Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis sells glass.
"Mr. Illley," &-cent cigar.
Fine Missouri oak. Gilbert Bros.
' Gas nxturcs and globes at Blxby'e.
Kino A. H. C. beer. Neumnyer's hotel.
Wollman, sclcntlllc optician, 409 B'd'y.
Bchmtdt's photos, now and latest style
W. J. llostottcr, dentist, Baldwin block.
Moore'a stock food kills worms, fattens.
Bco Schmidt for elegant holiday photos.
Drink Budwclacr beer. L. Itotenfeld. agt
Lcfrcrt, Jeweler, opllclan. 220 Broadway.
New lino of statuary. C. 13. Alexander
ti Co., 333 Broadway.
II, P. rmd Henry Haar left yesterday on
ft. trip to Colorado Springs, Colo.
XV. P. draff, undertaker and dlslnfcctor,
101 South Main street. 'I'hono 6W.
Get your work dona at' tho popular Eagle
laundry, nt Broadway. "Phone 157.
V. C. Ustcp, undertaker, Zi l'carl street.
Telephones: Ofllce, U1; resldenco, 33.
Mrs. SuHln Jeffries of Kansas City Is tho
guest of Mrx . B. Fisher of Vine street.
Morgan & Klein, upholstering, furniture
reDalrlne. mattress making. 122 S. Main sL
Council ciunp. Woodmen of tho World,
will meet Friday night for tho annual olec-'
tion or oincers.
Miss Arkwrlght's china and wntercolor
exhibit, mi Mynster street, for one week,
beginning December 1.
Your wife will lovo you If you buy Sheri
dan coal. Smokeless, no clinkers, soot nor
uulphur. Fenlon & Foley, sole agents.
P. II. Mudge, who was called hero .by tho
death of his mother, Mrs. A. U. Mudge. re
turned yesterday to his homo in Denver.
A want add In Tho Beo will bring re
sults. Tho same attention given to a want
add In Council Bluffs us at tho Omaha
Captain J. J. Uimbcrt. editor of tho
I'uoblo (Colo.) Chieftain, Is In tho city, trio
guest of J. J. Blown of South Seventh
Council Bluffs tent, Knights of the Mac
cabees, will meet In regular session tonight,
whon tho annual election of otllccrs will
take placu.
(Jeorgo M. Strain, a member of the local
newspaper fraternity, and wlfo left last
evening on a visit to relatives In CJnlos
burg, III.
W. Harvey DoWltt has resigned his posi
tion us chief clerk at the Grand hotel and
has accepted a position In tho Bachelors
hotel In Omaha.
Hoxel camp, Modern AVoodmcn of Amer
ica, will meet tomorrow night In regular
session, when tho annual election of olll
cers will bo held.
P. M. Ilalns, who has been hero on busi
ness connected with the Officer & Pusny
receivership, returned to his homo In
.nrncd, Kim., last night.
Thi InriW Aid society of Broadway
Methodist church will hold Hh annual ba
car Thursday and Friday of this week.
Dinner and Hupper both days.
Mrs. A. W. Mngor of Wlnterset. Ia., who
has been tho guest of Mrs. Ivdgerton of
South Sixth street, loft lost evening for
Colorado Springs, where sho will visit
friends beforo roturnlng home.
A marriage llcenHo was Issued yesterday
to Kdwurd llarrott, aged 2R years, of South
Omaha, and Nancy M. Kggers, aged IS. of
Big Springs. Neb. Justice Ovulo Moti per
formed tho marriage ceremony.
Court Council Bluffs, Independent Order
of Foresters, will meet tonight In regular
session and hold tlio nnuual election of otll
cers. Companion court, Wacondah, will
moot at tho samo tlmo and elect Its offi
cers. "Tho Brownies" nt Dohany's Saturday,
December 8; spectaculuV, melodious chor
uses, catchy music, witty lines, beautiful
costumes; tho most jiopular play on tho
stage. Matinee, 10c, 20c. 30ci night, 15c, 2oc,
86c. &0c.
Tho remains of the lato Benjamin Jones
of 1428 Third streot will bo takon to Stuart.
Ia.. this morning for Intcrmont. Tho
funeral arrangements nro In chargo or t..o
Odd Follows; of which order deceased was
a. member.
OfflcerThoman Cnllnahnn Is-enjoying an
unexpected visit from his brother, Jchn
Callaghan of Winnipeg, Mnnltoba. They
had not met for twelve years. John Cnl
laghati having been busily cngngod In civil
engineering in Manitoba.
Bob Scott, charged with tho larceny of a
rout, tho property of Arthur Reed, from a
building on North Main street, took n
change of venuo yesterday from tho pollco
court to that of Justlco Vlen. where bo Is
booked for a preliminary hearing this
It. W. Zlnkle, traveling auditor of tho
Chicago. Burlington & Qulncv. with head
quarters at Crcston, la., and Dale Harman,
traveling auditor of tho Kansas City, St.
Joseph & Council Bluffs road, with head
quarters at St. Joseph, were In tho city
yesterdav checking up tho Burlington city
ticket office.
Tho case against Tom Carter, charged
with embezzling between J50 and JC0. tho
proceeds of street sales ,of a Chicago and a
St. louln newspaper, was continued In Jus
tice Vlcn's court yestorduy unill January 15
on tho consent uf tho prosecuting witness,
J. II. Black of Omaha. Curter was re
leased on a bond In tho sum of J200, signed
by himself and his mother.
