Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Tin? OMAHA T)A T"LY 1133 13; WE DX EST) A V, DECUMUEll 10, 1 )()().
Ohjo Senator Oounsels Acceptance of Hay-
Fauncefote Compact.
Moi-KHit if Alnlinmn I'lillotm In Snim
Strain, ArKUlnir That Ciuinl Hliuiilil
11c Aicntrnl fur Nnkr of Cotin
trlc Trni erncd.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. Again today the
enntc hnrl tho Hay-I'aunccfoto treaty un
der discussion In rxccutlvo bcssIoii. No
business of conscijucnco was transacted In
open session.
I'rovlous to the taklcs up of tho treaty
tho senate, for the purpose of clearing Its
calendar, disposed of several other treaties
of comparatively llttlo Importance. lMv!
convontlbns In nil were ratified. Anions
the documents thus disposed of was nn
agreement supplementary to the Ilay
1'aunccfole treaty Itself and extending the
time within which It may bo rntiried. Un
der tho terms of tho original treaty tho
time for ratification expired two months
ago. The agreement favorably passed upon
today extends tho time until March 1, dur
ing which tho treaty may bo completed.
Sonator Ixdgc, who hail tho matter In
charge manifested Borne anxiety over this
treaty and evidently was somewhat re
lieved whon It wtnt through without a dis
senting voice.
Tho other treaties which were ratified
were as follows:
Kxtendlng for one yenr tho time within
which tho commorelat treaty with Argen
tine mny be ratified.
Extending for n year tho time within
which tho treaty with Oreat Ilrltaln for
reciprocity with Jamaica mny bu ratified.
Thu new extradition treaties with Do
llvla and Chill.
When tho Hay-l'nuncefote treaty was
taken up attention was given to tho reso
lution offered in open session earlier In
tho day by Senator Tillman calling for tho
corrcspondenco between this government
nnd tho government of Colombia relative
to tho right of tho United States to con
struct a cnnal ncross Colombian terrltoiy.
Tho resolution was agreed to nfter It was
amended at the Instance of Senator Mor
gan bo ns also to cal1 for tho correspond
encn with tho l'anama Cannl company, In
cluding all offers on tho part of that com
pany nnd nil negotiation with It concerning
tho Panama canal.
Senator Hard of California gavo notlco of
an amendment which he will offer to tho
treaty providing that tho United States
shall havo tho right to "discriminate In
favor of American goods shipped through
tho cannl in American vessels engaged In
tho coastwise trade."
I'cirnlirr lie fi-nilrt Trent)',
Senator Forakcr'a speech from first to
last was a defenso of tho Hay-Pauncofoto
treaty nnd ho took occasion to prulso In
high terms Secretary Hay, who, he said,
Is not only nn nccompllbhed gentleman
nnd scholarly man, but a patriot and n
stntcsmnn of a high order. Ho had differed
with tho secretary In soma respects, ho
said, as to tho policy to bo pursued, but
any fair-minded man must recognize that,
In negotiating tho pending treaty tho sec
retary of stato had accepted conditions as
ho found them and that In falling Into the
policy of neutrality ho had only followed
historic precedents. As for himself he had
nlwnys favored na American policy In deal
ing with tho question of tho construction
of tho cnnal, but no one who would glvo the
lenst attention to tho subject could fall
to see that tho neutral policy had been tho
policy of this count! y In tho past. Every
administration slnco 1850 had given somo
recognition to tho Claylon-Ilulwcr treaty
nnd that document was to bo found In tho
latest treaty compilation. To further show
tho nttltudo of this nation Mr. Toraker
quoted artlclo xv of tho treaty mado be
tween tho United States and Nicaragua In
regard to the cannl In 1887, as follows:
"Tho United States hereby ngrces to ox
tend their protection to nil surh routos of
commerce ns aforesaid and to gunrnntco
tho neutrality and Innocent uso of thu
name. Thoy also ngreo to employ their In
fluence with other nations to Induco them
to gunranteo such neutrality nnd protec
tion." Neutrality In the l'nxt.
What moro definite and positive, declara
tion, nsked Mr. Korakor, could bo made for
neutrality In dealing with tho cannl. Hence,
ho argued. Mr. Hay had merely acted in
nccordanco with tho established policy of
tho government In providing for neutral
rights In tho proposed waturway.
Mr. Forakor also contended that there is
nn Implied reservation In tho treaty ns it
camo to tho senate to protect tho canal
from enemies. Tho treaty guarantees Its
neutrality In time of peace, ho said, but
wo reBorvo tho right to do with It as wo
seo fit In tlmo of war except that wo can
not fortify It. Hut, ho went on, thoro Is
no prohibition against our closing It In
tlmo of war. Ho found grent slgnincnneo
In tho difference between the lnnguugo used
In tho Constantinople trenty relating to
tho Suez canal and tho langungo employed
In relation to tho Nicaragua canal nnd ho
dwelt upon tho fact that tho Suez treaty
contains n provision that In tlmo of hos
tilities that canal shall bo open to tho ships
of belligerents, although tho Ottoman cm
plro, through whoso dominion tho cnuul
was to bo constructed, should bo one of
tho belligerents. Thnt provision has been
omitted from tho Hny-Pnuncofoto treaty,
Mr. Karaker said, and ho nrgued thnt tho
omission could bo Interpreted In no way
except as a concession of difference In In
tent. Korllllt'iitloiiN Not Nrcileil.
He nlBo contended for thu safety of tho
canal, even though 11 should not bo forti
fied, for 11 was absurd, ho Bald, to suppose
that any enemy would attempt to
sail its ships through n canal
ITS miles long anil owned, con
trolled nnd policed by this country, whon
nctunl hostilities wero In progress, lit this
Life's Miseries
Some Omaha Readers will Appreci
ate This.
Not ono of llfo's miseries
Is greater than a bad back,
A back that's Inmo or weak or aching.
Tells of sick kidneys.
Hackncbo is simply kidney ncho.
