TIIEOMAIIA PAlTf BEE: WEDESDAy, PEC'EMBJm 5, 1900. 1 1 SPECIAL NOTICES Adrerllirramti for then eolnmna will be taken until 1U m. for the evening- edition and until 8:110 p. an, for niurnlna and dnmlar edition. Tlatea, 1 J3o a word first Inirrllon, lo a word thereafter. Netbina, taken for lea thun 2fto tor the Brat Inaer tlon. Thea advertlseaaeata naaat be van consecutively. Advertisers, by reancatlBK a nm feered cheek, on have answers ad dreaaed tn a nnmbered letter In ear of The Bee. A itinera aa addreaaed will' be delivered presentation at tho cheek only, SITUATIONS WASTKDi WANTED-A situation ubout January 1 by an all-around Insurance man of fifteen years' experlenco. Address, a. W. Ri 1915 Vine St., Lincoln, Neb. A-M6U-5' BY a Swedish girl, who cannot speak Lns gllsh, a placo to learn housework: wngrs no object. Apply at 121S S. 30th nvo. A Mi 65 6 POSITION with concern doing lartto pro duce business: lonn exDcrlcnco; tnor-r oughly competent. Address D 30, nee. A Mi8710 WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED, wo havo steady work for a few good" hustlers of good habits and appear ance. C. 1'. Adums Co., 1006 Howard St. H IJf BARBER trade taught thoroughly in short time, catelOKUe" and particulars free, Address Western Barbers' Institute. Omahu, Neb; B-138 SALESMEN wentcd to sell fruit trees: bis SET lcUU8.r ff.'SSIS Nursery Company. Dept. KjJfjf. WANTED-8ALESMEN. Tho Hawks Nursery Co. .Milwaukee. Wl.. WANTBD, a good experienced clothing solicitor. '. Amily 1314 Farnam m. M"iu position to right party. 1J-13S MKN to advertise or sell: straight salary. Triumph Co.. Dallas, Texas. U-M541 C WANTED, men to learn harbor trade: only eight weeks required by cur advantages; constant practice nnd expert Instructions furnished students nt our Chicago, St. Louis nnd Minneapolis collegos: enn earn scolnrshlp, board, tools nnil transport"! tlon If iloslrcd: cntnlogue and particulars free. Moler JJnrber College represenin tlvu, 1C23 Farnnm st., Omaha. D-MECO 0 WANTED, llv energetic, experienced can vasscrs. Apply to Hnyden Bros. B iiw-4 WANTKD, man for dairy work. II. F. Htnhr, (list and Houlovard, west Deaf and Dumb lust. U-.60-4 WANTKD. thrco salesmen at once. Bis money to good men. Address D 31, Bee. 11 1 01 -4 BARBER wuntod: pood steady man at onco; steady Job. Carl Tltze, west Poll-.., Neb. B-M767 (, WANTED, life Insurance solicitor. Lyman Waterman, COO lice bid. II Mi 66 6 SALESMEN wanted to sell our goodB by sample to wholesale nnd retail trade; wo nro the lnrgcst and only manufacturers In our lino In tho world: liberal salary pnld. Address CAN-DEX Mfg. Co., Savannah, Oa. - B- WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, dlstrlbuto circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing, good pay. Sun Advertis ing Bureau, Chicago. B Mi3 6 MECHANICS, engineers, electricians, fire men, etc., a free, scholarship in engineer ing will bo awarded to a few well-recom-mended applicants. Amcrlcnn School of Correspondence, Bouton, Mass. TOUNO man, Correspondent Instltuto of America. Scranton, Pa., will teach you Illustrating froo, tuition paynblo 60 days after position Is secured; write today for particular:!, uyniwu SALESMEN wontpd by oldest firm In the trade to sell to physicians; permanent posttlonV'WtflfV experience fully. P. O. Box 858, Philadelphia. B M801 G WANTED FEMALE HELI. WANTED. 200 girls. 1521 Dodge.. Tel. S70. C II) 80 girls wanted. 'Canadian office, 1522 Douglas WANTED Competent soeond Ctrl with references. Apply at 423 S. 39th St. J . U ODl Q I lib for general housework. 201 S. 3Cth St C-5S0 WANTED, ladles to lenm hnlrdresslnc. manicuring nnd fnco treatments: 4 weeks completes; constant practlco; expert In structions; positions guaranteed: tools ruriusnco. uuu or write tor particulars. Moler a Halt-dressing college, 16Z3 Farnam C M736 5 COMPETENT girl for general housework, 1024 Park avenue. C 740 4 WANTED, successful woman wishing per manont and Increasingly profitable bust' ness of her own. Address D 33, lice. C-762-5 WANTED, girl for general housework, IMS DOUglllB st. . c SllDl u WANTED Cook. 3C30 Farnam, C-792-8 AGENTS wanted for Ilnlleck'H extraats permanent, nrotltablc. easy work: refer. onccs required. Tho Abilene Drug Co., Auimne, i.aiisa.n. . u GIRL to sow on umbrella covers. Ed F. I'icKering, iuo b. mm st. c M803 5 FOR KENT-HOUSES- IF you want your houses well rented placo mum Willi uuuuwu oc vu, LIV ALWAYS moving II. II. goods. Pianos; umce, laiin rumam m. xei. lta or t63. D 113 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Urennan-Love Co., 320 So. 13th St. D 144 HOUSES, stores. Bcmla, Paxton block. D 145 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam. D-416 BEE IIKNIlY B. PAYNE, COl N. Y. LIFE. D 447 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wcad, 1524 Douglas. D 143 HOUSES and flats. Ulngwalt, Barker Ulk D 150 l-ROOM iiouse, 27th nnd Farnam Sts.. nil mouern. uau jxm rarnam or pnono 5SS. D 151 HOUSES wanted. Wallace. Brown blk. D 152 BARN, 2024 St. Mary's Ave. D (53 FOB BENT, 12-room house, hoatcd with Birmii, iiiuuuni (.uim uiiiguces, gooil Dal n Address C 49, Bee. D 176 -noOM cottogo and barn, $18. Inqulro .iv. I'cuuur m. i' VT.AT K rnnma nn.lnrn Avnr., v .W.....U, . i vi v. . . . IIJII1UCP. 1219 S. 16th St., 15,00. Ulngwalt, Barker blk v auis FIVE unfurnished rooms, first-class, nil modern, comploto for housekeeping "!isi juianu nt. u sis. iwh zvi ii B i' B-room nouse, modern ex cept furnace: In good condition; very handy location; will bo vacant Dec. 1st; S26.00 per month. Omaha Loan and Trust 1,11, , ium uuu utfUKUin .Bio, XJ ftWl, THIUJE S-room modern brick houses, 25th at n .i ii f 17 n r-n ,1 tvi I.mi.l.n '1 J 1 - T a. 11 RCA 1S26 N, 16TH ST., nice C-room cottugo city throughout;tl2 per month. Omaha Loan UllU IIUOI .u., U11I illiu AJUUglilS BIS. D-M410 CONVENIENT S-room house, modern. In quire 1411 Vinton. D 5S5 10 ELKOANT 10-room all modern resldcnco; Imn1u;nnt tint all tin rn a Id i Katli tnun.iM V - r" "mill Mini, luuiiui j , This houHA la In rooU condition and with- in tan irs I nit f oa' wullr r f 1 1 rt. ... Mtvn " V . no oilier Ul ltJ city; in, a very eolcct nelg .borhood. ncur 24th'and Bt. Mury'n Ave. Itnnt, td 5 i nuiiv I.U, min ana l-ROOM modern house, 3526 North 27th, $18; iu d rooms, corner .iUL.nu i'lnnney, (141 AVWIilHV, Jv-n,m on iti:T-uoui:s. 0-HOOM flat, modern Improvements. 