Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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MI.OU Mi:.TlU.T.
Davis sella glass.
"Mr. Iillry," 6-cnt cigar.
Fine Missouri oak. Gilbert Hroa.
Oiih fixture and gloUis nt Ulxby's.
line A. U C. twer, Neuuiayer'H hotel.
Wollinon, BdcnlHlo optician, iiO UM'y.
Schmidt's jiliotos, now nnd latest styles.
W. J. lioatettor, dentist, Haldwln block.
Moore's stock food kills worms, fattens.
Boo Schmidt for defiant holiday photos.
Drink Uudwelacr beer. U Ilosenfeld, ngt.
Leffcrt, Jeweler, optician. 23 Hroadwny.
C K. Alexander A Co., 2J3 Hroadwny, are
open evenliiKs
The Ornre Church Soclnl club will meet
tonight In Hughes' hall.
, W. T. Graff, undertaker and dlslufector,
101 South Main street, 'l'hone
Get your work done, at the popular Eagle
laundry, T2( llroadway. 'Phone l."7.
W. C Kstep. undertaker, IS Pearl street.
Telephones: Olllee, ST; residence, 33.
Morxnn ft Klein, upholaterln. furnltur
repnirlnjr. nmttreBs making. 1J2 S. Main st.
Mrs. Mary Day of Minneapolis, Minn., Is
In tho city vlsltlnx Mr?. T. K. Cavln of Park
Mrs. I). J. Whlttaker of C22 Sixteenth
avrnuo Is homu from a visit with rela
tive.! at Kmersou, In.
Mrs. ThotnuH I'. Casaily and son have
L'onn to Mollne. 111., to spend the Christmas
holidays with relatives.
Tho retjular monthly
tr.eetlinf of tho
Ilonnl of Trustees of the public library will
bo new tins afternoon,
Mrs. Paul Schneider of Bouth Sixth street
left yesterday on a visit to relatives und
menus nl uuriiiiEtou, Ju.
Your wife will love von if vou bur 8herl
dan coal. Smokeless, no clinkers, soot nor
ruiptiur. Feulon & holey, solo ugents.
Thomas Dowmnn returned yesterday
rnornliiK from Granada, Miss,, where ho
la onuacetl on railroad contruut work,
A want add In The llee will brine rejults.
The same attention given to a wnnt udd In
council uiurra as at tne umalia oillce,
Superlntendont and Mrs. II. V. Itothert
or tho Iowa School for tho Deaf am enter
tatnlne Miss Taylor of Curtilage, Mo.
I.. P. Thompson und I,. Mrullnnn left yes
terday for New York, from where they will
sail this wcok for a visit to their old homo
In Germany.
Mnvor JtiiinlniM has reriuesled the Illl
nols Central Hallway company to lay a
ten-foot cnncreli! sldeH''1 nn th"
sldo of llroadway opposite lta passenuer
depot. Tho llllonls -milu1 ownn .u.
Irontiigo oppoalto Itti dopot (rounds.
Tho fimuritt of Mrs. c. K. Hunson will
bo held this uftcrnoon nt 2:30 o'clock from
tho residence, S29 lilclitti nvenue. Inter
ment will tin In Walnut Hill cemotery and
Ilev. J. W. Wilson, pastor of the Confjro
Rittlonal church, will conduct tho services.
Tho city council will uieit this oventnit
In adjourned roifular session. The ordl
nnnco creatliiK tho ofllca of city electric
ian, which was resurrected a week ao
by Alilonnan McDonald, Is slated to como
tip for notion tonight, as well oh several
other Important matters.
Members of tho Order of tho Kastern Star
In this city uro looking forwurrt to a visit
this week from Mrs. Krel Oberholmer of
Webster City, la., Krand matron of tho
order In this state. Whllo hero Mm. Ober
helmcr will bo tho KUest of Mrs. George
Jackson of South Kltut street.
The funeral of tho lata Wnlter 1). Smith,
who died Saturday morning, will bo held
Wednesday morning nt 10:30 o'clock from
tho residence, 310 Franklin avenue, und In
terment will bo In Walnut 1III1 cemetry.
Itev. W. H. Uarnes, pastor of tho First
Presbyterian church, will conduct tho serv
ices. Tho funeral of tho late Samuel Unas will
be held this mnrnltiK at 10 o'clock from the
family resldoneo on South Sixth street, op
posite Davits park. Kev. T. It. Clelland of
fhihitli, Minn., formerly pastor of tho First
Presbyterian church In this city, will con
duct tho sorvlccs. Interment will bo In
Fatrvlew cemetery.
Abrahum Glllnsky, proprlotor hf a llroad
way uecond-haud Roods store, was urrestcd
yestprduytatfternoon on an asmiuu antl..uat
tery cuargo nreiarreu against nun ny i.
