10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Cora Fit Geti Wind of a Fotiible Corner on Dccomber. PHILLIPS TAKES IN 500,000 BUSHELS Wheat Mnrknt Firm, Ksrept for I'n- nslnrss at I'nrcsiionslve I.lvrr- pool Cnlilrn Ontn Hull anil l'alrlr Steady. CHICAGO, Deo. 4. Argentine, dnmaso re ports, tho closn of navigation on tho Sea of Azov nnd tho corn stretifith vcro lead in b factorM la nn advanca In wheat to day, January closln a over yesterday. December corn closed ic lilKlier and May with a gain of U0Vc Provisions nt tho closo wero higher. Wheat found a firm nnd somowhat broader mnrknt savo for a dcj?ron of easi ness at tho opening on unresponslvo Liv erpool cnhlcs. Jnnuary opened Uo lower at 70o to 70ic On buying by St, Louis Inter ests tho market steadied. A Rosnrlo cable announcing danmgo to tho Argentina crop by hnll nlso II it "red In holding tho market Later corn strength, tho belief that Urad atrcets'n world's visible would show a de creaso of 3,000.fi00 bit. nnd tho reported clos ing of navigation on the Sea of Azov caused a sharp demand. Shorts covered freely on tho ndvnnco and January rare to 1lc. Against tho prlco wero liberal northwest re ceipts, a continuation of tho heavy south western movement and tho luck of wish demand, but in splto of these facts the market held strong and January closed ?c Up at TlVifffWc. New York reported 30 loads tnken for export. Seaboard clear ances In wheat and Hour wero equal to Ml,iO bu. Antwerp lulvanccd Hie. I'rlmnry receipts aggregated MS.OUO bu., compared with 6fi8,0uu bu. last year. Minneapolis nnd Duluth reported C33 cars, ngalnst tDI Inst week and 074 a year ago. Local receipts wero 168 cars, 24 of contract grade. December com was tho featuro In tho corn pit. Humors of a probable squcezo lmllar to that worked by 1'hlllips was rife. Contract stocks here nro only 1,300,000 bu. and nearly all of this. It Is stated, lias found an eastern market. Receipts show fibout 1 per cent of contract grade. Phil ips was credited with taking In MO.ono bu. of December during tho day. Thcro Is llttlo old corn in tho country, traders say, and the. roads make It dllllcult to get that to market. Unfavorable weather and trcngth of foreign markets were factors In tho market. December sold between 36a and 37Ho nnd closed ic over yesterday at WTic. Ilecclpts wero C23 cars, 2 of contract grade. No old corn wns transferred from privato houses. May sold botweeh 36c nnd 36ic and closed JiJVic higher nt SGc. Oats ruled dull and only fairly steady In view of tho corn nnd wheat strength. May sold between "io and 23T&C nnd closed unchanged lit 23c. Receipts wero 323 cars. Provisions worn generally dull, although at times lard showed somo activity on local buying. Hog receipts wero liberal, but prices wero sustained early by tho de mand for lard nnd later by tho grain strength. Tho closo wns tlrm. Jnnuary pork old between J11.H7',4 and H2.02'A and closed Ifio over yesterday at J12.02J4; Janunry lnrd, between $6.73 and $6.80, closing BHc higher at $6.80, and January ribs, between $0.17 and $6.2214, with tho close 2c up nt $6.20. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, CO cars: corn, 193 cars; oats, 90 cars; hogs, 41,000 head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y, Wheat Dec. Jan. May Corn Doc. Jan. May Oats Dec. May I'ork Jnn. May Lard Deo. Jan. May Klbs Jan, May 7(VSflH 71 70?i 71K7MT 'O-WA 71 70; 7UWIH 70;J'571 73 74 73740 UWak 73T. 3C0fi'i 37H 36 364 a!4 35H X SZMtK 3.1S 3.Ti33tt SGftfM 36?4 36-H 3Gi3Gi1iJ4 21W 21Hff 21U 2lWtA 21U 23 23 23i 23 23i 11 87 12 02 11 87 12 03 11 S7 11 85 11 97 11 83 11 97 11 82 6 97 7 10 C 97 7 10 6 97 fi 77 0 80 6 77 6 80 0 75 6 85 C 87 C 85 C 87 6 82 6 17 652 0 17 6 20 6 17 6 27 " 30 0 27 6 27 6 2o No. 2. Cash quotations worn ns follows: FLOUR Steady: winter patents, $3.65W XbO: straights. J3.103.60: clears, $2,004(3.30; spring spnclals, $1.30; patents, $3.40(u'3.85: straights. $3.003 40; bakers, $2.2(l2.75. WHEAT No. 3, 6771o; No. 2 red, 72 74c. CORN-No. 2, 37c; No. 2 yellow, 37c. OATS No, 2. 22c; No. 2 whtto, 262o; No. 8 white, 244Q26c. RYE No. 2. fioc. BARLEY Voir to cholco molting, KX356c. BEEDS-Klux, No. 1, $1.67: No. 1 north westcrn, $1.70. I'rlmo timothy, $4.104W.30. Clover, contract grndo, $10. I'ROVlSIONS-MesB porlc, per bbl., Jll.OOft 11.12. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $7.007.02. Short ribs sides (loose), $6W(H7.0O. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $3.87flC.12. Short clear Hides (boxed). JtU&0l.G.-. VIHSlCY-lJasIs of high wines, per gal., StiaARS Cut loaf. $6.15; granulated, $6.C0; confectioners' A, $5.65; off A, $3.40. Following are tho receipts nnd shipments for today: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 28,000 15,000 Wheat, bu 151.000 209.000 Corn, bu 306,000 331,000 Oats, bu 252,001') 113,000 Rye, bu 2,000 1.000 Rarloy, bu 99,000 14,000 on tno t'roduco exchange today the hut ter market was dull: creameries, lSQMc; dairies, 13ff20c. Cheese, active nt 10Sf llu. Eggs, quiet; fresh, 24c. NOW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the 1)117 on Various Commodities. tJ?f...'1 nK' Dec- 4 -PLOUR-Recelnt l, 11,557 bbls.; oxports. 35,367 bbls.: more than usually active, selling' freely at old prices and closing firm; winter patents, $3.6iu'X9): winter straights, $3.40&ll.&5; Minnesota pat. ents. 13.tWdH.25: winter extras. VMrn- m- Minnesota bakers, lS.OVff3.23; winter low Kruuen. ,uti(i:.uu. jiyo nour, weaK: fair to Euoti, ..wuj.iu; cnoieo 10 rancy, J3.15Hj.4j uckwheat Hour. dull. iiiswa. nUCKWHEAT-Nomlnal at GOJffflc, c, I. A., nrff 1 111 K CORN MEAI, Firm! yellow western, S7c: city. 89c; nrandywlno. 12.15'u2.C0. RYE Steady: No. 2 western, KUc, p. I. r afloat: statu. tiOillSle. e. i. f.. TCniv Vnri ern, regulnr packing, nt matk, 21025c; west em, loss off, 29c. l'Ol'LTRY-AIIVe. steady; fowls, 8cJ chickens, 7c. Dressed, Irregular; turkeys, 7Ji9c; chickens, 8ii8c. METALS Tho Metal exchange calls tho Iron market quiet, with pig Iron warrants nt $9.f0 10.50; lake copper, unchanged at $17; tin, very dull at J27.i02S.W, ngaliiht $2S tho previous days lead, quiet at $l.3i for pig, and smelter quiet at $l.30f4.35. The open market for metals ruled quiet, with unimportant variations in prices, closing moro or lesi nominal, with foundry rang ing from $15.W to $16.50: foundry southern, $I4.0W15.75; soft southern, $14.0uO15.75; pig tin wns less tlrmly held and quiet, nlthougn tho foreign markets wero 10s higher on spot nnd futures rlosed r,s higher. Tho lo cal mnrkot closed nt $27.fcu'28.(0; copper ruled slow but vury Btendy In tone, closing nt $17 for Lnko Superior nnd $10.62 for electrolytlo and casting; pig load ruled quiet, closing steady In tono on tho basis of $1.37, carlots. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET, ConilUlons of Trnrto niul Oiiotntliins 1111 Staple nnd Fnnry Proituor. noaS-Receltita. light; good stock, 21023c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 45c: roosters, 304c; spring chickens, &fi0c; ducks, 6Ooc; geese, 6Vifie: turkeys, tic. FRESll DRESSED POULTRY Hens, 5 06c; roosters, 4iiGc; ducks and geese, i08c; spring chickens, per lb., 6'c; turkeys, Sijhc. GAME Prnlrlo chickens, per dor... $3.00O 5.50; mnllard ducks, per doz., $3.0003.50; toal, $1,5041."): mixed, $l.50f(1.75; Jack snipes, $1.2511.50; iiuall, $1.50; Jack rabbits, $1.00411.25: cottontails, 7iJ90o. , , ni'TTER-Conimon to fair. 12c; choice, WlKc: scpnrator, 2Jc; gathered creamcrj'i 2Vu21e. J' HKHII ursl liHH v irsi gniue. bohu TinrKPii. r, w i iitk cuui in. iiur itui. tni selects. 