r THE OMAHA DATLT" BEE: TTTTKSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1900. BRAND LAW DOES NOT SUIT Stockman Want It Amended so is to Ee More Efficacloui. OTHER STATUTES IN NEED OF FIXING OntKolnic OfflcInU Have Many CliRngd to SttKKPRt In Hie Code anil All Aak fur lldrr Money to Slieml. LINCOLN, Dec. 12. (Speclnl.)-One of tbe Innumerable bills that will be Intro duced In tho next legislature for tnc bin eflt of cattlemen of western Nebraska will provide for reconstructing tho State Ilrand nd Marks commission, end changing In many placcH the law which govern and regulated tho exercise of Its nuthorlty. It U proposed to reduce the membership of tho commission to ono man, who shall maintain a permanent ofTlce at the rtato bouse, and to raise tho fee charged for reg istering h brand from $1.60 to 2.E0. The existing commission Is comprised of four membcra, Including the secretary of state, each of whom shares equally tho proceeds from tho registration of brands. S. P. Dclatour ot Llewellyn, president of tho Northwestern Cattlemen's association and member of tho Nebraska commission, Is one of tho men who nro urging the pro posed changes. Ho has devoted more time to tho work of the commission than any other man and Is Interested In seeing Its authority and Jurisdiction extended so far as possible During the few months of Its exlstonce tho board has registered over 3,000 brands, and application for marly C.000 have been passed upon, many of which wcro returned because of duplication. Cattlemen In all parts of Nebraska are manifesting considerable Interest In tho work, believing that tho Mme Is not far distant when tho official registration of brands will greatly benefit their class. In Hniipnrt of the CliniiKr. On of the nrgumnls used In support of the pica for the nmendmcnts Is that the work of the commission could bo much moro successfully probocuted by ono man giving hla oil Ire time thnn by four men who mcd cnly 'porlodlcrlly. It Is also argued that an Increase In the fee would enable the commissioner to enforce tho law nnd bring It into moro general operation. How ever, tho matter of fees Is considered of aocondary Importance nnd the Increase would probably not be urged should It meet with nny strong opposition. Another fault In tliu existing law lies In the fact that tho secretary of statu Is al lowed lo receive compensation for services performed by tho commission. Under the present method of procedure every fee of fl.iO Is divided Into Ilvu equal parts, of which ono part Is paid IrUo tho expense fund and tho rcmnlnlng four pntn divided be tween the four numbers, each receiving 30 cents for the legislation of the Blugle brand. Secretary of Stato Porter received K00 as his share of the proceeds from tho registration of 5,000 brands. Tho principal objeetlon to tho javment of this propor tion of tho fees to the secretary ul state Is based chletty on tho fact that he per forms practically r.o services whatever fcr tho commission Ho Is the custodian ot the bookR and records, but his duties rarely extend to the actual consideration of ap plications or the registration ot brands. At.lt far Incremied Appropriation. Nearly all of tho outgoing state ofWcc holdcrs will recommend the adoption of amendments to laws governing, their de partments nnd In most Instances tho changes proposed will contcmplato nn IncreHso of the expenditure ,oi -sttt,te, funds. Several of tho officers ,vTU; oak tho legislature to extend their official nuthorlty, others will ask for appropriations for additional office assistance, while still others will advocate tho appropriation of money for new build ings for tho construction of a now sidewalk around tho stato house and tor making repair on government property. Nearly nil of these recommendations woro Included In tho official reports, which were prepared nnd sent to the printer before election. It is Interesting to note In this connection that tho budget of tho necessary expendi tures of the state government for tho next two years contempjatcs an increase of over $200,000 over tho total appropriation by thu legislature of two years ago, thus Indicating to what an extravagant extent the next administration might have gone had tho fuslonlsts elected their stato can didates and a majority of tho legislature. Deputy Labor Commissioner Kent said this afternoon that ho would favor the adoption ot several amendments to the laws governing his department. Hid Kent tin 111 Oftlcr. "Tho work of tho Uurenu of Labor for the past blennlum has consisted chiefly ot gathering and compiling crop, mortgnge, social and wago statistics and tho Inspec tion of factories, and buildings," said Mr. Kent, "In comparison with tho amount al lowed by other otutcs tor statistical In quiry, the appropriation allowed tho No braska bureau Is very small and Insuffi cient. Nevertheless, wo consider tho work done has been ot great value. "Tho experience of tho last four years has suggested several rccominendatlomi, In gathering the data for the maps Issued by the bureau. It has been found that the railroads and express companies have no uniform system ot keeping account ot their . shipments. It would be well If these com ponies wero required to make annual re ports to the bureau upon blanks prepared by the deputy commissioner. "The law under which tho agricultural and Industrial statistics are gathered should bo amended. As It now stands, thero Is aomo question as to Its constitutionality. It should be changed to meet all legal require