TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, DECEM"BEK 17, 1000. OUTSIDERS HOLD THE STOCKS One Strong Feature of tha Market for Shares at Presont. PROFESSIONALS HAVE LARGELY UNLOADED lleiovery of Prlcrn In Mnrknl ntul mi Air of Coiilldrnt-e l'reMtde Wall i btrctH in to the- I'uliiri! Of lltlflllH'ftfl, NEW YORK. Dec. If!.-(8peclal.)-lknry C.ewn, hciul of thu Ijuiiklnn lmue of Henry Clown Ar. Co., writes of tho sltuutlon In Wit II Street." TliroUBhoit the week tho Ptoek market has Miown a strong tendency toward re covery from the lute reaction, trnnmictlniiH IiuvInK Increased In volume and prices Hteaillly ailvuntctl. It In true, many of thu larger operators have unloaded, and nomu of them begin to think thev have been pre. inatnro and are avallliiK thein-felvcH of the drops to buy In again, hut thu rhango nt handH from the professionals to the out slderH has been pretty thorough; and this fact hiifi lo he taken Into account In estl mat I in,' the future staying ualllles of tho market. It Is to Ho noted, however, that never hufore. In the history of Wall street has the market been held by an outside clientele of such number and lltiunclal strength as that which now nils the locu: commission hoiiseu and rends Us orders from the Interior. The street' Is surcharKed Willi the "lull" sentiment, which It re ceives very largely from operators In the Interior, who better comprehend than we at this center the great wuvo of prosperity that Is now spreading over tho length ntul breadth of the country, A new and Im portant sourco of strength also comes from the men who have transferred their busi nesses to the trusts nnd now, with ample means, find themselves drawn Into the powerful eddies of speculation. These are forces In thu current speculation which have not et begun to culminate; it Is not therefore surprising that many stocks hnvo already risen above, past hnom Inures. The following quotations of leading railroad slocks on December 11, compared with the highest and lowest of thu year, show that whl'Ht values have risen very largely nboVe tho minimum llgures, a good many of them aro not yet up to the top prices or 1500: Dec. 11. High. I,ow. Hunt. linn). J IKK l. Atchison, Topeku & Santa IV 39 li 41 isu Baltimore. & Ohio SDt't SOT a Central nf New Jersey US W& 115 Chicago, llurllngton & Qilncy KG 1!9 119 inicugo, .MiiwnuKee : hi. i'. r.i liwvs t mcago-itncK isiaim .... C, c C. & St. 1 .... 11l4 1171 lie ' irr iwi rs Delaware - Hudson.. UK 11 'Hi. nr.u Denver & Itlo Orande pfd . . .VH', mi& W'5 Krlo 17U 17 101,5 Oreat Northern pfd 1S1 is:i UH4 Hocking Valley 39',i 11' .10 LoiiIhvIIIo k Nashville SI S7'l fiT'i Missouri, Knn. fi Texas pfd. :iM 40U Heading '.'1 21' IS hi. i.ouis & Han FranolHco... lt.'i hjj Kouthern Pacltlc A2b 4.T, :wi Texas & I'aclllc . Union racltlc .... .. -jo'i siu 1:1 .. 72 7114 W.4 I'liellllli'M riiiiNiinlly Cooil. Tho stock market has lately offered un usual facilities for trading, tho undertone having been particularly strong, and good buying developing on every reaction. A fresh Impetus was given to the upward movement by thu new coal deal or reported purchuso of the Pennsylvania Coal com pany In tho Interest of thu rival anthracite companies. As this Is expected to effect ually stop competition In tint anthracite coal business the outlook Is for a further period of prosperity for tho coal carriers, and these shares naturally displayed con siderable strength. Another strong group was tho Southern nnd Southwestern prop erties. Hitherto, theso have experienced a smaller rlso than tho granger! or trunk shares; and, as nearly nil are showing heavy gains In earnings tho support ac corded theso seem perfectly legitimate. In previous advices wo have Impressed our customers with tho fact that tho great re'n tlve prosperity of the south, arising from the high price of cotton and great Industrial development, must In duo season favorably affect the values of railroad properties running through those districts. Some of theso roads are now showing phenomenal earnings, especially when compared with four or live years ago, ami there Is every probability that the best Issues will remain on a permanently higher level than they havo hitherto been accustomed to. Al times thu niurkct has shown reac tionary symptoms owing to realizations, hut no general weakness has developed and bono Is yet In sight. Stocks aro not In weak hands; as yet there has bee.ii no ex cessive or reckless speculation, and while general business continues so sound ami active there is little chance for senre reac tions. Some uneasiness has been felt re garding the money market, for higher rates are anticipated with preparations for Jan nary disbursements and In view of the present condition of bank reserves. Any such stringency, however, Is likely to bo temporary, and while lime money continues to bo obtainable on moderate terms hold ers of stocks aro not likely to show much nnxloty. Tho disbursements on dividend and Interest account next January will bo unus.inlly heavy; In fact they must break Iho record, for the Industrials are distribut ing heavy amounts of nrollts and many of the railroads havo either Increased their dividend rato or entered the ranks of dividend-payers. There Is every prospect of a big Investment demand for stocks and bonds during 'the next few weeks and this 111 splto of high prices. Demon si rules Mtnlitllty, Tho cnurso of tho market, more espe cially within tho last fortnight, has demon strated tho stability of aclua' conditions