Tho receipts nt tho Christian Homo last,
week wero slightly In excess of the needs
of tho Institution. In the general fund
they amounted to J2S0.80, being J80.80 nbovo
tho estimated needs for the current ex
penses of tho week and decreasing the de
ficiency In this fund to dato to Jl.125.35. In
tho manager's fund tho receipts wero $36.60.
being $1.60 ubovo tho needs of the week and
reducing tho dcllclcucy to $316.63 to datu In
this fund.
Harry Howard, whoso right namo Is said
to bo Guy Fritz, and Charles Brown,
charged with breaking Into Mlko Kempkls'
saloon on South Main street and stealing a
gold watch belonging to tho proprietor,
amongst other things, had their pre
liminary hearing beforo Justlco Vleu yes
terday and were- bound over to await tho
action of tho district igrand Jury. They
wero committed to tho county Jail In do
fault of ball. Both aro young men. barely
out of their teens.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., tUphnne 250.
Kmiillpox Ciini-h.
Asa Dcots, tho second of tho smallpox
patlfnts ut tho pesthouso, hns so far re
covered that ho Is able to help with tho
work and tho caro of, tho other patient,
C(,nmey, whoso condition Is rapidly "Im
proving. Tho quarantlno at tho hospital
and tho Marr resldenco Is being rigidly on
forced nnd tho health authorities aro hope
ful that tho spread of tho dlscaso Iibb been
effectively, checked.
Tho inmates at thp hospital are suffering
considerable Inconvenience- by reason of
tho tolephono being out of order. As the
building Is quarantined none of tho tclo
phono company's, picn cat got In to place
the 'phono In working 'order". Tho nurses
In tho hospital hnvo to communicate with
tho outer world through tho guards on
duty outside.
Tho Union Pacific Ilallroad company has
tccued an order requiring all tho men cm
ployed in tho yards to' bo vaccinated. This
will affect about 300 men here.
Howell's Antl-Kawf" cures coughs, colds.
Wanted Girl for housework. 33D Scott.
Commonwealth 10-cont cigar.
Negotiated In' Eastern Nebraska
nnd Iowa. James N. Cusady, Jr.,
ize Main St.. Council Bluffs.
Savt Your Money
1U3 l'carl Street, Conuoll HlaSe, I.
Affaln of the Officer 6: Puiey Bank are to
Bo Carefully Looked Into.
Lilies Mtlftrntlnn Interferes, They
Hay, One-Fourth of the Ilnnk'n In
delitednenn Will lie IlUciinrged
This Mou tli.
"Within a few days a thorough and ex
haustive examination of tho books, ac
counts and papora of tho Olllcor & Pusoy
bank will bo commenced by uu expert ac
countant. Wo nro determined to know
something of what has bocorao of our
monoy and will do bo beforo wo get
This was tho statement mado by Attornoy
J, J. Stewart and J. J. Hess yesterday when
asked If tho depositors who applied to tho
district court to have an examination mado
would do so nt their own expense under the
ruling of Judgo Green. Whllo somowhat
disappointed at tho ruling of tho court,
which Is to tho effect that tho cxpensn of
this examination will havo to bo borno by
tho depositors and not defrayed out of tho
nsscts of tho bank, Messrs. Stewart and
Hess said that tho depositors wore satis
fied with the Judgo's order and well pleased
nt being permitted to havo tho examination
made. The export who will mako tbo In
vestigation has not yet been decided ou,
but ono will bo selected before the end of
tho week, so that thcro need bo no delay
In making tho examination, which it Is ex
pected will requtro several weeks to com
plete. Tho object of the proposed lnvestlgat'on
of tho banks' books and accounts, as stated
by the attornoys representing a number of
tho depositors, Is to ascertain, If possible,
what has becomo of tho monoy that has
been doposljed In the bank during tho last
Ave or ton years. The depositors fool that
some explanation Is duo them of tho dis
crepancy existing between tho firm's
assots, as shown by tho report of tho re
ceivers, and tho liabilities, which consists
of money deposited with tho firm. Ile
colvors Bcrcshelm and Murphy express
themselves as well satisfied with tho pro
posed examination and have declared their
willingness to glvo tho export every as
sistance In their powor.
The rocelvera stato that thoy hope, unless
delayed by litigation, to pay a dividend cf
2C per cent beforo tho end of tho year. Bo
foro any dividend can bo announced the
court will havo to rule upon the numerous
petitions that havo bcon filed by creditors
asking that tholr claims be mado preferred
clalraB. Up to dato tho list of preferred
claims amounts to $13,332, which 13 but a
omall figure compared to tho total liabil
ities of tho bank.
The receivers aro actlvoly engaged In
collecting tho accounts duo tho bank and
within tho last few days tho court has
made a numbor of orders authorizing thcra
10 maito settlements In certain cases whero
It has been deemed beneficial to the cstato
to, do so.,. Itegrdlni:..tho jsupplemcjitary
roport, which It was expected tho receivers
would make, they state that they havo not
yet had tlmo to prepare It and can give no
intimation of when they will bo able to
do so.
M. W. A. dance tonight, W. of W. hall.
Gravel roofing. A. II. Head. 641 Broadway.
Ilusr Day for Firemen.
