informing her that It
would bo needless for her to try to return
to her homo with him, ns he would not live
with her loncer.
Tho woman went back to the Ilroadlamls
farm and found the dwelling and other
bulldlugs deserted. From Spilth's parents
nothlue could be learned of his wherou
bouts and when eho found a way to enter
tho house at tho farm and was about to
build tho fire tu the kitchen btove to pre
pare a meal Smith's brother Is said to havo
tsaulted ner and forced her to leave the
promises. It was not until November C that
news of the dltorco reached her. Mrs.
Smith In form a tho court that her husband
never lived In tho Btato of Nebraska, but
ramo hero only for the purpose of procuring
the separation fiom her. Sho maintains
that sho was nover notified of tho divorce
proceedings and th decreo was obtained
fraudulently and for tho express purpose of
bee our ex(?ttisitely beautiful, most complete, convenient and gift-sug-
gesting displays of dolls, toys, games and holiday goods ffrS,Via(iiS?,,li 'ho
The finest showing in America, You are
invited to drop in and inspect whether you
buy or not, No elevators to ride or stairs to
climb, You are sure to find What you want,
All goods are arranged to make
selections easy, Every article
placed where it can be examine
marked, Special sales
can- I A bi& forCR of extra
bo nn hand Thursday to
service- no waiting no
tho crowd.
hum fop v mucin "Morrlinn" Slmrx fir
onlo nt !.PII lo jjiu.oo lei h mi others
Foxed Juliet Slippers for
'''"lies' Fine J2.0) Satin Fur
Trimmed Juliet Slippers for...
Child's Flno ivv Velvet llouso
Slippers for
1 Moii'h Kino Jl ."" float
I Kvcrett Slippers fur
.Men's Klne J2.CO Omit Knust
i Slippers for
Christmas Candy Sale.
The purest ami freshest Candles, nicely
put up. at the very lowest prices:
Ilutlcrscotch Wafers, worth 30c, nt lb.. 15c
Very lino .Mixed Candy, per pound.... 10e
Hroken l'euuut Candy, per pound 10c
Ynnkcn Peanut Candy, per pound 10c
All-May sucKers, per pound
Coeoanut Drops, per pound
Candy (Jlass, per pound
Tip-Top Caramels, per pound....
Conge Caramels, per pound
Cream Caramels, ner nound
Chocolate Creams
Klne quality Mnrshmnllows, worth (Wc,
Cream Almonds ,
lluttcr cups I,
Plpo Stems
Klne assortment Hon Hons nnd Choco
lates, box 5C
Very llnest, worth 75c, nt. ...... ...WW" Juo
Candy Cuncs ; 3c una luo
Candy Kings, pound 5o
wronging her. Tho plea of Infidelity, on
which tho suit was based, sho declares to
be false, as tho man, George Hrown, with
whom sho Is said to havo been Intimate, Is
not uen .111 ncnunlntnnce, but that tho
unmo 13 fictitious.
Tho plaintiff asks that the decree be sot
nsldo and that tho ease be opened up, so
that she may mako a defense. Mrs. Smith's
attorneys say that they will havo a hearing
In tho caso as soon as possible nnd that It
may bo necessary to have Smith brought
back from Illinois by the sheriff to answer
to charges In connection with tho case.
I'liillNlinifiit .Meleil Out to I'll 11 r Of
fender In .Inilu"' Milliner' mill.
Yesterday tho criminal docket of the
United Stutes district court wns called for
tho trial of cases. There were live cnse3
on tho calendar, but In every Instance but
ono tho defendants chnnged their minds and
entered pleas of guilty. Tho first to re
ceive sentence was Oottllcb Mcsscncr, a
boy who said that his solo offense was pur
chasing limine, wiileli ho wns rnlnnnn.l frnm
delivering to nn Indian by tho Interference
or mo ponce, no was given sixty days In
Jail and a fine of J 100 anil costs, tho mint
mum, sentence. U. M. Llnglo drew tho 8a,mc
sentence for tho same oflense. Alva Myers,
who plended guilty to selling liquor to
Indians, wbb released on his own recog
nizance, as ho had been nn inmnto of tho
Douglas county jail ror nltio months while
awaiting trial.
Tho lucky man of tho lot was Alfred L.
Hough, a resident of the reservation, who
wns charged with tho same offense. Ho
hns been In Jail for a month or more und
each day has written a letter to tho presi
dent of tho United States asking him to.