throughout tho country. Kears wero ex pressed that he November rise In values was In excess of warrant, but It Is becom ing clearer every day thai the Investing public has examined Into tho bustnesn out look pretty closely. Tho facts speak for themselves, Our prosperity rests upon the sure foundation of the products of the soil, whether In thu line of agriculture or of mining. Our manu facturers are Invading and conquering the world's markets In steady progress; trans portation nnd manufacturing corporations pelng thus fully employed present nn In viting Meld for spare capital. Tho Iron and steel trado hns niljusted Itself to a uorninl nnd stl'l prolltnble range of prices, and last, but not least, govern mental llnances aro Ilka Caesura wife "above, suspicion." AMERICANS IN BIG DEMAND London Market .Mionx Inereiixed In-M-Nlnient In l,c uilliiif, Lulled .SI nt cm Itiillroiids, LONDON. Dec. IB. Tho market In nil de partments lust week was llrm, quite as much business I, ring done us Is usual at this time of the year. Consols and other gilt-edged securities wero strengthened by tho olllclal statement that there will bo no further government borrowing at present. Foreign securities showed further advances. following higher continental prices, Chinese, securities uciug irom yt to ! points oeuer. Americans made decided progress during tho week, In spite of heavy realizations. The, feature of the market In this depart ment was the, buying of Mrles, which naiurauy nan a goou encci on ino coin lines. Headings wero lit special demand yesterday, when tho market was buoyant from start to llnlsh trout sharp advances, and closing at the best llgures for the day. Among the Increases were: Chicago. Mil waukee .V SI. Paul shares, which rose fi points; .Northern rueiuc, i I'nion I'.icinc, i'; l.oulsvl'le X- Nashville, :; Atchison. Topeku .t Santa Ke preferred, 2'4; Atchison, Topck.a & Santa Ko ordinary, Is; Heading firsts, 1H; Heading seconds, 3: Heading ordinary. l'&. nnd Hnltlmoro & Ohio. Hi. Cnnndlims, sympathetically affected, also were much strengthened by rumors of n reciprocity treaiy between tne I'nitoci States and tho Dominion of Canada, Grand Trunk Issues gntnu 2U nolnts hleher. Mining shares were dull throughout tho week, tlio changes being unimportant, liar silver, which was dull, owing to the evi dence of further India b. lying, declined to lUSid per ounce. Financial troubles In llerlln are expected to lead to further 'Oerniun buying of gol.t here, In which event the Hank of England rnto may havo to bo ruined. Money was In good supply and rntes wero llrm, Call money, 2 tier cent; fixtures, 3f( 3ii tnrce monins' puis, i per cent, CLOTH BUYERS ARE CAUTIOUS l'liicliinlloiiN of Cotton MurWcl Tend to Render Triinniicllonx lit Mim clivter Dlllleult. MANCHKSTKH, Dee. 10.-Although views nro divided regarding tho American cotton crop there Is a tendency to support tho estimate of lO.'JJO.WK) bales. Tho stock at Liverpool Is steadily Increasing. Tho ac tivity of lluctuatlon has recently rendered transactions In cloth more dltlleult. Pro ducers are llrm and buyers restrict their purchases, which consist iniilnly of season ablo goods. Last week's Inquiry was con siderable and thu turnover on the wholo fairly satisfactory, Kngugements wero somewhat Irregular, some requiring distant il.dlverv nilinrM iiiitiariMillv nioro orcssiuu. rtuslness with India was pressing, though nt unremuncratlve prices. Tho move ment toward China has decidedly Improved. Aitilltbiinil liiciulrics Indicate nioro cheerful conditions, A steady, moderate business was limp with tlio smaller .sintio mar kets, tho buyers of tho Levant and Medl icit'AUcau ports apparently purchasing only for urgent requirements. JSoutb American mv.l JJruzlUan business Wris llirlil. th ltli,ti(.M lifdfii' iirlneltatlv concerned In siting goods iwity In order III avoid payltn higher dUJIes. turns Wer nor unlet. Tho spinners, who are fairly weh sold, udhcre to their prices teililclo.lsly. Export Inquiries wero fre quent during tho week, but usuully below the vltjWH of producers. BANK RATE SURE TO GO UP IliiKllsli Authorities I H peel I 'He Per Cent or II m Higher 11111I Dread the llemlll. LONDON. Dee. lflMnhnv urn firm tr.KM plentiful and III moilnruln demand venter- day. Anticipations of it ti increased demand next WeeK Hardens d scounts. Lievond n strong demand (or gold In tho open market iui coMiiueiiiui account anil tne inquiry from India It would not bo Hiirnrlslnir that (lermany Is tho most disquieting factor momentarily. Hut Herllu Is not desirous of causing n rice in the Kug'lidi bank rate. The business dono on the Stock exchange wan small and thu tone was generally good. Attention was almost entirely centered on Americans. In which there was much ex citement. They opened abovo parity and advanced generally In sympathy with Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and the coal roads. The features wero Atchlsous nnd .Norfolks. At the eloso or pes wero llrm. Ornnd Trunks hail a sympathetically good tone. Hlo tlntos were in butter demand and Iviilllrn 'vcre weak. In the mien market discounts llirniinliolt the week stuck closo to I, tho working nttc being I Its and occasionally 'i below the market. Nevertheless, there was u state of apprehension, fearing Wednesday that tho bank rato would go to fi, short '.onus con tinuing easy, ranging rrom i to ;i on call loans. Willi nn advance lo Thursday. owing to Stock exchange payments. "It Is dlllleult lo see how nil effective f per cent can be