Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    Till-: OMAHA DAILY BICE: TUTHSPAY, DEC EM IS Hit 20. 1000.
Eecretirie of State Board of Transportation
Hate to Let Oo.
Think thr IKH. IMnn Mny llr llrtiiiKhl
to l.lfi- A Kill n, .Securing I'ny for
HlniRcir nnil ill in Dnlilnuin,
hut .Not for IvilBcrtnn.
LINCOLN, Dec. 19. (Special.) The
Action of tlio supreme court In overruling
the motion of the attorney general for a
rehearing of the case of the State of Ne
braska agalnrt the llurllngton railroad, has
removed all possibility of prolonging the
existence of the State Hoard of Transpor
tation under Its present orfcnnlintlon. Ac
cording to the decree of the court the life
of tho hoard came to iin end when the
motion was overruled and, therefore, the
nullities of thu three secretaries and other
employes stopped at tho same time. Sec
retary (1. I,. Laws was at his desk thl
morning, hut refused to say whether he
would closi. the olllce or take steps to hold
over and continue drawing salary from tho
"My opinion Is that we are knocked nut,"
he said, "hut there Is jtlll a possibility of
reorganizing the board under tho art of
18ff, which may have been revived by the
decision of tho court. That uct provided
for a board, consisting of tho nudltor, at
torney general and secretary of state, and
Mowed each member lo appoint his or
ecretary on condition that the three bn
chosen from the Klr3t, Second and Third
districts respectively. If tho law of 18''.,"i
Is still In forco thcro might be a reor
ganization, but 1 u m not prepared to say
so positively."
Secretary LnwH resides In the First dis
trict and Secretary Duhlman In the Sec
ond, but tho third secretary, Joe Kdger
ton, lives In tho fifth district and would,
therefore, lie unavailable In the event of
reorganization by tho present administra
tion. Irrluntliui mill lllpnrlnn Might.
Tho constitutionality of the stnte Irriga
tion act will be subjected to a legal test
before tho supremo court next month. The
court recently handed down a decision
which waH believed at tho tlmu to bo a
deathblow to tho Irrigation Interests of No
braska, nnd an effort will bo mado to secure
either a reversal or n modification of that
opinion. Tho decision was In the case of
tho Crawford company against Hathaway
and others, appealed from Dawes county.
Tho case will bo brought to the attention
of tho court for second consideration by
Attorneys J. W. Dcwecso nnd J. S. Klrk
patrlck of this city, who will appear as
friends of the court In behalf of tho Irri
gation Interests of tho stnte, but not ns at
torneys for either purty In the original ac
tion. Leave was granted yesterday to file
the motion and today tho document pre
pared by the attornays whs presented. Thu
court Is asked to reverse or modify the
ludgment; to decide the constitutionality
of tho Irrigation statutes in their relation
to the creation of the State Hoard of Irri
gation; to ndjudgo and dctennlno to what
extent tho Irrigation laws modify or abro
gate riparian rights, nnd to adjudge nnd
determine whether tho right of, I.eroy Hal),
appellee In the Crawford company case, to
maintain n dam upon nnd to uso the waters
of White, river for power purposes tins been
Required by proscription or ns rlpnrlnn
owner or proprietor.
Tho court will listen to argument on
thcso qurstlons nt the sitting beginning
January 2.
' llnnk Director Held.
Tho supremo court has reversed and re
manded tho enso of Henry Qerner against
tho officers nnd directors of the Capital
National bank, an nctlon begun to recover
tlS.DOO, tho amount paid for n block of
the bank's stock. Corner alleged that a
false statement issued by the odlccrs of
the bank cnused him to mako the invest
ment. Tho opinion Is In favor of tho plain
tiff and holds thnt directors of n bank
may bo held responsible for n falso show
ing In nn olHctnl statement. Judge Sulll
van mado tho following reference to the
llerner enso;
Tho defendants Intentionally conveyed to
the public tho Impression that they had ac
tual knowledge of fact stated In the report
which they attested. They had no kuowl
rdgo and were aware of It. Hy representing
hs truo that which they were consciously
Ignorant of they committed n fr.iud for
which they are llanie in a common law nc
tlnn of deceit. A man Is guilty of willful
falsehood when he nsiertn of his own
knowledge u matter of which he Is Ignorant
In tho syllabus of the opinion It was as
serted that a published report of tho
llnnnclal condition of a bank, In which
the resources nnd liabilities aro equally
Inflated, is not such a material misrepre
sentation as will support an action for do-
celt, unless by Buck report un action
tho batik Is mado to appenr to bo better
than It actually is. A published state
ment of tho condition of a national bank
In which a portion of its overdrafts Is dc
crlbed ns "loans nnd discounts" Is, how
over, materially false. In addition tlv)
court says that a report of a national bank
to the comptroller of the currency which
compiles with tho law and regulations of
tho comptroller cannot be mado tho hasls
of an nctlon because the Item of Interest
Tlio fiicornii mid I'oniilnrlty of thr
.Wiv Cutiirrli Cure.
