Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Oonimlttcs Eerves Notion on Magnatei of Itt
Future. Intention!.
Mrmbrrn of Union Will Not Jump
from One Uhkuf lo hr Othrr und
Will Sign Only ContraclN
Duly Approved.
NEW YOHK, Dec. 16. Tho committee of
the Protective Association of Professional
llano Dall Players, composed of Hugh Jen
nlDK", C. C. OrlmtliB and Charles L. Klmratr,
who presented their claim-, to the National
league magnates during tho week, today Is
sued tho following atatemonti
Tho refusal of the National league mag
nates to consider and discuss with us
seriatim our requests an representative s of
the Protective Association of Professional
Kline Hall PIaors, and their tailless rf so
lution, which Is probably Intended to ex
press In words their complete Ignoring of
Hsld renJests co'lectlvely, without any ade
quate reusoti therefor, seem to require us,
ns such representatives, to make the fol
lowing statement to all the inombers of our
association and to tho public:
first We shall continue to stand- ns wo
have nlways stood for tho avoidance of a
"huso hall war," If that be possible.
Second We recognize nnd shall respect
tho Inviolability of all actual contract obli
gations. Third No member of our association
who during the last season played '.ant In
thn American league, shall at present slzn
a contract to play thn coming season In the
National league, or vice versa.
Fourth Pursuant to our by-laws none of
the members of our association shall sign
n contract for tho coming season which
has not been approved by our association.
Several of the I'nrtlclpnnt In the Nlx
Dny Bicycle llncc Have to do
to till llonpltnl.
NKW YOIUf, Dec. 16.-Tho six-day bicycle
racers wero today suffering severely from
the effects of their hard riding. Ho severe
was tbu tout on their nerves that sleep wan
almost an Impossibility for somn of them
last nlgnt utter uie conclusion or win race,
Most of them repaired to n Turkish bath
whern thev remained until today. In com
parison with tho six-day racn of last year
wie racers 01 wiu mm wuciv i-uuiu uui ui uiu
trial easily,
MoFarland Is In a much worse condition
than tho others, owing to his fall on Satur
day afternoon, when he severely Injured
his right knee. It was giving him conulder
ablo trouble nnd ho spent tne most of the
day In his hotel. . ,
(lougoltz Is at tho New York hospital, but
expects to bo out In a couple of days,
K'.kos' manngor stated that his man was In
by fnr the best condition of the lot and that
ho had slept well all night until 11 o'clock
this morning, when ho arose nnd partook
of a hearty breakfast. Ho accounts for
Kikes' good condition by saying that Kikes
hnd not been given any drugs or stimulants
of any kind. Turvllle and Anronson, who
were taken to tho huspltal on account of
Injuries, are doing as well as could be ex
pected and probably will be out In a fow
Waleott nnnil Olioyuskl .Not to Klht
CH1CAOO. Doc. !. The fight between
3m, Wnlrntt nnd Jon Chovnskl. scheduled
for Docomber 37, has been postponed In
definitely. This action Is a result of tho
unsatisfactory contest botween Onns nnd
McQovorn on last Thursday, an It was
feared by the promoters that It might bo
Impossible to securo a paying altendanco
ror anomor oan:o so soon uuui mu unim
SlcQovcrn affair.
Johnnie Nelson Dents I.nwaon.
LOS ANOKLES, Cnl.. Dec. lG.-Johnny
Ne!son this afternoon defeated Qua Iaw
son in the llftcen-mlle motor-paced rnco
and cllpied flftcuu secondu from the record.
Tho time modo watt 21:57. Lnwson held the
former world s recoru or -am.
Miss Murray I IIIrIi Holler.
TOLKDO,, Dec. 16. MIbs nose Murray,
-hnmnlnn wnmiltl howler of the world.
broke her own record of 23G tonight by
bowling 255. Her sister. Miss Sndlo Murray,
who wnB ner compeuior, uowieu
Chinese Itehels Mold tn Ilr PlKlitliiK
fur (he flight to tin liieiiela
nml In European Tint".
TACOMA, WaBh., Dec. 10. Kwang Tung
province, China, Is tho sccno of nnothor
rebellion, according to Oriental advices ro
celved hero. Its leaders declare their in
tentlon to substltuto Chinese for Manchu
rulors, and to bring about tho regenoru
tlon of China under Occidental lines. They
havo molested neither missionaries nor
converts. Nino battles have been fought
with ttto Imperial troops sent against
thorn, Including a battlo at Samtochuk,
whoro oach sldo suffered tho loss oft scv
eral hundred killed, each claiming the vic
tory. In eight other engagements tho
rebels are reported to havo boon com
pletely victorious. They now havo 30,000
armed men In the field and possess many
towns. They are desirous of establishing a
provisional government, whereupon they In
tend to cut oft their queues and wear Euro
pean clothes.
Will Have Charve of Inauguration
WASHINGTON, Deo. 16. Tho inaugural
committee, which has charge of the forth
coming presidential Inauguration cere
monies, was officially announced today
John Joy Edeon, chairman; Theophllus M.
Hoessle, vice chairman; Colonel Ocorgo E
Truesdell, second vice chairman; South
rtrd Parker, treasurer; Harrison Dlngmau,
secretary; Justice Harlan, Jbhn W, Thomp
son, James It. Marshall, Genorul Ellis
Spear, John I). Lamer, Dcrlah Wllklns,
StlUon Hutchlns, Henry A. Wlllard, Colo
nel Myron M. Parker, 1). II. Warneer, John
II. Wight, Michael I. Wollcr, George W.
Cook, Thomas C. Crldley, Thomas L. Nor
rls, George L. Hamilton, General George
II, Harries, William W. Dudley, Major
James E. Doll, Cuno II. Itudnlph, Edwurd
J. Stellwagon, William II. ltnploy, Charles
C. aiover, Charles J. Dell, Colonel James
O. Derret, General II. V. Boynton, Homy
E. Davis, Thcodoro W. Noyea, Arthur II
Drowno, Hon. John W. Foster, John W
Cotton. Clorcnco F. Norment, Genoral Nel
son A. Miles, William 8. Knox, Albert A
Wilson, A. S. Worthlngton, Thomas F,
Wnlsh, 8. W. Woodward, Isador Sachs
John F. Cook, S. H. Kauffmnnn, Louln D
Wlue, Simon Wolf, John T. Devloe,
The commltteo IS mado up of fifty promt
nent cltlrons of Washington, Tho first
meeting will bo held tomorrow.
neiulache, biliousness, heartburn, Indi
gestion, and all liver Ills ore cured by
Hood' Pillm
Sold by all droscUU. 25 cents.
rreaent nt Beo office or mnll
coupon with ten ccutu nml set
yon; cbolco of Photographic Art
Srudleu. When onlerlni; by mall
ndd four cents for postage.
