Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Davis sells glass.
"Mr. Miry," 5-ccnt cigar.
Flno Missouri oak. Gilbert Dros.
Oan fixtures nnd globen at Uixby's.
Flno A. B C. beer, Neumnycr's hotel.
Wotlmiui, scientific optician, 4C9 D'd'y.
Schmidt's photos, new anil latest styles.
W. J. Hoste'tter, dcntlsr, llaWwIn block.
Moore's stock food kills worms, fattens.
Beo Schmidt for elegant holiday photos.
W. W. Loomls Is In Chicago on business.
Drink HudwelFer beer. Ij. Hosenfcld, ngt.
Iffert, Jeweler, optician. 230 llroadway.
Rco Alexander & Co.' window display of
casts. 333 D'wny.
Iwidlen" nnd gents' cafe, 511 Uroadway,
opon day and night.
Horn-To Mr. and Mrs. 11. II. (Irmly of
Sixth nvcnuo, a daughter.
V. V. draff, undertaker nnd dlslnfector,
101 South Main street 'Phono COO.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jensen of
llleh School nvcnuo. a daughter.
(lot your work done at the popular Eagle
laundry, 724 llroadway. 'Phono 157.
W. C. Kstop. undertaker, 28 Pearl mrcei.
Telephones: Office, 97; residence, 33.
Palm Grove No. II, Woodmen Circle, will
meet In regular session this evening.
Thomas 11. I.aoy Is home frcuii Cornell
collcgo to spend tho ChrlstmaH holidays.
Morjrnn A Klein, upholstering, furniture
rcnnlrlng. niattress making. IK H. Main st.
Miss Maud McKesson of Oakland iivenuo
has Issued Invitations for a card party .tor
Monday, December 31.
.T. N. Tolllngcr of tho tiotna Valley Nows
or aincedonia, ia., was in mo ui jiniui'
day calling on friends.
mtil In Tim Tien will lirllltl rCSllltS
Tho saino attention given to a want add In
Council Muffs as nt tho Omnha olllcc.
Keller & Hand reported to tho pollen last
evening tho theft of a pair of lneo curtains
from their furnlturo storo on Uroadway. ,
Sheridan coal, onco tried always lined.
Hmokrless, no soot, clinkers nor sulphur.
Prlco $5, J5.60. lnlon cfe Foley, solo ngents.
Minn Mnrv Htnnli(tiHOIl of tho DOStollleo
forco has been assigned to duty at tho
branch olllco at tho union Purine transfer,
Mrs. Kmma Holman returned yesterday
from Jlattlo Creek, Mien., wnero sno re
rently underwent a Bovcro surgical ope
George lludlo Is homo from a. trip to
llonilwnml. H 1) wherii lio lnui been look
ing nfler his largo mining Interests In tho
lllack Mills district.
II. N. Waller, who has been eonllncd to
his homo for several weeks with his kneo
In a cast duo to a strain, was amo 10 uo
Ht his olllco yesterday again.
Tho enso against John Hansen and his
hired man, John Johnson, charged with nn-t.-utltlng
Jacob Hansen In a dispute over a
pig, was continued In Justlco Terrier's
tourt yosterday until Thursday.
Contractor Wlekham commenced work
yesterday on tho paving or North Second
street from Uroadway to Washington ave
nue. Tho top eourso will bo Dos Moines
und tho lower course homo product.
These cases In the district court wero
dismissed yesterdny and tho costs paid:
Htato Havings Hank ngalnst McOee, Hook
against McOro, Htato Havings Honk ngnlust
Council Hlurrs llcnl Kstuto ami improve
tnent company.
Luna Witt, tho vounir woman who nt
tempted to commit suicide at tho Ugden
house, and was sent to Bt. Hernaril's hos
pital by tho Insanity commissioners, woh
ordored discharged yesterday. A sister In
Fremont, Neb., will give her a homo and
tako euro of her.
An Information was (lied before Justice
Ferrler yesterday, charging Joo Kane nnd
Chariot Adams with tho larceny of shoos
fioni tho storo of the Duncan Shoo com
pany on Main street. It Is alleged the
Hhoes wero found on the boys. They nro
now serving a sentenco In tho county Jnll
for tho theft of coal from cars In the yards
f tho Northwestern railroad.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 210.
Governor haw Recognizes the Requisition
of Governor Lintl.
i:rrir( of Ilia Attorney nnd Friends
Are I'livtiirtril ly tin- VIkIIiiiiou of
a ItiiMtlliiK Yoiiiik Deputy
Gravel rooting. A. 11. Head. 541 Uroadway,
ItnliliiMl the l int.
Thieves ransacked tho Hat at 101 West
Brondway, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. II.
Fair, last evening during tho occupants'
ahseuco at church. Everything in tho
reams tvas searched for money. Beds wero
pulled to pieces, mattresses ripped open,
drawers ransacked, and tho thieves wero
rowarded by finding $51 In a tin box which
had been locked In a trunk, tho trunk ltdng
broken open. Tho thlovcs secured en
trance to tho Hat by a back stairway open
ing off FlrRt street and burst In tho kitchen
door. They were evidently only aftor
money, as nothing clso was found to bo
missing, although thero wbb considerable
ollverwaro nud Jewelry in tho rooms.
Teitrlnir Up 1(h TraekN.
Judge Green beforo leaving here for Red
Oak, whore ho Is holding district court this
week, intimated that ho would Bustaln tho
motion of the motor company to dUsolvo
tho temporary Injunction Becured by II. I.