The remarkable success nnd popularity
of tho new catarrh cure, Stuart's Catarrh
Tnblctts, Is largely because It not only cure
catarrh, but becauso catarrh sufferers who
uso these tablets know what they nre tak
ing Into their systems; no secret is mado
of what they contain. They nro composed
of Hydrnstln, blood root, gunlncol and red
gum, uro pleasant to tho tnsto and being
dissolved In tho mouth they tnko Iramedl
lite effect upon tho mucous lining of the
throat, misnl passages and tho wholo respl
rntory tract.
The cures thnt Stuart's Catarrh Tablets
havo accomplished In old chronic cases are
little short of remarkable, nnd tho advunt
ago of knowing Just what you aro taking
into your system Is of paramount Import
anco when It is remembered that tho co
cnlno or morphine habit has been frequent
ly contracted as tho result of using secrot
catarrh remedies, ns so ninny of them aro
well Known to contain these Injurious
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets meet with the
npproval nnd cordial support of physicians
because their antiseptic character renders
them perfectly safe for the general public
to usH and helr composition makes them
n common sense cure for nil forms of ca
tnrrhal m.uble.
With nearly all advertised catarrh cures
It Is a n. utter of guess work as to what
you aro taking Into tho stomach, as the
proprietors, while making nil sorts
claims ns to what their medicines will do,
nro very careful to keep It a closo secre
us to what they really contain.
This Is ono reason why Stuart's Catarrh
Tablets have been so widely recommended
becauso they are not only pleasant an
convenient to take, but tho patient also
knows ho Is not putting into his stomach
anything of an Injurious character.
Thcso tablets nro sold by druggists every
whero In the United States nml Canada at
fiO centu for complete treatment and proba
My there Is no better remedy over devised
for tho permanent cure of catnrrh whether
located In tho head, throat, bronchial tubes
or In the stomach.
on re-dlscounts ns drdurted from Indl-
Idual profits Instead of being mado to
ppear specifically In such report. Con-
ernlng the Individual liability of the di
rectors, tho court declares that In an
ctlon for deceit against the olDecrs of a
national bank, who published n false report
as to Its financial condition, upon which
plaintiff replied, ono of the directors can
not escape the liability on the ground thnt
thcro was no special rellnntq uron him If
It appears that tho plaintiff relied on the
report nnd the entire directorate.
Ilnnrs Itrporfn Dcilclciic) ,
Superintendent Dawoa of tho School for
Deaf nnd Dumb nt Omaha has Informed tho
governor thnt tho deficiency in nccounts
In his Institution will nmount to JC324.C9.
Of this nmount, J1.000 will bo duo for sal
aries and wages and nearly as much for
fuel. Superintendent Dawes devotes con-
Iderablo spaco in his report to nn ex
planation of tho needs of the Institution.
and after calling nttcntlon to tho big dc-
lictency asserts that it Is n source of
gratification to know thnt Its affairs havo
een handled so well under his supervision.
.Mrs. hllen Dwlnnell has petitioned the
Istrlct court for a divorce from her hus
band, John Dwlnnell, who Is snld to be a
wcnlthy ranchmnn In Knox county. Cruel
reatment and nrfcctlon for another woman
ro the rensons nsslgncd to tho court.
.rno ('milium y Slum Ahmuit.
Tho otllcers of the Argo Manufacturing
company of Nebraska City havo been
notified by tho supreme court that If they
o not nppcnr or make some showing be
fore Jnuuary 11 In tho case Instituted
under tho ntit'.-trust laws by tho attorney
;eucral. In which they aro the defendants.
thu stnte's petition will be accepted and
hat judgment will be rendered accord-
ngly. This summons was Issued to the
herlff of Otoe county at the command of
ho Judges of the court. The document was
returned today with tho endorsement that
It had been served on tho ofilccrs as dl
rotced by tho court.
Allen nml tho CroiK Hill.
Tho attitude of Senator Allen toward tho
Orout bill was the cousn of Home unfavora
ble comment among Nebraska dairymen to
night. This bill provides for a tax of 10
cents per pound on colored Imitation but-
cr nnd n reduction from 2 cents to ; of
cent a pound on uncolorcd Imitation
butter. It has passed tho bouse and Is now
n the hands of the senate committee, whero
Scnntor Allen holds tho balance of power.
Tho commltteo consists of nine senators,
four of whom nro In favor of tho bill and
four opposed, Senator Allen bolug tho only
member who has not recorded his opinion.
Senator Allen's failure to express himself
concerning this measure Is considered sin
gular, for the reason thnt at the national
convention of buttermakcrs In this city In
''cbruary ho said In nn address thnt he
would favor tho adoption of legislation for
tho protection of dairy and creamery Intcr-
Tho mntter has been brought to the atten
tion of Governor I'oyntor nnd It was ru
mored tonight thnt he sent a telegram to
Scnntor Allen ndvlstng him to stand by his
former declaration.
Indue nt Unlrymcii'n i:lillilt Compli
ment n thr Conn nml Churn
of Three Slntc.
LINCOLN, Dec. 19. (Special Telegram.)
Director 0. L. McKay of tho dairy de
partment of the Iowa Agricultural school,
tho expert engaged to Judgo tho exhibit
at tho Nebraska Dairymen's association,
said tonight that ho never saw a better col
lection of prlvato dairy butter than ho
examined here today. Tho average scoring
wns exceptionally high. Tho prlzo win
ners In tho dairy class wero: J. K. Hony-
v.ell, Lincoln, 95; J. Iloagh, Hoyden, la., '.14;
August Sndcr, l'nplillon, 94; L. C. Norton,
Kort Crook, 93, and Mrs. J. S. Temple,
Chenoy, 92.