Tho euro Is simple. An Omaha citizen
. shows you how:
Mrs. J. T. King, of 1510 North Twenty
eighth street, says: "Threo weeks before
I got Donn's Kidney Pills at Kuhn & Co.'s
drug store, earner of Fifteenth and Doug
las streets, I could hardly crawl about tho
houBo on account of pain In tho small of
my back. I wore plasters nil tho tlmo, but
they did mo no good. When sitting or re
clining 1 could scarcely get on my feet nnd
I attrlbuto the cause to an accident when I
fell off tho sidewalk, broke a limb and In
jured my back. Ooan's Kidney Pills at
first helped mo and finally disposed of tho
last attack. It requires very llttlo lm-
nglnntlou to reason that what benefitted inn
so greatly can bo depended upon In the
future should recurrences tako place."
For salo by nil dealers. Prleo 50 conts
per box. Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Iluffalo, N.
Y., solo agents for tho United States.
Remember tho name Uoan's anil tako na
connection ho called attention to the fn'.o
of tho Mnlne, which was on a ponceful mis
sion and had been anchored In a harbor of
tho country with which at the time wo were
at pence.
Senator .Morgan trnvrricd jnuch of tho
ground ho hnd covered In his previous ar
guments In support of tho Hny-l'aunce-foto
trenty. Ho referred to tho protocols
ngrecd to between Nicaragua nnd Cos'a
Hlcn regarding tho cnnnl nnd said that the
ratification of tho Hay treaty U n debt wo
owe to them. Those countries, If they
should tee fit, might nrlso nnd refuse to
allow us to do nnythlng. Hence, wo could
not afford to do anything that would of
fend them. For this renson wo would havo
tho neutrality of the canal assured and the
pending treaty ratified.
limine Dctnli'K Iturlf to CniiNldiTii-
ioii of It II 1 1 timkI 'IV r-
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. The house do
votcd tho day to District of Columbia busi
ness. Mr. Hancock of Wisconsin,
chairman of tho commltteo on Dis
trict of Columbia, then claimed
tho day and called up a senate bill
to change tho terminal facilities of the
Pennsylvania railroad In this city and cle
vato tho tracks of tho company ncroan tho
Mall, south of Pennsylvania avenue. Tho
bill was antagonized on the ground thnt
It gavo tho road thirty-four and ono-hnlf
acres of tho land of the government nnd
would destroy tho schemo to beautify tho
Mall from the cnpltol to tho Washington
monument. Tho opposition filibustered
vigorously nnd prevented nctlon nil day, but
the friends of tho bill finally succeeded, at
i o'clock, In securing n recess until 11
o'clock tomorrow.
Allotment of New lliiltlinlilm,
WASHINGTON, Dec. IS. Tho iKiard of
naval construction, considering the bids for
tho construction of battleships nnd cruisers,
has Buttled these points: '
Ono of tho big armored cruisers shall
fo to Cramps, ono to Newport Ncw3 Ship
building company nnd one to tho Union Iron
works In California. Ono battleship shall
go to the Foro Hlver Engluu works nt
Qulncy, Mans.
This leaves seven ships to bo disposed
of, and whllo In view of tho fact' that an
other meeting of tho board Is to bo held
It Is not possible to make tho prediction
with absolute nccuracy, tho Indications are
that theso will bo distributed as follows:
Ono cruiser nnd ono battleship to Cramps,
making three for It; ono cruiser nnd bat
tleship to Newport News, making threo
for It; ono cruiser nnd ono bnttleshln to
tho Union Iron works, making threo for
It; and ono battleship to tho Hath Iron
works. Thero Is still a possibility that
Moran Dros,' of Seattle may get tho bat
tleship slated for tho Union Iron works or
the Hath Iron works.
t:ii-!relcil Victory of Doimii It 1 1 ft lie
NiiltN In Her Owikt'h Sii h
IiciihIoii, NEW ORLEANS. Dee IS.- Won Mini- fimi
nnd track good. Tonlcum nnd Tom KIid.m
Ipj wero tho only winning favorites. Domu
iiiurs win in mo nrsi rnco vn such a sur
prise that tho Etewurds suspended Tony
l.lculzi, dwirt. and W. Ilurloy, trainer,
pending nn Investigation. Results:
First race, selling, one una one-eighth
miles: Donna Kltn. 110 (Hnulford), 5 to 1.
won; Phldlns, 101 (Cochran). 15 to 1 nnd 0
to 1, second; Pacemaker, 107 (Itoland), 2 to
1, third. Tlmo: 1:57. Governor Hoyd, Falso
Lend, Hanquo II, Dandy 11, llort Dnvls,
Mitt Poykln nnd Red Pirate nlso ran.
Second race, live furlongs: Tonlcum, 115
(Mitchell), 7 to B. won; Admiral Pepper, I'd
(T. Walsh), 4 to 1 and 0 to 5, second:
Choice. Ill (Mcldynt). 10 to 1. third. Tlmo:
1:02. Senator Heverldge, Ten Oown, F.p,
Custodian, ltnndelln, Dr. Cnrrlck nnd Si
mons Wnld also ran.
Third race, ono mile, selling: I.lllltn
Iteeil, 100 (Itansotn), 1 5to 1. won; Linden
Ella. 100 (Dale), 7 to 2 nnd C to 5, second:
Sir Cintlan, 105 (Holnnd). to 1. third, linns:
1M21;. Chorus Hoy. Oolo llrooks, Two An
nies, Uncle Hill and Ullbsrt nlso ran.
Fourth nice, seven furlongs, handicap:
Tom ICIngsley, 100 (I)alo). II to 5, won; Alex.
107 (Mitchell). 3 to I un-1 even, second;
C.eorgbi. 110 (T. Walsh), IS to 5, third. I'lmo:
1:2SH. Scrvln also ran.
Fifth rnce, rix nnd ono-hnlf furlongs:
McOrathlan Prince, lOtj (Mitchell), 5 to 1.
won: Handcuff. 112 (T. Walsh). 10 to 1 nml
4 to 1, Hecond: Tcrrnllne, lot (Wor.derlyi, 30
to i, iniro. -n mo: i..'.'-,. v. j. jinKo.",
Diana Found, Handy, Duchess of York,
AciiHhbi. Master Jlnrlner, Jockey Joe, CJlun
fellow. Tourney and Ortrud nlso ran.
