Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1900, PART I, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee.
PAGES 1 TO 10.
British Govern mtnt Instructs Sir Ernest
BttOTT Not to Indorw 'Joint Note.
Colonel Tullook's Expedition Hs Exciting
Experience with Party of Boxers.
Lieutenant MoPherson Engages in Binglc
Handod Combat with Enemies.
Avrny from I'ekln the Antl-l'orelKU
Fever In nn NtrooK tin fiver, the
MnllrcM Il.liiK Kill I' nf iUo
Wplrlt of He-ilHtuni'o.
PKKIN, Dec. IK. Tlio British minister,
Sir Mason Satow, ban received a communi
cation to tbu olloct that at present ha is
not authorized to sign the Joint nolo. Ho
xpoctu delink!) Instructions tomorrow.
Tlio Gonuans report fhat their detail at
Ho Hul Wu wan attacked. They killed
thirtcon and wounded twenty Chinese. The
Germans had four men wounded.
Cnlnm.l Tulloek has returned hero. He
rooorts havlUK had nn oxultlnK oxporlonco
Ills detachment wan llred upon eight miles
from l'okln. Ho could not discover tho
assallontB. as they used smokeless powder
and modern nuns. Ho camped for tho night
at a placo called Kuo LI Ylng, olghtcun
miles from horo, muollng with slight op
position, but ho was liiformod ho would
bo attacked tho next day by Boxers from
,Doh-IIol-Ylng nnd sent for reinforcements.
Fifty men under Lloutoimnt MePhorson of
tho Twenty-sixth llaluchistan regiment
were Bent to his assistance. Immedlutoly
after tholr arrival Tulloek attacked tho
town, which bad to bo entered by tho uso
of scaling ladders. In tho attack Mci'her
un distinguished himself. Ho lt'd tho
scaling party whloh reached tho town
jumped down Into tho placo and emptied
his revolver, killing live men. Ho then
drew his sword and defonded himself until
'his men arrived In force and saved him
from impending death. Colonel Tulloek
spenka highly of tho lieutenant's action
Ho says ho believes he did a deed which
merits tho Victoria Cros3 in hla Jump to
what wna apparently certuln death. In order
to lead hlu men who wero coming up the
ladder. Fortunately the Chinese had only
n few cnrblneu and wero bad shots anil
rone of the British troops was wounded
during tho fight Forty lioxora wero killed
number wounded and muny captured and
brought to I'ekln. Owing to tho killing
of tho Informer no treasure was obtained.
Tulloek saya the poople of I'ekln do not
realize thi contempt In which thoy nro
held In tho country districts. Ho adds
that ono of the wounded Chlnainoo said
Whllo dying: "You can kill mo, but you.
cannot kill tho Boxer movement, which
will oxlst uuttl every foreign devil In China
is killed."
Tho French report tho npproach on tho
Chinese Imperial city of 10,000 men, l'ao
Ting Fu, tholr garrison, fifteen miles west.
betiiK attacked by the ndvnuco guard. Thoy
have appealed to LI Hung Chang nnd de
mand that lie prevent tho march of these
troops, owing to tho pence negotiations.
The railroad opening, which was to hr.vo
tnken place todny, baa been postponed
owing to tliu rond not being ready for
BERLIN, Dec. IB, Tho Foreign ofllco offl
cluls Inform the correspondent of tho As
ocintcd Press that thoy do not know why
Groat Ilrltaln lino not yet authorized her
mlnlstor nt Pekln to sign tho Joint noto of
1he powers. Sir Ernest Satow has asked
London for further Instructions on tho sub
ject. Germany bclloves tho Instructions
hnvo not yet been received. It Is pointed out
that tho signing of tho nolo will bo tho
first step of a binding eharncter yet tnken
by the powers Jointly, henco It Is supposed
that CI rent Ilrltaln wants to consider tho
ninttor fully.
It Is believed that I.I Hung Chang nnd
Prince Chlng will be able to show accepta
ble credentials nnd It Is assumed thuy mo
now communicating with tho court in this
connection. The Fnrelgu ofllco ofllctnls ad
mit that tho Indications uow nro moro fa
vorable to getting Chlua to terms. They
also say the early return of Kmporor Kwnng
Bu to l'okln seoms likely.
Private dispatches from I'ekln say Lieu
tenant Count von Wlntzlngerodo nnd Cap
tain von llscdom havo been severely In
jured by accidents, nnd that Lieutenant
Dustorborg, during n skirmish near l'ao
Ting Fu was killed and that tho Mancbu
general, Fang, was captured with great
Tho reoponlng of the railroad between
Tien Tsln and l'okln Is expected today.
Cnmnilaalnuer (iriiernl I'eohr nml III
llctliiue Sail from (.'liertiourir
for America.
(Copyright, 1900, by Press Publishing Co.)
PA1US, Dec. 15. (Now York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) Tho steamer St,
Louis, which sailed from Cherbourg today
for Now York, took bnck most of tho mem
bers of tho American commission to the
Paris fair, Including Commissioner Peck,
Mrs. Pock nnd their pretty daughter,
Arltuo; Son-ln-Law Sims ami hU wife,
Prof. Woodward of Columbia college, as
Distant commissioner; Dr. Cnpehurt and
Naval Lieutenant Poundstonc.
Lolo Fuller nnd party wero on the snmo
steamer. Her negotiations to secure a
Tarls thenter having failed, sho goes to
America prospecting.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Cottlng, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Diaz Albcrtlnl, Mnjnr nnd Mrs. Knox,
Mrs. St. Clair McKolwny, Robert Porter,
Mr. and Mrs, McL. Stewart, Mrs, Weasels
nnd Mra. Winter nlsn Sailed on tho St. Louis,
lliirnr Which Curried (he l-'rcnoh
Popular SiiccuiiiIih (ii Old
Ako nt Uorilrniif.