32c: standards. 25c; medium. 20e can, 38c; ox- York erts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., 18020c; iw peanuts, per lb., 605e: roasted, 6Q Ac; llrnzlls, lr!c; pecans, WOlSc. JIONEY Colorado. 21-sectlon case, $3.75. track, track. No. 2 extra ITS Receipts, 173,312 bu.; exports. 31 bu.: Bnot Hteadv: Nn. 2. "tiuV.. v : No. 2 white. 29Vio: No. 3 tvf,in . mlxml wostern. 26f'i27c; imri, 'whim' lots. llARLEY-Dull; feeding, 42ff46e. c. I. f niifTalo; malting, 65Uirae, c. 1. f Huffalo. RARLEY MAI,T-Dtlll: wostern. 6,-.'uG7r. AVHEAT RecelntH. 106.357 hit : .,, ,rtB. 6,896 bu.: spot tlrm; No. 2 red, 7so f. o, b. ntloat; No. 2 red, 77o olovator: No. I northern. Duluth. 83c f. o. b. niloat; No. 1 hard. Duluth, STc atloat. Options were, generally tlrm and higher nil day; tho closo l"Ui",u"'4 111 W "i iiuvnnco; January, 77r78'4c. closlliL- nt 7Sitn! Mnrrh 70V.U 809-lbc, closed ut Mc: Mny, 79Wc5Ji79;4c, closed nt 79o; December, 76 lS-lfranViiC closed at 77Si;. CORN-Recelpts, 147.223 bu.: oxnorts. 301.. S6,b.!;i si,ot "trong; No. 2, 46c elevator and 46o f. o. b. atloat. Option market ac tive and stronger, led by n sharp rlso In December on covering, supplemented by ...nt.., v.,ivn, 'ii,,i iiiuus cicurunucH Hnll mull prtuntrv nffnrttirru nlnaA.i , 01io not advanco; Muy, 42UH2i;c1 closed t 4ic; December, 4ISff45c, closed nt (5; 23i) 26V40 track, 2SSi34c. Options tlrm, with corn, but oth erwise dull und fenturuless. RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, ilin 6o: Japan. 405c. 115AUT3-Steady: fancy hand picked. 4?405c; other domestic, 4c. HAY Quiet; shipping, 77OS0c; good to cholco, 354f91c, HOPS Steady: state common to choice 1900 crop. 16tT21e; 1899 crop, ligiSe; old olds'. 2fl6o; Paclllc const. 1900 crop, 15ni9c; crop. lOiiMto: old olds, 2if!c. HIDES Firm; Qnlvoston, 20 to 23 lbs., ISH 01901 California, 21 to 25 lbs,, 19c; Texas drv. 24 to 30 lbs.. 15c. LEATHER Steady; hemlock Fole, nuenog .Ayrcs. iigni 10 iicnvyweigiu, surso; nclil WobT-Dull; domestlo fleece, 24026c 1Vins. 14i?16e. PROVISIONS-Reef, quiet: family, $10.,V) tfll.75; mess, $9.00i9.60; beef barns. $20.00 ji.nr, pncKei, iu.wn iw.uw; uxina iruia mess Iifimvrfl7.no. Cut meats. Bteadv: olrklpii imi. lies, SHOlOc: pickled shoulders, 60; pickled hams, 89'4c. Lard, firm; western stenmea, rennoo, easy; continent 17,50: Soutrt America, .zo; eompoi ie. Pork, steady; family. $15.50Oi. .im ttjnwni7rA mixi. iis.Oitf 1.1 no FeVD Hteadv: spring bran, $1600016.35 I middling. $17.00019-60: winter bran, $17.00tf jb.so; my, iiu.BOB'if.w. T A I iLO W Eos y ; city, 4W01o; country IlUTTER-Recelpts. 8,211 pkes.: firm creamery. 174T25Uc: factory. 124M5c. CHEESE Receipts, 7.70.J pkgs.; strong large, September, HOUc; smull, Septem ber. 16c; large, late mode, IOHOIO740 mall, lato made. 11c. KQOS Receipts, 7.495 pkjs,; strong-; west Rreonil uraile. slack filled. Now counts, per can, 30c; extra selects, 26c; standards, 20c; bulk standards, per gal., J1.2... l'lUEONH Live, per ooz., sue. VEALH-Cholce, 9H10C. HAY Price quoted by Omaha Wholesale lav Dealers' association: Cholco upland. $9.50! No. 1 upland, $9; medium, $8.50; coarse, $8. Ryo straw, $6.50. Theso prices nro for hny ot good color nnd quality. Demand fair; receipts, 7 cars. OATS-No. 3 white, 26c. L'Ult.N .NO, 3, iSC. HRAN-$13. I VEGETABLES. TUHNIPS-Per bu. baskot, DOo, HEETS Per bu.. 00c. CARROTS Per bu H)c. LETTUCE Per doz., 30fl35c. RADISHES-Per doz.. 80c. HEANS Wnx. per 1-3 bu. baskote. $1; string, toc. I'OTATOES Per bu.. 401fOTc: joano. per bu., 75c, , SWEET POTATOES For bbl., $2.00W!.25. CA11HAOE Holland seed, 2c. TOMATOES California, per 4-basket crate, $2. onions I'er mi., wc. CELERY California, nn to size. 450760. CAULIFLOWER-Callfornla, per crate, $3. FRUITS. PEARS Per box, $2,000-2.25. OUAPES Malaga, per keg, $6,5007.60. Al'l'LES Native. 75cfi1.0o per bu.: per bbl.. $2.60; eastern, $3.(kKX25; California liel'.llowers. per box. $1.40n?1.50. CRANRERHIES Hell and ijugio. 19 per bbl.; Jorsoys, per bbl., $8; per crate, $2.75, TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOES-Callfomla seedlings. $2.75; navels, $3.50; Mexicans, $3.50; Florldas, $4. LEMONS California, extra fancy. $3.&0fi 3.75; choice. $3.23. iiAKANAp-i'er buncn, according 10 eize, $2.Wiff2.&0. Fins uanrornia, new cartons, we: lay ers, 75c. dated-peresian, in oo-id. poxes. 6'tcpcr lb. MISCELLANEOUS. HIDES No. 1 green. 7c: No. 2 green. 6c; No. 1 salted, 8c: No. 2 salted, 7o; calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. GV-c: drv hides. 8ffl3c: sheep pelts, 23Q75c; horse hides, $1.60W2.23. ,ui.3 r.iiKiiHii wiiuium. vr 111., j.iui iii- berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., lSO20c raw CIDEIt ler bbl.. $5: uer half bbl.. S3. SAUERKRAUT Por bbl.. SI: nor half bbl., $2.50. St. Louis (irnln and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 4. WHEAT Higher: No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 70c: track. 72 Jc: December. 71c: Janunry. u?ic: May. I'frc jno. - nam. wi5iwic. CORN-IIlKher: No. 2 ensh. 35c S6H36Uc; De.-;ember, 35c; May, 35,40 ijath f irm; mo. z casn, mw, I1'.n T-,nn...t.,.M u ( I . T., O-! . ..1,41., miumui..! Mm,, U75., while. 27c. RYE Quiet; 4S?;ift49c. FLOUR Quiet: natonts. $150(33.65 fancy and straights, $3.1503.45; clears, $2.85 SEEDS-Tlmothy, steady, $3.7504.20; flax, no mnrket. CORNMEAI-Steady, $2. H HAN Firmer; sacked east track. 6Sra67c. HAY Stroim: tlmothv. $10.004M4.W: pralrlo, higher, $10.50. wiiiHit.Y teaay, i.i'i. HEMP TWINP-9c. RAQOING 7fl7ic. blng, $13. Lard, nominally higher, $6.8537.00. ury sail meats moxeaj, easy; exirn snorts, $7.23; clear ribs and clear sides, $7.50. Bacon (boxed), steady to Mrm: extra shorts, $8.25; clear ribs and clear sides, $8.50. METALS Lead. dull. S4.25: sneltor. dull. $1.15. POULTRY Quiet: chickens. 6c: turkeys. 6c; ducks. 7c; geese.. 60c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 18026c; dalrv. l&t20e. K(iUH Htenny. sue. RECEIPTS Flour. 8.000 bbls.: wheat. 21.- 000 bu.: corn. 46,000 bu.; oats. 31,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 18 000 bbls.: wheat. 42,000 bu.; corn, 33,000 bu.; oats, 25,000 bu. Liverpool Grnln and Provisions, LIVERPOOL. Dec. 4. WHEAT Oulet. unchanged; December, 5s lllid; Marcn, 6s d. corn Quiet, uncnange-a to ia metier: December, 4s Id; January, 3s 10d; March, 3s 9d. I'i'iAH uanauian. lis s'iii. FLOUR St. Lou s fancy winter, steady at BS IK1. HOPS at iAindon (Pac nc coast), steady at 2 bnwr.i lis. PROVISIONS-Bcef. extra India mess. easy at C9s; prime mess, nominal at 65s. I'orK. prime mess western, llrm at izs. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 lbs., steady at 46s lid. iiacon, cuiniierinnd cut. i to ., ius. stroni; at 48s: loin; clenr middles, lluht. 30 to 3o lbs., tlrm nt 48s 9d: long c car mldd es. ncavy, w 10 11 ius., stenuy at HMiau; snort Denies. 14 to 16 lbs., strong nt bQs tid: slioui ders. square, 11 to 13 lbs., strong nt 3ls; short clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs., tlrm nt 44s. Lnrd, prlmo western, In tierces, quiet nt 3Ssj Amerlcnnrellned, In palls, steady at 39s 3d. BUTTER Finest United States, quiet at litis: goon united states, nun nt kis lid. rauLuw-I'lrm; jirimo city, zosud; aus tralln. In London. 