Sixth race, ono mile, felling: Llttlo Hoy
Hlui. 1(0 (Cochran). 4 to 1, won: Hlsmrre,
ins (OilmorciV, o to 1 and 2 o 1, second: Hodd,
107 (Itnnsom), 3 to 1, third. Time: T:42-.
Onoto. Frank Ireland. SlHter Fox. DlvertU"-
inont. I'anthuul. Wlndw.ird, Dtightulgnt
aim i.uiio ucggio uitio ran.
I.oiooihI, n ltnnk OutHliler, AVIum nt
Tuiifiirnn to the DlNfotiilltiire
of the Ntieutiitoi-N,
SAN FHANCISCa "Dec. 18. Thn vletnrv
of Lomond, u 10 to 1 shot, In the third
event, was the Riirnrise of tho duv nt Tan.
foran today. Ho took tho lead soon nfter
tno sturt ana was never Headed.
The finish between Houndlee and Alee In
tho fourth race was very close, lluchiinnii
landing llonndlea a winner by a nose. Mac
l.aren, favorite. In tho opening event,
nnisneii seeonn una nner tint nniHli u . on
nor fell off. Tho colt ran uwiiy three miles,
Weather lino and track slow. Results:
nini i in, utu iiuiiiiiKfi, mi nn. isuuii',
102 (Coliurn). 4 to 1, won; Mucf.uren, 105
(O'Connor), 4 to 5, Hecond; Forinutus, 103
(Tllllev). 25 to 1. third. Time: 1:03. Loin-
........ !.... i...l.. ...... ...........
zlg. illrum Johnson, Itacetto, Druldesit,
Fuvorlto, Random nnd Ev:i Moo nlso run.
Second race, hIx furlongs, purstr Urtital,
115 (O'Connor), 5 to 2, won; MarcHchul Nell
IIS (Daugman), S to 5, second; Argregor. 113
(Mounee). 10 to 1, third. Time: 1:18. HiPy
l.yoiiH, I.ltmus and Cnutliius also run.
Third race, seven furlongH, selling:
Lomond, 102 (Domlnlek), 10 to 1, won; Oood
Hope, 101 (Coburn). 7 to 5. second; Isallue,
101 (Mounro), 12 to 1. third. Time: 1:31.
Simon D, Osmond, Hilly Moore, Colonel
Hoot and Our I.lzzte nlso rnn.
Fourth race. Hewn furlongs, selling:
Houndlee, 90 (lliiehnunn), 2 to 1. won; Alee.
105 (O'Connor), 0 to 1, peooml; Cyril, WO
(Itnusch), 13 to 1. third. Time: 1:31H. Sir
Kingston, Flatnero, Castake, Twlnklo
Twlnk nnd Tost! nlso ran.
Fifth nice, tlvo furlongs, purso: Anjou.
105 (Mounce), 3 to 1. won; Hnmbou'la, 102
(Coburn). S to l. second; I lereuleau. 102
(RosB). 414 to 1. third. Tlmo: 1:0.14. Foul
Piny, Hcnutlful Hill, Saint Anthony, Aliuya
darter. King's Pal nnd Splko also ran.
Sixth race, six and a half furlongs, sell
ing: llernotn, 103 (Coburn), t to 5, won;
OalanthiiH. 101 (J. Daly). 0 to 1, second;
Dandy Jim. 10S (Mounee). 10 to 1, third.
Time: l:21',i. Ntlllo Forest and Davids
also ran.
MeFllildf 11 DefenlN I, eon,
MEMPHIS. Tonn.. Dee. lS.-After ono of
the gnmest exhibitions ever wltncoscd In a
.Memphis prize ring Kid McFmldon of Kan
Francisco was given the derision over Cas
per I.eon of New York nt tho end of twenty
rounds of tierce lighting before the Phoenix
Atbeltlc club tonight. Malacht llogait ol
Chicago outdated ns referee. The betting
was at ovens nnd considerable money
changed hands. Referee llngnu wild that
ho gave the decision to MoFndden for the
reason that ho did the most leading In the
last few rounds of tho contest.
notliei- Hot Air l.eniiiie.
CHICAGO, Dec. is. -Thn Western nsso
elation, the new bum ball league, a pro
posed n'ly of tho American league, will be
munched nt oneo, according to Yleo Presi
dent G. W. Hurnham, who was hero tixliii.
Included In the Western's circuit will be.
Grand Rapids, Detroit, Toledo, lndlanapollH
Minneapolis, St. Paul: Kansas City and
other cities not yet decided on,
Itlcjeler AroiiNiin I.IUely to Die,
NEW YORK, Dec. IS. Aronson. the
Swedish bloyclo rider, who was Injurod In
tho six-day binyclo raco ut Mmllson Su'.uire
Garden, has, It Is nunouueed, developed
pneumonia nnd Is likely to tile.
I'or Clileiiuo Naval .flllltln,
CHICAGO, Dee, IS. -A special from Wash
Ington says the cruiser Dorothea 1ms been
donated by Secretary of tho Navy Long to
the Chicago naval ml'ltla for use ns it
training tdiip. It Is 11 ho stated that In order
to escano tho provisions of the treaty with
Great Ilrltaln, forbidding tho admission n'
wnrrhlps through tho St. Iiwrenco iiv r
Into tho Great Lakes, the Navy depart
ment is considering tho advisability of dis
mantling tho Dorothea, which Is now at the
League Island navy yard, and again equip
the vessel with guns for pnictlco upon Its
arrival at thu Chlciib'o port.
Commonwealth Is Etisj Discussing Men for
High Offices.
Claims to Have Mnetj- LckInIiiI orn
Hither I'leilweil or limtriu'tril KIN
teredue ANo Much 'Fnlkrtt of,
hut Doesn't Heein Ut Want It.
