THE OMAIIA DAT LV BEB: "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1000. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES Advrrttaerarnla for (hcae rolomni will be InUra until 1U ra. for the renins; edition nod until Siftll p. an, for morning and Similar edition. Itatca, 1 l-2o rrnrd Oral luaertlott, In a Trord thereafter. Nothing tnUrti for leaa thNn 2Co tor the flrat Inarr tlon. Theat acl vertlaemcata aauat tie ran consecutively, Ailvertlsrra, hy reanaatlna; a nnm ftrrrd check, can have anavrera ail dreaaed to a nnrahered letter In care of The llee. 'Answers so addressed will be delivered presentation mt the ehcolc oat. SITUATIONS WANTED. WAN rhl) by 2 young men of sober and IndustrirtiiH habits, well built and Intelll Kcnt, honest employment with some, good- iiHiureu siock anil rnnenmun. one no would appreciate, Industry. Address K A-379 19' YOUNG huly wants place to work for board und room, Apply room 3. 1623 Far nam. A 397 20' WANTEII-MAI.H HELP. WANTED, wo havo steady work for n few rood hustler of good habits and anpoar anco. C. r. Adams Co., & Howard rit. 11437 BARBER trade tnuht thorougmy tn short time, cataloguo and particulars free, Address Western Burners' Institute Omaha. Neb. n-438 WANTKD, a good experienced clothing solicitor. Apply 1314 Kan-am St. Good position to right party. B 133 WANTKD, good man to do canvasslnB In tho country, good pay for right man. Ad dress U 4, llee. I1-M183 WANTKD, men to learn barber trade; comparatively no expense; wu will gunr antco $15 wteltly to any man graduating at our college, cither In Chlcngo. St. Louis or Minneapolis and agree to teach therr. thoroughly In two months; wo rurniv.i free transportation to our most con venient branch aril havo advantages of constant practice, etc., that cannot be had clsewhco. Apply by mall today to Motor Harbor College representative, ,t,J3 Farnnm st.. Omaha. u-1? w' MKN to represent Domestic Medicine Co., Iowa City. In.; also advertisers; straight salary. Triumph Co., Dallas, Tot. PROMINENT house enlarging business wants mnnugcrs In western stntes, MOO monthly, expenses and commission. $500 required for merchandise. The Hazen Co., Now York. B MZ78-19' SALESMEN, dry poods traveling salesmen to (111 vacancy In Nebraska. Will eon tract for year 1901 with right party. Por mnncnt position und remunerative com pensation. Rofcrencen und stamped en velope. D 39, Bee. B M270-30 ACCIDENT &. flro Ins. solicitors. K 20. Hoc. U-M309 20 A DOUBLE entry bookkeeper, ono with ex perience In lumber business preferred; statu full particulars. Box 3S3 Fremont, Nob. n 353 WANTKD, everywhere, hustlers to tnck signs, distribute circulars. Bumples, etc.; no canvassing, good pay. Hun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. H-M.TMt IS MECHANICS, engineers, electricians, lire men. etc., u frco scholarship In engineer ing will bo awarded to a few well recom mended applicants. American School of Correspondence, Boston, Mass. B-M3S7 19 WANTKD, paper ruler, nonunion man. cap able of taking charge; must bo posted on ledger work; state wages und references. Address E 2X, I lee. H M3W 19 TRAVELING man In Nebraska to advertise nnd collect; 6T monthly and expenses to start; steady employment. Traveler.1?' Dept., Stnr Bldg.. Chicago. B-M390 19 SALESMEN wanted to sell our goods by nample to wholesale and retail trade. We nro tho largest manufacturers lti our lino In tho world. Liberal salary paid. Ad dross CAN-DEX. Mfg. Co., Savannah, Go. wanted female help, WANTED. 200 glrlB. 1521 Dodge. Tel, 70. C 413 80 clrls wanted. Canadian office, 1522 Douglas C 141 COMPETENT girl for general housework. 1024 Park avenue. C-352 is COMI'KTKNT girl for general housework; good wages. 1131 So. 30th Ave. C-3M 29 AGKNT8 wanted for Hnlleck's extracts; permonent, protltable, easy work; refer ences required. Tho Abllcno Drug Co,, Abilene, Kansas. C A GOOD girl wanted at onco at The Crccjie, 10th and Harney. C M393 21 WANTED, threo first-class hairdressers, Moler graduates preferred; $12 weekly; steady position. Address IC 31, Mop. C 390 23 WANTKD, experienced hairdresser nnd manicurist, ono who understands facial treatments Call lff!3 Karnam, room 3. C 398 23 FOll It KMT IIOUS ICS. IP you want your houses well rented place them with Ronawa & Co, D 412 ALWAYS moving II. II. goods. Pianos. OlUce, 1511 Karnam St. Tel. 1559 or 863. D 113 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city. Brennnn-Lovo Co,, 320 So. 13th st. D-414 HOUSES, stores. Hemic, I'axton block. D 413 SEE HENHY D. PAYNE, COl N. Y. I,IKU D-447 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wcad, 1524 Douglas. D-44S HOUSES nnd flats, Rlngwnlt, Barker llllc. D ICO 8-ROOM .ouse, 27th and Karnam Sts., nil modaru. Call 2666 Karnam or phone 5SS. D 151 HOUSES wanted. Wnllacc, IJrown blk. D 152 BARN, 2024 St. Mary's Ave. D-433 VOIt KENT, 12-room house, heated with steam, modern conveniences, good bam. Address C 49, Beo. D 176 THItEK S-room modern brick houses. 25th St., near Karnam. Inquire 2117 Jones St. D-&2- KI.EGANT 10-room all modern residence: hard wood Ilnlsh, porcelain bath, laundry This house Is In good condition und with in ten minutes' walk of tho center of the city; In a very select neighborhood, near 24th and St. Mary's Ave. Kent, tj. OMAIIA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Sts. D 573 FOR RENT. 1504 N. 21th St.. 8-room "house In good condition, gas, porcelain buth, closet, hot nnd rold water, largo barn; will rent for por month to good ten ant who will enro for tho property. OMAIIA LOAN & TRUST CO., ICth & Douglas. D-S54 FOR RENT, 6-ruom cottnge, 26th and Blondo sts., .9, Apply st Co7 N. 19th st. D-MIW l-ROOM modem hoise, S526 North 27th, CIS; nlso 5 rooms, corner 27th and Plnkiwv, 110. Inquire 924 Douglas. Luucr Bros. D-793 NO. 3S52 HAMILTON ST.. brick, 8 rooms, nil modern Improvements, fciO, No. 981 N. 2oth st., frame, 7 rooms, city water. IK5. , Chas. VS. llenson, 310 Rningo bldg. D-M207 21 KOIl RENT, nfter March 1. atom room. centrally locnt'd, with 'modern dwelling apartments on second Hour, Greenshlclds. & Everest, 551 Ilroadwuy. D M220 21 GOOD C-room houso and barn. 270 Hinney, 10. Henry H. Payno, COl N. Y. Life. D-M20 3511 Seward St.. now flve-room cottnge for rent; good bnm and city water; rent, 115.00. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Sts. D 255 6-ROOM cottage, $12 00 per month, 1523 luiiiwrii. r.nqunc joa. uoiusmun. ,iur ry Hotel D-3S5 19 WANTKD, ladles to lenm hulrdrcsslng, manicuring and facial massage; four weeks completes; tools furnished; con stant practlco; expert Instructions; posi tions guaranteed. Call or wrlto for par ticulars. Moler's Halt-dressing College, 1623 Karnam, Omaha. C 101 21 KOIl HUM' IIOt'SKH, 1921 H. .r.TH ST, 7-room house, water, bnth. cioset. rurnace, w, vacant Dec. ssi; good condition OARV1N HROS., 1813 i'ARNAM. D-M394 21 VQtl RENT, about Dec. 23, new C-room cot- uiKe, luui tiiii' jiiuui, wtuer anil bath, very convenlutit for small family; will sell, part down, balance monthly pay ments. Boo N. Y. Life building. D-M3U KOIl ItK.NT-KlIlMSIIEI) ROOMS, STEAM huitcd rooms at Tho Thurston. E lit FURNISHED rooms, modern. 1722 Dodge! E M99 JS THItEK furnished housekeeping rooms. 1554 Shcrm.ltl nve. E M370 DEWEY Europcnn hotel, 13th nnd Farnnm. K 3i0 I'l KMSIIKD ROOMS AMI IIOAIlll. GLENCAIRN,translents,t.23 day. 1009 Doug. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. The Mcrriam, good winter homo. 25 & Dodgo J! Id I THE PRATT, nice south room. 212 S. 23th. ROOM and board In private family. 1916 Douglas. F M372 20 ELEGANT large steum-hented front rooms, with board. 1909 Capitol uve. KM371 24 KI'RNISHED rooms with board. MS N. t 1.- 1S9 111 KOIl 1 1 1 2 NT t' K i; 1 1 . I (4 1 1 1 '. I ROOMS. KOIl RENT, unfurnished rooms, lieated and all modern; references. 811 N. 23d st. G-M3M 19 OR HEM' STORKS AMI OKKICKS. FOR RENT, rlnro In first class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. l'eters & Co., ground lloor. Heo IJldg. I-2M FOR RENT, tho building formerly occupied bv Tho Heo ut 910 Karnam street. It has four stories and u basement which was formerly used as The llee pi ess room This will bo rented very reasonably If Interested apply ut onco to C, C. Rose wuter, secretary, room 100, Heo Building. GROCKIIY, corner; factory or laundry bulidlns. D. C. Patterson. 'Phone, 1413. I-S13 J -4 LARGE double room In Continental block! cun be made Into very desirable olllce nnd reception room for physician. Will ar range to suit, OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., IGth & Douglas Sts. 1-837 SPLENDID building In commission district for rent Jan. 1. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. I-MS17 JO AI'TER January 1st will hnvo fine store and basement for rent IN THE CENTER OK COMMISSION DISTtllCT. OMAIIA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. ICth nnd Douglas Sts. VA .T K II TO II EM'. WANTKD, gentleman wants 2 unfurnished rooms for bedroom and staring furniture. Address E 22, Bee. K 361 18 WANTED, bonrd nnd room for man and wlfo In prlvnto family. Address E 3J, Bee Onice. K 102 21 STOKAfSi:. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912 914 Jones, general storage und forwarding, IBS OM. Van Stor Co., 1511 Farn. Tels. 1339-S(3 459 WANTKD TO UUY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc, In largo and smnll quantities. Chicago Furnlturo Co.. 1106-10 Dodge. TcU 2020. N-461 HOUSES to move. Wallace, Brown Blk. N iC2 ILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings bank accounts. Brennnn Love Co., 309 So. 13th. N 163 WANTED o buy, J1.000 of Omnha Savfngs bank nccounts for cash. Address A 16, Bee office N M54J U ANTED, a second-hand stcreoptlcon; state nlze, prlco and address. M. J. M., box &5, South Omaha. N M369 19 HIGHEST prices paid for furnlturo and stoves J. Irfivlll, .104 N. 16th St. N 373 HARD coal burner nnd steel range In good condition. E 30, Bee. N 389 21 KOIl SAI.E-IIOKSI'.S, VI0IIICI.KS, F.TO. SELL nnd repair vehicles, all kinds. H. Frost, carriage works, 14th and Leaven worth, p 164 KOIl SALK MISCELLANEOUS. HARD and soft foundation piling; ling fences nnd cribbing. 901 Douglas. Q 40o 2DHAND snfo cheap. Derlght, 1110 Farnam. W itvt SAFE8; buy, sell, ex'ge. Scliwarti, )go, 13. . 0-W7 SET buggy wheels at Hansen'a shop, rear 1S13 North 19th St, Q-M363 19 FOR SALE, ladles' high grade wheel; suit able for gift. Address E 23, Bee. Q-M3C8 19 HERTFORD & CO.. ICth & llworth. FURNITURE- & UPHOLSTERING. Q-377 NEW J100 Underwood typewriter for JC5.00; great bargain. Address E 27, Bee. Q-3.S1 19 MIMCKI.I.AXUOUS. NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhnnd furniture nnd stoves at lowest prices, carload lots cr less. Chicago Furnlturo Co,, 140C-10 Dodge, R 409 SELL cheap beautiful Upright plnno. mahogany case, fully guaranteed, bargain. 910 N. 26th St. RC78-Jy.l GLADISH phnrmncy, 12 & Dodge, reliable drug store. R 725 J I CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 819 North 16th S 470 MME.GLYMER genulno palmist. lCofi Dolce S-M47f ELECTRIC TIIBATM1C.T. MABEL aRAY, 3174 N. 15th St.. flat E. T 893 ni7 MME. AMES. 1815 Howard. 2d floor, room 1; thermal baths, T M19J 20 MABEL GRAY, 31714 N. 15th St., flat E. T-.M3C7 J 17 ELITE parlors. 015 So. 10th, second floor. T-3SC 3 PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns & superfluous hair removed by electricity. R. 12, Fren ter Blk. U 472 TURKISH baths, massage bath, electric baths, for ladles only; skilled women massage operators; finest equipped baths In tho city. Henstrom Bath Company, RooniH 216 to 230. Beo Bldg U-7I VIAVI, woman's way to health. J46 Bee hlj . U-473 LIEBEN, thcatrlca), masquerade costumer 1018 Fnrnum. U475 PRIVATE homo before and during confine ment; bnblts adopted. Mrs. Burget. 2C0 Burdctte. U 476 SEWING machines rented und rapntred: rent J2 per month; supplies for till kinds of machines. 