The Bee Publishing Company
entlliel on Unty at Catunlognn Mis
taken Atnerlcnti for Filipino
nml Shoots 1 1 1 in.
JJ03TON, Dec. 16. The following was
recelvod by the Globe from James Sweeney,
hospital steward with the Twenty-ninth
volunteer Infantry at Catbalogan, Samar
Cornoral Herbert Chnnr. Comnnnv D,
Twenty-ninth volunteer Infantry, a brother
or TanK (.naso or i'lcasani sireei, .iuri
boro, Mass., was shot and killed by Jako
Henderson, private, Company C, Twenty
ninth Infantry, ut Catbalogan, Samar
Island, during the night of October 27.
About 300 American soldiers hold tho town
of Catbalogan, being constantly harassed
by tho Insurgents under Oencral Lukbiiu on
tho surrounding hills. This led to strict
orders to kill all natives out nfter dark.
On October 27 u rebel ofllcer came into town
under a Hub of truce and delivered over
Sergeant Ilfce and Corporal Allen of (ho
Forty-third Infantry, who were captured
last March. Theso men reported that tho
torco-or Filipino besieging ttio town num. f? fiiVI iinrl thnt thnt- wern hotistlmr of.
coming Into the town to kill all the Ameri
cans. About 10 o'clock that night tho Fili
pinos opened u heavy llro on the town, ii
wns Corporal's Chase's duty to relnforco
tho gotlltiK gun sound nnd tho Filipinos
wero repulsed after a lively half-hour's
fliThl u'hAn Un. nrlnir bml uhddcri the
corporal stepped Into the bushes, telling tho
sentinel, it is saw, noi to snooi. me nroT
was forgotten by thn excited outpost and as
Chnso started to return he was shot down
without being challenged. ne evidently
una iniHinWi'ti for thri much-dreaded bolo-
man. Jnke Henderson wan put Into the
guardhouse und will bo tried on the chnrgo
of manslaughter. Chase was burled with
military honors on uciouer
k-'tineritl of Oswald (Itteiutorfer.
NEW YOKK, Dec. 16. Tho obscaules of
the late Oswald Ottendorfer, editor and
publisher of the Stnats Zeltung. will take
place Tuesday at 11 n. m. In tho hall of
tho Herman Lledcrkronz. Tho pallbcarcru
wero selected from the personnel of tho
Slants Zeltung and tho members of tho
Isabel Homo society. At the bier Frank's
orchestra and a choir of tho Lloderkrnnz
and Arlon society will render a musical
program. Ocorge von Skal, the managing
editor of tho Stoats Zeltung, will deliver
an oration In Herman, extolling tho lato
editor as n Journalist and leading Oerman-
Amcrclan, while John DoWltt Warner will
also pay a trlbuto to tho memory of Mr.
Chnrlca C. Ilenninii.
NEW YOHK, Dec. 10. Charles C. Bos
nian, of the law firm of Evarts, Choato &
Ileaman, Is dead. Ho died of heart disease,
having boon ill but three days. Mr. Ilea
man was born In Houlton.Mo., In 1S40. When
a young man ho was prlvnto secretary to
CharlcB Sumner nnd in 1874 married tho
daughter of William Evarts. Mr. Ileaman
waH consulting attorney to many corpora
tions, a director In somo and was general
con libel to tho Wisconsin Central railroad.
Mrs, I'athcr (Jnodmnn. 1
Mrs. Esther Goodman died yesterday at
tho homo of her son-ln-Iaw, Major II. S.
Wilcox, 2103 Wirt street, of Infirmities In
cident to advanced ago, Mrs. Goodman being
In her 71st year. Sho wns the mother of
Mrs. It. S. Wilcox, Mrs. W. E. Curraan and
W. It. Goodman. The remains will bo taken
to Cook county, Illinois, for Interment
Tho funeral services will bo held at the
Wilcox restdenco this afternoon nt 2:30
It. K. Neal.
SILVER CHEEK, Nob., Dec. 16. (Special
Telegram.) As Presiding Elder H. H. Mil
lard entared tho pulpit In tho Methodist
Episcopal church for the evening services
ho was handed a telegram announcing the
death of Itev. It. E. Ncal, pastor of tho
Methodist EpUcopal church nt West Point
Neb. Elder Millard will leave on the early
morning train for West Point and will con
duct the funeral services of tho deceased
tomorrow afternoon.
Dr. Henry Ilarton Fellows.
CHICAGO, Dec. 16. Dr. Henry Darton
Follows, former dean of tho Hahnemann
Medical college und for thirty years a pro
fessor In that Institution, died at his home
today. Dr. Fellows, who was In his 64th
year, had bceen nlllng for somo time.
Chnrlrn Mtunrt, Ilnron Illnntyre.
LONDON, Dec. 16. Charles Stuart, Baron
Dlantyre, Scotch representative peer from
1850 to 1892, Is dead. Ho wns born In 1818
Hliebounn Tannery Destroyed.