27s 61. CHEESE Ens v: American finest white. 51s Cd: Amorlcnn tlnest colored. 62s 6d. Rcclnts of whent during the last threo days, 200,000 centnls, Including 159,000 Ameri can. Receipts of American corn during tho last tnrco nays, wi.',wu centals. wcainer line. Kiinsns City firuln nntt Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 4. WHEAT De- comber, iU0G3c; Mny, 67o; cash, No. 2 linrd. 65(r?Cc; No. 3, 63063c; No. 2 red, 6S'-ti9c; No. 3, 61067c. uoitN December. 33c: May, 34c; ensn, o. mixeii. iw'i(3j",ic; io, . wniie, aic; jo. ;i, ssrfiioic. UA IS NO, Z White, 24025c, RYE No. 2. 45c. llAY-Cholco timothy. $10.00010.50: choice prnlrie. $9.504110.00. BUTTER Creamery. lCTJ22c: dnirv. fancy. lie. ECiQS II Cher: fresh M ssnurl nnd Kan ens stock, 20c doz., lofs off, cases returned; new whltowood cases Included. Wo more. hu;i.-i-jii't wncat, us.mjo uu.; corn, 2i,tuo bu.: oats, 11.000 bu. SHIPMENT! S Whent. 00.000 bu.: corn. iu,5'A) uu,; oats, v,wu uu. Clmiiges In Available Sniiplr, NEW YORK. Deo. 4. Sneclnl cabin and telegraphic communications to Hradstreot's show tno following ciianges in nvauabio supplies from tho Inst nccoitnt: WHEAT Unlteil States and Canada, east ot tho Rockies, Increase, l,527,0i bu,: afloat for and In Europe, decrease. 3,000,000 bu.; total sunnl.v. decrease. 1.473.000 bu. CORN United States and Cunada, cast of tho Rockies, Increase, 301,000 bu. OATS United States nnd Canada, east of tho Rocltles. decrease, 635,000 bu. Among tno mon important increases reported to Hradstreot's nro thoso of 950.000 bu. in Mnnl. toba, 400,000 bu. at northwestern interior elevators. 267,000 bu. itt Depot Harbor, 83,000 bu. at Rochester nnd 82.WX) bu. at Ht. Josepn. Tho most Important decrease la that of 171,- vw uu. at v.iucuiio private uiuvaiura. Toledo Murlcrt. TOLEDO, O.. Dec. 4.-WIIEAT-Dull nnd urm: casn nnti ueccmncr, iuc; iiay, tjc. CORN Dull and higher; cash, 37c; De W.ll.'l'l, .kii;, OATS Quiet nnd llrm; ensh and Decern- uer. sac j .-viay, ic. RYE 51c. CLOVERSEED Dull nnd steady: 1899 prune, u.jj; ucccmner, ih.w; Ainrcn, )j.iZ Duluth MnrUct. DULUTH. Dec. 4,-WHEAT-Cash, No. 1 num. unc: no. i noruiern, 7iic: no. : northern, C20C8c; to arrive, No. 1 hard, n-io; no. i northern, 7i;c; December, 7l7c May, 75c. MlnneauolU .drain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Den. 4 WHEATrnh 72?io; December, 72HOJ May, 76c; on track, No, 1 hard, 74ie; No. 1 northern, 72ic; No. noruiern, lUUK lU-Jic. FLOUR First patonts, $1.000410! second patents, $3.75y3.8,i; Ilrst clears, $2.8W2.w; second clenrs, $2.CCt2.15. BRAN In bulk, Ill.Ulidl.iJ. Phllndrlplilit Produce Mnrkrt. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 4. BUTTER Firm. Ho higher: fnncv western cream eries, 26c; faiu y western prints, 2Sc. ljiiu 1 inn, ie nigner; iresu iiratu, fresh western, 270; fresh southwestern, 2tc; fresh southern, 25c, CHEESE Firm i New York full creams, fancy small, ll'iiJll'.jc; fancy small, fair to choice, lOUOHc. MIMrnukne Ornln Mnrket, MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Dec. 4. WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern, 74OT5c; No, 2 northern. 71073c, RYE-Steady; No. 1, DOc. BARLEY Steady: No. 2. C9c: sample. 41 56c. MOVEMliNi-S OF STOCKS AMI HOM1H. Anniiiincrinrnt of ltinrtrrl- Dividend Inrn .Siigar Loom- All Around. NEW YORK. Iliv 4 A fnvnrlln nnnidoT )n Wall street Is that n stirprlso Is alwnys uxpecieii in ougur. in tno pjrsu-.i oi tneir professional avocation stock traders tiro always trying to discount what they ex- hci anu tno consequence is mat in sugar hey nro Invariably surnrlsed nnd disap pointed. Today was no exception. Action on tho quarterly dividend has been looked for at any time for several days past and tho "news" us to what tho dividend would bo hns varied all the way from an Increase In tho regular rato from li to 2 per cent and up, to the regular 14 and an extra dis bursement of 2 per cent. Tho speculation has gono on right merrily on that basis. '1 ho prlco was run up to U"U this morning when tho Intimation was disseminated that no action would bo taken on tho dividend ;oay. consequently tho announcement u llttlo later that the directors had met nt tho private residence of the president of tllO comnanv nnd ilir1nrl n ,l vl,l,,n,l nf only lji per cent camo llko a bombshell upon tno speculative contingent. In their rush to save losses they forced tho price down by rapid stages, meeting no support except from professional shorts on tho way down. Tho Block touched 127U In tho last hour, which was 8 full points below tho highest, and closed with a net loss of 6. Tho violent slump In this stock had n depressing Influence on tho wliolo market, but tho movement clsowhcro at no umo approacned demoralization, in fact thero Were nolnts nf Ntri-nirth noralnllnir hero and thero In tho railroad, list, notably tho Erin ntrirlts iiml lit tlm Inu-.tiri,) Bouthwesterns, but theso yielded their galn3 in uiu into reaction, in tno enriy dealings tho principal weakness was shown by tlm specialties and especially the steel slocks. Tho latter group showed good recoveries und except for Tennessee Coal held well In tho Into weakness of tho railroad list. Thu pressure to sell the railroads grow steadily during tho latter part of tho day and a largo number of them Bhow net losses or noout n. point. Chicago, Burling ton & OUlncV declined !:. Tim untinrnl weakness, whllo partly due to sympathy with tho violent decline In Sugnr, was un doubtedly based for tho most part on nnxloty as to tho ability of tho money market to carry speculative accounts snfely over tho new year. Thero was no ovldenco that liquidation was forced today, but a spirit of caution prevailed and Induced measures to avoid anything llko forced liquidation In view of argo advances In prices which tho market has enjoyed. Owing to tho renewed movement of cur rency to the Interior nnd tho present low level of pension disbursements tho sub treasury has nlready taken up from tho money market nearly $3,000,000 since Fri day. Today's transfers to tho interior, which went to Now Orleans, were $400,000, compnred with $550,000 yesterday. Another notlconb'.o feature of the situation Is tho steadiness of sterling exchange In splto of tho Ilrmness of tho local monoy market and tho notably easier rates In London nnd Berlin. Tho foreign selling of oir se- umiuL-3, iviiiun was continued today to tllo oxtent of about 25.000 shares. Is supposed to account for this. Tho opinion Ib ex pressed by soma foreign authorities that this process has been carried so fnr as to leavo New York without futuro power to draw gold from Europenn sources. In this connection today's report of n further shipment from Australia to San Francisco of $1,500,000 In gold has somo slgnltlcunce. Incoming Htcamers nro bringing largo ship ments of American securities recently sold bv foreicn holders and thi tnrmnin In tlm nupnly of stock avallablo for lending serves hi iiii'iiuuiii near operations in tno marKct. Tho bond market shared In tho reac tionary tendency of tho Btock market, but was vnrled bv new nnlntn nf trnr?ili Totnl sales, par value, $3,505,000. United Hinies new is advanced ' per cent on the IUHI Uli.ll. Tho