The flro department had three runs yes
terday, ono for breakfast, ono for dinner
and one for supper.
About 7 o'clock In tho morning tho depart
ment was called to "C. O. D." Grcono's gro
eery store, at 336 West Broadway, whero
tho careless handling of a gasollno lamp
whllo lighting It had started a blaze. Tho
gasollno spilled on the floor and for a
few minutes it looked as If thero would
bo a conflagration of considerable propor
tions. The flames were extinguished, tho
only damago being a holo burned In tho
At 12:30 p. m. tho firemen were given
a run to 513 Fourth street, where' a boy
and a box of matches had started a blazo
In the barn. Tho only damago which tho
owner, P. McCaul, will have to mako good
will bo that to the paint on tho building.
bhortly boforo 6 o'clock lost evening the
window decorations In tho dry goods, storo
of Brandpn & Fleming, at 740 Broadway.
caught flro and gavo tho department Its
third run for tho day. Tho damago, which
was confined to tho goods in tho window
and tho lmmedtato vicinity, is covered by
insurance, 'ino lire caused considerable
alarm among tho occupants of tho flats over
tho store.
City Council Meeting.
The City COUnCll Was hnnkpil fnr n trmnt.
ing yestordny afternoon to Inspect tho
vtasntngion avonuo paving, but there was
not a quorum nresent. so lb innnxxitni, .......
postponod until next Saturday .aftornoon at
ociock. ino work on Hrynnt street
is bolng pushed rapidly forward nnd Con
tractor Wlckham expects in rnmmnnprt
laying brick today. Tho top course will
ue lies .Moines instead of Oalesburg brick
us first decided unon. Murb nf ti.n i,,.ti.
Is now on tho ground. Contractor Wlckham
expects to comploto tho paving on Plorco
Btroet today, whon if tho weather remains
favorable ho will common thn nnvinc
North First street between Broadway and
wanmngton avenue.
Dcmnuil Clrnner Street.
The members of tho Council ninff
Woman's club aro Interesting themselves
In tho betterment of tho cnnditl nn nf ihn
city stroots. Thoy want tho strcots kept
cican anti ino secretary, Mrs. Tarklngton,
has written to tho city clerks of tho larger
cities nsklng for Information and data on
mo question, no clubwomen are of tho
opltilon that tho condition of the down
town streets In Council muffs urn crvinr.
dlsgrace and believe thot an active crusade
What do
you think
when you sen $5 shoes advertised
tor $3, and $3 shoes for $2? Does
It seem reasonable to you? Were
they $5 or $3 shoes or Is It hum
bug? If you think It Is try
where thero Is Just ono price, and
as good as can be bought for the
money on earth.
Look for the
Bear that's
should bo commenced to compel tho muni
cipal auhtorltles to clean thcra nnd keep
them clean. Tbo Information they are
seeking from other cities Is what methods
aro employed along this lino and whether
they havo ordlnnnces governing tho ques
tion and what steps aro taken to enforco
them. Tho city Improvement dopartmont
of tho club has taken tho matter In hand
and will push It along.
Police Court Note.
Mrs. Annto Beach filed an Information In
Justlco Vlon's court yesterday nfternoon,
charging Mrs. A. Balrymplo of Illdgo streot
with assault and battery. She alleges that
a short tlmo ago sho rented a room of Mrs.
Balrymplo and paid tor It In advance A
fow days ago a relative of Mrs. Balrymplo
arrived on n visit and tho lattor aBked
Mrs. Beach to vacate tho room, as sho needed
It. This Mrs. Beach says sho refused to
do, having paid in advanco for It. Whllo
bIio was nway from tho houso, Mrs. Beach
alleges Mrs. Dalrympo took all her be
longings and put them out la tho back
and when sho raturned homo bIio found hor
room occupied. Mrs. Ocach gays she pro
tested, but was forcibly ejected by Mrs.
Balrymplo from tho houso.
Ban North caused tho arrest ycBterday
afternoon of John Plant on an assault
and battery chargo, fllcd beforo Justlco
Vlon. Plant gavo ball and will havo a
hearing today. Plant claims that North
called him an unparliamentary namo and
that he shook him, but did not strlko him.
Tho ovldcnco of MIbs Mary Boggs, who
charges Bob Btovcnsou with assaulting her
at a danco last Saturday night, was taken
In pollco court yesterday morning and tho
furthor hearing continued until Saturday,
Miss Boggs testified that Stevenson hit
her nnd knocked her down and that when
sho ran Into a bedroom to escape, him, ho
followed her and dragged her out by tho
hair and again bent hor. Stovenson Is still
In jail In default of ball, placed at $115.
Dlntrlet Court .otr.
The enso of tho Stato Land and Improve
ment company against tho City of Council
Bluffs In tho district court will go to tho
Jury this morning. At the closo of taking
evldtnco yesterday afternoon City Attornoy
Wadsworth flled a motion to tako tho caso
from tho Jury and for a vordlct to bo' re
turned for tho city, which was overruled
by JuOgo Green.
Mrs. Nancy Bollo Patten commonced suit
for divorce yesterday from William Pat
ton on statutory grounds, claiming Mrs.