'lh Singer Manufacturing Co., 1514 Douglas St. Telephone 418. V 178 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur lug confinement; bublcs adopted. 1136 N. 17 U-477 PLEATING and skirts, all kinds; buttons made to match. Omaha Pleating Co., 1521 Douglas, U 4S0 I'ERSO.VAI.. FINE OLD WINES FREE AT THE NEW WHOLESALE LKJUOR HOUSE. One quart battle linn old wine free with each gallon of whisky, brnndy or wine costing I2.f0 or over CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES-A SOUVENIR Botllo Imported cordial given to each lady customer with each purcuaec of Jl.oo or over, , WHOLESALE PRICES FOR RETAIL FAMILY TRADE BY Jt'O OR BOTTLE? CACKLEY BROS.. 121-123 N. 16th St., opposite P. O. Long dis tance 'phone 1148. Goods delivered In city. Depot for Met Bros.' Bottled Beer. Mall orders promptly filled. U-M231 24 FURNACE work. STOVE work, tln.shcet Iron, galvanized Iron, zinc nnd copper work done; cheapest place in tho city. Savage's Tin Shop, 2822 Farnam St. U-3S6 CALENDARS. Burklcy Printing Co. U-M129 D20 $C7 HTEINWAY Upright plnno, latest style case for sale cheap. Address D 18. Bee. U-677-Jy.l COSTUMES for rent. 331S S. 20th. Mrs. S. Sack U M Jll LADIES, all hnlrdressing. manicuring nnd face treatments free at Moler's HalrdrCss lng College, 1623 Farnam. Hours, 9 to 4. K-400 21 MO.M1Y TO LOAN' REAL KSTATE. LOANS on enstern Nebraska nnd western Iowa forms nt 5 per cent; borrowers can ray 8100 or any multiple; any Interest date; no dnlny. Brennan-Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W 182 MONEY to loan on Improved Omnhn real estate. Brennnn-Lovo Co., 3C9 So. 13th. W 183 $1,000 nnd upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. V. Farnnm Smith & Co., 1320 Kornam. W 181 PRIVATE money, B, 54, 6 per cent; no de lay. Garvl n Bros., 1CI3 Fnrnam W tS3 WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. Gcorgo & Company, 2001 Farnam street. W 185 WANTED City and farm loans; nlso bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnnm St., Bee Bldg. W 490 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas W 491 MONEY to loan on fnrm and city proporty, lowest rates. O. F. Dnvls Co., 1506 Furnam W-487 MONEY to loan nt 5 nnd 5V4 per cent on Omuha property. W. B. Mclkle, 401 H. 15th W 4i8 FIVE per cent money. Bomts, Pnxton block. W 192 MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne Knox Co.. New York Life. W 193 PRIVATE money to loan. J. II. Sherwood, 939 N. Y. Life. W 494 II. WW TO LOAN on real eslnteicall nt onco. M. J. Kcnnard & Son, 310-311 Brown block. W 493 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. THE OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO, (Established 1K92.) Will make you a loan on fi.rntture, pianos, live stock, etc. You keep the property. Or if you havo a permanent position wo will mnko you a SALARY LOAN without Indorser or mortgage. Wo loan from 10 up. You can get the money In a few hours after making application and you may pay It back In 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or fi months. Others claim lower rates, but all wo ask Is a chai.oe to mako comparisons. We charge nothing for papers or filing and we give you tho full amount of tho loan In cash. We are tho oldest and largest loan compnny In Omaha. Our motto Is "to try top lease." Telephone 2293. 306 South 16th St. X-496 MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. Nu endorser of mortgage required LOWEST RATE8, EASY PAYMENTS and STRICTLY CONKIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO., Rocm 520, Fifth Kloor, New York Life Bid. X-S00 "SALARY LOANB" TO EMPLOYES NO CHARGE DEDUCTED IN ADVANCE. NO CHARGES KOR DRAWING PAPERS. "QUIET" MOKKICE," "EASILY" J "FOUND." , "AMERICAN" "LOAN" "CO " Room COl. Beo Building. Open 8 a. tn. to 8 p. m. and noons. Rebate when loan Is paid before due. X-M783 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, or any valuable security, nt very LOW RATES on payments. No charge for papers and NO QUESTIONS asked your neighbors. BERGERS LOAN CO.. 1504 FARNAM, over Burlington Ticket Ofllce. X-357 MONEY loaned salaried peoplo holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolman. 706 N. Y. L. bldg. X-502 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13. X-OOI SALARY LOANS, CHATTEL LOANS. ,T, W. TAYLOE. 218 First Nat. DmQ nidg. X-503 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture,, cows, Jewelry. Duft Green, R K Barker blk x-wc LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, with partial payments on note; no mort gage or security; absolutely confidential; POSITIVELY LOWEST RATES; loans .jf other companies taken up. Room 303. Pax ton Block. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. X-507 LOANS on furniture, pianos, diamonds, Jewelry and salaries; cheap rates. BOS TON LOAN Co., R. 21, Frenzer blk., 16th nnd Dodge, opp. old P. O, Open evenings. X-M176 J12 CHATTEL nnd salary loans. Joe H. Pleas ant, 54 Barker block. ' X M157 J12 CHATTEL and salary loans. Joe II. Plens nnts. 54 Barker block. X M157 J1S BUSINESS CHANCES. 1150 CASH or easy payments buys 23 strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines for drinks, cigars or cash: will earn 2 and upward wcuniy cucii, iiiri, uiarK 6 uo KUrnl- ture Manufacturers, Chicago, III. Y-508 14,000 BUYS half interest In wholesale bust.' nnss; atuplo goods. R, 17, Patterson Blk, Y-812-24 FOR SALE, bakery, restaurant nnd gro cery nt onco. Address E 1, Bee. Y-M175 22 WANTED, good man to do canvassing In the country; good pay for right man. Ad dress E 4, Bee, y M19Q FOR SALE, n modern BO-harrel Mtcatru rol ler mill in a good east Nebraska county sent, largo territory and good business Address E 16, Bee, Omaha. Y M2S1 21 WANTED, partner In the sheep business. Address E 29, Beo Office, Y M391 25 KOIl EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE, lands, stocks of goods, town property; trades for everybody, i), L. Townsend, Lumnrs, In, MISi 19 115,000 WILL trado ono of the best located modern houses In West Omaha, clear of Incumbrances, for land In western Iowa, enstern Ncbrnsku. northwestern Missouri or northeastern Kunsas; value of prop, orty, 115,000; will tako one-third In lund nnd give long time on balance. Land which Is heavily Incumbered wilt mit be considered. Glvo location and description of land. Address K 9, Dully Bee. -M21S 21 KOIl SALIC REAL ESTATE. C. K. HARRISON, BARGAINS. D13 N. Y. L, RK-122 J9 HOUSES, lots, farms, InndJ, loans; nlso Are Insurance. Bemls, Paxton blk. RE 51) PROPERTY bought and sold; moniy loaned;, rents collected. I, L. Johnson Co., 314 So. ICth St. tE-102 SOME of the .property recently advertised has been sold, nnd on some price raised, but here arc some cheap ones: 2 lots nu 24th st., paving paid In full, ab stract perfect title, for 1700. 