(Copyright. 1900, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Dec. 'J5. (Now York World Ca
blegrnm Special Telegram.) Tunis, den
rral Houlanger's black charger, has just
died of old ago near Bordeaux, At tbo tlmo
of tho lloulnnger crnzo Tunis' portrait was
In overy shop, couplotn nbout him wero
sung with every song nnd the admiring
erowtlB acclaimed him us much hb they did
lis master. Just before Houlanger, a fugi
tive, committed eulcldo on hla sweet
heart's tomb In Belgium ho sent a letter
to n friend to tako charge of Tunis, bend
lng that friend bonds enough to provide
for tho borne nn income of $50 a mouth.
I:iik1iiiiiI'h Huler Ii Very !,ott In
Hint II- .Stri-imtli nml n Ite
Kciicy I" MliKRested.
(Copyright, ISOO, by Press Publishing Co.)
WINDSOR, Kng., Dec. 15. (New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram.)
Queen Victoria's condition shows no im
provement. On Wednesday sho was brought
by Princess Beatrice to the Irish industries
exhibition. Ily express order no one was
permitted on tho premises whllo tho queen
was being wheeled round except tho stall
holders, all ladles of tho court. Her
majesty seemed to notice nothing, and when
the duchess of Abcrcorn welcomed hor
Princess Beatrice said?
'Her majesty says sho considers this ex
hibition moBt Interesting,"
Hut It wns noted that tho queen s lips
did not even move.
Princess Rcatrlco Is now virtually per
forming nil tho social duties of tho sov
ereign. Sho decides absolutely all tho
queens plans and movements, sees tno
ministers, rovlses tho court circular nnd
sends out tho royal commands for visitors
to Windsor. Thcso latter havo almost
censed oxcept whoro, for official reasons,
they nro Imperative,
Sir James, lteld, tho queen's physician,
denies thero Is any cnuso for imtnedlato
iilarm, and It Is considered qulto probablo
the queen may linger on In her present
statu for a considerable tlmo. Tho only
question is whether It may, nfter a while,
bo necessary to appoint n regency.
Objection Unified to Underground
ItiillwnyN Ileoanal- of DniuiiKO
Hone to .Surface.
(Copyright, lW), by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Dec. 15. (Now York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Charles
Yerkos' underground electric traction syndi
cate has encountered an unexpected and
serious obstacle. Tho Central London rail
way, tho modol for Yerkos' projected en
terprlso, was constructed olghty feet under
ground, thus avoiding sewers, gas pipes
and electric lighting mains and obviating, it
was thought, all possibility of damaga to
tho residences tunneled under, but It has
been found that this railroad Is rondcrlug
tho vuluablo overhead residences of Hays
water uninhabitable, owing to the perpetual
tromnrs caused by tho trains. China orna
ments havo actually been shaken off tho
mantelpieces, subsidences are taking placo
In foundations and property ownors, being
alarmed, are petitioning tho government for
redress. Under tho existing law there Is
no redress, but In tho acts authorizing the
construction of tho new Yerkos schemes
provisions for compensation to tho house
holders will certainly bo Inserted, render
ing u heavy lncreaso of capitalization ncccs
Mr. Yerkes' roprosentatlvo said to mo
today: "Our linker street and Hampstcad
franchise was granted without any pro
visions for compensation to householders
and wo will bo ablo to satisfy Parliament
that our system of construction will obviate
tho objections ralsod In tho case of tho
Control London."
Loudon Joker 31 like Iilight of tun
HrTorlH of tbu KiikIIhIi Imitator
of Iter. . M. Sheldon.
(Copyright. 1900, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Dec. 15. (Now York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Dr. Park
or's Christian temper wns sorely ruffled be
fore even tho outset of his editorial experl
mont with tho Evening 'Sun by a hoax
prepotratod at his expense by Fleet street
practical Jokers, who wrote to Oeorgo Ed
wards, tho theatrical manager, In Dr,
Parker's name. Inviting hlB co-oporatlon as
dramatic critic during Parkers week's
command of tbo Sun, Says Dr, Parker: "It
Is tho villainous act of somo scoffer at my
OHEay In godly Journalism. No stone shall
bo left unturned to discover tho pro
potrator of tho dastardly deed.
"Tho problem I nm trying to solve Is
whother London Journalism is susceptible
to tho lnflucnco of Christian principles. Ho
llovo nothing you hear about the methods
would ndopt In my editorship, but wait and
see what thoy are.
"I will do nothing to .forward gambling,
drinking or begging or nny social evil dur
ing tho period of my control, which, for the
tlmo being, Is to bo absolutely without
lleccnt HlacoTcrlc AVhlcb Hnve Ei-
oltert Much Intercut Aniona;
1-liiirllah IitventtKiitora.
(Copyright. 1J00, by Pros' Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Dec. 15. (Now York World
Cablegram Special Tolegram.) Joseph
Knight, an englncor on n Holyhead nnd
Kingston packet, rlnlms to havo Invented a
method of utilizing air to supersede coal as
a sourco of motive power. This Invention Is
bolng Investigated by tho admiralty.
There Ib no doubt that If Knight's In
vestigation rcaltzoH his expectations it will
entirely revolutionize navy and ship con
Btructlon generally. Knight Is only 23 years
old. Tho readiness with which tho ad
miralty took up his Invention leads many
people to belicvo It genuine.
Another Important Industrial Invention Is
claimed by Prof. Oustav BIschof of Glasgow,
who has patented a process of manufactur
ing whlto lead, which In points of cost of
making, economical use, uniformity of
quality nnd rapid production ho claims to
eollpso anything of tbo sort hitherto at
lllir I'reimriillnim for the Flrat I'er-
furmant'i- In (be Xerv French
Stntc Thenter.
(Cop right. 1!K, by Press 1'ubllshliig Co.)
J'AUIS, Dec. 15. (Now York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) nig prepara
tions are making for n gala reopening
December 29 of tho Comedlo Fraucalso,
which burned n year agd.
Tho minister of line nrts, who has charge
of tho Invitations, says that 15,000 promt
nent men nnd woman who cannot bo Ig
nored, have nlrendy applied for the 800
seats available President Loubot, the
diplomatic corps, tho French academy
sixty sonntors, sixty deputies nnd the high
est military and naval authorities will at-
tend, The play has not been decided upon.
