12 TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1900. OMAHA MAN HAS CLOSE CALL Ktnowly Escapei Proiecution for Blackmail and Fraudulent Uss of Miili, TRIED TO MULCT INSURANCE COMPANY Proponed Action Analnt Illm Stopiicd on Account of 111 Friend In City. Thli Ooorgo L. Dobson, secretary of the state c( Iowa nod president of the Notional Lite and Trust company of Des Moines, In which Governor Shaw and many other Iowa state ofllclala aro Interested, camo to Omaha the other day for tho express purposo of at tempting to put a well known Omaha man In tho keeping of Uncle Sam on tho charges of nttcmptcd blackmail and fraudulent uso of tho mall servlco. Tho reason why Mr. Dobson did not carry out his purposo will bo told later on. Tho Omaha man who came so near find ing hlnisolt In troublo follows tho calling of an lnsuranco counsellor, and It Is his avowed business to inako reports to what over clients in may secure upon tho bus iness methods and stability of various Ufa and Investment lnsuranco companies. These reports nro prcoumed to bo based upon careful and Impartial examinations mado by tho counsellor and tho public faith In this particular counsellor's sagacity and In tegrity Is said to bo strong enough to have occured for him tho palronago and endorse ment of a largo number of Nebraska's most substantial citizens. At any rate, ho car ries more, than n fow letters of commenda tion written by Omaha modcyed mou who arc known to bo heavily Insured. Mr. Dobson's complaint, as related to District Attorney Summers, Is to tho effect that this Omaha counsellor camo to tho head oftlco of tho National Llfo and Trust company at Des Moines and stated to tho Hecrctary that ho had been offered $300 to wrlto n derogatory report on tho company, hut that ho would prufcr to wrlto a favor ablo roport for tho samo price In the conversation that followed, so says Mr. Dobson, tho counsellor explained that ho did not caro to make an examination of tho company's affairs, but would bo pleased to glvo It a favorablo roport for tho sura ot 1300. and unless given tho commission ho would have to tako tho business offered by tho client who desired n report that would bo Injurious to tho company. Tho secre tary, after Inducing tho Omaha man to ro duco hla fco from $500 to $100, drew up a contract whereby tho counsellor agreed to furnish a professional and favorablo report for tho uoo of tho company "In considera tion of tho Bum of $100, to bo paid upon delivery of tho report." Ask for Kxprnso Money After signing this contract, which had been drawn up by tho company's secretary meroly for tho purposo of putting the Omaha man's proposition In black and white, the counsellor made a gcntlo touch for oxpenso money and he was given $25 on nccount and receipted for It on tho margin ot the contract. Upon his return to Omaha the counsellor hogan writing letters to tho lnsuranco com pany domandlng the Immediate payment to htm of tho $100. With one of his letters was enclosed a copy of a roport attacking tho business plans and financial policy ot tho company, and It was intimated that this roport would bo published unloss tho $100 foo mado Its way to Omaha Immediately. President Dobson then concluded It was about tlmo to call tho Omaha man's game, and he hurried to Omaha with all the docu mentary evidence, Including tho counsel lor's contract and lottors. These he placed In tho hands'of District Attorney Bummers nnd domanded the Immediate arrest of tho counsellor. Mr. Summers, who nover acts In hasto In Important cubcs, told Mr. Dob son that ho must have certain affidavits from the secretary of his company relatlvo to tho verbal propositions mado by tho Omaha man before a prosecution could bo started, Mr. Dobson promised to