Prlzo winners In the creamery clnss wcro:
Guy Klumb, York, 95; W. 0. Koepsell, Wil
son, Minn., 91; W. A. Carpenter nnd R. A.
Carpenter, York, 93 each; K. Samzltln,
Schuyler, 92; O. W. Kellcy, Afton, 92,
Hubert Cramer, Pierce, 92; K. II. 8chuttc,
West Point, 90.
Papers wero read at today's sessions by
J. II. Ilushton of Fremont, O, L. McKay of
Ames, In., and Director T, L. Lyon of tho
United States experiment station. Chan
cellor Andrews will address tho association
tomorrow. The attendance today was far
above the average.
T nil in oily linn to llr Trniinlnleil.
PONCA, Neb., Dee. 19. (Special.) Dis
trict court met hero on tho 10th of this
month nnd tins disposed of four Important
crlmlual enscs. The llrst to como to trial
was that of tho State against Henry Mnu,
charged with criminal assault on Lizzie
Hoeber, on tho 22d day of last June. The
ntercsted persons nnd all the witnesses
bulng Germans from tho south part of tho
county, the whole of last week was tnken
n tli.' trial, ns an Interpreter hnd to bo
used. Tho Jury returned n verdict of not
Frank Poulton, charged with grand lar
ceny, was sentenced to one year In state's
prison, and Elmer Johnson, charged with
assault with intont to commit great bodily
Injury on tho marshal of Emerson, this
county, wns given eighteen months, Har
rison nnd Perry wero each fined heavily for
an aggravated ense of assault and battery.
Court will likely last this week and finish
up the civil business on the docket.
Mr. Wrlili WllhilrnTvn Her Petition.
I1RATHICE, Neb.. Dec. 19. (Special Tel
egram. ) The Injunction against allowing
the bill of tho Dentrlco Times for printing
election ballots In tho years 1899 nud 1900
was dissolved today In district court. Tho
action was brought by J. A. Smith of this
city and tho court, In dissolving tho In
junction, allowed the bill with tho excep
tion of ono Item for 7,000 printed tlckctB
which wcro thrown out In 1899 by tho popu
lists nnd democrats and for which tho Times
claimed pay.
Tho divorce case of Mrs. Louisa Webb
against Dr. J. L. Webb was dismissed this
morning by tho plaintiff withdrawing her
The divorce, proceedings of Ella F. Tfb-
belts against Chnrles E. Tobbotts nro being
heard In district court today. Mr. Tebbotts
Is the state agent In Missouri tor tho Hart
ford Flro Insurance company of Connecticut
and formerly occupied tho same position for
I'rioinu for Cold Wrntlirr.
SUPERIOR, Neb., Dec. 19. (Special.)
Dandelions are In bloom on tho prntrles
between his place aud Guide Rock, Neb.
Sotae of tho farmers south of town nro
doing their spring plowing. Water left out
of doors over night does not freeze. These
facts glvo some Idea of tho remarkable
winter that Is being experienced in south
ern Nebraska. The met chants In the small
towns aro feeling tho effects of It tdlsas
trously and they nre praying for a cnlu
wave. There has been no demaud what
over for henvy clothing of any sort, nnd
the drygoods and clothing men who hav
stocked biavlly In anticipation of tho usual
scvero winter are now worrying over the
prospect of "carrying over" their big
Blocks for a year. There Is hardly a pound
of Ice In any of tho Icehouses, butcher
shops, beer vaults, etc., In this section of
the state, and the outlook for securing a
supply Is not very encouraging.
Neuron thr I'nmiriiKC r.
FREMONT, Neb., Dec. 19. (Bpeclal.)
There was quite a lively time around tho
platform of the Elkhorn depot yesterday
afternoon when No, 3, the train for Hast
ings, come In at 4:30 o'clock. A beater
exploded Just as the last passenger watt
leaving the coach. It mado n noise almost
as loud ns n cannon and there wna a big
rush of escaping steam. The healer was
pretty thoroughly demolished, but not much
other damage was done. The trainmen wero
unnble to sau. what wns the cause Of tho
explosion. Had It occurred a minute or
two sooner mnny persons might havo been
.SutM'rnMf nl .shoot lit I'reiniinl,
FREMONT, Neb., Dec. 19. (Special.) -A
successful shooting contest was held at the
grounds of the Fremont Gun club yesterday
ut.der the direction of tho club. There
were present mnny marksmen from out of
tho city and some good scores wero made.
The weather was Just right and there were
an unusual number of tics. There were
seventeen events on the program. In three
of thcso Dominie of Cotterell, H. Eldam
of Scrlbner nnd Cobb of Waterloo made
clean records, hitting every target. Stoncr
of Fremont, It. Mlddaugh of Ames nnd
Millers of Srlbner also did some good shoot
ing. l'lnil silk In n Queer 1'lnrr.
TAULK HOCK, Neb., Deo. 19. (Special.)