Forsyth restraining the company from tear
ing up any of the tracks of tho suburban
company on South Sixth street or Avcnuo
C. No order to tills effect has been re
celvod yet from Judge Green; neither docs
tho docket show any record of tho tom-
porary restraining order bolng dissolved.
Tho motor company placed a largo force
of men at work last night tearing up the
tracks on Avenue O and expected to com
plcto tho work by this morning.
Tho efforts of Thomas It. Senior's attorneys
to pi event him being taken to llluo hartli,
Minn., failed. Governor Shaw refused to
withdraw his consent to the requisition from
the governor of Minnesota, and Senior was
turned ovor to tho custody of Deputy Sheriff
llort Davis of Blue Earth, who at once
started north with his prisoner.
Shortly before noon yesterday Sheriff
Couolns received tho following telegram
from W. II. Fleming, prlvuto secretary to
Governor Shaw: "Ojvcrnor directs surrender
of Palmer, alios Uo3H, on rendition war
rant." Sheriff Cousins lost no time- In turn
ing over Sentcr to tho Minnesota, ofllccr,
who had everything In readliic9. Scnter
wns hastily driven by Deputy Sheriff Davis
over to Omaha, as tho latter was anxious
to get his prisoner out of tho Jurisdiction
of tho lown courts, as ho anticipated Sen
ter's friends would inako nn effort to secure
his rclcnno on a writ of habeas corpus. The
Minnesota olllcor did not got his man out
of tho city any too quick, for ns soon as
Sentcr's local attorney learnotl that Gover
nor Shaw had refused to withdraw tho ro-
nulstlon, he went beforo Judgo Aylcaworth
of tho suporlor court, who promptly Issued
n writ of habeas corpus. Armed with tho
writ, tho attornoy hastened to tho court
houso nnd demanded that Sheriff Cousins
deliver Scnter to him.
" I would bo very glad to," replied
Sheriff Cousins, "but tho fact is that Senter
Is not In my custody. Ho left hero a short
while ago In charge of Deputy Sheriff Davis
and is now on 1i1b way to Minnesota."
Mlmimotn .Hun n lliiatler.
An offort was niudo to Intercept the Min
nesota olllcor and his prisoner beforo they
crossed tho bridge into Nebraska, but it
failed. It Is not known for certain that
Sheriff Davis took Senter Into Nebraska.
All that is known hero Is that as soon as
Sheriff Cousins surrendered him tho Min
nesota officer hustled Scnter Into a two
ecatcd carriage with a double team and
drovn rapidly awuy from the county Jail.
Ab ho was on tho point of leaving ho told
Sheriff Cousins that Sontcr's attorneys
would havo a hard time now preventing him
being taken to Bluo Earth. Senter was
much put at tho unceremonious way In which
ho waa hustled out of town without being
given (i chanco to speak to his wlfo or any
of his friends who aro hero from his homo
town In Missouri.
Scnter was represented nt tho hearing be
foro Governor Shaw yesterday morning by
his attorneys from Missouri. IIo waB evl
dently greatly disappointed nt their failure
to havo tho requisition withdrawn.
Senter is being taken to Bluo Karth,
Minn., to answer to n chargo of swindling
J. A. Van Slyke, a real estato and loan
broker, out of $1,000 on a deal similar to tho
ono porpetrnted on Lougeo & Lougco of this
city. Van Slylco wns victimized last July
and claims to fully identify Scnter as tho
man who, undor tho name of A. N. Boss,
buncoed him, although Sentcr's attorneys
Btnto that whllo VanSlyko wns In Council
BIuffB ho confidentially told two prominent
professional men of this city that ,ho be-
Uoved ho was mistaken In his Identifying
Senter. Van Slyko Is said to bo a resident
of South Dakota now.
Iu tho event of Scnter being acquitted on
tho Bluo Karth charge ho will havo to stand
trlnl In Morrison, 111., on tho chargo of
swindling A. J. Jackson, cashier of the First
National bank of that place, out of $3,000
ten years ago. Jackson says ho Is posltlvo
of his Identification of Scnter.
court and was dually given tho alternative ,
of spending thirty days nt St. Bernard's
hospital on condition that If ho leit mo
Institution .before tho expiration of the
thirty dnys ho would bo committed to tho
county Jail, Ho went to tho hospital.
piioci:i:nixis of tub citv coukcii
Alilcriiiuii llnyer'a Ordliinncr Hulse
rircinen'a Puy I ivillcti.
Alderman Boycr'E ordinance fixing tho
compensation of tho city officers, whereby
it was contemplated to rulso tno salaries
of tho members of tho pollco and fire de
partments from fi0 to $05 per month wns
defeated at tho meeting of tho city council
last night. Aldermen Hammer, Huber,
Lougoo and McDonald were responsible for
Its defent. When tho ordlnnnco waB called
up on Its third reading Attorney Ilnjclton
nsltcd permission to mnko a few state
ments on behalf of tho members of tho
flro department in support of tho pnssngo
of tho measure. IIo showed that tho nro
men formerly received $65 a month, but
tho pay wns reduced a few yenrs ago, when
tho ordinance now In forco was passed. On
behalf of his clients ho argued that thc.
worked practically twenty-four hours each
day and thirteen days out of every fourteen.