Commercial Advert snr'n T.nnilnn cablegram says: Business In tho mnrkots uero touay was restricted nnd dull, specu lators refralnlni; from dentlnir until Thnrs. day's Afrikander meeting, which It Is thought may creato somo political dis quietude. Paris rumors ot a settlement of copper troubles were accompanied by a fall in noma oi una in spanisn is or nnd fnlrly large cash sales of consols, which fell S-16. Tho sales of tlntos wero attributed to President MclClnley's reference to trusts In his message, which hitting the Amal gamated company would, It Is thought, reaot on tlntos. but the trouble Is nmuir. ently local. London was dull throughout except xor juries, in wnicn nn apparently concerted movemnnt was tnnrtn. bnlli lmrn and In New York. I-omlon was Inclined to sou tno lint, but New York stendled prices, sending Erlo lsts $1 above London nripps. Tho Bank of England lost 150,000 gold to Egypt and 50,0(0 to Java. Money was plentiful desplto tho puyment of 1,000,000 III ireiinury iiiijh. rno ronowing aro tno closing prices on tho Now York Stock exchange: Atchison do nfd Baltimore & O... Canadian Pac... Canada So dies. & Ohio .... Chicago O. W.... u. & w Chi. Ind. & L..., do nfd Chi. & E. Ill C. & N. W C, R. I. & P C. C, C. & St. L, Colorudo So do 1st Did , do 2d nfd Del. & Hudson.., Del. L. & W Denovr & R. O... do pfd Erlo , do 1st nfd Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Coal .., Hocking Valloy., Illinois ucnt.ru i., Iowa Central do nfd Lako Erlo Sc W., do pfd Lake Shoro L. & N , Mnnhnattnn L.. Met. St. Ry Mex. Central ... Minn. & St. Li..., do pfd Mo. Pnclllc Mobile & Ohio..., M.. K. & T do nfd N. J. Central .... N. Y. Central ... Norfolk & W...., do nfd No. Paclllc do nfd Ontario & W...., Oro. Ry. & Nnv, do pfd Pennsylvania ... Rending do 1st pfd , do 2d pfd Rio G. W , do pfd St. L. & S. F, ... do 1st pfd do 2d nfd St, L. Southw... do pfd St. Paul do pfd St. P. &- Omaha So, Paclllc So. Railway .... do pfd Tex. H .Pnclllc. Union Pnclllc ... do pfd 38 Wabash 82t do pfd , inVilWheel. (c L. E. 85U do 2d pfd ESU'wis. Central .... 37 Third Avenuo .., 14-!8 B. & O. pfd 133 Nntlonnl Tube... Zi do pfd 57 Adnms Ex....... 07 Amerlcnn Ex.... 160 TJ. 8. Ex HIH Wells-Fargo Ex & Amer. Cot. Oil... Ci do pfd 42Amer. Malting . 24 Ar ii'l il 14 Ar 17 I do nfd... 113 Amer. S. & it,.., 181 do nfd Amer. Spirits ,. no pru mer. 8. Hoon.. v;a no inn 1S'J Amor. 8. & W... 13i do pfd 3S Amer. Tin Plato 123 do pfd 20 Amer. Tobacco . 46 i do pfd 33 Anne. Mln. Co.. 107 Brooklyn R. T.. 210U Colo. Fuel & I.. 83 Con. Tobacco ., 103 do pfd 01 169 Federal Steel ... 48 7594 52 100 23 '3 . 27'J . 10 ,112 , , CO ,103 .110 ,160 ,131 . 30 , 5 , 26 , 51 1; , 03 , 14 , 17 , 27 , 75 . 41i .1064 ,130 . 47 . 4!VJ4 US i do nfd CtGon. Electric P9Qlucoso Sugar ... 59 do pfd 41Intsr. Paper 12 do pfd 37 T.acledo (Ins IIS Natlonnl Biscuit, 1111 do pfd l Natlonnl Lead ., 81 i do pfd ; 70 Natlonnl Steel .., Uv4 do pfd 21 N. Y. Air Brako, 42 No. American ... 76 .Pacific Coast 142 do 1st pfd.. 19 ' do 2d pfd Pacific Mall 31 65 3 1KU 76 45i 16 3.-.", 173l 120 41'i . 17l . SI 1 Peoplo's Oas Pressed S. Car.., do pfd Pullman P. Car., H. R. & T Sugar do pfd Tenn. Coal & I.. U. 8. Leather do pfd U. S. Rubber ... do pfd , Westorn Union., Republic I. & 8. do pfd P. C. C. & St. L Amal. Copper .. 70 67 91 19 93 35 92 JUI 19 57 86 Of. 47 9f 49 M 201 5'; 127, 116i 67!l irn 74I 2!1 85 83 , 91 ng of Industrials nnd ' Spanish 4. while Rio tlntos further receded. Batiks were depressed. Threo por cent rentes, lOlf 45o for tho account, Exchnngo on London, 25f I0c for checks. Spnnlsh 4s closed at 69.50. BERLIN, Dec. 4. Exohango on London, 20 in 44pfgs. for checks, Discount raless Short bills, 4 per cent: three-monthV bills. 4 per cent. Homo funds wero steady on tho bourse hero today. Spanish 4s fluctu ated. Americans were dull. Canadian Pa elites wero maintained. Mines wero dull and banks wero tlrm. U H. ref. 2s. rec do coupon , do 3s, reg , do coupon , do new 4s, reg, do coupon do old 4s, reg,, do coupon , do 5s, reg , iln rnnnnn I. Of C. 3 C3.... Atcn, gen. 4s do mil. 4s Can. So. 2s '. & O. 4s do 5s & N. W. c. 7s., do 8. F. il. fl... Chicago Ter. 4s., Colo. So. 4s K fk R. O. 4s..., rlo general 4s., . W. Sc D. C. Is, en. Electric Os. Central Is...., & N. mil. 4s.., . IC. fir T. 2h... do 4s,...,, Fnrelfrn I'liuiiielnl. LONDON, Dec. 4. Money Is In fair sup ply, the India bills operation havlnc lib ap preciable effect. Discounts aro steady. It Is generally believed that the case of Bhort loans Is temporary. Tho Joint stock banks nro taking bills cautiously. Business on the Stock exchango wns Irrogulnr nnd thero wns llttlo doing. Consuls wero dull aim money mnrket was distrusted) and other nign ciass securities wero weaK. Homo rails wero supported on tho decline In tho prlco of coal nnd Oormnn demnnd, Argentines led tho advance. Americans nnened nt our. Ity and closed dull. Tho dull feature was tho ilrmness or i;ries. Grand Trunks spurted, tlrst nnd seconds rising sharply, tho decrease In tratllo returns not count- ling expectations. Rlo tlntos wero Hat and Knfllrs wero Irrogulur. Gold premiums nro quoted ns follows: Buenos Ayrcs. 13O.C0: Mndrld. 33.32; Llwlion, S7.50: Homo, 5.00. "Tho nmount of bullion withdrawn from tho Bank of England on bnlanco today was .uu.imi. ri'inniEii i. ui, PARIS, Deo. 4. Prices on tho bourse to dav wero Ktcndy carls, but subsequently do dined. Tho feature was tho heaviness of Rlo tlntos. cnused by a rumor that Presi dent McKInley Is about to declare tlm necessity for preparing n law against trusts, missions were in goou aemanu Near me close mere was considerable sen Svr York Money Market. , NEW YORK. Dec: 4.-MONEY-Oij call. steady at 4)f4 per cent; Inst loon, 4 wr cent; prlmo mercantile pajier, 4iH pur cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Unsteady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $l.8.ri'4 for demand and nt $1.81 for sixty days: posted rates, $1.82 nnd $I.S6; commercial LlPs. $l..-JVV(il.81',4. SILVER-Certillcates, 61065c; bar, fllo; Mexican dollars, 50Uc. BONDS Government, strong: stnto. un steady; railroad, Irregular. -rno closing prices on oonus touay uro as follows: D D I Gc la. I M 101 105 110 110 Sit lln 116 113 113U 124 l2H 89 10S 103 120V1 139 U9 P.' 84 I 101 T.-.U in loo 71 V4 N. Y. Central Is, N. J. C. gen. 6s., No. Pnclllc 3s..., I do 4 N Y C & 8 L 4s., N. & W. con. 4s, Ore. Nnv. Is do 4s , Oregon 8. L. 6s.. do consol Cs..., Rending gen. 49, R. O. W. is 8t L & 1 M c. 5s.. St L & 8 F g. 6s, St. Paul consols, St. P.. O. & P. Is do 5s So. Pacific 4s...., So. Railway 6s... H. It. AC 'I'. US...., Tex. A: Facllla Is do 2s Union Pac. 4s,. Wabash Is do 2s West Shoro 4s. Wis! Central 4s Vn. Centuries ., 110 :l35& ,105 107 i 9S 111 ,102 127 116 91 ,100 113 12S lit ,119 i$ 112 , 70 .113 108 116 105 114 86 12 Ilnaton Ntock Utiotntlons. BOSTON, Dec. 4.-Call loans, por Cfjnt; tlmo lonns, 405 per cent. Official closing: A.. T. & S. F do pfd Amor. Sugar uo pi(i , Amer. Tel Boston & Alb'y., Boston At Me.... C, B. & Q Dominion Coal.., do nfd Federal Steel ,., do nfd Fltchbtirg pfd... Gen. Electric ... do nfd Ed. Elec III , Mex. Central .... Mich. Telephone, N. k. u. & u Old Colony , Old Dominion .,, Rubber -., Union Paclllc , 38 Union End 7V West End 117 Westlngh. Elec, ,116 lAtchtsnn 4s ,167 IN. E. G. & C. 5s 249 Adventure , ,195 Allouoz Mln. Co. 131 Amnl. Copper .., , 37 Atlantic ,112 .Boston & Mont., 4t Butte & Boston., , 75 Cul. & Hccia ,138 Centennial ,166 Franklin ll.i Humboldt ,21.8 Osceola , 11 Parrot , 85 Qtilncy 12 Santa Fo Cop.. ,201 Tamarack 78 Utah Mining .. 