A sack of silks and other goods wra
found here yesterday morning by onu of the
section men under a pile of railroad tics a
hnlf-tnllo or less east of tho depot. During
tho day a couple of strangers wcro dis
covered tearing down the pile of ties nnd
handling them over. When discovered they
left on n freight train. The goodf, were
near whero freight trains stop. Ileforo tho
find was reported to the authorities the
r.trnngcrs had left town. It is thought
tho goods aro some of those stolen from
Liberty n cotlplo of months ago.
I'lilon I'ncllle Iniprot rniriitn.
FREMONT, Neb.. Dec. 19. (Special.)
Tho Union Pacific Railroad company has n
large force of men putting In new switch
tracks nnd extending the old ones south
and east of tho station, making thrco
switch tracks, each twelve blocks long,
In place of two short ones, ns nt present.
Other Improvements nnd changes nro being
made In the Union Pacific yards here, all
of which convjneo Fremont people that a
new depot, a block cast of tho present
ono, will bo built by tho company this
In Honor of Itrv. Chen t nut.
FREMONT, Neb., Dec. 19. (Special.) A
rrretiUun wan plvnn I not nvnttlm itn
, r - " vibiiiuf, t v um
residence of Mrs. Mnnlcy Rogers In honor !
of Rev. N Chestnut of tho Presbyterian
church, who left here today to accept the
pasiorato or the First Presbyterian church
of Kansas City. Kan. It was verv Inrcelv
attended by tho members of tho church
d mends of Mr. Chestnut. The church
ro has not yet extended a call to anyone
BUccccd Mr. Chestnut, (tinnc)i h pv hnvn .
several clergymen under consideration.
ImT-StiiJ..' Poultry filioiv.
RED CLOUD. Neb.. Dec. ID. fSneclal.l
Tho Interstate Poultry show, now being
nejet in tnc cperu houae In this city, Is a
grnnil success. About 600 birds are ex
ult) ted. among them some of tho finest
ver snown horo. Tho weather is fine nnd
tho attendance Is good.
I, unite MlNtliiK Cnnhlrr.
DENVER. Dec. 19. II. M. Henderson,
irmcrly cashier of tho First National bank
' Greeley. Colo., who dlsnnne.-ireil Inoi r,ii
has been located In n smnll town near El
aso, lex., on tho Mexican sldo of tho
border. After Henderson left Greeley tho
bank officials made an examination of his
books and discovered, It Is said, n shortngo
or nearly An officer from Greeley
has gone to El Paso to brlnir Hemlrrnnn
back for trial.
I'liiicrrc'n I'ariliin Uphold.
LANSING. Allch.. Dee. 19 Tim unnrnmn
court today mistnlned the pardon granted
to former Inspector General Arthur F.
Marsh hy Governor Plugrce. Arthur V.
Marsh was convicted In tile circuit court
of Ingham county of complicity In tho
Htnto military frauds. His case had boon
prosecuted on error to tho supremo court
und wns pending there when Governor J'ln
grco pardoned htm. The opinion of the su
preme court llnholdlllC tho miritnn tvnu
unanimous nnd Justice Moore, who deliv
ered mo opinion, uem mat tiiougli the su
premo court had not confirmed the finding
of tho Jury In the lower court thcro hnd
been n conviction within the meaning of
tho constitution, therefore it wns the gov
ernor right to pardon. Thr court nlso
held that the covernnr hml nnt nvrnmi.,!
his authority in directing thnt Marsh should
pay u lino to the state nnd thnt in accepting
tho pnrdon tho condition went with It. Con
sequently It was possible to enforce the col
lection or ino nne.
Will Mnkr Prmnril StrrI Cnrx.
BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. Deo. l!iA enn.
tract wan signed today by President J. M.
Elliott of tho Southern Cnr nml Fnmwlrv
company with the Tennessee Coal nnd Iron
company by which the former company Is
m ercui u. jiroKseu Hieei car worKs hero
with nn nnnunl ennncltv nt G.OfKl rnmnloin
cars, Every portion of the cars Is to ho
constructed from tho steel and Iron prod
ucts of tho Birmingham district.
I'roKnostlrntlon for Thnrmlny nnd
Friday ( nils for I'nlr Skim with
AVIndH Vnrliitilr.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 19. Forecnst for
Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska and Kansas Fair Thura.
day and Friday; variable winds.
For Iowa Fulr Thursday nnd Frlrlnv
winds becoming variable.
For Missouri Fall' Thursday nnd Vri.
day; northerly winds, becoming variable.
i' or iMorin uaKoia Kair Thursday and
Friday; northerly winds.
lor South Dakota Fair Thursday:
warmer In eastern portion; Friday fair;
south to west winds.
For Colorado and Wyomlnc Fntr Tim.
day aud Friday; variable winds.
10T .ontnna Fair Thursday; uvi.inv
fair, probably colder; westerly winds.
For Illinois Fair Thursday nnd Friday;
fresh west lo north winds, becoming va-
For Western Texas. Now MtI ru,i.
homa, Indian Territory and Arkansas
Fair Thursday and Friday: northerly winds.
