THE OS! All A DAILY lEE: Fl IT) AY, D KCJ3MB EE M, 15)00. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for theae columm will he taken nnlll VI in. fur ko evening edltlnn auil until 8:11(1 p. an. far tnurnlai aud Snailar edition. Hatea. I I-2o a word flrat Inaertlon. le a rrord thereafter. Nallilng taken for leaa thun 2o for the Orit luarr tlnn. Theat advertisements mnat be ran eonnecntlvelr. Ailvertltera, by reanaatlng a nan krred chenk, nan have untntn ad dreeaed to a numbered letter In Rare of The Her. Acarrera ao addreaaed will be delivered 4 a presentation of the cheek only. SITUATIONS WAJITBI). COMPUTE NT cook nnd Inundress wants position for general housework 2.2I Cuming. A-M174 14 WANTKD MALU HELP. WANTED, wo hnvo steady work for a tew good hustlcra of good habits and 'lcr" nce. C. F. Adams Co., liX Howard St. B A It HICK trade taught thoroughly In short time, cataloguo and imrticuliirH free, Address W.nlern Barbers' I"?'""1." urnutia, Neb WANTI! I3D, aVood experienced clothing or. Apply 13H Farrum St. Good in In rlirht nnrtv. iJ flallrltnr. Annh position to right party AOK GNTH WANTKD; Catholic ngonts; out fri'ii; men or women, town or coiin y; wrlto nt once, C. ,1'. &JJrP,-,,. iarborn Mt., Chicago, 111. B-Mlll 17 lit trv Dearborn WANTED, n first-class advertising so llcltor; munt b an experienced nmn; good money; no other need npply. D "j WANTED, tnun to piny piano. People's Htore. It 18. 13 WANTKD, good man to do cunvnBslug In tho country, good pay for rlKlit man. Ad dress B 4, lieu. II-M183 THE AMEHlCANBARnEH COLLEGE OK OMAHA, J. II. RANDOLPH, I.. I,. II.. President, Is now CONDUCTED MY THE BARBERS' CRAFT and INDORSED by the UNIONS. ONLY SCHOOL RECOGNIZED by tho Htnto Barbers' board, Consult your homo bnrbcir; show them this adv. Write for freo catalogue. B-M190 14 WANTISII-FEMALE HUM'. WANTED. 200 Girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. C I to 0 girls wanted. Canadian omce, 1522 Doug'ns C I fl' LADIES, one lady In every town can pet a J.r moquetto rilK, 36x72 Inches, and 11 In cash for ono hour's work. Write quick, with stamp, Logan & Co., -Perry, In. O-MS60 14 WANTED Competent second plrl with references. Apply at 123 S. 23th St. C 651 WANTED, experienced girl for second work. 2037 DodKe St. C-M117 COMPETENT Klrl for general housework. Good wages. 1131 S. 20th Ave. C-155-13 WANTED, Kood Konernl housekeeper. 1117 8. 30th Avo. C 186 15 EXPERIENCED Klrl for general house, work: references required; wage $3. 11:2 So, 32d st. C-M197 14 KOIt HEXT-HOUSE9. IF you want your houses woll rented plnco them with liana wa & Co. D Hi! ALWAYH moving H. H. Goods. Pianos. Office, 151H4 Farnnm Bt. Tel. 1539 or 803. D 113 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city. Brcnuun-Love Co., 320 So. 13th St. D-lll HOUSES, stores. Uemls, Paxton block. D-H3 SEE IH3NHY R'AYNE, 01 N. Y. LIFE, HOUSES, 'etc." F.'D. Wead, 1624 Douglas D-44S HOUSES and flats. Rlngwnlt.l Barker Hlk, D ISO 8-ROOM .'ouse, 27th and Fnrnam Sts.. nil modern. Call 2008 Farnam or phone 6SS. D 151 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Ilrown blk. D 132 RARN. 2024 St. Mnry'H Ave. D 153 FOR RENT, 12-room house, heated with steam, modern conveniences, good bain Address C 49, llee. D 17fi THREE 8-room modern brick houses. 25th St., near Fnrnam. Inquire 2417 Jones St. D-5S2 ELEGANT 10-room all modern residence: hardwood finish, porcelain bath, laundry This house Is In kooiI condition nrtd with in ten minutes' walk of the center of the city; in a very select neighborhood, neur 24th nnd St. Mary's Ave. Rent. $43. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., loth and Douglas Sts. u57j 11-ROOM modern detached residence. 28th and Dowoy; rent, $60. 'I'hone. 1413. D-814-14 FOR RENT, 7-room house, nlee lnwn. cor ner 28th nve. nnd Mntile St.. 112. JOHN W. RODB1NS, 1S02 FARNAM. D-MS21 FOR RENT. 1504 N. 21th St.. 8-room house In good condition, gas. porcelain buth. closet, hot inul nnlil water i... i,.,.... will rent for 125.00 per month to good ten- am win tnro lur wio prouertv. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. 10th & Douglus. D-854 4213 N. 24TM, new 6-r. house, bath cloBet. hot and cold water, gas, shade, on 21th St rar, only $1K to good tenant, Wulluce! Drown Hlk. D SS7 uiuiiuu bid,, diwiy i wi ij, ;yth hi. D-M100 l-ROO.M modern house, 3520 North 27th, C18 also 6 rooms, corner 27th nnd Plnkr.ov. Tvi 4iiiuiiv rt iuuriho. duller lirOH, D-7J3 MODERN 8-room houso. 14l7 Vinton s. good locution. D M133 17 FLi?'H.OOM ct'llKB. modern. SCKJ South ""' " 1J 103 13 6-ItOOM furnished cottage for winter; no u.vii. ovm n, ,wi, J-i llaa 14 EJiSOA.N.T f-,l;oom cottngo, J12 per month a.Cnl'Jwe" street, lnqulro Jos. On d. smith, Murray hotel. D SI 177 it KOIl ItENT-FCUMSIlEI) ROOMS. BTEAM htntt'd rooms at The Thurston. . . K IE I NPYV.L,furl,eA' .r?0.m?.. heat, gas E-MD75 15 FURNISHED rooms, modern. 1722 Dodg E-M9il JS ROOMS, well furnished, heated. 403 N. 14th U SIBS3 id "!?UNiH,,,K,D rooms; modern; private fam ily. 2108 Cass St. E 147 17 FURNISHED room, modern. 2114 Chicago Vi Mill i FUIIMSIIKI) ROOMS AM) IlO.VItl). GLENCAIRN,translouts,1.28 day. 1C09 Doug, UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F 150 The Mrfrrlnm, good winter homo. 25 Dn o 1'' 157 THE PRATT, nice south room. 212 S. 25th 1' 1S FOR HICXT-STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, rloro In first class location rent reasonable. Apply R. C, Peters & V.Q., ground noor, nee Uldg, i zii'j FOR RENT, the building formerly occupied uv me neo in via rnrnani stree.. it nns four stories and a Imuemrnt which was formerly used as The Bee press room This will be rented very reasonably If Interested apply at onco to C C Rnso-wuter,- secretary, room 100, Bee Building. i 1 iUl QROCERY, corner: factory or laundry building, D. C. 1'uUcruou. 