Nora Halo, wlfo of a tonant on a farm be
longing to hor husband near Watson, Mo.,
as co-respondent. Mrs. Patten statos In
her petition that an amicable arrangement
has been nrrlved nt between herself and
her husband whoroby sho Is to havo as
alimony a farm of 120 acres In Pottawat
tamio county, togothor with tho llvo stock
and other porsonal property on It. .
Tho following cases have been listed as
subject to call at the closo of tho present
caso on trial: Shlntoffcr against Pangle
and Nealey against Neumnyer.
J. P. Greonshlclds, dmln'.strator of tho
estnto of tho lato Margaret Fox, Iiub ap
plied to tho court for nuthorlty to mako
a defenso In tho suit brought by. Dolan,
guardian of Thomas Pox, against Jennie
Frawloy and other hoirs of Mrs. Pox.
Dolan claims that Thomag Fox, who Is a
brother of Mrs. Fox's deceased husband, Is
entitled to half of tho estate.
MethnilUt Ileylvnl.
The revival services at Trinity Methodist
church, .will continue tor tho remainder of
this wook. An nil-day scrvlco will be held
tomorrow, when tho following program will
bo carried out: 7 n. m., hallelujah break
fast; 0 a. m., prayer nnd praise service;
10 a. m., blblo reading; 11 a. m., Bormon by
Rov. J. I. McLaughlin of Omaha; 12:15 a.
m., basket lunch; 1:30 p. m., song and praise
service; 2 p. m., blblo reading; 3 p. ra
sermon, Miss Herrlckj 7 p. m., vesper sorv
lco; 7:30 p. m sacramental scrvlco and
sermon by Dr. D. C. Franklin.
Friday and.Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock
thero will bo blblo readings and on Friday
afternoon nt 4 a'cloclc thero will bo a special
meeting for girls.
Davis sells paint. '
M. W. A. danco tonight. W. of W. hall.
Hrnl Kntntc Trnnfer.
Tho followlnir transfers wurn ntn,l vmIaf.
'y..'""? abstract, title and loan oillco of
J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street:
J. H. Henry and wlfo to trustees of
iuyiun uiwnnnin, s acres in sw cor-
Iior section 10-77-38. w. d t r.?n
j. .ii. i ukuh anu wuo to ivCVl n. r ree
man, nwu ne'i 14 und n 6 acres swti
soU 11-75-40, w. d 2,070
?. S. Cooper and wife to William
Shaw, lot 3, block 21, Everett's add,
w. a ?iin
Catherlno J. Guanella ct al to James
. Aiunen, lot 13, mock 3. Bayllss'
1st add, q. c. d , CG3
John Mlthen. guardian, to James 8,
Mlthcn. undlv 1-3 lot 13, block 3, Bay
llss' 1st add, gdns. d 334
Total llvo transfers $ 3,?J0
IiiNiirnnce Adjuntcr Charge Shocking
Conaplritcy In Connection lrlth
Heath of Webster City Muii.
SIOUX CITV, Dec. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) J. H. Hurd of tho Laborlngraon's
Co-cpcratlvo Llfo association returned, to
Slcux City today after an extenslvo trip
in tbo west nnd declares he has so-
cured evldenco of ono of tho most sensa
tional llfo Insurance frauds ever under
taken. Gcorgo A. Barber of Webster City,
Ia., who held a policy for $7,800 In tho
company, is dead at Pagosa, Colo., nnd
Mrs. Myrtlo Wright of Chicago and W. It.
Neff nro undor detention at tho samo place,
being held to nppear at tho coroner's In
quest, suspected of Barber's murder.
Hurd declares his Investigations warrant
tho belief that Barbbr got his policy with
tbo Intention of defrauding tho company
and that tho woman and Ncff wero In tho
scheme. Barber's death was not to bo a
reality, ho says, but Noff nnd tho woman
changed tho plan without Barber's knowl
edgo nnd deliberately poisoned him. Ho
died In convulsions In a hotel ofllco at
Pagosa shortly after Ncff had left him.
Tho policy has boen mado payable to Mrs.
Wright, who was nllegod to bo Barber's
affianced wife, and tho night of his death
she notified tho Sioux City Insurance com
pany of his death. Tho Investigation which
followed unearthed somo startling facts.
Mr. Hurd Bays that at tho conclusion of
tho coroner's Inquest a verdict unques
tionably will bo returned charging Neff nnd
Mrs. Wright with murder and that their
trial will bring out ono of tho most sensa
tional Insuranco fraud cases ever tried in
this country. Barber, It Is told, met Mrs.
Wright in Chicago last summer and took
hor to Webster City and then to Denver,
whero Ncff appeared.
Iowa Tiewn ote.
Atlnntlc and Adair are to bo connected by
a tclephono lino.
Miss Sophia Huffman of Iteddlng was
fatally burned by tho explosion of 11 gaso
llno lamp.
Tho Itock Island road contemplates tho
elevation of Its tracks through tho city of
Hobert McBrida. who recently nppearcd
nn plaintiff In a suit for damages for tho
destruction of his printing ofllco located In
a South Dakota town, was formerly well
known In Iowa, whero he conducted the lil
dora Ledger, ,
Mrs. Jacob Bowers, who lives near Bed
ford, swallowed some carbolic acid by mis
take, thinking it wine. When sho discov
ered her mistake tho only antidote which
sho could And hundv was a box of axle
greaim. She swallowed a quantity of this
nnd sent for a, doctor, Bho la likely to re
cover. . . ., I. .