mcntB and should also provide corapensa tlon for assessors and county clerks. As It Is, they fall to comply with tho law. A penalty clause should be attached to the law to apply to all persons refusing to glvo Information naked for by assessors, This, should also apply to officials falling to perform their duty. "Tho legislature of 1897 passed a law creating u free state employment depart ment In connection with tho bureau. Al though many persons have obtained em ployrnent through tho oftlco, It has not been tho success It would have been had tho legislature adopted tho plan followed In several other states. Provision should havo boon mado for opening nnd maintain ing branch oillcos In several ot tho larger cities of tho state. Tho bureau, under that plan, would act as a clearing house, draw ing on thoso localities where thero Is n surplus ot labor and transferring It to such localities us demanded It, thus enabling Idle men to secure employment and bene fiting thoso who need help. llclntlnit Kxnetly to Labor. "At tho last session of tho legislature n Inw was passed providing for the cjulp- mont of certain buildings with flrn escapes At tho samo tlmo two other bills wcrs pastod regulating child and femalo labor In certain Industries. Provision should ba mado by the next legislature for a factory Inspector, who could devoto his cntlro tlmo to tho enforcement of these lawn. "Nebraska has been singularly fortunate In being comparatively free from labor disputes of any magnitude during tho last four years, still tho future cannot bo fore seen, and for this reason a law Bhould bo passed providing for local and ttato boards 9t arbitration and concllatlon, so that every effort may be mode to settle peacefully all Industrlnl conflicts that may occur. "Under the head of social statistics a law should bo passed requiring county commis sioners, chiefs of police, city clerks, etc.. to make annual reports to this oftlco of all arrests and convictions.. The law relating to the gathering of mortgago statistics should be so amended as to require regis ters of deeds to keep a record of mortgages satisfied by the real payment ot the debt from those that are satisfied through fore closure or voluntary surrender, "I would also recommend that the bureau be placed on a nonpartisan basis. In Kan sas representatives of Industrial organiza tions meet annually ot tho capltol and form ulato their demands for legislation. They elect their secretary and assistant secretary and theso officers, with such other helps a. may be provided for, perform tho work of tho labor bureau." Oilier Lnv Tnlkeil Of, Sovernl members of tho next legislature havo said that they would advocate tho pas sage of n law placing tho various tontlno Investment companies under the Jurisdiction of tho Stato Uanklng board, with special provisions requiring them to mako regular reports and to submit to periodical exam inations, Secretary Hall of tho Ilnnklng board believes such a measure would ho a good thing. Another proposed law would If adopted, rcqulro all corporations to make annual reports to tho secretary of stato or auditor and to pay a small llccnsu fee each year. There Is some talk of a bill for la appropriation of J25.000 for a copper roof for the cnpltol building and $25,000 for a concrete sidewalk on tho stato houso lawn. Hank (loin Two Yettrs. Tho State Banking board this afternoon extended from January 1, 1901, to January 1, W03, tho tlmo "limit of tho bond under which tho officers of the defunct Omaha Saving bank agreed to pay off all claims against the Institution. Tho appli cation was vigorously fought by tho repre sentatives of tho bank's depositors. Charles Mandcrson appeared for tho bank nnd urged that for tho reason that so much of tho bank's assets consisted of real estate, on which tho collections were slow, nn exten sion of at least two years was necessary to wind up tho busi ness. Cunningham II. Scott and C. C. Wright appeared for the depositors. They objected to the extension and as sorted that tho officers were attempting to further prlvato interests to tho detriment of others. Tho argument was concluded at 3 o'clock and the board Immediately voted to grant tho extension. ASKS BOARD FOR MORE TIME Drlcsratlnn Appllrw for Longer Ilirlnl- Kence In ClrnrliiR Up Oinahn Savv Iuk llnnk'M AOalrx. LINCOLN, Dec. 12. (Spclal Tele gram.) Tho Stato Hanking board met this morning with a delegation consisting of Charles' l Mandcrson, A. W. Crltcs, Cun ningham It. Scott and Edgar Scott of Omnlia to consider n request for an exten sion of tho tlmo allowed for winding up the affairs of tho defunct Omaha Savings bank. (Jrniiit Inland Mntern Protest. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Dec. 12. (Spe cial.) Grand Island citizens are not feel ing very kindly over tho misrepresentations mado In connection with tho smallpox contagion In this city. Oraud Island has never concealed that It had a number of cares of smallpox and has done and Is doing everything that can be dona to pro tect every citizen and every person from abroad. Every case being strictly quaran tined, thoro Is no danger ot any further Bpread of the contagion. Yesterday's Omaha papers stated that a M,lss Tufts was aftlcted with tho disease a few hours after she arrived from, Grand Island. Investigation among her rolatlves hero proves that alio left this city over three weeks ago. Incubation of smallpox germs takes place In two weeks, from which fact It seems very likely tho dlscaso In Miss Tufts' enso was