Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Omaha Will Beck to Becuro the Ifext
Annual GonYention.
Commercial CI tilt Will lip llrprp
aenteil jy Soliciting Committer tn
J'o I lit Out Omnlm'n Altrne
tlunn Weletinie fur I,ee.
An pfort will bo made to bring next
jear'o convention of tbo National Llvo Stock
association to Omaha. At Tuesday's moot
ing of tbo exccutlvo corotnltteo of tbo Com
mercial club a communication from tbo live
stock association was read, Inviting the club
to send a delegation to tho annual conven
tion to bo bold at Salt Lako City December
1G to 18 Inclusive. Tbo communication was
acted upon favorably and a good-sized del
egation will soon bo appointed to represent
tho Commercial club at tho meeting.
A proposition to Instruct tho delegates to
ticcuro tho next year's convcntldn of tho llvo
Block men for Omnha was received with
enthusiasm, sovcral of tho members mak
ing short and lively speeches In favor of
uch an undertaking. It was pointed out
that Omaha ns a llvo stock center takes a
second placo to no city In tbo country and
nmong tho Inducements that may bo held
out to tbo stockmen to meet In this city Is
tho presence of tho new nudltorlum, which
will bo ready for uso by tho tlmo tho
convention Is held.
Tho National I.lvo Stock association, ns
Its naroo Indicates, covers tho cntlro country
nnd has In Its membership practically all
of tho people who aro Interested In raising,
ncllliig and buying llvo stock. At Its con
vention last year, held In Fort Worth, Tex.,
tho. attendanco Is said to havo been In tho
neighborhood of 40,000.
Tho Commercial club executive committee,
ildo from starting tho boom for tho llvo
etock convention, transacted considerable
other Important business. A commlttco
composed of Euclid Martin, Victor Cald
well, W. S. Wright, C. T. Wollor and A. C.
Smith was appointed to call on Qcnernl
Fltzhugh Loo and extend to him tho courte
sies nnd hospitality of tho club and a
friendly greeting.
lloports from thrco Bpcclal conimlttoss
on locating now Industries wcro rocolvcd,
each being of n favorable nature Tho
thrco now concerns which promlso to be
numbered among Omaha enterprises in tho
near futuro aro a wood-working establish
ment, nn Incubator factory nnd a Keeloy
Dr. Ooorgo L. Miller was unanimously
elected nn honorary member of tho club
nnd tho following were elected to active
membership: II. H. Gntcs, W. H. Christy,
It. C. Howo, Frank Martin, O. E. Deck
worth and J. It. Hanker.
Itnllrnniln MnUc C'micraslonn to
Mt mini In mill Trnclicrn for tlio
Clirlntmn Vncittlon.
The usual low-rato concessions to teach
ers and students enabling them to return to
their homos for tho Christmas holidays havo
been determined upon by tho railroads and
tho exodus from tho collcgo towns will bo
ns general ns It always has been during the
festal period of Yulcllde. Tho Western
Passenger association at Its meeting in Chi
cago this week decided upon the usual rules
governing tho salo of tho holiday tickets to
teachers nnd pupils. No action was taken
rclatlvo to tho extension of tbo low-rato
privileges so ns to Includo cveryono who
wishes to spend Christmas nt homo. It Is
deemed probable, howevor, that this will bo
taken up Inter nnd acted favorably upon.
Tho round-trip rato botween all points In
Nebraska will bo one and one-third fare. It
will bo required of nil students nnd teach
ers securing such tickets to present certifi
cates, stating that applicants hold a bona
fldo connection with tho Institution Issuing
tho ccrtlflcnto. These tickets will bo on
salo on tho closing day of school and one
day thereafter and will bo limited for ro
turn paseago to January 0, 1901.
Humors of a Contetiiiilnteit ltrnurrec
tlon of the Old TriiiinnilNHOurl
Axnoclut Ion.