PIERRE, S. 1)., Dec. IS. (Special.) Tho
question us to who will fill the positions
which Governor Hcrrled will havo to dls
poso of is one which Is causing much dl.i
cusslon nt tho present time. With nil tho
discussion nothing Is certain to tho public.
0. J. Mcl.eod of Aberdeen has been men
tioned ns the most probable man for In
suinnco commissioner, but tho Information
comes from n pretty reliable source that
ho would not nccopt tho position oven If
tendered to him, There Is not enough In
It to pay him to leave his business at
Aberdeen to attend to It. H. C. Shober of
Hlghmoro Is making n strong pull for tho
place' nnd tins tho backing of most of tho
Republican Press association nnd Is con
sidered ns a strong probability. Hut others
aro In the race nnd tho governor has not
yet cullghtcried thu public as to who he
will select. About tho only thing certnln
Is that somcono will get It very shortly
after tho now governor Is sworn In. The
question of power of removal was definitely
settled In tho Klpp case.
While the probabilities yet point to the
selection of the old filacers of both houses
Somcrs for speaker, How or for chief clerk
of tho hotiso und Scrlven for tho sccretury
of tho sonnto there ls'a move on foot to
make a complete elmnge in this program.
It is being worked nil ov'cr tho state, but
has not us yet crystallized on any particu
lar men for the places, but tho backers of
tho mnvo say they will havo something to
glvo out In tho near future which will
bo a foundation on which to build,
fiiimlile'n Fence Show GnpN.
Tho senatorial situutlon yet remains tho
same. Gamble has the lend In the contest
nnd all talk Is Gambia against tho Held.
Tho reports which como from nil over the
stnto aro to the effect that tho men who
carry on party fights, who lead In politi
cal action, othcrwlso tho machine, would
rather see somo other man succeed In
stead of Gamble. It Is nlso claimed thnt
Klttoredgo Is their man, regardless of hit
position that ho Is not n candidate. There
Is no question that Klttoredgo would bo
a strong mnn If ho would allow his namo
to bo used, but up to tho present he np
pears to bo standing on his past asser
tions that ho Is not In tho race. If he
persists In this position thero Is little
question that Gamble will be selected by
tho legislature. If tho Hlnrk Hilts mem
bers nro correctly quoted they will stand
by Onmblo and this will go n long wny
toward assisting him in his ambitions.
Whllo his claim of ninety members either
pledged or Instructed fur him Is denied It
Is not denied that he has by far tho
strongest following of any man who will
ask for tho support of tho legislature and
this will glvo him a good lead. Whllo
thero Is no doubt a strong sentiment In
favor of somo man other than Gamble Uicrc
la nlso no question that up to tho preuent
tho chances nru greatly In his favor.
Congressman Gamble returned from
Washington to Ynukton today. It Is In
regnrd to Kittercdgo's moves that Mr. Gam
bln has been summoned homo for con
ferenccd with his whcolhorscs, Joseph El
liott nnd Charles ltjngsrud. .'Tolegrnms
passed between tho threo nnd thclr lieu
tenants throughout tho stato during tho
dny. A campaign has been arranged by
tho nntl-Gnmblo elements nnd now dangers
to tho lender's chances havo appeared In
many unexpected places.
l-'ee.i nml Appi'oprln t Ioiih.
Tho move toward changes In tho present
Incorporation lawn will bo In the lino of
Increasing tho fees for filing to not less
than $25, and to rcqulro tho keeping of a
duplicate set of books at tho head office as
announced In the articles. At present nil
tho business of tho company Incorporating
may bo transacted nt any branch ofllce, nnd
nny number of branch offices may. bo estab
lished. Tho appropriation asked from tho com
ing session will reach approximately $1,
250,000, and will probably go beyond that
figure. Tho general appropriation bill of
two years ago carried $SUl,7ui), besides a
number of special appropriations. Tho
amount asked for in tho Eoneral bill- this
year will bo over $1,000,000, as besides tho
Institutions provided for at tho last ses
sion, thero will be this year tho Asylum for
tho Hllud of Gary; tho Asylum for Fceblo
Minded nt Kcdflcld, and the School of
Technology at Aberdeen to provide for.
Theso will add considerable to tho total.
Tnx 011 I iioruunleil i'err'tory.
Tho report of tho stato auditor calls
attention to tho fact that whllo n tax for
Judicial purposes was levied on unorgan
ized counties, and a largo amount of It
collected, but a small part of It was over
turned into tho state treasury ns provided
by tho bill, which called for such a levy.
In that lino tho residents of that portion
of Stanley county, who lived in tho unor
ganized portion beforo tho consolidation
act, havo begun suit to recover from tho
original county $19,000 of such tax collected,
which they ullcgo has never been accounted
for. Tho suit will be closely watched by
other Interested parties, nnd In case tho
county is forced to refund similar suits
will bo commenced ngalii3t other counties
which uro In tho samo list.
Eimlneern i:11111lne1l nml I.leeiiHeil.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Dec. IS. (Special.)
At n mcotlng of stationary engineers held
hero It was decided to ask tho legislature
when It meets next month to enact a law
for tho better protection of thoso working
around stntlonnry and portable engine
Among thoso who attended tho meeting
were: J. A. and J. S. O'Nell of
Ynukton, W. Holland, J. Tuckoy and G.
Onrton of Mitchell nnd G. P. Frost, Homer
Wagner nnd Thomas Hushnell of Sioux
Falls. Tho bill to bo Introduced provides
for tfio examining and licensing of nil on
glneers In chnrgo of stationary nnd portable
boilers nnd stenm generating plants.
Thomas Hushnell of this city was selected
to go to Plerro during tho meeting of tho
legislature and push tho measure before
that body. Tho bill will provldo for tho
appointment of sovornl boiler Inspectors
throughout tin stato and for cnglncera
examinations und licenses. In thn cases of
thoso who operntn traction engines they
would, for n period of ono year after tho
present law went into effect, bo permlttod
to continue In their occupations upon se
curing a permit from somo ono of tho boiler
Inspectors, but nt tho expiration of tho
year It would bo necessary for them to sub
mlt to examinations and procure licenses
tho snnio ns in tho cnBo of engineers of
stationary engines and steam generating
plants. Tho ndoption of tho lnw would not
Involvo any expense to tho stnte, ns tho
boiler Inspectors would recolvo their pay
from n fund created by the examination and
license fees.