Interfere In his case nml nrnvntit nnnrn.
slon by tho lesser oitlclnls of tho govern
ment. His appeals finally brought a re
sponse from tho private, secretary of the
president, In which it was said that tho
matter had been referred tn tli n nttnrnni'
general. When ho was n fnu-
days ago ho announced that tho nttorncy
gcnernl would appear In his behalf, und
today tho charges against him were dis
missed, ns mo district attorney, thought nn
Insnno asylum more sultnblo for him than
the county Jail.
John H. Well, tho embezzling mall car
rier, pleaded guilty nnd his case was passed
for sentence.
With this case tho docket for tho day
was cleared and Judgo Mungcr began the
consideration of civil cases upon motions
Court otrx.
Articles of Incorporation for the Oscar
Mil sap company havo been ninended to
change the nnmo of tho concern to tho
Dauntless Manufacturing company and In
creasing thu capital stock to $100,000.
Judge Haker Is hearing tho caso of the
state against Hill Vester and John Klllnt
on the charge of nssault with Intent to
do groat bodily harm. The men nre said
to havo assaulted A. I. Henderson on tho
night or July iv.
Chester Homlg. by his father. James II.
Ilomlg, has commenced suit ngnlnst the
World-Herald Publishing company to re
cover JJ75 which he alleges Is duo because
of the defendant taking from him without
euiiso a carrier's routo for which ho paid
J250 on December lu.
The defendants In tho four suits brought
to recover damages from tho water workJ
company on account of the personal In
juries and loss of life caused by the Pat
terson block Pro last year have filed mo
tions to remove the cases to tho United
StattH court. Tho plaintiffs In tho cases
are: Ida L. Wilson, Laura 11. Holt. Kmma
J. Hex nnd Charles T. Wilson.
,Mayor Allen II. Kelly of South Omaha
was released from tho custody of tho
sheriff yesterday by tiling with tho rle.'k
of the district court n oond of $1,000, with
Patrick J. King as surety. Kelly's at
torneys have announced tho Intention of
carrying tho habeas corpus caso to the
supremo court for .1 ruling of the higher
tribunal on tho question whether Kelly, as
mayor and nn executlvn officer, can be
prosecuted under tho statute relating to
on jew
clerka wil
give nil prompt
matter how big
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry Sspw?
America. Buy while selecting
Handsome S-day, Inrg9 size Iron clocks, best
movements, guaranteed for 10 years on sale
Watches Thursday at Big Saving ES
All tho best movements, sizes and cases. Select a watch now and wo will hold It for you until wanted.
Special Silverware Sale The most appropriate and pleasing gifts.
Horry dishes, quadruple plate, fancy
crystal bowl, worth f I 00, Thursday nt $1.30.
Cako Stands, at $1.50 and J1.9S.
Duller dishes, worth $3.00 nt 1-25 nnd
Your cholco of a great odd lot of Hogors
Ooera GlaSSeS splendid showing of all tho best makes, at a big saving in price
" Very seasonable, and desirable at this season. You can save
money by buying here and now.
35c 12 mo. Books at 12lbc
elegant 10 mo. books ILMc each. $I.1'5 copywriglit books
Paper Sc roll. Initial hemstitched Handkerchiefs 5c.
Omaha's Leaning Silk Dept.
Offering the finest lino of Silks, all nt
special snle price for t'l.rl. tmns presents.
Ucnutlful all silk, fancy stripe, walst'sllk,
worth up to 75e. for 2rc yard.
50 pieces of handsome Crepe do Chcne, nil
silk, 21 Inches wide, blnek r.nd all color',
makes pretty party gown, on sale for a
short time, 75c.
The new Silk Flannel for waists, pretty
colors nnil black, now all tho rage, best
quality. fc!)c.
New rich Itoynl Persian I'anno Velvet
for waists or trimming, worth $1.00, on sale
now at only $1.9!!.
Hlnck Taffeta, 27 Inches wide, good, heavy,
rustling quality, worth $1.W, lor 50c.
1,() lilack Silk Dress Patterns on special
snle worth $25.(0. on sulu nt $15.(0 worth
$ls.(), on sale nt $11.W.
bribery and specifying that only ministerial
und Judicial officers can bo punished.