furnish theso affidavits within a fow days and then went out to took up tho counsellor pcrsou nlly. When ho roturned to tho district at ' tornoy's office later la tho day ho said: "This man has a lot of good friends hero nnd, although I am morally certain that ho Is carrying on an Illegal business, I don't caro to break him. Uut I won't lot him blackmail my company, and It ho bothers us any more wo will go on with tho prose cution." All tho papors In tho case wero left In the hands of tho district attorney, so that prompt action may bo taken at any tlmo tho Des Moines conoorn sees lit to prose KE!,L,m, STIUKH fc CO. More Ilnrnnln In Mlnum' and Chil dren' Shoe. Saturday wo sold hundreds of pairs of misses' and children's shoes at prices less than tho cost to manufacture. They wero broken lines and wo are closing out all ot such lines ot shoes. Wo have a fow more lines that wo will put on sale Wednesday and closo them out regardless ot cost. Two lines of children's shoes, button, and lace, sizes 8 to 11, regular $1.60 shoes, will be closed out at TS cents. A lino ot J. & T. Cousins' make ot chil dren's shoes, always eold for $1.73, squaro toes, sizes 8 to 11, to be closed out at 95c. Two lines of mlsscs's shoes, button or lace, sizes 11& to 3, regular $2.00 value, on tho bargain counter nt $1.25. Christmas suggestions. Nothing nicer for a Christmas present than a pair of shoes or slippers. Look over tho following list and pick out your pres ent: Uaby moccasins, red, pink, white, bluo or tan, 50c. Baby bootees, red, white, blue, pink or tan, 75c. Daby patent leather shoes, sizes 2 to C, at $1.10. Ladles' 2-strap party slippers, very swell, $2.00. Ladles' patent leather southern tie, noth ing nicer, $3.00. Ladlos' patent leather boots, worked eye lets, $3.75. Ladles' Ideal kid, extension solo shoes, $4. A largo lino ot ladles' $3.00 shoes In heavy soles or light soles, button or laco, always acceptable as a Christmas present. KELLEY, STIOER ft CO., Corner 15th and Karnam Sts. STANDS READY TO MAKE GOOD MRS. MAJIY GIUCUOV1CU Of Phlllpabnrir, Montana, Telia IIott Sim Wiu Cored of Dandruff. Mrs. Mary Grcgovtch of Phlllpsburg, Montana, under date ot Nov. 26, 1S99, writes: "I hod typhoid fevor this summor, consequently was losing my hair torrlbly, and my head In placos was perfectly bald. Nowbro's Horplclde had Just como into uso In Phlllpsburg, and the doctor strongly recommended It to mo. After three or four applications my hair stopped falling out and Is coming In again quite thick. I used to bo troubled gicatly with dandruff, of which I am now quite cured." Kill the danuruft germ with Hcrptclde. Attentlonl Tho attention of the subscribers ot the Nobraska Tclophono company Is called to tho fact that thero la a certain party or partlos in the city who aro representing themselves as employed of this company, Pleaso do not allow anyone to enter your premises who claim to be tolophono rep resentatives unless they can first show thotr oompaay badge. NED. TELEPHONE CO., W. D. T. DELT, Manager. Tho Womaa's club of Hanscom Park church will give an old-fashioned concert at tho church on Thursday evening. Omaha Will Proffer the Government a. Iliillcllnir for an Indian H nil lily Depot. A letter from Congressman Mercer was read nt tho meeting of tho exocutlvo com mlttco of tho Commercial club ycBtorday in which it was stated that Omaha nouid Immediately proffer tho government i building for uso as an Indian suddIy depot. Secretary Utt was authorized to act In tho mattor without delay and assured mo committco that a building has been secured and is ready for the uso of tho government. Secretary Utt notified tho committee that an Illinois Clothlnc dealer In In Dmnha fnr tho purposo of locating a wholesalo clothing