Wleebaum. Tho trouliln occurred over :. sot
of harness, which Wlenbs-utn claimed to
Iiavo liurciuisea nnu wnicn uiunsKy con
tended he had only runted. Justlco Vlm
will arbltrato tho dlsputo Monday morning.
Tho Wurchouso Construction company of
this' city Is planning to erect another large
implement wiirenouso 10 meet mo increns
lng demnnd for such buildings. Tlit ware
house Is to bo built on tho proprty ill
rcutly south of tho Warder, Ilushnell &
Glt-ssner bulldlnz. erected by tho Ware-
houso Construction company. Tho funds
necessary to erect tho building aro to bo
eecured by popular hiock Hiimicripiion.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 2S0.
Wanted Girl for housework. 339 Scott
AVllilt tho llenil KlU.
Council muffs Elks aro arranging for n
grand reception to Grand Exalted Ruler
Jerome II. Fisher Wednesday night next, If
ho can bo Induced to stop over hero that
day on his way to Colorado Springs. Mr.
Fisher nnd tho grand trustees will pass
through Council niuffs next Wednesday on
their way to Colorado Springs to lnvestl
gato tho proposed site for tho National
ElkH homo. OlIlccrB of tho local lodgo aro
In communication with tho grand exalted
ruler with a view to inducing him and tho
trustees to stop over here, as Wednesday
1b tho regular meeting night of tho lodge.
If Mr. Fisher will consent to visit here n
banquet will bo Borvcd at tno Grand hotel
Wednesday night, following the lodgo meot
lng. Commonwealth 10-cunt clear.
llenl Kuliilo Transfer.
Tho following transfers wnro tiled Satur
day In the abstract, tltlo and loan ofilco of
J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Home. Savings and Trust company to
Francis 11, Tlbliltts. lot 12. block 4,
Suckett's oild to Council HlulTs, w d..x 500
13. F. King to Francis 11. Tlbbltts, lot
3, Drow's sub. w d 450
Juilu 11. Van Duson and husband to
Llzzlo Tiunkln, lot 12, block 3, Van-
rirunt & lllco's add. w d 100
Day & Hess to Poter Hlof. i 75 feet of
lota 7. S, 3. 10, 11 lUid 12, block IS,
Manuwa park, w d 300
Kathleen O'llearno to John J.
O'llearne, lots 3 mid B, block 20, Rid
dle's sub. w d... 1
John J, O'llearne, ' grass widower." to
Wllllnm K. 1'mvi.rn. lot 3. block 20.
Hlddlo'H nub. w d 150
U. u. wawix'ii nnu who in unris uiins
tensen. lot C. block Ul. H.illroml add.
W d 300
Sovon transfers, nggnatlng..
Howell's Antl-Kawf" cures coughs, colds.
MnrrlnKi' I.lornHrs.
Licenses to wl wero issued yesterday to
tho following persons:
Name and RewHenco. Ace
C. E. Hommerstrom. Council Rluffn 2P
Tu:la Gustafson, Council muffs 3
Robert R Ritchie. Missouri Valley, law 2
Tllllo Schroedur, Reels, la 7. 2
Davis sells paint.
Cold Mornlng9 ernim
Poor ihoes..... fCrouP-
When tho chlldron stand
around these cold mornings
with ono foot drawn up like a
clileken on n wet day It's n
sign they need good cold-proof
ami wenrproor snoes. wo an'
showing tho largest assortment
In the oltv and selling them a
prices that mnko them easy to
and Iowa. James N. Casady, Ji
UC Main St ,
Council Rluffs.
Save Your Money i
HAVING!) I.OA A.M) ntlll.nT.X
With th
to ASS"
UUt rearl afreet, Couuoll Uluffs, In
Group Ho, 1 of tin Iowa Association to Meet
on WedneadaY.
Matters of Interest to Financiers nnd
Illinium Men (lenernllr Will lie
Considered Daring the
Tho annual meeting of Group 1 of the
Iowa Hankers' association will bo held
In this city Wednesday of this week. There
will ho two sessions, ono In tho morning
and tho other In tho evening, which will
bo hold at the Orand hotol. If tho at
tfudanca warrants It thcro will probably
bo a banquet at tho close of tho evening
Tho mornlns session will open at 11
o'clock, when an address of welcomo will
bo dolWored by John Bereshelm, vice presi
dent of tho Council 1J luffs Savings bank.
K. P. Wontz, chairman of the roup, will
Tho following Is tho program planned
for tho afternoon session: Address, D. li.
Helnsbetmer, Ulenwood; "Somo Suggestions
Along Educational Lines," K. K. Jones,
Vllllsca; discussion, "Should All Hanks be
Under National or Stato Control?" Dis
cussion, "Comptroller of Currency Dawes'
Criticism of Loans to National Hank Offi
cers and Directors;" discussion, "The Now
Currency Dill;" discussion, "Hefonns
Needed In the Rovcnue Laws;" election of
Tho officers of tho group aro: E. V.
