Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1900, PART I, Page 10, Image 10

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A Realization of Christmas at
Not only different from all other stores, but in reality the only store in the whole town that makes a display worthy of the name.
Here at Boston Store it is all different from it's every day look. '
The whole wince is Holidaved. We wish von n Merry Christinas and a Ilnppy New Yenr even before you enter the door. In the windows are pretty Christinas sceuew f -
the whole store is brilliant with light. You commence to feel better already the crqwds that pass through our doors are happy throngs, and old folks grow young again
ing ut the pretty Christmas things.
Just the way the little ones expect and the big folks wish. New yet old. An enchanted grotto, glittering with brilliancy A fairy castle with a live drawf and his tiny s2
live horse A real live big fat jolly Santa Clans, who does not wait until Christmas eve to distribute all his gifts, but gives a present at once to every child that comes to linn
An immense hall lllled with things to make glad the hearts of young and old. From a penny toy to diamonds and jewelry. There is hardly a wish that cannot be gratified from
among our store of Holiday gifts. We have spent a great deal or time, money and care to please the children and the children's folks this Nmas, and we will feel more than
repaid if you will bring the little ones to see the wonders on our third floor.
Extraordinary Purchase of
500 Pieces of Silks
A Now York Importer closed out to us his cntlro Btock of lull pieces and half
plncos of now nllks at 0NK-T1I1IU) THUlIt ACTUAL VAI.UK. They nro nil tho
nowcHt ntyles and latent colorings and go on snlo tomorrow at tho following
extremely low prices 15c, 29c, 43c, C3o and 880 a yard. Theso uro worth up to
13.00 a yurd.
Over 3,000 yds. of all kinds of plain and fancy silks, surahs, brocades, etc., suit-
nblo for fancy work, trlmmlngB and wulsts, worth COc.
Llmltixl 12 yds. to 11 customer. Monday
at, yard
3.7G0' yds. of silks, consisting of wulst silks, drew silks and satins, taffetas,
hlack and colored, china silks 27 Inches wtda, 30-Inch lino plain and changcablo
lining silks, plain and figured drapery silks, that retail
UBtially at 75o yd,, all go Monday on bargain sciunro
at, yd
G.000 yds. of high grado silks, all now and fashlonablo designs, dark and light
silks, Including si lot of printed warp satin brocades, black and colored dress silks,
Cheney Ilros.' foulards, 27-lnch rustling taffetas, 30-Inch best Lyons dyo Jap-
Snneso Bilks In black and colors. All on A g Z "
bargain square, $1.00 and $1.00 values. 4 3C C
it . . .
G.GOO yds. of tho swollest silks over shown, elegant blacK nnu colored ureas biikb
In 20 different weaves, 21-Inch and 27-lnch all silk black satin do Lyon, rich pcau
do solo, heavy lustrous Duchesso, Oros do Londres, puro dyo guaranteed taftotas,
crepo do chine, meteor Batln crepes for waists,, swell evening silks, novelty printed
wnrps for petticoats". Somothlng now, 46-Inch- wldo fancy materials In gren
adines for evening costumes, two-toned solo cplnglo nnd n f
very flno lot of extremo novelties In 1'anno velvots JCjC
nd fancy velours, worth 12.50 yd., all go at
50 pieces of Hlack Silk Velvet, worth $1.25, at G9c ynrd.
is, taffetas,
Entire tlresn I'attcrn, tfl.7K.
A rum opportunity to purchnso a
practical ChrlstmuH gift. BOO dress
patterns In very wldo nil wool nnd silk
mixed fabrics. Including two-toned
grunlto cloths. Hertford cords, home
spuns, Homan plald.i, mohair Jaci
minis. Illuminated Ottomans, French
surges iincl uermun llennottas. 011
sale Monday m
front bargain miunrc,'
entire dress put
tern for
Kntlrc DresN I'uttrrn, $2.08.
A speclnl lot of correct Paris dress
fabrics for tailored gowns and hand
some street dresses, In tho new French
Venotlnns, English broadcloths, lCor
seys. Meltons, Vicunas, camel's lmlr,
Melroso suitings, pebblo cheviots, clay
worsteds, .Ibellnes, silk crepons, satin
Solells, seeded Armures and llengu-
lines, an in uio leaning snnues, in
cluding uiacx; an
go on special Halo
Monday, entlro
dress pattern
UK KIUUlfB, 111-
3,220 Ladies' Fur Garments on Sale Tomorrow
New York manufacturers entire stock of fine furs sold by order of the court
and bought by us at a tremendous discount of its value.
This firm manufactured only for the llnest retail stores In New ork
city, but llnally becamo embarrassed and mudo 1111 assignment for tho bencllt of
Us creditors. , ....