'Phone, 1413. i-SU-J-l I'llll HH.Vr-STOHUS AMD OFFICES. LARGE double room In Continental block! can bo made Into very desirable office and reception room for physician. Will ar range to suit. OMAHA LOAN & THUBT CO., 14th & Douglas Sts. I-S37 SPLENDID building In commission district for rent Jan. 1. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. 1-M847 JB AOE.NTS WANTED. $300 TO 1500 tt mouth selling new patent brake attachments to mechanics; positive proof: territory one-fourth value; some money needed; no fakirs; at once. R -am 7, Knrhnch hotel. J MMl H AGENTS "WANTED! With HnyesmetaN lie rubber tires for rocking chairs you can make J100 n month. Address J. C. Hayen, 416 E. Locust Bt Des Moines, lown. J-M178 16 WA.Ti:il-TO IlEXT. YOl'NO tnnn wishes room nnd board, walk ing distance. Address E 2, Hce. K-183 15 TWO unfurnished rooms for light houso keeping. E 3, Ileo olllce. K M19I II STonAtin. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912 Sll Jones, general storuge und forwarding. 451 OM. Van Stor Co,, 1G11H Farn. Tels. 1559-SC3 -13!) WA.NTEI) TO IIUV. ALL kinds of household good?, hotels, etc., In lnrgo and small quantities. Chicago Furnlturo Co., 1106-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. N-161 HOUSES to move. Wallace, Brown Hlk. N 161 WILL purchase n limited number or Omaha Savings bank accounts. Urennan Love Co., 300 So. 13th. N-4S3 WANTED to buy. J1.000 of Omaha Savings bank accounts for cash. Address A 13, Heo olllce, N-M5H WANTED to buy for cash, neat 8-room. modern detnrhed hoitse, with lot; hrus'i must be In llrtt-class condition nnd In good neighborhood, Will pay about J2.M0. Address 1) CO, Hce office. N 170 It for male houses, vehicles, etc. SELL nnd repair vehicles, all 'kinds. H. Frost, cnrrlago works, 11th and Leaven, worth. I 164 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HARD and soft foundation piling; ho v. . u ..... n . ... . i. ft . , V 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcright, 1116 Farnnm. ij 165 SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartr, 114 So. 13. q ICT MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, country dcnlors, 2dhnnd furniture anu sioves ai uiwesi prices, canond lots Cr less. Chicago Furniture Co., 1100-10 Dodge. R MS SELL cheap benutlful Upright piano. mahogany case, fully guaranteed, bargain. 010 N. 26th St. R-78-Jy.l OLADISH pharmacy, 12 & Doduo, rellablo aniK more. u TJ Jl CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 810 North 16th. B 1.0 MMB.GLYMER genulno palmist. 16H5 Do Ige . a ami ELECTRIC TREATMENT. ELITE parlors. 615 S. 16th. second lloor, T-MS2I 13 MAUEL GRAY, S17& N. 15th St., flat E. T 89.1 D17 MME. AMES, 1615 Howard, 2d lloor, room 1; inermai oains. l .MiU3 "u PERSONAL.!, DR. ROY, chiropodist;', corns & superfluous hnlr removed by electricity. R;'i2, Fren or mic. it IT TURKISH baths, mnssage bathj, electric natns, ior inaies oniy; , sKineu women massuge operators; flneat e(iulpped baths In tho city. Renstrnm Rath Company, Rooms 216 to 220 Ilea Uldg, U 171 VIAVI, woman's way to health. 316 Ileo bia II I7 I.IE11EN. theatrical, masquerade costumer. luis rarnnm. u 173 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; uauicH uuupiuu. iurs. uurget, 2620 Durdetto. U 476 SEWING machines rented nnd repaired; ruui. - iiiuuLii, nujjura ior ail Kinds of machines. The Singer Mauufacturluit Co., 1514 Douglas St. Telephone 418. U-478 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing COUIlIiemeilli imuiuti uuopieu.' lloU IN. 17 U-477 PLEATING and skirts, all kinds; buttons made to maicu. umuna bleating Co., 1521 Douglas. U ISO LADIES' Jackotfl and tailor made suits al tered, citaneu, repaired, ai. ogel, 307 a. 17. U 481 FURNACE work, STOVE work, tln.sheet iron. gnivHiiixru iron, zinc ana copper work done; cheapest place In tho city. Savage's Tin Shop, 2822 Farnam St. U-3S6 CALENDARS. Hurkley Printing Co. U M129 D20 J650 STEIN WAY upright piano, latest style caso ior saie encup. uuress u is. nee. U-77-Jy.l COSTUMES for rent. 3318 S. 20th. Mrs. S. Sack. . U-M Jll FARMS FOR II IS NT, !9-ACRE fruit farm for rent on Calhoun road near Florence. In lino condition. Uemls, Paxton Ulock. 791 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western low.i farms at 6 per cent; borrowers can pay $100 or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay; Hrenuan-Love Co., 309 So. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W 432 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Ureunan-Lovo Co,, 309 So. 13th. W (S3 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property und farms. V, Farnam Smith & Co,, 1820 Fnr,nain. W 481 WANTED City loans, bends and warrants. Georgo & Company, 1601 Farnam street. W-483 MONEY In any amount nt 5, G4 6 per cent, J. W. RORUINS & CO., 1802 FAR! NAN ST, W 460 MONEY to lean on farm and city property, lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Farnnm W 187 PRIVATE money, 5, 5H, 6 per cent; no de my, uurvin iiroH., iuia c arnam. w uj MONEY to loan at & and 'M por cent on Omaha property. W. II. Melkle, 401 8. 15th WANTED-Citv nnd farm loans: also bonds and warrants.' It.-' C. 'Peters & Co.,. 1702 1-in mini ai,, nee uiag. vj PRIVATE monoy. F. D.- Wead, 1524 Douglas y ii FIVE per cent monejl Bemls, Paxton block ' W-4 MONEY to Jonn on tlrst-class Improved city property or for building purposes, Payne Knox Co.. New York Life, W 193 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, $1,500 TO LOAN on real at once. M. J. Kennard & Son, 310-311 Brown block, MORTGAGES FOR SALE. $S00. two years, 8 per cent, on ncreago. J3.000. three years. 