A. It. Hurvey, receiver for tho Metro
politan Plumbing and Chandelier company,
huM lllcd a report showing that he has col
lected JIGS. lie usks to bo discharged,
W. K. Potter, receiver for the Nebrnslca
Savings and Hxehango bank, has Hied u re
port showing that tho assets of tho de
funct concern nre S27.7CJ.27 und the liabilities
$102.O3.C. This docs not lncludo tho capital
Judgo Fawcett has granted n decree de
claring null nnd void paving und curbing
nsscsTnonts on Ifnrney Btreot between Six
teenth nnd Twenty-sixth und elijolnlnr tho
city treasurer from attempting to collect
the taxes. The decision was In the case
of William A Paxton, Jr., ngnlnst tho city.
Judge Fawcett has granted n decree of
divorce In tho caso of Kiln M. Dotlson
against Charles H. Dodson, nllowing the
plaintiff alimony In tho sum of J1.00U nnd
giving p!alntirf custody of the child, Lou,
every day but Snturdiiys and Sjndnys dur
ing school tlmo nnd nllowing tho father to
havo her during vacation.
Oeorgo M. Lydlck of Herman has Med
application In the United States dlstib't
court asking to bo adjudged u bankrupt.
Lydlck Is a victim of the Herman cyclone.
Ills drug store was demolished lu the storm
which visited tho vlllngo and ho lias been
nimble to get started again. Ills debts are
J7.23C30 und assets J1N
One of tho largest list of liabilities filed
In tho Mate under tho bankruptcy law Is
that of William H. Hnrkley. Jr., of Lincoln,
whoso application wns Hied yesterd.iy.
Ho lists debts of JlBS.i'fiS and assets of $150.
Tho principal creditors are the receiver of
tho defunct Lincoln Safe Deposit and Trust
company nnd the creditors of that Institu
tion, Harkley owned MB shares of stock of
,1 par value of $100, on which was duo 00
per snnre (leierreu pnyniems nun nu per
sharo assessment, called for by the re
ceiver. Announcements of the iiientem,
Hoyd's theater will be dark during tho
rest of the week, hut Chrlstman week at
that popular resort will glow from start
to finish with merry Christmas comedy.
Opening Sunday continuing until Tuesday
plght nnd Including a Christmas matinee,
ihnso clever comedians, Murray & Mack,
will appear In tholr great musical suc
cess, "Shootlns tho Chutes." Following
them, with entertainments Wednesday
nfternoon nnd night nnd Thursday nltfht
"Tho Man from Mexico" will bo glvon,
with Georgo C. Honlface, Jr., In tho title
role, nnd tho week will closo with two
nights nnd n matinee of Jerome K, Jo
rome's delightful comedy success, "Miss
Rose Sydell's "Now London Holies" are
giving a splendid performance every even
ing, delighting large nudlences. Yesterday
mattneo was "Eagle's" matinee, which
helped to Dwell tho attendance consider
ably, many members of that prominent or
der being present. Tho last opportunity
Omaha theater patrons will havo In which
to seo the "Holies" Is tho Saturday mati
nee, ns there will bo no performance Sat
urday evening.
Heglunlng with tho Sunday matinee,
Sheridan's big "New City Sports" come
for nn entlro week, with an Interesting
olio and two now burlesques.
Tho four Nelson sisters, female acrobats,
nt tho Trocadcro, nro certainly the best
Omaha has seen in their lino.
James A. LaClaro h without a doubt tho
most clover Juggler we have seen In ranny
a day. Ho intrcduccd many laughable
.Meiixiireineiilii nt I'liplU Complelt-il,
This week the lenchors In tho High school
will pomiietc th" measurements of High
school pupils, which nre being tnken for
Prof. W. W. Hast iigs of tho University of
Nebraska, who was recently elected to a
position In the International Training
School for Physical Kducntlou nt Sprlnv
Held. Mass Prof. Hastings will compllo tho
statistics und report concerning the normal
slzo of High school pupils, A similar re
port was made last year on children In tho
grades of the Omaha niiools.
Tho kidneys ncltc when they nre other
worked nnd the trouhlo gets serious unless
promptly removed. Prickly Ash Hitters Is
reliable kidney tonic and bowel regulator.
AH Steel Saving Banks,
with combinations, an in
structive and uaof nl gift
worth 50c, at 19c.
35c Doll Trunk?, at IPc.
One hundred styles of box game, very
entertaining, regular price 10c, on sale at 3c
Look through
Wo have absolutely everything that Is
new, novel, Instructive or entertaining In
toys nnd holiday goods, conveniently ar
ranged nnd priced, fully .10 to 50 per cent
lower than any other house.
Attend Thursday's big
sales get what yon
want and save money.
is easy.
at.. .
