12 TITT3 OMATTA PAILV HT3E: TJITHSDAY, T)FCE"II5 VAX 20, 15)00. SUPPLY DEPOT NOW ASSURED ( otiKrcisiiinii lliTi'cr Wrllr Hint 0111 cliil Orilcr linn IIimmi riimlly l(ll'lt. Secretary t'tt of llio Commercial club lm received ti letter from 1'onnrcsstnnti Iivr Mercer In which he unlet that on Sat unlay he railed on Secretary UlU'liiock (or tho purpose of taking up tho Irnllan supply depot mutter. During this visit Secretary Hitchcock Iwuictl tin order for the PHtali llHhment of tho depot In Omaha nnd tho appointment of the officials who have nl roady been recommended for tho various positions. "Thin Information from Congressman Mer cer," snlil Mr. Utt, "HKsuri'H tho imtabllsh ment of tho depot here. Kor a long time tho mattr linn been practically settled, but this Is the llrst dellnlto step taken toward the Immedlato consummation of the matter. 1 hnpo within a few days now to seo tho building which will servo as tho depot se lected nnd occupied." The lltnrli nilliilliliil 12iri'N leaves Iluffnlo nt noon via the Lehigh Va'l ley railroad for New Vorl;. A la carto din ing car service and luxurious parlor aid day coaches. Ilotlilll.v It ll ! llnrlltiKloii Itniilc. December 23, 21, 25, 31, nnd .Innuary 1. Ilelween stations not more than 200 mile npart. Oood to return Until January 2. Tickets 1602 Knrnam street. iiom da v rtAin.s Via .MU'iinrl I'nclllr II)-, December 23, 21, 25, "1 nnd January 1. Kor further Information call nt com pany's olllce, southeast corner Fourteenth and Douglas streets. Tho big sloro has nn ad on page 7 that will pay you to read llaydcn llroa. A 1 1 tn ii i-I ii 111 I'rt'MH Itiin, CnnHlilerlng tho quality of tho paper, tho press run on tho Christmas edition of The Illustrated Ileo Is worthy of more than pausing notice. On account of Hoinothlng which could not have been avoided tho mak ing up of tho edition was considerably de layed. Including tho cover, tlvo tons of pa per were used, over 160,000 Impressions nnd tlni (tamo number of folds. Tho entlro edi tion had to bo stitched and trimmed on threo sides nnd was handled by A. I. Hoot (.: Co., who aro doing tho press work, In two days. "'I'll r ii Your llnrli" on tho cold, disagreeablo wenther of tho north and spend your winter In tho sunny tuutli. Tho Illinois Central railroad lia3 tourists' tickets on ealo to Now Orleans, Florida, Nassau, Cuba, 1'orto Illco nncl other winter tourist points, good for re turn until June 1, 1 '.'01. For Information regarding tho "Dlxlo Flyer," tickets and hotels, call on or nddrcss V. II. Drill, D. F. A., I. C. It. It.. Omaha, Neb. Ilollilny llnli'M IIiii'IIiihIiiii lloutr. December 22, 23, 21, 25. 31, and January 1. Hotwpon stations not moro than 200 miles npart. Oood to return Until January 2. Tickets at I502 I'nrnam and nt Darlington ntntlon. II.M.I' IIATKS To KruiNii ( lly mill Ilcdirn. On sale December 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 3l8t, and January 1st, via Omaha & St. Lctils rallrond. All information at city ticket odlco, 1 11C Farnnm street (I'axton hotel block) or write Harry K. Moores, Omaha, Neb, Wanted, n good mnn to do cnnvnsslng In tho country. Oood pay for right man. Ad dress K 4, Dee. Don't fall to read Haydcn Dros. nd on pa go 7. Head every line of tho big store's ad on pago 7 and then make n bee line for tho store Hnyden Dros. Perfume Prices Wo hnvo neat pnekages of Perfumes for 10c. Perfumes for 25c. Perfumes for 50c. Perfumes for 75c. Perfumes for $1.00. Perfumes for $1.25. Perfumes for $1.50. Perfumes for $2.00. w