Iiornl Itrrord.
nPPTPl? ("I I.- Tilt,- urp tlinn . . . -
OMAHA, Dec. 19,-onicial record of tenw
iii-iiiiuic nn., iMviiiMiiiuuu rompnreu: with
the corresponding dny of the last threo
19W). 1R90. If-os. 1S97
Maximum temperature... 52 39 ig
Minimum temperature.... 2fi 10 31 k
Mean temperature 39 21 :r r
Precipitation 00 .01) .pj .jo
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and hIhoa i-rv, 1
1900: 'v" "
Normal temperature n-
Total excess since March i , iwii
Normal precipitation oi'tnch
Deficiency for the day , 0.1 Inch
mini milium xincn Aiiircn 1 29.78 Inches
Pvruuu alnnn fopph 1 q
-i, v.j v. . i.w.1,.,, incnes
Deficiency for cor. period, 1W8.... 3.16 lnche.i
lienor! from Stntlona at N, I. .11,
Omaha, clenr
North Platte, clear ....
Cheyenne, cloudy
8alt Lake City, cloudy
Rapid City, clear
Huron, clear
Wllliston, clear
Chicago, dear
St. Louts, clear
Bt, Paul, clenr
Davenport, clenr
Kansas City, clear
Helena, clenr
Havre, cloudy
Iltsmarck, clear
Galveston, clear
"IS ?
ff8 1
4i! ra ,oo
3ti B0 .00
42 f.0 .(
42 B0 .UJ
33 fit" .00
28 40 .00
31 4' .00
38 40 .()
42 41 .00
32 34 .00
3S 48 .00
44 48 .00
40 48 T
4ti B2 .110
34 42 ,0n
B8 m .00
1 Indicates trace of precipitation,
- i, Local Forecast Official,
Oomtnitiioner Hermann Makes Important
Billing on Deiert Land Claims.
llerl'lon Will Stop thr Tno-Yrnr
Control Thnt Hits Horn In Vouur
nml Lento l,n n it ot t Heel
Mull J cot to I'.ntrj. i
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. (Special Tele
gram.) A ruling wns today mado by Unnl
Commissioner Hermann which will have Im
portant effect upon entry of public lands
under what Is known ns the reservoir act.
Tho ruling recites that "a declaratory
statement, under tho net of January 13, 1S9",
does not withdraw the land covered thereby
torn other entry."
Under the net in question tho Interior de
partment has heretofore held that declara
tory statements absolved lands tiled upon
from other entry, nnd as by filing such de
claratory statement nnd tho payment of
nominal fees 160 ncres could be held by en
trymen for two years before commencing
construction jf reservoirs or other Improve
ments nectssnry to secure patent, lmmousc
areas have been so secured In western Kan
sas, Nebraska, Coloradp, Wyoming nnd
Utah by land-grabbing concerns to tho ex
clusion of actual settlers. The department
believes thnt opening Innds tnken under
this act to entry under gcncrnl land laws
will materially check tho evil.
I'n' for I'lulUliiK I'lro.
Senator Warren Is ranking nn effort to se
cure tho payment by tho Interior depart
ment of compensation for forty-eight citi
zens of Carbon county, Wyoming, who on
August 30 last and for several days subse
quently, fought nnd extinguished forest tires
along French creek nnd adjoining moun
tains. HrMirvr.v Hill SIuiiimI.
The bill for the rcBurvey of township
No. 8, in Frontier county, Nebraska, which
pasted the house and sennto last session,
but which was held up by Senator Alien
on a motion to reconsider, leaving the
wholo matter on tho desk of tho president
of tho senate, was yesterday signed by
President Pro Tern Frye nnd now goes to
the president for signature. Scnntor Allen,
who entered objection, withdrew his opposi
tion to tho bill when it was explained to
him. The object of tho bill Is to cot tho
lines of this township In Frontier county
permanently settled, so that settlers mny
proceed with fencing. It Is nlleged that If
government surveyors had done their duty
tho rcsurvey would not havo been neces
sary. I'lneo Promised to Mithtor.
Representative Rurke called on tho sec
retary of agriculture today In regard to
tho appointment of the statistician of tho
deparlment In South Dakota. M. T. Lighter
of Ispwlch. S. D., was recommended for
the placo Bomo time ago, nnd Mr. Hurko
wns assured today that he would bo ap
pointed. Settlers Mny tlur Timber,
Tho house committee on public lands
todny reported favorably the bill Intro
duced by Congressman Mondell nllowlng
settlers In Wyoming nnd South Dnkotn tho
free uso of timber on certain lands for do
mestic purposes. It authorizes tho removal
of timber and stono from ccrtnln sections
of tho Illack Hill forest rc'scrvo under reg
ulations prescribed by the secretary of the
I'rrnonnl Mention.
Senator Kyle loaves for Aberdeen, S. D.,
tomorrow, whero ho will spend tho holiday
Congressman Lot Thomas of Sioux City,
who was reccutly Injured by falling from
n street car In this city, will not resume
his attendance at tho cnpltol until nftcr
tho holidays. Though sufllclcntly recovered
as to bo able to walk with tho aid of
crutches, he will, on advice of his physi
cian, take additional rest and will remain
quietly In Washington until congress con
venes In Jnnuary.
I'niNloiiH for Iltlnd Soldiers.
Colonel Hepburn has introduced a bill
In congress to amend tho pension law of
June 27, 1890, nnd May 9, 1900, as to pen-
Blon all blind soldiers who aro now to-
tally blind, or who may becomo totally
blind, nt $50 per month.
Colonel Hepburn has recommended to the
postmaster general tho establishment of
free rural delivery routes from nedford
and from Shannon City, la.
rvr llaukN Authorized.