Heantlful ntw lino of
hand decornted cases
Bros.' nnd other good makes of table spoons
and forks.
In Rogers' nnd other Rood makes, 17c.
Tobacco Jars, In tho Mlver plated top3,
A full set of nut picks nnd cracks at 23c.
Dress Goods.
00 exclusive dress patterns,
made especially for Christmas,
by L'riestly of Bradford, Eng
land, and Coutioro of Lyons,
Franco, at 1.00 to 10.00 per
yard. Every pattern bought
by a gentleman will be either
exchanged of money cheerfully
refunded if not entirely satis
Tom MoOarty Comes Up from Lincoln and
Looks Down Farnam Street.
dinner Slnl nnil Clly Trennnrcm
Now AutliiK inrileiier nnil
Wnltrr nt Hie 1'enl
tentlnry. Tom McCnrty, one of tho famous fainl y
by that namo which holpcd to mako lively
pollco history a few years ago, was brought
from tne penitentiary yesicruay uy m-y
uty Sheriff Tom Flynn for n hearing before
Judgo Slabaugh on .1 writ of habeas corpus.
McCnrty's attorneys havo raised tho point
that his detention In the prison is lllegat
for tho reason that he wns convicted In
Sarpy county and sentenced hero.
Tho misdeeds of tho McCarty family were
multitudinous In tho early days. There
wero n father, two boys, Tom and Vic, and
a son-in-law, John Oallcghcr. Tho render
vous of tho gang was an Island In tho Mis
souri river a few miles from Hcllovue. It
was to this place they rutreated after
otfenses committed in Iowa and Nebraska
and U was there they had hiding places for
tho concealing of their booty. Some of tho
adventures of tho McCarty gang rend like
a romance and, with their Hobtnson Crusoe
liko home, they led nn exciting existence
until 1S93, when they became Implicated lu
n shooting scrape that put an abrupt end to
tholr lawlessness.
As McCarty stood on tho steps of the court
house yesterday nnd looked up and down
Farnam street he had the demeanor of an
cnglo Just let out of a cage. Doing used to
tho prison garb for so long, bis garments
set uneasily on him anil he kept adjusting
them every mlnuto or two. Men who knew
McCarty well stopped and Bhook hnnds with
him on their way to the court rooms nnd
aBkcd about public Individuals confined in
tho penitentiary.
(noil .IiiIih 'nr For ill i' r OIIIcIuIn,
"Holln? Why. Holln's all right," said
McCarty. "Holln's Ilunkey down at tho
'Hotel Lincoln,' he gives us our fodder thrco
times a day. Walts on tho table, you know.
He's as fat ns a pig and wants out, of course.
And there's Hartley; yes, 1 seo him often:
Joo Is florist for the push. Ho makes bo
ijuets for tho boys, trims the plants, prunes
tho vines and such like. Joe had bad oyes
nnd ho couldn't do tho regular lino of work,
so they gavo him something easy. His side
partner Is nn old pal of mine named Simp
son. We used to do sketches together down
In Sarpy county. Simpson helps Hartley
wutcr tho plants nnd put bug powder on tho
leaves to destroy tho Insects. Thoy'vo got
a cinch compnred to my Job," nnd McCarty
laughed, as If the Idea of the former city
treasurer turned waiter, nnd tho stato treas
urer In the rolo of botanist appealed to him
as n Joke.
"I'm in tho blacksmith shop," McCarty
continued. "I bhoo all tho horses owned by
tho btate and repair all tho wagons. They
put mo ln tho cooper shop nt first, but that
was too much like work. It took mo eleven
months to make two barrels, und then tho
keepers got next und transferred mo to tho
smithy." Someone suggested that McCarty
got out in tlmo to go down to the old Island
and bo King of the Figltcs, who ore ml
grating there from Gretna. "Well, I don't
know that I want to go back to the Island,"
gum .litLHiif , i ctri gut urn ot mat
place down at Lincoln I'm going to ho king
of somcthlnE besides crooks, and they might
Men's or boys' Skates regu
lar 75c, special, 49c
Men's and boya' nickel-plated,
regular J1.25,
Indies' Skates, regular $1.25. special 79c.
Hoy's Coasters, usually sell for 35c, special
new Chlnn Clocks, fancy
on sale at
Tuff boxes J5c.
Child's silver plated thrce-plcco sets, nt
Ladles' sterling silver Ncthcrsolo brace
lets nt fiOc.