5-r cottnge and lot, 21st St., 950. 5-r. cottage and lot 40x132, near 19th St, power house, easy terms, 1,500. B-r. cottnge. 19th St. boulevard, 11.400. F. D. Wcad, 1624 Douglas St. RE-375 20 KOIt SALI2 REAL ESTATE. RANCH AND FARM lands for salo bMhe Union Pacific Railroad company, fi. A. McAllastrr land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omnha, Neb. REIH KOIl SALE, buildings and ground formerlv used us a planning mill, two-story frame, 46xW; two-story brick, 24 x32; frame, 30x22; shed. 32x60: also large lumber shed. Centrally located; good boiler goes with the property. Possession given In about 90 days. A. P. Tukey, Board of Trade. RE 3i 20 LAND. C. B. Burrows, Norfolk. Nebraska. RE 4 CO DM CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnnm St. RE-.H3 SEE HENRY U. PAYJTE, COl N. Y. LIFE. RE-012 A VERY choice building site, 77x103, In West Omaha, soutli nnd east front, 38th nnd Juckson, at a very low llguro. W. H, Gates, N. Y. Life. 'Phono 1291. RE-374 20 160 ACRES. Holt Co.. ISO); clear for equity In Improved Omnha property. K, D. Wend, 1534 Douglas. RE-376 20 OMAHA Savings bank nccounts taken nt par In payment of 8-room modem house nnd other property. Call on O. C, Olsen. 1701 Karnam St. Rl-M392 25 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Box 232, Oroaba, Neb. Confidential. SIC DR. LE DUE'S Female Regulator, posi tively warranted to cure the .most stub born enses of monthly stoppages, Irregu larities, obstructions nnd suppressions brought on from whatever cause; 2 n package or 3 for 85; Bent any where pre nam on receitu or urire. mo iiuu uruc Co., Elgin, (II. American Olllce, retail. urtinlnanTj, T t'.itt. Tt I II nil tlrttt- fn rkmtit.ra M. A. Dillon, South Omnhn: Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full lino of rubber goods. SHORTHAND AMI TVPKWIUTINd. A. C. VAN SANT'B School. 717 N. Y. Life. -523 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Beo Bldg. 524 NEB. Bus. Sc Shorthand college. Boyd's Tlienter. 023 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 1G & Doug. -026 LOST. LOST, gold wnteh between Fourteenth nnd Karnam going north to 24th St. Return to 10O1 N. 24 tu, St. und get reward, Lost-378 19 BVrWEEN Union depot and Howard St., ring of keys, Union Pacific switch key among them; suitable rewurd. lObi Iln.v nrd. Lost-slSS IS KIlll.MTtllti: BARGAINS. Wo have bought tho entire stock of Wolf Zuchartu, 1207 Farnam St., amounting to 13,000, ut 50o on tho dollar. Tho larger portion being holiday goods, wo nre will ing to close them out nt 15 per cent profit. Don't full to Inspect this line before pur chasing. Remember tho place. Enter, prlso Furnlturo Co., 102-104 South 14th, . corner Dodge. M 50S 31 OANCINti. MO RAND'S winter term for children be gins next Saturday; beginners. 10 n. m.; advance, 2 or 4 p. m.i high school class, 8 p. m.: adults, Tuesday nnd Friday, 8 p m. Private lessons dally. Waltz nnd two-step guaranteed for 18. Crelghton hall. 811 J-4 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION and slrlo pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A." C. Stark, 9 Tat tcrson Blk., 17th and Farnam Sts. HOUSES WINTERED. HORSES wintered, l per month. J. W. Phelps, 207 N. Y. Life bldg. 'Phone 1031. M 783 JJ PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 .Douglas. -528 n STAMMERING AND STUTTI3IUNG. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Rnmgo Bldg.- 530 MIRROR FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses resllvered, 70S N 10, 531 TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. H. Phil bin. 1505 Farnam. Telephone 784. 531 2tV" FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. SI. S. Walklin, 2111 Cuming St. -7 IIIRDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1003 Leavenworth. -535 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 318 8. 26th st. M977 .18 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collnrs, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. 517 536 CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS. ALL kinds of enrpenter work and ropalrlng promptly nttended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20tfi nnd Lake Sts. -370 JUNK. n.&M. Junk house, J. Mlldor, Prop., dealer In all metuls, bottles, etc. , Carloads n specialty. 101-803 Furnam, Omaha. Tel. 2378. -521 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 K Y. L. Bldg.: Tel. 1C64; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. -518 M. E. DONOIIUE, D. O., of Still school, Klrksvlllo, Mo 004 Paxton Blk. Tel, 1367. -519 FARMS FOR RENT. 29-ACRE fruit farm for rent on Calhoun road near Florence. In fine condition. Bemls. Puxton Bloc!:, ' 791 SUES CO . Patent Lawyers Bee Bldf ., Omiht, Nsb Patent BookFree PATENTS GUARANTEED RAILWAY TIME TABLES. OMAIIA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kansas City U Eastern Railroad "The tjulncy Route" Ticket Of llce, 1115 Farnnm St. Tele phone. 