Authority was today granted for the or
ganization of tho First Nntlonal bank of
Lake Park, la. Capital, 125,000. F. H.
Daloy, Spirit Lake, la.; A. W. Osborne,
Marcus Snyder, E. E. Francis, Samuel
Kclser nnd A. M. Johnson are named as In
corporators; also tho application to con
vert the Commercial Savings banK or uoi
woln, la., into the First National bank of
Oelwoln; capital, $50,000; incorporators,
A. Hanson, T. F. Itonson, E. C. Dolt, J.
Hanson, A. C. Wilson and II. D. Wood.
South Omaha News .
In connection with the rnmicst of tho
. , .1 1 . !.... 1 hn n,,.
packers tnai nn auumuuui uiuirw o
pointed at tho postofllco In order that lato
malla may bo handled, It has been sug
gested that 'l postal car be placed In
operation to run between tho packing
houses, tho stock yards and tho various
depots. This Is done In other cities nnd It
Is nsnertcd that such u car can uo niiucniii
to regular motor trains without nny con
siderable expense. With n complement of
clerks aboard Iho mall thrown onto tho
car by tho packers can bo sorted nnd
routed while tho car Is running In Omaha,
and thus save nt least an hour's time.
Other stock yards have nccommodatloms
of this sort, It is stated, nnd so very
likely thero will bo a request for some
thing similar here. A postal con can take
In all of tho packing establishments by
running out to Thirty-third nnd Q streets
and nil mall from tho Llvo Stock exchange I
can bo thrown aboard at any convenient
point. It Ib tho same with tho mall from
tho thrco banks. This can bo prepared at
a certain tlmo and messengers can bo
sent to tho car. In this way a great deal
of tlmo can bo saved and much bettor ,
sorvlco given. The receipts nt tho South
Omaha postoftlco this year will reach $60,-
nnn f .. . nHA nml nn fhlc, II 1 '
UUU, 11 I1UI. llllll C, Uliu itim intuit,..
assorted that the authorities should show
a great deal of consideration to this city.
On account of the lack of help hero n
grent deal of mall Is sent to the Omaha
postofflco. This la dono nightly by the
packers and thus the number of canceled
stamps Is decreased because of tho fact
that proper facilities aro not provided for
the handling of tho enormous mall of the
big corporations. With a postal rnr a
great deal of this work would bo taken
olT tho hands of tho local forco and Ict
tora would bo handled much more rapldlv
than under the presont Byatcm.
Major ICrlly'n Cimc.
Rlnco Mayor Kelly has been refused a
release by Judgo Uaxtcr, the question now
arises as to his standing with tho munici
pal government. Some say that ho should
bo suspended from ofllco pending a final
hearing of his case, while others incline to
the opinion that he should bo permitted to
maintain his present position until ho Is
proven guilty of the charges now filed
against him. City Attorney Lambert said
last evening that In tho case of tho Rax-
tor decision ho had ordered a transcript
nnd would make an appeal to the supreme
court as soon us possible. The appeal, Mr.
Lambert said, would bo pushed nnd
an attempt would be 'made to bring the
case beforo the supremo court In Jnnu
It Is reported on the streets that ccr
tnln members of tho council think that
Kelly should be suspended from his otneo
of mayor pending n settlement of tho
dlfllcultles. If this Is done. Wesley P. Ad
kins, who Is president of the council, will
be noting mayor. Tho next meeting of the
council will be held on Monday night nnd
nt this meeting some action may be taken
by the body In tho matter.
II II 1 1 it I ! n l.iihnr Temple.
The building of a labor temple Is one
of the thoughts uppermost In tho minds
of tho various unions Just now. For th
purpose of raising funds the Trades and
Labor council will give a dance on Wash
ington's blrthdny, February 22, nt the
Stock exchange. Tickets will cost $1 nnd It
Is expected that quite n sum will be rnlscd
to old the enterprise. An nrchltect has
been Instructed to draw plnns for tho
building, nnd these will be submitted to the
members of the building committee nt nn
early dntc. I)y sending tickets to other
unions It Is thought that a fund of nt
least $3,000 enn bo raised without ntiy
dlmculty. The bnlanco will bo mnde up hy
members of tho various local unions. All
thnt the unions hero want Is n little en
roller Seiiri'hlntr for Yimou Cuiluliy.
Tho police of South Omahn. under the
leadership of Chief Mitchell, are active In
the search for tho young sou of E. A. Cud
ahy. who Is reported missing. The Impres
sion prevails here thnt the young man Is
being held for a ransom nnd that he will
turn up sooner or later all right. Every
nsslstnnco possible Is being given the de
tectives detailed on tho case by nil of the
city authorities. A searching pnrty from
tho Cudnhy plant went to work Inst even
ing with n view to looking Into every place
whero tho Ind might bo ronccnlcd.
Teleiiliimr Trnuhlr CotiHntion,
Thero Is still trouble for Manager Hol
land of the telephone company on account
of the high voltngc carried by tho electric
light company. All grounded circuits nre
in trouble nt night nnd In nn endeavor to
put nn end to tho complaints tho telephone
compnny has two gongs of men nt work
building new lines and changing tho wires
now lu uso to separate poles. In many
Instances patrons of tho telephone company
nro putting In metallic circuits, which In
n great mcasuro prevents Induction nnd
really gives better service.