Child's three-piece desk set, nt 49c.
sell tho books 5,000 elegant
nio. books 12Ac each. 15,000
Albums on half price.
Sheet Musie.
Haydcns' carry all tho very Intest Sheot
Music and sell at tho very lowest prices
Tomorrow we will plnce on snle such hits
as tho following at only 10c per copy, regu
lar price 26c: I Can't Tell Why I Lovo
You. Just Hecnuso Sho Mado Dcm Goo
Kyca, Way Deep In My Heart, Bridge of
Sighs. It's Just Hccouso I Lovo You So,
Wny to Win n Woman's Heart, For Old
Times' Sake and Without You, Love, Ah,
Lot Mo Die; tho last two by Charles K.
Harris. We also havo lots of nlco music
wo can show you at only 10c nnd 15c per
do, but I'm afraid tho Island would mako
mo homesick."
Apiillcnllim fur Writ Drilled.
After hearing tho arguments of tho at
torneys nt the afternoon session of court
Judge Slabaugh, denied tho writ and re
manded McCnrty to tho penitentiary at
Lincoln. Tho discussion of tho points lu
controversy required only nn hour. In
giving n decision the court held that ho
must take the statutes for authority, oven
though tho supremo court has never ruled
on tholr validity In tho particular Instnnco
enernrnnil nnil Onrl thnl nnv fHutrlpf lurlt-n
f baa tho nower to transact In chamhprs
any legnl district business Mint may nn
I brought before him. The finding Is In ac-
loord with tho notion of Judge Ambroso In
BcntenclI)K MrCarty lu this county when
Ule crrae wn3 cntnmIltC(i ln Sarpy COunty.
,t ECPmcd t0 tne attorneys that all of
Sarpy county was In tho court room to I
Irarn what disposition would bo mnde of
the former Sarpy county Hon and tho
throng testified to the awo and admiration
In which tho people of the Hellevuo lo
cality hold tho mau who was formerly
great In their midst.
McCarty took the decision of tho court
cheerfully. On leaving tho room ho kissed
thoso of his relatives who are women nnd
shcok hands with tho men. "I'm behaving
well down there," he said by way of faro
well, "and I'll be out Boon anyway." Mc
Carty neither looks nor nets tho part of a
desperado. Ho Is tall and large-boned nnd
has tho oppearanco of being ns kind
hearted ns ho Is strong.
Any Accident That Miiy Itcsult from
1111 Attempt to Kill II Will lie ('011
klilcrcd Criminal .VckIIkciivo,
Among tho bulldlugs which the city In
spector of buildings recommended for de
struction at yesterday nftcrnoor.'s mcet-
I Ing of the Advisory Hoard was the Ice-
housn belonging to Mrs. llcnson and located
at Fifth und Leavenworth streets. He re
ported that tho building Is unsafe nnd ut
his loquost tho secretary wus requested
to notify th owner that an accident which
may result from any attempt to fill the
llouso with Ice will bo considered criminal
negligence. Threo weexs will bo given for
defense before tho hoard will take final ac
tion In tho matter. Tho Inspector was
authorised to destroy several small build
ings. Ocorgh C. Hurr was awarded tho con
tract lor feeding prisoners nt S cents a
meal. C. H. Camnron, I). 11. Cameron,
John Wilson, James 13. Ueacon and n. N.
I'alriish wero other bidders
The contract for supplying the city with
lee was awarded to David Talbot on a bid
of 10 cints per 100 pounds.
Hlds were nlso received on city printing,
cower pipe, cement, sand and lumber, but
tho tontracts wero oot nwarded.
Our .Niitluii'H Wealth.
Mold and sliver aro poured abundantly
Into tho lap of tho nation ,but our material
wealth und strength Is rather In Iron, tha
moat useful of nil metal, Just as tho wealth
of a human being lies In a useful stomach
If you havo overworked yours until It Is
disabled, try Hostetter's Stomach Hitters.
It will relievo tho clogged bowels, Improve
the appetite and euro constipation, dyspep
sla, biliousness, liver nnd kidney disease.
Mortality SIiiIUIIcn,
Tho following deaths and births wero
reported to tho city health commissioner
lor me tweniy-iour nnurs ending nt noon
. Wednesday:
' aTi':
South Nine.
tenth, aged 32,
Hlrths James Gllligan, 707 Hickory, boy;
, J"-no'"s' 'nenenui una u uiium,
Drices cut on dolls, toys, games, etc,
A in the home of Santa Clans. Littlo things for liltlu lots at
little prices. See our beautiful and most exquisite line of dolls, In nil alzrs, all materials, all col
ors, all shapes, livery taste inn be pleased at a Having of fully 50 per rent. More dolls than all
Omaha combined. We are almost giving them away to close them out before Chrlstmns,
Otm 1IOUHY IIOltSRS, Velocipedes, Wagons, Doll Uugglcs nnd large useful toys of all kinds
wo have cut tho prices almost In two for Thursday's sale.