SHEBOYGAN, Wis., Dec. 16. Tho lm
mense plant of Szlscblscho Sons, tanners,
was totally destroyed by fire this morning,
The cause of tho fire Is unknown. Loss,
$180,000, fully covered by Insurance. Tho
flames, fanned by a high wind, scorched tho
big furniture plant of the Mattoon Manu
facturlng company adjoining, whose loss
will be several thousand dollars. Mayor
Born wired Milwaukee and Manitowoc flro
departments to hold themselves In rcadl
ness, a general conflagration in tne manu
facturing district being feared. The flro
corps of a dozen factories lent aid, and
Anally controlled the flames. Nearly 200
men will bo thrown out of employment and
tho plant may not bo rebuilt. Tho plant
was ono of tho largest in the state, cover
Ing an enttro block.
Heavy ! at Norfolk Xnvy Yark.
NORFOLK, Vn., Dec. 16. Tho building
occupied by the construction dopartment
nt tho Norfolk navy ynrd was destroyed by
flro this evening. Tho building contained
all tho papers and plans of tho construe
tlon department. Over 7,000 drawings nnd
over $100,000 worth of live oak Umbor
wero destroyed. Total loss, over $200,000
Origin of tho fire unknown.
I'nrnonaK at llellevue,
UBLLEVUE, Neb., Doc. 16. (Special.)
The residence of Ilov. William Nlcholl was
destroyed by fire lato last evening. Nearly
all tho household effects were saved. It Is
not known whether tho loss Is covered by
Insurance or not, as the property Is owned
by nonresidents.
rinw and l'uinp Works.
PITTSHUIia, Dec. Flro at nn early
hour today almost completely destroyed tho
A. T. Stewart Pump and Plow works at
Carnegie, Pa. The total loss Is estimated
at $175,000, with nn Insurance of about
two-thirds. Tho plant will bo rebuilt.
Dummies Fremont Residence.
FflHMONT, Neb., Dec. 16. (Special Tolo
gram.) Flro at 0 o'clock tonight did $200
damage to a building at Tenth and K streets
owned by 8. N. Watson nnd occupied by
W, W, Dreyfoos. There was a loss of $500
on tho furniture also.
YORK, Neb., Dec. 16. (Special.) One of
the toclal events and swoll weddings o
the season was the marriage last overling
of Mr. Frank Murray Rector, formerly of
Lincoln, and Miss Rachel Qrella Boycr by
Rev. O. w, Flfer nt tho rosldence of th
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boyer
A large number of guests from hero an
abroad filled tho houie. The brldo, one of
York's most beautiful young women and
highly accomplished, wore a lovely wedding
costume of white crepe, brocaded with
lilloj of the valley over white taffeta silk
trimmed with red lace end lilies of the va!
ley and carrying at the time a boquot o
Ullei of the valley. After the beautiful and
lmprt islvo ceremony there were congratula
tlons and well-wishes by the guests, muitc
by an orchestra and refreihraenti of Ico
cream, cakes and candy, all made In th
color of the evening, pink and white.
Auniinl Iteport of Minister l.luioiitniir
to .Meslcnii CoiiKrrs Crentes l.t
(.client Impression,
MEXICO CITY, Dec. 16. Minister Lltnon-
tour's report of tho financial condition of
the country, mado to congress on tho pres
entation of tho annual budget, la u nota
ble document. Ho estimates for the en
suing year a revenue amounting to $61,691,-
000 and expenditures of $61,677,990 and
shows why ho does not expect n large sur
plus for the coming year. Ho takes up tho
presont financial situation, which Is char
acterized by monotary stringency, and re
It Is lmocisslhln in dlsreaard certain eco
nomical phenomena nnd certain symptoms
of tho present business situation, which re
veal n condition of uneuslnetts canned by
tho partial panilyzatlon of transaction
nnd which to continue for a long time prob
ably would occasion a formal crisis In tho
commerce and Industry of a largo portion
of the republic.
The ilnanclal minister estimates that In
nddltlon to $S0,000,OOO In cash deposited In
banks that tho holdings of the gcncrul pub
lic In cash docs not amount to moro than
40.000.000. so that tho total circulation of
Oliver money may be estimated in tlio
neighborhood of $00,000,000.
Minister Ltmlntour continues:
II In nnt IViorpfurn. Htratii that when
suddenly the country's supply of cash waa
curtailed from 10 to 12 per cent by the ex
portation or silver uonars uusiness hiiuuhi
havo experienced some degree of narnlyza
lliui. hnn hpnii nn unusual demand
for Mi.vlran ilnltnrn unci Ibis demnnd has
sensibly diminished tho supply of metallic
ensn here.
Tho report shows that tho formation of
new stock companies for manufacturing
and other purposes was a revelation to
many business men of the prodlgous effi
cacy of whloh Instruments of credit arc sus
ceptible and tbnt a rertnln amount of spec
ulation began, resulting In overproduction
In manufacturing, from which, In some
lines, n natural reaction Is experienced.
Tho report says tho facility with which
credit was secured at banks on tho strength
of fortunes already amassed or by hypoth
ecating tho shares of long nnd favorably
known companies as collateral led many
firms nnd capitalists to enter on now en
terprises without walling as long a tlmo
as would, perchance, havo boon desirable,
so as lo allow previous enterprises to ma
ture nnd their shares und bonds to bo-
como well dlsscmlnutcd among tho people.
It Is not, therefore, strango that as soon
ns the scarcity of cash began to bo felt
rnttinctlons should bo somewhat checked
nnd that as business concerns woro unablo
any longer to havo recourse to bnnks, hav
Ing mudo full use of their credit In t'.ioso
establishments, a largo volume of tho
i-tock Irsued by tho corporations In ciucs
tlon should havo been thrown upon tho
market, producing, ns was natural, n gen
eral depreciation In sureties. IJut fortu
nately for tho country n majority of the en
trprlses rest on accurato calculations nnd
a foundation of complcto security.
The report has produced nn excellent Im
1,1 HunK (.'hmiK KvproBHed (.rntllnde
for PcrmUslon to Hull- Mnncliurlii
Under ItiiNNlnn Protection.