Wentz, chairman; T. K. Elliott, sccretnry;
D. L. Hclnshotmer, Charles It. Hannan,
W. L. Culbertson, S. J. Patterson and
Charles Van Order, executive committee.
Tho memborshlp of the group comprises
the banks lu the southwestern part of tho
Results of Elections Illd t- the Sev
eral Ordem l.aat Week,
Last wcok was a busy ono in lodge cir
cles in this city and many of tho fraternal
und secret socletlrs held their annual elec
tion of olllcers. Theso lodges elected offi
cers as follows:
St. Albans Lodgo No. 17, Knights of
Pythias Chancellor commander, C. W. At-
vicod; vlco chancellor, S. II. Conner; prel
ate H. T. Hall; master of work, C. D.
Washington; master of exchequer, W. M.
Frederick; master of finance, C. M. Tib
bits; keeper of records and seal, W, C.
Gobhart; master-at-arms, C. H. Oilbert;
Inner guard, II. Darnell; outer guard, T. A.
Darker; trustees, U. Kost, W. M. Frederick,
E. Carr.
Concordia Lodgo No. 52, Knights of
Pythias Chancellor commander, E. A.
Ulack; vlco chancellor, C. F. Kimball;
prolate, Frank Elgau; master of work,
J. W. Ferrler; master of exchequer, J. W.
Scheenlng; master of finance, C. N. Cad
wallader; master-at-arms, G. L. Hill;
keeper of records and seal, R. O. Williams;
Inner guard, V. E. David; outer guard, F.
Sherman; trustees, J. W. Ferrler, H. W.
Lewis, J. J. Klein.
Shaduklam Temple No. 84, Dramatic Or
der Knights of Khorassan Venerable
sholk, Chris noycr; royal vizier, H. T.
Hall; grand emir, C. 11. Washington; ma
hedl, J. W. Ferrler; secretary, T. A. Bar
ker; treasurer, C. A. Tlbbits; monlal, G.
M. Keller; sahib, O. L. Hill; mokana, 8.
II. Conner; Jock, R. F. Greene; trustees,
J. H. Hcreld, J. J. Kloln, C. W. Atwood.
HhzoI Camp No. 171, Modern Woodmen
of America Venerable consul, D. W. Selby;
worthy adviser, C. F. Plnkney; banker, J.
J. Stewart; clerk, S. 11. Snyder; eBcort,
W. Martin; watchman, A. W. Moltzan;
Hcntry, Nels Hansen; physicians, J. H.
Cleaver, M. U. Snyder.
Court Council Rluffs No. 378C, Independ
ent Order of Foresters Past chief ranger,
J. W. Ferrler; chief ranger, J. F. Walter;
vlco chief ranger, E. A. Allstrand; orator,
T. Q. Harrison; recording secretary, W. F.
Graff; financial secretary, H. A. DeLong;
treasurer, U. O. Tucker; senior woodward,
J. Uarhyto; Junior woodward, T. Drooks;
senior bradlo, John Tabor; Junior bendlo,
T. J. Clattorbuck; physicians, C. H. nover,
V. L. Treynor; trustees, J, W. Fttrlor,
Thomas Drooks.
Council Illuffs Tent No. 32, Knights of the
Muccabces Past commander, S. I. Albro;
commander, Ernest Marsh; lleutonant com
mander, O. H. Scott; record keeper, W. H.
Rognn; finance keoper, F. A. Fox; chap
lain, F. L. Hamilton; sergeant, Jamss Pe-
crson; master-at-arms, Georgo Stanton;
first master of guard, Herbert Pardy; sec
ond master of guard, Goorge Lowcry; sen
tinel, William Klssell; picket, Qcorge
Pottawattamio Tribo No. 21, Improved
Order of Red Men Sachem, E. P. Van
Worraor; senior sagamore, J. W. Ferrler;
Junior sagamore, C. E. Drown; prophot,
Fred Sherman; chief of records, A, D. Van
Horn; keeper of wampum, F. Do Groto;
collector of wampum, C. W. Rock.
Abo Lincoln Post No. 2D, Grand Army of
tho Republic Post commander. General Q,
M. Dodge; senior vice commander, Georgo
11, Miles; Junior vlco commander, Goorge
T. Miller; chaplain, H. A. Hart; surgeon,
J. C. Do Haven: Quartermaster. E. R.
Fonda; officer of tho day, D. W. Foster;
oflicor of tho guard, John Llndt; Inner
guard, G. W. Cook; delegato to state en
campment, Wal McFaddon; ttustoo, D
Council Camp No. 14, Woodmon of tho
orId Consul commander, F. AInsworth:
adviser lieutenant, J. Barbytc; past consul,
K. Aspinwnll; banker, A. C. Lane; clerk,
A. Morgan; secrotary, C. M. Maynard;
watenman, is. Allstrand; escort, O. C.