28'Wlnona 71 Wolverines 3 M t:(i 101 , 67 , 614 : 9f, . 27 .MS . 81 .825 . 16 . 15 . 25 :8fc .174 . 6- .297 . 34 . 45 Nevr York Mining; Stock. NEW YORK. Dec. 4. The following aro the closing quotations for mining shares touay: Chollar 12 Crown Point 10 Con. Cal. & Va..l30 Dead wood 53 Gould & Currlo,.. &n Halo & Norcross. 15' Homestnko 0500 Iron .Silver to Mexican 15 Ontario O'X) Ophlr riymoutn Quicksilver .... do' pfd Sierra Novada Standard Union Con Yellow Jacket . Brunswick . Co . 8 125 .700 . ?3 .290 . 20 . 20 .. 9 London Ntock Quotntlons. LONDON, Dec. 4.-4 p. m. Closing: Consols, money., do account Atchison Can. Pacific .... St. Paul , Illinois Central.. LoulHvlllo Union Pac. pfd. N. Y. Central... 97 97 tnv. 8711' 131 18,47U' Erlo do 1st nfd Pennsylvania .. Heading , No. Pacific nfd. Grand Trunk .. Anaconda Rand Mines .... 8 15 42i 10 - 3 40 BAR SILVER-Stcndy, t911-16d per ounce. MONEY 2 nor cent. Thn nitn nf din. count In tho opon market for short bills Is 3 per cent; for threo months' bills, 3 per natiV) Clearings. CHICAGO. Dee. 4. Clearlnvs. lK.417.1Kn! lialnnccs. '$1,570,307. Posted exchange, $4.82 04.86. New York exchange, 15c discount, llAl.TIMOnP nn J Pl.apln,,. tcc?n S45; balances. $140,154. NEW YORK. Dec. 4.-Clearlng8. $306,039, 445; balances, $11,339,837. 1IUSTUN. uec. 4. Clearings, 126,841,930; balances. $2,100,093. CINCINNATI. DfC l-ClearlnM, $M7, 000. Money, 3a per cent. New York ex- cnange, par to zhc premium, I'HILADELPIIIA. Dec. 4. Clearings. 121.. 618.020; balnnces. $3,372,880. ht. LuuiM, uec; 4. Clearings, $7,015,048. Money, steady at 407 per cent. New York oxchnnge, COc discount bid, 40c discount asked. Refilling Company's Dividend. NEW YORK. Deo. 4. Tho Amerlrnn Sugar Rofinlng company has declared a dividend of li per cent on Its common stock for tho quarter. This rato Is the same as paid on tho previous quarter. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec 4.-COTTON-The cot ton mnrket nursucd nn Irregular eoursn to. day and speculation showed further con tractions abroad, hero and In New Orleans. Tho opening was easy, with near months 105 points higher on covering by room shorts, following better cables than ex pected and rumors that southern spot mar kets wero advancing on active export do mestic demnnd. The moro rcmoto options wero 106 points lower undor genernl selling on a moderate scale and nn nlmost total absence of support from any direction. Soon nfter tho call tho market was steadl:r and a trlfio moro active, duo to firm ndvlces from tho English market; but still later nn easier turn developed under renewed selling, tno direct result of largo estlmntes for recelnts nt tho norts nnd Inner towns nnd a moro bearish semi-weekly Interior town stntoment than looked for. Though llnnl reports from southern' spot murknts rollccteu Increased strength and somo Im provement In values on urgont demand lrom Now England t-ptnners and the ex port faction, thero was n lack of Interest In tho market and prices rallied but a few points nt most. Tho New Orleans matket wns finally quiet nnd steady, with prlca net 6ffll points lower, NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 4.-COTTON-easler; sales. 5,650 bnles; ordinary, 8 3-lGc; good ordinary, 8 13-lHo: low middling, 7-16n; middling, 913.16o: good middling, 101-lOc; middling fnlr, 10c; receipts, 15.87') bales; stock, 313,342 bnles. Futures: De cember, 9 62'??9.fi3c: January, 9.5909.60c; Feb ruary. 9.5Sfl9.59c: Mnreh. 9.5S9.59c: Anrll. 9.57fi9.5$e: May, 9.5609.57c; June, 9.5509.5Cc; July, y&w'UBc. ST. LOUIS, Deo. I. COTTON Steady; sales, 130 bales; middling. 913-16o: receipts, 12.62S bales: jIi nmcnts. 12,069 bales: Btock, C2.270 bnles. GALVESTON, Deo. t.uunuN steady at 9 9-16c. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 4.-COTTON Spot, modcrato business; prices firmer: Amor lean middling, per lb., 519-32d. Tho sales of tho day wero 7.000 bnles, of which 500 wero for sptculntlon nnd export nnd In cluded 6,500 Amerlcnn: receipts. 10.000 bales. Including 11.3m) American. Futures opened quiet and steady nnd closed steady; Aincr Iphii nilddllni;. 1. in. c. ner lb.. December. C31-6UiT 32-61(1, Fellers; December and Jan uary, r2:-UNl. buyers; janunry nnu I'eii runry, 5 27-6ld. sellers: Februnry nnd Mnreh, 5 21-61Q-3 2."i-64d. sellers: March nnd April, 5 22-6ld, Hollers: Anrll and May. 6 19-6ld, buyers; Mny nnd June, fi 16-01O 5 1'i-6td, buyon; Juno nnd July, r. 13-6lO rl4-6ld, sellers: July nnd August, filO-ilO 511-61(1, sellors: Augtist nnd Scptomber, 5 i-6l03 9-6ld, buyers. Oil Mnrket. OIL CITY, Doc. 4. OILS-Credlt bnl m, 11.07! rprtlllentes. offered. S1.0UV,. $1.0S bid; shipments. 79,855 bbls.: average, 80.175 bbls.; runs, '90,774 bbls.; average, 74,309 bbls. NEW YORK, Dec. 4.-OILS-Cottonseed, easy; prime crude, 28c; prlmo yellow, 31c. I'ctroloum. dull: refined Now York. $7.25: Pennsylvania and Baltimore, $7.20; Pennsyl vania and Baltimore, In bulk. $1.63. Turpen tine, steady nt 42c, "osjn- sieauy; Hlrnliied. common to good. $1.65fLi0. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 4. OILS Cottonseed, Hull refined, Bpot, quiet, nt 20s 9d, Tur pentlnu spirits, dull, nt 30s. Rosin, common, steady, nt 4s 7d. Linseed, sternly, at 32s 6d. Potroieum, rollneu, (iuei, hi is. Coffee Mnrketw NEW Y'OBK, Dec. 4.-COFFEE-Optlons opened sternly, with prices unchanged to 5 points lower, and wenkened after tho cull under room selling. After midday tho mar ket was firmer and 15 points higher on cov ering and light Investment buying, prompted by a rally of frnno In Havre and nntlclpatlon of a email world's vlslblo supply Increase, Trading wns compnra tlvoly light nnd chlelly professional. The mnrkot closed firm, with quotations un changed to 10 points higher. Total sales wero 18,500 bags. Including, per 100 lbs.: Dccomber, 6.155j6.20; March, 6.400 6.60c: Mny, . i-v... t . . , . . n .-.-. li ..... i ... a er,tt -Ki Snot, Rlo, quiet; No, 7 Invoice, per lb., "c, Mild, quiet; Cordova, 9'al3c. . OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET EccelpU of Oattlo Fairly Liberal and Prices Steadj to Strong on All Qradet. HOGS CLOSE TO A NICKEL HIGHER fllieep anil Lambs In Active' Demand and Mnrket Ahnnt a Dime Higher Tlmn nt (.'loan nf Laat Week Feeders About Strnd-. SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. 4. , Receipts wero: Cntlle. Hogn. Sheep. Otllcl.il Monday 2.783 ll.WH 6,91 Otllclnl Tuesday 8,304 7.86 6.776 11.7.) 10.U7 11,512 11,497 8.215 Two days this week C.0S7 11,561 Same days Inst week,... U.5M 1S.966 Sumo woek before 9,462 1 6,455 Hnmu threo Weeks nco.., 10.071 10,417 U....... -I... . n t Til "tw njui ivccnn liKo i,iw .