havo perfumes nt tho above prices In tho following odors: VIOl.UT. CHAI1 AI'I'I.K, JOCICHY CI. 1111, WIUTK UOSK. 1 IliV OF VAM.EV, daisy quku.v, casumkui: HOUQUKT, QUKHN OF HOSi:S, I'lUHCII.t.A, CAHNATION PINK, OAKLAND OF VIOLDT. N13V MAWN HAY, l'AIHSIAN JIOSH, SWISS I.I LAC. PANSY DLOSSOM, DDMNIA LA FHANCH HOSK, MAKY STUART. WILD OLIVB. FKANUIl'l'ANI. Tho nbovo odors ot tho tuanutneturo of ALFH1JI) WItltlUT, CO LOATH & CO., SKHLY MFC. CO, LUNDIIOHC, DAI1ROOK, SOLON l'ALMUK. ADOLl'II Sl'IKIILKIl Hundreds of styles of failcy pcrfumo ntomlzers. Sherman & MoConnell Drug Go OMAHA, Lor. Kith it ml DoiIkc 11(11,111 V It TI1S Via 1 1 oi ll I mIii ml lloiilr, We9t of the Missouri river, one faro for tho round trip. V.asl of tho Missouri river ono nnd one-third fare for the round trip to point within n distance of 200 mllef. . Tickets on snle December 22, 23, 24 25 nnd 31 nnd January 1. Oood for return until January 2. City ticket office, 1323 Fnrnam I street. , Wry I,mv, Hates cast, west, north, December 22-3 l-C, 31, January 1, via Tilt: NOIITIIWKSTKKN LINE, 1101-1403 Farnam St. Silk Petticoat Sale SCOflELD'S Now on Sale Open Evenings Wanted, n good man to do canvnsRlng In the country. Oood pay roi right man, dress E 4, Dee. Ad- Nothing Better Made. For chapped bonds, fare nnd lips than UHll'TIAN I.UTI'S I Itli.UI. I'liouKiiiiil.M of tieoiilo in Oniahn will fell you there Is nothing liner made. I tic A IIOTTI.i :, Cramtr's Kidney euro 75c farter's Liver Pills f,o Stuart's Tablets mo Har-Ilcti .me. I'eruna t:,,i llostetter's Hitters ;:(. liiirfv'H Mult Wlilnkpv r 1 dozen 2-grnln cjutnlno Capsules ;i 1 dozen 3-grnln cjulnlno ran? ules ioe i iiozen i-graiii wuiiiine capsules... Iiromo Quinine Hcbnefer's Cough Cure AJax Tablet liuiiynti Taniets Old (Jlory llltters Wvetb's Beef. Iron ntiil Wlno Shrader'H Fig Powder Panic s oicry t ompound Wlno of C'ariltil Carter's Liver Pills Pierre s Prescrlnt on Duffy's Malt Whiskey Kc Dr Karl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills . $1,00 QPUAETITED cut imiige S. W. Cor. Illth mill CIiIi-iiko St. laileta silk 750 Wo will otter a limited mini bon if best grade laileta silk petticoats made witli deep pleated llounco, edged with two Inch ruflle, with dust rufllo underneath colors, black, salmon pink, American beauty, red, violet and lavendnr, In length 40, 11, 42, 43 nnd 41 Inches. Mall orders filled. FURS. FURS. FURS. Handsome beaver, marten, astrakhan or near seal capes, nt low prices. FUlt SCARFS Collarettes of Muffs. Children's Fur Sots. Kid (Uovo Salo today, at 75c pair. 15c 15e ii'e toe 4V io0 ,Ti, 2.V 7tY' i:.e A Pleasing Reflection Any man ran Indulge In that lias had hls homo titled up with open sanitary X plumbing, nnd that Is that tho healthy '-'of his fnitilly Is uBsurcil from any dls-v( ease that comes from Imperfect (A plumbing, sewrr gas or foul odors of i nny kind. Our open nickel plated -. plumbing Is n dellglit to the eyes and ' the tastes of the cleanly and hygienic. Free 6c Black, 1'lionolOl!) 180(1 Farimm. m u n :SCQFIELD CLOAK &SUIT CO. FACTORY SALE PIANOS Fifteen carloads of Instruments, nearly 2W pianos In nil, direct from tho manufac turers. Homo Sample Pianos, too costly to manufacture regularly Bountifully cased In French, Kngllsh nnd Circassian Walnut. Butternut, .Mahogany and Oak, handsomely carved gems, FULLY WARRANTED FOR TEN YEARS. NEW PIANOS $138, SI56, $172, $185, $225, $228 and up. IVKHB & POND. PACICAUD. A. D. CIIASIC. SINC.KR, PI-2ASF, VOSI3 & SONS, STKOKR. STUAt'HU. MARTIN DUOS., ST'CCK. nought at our own price, we can sell Ilium nt a much less price than tho same high grade Pianos can bo mauufuctureU for. ANY PRICE, ANY TERMS $5 Down, $IO Down, $25 Down, or Cash. $5.00 to $10.00 Per Month Payments, A number of Sciuaro Pianos, JIEi.Oi) up. Organs, ?S.OO up. Also used Upright Pianos, Kmcrsnn, Weber, Pease, Voso & Sons nnd others, $t3.00 up. Mall Inquiries Promptly Answered. YOUR CHRISTMAS OPPORTUNITY. Schmoller & ilueller Tho Old Rcliablo Piano House. Stelnwny & Sons' Representatives. 