Orown; sor.try, L. E. Stone; manager for
'hreo years, D. O. Morgan; delegates to
Mllwnukeo convention, C. Jensen, J. O
Dradley, A. C. Lane, F. AInsworth, C. M,
Morgnn, D, O. Morgan, W. Page.
Council Bluffs Lodgo No. 270, Ancient
lur Armored Cruiser Shoe
For Boys' Wear
I irrs. which protect tha bottom and
mure tho wearer double the service
i any shoe made for boys.
SIrii of tho Bcur.
6 etLSin3
Order of United Workmen Past twister
workman, S. B. Anderson; muster workman,
W. H. Ferguson; foreman, J. Keppner;
overseer, A. A. Kobcrtson; guide, A. A.
Kirk; lnsldo watch, John Orp; outside
watch, L. Dunlap; recorder, N. C. Phillips;
financier, J. C. Pryor; receiver, O. Hoch-
man; truotecs, T. A. Hrcwlck, O..H. Brown;
captain degree team, S. E. Andersou.
Fidelity Council No. 156, Iloyal Arcanum
Hcgent, Georgo Nlcoll; vice regent, F.
W. Dean; orator, A. T. Klwell: secrotary,
W. K. McConnell; collector. J. T. Tldd;
treasurer, A. W. Itiekman; chaplain, O. E.
Whlto; guide, L. L. Evans; warden, A.
Pickering; sentry, G. L. Judson; trustoeii,
A. T. Fllcklngcr, O. A. Bono, A. E. Ilrock;
representatives to grand council, A. T.
Fllcklnger, A. E. Drotk.
Qravel rooting. A. 11. Read, CU Droadwftjf.
Sraalliiiix nt Weston.
Word was received In tho city yesterday
that a case of smallpox had been discovered
at Weston, which Is about nlno miles from
Council Bluffs. Tho afflicted person Is
said to bo a stockman named Tom Rob
erts, whose homo Is at Alliance, Neb.
Roberts a few days ago brought In n.
shipment of horses and was taken sick nt
the home of Henry Scott, a well known
farmer living about two miles north of
Weston, Ho was treated for chlckenpox,
but word recolved from there yesterday
Indicated that tho attending physician had
decided that It was a fully developed case
of smallpox. What steps, it nny, have
been taken to quarantlno Roberts and the
Scott residence Is not knovrn here.
Unless a fresh caso of smallpox should
develop at the Woman's Christian asiocla
tlon hospital, tho quarantine on that in
stitution will bo raised Wednesday of this
weok, tho oovonteen days that tho law re
quires the place shall bo under quarantine
expiring that day.
Senter'n Case Come Up.
In the district court this morning Judgo
Green will tnko up the criminal calendar,
tho first caso on tho docket for trial being
that of the State against Thomas R. Scntcr,
tho Memphis (Mo.) man charged, under
tlu nurao of James L. Palmer, with ob
taining a loan of $C40 from Lougdo &
Lougee of this city In October, 1SDS, on a
foiged farm deed. Thcro aro two indict
ments against Senter, tho first for obtain
ing money under false pretenses and tho
second for uttering u forged Instrument.
It is understood that his defenso will bo
an alibi and that ho will attempt to provo
that ho was In Memphis nt the time ho is
charged with operating hero. His attorney,
Thomas H. Wagner of Memphis, arrived
yesterday to assist J. J. Stowart of this
city In tho defense. John II. Mudd, said
to bo a witness for the defense, also ar
rived from Memphis yesterday.
Deuth ii f Allen M. Spoor.
J. W. Spoor received a telegram yester
day afternoon announcing tho death of his
father, Allan M. Spoor, at Livingston,
Mont. Deceased was a former pioneer reil
dent of Council Dluffs, hut removed to
Livingston about five years ago. He was
60 years old and had suffer, d from dropsy
for some tlmo past. Besides tho son hero
two daughters, 4fMrs. Ella French and Mrs.
W. N. Cook of Livingston, survlvo him.
The remains will arrive hero Wednesday
and notice of tho funeral will bo given
For Aannult nnd lint tery.
Gus Peters, agent for an Omaha brewing
ccmpany, was arrested last ovenlng ou an
assault and battery chargo preferred ngnlnst
him by Mrs. Paul Myers, wlfo of tho1 pro
prietor of a Broadway saloon. The trouble
occurred at the saloon. Peters wanted to
get In tho saloon and Mrs. Myers decided
ho should not. Peters gavo ball for his
appearance In court this morning.
Kadel Gets Dollar.
Tho district court Jury, in tho libel suit
of Mike Kadel against George Kasslng,
brought in a sealed verdict late Saturday
night. It gives Kadel $1, as damages for
tho alleged attack on his moral character.
Ho sued for $1,000. Tho verdict will bo
opened this morning when Judgo Orcen
reconvenes district court.