On account of the lateness of tho season tho court ordered tho good
to bo sold Immediately und our resident Now York buyer secured tho greatest
fur bargain of tho year.
striped mink collars and
for l'or
slon Lamb
with line
nil nk col
lar und
for XX XX
82 Inches
long, with
quality of
rovers, worth
dllOS for lino seal Jackcts.22 Indies long
OJlStJ with heavy furrier's lining, high
collar and big roll rovers, worth $183.00. 1
d:Cn for XXXX Seal Jackets, 22 Inches
MOV long. In elegant selected seal, fur
rier's satin lining, new shapes, worth
i'yei and $83.00 for Mended Beaver
ip'iJ Jackets, 22 Inches long, matched
furrier's satin lining, worth $125.00.
4tftO 'or Krlmmor Jackets, 21 Inches long
tiy of selected curl, nnd beautiful
blended shading, fancy lining, worth $100.00.
1 1 $33.00, $13.00 nnd $43.00 for fur
q0-.OU jackets, worth from $50.00 to.
This lot Includes flno electric Real and
near seals, with lino quality Heaver, Mink
and Martin collars and rovers.
CfC for nstrakhan Jackets worth r..
'PIC Good heavy Jackets, close curls and
guaranteed lining.
Ct7 EH for China seal Jackets worth
kPlA,i3J $25.00 22 Inches long, Skinner
sutln lined, nnd In nobby up-to-dato shupes.
OJOO CO for China seal Jackets with
iJ4i4i.i)U combination collar and rovers
of Nutru, Hear, Martin, etc., worth up to
Astrakhan capes at $15.00, $17.50, $13.01 and
up to $39.0030 to 3C Inches long, big full
sweep, guaranteed lining, selected skins,
worth from $22.50 to $03.00.
"Flno collarettes worth from $.1.00 to $7.50
In electric seals at We, $1.08, $2.50, $3.3S and
A big speclnl feature Is our tab collars
at $2.50.
Ilcautlftil combination fur collarettes
worth from $6.00 to $17.50, In combinations
of electric Beal and astrakhan, Persian nnd
near Martin, Mulllnu and Krlmmer, etc.,
ut $3.9S, $4.JS, $3.PS. $7.50 and $9.33.
Flno storm collars In combinations nnd
plain, of all tho popular furs of tho season,
extrcmo high grade furs, and excluslvu
Children's Fur Sets
nop for child's white cony set with
fancy inufT, worth $1.50.
EH nnd $1.98 for child's angora nnd
lamb's wool set. with fancy muff
ana collar, worth $2.00 ana w.w.
Misses' Fur Sets
$3.98, $4.50, $G.50 and $7.50 for mlsse' nov
elty sets In nenr seals, Imitation stono
martin. Krlmmcrs, etc., worth from $3.00
to $10.00.
$4.98 Mr
.tnrtu collars, worth
Kfi OR for extra
JPU.VO quality
Near Heiil storm collars
worth $12.00
$9.98 ftrlS-0 r
storm collars, worth
iO GL( for flno
ipi.OU jiurtln
ktorm collars, worth
IO nnfor n"B Blended Beaver storm
f,vuVollars, worth $27.50.
Flno fur Btolla nnd scarfs, with large
cluster of talis, full shape In vn'llco from
$1.00 to $27.50.
CO Cntor flno electric etoll or scarf,
M16'0" worth $1.00. ,
OR tor nilf npnr Martin stoll or scarf
iS.VO -worth $3.00.
OR for ",,n skunk or opposum stoll
ip4. JOur scm-f, worth $7.50.
Fi OR for " mink stoll or scarf
CT-U. -0 worth $12.00.
KQ OR for ,llln martin stoll or scarf
M-VO worth $15.00.
fil ln for "" stone mnrttn stoll or
J.-' scarf, worth $20.00.
Muffs In fine skunk nnd martin at $6.98,
$S.9.8 nnd $3.9, worth from $10.00 to $15.00.
Muffs In line beavers, minks, stono mar
tins, Persians, gcniilno seals etc.
Grand Book Sale
Monday we continue tho grout book ealo that haa
caused such a stir in tho city. Wo bought a largo quan
tity at our own figure and are thus enabled to sell tho
very books you want at bout one-fourth their value.