322. Depot. Tenth and Murcy Streets, Tele phone, C29. i.eavo. Arrive, St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a B;03 pm a 8:20 nm Kunsas City and Qulnc) Local a 7:00 urn a 9:00 pm a Dally, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St, Paul Rallnny-city Ticket Oftlce, 1501 Knr. nam Street. Tcltphono, 204. Uepot. -Tenth nnd Mason Streets, Tele phone, 629. fivur. SfLWAum, Chicago Limited Ex . a 0:00 pm a 8:0." am Chicago At Omaha Ex b 7:15 nm b 3:40 pn a Dully, b Dally except Sunday, WABASH RAILROAD -Ticket Office, 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone 322. De. pot, Tenth and Marey Streets. Telephone. 629. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 5;03 pm a 8;2o am Dally. V HULWVV TIME TABLE, FREMONT, ELKHORN & MIsourl Valley Railroad - "The Northwestern Line" Oenernl Ollices, United States National Bank Bldg., 8. W. Cor, Ticket Olllce, 1401 Farnam St. Tel., 561. De pot, 13th and Webster 8ts. Tel., 1458. Black Hills. Dcadwood. Ll'OVe' A"'VC' Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm yomlng, Casper nnd Douglas d 3:00 pm c 5:00 pm Hastings York, David City, Superior, Genevu, , Exeter und Seward. ...b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:23 nm Lincoln, Wnhoo nnd Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0:2J om Fremont Local o 7:30 nm a Dally, b. Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only d Dally except Saturday. c Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam St. Tolephone, 561. Depot. Tenth ami Marcy Sts. Tclephono C29. Dayllgh clal Chicago i-eave. Arrive. Spec- Chicago a t:uu am Pnnsengcr ....ti 4:15 pm Exnress. Des nll:no pm a 8:10 am Eastern Moines, Marshalitown, Cedar Rapids and Chicago al0:53 nm Eastern Special, Chi- cugo and East a 4:53 pm Fast Mall, Chicago to Omnha Omuha-Chlcngii Limited, a 7:45 pm Fast Mall Cedar Rnplds Passenger Eastern Express b 9:00 tim a 4:03 pm a 4:03 pm a 2:45 pm u 8:oo pm u 8:30 um u G:30 pm a Dally b Dally except Saturday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, .Minneapolis & Omaha Rnllway "Tho North western Lino" General Offices, Nebraska Divi sion, lfith nnd Webster MfC fltv Tlntnt fSlll..., 1401 Farnnm St. Telephone, Otil. Depot,' luui tiiiu tuuHicr ms. Lenvo. Twin City Passenger ..n C:oo am Omnha Passenger Sioux Cl'y & North east Nebraska .a 3:15 pm a Dally. Arrive, n 9:10 pm ull:l0 um HIOUXCITY & PACIFIC Rullroad Tho North western Lino" aencrul Offices. United States National Hank Building, 8. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Ofllce, liul Farnnm St. Telephone, 561," De pot, Tenth und Mnrcy Sts. Telephone. 629. T .An tin A ( T ." (.'.ty 'mlted a 7:35 pm a 8:15 um fiioux City Local a 8:00 am u 3:50 pm n Dally. BURLINGTON Ik Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route" Gstieral Offices, North west Corner Tenth nnd Farnnm Streets. Ticket Office 1502 Farnam Street. Tcleiihone. 2ou. DurlliiKton Station. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone, 128. , Leave. Arrlvo. Lincoln, Hastings and McCook a 8:40 um a 7:33 pm Lincoln, Denver, Colo rado. Utah. Culifornln.a 4:23 pm a 3:Wr.m Lincoln & Black Hl::s..u 9:00 pm u C:45'nm Montana. Puget Sound., a 9:00 pm r. u:io am u 9:17 um Lincoln Fust Mall u 3:00 pm Wymorc, Beatrlco und Lincoln a S:40 am Denver, Colorudo, Utah and Cnllrornlu South Bend. Louisville. bll:53 am a 6:45 am PluttBtiiouth b 3:33 pm bll:03 nm Ft. Crook, Pluttstnnuth nnd Pucllc Junction... u 7:00 pin a s:2U am Bellevue. Plattsmouth anil Pacific Junction.. iil2:10 am a Daliy. b Dally except Sunday KANSAS CITY. ST. JO soph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The nurllng tem Route" Ticket Office, 1502 Karnam Street. Tele phone, 250. Depot, Tenth nnd Mnson Streets. Tele phone. 128. LeavP. Arrive. KanBas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am a C:25 pm Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm u 0:15 am St. Louis .Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louts. .a C:10 pm nll:13 pm a. Daily. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route' Ticket Olllce 1602 Farnnm Street. Telephone, 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets, Tolephone, 128. Tipfivn. Arrlvn Daylight Chicago Spe- ciui n 7;oo .m ol0:25 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:0' pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Express. u 9:30 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:45 atu Fast Mall a 2:15 pm a Dally. nntPAnrv nneir ict nnd fc Pnclllc Railroad "The Gn-at Rock Isl and Route" City Tick et ii t'nrnam Street. Telephone, 428. Depot. Tenth & Marcy Sts. Telephone. 629. Leave. Arrive. EAST. Des Moines and Uavon port Local a 7:23 nm bll:33 am Chicago Express bll:ln nm u 8:10 nm Des Moines Uical a 4;20 pm u 4:13 pm Chicago Fust Express. .a 5:00 pm u 1:20 pm Dos Moines, Rock Isl and und Chicago a 7:10 pm a 9:33 nm WEST. Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblo nnd West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado, Oklahoma & Toxas Flyor a 5:20 pm a 9:50 am UNION PACIPIC'THE OVER land Route" General Offices, N. E. Cor. Ninth nnd Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office, 1324 I'uruam mrcoi. leiopnone, 3lu. Depot. Tenth nnd Murcy Sts. Telephone, C29, Tho Overland LImlted-a 8:20 um ti 7:30 nm H, Chicago-Portland Sp-eclal .... ,. u 8:20 am u 7:30 pm ,l, io. Fast Mull a 8:50 am a 3:25 pm 'llio Mall and Express. .ull:33 pm u 4:5 pm Lincoln, Beatrice und Stromsburg Express.. b 4 :0T. pm bl2:30 nm Tho Pnclllc Express.. ..a 4:25 pm Tho Atlantic n C:50 nm Gwtul IMand Local. ...b 5:30 pm b 9:33 am a Dally, b Dally except Sundny. L L I N C 7 R CENTRAL Rallrond-Clty Ticket Of fice, 1402 Karnnm Street. Tclephono, 245. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express nhlnnirn Limited a 7:00 nm n 4:05 pm u i;u jjin a 8:06 am b 9:40 pm a 8:05 am b 8:15 am Ml tinuii r n la nnll Hf Paul Express b 7:00 am Minneapolis and St. Paul Limited a 7:45 pm Fort, Dodgo Local from Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm run iuuku i.ucut ior Council Bluffs b 7:45 nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL rond General Offices and Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner 14th und Douglas Sts. Telephone. 