Now Is the time to buy daughter n
piano or organ at the Bourlclus Muutc
House, S35 Broadway, Tel. 466, where tho
organ stands upon the building.
For one week only wo will give three
pieces of music freo with every music
wrapper sold.
Monday anil Tuesday Nebraska, and
Iowa Are to Rnjoy Clear Bktes
and Warmer Air.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 0. Forecast for
Monday and Tuesday:
For Nebraska Fair Monday and warmer;
Tuesday fair; variable winds.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair Monday;
Tuesday fair, not so cold; variable winds.
For North Dakota Snow Monday, not so
com; Tuesday ciouay; probably snow;
varlablo winds.
For South Dakota Warmer and cloudy
Monday, probably snow In eastern portion;
Tuesday probably snow; varlablo winds.
For Kansas Fair Monday; warmer In
western portion; Tuesday fair and warmer;
varlablo winds.
For Colorado and Wyoming Generally
fair Monday and Tuesday; varlablo winds.
For Montana Snow Monday and prob
ably Tuesday; varlabls winds.
For Eastern Texas Fair Monday nnd
Tuesday; light to fresh northeastorly winds.
For western Texas and Now Mexico
Fair Monday and Tuesday; varlablo winds.
For Indiana Fair and cold Monday:
Tuosday fair, not so cold; northerly winds.
I.ocnl Record.
OMAHA, Dec. 9. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
tho corresponding day of tho last thrco
, . 1PO0. 1S90. 1898. 1S97.
Maximum temperature.... 20 45 10 4
Minimum temporuturo.... 10 30 5 SO
Precipitation 00 . 81 .00 . 00
iieconi oi icrmieruiuro nnn precipitation
nt Omaha for this day and since March 1.
Normal temperature , ai
Deficiency for the day js
lojui excess since tarcn l , 901
Normnl precipitation 03 Inch
Deficiency for the day a Inn i,
Total rainfall since March 1 29.78 Inches
ijxcess since aiarcn i gi inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1B99... 3,79 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1S9S... 3.27 Inches
Omaha, clear ,
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, clear ,
Salt Lake, cloudy
Rapid City, clear
Huron, cloudy ,.
Wllllston, snowing
Chicago, clear
Bt. Louis, clear
St. Paul, clear
Davenport, clear ,
Kansus City, clear
Helena, cloudy
Havre, cloudy
nismarck, snowing
Galveston, cloudy
T Indicates trace of proclpttatlon. Zero,
t - Local Forecast OfHclal.
System of Traoks to Connect Email Towns
with the Oapital,
Intensions of the City Lines to the
Smaller Places Nearby I the Com
prehensive Hchnnr Ileitis
Worked Out.
DES MOINES, Dec. 9. (Special.) The
development ot olcotrlc railway systems In
and about Des Molncs during tho coming
year promises to affect a good many cen
tral Iowa towns. Although they aro all
connected with Des Moines by direct lines
of railroad the demand for better trans
portation facilities continues. Tho towns
within forty or fifty miles of Des Moines
havo been dwarfed in growth by tho near
ness of tho capital city, but their rest-
dents believe that now Des Molncs Is largo
enough so that If rapid transit is afforded
tho overflow will help tho towns and smaller
cities. Tho first town to be connected
with Des Moines by electric lino was
Valley Junction, six miles out on tho
Rock Island. Tho city street cars carry
passengers to Vtllcy Junction for a tare
of 0 cents from tho city limits. Tho lino
is very successful, as Valley Junction has
grown Into a considerable city. Tho Street
Railway company has caused to be sur
veyed In tho direction of WInterset, In
Madison county, another lino, which la
virtually an extension ot tho Valley Junc
tion Hue, crossing the Coon river ncai
Commerce nnd turning southward Into Mad
lson county. Tho route is feasnble and
when it Is built will greatly shorten tho
rail distance between Wlntcrsot and Dos
Tho owners of tho city lines nlso an
nounco that within a short tlmo they will
lay out n lino to tho site of tho proposed
United States nrmy post, south of tho city
It is now deemed by Des Moines men prac
tically certain this post will bo cstab
ltshed, as It only remains for General Otis
nnd two other nrmy officers to approvo tho
ground offered. Ono or two lines of rail
road will bo built to tho site of tho post
nnd tho city Btrcet car lines will bo ex
tended to tho site. But tho electric cars
will not stop at the post. A lino has
been planned running south through i
well-settled fruit-growing country to Som
orset, in Warren county, nnd on to In-
dianola. Such n lino would also bring
many fnrmors Into closer touch with Des
Moines and It Is reasonably certain it will
be built.