LONDON, Dec. 16. Dr. Morrison, wiring
to tho Times from Pekln, says:
"LI Hung Chang, at tho Instnnco of
Prince Uhtomsky, hns wired to Emperor
Nicholas an expression of gratitude for
permission to rule Mnnchurla under Run
slnn protection. This permission purports
to havo como from tho cznr, who Is, of
courso, qulto Ignorant of tho mntter. Prince
Uhtonibky Is leaving In a fow days, his mis
sion having been accomplished."
"Telegroms from tho north," says tho
Shanghai correspondent of tho Times Sun
day, "report rcnowed activity on tho part
of the Boxors In the neighborhood of Pekln
and Tien Tsln. It Is bclloved certain fov
elgncrs arc continuing a business in nrma.
"There aro persistent rumors thnt tho
troops of tho foreign powers hnvo arrived
at Yal Yuen Fu.
"Tho minlstors In Pekln nro haggling
over tho collcctlvo noto, nnd Russia has
concentrated her power In Manchuria,
which, under tho guise of friendship, she Is
wresting from her deluded nolghbor."
Tho Morning Post published this from Its
Pcklu correspondent:
"Tho Boxor organization Is nearly do
stroyed. Thoro appears now to bo no
danger of n recrudescence of the rccont
troubles, although activity Is shown In
somo unprotected places. Tho Boxer lend
ers woro In reality not uumerous nnd many
of thorn have been punished by tho Chlnesa
lloer Lender CnlileH Tliut lie linn Not
Yet Itenehed n Deelnlnu in to
Thin Country.
THE HAGUE, Dec. 10. In reply to n
dispatch from Grand Rapids, Mich., Invlt
Ing htm to tho United States, Mr. Kru-
gcr has cabled that ho has not arrived at
any decision with regard to visiting
War Ofllee Iteforin Committee.
LONDON, Dec. 17. Tho secretory of stoto
for war, William St. John Ilroderlck, has
appointed a commltteo to deal with the
question of War ofllee reform. Tho com'
mlttec will consider the system of con
tracts nnd tho possibility of further de
centralization and moro expeditious work
Ing. Tho chairman of tho commltteo Is
Clinton Edwnrd DawklnB of tho firm of
J. S, Morgan & Co.
Will lleprenent Deiuunrk.
COPENHAGEN, Doc. 10. Dr. Matzon
professor of law of tho University of
Copenhagen, has boon appointed to repre
sent Donmirk tn the International court
of arbitration at Tho Haguo,
Tako Laxatlvo Brorao Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tho money If It falls to
cure. E, W. Grcvo's signature is on each
box 25c.
RtTnrtN Now MnkliiK to Induce Cun
KreNN to Huy Site of I'iiiiiiiiin Cnniii
Oroiniil for Notional Park,
PHILADELPHIA, Doc. 16. On Wedncs
day next the Valley Forge National Park
association will hold Its first convention
In Independence hall. Delegates from tho
thirteen original states will bo In attend
ance, representing tho following patriotic
societies: Colonial Dames, Daughters of
tho American Revolution, Society of tho
War of 1812, Daughters of the Revolution
Society of Colonial Wars, Brotherhood of
tho Union, New England society, Junto
Order of Amerlcnn Mechanics, Montgomery
County Historical society, Chestor County
Historical society and a number of other
In tho evening u tnar.s mooting will be
held In the Academy of Music, nt which
Senator Boles Penrose nnd other well
known men will dollvor addresses.
The purpose cf the association la to
arouse public sentiment for tho presorvn
tlon of Valley Forgo, thn historic camp
Ing ground of General Washington and
the continental army during the winter
of 1777-7S. A bill is now beforo congress
which provides for the acquisition of Valley
Forge by the government and Its preserve
tlon as a military park under tbo dlrec
tlon of the War department.
Grenl ItiiNnliiit .Not ells! llrliiKi Out a
Drninn Hint lleilln In ConJiiKnl
(Copyright, 100. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Dec. 16. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram,) Here Is tho
plot of Tolstoi's forthcoming drama, "Tho
Corpse:" ,
A minor official marries n girl for love,
but sooa after takes lo drink and loses his
situation. Finally, after abandoning his
wife, ho sinks to a mere huckster In tho
rag market In Moscow.
Tho wlfo tnkes a position ns maid, nut
the director of the establishment where she
Is employed falls In lovo with her and wins
her affections. They resolve not to llvo to
gether without a marrlago ceremony. They
therefore Induce tho girl's husband to piny
tho part of ono dead to tho world a rolo ho
s qulto willing to undcrtnkc for a con
The girl thereupon Informs tho police thnt
her husband has completely disappeared, and
even protends to recognize as his tbo body
of an unknown man found drowned In the
river. Thu mnrrlago takes place, but the
secret of the lovers Is mado known through
a public houso brnwl, in which tho de
graded husband relates that ho Is "a
corpso" and how ho came to bo so. The
police nro called In and tho trio, convicted
of bigamy, nro bnntshed to Siberia, where the
denouement takes place, as In Tolstois
novel, "Resurrection."
The play will probably be staged next
month nt tho Imperial Alexander theater,
St. Potcrsburg.
Ml Attn llnekcfi'llcr I Cured of Her
Ilenfne liy Knropenn
(Copyright, UK), by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Deo 16. (New York World Ca-
bleginm Special Telegram.) Alta Rocke
feller and her fiance, Edward Pnrmelco
Prcntlco, sailed on tho Campania today
from Liverpool for Now York.
Mr. Prcntlco wob nsked at Euston Square
station as the train wnB about to leave
London, whether the report is true or not
that Miss Rockefeller's deafness has been
cured. His nnswer was: "Miss Rocke
feller greatly objects to anything being
printed about her. But as statements havo
already nppenrcd, 1 may sny that tho
treatment has been successful nlroost be
yond our hopes."
"Is It a fact," tho correspondent In
quired, "that by somo novel treatment new
eardrums are growing?"
"That Is nonsense," Mr. Prcntlco re
plied. "But science has beforo now nindo
good to oomo extent defects of thnt kind.
I must nsk you to excuse mo from speak
ing further, as I have ninny things to nt
tend to."