Our regular fine $1.50 Hobby Horses reduced to 75c.
lrou Wheel Oo-Carts, a very desirable gift, worth 75c, nt 3Dc.
Hegular $2.00 Croklnolo Hoards, Thursday f."c.
Your cholt'o of all steel train, flro engine, hook nnd ladder, worth 50c, Thursday at 13c.
few sample prices on cold weather
Goods Wo carry tho celebrated Peck and Snyder Skates.
special 79c.
Ladles' Skates, regular $1.50, special $1.10.
50c Wool Gloves and Mittens at 25c
300 dozen sample Mittens and Gloves, the
entlro line of ono of tho largest manufac
turers In this country everything new In
gloves nnd mittens, worth up to "6c, all go
In this tot nt 10c, 15c and 23c.
Men's $1.50 Kid Oloves nt PSe.
Ladles' $1.25 Kid Oloves at 75c, In all the
new shades.
Tho largest lino of Ladles' Kancy Aprons
In Omaha at 23c and up,
Lndles' $1.00 Wool Kasclnntors at 25e.
.Men's $1.50 nnd $2.00 Sweaters at 9Sc.
Men's $1.00 Silk Suspenders nt 50c. Men's
f0o Suspenders, with leather ends, nt 25c.
Men'B 50c nnd 75c Neckwear nt 23c.
Men's $1.50 Mufflers at !Se.
Men's 73c Cashmere Mufllors nt 25c.
Tho bargain of bargains only 23c each,
4 colors.
23c Celluloid Combs, fancy, 10c.
300 sets Military llrushes $1.50.
400 sets Military Brushes $2.00.
500 sets Military llrushes $2.50.
HORN ALLlCtATOIl Pocket Hooks nre tho
latest. We havo tho finest lino In the city.
$5.00 geuulno Horn Alligator 1'ockct
Hooks $3.00.
$10.00 genuine Horn Alligator Pocket
Hooks $7.('0.
$8.00 genulno Horn Alligator I'ocket
Hooks $5 00
Great Reduction in
Wo purchased the entire pack of ono o f the largest canning factories In the coun
try. HelnE In need of money, they accepted our cash proposition. All thu goods
pin uji mis ji-ui uhii iwu irevn, now
lb. can Corn, tlnest tracked, worth
15c enn, our price 6c
3-lb. can Tomatoes, worth 15c can, our
price :4c
2-lb. can String Hen ns, worth 12'o
can, our price 5c
2-lb. enn Limn lleans, worth ISo can,
our price 714c
2- lb. enn Knrly Juno Superflno Sifted
l'eas, worth 23c, our price 12Kc
3- lb. can I'umpkln. worth 16c. our price oc
B iinunds Santa Clara Prunes for 19c
3 pounds California Prunes for 23e
3 pounds lnre fancy Oregon Prunes for 27c
3 pounds fancy New York Apples 2lo
3 pounds San Jose Peaches for 2le
3 pounds Iluttc County Peaches for.... tOc
3 pounds fancy Extra Largo Mulr
Peaches for mc
5 pounds 4-Crown Raisins for 21)0
3 pounds Virginia HlackberrlcH for.... 27c
Special Itnost Hlo Coffeu, wo 1 17'Jc.l2c
Oolden blend Santos, worth 20c, only.. 16c
Auilllorlnm Directum I'rlleltnle Over
(hi- Snores of (lie Wuiiui ii'k
Club I'ntcrliilnmenl.
There was little business accomplished nt
the noonday meeting of tho auditorium di
rectors of the Commercial club yesterday.
During luncheon and for an hour nftcrward
the directors talked of littlo else other
than tho successful benefit entertainment
given by tho Womnn's club Tuesday night.
Tho directors nro moro thnn gratified
with tho success of the affair. Through tho
auditorium dlrectorato tho commttteo of the
Woman's dub having tho entcrtainmont In
chnrgo wish to make public tholr apprecia
tion for tho nsslstauco rendered by the
press, musicians, artists and all others who
gavo tholr time and energies In tho prep,
arntlon and rendition of the progrnm.