Would lie t'orporntloiiK.
PIERRE, S. D.. Deo. IS. (Special.)
Articles of incorporation havo been filed for
tho Mansfield Print Works compnny at
Hrooklngs, with a capital of $25,000; in
orporators, T. Arthur Fuller, Louis N. Ful
lor, Phllo Hall. For tho Hot Springs Ir
rtgatlon and Llvo Stock rompany, nt Hot
Soring, with a capital of $56,000; lneor
porntors, J, A. Stanley, Charles W. Hnrgens
and S. J Wood. For tho Solomon Ulvcr
Gold Mining compnny, nt Pierre, with a
capital of $1,000,000; Incorporators, John 11,
Collins, M. II. Collins nnd G. V. Pnttlson.
For tho Evangelical Lutheran church nt
How-die, trustees, Fred P. Merkel, Hcnn'cn
C. liner nnd John Klttorllng. For the
Woman's Christian Temperance union, nt
Willow Lakes; trustees, Mrs, Idn G. Chase,
Mis. Clara Hell Uaker and Mrs. Luclnda
Peck. For tho Reward Gold Mining com
pnny nt Pierre, with a capital of $100,000; In
corporators, T. F. McAvoy, F, T. Martens
nnd G. V. Pattloon. For tho South Dakota
Mcnnonlto college, nt freeman; directors,
Cornelius Ewcrt, Charles Mueller, D. J.
Mendel, Johnn L. Wlff, Sam Walter, Jacob
Waltcrn, Dirk P. Fllszen, A. Giving Free
mnn and Joseph Grnber. For tho Mount
Hamilton Land and Oil compnny, nt Flan
droau, with a capital of $1,000,000; lncor
porntors, John F. Krnuse, William N.
Kr.iuso and E. C. Stow. For tho Morning
Star Mining company, nt Pierre, with a
capital of $250,000; Incorporators, Ralph M.
Jacoby, Georgo F. Ruck and G. V. Pattlson
Iden(lf) Tier nn Guilty Mini.
RAWLINS, Wyo Dec. 18. (Special.)
H. A. Kirk and William McCarthy, both
residents of Rawlins, havo positively
Identified Harry Tier, alias Harry Lyons,
tho mnn nrrested at Deadwood last week
by Sheriff Ward of Evan&ton ns tho mnn
who murdered John Wheeling nt Hllllard
twcnty-flvo years ngo. Kirk was tho pro
prietor of a restaurant nt Hllllard, In which
tho killing took place. Ho and McCarthy
wero present when tho murder wns com
mlttcd and yestordny when Sheriff Wood
brought Tier to Rawlins both men Idcnll
fled him as tho assassin.
Tho story of tho killing ns told by Kirk
and McCarthy Is that Wheeling nnd they
wero seated In the restnurant ono night
when Lyons entered. When tho latter np
Feared Wheeling said: "Hoys, I got dono
up tonight nnd Lyons Is tho man thnt did
It." Lyons Jumped from his chair and
pulled his gun. Wheeling Jumped behind
Kirk und held him between hlmrclt and
Lyons for several minutes. Finally Kirk
pulled looso and dodged under a table.
Just then Lyons fired and tho bullet tore n
hole In Wheeling's side. Lyons made his
escapo and in tlmo tho crlmo wns forgotten,
savo by a brother of tho deceased, who
kept track of Lyons nil theso years.
Mlule DlHlrlliiiteN School Money.
PIERRE, S. I)., Dec. IS. iSpcclal Tcle-
gnrm.) Tho state land department todny
apportioned S5I.I0S, nmong tho counties of
tho stnto for school purposes. This ap
portionment Is on a basis of school popu
lation, which has Increased 4,000 during tho
pnst year. Tho present apportionment will
glvo 45 cents per capita to tho school fund
of tho various counties.
nutli DiiKotn llritnil Commlnnton.
PIERRE, S. D Dec. IS. (Special.) Tho
Stato Hrand commission expects to hold a
meeting tho Inst of tho month, beginning
nbout tho 27th. It will tako about two
weeks to clear up tho work now on hand
to bo passed upon.
Hunk I?iinII- ltolilieil.
MILHANK, S. D., Dec, IS. Word was
telephoned todny from Albeo that Gold &
Co.'s bnnk at that placo wns robbed of $1,-
500 whllo tho cashier was at dinner. The
cashier neglected to lock tho door.
KiiKiueer lloxettuter PreNPiit Iteport
011 I'll iimciI Street ltnllroad
Within tho city limits of Omaha thero
aro more than seven miles of unused Btrect
car trucks. A -report which City Engineer
Hosownter presented to tho council nt Its
mcotlng last nrghit showed that 2.50 miles
of doublo Ir.iyk belonging to tho Omaha
Strict Railway rompnny havo fallen Into
dlsuso nnd that 2.25 miles of slnglo truck
havo boon abandoned. This report wns
mado In complnnce with a icsolutlon passed
by tho council nt a recent meeting. Tho
unused doublo track Is located on tho fol
lowing streets:
Eleventh street, from 'Williams to Mnson;
Eleventh street, from Jnnkpou to Howard;
Seventh street, from Pierce to Leaven
worth; Leavenworth street, from Seventh
to Ninth: Howard street, from Kleventh to
Twelfth; Dodge street, from Twenty-fifth to
iweniy-sevenin; rims street, rrotn Hignt
eetith to Twentieth; Twentieth street, from
Cass to Cuming; Hurt street, from Seven
teenth to Twetity-Hecouil: Twenty-second
street, from Hurt to Cuming; Kighteenth
street, from Nicholas to Lake; Lake street.
irom l-Jiguiccntli to Twoniiein; weusiur
street, from Sixteenth to Seventeenth.