IHxenne I Hir-iulliiMr nml AiitlinrltIeK MiiUIiik n Urxpernte FIkIiI
to Clieek It.
(Copyright, 1900, by Press Publishing Co,)
PAH1S, Doc. 15, (Now York World Ca-
blegramSpcclal Telegram.) Tho small
pox is spreading. Tho authorities nro
compelling extensive revncclnatlon. There
are 260 cascB In tho hospital and moro In
private bonnes. Flfty-nlno now cases wore
reported this week.
Reiohitag Adjourns for Holidays with Record
of Bn7 Eeesion Behind It,
Count Von Posadowsky-Wehner'i Interesting
Lightning Change of Front.
Anti-British Feeling in Germany Larger
Than Emperor Imagined.
Woman Who Hurled Hatch' " the
KaUcr While Hiding- In a .age
at llrealan In Sent f
Aaylnra, , ;
BERLIN, Dec. 16. Tho Rolchstag, nfter
weeks of hard work, has adjourned for tbo
holidays. Besides contributing largely to
clearing tho political atmosphere, It did
much preparatory work. Important lntor
pella.tlons on tho coal famines, Increasing
tho ponslons of veterans and relative to tho
I'OBHdowflky-Duock affair occasioned great
dissatisfaction, incidentally eliciting val
uable government Information regarding
government bills, llko tho supplementary
appropriation for China, tho budget, private
insurance and tho reorganizing and regu
lation of marlnors' provisions, which have
all gono to committees with tho assurance
of their final passage.
Tho clear showing by the secrotary of tho
Imperial treasury, Dr. von Tliellmann, or
tho highly unsatisfactory condition of the
omplro's finances occasioned tormy de
bates and an enormous amount of press
comment, which Is not yet over. Tho In
fluential center party, through Its Ieade,
Horr Muellor-Fulda, pronounced ngalnst a
continuance of tho "anlelhowlrtschaft"
"habit of Incurring loans."
It was Interesting to note that Count von
Posadowsky-Wehner, minister of tho In
terior, who, under Prlnco Hohenloho, mag--nlfled
tho danger of Amorlcan competition
to Germany, especially In tho Increasing or
American manufactures nnd imports, now,
under Count von Buclow, has minimized
this danger, although tho Imports havo
since doubled. Referring to American coal
ho said that at the most within a few years
America will bo ablo to supply part of the
deficiency during famine?.
Count Von Unelorr Still Attnckcd
Oi'e unpleasant feature was shown In tho
Reichstag stronger than over. After tho
opening day tho attendance In tho house
dwindled frequently to not ovor a score,
even when thero wero Important tranBac
Count von Huelow Is still bitterly nttocked
by a majority of tho press on account of
tho nonreccptlon of Mr. Kruger here. Evi
dently tho antl-Brltlah sentiment In much'
strongor In the nation than tho emperor
and Count von Buelow suspected.
Comment has 'been aroused by the fact
that Russia's commercial representative In
Germany, M. Tlmlrjascff, in a scries of
interviews has warned Germany not to try
to increase the duties upon Russian agri
cultural products In tho coming commer
cial treaties, as Russia will not submit
to It. Tho German Economic Correspond-
onco replied that Russia would better not
tnko so high a tono, since official statistics
provo that for u decade tho Imports from
Russia have amounted to G, 550, 000, 000 marks
against 2,160,000,000 exported to Russia.
Henco Russia is most Interested in reach
ing a satisfactory understanding with Ger
many. Crime Aiciitiint Children.
Tho presiding Judge In tho Sternberg
case announced In open court today that
Horr Popp, Sternberg s bureau chief, and
MIsb Bouchard, Important witnesses, bad
fled to parts unknown. Tho toBtlmony In
the caso was concluded tonight and tho
trial will end during tho coming week.
Referring to tho awful stoto of foulness
which tho Sternberg case baa shown to ex
1st the papers comment on tho empire's
official statistics for 1899-1900, showing an
increase of 15 per cent since 1897-1898 in
Immoral crimes against children. Thero
wero 3,563 sentences for such offenses
Tho Relchs Anzelger says that Emperor
William has awarded the queen of Portugal
a life-saving medal for recently saving tho
llfo of a Gorman marine.
Hatchet-Thrower in nn Aaylnin.
Sclmn Schnapka, the woman who at
tempted to kill Emperor William jNovember
18 by throwing n hatchet at hlm.i has been
doflnltcly Installed in an asylum for tbo
tusauo at BreBlau.
After a roost stormy passage, during
which soveral lives were lost, tho squadron
of Gorman warships commanded by Prince.
Henry of Prussia has arrived at Kiel from
The crown prince of Germany, William
is developing Into an excellent shot, llko
his father. In the Spring fiold yesterday
afternoon ho shot eight boars.
Prlnco Joachim, the youngest of tho lm
permi princes, win uo 10 years old on
Monday, wheu ho will ceremoniously ente
the First regiment of foot guards at Pots
dam, according to Hohenzollern tradition
Count von Goctzen has been ordered t
rccclvo n brief training at tho Foreign
ofllco until ho leaves in March to assume
tho governorship of Dar-cs-Salaam, Bo
foro leaving Emperor William, with whom
tho count studied nt school nnd at Bonn
university, will promote him to tho rank
of major to overcome rank troubles at his
now post.
Part AVonimi Horn the Company
Puylnir the Great Iimt rniuent
In ii Sheer I'nUe.
(Copyright, lfW), by PreBs Publishing Co
PARIS, Doc. 15. (Now York World Cablo
gram Special Telegram.) A funny case I
on betoro tho courtB. Andrea Maltagne,
rich and eccentric old woman, sued Jointly
MUlerand, minister of commerce; Plcard
director general of tho exposition, and
Leonard, president of tho Optical Palaco
company, for 110,000 damages. Sho com
plains that she was enticed by spurious
promises in posters and newspaper udver
tiscments to go thrlco to seo the moon nnd
ono meteor, Sho paid for her ticket each
time, but, with various excuses, tho at
tondants failed to show hor tho moon, offer
lng various childish optical Illusions In
Btvad, Tho madamo has summoned tho best
expert tcstlmouy nnd produces also many
affidavits that must havo cost her a great
deal of money, all to provo that the big
telescopo was miscalculated and neve
worked, though the fact was carefully con
C en led till the end of tho fair, The cour
reserved decision.