Buy Books for Christmas Gifts
Ono big lot of copyrighted books of
tho best titles, bound with the best
posslblo binding, with gilt edges und
Bilk markers, bookB that
generally soil at $1.50 rv
each, go at OVC
Ono big tablo of all tho handsomely
bound gilt back books, cloth bound,
that gcnorully sell at 60o 4
and 75c, wo offor In this salo 1
On-j big lot of Webster's Unabridged
Dictionaries, largo heavy books, hand
somely bound, worth $2.50, T A
for OVC
Oho big counter of all kinds of hand
bouio books, bound with buckram a book
that generally sells for $1, all
1. all 9c
arnl.. Cw
tho curront titles, wo offe
Ono big lot of small slzo IC-mo. cloth
bound books that everybody sells at tile
nil new and current titles; wo PT j
offer them tomorrow at O w
Ono big tablo of those handsomo gift
books, gilt and silk bound, ono In n box.
Just tho thing for Christmas gifts, worth
up to $1.00; wo offer them
at ,
Black Beauty Ono of the most popular books of tho
day, an Interesting story for tho young and tho old, printed on flno g
enameled book paper, good clear typo, hand Eonicly Illustrated,! and -
neatly bound, actually worth $1.00 on Bala for 7
Grand Special Sale of Children's Picture Books
Never was thero such a lino in Omaha. Wo havo
divided them into lots as follows
All the 25c Picture Books at 5c All the 50c Picture Books at 19c
All the 35c Picture Books at 10c, All the 75c Picture Books at 25c
All the $1,00 Picture Books for 39c
Sale of Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods, the
grandest nssortments in the city priced fully 25 and 33 13 per cent lower than the usual selling prices for these goods. Re
member wc guarantee every article to be just as we represent It.
Bhn vlriff netfl liut up In plnali
lined bores, flno hrifltlo
lirustes. vr 1 1 h qnndrupln
pliitod hundltis. quadruple,
plated mnjr. sale J An
price IZ0
Throe pleco toilet nets, put
up In Bilk lliicnl plnHh boxes,
mirror., comb and brush.
sterling fiflxtrr motuilod.
miu pilce.
Cigar and tobacco
Jars, rniadruplo plated
c o v o r, surmounted
with design of a pipe,
Jar Imitation cutcij-.
glass, special
Gcntlomcn'B lino stick plnn,
nil varlolIcH, cholco do
hIriib, also studs, COc and
75c values, on
T-arso lino of men's cuff
buttons, dumb lwll nnd
nil styles, on
sale tomorrow ,...OC
Boys' Now England watches,
onon face, flno movement.
silver nickel, warrant. O AQ rntrr nf
cd for 1 year, specla.l.f TOvf U.I
Men's 1G size watches, Es
sox case, 20-yenr guarantee,
stamncd and warranted, El
gin movement. 1R 0 OR
Quadruple-plated sil
ver bon bon spoons,
olive forks, sardine
forks, almond spoons
and Balad spoons all
on sale tomor-O Q ,
Btnrllng silver mani
cure articles, including gpcdni
null iiiu, uuuuuiu nuin
sora, button hooks,
etc, otc. all onOQn
salo tomorrow .-w
Jowol, special salo.
Ladles' C slzo hunting case
watch, hand engraved, solid
cold raised figures, with 15
Jewel. Elgin movement, war- Handsome
rantod for 20 years, S QQ very flno bristle, ebony backs
Military Brushes,
sterling silver trimmings, f no
special nrlco ""O
The Third Floor is Filled With Toys, Dolls and
Games of every description Come nnd choose from the great and dnzzlinc arrnv wc present.
unu spicnaor, ana our prices cannot be matched anywhere.
The showing is one of beauty
Note these for tomorrow.
Penny Savers, cash registers, a rare me
chanical toy, sold everywhere. F7CZn
for $1.00, special 4 Dt
Largo size blackboards Child's .Laundry Sets, ORG
rovolvinccharirkO- complete llko cut CW
sale price
Mechanical toy engines, can bo wound Cf)r
up to run long distances, special ov,w
Nlcoly dress
ed dolts,
good size,
Lnrgo slzo kid body doll,
Jointed limbs, Hlsauo
fiend, nlco hair, slippers
and stockings CQr
Large slzo Iron tralnB, conslsUng of engine, tender nnd throo conches,
nlcoly painted, special
Nlco rocklnc chairs,
mall size, nlcoly fin
ished, strong fn
built, special ....IUC
Crokonole 'boards,
worth . 50,
special Qgc
We have a fine stock
of pictures on 3rd floor
no art store in town
shows a bettor line,
and our prices are
just about half the
usual prices.
Complleto sot of ten
pins with balls Hr
nicely puintcd...
Fitar iilu uundruple Dialed tea set, verr Jiandsomo deslcns.
benirttrull.v tticravixl. aduaJ tJMl A A c
VB.1U(, tUT ....