Jobbers Prepare to Demand New Deal
Concerning Freight Batet.
Annual Itcport of Stale Commission
Show n lllidily (InttlfyliiK Stnte
of AfTnlr In the Trans
portation wr.
DES MOINES, Dec. 4. (Special.) The
prosperity of tho Iowa railroads, as shown
by their reports nnd cutnmarlzcd by tho
Iowa Board of Hatlroad Commissioners,
will bo used as a strong argument by tho
Jobbers and manufacturers of Dcs Moines
for substantial modifications of tho freight
schedules In tho Intorest of Des Moines
and central Iowa shippers. Tho Des Moines
Manufacturers' and Jobbers' association la
working hard for a revision of the rates,
making Des Molncs a basing point. It Is
Claimed that thn itlrrlmlntlnn vtrtlintlv
amount to shutting Des Moines out of a
largo territory and that the wholesale busi
ness of this city has to grown that the rail
roads will not bo ablo longor to resist tho
demand for a change. Tho reports of tho
Iowa railroad commission show that the
Iowa railroads have been prosperous the
past year nnd are becoming moro prosper
ous. Tho Increase la tho gross earnings
Of tho Iowa roads on town himlnrna alnnn
during tho past year has boen about $0,000,-
uuu over tno previous year. In view of this
prosperity of the lawn mmi tiiA iiv xtninn.
shippers feel that they can domand almost
anyuung mat is Just. But tho Iowa roads,
according to tho report of tho railroad com
mission, navo uono a great deal tho paBt
year In tho way of making pcrmanont Im
provements. Thero has bcoa much double
tracking of tho trunk llnpft- ninnv Irttnr.
locking switches havo boen placed, new
sinuous anu uriugcs havo been built nnd
therO haS been extension nf llnnn Inln nnrll..
west Iowa. It is stntod that ono company
u.i cxpomiou over half Its net revenuo In
betterments of various kinds. Thero aro
now moro than fifty interlocking switches
In plnco now In Iowa at grado crossings,
half of which woro put In tho paBt yoar.
All this work of i
has been tho causo of many complaints to
iiiu uuuru ana u nas considered moro than
200 scparato comnlntnta Hiirlmr th ..
Although tho rovlsed code of Iowa makes
no provision ror Investigation of accidents
tho board has continued this work of lnves
tlgatlon as in former years. Tho board
recommends somo addltl nnni tAtrlntntlnn In 1
regard to grade crossings with a view to
proveniing accidents.
State Agricultural Society.
Secretary Genrpn tr Vnn iinni.n ti.
Iowa Stato Agricultural society has boen
invited by Secretary C. II. Barnard of Tablo
Hock, Neb., to attend tho annual meeting
of tho Nebraska Stnt
clety in Lincoln on January 18 and will
prooauiy ncccpt. .Mr, Van Houtea has long
been promlnont as an Iowa linriipnituri.t
He wont to Chicago today, whero he and
oiner members of tha Iowa state society
will attend tho American Association of
Fairs and Exposition's, and Mr. Van Houten
will read a paper ont'tWhat Constitutes a
Successful Fair." The Iowa fairs havo
been generally sucfresiful and cspoclally the
last two, which wero so financially suc
cessful that moro than $30,000 was put Into
the- treasury as a surnlns. Tl,l in
dltlon to $10,000 oxpended In permanent
improvements. Tbo .Iowa soclaty will be
Bcmowhat reorganized at tho January meet
ing owing to a now law which has gono
Into effect this year. This enlarges the
directorate by making tho officers all di
rectors and making sovoral of tho stati
offlcors, Including tho governor, state vet
erinarian anu head of tho agricultural col
lego CX-ofllcIo members nf thn hninl Th.
new law also requires that there shall bo
uuecior in eacn congressional dis
trict and this Will rminn n rnnnl.Urokl.
chengo In tho directory board.
Fntnl Defect In Hecord.
A defect in thn mnnnnp nf thn nnnan
w. ...v .noounu
by tho legislature of thn rnsntnllnn tn-
constitutional amendment providing for be-
cuniai elections was unearthed today,
which. It Is generally holt
tho amendment void. Tho constitution pro-
vices mat wnen resolutions for submitting
amendments to tho nnmiinr
legislature they must bo spread In full
upon mo journals of each houso. Tho Ben
nte Journal record Is complete, but tho
houso Journals glvo the tltln tn thn r.anln.
tlon only. Attornoy Qoneral Ilemly said
louny: "i navo not thoroughly Investi
gated tho matter, but mv Imnronlnn la
thatlnvlowof the holding of the Iowa su
preme court in the prohibitory amendment
cnSe. tho dofoct In tho iwmi 0 , it.-
" " " ' hi W1U
biennial election amendment is void."
ino uea Moines grocers have detarmlned
upon making an effort to secure tho meeting
of tho Stato Association of Itotall Grocors
and tho annual exhibit hold In connection
therewith. At a meeting of the local as
sociation held this afternoon It was decided
to offer tho association tho freo uso of tbo
proposed armory building, if It Is completed
by that tlmo, or If not to guaranty a free
tent In which to hold tho exhibition. Wator
loo, Cedar Haplds and othor cities want tho
annual meeting of tho grocors. Tho asso
ciation will meet at Waterloo.