caught elsewhere Tho Investigation further shows that Miss Tufts hna written home from on Omaha hotel where she Is stopping and thero aro cir cumstances pointing strongly to the fact that the statement that hIio was stopping at the house of a friend In that city and that uho was taken sick but a few hours aftor sho arrived from Grand Island Is an absolulo misrepresentation. In Grand Isl and thero nro about twenty-flvo cases of the disease. In about fifteen places, all of them fully quarantined. Every precaution which science, In conjunction with the poltco department, can take Is being taken. The city built and provisioned a comfort able and adequate emergency hospital In four and a half days and the officials have spared neither time nor expense In tbe last week to check the disease and protect tho citizens ot tho county and state. I.odKr HlretloiiH nt Valley. VALLEY, Nob., Doc. 12. (Special.) Tho local lodges havo elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: Valley Camp No, 39, Woodmen of tho World John Hall, C. C; A. E. Hurk, A. L.; Johu Ycager, clerk; Tom Dolce, B.j Jerry Adams, 3.; William Dubois, E.; Ben McDufflo, W., and II. Wnlstrom, M. Pleasant Grovo No. 29, Woodman Circle Melissa Dubois, W. O.; Ella M. Weekly, E. A.; Susanna Lyons, G, M.; Edyth McCoy, A.; Ann Ellen Gardlnor, B.; Luana S. In gram, C; Sarah E. Bolce, I. S.; Josephine Miller, O. S.; Goldlo Monahan, M. Valley Caatlo. Royal Highlanders W. II. Strain, I. P.; Ollvcr'Cowlng. C. C; W. S. Bcebe, S.; H. Hlemback, W. E.; Al Rice, W.; Charles' Webb, C. S.; L. P. Byars, C. A.; F. Kennedy, T.; Thomas McCIeneghan, G., nnd Prank Whltmoro, Sam Howard and A. S. Shaw, H. P. chiefs. Akerlund Cnmp, Modern Woodmen L. L. Cowlcs, V C; E. A. White, W. A.; C. R. Plcrco, B.; L. P. nyars, C; VS. O. Kitchen, E.; P. Domlna, W.; Ezra Domlna, S. Royal Neighbors Mrs. Emma Ilyars, O.; Mrs. Nclllo Cllne, V. O.; Mrs. Bronson, re corder; Mrs. Jennie Byars, rcceher; Mrs. Blair, C; Gertrudo Ingram, M.; Edna Byars, A. S.; Mrs. Annlo Pierce, I. 8.; Mrs. Domlna, O. S.; Dr. Illatr, physician, and Miss Edna Byars, L. P. Byars and Mrs. Springer, board ot managors. Fremont KxpectK n Nvr Stnllnn. FREMONT. Neb.. Dee. 12,-(Speclal.)-It Is reported hero on what appears to bo re liable nuthorlty that tho Union Pacific Rail road company will, during tho coming sum mor, replace the present old and Inconven ient passenger depot with a modern brick or stone structure. The plans, which havo been approved, will, It Is said, gvo Fremcnt one of tho best passenger stations nlong mo une. me maiding Is to bo ono block cast of tho present ono, on the east sldo of Main streot, fronting tho, west,, one block south and across tho street from the Elk horn depot. It will boTi largo and commo dlous edifice, with all tho modern conven iences for the comfort of,,tbo patrons of tho road. Coittmt In the Tvrfiitr-Hlglilh, MINDCN,.' Neb.. Dec. 12. (Special.) John M. Johnson, republican candidate In tho late election for state senator from tho Twenty-eighth district, composed of Kear ney, Harlan and Phelps counties, Is con testing the election of II. Hodges, the fu. ston candidate. According to returns Hodges received n plurality of two votes. Testimony was taken Monday and Tursr'yy at MInden be- lay and Tursryy at Minden be W. Haguo rl J. II. Robb and ots cast In l:arney county will foro Lewis all the ballot bo sent to the secretary of state, to bb by him delivered to tho state senate. Tes tlrcony IsTielng taken tcday at Holdrege and will bo taken tomorrow at Alma. OCTOPUS MUST SHOW BOOKS Nebraska Supreme Court Iuues Order Against Standard Oil. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S LEAVE TO INSPECT C'ompnny Can Say Where, lint It Mast lie Within Two Weeks and Due .otlec Must lie Given. LINCOLN, Dec. 12. The supremo court tooay Issued a formal order to tho Stand ard. Oil company to permit tho nttorney general to Inspect tho books of tho com pany, giving tho list ot stockholders at present and from tho tlmo the company was organized, tho minute-books of tho company and other books and papers. Tho order was the decision of tho court a week ago wherein It declared It was com petent to try tho enso of tho attorney gen- cru! against tho Standard Oil company, In which It Is sought to debar It from the stato on tho ground that It Is a trust. De cember 21 Is tho tlmo allowed for tho pro duction of tho books. The place Is not designated, being optional with the com pany, but tho attorney general mUBt bo notified and a copy of tho list ot books and papers furnished him. ConinilNslnnem' Jteconiinrndntlnnx. AURORA, Neb., Doc. 12. (Special Tele gram.) Tho County Commissioners' con vention adjourned hero tonight nt 6 o'clock. Tho chairman of the legislative commlttco spoko tho last words to tho convention. Ho asked ench member to pledge his repre sentative and senator to support tho rec ommendations of changes In the laws such as had been spoken of In the meeting. Among tho changes that wero recommended were tho following, which wero voted upon sec tion by section: That ono nBEesor bo pro vided for each county nt n fixed salary; that tho road tax bo paid In cash and half the money paid to tho several road dis tricts bo held as n road fund, tho road tax to bo reduced to J2.50; that tho weeds along tho public highway be cut by tbo land owners during tho months of July and Au gust;, that traction engines bo compelled to carry planks to put over bridges whllo cross ing; that bridges over COO feet long bo built by tho county, and that property to bo sold at sheriff's snle to bo sold without ap praisement to the highest bidder. There were twelve sections In all. Ilriikemnri I,or n Knot. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Dec. 12. (Spo clal.) William Schwartz, master of tho local Brotherhood of Railway trainmen, had tho misfortune Inst evening to have his left foot crushed above tho anklo. Schwartz Is u brakemnn on a freight. As It came In from tho west end last evening, ho was on tho engine. A switch engine nvaltc.l the flight In the west end of tho yards to take out some cars for tho stock yards located In that end ot tho ya:ds. Tho train was flagged. Schwartz was under the Impression, seeing tho headlight of the switch englno Immediately In front that there was about to bo a collision, and Jumped and fell, his foot going under the wheels. The company's local surgeon was compelled to ampulato tbo limb about half way be tween tho kneo nnd anklo this morning. Schwartz Is very popular among his fellow employes. He was n member of Vlfquatn'B relgment In Cuba, nnd Is unmarried. Accident) at Arcadia. ARCADIA, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special.) Last evening whllo Ted Terhuno was cleaning a gun It was accidentally discharged and the full charge of shot took effect In the lower part of (he leg. ot the young man's sister, Lizzie Tcrhunc. A physician was Imme diately summoned and tho wound dressed. She will recover, but may bo crippled for life. Frank Dennis, a liveryman of this place, In catching a horso which was loose In the barn, was kicked In the faco by tho animal. A deep gash was cut In his check, from which tho bono protruded. Ho was nlono at the tlmo and no ono knows how long ho lay senseless upon the floor. Ho had a doctor sew up the wound at onco and Is recovering. Stella to Have Illeetrlp Unlit. STELLA, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special.) A company has been organized among tho lqcul business men and stock subscribed to light the city by electricity. The power Is to bo furnished by tho new flouring mill. Funeral services of Mrs. M. H. Van- deventer wero conducted from the Chris tian church this afternoon. Mrs. Van deventer nnd her husband were among tbe first settlers here. He and two sons sur vive her. Tho Whatsoever society of the Presby tcrlun church of Auburn, with a choral representation ot fifty voices, presented tho cantata' "Queen Esther" In the opera house last night. Tho performance was fine, but tho audience not large. Under County Poultry Shovr. DAVID CITY, Nob.. Dec. 12. (Special.) Tho Butler county poultry show opened yesterday, with tho largest number ot en tries In tho history ot tbo association. Tho attendance Is large and all visitors aro pleased with the exhibit. Somo ot the finest poltry In tho stato is on exhibition. Judgo C. H. Rhodes of North Topcka, Kan., commenced scoring this afternoon. Tho association, under the management of President Ayers and Secretary Joseph Kay, has becomo second only to tho Butler county fair In Interest and attendance and tho association has grown so that It has trouble In procuring a building large enough to accommodate tbo entries and patrons. Sounrilncr Way for Aspirants. LINCOLN, Dec. 12. (Special Telegram.) The presence of several members-elect of tho legislature furnished nn opportunity tonight for a llttlo quiet work In tho In terests of candidates for tho speakership. A. W. Lnflln of Wymoro did n llttlo mis sionary work In his own behalf nnd ex Representative Bco was urging tho election of C. M. Brown of Cambrldgo for tho same position. J. R. Vanboskirk of Alliance and Elliot Lowo of Harlan wcro among tho rcprcscntntlvcs-elect who were hero today, .nrtlirrn ltnlltvny Cikm I)lnmlNed. BLAIR, Neb., Deo. 12. (Special.) An ad journed session of the district court was held hero yesterday by Judgo Baxter. Al most tho cntlro docket wos cleaned up, only a few equity cases and ono Jury case going over to an adjourned term, which will bo held Janunry 8. All tho damage casrs filed against the projected Omaha Northern railway by land owners through this county wero dismissed from the docket, as no ono appeared for the prose cution. David City A. O. IT. W. Ofllerr. DAVID CITY. Neb., Dec. 12. (Special.) At tho regular meeting of David City lodge No. 124, Ancient Order of United Work men, held Tuesday eventne. the following officers wero elected for tho ensuing year: vt. h. .Mcuoy, master workman; Georgo C. Qunde, foreman: C. F. Mnnnlnir. ovorsnnr? G. W. Davis, recorder; W. W. Stowell, flnan- cior; u. s. Haskell, receiver; F. M. Dee, guide; T. 8. Stlffy, I. W.; fi. E. Mc Cracken, O. W.; S. D. Coo. trustee. Ueirree of Honor. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Dee. 12 fSnrrlril Star lodgo No. 4, Degree of Honor, has elected tho following officers for tho ensuing pur: rasi cniet or nonor, Mrs. Jennl Johnson: lady Of honor. Mrs, Jennie Dartre chief of honor, Mrs. Dr. E. W. Cook; chief of ceremonies, Mrs. Martha Potersonj re corder, Mrs. Elmn Kubney; treasurer, Mrs. Emily Lake; financier, Mrs. Sarah McKay, usher, Mrs. 8launty; Insldo watch, Mrs, Ofc; outsldo watch, Mrs. D. B. Smith. 