1313 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb., 337 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. TELEPHONE 1625 STORK OPI3N HVKN'INC.a TIM, CHRISTMAS. HAYDENs Pleasing and Profitable Presents. HAVDEX liUOH: (Uvixt Clolhiiifr Depart intMit affords ii wide soloclion. The very lineal makes of clothing in America. Perfect til, style amf service guaranteed. Make selections now, save money and get Hie best. Stylish, excellently tailored, perfect lilting Suit, or Overcoat absolutely all wool-r-'a magnifi cent stock to select from at $5, $6.50, S7.50, $9.50, $10, $12.50, $15 and $18. Men's Fancy Vests, ," and 1.7"). Men's very line Odd Trousers, !.(), ?r.l)., ..-)(), JjJi.TH and 5.00. Men's Heavy Storm Ulsters, ?.").00, 0.50, $7.r0, 10.00 and $!2.sS0. Boys' Clothing Suggestions Hoys' Fancy Vests. fSOc, 7;"c, 0fc, and up to 1.05. Hoys' new, stylish Russian Blouse, sizes o to 7, 2.95, $3.95 and 5.00. Hoys' very line Veslee Suits, sizes 3 to S, 1.50, 1.75, 1.95, 2.50, 2.95, up o 5.00. Hoys' Double Breasted Knee Hauls Suits, sizes 7 to 1(1, 1.50, 1.75, 1.95, 2.50 and up to 5.00. Boys' 3-piece Knee ranis Suits, sizes JO to 10, 3.50, 3.95, up to 7.50. Hoys' K'eefers, with or without storm collars, sizes 3 to 10, 1.95, 2.51), 3.50, 3.75 and 1.50. KFAD BIG BA 15C5A INS OX J'ACSK 7. AYDEN BROS SFLL1XO TINS MOST CLOTHING IX OMAHA. IT'S A MOTHER'S to eeo that tho euiMJRK.VS teeth re ceive tho DKNTIST'S attention at an early ase. It will prevent premature decay, irregular growth, loosening, etc. Our methods aro thorough and suc cessful Filling, extracting, etc, Is dope In a highly Hlc ill f ul manner. BAILEY, the Dentist hoiii atu-:ti:t enxtuu iiiocu. Kith null I'ltruum. I'Uoiic 1US5, Ludj- AltendKnt. FURS FURS 6 6 We are mak,'nK Jur y" Ulis f!ale' buyers tiro plenty when bitruins tiro trotit. TIiomo bargains tiro not only grcnt, but many. Kvory H'ttulo of fur nnd stylo of em inent is Includ" od In tbh lot :ilto bonr In inlnil they aro timdo flrst-cluss in every pnr tluular and ticcordlni,' to tho luodcrt In vogue. As wo told you before, wo purchased a N'cw York manufacturer's entire stock from tho court. Thcro wore IW20 garments In tho lot. Dospito tho phononiennl solllnj: tho Inst few days thoro aro plenty left to chooso from. This Is a raro pecur onco nnd coming just before tho holidays it is quito opportune. Wo ndvlso you to Buy Furs for Xmas Gifts. rf-x for heau'U C7 W larettcH, well lined, actually worth $2.fi0. for electric soul collar et tea with tab frontH, trim med with tails, satin lined worth fully $6.00. 