Tho caso of "Bob" McBrldo against resi
dents of Mitchell, S. D., in which he has
lUBt Secured a Vnrdlnt fnr JTflfl na rnmnnn.
satlon for his printing ofllco destroyed by
ino ueronaanis, nas attracted attention In
Iowa from tho fact that McBrldo formerly
published n newspapor In Eldora, Ia., and
became well known to many Iowans.
At the ftolrilrr' Home.
There nro now In tho Iowa Soldiers' Homo
at Marshalltown 748 veterans of tho war, of
whom sixty-eight aro In the hospital and
seventy-eight In what Is known as tho "old
men's" building. Tho youngest Is D7 and
tho oldest 07.
Tho whereabouts of, tho national antl
secrot society convention, which was lost a
fow weeks ago, havo not been discovered.
The president of tho association Is Samuel
Swartz of Aurora, 111., and tho secretary
William Phillips of Chicago, and thoy sent
out notices of a national convention to bo
held In Washington, Ia., Thanksgiving week.
Tho Washington pcoplo say If tho conven
tion was hold thero It was so socret that
thoy woro unable to And It.
Captain William Vau Sunt, the nowly
elected governor of Minnesota, was formorly
an Iowa mnn whllo he was engaged as a
river captain on the Mississippi, Ho re
cently attended a reunion of tbo family at
Lo Clalro. whero his parents still llvo, his
fathor being 01 years old nnd his mother 89.
ltevlvnl Hecord at Tarklo.
HASTINGS, Ia., Deo. 4. (Special.) Tar
klo, a small town In Atchison county, Mis
souri, was recently tho scene of labor of
two cccloslastlcal perlpatotlcs, Williams
and Alexander, under the auspices of the
several churches. For two weeks the seed
sewing went on under discouraging cir
cumstances. The brenk finally came and
another two weeks wero dovotcd to gath
ering the sheaves. Tho first result of this
lngathorlng was 600 conversions, which,
taken with the previous elect of a very
small town, leaves It a very uncongenial
atmosphere for the worldling. Another re-
On this 17th of October, 1900, before me, ThoB. "W. Foleom, a notary public, person
ally came Dr. A. T. Sanden, to mo personally known, and who, being duly Bworn, de
clares that he will give to any sufferer of either sex his new Herculex Electric Belt on
absolute freo trial, without one cent in advance or on dopoeit, and thnt
he agrees to
and spirit.
Which Is tha newest and most perfect self-application
of galvanic eloctrlolty In the world. It con
tain! Improvement aver all other electrical belts
and sends a pleasant soothing stream of the lite
living element through the eyetem all night while
you ileep. No burning or Irritation. It gives
weak men new Strength and Is used by women as
well aa men for Nervousness, Rheumatism, Lame
Back, Constipation, Kidney, Ltrer, Stomach Blad
der Disorders, etc. Remember, net one cent to me
Dr. A.
suit was that every druggist, every gam
blor, every lawyer and every doctor tn
tho vlllago was converted nnd tho gamblers
havo destroyed all their devices, tho drug
gists havo destroyed all their liquors, tho
lawyers havo pooled and will rctuso In tho
futuro to defend gamblers, bootleggers,
prostitutes and Ulto small-fry animals.
Tho doctors havo signed an ngrccment
that they will not prcscrlbo or uso any
kind of liquor In sickness and will not use
It In performing operations except In the
worst cases. Incidentally $1,800 was raised
and paid to tho evangelists.
Hnlnon Men Wnnt Consent.
ONAWA,, Ia., Doc. 4. (Spoclal.) Tho
Ealoon "consent" petition will bo filed to
morrow. Tho saloon men aro confldenl
they have tho required numbor of names,
but the exact figures cannot bo glvon to
No late developments In tho smallpox
situation Blnco yesterday. Mr. Funkhouser
of North Lincoln township, opposlto tho
reservation, says that four Indians, thrco
men' and ono woman, died thero Sunday
and wero burled yesterday. Tho report Is
believed to be reliable.
l"or Pneumonia .
Dr. C. J. Bishop, Agnow, Mich., says: "1
havo used Foloy's Honey and Tar In three
very severe cases of pneumonia with good
results in every caso." Thero is nothing
su good. Dillon's drug store, South Omaha;
Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha.
New York Wkolcanle Grocers Decide
to Hujr Musar Where It
Suite Tueni.
NEW YORK, Dec. 4. At a well attended
meeting of the Wholesalo Grocers' associa
tion of New York and vicinity an asso
ciation which comprises tbo leading grocery
dealers In this section of the country It
was decided to throw off all restraint In
regard to tho purchase and sale of refined
sugars. President C. W. Smith of the as
sociation said after tho meeting that no
definite action had been taken in tho way
of securing a readjustment of tho sugar
business and an adjournment had been
taken without dato. Tho cntlro matter
had been left In tho bands of the executive
committee to recommend proper action. In
tho mcantlmo tho members of tho asso
ciation would purchoso from tbo refiners
e He ring sugar at tho lowest price and
WuUlU OUU 1.1 HUv.ll ilUttt ua MUlu lUT lUd
best interests of tholr business.