CHICAGO, Dec. 4. Tho Evening Post to
day says: Western passenger men contem
plato tho organization of still nnothor as
sociation, Preliminary plans will bo sub
mitted to tho presidents at their meeting In
Now York this week, in reality tho plan Is
not now, but merely contemplates tho res
urrection of tho old Transmlssourl associa
tion, with headquarters at Kansas City.
Such an organization would havo Jurisdiction
over all matters affecting business in tho
territory botween tho Missouri river nnd
Colorado common points. Possibly Utah
common points may bo Included within Its
boundaries. Slnco tho abandonment of tho
old association eight or ten years ago the
roads in tho present plan havo been repre
sented In tho Western Passenger associa
tion by n committee.
Innprctor of Acrrcillteil Iimtittitlon
HcllevcH TIipj Are Kept Out
of 'l'lielr Own.
J. W. Crabtrco of tho University of No
bracka, Inspector of accredited schools, has
utartcd an Investigation of tho condition
of school funds In tho counties of tho stato
which promises to bring to light considera
ble money that belongs to tho schools and
has been turned Into tho general fund. In
many counties tho interest on delinquent
taxes has been turned Into tho general fund
rather than Into tho various segregated
funds to which It belongs. This money
comes In In small sums, and rather than
apportion It nmong different funds It is
commonly diverted Into tho general fund.
Mr. Crnbtrce notified tho Omnha Board of
Education of this practlco and urged that
tho Omnha district Investigate tho matter.
Tbo flnanco commlttco wus Instructed to
find what tho prnctlco has been In Douglas
rounty, nnd it is likely that tho develop
ments will bo qulto Interesting. County
Treasurer Elsasser says that tho county
funds hnvo been kept Bopnrato and that at
the first of every month nil Interest col
lected on delinquent tnxes has been ap
portioned. Tho city funds nro In n different condi
tion, however. City Treasurer Ilonnlngs
Bays that considerable Interest belonging to
tho school fund has bocn turned Into tho
eenoral fund, but expressed tho opinion
that tho Board of Education owes tho city
moro than onough sidewalk tax to offset
this claim.
l'or llonrNcnraa.
Ben). Ingerson of Hutton, Ind., says he
had not spoken n word abovo n whisper for
months, and ono bottle of Foley's Honey
nnd Tar restored his voice. It Is used
largely by speakers nnd singers. Tako no
substitute. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha;
Dillon's drug store, South Omaha.
lAiinoniiueiiicntN of the Theater.
Tho regular Wednesday "family matlnco'
will bo given at tho popular Orpheum today.
Tho pleasing expressions coming from .tho
public and tho pralso of tho press that has
been showered on tbo excellent Bhow has
resulted In crowded houses. Tho show la
well fashioned for tho women and chil
Holdors of tickets for Shrlncrs' night nt
tho Orpheum (Tuesday, December 13) can
oxchango them for reserved seats at tho
hox ofilfc on nnd nfter Monday, December
10. Not before this time, tho announce
ment on tho ticket being In error as to tho
New Council of Arcanum.
Omnha council of tho Ttoyal Arcanum,
comprising iiuy cnunor memners, wns in
ntltuted In Itnvnl Arcanum lnill In T!v
Hco building .Monday by Ornml Secretary
C. A. Orlmmol. Tim following officers wero
Installed by J. W. Muynnnl. ex-representa-llvo
to tho sunremo council: p.utt recent.
N. F. Ilpcknnf; regent. Frank Furny; vleo
ji?Kiu ,i' rcunncK J. ivvnrna; Rceroinry, j.
j. nuiiui'ii j ijiuiui, jijiiii u, i.iiuu; col
lector. II. l.eroy Penfold; chaplain, Itov.
j. i'i. iicKoruocKer; treasurer, uuy it
Avlnll. 1 17-1 1 -
warden, W. S. llccher: r entry, John V,
Uronnan: trustees, Thomas F. Swift
James P. Connolly. Thomas D. Hoblusoa
'Uio next meeting of the council will bo
ncm Mommy evening, December 17.
mh.mohaum: iiav von TitAiNMnx.
ISmployea Will Celebrate JV'tMv Venn
Eve wltli Ilnniiuct to Olllclalx.