51. W. A. Klrct Officer. WISNER, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special.) At n regular meeting of Lincoln camp. No. 1061, Modern Woodmen of America, held Monday evening, the following officers wero elected for the ensuing year: U. P. McOulre, ven erable consul; K, Pylraan, worthy advisor; H. D. Dclly, banker; C. E. Hill, clerk; J. B. Lane, escort; L. Schnltzky, secretary; A. Mathlcs, watchman; 11. Prltcfaard and D. Boswell, physicians; F. W. West, manngcr for throo years; F. C. Evans, manager for ono year; 11. P. McOulre, F. W. West, J. E. Mclcher, N. C. Sears and F. Lldmlln, delegates to county convention. Tho camp voted In favor of n reservo fund. TECUMSEH. Neb., Dec. ll.-(Speclnl.) Tho local lodgo of Modern Woodmen of America met In regular session last even ing and elected the following officers: R. F. Adklns, V. C; N. P. Hassctt. W. A.j O. D. Bennett, E. H.J G. W. Hassctt, clerk; J. 8. Arnup, escort. A social session fol lowed tho election and refreshments wcro served. Ilrelalnilnir Farnnm Sinners. FARNAM. Neb., Dec. 12. (Special.) A very succcsstul revival meeting has been In progress hero for two weeks and will bo continued for perhaps two weeks more. Services nro held every evening In the Methodist Episcopal church and aro di rected by tho pastor, Rev. B. J. Erwln, assisted by Rev. Van Harmon of the Bap tist church, Rev. Battoy of tho Congrega tional church and Rev. Clifton, a Methodist evangelist. Clnlum Dnmnur of Pint (mouth. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Dec. 12. (Special.) At tho meeting of tho city council last evening Anna Kcppel presented n claim for 12, COS damages for Injuries received by fall ing on a defective sidewalk. Tho claim was referred to tho Judiciary committee. A Vlllnice lllncksnilth Saved III I,lf. tic Son'n Life. Mr. H. II. Black, tho well known village blacksmith at Grahamsvllle, Sullivan Co., N. Y., says "Our little sou, flvo years old, haB always been subject to croup, and so bad have tho attacks been that wo have feared many times that he would die. We havo had the doctor and used many medi cines, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is now our solo reliance. It sccm3 to dis solve tho tough mucus and by giving fre quent doses when tho croupy symptoms ap pear we havo found that tho dreaded croup Is cured before It gets settled." Thero is no danger in giving this remedy, for II con tains no opium or other Injurious drug and may bo given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. flrnftem Work In Tlirrr Cnnntten, YANKTON. S. D., Dec. 12. (Special.) About two weeks ago two men invaded tho north part of Yankton county, tho soufh pert of Turner nnd the western pnrt of Clay counties taking orders for drygoods nnd clothing, which they represented hnd been manufactured for tho Unltod States govern ment for tho uso of soldiers during tho late war with Spain, but which had not been used nnd tho government was disposing of them at reduced prices, Tho grafters col lected a little cash on account, where they could, and took orders for goods from every farmer they found. The goods wcro to be distributed from Yankton on December 10 and yesterday a number of the farmers who woro caught came Into tho city to meet tho government agents. Neither agents nor goods appeared. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Sklew and Varlnblf Wind Prosc noatlcated, for TaruVaAay and Friday. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. Forecast for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Wyoming nnd Colorado Fair Thursday nnd Friday; variable winds. . . For South Dakota Fair Thursday and Friday; winds becoming southerly. For Missouri Fair Thursday, except rain In southeast portion; Friday fair; southerly winds, becoming variable. For Montana Fair In eastern, snow In western portion Thursday and probably Friday; colder Friday In northeast and oouthowest portions; variable winds. For Arkansas Rain In eastern, fair In western portion Thursday; Friday fair, with coldor in eastern portion; southeasterly winds, becoming variable. For Oklahoma and Indian Territory Gen erally fair Thursday and Friday; variable winds. For Illinois Fair Thursday, except rain In extreme southern portion; Friday fair; brisk south to west winds near the lake. For Western Texas Generally fair Thurs day and Friday; northerly winds. For Now Mexico Generally fair Thursday and Frldny; winds mostly northerly. For North Dakota Fair Thursday; warmer In western portion; Friday fair; varlablo winds. Local Itecord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER HUREAU. OMAHA, Dec. 12. Official record of tem perature ana precipitation compared with tho corresponding day of tho last three years: 1900. 1899. If 9S. 1897. Maximum temperature... 48 21 2.1 29 Minimum temperature.... 2.1 15 8 21 Mean temperature 3G IS IS 26 Precipitation 00 T .00 .0:1 Record of temperature and nreclnltatlnn at Omaha for this day und slnco March 1. 1900: Normal tcmperaturo 30 Excess for tho day n Total excess since March 1 897 Normal precipitation 02 Inch Deficiency for the day (1.1 inch Totnl rainfall since March 1 29.78 Inches uxcesn since Aiarcn 1 62 inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1899... 3.76 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, lt.98... 3.36 Inches lienor! from Station at H. 1. ai. 5 1, 2 8 a, STATIONS AND STATU OF WKATHHR. an Omaha, clear North Platte, clenr .... Cheyenne, clear Halt lAike City, clcur . Rapid City, clear Huron, cleur Wllllstou, clear Chicago, pnrtly cloudy St. Louis, clear St. Paul, clear Davenport, clear Kansas City, clenr Helena, cloudy Havre, cloudy Hlsmarck, clear Galveston, cloudy .00 .00 .() .00 .00 .00 .03 M .00 .0) .00 .00 ,00 ,tJ .03 2.S2 T Indicates traco of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecast Official. 