101. Depot. Union Station. Leave. Arrlva St. Louis nnd Kansas City Express !.iil0:00 urn a 6:30 pm K. C St. L. Express. ..alo:10,pni a 0:15 um Leave from 15th and Webster Streets: Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:15 pm nl0:!3 nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. POSTOFKICI! NOTICE. (Should bo rend DAILY by all Interested, uh changes may occur ut uny time.) Foreign malls for tho week ending Decem ber 22. 1900, will close (PROMPTLY In ull cases) at the General Postuttlcti us fol lows: PARCELS POST MAILS CLOSE ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing time shown below. Parcels Post Malls for Germany closo ut 5 p, m. December 19th, tier . m. Trier, und nt 5 p, p), Decem ber 21st, per s. s. Bulgurlu. Regular nnd Supplementary M.iils closo at Foreign Brnuch half hour later than clos ing tlmo shown below. TriiiiHiitluntle MniU, WKDNESDAY-At 8:30 u. in. (supplement ary W u. tn.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Majestic, via Qjeeiialown: at 8:31 n. m. (supplementary !! , m.j for RUHOPK. per s. b. Southwnrk. via .Southampton and Antwerp (mull must bo directed "per h, s. fir -hV rl " THURSDAY At 7 a, m. for FRANCE, Fit, . . ..i-, 1 1, A is D. Vl AL V. Hi Ahv I'uiw i UGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT. BRITISH INDIA and LOREN.O MAKQUKZ. per s. p. La Champagne, via, Havro (mall for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per s. s. Ln Champagne.") SATURDAY At 2:30 a. m. for EUROPE, mm mm iwB!snp POSTOKKICH NOTICE. per s, s. Umbrla, via Queenslown, ut 8 n. m. for NETHEIILAND8 direct, per s, s, Rotterdam (mall must be directed "tier s. s. Rotterdam' ); nt 12 m. for DEN MARK direct, )er s. s. Hekla (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Hekla "J. PRINTED MATTER, ETC -This steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Papers and Humpies for Germany only. The same class of mull matter for other parts of Europe will not in- sent by this ship unless specially directed bv her. After the closing of the Supplementary Trnns-Atlnntic Malls named nbove nddl tloual supplementary malts are opened on tho piers of tho Amerlcnn, English, French and German strainers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mnlla for South mid Cenfrnl Ainerlen, West Indies, etc, WEDNESDAY At 9:30 n. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Mae, via Son Juan; nt 9:30 a. m. for 1NAGUA und HAITI, per s. s, Belvernon; nt 10 n. m. for HAITI per s. s, Orunjo Nassau (mall for Curacao, Venezuela, Trinidad. British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s, s, Orunjo Nnsssau"); at 12:30 p. tn. for CUBA, CAMPECllE, YUCATAN, TA BASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Huvuun, via Havana and Progreso (mall for other ports of Mexico must bu directed "per s. s. Havana"): nt II p. tn. for JAMAICA nnd PROVINCE OF SANTI AGO, CUBA, per s. s. Admiral Dewey, from Philadelphia. THURSDAY At 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1 P. tn.) for NASSAU. GUANTANAMO nnd SANTIAGO, per s. s. Santiago: nt 11 p. m. for NASSAU, per stenmer from M Intnl. Flu. SATURDAY At 0 n. tn. for BRA'IL, per s. s. Cyrene (mall for Northern Brazil, Argrntlne Republic. Uruguay nnd Para guay must be directed "per s. s. Cyrene"); nt 9 a. m. (supplementary 8:30 n. tn.) for VENEZUELA nnd CURACAO, per s. s. Mnrncalbo (mall for Havunlila und Carthngcna must bo directed "per s. s. Murncalbo"): ut 9:30 u. m. for PORTO RICO, per s, s. Ponce, via Snn Junn; ut 10 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. in.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. HA VAN II. LA, CART1IAGENA nnd GRKYTOWN, per h. b. Adirondack (mull for Coslo Rica must be directed "per s. s. Adirondack"); at 10:30 n. m. for CUBA, per s, s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 12 m. for NORTH ERN BRAZIL, per s, s. Hlldebrnnd, via Para nnd Mnnnns; at 2:30 p. m. for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. h. Hermudas; ut 11 p. m. for NASSAU, per steumer from Miami, Fin. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, nnd thence bv stenmei, close nt this office dally ut G:30 p, tu. (conneclliur close hero every Mondnv. Wednesday nnd Saturday), Mulls for Mtquclon, by rnll to Boston nnd thenrn bv steamer, closo at this office dully at 6:30 p. m. Mulls for Culm, by rnil to Por Tnmpn, Kin., and thenro by steamer, close nt this office dullv nt "0 n. m. (the connecting closes nre on Sundny, Wednesday nnd Friday), Mulls for Mexico City, overturn!, unless specially ad dressed for dispatch by steamer, closo at thin office dally at 1:30 p. m. nnd 11 p. m Malls for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortez nnd Ountcmam, by rail to New Or'enns and thence by stenmer, closo nt this office dully nt 1:30 p. in. (connecting cloxo here Mon days for Belize, Puerto Cortes: nnd Guate mala and Tuesdnys for Costa Rlcn). Reg istered mall closes ut C p. m. previous day). TraiiNiinclflc Mulls. Mnlls for Hawaii, Jnpnu nnd Philippine Islands, via San Krunclsco, close here dally nt 0:30 p, m. up to December 17th. Inclusive, for dispatch prr s. s. Coptic. Mulls for Huwnll, via Bun Francisco, olof hero dally ut 0:30 p. m. up to December 21st, Inclusive, for ilibpatch per s. s. Zeulandln. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China und Philippine It-lands, via Snn Francisco, close hero dnllv ut C:30 p. in. vp to December 24th. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. America Mnru. Mulls for China nnd Japan, via Vancouver, closo hero dally nt C:30 p. tn, up to December 23th. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Empress of India (registered mnll must be directed "via Vuncouvcr"), Mulls for Australia (except West Australia.). New Zenluud, Hawaii, FIJI und Samoa n Islnnds, via San Francisco, close heie dally nt 0:30 p, in. nfter December 9th nnd up to December 29th. Inclusive, or on day of nrrlvnl of s. s. Etrurlu, due ut New York December 23th, for despatch per s, s. Sonoma, Mnlls for Austrnlln (except West Aus tralia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via Sun Francisco), nnd FIJI Islnnds. via Vuncouvcr. closo here dnlly nt C:30 p. tn. up to Junu.iry U'Gth. Inclusive, for despntch per s. s. Wnrrlmoo (supplementury mnlls, via Seat tle .close at 0:20 p. m. January "Gth), Transpacific malls nro forwarded to port of sailing dally nnd the schedule of closing Is nrrnnged on the presumption of their un interrupted overlnnd trnnslt. Registered mall closes at fi p. tn. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. PostmiiBter. Postofflce, New York, N. Y., December 11, 1900. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office Su pervising Architect. Washington, D. C December 5, 1900. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received nt thlB offlco until 2 o'clock j m, on tho 7th day of Jnnunry, 1901, nnd then opened, for tho plumbing und finish of tho toilet rooms for tho U. S. Custom house building nt Portland, Oregon, in uccordnnce with drawings nnd specifications, which will bo furnished ut the discretion of tho Super vising Architect nt this office, or nt tho olilco of tho Superintendent of tho building ut Portland, Oregon. James Knox Taylor, Supervising Architect. Dec. 8-10-12-14-17-1B M LEGAL NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Offlco of tho Lce-Glass-Andrcesen Hard ware Co., Omuhu, Neb., Dec. S, 1900. Notice is hereby given to tho stockhold. ers of tho Leo-GInss-Androesou Hardwarj Co. that the annual meeting of the stock holders of tho company will bo hold nt tho offices of t-nld compnny, 1219, 1221 nnd J223 Harnoy street, in the city of Omnha, in tho state of Nebrnskn, on Tuesday, January 8, A. D., J901, at 3 o'clock p. m for tlio purpose of electing a board of directors for thn company to serve during tho ensuing yenr, nnd to trnnsnct such other business as may bo presented nt such meeting. H. J. LEE, President. Attest: W. M. GLASS. D9 31tni Secretary. SPRING WEATHER IN WINTER Whllo Residents of Other Cities Wmle Through Snow, Omniums sit hy WIntlowN und Kun Themselves. Monday was almost a record breaker In temporature, tho thermometer for the first tlmo In ten years ourlng tho month of December reaching 63 degrees. The day was phenomenal In Its spring-time warmth and men worked in tho open air in shirt sleeves. In tho homes and offices furnaces and steam boilers wero closed down and windows were thrown open. This tomperaturo Is not unprecedented in Nebraska in December, nor Is G3 degrees tho highest point reached by the mercury. In 1890 tho high record was established, which, in tho records of the weather bureau, has novcr been equalled. Decem ber 10 of that year tho thermometer reached 71 degrees. December 24, 18S9, was the warmest Christmas evo In tha his tory of the bureau, tho thermometer that day reading 68 degrees. Other warm De comber days wcro In 1891, with 61 degrees on tho 20th; 1893, with CO degrees on tho 23d, and 1891, with 60 degrees on tho last day of tho yenr. Tho coldest Deccmbor day was In 1884, when tho thermometer stood at 17 below zero on the 22d. Cold and cough cures are numerous, but the on that lends ull others ln merit is Foley's Honey and Tar, whteli Is In great demaad theso days. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug store, South Omaha. - Mortality Statistics. Tho following dcuths nn.l births wero re ported to the city health commissioner for tho twenty-four hours enumg ut noon Tues day; Deuths-Chnrles C. Cntlln. 2618 Churics, aged 80; W. II. Turner. 119 South Twen tieth, aged 51; Esther Guodmnn, 2109 Wirt, nged 70. Blrths-Genrgn C. Mann, 4011 South Four teenth, boy, Rotor Anderson, 2521 Ohio, girl; J. M. Cnssldy, 3117 Spuuldlng, girl; Charles H. Sebrlng, 2121 Seward, boy; A. B Chambers, 1C1S North Twenty-second, girl. Bill I'ostrra Arc Cnrt-li-NM, Many complaints have been filed with tho hrnlth department concerning tho care less manner In which city bill posters scatter rofuse paper In the streets, In many rases old bills are plied behind boards where, they nro apt to take fire and cause dnmago to adjoining property, The M. E, Mulvlhlll Bill Posting company hits been notified that when boards aro stripped the old bills must bo hauled awny Immrdlutely and that nny violation of the order will bo prosecuted, TREATING DENVER UNFAIRLY Grnd Army Men ind Railroad Oillcitli DiupproTQ Ooinmittee'i Action, RATE ASKED FOR HAD BEEN GRANTED Itnllronila Went of Mlaaourl River Will Br OrnrlriI of II I it Ro nnie If Hnennipmcnt (lora Ulsrvr here. Passenger officials of Omaha roads are concerned to no smnll degreo lu the tele graphic reports from Chicago to tho effect that tho oxecutlvo commlttco of tho Grand Army of the Republic has decided against holding the nnnunl encampment in Denver next yenr. Tho ostensible reason Is tho fulluro of tho Denver local commlttco to rrovldo n rato of 1 cent per mllo on all railways entering tho city. Interested par ties among local railroad nnd Grand Army men nro much surprised at this explana tion, Inasmuch as tho railroads have agreed to and announced a lcent per mllo rate. "It Btrlkes me," said a prominent local official, "that Denver Is not being treated right In this matter, If tho reports pub lished ln tho newspapers relative to tho case are true, Stroug prcssuro as brought to bear upon tho railroads by Den ver citizens, und It resulted In tho adop tion of a rato for tho Grand Army en enmpment In September of 1 cent per mllo from Chicago, St. Louis and tho Missouri river. This was, so fur ns has been made, generally public, tho only provision mndo precedent to tho selection of Denver. Now that Denver hns compiled with Its part of tho rontrnrt It doesn't seem hardly suunro