IIo suggested that as objections had hcon
raised to tho ordlnnnco on the grounds that
tho appropriation for the department had
been made for this year, that tho measure
not tako effect until the commencement
of tho next fiscal year on April 1, 1001.
Acting on this suggestion Alderman Boyor
moved that tho ordinance bo amended to
tako effect on nnd lifter April 1, 1P01, but
tho amendment failed to carry. Alderman
McDonald then gave tho ordlnnnco Its death
blow for tho present by suggesting that
It lay over until such tlmo ns tho council
rando up Its budget for the new fiscal yeaK
lo urgued that tho council would then bo
In a better condition to oetlmnto Us rov-
( nues for tho coming year, which ho hinted
store, pleaded guilty this morning to hav
ing stolen a quantity of articles from tho
store, lie came hero throe weeks ago front
Cambridge, Neb., and found work with
Simon. Ito wns under suspicion and n
search of his - room revealed nboitt $ir
worth of stolen goods. IIo whs sent to
Jnll to awn It action of tho grand Jury.
A flno now Agatha hospital building was
dedicated Sunday afternoon at Clinton,
tho dcdlcntory address being delivered by
Dr. John K. Fowler of Clinton. Mayor
Gcorgo 1). McDald spoko on behalf of tho
city, nnd h. P. Allen on behalf of tho cltl
zens. Tho now building Is 67xSI feet In
llmnnolnna nf lirlrtr nnd rnmntftn Itl nvetv
POLICY SAVES MONEY FOR THE CITIZlNb tictal. Tho cost was about $20,000, all o!
which wns from voluntnry subscriptions,
Iowa Board of Control Believes in Suppljing
the Beit.
attended tho dedication, after which nil
wero served with refreshments. The now
building Is n modern one, built nt a cost of
$'.'0,000, nil of whloh was raised by sun
scrlpllons, nnd Is a charitable Institution
espoused by a, number of phllnntnropic
women of tho city. Tho building is a
three-story brick, with basement, nnd
measures 57.SI feet.
Tho hospltnl Is maintained by a local or
Dunne TnUen a Second Ccumin.
IIOONB, la., Dec. 17. (Special.) T ho
government census gave Boono a populntlon
of S.880. As it had claimed from 10,000 to
12,000 tho citizens were not satisfied with
the count and nrrnngcmcnls were mndo by
tho city council to havo n recount taken.
The matter was placed In chnrgo of (.It
board for tho next vcar. The way this has Clerk Jcsso Hull and blanks prepared. Vol
been done lllustrntcs well tho methods of untcers wero then. culled for lo take tho
tho board In caring for the Interests of the census, each being usalgned ono or more
Btnte. Packers sent samples of their meats blocks. Lending business men toou hold
to tho board with offers, and tho board of tho matter nnd the result Is that tho
after rnreful inspection of these samples populntlon of tho city Is shown to be 10,-
awarded tho eontrncts. All meats nro pur- 264. Tho greatest enro has been exorcised
Other Stntew Arc InvcfitUntliiK "Itli
View to Ailopllntr the Method
Tlint llim Proeu no
DES MOINKS, Dec. 17. (Special.) The
Stato Board of Control has lot tho con
tracts for tho meat supply for tho various
state Institutions under tho care of tho
chnscd at an agreed prlco per pound, and
then the superintendents of tho Institutions
buy what they need, approvo tho bills and
scud them to tho board for final auditing.
Tho coutrnctor has only n general Idea of
how much meat ho will furnish the stato
under his contract. Only tho very best
meals nro purchased. Somu of tho samples
submitted to tho board by the bIx or bovcii
packers who made offers wero of Inferior
grade meats. These packers supposed that
uny kind of meat would bo considered good
enough for tho convicts and Insano peoplo,
but In this they misjudged tho Board of
Control. Good meats wero bought, even If
tho prlco was higher. Tomorrow tho su
perintendents of Institutions will bo In Des
Moines to attend tho quarterly conference
with thn Ilnnnl nf Cnntrnl. nnd llinv will
might bo materially reduced in cormin i bo Hnown tho samples of meat offered nnd
quartets, It bolng understood that ho re
ferred to the lncomo dcrUed from saloon
licenses. Alderman Lovctt thought that
tho ordinance ought to bo amended bo as
to raise tho aalarlcs of tho captains of the
four bono houses nbovo those of the firemen
and Alderman Ilubor expressed tho opinion
that If nny salnrlcs wero to bo raised that
of tho assistant city engineer ought to bo
Included In tho list,
Tho passage of tho ordlnnnco was then
moved and lost on u tlo vote.
On tho report of tho city engineer on tho
tabulation of tho bids for tho paving with
nsphaltum of First avenue, Sixth, Soventn
nnd Eighth streets wns read, showing that
tho bid of tho Barber Asphalt company was
tho lowest, Alderman Brown moved that all
bids bo rejected. This was strcnoilsly op
posed by Aldorinnn McDonald, who ventured
tho opinion that the opposition to nsphal
tum waB simply an effort to prevent th
paving of theso strcots nt all. After moro
or less desultory discussion tho matter of
awarding tho contract waa laid over on
motion of Alderman Lovctt for two weeks.
City Solicitor Wndsworth submitted n
form of waiver to bo signed by the motor
company In connection with tho distribution
of tho money paid In by it for tho paving
of South Main street, but it did not seem
to satisfy some of tho aldermen and It wan
referred back lo him without explanation.