2501 uougias, jju. viw GOOD 9-room house, modern conveniences, good location, npw.y papcreu nnu re paired throughout. Inquire 8, T. Kirk endall & Co. D-M764 6 7-ROOM rottngo or p or J rooms Inntilrc Mli HO. .0111 ai. D 788-10 4-ROOM modern house. 2304 Grace St. D-790-6 EIOHT-ROOM cottage", furnished or tin- rurnisneu, witn or witnout unrn: modern plumbing, water heating, gas stove, gas fixtures, laundry. Apply 2316 Leavenworth st. Tel. 1235. D-M796 7 HOUSES FOIt RENT. 2121 N. 16th St., 7-roommodcrn house, ,$15.00 2423 Patrick nve.. D-room house 10.50 1033 8. 20th St., 4-room house 9.(0 2202 Clnrk st 10-room house,... i 16.00 2212 Clnrk st C-room house..,., 12.80 2517 Parker St., 7-room house , 15.00 2G26 Emmctt St.. 7-room hniiNA iflfjl 1120 Lnrlmoro nve,, 8-room house 5.00 M'CAQUE INVESTMENT CO., 1006 Dodge 8t. D-M802 8 FOIt ItENT-FUllNISIIDD ROOMS. STEAM hentcd rooms at Tho Thurston. - E 451 HOUSEKEEPING, $6 up; 2623 St. Mary's. THREE furnished rooms for housekeep ing, man nnd wife. Rent taken in noaru. 3111 N. litll. is J ROOMS, private family. 2101 Douglas. FURNISHED room. 842 8. 22d St.. private family. E-MW6-9 ROOMS, modern; 403 N, 14th st. 15-726 6 FURNISHED front room for ono or two ladles; reference required, aiis uayenpori st. E M7S6 6 T'lIREE furnished rooms for. light house keeping1. 2212 Farnam. t-. .sa-ti- I'lIHMSIIEI) ItOOMU- AND HOARD. aLBNCAIRN,transIents,U.25 day. 1609 Doug. F 455 UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F 156 NICE warm rooms, good board, reasonable F-737 D12 The Merrlam, good winter homo. 25 & Dodgo foii itio.'rS-UNFimxisnUn rooms. TWO largo modern rooms, with alcove. 1'jSt iiiirney. u JliJl FOIl HKMT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT., rtore In first class location: rem reasonanio. Apply it. u. retors & Co., ground lloor, Bco Bldg. 1266 FOR RENT, tho building formerly occupied ov ino nee nt am i- arnnm sireei. it .lias four stories and u basement which was formerly used as Tho Bco press room This will bo ranted very reasonably If Interested npply at onco to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee Building. 1261 LARGE double room tn Continental block; can be.mado Into very desirable otllco and reception room for physician, WlU'ar rnngo to suit. OMAHA LOAN &. TRUST CO., v 16th & Douglas Sts. , I-S37 BRICK storo nnd basemont, 21th and Grace his. ueo. w.iitoiorooK, urown biocK. I-2S9 AGENTS WANTED. IDENTITY GUARANTEE CO., nttaburg, i-eun., Kunronicen lucniuy in nnnnclal transactions, falB nrrcst, accident or death; device patented; Is Inexpensive, simple and absolutely rellablo; agents wanted for Omaha and all Nebraska and Iowa towns; good with other business; commissions liberal.- For particulars ad dress the general agency, Lock Box 793, Omahu, Neb, J M566 AOENTS, Streetmenf Song books, Jl per ivu; not sellers; deposit on u. u. u. orders. Carter Book Co., 311 S. Droaday, St. Ixiuls. ; , ' - J 1651-6 AGENTS wantetl for Hayes' Metallic Rub- ucr 4 ires ior rocKing cnaim; can inane 1100 per month. J. C. Hayes, 418 East Ixicust, Dch Moines, la. " J M797 7 S'tOirAGB. OM. Van Stor Co., iSlivi Farn'. Tels. 1559-SC3 KM STORAGE nnd forwarding. Expressman's Delivery co., 214 N. lth. Tel. 1195. -160 WANTED TO I1UY. ALL kinds of household coods. lintels, plr. in iutku uiiu iiiiiuii iiumiuui'H. uiucago i uniuure uo., iw-iu uoago. Tel. zwu. N-161 HOUSES to move. Wallace, Brown Blk. N 162 WILL Durchase a limited number nt Omaha Savings bank accounts, Uronnan- j-,oye jo., viw bo. iji.ii. in iuj WANTED to buy. $1,000 of Omaha Savings nanK accounts ror casn. Aauresa A 10, Bee office. N 1645 WHO hns a blncksmlthlng business to sell cheap? Address, stating what you havo ana now mucn you want, jock iiox 4t6 Callaway, Neb. N-M429 5 FRESH COW. Inquire 1318. Farnam. IN MKOG S FOR SALE-FURNITfJRE, FOR SALE, furniture of 6-room house, In cluding range, new base "burner nnd garf stove. Address II, caro. Bee olllce, South umana. u lis o CABINET repairing a specialty; Hertford tV. 1AU . w,l Wl W. ., llvl JUlll Tel. 1461. O-M0.S4-6 FOIl HALE HORSES, VBHICLES, ETC. SELL and repair vehicles, all kinds, H. Frost, currlage works, 14th and Leaven worth. . , P 164 FOR BALE, ono of tho finest pair best matched blooded bay homes over seen In' this market, own brothers, 5 and 6 years oiu, ioft iiuiiua nign. inn 1'aiacu startles, P-M806 8 FOIl SALE MISCELLANEOUS, HARD and soft foundation piling; hnj fences and cribbing, 901 Douglas. Q m 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam, r ion v IBU SAFES;.buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartx, 114 So. 11 .Q-467 WRITE fof calaidguq yr trusses, support ers. Sherman & McConusll DrugCo.Omaha ANTIQUE furniture. Hertford & Co., 1523 i .7?.., li fnrnar 111th HI Tnl li.-l Q-M6S2-5 FOR SALE, bakers' oven, "portable; price, $25.00. Weber & Son, Florence, Neb. l )U 1 .1- MISCELLANEOUS. KnTinR. enuntrv dealers. 2dhand furnltum and, stoves at lowest prices, carload lots cr less;. unicRgo urnnuro wo,, iiuo-iu uoage, R-l'i3 SELIi cheap benutlful Upright piano, mahogany case, fully guaranteed, bargain. , a xt netU at !! ittt. t UPHOLSTERING and mattress "mukinnv Hertford & Co., 1523 Leavenworth, corner 16th Bt. Tel. mil. H MbSl-D GIaADIBH pharmacy, 12 & Dodge, reliable urug store. it ,zs ji CLAIIIVOYAXTS. MRS. FRITZ, clalrvoyantr 819 North 16th S-470 MME.QLYMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dolge b-Mlll ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MAE EDGAR. 317H N. 15th St., flat E. T 893 D17 ELITE parlors, 616 S. 16th, second floor. T-M388 f I MME. AME9. 16US Howard, 2d floor, room 1; - . 