Miss Rockefeller was sitting In n spcclul
saloon cur with n fernalo companion nnd
u tne.ld, with whom bIio nppeartd to con
verse. When Mr. Prcntlco Joined them tho
party seemed to bo In excellent spirits.
Wealthy Fnl Ynnnir Sinn Interrupt n
Performance by I.iiijkIiIiik
Himself to Ilentli.
(Copyright, 1900, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Dec. 16. (New York WnrM
Cablegram Special Telegram.) A young,
fat and wenlthy fellow, Paul Asterot, died
of Irrepressible laughter at tho Gymnnse
theater during tho performance of Alfred
Capus' new fnrco "Your Purse or Your
Lire." Astcrol's fiancee, who was with
him, swooned from the shock. The per
formance contlpucd softer the removal of
tho body.
VeNel Intended to Hxceed the
Deiitaelilnnd' Speed In nyr
Tnlkeil About,
(Copyright. 1900, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Dec. 16. (Now York World Cable
gram Special Tclegrom.) Tho French line
has Just started to work on n steamer which
1b expected to exceed the Deutschland In
speed, though tho craft will be somewhat
smaller. Her natno Is to bo La Flnnder.
The Lorraine's slater ship, Savolo, hns becu
completed, and will leave on her maiden
stnrt In three weeks,
IndlentloiiN Point to Cutelliiue'N In.
tentlon to Cnll on HI Ilrotlier-In-I.nir
(Copyright, 1900, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Dec. 16. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Count BonI
do Castcllano has sent to different com
pantos for plans of available accommoda
tlons on steamers sailing Immediately after
tho now year, which Indicates that he con
templates a conference with his brother-in-
law. Howovcr, ho refuses to discuss his
CriMvn Prince Hum Diphtheria.
CHRISTIANA. Dec. 16. Prince Gustnvus
Adolphus, oldest son of tho crown prince
of Sweden and Norway, Is III with dlph
Charred IIi-iiiiiIiin of Fire Victim of
urmiil School FJre Found ut
Foot of Fire Hm'itpe.
DUNKIRK. V. V. Ilnn. Ill Timlin nf
five moro victims of tho Normal school
flro wero recovered today, making six tnken
from tho ruins. Those found todav wuru
charred beyond recognition, as was tbo one
previously recovered.
workmen while removing debris found
tho bodies at the foot of thn iln mmm
They wero piled across oach other and
Durncii uoyonu recognition.
A ring upon Iho finger of ono of tho
bodies gives a hooo thnt It ni.iv b lilnnM.
fled, but thero Is nothing by which the
oiners can possibly be distinguished. It Is
proposed thnt all be burled In ono grave
and that It bo marked by one monument,- to
oe placed in the Fredonla cemctory In
memory of tho victims.
Detective Kill Hi .linn.
NEW YOftK. Deo. 16. Tlmolliv lu.tnnn.i
a police detective, shot nnd fatally wounded
James McMullen. 29 years old. at 11 o'clock
this ovenlnir in tho kitchen nt thn lintm. in
which McMullen lived with his wlfo nnd
two small children. Both men, it Is said,
wero Intoxicated. McMuKen wns shot be-
Cause ho had tfikfn Dimmnml'ii uhli.1,1 nn.l
would not give It buck, Desmond Is f.:i
years old and belongs to tho Fifth avenue
police station in Brooklyn. Across iho
street from Demond'n hnusu In Benson
burnt nveiiuo is the hundsoino home of
AKulatuiit Corporation Counsel Martin
Fluuagun, Flanagan moved out of tho
houso when tho winter approached nnd
asked Desmond to keep his eye on It. Ho
then asked his brother-in-law. MnMullin
to live In tho houso and take care of it for
the winter, nnd McMullen moved In with
his family. Ah Desmond passed tho houso
this monilnw ho saw McMullen Hitting on
tho porch and demanded to know what he
was doing mere, uesmond was not in unl
form, hilt illHnlnv.iil Mm hmlirf nml MrMnl
!en tore It off. Thun there was a str.iggle
nnd Desmond shot McMullen. Ho cays ho
iiki ii in Hcir-ueicuse,
Diploma Mill Opernlor Sentenced,
CHIC'ACIO. Dec. lC-Jnmrs Armstrong
president at various times of the Metropoli
tan and Independent "medical colleges,''
and "the Illinois Health university," was
today sentenced by Judge Kohlsnnt to
h'erve ono year in Jail and liny a fine of J.V)o,
Armstrong woh found guilty of using the
I'nueo ninies mans u nerrnuo, resiimony
adduced at the trial Hhowed that Arm
strong's Institutions were devoted entirely
to me sewing or -uipiomaa,
I Soutlt Omaha Ise ws T
Through the use of n bit of diplomacy
'Ity Attorney Lambert has reduced the
sl2c of n Judgment against tho city by nt
east $1,500. It was in the case of
Ebenezer (1. linger, who sued tho city
for $5,000, nllcglng personal Injuries caused
by n washout at Twenty-sixth nnd H
streets. Tho accident occurred on August
30, 1S90. As It wns, the Jury on Saturday
Inst returned n verdict against the city for
$1,000, when In fact u verdict of at least
half the amount asked for was predicted.
linger In his complaint asserted that
ho drove into n washout aud that his right
shoulder was dislocated, bruised and
broken nnd thnt his right nrm nt the elbow
was fractured. On account of theso and
other Injuries noted ho became weak, nick
and sore and remained so for many days.
Ho further asserted that he had lost tho
use of his right arm and hnnd and wns
permanently Injured. So much for Iiib side
of tho story.
When Mr. Lambert aesumed charge of
tho legal department of the city ho nsked
tho mayor nnd council to provide him with
a man to look up evidence nnd this was
grunted. The documents in the caso show
that the special agent of tho legal depart
ment used his talents to the best ad
vantage, as ho uncurthed a similar Injury
claim filed with tho courts fn Council Bluffs
on August S, 1898. In this petition Died
against tho city of Council Bluffs it wns
found that tho samo old right front wheel
of Hagcr's wagon went Into a hole In the
street nnd throw the occupant of tho
vehicle out. Tho description of the Injuries
given in this complaint Is nearly identical
with thoso filed against tho city of South
Omaha. It wns alleged In 1S98 that linger
lost the use of his right arm nnd the namo
thing was alleged In tho case Just tried.