Tho special couimltteo consisting of the
members of tho flro nnd light commltteo
nnd tho city electrician roportcd that It
had oxamlned nil tho light towers nnd
found that In somo Instances repairs wero
needed to tho guy ropes and that some of
tho stubs required renewing. Tho city
clerk was directed to notify tho Ons and
Electric company to mnko tho nocded ro
palrs. On the recommendation of tho Judiciary
commltteo it wns decided to coraproinlao
will bo asked to see that the meat fur
nlshed comes up to the standard. The con
tracts will call for about $170,000 to $180,000
worth of meat during next year. The hoard
does not inako public tho price paid,
llimil Food for ConvlclM,
The butter Is also of tho best quality,
not a pound of country butter going Into
nny Btnto Institution. When the present
board took hold of tho stato Institutions no
butter wns served at nil. The board cut
down tho allowanco of tobacco ono-half
and substituted butter. There was much
complaint nt first, but none now. Every
Inmato of n Btnto Institution, whether In
tho penitentiary or asylum or roform school,
is served good meat twlco a day. Tho best
of Hour Is purchased. Last year (lour was
purchased In Mluno3ota, but this year Iowa-
made flour was found to bo JuBt ns good,
nnd a local firm will sell 7,000 barrels to
tho stnte. While thero nro thoso who com
plain that men In tho penitentiary aro hot
tcr fed than the average laboring man tho
board believes rpjod results follow this sys
tem. When tho board whb at tho Fort
Madison penitentiary recently a prisoner
accosted John Cownle, with tho remark:
"I tell you what, Mr. Cow hie, you folks
keep a mighty good hotol here."
"Havo you been In othors7"
"Yes, five or six of them; but you glvo
us the best grub of all and It s hard to
Tho board haudlcs the clothing nnd other
nrticlcs In xthe snmo way, and is nblo to
ruvu tho stato a, vast amount over tho old
system, of each superintendent makiag pur
tho different lists checked over, und It Is
thought Hint tho Inst count Is as near cor
reel ns It Is possible to inako It. In some
Instances wholo blocks wero found to have
btcn missed by tho government enumera
tors nnd In others whero two families lived
In ono house but ono waB counted. An ef
fort will ho made through Senator Dolllvcr
to havo tho matter corrected at Washington.
Cliti-r Wn Sot What II Nornicd.
CEDAK RAPIDS, In., Dec. 17. (Special.)
A caso that attracted n considerable
nmount of attention and Btlrrcd up a good
deal of feeling In n couple of towns ha3
Just been concluded In 4iu court nf Justice
John It. Wothrell of Lisbon. A few days
ago four slxtcen-gullon kegs of elder, being
Bold by C. It. Coyler, n restaurant man nt
Mount Vernon, wero seized by Constable
Mitchell. Tho cider wns being sold as crab
elder und pure Juice, but tho Information
charged him with selling Intoxicating liq
uora. Prof. KnlRht of Cornell college mndo
nn unnlysls of tho cider, finding ono keg
emit allied between i and C per cent pure
nlcohol and another between 11 and 12 per
cent pure alcohol. A change of venuo was
tnkcu to Lisbon nnd for two days tho. case
was hotly contested. Tho Jury, nftor being
out nn hour and a half, found that tho elder
wns intoxicating nnd the carno was then
ordered destroyed.
-Mr. Illlljrr'n Cnxc
The question of the removal of Mrs. A, W
Hlllyer of Pannmn. Ia., from tho Woman's
Christian Association hospltnl was brought
before tho Board of Health nt a special
inllcd meeting last nUht. Daniel Drlscoll
of Ninth uveuuo nnd Fourth street appeared
beforo the board as a relative- of Mrs. Hill
yer and explained that If sin wns not per
milted to ho removed sho wculd In nil
ptobnblllty loso her reason. Ho said Mrs.
Illllycr's physician had Informed him that
there could not bo thu slightest danger
In removing her If tho proper precautions
were taken, as she had not been nt any
tlmo In the portion of the hospltnl In which
tho patients nlTectcd with smallpox were
It bolng understood that tho elty physi
cian Is fnvorobie to permitting tho woman
to be removed, the matter wns left In his
hnnd3 with power to act ns ho deemed
Mrs. Illllycr's husband, who assisted her
In her attempt to escape from the hospital
Saturday, appeared In pollco court yester
day, but his hearing was potsponed until
this morning. The lllllycrs live on a farm
between Panama nnd Portsmouth nnd have
agreed If Mrs. llltlycr Is permitted lo gn
home to have their placo quarnttned for tho
requisite period.
AVhrro IIIh II rot he r llimucd lllniNotr
CHIMB. 11APIDS, In., Dec. 17. (Special
Word haB Just been ri reived hero of th
stilcldo of Charles II. Ellison, n prosperous
farmer living near Vartello. Ho had been
despondent over tho Met that ho was nfrald
he would not bo nblo to raise money enough
to pay olf an obligation and ended his llfo
by hanging. James Ellison, an older
brother, hung himself on tho same farm
about twcnty-llvo years ago.
Ovin Diiiiiiiki'h AkiiIiinI (lie "(I."
CHARITON, la., Dec. 17. (Special.)
GeorBo Baker has secured a verdict for
$500 damages in his second suit against
tho Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy railroad
for injuries sustained last February when
ho was struck by a moving train whllo ho
was crossing tho tracks. Tho enso was
first tried at tho last torm of court, when
a verdict of $2,000 and interest was ro
turned, but a new trial was granted. This
second trlnl has occupied an entire week
and tho Jury was out twenty-eight hours.