'iJ,;' ; !4 77 .fi.'lA, ') tasn. vre-ure'iiwuiuBiii unu mrgesi .loan Vb&FJP Biy?R0-,lto-J,yWhWV&? V coWahy In Omahai-.Out-.ntottp-ia'-'to try 9U:J.ces,,45eerftLsoraKefoKaWI ti fii'.r r..v,j. . hi:j U Mir : 'i- TeleiJh'ono'2293!i 306 South 16th St- ii . i , i - 'I. inrrrani oains. , x w i I'KHHO.NAI,, DR. ROY, chiropodist: corns & superfluous hair removed by electricity. R. 12, Fren jtcr Blk. U 173 TURKISH baths, massage bntlm, electric baths, for ladles only; skilled women massago operators; finest equipped baths In the city. Renstrom Bnth Company, Rooms 216 to 220 Ilea Bldg. U 171 VIAVI, woman's way to health. 344 Bee 111 Is U-173 LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade costumer. 101S Farnam. U 175 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs, Burget, 2620 Burdettc. U 176 PRIVATE hospital for ladles boforo & dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17 U 177 PLEATING and skirts, nil kinds: buttons made to match, Omaha Pleating Co., 1524 Douglas. U-4S0 SEWINO machines rented nnd repaired; ront J2 per month; supplies for ull kinds of machines. Tho Singer Manufacturing Co., 1514 Douglas St. Telcphono 418. U-478 LADIES' Jackatn nnd tailor mado suits nl- icreu, cleaned, repaired. M. i ogei, :u . u. U-481 CALENDARS. Burkloy Printing Co. u-.mi;j xj.v FURNACE work. STOVE work, tln.shcot iron, gnivaniieii iron, zino nnu copper work done; cheapest placo In the city. Savage's Tin Shop, 2322 Farnam St. U-3S6 LADIES, nil halrdrcsslng, manicuring nnd incc mnssage rreo at Moler's llhirtircss Ing College, 1623 Farnam. Hours, 9 to 4. U-M737 5 f.650 BTEINWAY upright piano, latest style tunc lur nnio cneap. Auuress u it, uec. U-77-Jy.l PICTURES framed and enlarged. Hert- iorn uo., ioz.i L,cnvenwortn, rorner lGtn St. Tel. 1451. U-M6S3-5 ', MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Jowa farms nt 5 per cent; borrowers can pny $100 or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. Brennuu-Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th St., Omaha, Nob. W 482 MONEY to loan on Improved Omahn real em ui c. trennan-i.ovc lo., ho. i.un. W-483 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property nnu rarms. w. t arnam Hmitn & Co., 1320 Farnam. W 184 WANTED City lonns, bonds nnd warrants. ucorgo & company, iuui inrnam street. W 185 MONEY In any amount at-5. KV4 6 per cent. J. W. ItUWUINH UU 1803 r AllNAK HT. W 180 MONEY to loan on farm and city proporty, lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 150J Farnam w 1ST MONEY to lonn at 5 nnd CV4 per cent on uniuua iiruperiy. u. lemie, ui a. join w m PRIVATE money, C, R',4. 6 per cent; no de lay, uarvin uros., iuu l anmm. v isa WANTED City and fnrm loans; also bonds and warrants, it. u. l'cters & co., itu Farnam St., Beo Bldg. W 190 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas w mi FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block, w Wi MONEY to lonn oh first-class Improved city Sropertv or ror otiiunng purposes, l-ayno-;nox Co.. Now" York Life. . W 193 t HI : PRIVATE money to loan. J. II. Sherwood, 93U N. i. i.ue. w lai $1,500 TO LOAN on real estatojcall at once. M. J. Kcnnaru & Hon, siv-sii urown uiock, W 193 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. THE OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. (Established 1S92.1 Will mako you n loan on furniture, pianos, iivo. stocK, etc. iou Keep ino property. Or U you nave a, perniunent position wo. will-make yon a-SALARY LOAK without Indorser or mortgage: Wo loan from $10 up; You can get tho money In a few nours nner maxing npnucntion nnu you may' oav It buck In 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 or 6 months. Others claim lower rates; but all wo ask Is a chai.ee, to mako comparisons. We charge nothlng for papers or filing and we X-96 MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No endorser of mortir.iizn renulreil. LOWEST RATES, EA8Y PAYMENTS and HT1 1 1 V 1 1 J r UU IN I U K .N 1 1 A L. OMAHA CREDIT CO., Room 626, Fifth Floor, New York Life Bid X 50j "SALARY LOANS" TO EMPLOYES UPON PLAIN NOTES. NO CHARGE DEDUCTED IN ADVANCE. NO CHARGES FOR DRAWINO PAPERS. . "QUIET" "OFFICE." "EASILY" "FOUND:" "AMERICAN" "LOAN" "CO " Room COl Beo' Building. Open S n. m. to 6 p. in. and noons. Rebate when loan Is paid before due. X-M7S5 MONI'lY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their own names witnout security; easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON Til..,t,,.IV Dfinnn Hlnmnnil. 1 1' 1 -1. . - Privately on payments No chnrgo for paperK. ue.iiue.ii o i.uAri uu,, ILOI Far. nam street, upstairs. X 503 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jov.'- eiry, norj, iuwb, cit-. i.-. v, itcea, aiu . u, X-501 W. TAYLOE, 218 First Nat. Bank Bids. X-603 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, hor.es, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R 8, Barker blk LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. wHti tiicnin nnio, mi inort- nago or security: absolutely eonfldentlal: POSITIVELY LOWEBT RATES; loans of oiner companies i.meii up. iioom sua, pax ton Block. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. X-507 BUSINESS CHANCES, $160 CASH or easy payments buys 23 strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines for drinks, cigars or casn; win earn ana tinwnrd .....ul.l, i,i .) f?nrt r1 lnrr JP. n vi, ........ ..., u. Ub V..,,, J. Ill 111- turn Mitiiufaeturers. Clilcaen. Ill i?.tV) TO S500 a month selllmr new nniam brake attachments to mechanics; pnsltlvo proof: territory one-fourth value; some monoy needed; no fakirs; at onco. Room 7, Karbach hotel. Y M561 14 FOR EXCHANGE. Wll.l. trndo for brick or lumber one nlnno any standard make. 613 8. 