Tho last day of tho year promises to bo a
memorable ono for trainmen employed by
tho Burlington system. They proposo at that
tlmo to gather In Lincoln In numbers lim
ited only by tho requirement of trains that
must bo operated and glvo up tho day to
tho seeking nnd giving of pleasure. In tho
afternoon tho big nudltorlum will bo con
verted Into a great concert hall and a Joint
musical program will bo rendered by tho
Burlington bands of Plattsmouth and Mc-
Cook. This event will bo for tho benefit of
tho poor pcoplo of Lincoln.
In tho evening tho trainmen will glvo an
entertainment unique, In railroad circles in
that they proposo to oxtend n banquet to
their officials. Tickets of Invitation will bo
Issued to nil of tho men having authority
in tho operntlng nnd transportation depart
ments and a great feast is contemplated.
Following this prandial affair thero will bo
a great ball. Preparations for the affair nro
progressing satisfactorily.
Tho details and arrangements nro wholly
in tho hands of the trnlnmcn. No sugges
tions or nsslstanco will bo brooked from any
ofllclal source, as tho trainmen want to keep
for themselves all of tho honor thnt will
como from tho success that thoy think Is
certain to bo attained.
IlarlliiKtan Mar Almorli It.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Dec. 4. It is rumored
that tho St. Joseph & Grand Island will pass
under control of .tho Burlington soon after
January 1 and that Grand Island trains bo
tween St. Joseph and Kansas City will bo
abandoned after that dnte.
CHICAGO, Dec. 4. Vlco President Peas-
ley of the Burlington railroad Bald today
regarding tho report that tho St. Joseph &
Grand Island railroad would bo absorbed by
tho Burlington on January 1:
"I havo heard nothing nbout It and don't
bcllovo It is true. I was not aware that wo
owned any St. Joseph & Grand Island stock
and I think I would know It If wo should
acquire nny of It."
Chleniro & Alton Dividend.
NEW YORK, Dee. 4. Tho directors of tho
Chicago & Alton Hallway company havo do
clared a first semi-annual dividend of 2 per
cent on tho now preferred stock. Jnmos B.
Forgan, president of tho First National
bank of Chicago, and ex-Governor Francis
of Missouri wero elected directors of the
Chicago & Alton railway today.
Holiday Hntea Kxteniled.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 4. Southwestern rail
road lines havo extended their territory for
holiday 'rates to Arkansas. Missouri. Kan-
sas, Nebraska, Colorado common points nnd
Cairo. 111. Tho rato Is a ono and ono-flfth
faro for tho round trip. Tickets will be sold
on December 20, 21 anil 22 with a return
limit of thirty days.
nnllwny Note nnd Prraonala.
General Pnssonfcer Agent Francis of the
Hurllngton nns gone to Chicago.
Chief Rate Clerk Scott of the Union
tnciuo reiurnea yestcruay irom cnieago.
T. G. McClellanil, general western ngent
ax ino iNnsiivuie, ummanooga ac hi. i.ouis,
Is a visitor In tho city from St. Louis.
Arthur B. Smith, assistant general pas
senger ngent of tho Burlington, Is In Lin
coln toauy looKing aiior uusincss mutters
W. T. Fisher, ehlof traveling uudltor of
tbo Missouri Pacific, Is In tho city from
St. Louis, looking after business matters
and visiting his brother, II. F. Fisher,
traveling freight ngent of the Missouri
W. F. McMillan, general agent of the
Burlington at Clovelnnd, Is a visitor In tho
city whilo onroute to Salt Lake, Denver
nnd Deadwood for a plensuro trip. Mr.
McMillan has been 111 much of tho time
Blnco his removnl from Snlt Lnko to Cleve
land, and Is In hopes of recuperatlnir bis
health by a trip through the mountains.
II. B. Kooser, commercial agent of tho
Missouri Pacific at Salt Lako. will pass
through tho city todny and remain
hero long enough to visit his many friends
nmnnif thn lnnnl rnllrnn.l fii)nin1ti.