uouso. a suitabio building at reasonable rental has been offorod to tho man. Cln. clnnatl capitalists aro backing 'ho project and as soon as they have looked over tho situation It Is probable that tho house will bo opened. Euclid Martin addressed tho commltten on tho necessity of reducing taxation as low as possible and suggested tbat a delegation bo appointed to watt UDon tho councilman and havo tho lovy for 1901 reduced to th'o lowest possible ligure. Dr. A. S. nilllnca was elected to mm. bershlp In tho club. IIOSTO. STOKE CHOCKEnV SAL 13. Thursday We IMnce on Sale the En tire Carload of Crockery. PURCHASED FROM THE R. R. CO. A carload of crockery that wrb caught in ft smash-up was disposed of to us by tho olalm agents. In unpacking these goods wo find a great deal less breakago than we expected. Consequently wo aro able to offor ou extraordinary bargains In fine Dresden china cups and saucers and Imitation bronze statuary and btsquo figures. Re member every piece that wo place on sale Is absolutely perfect. (We have culled out all tho damaged pieces). All these are very appropriate for presents. SALE BEOINS THURSDAY. Watch tomorrow's papers for prices. DOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. ICth nnd Douglas Sts. SEW DAYLIGHT TRAIN TO CHICAGO 1EL1EF FOR SUPREME COURT State Bar Aisooiation Preparing Bill for Snbmiuion to Legiilatura. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE AT ONCE Judge Over I'onr Years Behind nt Present .cr Cases Filed ttxeerd Those Dis posed Of. At tho last meeting of tho Stato Uar as sociation a special committee, with Judge Irvlno of Lincoln ns chairman, was np nolntod to nrcparo tho proper legislation for tho relief of tho supremo court. Judge Irvine has resigned from tho committee ana Judge W. D. Mcllugh of this city has been ppolntcd to tho chairmanship. ncn soea Tuesday Judgo Mcllugh said: "Tho relief of the supremo court tnai must bo provided for Is ot a two-fold na ture. There must bo a tcmporory roller to enable tho court to catch up with Its docket and then thero must bo somo measure pro viding for permanent relief which will en ablo the court to keep up with Its work. Tho plan for temporary relief generally favored sb tho only feaslblo ono Is a plan for a commission, and I nm drafting a bill along that lino, tho details of which will bo given out after a meeting ot the committee. "Tho measuro for tho permanent relief of tho court will bo a proposed constitu tional amendment, the details of which have not yot been approved by the committco. Tho necessity of immediate relief of tho supremo court Is of paramount Importance to this state, ns tho court Is now over four years behind In Its work and there nro nearly 1,700 cases pending. As an illus tration of tho manner In which the court is getting behind I will say that from tho first of this year up to August 25 there wero 423 cases filed, while only 259 wero dis posed of. Slnco August 25 207 cases have been filed and only'sevonty-flvo have been disposed of. This great and growing dolay In tho bearing and determination of cases In tho supreme court is a practical dental of Jus tice which should bo speedily rcmodlcd. Dills formed to effectuato the desired ob ject will bo submitted to tho State Bar as sociation at its meeting early next month, nnd after being approved will bo Introduced In both houses and pressed for early passage." Many havo lost confidence and hope, as well as health, because they thought their kidney dlseaso was Incurable. Foley's Kld- noy Curo Is a posltlvo cure for tho dis couraged and disconsolate. Take no other. Dillon's drug store, South Omaha; Myers- Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. Mortality Statlndon. The following deaths nnd births wero re ported to tho city health commissioner for tho twenty-four hours ending at noon Tuesday: Deaths Emll Lowls Sorenson, 150.1 Far nam, aged 14 days; Joseph Suva, 1413 Wil liam, ngen u monins. Hlrths D. Fenscr. 