8 ner rent, nn nnts. DAVID C. PATTERSON, 1623 FARNAM. w wie lit ACCORDION I'LUATINO, ACCORDION and sldo nloatlng. cheapest. pest, quicKcsi. .Mrs. a. AiarK, v rat- tcrson Ulk., 17th und Farnam Sts. C22 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. THE OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. (Established 1S92.) Will make you a loan on furniture, pianos, live stock, etc. You keep the property. Or If you have n permanent position wo will mako you n SALARY LOAN without lndorser or mortgage. We loan from $10 up. You can got the money In a few hours after making application ahd you may pay it back In 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or (1 months. Others claim lower ratts, but nil we ask Is a chai-co to make comparisons, Wo charge nothing for papers or filing and we give you the full amount of tho loan in cash. We are the oldest and largest loan company In Omaha. Our motto Is "to try ton lease." Telephone 2295. 3C6 South 16th St. X-496 MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No endorser of mortp.tge required LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO., Room 626, Fifth Floor, New York Life Rid,;. "SALARY LOANS" TO EMPLOYES UPON PLAIN NOTES. NO CHAROE DEDUCTED IN ADVANCE. NO CHARGES FOR DRAWING PAPERS. "QUIET" '(OFFICE," "EASILY" FOUND." "AMERICAN" "LOAN" m "CO," Room 601, Ilea Ilultdlng. Open 8 a. m to C n. m. and noons. Rcbnto.whcn loan Is paid before due. X-M785 MONE loaned salaried people holding per mancnt position with responsib.e concern upon their own names without securl.y; easy puyments. Tolman, 700 N. Y. L. b'dg, X-C02 MONEY loaned on pianos, furnlturo, Jew elry, horej, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 31D 8. U. X-501 SALARY LOANS, CHATTEL LOANS. ,f. ., zi thirst Mat. Hank nidg. X-K03 - , MONEY TO LOAN ON Furniture, Pianos, Diamonds. Watches, etc. Privately on payments No chargo for papers. HERGEll'S LOAN CO., 1501 Far nam street, upstairs. X 503 StONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, hor.?B, cows, Jewelry. Duft Green, R 8, Uarkor blk LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, with partial pnyments on note; no mort gngo or security: absolutely cnnlldentlal; POSITIVELY LOWEST RATES: loans ..f other companies taken up. Room 303, Pax ton lllock. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. X-507 LOANS on furniture, pianos, diamonds, Jewelry and salaries: cheap rntes. BOS TON LOAN Co., R. 21, Fronzer blk.. 15th nnd Dodge, opp, old P. O. Open evenings. X-M176 J 12 CHATTEL and ealary loans. Joe II. Pleas, ant, 51 Barker block. Xr-M157 J12 CHATTEL nnd snlnry loans. Joe H. Pleas, nnts, 54 Barker block. X M137 J13 BUSINESS CHANCES. $150 CASH or easy payments buys 23 strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines for drinks, viKiirn or ubii; win eurn ?s nnd upward weekly each. Earl, Clnrk A Co.. Furnl turo Manufacturers, Chicago, III. Y-50S $4,000 BUYS half Interest In wholesale busi ness; staple goods. R. 17, Patterson Blk. Y-12 24 RESTAURANT and confectionery. Only plnco In 1 vcly town of 1,000 population. Other business, reason for selling. Ad dress, Box 31, Springfield, Neb. Y-154-13 FOR SALE, bakery, restaurant and gro cery ut once. Address E 1, Bee. V M173 22 $10,000 STOCK of genernl merchandise In northwestern Nebrnskn: innr vn'. i- $45,000; stock fresh: n snap. For nartlcu- mr uuuren.i u i, iieo. JI172 15 FOR SALE, well pstnldlnliml fnn.i ilolnx stood buslnesit! 'nrntt 111 tinnUlt nc.n ..1tl t i V. t CLEAJf atfto.ntock 4ry k-ooaHJadlcB' ana m fitlU lltiil,titif,.,i m a..1t If I m .....n ...i. ii, nn, i imi HiifB ot conon guodsnplo domestlcH, burnishing gooOs.' notions, etc. Invoicing' about &iM(i: nil goods practically new; no heavy gondH or fixtures; this stock Is strictly first-class nnd open for. thorough Investigation; owner will exchnngo for part cash nnd real estato; prefers farm land. C. W. Somers, 507 Manhattnn blk., St. Pnul. Y-M191 10 WANTED, good man to do cnnvnsslng In uiu tuiiiiiryi kuuu pay ior rigni man. Acl- urcss n i, uce. i Mlwr FOR EXCIIANnn. $15,000 WILL trado ono of the best locnted ........... , ... nt,i viiiuim, ciear or Incumberances, for land In western Iowa, o ici ii tui ,iiui, iiuriii wesierti M Issourl or northeastern Kansas; value of nron. crtv, $15,000; will take one-third In land . fk . 7. . uutnce. i.nnu which is heavily Incumbered will not be luiimuara.' yiw incii nun ana description of land. Address Dally Bee. SC-M116 14 FOR EXCHANGE, lands, stocka of goods. Inn'n 1. .,.' famine l . . L. Townsend, Lemurs, In. 55 M192 19 FOR SALE ltEAI, ESTATE. HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans: nlsn fir lnsurnnco. uemi, i'axton blk. RE 510 PROPERTY bought and Hold nionv loaned: rents collected. V. L. JohnVnh Co., 311 So. 16th St. ' iiEn,n?n LAND. C. B. Burrows, Norfolk. Nebraska, w IW) U26 FIVE-ROOM cottage and lot, near 19th ftt uower house. $1.0u0 cash. 11 ol 7-room houso and corner lot. near Yntes. $1,300. ' near Mr Good cottnge nnd 1',4-story house in irnn.i condition, on 21st St,. $S50. ' 1,1 BOod V. JJ. wviAU, von Douglas Street RE-149-13 FOR SALE. Good cast front lot on 37th near California, Smali lot .in 26th St. near A. South Omaha a30th,$200.n8 blCk frm AmeS Ave nnl South' front In Central nark, lion al,'iafCOt " CasslU!' B,-eet, close to Sixty uve feet on 19th near Center St law Btw. .m,d Qov Ca Kuns" wh House and lot on M street near 27th s r tRim. ' "' Four lots In Wakeloy Add., $200. T.nt 20. block 2. Baker Plane, itrm I.otB 16 nnd 17 In Second uddltlon to West I,.J, ,.vv. Pupti' norm nnfl m n frnm rn.,1t n. $2 000. "iui v;neyonne Sixty feet south front Cass nnd 39th streets, SAMUEL S. CURTIS, Receiver, 1808 Harney at. RE MRxs-lfl RANCH AND FARM lands for falo by the Union Pacific Railroad comnnnv n .1 McAllastcr land commissioner.' llnlnn Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-flll FORTY or 80 acres, mile west of Klor- enco pumping station nt $50. Four-acre block, cultivated, Florc'nce $500 240 ncres, 2 houses. Sarpy countv. nt m' F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas Street. RE-151-13 AlICTIOV HAT. in rii.i dimi vdin will offer at public salo to the hlgll-st W(U1 orJ'L0 three-story double brick houses No. 2101-3 Douglas street, city of Omiha Houses contain 13 rooms each; renting rt present. $50 and 153 ner mnntli. rnmmenn. Ing Mnich 1 tenants will pay $05 per month, or n total of $130. Terms, H cash, balance nt 5 per cent, with option of making partial payments when conven ient Property Is In good condition, loca tion Is convenient nnd desirable, Salo to tako place promptly at 2 o'clock p, m Saturday. December 15, ISO), on the prem ..!',e.',; "I consider a provlous offer. V,, H. Thomas, 503 Flrt Nat'l Bank hldi. J. Bonnenberg, Auctioneer. RE-53S II 12-ROOM lroiiHo and lot, 70x140, $3,200. 