Tho fact that somo of tho wltnosses con
tradictcd somo of tho testimony that they
themselves gave In tho previous trial cre
ated somo suspicion of theso having been
"fixed" beforo tho caso was''cnllcd a bcc
ond time.
'File Claim AKiiliiNt llnrlan IXirto.
(Special.) Tho estato of ,tho late
senator llnrlan has had a claim
chases In small lcts at whatever prlco ho of $27,000 filed 'iigatnst It by J.
chooses to glvo ,((( favored friends. C. hltford, n ncphow of the senator,
Tlio success oiino rowa uoard in saving no ciaium inni no cniereu nis uncle s cm-
tho stato largo nuinn of money is attracting
attention In other states. Tho Illinois Stnte
Board of Charities desires that tho Iowa
plan bo followed. Today n luttcr was ro
for $100 Mrs. J. Donahue's claim against tho cevcd from the Btnto auditor of Minuesotn,
Annual masquerodo given by tho Wood
men or tno world nt tneir nan iriuuy
evening, December 21.
Work of HiirKlarH.
Tho grocery store of John McCarthy nt
1C2C West Broadway wa3 broken Into by
thieves Sunday night,. who carried away a
quantity of plug tobocco, cigars and Borne
nmnll change that was In the cash regis
ter. They ulso stolo n meat cleaver, evi
dently for the purpose of breaking open
tho plug tobacco caddies, as tho remains of
the caddies wero found In tho rear of tho
Btpro. Entrance was secured through a
rcor window, which wns forced open. Tho
robbery la thought to bo tho work of nomo
young fellows living In tho Immediate
city for n broken arm received by falling on
a defective sidewalk. The original claim
was for $100. Tho claim of Mrs. Catherine
Kllgoro for damages to her property by tho
overflow of Indian creek was rejected on
the recommcudutlon of tho somo committee.
E. M. Simpson, a farmer living at Manilla,
Iu., notified tho city council thnt ho would
ask damages In the sum of $2,000 for a dis
located collarbone caused by a fall on a
dotectlvo sidewalk while recently visiting
In this city.
Attornoy Aylcaworth appeared on behalf
of residents on South Ninth street and
registered a complaint against tho condi
tion of that thoroughfare on which the
motor company had tnkeu up part of tho
track of the old Manawn line. He said tho
street was In an almost Impassablo condi
tion and suggested that if the motor com
pany declined to put It into proper Bhapo
that it bo ordored paved nnd this, he
thought, would bring tho company to, tlmo
quick enough. A motion to direct tho motor
company to tako up the abandoned track
provalled, but was promptly reconsidered
Sin Machine Convicted.
Thn trlnl nf thn slot mnehlnn snlcnd at
John Mergen's Mnln street saloon Saturday neighborhood and tho pollco are working on
hv thn nnllen befnrn Judirn Avlesworth ves- a Cllic
tcrdny morning resulted in tho court find
ing It guilty of being a gambling drvlco
nnd as such subject to condemnation. At
tho request of tho owner of tho machine,
who wished to bo represented by counsel,
Judge Aylesworth deferred issuing nny or-
der for its destruction until Saturday.
I Mergon Informed tho court that ho had
recolvod pormlsslnn from tho pollco to rim
tho machine provided ho paid In trndo.
Chlof Albrn stild Morgcn must havo misun
derstood his orders.
Start tho now contury right wlin a now
ledger. Special ruled forms In stock. Moro
houso & Co.
Commonwealth 10-cuui clear.
Howell's Antl-Knwf" cures coughs, colds.
Cubic HcIn a Fire.
Friction of tho wlro cuhlo on tho frolght
elevator at tho Grand hotol caused tho
woodwork to catch on tiro nt a point near
tho top of tho building. Tho blazo was
promptly extinguished by nn cmployo of
tho houso with a hand chemical machine.
A request Bent to No, 2 englno houso for
tho chief to Inspect tho elovntor brought
the downtown companies of tho department
to tho scene.
Destroyed the I.liiimr,
The small stock of liquor seized last week
In Gus Peterson's saloon In Attorney Limit's
building nt 1021 Broadway was destroyed
yesterday by Coustablo Ilalrd under orders
from Justlco Ferrler. Tho liquor was seized
under a search wnrraut sworn out by Mrs,
Paul Meyers, wlfo of tho former proprlotor
of tho saloon. The heaming on tho dlsposl
Hon of thn solzed stock was set for yostor-
day morning, but nB Poterson did not put
In an appearance tho court ordered It de
stroyed nnd Constable Bnlrd,.forthwtth pro
ceeded to pour it into tho creek.
R. C. Dunn, acknowledging receipt of the
report of the Ipwa board, and ho stated
that ho waa going to do nil in his power to
Induco tho .Minnesota leglsluturo to create
a board IIKo tno Iowa board.
At tlie meeting of tho bonrd with superin
tendents of institutions tomorrow Dr.
Rogers of Minnesota will read a paper on
compensation for inmates of stato Institu
County l.vKlxlalorM (o Meet.
II. E. Teachout of thin city, president
of tho State Association of County Super
visors, haB Just Bet tho tlmo for tho annual
meeting of the association, which is to be
held In Marshnlltown Jnininry 22 next.