14th St. rel. 130J. It 3MSI 6 "CO ACRES fine fnrm land. Riverside C.n ' California, clear, for Omaha residence or rnrm lana near umana, iiuipu n, Hmitn, iuo iotnrup oi. & itin-i- FOIl SALE HEAL ESTATE. FOR BALE. Good east front lot on 37th near California, $500. Small lot on 26th St. near A. South Omaha, $150. Good lot one block from Ames Avo and aotn, jff. South front In Central nark. $100. Sixty-six feet on Cassias street, close to sum, 3M. Blxty-tlve feet on 19th near Center Bt.. $300 Fifty feet on Charles near Lowu Ave., paved St., $500. Section of land In Gove Co., Kans., with water, $1,920. House and lot on M street near 27th, S. O., Four lots In Wakeley Add., $200. T ... t. I . I n 1 . n lin.b.. Illnniv I AA mVf UlUtn t I14IHC1 1 W. Lots 16 and 17 In Becond addition to Went Bide, $100. Forty acres one mile from Capitol Cheyenne $2,000. Sixty reel soum iront L.ass ana satn streets, SAMUEL B. CURTIS, Receiver, 1S08 Harney St. - . RE-M58S-1I ti :s:i . grve-you ine iuu amount ot mo loan in FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. HOUSES, lots, farms, land?, loans; also tiro insurance, neiniy, l usuiu uik. Ill; ol) IMlOHtTY bought ahd soldi tnotvw loaned: rents collected. I L. Johnson Co., 314 So. 15th St. Rl 102 GARDEN LAND. Tho best location for gardening nround umana or noiiiu umana; 01 acres lust south of Jotters' brewery, South Omahn, with good house, barn, etc.; will lease for three years. GEORGE & COMPANY, irsni Farnnm St., Omahn: or 417 N. 2oth St., South Omaha. RE-710 6 LAND. C. B. Burrows, Norfolk. Nebraska. RE ICO D20 C. F. HARRISON, BARGAINS. 013 N. Y L SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE-512 FINE east front lot, 3 blocks south of de pot, on 10th St. Inqulro 1411 Vinton. RE-632-D7 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by tho union l'nciiiu naiiroan company 11. a. McAllastrr land commissioner. Union Paclilc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-514 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. t. ... r- nr. ttio FOR SALE, Nns. 2101-3 Douglas, $14,0(0; $6,000 cash, toil. D venrs at 6 per cent, with option of making partial payments. W. II. Thomas, 1st Nafl Bank bldg. RE-M70 CHOICE TIANHCOM I'LAt'E LOTS. Wo are authorized to offer these beautiful cast front lots on Virginia nve., nt tno northwost corner of Pnciilo street: South lot $1,300 Middle lot 1,000 North lot 9u0 This comprises tho land from tho corner to tno new iioiiso north; i-J cusn, Diuanco to suit at 6 per cent. Or If you pny for lot will furnish money at lowest rate to build. This Is a choice location, beautiful natural forest trees, aspliult pavement, perma nent sldewnlk and tho neighborhood enn't tin beat. We are going tb sell. Who will bn wise find tnko first choice? Call on PAYNE-KNOX CO.. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., or 'Phono 1781. uv. msoo A BARGAIN! Your choice of three 9-room modern houses ror J2,iw. All arc well located. J, U. Piper, Rumgo block. . RE-M80I 5 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health llnd prompt relief. Box 232, Omaha, Neb. Confidential. -516 PERSONAL, Golden Seal Fomnle Regulntor relieves in a nours1 nnu noxes; none genulno without signature. Golden Seal Medicine Co., 2911 Morgan St.. St. Louis, Mo. M-722 D12 DR. LE DUE'S Femalo Regulator, posi tively warranted to cure tho most stub born coses of monthly stoppages, Irregu larities, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whatever cause; $2 a package or 3 for $5; sent anywhere pre- eald 011 receipt of. price. Tho Kldd Drug o.. Elgin. III. American Office, retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omnha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha: Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line of rubber goods. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. L. Bldg.: Tel. 1664; Alice Johnson, D. O.. ladles' dept.; Gld E. Johnson, Onteopathlst, Mgr. -518 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school, Klrksvllle, Mo., CM Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367. 519 . JUNK. II. AM. lunk house. J. Milder, Prop., dealer In nil metals, bottles, etc. Carlonds n specialty. 801-803 Farnam.. Omaha. Tel. 2373. 621 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION nnd side nlentlnir. ehennest. best, quickest. Mrs. A.'C. Mark, '9 Pat terson uik., iitn ana i-arnuni gts, t ii, - 1 622 " SHORTHAND AND' TYI'JuWIllTING. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. IMo. Si. . 1 . 623 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal Bee Bldg. 521 NEB. .Bus, Sf- Shorthand- college. Boyd's xnenter. i. . -kj GREidci Shprthdhd. Om. QCoh' 16 & Doug. - ' .. ' 626 LOST. LOST pockotbook with $125, somewhere be tween 11th nnd Douglas nnd 20th and Douglas: please return to S. F. A. Llnd qulst and got reward, 2010 Farnam. ' Lost M765 5 HORSES WINTERED. GODD winter pasture for horses; $2.00 pr mouth; good shelter. Inquire nt Huff man's stubles, 18th nnd St. Mnry's avo. Telephone No. 5. M-731 10 HORSES wintered, $1 per month. J. Phelps, 207 N. Y. Life bldg. 'Phono 1051. PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllco, rellablo accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 628 LOANS, H. Marowltz; low rates, 418 N. 16. -629 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Rnmge Bldg. . -630 MIRROR FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses resllvered. 70S N 16, , 631 ENGINES, IIOILERS, ETC. L. C. Sharp Mach. Wits,; motors, dynamos. - 5.12 PIANO TUNING. WE tune your piano for $1.60, Rose's Art Store. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 1016. 533 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. -627 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 318 S. 26th St. I M 505-D8 MUSICAL. FREE r?holanhlps to piano students. Prof. Braum, 650 ltamgo Blk. 537 TICKET I1ROKER, CUT rnto tickets everywhere. P. II. Phil bln.,1603 Farnam. Telephone 781. -631 CARPENTERS AND .lOHIIEHS. ALL kinds ot carpenter work and, repairing promptly attended to, J, T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake Sts. -370 IHIinS AND TAXIDERMY. BTOCIt'S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenworth. -633 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Btoara Laundry: shirts, 7c; collnrs, 2o; cuffs, 4c. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. 517 -636 FARMS FOIl RENT. 29-ACRE fruit farm for rent on Calhoun road near Florence. In fine condition, Bemls, Paxton Block. 791 SUES It CO . Patent Lawyers Bee Bldg,, Omihi, Neb Patent ookFree PATENTS GUARANTEED RAILWAY TIME TABLES, 1 fit. Louis "Cannon Ball" , Express ,,,, a 6;0o p.m a t:20 am ft Dally. RAILWAY TIME TAHI.ES. UNION PACIFIC-'THB OVER, land Route" General Ofllccs, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Fnrnnm P'rccts. City Ticket Otllce, 1321 'urnum Street. Telephone, 316. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone. 6V9. !.P!tlA Arrive, a 7:30 pm a 7:30 pm n 3:25 pm a 4:23 pm 'Iho Overland Limited.. a 8:20 am Tho Chicago-Portland fc'pcclul a 8:20 am The Fast Mall a S:.V) am Tho Mall and Express.. nil :35 pm Lincoln. I ten tr ho nnd Stromiburg Express, ,b 4:03 pm b!2:30 pm 1 lie I'lii-iui; i',xprcs.i.,..n 4; (ini Tho Atlantic Express.., Grand Island Local b ti:30 pm n 6:60 am u 9!3o am u Dallv b Dally except Sunday BURLINGTON ft Mis souri River Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" General Olllces, North west Corner Tenth nnd Fnrnnm Streets. Ticket Olllco 1502 Fnrnnm Street. Telephone. .). Burlington Station, Tenth and Mason Streets Tcicpnone, 12s. Ls.'iivc. Arrive, Hastings nnd ., a 8:40 am a 7:35 urn Lincoln, Mccook 1 I ...... 1 .. T 1 A.lilVt'lll. I'vlll CI , IiUIU. uoio rado, Utah, Ciulfornla.a 4:2u pm Llnaoln & Utack Hills. .n 9:00 tun a 3:00 pm it B:45 am a 6:45 am nlo:35 urn Montana, Puget Sound.. a 9:00 pm Linco.n Fast Mall a 3:w pm Denver, Colorado. Utah nnd California Bellovtic, Papplo nl0:45 am Paclilc Junction all:50 ittii Paclilo Junction n 7:00 pm South Bend, Louisville, Plattsmottth b 3:3." inn a 6:45 am nll:43 am a 8:20 am bll:0ii nm a 8:20 imi Ft. Crook, Pliittsmouth.u 6:55 pm 11 Dally, b Dally except Sunday, IBESiBI KANSAS CITY, ST. JO lllMflVOTVIal "''Ph ft Council Rhlffs lIlHliTlTlllTnil IUil'.road-"Tho Hurling ViSIUBJHilUI ton Route" Ticket onicc, ilMn 1502 Farnam Street. Tele lllll IlieH phone. 260. Depot, Tenth KUJijUH nud Mason Streets. Tele KEazBBEB phone, 128. Leave Arrive Kansas City Day Ex... .11 9:20 urn 11 6:65 pm Kansas City Night Ex..nl0:16 pm a 6:15 am St. Iiuls Flyer for St. Joseph nnd St. Louis., a 4:50 pm all'.to am n Dally. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON uuincy linnrona '"mo Burlington Route' Ticket Oltlco 1602 Farnnm Street. Telephone, 250. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telcphono, 128. Leave. Arrlvo. Daylight Chicago Spe- . clal n 7:00 nm nl0:25 pm Chicago Vestlhiiled Ex, .11 4:0o pm a 7:43 nm Chicago Local Express.a 9:9) nm a 4:03 pm Chlcngo Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:15 am Fast .Mall n 2:45 pm 11 Dally. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omnha, Kansue city ft Eastern Railroad "Th inm'.iTiil.'fnA! CJuinev Route" Tlelrn nt. H'l'll'l"!'""? ffce. 1415 Firimm S t. Tci;-M-m m phone, 322. Depot, Tenth H nnd Marcy Streets. Tale IIMPMMI phono. 629. Leave. Arrive. Bt. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 5:05 pm a 8:20 am Kansas City and ljulncy Local a 7:00 am a 9:00 pa a Dally. FREMONT, flLICIIORN A Missouri Valley Railroad "The Northwester Line" General Offices, United States National Bank Bldg., 8. W. Cor. " , ,, v. , . hi. urn. a hi 11 ii 1 1 1 aia. Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam St. Telephono, Ml. Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. Tele! V0"?' '?h , Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. DendwooiJ, Hot Sprlngi. a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Caspar ana Douglas ...............d :00 pm e b:00 pm Hastings, York. David City. awrtor. leneva, c.xtcr ana k.ewaro'....b 3:00 pm b 8:00 pm Norfolk. Vcrdlgro and FrenA.ni b 7:30 am bl0:2S am Lincoln, Wuhoo and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 asm Fremont Local o 7:30 am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day, only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. CHICAGO ft NORTH western Railway "Th Northwestern' Lino" City Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, Ml. Depot, Tenth and Mninn U, m. Ll.n- gul.6ht Chlcngo Spe- ve Arrlr8. clal ... a 7:00 am nll:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a 8:40 am EaBtern Express, Des ' , Moines. Mnrshalltown. Ceuar ttapida anu Chi cago .................... ,a!0:55 am a 4:05 pm Eastern Special, Chi cago and uiast a 4:65 pm a':05 nm Fas' Mall, Chicago to . " Omaha ,, v n'2:45 pm Omahn-Chlcago Llmltcd:a 7:43 pm'bi'iijOo nm Fast Mall a s.:30 'nm Cedar Rapids Passenger a 5:30 pm Eastern Express b 9:00 pm u Dally, b Except Saturday. BIOUX CITY ft PACIFIC Railroad Tho North western Line" General Olllces, United States National Bank Building, B. W. Corner Twelfth 'nnd T?n rn n ri Uta ml t Office. 1401 Farnnm St. Telcnhono. 661. :ia. pot. .ni.ii uuu .UU3UH ois. leiepnone. elcnhone. (C9. Leave. Arrlv?. Twin City Exnrcsa.. Twin City Limited.. Sioux City Local a Dally., ..a 6:66 am ..a 7:35 pm ..a 8:00 am al0:25 pm a 8:15 am a 3:60 pm CHICAGO., ST. PAUL, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Line" General Ofllces. Nebraska Divi sion, ljth and Webator RIB. nilv I'lntnt nm.. 1401 tfaniam St Telephono, 60L Depot.' 15th ond Webster Sts. . . Leave. Arrive. Twin City .Passenger,. ..a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm Omaha Passenger all:l0 nm Bloux City ft North- cast Nebraska 3:45 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CindACiO nnnic iai nnd ft Pacific Railroad "Tho Great Rock Isl nnd Route"-Clty Tlok- uince, j3i farnam Rtrpftt rTlln.iliirtn JOJ Depot. Tenth ft Marcy Sts. Telephone, C29. Lfavfi. wrrivai. EAST. Den Mnlnen nnd llnvAii. port Local a 7:25 am bll:35 am Chicago Express uu:ia um 11 8:in nm Des Moines Local a 4:20 pm a 4:45 pm Chlcngo Fust Express.. a 6:00 pm a 1:25 pm Des Moines, Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:40 pm a 9:35 pm WEST. Lincoln, Colorado Bpgs., Denver, Pueblo und West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado, Oklahoma ft Texas Flyer a fi:20 pm a 9:50 am a Dally, b Dally exca.nt Sunday, MISSOURI PACIFIC ,RAI In roadGeneral Ofllces and Ticket Ofllces, Southeast Corner 14th nnd Douglas Sts. Telcphono, 101. Depot, Union Station. Iitfivi. Arrlv St. Louis nnd Kansas Ulty Express al0:00 nm a 6:30 pm K. C St. L. Express, ,,al0:10 pm u 6:15 am Leave from 15th Webster Streets: T .1 T nnn and liewiiiisiMV i,ji.i4 Via Weeping W.itor b 4:15 pm alO:45 nfn a Dally, n uaiiy except ounuay. ILLINOIS CENTRAIi Rallrood-Clty Ticket Of fice, 1402 Farnam Hireoi. Telephono. 