Ctinrtrr Commit torn Working.
Tho various charter committees nro still
at work and It Is oxpected that before long
thero will be n call for n mass meeting to
submit the vnrlous suggestions. P. A.
Wells says that ho Is being paid by the
Commercial club to draw n charter, Ed
Johnston, n member of the council, Is
drawing ono without expectation of re
ward, nnd the citizens' commltteo Is nt
work on another. Just what will he the
result when thuso three committees get
together nt a mass meeting of taxpayers Is
simply to be conjectured.
Forril C'lirrkn Allont.
F. A. Harte, n grocer doing business nt
Twenty-seiond nnd 52 streets, reported to
Chief Mitchell yesterday that he hnd been
swindled on n check for $9. Tho check wns
drawn In favor of M. U. Rnmond and was
signed by J. C. Martin, M. D. Tho endorse
ment on tho back corresponds with tho
writing on the faco of tho check. Hnrte
gavo up tho money nnd Is now out thnt
amount. Chief Mitchell la looking for the
fellow who turned tho trick, and ns ho has
a good description of him thero Is Bomo
show of a capture.
I'lrr Trnm Ituun Awny,
Last night nbout midnight tho grocery
storo of Chnrles Snnford at Thirtieth and
R streets was damaged about $1,000 by
lire, which caught In tho cellar. While
Hose company No, 2 wns laying hoso from
tho wagon tho tenm ran away, dragging
wagon, hoso nnd all along. When Inst seen
tho horses, still attached to tho heavy
hose wagon, wore In tho neighborhood of
Seymour pnrk, nnd still going.
Here Aenln I'rlilnj-.
On Friday morning the notaries taking
testimony In the election cases will meet
nt Judge Levy's ofllce. It Is expected that
at this meeting n number of men who have
been reported as not found will bo pre
sented. Tho Bitting of the bonrd Is nt-
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature f
5m Fsc-Slmll Wrapper Below.
Vary aasaU ana mf
Kir IF0H lll9U5HESf
run MitLuw oitin.
ItemovM Tan, IMmplft,
Freckles, Moth l'4tch.
Jtauli and Fkln die
rvF, and every
lilemlsh on beauty,
and defies detec
tion. It haa stood
thn teat of (I
year, and la ao
barmlesa wa tasta
It to be aura It
la properly made.
Accept no counter-
reu or aimuar
name. Dr. I.. A,
Sayr raid to a la
dy of the haul-ton
(a patient)!
you ladles will use them. 1 recorn
'GOURAUD'S CREAM' as the least
harmful of all the Kkln preparations." Kor
sale by all Druselsts and Fancy Goods
Dealers In the U. B, and Europe,
KBItD. T. HOPKINS, frop'r,
17 Great Jon St.. N. T.
A Wise Woman
will tty tod iremvc bet btuly. A fiat
hfa oi Mir ll mt oi in nicncucQutoi.
Imnarlal Hair Rmrnneratflr
f ...In.., flrav nr TllMi-.hft,! IiaIp (a atw
'iatnral color or ahad. It la clean, dn
LAST KOK MO NTH ft. Haiupla of halt
roiorra rrae. emiu lor rawpuici.
1MFEBIAL CHEMICAL MrU CO.. 2! W. Hi St., Nw Yark.
trnctlng considerable nttcntlon here nnd
very likely the rooms where tho meetings
will be held will bo crowded.
Mnulc ( It) (Jiioilp.
J. It. Hunt of Columbus. O., Is visiting
his brother, Colonel Vary M limit
Thcro will be a muslcnle nt the Jungmniiti
school on Friday afternoon at 2 o clock
Washakie trlbi' of tin Hcd Men will give n,
mask ball at Workman hall on the emilng
of December 31.
Olllccin and directors of the tmtlonul
banks here will be elected Immullatcly
after the first of the year.
15. A. Carpenter, former city clerk. Is i lr
oulntlng among 111 friends and Is rvcelvlng
the best kind of i reception.
A dinner for the poor will lie served by n
iiuiui'.-i m uiiiniiiirics ni tne narracKs,
rwonty-llfili nnd u streets, on Christum
I'rntik Dennis, one of Mouth Omaha s well
known business men, liu nrrepted n post
tlon with tho itummoml Packing company
IAr the purpose of raising funds for n
library tho pupils of tin. Junginiinn school
wl.l glvo un entertainment on Friday after
noon. Jack WntkttiH wnnts to know why ovrrv
one Interested lu the pushing of South
otmili.'i to the front doesn't buy a hospital
Miss Mny Cnrlln, clerk for Hjlldlng In
spector Click, leaves on Friday for Minne
apolis, where nhe will spend tile holidays
with relatives.
Do you nceo n hired girl? A Ileo want ad
will bring one.
Hoard of Murilet-eil Mler I'oiiiiil.
AKItON, O., Dee. 111. -Today workmen
tearing down nit old burn on the farm of
tli- lute linear Osborn, in Itlchtleld town
ship, found n luig containing $:i.hoi In gold
Osborn was murdered two viars ago liv a
farm hand mimed IMwlu Johnson who Is
now serving n life sentence In the pen!
tt'ittlary. .Johiixcin'H motive for tin murder
was supposed to have been rolibeiv. an he
knew of Osborn s miserly habits and the
stories of his hidden trens.ire. The money
round will be he'd until It Is determined to
whom It legally belongs.