Usually thero aro about 150 of tho Iowa
members of the boards of supervisors In
attendance nt theso annual meetings und
tho committees aro at work now prepar
ing a program. The association devotes
Itself largely to uniformity of legislation
for tho counties and to consideration of fco
nnd expense questions. The present officers
arc: President, H. E. Teachout, Polk
county; vlco president, S. P. Carter, Del
ploy twenty years ago with tho lattor's
promise to "make it right." Judgo Smyth
lias postponed tho hearing of this nnd other
coces connected with tho estate until the
noxt term of court, when Mrs. Robert Lin
coin, tho administratrix, may bo in attend
ance. At present she Is quarantined In tho
Fifth Avenua hotol In Now York City
whero tho little daughter of her daughter,
Mrs. .Icsslo Llncoln-Beckwith, of this city
nan tno scarlet fever,
wiien the council called to mind tho fact Lw;iro 'county; secretary," W. B. Williams,
mat mere was u lurgu uu uuui m urn-it jjurf,imn COUnty; treasurer, T. W. Mc-
taxes duo tho city on this lino. To order causlnud, Scott county,
tho company to removo thn track. It wns Th0 twCuty.Bxth semi-annual mooting of
thought, might prejudice the city's chances the Ct,ntral District Medical Association
to recover tno taxes and mo manor was . ,owa , hI(, noono tomorrow.
left with tho city attornoy to wrestle with.
Tho council adjourned to Monday, Decern
her 31.
During the afternoon the nldormen met ns
a committee of the wholo and Inspected tho
Washington avenue paving for the purposo
of preparing tho assessment. It was found
that only two pieces of property would not
bear the full nmount of tho assessment.
Tho entlro cost of tho paving to bo assessed
airnlnst the abutting property owners Is
$12,108.10 for cash, or $12,771.22 for certifi
Davis soils paint.
Tho stores will bo open nil this week ond
that famous whisky bought in bond will
bo found on snlo only nt tho Hoffman.
Sent lo lloNpltiil,
"Unclo" Ed Anderson, nn old offendor,
charged with being on a continuous drunk
for tho last three months, was sentenced
to thirty days In tho county Jnll yesterday
morning by Police Judgo Aylesworth, The
old man appealed to tho sympathy of tho
l g nrti1 'iB3
Fit well the first
Look well the
last day.
$3.50 SHOES
v Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska'
and Iowa. Jameu N. Casndy,
12C Main Bt . Council Bluffs.
Save Your Hansy r
138 l'rarl Htreul, CnuiicU
Hi H i'im:t is 'i-iir. citv H
H IS am) i.iki: ot'it siioiis- B
9 Wt I
narpnis i
J Look for the Bear, j
run inu
llluffa, In,
An Omnha concern is advertising a now
hearso thnt ucoolo aro dying to rldo In, but
tho man thnt Bamples that fnmouB whisky property
nnd a number of lendiug doctors from Dcs
Moines will attend. D. N. DeTar,,
Is president, and (1. H. Stnuger, Boono, Is
Becietnry. On thu program aro tha fol
lowing physicians; A. M. Poud, Webster
City; J. A. W. Burgess, Radcllffo; W. K,
Hnrrlmnn, Ames; A. L. Wright, Carroll;
A. Norstrom, Boono; Bonjnmln Thompson,
Tama; F. 8. Smith, Nevada; Kvallno Pco
Boono; D. W, Flnlayson, Des Molncs, and
J. W. Cokenower, Dcs Molncs.
Armor)' or Ko (inn id.
Des MolncH has long had two companies
of Infantry nnd n troop of cavalry of tho
Iowa National Guard, but last week tho
of ono of tho compaules was
bought In bond nnd sold nt the Hoffman
will never dlo as long as ho has tho price
of a drink.
Twenty Ycnrn In lit Term,
OTTU.MWA, In., Deo. 17. (Special Toio
gram. Kllza Hooker, u colored man
found guilty Monday of attempting nn ns
sntilt upon Mrs. Sarah Iloovel, a whit
wnmnn, wns todny sentonced to acrv
twenty yenrs In tho pcnltentlnry. Long as
Is tho entenco Its sovcrlty will not seem
extreme to Hooker, as ho has been tin
comfortably near death at tho hands of
mob nnd lived in constant fear of his life,
IIIIihiIn Central Frclitlit Ditched
CEDAR FALLS, Ia., Dec. 17. (Special
Telegram.) An Illinois Central freight
truin from tho weal wns ditched this aft
ernoon neur hero by running Into an open
ewltch. No fatalities resulted.
Do you need a hired girl?
will bring ono.
A Bco wnnt ad
An Enemyjo Drink
Ono Vo in u ii Who linn Done n Uren
Deal to Put Down
Thin Hvll,
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Dec. 17. (Spec
cial.) When the Independent Order of Goo
Templars of Minnesota wanted a stato or
gantzcr It choso Mrs. Laura J, Smith
1217 West Thirty-third street, this city
Tho American Anti-Treat league also
selected Mrs. Smith as national organizer,
The reason Is not far to seek. This gifted
woman has devoted her llfo to a battlo
against drink and drinking habits. He
lullueucn foi good In Minnesota is and has
been very far-reaching.