252 328 428 other for combina tion fur col larottea o f Urlmmer, muf- llon, electric, astrakhan and furs, with tnb front, trimmed with tails, beautifully lined, worth up to $8. for near marten storm storm 'collars, beauti fully lined, actually worth $7.u0. f QG for extra quality near 0 seal and combination V-r " furs, storm collnrs and collarettes, positive $12.00 values. for fine krimmer storm (ollars worth fully $lf..OO. mm Astrakhan Jackets, good glossy rurl and selected skins, with guaranteed satin lining, and Interllned- worth ful ly $23. salo price 132 lllcctrlc seal Jackets, 32-In. long, heavy satin lining, new shape, large collar and re- ( res. $2.".00 value, for . . . . iuiiiii nun il- 13 2 I'lno China Seal Jackets In combination, marten, beaver and nutria collar anil rovers, guar anteed lining, worth fully $35.00, salo prlco t ii ii lutein, Kiitii- 2222 Children's fur sets, novelty shapes, niuffs and lions, of white coney and imitation ermine, VoC Murfs In all the popular furs of tho Hi-.iKin at !Sc. $1.25, $1.09. $1.0S and up to $25.00 each, worth from 25 to .H) pet i ent more. We are also nolllng tho finest seat skins, heavers and Persian lamb Jack- ' inuiiiiri uiMuiei imv prices. Grand Cloak Bargains fAe meiitioii but six items below, but you can find hundreds of values hero that are equally as groat and intor ing. Come, invostlgato and you will realize tho fact. OR $10.00 -O kersey jack. 1 ets sill? and saiin iincu, largo upiiiiueu j ySiiv&f collar and reveres, new IIX f shapes, all colors, very ex ceptional bargain. 0 for $15.00 box emits mado of kor- soy, pcbblo cheviot, etc., guaranteed lining. high storm collar, and extra good value for Thuraa.ty. for $17.00 automobiles in a do of 950 good heavy kersey, frlczo covert, etc., btrapped and lnrgo collar, new Si! and length, for Thursday, $'J.50. I.tullcs' iolf capes full size, mado of flno plaid cloth, largo hood and re vcrsablo llounco, trimmed wltn fringe, ac tual $10 valuo for 222 Ltiilies' golf skirts mado with now Inverted back mado ot heavy suitings. well tailored, with rows of stitching bottom, $7.fi0, on salo Thursday for 8 to Hi around 32 4U trimmed, 40-Inch Ladies' dress mado of good skirts homespun, neauiiruiiy nppnoucu, ex tra good lining, velvet hound, positively $3.r0 it. value, for CLOAKS AND FURS Twenty-seven Giousand dollars wortli of joods slaughtered. The railroad company allowed us half for transportation on a shipment of fur, jackets, shirts and waists, delayed at Buffalo Xew York. The railroad company's loss is your gain, join the crowd and take advantage of the opportunity. IClej-ant. garments sold for less than the cost of making them, at half price. FURS AT HALF PRICE. 1 Ladles' Collarettes at OSc each. Ladles' Heaver Jackets, tho llnest quality, worth $125, for $50.00 each. Ladles' Marten Capes, 30 Inches long of tho very beat quality, worth $125.00, nt $05.00. Ladies' HIvcr Mink Muffs, worth $5.00, for $1.08., Ladles' real Marten MulTs, worth $15.00, at $8.00. Misses' and children's Fur Sets, at OSc, $1.50. $2.00 and $2.8S. Ladles' Scarfs and Collarettes, endless variety, $1.00 up to $.10.00, JACKETS DELAYED at BUFFALO Tho greatest of all bargains, 200 ot them silk and satin lined, they aro worth up to $15.00. Como early and make your choice at $1.60 each. Your choice ot 1500 Jackets, worth up to $25.00, at $4.50 each Ladles' box coals of lino Imported kersey Skinner satin lined, sold in this town for $10.00, at $fi.0S. Ladles' Automobile Coats mado of Washington Mills kersey, mado with storm collars, new back nnd now tdeoves, sold for $10.00 each, now $12.00. A SKIRTS DELAYED nt BUFFALO tOO ladles' Halny-I)ay Skirts, worth $C, now $2.98. 2u0 ladies' Italny-Day Skirts, worth up to $8.00, now $1.9$ each. 500 ladles'Ilrcss Skirts at $2.98, $3.9S, $6.98 worth double Ladles' lino Taffotn Dress Skirts, worth $30, $10 and $C0, sold at $15u$20 and $30. Ladles' black TntVetn Skirts, worth $12, for $fi.50 each. LADIES' WAISTS DELAYED AT BUFFALO. 