established, nevertheless," savs tho Investors' Hevlew. "fi Is coming. Tlio directors of tho Hank of Kngland may be forced by circumstances, or feel obllgiu, for government reasons, to postpone thu step, but thev cannot contemplato with equa nimity tho exposed slittcof the mnrkct. Tho foreign exchanges are now against us to such an extent that Krniieo, Clermany an 1 tho l lilted States may each soring gold de mands any morning, causing trouble. To turn tho exchanges to our favor and bring back gold In large amounts Is probably be yond me power or n ft per cent uniiK rate. We regard the delav In tho advance with dread, lest we tlml li or worse necessary. In other words, wo suffer from tho prollmlnnry conseq icnces oi ine enormous government expeniiitures, it is due to paving neen nolo to utilize Australia's gold nnd the mistakes of the Simla government In fending on gold demands from ourselves that the market has been kept quiet. Slnco Simla com menced the nritctlcal abandonment of tho L'old standard and resorted to btivlng silver with expensively acquired gold It has parted wiin X4,7ou,iwo. including tne suipmeni nllont, and London lias not directly bene fited thereby a shilling's worth." Owing lo it being account week and much tcicgrnpnic interruption on tne continent tho Slock exchange wus unusually unlet. even at a time of pre-eminent stagnation. more was ueainiiKo silliness over most oi tho departments. It Is apprehended this portends a storm nnd Is compared with tho stll'.ness of the Nlngiwu river beforo It leaches tho chusm. all the markets belna In tlio current. Deducting the general condition anil pros lectlvo necessities of tho government the nvestor.s' Hevlew records no home security nt the present prices as beluga good Invest ment una expects lower average prices, noi only before thu year's end, but In an In dellntto time to come. Home rails have been fairly strong and generally higher. Interest In Americans centered principally In Krles nnd the connections. The extreme was malnlv In Wall street, ns London was n day late for tho fair. Tlio statist, discussing tne money posi tion, voices the fear that gold may bo sent to tide Herllu over the year, apart from which tho Hank of ICngland's reserve may bo only nt tho year's end. Justify ing a rise In the bank rate. Possibly the bank, desiring to avoid the advance, wl'l penult gold to be withdrawn, It is said the bank has arranged to part with 500,000 In ontlclpatlon of tho arrival of JCSOU.CuO from India. Tho oiiantltv of French money In London Is very large. Were circumstances to urlso which would onuso It to bo withdrawn nil unpleasant position would be created. Tlio Indebtedness to the. 1'nlted States is also great. It Is Improbable, however, that New York will call for gold rrom London, n por tion of the balance In tho American treas ury being available. PANIC NARROWLY AVERTED (Inly the Oritiinlr.atloii nf Syndicates Kimble llrrlln to Tide Out MorlgiiKO llnuk Senre, Hi:itLl.N'. Dee. 111. In fhuiiirlnl .Irr.lnu last week attention was devoted chlellv to tho affairs of the mortgage banks. 'Tho weekly lluanclal reviews freelv admit tho market was rapidly drifting toward panic until syndicate hanks In llerlln were organized for the protection of holders of obligations of the Prussia Hypotlieken Action bank. The danger was lntensllled early In the week by the announcement that tho Pomeranian Hypotlieken bank and tho .MecKieuourg-nireiux iivpotiicKen bank would discontinue repurchasing their obli gations. A great rush to sell other tnorl. gage bank obligations followed and so great was mo appreuension mat tno published statement of the 1'nlted States mortgage hanks, asserting that their own condition was perfectly sound, did not havo an Imme diate effect. Nevertheless, this statement and the organization of a syndicate quieted alarm and at tho end of tho week tho selling of obligations had markedly diminished nnd the general tone of tho market improved. Tlio declines for tho week In mortgage bank obligations ranged i rum - in in points, wmcn means an enor mous loss on the ti.OOtl.OOO.O'iO marks of such securities circulating In Oermnny. Yesterday the committee ot holders of obligations of tho Deutsche Oruiiilwnld baiiK publlslieii a statement snowing thill tho most recent balance sheets of tho In stitution wero false and that during tho hist eighteen months ll,000,oiii) marks of llrst-class mortgages had been replaced hy second-e'ass, mostly worthless, and tho committee asks the holders to take meas ures to avoid bankruptcy, thereby saving nbnut 30.000.0oo marks. The mortgage banks' affairs affected tho money market, Inasmuch us Hie banks have entirely withdrawn from the loan business and on the contrary are borrowing In order to repurchase their obligations, Private discount reached 4 nnd call loans 4 per cent, The Helchsbnnk still expects to main tain tho uxlstmg rnto until Uecemiier 31. Foreign exclitingo teniis to invor uor- mnny. The mnrtgngo nanus nmiir lias in creased the demnnd for government loans and for railway securities, especially Swiss, which lire strong on tno expectation or favorable terms of nationalization. American securities were stronger nt tho end of the week, sympathizing with New York quotations. Hi-port of Hunk of Spain. S1ADHID. Dee. hi. The report of tho Hunk of Hnaln for tne weeK ending yester day shows the following chnnges: Oold In increase. :iix.ii pesetas; sliver in hand, Increase, 2,fiS0,0dO pesetas; notes In circulation, decrease. 