808 South Twenty fourth, girl: C, Pcnn, 308 North Tenth, twin boys: It. Coots, Sm North Thirteenth, girl: Thomas Jones, 2620 nurdotto. twin girls; Henry Shaw, 1136 North Seventeenth, girl; J. Ryan, 1516 Durt, boy; A. Llnglo, 434 Center, girl. Via IlllnoU Central Itnllroad. A new fast train between Omaha and Chicago watt ebtnbllshcd by the Illinois Central December 9, leaving Omaha Unlo depot 7 a. m., arriving at Chicago 9:45 p. m. Tho train is vestlbulcd throughout, and Is equipped with sleepers, dining cars, chair cars and coaches, all ot tho latest design Tho "Chicago Limited" leaves Union depot at 7:45 p. m., arriving at Chicago 9:30 a. m. Wrlto for copy ot Illustrated booklet, "Pictures and Notes Enroute,' showing the scenic features of our line between Omaha and Chicago as seen from the car window. W. II. Brill, X. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Announcements of the Theaters. The amusement feature for today is the big family matinee at tho Orpheum. Every act on tho bill will be enjoyed by tho wo men and children. The Nowsky troupo of Russian singers wear different and gorgeous costumes at each performance. At th mattneo today their costumes will be of ot the kind worn In tho national court ot Russia and this evening they will wear costumes llko tho dignitaries ot tho Mos cow municipality. Yoa flhonld Know Aboat Farming In nehraaka. Corn Is king, but other grains aro suc cessfully raised nnd you enn buy land cheap along the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley R. R. Wrlto tor particulars to J. R. BUCHANAN, General Passenger Agont, Omaha, Neb. Heir Illnatrnted Map of the Kiowa, Comanche, Apache, Wichita and Caddo reservations, which nre soon to bo opemd for settlement. For copy of samo remit CO ceits to D. P. Brown, 1323 Farnam street, Omaha, Nob. Parties having Washington state Trans mlsstsBlppl exposition commission scrip will please communicate with us. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. At candlelight on Thursday evening at Hanscom Park church ye ladles will give a singing meet In ye quaint costumes ot oldo. f MRS. J. BENSON Our Store is Packed Full of Pretty Goods for Christmas In our rocrnliir iloiifirhnonts wo have hnndsonie L a- goods especially for Christmas. Our Handkerchief department iB full of beautiful goods that ore bargains. Our Neckwear department is very full of beautiful Fichus and entirely new designs, made especially for Christmas trade. Our ChristmaB counters are full of novelties in handwork and other goods never before shown in Omaha. Don't forget we've got the prettiest dolls in Omaha. KID GLOVES the best for the money that's made $1.00 BOSTON BTOIli: HOLIDAY (JIl'TH. A X unifier of Special llurRnlna for To morrow .flnkc tHffiil .Yin mm (lifts. H.60 SILK PULLEY BELTS, IDC AND 25C. Ladles' combination pulley belts and stock collars In all tho leading shades. In cluding navy blue, brown, red, pink, yellow and heliotrope, with wldo ribbon pulleys, silver plated and pearl rings, all sizes from IS to 36, worth $1.00 and $1.50, go on sale at 15c nnd 25c. 50C HANDKERCHIEFS AT IOC. 1,000 dozen ladles' all linen, plain nnd fnncy loco edged and Insortlon trimmed handkerchiefs, worth up to 50c, go at 10c each. Thousands of dozens of all kinds of plain whtto, fancy colored bolder, hemstitched, laco and embroidery edged handkerchiefs, worth up to 25c, go In lots at 214c, 314c nnd 5c each. 500 dozen plain and fancy silk and Initial handkorchlcfs go at SHc, 15c and 19c each. 300 dozen all silk Windsor tics, all bright colors, worth up to 30c, go at 15c each. TOYS ON THE THIRD FLOOR.' Our third flood has been transformed Into a grand holiday bazar and Is filled to the limit with tho most beautiful and amusing toys, games, dolls, etc. A largo section Is devoted to books and holiday novelties. Bring tho llttlo ones, let them enjoy this raro treat, sco tho wonderful enchanted grotto and tnlk to a real, live Santa Claus and got n beautiful souvenir. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. ICth and Douglas Sts. Ifiiydcii'N Hiieolnl llnllilii)' Snlc. HAYDEN'S FRENCH CHALLI3 SALE. Just arrived, n superb lino of French challls from Shcarur, Louth & Co., 11 Rue d'Uze, I'arjs, In royal Persians, perspective dots, stripes, and nt 30c, 49c, 59c, 75o and OSo per yard. Tho grandest styles that wero ever mado for dressing sacnucs, house dresses, waists, etc. Now on sale. HAYDEN'S CLOAK SALE. Ladles' dressing sacques, J2.C0 quality, for $1.23. Beaver tape, worth $125.00, for $09.00. Astrakhan collarettes, worth $125.00, for $75.00. Ladles' muffs, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $5.00. Ladles' tnllor-mado suits, worth $20.00, for $8.9S. Children's fur sots nt 9Sc, $2.00, $3.00 nnd $5.00. Ladles' col larettes nnd scurfs, 9Sc, Ladles' box coat, sllk-llned throughout, $10.00 quality, for $6.98. HAYDEN'S BIO SALE ON SILKS. 100 walBt patterns, 34 yards each, nil tho lato styles and colors, all will go on special salo at only $1.98. Finest silk flan nels In black and colors, tho new waist fad, best quality, on sale nt only 98c. All col ors In fluo grade tafTotn. silk, tho now reds, blues and hollos, all go at 50c. Big sale on flno blnck taffeta, 100 pieces, worth $1.00, at only 69c. Full 27-ln. wldo. HAYDEN BROS. Attend tho grand toy opening Thursday. O40400040000004 o o o Important Notice to S ' Amateur Photographers A DEMONSTRATION ON I VEL0X PAPER ? will K. rMii.U Kw ft A W TTAWI ryf A T1 1 1 l kU UMM4U - J t'll I A 11V" t h W Jt q tho Nlpora Cbomlcal Co., on Thurs T day evening, at 7:30 p. m., at thi S O store of J The Robert Dempster Go., S ELECTRIC WIRE CONDUITS Cltr Engineer Telia How They Could lie Constructed, hut Advlaea Against Them at I'reacut. City Engineer RoBowater Is engaged In preparing a report for tho city council on tho best means of burying dangerous eloc trio wires, which will probably bo pre sented to tho city council nt Its meeting tonight. Mr. Roscwatcr gives an cstlmnto of tho probablo cost of constructing con duits for rent to tho electrical companies and suggests that In tho present financial condition of tho city It would not bo ad visable to attempt such an cxpcnslvo undertaking. Ho believes that by preventing owners of property from using all tho space beneath sidewalks tho owners could secure nlley woys under walks which would make ad mlrablo conduits that could bo entered without tearing up streets and damaging paving. Mr. Rosewnter's plan is to allow tho owners .of property to uso a Dart of tho spaco under wnlks and to requlro them to uuild a wall midway between tho lot lino and tho curb lino. Ho would have the city ouiia another wall at tho curb line, thus giving a roomy conduit In which wires and pipes can bo placed. Woman's club auditorium benefit, Boyd's, Doc. 18. Reserved scats at box office bo glnlnng Dec. 14. Do you need a hired girl: a Beo want ad will bring ont. Snokett'n Ntieornnor Named. City Comptroller John N. Westbcrg has nnmml Tlftnrv fV 4lmrni na ilnnnli. tn ml... feed Fled J. Sackett, who resigned the iiomunn nnd moved to Mnrslmlltown, in., several wchkh ngo, Rlr. Kliurpo was formerly deputy under Jlr. Wostborg. He was appointed to tin olllce In October of U97 nnd served until tho spring of 1900. Slnco ho left tho comptroller's olllce ho has been in Biieruiun, wyo until u few weeks ago Confessed to Murder. TACOMA, Dec. ll.