Slnglo track has been abandoned on tho
following streets:
St. Mary's avenue, from Sixteenth to
Twenty-sixth; Fifteenth street, from Cap
itol nven.10 to Webster; Sixteenth street,
from Cuming to alley north of Izard: Eight
eenth street, from Cuming to Nlcholus;
Nicholas street, from Seventeenth to Nine
teenth; Izard street, from Sixteenth to
Eighteenth; Seventeenth street, from Cap
itol avenue to Chicago; Seventeenth street,
from Chlcniro to Cass; Eighteenth street,
from Capitol avenue to Chicago; Eighteenth
street, rrom (.-nieugo 10 rnss.
(iroeerlex to lie tinned Miiiiiliiyn.
An ordlnnnce which provides that a'l retail
dealers In meat and groceries shall
close their places of business on Sunday was
Introduced by Mr. Knrr by request. It
was prepared by City Attorney Conncll, upon
tho suggestion of retail clerks, and provides
that all offenders ehall bo fined not less thnn
$5, nor moro than $100.
Councilman Klnunan Introduced an ordl
nnnco which repeals portions of tho pres
ent ordinance regulating tho charges which
cabmen shall make. At present a chargo
of 50 cents is mndo for a slnglo passenger
going to nny point within tho district
bounded by tho Missouri river, Hancroft,
Nicholas and Twenty-eighth Btrcot. Tho
new ordlnnnco changes tho west limit to
Twenty-fourth street nnd fixes tho south
limit nt Williams street.
An ordlnnnco creating a district for tho
paving of Thirty-second nvenuo between
Arbor street nnd tho south city limits was
passed to n second reading.
City Electrician E. F. Schurlg reported
that tho fees of his ofllco during Octobor
amounted to $29.15 and that tho fees
for November were $179.01.
A general appropriation ordlnnnco wns
passed and tho council adjourned with the
understanding thnt It will not moot next
week ns tho regular meeting falls on Christ
mas nlL'bt.
Strike of .Miner Settled.
SHAMOKIN, Pn., Dec. IS.-TI10 strike at
wutallo colliery eiiuea loany. mo i.zui em
nloves l-etiirnlnir to work. Tho Shamokln
Coal company ngreed to grant tho 10 per
cent Increase, relnstnto several discharged
men and glvo non-union men two days In
wntcn to sottlo auierences wiin union men;
otherwise the former will bo discharged,
'Dm Vnitpo Mluu Workers say they will
again tlo up thu mines of tho company II'
the non-union men who rofuso to go In their
organization aro not uisrm'ivcu.
.leNter Coi'n to .MIiiiienpollN.
A. II. Jester, nn old-timer nmong Omaha
traveling men, who was tor 11 long time in
charge of a corps of salesmen for Cudahv,
bade adieu to his many friends In this city
last nlulit. Mr. Jester coes to Kansas f.Ry
to spend tho holidays and from thero to
Minneapolis, where ho will reside In the fu
ture, tin linM tnkeii 1111 Interest In a firm
that manufactures baking powder on an
extensive ncnlo una mis neeu cieciea 10 uio
position of sccrotnry.
Rev. Irving P. Johnson of St. Jtnrtln's
church. South Omaha, will lecturo In Trin
ity cathedral chapel this evening at S p. m,
Subject, "Tho Prodigal Sou."
Jlrs. J. J. MeLaln of 2S1I North Twonty
flftlt street met with 11 very severe accident
n few days ago by falling 011 tho stulra.
sustaining 11 racturo of tho pelvis bone and
Injuring the right arm. Although conllncd
to her bed who Is doing nicely.
4 ....... . ..... 1 1 , 1 1 .. .. T ) . . 1 1 f nuanntnl Ia,i
.11 iiu.iuill ill" riiiut' hwiiw ..p....., ...'..
has n fund 'if $3,S0ij, This money linn not
neen invcsica. nui 1110 lioaro 01 rim aim
Police Commissioners has empowered tho
association to purchase two Sl.OuO warrants
which bear Interest at tho rule of P,4 per
"I have used Worncr'a Safe Curo
for general debility and cheerfully if
commend It ns the very best tnedl
clno 1 know of to build up 11 broken
down constitution."
I.ndy Commander, Jewel lllvc, No.
102. L. O, T. M.
Hvnnsvtlle, Hid, 613 Mary St., August
17, nun 1.
"When n man's llfo Is saved he nat
urally feels grateful to tho Instrument,
Ho l feel very grateful to Warner's
Snfe Curo ns I know that It saved 111 V
life nnd restored mo lo perfect health
nnd strength. For seven years I suf
fered with kidney nml bladder trouble.
finding no relief, und although 1
spent my Incomo nn doctors and med
icines, I found no help until I read
an advertisement of Warner's Pnfo
Curo and decided to try that, For
four months 1 fnlthfully tcok the rem
edy twice n day, feeling that I was
gaining strength, then I con'ldercd
myself cured. This Is live months
ngo nnd I have had no trouble slnco
nnd am In good health."
W. K. HCK.
Sec'y Royal Arcanum.
Virden, Manitoba, Aug. 31, 1900.
"If I wns tho 'chief' I would order
every officer to keep 11 bottle of War
ner's Safe Curo on hand nnd thero
would bo but n few to "lay off on ac
count of sickness, Helng exposed to
nil kinds of weather, excessive heat,
nnd sudden frost or rain, It takes nn
Iron constitution to stand It. 1 ml
vocnto Wnrner's Snfe Cure, ns it keeps
tho kidneys In gond condition, which
tni'iini that nil poison nnd disease Is
quickly carried off from tho xystem,
thus malntnltilng good health. It ctiroM
you when sick nnd keeps you In ,tooi1
health If you tako n doso now pnil
then. I ndvlso every man who has to
be out of doors most of the time In nil
kinds of weather to keep Warner's
Safo Curo on hand nil the time."
Desk Sergeant. 45rd Precinct,
Chicago Police Dept.