I)ln4er to Ilrltlah Arinn More Srrlou
Thmi Klmt Ilciiorteit-.Virtumii-berlmid
Fulllera Cmitnreil.
LONDON, Dec. 15. Lord Kitchener re
ports that eighteen officers and 655 men
uro missing from General Clemrnts force.
They consist of four companies of tho
Northumberland Fusllvcrs.
Judging from tho messago they wero
PAnhtrnit hv 1. Ilnnra
Clements' cnsualtles December 12
amounted to llvo officers nnd nlno men
killed and many apparently wounded.
Following arc Lord Kitchencr'n messages
to tho War office:
PRETORIA, Dec. 16.-Clemcnls has como
to seo us. Ho says the four compulses of
thn N'nrthnmhot-lntiila l.ol.l nut on thu hill
?,lJron,raof, WSnffiil" ?m
" "itrong, while nnother force of l.ww auacKea
nmi.til' ,.,i.n. con a in. lllfl hill Wnn
carried. Reinforcements of one company of
the Yrknhlr rnllnil In r.-nfll 1110 IOD.
Clements' retirement was carried out with
regularity, but. us many natlvo drivers
Doiteu, ii consiucritmo amount ui transpor
tation wnB lost. All tlieir iimmuimion noi
tnken awny was destroyed. Ho reports
that nil behaved very well.
Broadwood has gone to nustenburg and
supports Ollphant's nek, which has been
reinforced. A Hag of truco which ban como
Into Comnmmln nek from tho Buors Hays
Joubert's son wns killed and further re
ports their losses very heavy.
niKTUiiiA, uec. 11. uieinenis Drougiu
n ins rorco to Commando nek. unoppos-ni,
Tno cnsualtles were, l regrei to say,
heavy-killed, live olllcers nnd nlno of other
ranks; minting, eighteen olllcers and 555 of
other ranks, The latter were
panics of thu Northumberland i-usueers,
wlui xv,.ri utntl,,,,n,1 Hi,, hill, find unmn I
of tho yeomanry und other details sent up
hi Bumion inem. iwncs nini imiuii.- ui
wounds uro being telegraphed trum Cape-
Urondwood's brlgnde took no part in tho
igugement. The Hoers suffered severely,
nox drove Dewet north to tho Thnua
If tii v H rii
N'cliu-Lndybruiid line, which was held by
our troops. Dewefs force, ubout 3,000 1
strong, mado several attempts to get
through during tho day, nsslfited by n
forrn nf UraTH nnrntinir from tho north. I
Thcso nttacks wero driven back, though
tirilnn ,xf w TI...u fo.iiri IhA Woril I
ttbln tn trot thrniiffh tint line
Wlrintr latur. DecemLer 14. Lord Kltcho-
(, r . .
lorco loct consmcrnuiy. 1110 coum Airi-
.. .. ...... . . . ... ....
can i.igni norso ana inornycruiin rauuuu-u
infantry captured a nrtcen-pounaor. iokci
at ueweibuorp, a pompon, cvea Mguu
with ammunition, twenty-two prisoners and
some nones ana mines, a portion oi tno
enemy has not been able to pasrt north.
r I tru.i 1 I
Patch referring to tho disaster at tho
Macallesberg confirms yesterday's most
.... .... . ...
pessimistic icnrs anu ucmouBinnea iuui iiib i
cntastropho Is nmong the worst of tho war.
Tho matter was brought up in tbo House of I
Commons today, but tho secretary for war,
William St. John Drodcrlck, bad no In-
formation to add, oxcept that tho wounded
numbered six officers and forty-five men.
Tho newspapers seo prearrangomcnt In
tho recrudescence of Boer activity every-
, 1. ..1,1 . 1, .. I in ol.alitt .on l I
KoV's" taX ' wh." Ihi Ttat thV
ews of tho fresh disaster comes on tho
nnlversary of the battle of 'olenso fur-
taboa tho papers with o themo to
,l,r,nnrt Ihn hnnrt nf flnnornl flllllflr. Thn
Tnmna CZnvnita ifivu It lllitt. rnmn tn I
,.r .:: ".; .,;; :.:
drlvo tho Boers from tho Tugel.i, counseled
(lencral Whlto to surrender Lc-vnnitth
(Jnzette IHniues llnli.iV,
The St. James Oazotto holds Duller
alono blameablo for tho disasters ot tho
Tugola campaign and says;
When comparable blunders oscurred In
the navy a court-martial moted out Justice.
Why, therefore, should not tho same rule
hold good in tho army?"
Tho public, apparently, Is Ilttlo affoctcd
by the fresh troubles. Soldiers nro still
eager to go to South Africa, tho news from
tho Magallcsberg having resulted In offers
from irnlimtnnf rscltniitil. In nrncnort In Ihn
front. In contrast with the apparent In-
sufficiency of tho troops to master tho situ-
anon in auuiu iiricit, tumuii tuvuiniiuu
Ol W1U lllllliur ll-iwmtca lit uuuiu omi m
tho disposition of tho government, In today's
. ,!, JRrtnn Irnnna M-lll h.