4.M2.O0O peselas. Tho go:d quotation yesieruny at closing, .n.'Jii. .11 A II Y iHKi:M.i:.l"S HOIIA.M i:. Her .llother II t'lieroUee lleuiilli-il After Forty-Three Years. Colonel Amor Williamson, then of Sacra mento. (il.. married Margaret Slercll. a part Cherokee girl. In San Francisco In 1S.YJ ami shortly afterward went to Fort (tltiHon. 1. T.. to live with her among her people. Colonel Williamson was so rabid u northerner that tho Cherokees. who were southern sympatliizers and many or mem slaveholders, drove nim out oi mo territory. ii u wire wnoso svmnainies were an ioi tin. xinilli. refused to aecomtinnv htm. till1. permitted him to take their baby girl, Slarv. Colonel Williamson went to .Mis souri and when tlio wnr broke out was made lieutenant colonel of the Highlit SIls- soini cava try. no was siatioueu aiong me (is:ice river and In Wnrsaw. Osceola. Jeffer- hoii I'liv ami iinniivnic. no Kent ii store ui .Melville, Slo.. after the war anil was also n sort of nrcniieci nnn coiuracior. After a lime he married, wltnout nnviiir, been divorced, an.l later his Cherokee wife innrr led J. T. HracKctt. a Vllllta II. T.I 111 I- l..r The child Slarv grew mi In Ignoranco of tho secret or uer nirin ami married wn llnm H. (Irecnlenf. a Kansas City architect. Her father nrovl led by will that on his death, which occurred a few years ugo, she should be told of ner moiner. mil ner step mother did not ten ner. itecent y an old colored auntie of Melville let slip enough for Sirs, Oreenlenf to work on nnd last week, through the Dawes commission, sho located her mother at Vlnltn and went thcro to seo her. They hnil been separated forty-three years and each thought thu ovner iicuu Aktor HIcMiilly TiiM'd. NKW YORK, Dec. 1A. -Justice Androws in tho supremo court hns decided that tho personal estate of William Waldorf Astor in this city was Illegally taxed by tho coni mlssloiier of taxes and assessments for the year 1S99, when he claimed to bo a resi lient of London. His personnlty wns Ilxed ut iii.Oto.euO. When examined before tho tax commissioners he swore, ho had given up his residence here anil purchased a resi dence In London nnd had no Intention of nira In res ding in tins country. Justice An drews' opinion Is that Sir, Astor's applica tion for remission of taxation should havo been granted, as his evidence wns not con tradlcted. and there was no reason to be Uuve that his testimony was not true. Do you need a hired girl? A Dee want ad will bring one. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Cattle Ten to a Quarter Lower for the Week and the Same Tnio of Cowe. HOG MARKET A TRIFLE LOWER TODAY Choice Cat Sheep nnd l.niubi Ten to I'Mflern Higher Than nt the PI rut of Wrelt anil l"e filers Iluve Held About Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. 13. Hccelpts were Otltclul Mnli.luu Cattle, llogn. dheep. ., 2.3? I ,3Ja oinclal Tuesday wtiiL'iui iii.'fuiiy vaiti iv.vio Olllclal Wednesday 4.G7U 18,6i0 WW Olllclal Thursday ,&C3 10,217 3.1SJ Olllclal Friday J.tltU Mi'i Olllclal Suturduy 137 y.Ssl , Total this week 1(1,126 C1.109 17,'J Week ending Dec. 8 15.WJ 47,117 JJ.WJ Week ending Dee. 1 10.1M M.2US lO.iAi Week ending Nov. 24 2I.W5 57,107 M.JI1 Week ending Nov. 17. ...20.101 3,49.i 2 .oofi Average price paid for hogn "" lust several duys, with comparisons! I 1X). 118i9.11Si,lS7,lE9S.lS9j-llliM. Dee. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. i 62HI 3 74 3 25 3 2 3 29 3 29 3 37 .1 351 3 21 3 23 3 2T)1 3 19, V1 4 47 4 31 4 27 I S5 4 S 4 34 4 20 4 17 4 20 4 'ii 4 '-Ii 4 09 3 76 3 09 3 36 3 23 3 42 3 10 3 39 3 C9 3 39 3 3H 3 CO 3 36 3 19 3 21 3 32 3 21 3 f.5 3 17 3 28 3 20 3 31 3 33 3 2S 3 3b 3 17 C3T4I 4 7Uf 1 ?'!ii .1 SI 3 21 3 SO 3 m; 3 25 3 22 2 17 3 13 3 13 V .1 20 3 23 3 24 3 St 3 S3 3 30 3 !W 3 20, 3 31 3 37) 3 as .1 S3 3 27 1 85'.; 4 S2i, 4 77'i 4 M I 3 92 3 il !i6 3 9fi II M I t t3J Indicates Sunday. Tho olllclal number of cnr.i of stock bruueht In today by each rond wns: Cattle. Hogs. Il'scfi. C, SI. .t St. I. Hy 4 O. & St. L. Hy 3 1 Missouri Paclllo Hy I .. I'. 1 system 2 22 1 C. & N. W. Hy 7 V., H. & St. V. H. It 2 21 ('., St. P.. St. ,t O. Hy r. H. SI. H. It. H 20 t, 11. & q. Hy 2t C, H. I. .t P.. east 17 Totnl receipts 7 13S 1 Tho disposition of tho dnv's receipts wan a follows, each buyer purchasing the num- Huyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. 1.30S 1,103 2,291 .... 2 33i :i Omaha Packing Co. ti. ii. Hammond Co, Swift and Company Cudiihy Packing Co Apmnlii. A. I i 4,002 Other buyers ,'. .... (3 271 Totals (Si 11,107 295 CATTLI2 There were onlv a few odds ntul ends on sale today in the cattle vnrds and no particular change. In tho market was noiiceame. Iho recu hits of cattle for the week hnvo been Just a trifle more thun thoy wero for tho preceding week, tho Increase amounting lo about 1,117 head. As com pared with tho corresponding week of lust year there Is an Increase of l.CftX head. ine tendency or prices tno past weeK has been downward on nil kinds of killers. Tho market on beef steers has been slow nnd draggy and prices declined nil the way from 10c to 25c. Other mnrkets re ported similar declines, so that prices nre well In Hue at this point. It is the common and half-fat stuff that Is the hardest to sell. Packers simply do not want the un finished cattle and they will not take them unless they con get them nt n low figure. Thu best handy weight cnttlo have prob ably not gone off moro than 10c or 13c, hut aside from thoso prices nre all of I5fl25c lower lor me weeic, rhere has been very little str ctlv cho co cow