Koosor Is enrouto to Somerset. Pn,, Vvhero
iiu nun uvcit luiicii uy 1110 fleam ot Ills
slstor. Edmuml Kooser. nnnthnr lir.-
who Is employed In tho local freight olllce
of tho Missouri Pacific, haa already gone
Now Departmental Commandant Takes Tip
Eeini of Authority,
l'or the Klrst 'lime Since Snnnlslt War
Depnrlment of Sllsm.nrl lla
HeKtilurly lleleKntrd Olltcer
In Coniiiiiiml.
Genprnl Pitzhtich Lee. accompanied by
his wife nnd daughter and Major Mtchlc,
tho latter adjutant general ef tho Depart
ment nf Kin Missouri, arrived In Omaha
yesterday at 4:05 p. m. over tho Illinois
Central. At tho union depot tuo party was
met by aenornl II. C. Mcrrlam, commander
nf thn neiinrtment of Colorado! Colonel
Hathaway, quartermaster general of tho
Department of tho Missouri; captain jamcs
M. Rrwln. nctlne ndlutant general, nnd
Cnptaln Skcrrott, acting Judge advocate;
Lieutenant G. M. Leo and Lieutenant Day
of tho general's personal staff.
After thn nnrtv left, tho train a row mo
ments nt the depot sufficed for lnroduc-
tlons. General Leo and mo umana pnny
took carriages for tho hotel, whero tho
general's party retired. General Merrlam
left nn thn npt trnln for tho WCBt. going
to Denver. This morning General Leo nnd
his stnff w 111 enter unon their duties ni tno
army building nnd tho routlno will rcsumo
Ita nnrmnl flnw wllleh tirovatlcd 111) 10 ino
beginning of tho Spanish war, when this
department was tho most important in
tho United States.
W. S. Poynter Annkca to Find "Wife
anil Children Suffo
entliiH. W. S. Poyntcr, 400S North Twenty-fourth
nvenuo, nwok'o early yesterday morning to
find tho air laden with poisonous fumes from
tho hard coal stove. Half fainting he stag
gered to tho window and managed to throw
It open. When ho had In a measure re
vived ho found that his wlfo and two
children, who slept in the samo room, wcro
in need of tho most urgent nttention. Tho
children, agod 4 and 1 years, wero only
brought to consciousness nfter hours of
ministration. Mrs. Poyntcr Is nlso In a
critical condition, but Dr. Hanchett be
lieves thnt all will probably recover.
Tho Issuo of gas was caused by a de
fective damper.
Four UueeiiM for the Ilnll.
Thn musicians of the city are arranging
on a largo ocalo for the grand benefit ball
on December 12 to nld tho nudltorlum.
The Coliseum will be well heated and
profusely decorated for the event. Tho
dancers will havo tho advantage of tho
best music In tho city. There will bo four
queens of tbo evening, ono of whom will
represent tho working girls. They will bo
chosen by a voting contest. Drill tenms
rrom various rrniernai oruers win con
tribute to tho entertainment
llnele Sam an a Doctor.
Tho United Stntcs owns tho Hot Springs
of Arkansas nnd has endorsed them for tho
euro ot rheumatism, neuralgia, catarrh and
nervous troubles. Wrlto Bureau ot Infor
mation, Hot Springs, for Illustrated book
telling all about It.
nulldliiK Permits.
Tho city Inspector of 'bulldlncs has issued
tho following permits:
Anton Achat-. 2011 Valley, addition. 123:
Omaha Brewing association, 1415 Fnrnam,
brick addition, J1.0O0; Charles E. William
son,. Twenty-eighth and Maple, repairs,
H&o; C ll. King, 'J weniy-cignm anu Janice,
framo dwelling, n.suu.
Going South
This Winter?
A winter thero means no snow, nor
slush, nor sleet, nor storms. In
stead: Sunshine, fishing, boating,
golf and other outdor pleasures.
Only ono chango ot cars, Omaha to
Jacksonville, Florida, via the Burling
ton Route
Winter tourist rates now In effect
i i ! I
TEL. 230.