8-room house. 2322 Harnoy, with bnrn. $3,500, F. D, WEAD, 1521 bouglas Street. RE-150-13 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. RE-M5 SEE HENRY B. PAYNES. C01 N. Y. LIFE. RE-513 C. F. HARRISON, BARGAINS. 913 N. Y. I, RE-122 J9 8 ROOiMS, bath, barn; $1,600, ORtes. N. Y, Life RE-M162H FOR SAM: HEAL ESTATE. A GOOD INVESTMENT IN THESE: $500 4-r. rnttnue. U lot. rents $5. ISfio Cottage, 14 lot; rents $10; near 29th and eewnru. $1.100 7-r. house. Bristol St., rents $11. $1,100 Lot, 2 cottages. 3 blocks Ames Ave. enr hnrn, rental value $15. $1,500 Corner, 2 cottnges, city water, rental vniuo j.v, ten minutes wniK irom 1-. u. $1.500 Recs st., near 25lh, 2 cottages, rental vallio SIB. $2,500 6-r. cottnge, modern, barn, lot $.1x112, pavement paid, choice location, nenr iiigu school. $2.730 Modern, new 6-r. house, N. 19th, rents $25. $4,2(-ISth and Charles, rental value $53. GEORGE G. WALLACE, BROWN BLK. UK 18S 15 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. 516 DR. LE DUE'S Female Regulator, posi tively warranted to euro the most stub born cases of monthly stoppages. Irregu larities, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whatever cause : $2 a package or 3 for $3; sent nnywherc pre paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, III. American Olllce, retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha i Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full lino of rubber goods, LOST. LOST, lady's gold watch: case No. 4002, fcjigin worgs. l-t'ftvo ni ucc omce nnu re ceive $3 reward. Lost M163 II LOST, small black dog. yellow feet; return to 101 Ho. Zltll St., rcccivo reward. Lost-lS2 13 FOUND. FOUND, St. Bernard dog. lnqulro 3421 South 14th. Charles Frlke. Found-lS3 13 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life, 023 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Bco Uldg 521 NEB. Bus. & Shorthand college, noyd's Theater. i.o GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 10 Sc. Doug. b.B OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. L. Bldg.: Tel. 1681; Alice Johnson, u. u,. lauies- dept.; Gld E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. CIS M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school, KlrkBvllle. Mo., 001 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367. - -519 HORSES WINTERED. HORSES wintered, $1 per month. J. W. Phelps, 207 N. Y. Llfo bldg. 'Phono 1031. M-7S3 .13 WINTER pasturo for horses nnd cattle; horses stnbled nights nnd grained; reason able rates, Charles Hubbell, Florence, Ne braska. M173 16 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable accommodat ing; all business confidential, 1301 Douglns. -C28 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramga Bldg. -430 MIRROR FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses resllvcred. 708 N 16, 53 1 IlANCINtJ. MORAND'S winter term for children be gins next Saturday) beginners, 10 n. m.; advnnce, 2 or 4 p. m.1:'ililgh school class, 8 p. Jii.; ndults.. TuesilfrV'ind Friday, 8 p m. Private lessons fJ!ity. Waltz and two-step guaranteed for.JS. Crclghtou hall. . ' -Sll-J-4 I.ESSONS'IN EMIlnolnERY. PRIVATE lessons, embroidery, Battcnblirg point lace, aiui uougias. m ill u PIANO TUNING. WE tuno your plnno for $1.50. Roso's Art Store. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 3015. -533 TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. H, Phil bin. 1505 Fnrnam. Telephone 784, 631 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St. -527 BIRDS AND TAX I II E II 51 Y. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1003 Leavenworth. 533 DRESSM AKINO, IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 318 S. 20th st, M977 .IS LAUNDRY, OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth Tel. 517 -530 CARPENTERS AND .IOIIIIERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20'h anu iane ms. am .IUNK. n.&M. Junk house, J. Milder, Prop., denier In all metals, bottles, etc. Carloads n specialty. 801-803 Farnam, Omaha, Tel, 2378. -321 SUES & CO . Patent Lawyora Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb PatontBookFroo PATENTS GUARANTEED POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be reod DAILY by all Interested, ns changes may occur nt any time.) Foreign mnlls for the week ending Decem ber 15. 1900, will closo (PROMPTLY in all cases) nt the General l'ostoitlco as fol lows: PARCELS POST MAILS closo ono hour earlier than closing time shown be low. Parcel Post Malls for Germany close at 5 p, m. Monday nnd Ttiesdny. Regular and Supplementary Mulls closo at Foreign Branch half hour later than clos ing ttmo shown below. Transatlantic Mnlls. SATURDAY At 8 a, m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. b. Spanrndam (mall must bo directed "per h. h, Hpuarndam"); nt 8:30 a. in. (supplementary 10 a. in.) for EUROPE, per s s. Lucanlu, via Queens town; nt 9 n. m. tor ITALY, per h, h. Kaiser Win, II, via Naples (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Kaiser Wm. II"); nt 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. e. Ethiopia. (mall must bo directed "per s, a, Ethloplu."). PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls rteamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Papers and Samples for Germunv only. Tho samo class of mail matter for other parts of Europe v til not bu sent by this ship un ions specially directed by hei. After the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Mnlls named ahovo, ad ditional supplementary tr.hlis nre opened on tho piers of tho American. English, French nnd Germnn stonmcrs, nnu loinnlu open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of nailing of steamer. Srnlla far South and Crntrnl Aiiicrluf, West Indies, ote. V RIDAY At ti m. ror 1NAGUA and CAPE ORACIAB. ner s. s. Komr Frodo (mnll for Jamaica, BelUe, Puerto Cortex nnd Guatemala must bo directed "per s. s, Kong Frodo"); nt 12:30 p. ni. for MEXICO, por s. s. Seneca, via Tamplco (mall niUHt tie directed "per s. a. Seneca"); at 11 p. in, for NEWFOUNDLAND, per a. s. Siberian, from I ntladclphla. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; nt 9 a. m. (supple mentary 9:30 n. in.) for PORTO RICO(vla San Junn). VENEZUELA nnd CURACAO, per n. s. Philadelphia tmnll for Snvanllla and Cnrthngena must be directed "por s. b. Philadelphia"); at 10 a. m. (supple mentary 10,30 n. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. HAVAN1LLA and CARTHAGENA, per s. b. Athos (mall for POSTOFFICIl NOTICE Costa Rlea must bo directed "per s. s. Athos"); at 10 o. m. (supplementary 10:S0 n. tn.) for HAITI, per s. s. Andes, via Port nil Prlnre, Cnjie Haiti ami Jeremle; at 10 n. m. for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. UR t'GI'AY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. West ball; at 10:30 a. m. for CUBA, per s. p, MEXICO, via Havana: nt 10:30 n. tn. for SANTIAGO, per s. s. Clenfllegos; nt 12:30 p. m. for MATANZAS, CAIBARIEN, NUEVITAS. OIBARA nnd HAHACQA! per s, s, Citrtybn (ordinary mall only, which must be addressed "per s, s. Cur tybn"). Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, ami thence bv stenmei, close nt this olllce dally nt S:30 p. m. (connecting oloso hero every Mondnv, Wednesday nnd Saturday). Mails for Mlque'on. by rail to Boston, nnd thence by steamer, close at this office dally nt 30 p, tn. Malls foi Cub.i. by rail to Port Tampa, Fin., nnd thence bv steamer, clne nt this office dnllv nt n m (the connecting rloe; are on .O'tndav 1 edtu sday nnd Friday?. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially ad dressed for dispatch by steamer, oloso at this nftloe dnllv nt ?-3ii n m. nnd 1:1,1 n m Malls for Costa Rlea, Belize, Puerto Cortex and Ouatemain. ny rail to New Or'enns and theneo tiv stenmer. closo nt this ofTW i1ntu nt M p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays ror Heine, i-uerio i oriez nnu ruesunys for Costa Rica). Registered mall closes nt 6 p. m. previous day. Trntisnnelltn Mnlls. Molls for Australia (except West Auslrnlln). New Zealand, Hawaii, FIJI and Samoan Islands, via San Francisco, elnsn ,,.r.. , dally at (i:31 p. ni. Up to December "S, In clusive, or on nay or nrrivni or s. s. I.n cnula, duo nt Now York December "S ror disunion prr s. s, Sierra. Malls for Alls tralla (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via Han Frnti"lsco), nnd Fill Intnnds, via Vancouver, .-lose hero dally at 0:30 p. m. after December 7, up to December , in cluslv. for dlspatcli per s. s, Aorangl, specially nddressed only (supplementary malls, via fentt. closo nt 6:30 p. m. De cember S). Mnlls for Hawnll, Japan, China nnd Philippine Islands, via Han Francisco, close hero dally nt 6:30 p, m. tin to December !. Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s. Rio de Janeiro, Malls for Hawaii, Chlnn. JnpiMi and Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, closo hero dally at 6,0 p. m. up to December 17. Inclusive, for dispatch per s -. t optic. .Mails for China and Japan, via A'ancoJver, rlouo here dally nt (1:30 p. m. up to December 25, Inclustlvo for dispatch per s. s. Empress of India (registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Australia (excent West Australia). New Zealand, Hawaii. FIJI and Samoan Islands, via San Francisco, closo hern dnlly at 6:30 p, ni. u'ter December 9 up to December 29, Inclusive, or on dcy of nrrlvnl of n. q, Etruitn, due at New York December 29, for dispatch per b. h, Sonoma. Transpacific malls nro fnrwnrded to port of snlllng dally nnd the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their un interrupted overland transit. "Registered mall closes at 6 v. tn. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postoillco, New York, N. Y., December 7, 1900. LEGAL NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS' . MEETING. Ofllco of tho Lcc-Gln&H-Andrcosen Hard ware Co., umaha, Neb., Dec. 8. 1900. Notice Is hereby given to tho stockhold ers of the Lec-(5lnss-Andrceson Hardwon Co. that the annual moating of tho stock holders of tho company will bo held nt tho olllces of said company, 1219, 1221 nnd 3223 Harney street, In th city of Omnh.i, In tho stnto of Nebraska, on Tuesday, January 8. A. D., 1901. nt 3 o'clock p. in,, for tho purposo of electing u board of directors for th company to servo during tho ensuing year, and to transact such other business as may bo presented nt such mooting, H. J. LEE, President. Attest: W. M. GLASS. D9 31 tm Secretary. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. CHICAGO. ROCICISI and & Pacitlc "Tho Great Rock Isl and Route" city Tick et Olllce. 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone, 42-i. Depot. Tenth & Marcy !3bO. 1 I ICJUIUIH' lU'J. Leave. Arrive. . EAST j-ic3 Amines and Daveil port Local fit I -" ,,-...11,1 Ull ,AJ HIH Chicago Express bll;lo um a Sill) r.m Des MoImoh laical a 4,2V, pm a 4:13 pm Chlcugo Fast Expretis..a 6:00 pm a 1:25 lira Des .Moines, Rock Isl and and Chicago ,n 7:10 pm a 9:85 pm WEST. Lincoln, Colorado Spgs.. Denver, Pueblo nnd West a 1:30 pm n 4:13 pm Colorado. Oklahoma & ToxaB Flyer a 5.20 pm a 9:30 am ,. 7.9- nm 1.1 I .OP BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route" Oencral Olllces, North west Cornur Tenth and Fnrntun Streets. Ticket Olllco 1502 Fnrnam Street. Telephone. 2 ,0. Burlington Station, Tenth and Musun Strcsts. Tolephono, 1.8. CIlYt.'