- Average price paid for hogs for tho last several days, with comparisons: I 1900. I1899.I189S. 1897. !S96.18t5.18M Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov, DCC. Dec. Deo. Dec. 4 82 1 !U 4 82W 78 76 5W 76 70Ti ' Hi 4 CStt! 4 62 4 C3 4 '17 3 W 3 33 3 27 3 84 3 35 3 31 3 18 3 87 3 36 3 32 3 11 3 SC 3 3i 3 32 3 14 3 29 3 34 3 16 3 88 3 34 i 1 3 89 3 31 3 15 3 86 3 37 3 S9 , 3 85 3 44 3 T, 21 3 82 3 46 3 27 3 21 3 77 3 38 3 30 3 16 3 23 3 24 3 21 3 76 3 2S 3 2j 3 73 3 20 3 32 3 68 3 19 3 30 3 71 3 21 3 27 3 38, 3 74 3 25 3 23 3 19 3 76 3 28 3 25 3 09 3 29 3 19 3 23 3 81 3 29 3 21 3 16 3 46 3 46 I 3 41 3 39 8 42 3 42 3 38 3 41 3 46 3 50: 3 43 3 37 3 40, S 35 3 42 3 39 4 31 4 45 4 4 1 4 U 4 37 4 41 4 : 4 4) 4 :s 4 30 4 40 4 i!9 '.4l 4 47 4 38 Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday. Tho nlllrl.nl tmnilisp nt run nt Stock brought In today by each rond was: Cattlo.Hogs.Sh'p.H'ses. C, M. & Bt P. Ry 3 7 Missouri Pacific Rv 3 3 2 Union Pacific system. ... 17 15 10 2 C. &.N. W. Ry 2 .. 1 F, E. & M. V. R, It.... 36 33 4 S. C. & P. Ry 4 C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry.. 1R 6 5 B. & M. R. It R 49 19 C, II. & Q. Ry 8 18 1 1 C, R. I. & P., cast 1 7 1 u. it. I. Ac l'., west l Illinois Central 1 Total receipts 139 112 24 4 Tho disposition nf tho dav's recelnts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber or ncnu inuicateu: Buyers. Omnha Packing Co.... O. II. Hammond Co.... Swift nnd Company, Cattle. Hogs. Ch'p. Cudahy Packing Co Armour t uo R. Becker & Degan Vansunt & Co J. L. Cnrey Lobmnn & Co McCreary & Clark Benton & Underwood... Huston & Co Llvtngstono & Schaller. L. F. Huh II. L. Dennis & Co Other buyers 161 157 450 44 647 7 60 17 20f 24 38 3 S3 7 67 545 640 1.X18 1.708 2,206 1,968 119 206 81 1,613 426 7,860 3,092 fv537 Totals 3,320 CATTLE There was not a. nnrtlcularlv heavy run of cnttlo hero today, and ns the demand on the part of pnekers and yard traders, as well was In good shape, tho market ruled ncttve and steady to strong en all deslrablo grades. a good proportion of tne receipts were mado tin of cornfed cnttle. closo to fifty cars being reported on sale. Packers nil seemed to want a few, bo It won a good, Bteady to strong, active market. In soma enses sales were maae tnai iookcci a uima higher, and even the short fed stuff moved a llttlo moro freely than has been the casa of lato. Tho moro deslrablo bunches begun moving to tho scales nt an early hour, and practically ovcrythlng was sold In good ueason. There was only a fair supply of cow stuff on sale today, and buyers picked up what wns offered at good steady prices They seemed to bo anxious for supplies, so that everything, from tho best grades down to tho cauncrs, sold at good price.? ns compared wun tne way tncy navo Dcen going of lato. Thoro wero not many feeders on sala today, and ns a result'tho belter grndes met wllli rAnlv nalo nt stendv to stronr nnces Tho less desirable grades alBo sold at good steady prices. btocg cowm and ncuers brought fully steady, prices if they wero good, nnd stock bulls also Bold a llttlo bettor. Thero was not much change in stock calves. The supply or western range came touav was rattier lignt. adoui tne oniy Deei cattla offered wan a string of Texas stuff which brouint good tron prices. Ornss cows also sold fully steady with yesterday, and the same could b said of stockora and feeders. Representative sales: No. 2... 2 10... il"! 13... i... 19..., 39... 12... 1... 1..., 69... 15... Av. ..1030 .. 865 .. 874 .. 955 .. 914 .. 793 .. 980 ..1154 ..1138 ..1205 .. 950 ..1180 .. 940 ..1092 .1128 Pr. 3 00 3 35 3 35 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 0 4 25 4 35 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 75 4 80 Jo. 4B. . 17.. 34.. 16.. 51.. 60.. 88.. 19.. 44.. 60.. 39.. 80.. 89.. 2.. 1. Av. ...1187 ...1097 ...1373 ...1356 ...1368 ...1266 ...1263 ...1299 ...1038 ...1281 ...1267 ...1217 ...1306 ...1250 .1040 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 18 870 4 CO 96 925 17 923 4 3'. 101 913 W D. 3... 6... 4... 3... 9... 37... 8... 1... 3... 8... 1... 2... 1... 10... 1,. 1.. 5.. 4.. 1... 1... 1... 1... 15... 8... O 10... 7... 4... 1... 1 3 1 4 2 .... r.'..... 21 1 19 1. . 820 . 830 .1000 . 823 .1060 . 960 . 890 . 960 . 840 . 955 . 810 . 860 .1080 .1060 . 960 .1062 . 662 . 918 . 920 .1166 .1062 .1080 . 985 .1160 . 950 1070 ,fc 1320 981 1070 1025 1010 1050 1160 ....1170 ....1121 ....1177 ....1000 ....1037 ....1152 .... 877 ....1010 ....1075 ....1020 .... 670 .... 656 .... 550 .... 912 .... 625 .... 720 .... 862 .... 332 .... 318 90 2 25 2 25 2 2) 2 25 2 rs 2 60 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 55 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 1)0 2 63 2 65 2 ft) 2 70 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 85 2 30 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 1)0 2 91 2 95 2 95 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 HEIFERS. .... 960 ....1040 ....1025 ....1010 .... 928 ....1200 ....1005 ....1165 ....1168 .... 780 ....1030 ....1019 ....1200 .... 941 ..,.1196 ....1150 ....1092 ....1140 .... 940 ....1110 ....1120 ....1020 ....1060 898 1098 .......1180 1000 960 ...1206 ...1190 ... 993 ...1192 ... 930 ...1080 ...1231 25 1104 19 1066 9 1014 6 1376 1 1320 34 1148 1 1400 1. 1. 2 1 6 1::::: 2 6 8 1 18 3 10...... 6 1 6 1 1 10 1 1 l....A 8 9 1. 1. 1. 6... 1... 8... 7... 1... 1... 29 2 60 3 0) 3 15 3 15 3 23 3 25 3 30 11. 11. 20. 11. 2. 3. 14.. CALVES. 3 60 1 5 00 3 6 00 1058 1058 E6.8 971 9S5 480 969 90 190 160 Pr. 4 85 4 SO 4 90 4 90 4 M 5 00 5 10 5 05 6 10 R 15 6 15 5 20 5 20 5 20 6 20 4 Vi 80 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 05 3 05 3 05 3 1)5 3 05 3 05 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 15 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 23 3 25 3 1'j 3 25 3 25 3 35 3 35 3 35 3 40 3 50 3 50 3 60 3 U'i .1 60 3 70 3 75 3 90 3 90 3 95 4 00 3 40 3 40 3 60 3 50 3 60 3 75 i 23 6 00 6 55 6 10 1 stag. 10SO 3 00 1 feeder.. .1190 Hcheffcr Bros. L'olo. 1... 29... 5... 19... 20... 1... 2... 2... 1... 1... 1... 2... 1... 11... 79... 1... V.'.'..... 1.... 1.... 39.... 1.,.. 5.,,, 14.... HTfiniC COWS AND HEIFERS. ,7..... 470 2 50 16 767 2 DO 7&2 2 00 20 685 3 00 718 2 60 I. ...j 750 3 10 1029 2 65 1 870 3 10 939 2 80 1 610 3 25 S20 2 60 8 887 3 40 823 2 90 4,.,.t 375 4 33 BULLS. 10-10 2 25 1 1520 3 00 1440 2 30 1 1150 3 10 1230 2 50 1 1350 3 15 1310 2 65 1 1310 3 25 970 2 63 1 ,..1250 3 25 1860 2 75 1 1590 3 50 STOCK CALVES. 430 3 00 1 670 3 60 460 3 60 1 640 4 70 410 3 60 16 440 4 70 STEERS TEXAS. 1000 4 35 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 00 . 640 . C90 .1010 . 750 . 555 . 624 . 655 . 575 . 970 ...1010 ... 01 ... 600 ... 968 ... 91$ 2 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 25 3 23 3 25 3 25 8 50 3 50 3 55 3 60 OS k::::::;::: 9 1 23 42 23 12 14 1 26 6 20 24..,, '26 616 628 630 6,88 998 996 937 617 680 924 868 913 937 129 1029 NEBRASKA. 3 65 3 75 3 'i5 3 75 3 85 3 90 3 90 3 95 4 4 00 4 05 4 10 4 50 4 85 6 23 1 bull .480 2 65 6 feeders.. 1018 2 bulls 1250 2 65 1 feeder.. ,UW 1 bull 1130 3 ft) 6 cows.,... 940 2 COWS 960 3 25 1 ,C0W 1090 1 COW 930 2 83 3 COWS 913 20 COWS SI2 2 35 4 COWS 932 10 cows 747 2 35 . , . O. 11. Rush-Colo. 42 feeders.. 856 3 85 6 feeders.. SSO , Blelenberg Sc W.-Mont, . 38 bulls 1353 2 70 2 bulls... ..1076 ... J. K. Sample Colo, 4 feeders,. 575 3 65 6 cows 791 1 feeder.., 770 3 65 3 cows 740 6 feeders.. 3 75 1 cow 800 2 feeder.. 675 3 25 3 COWS 1000 8 COWS..,,, H12 2 40 1 1...11 1 Sample Colo. ; ""II" 1215 2 25 38 COWS 862 2 !.'