that Us claims Bhould bo turned down. The Grand Army rnio was tnken up nt n meeting of passenger nfllrlats held this week in Chi cago nnd tho basis of 1 cent per mllo was agreed upon. From Omnha, however, the round trip rnlo will bo $12, a few cents higher than tho rate would bo nt a flat tariff of 1 cent per mile. This Is for tho purpose of nnuullzlng tho distance from Kansas City to Denver, which Is slightly In excess of COO miles. Consequently, tho Missouri River Denver round trip rato for tnls occasion was established at J 12. "If (he executive committee of tho Grand Army decides against Denver nt Its meeting to bo held next month railroads operating between the Missouri river and Denver will be deprived" of n big revenue that had boon anticipated when the rnto question was set tld in such n manner that tho selection of Denver seemed practically assured. I nm Inclined to think, however, that thero Is a mistake somewhere in thn prcinlcos and that Denver will carry away thu prize yet. It Is a certainty that no city could ho .chosen that offers better Inducements for such a gather lng. Tho natural beauty of Denver, Its ex cellent hotel facilities nnd tho fact that tlm encampment will be held when a trip to tho mountains would bo a great privilege for all who might tnko It, nro rensons sufficient to commend it ns tho loglcnl location for tho annual meeting of tho old veterans." TRYING TO STOP HATE CUTTING. Drastic Measure to lie Til Wen by n Ciiiiiinlttre AcIIiik fur StoeUliolilers. Drastic measures looking toward a cessa tion of tho manipulations of rates which hnvo been in progress for the pnst six mrnths have been tnken by tho presidents and executive officers of western roads. At a conference of these ofltclnls hold in New York a week ago it was dotermlncd Unit an advisory board, consisting of members of tho financial Interests now controlling most of tho railroads, bo appointed to aid tho executive officers In their efforts to bring harmony among tho rival railroads. President JcfTcry of tho Denver & Rio Grande, who presided as chairman of this conference, has named tho following mem bers of that commlttco: E, II. Hnrrlmuu, chairman; Jacob H. Schih of Kuhn, Loeh & Co,, Robert Fleming of London, ono of tho organizers of tho Santn Fo system; Robert Bacon, of J. Plcrpnnt Morgan & Co.; Jnmcs Sllllmau, president of tho National City bank of Now York, nnd Aldaco F. Walker, chnlrmnn of tho Santa Fo board, as Mr. Flomlng's alternate. "There is no question In my mind," said an Interested freight official yesterday, "but that thlB plan of procedurn will do more toward restoring rates nnd Insuro tholr maintenance than any other courso that might bo adopted. It Is obvious that tho object of tho committee Is to represent tho stockholders of tho various roads whose Interests nro sacrificed In rnto-cuttlng wars, Such a committee, representing the stock holders whoso votes might carry tho bal ance of power In the annual elections of the roads, will certainly receive respectful consideration from tho traffic officials, whoso positions might be swinging in tho balance In raso tholr efforts to Increase tho volume of business Bhould result In a uacrlflco to tho financial interests of tho stockholders of tho road. Thoro Is no doubt but that as u general rulo rata wnrs are costly experiments to the railroads, for tbs ndded business that comes temporarily from the cutting of a rato Is mora than offset i by thn disadvantage that comes In carrying other business at an actual loss," , Finishes Its Work for Nelirnskn. Tho sub-commlttco of tho Trnusmlssourl Freight bureau, which has been In session In this city for a couple of days considering tho subjects of drnyagc and switching charges, hns adjourned. Various inequal ities ln tho matter of switching and drayagn at Nebraska competitive points were tnkon up nnd considered and in overy caso satis factory solution of tho difficulties was I reached. Tho committee will moet In Kansas City today, whoro tho Hams , subject In Its relation to Kansas competl- , tlvo points will bo tnkon undor advisement. , Descriptive Work on Wratern Cities. A handsomely printed und profusoly illus trated det'erlptlvo pamphlet baa just been Issued by tho Union Pacific. It contains a description of thu loading cities on Its lines from tho Missouri river to Salt Lake City and n largo number of handsome pictures Illustrating the subject matter. Tho book Is a mode) of typographical art nnd is so full of Interesting data concerning the west that It will mako a valuablo addition to nny library. l.otv Riilea IiTTeetlve Hnturdny. Ill order that travelers who want to go homo for tho Christmas holidays may leavo for their destination on Saturday an addi tional day has been ndded for tho Belling of uxcurslon rnto tlckots. Originally thn into established for tho opening of tho salo of holiday rates was December 23, but In nsmuch as this dato falls on Sunday tha railroads generally agreed to mako tho low i ales effective, on Saturday. Itilllwn)' Notes mill I'erminnl. L. V. Boatly, traveling freight agent of the Kansas City Southern, is a vIMtor lu tho city from KunsaB City. General Passenger Agent J. R, of the Elkhorn bus returned lrnm u busi ness, trip to Dead wood und tho Black Hills, Assistant General Freight Agent G. M Kntrlkln of thn Omnhu At St, Louis left lust night for a brief business trip to St. Louis. W. K. Dnuchy of Chleug3 nnd R. W. Day of Topekn, chief cnKlneots of the Rock Island system; H. R. Irving of Topekn, general rond master, und G, J. Bishop af Topnkn, superintendent c' bridges und buildings for the sumo system, were in ihn city yesterday whllo on u tour of Inspection over the llne Tho person wno disturbed the congrega tion last Sunday by coughing Is requested to call on Dillon's drug store, South Omaha, or Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, vid get a bottlo of Foley's Honey nnd Tar, It al ways gives relief,