Don Moines Inter-Vrhan Line,
Tho most ambitious project ot this kind
has for Us purpco tho operation ot th
tntcrurban lino f-om Des Moines to Now
ton, touching at Colfax and other towns
Strangely enough the promoter ot this
project Is a woman, n Mrs. Butler of Cleve
innd, O., nnd on this account tho project
has been much derided. But It has been
disclosed that Mrs. Butler has back at hor
the extensivo street railway interests
Cleveland, including tho Hannas nnd other
capitalists, nnd that they aro in earnest I
their proposals. Messrs. Jones and May
of Cleveland, tho engineer nnd business
agent respectively of tho Clevoland Inter
urban Railway compiny, wero in Lea Molncs
tho past woek looking oven;fuo plans. Tho
company will nsk a franchise? over ono street
of Des Moines to tho business center from
tho eastorn city limits and may build torml
nals n part of tho way. FranchUes will
also bo asked through Altoona, Mltchcl
vllle, Colfax and Newton. It is estimated
that tho greatest business ot this lino will
ho with Colfax. Tho Colfax springs has no
been patronized ns well by Des Moines pco
pie as by thoso from a distance becaus
of tho difficulty ot going thcro and back
again. It 1b expected that tho electric lino
will mako n rate ot 2G cents each way bo
tween Des Molncs and Colfax and as thcro
will be many trains a day Colfax will be
como practically a Des Molncs suburb.
Ntat CoIW'kc 1,ohh.
News ot tho burning of the college build
ing of tho Iowa Stato college nt Ames was
heard with regret by the hundreds of
termer students of tho collego In central
Iowa. Tho name of tho college was for
many years tho Iowa Stato Agricultural
collego, but has been changed to Iowa
Stato college, as its scope has been broad
ened. Although there are flftocn buildings
on tho campus devoted exclusively to col
lego work nnd theso cost more than $500,000,
the collego trustees havo been considering
for soveral years tho ndvlsablllty of ask
ing for an appropriation to build a flno
now collegtata building. There hns been
no strictly collcglato building, an tho ono
destroyed waB used both as a dormitory
and a collogo building. Prof. Stanton, who
entered tho collego as a student In 1873
and has been an Instructor Blnco his grad
uation, says It has been tho design of tho
board of trustees, of which ho Is secretary,
to abolish tho dormitory system so far as
possible. In view of theso facts it is ex
pected tho trustees will ask that tho build
ing to bo erected on tho stto ot tho present
ruin will bo an entirely new colleglato
building, to bo dovotcd entirely to class
rooms, offices, Instruments, museum, etc.
Thcro Is a considerable town growing up
outsldo of tho campus, whero students can
secure rooms. A number of smaller build
ings aro bolng erected on tho campus also,
but there will not bo built any large dor
mitory for the boys. President Beardshcar,
who was absent nt tho tlmo of tho fire,
estimates that from $150,000 to $200,000
will bo oufflclcnt to erect a colleglato bulld-
lug such ns is noeded by tho college. As
tho stato executive council has $50,000 at
its dlBpocM for this purpose tho plans can
to madu larly. Tho college was ono of
tho first organized under tho Morrill act
and was for many years much better pro
vlded with funds than any other collego
ot tho state. Thcro aro 900 acres In tho
campus and farm and, bcnldes tho Morrill
hall, Margaret hall, muslo hall, agri
cultural hall and tho homes for tho fac
ulty, thero 1b a new barn, erected this year
at a cost of $12,000, and n spacious pa
vilion for ntock Judging. There aro sev
eral hundred head of flno stock on tho
farm, representing twenty-scven pure
breeds of animals. Tho creamery 1b a model
and tho workehops and engineering rooms
nro porfrctly equipped. Agricultural hall
Is now bolng used as a hospital for tho
last of tho patients rocovcrlng from the
typhoid fover epidemic.
Money I.lnsr Idle,
Tho money which Polk county was going
to lend to the country banks nt 4 per cent
Interest has not been taken by tho banks
that applied for loans and put up the re
quired bonds. Thero was $400,000 of the
fund borrowed to build a court house, but
which will not be used for a year or more,
Tho banks ore going to glvo time certifi
cates six months or a year but the courts
havo decided that the money can only
be loaned on demand certificates, hence
many of tho banks failed to call for the
cash at tho appointed time, Tho muddln
leaves Polk county with a large amount
of borrowed money lying idle whilo prep
arations ore being made to build a court
Abandons Honor Myaim,
GKIN.NEI.L, la., Ilcc. 9. (Special Tele
fc-roni.) IcVa college has rejected tho honor
system, or student control, of examina
tions by a decisive vote, only fifty-two votes
being registered In Its furor. Tho system
was adopted a few years ago as an experi
ment. It has not worked because of tho
disinclination on the part of the students
to report cases of cheating to tho student
council. A mass meeting was held a ftw
days ago to discuss tho matter and a pull
f the students, announced today, has defl-
itely decided to abolish the system.
Doer Soldier' IJinerlciice
Illnodr Hplnti Koi.