. .1I1IVD. Lincoln, IlastlngH and McCook a 8:40 nm a 7:35 pm Lincoln. Dunvor. Colo rado, Utah. California. a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln H Black Hills, .a 9:00 pin a 6:45 am Montana, puget Sound. .a 9:00 pm a 0:45 am Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 pm al0:33 um Denver. Colorado, Utah and California a 0:45 am SOuth Bend, Louisville, Plattsmoutli b 3:33 pm bll:03 am i1 1. urooK, l'laitsmouin nnd Pticllc Junction... a 7:00 pm a 8:20 am a Dnlly. b Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY, ST. JO soph & Council Bluff Railroad "Tho Burling ton Route" Ticket Olllce, 1502 Farnam Street, Tele phone, 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tulo- phone, 128. I, cave. Arrlvo. n 5:53 pm a G:13 um Knnsns City Day Ex....u 9:20 nm Kansas City Night Ex..al0:15 pm Bt. l,oum Kiycr ror at. Joseph and St. Louis. .a 4:50 pm all:15 am a Dally. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON d Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route' Ticket Olllco 1502 Furnnm Streot. Telephone, 230. Depot, Tenth nnd Mnson Streets. Telephone, 128. Duyllght Chicago Spe cial n 7:00 ,m n!0:25 pm Chlcugo Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:0' pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Express.a, if.Ui am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 713 am Fast Mall a 2:15 pm a Dully. UNION PACIFIC-"THE OVER Innd Route" General Offices, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Fnrnam Streets. City Ticket Office, 1321 Farnam Street. Telephone, 316. Depot, Tenth und Murcy Sts. Toleiihono. 62'J, I.enve. Arrlvo. a 7:30 pm Tho Overland Limited a 8:20 am Tho Cllcago-Portland Hpeclal a 8:20 am The Fast Mnll n 8:50 nm a 7:30 pm a 3 ?' pm The Mull and Express.. all:35 pm u 4.TS pm Lincoln, Bcntrlco and HtroniBburg Express..!) 4:03 pm bl2:31 pm i no i-nciuc express. . , .a t:.j pm Tho Atlantic Express... a 6:50 am Grand It-land Local. ...b 5:30 pm b U:3j um a Dully, b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rnllrond-Clty Ticket Of llco, 1102 Farnam Strcot Telephone, 213. Depot, Tenth and Murcy Streets. Leave. Arrlvo Chicago Express Chicago Limited . Mlnneiirolls und Paul Express ... Minneapolis and Paul Limited ... nll:I0 um n 4:05 pm , a i .u pm St. b 7:00 am St. a 7:15 pm u 8:05 am b 9:10 pm n 8:05 am b 8:15 am Fort Dodgo Local irom Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm b Daily except Sunday n Dully. "'IItrAfln tTT.ll'ATTtf f EE it St. Paul Railway CI ty iiCKUi Venice, iw i mitn Hlreet. Telnnh, r "XI riennt. Tenth n IWIIU, ind Mason Streets. Telo phono, C29. I.enve. Arrlvn. Chicago Limited Ex.... a 6:00 pm a 8:tiri nm Chicago & 'Jinnha Ex..h 7-lR nm b 3:10 pm a Dally b Dally except uunuay. (MICAGO. HT I'AUL Minneapolis & Omaha Hallway "The, Nor wCHterti l.ino" Getie th era I Ofllces, Noliraska Dl ulnn ir,tli mill VVprlil 1 ter StH. Cltv Tleknt Olllre 1101 Farnam St. Tolephono, 601. Depot, jitn aim uuuier nis. Leave. Twin City Passenger... n 6:00 am Omaha Passenger Hlo ix Cly .t North- c-.r t Nebnuika a 3:45 pm u Dally. Arrlv u 9:10 ull:10 pm um mm- MilwaukeZ WmsT RAILWAY TIME TABLES. FREMONT. J-:LKHORN A Missouri illey Rnllrond "The Northwestern Uiie" Ooncrnl Ofllces. United Stntcs National Bank Bldg., S. W. Cor Twelfth nnd Fnrnm Sts. Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam St, Tel., 661. De pot, 15th nnd Webster Sts. Tel., liss. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot springs a 3:oo pm a b:pu pm Wvomlng, Casper and uoitgias a 3:ou pm e s:w pm Hastings York, David city, superior, uonevn, Exeter and Seward... .b 3:00 nm b 5:00 tun Norfolk, Vcrdlgro and Fremont n :30 nm iio:zo nm Lincoln, Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0:25 am Fremont Local c 7:30 am n Dnlls". b Dally except Sunday, c sun- day only d Dally except Saturday. c uauy except .Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Tho Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office. 1101 Farnnm St. Telephone, Ml. Depot. Tcntli and Marcy Sts. Telephone 023. i.eave. Arrive. Chicago Spec- i a 7:00 am att:30 pm Passenger ....a 4:15 pm a 8:40 nm llfli hll" Chlcnuo Enstern Moines, Marshalttown, Cedar Kuptds and Chlcnuo nl0:f5 nm n 4:0C nm Enstern Special, Chi cago and East n 4:55 pm n 4:05 pin Fas si aiuii, i. men go to Oi 'inalin n 2:43 pm lalin-Chtcncol.tmltLd.a 7:45 nm u s:oii nm Om 1 nst Mnll . n 8:30 nm cdar Ranlds Passenger a C:30 pm lantern Express b 9:00 pm a lJuiiy u uauy except Suturdnv. SIOUX CITY PACIFIC Railroad The North western Lino" General Ofllces. United Stntos National Bank Building, H. W. Corner Twelfth ii rwl IV n f tm U rti, Olllce. 14"! Fnrnnm St. Telephfne,'r,r,l. De. pot, Tenth nnd Mnrcy Hts. Tcleidionn, Cig. Twin City Express a 6:55 nm a!0:23 pm iwin city Limited a 7:33 pm n 8:13 am Sioux City I.ooul u S:00 am a 3:50 mn a Dally. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omiiha, Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "Tho Qulncy Route" Ticket Of llco, 14t3 Farnam St, Tele phone. 322. Depot. Tenth and Mnrcy Streets, Tclu phone, 629. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 5:05 pm a S:20 nm lansas City and Qulncy aDuily ' o 7:00 nm a 9:00 pm MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL-road-General Offices and Tlckot Offices, Southeast Corner 14th nnd Douglas Sts. Tolephono, 101. Depot, Union Station. I, CAVA. Arrlv l.nnlu nnd Tnnsns City Express al0:00 nm n 6:30 pm K. C, St. L. Express... nlUilO pm a 6:13 am Leavo from 15th nnd Webster Streets: Nebraska Local, Via Weeping W.ilor u 4:lu pm al0:4"i am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Ofllce. 1415 Farnnm Street. Telephono 322. Do- Sot, Tenth nnd Mnroy troots. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Bull" r;xpress atmpra a o;zu um v Dally. BURGLARS HAVE GOOD TIME Afler Looting; the Kroner llrsldence They Sit Ilnivii und 1)1 lie. Two convivial burglars called at tho homo of William Krugcr of Kruger Bros., plumb ers, Twcnty-olghth and l'oppleton avenuo, Wednesday utght, nnd, after ransacking tho houso und collecting $30 In monoy from various sources, brought up two bottles of beer .from tho ecllur and proceeded to re ward themselves' for their night's work, Thoy sat down at tho table, which was spread ready for breakfast, and partook of such cheer as camo to hand. Tho beer was decanted Into coffeo cups. Salted wafers served In lieu of pretzels. Tho sup ply of coltry was materially reducod and a can of sardines was opened. When Mr. Kruger camo down In tho morning ho found everything In wild confu sion. Buroau drawers had been withdrawn and overturned In tho middle of tho lloor. Contents of closots had been scattered broadcast and oven tbo carpets had been ripped up In places. Thoro was cvldonco that tho burglars had entered every room In tho house, Including tho sleeping apart ment of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kruger, for that gen tleman's trousers (from which $15 had been taken) wcro found In ono corner of tho parlor down Btalrs, Tho baby's bnnk was looted of sonio change and Mrs. Kruger'a focketbook wns missing. Severn! hundred dollars' worth of sllver- watu on tliu Rldcboard and enmo valuublo Jawcls on tho dresser upstairs, however, woro not touched. Tho burglnrs wont away, leaving tho gas burning, which Mr. Kruger thinks an unkind oversight. "My opinion is," he said, "that my wifo and I wcro drugged by the uso of chloro form or sn mo such soporific, as otherwise wo would hnvo been awakened by tho noise, nnd thoy certainly mtiBt hnvo inado consld crnblo racket drawing boer bottle corks and clinking dishes. Wo aro both light slcop ors ns a general thing. Another clrcum Btunco that makes mo think so la that I hnd a soverb headacho when I awoko. My wife, too, complained of feeling an unnatural drouslness In tho morning," Tho burglars gained cntranco through tho kitchen door by turning tho key from tho outside with a pair of nippers. They left no rluo as to their Identity and, ub they stole nothing hut money, tho police havo little hopo of apprehending them. Cold and cough cures aro numerous, but tho one that lends all others In merit Is Foley's Honey and Tar, which is In grout dctuaad these days. Myers-Dillon Drug Co,, Omnhc Dillon's drug Blnre, South Omaha. LEGISLATION FOR COUNTIES CoriiiiilsKlonerN In Annual Session Suu-K-t Numerous Mciihiiitn iif In terest to tho Public, County Commissioners Hofoldt and Ob- troni havo returned from Aurora, whero thoy attended tho annual meeting of county commissioners and supervisors of Ne braska, Thoy report tho session highly successful in point of uttendnnco nnd in terest in the business under consideration. Tho legislative committee recommended several Important bills to bo submitted to the legislature. Among them was one pro vldlng that ono usBcsoor bo chosen from each county In tho state Instead of ouo from each wnrd and precinct, as Is tho projcnl custom. Another, looking to tho improvement of country roads, provided that farmorB ho compelled to mow tho wcedH along tho highways in frunt of their farms at least twice a year. Ab a protection to bridges of tho various ccuutles bills will ho Intro duccd providing thut tructlon engines must carry a throo-foot plank to bo used In crossing tho bridges, and thut nil bridges cpnBtructed by tho county over COO feet In length must ha maintained by tho stato. Another Important proposed bill calls for reduction of poll taxes from $3 to $2, pay able In cash Instead of being with tho option of working tho sum out. These mcabureii will bo drnftcd at tho noxt moot lug of the commissioners and supervisors at Lincoln at tho tlrao tho legislature mcotn, and they will bo submitted to that body then. Do you need a hired tftrlT, a Bco want ad Mil bring obi. Dm THIS BRIDEGROOM IS TARDY Aged Iiinnte of Soldiers' Home ii Sought bj Ilia Prospective Undo. BREACH OF PROMISE SUIT IS THREATENED Wonmti In the Cnae Invnkra the Aid of Lnonl Poller, llrllnlnir Her Mlaalnir Snrrtlirnrt Is In Omntin. J. J. Donahue, chief of police, has re ceived nn Interesting letter from a woman who seems to bo nn nttncho of tho National Soldiers' homo, near Leavenworth, Kan., nnd who dellbcrntply refers to herself ns "tho prospective bride." Sho wants the chief to find her bridegroom-elect, who ennio to Omaha December 2 to collect some money which was duo him from nn estate recently In probate. Ills wedding wns to havo been solemnized nt tho Soldiers' home December 10. but ho did not materlallie and now tho bride fears he hns drawn the funds nnd decamped. Sho wants to suo him for breach of promise. Tho letter follows. The writer's perionnl pronouns aro often without antecedents, but tno salient polntB nro not to be misunder stood: NATIONAL MILITARY itnMH. Tf.n Dee. 11, 190o.-Chlef of Police-Dear Sir: Will VOtl bO HO klllll n In tiluxn llila tnttnr 111 the hands of tho proper olllcer to find um wniii i wnni to Know, is tnero n mnn nun mm son in your city uy tno namo of aleut IIO? Think the ann'i nnnui In llnrrv anil works on a train running to Kansas City, but nm not sure. At this time a uroiuer ot tno rntner. nn inmnto of this place, Is out on n thirty-day furlough, visit ing theso friends. Ho was to have been back here tho 8th or 10th. that being nxeil for his wedding dny, but ho failed to come to tlmo. Ho said ho had considerable nionev com ing to him. He was at Omaha about one year ago. at which tlmo ho stated the will was contested, or probated, 1 don't know which, but It was settled nnd thoy were to get their monoy next June, no went up incro uecemuer 2, liw, ono wpok ncil. tn trv tn mnl,.t iirrnnirmAnlM whereby ho could got somo of this money and was to havo been married tho 10th. Now, It you can find tho right man, and thin tale about tho money Is true, I will bring suit for brench of promise. (1 havo every reason