-Mnrtln Stlckel, tho prisoner neni nt tne county jail ror the murder of the ngoil Cornelius Knnpp and IiIb wife, near Castlo Rock, on the night of November 3, linn confessed to hnvlng been tho only party to the crime. Ho had previously implicated another man, FJlCHRISTMAS There nro many LITTLI3 things which can bo used nt Chrlstmns tlmo for vnrlous pur poses but which cannot bo found at every store. Wi hnvo taken great cure to procure ii stock of such articles of Just the quality and kind thnt nro most desirable. Wo enutnerato a few articles: BALLS OF TWINfl (Seven colors). DIAMOND IllIST (For deeorntlvo vrork), Tiu:itMo.Mivn:its. I.lllItAHY I'ASTH. T1SSUH PAI'KK. SMALL l'Al'KU BOXES. OOLIJ PAINT. CHAMOIS SKINS. SMALL I'AINT UIIUSIIES, etc. Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go Cor. Kith and Dodge. HAYDEN S Another Message From Santa Clans to Hayden Bros KRIS KRINOLE HEADQUARTERS, Dccomber 10, 1900. "HAYDEN BROS., Omaha, U. S. A. My reindeers are making splendid tlmo nnd I will bo at your store In Omaha, Thursday morning, to make my home thero until Chrla-m-" SANTA CLAUS. 1215 Fnruam St. O o o All Interested In the above axe In- 4 O rttod to bo present. O O O White Ribbon Remedy Is a Drcnaratlon that will bo advertised In Omaha thoroughly. Wo have It In stock. It Is used to stop people lighting "boozo." Wo will send it. prepaid, on receipt of price $1.00 box. Formaldehyde Inhalers oliu Cramer's Kidney Cure 7Su Carter' Liver PHIa f J no Htnnrt's Tablets , 40o Ilar-Ilen 40c I'eruna Tfto lloatetter'a Hitters 7.1o Hurry's Mnlt Whiskey H3 1 dor. Si-icr, Quinine Capsules.. 7 t to. !I-Kr. Quinine Capsule.. lOe 1 dnz. 5-Kr. Quinine Capsules., lfio Ilrnnio Quinine ISo Sehaefer'a Couku Cure 20a AJax Tablets 40a Hudyan Tableta 40a Old Glory Hitters ROa "Wj-eth's Beef, Iron and Wine.. Trio Scbrader'a Plir Powder 25o CUT PRICE DRUGGIST SCHAEFER I. W. Cor. lth aad CMeaijo. Grand Opening Toy Departm't Thursday The real live Santa Claus will be at the Big Store Thursday to make his home here until Christmas. Thursday we will have a grandopening reception and Rule for him. The entire main lloor will be crowded with the most tremen dous and beautiful stocks of fancy goods, toys and Christmas goods of all kinds ever put on snl6. Our collection of dolls, picture books, iron toys, wooden toys, games, tool chests, toy drums, velocipedes, nnd shoo-flys and in fact toys of all descriptions from every toy making country in the world will be on display and sale. tkKv.BMMaBBssvavaimaa.ait Nowhere in America can you find r 1. .1 Al. KUCI1 1111 e.HjlllrHlu uiHiu.ij ui mi; uuw- est and handsomest Christmas' goods as our immense Main Floor now pre sents. Prices are far lower than have ever been quoted, owing to our gigan tic purchase, and a visit here will solve the problem of what to give for young or old, for use or ornament. Bring the children to see Santa Claus at the opening Thursday. Saturday morning we will nave a special recepiion lor tne children. Saturday will be children's day. HAYDEN BROS. A Fabulous Conception of olden times pictured the genii ns transporting inhabited palaces through tho air. This conception Is almost real ized today In tho Burlington's Chicago Special. , It Is bo handsomely appointed It docs poflin llko-a palace. It runs so swiftly that It docs appcanto bo Ilylng. Leaves Omaha 7:00 a. m. Arrives Feorla 0:50 p. ru. Arrives Chicago 8:30 p. m. TICKET OFFICB, 1602 FARNAM STREET. TEL. USO. BUItlilNClTON STATIO.1, IOTH AND MASON STS' TISL. ISiH. Ym may liavi Omahi attar brtakfaiHtfay an "THE OVERLAND LIMITED" aII trHr. In Ian FraMlsco hwmt Un Hyo Ml ylewto U y otMr fwiU VyajjsWHA an ATRIP TO CALIFORNIA, in