40 48 42 M 38 IW SO .11 38 Ml 2' 3' 14 2U 38 40 44 4S 20 32 31 41 46 64 31 36 34 48 16 18 52 CI nuv.) buuiuiduiBUi ui us tm More children would be borno If the mother could ' be sure that the pains, worries and tribulations of geitation could bo avoided. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" (that marvelous liniment) is unique in relieving and relaxlne all the strulned tendons and muscles, as well " uisienaen organs, i uero is nothing like it. , mt, M m,v .1. A',!j!:.H'.,f'n,,'ASC."Fr' t-mt'l. Aik.. prove! the twe lUttratnt when lh iiti." I htn hid it !rf Et? nf0lf!'u "i ' "tout foux h.u. MoUui'i i Friend l Jul vlut It II recommended to be. I wlU peter b wiihui it rin." Bold by HI bett drufl or njt br ciprctt iteptid on receipt of price, ai.AO w bettlei Book. "Mb?'h.''iittenf.r women ofuVret;mii ed free. "' . TIIH nHAOtOTWtV V mm.... REPORTS RUNNING FIGHT Lord Kitchener Cables that Knox and Dowet March as Thej Fire. ENEMY MOVES TOWARD RE0DERSBURG llrltlah Colnmn U There and Will Co-Oprrate lloers Kill Three In Attack on Post Near tlarberton. LONDON, Dec. 12. Lord Kitchener cables the War ofllco from Pretoria, under dato of December 12, that General Knox reports from Helvetia that ho Is engaged In a run ning fight with General Dowet and that tho enemy Is moving toward Reddcrsburg, where thero Is a column ready to co-operate with tho other Ilrlttsh forces. Lord Kitchener In another dispatch re rmrls that tho Doers attacked tho post near Uarhcrton. The llrltlah casualties were three killed, flvo wounded and thirteen taken prisoners. Tho captured men have slnco been released. Tho llocrs raided tho Rlverton road station December 11. They are being followed up. General Kitchener's message Indicates that Dcwct has again ovaded Knox. After tho latter had foiled tho Doer general at Coomas8lc drift, tho Doers seem to have doubled back, crossed tho Caledon river elsewhere and turned thenco northwest In tho direction of Redcrsburg, tho memorable eccne of tho Urltlsh disaster In April, when Dowet captured the Irish Rifles. FAMOUS FARM-BURNING ORDER Murh-DUctiiHcd Proclnnintlon Issued by Lord IlobcrtM (liven to the Public. LONDON, Dec. 12. Forty-ono proclama tions of Lord Roberts havo been published They have boon mostly summarized previ ously In the newspapers. Tho last one, duted November 18, says: "As thero appears to bo somo misunder standings as regards tho burning ot farms, tho commandcr-ln-chlcf wlshos tho follow ing to bo tho lines upon which general officers commanding arc to act: No farm Is to be burned except for an act ot treach ery, or when our troops aro fired on from the premises, or as punishment for the breaking of tho telegraph or railway, or when used as bases of operations for raids, and then only with the direct consent ot tho general officer commanding. Tbo mcro fact that a burgher Is absent on commando Is on no account to be used as a reason for burning his house. All cattle, wagonB nnd foodstuffs are to bo removed from all farms. It that Is Imposslblo they arc to bo destroyed, whether tho owner Is present or not." 4'nnadlnnn Sull for Home, LIVERPOOL, Dec. 12. Tho Ilrltlsh steamer Lako Cbamplaln, which Balled henco this morning for Halifax, had on board Companies A, 11 and I of the Royal Canadian regiment, forming tbo contingent which has been In England for about a fortnight on Its way homo from South Africa. SOUTH DAKOTA'S FINANCES Secretary of State Itevleirn Them and SuKReata Investments That Should De Made Soon. PIERRE. S. D Dec. 12. (Special.) A summary of tho forthcoming biennial re port of tho secretary ot state shows that total receipts of the ofllco from all source for that term wero $12,109.35, an lncreaso of $3,544.55 over tho preceding two years. Tho total expenses of tho ofllco and for maintenance ot tho stato houso for the tlmo has boon $20,558. Tho receipts ot the ofllco havo paid all tho ofllco expenses ex cept tho salary of tho secretary, and havo left n surplus of $1,200. Insurance to tho amount of $12,500 Is carried on the state building, and $10,333 on the supremo court and eencrnl libraries. Tho Btato la carrying $301,100 on other stnto Institutions besides tho state build ing at this city, divided as' follows: Stato Industrial school, $27,000; Hospital for Insnno, $54,000; Mndlson, Normal, $34,000; Stato University, $18,000; Penitentiary, $27,000; Deaf Muto school, $23,000; Agricul tural college, $54,000; Spcarflsh Normal $18, 600; School ot Minos, $8,100; Soldiers Homo, $27,000. During tho past two years 755 domestic corporations have been organized, nnd cer tificates have been granted to 151 foreign corporations. Fifteen state banka have been granted charters; 695 notarial commissions havo been Issued; twenty-two persons have bo;n recommended for pardon by tho pardon board; and two pardon applications havo been rejected. Tho report will recommend tho construc tion of fireproof structures for tho su premo court library, and extra vault room for storing records ot the different offices. I.lnt Still (ironing, PIERRE, S. D., Dec. 12. (Special.) Ar ticles of Incorporation have been filed for tho Geddes Light and Water company at Geddes, with a capital of $10,000; incor porators, O. W. Morrow, C. W. Pratt, Ed Hnsklnson, E. W. Schuck, O. A. Griffith. For tho Crown Hill Consolidated Mining company, at Sioux Falls, with a capital of $1,000,000; Incorporators, William Parlo ton, S. E. Young, C. O. Dalley. For the Sioux City lodge No. 262, Order of Elks; trustees, Georgo E. Wheeler, John H. Kecnan, Jerry Carloton. For