215. Depot, Tonth nnd Marcy Streets, Leave. Arrive. Chlcngo, Exprets nhlnnini T.lmillfl .'!.'! .'a 7:45 nm 11 8:15 um Minneapolis nnd Paul ExpresB ... MliinenpollB and St. ...b 7:00 am b 9:40 nn Bt. raui i.imue.i a 7:15 pm a sua am Coiliiril Bluffs ;.b 4:30 pm bl0:15 cm a, Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE ft Ht. Paul liaiiway vjuy Ticket Ofllco, 1501 Far nam Street. Telephone. 284. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tele phone, 629. Lcavo. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex.... a 6:00 pm a 8:05 am Chicago ft Omaha Ex..b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm 11 Dully, b Dully except Sunday. "POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should ho rend DAILY by nil Interested, us changes may occur at tiny time.) , .. . .. I , .. nM , l. ....all 1, ,1 l I i tr n-i,m. i' UrtJlKIl lllltlin , J , 11 u " ' .v ui'UKin mv-vvi"- ber 8, l"0, will close (PROMPTLY In ull cases) nt the Genernl PostoIUco as fol lows; PARCELS POST MAILS closo one liour- earlier than closing tlmo shown be low. Tranaatlmitto Blnlla. WEDNESDAY At 7 a. in. (supplementary it sir uu3iirjiiiiija JMlLWAUKW POSTOFFICE NOTICE. rrumTTirrET'no"pir"per s. , Btrirouis. via Southampton (mall for Ireland must 110 uirceiru -per s. s. Ht. i.ouis nt 11. m. (supplementary 10:30 n, in.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Teiltonle. via Queens town; at 10:30 a. m, for BELGIUM direct, tier s. s. Noordlnnd (mall must be directed "ner s s. Noordland"!. THURSDAY At 7 n. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN. I'Ult TUGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MARQUE,, per b. s. La Gascogne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must bo directed fiir n. n. l.i flnsrofftiA"!. SATURDAY-At 3:30 11. in. for EUROPE, per s. s. Etrurln, via oueenstown: nt s n, m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per 8. s. Potsdnm (mall must bo directed "per 8. b. Potsdam'1) ; at 9 n. m. for 1TAL1 , per 8. 8. Columbia, via Naples (mnll must bo directed "per s. s. Columbia"); at 10 n. m. for SCOTLAND dlrert. per 8. . Furnessla (mnll must bo directed "per s: s. Furnessla"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This rtoamer takes Printed Matter, commercial papers nnd Samples for Germany only. Tho same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not bo sent by this ship un ions specially directed by het. After tno closing of the SupDlementary Trnns-Atlantic Mails named above, ad ditional supplementary malls uro opened on tho piers of tho American, English, French and German steamers, and icmaln open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of nailing of steamer. Mnlla for Sonth and Central Anterior, West Indies, etc. TUESDAY At 9:30 n. m. (supplementary iu:;j 11. m.j tor tjts.-vmAL, America (ex cept Costa Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, p?r b. s. Alllnncn. via Colon (mnll ior viuiiieinaia must 00 uirecieu . per 8. s. Alllanca"); nt 1 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 n. m.) for TURKS ISLAND nnd DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. 8. Cherokee: nt 9 p. m. for JAMAICA, per B. s. Admiral Dewey, from Boston. WEDNESDAY At 8 n. m. for BERMUDA, ier s, n. Pretoria: at 10 n. m. for ORE- ADA and TRINIDAD, per 8. s. Groniuia; nt 10:30 a. m. for RRAZIL, per b. s. Gi bers (mnll for Northern Brazil, Argentine Republic, Uruguny and Paraguay must bo directed "per a. b. Olbors"; at 12 m. for BRAZIL, per a. b. Capri (mall for North ern Ilrazll, Argentlnn Republic, Uruguay nnd Paraguay must bo directed "per s. s. Capri"): nt 1 p. m. for CUBA. CAM . PEC HE, YUCATAN, TABASCO nnd CHIAPAS, per s. s. Segurnncn, via Havana nnd Progreso (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per b. s. Segurnuca"); at 1 p. m. (supplemen tary 1:30 p. m.) for NASSAU, per u, s. An tllla (mall must bo directed ''per b. s. An tllla"). THURSDAY-At 2:30 a, m. for JAMAICA and SANTIAGO, GUANTANAMO nnd MANZAN1LLA. per 8. s. Admiral Samp son, from Philadelphia: at 1 p. m. (supple mentary 1:30 n. m.) for NASSAU, GUAN TANAMO and SANTIAGO, per s. s. Sara- FRH3AY At 10 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per a. b. Silvia: at 1 p. m, for INAGUA and CAPE GRACIAS, per s. . Kong Frodo (mall for Jamaica, Belize, Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala must be directed "per B. 8. Kong Frodn"). SATURDAY At 1 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per a. a. Corean, from Philadel phia; nt 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. WINDWARD nnd LEEWARD ISLANDS and DEMERARA. per s. 8. Fontabcllo; nt v10 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. 8. San Juan, via San Junn: nt 10 a. m. fsup plcmenary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE Island. Jamaica. bavanilla, CARTHAGENA and GREYTOWN, per 8. s. Alcno (mall for Costa Rlda must be directed "per s. s. Alcne" : nt 10 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for CURA CAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Hlldur, via Curacao (mnll for Bavanilla and Car thagena must bo directed "per s. s. Hll dur1'); nt 11 a, m. for CUBA, per s. . Morro Cnstle. via Hnvana; at 12 m. for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, nor s. s. Italian Prince; at 1 p. m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s, b. Amozonense. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence bv stenmet, close at this office dally at 8:30 p. m. (connecting eloso hero every Mondny, Wednesday and Saturday). Mnlls for Mlque!on. by rail to lloston. and thenco by steamer, close at this ofllce dally at 8:30p. m. Malls fov Cuba, by rail to PorJ Tampa. Fla., and thenco by steamer, close nt this ofllce dally nt i p.. m. (tho connecting poes nro bn Sunday, Wednesday nnd Frldny;. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially ad dressed for dispatch by steamer, closo at this office dnllv nt 2:30 n. m. snd 2:30 n. m Mnlls for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortex ond Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans and thenco by steamer, closo at this office dally at '3 p. m. (connecting closes hero Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortez. and Tuesdays for Costa Rica). Registered mall closes at 6 p. 'm. previous day. . Trnnapaelrln Mnlla. Malls for China, Japan and Philippine Islands, via Scnttlo (ordinary mall and specially addressed registered mall), r.loso hero dally up to December I nt 6:30 n. m. for dispatch per s. s. Idzuml Man. Malls for Australia (except West Australia), New Zealand, Hawaii, FIJI and Samonn j Islnnds, via San Francisco, closo hero 5 dally at 6:30 p. m. up to December '8, In clusive,! or on day of arrival of e. s. Lu cnnla, duo at Now York December ''S for dispatch per h, b. Sierra. Malls for Aus tralia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes ' ..In Qnr, TTrnnMBfinl tfnH T7HI T.lnn.l. Vancouver, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. lib .t...,v. v. , .. gjt inmiiuo, vm otter uecemoer 1, un to uecemoer s, in clusive, ior uispnicn per s. s. Aorangl specially addrossed only (supplementary malls, via Seattle, close at 6:30 p. m. De cember "O). Mnlls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, closo hero dally at 6:30 p. m. un to December 9. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Rio do Janeiro. Malls for Hawaii, China. Japan and Phlllpplno Islnnds, via San Francisco, closo horn dally at 6:30 p. m. up to December 17, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Coptic. Mails for China and Japan, via Vancouver, closo hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to December 25, Inclusive, for dispatch ner s. s. Empress of India (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Transpacific malls nro forwarded to port of sailing dally and tho schedulo of closing Is nrrnnged on tho presumption of their un interrupted overland transit. "Registered mall closes at 6 p. in. tirovlnus day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster, rostofflce, New York, N, Y., November 30, 1900. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE Supervising Architect, Washington. D. O.. November 21, 1900. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received nt this office until 2 o'clock p. m. on tne ntn ony or December, 1900, and then opened, for- the construction (ex cept heating apparatus and electric wiring) of the U. S. Postofflco at RLAIR. NE BRASKA, In accordnnco with drawings nnd specifications, copies of which mny be had at tho discretion of tho Supervising Archi tect, by applying to this ofllce or to the Postmaster at Blair, Nebraska. James Knox xayior, supervising Architect. N24-26-28-30 D3-5 M ONE APPOINTMENT AT A TIME Governor-Elect Dietrich la Going Slow and Sure In tin? Filling; of Important Positions. Governor-Elect Dietrich was in Omaha yesterday consulting with republicans as to matters which claim hlo attention la con nection with his official duties. Tho gov ernor Is enjoying excellent health nnd look lug even better than ho did during the cam palgn, In splto of tho slego which ofllco seekers have been laying. 'I am going slow with the question ot np polntmonts," paid the governor. "I am tak Ing them up ono at n tlmo nnd want to mako sure that every change Is ono for the better. For this reason I am concerning myself for the present only with flvo state institutions the thrco Insano hospitals, the reform school and the school for tho feeble minded. I want to put the most competent, best qualified men In charge of theso last! tutlons as superintendents and stewards and hold them responsible for efficient admlnlB tratlon and good results, and until I finish this part of the program I do not propose to troublo myself with minor matters. "As to the general distribution of patron age, tho stato officers havo alt agreed to co operato with one another so as to give Judl cIoub recognition to tho various elements that mado for republican success and to avoid bunching tho appointments in any particular ttoctlon. "Of course I am devoting somo thought to, questions to bo discussed In tho message to tho legislature and am open to suggestions hearing upon points of public Interest. The legislature, however, has been chosen to en act tho laws for the state and tho question of how best to bring about particular ro forms must bo left to It." Never Grin Nur Gripe, Don't open a door with an ax, ueo a key! Don't open your bowels with mercurial pill poison, ueo Cascarets Candy Catbratlc! Druggists, 10c, 25c, COa HOLES IN INSURANCE LAWS Old-Line nd Fraternal Ken Are Seeking Rotiiion of the BUtutei. TWO NEW MEASURES NOW BEING FRAMED Aarenta Desire li Trotee! Pnhllo and Thrmaelves from the Inenralona of Concerns Conceived In Mad Faith. Tho nlit.llnn Insurance men and a nutn- Imp of frntnrn.