Rn ntir limit !nv. iliiiI irrliinpd nt those
othor dead, and the fierce HJn dried Mesh
und blood on Ilrlton and on Hoer, for both
remained unbiirled for a while, reports n
correspondent of the London News, And
so It came to puss that u Hoer commando
rmoOK mo lines wnere inoso who uieu mr
ub wero lying, and us they inarched among
our dead they saw a sergeant lying nt full
lxtirtti. nluit thrnucli the liruln. vet even 111
death tho man looked like some fighting
machine, suddenly gono out ot oruer. ins
ritlo was pressed iiKnlnst his shojlder, his
left hand graaped the barrel on tho under
side, the forefingers of th rlKht hand
pressed the trigger lightly, the barrel
rested out upon a rock, and his death
dulled nye still glared along the sights, for
dissolution had como to him Just ns he bent
his head to nro lit thoo wno snoi mm. mill
now his hands had stiffened in the unbend
able stiffness of eternal sloop. A Boor sol
dier saw the sorgeunt iih ho Iny, nnd with
rude hands grasped tho rlito by the barrel
und tried to Jerk It from the dead man's
rirlp, but as ho pulled ho brought the rlllo
n line with hla own breast and tho un
yielding tlnger on tho trigger did the rst.
the rlllo npokn from tho dend mans hand,
und the bullet passing through tho Doer's
Vinnrt lulrl him tiivilito thn Ilrlton.
Bounds IlKo a journalistic lie, uoes u now
Read It in a novel nnu you wouiu ibhkii,
wnnlit vnn not? nut It Is the eternal truth.
nil the same, for the comrade of the Hoer
who died that day, killed by a tiend man,
to d mo t ho tulo nimseir, una no wan ono
of thoso who planted tho dead Dutchman
on tho slope or Hpiou ivop.
Labor in IIiivtiiII,
A Hnnnlubi eorroHnotident of the Boston
Transcript writes: "Tho majority of the
(hlni.m .! laborers or trailers on a small
scale. For faithful service, commend to
mo a Chinaman, lit our estai:isiimcnt we
run do with no less than three. Ah mine.
the cook; Ah Loon, tho yardman, and Sing
wo, tno launuryman, nro ui ineir porus an
surely oh the Bun climbs over tho eastern
mountnlns. Most of tho Chinese cume horo
tlrst aa contract innorcrs on uio sugar
plantations. Tim development of tho coun
try ml I i'ii for labor such iui thev could give.
iukI much of tho material prosperity of this
land is uuo lo ineir paiioni unci milium
sorvlce. Tho unstablo native cannot be de-
ponded on for tho constant grind of ton,
ntul fnn-lni labor must luvds bo lmtiorted.
When tne contracts expire! ino iiiinran
laborers left thn plantation for better pay
ing poeltloiiM. Many entered domiwtlo nerv
ier-, somo oocamo gnrcieners on inrir own
fLccount. and many more rmtagod In mer
cantile business. It oes without saying
Of th Sun throws a dark ihidow on
the etrth. So it Is with the humm body
when disease shuts out the Jlght ol htillh
and happiness.
ll an antidote for all diseases which attack
the Kidneys, Liver, Stomach or Dowels.
It drives out constipated conditions, restores
functional activity and regularity,
fura Blood,
Irons Nerves and
Cood Digestion.
People who have used It say It Is their
main reliance for keeping the body healthy.
rlco, SI.OO,
riciit ROTSnidir imwunii'iiaii"
la 0M mm Ual II eaa t Mi M ft Mil. II U llMU.
MM. Witt? aWtlM! ,l BlMMl ll UU.
Without Change
..All the best 5cenery of the ROCKY
Daylight In both direction..
Forfull Information, rrservatlonsand Itiner
ary "Chicago to California" address City
Ticket Office, 1323 Parnam St., Omaha,
We, tha undersigned, do hereby agree
to refund tha money on a E0-cent bottle
of Downs' Elixir It It doci not cure any
cough, cold, croup, -whooping cough or
threat trouble. Wo alco guarantee Downs'
Elixir to cure consumption, when uned ac
cording to directions, or none back. A
full doie on going to bed and small deses
during the day will cure tho most sorer
cold, and stop the most dlatresslng cough.
Cold feet nro poor bodfellowH.
You might ns well not Hloop
ub to Hleep unconifortubly, A
hot wntur bnj: will enulilo
you to sloop In restful com
fort. Ouru aro mudo of
finest Parti rulihor nnd nro
guaranteed In every way.
'J-ipiart, H-ipiurt
Dell G. Morgan's
142 llroadway, Council Wuffs. Tel, Hi,
Dr. Ky' Ultoure curea all
ffiniilo dlkeasi-a. Al ilruc
irUm. tl Illustrated wou
aoa advlco free. JJr. II. J.i'.u, SaraUfu.N. V
Hint Hut tiuindrv tmnlnp!! Is nlmortt wholly
In their hands, and In n small way they urn
engaging in iniuiuruciuro. in nn inrsc iuito
they score a success.