stuff on sale this week nnd values on that class of cattle hnvo not declined more than 10c or 15c for tho week, dinners havo also held up fairly well, tho decline being about the same as on the good stuff. Tho medium kinds havo been the worst sellers unit they can safely be quoted USic lower tliun tney wero u weeit ago. Packer bulls have been rather hard to sell of lato nnd the tendency of prices hns been downward. Stags arc also n little lower for the week and veal calves hnvo not shown much change. t holce feeders at tno close of tne weeK wero a little hlcher than nn Slondny. Tho demand for tho better grades win fairly good and sa'es were made that looked strong to 10c or 15c higher. The general market, however, could best bo described by calling It strong. On Saturday there wero still qulto a fow cattle In thu hnnds of yard traders and tho demand from tho country did not seem lo be nny too heavy, particularly lor ine common ainus, The supply nf western grass cattle has been very light nil tho week nnd tho qual ity of tho offerings poor. They have fluctuated In about the sumo ivuy ns Is about fi"c higher than In 1K)I. HOOS Thero wus a good run or nogs here today for a Saturday, and, as other points reported a drop In values, tho mar ket here opened up 2Uc lower. Some of tho puckers were bidding UHfiCc lower, but at thoso llgures they did not succeed In getting many of tho hogs. Tho sales -were mostly nt 5i.-V4 nnn icsieroay mo bulk of the hogs sold ut J4.R5 nnd $1.87. so that today's market Is Just nbout 2Vic lower. A few of tho choicer grades brought as high us JI.87H today, or 2',o lower than yesterday's best price. Tho last end nf tho market wns not qulto as good, heavy lings soiling us low us $4. SO, nnd hardly anything on tho closo brought over J1.K2V4. Tho market, then, opened 2Ho lower and closed fie lower man yesterday. There nns been a gooa uoerai run or nogs hero all tho week, but tho demand wns also irond. Tho market was In good shutio and each day's receipts were cleaned up In good season. Thero has not been any very sharp fluctuations in prices ami mo average cost ut the closo of tho week Is only a shndo under what It wns on Slondny nnd almost a nickel higher than on tho proceeding Saturday. As will bo noticed from tho table of average prices tho market Is now almost 90c higher thun It was a your ago and Is $1.50 higher than two years ago and noted abovo for tho natives. SHI'I'JP There wero no fresh receipts of sheep on sale today and consequently noth ing with which to mnko a test of tho mar ket. The demand for cho co fat stuff hns been In good shapo all tho week and tho mnrket on mosi nays nas neon strong una nciivo. Hecclnts hnvo not been nurtluulariv heavy. and, as a result, packers had to pay good prices in oroer 10 gei me sum, ii is sum io con mo marKei on nam ini sneep nnn lainbii lOHMfic higher thnn It wns u week ugo. Sheen nnd yearlings nro selling around and ii.ifi, if tney nro goou, nnd cnnico lambs aro bringing .i.ooif..15. The demand for the choicer grades Is In good shape ntid sellers oro experiencing little dlfllculty in selling tiielr holdings at Butlstautory prices, The feeder market Is nlso In good shape. Receipts havo been rather light and the demand mis been siiiucient to tnge nil mat has been offered nt Just about steady prices. Homo oi tno common stun, or cnurso, may havo been a Utile hard to move, but any thing at all desirable met with ready sale. Quotations: Choice fed wethers. Jl.lOuJ 4 20; fair to choice fed wethers, $3.90174.00; good grass wemers, w.os'd'J. ( o ! cnnico owes I3.25n3.fi0: fair to good ewes. $3.00il3.25; cholco spring lambs, $5.00ffo.25; fair to good soring lambs. SI 7utTi5.UO: feeder ewes. $2.2Slt j.uu: teener Werners, J.uenjj.ia; lecuur luiuus, $1 U0hl.40. CIllCAtiO I.IY13 STOCIC MAIlKKT. f'nttle Noiiiliinllj Stciul Hokn Clone I'lrin Mieep Sternly to Strong;. 2n0 head; nominally sternly; natives, good to prime steers. .'.;(ikhu,i&; poor to medium, $3.75ih5.2.-i; selected leeders, $.1.75(T(4.40; mixed stackers. S2.rj0fi3.TS: cows. $2.fi0ffi 4.00: heifers. $2.fi0ii.T5; canners, $1.752.I0; bulls, $2.50f( caivcs. j.i.oiruti.mi; jexas leu steers, $l,0Dfi4.T5; Texas grass steers, $3.254.00; Texas nuns, :.w.Kij;i..-u. HOOS-Recelnts. today. 23.000 head: Slon .Int. Jdl.Jl l..wl nutlmnln,), l.lft ....a. TJV1 ..(., WV", ,,.... ..-... ,V , ,.,vt, hi ml; ojiened Bhade lover nnd active, clos ing firm; good clenrnnci; top, $l.975i; mixed anil uutcliers, 5i.TUS(t.9i,s; goou to rnoico heavy, $t 75-l.97'4: rotign nenvy, ji.k.4,70; light. 4.704(.95; bulk of snles. Jt.80ffi4.9O. SHlJin' AND LA.MHH Receipts, 2.000 head; steady io strong; good io cnnico wethers. Sl.10fil.75: fnlr to cholco mixed. $:t.90(iH10; western sheep, $4.00j 1.75; Texus sheep, $2.6(Kii3.U5; native lnmbs, $1,2590.00; wesleiu lumbs, SJ.OoJjC.OO; Christinas lambs, I5.ft14l0.25. Rl'.CHII'TS-Thls week: Cnttlo. 61,200 head; hogs, 223,400 hend; sheep, 70,10) hud. Last week: Cattle, 61,9'JO head; hogs, 1S8.900 head; Blieep, ou,mw neuu, Khiiniih City Live Slock Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 15.