.rr!,""no;1 4 10 3 COWS 1126 4 COWS 1077 5 111 im.J?W"1 IallJ nnJ Cnttlo Co. Wyo. 163 str. lex. 840 3 45 62 str. Tex. 859 1 "t.1 Cnttlo Co. Colo. "2 Spw" 843 2 40 3 feeders. .1076 3 cows 7M 2 4.) a i.nii. ... iiii 9 COWS Icmks air, ii.nii unn 3 W 4 CO 1 00 2 85 3 10 2 85 2 35 3 25 2 10 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 35 3 35 3 45 3 90 2 60 ,., , , Uolonci J. L. Torrcy Neb. W9 3 75 61 feelers.. 496 2 c"WS 10W 2 60 3 cows 1153 HOCI8 There was only a fal rfJSn Vr0r t0i,ay. 1,11,1 1,10 mnrket ( close to 6c higher nnd active, e f. B fol ..t'".?;i'..", morning, fin!" !. iUl UU,1I'B. -65, but s not cut loose at thoso neuron. 3 40 3 25 60 3 cows 1153 2 (0 i,i!i.V,iT.lle.ro waa l' a fair run of J-in'Ln W0?;'', 1,11,1 1,10 market opened up active, everyiniug ;, I'acKers Hnllnrn illil lit ttlA tl..m , i .. I. thollL-h Othrr mnrlril- -l..."'.1?!.. '.VI i'tw1 iYem."n ' ,miyr8 e had to ralso Thri ,'iCd"b.niforu ,h?f' C0,,M Ket tho hogs. n,?.VllayiUlr hulk was 4 114, and 54T63. so nickel advance. The butcher weights sold .Vi? . T 1,10 "uallty was good and tho greatest advance was on the moro desirable loads, it wan not dllllcult, however, to dispose of oven tho commoner kinds. Tho close of tho market was good nnd strong. Tho average cost today, os will be seen rrom the table of average prices. Is on'v about 8c lower than It wns a week ngo nnil 60 lower than two weeks ago, Repre- .-i-iiiuiiu silica. Pr. No. Av. 8h. Pr. 4 10 63 233 ... 4 l7& 1 ID JU Z'.ll 4 15 31 263 4 20 69 238 4 25 80 261 4 60 77 250 4 W (S S16 4 00 61 258 4 65 69 314 4 65 60 322 4 65 60 330 4 61 f,fi 233 4 (il 66 263 4 'n 66 241 4 (" 81 262 4 m 62 295 4t5 68 272 4 65 62 340 4 6) 67 290 4 3 69 262 4 62V4 84 188 4 65 71. .'....200 I ! 61. 4 65 69, 4 65 61. 4 65 63., 4 65 f,6. 4 65 61. No 23.. 15 90 66 110 26 113 119 124 110 ISO 111 166 12 241 36 262 196 272 60 2S0 K 230 12 187 11 220 81 23S 72 243 73 204 96 1S9 93 195 75 173 102 144 Av. Sh. 89 40 80 3. 69.. 26.. 90.. 69.. 64.. 57.. 31.. 66.. 60.. 61. 262 ..304 ..224 ..195 ..255 ..324 ..309 ..274 ..337 ..ar. 255 240 160 160 160 120 80 80 120 160 40 80 SO ii6 120 80 66 317 64.. 12,. 12.. 104. 63., 65.. 68.. 61.. 103. 00. 67. 60. ,250 ...201 ...284 . .304 ...283 ...290 ...284 ...265 ...175 ...235 ...270 4 ... 4 67U 7 160 4 67(4 5 240 4 67((. i 6714 4 67(2 ,273 ,...268 ,...297 ...261 ...304 ...266 60 316 16 227 160 120 "sh 40 120 200 40 40 lea s5 120 80 120 80 80 120 4 67ft 4 r.7(i 4 67V, 4 (.7'5 4 67 , 4 67(4 4 674 4 574 40 160 'so 40 4') 120 40 40 120 120 40 4 67V 4 67', 4 67Vi 4 67i i 4 biy, 1 Ol-i I Kill 8 271 ... 4 67 65 330 ... 4 67W 63 270 200 4 BlU 4 67M, 4 67( 44 366 99 2-JO 7 67.. 37.. 27.. 11.. 62.. 62.. 112. .225 ..332 ..205 ..245 ..330 ..249 ..324 ..319 240 80 40 120 266 SO 4 67U 4 67V4 4 67ft 4 07 4 4 67U A r?i r 1 EH 67( 79.. 60.. 64.. 61.. 68.. 64.. 84.. 81.. 66.. 62.. 67.. 80.. 60.. 60.. 69... 69... 66... 75... 65... SO... 62... 52... 72... 46... 320 80 160 40 120 200 ..257 ...274 ...219 ...266 ...280 ,..212 ...184 ...165 ...292 ...311 ...296 ...233 ...272 ...235 111 64 238 120 75 235 40 71 260 SO ..264 ..307 ..231 ..177 ..IDG ..254 ..313 ..264 ..300 120 40 200 40 80 200 40 200 80 80 120 40 40 40 40 4 67l.j 4 67 j I 07 , 4 C7(j 4 671.2 4 67.i 4 1,7' 4 4 67!b 4 67' 4 4 6714 4 7',4 4 6714 47(t JS? 4 67V5 4 i0 4 70 0 0 70 70 70 70 70 I 70 '0 0 0 0 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 4 72V4 4 72'4 4 72V4 SHEEP Thero was a fair supply of sheep hero today and ns packers wero all good buyers the market ruled uctlvo nnd a little stronger. Wethers sold as high as $4.10. Considering the iiunllty of tho offerings ns a wholo tho general mnrket looked a dlmo higher today than It was at tho rlose of last week. Everything ut nil deslrnblo was sold out early at very satisfactory prices. Fat lambs wero also In good de mand and as high. as J5.25 wus paid for a string weighing 72 pounds. The feeder market did not show much change today, as tho demand seemed to be sufficient to take what was offered at Just about Bteady prices. Oood stulT sells rapidly, but the less deslrablo grades are of course neglected. Quotations: Cholco fed wethers. Jl.ftVff 4.20: fair to good fed wethers. J3.85JC4.00; choice grass wethers, S3.75$3.90; fair to food grass wethers, tt.GGfi'J.Tt,; choice ewes, f8.K&M; fair to good ewss, t&OOgatt: choice spring lambs. 5.00i9S.23; fair to good spring lambs, M.760K.M: feeder ewes, tJ.25 J.OC: feeder wethers, S8.60ft3.75; feeder lambs, M.wtfi.w. iiopresentAiivo sales: No. 10 Iowa cull ewes 61 Utah ewes 6 fed ewes 104 Iowa fed ewes 87 fed ewes 4 cull lambs 83 Utah wethers 127 Utah feeder wether 1,63$ Utah foeuer wether 3 Mexican feeder yearlings..,. 3 rea ewes cull lambs fed wethers fed wethers Nebraska fed mixed Nebraska fed yearlings Neorasga red wetners,,, Iowa fed yearlings 2 Nebraska fed lambs 13 Iowa fed lambs 6 fed lambs 7 Nebraska fed lambs 25 fed lambs 33 grass eweB , 67 fed wethers 135 24 201 413 97 424 Av. 73 10) 121 84 101 77 10) 98 86 64 130 44 no 110 118 82 100 95 85 66 108 72 67 110 85 Pr. S2 40 2 93 3 W 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 70 3 70 3 $0 3 10 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 ffl 4 00 4 05 4 10 4 20 5 00 5 6 10 5 25 5 00 3 60 3 95 CHICAGO LIVES STOCK. MARKET. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 steer 1000 )2 75 2 steers.... 930 $2 75 1 steer 870 2 75 1 steer.. ...1130 2 76 1 bull 1320 2 40 3 bulls 1123 2 40 1 bull ttO 2 00 12 feeders,, 1025 3 45 (Tattle Generally Steady Hoses Close Knuler Sheep Close Slow, CHICAGO. Dec. 4.-CATTLE Recelnts. 6,000 head; generally steady, Including butchers' stock: natives, best on snlo today. 2 carloads Christmas at 16.10: good to prlmo steors, J5.4&56.00: poor to medium, J!.00(a5.3o: selected feeders, steady, KM 1.25; mixed Btockers. $2.25ft'3.i0; cows, $2.6064. 15: heifers. 12.655T4.63; canncrs, $2.00Q2.60; bulls, $2.60W 4,16; calves, slow, closing 25c lower, $3.50((i; 6.50; Toxas-fed steers, $l,O0Q4.9O: Texas grass steers, A.mM.ia: 'icxas Dims, t..wiv 3.25. HOQR Receipts today. 3I,ono head; to morrow. 40.000 head, estimated: left over. 3,000 hend; opened stronger, closed easier; top, $4.87(4; mixed and butchers, J4.50J4.87'A: good to cholco heavy, $4.65174.85; rough heavy. $4.40(fM.50; light, J4,60i4,87',4; bulk of fifties, $4.70(34.80. 81IEEP AND IAMHH Recelnts. 19.000 head; opened Bteady, closing slow; good to cholco wethers, $4,005? 1.35; fnlr to cholco mixed, $3.75tf4.05: western sheep, $4.00WI.33; Texas sheen. $2.50510.60: nntlvo lambs. Sl.OOtfi 5.50; western lambs, $4.76if5.50. Kansas City Lire Stork Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. Doc. 4. CATTLE Re- colptB, 8,500 head natives, 1,000 head Toxans and 200 head calves; all deslrablo offer ings (illicitly sold at steady nrlces: a few inferior bunches shado lower: nntlvo steers. $4.605?5.75; stockcrs nnd feeders. $3.504fl.3O; butcner cows and neirers. jxwiM.u: din ners. $2.60i5Ta.oO: fed westerns, $3.60fM.93: fed Toxans, $3.60(tf4.25; grass Texnns, $3,055(3.40; calves, $3.606.60. HOGS Receipts. 10.250 head: trado very active nt 2Mffl0c advance; heavy, $4.80ft4.85; mixed. $4.751N.82K! light. JI.7lKfi4.S5: nlira. $4.60fT4.65. HH1SKF AND LAM1JH ilece nts. 3.700 head; market active and mostly steady; a lew cnoico tuners iuc uigucr lamus. ib.wnc 6.60; muttons, $3.Sojp4.30; stnekers und feed ers, cuus, u.wju.w. Ht. I.onln Live Stock. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 4.