UUllUUIIVUlUbll. fcl.l.k 1,VUW .UWJU .....
sent irom Aiiieraiiui iu Kunuuii iu imt iitiiiuiii
l T ,1 !!!,.. t.ln,nhnl nl Tnnlinrv .1
... t.u. , "
nmiTii itu in nniriou inuv
DnU I ALI I I ITi Dnl I lOn ntllTI I
Cne Slmllnr tn Hint of Ilooa nml How
the Wnr Ofllee Hn Henlt
with OITeiiiler.
ti-opyrigiit, j;.', uy i iran t uiitiniHiif, .-i,.i
1 ... .ftrtrt 1 T I Tl..l.llal.lnn. nn
LONDON, Doc. 15. (Now lork World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) In view of
tho investigation Into tho allegod death
from hazing of Cadet Booz tho decision
of tho British War ofllco in a similar but
milder Instance of Ill-treatment that of
Sub-Lloutonant Steed of Warwickshire Vol
unteers by his brother officers may ho In
structive. Steed wns mado a butt by his
fellows, who rendered his existence In
tolerable by practical Jokes of various
kinds. Ho complained to his commanding
officer, who snubbed him. Ho left camp
and a War office Investigation ensued. As a
result the colcnel, adjutant and soveral
other officers havo been called upon to
resign their commissions, Tho corps has
rotorted by threatening to reilgn In a body
If tho sentence Is Insisted upon, which It
will be.
This kind of brutality Is commonly re
sorted to In British rcglraonts toward young
officers personally or socially distasteful
to their follows, and the War office, In
tho urgent Interest ot tho service, Is deter
mined to stop it In tho futuro.
'rencli HiiKlncer'N Invention Help
Out the .Northern llnllwny
(Copyright, 1000. by PresB Publishing Co,)
PARIS, Doc. 15. (Now York World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) Tho Northern
Railway company has again lowered tho
spood ot Us Paris. CalalB and ParlB-Brussols
tralnB twenty-flvo nnd thirty minutes ro
, I .... 1 1 . . I n , , v nn,.lnnur. Ii.n1.lnf
claims that his tralnB 'nro now tho swifted
flyors in tho world, exceeding tho American
records. Sartlaux says that with the new
compound locomotlvo designed by his en
gineer, Dubousquet, which ho expects to
forco upon tho London, Chatham & Dover
railway, ho will soon reduco tho tlmo bo-
tweon Parla ond London six hours. Two
of Dubouoquet's locomotives have been or
dered by American firms for study. Du-
bnusquct has refused to patent any of his
discoveries, saying surgeons do not patent
Comity Council I'ropoae to
Up the Monnuolle lit a
Tremendous C'ol,
(Copyright, 1D00, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Dec. 15. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Tho Lon-
don county council has introduced Into
Parliament a schemo to purchuso the water
monopolies of London, which will cost
$115,000,000. Tho government announces a
schemo of Its own for 1002, which, It is
rumored, Involves tho payment of S250,-
000,000 to toe water companies,
ner reports that whllo passing tho lines permeates tho editorials now so frequently ker jH nngry over tho exclusivo ln
ln tho nolghborhod of Thaba N'chu Dewefs devoted to the policy of tho Washington formnUon Blt th(J Wor,(, colu.crninK hts)
English Fret Olasa Americans aa Amiable,
but Lacking in Ability.
! ! -
Accounts for the Failure of Newipapsrs to
Forecast Publlo Policy.
Do Not Indicate to Ambassador Ohoato
. Probablo Goune.
inOJI XIUUBU1U vuui.o.
PREPARING A. WtlAUmt run budo
Vnt Crowd I3pectd tn London to
WltnesN Ilomeoomtnir of the,
Oencrsl-Corner In
Polar Uogi.
t r.t-rv n 1K "Thn United States
, , ,. n mi.
has many nmlablo men, but no ouo oi con
sulcuous merits
"Ma ,,,. Dn.,nr. in tho Dally Mall
- ---- - ,.'
vfnr honk, lust lBSUed to COmpelO Wltn
"Whltaker'c Almanac," under tho section
...,,j . .v, ,,.ri,ia ohlnf Htntesmctl.
devoted to the world s chia Btaicsmc i.
Whllo It Is not nn Inspired or n particularly
eruut0 publication It unfortunate y ropre-
eruuito puu lll-ul'"" 11 ,.,, ....Mlnnlnlon
sontB the bulk of press und publlo opinion
0f Englnnd. Nothing so well explains tho
,,,,,- Ihn tJ!nt.iish nrcss toward
' ,,,l
Amorlcan action in Nicaragua, China ana
nthnr mn.lar, nf Ihn clnhn as thn rovela-
. .., nf Amnrlrnn nubile
lVU Ii" vov
men. it is mis unuenyiuR, muugu nuiuum,
althoUK l less exprcsBPrt, Uoiiei wnicu
. . I
government, now uuuhj nuo i
7 .... .1 ll T..-..l.,., (!!.
nnco wuu vnu upiuiuu ui um j.-u.vb ...
and tho nigncst government o mi. ue.c
is apparcuL irom i no "" """""
every recent caso whoro tho Lngllsh papers
navo aucmptcu to auviso or 10 .o,
government attitude toward propositions
A ...1 1... It.. f Tn I A.I Olnl . IhnV ImVn I
taken exactly tho opposite line from the I
courso eventually pursued by Lord Sails-
I. ... ... . ml.,. I
oury nnu iao marquis 01 uiubuuhuo. m.o
lack of sympathy betwoon tho admlnlstra-
tlon and papers seems to broaden dally,
Henco, whllo tho mass of English com
ments on tho Nicaragua canal question un
doubtodly represents tho views of a largo
section of tho public, it must not bo con-
eidorcd in any way official or oven seml-
HMt.l..l. A till...
A Bnec,ar;a;;;dUh from Washington
compialns that tho London dispatches deal-
,ng Pwlth the Nlcaragua cnnn, Uo .not give
anv lndi...tion of tho views of Lord Laos-
, ' . , c-.,...
downo, tho marquis of Salisbury or nny
... . . ij . I
?uinoruaiiyo Person, n may oo saia mm
mtttlor, but ho has definitely refused, ro-
to interfere, covertly or otherwise, in tho
formntlon of American public or legislative
opinion. Ho has not evon discussed tho
matter in the frequent conferences this
week with tho United States ambassador,
Joseph H. Choato. Great Britain's do
clalon doubtless will bo arrived nt only-
nfter a cabinet conference. What Lord,
Lnnsdowno will advise his follow cabinet
mcmbern to do dcpendH entirely on the
llnal shapo In which tho treaty is roturncd
As the matter stnnds it would bo equally
iinufii In I1BV hn will rnnnnol tin rolnxllnn
or' acceptance, though, if ho follows tho
Ideas which nt present prevnll among the
oiiicjiiib, no win inn uuck uu iiio uuyiuu-
DUlwtT irt-ui Mint lujuyi. lllljr lUUUllICllllUlin
of tho Hny-Pauncefoto treaty
Tl, 0( I ..,,.., I Kl l
. ..Id 1 , U I, b . I. U, IU.U. II,UUU n R,
bouiii Airicii mm lacrcuneu taxation at
t. I. .1... 1 . m,.l. ,!..