Tho two documents wero drawn by the
sumo nttorney, tho dates being n year and
a fow days apart.
When linger was on the stand Saturday
Mr. Lambert questioned him as to any In
Juries ho might have received prior to his
having driven Into tho washout nt Twenty
sixth and II streets, Tho reply was that
he was comparatively an able-bodied mun
for his ngc. Then Mr. Lambert handed
tho witness tho petition he hnd (lied In
Council Bluffs a year ago and asked hlr.i to
identify his signature. This was done after
somo reluctance. A comparison with tho
papers in the two suits showed that they
wero almost identical. In Council Bluffs
linger swore that ho wns permanently dls
ublcd nnd that was a year beforo ho wob
Injured here, yet ho brought up tho same
old charge. This fact of slmllnr charges,
relating to almost tho Identical injuries,
without doubt caused a reduction In the
amount of tho verdict rendered against tho
In this case nnd with these facts before
him City Attorney Lambert will today move
for a new trinl nnd if this is not granted
the ense will bo taken to tho supremo court.
KuulNlcy Will Cancel Tut
An agreement has been reached wheroby
City Treasurer Koutsky will cancel tho
pnvtng tax levied for the paving of Twenty-
fifth street, from L to Q streets, Somo time
ogo suit wns brought by the abutting prop
erty owners and tho court ordered Koutsky
to cancel tho tnx. Acting upon the advice
of Mayor Kelly nnd City Attorney Lambert
ho refused to do this nnd was cited for
contempt. Tho hearing of tho contempt
cusp came up in tho district court Saturday.
When It wns found that no motion for a
new trial had been filed by tho former city
attorney thero wns nothing to do but to give
up tho Idea of appealing tho caso to tho
supreme court. The plaintiffs In tho con
tompt case agreed to pay the costs of the
action and the cnsO was therefore dismissed
with tho understanding that the tax would
bo canceled.
t.'elehrute Kent of Light,
Tho annual Chanukah, or FcaBt of Light,
which Is tho Jewish "Fourth of July," was
celebrated Sunday afternoon in tho Har
ney street temple, tho edlilce being packed
with members of the congregation, Chtl
dren wero especially numerous, thero
being more than 1D0 who belong to tho
Sunday school alone, and thero wero mnr.y
visitors. After tho services the women of
tho congregation distributed cnndlrs,
oranges, bananas and nuts among tho llttlo
folks, Tho Chanukah is a Jewish holiday
of religious nnd patriotic nlgulflcanco nnd
Is In honor of tho victory of tho Jews over
tho Syrians nnd Greeks In 165 B. C. It is
now observed as more especially a chil
dren s holiday.
Another Inspector Wanted.
Ono of the labor papers makes the sug
gestion that tho mayor appoint an Inspector
of weights nnd measures In order that pur
chasers of supplies may secure full weight
and full measure. It Is asserted that somo
of tho scales and measures In shops about
the city nre badly In need of Inspection and
this matter may bo brought to tho attention
of the city council beforo long. Major J.
W. Cress, tho city welghmastcr, hns this
mntter of Inspection In charge and It Is
asserted that he Inspects scaled onco each
year and nlso measures used at stores and
on oil wagons. For this Inspection Major
Cress charges n fee, which Is paid by the.
ownor of tho scales or measures.
Ileported Holdup n Knl.c.
The police tako very little stock In tho
report mude by John Conway that ho had
beer, held up Saturdny night and robbed of
$19. In tho first pluce the location of tho
holdup is n dark hole, with tho nearest
light somo distance nwoy. Taking this
fact Into consideration the description of
tho robber, as given to tho pollco by Con
way, seems out of nil reason. Conway says
that tho man who relieved him of his
money had a handkerchief tied over his
face as a mnsk. Then ho goeB on to say
thnt ho was dark complected nnd smooth
shaven. After Investigation the pollco hnvo
come to the conclusion that Conway had
been smoking.
Kxiimlnntlnn of llnud Hlilnry.
In speaking of tho delay In a report of
tho attorneys for C. R. Honnon, tho pur
chaser of tho recent bond Issue, a represen
tatlvo of nn eastern firm of bond buyers snld
yesterday that, lu his opinion, tho delay
looked favorable for tho city. Ho said that
If tho bonds were to bo turnod down on a
technicality a decision would huvo been
reached some tlmo ngo, On account of tho
delay this dealer things that n thorough ex
amination of tho history Is being made, This
will tnko some time nnd pqsslbly thoro may
bo no report for nt least two weekn.
Cotton drown Here.
In the front wludow of tho Howlnnd Lum
her company offlco nt Twenty-fourth and M
streets several stalks of home-grown cot
ton may be seen. This cotton wns raised
on the land owned by tho company in Al
bright and It Is Hinted that It Is almost
equnl to tho southern product. An employe
of tho compnny who enmo from the south
some time ngo brought with him samo cot
ton seed and as an experiment planted n
llttlo pntcu, The result Is shown by tho
stalks on exhibition.
Iliirmuny ('lull lleel TnnlKlit.
Tho Harmony club, tho recently organized
musical association, will meet in ono of
the rooms at tho High school building to
night for prnctlco. Ed P. Baker Is the
musical director. Ho said yesterday that
tho club was now composed of about forty
active members, with ob mnny more appll
cations In view.
t'liutcNt CuutliiucN Todnj.
It Is tho Intention of Notaries Sutcliffe
and Covell to continue tho taking of ten
tlmony In tho election eontnst rases today,
A session will be held here, possibly In
the council chamber. Ed P. Smith was In
the city yesterday afternoon In consulta
tion with City Clerk Shrlgley nrronglng
for tho calling of witnesses. An effort will
be made by tho fusion forces to prove the
whereabouts of n number of persons who
are reported to hnvo registered and voted
lluuiiurt Tonight.