-il society officials who meet infnrmnllv In tho Commercial club rooms aro now ombodylng tholr Ideas on llfo In- suranco for submission to tno legislature. They express tho belief thnt tho public will havo causo to feci sccuro in bcncractions coming from friends, post-mortem, If their revision receive attention. Tho agents havo not organlicd formally for nn assault upon ill. but It la their Intention to lcglslato out of business If possible a num ber of questionable institutions tuai navo been ncrmltted to enter tho insurance noiu In Nebraska under tho existing lax laws. The Ipelstntlnn committee of tho Ne braska Fraternal congress, composed of II. M. Waring of tho Ancient Order of United, Workmen, J. T. Yates, of tho woodmen 01 tho World and W. E. Sharp of tho Royal ititriiinmlern. la now nt work nrcpnrlng a couple of bills for Introduction nt tho com ing session. Theso bills will go before lhn Inwinnkern with the endorsement Of the secret organizations of tho stato and It is reasonably ccrtnln In tho framcr's opinion that they will pass. Thn most lrnnnrtnnt of tho two bills Is ono amending tho present statute govern ing fraternal Insurance by providing a irgai mlmlmiim rate. At thn last National Fra ternal congress a minimum rato, after being presented by a special commlttco that had given tho matter careful attention, was adopted and recommended. This rato rnnirpii from 0.1 rents ner St. 000 nt the age of 21 to $3,28 per $1,000 at tho ago of 54. This is tho minimum that may bo nxea in the proposed Nebraska law, but It may bo modified. Chance for Illicit Concerns. In tho existing laws there is nothing to prevent a fratomal InBuranco concern from starting into business with a rate as low as 10 cents per $1,000, and thoreforo, tho way for fraudulent and unslablo ventures In tho frntornal Insurance lino Is left wldo open. The other hill bolng prepared by tno commlttco Is what the members term tbelr reciprocity measure. It Is designed to cx- cludo from doing business In this stato the Institutions of states that exclude Nebraska concerns. John Steel, In speaking for tho old lino Intorests said: "We don't really ncod any legislation, but tho public docs. Wo are not recognizing as competitors the soveral Insurance frauds that aro being operated In Nebraska and It Is not a selfish Interest that prompts us to urge upon tho legisla ture tho necessity for adopting more stringent Insurance laws. "The pcoplo of tho state ought to bo pro tected against fraud. Thero Is nothing in the Nebraska Insurance laws to prevent a company from reporting as an asset tho ef-tlmalod amount ot tho premiums It ex pects to collect during an ensuing year. This Is merely an Instanco of the laxity of tho Nebraska statutes, which aro full of loopholes through which fraudulent Insur ance operations may bo carried on. "Tho legislation to be asked for by thn fraternals ought to bo granted, ns It will strengthen tho position ot thoso worthy Ir.ctltutlons. The old-lino lnsuranco men have no quarrel with tho fraternals they aro educators and public benefactors, affording the comforts ot Insurance to many worthy people who cannot afford to carry the old-lino, Our grlovanco Is against tho fraudulent concerns, of which thero are soveral tn operation In this state." STATE HAS A NEW STANDING Nebraska Looked Upon irlth Increased Respect In the East aa Safe Locality for Investment. Fred A. Nash, general western agent of the Mllwaukeo road, has returned from an extended eastern trip, on which ho was accompanied by Mrs. Nash. "I was gratified," said Mr. Nash, "to llnd tho people in the cast moro than elated over the redemption of Nebraska from popu lism. Our state has forged to the front and Is now pre-eminent In the public eye. It Is a distinction for a man to hall from Nebraska. Thero Is certainly a very differ ent feeling now existing toward tho state and Its pcoplo and tho change has been brought about altogether by the recent election, when we demonstrated to the world that wo aro not believers In sophis tries and bogy Issues. "I found that men ot affairs and finance are personally Interested In this matter and I also discovered that they aro now willing tr. entertain propositions for In vestment which before were not even con sidered. Already the state Is beginning to fcol tho good effects of the election and I know tor a fact that this condition ot Im provement 'Will contlnuo and the stato will reap untold advantage." PONDER 0VERANEW BISHOP Omaha Prelate Joins Conference at Dubuque on Establishment of New See. BUhop Scannell left Monday evening -for Dubuque, la,, where a mcotlng Is being held of the suffragan bishops ot tho arch dlcccso. Many matters ot Importance are to bo considered, but tho laity and lessor clergy can only speculate upon these affairs, ns th'e bishops aro very much op posed to having matters under discussion mado public until after they havo arrived at a decision. It Is gcnorally understood that the suffragans will consider tho matter ot the division of the dlocose ot Dubuque and the establishment ot a bco nt Sioux City, and also recommend the lino ot domurkatlon betweon tho now diocese and the old. It ttilh Is done It Is probable thnt they will recommend to Homo tho appointment of a certain person to tho position of bishop of tho new see. It Is customary for tho suffragan bishops to supply tho names ot three persona from which they deslro a se lection to ho made and generally one ot tho men gets tho placo, although thero Is no law requiring Home to abide by tho recom mendation. Whllo theso aro looked upon as the most Important matters to be discussed, other questions may arise of equal Importance. A Vlllaire lllankamlth Saved Ills Lit tle Stun'a Life. Mr. II. II, Black, the welt known village blacksmith at Grahamsvillc, Sullivan Co., N, Y Bays: "Our little son, flvo years old, has always bocn subject to croup, and so bad havo the attacks been that we have feared many times that ho would die. Wo havo bad tho doctor and used many medi cines, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is now our solo reliance. It seems to dis solve tho tough mucus and by giving fro quont doses when the croupy symptoms ap poar wo havo found that the dreaded croup Is cured before It gets settled." There Is no danger In giving this remedy, for It con tains no opium or other Injurious drug and may ho given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. Do you want a stenographer? cents tor a Bee "want ad,',' Spend 23