Tho exact amount that will bo turned Into
tho auditorium fund from tho benefit enter
tainment has not yet been definitely deter
mined. Tho sura, however, will be betweeu
$500 and $600.
Snip of Anuria itt fierniun SuvIiik
H1111U Will nnnlilc Mini to I'ny
Siunll Dividend Noun.
Tho confirmation by tho nunrcmn court, nf
tho sale of tho assets of tho German Sav
ings bank Is a signal victory for Itecclvcr
Thomas H. McCaguo and tho denosltors.
Tho stockholders appealed to tho supremo
court to navo tho snlo set aside for tho pur-
peso of delaying the settlement of tho cb
tate. which must lnevltnblv remilt In neeu.
nlary loss to them Now that tho supremo
court nns confirmed tho sale, Receiver Mc
Caguo expects to pay a small dividend, per
haps 2 or 3 per cent, within tho next sixty
days, and ns booh ns practicable suits will
ne negun by him ngnlnst tho stockholders
to lecover oil unnalil stock HiihHcrlntlnnn
and on constitutional liability. Tho unpaid
sutjfcrlptlons sum up about $100,000 nnd tho
constitutional liability of tho stockholders
amounts to $500,000.
Iluiiril of lleulth Orders Sterlllintloii
uf All thut lliirhi-rn I e
nil CiiNtcniiorx,
A special dispatch from Iloston, May 5,
1900, to tho Now York Sun gives as now
regulations of tho Iloston Hoard of Health
as to barber shops: "Mugs, shaving brushes
and razors shall bo steilllzed after each
separato uso thereof. A separnle, clean
towel shall 00 used for rnch person.
Material to stop the flow of blood shall ho
used only In powdered form, and applied on
a towel, Pnwdor puffs are prohibited."
Wherever Nowbro's "Herpltide" Is used on
faco or scalp after shaving or hair cutting,
there Is no danger, ns It Is untlsepllc, nnd
kills the dandruff germ.
Off fur Kiiiiniik City.
Yesterday at 0:13 Oeneral Pitzhugh Lfla
nnd pnrty left for Knns.11 City, where they
were tho guests i,t tho Cotnmorclnl iuo
of that city last night A special rotn
mltteo from tho Kansas City club arrived
In thn city early In the day Mini, wont to
tho .Millard hotol. where they met tho gen
eral's party, which consisted of Oeneral
und Mrs. Fltzhuuli Leo, Miss Ann Lee.
Mnjor II K. L. Mlchle, Cnptnln nnd Mrs. J.
M. lirwin. Lieutenant (I M. Lee and Mr.
Pedlgo. After brenkfast they were ilrlvon
to tho Ilurllugtnn depot, where thny took
the special car for the southern trip, which
will lncludo St. Louis.
Ill lillUll NtlllllllllK.
"livery ono who has used Chamberlain's
Cough Ilemedy speaks well of It," says Mr.
Kdward P. Miller of Abbottstown, Pa. Peo
pie who once uso this preparation aru sel
dom satUfled with any other. Thero Is
nothing llko It to allay a rough or break
up a cold. It Is pleasant to lake, too.
U IV 11 CM
Girl's Sleds, usually cell for 35e, special 19c
Ladies' Garters.
These goods ronie In fnncy glass boxes
and mnke tine gifts
25c darter lOe.
35c Kancy darters, glns !x, 15r
5"o Kancy Oartors, glass box, U5e.
$1.00 Fancy Carters, glass box, KV
We- Satin licit tloso Supporters, 25c
Holiday Gifts.
Tho wonder of nil U ti complete llwi of
haiiil-palnttd Celluloid llnndknrchlof
Iloxes, tllove Hox s. .lewol I loves, Tlo
Hows, Cuff Hn.n Hoods worth lipo to
Jl.oo: your clmler fur 2V
Our lino Of Celluloid (inods never
Ueaiitlful Toilet Sets, 00c
lClegant Mnnlcilro Sets. OSc
ICIegant Toilet Sets, 7!V
Tho greatest line of Fancy Toilet Hoxrs
nt $1.0i, $1.W. $2.t) nnd $J.t.
Albims wt Half Price.
Tho largest lino of New Albums ever
seen In Omaha
$1.00 Albums 5V $1 50 .Minims 75o $2.'
Alliums !vo. 2.rn) Album-" $1.25. M.CO Al
bums $1.M. $lit Albums J2.(. $5.00 Al
bums J.' 75, Albums $:i.(K). $.W Al
bums $I.(X.