Chicago, 111., September 3, 19u0,
f the State- Electro-SIcdlcal
Institute, 1.108 Facnrnm Strcrt,
Omaliat Neb., Specialist In
Dlacaaea of Blen.
W want every man thus afflicted to honestly investigate our special Klectro-Mcdl-
cal system of treatment. Wo Invite In .particular ull who havo treated elsewhere
without success: all whose cases hnVe been abandoned by family physicians and so
called exports, we will explain to you why such treatment has not cured you and
will demonstrated to your entire satisfaction that we can cure you tafely, qulo'fly
and permanently. Our counsel will cost you nothing, and our charges for a perfect
cure will not bo moro than you will be willing to pay for benefits conferred. Wo will
do by you as we would want you to do by us If our casus wero reversed. Certainty
of cure ! what you want, wo can nnd will cite you, by permission, some of the best
citizens or hub city wnom wo nave curea ana mane nappy aim woo win u-hoci iuuy
vouch for our financial us well as professional standing, WUnt we have done
fur them we can do tor you.
IfMDIPnOCI C Under our Electro-Medical treatment this Insidious disease rapidly
WHulUUll'LC dlsuppcars. Pain ceases almost Instantly. The pools of stagnant
blood are driven from the dilated veins and all soreness and swelling quickly Bubjldeu.
Every Indication of varicocele soon vanishes and In Its stead comes the pride, the
power und the pleasure oflirrfect hrnlth untl restored iiinuhnod.
CTDIOTIIDC ur Klectro-Medlcal treutment dissolves tho stricture complntcly
vMlilUlUllC and removes every obstruction from tho urinary passage, alluys
all Inflammation, stops every unnatural discharge, reduces the prostate gland, clean so.i
and heals tho blndder and kidneys, lnvlgornlos the sexual organs and restores health
and soundness to every part or the lioily afTeeteil liy the tlUenrir.
PflalTAftlflllC Ql Ann DfllQnU ur speclnl form of Klectro-Medlcal trcat
uUNIQUIUUd OLUUU rUldUro ment for this disease Is practically tho re
sult of our llfo work, and Is Indorsed by the best physicians in this and foreign coun
tries. It contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines of any kind, It goes to
tho very bottom of tho disease and forces out evory particle of Impurity. Soon every
sign and symptom dluappenrs completely and forever. The blood, tho tissue, tho llosh,
the bones, and the whole system are cleinsed, purified and restored to perfect health
and tho patient prepared anew for th elntlen nml iiU'iinm-en of life.
UCBlinilC IICDII ITV Men, many of you nro now reaping tho result of your
HEIfvlJUa UCOILI I I former folly. Your manhood is fulling nnd will soon
be lost unless you do something for yourself. There Ik no tlmo to lose, Impotency,
like alt sexunl disease,, Is never on the standstill. With It you cun make no com
promise. Either you must master It or It will master you, and fill your whole future
with mliery and indescribable woe. We hnvo treated so many cases of this kind that
we are ns familiar with them as you uro with the very daylight. Once cured by us
you will never again be bothered with emissions, drains, prematuroneas, small or weak
organs, norvousnoss, falling memory, loss of ambition or other symptoms which rob
you of your manhood and absolutory unfit you for study, business, pleasure or mar
riage. Our treatment for weak men will correct all of these evils and restore you to
what nature intended a hale, healthy, buppy man, with plijuleal, mental nml
Hfxniil power complete.
from Varicocele or Stricture; innumerable hlood and bono diseases orten result from
contagious blood taints In the system, or physical nnd mental decline frequently fol
low impotency. In treating diseases of any kind wo ulways remove the origin wo
cure the cause.
ft AQDECD AtinCllPC Ono personal visit Is nlwnys preferred, but If you cannot
UUllnCdr UnUCIlUb calf at our office, write im your symptoms fully. Our
home treatment by correspondence is always successful. ,
Legal contract given to nil patients to hold for our agreement. Do not hCKltate. If
you cannot call today, write and describe your trouble. Successful treatment by mall.
Reference Best Hanks and LcmilnK Business .Men in this City.
Office Hours From 8 a. 111. to 8 p, in.. Sundays, 10 a, in. to 1 p. in.
Permanent! Ioeatrd, 1II0H I'or 11 11 in Strrrt, near l.'ltli, flmulia, Neb.
Mormon Ultnopa.' Pills been "' 1 " ty ti i.w of the Momaa
CUurch iwi iati,' Ui.uwcfb. rotiuitiy curei tho wont cues la old and youn arlilnr lrn effects.
cl iclUbiae, dinlpMlon, cxcniei, c Uguttte-tnioUni. Quran Loit Manhood, lm
Eotenoy, tot Power, NJcht-Loases, (Spermatorrhoea Ineorpnlni Palna
1 bacHi Kill poilreit mlnni:mllona, lamo wacx, Nervous De
lllty. Handacha.UntUneia to Mnrrr, i-p,of K-WTG Oomen, YC"r'C0C13L,!
or odnsilpntion,' stops. Quickness of Olo- (bHTl chnrsa. Otcpn Msr-
VOUB.TvltoTltnK Of Eyalldl. fciU Immeuu.e. WAlA pnpwAiHOI , mi if"""
evrrt function. lci,r pet aetuondcr.t. a. cum tl It hind. rJVvTJi ketloret tmll. undeT
SlIraulitM the bfi'n and w i loi.
auuyRiuadcj, ita4 uut. ciicuins da. Adttrssau
rtm sai.i: iiy .MVi:iis-nii.i,o.
vlEOr to the whole beinp. All drains and losses are checked ftrmanenlty. Unless patients
are properly cured, their condition often worries them into Insanity, Comumptionor Death.
Mailed sealed. Price tt pcrboi: 6 boxes, with Iron-clad Ic-jI cuaranlr 11 care or refund tbo
rnonY..oo f.-. hook.
Bold by Kuhn Co., 15th and Douglas,
lSiilargivt T'rvatuto, und
Pennyroyal pills
H -jfv-v Orlalnnl and Unlr Urnalnr.