Meeting the Csir,
An old Irishman oceilnled a harbor's rhnlr
recently und he was drowsy. Ills.eyes could
not be kent ntien nnd his liend rolled alinut
and dronued over mum his shoulder and I
uown ui on 111s rnc.u in a wny nun maao
snaving n diuicuii operation tor tne Knixut
of the lather ami a dangerous 0110 for the
i lust me unrber said, gently but llrmly:
Ijtnl n-l.M- -I- t - .V . 1 1.1 ..
w 1 i . nil, 1 villi . iwniu,j, nu.T r
011 utile's you hold up your nead."
To which tho response was inado with
rowsy Indifference:
"Well, then, coot my hnlr."
Ciifltmim nnd Mnnnera,
Detroit Journal At ll. nmlnn'a k.i.i
tho forrlirner wan irlvrn itnim. r.,i nw..i
. -- --- j.-a mil HO rl'U
his errand.
I IlllVO COme." Olloth he. "In ilnl.
customs nnd manners!"
o nnvo customs here," ho chortled,
'but no manners!"
Having Which. h rannoil th fnmln..
remove his socks, natonniiitv i,... v.. ,....
concealed therein dutiable goods, but In
" ".' i" kiv point to ins nnclcnt and
untimely Jest,
1110 person in uniform laughed brutally.
on HAL.B dv KYKus-mitrfis
Do You Own
Valuable Papers?
R. C.
ji vw
A Splendid
Wholesale Location
The building formerly occupied by The Bee at
916 Farnam street will be vacant November 1st
It has four stories and a basement which wai
formerly used as The Bee press room. This will
be rented very reasonably. If interested, apply
at once to O. a Rosewater, Secretary, Boom 100
Bee Building.
a (I 1.1
Ready November First
DAY & HESS, 09 Pearl St., Council Bluffs,
Have for hIp ii large Hit of Improrrd farma, chicken rannhra, fro It and
vccptiiblc luiulai alao .rraldruoe and bualucaa property In Council 11 luff a
and Oiunlin. SOME PAn.MSi
160 acrt-i, Hazel Doll twp., 11 mtlea nt O. IL,
good buildings, Ub por acre.
10 acres near Crescent, well lmproyed, 145
per aero.
tO act ob 5 rollra east, cood buildings and
fruit, $E0 pei acre.
tO-ocro fruit farm, near city, good Improra
mentr, 1C0 per ucro.
10-aer' fruit f-rm adjolnlnc eltjr. 8,000.
The iiliovo la only a lamvli of om
f per cent Interval, Telephone R44,
Good Property
Is a Good Investment
Flftn lota in a bodr for salt at a Terr reasoaaUe prioe, Thm
lots are located In Omaha addition and ) high and dry, Tkey
nlll make a splenfltd location for Mine factorr. Several other lets
suitable (or bulldlag purposes one ot them especially wtU make
a One location for a hoste, belnc within one block ot the meter
line and within twe bleoks et a aeheel house aa4 church local
la tha western part et the city
Apply at
Bee Office,
Council Bluffs,
A lucking boy will
r.oott chop down a
cherry trec.nncl n hack
ing couch will soon
chop tlow n n man. For
the latter there is noth-
-ing Better than
It has cured thousands
who were drifting
into consumntlan. It
will cure you if taken in time. In most
eases nature needs assistance in throwing
oflacold. nnd DUFFY'S PURE MALT
WHISKEY fumbhesjust thenidrcqulred.
A trial will convince you.
Over 7,000 doctors prescribe it, and
3, coo hospitals use it exclusively.
It It theonlyWhlaiey taxed by the OoTerancat
a a medicine. This is n iruanvntee. All dmapriaU
and grocers. Refuse stibkututea, they aro lnjurl
ous. Send lor free medical booklet,
"It has justly won its laurels." Soups,
Fish, Game, Hot and Cold Meats, etc., arc
given a most delicious flavor by using
TfcU tlf atturt U on
Diiua co, ioth and v ark am.
We have a suite of rooms with a fire and
burglar proof vault. It consists of a
waiting room and two smaller rooms.
Electric light Hardwood floors.
It will be n pleasure to work in offices
like these. The rent Is 40. We havo
another single good sized office with a
vault, only $20.
If You Wish
good reliable dental work at mod
erate prices we can please you.
Our methods are the most improv
edour prices so low they will
surprise you.
. ..Telephone 14B.....
H. A. Woodbury. D. D. S-, Council Bluffs
30 Pearl St. ' Grand Hotal.
ICO-ncrea Missouri bottom land, t miles u
city, 10 per aero.
600 acre stock form near Earllns, Selbjr Co.,
320 acres In Silver Creek twp., t0 per acre;
well Improved.
213 acres fine bottom land In Rockford twp.,
J42.60 pei acie; well Improved.