-CATTLE-RecclpU, 4.600 head, Including 2,000 Tcxans; market Btead" native shipping and export Bteers, $4.6&a4.75; dressed beef and butcher steors, $4.156.26; steers under 1,0)0 lbs., $3.254.75; stockers nnd feeders, $2.4004.35; cowb and heifers, $2.Oftf4.60; canners, $1.252.75; bulls, $2.4003.25; Texas nnd Indian steers, $3.60gi 4.66: cows and heifers. $2.6003.35. HOGS Receipts, 10,000 hend; market about steady; pigs and lights, $4.664.75; packors. $4,702-4,75; butrherB, $4.SOtf4.85. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 8.000 head: market strong and active; native muttons, j.wih.iu; lamus, $i.x3re.(o; culls and bucks, $2.00i8'4,00; stockers, $2.60Q3.(iO. Stock In Sight. Following aro the receipts nt the four principal western mariccis tor December 4: A. , CnH!, U"I?h. Sheep. nouwi uiuautb ........ o.ut Chicago 5.000 Kansas City 8.600 St. Louis 4,600 7.6IK 31,000 10,250 10,000 5.776 19.000 3,700 3,000 Totals 21,304 69.US 31,476 Nevr York Live Stock. NEW YORK. Dec. 4 -niwi.isn.. celpts, 82: no trading; feeling Bteady; ca bles firm: exports, 850 cnttlo and 3,300 quar tern ui urm, vutvrs, rt:ui?iHs, izu: sieiuiy; vcnls, $5.0O'a.60; llttlo calves, $4; grassers, nominal. 1 . SHEEP . AND LAMBH Receipts, 60S neau; traae nmiica, but market Btendy; ehceo. I2.60ff4.25; export wethers, $4.60: lambs. $3.ftIiri.ri0i no prime Imnbs here. IIO(lS-Receipts, 6,229 head, nil. for slaughterers; nothing doing; nomlnnliy steady. St. .IokcpIi l.ltr Stock Mnrkrt. SOUTH ST. JOHEPlf. line. 4-(8tieclnl.l The Journal quotes; i-AiTi.u Receipts, 1,400 head! mnrxri sternly; unlives, $1.0003,30; Texas and westerns. $3.25tiC20; cows and heifers, $2.00rr 4.50; bulls nnd sings, $2.ii0l.6.; yenrllngs nnd calves. $3.0001.25, stockers and feeders, $3.0001.00! Vcnls, 13.60116.00. I lOdS Receipts, 6,li head; market 507(40 higher; all grades, $1.7004.85; bulk of sales, $l,75J4.SO. . SHEEP AND LAMliS-Recelpts, 6no head; market strong. Wool .MnrUct, BOSTON. Dec. ,4.WOO!,iiuslness wns quiet In tho wool market this week, tho holiday making qutlu a difference In tho sales. Tho tone Is steady, however, but tho anxiety felt regarding the recent fallurn of two wool houses on account of a fear that tho wools held by thesu deaters would bo forced on tho market has been allayed by tho fact that tho wools nro to bo offered on the mnrket tho same ns before. Denlein nro viewing tho. outlook with expectation of a better market, b.it ns yet thev can seo but llttlo prostHct of linmedinto higher prices. Territory wools continue to head tho list of sales. Fine medium and fine Is quoted nf4S049c. Tho strictly staple nrtlclo Is held nt 5oe. Fleeco wools nro slow and spot offerings of many grades moderate, Australian wools aro quiet nnd sales nro mnde ut full recent prices. Tho following nro tho quotations for lending descriptions: Ohio nnd Pennsylvania! Flevces, X and above, 25026c; X and XX above, 27?4fi2Sc: delaine, 29000c: No, 1 combing, 29c; No, 2 and i-bIood, 280-290! i-blood washed. 2S0 2C! coarse nnd braid washed, 2fi5f27i Michi gan, Wisconsin, etc.: X Michigan, 22023c. No. 1 Michigan combing. 270CSc; No Michigan combing, 2702Sc: (-blood washed, 26027c: coarse nnd bruld wnshed, 250 26c, flno delaine, 21023c. Unwnsned medium, etc.: Kentucky hik! Indiana, U-blood combing, 22023c; N-blood, 22053c j braid combing, 20021c: lako nnd Georgia, 220"23c. Territory, scoured bnsls: .Montana and Wyoming, lino medium nnd line, 1701So; scoured, 48049c; staple. 60001c; Utah, flno medium nnd line, 10017c: scoured, 47049c: stnple, 50c; Idaho, lino medium nnd fine, 15 016c; Hcotired, 47019c; staple, 60c. Aus tralian, scojred basis, spot prices: Comb ing superfine, nominal, 730i6c; good, 65 70c: average. GSgiWc. ST. LOUIS. LVc. 4. WOOt-Exceptlng bright medium, which Is ntendy. all grndes nro neglected nnd nomlun 1 prlco. Offer ings lnrgo und sales post only at fig ures much under those given below, which nro asking prices: Medium grades. 11021c; light Hiii-, 13017c; heavy line, 11014c; tub washed, 1S0'.mj',4c. .New York Dry Gondii. NEW YORK, Dee. 4.-DRY OOODS-Spot business today has been on a decided lim ited scale, owing to bad weather, and mnll order demand has been of about nverago extent on homo account. Export business continues very quiet. .No change In tone of market for cotton goods, either staple or fnncles. Print cloths Inactive In nil mnkes, but prices steady. Whltn goods aro firm and most descriptions wero sold for spring. MANCHESTER, Dec. 4.-DRY ao6l)S Cloths and yarns, quiet and steady, with llttlo doing. Sugnr Market. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. t.-SUOAR-Ac-tlvo and llrm: open kettle, 3H0O II-I60; oontrlfugnl, 3 13-1604 3-16e; centrifugal whites, 404?ic; yellows, 40ISe: seconds. 30 4c. Molasses, sternly; open kettle, 18032c; ccntrlfugnl, 8019c: syrups. 22059c. NEW YORK. Dec. 4,-SUUAR-Raw, firm; fair refining, 3 15-16c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4 7-16c; molasses sugar, 3 3-16c: refined, steady: crushed, 6c; powdered, 5.70c; granu lated, 5.60c. Evnpornteil nnd Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, Dec. 4. EVAPORATED APPLES Trading wns chiefly confined to the cholco and fancy vnrictles nt tho old bnsls; tho undertone wns rather quiet; stnto common, (inlet nt 4fiCc: nrimc 4.',i 6Vic: choice, 6'406c: fnncy, fxijtfifco. t-AIilFUKMA JIRIED FRUITS DlllI hilt r.tentlv; prunes, 3V40Hc per Ib. Apricots, Royal, 11014c; Moor Park, 15016c. Imchss, peeled, 16020c; unpecled, 609c. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA BOILER ANJ HE Lii IRON WORK hr&kfti Wilson u & Williams Successors Wilson Oi Drake. Ht n n, hnll... a m nil. . I n Ir A breechlngs, pressure, rendering, sheep dip, lard and water tanks, boiler tubes con stantly on hand, second hand boilers bought and sold. Special and prompt attention to repairs In city Or country. 19th and Pierre. DRY GOODS. 1WI E. Smith & Co. Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Furnishing Ooodt AND NOTIONS. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. UesUrn Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. llsctrtc Wiring Bells and Gas Lighting. O. W. JOHNSTON, Mgr. 1510 Howard St. SAFE AND IKON WORKS. T hi Omaha Safe and Iron Works G. ANDRE EN, Prep. Makes a specialty of 731 UT ESCAPES, tJ-LJ2f SHUTTERS, Ana Burglar Proof Safes Sc Vault Doors, at 610 S. 14tk St., Omaha, Neb. Davis & Cowgili Iron Works. MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OP MACHINERY. GENERAL REPAIRING A BPECIALTA IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. 1B01, 1503 anal 1SOS Jaekaoaj Street, Oman, Nab. Tel. 5.11. B. Zabjlakle, Agent, J. B. Cowtill, Mgr. ELEVATOR SUPPLIES ELEVATORS Improved Quick and Easy Rising Steam, Electric and Hind Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATOH CAT 18. Send for catalogue. KIMBALL BROS., COUNCIL BLUFFS, la. 1003 9th Btreet. Tslephona 143. c H. Davis & Son Agents for the Itlafcaaoaa flafrty nates sua Klre Doors. Eleyator Hydraulic andvHan Bletators. BleTator repairing a specialty. Leather Vslvo Cups for Elavatsrs, Enlnea and Prlstlng PretsseB. yeec ran 5 JHRPEHNEYaCO. DRAIN BOOM 4 hTt LITE BLOC OMAHA tlCB. BRANCH I03B tUt JAMES E BOYD ft CO., Telephone 1039. O mailt, Nat COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS and STOCKS BOARD Or TRAOB. Corraspor.denct: John A. Warren Ca Urtet wlrs t Calcae am New Tor