200 Silk Waists mado to sell for Sfi.CO, at $2.98. Ladles' Fronch Flannel Waists, mado to sell for $2.60, goes at OSc each. Ladles' Illuck Mercerized Waists, made to sell for $2.9S, now MSc. Ladles' Dressing Sacques. somo lino ones, wo havo ordered especially for tho holi days, now sold for less than half tho price, woi th up to $0 -they go at $1.60 and $2.50. SFITS niOLAVim AT IU-FFALO -500 of them- somo silk lined throughout mado to sell for $15.00, now $7 9S each. Head ad on pago 7. Snvo Your Tooth. We stop deeny by lino gold fillings Wo snvo broken down teeth nnd restore lllrin Willi a trown We cxtmet teeth positively without pain TAFT'S PHILADELPHIA DENTAL ROOMS 1517 Douglits Street. Women's Silk Dress Skirts- made of a good taffeta silk, trimmed with ( rows of taffeta niching, new llaring effect, handsome, stylish, 41ml very appropriate for Christmas gifts each inclosed in a fancy box our price only , noy Women's Automobiles i Quality and not quantity is what, counts, but. we ven ture to say that, we have in tile paU; two weeks sold more of these stylish garments that we call your attention to in this advertisement, than any two cloak houses in Omaha. "I'isn't. quantity that makes us venturesome in our assertions, but, if it were not for the quality we put; into them the quantity would surely be lacking, they are exclusive styles with The Xebraska, and made by tho best makers. We have about; 100 of these garments in stock all will be closed out before the Holidays. Do von waiit one? Choice of any Automobile in the house that; sold' for ?20.00, 522.50 and 2n.0(), for j:. iw tm w.rtiL $1475 Christmas Furs EXTRA SPECIAL. IN FURS One lot sample Collarettes, such :ls electric seals with real skunk edge and tabs, linest Tersian lamb with skunk tails, beautifully lined, and well worth double the price we ask $9.75, $12.75, $14.75, $19.75 Children's Furs Children's Fur Sots in lambs' wool, muir and scarf 95c $45 Children's Fur Sets in lambs' wool, and angora, with purse same as cut per set Misses' Fur Sets, for girls from 10 to 15 years imita tion Krimnier and stone martin, real Kriinmer and muT lloons. at $.!)(), .?!.)() and 8.50 for mlili and scarf. Women's Christmas Heal Marten scarfs witli cluster of tails '. A eal .Mink scarfs, witli cluster of tails '.. . . !ood Sheared Coney collarettes, with tabe and tails j . . . . . . '. . . . r JJeal .Marten Derby collarettes, VHh large cluster of tails, sold elsewhere for 1S, at. . , Choice .Marten scarfs, Avith S natural tails Weal Fox-Head scarfs, JS inches l"g Fxirs $3.90 $4.90 $3.90 $9.75 $8.75 $4.90 Heaver collarettes made of choice skin with tails $16.75 Furs are danger ous to buy unices you buy them from a house that is not dangerous. Store Open Evenings Will ltD tlllLHO 1111113 11 U1U UIV Cloak and Suit Room Very likely you havn't yet hit on the gift for her. ! ajoii i icnow wiiat kind.' council a.nitie wnn our cloak people could anything be easier. Rookwood Pottery An artistic production that ranks among the highest, in the world, each piece the work of an artist, who signs it -no piece is ever reproduced. Those that are looking for holiday gifts will be quick to recog nize the artistic quality and freshness of Kookwood, While looking at these goods an inspection of our elaborate cut glass room may not be amiss. S.g" Mawhinney & Holliday,151',, Smoke the best. Ask your dealer for a IT CPSTS YOU NO MORE VHAN INFERIOR BRANDS. F. R. RICE N. C CO., Mfrs, St, Louis. UNION MADE' 4