About two years ago. however, It Bccmcd
ns If this noble womnu would havo to giv
up her philanthropic work. Severe pains
in her back nnd under her shoulder blade
mado llfo a burden nnd work Impossible
Physicians wero consulted and they pre
tcrlbcd for kidney disease. Threo month
treatment, however, failed to glvo Mrs,
Smith nny relief. Her huSbnnd was nitl
oxcrclscd and cast about htm for something
that would restore IiIb good wlfo to health
nnd strength. He heard of tho cures
fectcd by Dodd'B Kidney Pills and advised
her to try them, which alio did. Sho Is now
u well woman and says:
Twn U'npbn nftnr t onmmnnpo,! Inblne
Iltf.fffit. llnui. Ilt.ll I. ... - v a
r-PiiAn ir.irna i- iw i- a ii Dodd's Kldnoy Pills I felt much better and
A movement lma'hrnn Rlnr'ln.l'lnVlnn. in. nt tho cn(1 of 80V0n weok'' wns complete
v J Mm nrnonlvaHnn f n I .. . ...... CUTCII.
bnno ball league, and It is probable n
meeting will bo held early in January for
tho purpose of effecting organization. The
cities 'proposed for tho now organization
nre Torre Haute nnd Evansvlllo In In
dlnnn, Bloomlngton, Decatur, Rock Island
nnd Rockford In Illinois nnd Cedar Rapids
and Davenport iu Iowa. It is tho plan to
have a five months' playing season nnd a
salary limit of $900 or $1,000 a year. A
number of the cities mentioned nro ready
for franchises, and it is belloved the others
montloned will como In.
For Cllnlon'n IiiviiIIiIn unit Injured.
CLINTON, Ia., Dec. 17. (Special.) The
flno new Agatha hospital building, which
has Just been completed here, was dedicated
this afternoon with appropriate cere
monies Tho dcdlcntory address was de
livered by Dr. John K. Fowlur of tho First
Presbyterian church. Mayor Georgo D.
McDald spoko in behalf of tho city and
Hon. L. P. Allen delivered an address In
behalf of tho citizens. Hundreds' of peoplo
I havo had no recurrence of tho
trouble, but I tako a pill off and on nnd
find thnt It keeps mo In good health."
Dodd's Kidney Pills aro for unle by all
dealers at DO cents a box
They are easily within the reach of all
and no woman can afford to suffer whan
such a simple and suro remdy Is at hand
Robert Boyce
LcUrand, Iowa,
nniiilmnrn! Three venrs uko I contracted
n severe cold which settled on my lungs,
leaving mo Willi n icrriuio rerpirninry
trouble. My friends became nlarmed about
my condition und advised mo to try two
noted physicians, which I did, with nothing
more Until temporary relief.
fine lny 1 saw un iiiivuruarnivni. in
11YOM1JI. procured nn Outfit nnd began Its
Use. From tno ursi umc i usrn ii i uckhh
tn i t.i,iiitr Itpftim lhlfi 1 slut blond a
grent deal, sometimes could scarcely sps:k
IlllOVC II WlUCPCr. illll pillllB IU IH IlllIKH
wero sometimes iinendurnble. In six weeks
inv cough was entirely gone I continued
gaming until my hiiiks uu
they over were, I feci liku a new man.
HVOMMI Ih (lie only poMtlvp fiiro
known for CoukIih, CntHrrh, ABthmn,
iiml Consumption.
It In Kiiitrntitceil.
Five days' trentmcnt nnd medical ndvlc
All driiKKisti or by mail, uuinis com
plete $1.00 Trial Outfits 2Ti
'I III-. II. 1. IHMJ 1 11 l.f., ilimrHt I.
Clocks for
Do You Want One?
Wo havo some beauties good
timers that we can sell ns low ns
$3 which will bo un ornament to
your home. Somo at higher prices,
but In nil wo havn clocks that will
suit you. Wo have alarms at 75c.
Herman M. Leffert
Joweler, Optician and Kngravcr,
230 BROADWAY, Council Bluffs.
342 and 344 Broadway,
Council Bluffs,
The Largest
Crockery and
Establishment In the west. Wo nre direct Im
porters from France, Kngland and Ocrmany,
saving you tho middleman or Jobber's profit.
Wo offoi you extraordinary Inducements.
Prices absolutely lower than clsewhcro and
assortment unmatchable.
Iu dinner ware wo carry 40 Btock patterns
from tho cheapest to richest gold lncrusted
French china. From theso you can select
anything you may want without buying a
In fnncy pottery wo carry nn exception
ally lino lino, from tho neat nnd tasty llttlo
flower holder to tho finest goods produced.
Wo havo some very cholco pieces In
Capo d8 Monta,
Old Vienna,
Paris Reproductions
of Old Sevres,
Hand Painted
Limoge Vases, etc.
A Deep Cut in Prices in Diep
Cut Crystal
Wo arc selling the finest American cut
glass from 20 per cent to one-third loss
than our competitors.
Sterling Silver
In novelties and wares for tho table larg
est variety and prices which can not ba
duplicated somo of them DO per cent lots
than clsowhore
From tho cheapest kltchon to finest silver,
pourl mid Ivory goods, Including an espe
cially nlco lino of cnrvcrB, which we offer
you from 75c to $25.00. A dandy breakfast
carving set, solid silver handles, in caso, at
We Have Made
Great efforts to got together a large lino of
inexpensive, but dainty and attractive nov
elties. Tho gcnernl verdict Is that we have
succeeded. They range In price from 2Go to
Do Your Xmas Buying
Now. Bring In your list. Wo will pot only
please your tnsto, but pockotbook as well.