regal splendor, can be made on The Overland Limited," the eele brntefl Union Faciuc train. This train rnaa vU the "Orertand Route," toe eatabltohed rente acreaa tfee eea tiaeart It tea pertuiBa the moat finely equrpped cars in tbe frerM. There are Double Drawing Boom Palaee Sleepers, broad veetlbuled Can throaghont, Buffet Smoking aad Library Cara with Barber Shops and Pleaeant Beading Boom, Dining Cara meals being aerred a la carte, and every delicacy ia provided, The care are Illumine ted with the famous Plnteoa Ligbt and heated wlta ateaa. A netaeie feature ia tbat taloty, perfect comfort and speed are all inolnded. Only Two Nights between Omaha and San Francisco. New City Ticket Ofiiw, 1324 Farnam St. Tslephsne 316 4 This store will cese to be itself when there is a peaise in irv its progress Tho Chrietmns Holiday Goods aro a tost of prog ress. Unless each eeasou tho things aro more beauti ful and original, more attractive and hotter displayed, tho movement in backward. Wo therefore challenge our own record always -there is no other comparison. Tho Holiday spirit of 1000 takes up the challqngo and proposes to hold against all comers the claim that this Holiday oar is of all the store years tho best. And it ought to be. The markets havo been searched for all that is now. The results are hero in tho freshest, brightest, biggest assembly of things for utility and beauty. There is a vast amount of warming-up the stale left overs of last year in the markets generally, catch words of many sorts are applied, but they don't make the old trash savory. A change of name is not a change of na ture. That sort of thing is not expected here of course not. We discount your intelligence to discus it we know what we do to servo the public and we know this bright keen public understands us and our work. Wc do especially know that the contrast between the gen-, ernl Holiday stocks of the market and the Holiday offer ings here was'never so marked in our favor and we know too that your appreciation will bring the desired reward. Regarding Men's Clothing You know, or know of, this department as being tho most economical one in tho western country. You know, or know of its success as a retail cloth ing store. What more can we say? Men's Suits from $4.50 up. Men's Overcoats from $5.50 up. Men's Ulsters from $4.00 up Men's Smoking Jackets from $2.50 up. Men's Bath Robes from $1.90 up. lien's Neckwear, Men's Mufflers, Men's Gloves, Men's Suspenders, Men's Slippers, Men's Hats, Men's Shoes, In fact, every wantable thing in men's wear. Tomorrow suggestions for the women folks. UAVriPMr BIG SHOE .AT UCnS BARGAINS Fine Sample Shoes and Broken Lines of High Grade Shoes on Sate at Less than Manufacturers Gost. Our shoe buyer has just returned from the east where he closed out over 3,800 pairs of fine Xmas Slippers at less than half their value. These fine Slippers are coming in now and we will open up the greatest Xmas Slip per sale in a few days Omaha has ever seen. Ladies Fine Shoes on Sale. LADIES' fine t5.00 Sample Shoes, mado by French, Shrinei & Urner, in patent leather and vici kids on Bale I) ft"7 at ZiJJf LADIES' lino $3.00 and $4.00 Vici Kid Laco Shoes, I QP in broken lots, on Bale at liuU LADIES fine $2.50 Vice Kid Vesting Top Laco I l)Q Shoes, in broken sizes, on sale at IiZu MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S lino $1,25 and $1.50 Ofln onr. School Shoes, on sale at . MEN'S fine $2.00 Satin Calf Lace Shoes, on eal. at D BOYS' $1.25 and $1.50 Satin Calf School Shoes, sixes Qy 1' to 5fr, on salo at UlU HAYDEN BROS, "HE THAT SEEKS, FINDS"-that our PENNSYLVANIA hard coal is best, and SHERIDAN is the best soft coal- mined In Wyoming. VICTOR WHITE 1605 Farnam Tel. 127 f 1.60 and 2.00. 1 -