,Ith5H'l'" l"ysrllabl l.aitlr. Dtutilil
KX34Z lo liril tn.l tf:l.1 n..l.!ll. Ka... ...1.1
Nils Una ribbon, Tola no oilier. Itrfu.o
I lUna-eroas Mubslllutlons uui imlta.
Mono. Uu of jenr proicLt. or -te. lo
pm. for I'arlleulara. TrotlrnonUlt
sod "Itelltr fur I. utile, in Ittttr bj r
tun Moll. 1 O.IIIIO lf.tlmnnUI. hollbv
til llrurellll I'Mt-ha!..,. f 'l.vntlnMl
ticcUta UUysin, iloJIioo Bisiiiire. Mlt LA., 1A.
ney Disease
"I havo found Warner's Safe Curo n
wonderful remedy for baukacho and
tho numerous pains women arc at
Dieted with. It tones up tho entire sys
tem und prevent) colds."
am nil Outer Guard. Ralhbono Slstcrj,
also Noble Guard of Elite. Rebekah,
Lodgo No. 2 Independent Order O. T.
Jacksonville, 111,, 025 Slnte St., Auguat
(', HA.
"When my physician first told mo I
hud might's Disease a cold chill went
over 1110 unit I felt us If I wore n doom
ed man. For three months I took his
Varicocele, Stricture, Con
tagious Blood Poison,
Nervous Debility, and All
Reflex Complications and
Associate Diseases and
Weaknesses of Men by
Our Electro - Medical
Treatment Which Com
bines All the Curative
Powers of Both Medi
cine and Electricity.
Many ailments nro reflex, originating from other dis
eases. Far lnstanre. ffnxunl wnaknrpu sometimes pomes
A far ti u br mall. tWit.tJ A wri-t-n r-J ar.t? e. I" t jis
BIaho Itomotfy Co., Can p r Cisco, CaU
i)iti ; to., kith .ami
They have ttood the ten of yean,
ind tuve cured thoutands of
'dies of Nervous Diteasei , auch
a Debility, Dimness, Sleepless
ness and Varicocele. Atrophy. Ac
They clear the brain, strencthea
tne circulation, mate ingestion
nerfect. and imnart a heallhr
Address. HFL f'en"-" - i-.
and J. A. Fuller & Co., 14th and Douglas.
Cured While You'
Sleep, in 15 Days.
niwwitvmMrlcturolllosnuw lnoatli tho sun, rr-lneot
atreiutlbaus tho Hetnlnul Duru, aloiiplnii Ilnsins ami
emissions in nnoen nays, rio uruics iu ruin ute niuumcn, oui a airrci local
and poalilTe application to the entire urethral tract. "U rao-Bolyent" Is not a.
liquid. It is propariMl In thn form of Cniyoni or Pencil, smooth and Ilm-
l& iS2lWrio" Every Man Should Know Himself.
TiicBt. jAMiaArtaK, Kim Ht. Cincinnati, O. ha prepared at mm
treat oapcukp an exhnusUsti Illustrated Tri-alUc on trra male mm fcf r I
system, which thoy will tend to any mal applicant, prepaid "m
0 S S (SQD 3
DTKay'sIiing Balm aV
A free sample of Warner s Bnfo Cure will
bo tent to anyone on receipt of postal cud,
Rochester, N. Y.
Mention this Paper.
prescription anil kept gtltlng worse,
when my druggist, who whm 11 per
sonal friend, told ine Hint In his opin
ion Wuruer H Safe Curo win thn bent
medicine on earth for Hrlght's Di
sease. I took a bottlo at once ami
gtaduully felt relieved. 1 kept taking
It patiently and regulurly for two
months and words cannot describe;
my feelings when 1 found that I was
cured. I felt llko a new man. Hrlghl's
Disease Is n thing of tho past, and I
would like to s.iy to every ono r.lml
lnrly nffected, try Wnrner's Safo
Cure." JOE ROSE.
Town Clerk,
Iiko View, Cook Co., 111.
August 22, lOOn.
Moved to lull North Ashland Ave.,
Chicago, 111
Bras - i a... i
ryake, Wilson
u & Williams
flucccatora Wllaosa fe Drak.
Manufacture boilers, emolco stacks and
breechlngs, pressure, idcrlns, sheep dtp,
lard and water tain..., uoller tunes con
rtuntly on tinnd, second hand boilers bought
and sold. Special nnd prompt attention to
repairs In city or country, lath and Pierce.
HE. Smith & Go.
Importers and Jobber, ol
Dry Goods, Furnishing Goodi
UesUrn Electrical
yy Company
Electrical Supplies.
Electric Wiring Bells and Gas Llcatlas.
Q. W. JOHNSTON. Mcr. 1510 Howard 8U
he Omaha Safe
and Iron Works
Makes a specialty of
131 I 7? ESPAI'KS,
Ana Burelnr l'roof Safru & Vault Doors, ett
010 8. 14tb St., Orniiliri, Jeb.
Davis & Gowgill Iron Works.
1B01, xnou 150S Jaokaoa Strsat,
Omaha, Nek. Tal. BSS.
B. Zabj-lskle. A.ent, J. B. CswrDll, Ugr.
Improved Quick and liany Itlulnc
Steam, Electric and
Hand Power Elevators.
8nd for catalogue.
1008 9th Street. Telephone HI.
H. Davis & Son
lasts' Anent for the Illchrao4
Hitfety Gates and
Fire Iloorn.
Elerater Hydraulic and Hand EleTators.
Elerater ropalriuR a specialty. Leather
VbIto Cups lor Elevators, Engines ad
Printing Prcsssos.
The Only Line
That runs Personally Conducted
Excursions from Oman a three days
each week.
They are in charge of competent
.Ma lingers.
Leave Union Station Wednesdays,
I :.!( p. in.
Leave Union Station Fridays, 1:30
p. in.
Leave Union Station Saturdays, fi:20
P. in.
Tickot Olllco Union Station .
1323 l-nrniitn St. NMi nnd Muroy Sta
Tel. 4'.8. Tel. 0i!l.