-CATTLIJ Ro reliits, 3m) head; unchanged prices; receipts for tue wcuk, neuu; i. urisimus came nnd choice dressed beef steers Bold well this week, whllo short fed untltilsheit vnrie ners mid feeding cnttlo steady; Christmas steers. Jti.004'ti.M: medium steers. $1.4085.75: stockers and feeders, $3.ooiJW,75j butcher iows and heifers. $3.0035.00: canners. $2.50lf 3 00; fed westerns. $3,754)0.25; fed Tnxans, $3,75ff4,50; grass Texans, $3,194(3,70; vent calves. $3.504li.50. HOOS Receipts, 6,400 head: market steady to 2J4C lower; receipts mis weeK, Srt,000 henili the liberal supply this week line neon admirably taken cure oi ana pneen fully maintained: heavy. Jl.tfrfll.tCW; mixed, $l.80fl4.ll'); llKlit, $I,77HSH.90; pigs, 4.0.Vff4..j. S1HJKP AND LA.MHH - Receipts this week. 1,(00; trade In excellent condition, ine oemiino exceeding mo nuppi;. m.i .... vance this week amounting to about 10e, hunbs, $4.!iotfiC.5(l; muttons, $3.SUif4.40; stock era ond feeders, $3.fJ0'iH.25i culls, $3,0043.50. .It. I. mils I.lve Mtoolc Mnrkrl. ST. LOUIS. Tion IB CATTLIi-Hecelnts, 300 head, Including 200 head Texans: market steady, nutlve shipping and export steers, $.).kyif.75, with choice grades selling up to $6.50; dressed beef nnd butcher steers, $3.&0Ki.G0: steers under 1.000 lbs., $3.00nf.OOJ stockers nnd feeders, $2.25if4.40: cows nnd heifers, $2.W4.75; catiners, Jl.254f2.75; bulls, $2.25i4.00; Texus and Indlun steers, $2.Uj 4.65; cows nnd heifers, $2,2551.26. HOOS Receipts. 5,000 hend: steady: pigs and lights, $I.SW4.90; packers, Jt.80e-I.8i5i: butchers, $l.90fi4.95. , , MHHKI' AiNIJ LASInS Receipts, liw nciiu; market nntnlii.illv utrxni?! native muttons, $4.004.S5; lambs, $5.0045.75: culls nnd bucks, ..wyi.w. Xew York Live Stock Slnrkrt. imw luau, 1JCC. io.-uaiinr.-:-celpts, 635 head, mainly for slaugh terers; nothing doing; feeling, weak; exports, 1,115 cuttle, 120 sheep nnd i,i9j otiar- ....... t ' ...... nr. l.Aii.l. MiilnO n ia oi uives, rcceipis, on iiv,.i, ,(..., Indiana veuls. $i.5o; grassers nominal. SHUKP AND LASI US Receipts, .!9j head; fllow and lower; sheep, 3.0in4.-o; lambs, $a.20f6,O); Canada lamb-4, $5.90H6.0i). IffMC? lln.inti.i. n ... imnn fnr ciillj alive; nominally llrm. St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. SOUTH ST. JOHF.PIL Mo.. Dec. 16. (Spc- clal,)Tlie Journal quotes: CATTLK Receipts, 200 head: markut steady; fancy Christmas steers, $'?.75. IIOOS-Recclpts, 8,500 head; market 25i5f 6c lower; all irrniles. St.S2HWi.92V4: bulk of Bales, $l.85fM.9o; pigs, 610c higher. wir.iii--iieceipis, none; uemauu buuii. Stock In Slglit. Following nro thn recelnts nt the four principal western markets for December 15: Cuttle. II28. Sheep. South Omaha 137 9,281 Chicago 2() 23.0H0 2,000 Kunsas City m 0,40) .... St. Louis 3W C,lAi0 100 Totals 917 43,CS1 2,1W CIIICAUO 4JIIALV AND 1MIO VISIO.VS. 1'ViittireN of tin. Trading; nnd Closing- (tiiotntliiiiN for Suturduy. CII1CAOO. Dee. IB. Orain anil provision markets were notable only for their dull ness today. Wheat closed unchanged, corn 5ic lower, oats n shndo down and provisions ti shade to 2Vic down. Wheat was stagnant. Slay opened un changed at 735ic. selling between 7314c nrd 73ic, mid closed unchanged at 73Uc. The news received and the statistics posted were of a charucter barely sulllclent to cuusu a llpple on the placid speculative waters. Cables and receipt,- were Influential neither ono way nor thu other. In the absence of Important Information, therefore, traders preferred to play even till the passing of tho nonuiiy season gives tliem an oppoiiuuny lo start the new venr iintrammcled by con tingencies which might arlso during tno Christmas and New Year cessation of busi ness. Tliut there Is u fairly strong under tone to tho market wns tntide evident to many by tho failure of the market to re- rpond to the corn decline. New York re ported 21 loads taken for export. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour were equal to 670,iJ0 int. Primary receipts wero GttMiw Int.. compared with 654,(00 bu. last year. SUnneiiiiulls and Dulutli reported 412 cars, ngiilnst 62T. last week and 305 a year ago. i.ocai receipts wero lib cars, a 01 coniruci grade. Corn was no moro Inclined to the stren uous Itfo than was Its neighbors. Tho mnr ket ruled dull till the last fifteen minute", when what looked like an organized raid was made and tho market turned weak. Slay sold between 36Hc and 35o, closing '4c lower at 35-c. Receipts wero 416 cars, 110110 of contract grade. Country offerings wero moderate. Seaboard clearances wero 1,105,000 bu. The oats market maintained Its reputation for dullness, tnido being Hat from stnrt to finish. Receipts were 1C6 curs. May sold between 23u and 23c and closed u shade lower at 23c. Provisions wero dull nnd sternly, but in nocent of features In 11 speculative- way. Prices held mainly because there was no pressure 011 the market. January pork sold between $12.30 and $12.25 and closed 2540 lower nt $12.25; January lard betwee-i je.wi ami ju.sta. closing 254c down at w.iwtt, and January ribs between $6,275? ana $6.25, with the close a hado depressed at $6.25. Kstlmateil receipts Slondny: Wneat. SO ears; corn, 415 .curs; oats, 17u cars; hogs, 43.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Opcn. High. Low. Closc. Yes'y. Wheat Dee. Jan. Stay 70 054 69i4i'T(, 69JJ4T70 TO4i54 70ifi- 70?i 73Vi 73-Jh 3'i ' 735i 37 Corn- Dec. Jan. Slii'y 37541 i4iJil 365, 35 35i4( 355i 35 2154 23 12 25 12 1254 7 15 6 8754 U 9254 fi 25 SSSMl'ii 30 2154. Outs- Dec. Slay "tlii 21541 . 23' 12 30 12 1754' 7 20 fi 90 6 95 f. 2754 3754 2344 23ft-4 Pork- I I 12 25 I 12 15 I Jan. Slay 12 2754 12 15 7 20 a 90 6 95 fi 2754 c r.754 Lard Deo. Jan. Slay 7 20 fi 90 6 95 fi 25 0 35 Ribs- Jan. Slay 6 3254! No. 2. Cash quotations wero ns follows: Ft.OITR Dull: winter natents. $3.054f3.S0: straights, $3.104j3.GO; clears, $2.90413.30; spring specials, ;i.3u; patents,; niraums, $3.O0f3.40: bilkers. $2.205j2.75. WHEAT No. 3 spring, W71c: No. 2 red, 72lMfi T4HC. COUNT No. 2. 