Illu (lutlillin Firm I'll I Ik.
rilIIDi:Ll'illA, Dee. lft-Thc whole
sale clothing Hrtn of Snyder. Harris, Has
Hctt a Co., Incorporated, nimle un assign
ment today for the b.-netlt of ItM creditors
Ms liabilities will reach, lint the
available assets, consisting of tlrst-cla is
bills, stuck aud securities, will sum up
about JXAWl hid It Is asserted by members
of the firm that they will pay every dollar
of liabilities.
army, comprising millions of Intelligent
men antl women the world over. The
secret of keeping well, free from pain
nnd ache, instantly relieving and surely
Golds, Grip, Headache, Asthma,
Neuralgia and many other ills
is found in the timely use of Or.ingcine
powders as directed "in every package.
"I iximlilrr 'Orni;tn' tlm tnot wnmlnful
remt-lr for hr.v.Uchr, pnlii or falltuo 1 bate
nrr known." Julia Marlowe,
Pold by druggists gnnernlly In 2.1 nnd fiOa
trim puckiikd win no sent io any
luiirceii lor j-cciii sunup.
Chicago, 111
C'ooU'a Duchess Tablets arounccwRfullT
' URffd monthW hvnver lO.flOOlafilpH. Prlriv
I? 51. lly mail, $1.08. Send cents for
' vjp sample ncil partlculntH. The Cook Co.,
C VM Woodward avo., Detroit, Mich.
Bold In Omaha bv Kutin & Cu., U & Douclna.
You who once possessed sturdy phys
iques and steady nerves, but now have
Insufficient physical force to properly
nttend to ordinary duties; you who
linven sense of "all-goneness'' after the
slightest exertion; you who nre dull,
languid and old lu spirits nt nil nge
when you should be full of physical fire;
youwliomay feci thnt your life in not
worth the struggle there isascietitific
means of redeeming nil the precious
powers which seem to be entirely lost.
Have cured thousands such as you,
Don't experiment with your lienlth or
money. We will take the rink. If sis
boxes do not cure you, your money is
returned. For years we have been
curing men on these satisfactory terms.
81.00 tier box. 0 for KiOO mailed in
nlaia Dackaee Hook free. Addrcus
Bold by Kuhn & Co., 15th and Douglas,
and J. A. Fuller & Co.. lilt and Douelus.
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
cures every kind of couch, la k'rlppc, bronchitis,
horc throat, croup, whoopinc coush, etc. Novcr
dcrnnKCbtbo stomach. At DruBRlstB, lO&ac.
Not Occasionally, but
sult a calendar to find out when the
CARS leave for Pacific Coast, for they
run every day.
The Cars for Oregon leave Omaha dally at 8:20 a. m.,
and for California daily at 4:25 p. m.
Special Personally Conducted for Portland ovory Friday at 8:20 a. m
Special Porsonally Conducted for San Francisco and Los AnRolos
ovory Friday at 8:20 a. m.
Spoclal Conducted Excursions for San Francisco and Los AnRolos
ovory Wednesday at 11:35 p. m.
Tlioso earn aro fitted up complain with mattrpsBos, ciirtiitnR, lilnnUftH. pIllmvB.
etc, requIrlriK linthlnK to ho furnlshi'il liv tho pnH!U'J!!rn. Uniformed I 'or turn
unl conductors who arc In cliurKc of thcin. urn required to keep thorn In i;ood
order and look nftcr tho wiinta and comforts of pnsHcriKcrH. Tim earn nro now.
of modern pattern, and aro nearly ns convenient and comforlaldo oh Ilrnl-clnn!i
I'alaco Blcepers.
New City Ticket Office 1324 Farnam St.
A Splendid
Wholesale Location
Tho building formerly occupied bj The Dee at
916 Farnam utreet will be vacant November lHt
It han four stories and a bnnement, which woh
formerly used as Tho Bee press room. TIiIh will
be rented very reasonably. If interewled, apply
at once to a O. Rosewater, Secretary, lioom 100
Bee Building.
Ready Noy ember Firsts
! lifer f
Actsftusciiity andJhompfy.
Cleanses the System
Gently and Effect tin lly
when bilious or costive.
Jtvsrnts in, tltc most ;ixvptjMi'finn
tho Ltrnthv principles of plants
Anou-n to act most bcneflcitillj'.
for sale ty druggist! price SOt per totte.
and Friday
Specially arnmgod salu of
men's, women's and children's
High Grade Footwear
Men's shoes, worth
up to $4 sale price . . l.QH
Women's shoes, worth up
to $4 sale price .... 1.98
Misses' shoes, worth up
to 82.50, sale prico. . . . 1.18
LadioB' slippers half price.
Men's slippers hall price,
Rochester hs
successors to
'Tho JIowc,"
1515 Douglas St.
Run via the
Leave Omaha
via Scenic Route through Colorado and
Tor Information and "Tourldt Dictionary "
ddress Cltv Ticket Office, 1323 I'urnam St.
Omaha, Neb.
It is not necessary to con
Tel. 316.