to bellovo it Is true). Ills name is IaivI N. Valentino and ho Is 53 years old, He has straight brown hair, clean-shaven chin, huuvy light-colored iiiousiacun nnu ino iwo irom loiinanii lingers aro off ut the first Joint. .MUM. A. L. .MO.Xll'J. The Prospective Bride. P. R. You will bear In mind It Ij tho money wo nro nftcr, clso ho will not bo worth our trouble. Tho pronoun "we" used In the postscript seems to refer to a Mr. Enos Georgo, whose namo nppenrs an an addressed and stumped envclopo Inclosed in tho letter. Tho Infer ence Is that nil Information Is to be sent to Mr. George, and that Mrs. Moxlc'n namo Is to bo kept In the background, A Vllluur llltickniiiltlt Saved Ills Lit tle Sun's Life. Mr. H. H. Black, tho well known village blacksmith at Grahamsvlllc, Sullivan Co., N. Y., tay& "Our llttlo Bon, flvo years old, has always been subject to croup, nud so bad havo tho attacks been that wo have feared many times that ha would die. We havo had tho doctor nnd used mnny medi cines, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is now our solo rellanco. It seems to dls- solvo tho tough mucus and by. giving fre quont doses when tho croupy symptoms ap pear wo havo found that tho dreaded croup Is cured beforo It gets settled." Thoro Is no danger In giving this remedy, for It con tains no opium or other Injurious drug and may bo Riven as confidently to a babo as to an adult. Orgnnlio to I'lulit Glnos Truat. CLEVELAND. Dec. 13. Tho Plain nral.f Bayn: Tho mooting of tho Independent glass manufacturers, which has Just como to a closo in this city, promises to havo a mnrked effect upon that Industry In tho United States. Practically every plato glass manufacturer In tho country attended In person or wan represented by proxy at th meeting. Tho preliminary stens were tnknn In. wards tho formation of a strong and com plete organization, the purpose of which will bo to forca tho Amertcun Window Glass company, better known na tho Window Olusj trust, to mako terms with tho lndependont manufacturers, Otherwise a wur to tho death will bo Inaugurated. Continue Run on llnnk, NEW YORK. Dec. 13. Thn run nn (h. Harlem Savings bnnk wnn continued today. At 8 o'clock, two hours before the tlmo for tho bnnk to open for business, thero wora 330 depositors In lino waiting for nn op portunity to draw their monoy. Tho crowd wan kept In order by a pollco sound. President Churlcs B. Tooker of tho bank said today: "Wo will go right on paying Just a fast as our forco will permit, until 3 o'clock this afternoon, tho closing hour for tho day. We will pay aguln tomorrow and as Ionic tm tho run continues," IlurKlurs' Work la Hyatematlo. MATTOON. 111.. Dec. 13.-An orKnnlzed gnng of burglnrs, lias been conducting un usually ooiu operations in Asnmoro, ici woud ami Mctcnlf ilurinir tho Inst fortv- elght hours. At Ashmoro tho safe In J. O. Hermann's stnro wns looted of $225. Thn burglars drove to Motcalf and robbed tho lostolllco nnd rour business Iiouhch. 'rocecdlng to Melwood another business houso was rnusiicked, Tho members of tha itang hnvo not been nnprchended. Tha uuthorltlcB are in pursuit. Accepts St. Lnula Invltntlon. Genernl Fltzhugh Leo has decided to ac cept the Invitation . of tho Now England society of St. Louis and will nttend Its aununl banquet In that city on tho night of December 21, leaving Kansas City on tho night of December 20. after attendlnir tho complimentary banquot tendered him by tho ivuiisns i uy commercial emu mo niglit or December 19. Tho general will bo accom panied to Kansas City by Mrs. Lee, Miss Ann Leo, Major Mlchlo and Lieutenant Georgo M. Lee. Increase In Iron I'rnduet Inn. NEW YORK, Dec. 13. According to th month'y blast fjrnaco statistics of Tho Iron Ago thero has been for tho first time slnco Juno 1 nn Increase In tho production of pic Iron, tho cnpnclty of tho coko furnaces nt work on December 1 being 222,067 tons weekly, nu compared with 207,381 tonB on December 1 und 2M.771 tons on Juno 1. Coko Iron Htocks havo declined to 80,250 tons during November, so that tho sta tistical position has grown much sounder during November. Mortality Statistics. Tho following deaths nnd births wero reported to tho city health commissioner for tho twenty-four hours ended ut noon Thursday: Deaths Edgar F. Yule, 2519 Ohio, aged 77; Frank Wolekoosky, Fourteenth and Center, aged 42, Births Robert Scnrs, 1621 Harney, girl; P. J. White. 2603 Dodge, girl; .Ignatius Br.uchert, 1910 South Elovcnth. boy; Her bert Beede, Purk uvenuo and Lenvonworth, boy; Albert Anderson, 2015 Izard, girl. lliilldliitr Prriitlts. t, 111.1 111 I,-,, l, IUII4 Bancroft, frame dwelling. $100; Oraca Lutheran church, Twenty-sixth nnd Pop ploton, addition. $400; F, D. Wead, 317 North Hoventeenth. repairs, $50; Charles E. Williamson, Eleventh and Jlrlggs, frama dwelling, $1,300, Ilrni'iv Old Wnjfe Contract, PITTSBURG, Pn Dec 13. Tho 3,ono em ploycs of the Jones (i I,aughlln Iron and steel plants havo been unfilled thut thn Individual wage contracts tnado two yours ago will bo renewed for tho ensuing year with no reduction In pay It Is Ixdloved that similar action will bo taken by tho C'arneglo company and tho workmen ar Jubilant, Buttle Monument for n Worn mil GETTYSBURG, Pa., Dec, 13. Tba Woman's Relief corps of Iowa has arranged to erect a monument hero In honor of Jennie Wndo, tho only woman killed dur ing thn battlo of Gettysburg. Tho monu ment will be erected In tho Hiirlng nnd will Imi' dedicated on July 3, 1901, tho thirty eighth anniversary of thn battlo. The person who disturbed tho congrega tion Inst Sunday by coughing la requested to call on Dillon's drug Btoro, South Omaha, or Mycra-DUlon Drug Co., Omaha, n( got n bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. It al ways gives relief Tho following permits havo been Issued by tho city building Inspector: C. E. Ben son, 811 North Seventeenth, nddltlon, $20); M.,n,..,i ll,,.,.!..!..!. rnu,i,liF.lnFil, .