3Te! Nn. 2 yellow. .ITUc. OATS No. 2, 22544(23iie; No. 2 white, 2554 426c; No. 3 white. J.14i27c. It I r. .NO. 4VUUIC. HARLEY Oooil f.-edlng. 504j60c; fnlr to choice malting. $l,C34(l.fil HHKUH NO. t IlaX, l.U0;s; cover, cuiuraci grade. $10.004110.25. PROVISIONS-SIess pork, per bbl.. $11.25. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $7.104f7.15. Short ribs aldeu ffnnspl. SR.Z5liifi.R0. Dry Salted BllOUl- ders (boxed), J5.S754tiC1214. Short clear Slues H"M"ii u.wou. iu. WHISKY" Basis of high wines, per gnl., $1.27. SUGARS-Cut lonf. 6.22c; grnnulntcd, 5.70c; confectioners' A, 6.55c; off A, C.40c. Fo lowing uro tho receipts anu Biiipmcnta for todny: Articles. itcceipis. nnipmeni-'. Flour, bbls 28,000 18,00.) Wheat, bu 108.000 9,)0 Corn, hi :VSO,onil 37.U00 Oats, bu 2(.O0O lOJ.OOfl live, nil , i,'" u,i-m Harley. bu Go.OOO On the Produce oxehango today the but ter market was dull; creameries, 15J?2!c; dairies. 13f20c. Cheese, quiet. 101i4lll?4C. Eggs, q.llet; fresh, 2354 OMAHA. WlToMlSALIJ .MAHKKTS. Conditions of '1'riule nnd Quotntlons on Slnple mill Fiiney I'rniluee. EaCiS-Hecelpts, light; good stock, 214?23c. POL'LTRY-Hens. 64j554c; spring chick ens, 6f6c; roosters, -34(4e: ducks, 61l"6i-c; geese, 74i7!4c; turkeys, 75s4iSc. FRESH DRESSED POl'LTRY Hens, 6'4 417c; roosters, 6ii6c; ducks, 7544e; geese, SWS?4c; spring chickens, per lb., 07!4c; tur- Keys, loc. rtASIE-Pralrlo chickens, per doz., $o: ,nnlh,r,l rillrka nnr 1I07... Svl.H04l 3.50: teal. Jl.aO 4H.75; mixed. Jl.50.ffl.76; Jiicksnlpes, Jl; liall, $1.3o4jl.60; Jackrubblts, $1,004(1.25; cottontails, ''ll'lITTRttCnminnll to fair. 12c: choice. 1516c; Bcparator, 25c; gathered creamery, io-ie. icni-str nvBTF.ns First grade, solid packed, Now Y'ork counts, per can. 3Sc; ex- iltv owiviivn, nitinv... ...... ........ ...... -. Second grade, slack lllled, Now York counts, per can. 30c; extra selects, 6c; standards, 20c; bulk Btandurds, per gal,, $1.25. PIOEONS-Llve, per doz., 30c. VEALS-Cholce, 94110c. , , . HAY-Prico quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Cholco upland, $10.00; No. 1 upland, $9.50: medium, $9.00; course, $3.50. Rye straw, $6.50. These prices nre for hay of good color and quality. Do mnnd fnlr; receipts, 11 curs. OATS-No. N white, 26c. CORN-No. 3, 32c 11RAN-J13.60. VEGETAnLES. TURNIPS-Per bu. basket, 50c. HEETB Per bu.. 60c. CARROTS Per bu.. 60c. LETTUCE Per doz., 354TI0C. HADISHES-Pcr doz.. 30c. , , HEANS Wux, per 1-3 bu. bnskote, $1; nlrlnif. Hoe. POTATOES Per bu 604jC0c; Idaho, per s'w'EET.rOTATOES-rer. bbl., $2.004J2.25. Urtiuiainv-iioiiiinu ni-t-u, .v. TOMATOEfc. California, per -bnskot crate, $2. ONIONS-Per bu.. 90c. , . nwi Pliv r',illfr,,,ln nn In filzp. 45?r75C. CAULlFLOWER-'Callforntn, per crate, $:. 1' HiJl l PEARS-I'er box. $2.00472.25. (?HAI'i:s Malitim. ner keg. $6.60419.00. APPLES Native, -cJ$l -r nil.: per bbl.. $2.6": cattetn. 3 Coii3.25; California llnl'llnwnrH n I S1.4lKill.5.1. citANIIEK HIES Hell nnd Hugto, $3 per bbl.; Jerseys, per bbl,, $S,60; per crato, $2.75 TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California seedlings. $2.76; navels, J3.W; Mexicans, y-i.w; i-ionuas, t. LKStONS-Cnllfornln, extra fancy, $3.6040 3.75. choice, $3.25. H ANANAS Per bunch, according to alzo, $2 ri2.50. nos California, new cartons, S0c! lay ers. 75c. DATES 1'creslnn, In CO-lb. boxes, 554c per SUSCnLtiANHOUfl. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 groen, 6c; No. 1 salted, So; No. 2 salted, To; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 84c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 11., 654c; dry hides, 84T13c; sheep pelts, 254f7ji!i horso hides, $1.502.2.. NtlTS-Engllsh walnuts, per lb., lie: Al berts, per lb,, 13c: almonds, per lb 18If20c; raw peanuts, per lo,, 64I540: roasted, 654 754c: Hra2lls. 13c: pecans, 10M12c. IlONKY Colornilo, 24-seetlon case, $3.75. CIDI3H-Per bbl.. $5; per half bbl.. $3. 8AUKHICRAUT l'er bbl,, $1; per half bbl., $2.50. CHR1STSIAS DKCOIIATIONS. TRKES I to 6 ft., per doz.. Ul 0 to 8 ft., per doz., $2.60; 7 to 9 ft., per doz.. $3.60; S to 11 ft.. 14. SO: 12 to 21 ft., each J2.O0Sf4.60. F.VKRdRHKN Vlli:ATHINa-Per 20-yd. cull. $1. HOLLY AND CAI.YX WREATHS Per dot., J1.6C. HOLLY IIRANCHUS I'cr 60-lb. case, $1.60! per bbl,, 11.604f2.OO. LONO NEEDLE I'INES-rcr doz., $2.60. MISTLETOE Per C-lb. box. $1.50. .11. I.nnls Grill 11 nnil Provisions. ST. LOIMS, Dee. IB.-WIinAT-Dttll: No, 2 red, cash, elevator, 7Pe; track, 72ff7254c: December, T0,c, January, T15C; Slay, 'i3c, Na 2 hard, 6SiiC9c. CORN Iiwer; No. 2 cash. 35c: truck. 3', 4736c; December, 3.1c; January, Sl-Xc; Stay, 35ie. OATS Lower; No. 2 ensh, 23!Jc; track, g 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 25 rt I il As an Investment There is nothing like an Education A college education coats a great many dol lars, but the man with a good dictionary at his elbow has a good education behind him. THE STANDARD Is the Latest and The cost is low only $7, The book is new It is well edited some of the ablest men of the day have contributed time and ability to it It is complete containing 300, 000 words, No other dictions ary has so many It is standard can be relied upon for both definition and pronunciation Thero aro a great miiny other things could be said of tho work, on the Megeath Stationery Company, 1308 Farnam street, and examine a copy, agree with us in admiring the work. Z&LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLILLLLLLLLLILLLLLLLILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLILLL Z ? TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18th WILL KOMESEEKERS' TO Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Washington, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Texas, Arizona, etc., at one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. There is Government Land In Okla homa. A now line now opens up the famous "Washita District." For full information apply to any flock Island Agent. Address 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha. 4 t Do You Own Valuable Papers? We have a suite of rooms with a Are and burglar proof vault. It consists of a waiting room and two smaller rooms. Electric light. llardwood floors. TM BEE BUILDING It will be a plensure to work in offices like these. The rent Is 40. We have another single good sized office with a vault, only ?20. R. C. Peters & Co. "agents. GROUND FLOOR I) HE BUILDING. 23,4423c; December, 23ie: January, 23'.ic ' Slnv. 244c: No. 2 whlto. 27c. I FLOUH-Steiuly; patents. $3.Dflfl3.65; extra inney aim siraignis, n.ieu J.o; clears, 1 tin in. ' SEF.DS-Tlmothy, nominally firm nt $I.2G4 4.60. at average receipts; prlmo worth more, I mix, no mars.Pi. COHN.MHAI-Stendy nt $2. II KAN Unlet: sncked. east track. ftV. HAY -Tliuolhy, steady at $11.2ftfl2.60: prairie, iio.wni.W. I HUN CO TTONTIES $1.25. WHISKY -Steady at $1.27. HE.MP TWINE 9c. HAOOINOir?'. PROVISIONS - I'nrW nnli.1! Irvhldnr 11 Lard, nominal, $6 87. Dry salt meats (boxed), llrm; extra shorts, $6.75! clear ribs, $6.STH, clear sides, $7. Huron (boxed), firm; extra snorts, i.siV4i clear ntis, s; clear sides, $8.25. SI ETA LS Lend, dull; $4,22540-1.25. Spelter, uuiii -.inr. POl'LTRY-Stendy; chickens, 6e: turkeys, uci jiiuiik, oiicKs, c; geese, one, IH'TTEH Quiet; crentnery, 18325c; iiiiuv., RllCEIPTS-Flour, 4,000 bbls.: wheat, 61, fX bu.: corn. 123.000 bu.: oats, 28,000 bu, SHIPSIENTS-Flour, 6,000 bids.: whent, oo.vw uu,j euro, i,euu uu,; ouis, ou. Dulutli (i rill n Mnrket. Dt'LUTH. Dec. l.'.-WHEAT-No. 1 hnfl, rash, 73e; to nrrlvo. 73ie; December, 73c; Stay, 775ie; No. 1 northern, cash, 7le; De cember. 7le: SIny, 76ic; No 2 northern, OlMiOOHc, No. 3 spring, 62H0395c, d'ORN-335ic Do you need a hired girl? A Deo wnnt nd will bring one. I -fft Best Dictionary. which but if interested, call You will RUN EXCURSIONS S5.00 A MONTH. SPECIALIST In All rrivalc Diseases and Disorders of Men 14 Voar In Omnha. VARICOCELE HYDHOCLI r cured. ' r.lih0.'l.t,?w ,"0Ter 'all". JMItiotit cuttlnc, PId or iiieniu limp S Y P H ! L I Srj.,re'1 '"!'" " lhei)o!on or fc. Tr.atment coutalm u,i tlangerois drugs or Injurious medicine. uus WEAK MEN ''09S ',MANiioonfrom Ki. REXUaLLV r Vlttius to Ni livoca BfcAUALLY DriiimtV or KxiUfXTIOrf. A8tlNO WKAKNKSI I.NVOLttNTAItV U)t. witu Buit.v DKOAr In Vottso nml .Miih.i.b AotD. ucl of vltn. vigor ntul Mreugth, with feinal ort-nns ltTiimlrtil dnd weak. nnrl rl fPTMll.IS,"lllbl' n"m" Trent- no detention from Ims nous. CJouorrhoea Kidney auil UU.Iiler Tronl.les. uurruo. ciTitn.s uuahanti:ki. ConiulUtlon FrrC. Tffilmfnt by Mill. Lull on or address 119 S. 14th St. Dr. Soarles&SearlBS, Omaha, Nch. MEN: NO CURE, NO PAY If roil ll.T. mAlt. Mik nr.n. Iiwt powtr op wrakriilni? drain. our ncuiim Onrixn Vnrlaptr will rcstorr you without ilnin or ClertrlrJtTl 9VO0H In n.i n..C M. failure! not ono returned i no Co. It. fraud i writ, for pcirtlcuhr. ent lenln In pl.ln onfelopo. lutm,t to., i cniriti bi(., Dinur, Cel. Special Excursions Homeseekers, Dec, 18, Holiday Rates, Dbc 23, 24, 25, 31st and Jan, 1st, TICKI1T (IKI'irHi S. E. COHMilt i ll'U AND DOUCI.AS. PrrJ l-iCtTUKS all Kldne, KIdneycura. II nche, etc. At 1ruc- fists, or ly mull, I Free book, ab Vice, eta, ol Dr. 11. J. Kay. Sura";a, N. Y. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA BOILER A Hi) ahii' IKON WORK Qrake, Wiison & Williams iDcociiora Wilson Si Drake. Manufacture boilers, smoke, stacks nnd breechlnKS, pressure, renderlnr;. shoap dip, Utrd and water tanks, boiler tiiDes con stantly on hand, second hand boilers bought and sold. Special and piompt attention to repairs In city or country lath and Pierce. DRY GOODS. HE. Smith & Go. Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Furnishing Goodt AND NOTIONS. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Western Electrical f!fHMH4HU Electrical Supplies. Electric Wiring Bells and Qas Llghtlnj. Q. JOHNSTON, JI(?r. 1510 IlowiinlnSt. SAFE AND IRON WORKS. T he Omaha Safe and Iron Works G. ANDHKEN, Prop. Makes a specialty of JTllXA 8HUTTKH3. And Burglnr I'roof Sales &. Vnult Uoors, et Rl5 5. J-llli .St.. Oliillhn, .rb. Davis & Govgill Iron Works. MANUFACTl'UEHS AND JOIJUBIia OK MACIIINKUY. oeneral nnPAinma a spkcialta WON AND BRASS FOUNDIIKS. 1501, lfitKI and inon Jackaon Street, Omnll. Neb. Tl. CM. B. Zab-lskle. Auent, J. B. Cowclll, Mrr. EI.EVATO.-t SUPPLIES ELEVATORS Improved Quick nnd ICasy IUslus Steam, Electric and Hand Pover Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATCH GATES. Send for cnlnlouue KIMBALL. BROS., COUNCIL, IH.UITH, Is. 100S 9th Street. 'lelophou Its. H. ISavis & Son ArntP for tin- nlelimonil Snfrty Cntes nnil Fire Doors, nieyator Hydraulto nnd Hand Klerators. Elevator repairing a specialty. Leather Valvo Cups for Ulovators, Engines and Printing Prcssars. HR.PErjriE.Y8f CO. ROOM 4 MY LirtBLOa BRANCH l03BHirt "ITh is T"boyd4 co., Telephone 10,19. OiualM, Sat COMMISSION, GKAIN, I'KOVISIONS und STOCKS BOARD UK THADK. Correapondence: John A. Warran Cm Lnxtel wliM t" CUJcoji a4 M7sr Tor 1 Sf3fcKsSijof