TEL, 128.
Christmas is only
Three Weeks Away.
And all our large and handsome stock ct
Christmas DOLLS
sue out on our counter sizes from
2 to 'Mi inches long prices from 1.0c
to tho best dressed nnd undressed.
Host Kid Bodies, double jointed,
flesh color or white, tho Kestuer
head, natural hair, the prettiest
made, so pretty it's a pleasure to
look at them.
We are opening up a counter of
strictly Christmas novelties.
Our other departments aro all
full of pretty goods for Christmas
C,'0N Wk
Dnrlnir September nearly 02 per cent
(111. 111) ot the Ueuth clulnia paid
by the Knnltuule In thn Unltted
Htate Mild Canada were paid
within one day after proofs of
death were received.
Number Amount
Claims I'nlil Hid fti-IU.Hlft
l'ntd within one dny.,125 U0n,88.1
There were only ISIeven claim
thnt remained unpaid on the
econil day.
Total Claim Tald f(U0,S15
Totul Premium l'ald 277.72-1
I'rollt to KNtnte of Allured fUUll.OUl
'Where claim are not paid Im
inedlutely It la usually dne to
delay oil thn part of the bene
ficiary In nbmlttlnir complete
lKt.07 per cent of AMOUNT PAID
ItHtlo of Claim paid to Vreniluiu
received per cent
I'er cent of l'rollta to IOntntr of
Aaanrcd 1112.00 per cent.
Manager for Nebraska,
200-208 lieu Building, Omuhu.
llemlttanre of Neiilencc In Now In
llfiiulu nf Mnrnr, Who Frrea KlKht
I'rlaonera llnrliic; .Month.
"Pnlln .IhiIcm ll'ltlln... f nam la rinrfnrrrt.
Ing tho duties assigned to him by law and
Is not attempting to turn tho police court
Into a court of pardons, ns Judge S. I. Gor
don did, and the results he has brought
about aro gratifying. Moro than (GOO In
fines nnd costs wns collected by him during
November and sentences wore not sus
pended Indiscriminately," said Mayor
Frank -E. Moores, "Tho pardoning power
Is vested In tho mayor and consequently
I hnvo an opportunity to find out what
tho pollco Judgo Is doing."
"Seldom a day passes when tho rclatlvo
ct soino prisoner does not como to mo nnd
seek a suspension of sentence. In review
ing tho eight pardons granted during No
vember I found that Judgo Learn had dealt
Justly with tho prisoners nnd I suspended
sentenco for roasons which tho court Is
not supposed to consider. In several cases
families wcro suffering because of tho Im
prisonment of fnthers or brothers. In ono
or two cases men wcro relensed from Jail
on condition that they leave tho city Immediately."
Mortality StntlMtles.
Tbo following ilnn His mid births wer re
ported to tho city licnlth commissioner for
the twenty-four hours ending nt noon Tues
day: Denths Kernnml Schlll, Fourteenth nnd
Wobster, nged a; George Ityan, Union tn
tlon, nged 1; Mrs. Kuth A. White, 221!i
Orace, aged 01: hydln A. Snllsbury, L'516
iNnrin weimeiii, ngou ,,
Hlrths William Hlrveker. 2432 South
Sovcntcentli, boy: Prank Herman, 1317 Wil
liam, boy: Martin Jorgenscti, 1312 Dorcas,
girl; V. I'roploch, 407 Dorcas, girl.
I.eaa Tliun Half Hate
Port Arthur, Houston nnd Onlvcston,
Texas, on salo I)ccetnbor 10th, only via O.
& St. L. Ry. All Information nt city ticket
olllco, 1415 Farnftm St., (I'axton Hotel
block), or-wrlto Harry E. Moores, C. I. &
T. A Omaha, Neb.
Parties having Washington stato Trans-
mlsslsslppl exposition commission scrip
will please communicate with us.
.Martin OImoii Arrive- In Depot lit
(I in nh ll with Well llevelnped
t'ftnc -ii r the llene.