"""" ft"'""-
mo miui ui hid luuincia nro Kiiyer until
I ....f,
evcr turongs uu uio siruoin, uusiness is ai
top notcn nnu tneaters nro crowucu
Thousands of people aro prcpnrlng to in
vado London to wolcomo Lord Roberts
home. Tho numbor of spectators of "Bobs' "
. v. ,, ...
marchXto St. Pauls, accompanied by the
1 I . 1 1 , .. ....... , ,,...,.. . .
i jiriuuu ui tvuii-a, uittntuijr .i, is iiKeiy 10
break all records. The offlclnls aro al
ready besieged for tickets for tho thanks
giving service and window ownors are
anxiously awaiting tho announcement of
tho lino of march
Admiralty I Aroned.
Tho British admiralty has thoroughly
awakened to tho Importnnco of submarine
and similar methods of warfare. It has ar-
ranged to tost Varcos' Invention for steer-
lng topedos nnd Bubmarlno boats by means
of wireless telegraphy operated by Mr. A.
O. Hlgga, the United States consul nt Wey-
Tho United States naval attache, Com-
mander Clover, is following up tho matter
closely. Germany has mado nn offer for
tho German rights. Tho Invention has
been considerably altered since it was first
snown to tno ucrman government.
The inventor expresses tho boiler that
tno uanger iu iniericrence, or jamming,
,. . ... . ..
as It Is technically called, has been ellm-
mated, as recent Marconi exporlmonts
provo tho Instruments not exactly tuned
to tho samo note can havo no influenco ovor
others, regardless or tno power or tho bat-
terles. Mr. HiggB provides each torpedo
with a different noto nnd directs it from n
ship or tho land, on or under water, toward
the object It is ucsireu to destroy, uy means
of the same current whereby wlreleas mes
sages aro transmitted.
Tho latest form of trust Is that of Polar
dogs. According to Sir Clements Mark-
ham, president of tho Royal Geographical
society, Americans aro reBponsiblo for
forming such a condition iu theso animals,
tnai inn pemuug iiniisn una otner Arcuo
oxpe:"tDH'0" Zlt t,h.,"!,.CUUy
Hi-mi? ..n n.vv t.. ti au-
pears mat r. n uaiuw in, tue American ex-
ploror, has bought up such a large supply
oi uoK inm men phl-o nan rmeu irora is
to ?3U ana inoy aro nam to procure evon
at that price. Captain Dornlor, the Cana
dian explorer, hopes to got out of tho di
lemma by' taking young dogs nnd training
thorn on tho voyago. What tho two British
Antarctic expeditions will do Sir Clements
Markbam does not yet know. Mr. Baldwin
says ho has no moro dogs than he needs.
He foresaw tbo scarcity and bought early.
Kmilr Montgomery Kzprenae a Dr
ain- to lleninrry Her Di
vorced Hiialinni,
(Copyright, 1900, by Press Publishing- Co.)
PARIS, Dec. 15. (Now York World
Cablegram Special Tolegram.) Kmlly
Montgomery, tho beautiful divorced wlfo of
Georgo Bartlctt, tho sculptor, avows her
deslrn to marry him again. Sho has
beautiful house and grounds on tbo Rue du
Docteur Blanche, where sho lives with Miss
I Dlackstono Freeman.
Forecast for Nebraska- -Wnrmer Sunday,
wan fair in western nnd rain In east
ern; Monday fnlr and colder; southerly to
1 Kiiulninl Will Xo Sinn the Note.
ItrlchnliiK AilJoiiriiR for ChrUtmiifl.
ilrltlnh KilMnr .Scuff nt Amnrlm.
Horr Aullvlty Astound t,oiiiliiii.
2 t'niiiiiniKlit to llnul' II r 1 1 Inlt Army.
I l-'imlnnlntN Dive CiiiiipiiIkii Ileitis.
4 On iv a lil (Htemlorfer, Killtor. Henit.
Little lint, Ni'oiK, llndly AVonnileil.
R House Anieiula AVur Hevenne l.atr.
(t I,nt AVeek In I.oonl Snelety.
tiiirrlciin Ten in M'Iiin II Ik Itnoe.
8 t'onni'll llliinn l.oenl .'Mai tern.
Trolle)- Trnlnn Out of Don Mnlncs.
fl Henernl .etm frinii lonii.
AlTnlrn nt Mouth Ontiibn.
I- AnniHeinenln nml .Mnntcitt Note.
lit ."Mnjur Kelly Wtilveft IWiiiiilmitlon.
iliilelili. Cime Tiirnia Out n Murder.
1-1 KilKorlnl nml Coniuient.
iti I, lllle .SloUiii's In Oiiiulin oit.
Ill 4 'In I tn n ti t Coint-n In Too l.ute.
Art I'liotoKrniih) Wlint It .Menu,
17 Coiuini'rlt'ul null 1-' In it no I ill Newn,
1U Hunk Itobliern I'ne .New Method.
ICchorn from l.oeul Aute-ltooum.
31 t.'lirlnt iiinn Hii)' In .Mntty l.nml.
i-'i! Wo in ii in Her Wnj nml AVIilmn.
U:i ".Voriiinn Hull."
at IlelU-n of nn Aretlc Trnsreilj-.
R t.'brUtiuiin Toy l-'netorle In Aellon,
U(l 3I I ill ikh or the SimrtlitK l-'lrlil.