Solid Oolil Ilk rings for la
dles nnd men, special Qq
A cholco lot of dresser novelties,
Thimbles mado of Including combs, clothes brushes
lino sterling sliver, hair brushes, mirrors, etc.
on salo 4fn ebony handles, sterling Af
at w trlmmincs. on salo at
trimmings, on salo at
i i
Iron safes, can hw
Globo nir KtinH, llrht-cluss
nlr rifles, specliil 7r
prlco tomorrow
Tomorrow wo place on Kilo a
largo quantity of Iron toys,
Odd Bisque heads In all sizes. A spe
cial lot go on salo tomorrow nt 2Sc nnd
'oncned 011U' by com- Hocking horses, strongly Oood slzo drums, mot- ' " ,o 1 ' .,, . immlotu
bFnatlon nick o rinlsli. made, feather saddle and al body, shrep sklr wt. wagons, elt., luiiipiiu
J y wtl" bridle Iron stirrups 7r head, complete Otr with horses and drivers JQC
up at 81 .. ..IUC special .. with sticks OC values, at
Holiday Gloves
1000 pairs ladles'
hltrh class real
Frunch Kid Glovca,
in English rcd
modef. tan, broimi
and black all sizci
worth tip to $1.50
a pair
go at,
liadlos' hlsh claw
finest qtvalltr real
Kid Glovcf; Inclnd
lne T2nt:llb sttede,
jnochas in all colors,
b o u T h t for tbl
Cln'irJtttmH-trnau, Inolnulnr; rodh, ereyN modes,
jmurls.utid loiuou. also blitolc and browiiN inoluct
inc Cbo beet malc, mioh as Oudre, Beauty and
Ju.vuni. Uvury pair jjuarauteod and fitted to
tho haiill If doiirod (jo In lots at
98c $1.25 ' $1.50 $1.75 $2
Xtuas Neckwear
1(1103' Bilk
"5c qn&litr all silk
Windsor tied, all
colors, go at
Great variety of ladles' Bilk
and satin stock
collars, all now
6tylcs, rro at
600 dozen ladlos1 ties, mado of
tho beat quality ailk and
chiffon, Bilk, jyauzc, wido
ruffled effect and lino Ihco
ties, hundred of dlllorent pat
tflrns, worth up to $1.00 go
in lot at
25c 49c 75c
Tjadlos' newest stylo nockwear, including fishus,
Boloro. sailor collar and rovers, mado of
Point Venice lacr. black mnd whlto silk laco effect
tlnbui nnd ruffling, north In tho regular way up to
J-tt, so In lots at
75c, SL50, $2,98, $4.50 Each.
Sale of Holiday Handkerchiefs
UUrTV'r.UU. .. . A AT X ."jT X W AT . ss -x.
500 doien ladies1 all iuro linen fancy
worth 50c go at
6,000 dozen all kind ut handkercliiefr, initial,
plain wbiU! und farvc bordered heractitchrtl,
liwwwdyt una wubroldcitid, worth O i r f. Ci
u w aacuU wict. go la lou (X 3l
ThouMiud of down of ladle'and men't hand
ktYtitvfk. nil uuit) ))u,fi, nil n-lil tin of fi ttZt
litu, h-uintltctitvl, kliwr sa4 ilr llll,. llll,
ttut nuuUif, worUj upui&0. to ivvjiuu
lace handkerchiefs
Great Tarioty of fanoy silk and colorod silk
embroidorod bandkorchlefa Q'C & 15C
lmmnw lot of men' filk handkorchlof in
plain whlto. fanoy lwrdorcd. slllr. ombroldored
initial, all sizes, worth up IQp Kp J Or
to 81, go In lota at Jf. JliT"!fl
Before Ordering Your
Christmas Candies
' B& sure and visit the
Boston Store Candy Dept.
WE carry the largest assortment of fine candies
in the city; Every ounce is pure and made
under our own supervision. Our prices, as -you
know, are fully 25 per cent lower than the usual
Fancy Boxes Fancy Baskets
Candy Chains Candy Canes
Candy Toys
Chocolates and Bon-Bons
Gold Medal Frappe Chocolate
Candied Cherries Candied Pinapple
Salted Almonds
(All at Boston. Store prices.)
Special Prices
to Churches
and Schools
Get Your Lunch
Boston Store
The Finest Shoes and Slippers
that money can buy and skilled workmen can
make in every material in every color
every shape and size for less money
than any other store could or
would sell them
from 29C tO $5.00 a pair.
Fine Shoes
for women's wear, from
$10 to $1.50
a pair.
Fine Shoes for Men
from $1.25 tO 5.00 a pair.
Shoes and Slippers for
Boys, Girls and Infants,
from 25c to $2.50.
Buy our Mlnw'Hwell llntton lat
ent Loatlinr Shoos, CO OS
worth 13.00, tor....