All of the details of tho banquet to be
glon by the South Omnha Commercial
club at the Exchnngo tonight have been ar
ranged and It was stated yesterday thnt
enough tickets had been sold to Insure tho
success of the enterprise. A great deal
ot interest is being manifest In this, the
second annual banquet of the club, nnd es
pecially so on account of the largo number
of distinguished guests and speakers who
will be prescM.
MilKlc City ;okIi.
The cltv council U 1.111,1 tn ..,nnii i...
night. """"
Miss Daisy Morris Is visiting friends nt
Syracuse, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs, O. E. Blow are visiting rela
tives nt Crum, Neb.
Fred L, Scott Iiiih npcnnlril n r,i,inrlrirliit
position on the Dally Times.
The local lodge of Odd Fellows will
initiate twelvo members tonight.
wyilo Beckett hnd his pot coon down
town yesterday exhibiting It to friends.
Rev Wheeler and Uov. Renwlck will at
tend tho ministers' retreat at Omnha today.
Mr-H, A. I'". Htryker expects to leave this
week for Gnlenn. ill., where sho will vlult
her father,
Rev. Irving Johnson preached at Ht.
Clement's mission In the Third ward last
evening, ins siinji-ci wiu, "I'hrlsl and I III
.At the First Presbyterian church yestet
day miiniliiir Rev. Dr. ft. I.. Wheele
preached an Interesting sermon on tho
topic, i no weed or it itevivai.
Smallpox In Kantcm Clnli.
PRICE, Utah, Dec. 16. Tho smallpox
situation lu eastern Utah Is becoming moRt
alarming, Tho greater number ot tho
cases are among tho forcigu-born minora
In the coal camps and If thero Is a gen
eral epidemic of the plague the coal out
put will be materially reduced. Thoro
nro nearly 100 cases at Scoflcld, whllo
Inter quarters, Clcnr Creek and Sunny
sldo camp, In tho cast end of Carbon
county, report numorous cases,
ChlciiH-o Clothier Bankrupt.
CHICAGO, Dec. 16. Sol Wolfe, retail
clothlor, hits filed n petition In bankruptcy.
Llnbllltle.i, $250,000; ossots, $130,000. Henry
L. Wilson, nn nttorney, has been appointed
receiver. Tho largest creditors nro Chi
cago, Philadelphia and New York men.
.Mini' lloily Imbedded In Ice.
MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. In. A irhnHtlv
covery that inuy bring to light a crime was
mado thlH afternoon by two bova skating
;m the Mississippi river when they found
llrmly imbedded In tho loo the body of n
iiutii, wiiii iiih hkuii uauiy crusneu. The
man had been dead n long time. Tho
coroner Is mnklng nn Investigation. The
fact that tho pockets of tho dead man had
been rifled HiiggestH the murder theory.
Akron llloter Convicted.
AKRON, O.. Dec. 16. -Walter Vlull, a
prominent farmer of tills city, wns todav
convicted of participating in the riot of
AugUHt 22 last. It was the hardest fo:ight
of any of the twenty-two enses that havo
been tried up to date, each resulting In con
viction. Fourteen Indictments remulu to be
l)k-(i(iviTiiiir Woleott 111,
BOSTON. Dec. 16. Former Governor
Roger Woleott Is reported to have passed a
very bad nluht. but Is said tn he roNtlnc
moro comfortably this evening than at any
tlmo during the day. His condition is re
garded ns very serious.
tiro ii nd for Ivorve.
A Brooklyn woman wantn a divorce be
cause her husband lllrted with the servants.
M wonder tho servnnt quoHtlou remalriH
unsolved when tho efforts of the head of
tho house to Interest tho "heln" lu their
occupations nro bo wofully misconstrued.
Mondny und Tueduy lu NehriiHka Apr
to He Fnlr with South to
Went WIiiiIm.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. (Sneclal.)
Forecast for Monday and Tuesday":
For Nebraska and Kansas Fair Monday
and Tuesday; south to west winds.
For Iowa Fair Monday, except rain or
snow lu tho morning In extreme eastern
portion; Tuesday, fair; southerly winds.
For Missouri Oonorally fair Monday and
Tucsdny; southerly wlndd.
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Mon
day nnd Tucsdny; variable winds.
For North aud South Dakota Fair Mon
day; Tuesday colder and partly cloudy;
probably snow; south to west winds,
For Montnna Fair Monday; Tuesday col
der: probably snow; south to west winds.
For Illinois Cloudy Monday; probably
rain or snow flurries; Tuesday, fair; fresh
southerly winds.
For Oklahoma nnd Indian Territory
Fair .Monday and Tuesday; winds montly
I.ocnl lleeurd.
OMAHA, Dec. 10. Ofllclal record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
tho corresponding day of tho last three
1900. 1899. 1S9S. 1897.
Maximum tempernture... 4S .10 35 4
Minimum temperature.... .1.1 21 21 6
Mean tempurutlire 42 2S ,'!U 1
Precipitation T .00 . 00 .01
Record of temperature and precipitation
nt Omnha for this day nnd since March 1,
Normal temperature 27
Excess for tlio day 15
Total e-ccess since March 1 91K
Normal precipitation 03 Inch
Deficiency for the day 03 inch
Totnl ralnfoll since Mnrcli 1..1... 29. 78 Inches
Excens since March 1 40 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1899 3.8S Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 189S 3.4S Inches
Iteport from Station nt K. I1. .11,
Omnha, clear
North Platte, clear
Choyenno, cloudy
Bait I.ako City, cloudy
ltnpld City, partly cloudy
Huron, clear
Wllllston, clear
ChlciiKo, cloudy
Ht. LouM, cloudy
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport. ralnliiK
Kansafi City, clcnr
Helena, cloudy
Havre, clear
Bismarck, clear
OalvoRton, clear
' El y
Pass f
K 48 T
41 Ui M
4S W .111)
4:' M .01
44 sa .00
:tt 6i .no
s: 411 .10
48 481 .()
31 .14 ! T
36 :is T
41 4C T
48 Nil .00
415 S4 .01
ffil 4 1 .110
fiS fill' .01
T Indicates trnco of precipitation.