I'roper TIiIukn to line for (ilfln,
7 How (iovermueiit Ilelpn 'l-'iinner.
IIorNe linn .Not I, out II I'luee Yet,
jjs AVIirre (Hit Hinwe ClotlicN I, nnd.
ununcn in HU I InulTICIX I
Tnnminuy Hon Hoenu't Cure to Hnvc
III Movement Herurded for
the l'ul.lle.
(Copyright, 1000, by Press Publishing Co )
LONDON, Dec. 15. (New York World Ca
UlLKiilUl ULUIill 1 Ult i.1 iaill. I U VjIW"
blegrnm Special Telegram.) Illchard Cro-
i,,, , ,-,,i,i., .,,. ., ..,., ,,...,-,.1
..uuu.i-o ....u .
jQr caroUtlciL., Tho last week his
whercuboutB lmvo beon 4 ,llyBtcry. which
even his dovoted friend, David Naglo. pro-
fcS8C8 to ,l0 unnu , BOvo. But I can
Htftt0 ,hnt nftpr th(J ,k,,mrturo ot Ul0 Bpo.
... , ,,.,, on nt ,,, MnI1.
c,m' ; n,r o
,,.,, ,, ,. ,
""iiuviiuua iui uuii ins luuii uouvf
mau Usher to
his servants, stablemen and dependents of
overy kind they wero to answer no (jues
tlons concerning htm, his movements, his
visitors or his ailments, under pain ot In
slant dismissal.
Mr. Naglo visited Mr. Croker at Brighton
early this week and sailed on tho steamship
Campania today from Liverpool, bearing to
Mr. Crokcr's deputies In Now York ills-
h. bee ' MnriVnhn, VhrVo
"cks Aftwwnrd ho probacy will visit
"tr".. .P.!V- lL? 11 .l8't
boforo tnt, Mnrenb!l(, curo la cnrapietci,
l"u U . 11I10 will OO uaCK
u lH KaIn rCp0rt(.(1 hcro that Mr. Croker
has purchased tho freehold of Moat house,
Irlah Parly I Itunnlnir Alonsr With
out Pnvlnir Any Attention to
Him or I'lirlliinienl.
(Copyright, 1900, by Press Publishing Co)
LUMJON, Dec. 15. (New York World Ca
blegram Spoclal Telegram.) Tbo exnul
slon of Tim Healy from tho lrlih party
has not been followed by tho fresh split
his friends hoped for. Healy has been
nHnnrtln., llnrlln,n..n( In ..,ll.l .
. . .i. uiiu I.UUIUI111I1.
" nTLl, ' . "iLn "Si"?. "PU
ber rom jrcmnij to hack him
i j tlvlted William O'Brien M P to nA
! Ru.p llp-llv lnllnr nml 'nlnn-lnna noenll
I l-'W 'h.
I . ft .
..ti .i.i,i k i.ln1, . . .
" " i litnu lllo leuni.
notice of Healy. Ho has ceased to. bo of
nnv neennnt
any account.
A vigorous movement Is in progress In
Dublin to secure tho rejection nt tho forth
coming election of Lord Mayor Pile and
all the nationalist aldormen and council
lors who participated In nny way In tho
ii' .vf i'"t tit,, , un -it tit nny ivay ui
.... . n., vi.rin . n,,Min
I ' ' ------ -
10iiKlh Inventor Who Went Into the
nicycle, 1 1 n o in Are HUH
I,nluir Money.
(Copyright. IDOO, by Press Publishing Co.
LONDON, Dec. in. (Now York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Tho Board
of Trado statistics show that 1100,000,000
has already beon lost In cycle companies
slnco tho boom was stnrted by Hoolcy llvo
years ago, Tho trado is still steadily on
the down grade, owing to reckless over
Man Who Fleii from l'rnnee Mvluir In
Pnveriv in n. i.nmion
(Copyright, 1900, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Doc. 15. (Now York World Ca
blcgram Special Telegram.) Major Estor
hazy is now a ragged pauper, living on
ctarity In n London slum. His wlfo lu
horo gradually selling her furniture Bllver
nnd clothes, In order to postpone stnrva-
tlon of five young children.
Knmnn l'reneli Oircntlnner llnn-
ireroual)- III nml Mny Soon
Meet III Vletlinn.
(Copyright. 1W0, by Press Publishing Co.)
I'ARIS. Dec. in. (New York World Cable
Rram-Spoclnl Telegram.)-Detbler. (ho ro-
tired oxocutloner, la critically III nt Men
innn. His son. the nrnsnnt inp.iimtmnt.
postponed a guillotining fixed for today at
Orleans to go to his father's bedside,
Mnrqnlie lie 'I'nlleyrnnil OfTer One
Ttioiianiiil Doll II r for Ihe He I urn
of Her Mlanliiif I'el,
(Copyright, 1W0, by Press Publishing Co,)
PARIS, Dec. 15. (Now York World Cable-
gram Special Telegram.) Marquise do
Talleyrand, formerly Miss Curtis, has lost
such n precious poodlo that sho offers $1,000
reward for Us recovery.
Jrnn ile Ileke I Comlnir In .Tnnuary
In Fulfill nn IliiKiiKement
In Oiiern
(Copyright, 1W, by Press Publishing Co.)
a PARIS, Dec, 16. (Now ork World Coble
gram Special Tolegrum.) Jean do Rcszko
will sail In tho second week ot January to
I fill an Amorlcan engagement.
British Capital Buffers Terrible Depression
from Defeat at Magallcsberg.
resent Overthrow Ooraes Exactly One Year
After Disaster at Oolenso.
Blundering Commanders Will Be Held to
Btriot Accountability.
Oniplnla Connected with the Foreign
((nice 1, on Ih to l-liui-fa Tliciimel ve
In the Abenen of Any Htnte
liient from I'nuuee fote.