Tho action of tho local wholesale grocors
Is Important, for the reason that New
York ha been ono of tho sections which
has most steadfastly maintained tho price
of sugar. Their position as regards tbo
factor plan is shown by the last annual
address of President Smith, In which he
advocated action In the direction of se
curing the restoration of tho factor plan
by the sugar roflncrs nnd the restoration
also of tho affidavit system, with a rebate
of 20 cents per 100 pounds nnd tho trade
discount of 1 per cent. He also ad
vocated the adoption of the factor plan by
all manufacturers whoso goods are capablo
of being handled In that manner.
Leading; Officials of Prluclpnl "West
ern Systems Gather for Con
fidential Clint In New York.
NEW YOUK, Dec. 4. Thero aro Indica
tions that thero will bo a full attendance
at tho conferenco of wostern railroad pres
idents to bo held In this city tomorrow. Tho
chief cxecuttvo officers of many of tho largo
western lines aro already here, among them
being President Jcffery of tho Denver & Wo
(3 ran do and President Burt of tho Union
Pacific, President Ulpley of tbo Santa Fc,
Vice President J. C. Stubbs of the Southern
Pacific, President Folton of tho Chicago &
Alton nnd Vico President Wnrner of the
Missouri Pacific. It Is expected that one of
tho features of this meeting will bo tho ral
lying of eomo of tbo freight traffic managers
who bandlo tho packing houso products In
Kansas City. Another matter to bo brought
boforo this conferenco Is tho proposition
from tho Central Traffic association to stop
tho practlco of Issuing passes to railroad
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Dec. 4. (Spoclal.)
Honry Lonlnger, a grocery clork of this
city, was married laBt ovcnlng at tho
homo of his 'sister, Mrs. Joseph Zulek, to
Miss Ida Oabel, who arrived Saturday from
Chicago. Tho ceremony was performed by
Itov. O. C. Moyor, pastor of tho German
Motbodlst church.
Secretary of lllbln Society.
NEW YOUK, Dec. 4. Rov. Edward W.
Oilman, aged 78 years, for nearly thirty
years secretary of tho American Blblo so
ciety and long a prominent figure In Its
work, died nt his homo In Flushing, L. I.j
today from n complication of diseases.
nnd Collision In California.
BUIBHN. Cal., Dec. 4. A freight train
collided with n construction truln on the
Southern Pucillo tlvo miles out of Bulsun
this morning. Flvo nro doad nt tho sceno
of tho wreck and twenty-two Injured men
havo been brought Into Huisan, Tho killed
and wounded nro all laborers who wero en
gaged In repairing tho track.
U . cn i aiDNtta, tin uvea, it iTOaACH ti aowiia. B
af wciMie res em eeiua. H
forfeit $5,000.00 if this offer is
Bworn to before me this 17th day of October. A. D. KM. THOS. W. FOLSOM,
(Seal) Notary Publlo ($7).
The above otter held good for my II) Electrlo Belt, as welLaa my lateet Invention, the Herculex
Dr. Sanden Electric Belt,
T. Sanden, 183-185 S. Clark St., Chicago, 111.
Good Property
Is a Good Investment
fifteen Iota In a body for sale at a very reasonable price. Taeae
lets are located tn Omaha addition and lie hlgk and dry. They
will make a splendid location for seme factory. Several other lata
aaltable for building purpose one of them especially will make
a fine loeatton for a home, being within one block of the motor
line and within two block of a school house, and churca located
to tat) -western part of the city.
Apply at
Bee Office,
Council Bluffs.
President Rompern and Other nfllcem
nnd DclcKates Gathering at
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Dec. 4. Preliminary
to the convention of the Federation of
Labor, which begins hero on Thursday, was
tho secret conferenco of tho executlvo coun
cil today. This council Is composed of the
officers of tho Federation and other prom
luont labor men. Tho council will formu
lato a report, which will bo presented to the
convention. It Is composed of the follow
ing: President, Samuel Gompers; secre
tary, Frank Morrison; treasurer, John It.
Lcnnon, Bloomlngton, III.; first rlco pres
ident, P. J. McGulrc. Philadelphia; socond
vico president, James Duncan, Boston;
third vice president, James O. Conncll,
Washington, D. C; fourth vico president,
John Mitchell, Indianapolis, Ind.: fifth vice
president, Max Morris, Denver, Colo.; sixth
vice president, Thomas Y. Kldd, Chicago.
The Associated I.nhnr Prmn nf Amnrlrn
of which John McDcrmott is president, will
hold its annual convention hero Friday.
tteatrlco Grocery Ilnnse.
BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) The grocery establishment of
Robert Nonkes, In west Beatrice, was
damaged by flro last night to tbo extent
of between $500 nnd $600. The stock Is
covered by Insutancc.
Onnt Smith from Hoard.
CHICAGO, Doc. 4. Lloyd J. Smith, who
was acquitted In tho criminal court of a
chargo of shipping grain from tho ware
houses of tho Chicago Elevator company
without cancelling the receipts, was found
guilty by tho Board of Directors of the
Board of Trado early today and was ex
pelled from his scat tn that organization.
Tho trial lasted for eleven days. The final
hearing began at 2:30 o'clock yesterday
and tho decision was reached by an almost
unanimous voto at 2 o, clock this morning.
Tho evldenco produced beforo the di
rectors tended to show that the elevator
company, of which Smith was general man
ager, had shipped 800,000 bushels of grain
from elevators without tho cancellation of
tho receipts.
Do you want a stenographer? Spend 25
cents for a Boo "want ad."
Will Complete Cniiviim of Itrtnrnn.