Aliens Agency, at Hurley, with a capital of $25,000; In corporators, Peter Allen, J. C. Ollbort, H. K. Webster. For tho Midland Canal com pany, at Whlto Rock, with a capital of $50,000; Incorporators, John A. Johnson, A. W. Edwards, Russell C. Kelsey, Georgo II. Wlnship, Solomon E. Oscarson. For F. C. Flcgel company, nt Rapid City, with a capital of $50,000; Incorporators, Patrick W. Fltrpatrlck, Frederick C. Flegel, Luke Fltzpatrlck. For tho Canton City Pleasure club, nt Canton; trustees, M. FoBland, S. L. Edness, Sam Pearson. For tho First Freo Methodist church of Parker; trus tees, W. N. Newnrd, William Smith, Wil liam Newhall, Georgo Schlosser. F. R. Drown. For the Rowles' Manufacturing company, nt Rrnoklngs, with n capital of $75,000; Incorporators, Frederick W. Rowles, Frank E. Nlcolll, Gilbert II. Aymor, Albert Matson, Phllo Hall. For tho Sierra Electric Power company, at Plcrro, with a capital of $760,000; Incorporators, Anthony P. Morris, Hiram G, Tarr and T. P. Estes. Mux Have Corn l'aluce nt IlulTalo, MITCHELL, S. D Dec. 12. (Special.) The success which attended the corn palacj held In this city the latter part of Septem ber has led to a discussion among the pro- n ... i -at ..-mm Jectors of tho local enterprise to otoct n similar building at tho Pnn-Amerlcnn expo slon nt lluffalo next summer. V, J. Healey suggested tho plan some tlmo ago and has had considerable correspondence with the officials of tho exposition nnd tins been assured that room sufficient for the building will be rcndlly granted. It Is the idea to make the exhibition ot a state nature and let it bo contributed from nil parts of tho state, and with tho building erected In tho heart of the east It might effectually remove the Impression that South Dakota Is a drouth-stricken country. Mr. Healey expects to get Into nctlvo rorre spondenco nt once with parties who nro Interested In tho welfare of tho stnto nnd establish n movement In this direction this winter, bo the matter can be pushed to n completion In tho spring. Supremo Court DcoMoti. PIERRE, S. D., Dec. 12. (Special Tele gram.) Opinions wcro handed down In tho supremo court today In tho following enses. lly Fuller William Sutton ngalnst Chi cago & Northwestern railway, Potter county; reversed. Estnto of Peter Seydcl against Amer ican Stato bank, Yankton county; order affirmed denying motion for rehearing. Thomas W. Oarlock ngalnst R. W. Calkins ct al., Custer county; reversed. lly Hancy Sarnh Richardson agalnsi Thomas S. Dybednhl ct nl, Minnehaha county; reversed. Stntc of South Dakota ngalnst Thomas H. Ruth. Hughes county; affirmed. This Is nn echo of tho Taylor defalcation. Ruth, as lend commissioner, failed to ap portion tho school fund at tho proper date and It remained In the treasury going with tho rest of tho funds nt tho tlmo of the defalcation. Tho state sued for dam ages, sustained nnd Bccured $1 nnd costs, which decision Is sustained, Stnto of South Dakota, defendant In er ror, against William 1). Yokum, plalntlft In error. This Is n case where Yokum Is granted n now trial after serving several years of a life sentenco for murder com mitted In Ilutto county. Tho court admitted William Isoonbuth of Rcdflcld on u ccrtlflcato from tho su premo court of Illinois. What the Iliillmndn Contribute. HURON, S. D., Dec. 12. Treasurer Ma haffy Is now collecting tnxes for tho year 1900 nnd among tho larger Items aro tho railroad taxes for that year. Tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway has 31 11-100 miles of trnck within tho county upon which tho tax Is $3,371.13; tho Duluth & Water town (Great Northern) has 20S8-100 miles and pays $1,995.90; the Chicago & North western has 18 30-100 miles of what Is known as tho Oakes branch and pays $1,214.21 taxes; tho Chicago & Northwestern main lino has 42 94-100 miles nnd pays $5,069.51. Totnl, $11,631.73. I.ntrat Article. Filed. PIERRE, S. I) Dec. 12. (Special.) Articles of Incorporation havo been filed for tho Germanla Oil company at Pierre, with a capital of $250,000; Incorporators, O. V. Pattlson. J. F. Coreol nnd E. Carl Hank. For tho Load Trading company nt Lead, with a capital of $10,000; Incorpora tors, Jbhn Nicvll, J. R. Alonlva, Oust Abramson. For tho Kettle-Curlew Mining company at Huron, with a capital of $25, 000,000; Incorporators, Georgo E. Gllgon, C. R. Tuttlc, L. A. Hancock, W. S. llrlll, A. E. Taylor nnd U. G. Fowler. Injured In an ISxploalnn, RAWLINS. Wyo., Dec. 12. At 4:30 yes terday afternoon at Kyner's grading camp, near Walcott, cast of here, J. Hoollban wa? Instantly killed and James E. Kyner, the contractor, nnd brother seriously hurt by the explosion of a chargo ot dynamite. Tho explosion was caused by picking out an unexploded 'shot. A spark from tho drill Is supposed to havo fired It. Hon. James E. Kyner, formerly of tho state legislature, Is a well known citizen of Omaha. Instruct County Anrlllara, PIERRE, S. D.. Dec. 12. (Special.) Land Commissioner Eastman has for warded a clrculnr letter to tho various county auditors of tho state, notifying them that after this dato they aro authorized to loan as high as $1,000 on real estnto where tbo security la such as to Justify tho loan. Auditors havo nlso been author ized to extend deferred payments on pur chased lands to January 1, 1902, whero tho Interest payments aro promptly mot. Are South Dakota l)elrn(p. PIERRE, S. D., Dec. 12. (Spectat.) Tho delegates appointed to the meeting ot tho National Live Stock association, which meets at Salt Lake City January 15, K, 17 and 1. are: J. K. Sechler of Leslie, F. W. Stewart of Buffalo Gap and Dan Walsh of Miller. Nipped at the Ml 111)1 nAiri vviuai 1 ' i Start maoacne wnmgeine regulates Nerves, Stomach and Liver. Acts quickly surely successfully. Never fails; never harms, r ull directions in every package. Wli;2?aI7 "i-Mnlllssn. Chlcito, write.! f.'ief lik'B OrneW pomlon for two !tffl.fcXti Bt,t'ir rnoororod from IS Mttek of 'grip1 in Iti lercroet form" eoldf, liotdtch. and nerrouo iha.tutton. lion. Frank Jl. Jonoe. Sold by drpcglsts generally In 25 and 50o packages. A trial package will bo sent to any address for 2-cent stamp. ORAN0EINE CHEMICAL CO., Chicago, III. 1-i.t-i.