Another smallpox patient arrived In
Omnha from tho west nnd was sent to the
emergency hospital. His name Is Martin
Oleon nnd ho enme from Denver to Omnha
In n chair car. When ho left Denver ho
was feeling well, but beforo ho arrived
In Omaha ho was taken with fever. Im
mediately upon his nrrlvnl In Omnha ho
consulted a physician, who discovered that
tho man was suffering with smallpox nnd
sent him to tho health commissioner. Dr.
Coffman ordered tho man taken to tho
emergency hospital nt once.
Olson Is n young man about 30 years of
age. For several weeks ho has been trnv
cling through Colorado. Although ho did
not know that ho was exposed to tho dls
ease, It Is known to exist In sovcrnl townB
ho visited. Olson offered- no objection to
being removed to tho hospital.
((no ViiiIIn nt IIiijiP".
Ilnrgaln matlnco today. 25c and COc.
Wo mnko n specialty of tho Hrush tlust
iicsh having thousands of styles embrac
ing brushes for every purpose for which'
tney aro ever used.
tooth imusiir.H.
In tooth brushes our assortment com
prlsc.i over iw Kinds. For SjC wo sell n
u, H. Kent & Son rour-row brush, WAIt
Thru wo hnvo tho Jnpnneso brushes for fo
each nnd nice French Tooth Brushes for
10c, lDc and 2.c.
.Aiii nitcsii i:m.
In Nalt Hruslies wo havo nearly 200 kinds:
somo nt r.c nnd 10c each, nnd n sttlcndtd
stilt Kristin Itrjsh, very serviceable, at
uc, oc nnu we.
AVe have a splendid assortment of I.nther
Hruslies, ranging In price from 15c to 75c.
Our leader Is a b!uck Husslnn Hrlstlo Hrush
which wo sell 'at 35c. Then wo hnvo tho
Hndgcr llnlr Hruslies and the ono In fold
ing celluloid boxes.
AV1US1C 1IHOOMS From lOo to 50c.
Sherman &. McConnell Drug Go
OMAHA, Cor. lUth nnd Undue.
Thousands Upon Thousands of Finest Shoes From This Stock Will
Wednesday in Our New Economy Bargain Room.
Prices cut deeper than
ever, livery pair must
be sold. Prices the low
est ever quoted. Every
pair fitted.
be Sold
Ladies' velvet embroidered house
slippers, worth $1.00 r
sale price Ottw
Ladies' Vici Kid luce shoes, in all sizes; never sold
for less thair $2.00 sale price only
L'adies' y.SO Vici Kid and Vesting top lace shoes
sale price less than half, at. .
Ladies' finest, .sample shoes, worth up to $0.00 07
in this sale Mr onlv z7 J.
Children's. $T.00" Kid Button shoes ACr
only '-tTSJ
Misses' $1.50 kid lace shoes, sizes C7 r
11 to 2, on sale at only
tflRiviA Boys' $1.75 satin grain lace 07 r
shoes, sale price. . : -
Men's $2 satin calf lace shoes, i 1 O
on sale now for .. . . A-lO
Men's fine $3 kangaroo calf ' i QA
shoes, sale price . . V
The grcalest bargains in shoes ever put
on sale in Omaha.
Furnishings Goods in the New Economy Bargain Room. .
W (
Men's Heavy Fleeced lined shirts and
drawers, regular GOc quality, nil sizes, at
Men's 75c sweators In black, blue and
maroon, at 49c.
Ladles' heavy, merino vests and pants In
natural gray, that wcro made to sell at BOc
and 7Sc, on salo nt 23c.
Children's 20c hose In fast hlnclc at 7c.
Undies' 25c wool and fleeced'' lined hose,
special at 15c. '
Men's 2Gc suspenders at 15c'.
Men's 15c suspenders nt 7&c.
Men'r. work shirts In light nnd dark col
ors, that nro worth 35c on salo at 15c.
Men's 35c lined gloves, at 10c.