Holiday Handkerchiefs.
.lust to start tho bull, 1.(i dozen 10c I nit -laled
1 limilkcrohlcfs 5c each
3."e linn embroidered handkerchiefs JI)c.
fiV tlni! embrolderoil handkerchiefs 250.
$1.00 pure linen embroidered handkerchief
WOO real hire handkerchiefs $2.50.
$10.00 real laco handkerchiefs $5.00.
Price of Canned Goods
Family Java and Mocha, worth 33e. . Eic
Hroken Java and Mocha only 10c
New Tea Blfttngs only. 20o
b'ancy Drink .Sun Dried Japan only. . 33l
New Young Hyson nnd lOngllsh Hrcal;-
fast Tea 37!4e
Hreakfast Fired Jupan for Kr
11 bars beat Laundry Soap for 25c
3 pkgs. Cut Plug for Mo
I lb. Duke's Mixture for 30e
1 lb. Triumph fur 25o
I lb. Dili ham for COc
Cnclo Tom for 1 60
Star, per plug, tor 4?,c
Hattbi Ax, per plug, for ; 3t'c
Nerve Navy, per plug, for S8c
Standard Navy, per plug, for 37c
Fruit Juice, per plug, for 35c
Newsboy, per plug for 38c
Climax for 420
Olobe, per plug, for 42o
Star, per plug, for 43c
Horseshoe, per plug, for 42c
Awistant Oity Attorney Trying to En1
Special Tax Litigation.
lloliln Hint When I'lireliuner of I. nml
lliivc Deducted icelnl Till en
The)- An- IXuppril from
I'll rt her I'l'ttcccilliiw.
Assistant City Attorney James H. Adams
has raised a point In contested tax cases
which promises to put nn end to much liti
gation brought about through tho offortH of
property owners to defeat tnxes lovlcd for
special Improvements. l!o lias sot up tho
claim that when In tho purchuso of property
or In foreclosure of a mortgago persons
havo deducted tnxes from tho purchuso
price, or tho price fixed by appraisers, they
aro forever estopped from disputing tho
validity of such taxes. Tbo fact that n man
takes advantngo of such taxes and profits
by them Is. In Mr. Adams' opinion, n bar to
any ftituro action to Invalidate tho taxes.
On Saturday Judgo Fuwcott will render
a decision nn this point In n caso which In
volves $1,500 worth of taxes und many other
cuses Involving thousnnds of dollars will bo
affocted by the Judge's ruling. No court In
Nebraska has over rilled In n caso of this
kind whero taxoB woro nucstlonod, hut
Micro nro mony decisions In similar cases
relating to Judgments nnd other Hens nnil
tho courts havo hold that vhen a man takes
advantngo ot nny lien ho Is estopped from
coiitosting it nfterward.
Tho city council hus authorized Mr. Adams
to employ nn abstracter who Is now at
work examining tho records and ascertain
ing In how many 6f tho contested tax cubcs
which aro now pending thu property hold
ers profited by tho delinquent tnxes. Mr
Adams U confident that tho courts will re
fuso to nnnul taxes In cuses whero thero nro
transfers on record which show thnt tho
contestants at ono tlmo ndmltted tho valid
ity of tho taxes In question.
"It Is a principle of law that a man who
seeks equity must do equity," snld Mr.
Adams, "and many of theso men who seek
to havo tnxes canceled ccrtnlnly have not
done equity. They havo bought mortgaged
property nt two-thirds of tho appraisers'
valuation, less tho taxes. Tho man who
owned tho equity was compelled to stand
tho loss and now tho property owners want
to keep tho taxos they collected from him
rather than pny them Into tho city trensury
Such men do not como Into un equity court
with clean hands."
Ileal Ilntute Men Talk Over Miiltri-i
In Which They Arc lpeelul I
Tho regular weekly mooting of the Omnhn
Heal Kstuto exchangu yesterday was devoted
entlroly tn tho discussion of business mat
ters In which tho exchange Is Interested.
Various legislative questions were discussed
and plans aro under way for an ncllvo
campaign between now and the meeting of
tho legislature, having for Its purpose tho
securing nf such legislation us tho real cb
into men feel they ought to have.
At next week's meeting an editor who
for many years was In editorial chnrgo of n
leading municipal Journal In Now York
City, will discuss tho question of "
Ownership of Wuter Works." Herman
Kountzo will also bo presont at tho next
meeting and deliver un address