-i 1 1 1 tie Bathroom Fittings is a plumbing phrase fat with luxu rious meaning. Towel racks, brush, sponge and soap holders, shower rings, sprinklers and shampoos, seat and head rest are so many factors of com fort, cleanliness and perfect sanitation which thoso who like to llvo right can not dispense with. Lot us put your br tb room In modern shape at moder ate cost, results considered. Free & Black, I'lione. 1010 180(1 1'uriMin 3?)C0 WOMEN FEMALE BEANS Oreit monthly rcgulttorforKo- mrniuoiouorsu. utf i moil ituhiiorn run rr If rrd Injnw ilirii H l hhrrmtu Hc::onnll, Kulin &C. nd otlirr sruxgldt vr milled bjr Mva Vtu Ce.UulUlo, X T . ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine Carter's Little Liver Piils. Must Boar Signature) of 3 Pac-Slmlle Wrapper Below. Tary small aaa weary C) take an safari FOR HEADACHL FOR DIUINE&S. FOR RILI0UflE.S. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIH. FOR THE COMPLEXION fticirti I Pureir VetYtablo.x3rvZ2r CURE SICK HEADACHE WOMAN'S CROWNING GLORY U ltr tulr. (Ctr r Blrt).J, It icq tr ttwfd l lu niturtl color without injury toht tlth tit iii'pby me fpUi'lum of tli Imperial Hair Regenerator TUB STAND RI HAIR COLORING, ll U at9lutrlr harmlrst. Any it-t.lewtoloieH. Color fl. n,f ONH AMPLICATION I.A3IS MONTHS. Simple oryo.r hit color r.l fire, lapcriil Ckcm.MI(.Co.,:i W.2U SI..N.W York by drugclBts and hairdressers. "old NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Impotency, Night EmlHons, Loss of Mem ory, nil wnsnni? uisonses.r all etfoctsof solf-abuso or I Hicesx and Indiscretion, I A nerve ton la ind .blood bulldor. Drluirs tlio pink kIow to polo cheat nnd restores thnl Kflrrt of youth. Hy mall 1 NfiOo Dnr Ihix. (1 hnxeft furl $2.60, with our bankable unuranteo to cure or refund tho money tiuld. Semi for circular and c"py ot uur baukublo cuarautos bond. NervitaTaul6tss (rrjLLOw lauel) immeuimc kcsuii3 1'oMtlvoly k'unrnntend euro for Los of Tower. Vnrlcocolo, Undovnlopod or Shrunken Oritnni, l'aieK Locomotor Atnxla, Nervous l'roti. tlon, Hysteria, Tits, Insunity, l'arnlysls timl tilo Itesults of Hxcosilvo Uso of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mail in plain pncknKo. 91.00 a box, O for $0.OO with our bankablo sruar Riitoe bond to euro in SIO days or refund monoy paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL l'nr Mile by Kuhn & t. o Juth a.. a iouK'H.i (U., Omaha, Neb.; Guo. rf. Davit), Council llluffs, Iowa. For years this remedy has been the standard nerve restorative. Thousands of happy men owe their newly found strength to Its use. Scxlne Tilts replace weakness nnd exhaustion with strength und vlffor; the brain becomes clear; the nerves steady and calm; gloomy forebodings arc banished and perfect vitality Is ful ly restored. If you are differing as above, try a box; you'll be encouraged Iry its effect to take the full coure of six boxes then If you nre not entirely cured, we will refund your money. This satis factory offer is oue of the factors of our success. tl.WJ per box ; 0 boxes (with guaran tee to cure or money back), $.r 00, mailed lu plain packages, llook free. I'kal Medi-.ink Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Bold by Kuhn it Co., 15th and Douglas, and J. A. Knliur & Co.. Utfc ajid Dougua. MEN NO CURE, NO PAY U tou huTe .mill. wk onruii. lout nowvr or wrajcrnlnfr drmJni. ir Vacuum Oman Developer will re.tore you without dniff. or olectrlcltyl 25.000 In nui not ono f.iliirei notoneretunieili nn CO. H. fruuili vrrltofor partlrul.na. .nil cf.lrdln pUIn envelope. LOCAL APPLIANCE CO,, 414 Charles Bide.. Demur, C.U. WINTER T0UKIST RATES PrxAtinl Tours 10 Florida. Key MlRlllHI We8t. Cuba- Uermuda, Old UpuvilUl MoxCO( tho Mediterranean und Orient. Mllatca for tho round trip to many points south on salo first and third Tuesday each month. ).!.. To Hot Springs, Ark., tho ililLULJ famous Winter lienor! of lluiuu America, on sale every day lu tho year. Tickets now on Halo to all tho winter re sorts of tho south, cood returnlnc until Juno 1st, 1901. For rates, descrlptlvo mat ter and pamphletB nnd oil other Information call at O. &. St. Louis Ticket Office, 141G Farnam St., (I'axtou Hotel Building.) or write Harry E. Moores, C. P. & T. A., Omaha, Nob. THE BEST PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURIST EXCURSIONS Run via tbe GREAT ROOK ISLAND ROUTE Leave Omaha ,v,'.a .Sctnlc Route through Colorado and Utah WEDNESDAYS, PRIDAY5 AND SATURDAYS. I'or Information and "Tuuriit Dictionary" address City Ticket Office, 1323 I'urnamSt. Omaha, Neb. 1 HOWKM.'S Anii-Kawf Tour druggist hells It Never ullow iv couell to got start ed. A cough may l(i!l you. Antl-Kuwf kills the cough. gn l)r. Kuy'H (Jtlouro cure all IJItBftOfllPf? female dlkeiihes. At tlrui; VlillfUl! t rljjWi , jiiul)t.rated book aadadrloelree. Dr.U. J. Uiu, SaraUtguIf. V. CARTER'S 1 6on Dll I C 50 CTS.