BuHitioss men and others recognize the im
portance of this combination by selecting the
- 10
il I Hours Quicker than
Jg f any finer Line,
JS I Miles Shorter than
54 f any other Line.
New TJity Ticket Office 1324 Farnam street.
Tel. 316.
When you buy coal from us you get the most value
for the least money.
PENNSYLVANIA b.,i mm 0,1
SHERIDAN Best Wyoming; Goal
VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam St.
Tel. 127
The locst thing
a wise man expects is cheap
fine clothes. He knows ifs
. a contradiction. Every year
we make better O'Conts and
sell more of them.
It is fnir to presume thnt we arc
reaching moro gentlemen, ruther
than that old customers are buying
more coats; in other terms, the cir
cle of well-dressed men is enlarg
ing so is our overcoat sales so is
the list of Nebraska customers
gaining new ones losing none.
Century after century it has been the cloth of Ireland;
the distinctive dress of patriot peasant and peer, and since
the 17th century, and outward badge of the people's as
piration for nationality. It is honest goods, there is no
shoddy in it. The ilece is line, the color is fast, the design
is neat, the finish is artistic, and the wear is everlasting.
They are here and the price
made with as much care as though you paid the mer
chant tailor twenty-five or thirty.
allMallllllllllllllllfalll I af a all 11 "mi
Bargains This Week.
Men's Fine Guaranteed Suits,
Overcoats and Ulsters at less
than actual cost -
style, handsomely lined and trimmed and sold C ltf"
ordinarily ut'$10 special for this week nJmVjyj
long, with large storm collars and sold formerly at $10 offer
ed as a bargain of great merit this E fi
week at tJmXJVJ
the small lines left from our best selling $ 10.00
lines great bargains this week C)0
patterns of checks and stripes, finest ready-tailored
pants, in America excellent $5.00 grades
special this week for
oT"?".-, .10.00
and oxford vicuna extra special this week JO OO
coats, at $7.50, $10.00 and $15.00 worth double.
Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha.
04000400 40000A
IGctYour ListI
0 of prcsentB for Christmas ready, TutO
4 on tho top a KODAK or CAMERA
O nothing clso will, elvo half tho picas-O
uro; nothing else lasts halt so long,
v nnd nothing half as cheap for
valuo given, q
Inspect our largo nssortracnt now.
Only rollahlo dealers keep I'nEMOS,9
CLONES, etc. 4
noductlon la prlco of all Dry Plates?
from the first ot December. ?
o The Robert Dempster Co., o
1215 Fnrnam St. q
4) Excluslvo Dealers In Photo Supplies.
We can fix you up nn Album If you 4
q cannot find the time. o
Female Regulators
Thoro ure muny different kliuln on tho
mnrknt. Wo huve tlu-ni all, but there Is
pne that Bella butter than nil others com
bined, it gives tho best of satisfaction.
'Ino namo of this wonderful remedy Ih
Newton's Female llegulator, wo sell tho
J1.00 bottlo for 75o.
Cramer's Kldnoy Curo 7Q
Iotua Creum ina
Duffy's Malt Whiskey 50
Peruna 7g0
Urnmo Quinine i50
1 doz. 2-gr. Qulnlna Capsulea 7o
1 doz. 3-gr. Quinine Capsules lOo
1 doz. 5-gr. Quinine Cnpsules IRo
Wlno of Cardul 75a
8. 8. S 76o
Pierce's Prescription 750
Dr. Karl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills.,,, 11.00
Hchaofer's Cough Cure 200
Scott's Emulsion 750
Ozomulslon 760
Wlno of Cod I.Ivor Oil 75o
Schrndcr's Fig Powdor 'j5o
Magnet Pllo Ointment Mo
Miles' Nervlno , 76o
lludyan Wo
ounAcrcn druggist
I. W. Cur, lUth and Clilrnuo.
J Iriltfil
acimKS all Kidney
II ianfVnlira. rl m lin. em. At Irtiff.
L'istb, or by mail.
TICO, etc., ot Ot, U. J. Kk btrn'Kga, ti, X.