LONDON, Dec. 15. Tho nstoundlng and
utterly unexpected reverse of tho British
nt Magallesberg, tho news ot which was
broken to tho nation exactly ono year alter
General Uullcr's defeat nt Colenso, effectu
ally disposes of any hope that tho war In
South Africa Ib nearly ended nnd completely
abated the myth that thn operations there
wero merely ot a guerrilla nature. As Mr.
LIoyd-Georgo (liberal) Bald in tho Houbo ot
Commons todny:
This is ono of tho most sevcro nwerses
suffered by the British, and It Is qulto
evident tho war will lag on for many month!
to come, Dewet Is making KukIrjhI tho
lnughlng stock of tho world. Wo havo 210,
000' men In tho field, yet wo nro unnblo to
protect ourselves from disaster at the hands
of small commandoes drawn from n postorat
Tho oxtont of tho reverse and tho dis
grace of such n largo body of men sur
rendering to n small contingent ot Boers
has created n feeling ot shnmo and astonish
ment which finds free vcut. With some
what cruel coincidence the Northumbcrlands
aro known us tho "Fighting Fifth." Tbo
Second battalion, to which the captured
companies belong, wns ono of tho heaviest
sufferers nt Stormbcrg h year ago. Tho
regiment hns often been pronounced by
homo and foreign critics to bo ono of tho
ilneBt in tho British nrmy.
Aniilvernnry of C'oleiiNo.
All tho forebodings nnd criticisms which
Colonso gnvo rise to n year ago havo been
resurrected by tho disaster nt Mngalleobcrg.
Tho War ofllco has nothing tn do but "grin
and bear It" nnd truHt to time. Until
General Kitchener's forces nro transformed
into mounted infantry nnd tho mounted
police get to work, Mr. Drodcrlck sees llttlu
hopo ot improvement In the military Bit
untlon. But whoever was responsible for
tbo surrender nt Magallcsberg Is likely
to sutfci, for tho new War ofllco oftlclnla
are determined to make cxumpleii of gen
erals or any other officers guilty ot such
gross mismanagement, or worse, which, It
would seem, must havo caused this last de
feat. This stern attitude on thu part or
tho government, however, by no moans de
creases tbo Ignominy with which certain
members of Parliament who aro avowedly
pleased by tho Boer successes nro regarded
by tho majority of the community. At u
pro-Boer meeting cu Friday, ut which Louu
urd Couituey presided, Goneral Kitchener's1
name was greeted with cries ot "Villain!"
"Butcher!" "Beast!" whllo mention of
Steyn and Dowot elicited liud cheors.
Tho Pall Mall Gazetto today editorially
declares that such men as Courtnoy, Bryno
Robcrts and Lloyd-Goorgo ought to bo put
In Coventry nml bo not spoken to by nny
self-respecting Englishman. Tho expedient,
Bovero ns It is, Is likely to mcot with np
provul tn all qunrtcrB, not. excluding thn
moro rabid liberal journals. Sir Henry
Cnmpboll-Bannormnn, tho liberal leader In
tho Houbo of Commons, does not escape
criticism for tacitly permitting his alleged
followers to tako up such au avowedly
antl-Brltlsh attitude.
Siniill Inleri-Nt Iu McariiKim ('mini.
In view of tho ovents In South Africa
it is senrccly surprising that tho publlu
refuses to bo cnjolrd Into taking a burning
Interest tn tho Nicaragua canal, In splto
ot tho Hpcclnl American cable dispatches,
which break tho records for length and se
riousness. The London Times' correspond
ent today makes u passlonato comparison
between tho present state of affulrs and
that which existed at tho tlmo of tho
Venezuela dlsputo nnd bitterly arraigns
President McKlnloy nnd tho Denote, yet
Lord Pauuccfoto hns not cabled a word to
tho Foreign office, which only heard ot tho
voto on tho Davis amendment, through thn
Associated Press. Such pessimistic nnd
lndlgnnnt cable messages ns most of tho
London dallies nro receiving from their
American correspondents find no rcsponslvn
echo In Downing street, whero deprecation
Ib freoly oxpreBBed of thcso cabled offorta
to apprise tho British publlo of how badly
tho senate, is alleged to be treating their
govornment. Tho Forolgn oftlco officials,
whllo expecting tho treaty to bo nmended,
wero frankly surprised nt tho slzo of tho
majority, which served moro than anything
clso to open tholr eyes to tho fact that
there was no truth In tho cabled statement
that tho railroad Interests wero solely re
sponsible for tho opposition, or that lrrn
tlonat Jingoism had suddenly becorao opl
dcmlo in tho United States. There exists
In tho ' Forolgn ofllco a sane appreciation
ot tho American objections to building tho
canal ami not being itllowed to fortify it.
Klutenient of ForelKU Ollleo Odlclnl.
"Yet, nt tho same time," to quote nn
ofilclul, "wo do not seo why tho troaty
which wo mado with tho people whom wo
believed to tho responsible representatives
of America should bo treated bo cavullerly
by tho seuato. Wo do not regard tho pres
ent issues as of nny great Importance, for
wo doubt If tho Nicaragua cunal will ovor
bo a paying Investment and whoever builds
It, 11 will be of Ilttlo uso to Kugland,
either in peaco or war. What we do regret
Is tho apparent hopelessness of making
tienttes with a country whoso scnato takes
buch oppuslto views to those it empowers
to act In Its h'oholf, Thero seems to bo
nn Impression In America that tho Clayton
Bulwor treaty was secured by tho tuto
ncsH ot tho English representatives nnd
gavo Kngland nn unfair advantage That
view" has never existed here. In fact,
rather tho rovcrBo. ' However, we shall not
bother our heads about tho matter until
tho scnato finishes its labors and wo re
ceive results through diplomatic channels.
Wo aro anxious to know what America
really docs want and until wo know It is
absurd to surmlso what to do, However,
tho Clnyton-Bulwer treaty worked satis
factorily for years nnd ns, now treaties
scorn to cnuso dissensions In America
maybo It Is just as woll If wo am obliged
to revert to tho former ngreemont, tho
blndlngncss nnd equality of which wo havo
never for a moment doubted, In splto of
our concessions tn tho Hny-Pauncefoto