L. A. W1CL8H,
Local Forecast Ofllclal.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question nriscs in the family
every day. Let us aiiiwer it to-day. Try
J ell -a,
a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pardd in two minutes. No boiling! no
baklnp! add bollitij;i wntor nnd set to
cool. Flavors: Lemon, OrnnRo, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Oct n package
at your grocers to-day. 10 cts.
.lira, Wlnalutv'a SnotliliiK Kyrup,
Has been used for over FIFTY YKAJtS by
MILLIONS of AlOTHEIlfl for their CHIL.
DitiJN wiiiLVj TinrriiiNo. with pick-
CUHKK WIND COLIC, nnd Is tho best rem
edy for DIAItltUOHA. Hold by Druirulsls
In every part of the world. Bo sure and
BHk for "Mrs, Wlnslow's Hoothlnic Hyrup."
and take no other kind. Twcnty-flvo cents
Feeling run down and
generally out oi sorts? Now
don't you need a tonic?
Blatz Malt-Vivinc is a high'
ly concentrated malt extract
possessing elements that
make strength, blcod and
bone. Try it, but be sure
you get Blatz Malt-Vivinc.
It's non - intoxicant. Val.
Blatz Brewing Co., Mil
waukee. All Druggist.
1412 Douglas St. Tol, 1081.
(Iftlce open eontlntinuly from M n.
tn. tn It p, in. yuudny from N a. in.
to p. in.
(Dr. McOrew at age f2.)
In the treatment of nil fornix of IIIS-
i:ani:s ami dinoiidkiis of ii;
O.M.V. -(I jenr' experience, ,n yeur
In Oinnhii,
A I'K II MA. MINT ( l Hi: H AltA.TKi:il
IX A FF,W HAYS without cutting,
pill ii or In of time. The tlllff'KKMT
nnd MOST .VATllt.VI, t't'UM Hint hn
yet hcen dlNCOvered, I'llAIICES LOW.
CVPUIt K 1,1 tnRc.i and conditions
OlrnlLlO cured mid every trace of tho
dlsensc is thoroughly eliminated from tho
No "BREAKINfl OPT" on the skin or
faro or any external appearnnees of tho
disease whatever. A treatment that Is
moro successful and fnr moro satisfactory
than the "Hot HprliiKn" treatment and at
less than HALF THE COST A cure that
Is Guaranteed to bo permanent for life.
lAJCAIfUC?? "f youiiK and mlddlc-nscd
Night Losses, Nervous Debility, Loss of
Brain and Nervo Power, ForKetfulncsi,
BashfiilneHH, Stricture, Gonorrhoea, Gleet.
OVIvlt 110,000 CASKS t t l-:i).
RECTAL DISEASES treatment for (lis-
enseM of the rectum has cured whoro all
others had failed. Fissure, Ulcers, Piles
and all chronic ilhionseH of the rectum, Im
mediate relief and a permanent euro Is
made without cutting or pain. Tho cure Is
quick and complete.
ciiiii,s tii iiiAvri:ni.
C'oiiMUltntioii free. Ti-cntiiient by mull,
Medicines sent everywhere freo from kiizo
or breakage, ready for use.
Ofllee hours: 8 a, m. to 9 p. in. Holidays
8 n. m. to 5 p tn. 1 O." Box 766. OIllco
over 213 South 14th St.. between Fnrnani
and DoiiBlas Sts., OMAHA, NEB.
Without Change
::lM!t.lJf,,e,t Sc"ry of the ROCKY
Daylight In both directions.
For fell Information, renervatlonsaad Itiner
ary "Chlcajo tn CulliornU" oddrcus City
Ticket Office, 1313 Farnam St., Omaha,
We, the undersigned drucglsts, oftar a
reward of CO cents to any person who pur
chaieivof ua two 26-acnt boxes of Baxter's
Mandrake Bitters Tablets, If It falls to
euro constipation, biliousness, sick boad
cho, Jaundico, loss of appetite, aour
atoraacu, dyspepsia, liver complaint or any
of the diseases for whloh It Is recom
mended. Price 26 cents for eltiier tablets
or liquid. We will also refund the moey
on one packoRO of either If It foils to give
Always crowded with fashlouablo :
people- Another Just such entlcltiK und .
: eiiKroHsliiK hill H '"Hl week :
Dunham I'limll) .IcnhIo t'uiitliuul.
FlntiMV 11 nd noun "MiihU."
Prelle'M TulKlnwr IIiikn,
Will In 111 (nil III Dnvli-N,
Ml 11 ho ne mill lleilln The l( liiodrome,
PrleeH-UvenliiBH. 10c, We. Me. Matinees
WednoHduv. 10 . S5c: Hnturdnv and Hun
day, 10c, 'J.'.c, few front rows Me.
Woodwurd & Burgeaa,
Manager.. '1-1. -ui.
Last Performance,
IIoyfH FiiPclnatliiK Muslcul Comedy.
"A Trip to Chinatown"
PrlcoH-SSc. Me, 75c, Jl.Un.
Next Sunday. Monday, Tuesday, Mutluee
Huiiday and Tuesday
Oreat BlK CrowdfTjrcHt BIb Show!
The New Palace of !iur!f-tUe Nlifit
Prices, loc, 20c, SOe, Bmoko If you like.
.Iliitluee Todii) lOc and -Or.
Bono Hydoll'H
m:y i, iu;i,i,i:s.
The hit of tho year- Two IiIk burlesques
-Matchless olio -Twenty-live pretty women
Ten funny inonKrinrmouH rush for seam,
Yo min's Club Auditorium Benefit.
Tickets on salo nt Sherman & McCon
noil's, Chnee's. N. A. Kuhn's and Myora
Dillon Drug Co. f g