Beer Steins
Just recolvcd, a largo Invoice of beer
steins from Germany and will sell thorn at
a sacrifice.
Visitors and purchasers equally welcome.
Open every evening until Christmas.
(Illlcrr t Piifcey Ilmik Allulm.
In tho matter of tho Ofncor & Pusey bank
receivership tho firm of Gilbert Bros, yes'
terday filed an application that Its deposit
of SU1S.10 in tho bank bo offset against a
note for $2,000 held by tho bauk ugalnst it.
The firm Btatcs It Is ready to take up tho
nolo if tho offset Is allowed.
Charles II. Stephan filed in nmendmont
nnd nddltlonal claim yesterday Bhowlns
that ho had hold eight demand certificates
of deposit, aggregating $2,7E0, at tha time
tho bank went into the hands of tho to-
Hecolvers Dcrcsholm and Murphy tako
exception, to the published Btatement that
they resisted the application of Thomas
Bowman lu tho mnttcr of offsetting hlB
deposit against his note. Thoy slated that
they considered his request a Just, ono and
ho ndvleed tho court and thn application
was accordingly granted.
Judgo Thornell will hold a session of
dlotrlct court tomorrow to tnko up tho
matter of preferred claims, Tho receivers
Btnte that If theso arc adjudlcnted prop
erly that I hey will ho ablo to declaro a
pel' cent dividend about Christmas.
Dread DUnine In KenliiiUv
KHOKUK. Ia., Dec. 17. (Special.) The
opldcmle of typhoid fever hero has becomo
so widespread and serious that physicians
aro Insisting that all drinking water bo
boiled and that nil other possible precnu
tlons be taken by each Individual. Iteturn
Ing soldiers nro thought to havo brought
tho disease hero and there are now seventy-five
rnses In tho city, nearly twenty
turned over to tho stato and the company
disbanded. Now tho city Is threatened
with nbnndonmont of tho other coiupnny
and the troop unless uu nrmory Is built
Kffcrts nro being inudo to ralso a fuud with
which to build tho nrmory, but with poor
success. Members of tho lufautry company
havo subscribed liberally. Tho guardsmen
ictlst that tho renson they cannot main,
tnln good companies horo Is the lnck of a
pluco for drill. Three compnnlcs of tho
Nntlonrl (lunrd havo been inustorcd cut
within tho past mouth ono hero, ono at
Crcston and ono nt Keokuk. In all c.ibos
tho members lost Interest until companies
wero worthless,
llnnie from "XVuilil njrt.iu.
Governor Shaw is homo from Washing
ton, whero ho delivered ono of tho prlnel
pal nddrcsHeH nt tho centcnnlnl of tho es
tablishment of Washington ns tho national
capital. Other mombers of tho Iowa party
ure expected homo In n few days. Gov
ernor 8lnw expresses himself as well
pleased with the meeting. A llttlo story,
highly complimentary of the governor, pro
ceded hlu return homo to tho olfoct that
on tho occasion of tho presidents dinner
to tho governors of tho states Shaw was
singled nut nu the ono among tho many
to sit nt tho table with President McKln
ley by special invitation.
Slnco Governor Shaw and Socretary of
Btnte Dobsnn did not return homo Saturday
to moot tho commltteo of tho trustees of
tho Iowa Stato college and Treasurer Her
rlott Is compelled to bo absent The next
fe' flays a mooting of tho executive coun
cil has been arranged for next Thursday
morning to consider what can bo dono
toward helping nut tho collego In repair
Ing of tho burned building.
Fred Bentloy, a clerk in Simon's clothing
If You Wish
good reliable denial work at mod
erate prices we can please you.
Our methods are the most improv
ed our prices so low they will
surprise you.
. ..Telephone 115
i). A. Woodbury, D. D. S., Council Bluffs.
Igilli 30 PSEll St N&ranil Hotel.
DAY & HESS, Pearl St., Council Blull's,
llnve fur unle n Inrue Hat of Improved fni'inx, i'IiIcUi ii riinolim, rrull mill
vritctnulc InmUl nl rmlilenco tt ml lniHliienai properly in Council lllurTa
mid Uinnliii, SOHl! PAlOISi
160 acrtb ilazcl Dell twp 11 miles no C, B.,
good buildings, iiti per acre.
80 acres near Crescent, well Improved, $15
per ncru.
10 acres C milts east, good buildings and
fruit, $50 per acre,
tO-acra fruit farm, near city, Good Improve
ments, $160 per acre.
I0-acr fruit f-rm adjoining city, $8,000.
Tim above In only n aumple nf our
S pel- cent Interval, Telephone It I I.
JGO-ncres Missouri bottom Hind, 8 miles si
city, $10 per ncre.
600 ncre stock fmm near Darling, Selby Co.
S20 acres In Silver Creek twp., $M per acre
well Improve
213 acres fine bottom land In Bockford twp.
542. CO poi ace; wr.ll Improved.
iui. loa.m:i o. at
Council llluffa,
GAMES for the
nnd tho old ones, too Wo
havo most nny kind of game
you want, and we have the
prices marked so low that they
whl please you.
nnd manv other kinds, Includ
ing all tho toy games for the
little folk.
Dell G. Morgan's
142 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Tel. 222.
" .
Sec our swell lino (if HturlliiK fillver
Novell k'H. Iilmny Toilet BotH. VAw
nolil Mirror, JIiiikIi mid C'omli, $1.00.
IPO llionilrt uy. Council llluffa.
being school children,