FRANKFORT, Ky Deo. 4.-Tho Btnto
election commission elected C. M. Duty
(republican), to surceeed Commissioner
Vouts, nnd Allen Smith of Louisville, secM
tary. Tho cnnvuEsIng of the November
election returns will bo completed today
nnd certificates of election will bo Ivnud
to Governor Beckham (democrat, Jud
elect O'R'jar (tepubllcan), tho thirteen
Bryan electors and nlno democrats and two
republicans for congress,
Iloinnncu of l'ekln Slcitr.
CHICAGO, Dec. 4. M. 8. Woodward,
father of Miss lone Woodward of Evanston,
who with her mother wero guests of Min
ister Conger during tho slego of Pekln, to
day denied tho report that his daughter
was engaged to marry Lieutenant Fred
erick von Bismarck, grandson of tho "Iron
Chancollor." MIhs Woodwnrd and Lieu
tenant von Bismarck wero reported to
havo met and becomo engaged during tho
American Cltlsen Thrown Info Jail.
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 4.-Tho steamship
Stlllwnter. from Port Barrio, reached hero
today and at once mode statements beforo
a notary of tho arrest at tho ship's gang
way of R. 11. Mny, an American cTtlzou
who onco served th government of Guate
mala ns tho contractor for tho Guatemala
Northern railroad. Mav was thrown In
Jail upon a chargo of attomptiug to leave
tho republic with unpaid debts.
Off em the Senntornhlp.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Dec. 4.-Governor
I. Ind, who Is u democrat, has Informally of
fared tho appointment as United States
senator, ad interim, to succeed Sonator
Davis, to C. A, Smith a wealthy SwedlBh
American lumberman of this city and a re
publican. Mr. Smith, however, declined tho
proffer. Tho governor's appolntca would
sorvo only until tho legislature meets and
elects a successor.
Ileeerrutlnn Thrown Open,
CROOKSTON. Minn., Dec. 4. Tho agri
cultural lands In tho four ccaed townships
on tho Whlto Earth reservation were
thrown open to settlement at 3 o'clock this
morning and by noon nearly every avail
able pleco of land hnd been flled upon.
Everything passed off with tho utmost reg
ularity and very quietly. A large number
of thoso who (lied claims loft for tho reser
vation today.
not lived up to in both lottor
until yeu are satisfied with results. Note: The
word "Herculex" has been trade-marked legally
by me according to act of U. S. Congress, and no
one else dare use It. When you see the words
"Dr. Banden'e Rlectrlo Herculex." together with
factory number stamped on a Belt, you may know
the article la genuine.
Write for my new Illustrated descriptive
book, "Health In Nature," lent free by mall, or
drop In at say ellce for free consultation.
Parity abore.juspicfott.
To have a cam In ffw how e
iff lihe .havinf mooeyln me
Dana. iu vaiupfi jntvund
k SoUltylnffitoaiilMbx
When Prof. Munyon says his Ilheefc.
tlana f?n will cum rheumatism there
Isn't any guesework about It there len
any false statement about It- It simply
enrea. It 'does Just exactly what he sayo
It will do. It cure more nulokly than
Rtoplr expect. It cures wunoui leaving any
1 effects. It In a splendid stomach and
nerve tonic, as well aa a positive cure for
rheumatism. . A
All tho Mtlnyon remedies are Just a re
liable. Any druggist Be vial. The Oulte
to Health Is free, so Is medical advice If
you write to Broadway and 2th St.. New.
$500 REWARD!
Wo will pay tho nbovo reward for any cao of
Liver Complaint, Dynpepalo, Hick Bead ache,
Indigestion, Constipation or Coatlvenesu wo
cannot euro with Llvorltn, tho Up-To-Dato
Little Liver rill, whon tho directions nre btrlct
ly compiled with. They aro purely Vegetable
and never fall to glvo BntlHfactlnn. 25o boxes
eonuin 100 Pills, loo boxes contain 40 Pills, fia
boxes contain 15 Pills. Dowaroof substitutions
and Imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken.
NEUV1TA MKDICAL CO.. Cor. Clinton and
Jackson SU., Chicago, 111. Sold by
For bulo uy iwniii ec 'o., lotii and Douglis
St., Omnha, Noli.; Geo, S. Davis, Council
Bluffs, Iowa.
Centerville Goal
And coal from tlio bost mines In tho
couutry. AIbo hard cont and wood.
Prompt delivery la our motto.
TransferLlne Between Council Bluffs
and Omaha
council Blufts Offlcd, No. 23 North Main
gt. Tolophono 128.
Omaha Ofllco, 311 South 12th Streot.
Telephone 1308.
Connection mado with South Omaha
Stock Ranch for Sale
About 3 miles north of Council Bluffs. 11
miles from South Omaha anil w mllo.i
from railroad switch. About 704 acres,
85 acres cultivated. Including hay
meadow and fruits; 300 nereis In timber;
set to blue and native grasses: six-room
house, barn, stock shcdi, chicken houe
and engine houso; riexor falling watsr
by I-horse-powcr gasollno ouglno to WM
linrrel reservoir, to houi6, burn, feed lot,
hog pasture und three nasturo enclos
ures; all fenced by 3 barb wire fence.!.
L. P. JuDSON, 929 6th Ave.
Council Bluffs, la, Tel. 348
t a cd s a(